1) The document outlines a human resources (HR) plan for a travel agency that includes analyzing the functions and challenges of the HR department, determining key HR metrics and their impact, applying the HR planning process, and developing a strategic HR plan and recruitment strategies.
2) Some of the main responsibilities of the HR department include employee retention, recruiting qualified candidates, and promoting ethics and values within the diverse workplace.
3) HR metrics are used to set budgets, performance goals, and analyze costs to increase efficiency, while the HR planning process will disclose policies, procedures, and human resource plans to accomplish company goals.
1) The document outlines a human resources (HR) plan for a travel agency that includes analyzing the functions and challenges of the HR department, determining key HR metrics and their impact, applying the HR planning process, and developing a strategic HR plan and recruitment strategies.
2) Some of the main responsibilities of the HR department include employee retention, recruiting qualified candidates, and promoting ethics and values within the diverse workplace.
3) HR metrics are used to set budgets, performance goals, and analyze costs to increase efficiency, while the HR planning process will disclose policies, procedures, and human resource plans to accomplish company goals.
1) The document outlines a human resources (HR) plan for a travel agency that includes analyzing the functions and challenges of the HR department, determining key HR metrics and their impact, applying the HR planning process, and developing a strategic HR plan and recruitment strategies.
2) Some of the main responsibilities of the HR department include employee retention, recruiting qualified candidates, and promoting ethics and values within the diverse workplace.
3) HR metrics are used to set budgets, performance goals, and analyze costs to increase efficiency, while the HR planning process will disclose policies, procedures, and human resource plans to accomplish company goals.
1) The document outlines a human resources (HR) plan for a travel agency that includes analyzing the functions and challenges of the HR department, determining key HR metrics and their impact, applying the HR planning process, and developing a strategic HR plan and recruitment strategies.
2) Some of the main responsibilities of the HR department include employee retention, recruiting qualified candidates, and promoting ethics and values within the diverse workplace.
3) HR metrics are used to set budgets, performance goals, and analyze costs to increase efficiency, while the HR planning process will disclose policies, procedures, and human resource plans to accomplish company goals.
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Travel Agency HR Plan
LaQuenta Reynolds University o P!oeni" HR# $$% &rgani'ational Training and (evelo)*ent #+A,1CGU-% .!erri /o!nson 0or1s!o) 1 #ay 123 %415 TRAVEL AGENCY HR PLAN % Travel Agency HR Plan T!e )ur)ose o t!is )a)er is to create and devise a )lan t!at 6ill !el) t!e HR de)art*ent i*)le*ent a clear *ission and unction to acco*)lis! gro6t!7 T!e )lan includes t!e unctions and c!allenges in t!e HR de)art*ent in ulilling t!is strategy3 t!e )ur)ose o HR *etrics and t!eir eect on senior *anage*ent3 !o6 t!e HR )lanning )rocess 6ill 8e a))lied3 a deter*ination o a strategic HR )lan3 and recruit*ent and selection *et!ods7 Functions and challenges of Human Resources Management T!e res)onsi8ilities and role o Hu*an Resource #anager is continually c!anging7 T!e ocus o HR is e*)loyee retention7 Hu*an Resources 9HR: is res)onsi8le or attracting and ac;uiring t!e *ost ;ualiied candidates or vacant )ositions7 T!ere are several unctions 6it!in HR3 suc! as )ayroll3 e*)loyee relations3 etc7 T!e HR Coordinator 6ill !el) analy'e t!e dierent recruiting strategies availa8le3 revie6 )otential candidate resu*es and a))lications3 and )ro)ose an oer to t!e selected and *ost ;ualiied candidate7 C!allenges HR ace include diversity3 discri*ination3 and co*)liance 6it! state and ederal la6s and regulations7 HR is res)onsi8le or )ro*oting and )rotecting t!e et!ics3 8elies3 and values 6it!in t!e co*)any3 es)ecially in a diverse 6or1)lace7 The purpose of HR metrics and their effect on senior management T!e )ur)ose o HR *etrics is to !el) set and deter*ine 8udgets and )eror*ance goals7 0!en )art o t!e organi'ation e")eriences !ig! e*)loyee turnover3 HR *anage*ent evaluates and )rovides and or suggests solutions to !ire and retain e*)loyees7 Hu*an resource *anage*ent uses *etrics *et!ods to analy'e costs and create *ore eiciency at all levels7 TRAVEL AGENCY HR PLAN < How the HR planning process will be applied T!e HR )lanning )rocess 6ill 8e a))lied to disclose )olicies3 )rocedures3 )ractices3 and !u*an resource )lans7 T!e goal o t!e HR )lanning )rocess is to acco*)lis! co*)any goals7 .o*e o t!ese )lans include training and *anage*ent develo)*ent3 a))raisal )lans3 and e*)loyee utili'ation )lans7 T!e irst ste) in t!e !u*an resource )lanning )rocess is to understand t!e *eaning o !u*an resource *anage*ent7 HR *angers s!ould understand 8ot! e"ternal and internal environ*ents7 E"ternal data on environ*ents includes co*)etition3 tec!nology3 industry3 and t!e general status o t!e econo*y= trends and la8or *ar1et regulations= s1ills availa8le= age and gender o t!e la8or orce= and une*)loy*ent rate7 >nternal data re;uired include s!ort? and long?ter* goals and o8@ectives and t!e current state o t!e co*)any7 A determination of a strategic HR plan A strategic HR )lan is i*)erative to eectively and successully o)erate a 8usiness7 (eter*ining 6!at to include and i*)le*ent in a strategic HR )lan involves 6or1ing closely 6it! t!e co*)anyAs u))er *anage*ent3 e"ecutives3 8oard *e*8ers3 etc7 A strategic HR )lan identiies and addresses needs re;uiring i**ediate attention and uture goals and o8@ectives o t!e co*)any3 suc! as o)erations3 *ar1eting3 and inance7 HR is res)onsi8le or )racticing and co**unicating co*)any goals to e*)loyees7 Recruitment Strategy As a co*)any e")ands3 gro6s3 and !as a !ig! turnover rate3 it is i*)erative to create ne6 )ositions or ill e"isting ones7 A dile**a HR aces3 is 6!et!er or not to )ro*ote so*eone ro* 6it!in t!e co*)any or recruit so*eone outside t!e co*)any7 Recruiting ro* 6it!in o))osed to recruiting ro* outside3 is oten *ore 8eneicial or t!e co*)any 8ecause it saves ti*e and reduces costs7 Pro*oting ro* 6it!in is 8eneicial 8ecause internal e*)loyees !ave a ra))ort TRAVEL AGENCY HR PLAN 5 and !istory 6it! t!e organi'ation3 t!ereore= t!ey !ave )roven t!e*selves as assets and valua8le to t!e co*)any7 Additionally3 internal e*)loyees are a*iliar 6it! t!e 6or1 culture and t!e co*)any7 Anot!er *et!od HR can use is t!e o)en versus targeted recruiting strategy7 T!e o)en )ro*otes diversity and allo6s various ;ualiied )otential candidates to a))ly or vacant )ositions7 Targeted recruiting allo6s HR to identiy seg*ents in t!e industry and *ar1et and !el) identiy ;ualiied candidates using Bno6ledge3 .1ills3 A8ility3 and &t!er C!aracteristics 9B.A&s:7 T!ereore3 HR s!ould use various *et!ods and strategies in recruiting ;ualiied candidates7