Unix Commands

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1.man = To know the description for commands.

2.less/cat/more = To open up a file.
3.cd = To go to the home directory.
4.cd \ = To go the base directory. (cd<backslash>)
5.cd .. = To go back a directory. (cd<space>..)
6.ls -lrth = To list a directory.
7.pwd = To show the current path of a directory.
8.id = To list a user id.
9.Gid = To list a group user id.
10.grep = To choose a particular pattern.
11.egrep = To choose multiple patterns.
12.fgrep = To choose out a statment Fast grep.

13.grep -v = To eliminate a String $less
14.grep -w = To choose a exact patterrn..
15.netstat -na = To display a port id status.
16.traceroute = To check and return the status of a port id with 30
17.ps -ef = To list out process in a directory.
18.ps -eLf = To list out process in a directory.
19.top = To list out the process in a server.
20.prstat -a = To list the process in a server.
21.sed = To find and replace characters in a file eg: {sed
22.tr -s = To translate a character in a file eg: {tr -s '<' 'K'}
23.sort = To sort out a file.

24.uniq -c = To find the uniq details.

25.cut -d = Used to cut out a character in a file
eg: {cut -d ':' -f1,2,3} f1,2,3 substitutes the columns in a file.

26 cut -c = Used to cut a file through the no of characters eg :{cut -c 100-200}

27.iostat -e = Used to find the errors in a server.

28.pcp -p = Used to find the network status.

29.ping = Used to ping a server or a host.s

30.awk = pattern language.

31.echo = To print characters or a space.

32.grep -il = to find out a pattern in a directory eg : {grep -il 'dilip' *1203*}

33.print = Used to print a pattern eg {print $4}.

34.wc -l = Used to count a file or a pattern.

35.bc = used to count no's eg {echo 2+3+5 | bc}

36.kill = Used to kill a process.

37.kill -9 = To force kill a process.

38.cron = To run a command or a script at a particular time.

39.at = To run a command at a time.

40.sighint 1,3,5= To initiate a signal.

41.du -sh = To check the total space.

42.df -h = To check the total free blocks in a server.

43.passwd = To change a password.

44.history -c = To clear history.

45.script {filename} = To store all the things done in a putty untill exit.

46.rm = To remove a file.

47.rmdir = To remove a directory.

48.chmod = To change the mode of a file {read,write,excute}.

49.head = To list out first 10 characters of a file.

50.Tail = To list out head 10 characters of a file.

51.CP = To copy a file.

52.MV = To move or cut a file.

53.Sa = To summarize a accounting information.

54.vmstat = To know the current running processes in a vmware station.

55.!! = To run a previous cmd for eg (!4 would run the last 4th entered

56.ld = Link editor.

57.w = To know the current user.

58.cmp = To compare a file.

59.xargs = To print up the previous line.

60.Pargs = To know the parent as well as the subprocess running for a
particular proccess.

61.NF = To print up the nth field i.e{(asd sda dsad) in this 3 patterns awk
'(NF -2) will print sda}.

62.NR = To print up nth row/line .

63.script {filename}= To record in a file whatever done in the putty (eg script
dilip, will create a file dilip and start recording
whatever done in the putty untill exit.)

64.diff = To differentiate two files.

65.uname = To know the current user of the system as well as the os version.

66.cat > filename= Wiil create a text file .

67.find = find pathname -name "errlg.*" for eg {find /app/logs/spool/ -
name "errlg.*" -mtime -10 will print 10 days logs

" " " " -mmin -10 will
print 10 mins logs}

68.routeadm =To find the router admin.

69.defaultroute =To find the default router.

70.arp =address resolution ctrl.

71.rarp =reverse address resolution protocol

72.Rev = To reverse a file name.

73.spell = To make a spell check.

74.Bdiff =To compare large files.

75.cp -p =To move a file using same timestamp.

76.ls -R =list subdirectories.

77.vi -x filename=To create a binary file.

78.init 5 =TO shutdown a server.

79.init 6 = To restart a server.

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