This document provides an introduction to the C programming language. It begins with an overview of why software is difficult, noting issues like complexity, mutability, and flexibility in programming. It then covers basic C syntax like main functions, comments, data types, variables, and functions. It discusses compilation, memory, scopes, expressions, operators, and provides a more complex example of a recursive pow function. The document is intended to explain core C programming concepts for newcomers to the language.
This document provides an introduction to the C programming language. It begins with an overview of why software is difficult, noting issues like complexity, mutability, and flexibility in programming. It then covers basic C syntax like main functions, comments, data types, variables, and functions. It discusses compilation, memory, scopes, expressions, operators, and provides a more complex example of a recursive pow function. The document is intended to explain core C programming concepts for newcomers to the language.
This document provides an introduction to the C programming language. It begins with an overview of why software is difficult, noting issues like complexity, mutability, and flexibility in programming. It then covers basic C syntax like main functions, comments, data types, variables, and functions. It discusses compilation, memory, scopes, expressions, operators, and provides a more complex example of a recursive pow function. The document is intended to explain core C programming concepts for newcomers to the language.
This document provides an introduction to the C programming language. It begins with an overview of why software is difficult, noting issues like complexity, mutability, and flexibility in programming. It then covers basic C syntax like main functions, comments, data types, variables, and functions. It discusses compilation, memory, scopes, expressions, operators, and provides a more complex example of a recursive pow function. The document is intended to explain core C programming concepts for newcomers to the language.
Lewis Girod CENS Systems Lab J uly 5, 2005 2 or, What I wish I had known about C during my first summer internship With extra info in the NOTES 3 High Level Question: Why is Software Hard? Answer(s): Complexity: Every conditional (if) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states Solution: reuse code with functions, avoid duplicate state variables Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same logically the same Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many different ways. Few hard constraints plenty of rope. Solution: discipline and idioms; dont use all the rope 4 Writing and Running Programs #i ncl ude <st di o. h> / * The si mpl est C Program*/ i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { pri ntf ( Hel l o Worl d\ n) ; ret urn 0; } 1. Write text of program (source code) using an editor such as emacs, save as file e.g. my_program.c 2. Run the compiler to convert program from source to an executable or binary: $ gcc Wall g my_program.c o my_program my_program $ gcc - Wal l g my_program. c o my_program t t . c: I n f uncti on `mai n' : t t . c: 6: parse error bef ore `x' t t . c: 5: parmt ypes gi ven bot h i n parml i st and separat el y t t . c: 8: `x' undecl ared ( f i rst use i n t hi s f unct i on) t t . c: 8: ( Each undecl ared i denti f i er i s reported onl y once t t . c: 8: f or each f uncti on i t appears i n. ) t t . c: 10: warni ng: cont rol reaches end of non- voi d f unct i on t t . c: At t op l evel : t t . c: 11: parse error bef ore `ret urn' 3-N. Compiler gives errors and warnings; edit source file, fix it, and re-compile N. Run it and see if it works $ ./my_program Hello World $ -Wall g ? . / ? What if it doesnt work? 5 C Syntax and Hello World #i ncl ude <stdi o. h> / * The si mpl est C Program*/ i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { pri ntf ( Hel l o Worl d\ n) ; return 0; } The main() function is always where your program starts running. #include inserts another file. .h files are called header files. They contain stuff needed to interface to libraries and code in other .c files. This is a comment. The compiler ignores this. Blocks of code (lexical scopes) are marked by { } Print out a message. \n means new line. Return 0 from this function What do the <> mean? Can your program have more than one .c file? 6 A Quick Digression About the Compiler #i ncl ude <st di o. h> / * The si mpl est C Program*/ i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { pri ntf ( Hel l o Worl d\ n) ; ret urn 0; } my_program __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned l ong l ong i nt __dev_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned i nt __ui d_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned i nt __gi d_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned l ong i nt __i no_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned l ong l ong i nt __i no64_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef unsi gned i nt __nl i nk_t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef l ong i nt __of f _t; __ext ensi on__ t ypedef l ong l ong i nt __of f 64_t; ext ern voi d f l ockf i l e ( FI LE *__stream) ; ext ern i nt f t ryl ockf i l e ( FI LE *__st ream) ; ext ern voi d f unl ockf i l e ( FI LE *__st ream) ; i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { pri ntf ( Hel l o Worl d\ n) ; ret urn 0; } Compilation occurs in two steps: Preprocessing and Compiling In Preprocessing, source code is expanded into a larger form that is simpler for the compiler to understand. Any line that starts with # is a line that is interpreted by the Preprocessor. Include files are pasted in (#include) Macros are expanded (#define) Comments are stripped out ( /* */ , // ) Continued lines are joined ( \ ) Preprocess Compile The compiler then converts the resulting text into binary code the CPU can run directly. \ ? Why ? 7 OK, Were Back.. What is a Function? #i ncl ude <stdi o. h> / * The si mpl est C Program*/ i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { pri ntf ( Hel l o Worl d\ n) ; return 0; } Function Arguments Return type, or void Calling a Function: printf() is just another function, like main(). Its defined for you in a library, a collection of functions you can call from your program. A Function is a series of instructions to run. You pass Arguments to a function and it returns a Value. main() is a Function. Its only special because it always gets called first when you run your program. Returning a value 8 What is Memory? Memory is like a big table of numbered slots where bytes can be stored. Addr Value 0 1 2 3 4 H (72) 5 e (101) 6 l (108) 7 l (108) 8 o (111) 9 \n (10) 10 \0 (0) 11 12 The number of a slot is its Address. One byte Value can be stored in each slot. Some logical data values span more than one slot, like the character string Hello\n 72? A Type names a logical meaning to a span of memory. Some simple types are: char char [ 10] i nt f l oat i nt64_t a single character (1 slot) an array of 10 characters signed 4 byte integer 4 byte floating point signed 8 byte integer not always Signed? 9 What is a Variable? char x; char y= e ; AVariable names a place in memory where you store a Value of a certain Type. Symbol Addr Value 0 1 2 3 x 4 ? y 5 e (101) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 You first Define a variable by giving it a name and specifying the type, and optionally an initial value declare vs define? Type is single character (char) extern? static? const? Name What names are legal? Initial value Initial value of x is undefined The compiler puts them somewhere in memory. symbol table? 10 Multi-byte Variables char x; char y= e ; i nt z = 0x01020304; Different types consume different amounts of memory. Most architectures store data on word boundaries, or even multiples of the size of a primitive data type (int, char) Symbol Addr Value 0 1 2 3 x 4 ? y 5 e (101) 6 7 z 8 4 9 3 10 2 11 1 12 0x means the constant is written in hex An int consumes 4 bytes padding 11 Lexical Scoping Every Variable is Defined within some scope. A Variable cannot be referenced by name (a.k.a. Symbol) from outside of that scope. The scope of Function Arguments is the complete body of the function. voi d p( char x) { / * p, x */ char y; / * p, x, y */ char z; / * p, x, y, z */ } / * p */ char z; / * p, z */ voi d q( char a) { char b; / * p, z, q, a, b */ { char c; / * p, z, q, a, b, c */ } char d; / * p, z, q, a, b, d ( not c) */ } / * p, z, q */ (Returns nothing) The scope of Variables defined inside a function starts at the definition and ends at the closing brace of the containing block Lexical scopes are defined with curly braces {}. The scope of Variables defined outside a function starts at the definition and ends at the end of the file. Called Global Vars. legal? char b? 12 Expressions and Evaluation Expressions combine Values using Operators, according to precedence. 1 + 2 * 2 1 + 4 5 ( 1 + 2) * 2 3 * 2 6 Symbols are evaluated to their Values before being combined. i nt x=1; i nt y=2; x + y * y x + 2 * 2 x + 4 1 + 4 5 Comparison operators are used to compare values. In C, 0 means false, and any other value means true. i nt x=4; ( x < 5) ( 4 < 5) <true> ( x < 4) ( 4 < 4) 0 ( ( x < 5) | | ( x < 4) ) ( <true> | | ( x < 4) ) <true> Not evaluated because first clause was true 13 Comparison and Mathematical Operators == equal to < l ess than <= l ess than or equal > greater than >= greater than or equal ! = not equal && l ogi cal and | | l ogi cal or ! l ogi cal not + pl us - mi nus * mul t / di vi de % modul o The rules of precedence are clearly defined but often difficult to remember or non-intuitive. When in doubt, add parentheses to make it explicit. For oft-confused cases, the compiler will give you a warning Suggest parens around do it! Beware division: If second argument is integer, the result will be integer (rounded): 5 / 10 0 whereas 5 / 10.0 0.5 Division by 0 will cause a FPE & bi twi se and | bi twi se or ^ bi twi se xor ~ bi twi se not << shi f t l ef t >> shi f t ri ght Dont confuse & and &&.. 1 & 2 0 whereas 1 && 2 <true> 14 Assignment Operators x = y assi gn y to x x++ post - i ncrement x ++x pre- i ncrement x x- - post - decrement x - - x pre- decrement x Note the difference between ++x and x++: Dont confuse =and ==! The compiler will warn suggest parens. i nt x=5; i nt y; y = ++x; / * x == 6, y == 6 */ i nt x=5; i nt y; y = x++; / * x == 6, y == 5 */ i nt x=5; i f ( x=6) / * al ways true */ { / * x i s now 6 */ } / * . . . */ i nt x=5; i f ( x==6) / * f al se */ { / * . . . */ } / * x i s sti l l 5 */ x += y assi gn ( x+y) to x x - = y assi gn ( x- y) to x x *= y assi gn ( x*y) to x x / = y assi gn ( x/ y) to x x %= y assi gn ( x%y) to x recommendation 15 A More Complex Program: pow #i ncl ude <stdi o. h> #i ncl ude <i nttypes. h> f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt32_t exp) { / * base case */ i f ( exp == 0) { return 1. 0; } / * recursi ve case */ return x*pow( x, exp 1) ; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 10. 0, 5) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } Challenge: write pow() so it requires log(exp) iterations Tracing pow(): What does pow(5,0) do? What about pow(5,1)? Induction if statement / * i f eval uated expressi on i s not 0 */ i f ( expr essi on) { / * then execute thi s bl ock */ } el se { / * otherwi se execute thi s bl ock */ } Need braces? detecting brace errors Short-circuit eval? X ? Y : Z 16 The Stack Recall lexical scoping. If a variable is valid within the scope of a function, what happens when you call that function recursively? Is there more than one exp? #i ncl ude <stdi o. h> #i ncl ude <i nttypes. h> f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt32_t exp) { / * base case */ i f ( exp == 0) { return 1. 0; } / * recursi ve case */ return x*pow( x, exp 1) ; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 5. 0, 1) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } Yes. Each function call allocates a stack frame where Variables within that functions scope will reside. f l oat x 5. 0 ui nt 32_t exp 1 f l oat x 5. 0 ui nt 32_t exp 0 i nt ar gc 1 char **ar gv 0x2342 f l oat p undef i ned Return 1.0 Return 5.0 i nt ar gc 1 char **ar gv 0x2342 f l oat p 5. 0 Grows static J ava? 17 Iterative pow(): the while loop Problem: recursion eats stack space (in C). Each loop must allocate space for arguments and local variables, because each new call creates a new scope. f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { i nt i =0; f l oat resul t=1. 0; whi l e ( i < exp) { resul t = resul t * x; i ++; } return resul t; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 10. 0, 5) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } Other languages? Solution: while loop. l oop: i f ( condi t i on) { st at ement s; goto l oop; } whi l e ( condi t i on) { st at ement s; } 18 The for loop f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t=1. 0; i nt i ; f or ( i =0; ( i < exp) ; i ++) { resul t = resul t * x; } return resul t; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 10. 0, 5) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t=1. 0; i nt i ; i =0; whi l e ( i < exp) { resul t = resul t * x; i ++; } return resul t; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 10. 0, 5) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } The for loop is just shorthand for this while loop structure. 19 Referencing Data from Other Scopes So far, all of our examples all of the data values we have used have been defined in our lexical scope f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t=1. 0; i nt i ; f or ( i =0; ( i < exp) ; i ++) { resul t = resul t * x; } return resul t; } i nt mai n( i nt argc, char **argv) { f l oat p; p = pow( 10. 0, 5) ; pri ntf ( p = %f \ n, p) ; return 0; } Nothing in this scope Uses any of these variables 20 Can a function modify its arguments? What if we wanted to implement a function pow_assign() that modified its argument, so that these are equivalent: f l oat p = 2. 0; / * p i s 2. 0 here */ pow_assi gn( p, 5) ; / * p i s 32. 0 here */ f l oat p = 2. 0; / * p i s 2. 0 here */ p = pow( p, 5) ; / * p i s 32. 0 here */ voi d pow_assi gn( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t=1. 0; i nt i ; f or ( i =0; ( i < exp) ; i ++) { resul t = resul t * x; } x = resul t; } Would this work? 21 NO! voi d pow_assi gn( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t=1. 0; i nt i ; f or ( i =0; ( i < exp) ; i ++) { resul t = resul t * x; } x = resul t; } { f l oat p=2. 0; pow_assi gn( p, 5) ; } Remember the stack! f l oat x 2. 0 ui nt 32_t exp 5 f l oat r esul t 1. 0 f l oat p 2. 0 Grows f l oat x 2. 0 ui nt 32_t exp 5 f l oat r esul t 32. 0 f l oat x 32. 0 ui nt 32_t exp 5 f l oat r esul t 32. 0 In C, all arguments are passed as values But, what if the argument is the address of a variable? J ava/C++? 22 Passing Addresses Recall our model for variables stored in memory Symbol Addr Value 0 1 2 3 char x 4 H (72) char y 5 e (101) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 What if we had a way to find out the address of a symbol, and a way to reference that memory location by address? address_of ( y) == 5 memory_at[ 5] == 101 voi d f ( address_of _char p) { memory_at[ p] = memory_at[ p] - 32; } char y = 101; / * y i s 101 */ f ( address_of ( y) ) ; / * i . e. f ( 5) */ / * y i s now101- 32 = 69 */ 23 Pointers This is exactly how pointers work. address of or ref erence operator: & memory_at or deref erence operator: * voi d f ( char * p) { *p = *p - 32; } char y = 101; / * y i s 101 */ f ( &y) ; / * i . e. f ( 5) */ / * y i s now101- 32 = 69 */ voi d f ( address_of _char p) { memory_at[ p] = memory_at[ p] - 32; } char y = 101; / * y i s 101 */ f ( address_of ( y) ) ; / * i . e. f ( 5) */ / * y i s now101- 32 = 69 */ A pointer type: pointer to char Pointers are used in C for many other purposes: Passing large objects without copying them Accessing dynamically allocated memory Referring to functions 24 Pointer Validity A Valid pointer is one that points to memory that your program controls. Using invalid pointers will cause non-deterministic behavior, and will often cause Linux to kill your process (SEGV or Segmentation Fault). There are two general causes for these errors: Program errors that set the pointer value to a strange number Use of a pointer that was at one time valid, but later became invalid How should pointers be initialized? char * get_poi nter( ) { char x=0; return &x; } { char * ptr = get_poi nter( ) ; *ptr = 12; / * val i d? */ } Will ptr be valid or invalid? 25 Answer: Invalid! A pointer to a variable allocated on the stack becomes invalid when that variable goes out of scope and the stack frame is popped. The pointer will point to an area of the memory that may later get reused and rewritten. 100 char * pt r ? Grows char * get_poi nter( ) { char x=0; return &x; } { char * ptr = get_poi nter( ) ; *ptr = 12; / * val i d? */ other_f uncti on( ) ; } 101 char x 0 100 char * pt r 101 101 char x 0 But now, pt r points to a location thats no longer in use, and will be reused the next time a function is called! Return 101 101 char x 12 101 i nt aver age 456603 26 More on Types Weve seen a few types at this point: char, int, float, char * Types are important because: They allow your program to impose logical structure on memory They help the compiler tell when youre making a mistake In the next slides we will discuss: How to create logical layouts of different types (structs) How to use arrays How to parse C type names (there is a logic to it!) How to create new types using typedef 27 Structures struct: a way to compose existing types into a structure #i ncl ude <sys/ ti me. h> / * decl are the struct */ struct my_struct { i nt counter; f l oat average; struct ti meval ti mestamp; ui nt i n_use: 1; ui nt8_t data[ 0] ; }; / * def i ne an i nstance of my_struct */ struct my_struct x = { i n_use: 1, ti mestamp: { tv_sec: 200 } }; x. counter = 1; x. average = sum/ ( f l oat) ( x. counter) ; struct my_struct * ptr = &x; ptr- >counter = 2; ( *ptr) . counter = 3; / * equi v. */ struct timeval is defined in this header structs can contain other structs fields can specify specific bit widths A newly-defined structure is initialized using this syntax. All unset fields are 0. structs define a layout of typed fields Fields are accessed using . notation. A pointer to a struct. Fields are accessed using -> notation, or (*ptr).counter Packing? Why? 28 Arrays Arrays in C are composed of a particular type, laid out in memory in a repeating pattern. Array elements are accessed by stepping forward in memory from the base of the array by a multiple of the element size. / * def i ne an array of 10 chars */ char x[ 5] = { t , e , s , t , \ 0 }; / * accessi ng el ement 0 */ x[ 0] = T ; / * poi nter ari thmeti c to get el t 3 */ char el t3 = *( x+3) ; / * x[ 3] */ / * x[ 0] eval uates to the f i rst el ement; * x eval uates to the address of the * f i rst el ement, or &( x[ 0] ) */ / * 0- i ndexed f or l oop i di om*/ #def i ne COUNT 10 char y[ COUNT] ; i nt i ; f or ( i =0; i <COUNT; i ++) { / * process y[ i ] */ pri ntf ( %c\ n, y[ i ] ) ; } Brackets specify the count of elements. Initial values optionally set in braces. Arrays in C are 0-indexed (here, 0..9) x[3] ==*(x+3) ==t (NOT s!) Symbol Addr Value char x [0] 100 t char x [1] 101 e char x [2] 102 s char x [3] 103 t char x [4] 104 \0 Whats the difference between char x[] and char *x? For loop that iterates from 0 to COUNT-1. Memorize it! 29 How to Parse and Define C Types At this point we have seen a few basic types, arrays, pointer types, and structures. So far weve glossed over how types are named. i nt x; / * i nt; */ typedef i nt T; i nt *x; / * poi nter to i nt; */ typedef i nt *T; i nt x[ 10] ; / * array of i nts; */ typedef i nt T[ 10] ; i nt *x[ 10] ; / * array of poi nters to i nt; */ typedef i nt *T[ 10] ; i nt ( *x) [ 10] ; / * poi nter to array of i nts; */ typedef i nt ( *T) [ 10] ; C type names are parsed by starting at the type name and working outwards according to the rules of precedence: i nt ( *x) [ 10] ; x i s a poi nter to an array of i nt i nt *x[ 10] ; x i s an array of poi nters to i nt Arrays are the primary source of confusion. When in doubt, use extra parens to clarify the expression. typedef defines a new type 30 Function Types The other confusing form is the function type. For example, qsort: (a sort function in the standard library) voi d qsort( voi d *base, si ze_t nmemb, si ze_t si ze, i nt ( *compar) ( const voi d *, const voi d *) ) ; For more details: $ man qsort / * f uncti on matchi ng thi s type: */ i nt cmp_f uncti on( const voi d *x, const voi d *y) ; / * typedef def i ni ng thi s type: */ typedef i nt ( *cmp_type) ( const voi d *, const voi d *) ; / * rewri te qsort prototype usi ng our typedef */ voi d qsort( voi d *base, si ze_t nmemb, si ze_t si ze, cmp_type compar) ; The last argument is a comparison function const means the function is not allowed to modify memory via this pointer. void * is a pointer to memory of unknown type. size_t is an unsigned int 31 Dynamic Memory Allocation So far all of our examples have allocated variables statically by defining them in our program. This allocates them in the stack. But, what if we want to allocate variables based on user input or other dynamic inputs, at run-time? This requires dynamic allocation. i nt * al l oc_i nts( si ze_t requested_count) { i nt * bi g_array; bi g_array = ( i nt *) cal l oc( requested_count, si zeof ( i nt) ) ; i f ( bi g_array == NULL) { pri ntf ( can t al l ocate %d i nts: %m\ n, requested_count) ; return NULL; } / * nowbi g_array[ 0] . . bi g_array[ requested_count- 1] are * val i d and zeroed. */ return bi g_array; } calloc() allocates memory for N elements of size k Returns NULL if cant alloc For details: $ man calloc %m ? Emstar tips sizeof() reports the size of a type in bytes Its OK to return this pointer. It will remain valid until it is freed with free() 32 Caveats with Dynamic Memory Dynamic memory is useful. But it has several caveats: Whereas the compiler enforces that reclaimed stack space can no longer be reached, it is easy to accidentally keep a pointer to dynamic memory that has been freed. Whenever you free memory you must be certain that you will not try to use it again. It is safest to erase any pointers to it. Whereas the stack is automatically reclaimed, dynamic allocations must be tracked and free()d when they are no longer needed. With every allocation, be sure to plan how that memory will get freed. Losing track of memory is called a memory leak. Reference counting Because dynamic memory always uses pointers, there is generally no way for the compiler to statically verify usage of dynamic memory. This means that errors that are detectable with static allocation are not with dynamic 33 Some Common Errors and Hints / * al l ocati ng a struct wi th mal l oc( ) */ struct my_struct *s = NULL; s = ( struct my_struct *) mal l oc( si zeof ( *s) ) ; / * NOT si zeof ( s) ! ! */ i f ( s == NULL) { pri ntf ( stderr, no memory! ) ; exi t( 1) ; } memset( s, 0, si zeof ( *s) ) ; / * another way to i ni ti al i ze an al l oc d structure: */ struct my_struct i ni t = { counter: 1, average: 2. 5, i n_use: 1 }; / * memmove( dst, src, si ze) ( note, arg order l i ke assi gnment) */ memmove( s, &i ni t, si zeof ( i ni t) ) ; / * when you are done wi th i t, f ree i t! */ f ree( s) ; s = NULL; sizeof() can take a variable reference in place of a type name. This gurantees the right allocation, but dont accidentally allocate the sizeof() the pointer instead of the object! malloc() does not zero the memory, so you should memset() it to 0. Always check for NULL.. Even if you just exit(1). malloc() allocates n bytes Why? memmove is preferred because it is safe for shifting buffers Why? Use pointers as implied in-use flags! 34 Macros Macros can be a useful way to customize your interface to C and make your code easier to read and less redundant. However, when possible, use a static inline function instead. Macros and static inline functions must be included in any file that uses them, usually via a header file. Common uses for macros: Whats the difference between a macro and a static inline function? / * Macros are used to def i ne constants */ #def i ne FUDGE_FACTOR 45. 6 #def i ne MSEC_PER_SEC 1000 #def i ne I NPUT_FI LENAME my_i nput_f i l e / * Macros are used to do constant ari thmeti c */ #def i ne TI MER_VAL ( 2*MSEC_PER_SEC) / * Macros are used to capture i nf ormati on f romthe compi l er */ #def i ne DBG( args. . . ) \ do { \ f pri ntf ( stderr, %s: %s: %d: , \ __FUNCTI ON__, __FI LE__, __LI NENO__) ; \ f pri ntf ( stderr, args. . . ) ; \ } whi l e ( 0) / * ex. DBG( error: %d, errno) ; */ Float constants must have a decimal point, else they are type int Put expressions in parens. Why? Multi-line macros need \ args grabs rest of args Enclose multi-statement macros in do{}while(0) Why? More on C constants? enums 35 Macros and Readability Sometimes macros can be used to improve code readability but make sure whats going on is obvious. / * of ten best to def i ne these types of macro ri ght where they are used */ #def i ne CASE( str) i f ( strncasecmp( arg, str, strl en( str) ) == 0) voi d parse_command( char *arg) { CASE( hel p) { / * pri nt hel p */ } CASE( qui t) { exi t( 0) ; } } / * and un- def i ne themaf ter use */ #undef CASE Macros can be used to generate static inline functions. This is like a C version of a C++template. See emstar/libmisc/include/queue.h for an example of this technique. voi d parse_command( char *arg) { i f ( strncasecmp( arg, hel p, strl en( hel p) ) { / * pri nt hel p */ } i f ( strncasecmp( arg, qui t, strl en( qui t) ) { exi t( 0) ; } } 36 Using goto Some schools of thought frown upon goto, but goto has its place. A good philosophy is, always write code in the most expressive and clear way possible. If that involves using goto, then goto is not bad. An example is jumping to an error case from inside complex logic. The alternative is deeply nested and confusing if statements, which are hard to read, maintain, and verify. Often additional logic and state variables must be added, just to avoid goto. goto try_again; goto fail; 37 Unrolling a Failed Initialization using goto state_t *i ni ti al i ze( ) { / * al l ocate state struct */ state_t *s = g_new0( state_t, 1) ; i f ( s) { / * al l ocate sub- structure */ s- >sub = g_new0( sub_t, 1) ; i f ( s- >sub) { / * open f i l e */ s- >sub- >f d = open( / dev/ nul l , O_RDONLY) ; i f ( s- >sub- >f d >= 0) { / * success! */ } el se { f ree( s- >sub) ; f ree( s) ; s = NULL; } } el se { / * f ai l ed! */ f ree( s) ; s = NULL; } } return s; } state_t *i ni ti al i ze( ) { / * al l ocate state struct */ state_t *s = g_new0( state_t, 1) ; i f ( s == NULL) goto f ree0; / * al l ocate sub- structure */ s- >sub = g_new0( sub_t, 1) ; i f ( s- >sub == NULL) goto f ree1; / * open f i l e */ s- >sub- >f d = open( / dev/ nul l , O_RDONLY) ; i f ( s- >sub- >f d < 0) goto f ree2; / * success! */ return s; f ree2: f ree( s- >sub) ; f ree1: f ree( s) ; f ree0: return NULL; } 38 High Level Question: Why is Software Hard? Answer(s): Complexity: Every conditional (if) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same logically the same Flexibility: Programming problems can be solved in many different ways. Few hard constraints plenty of rope. Solution: discipline and idioms; dont use all the rope 39 Addressing Complexity Complexity: Every conditional (if) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables On recei ve_packet: i f queue f ul l , drop packet el se push packet, cal l run_queue On transmi t_compl ete: state=i dl e, cal l run_queue Run_queue: i f state==i dl e && ! queue empty pop packet of f queue start transmi t, state = busy reuse code paths On input, change our state as needed, and call Run_queue. In all cases, Run_queue handles taking the next step 40 Addressing Complexity Complexity: Every conditional (if) doubles number of paths through your code, every bit of state doubles possible states Solution: reuse code paths, avoid duplicate state variables avoid duplicate state variables i nt transmi t_busy; msg_t *packet_on_deck; i nt start_transmi t( msg_t *packet) { i f ( transmi t_busy) return - 1; / * start transmi t */ packet_on_deck = packet; transmi t_busy = 1; / * . . . */ return 0; } msg_t *packet_on_deck; i nt start_transmi t( msg_t *packet) { i f ( packet_on_deck ! = NULL) return - 1; / * start transmi t */ packet_on_deck = packet; / * . . . */ return 0; } Why return -1? 41 Addressing Mutability Mutability: Software is easy to change.. Great for rapid fixes .. And rapid breakage .. always one character away from a bug Solution: tidy, readable code, easy to understand by inspection. Avoid code duplication; physically the same logically the same Tidy code.. Indenting, good formatting, comments, meaningful variable and function names. Version control.. Learn how to use CVS Avoid duplication of anything thats logically identical. struct pkt_hdr { i nt source; i nt dest; i nt l ength; }; struct pkt { i nt source; i nt dest; i nt l ength; ui nt8_t payl oad[ 100] ; }; struct pkt_hdr { i nt source; i nt dest; i nt l ength; }; struct pkt { struct pkt_hdr hdr; ui nt8_t payl oad[ 100] ; }; Otherwise when one changes, you have to find and fix all the other places 42 Solutions to the pow() challenge question Which is better? Why? Recursive f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t; / * base case */ i f ( exp == 0) return 1. 0; / * x^( 2*a) == x^a * x^a */ resul t = pow( x, exp >> 1) ; resul t = resul t * resul t; / * x^( 2*a+1) == x^( 2*a) * x */ i f ( exp & 1) resul t = resul t * x; return resul t; } f l oat pow( f l oat x, ui nt exp) { f l oat resul t = 1. 0; i nt bi t; f or ( bi t = si zeof ( exp) *8- 1; bi t >= 0; bi t - - ) { resul t *= resul t; i f ( exp & ( 1 << bi t) ) resul t *= x; } return resul t; } Iterative