AP US History 2002
AP US History 2002
AP US History 2002
S History AP MC
1. The Navigation Acts were part of the British policy known as
A. Isolationism
B. Capitalism
C. Mercantilism
D. Monopolism
E. Imperialism
. !acksonian Democracy was "isting#ishe" $y the $elief that
A. an aristocracy pose" no "anger to the %ep#$lic
B. the National %ep#$licans alone knew what was right for the people
C. political participation $y the common man sho#l" $e increase"
D. political rights sho#l" $e grante" to women
E. franchise restrictions sho#l" $e racially ne#tral
&. 'resi"ent Monroe artic#late" the Monroe Doctrine in his 1(& a""ress to Congress
primarily in or"er to
A. repon" positively to the recent )atin American revol#tions
B. r#le o#t *nite" +tates involvement in +o#th America
C. provi"e a rationale for *nite" +tates intervention in the Isthm#s of 'anama
D. warn E#ropean nations against f#rther colonial vent#res in the ,estern
E. enco#rage Britain to help the fle"gling )atin American states
.. ,hich of the following transportation "evelopments opene" the ,est to settlement an"
tra"e $etween 1/01 an" 1(&12
A. T#rnpikes an" canals
B. %ailroa"s an" steamships
C. T#rnpikes an" railroa"s
D. Clipper ships an" t#rnpikes
E. Canals an" railroa"s
3. ,hich of the following $est "escri$es the sit#ation of the free"men in the "eca"e
following the Civil ,ar2
A. Each was given .1 acres of lan" an" a m#le $y the *nion government
B. All were imme"iately grate" political e4#ality $y the Emancipation 'roclamation
C. The ma5ority entere" sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other
near$y planters
D. They were re4#ire" to pass a literacy test $efore $eing grate" *nite" +tates
E. They s#pporte" the passage of Black Co"es to ens#re their economics an"
political rights
7. ,hich of the following was a serio#s constit#tional 4#estion after the Civil ,ar2
A. The restoration of the power of the fe"eral 5#"iciary
B. The legality of the national $anking system
C. The political an" legal stat#s of the former Confe"erate states
D. The relationship $etween the *nite" +tates an" Britain
E. The propose" anne8ation of Colom$ia
/. The +#preme Co#rt "ecision in 'lessy v. 9erg#son "i" which of the following2
A. Deno#nce" $#siness com$inations in restraint of tra"e
B. Declare" that the 9o#rteenth Amen"ment applie" principally to the protection of
C. +anctione" separate $#t e4#al p#$lic facilities for African Americans
D. Define" the Constit#tion as color $lin"
E. Empowere" Congress to cancel treaties with American In"ian tri$es #nilaterally
(. The flappers of the 101:s challenge" tra"itional American attit#"es a$o#t women $y
A. a fe"eral $irth control an" a$ortion rights protection law
B. gen"er e4#ality in salaries
C. an e4#al rights amen"ment
D. greater free"om in manner of "ress an" moral $ehavior
E. a fe"eral law to esta$lish prenatal clinics in r#ral areas
0. D#ring the 10&1:s; the <reat Depression le" to
A. the nationali6ation of ma5or in"#stries
B. the strengthening of the family #nit an" a higher $irth rates
C. a "ecline in highway constr#ction
D. a mass internal migration of Americans looking for work
E. a "ecrease in la$or #nion mem$ership
11. The policy of containment; 5#stifie" $y <eorge =eman:s 10./ analysis of
international sit#ation calle" for
A. $locking the e8pansion of the +oviet *nion:s infl#ence
B. c#r$ing *nite" +tates foreign investment to limit involvement in worl" conflict
C. li$erating Eastern E#rope from comm#nism
D. "esta$ili6ing the +oviet *nion
E. "ivi"ing <ermany into 6ones a"ministere" $y the *nite" +tates; Britain; an" the
+oviet *nion
11. The D#tch settle" New Netherlan"s primarily to
A. sec#re a ref#ge for the persec#te"
B. check the growth of English colonies in North America
C. e8pan" their commercial an" mercantile network
D. gain colonies to pro"#ce agric#lt#ral s#rpl#ses
E. sec#re naval s#pplies
1. 9rance negotiate" a treaty of alliance with the American nation in 1//( following
A. the "efeat of British <eneral B#rgoyne at +aratoga
B. American naval victories in the <reat )akes
C. the "ispatch of an American peace mission to Britain
D. an #ltimat#m $y American "iplomats
E. a personal plea $y <eorge ,ashington
1&. ,hich of the following is tr#e of the case of Mar$#ry v. Ma"ison
A. It esta$lishe" that Congress ha" the sole right to form#late national legislation
B. It s#pporte" Thomas !efferson in his claim to have >e8ec#tive review?
C. It $acke" ,illiam Mar$#ry in his re4#est for a $ank charter
D. It affirme" the principle of 5#"icial review
E. It "etermine" the +enate:s right to >a"vise an" consent?
1.. After the %evol#tion the concept of the >rep#$lican mother? s#ggeste" that
A. women wo#l" $e responsi$le for raising their chil"ren; especially their sons; to $e
virt#o#s citi6ens of the yo#ng rep#$lic
B. voting wo#l" soon $ecome a privilege grante" to e"#cate" an"@or marrie" women
C. the first "#ty of mothers was to serve the nee"s of government
D. wives an" mothers wo#l" $e welcome in emerging political parties
E. women:s virt#es ha" $een the inspiration for the i"eals of the %evol#tion
13. All of the following acc#rately "escri$e !efferson:s p#rchase of the )o#isiana
Territory from 9rance EACE'TB
A. It opene" the Mississippi %iver permanently to western farmers
B. It en"e" the threat of American In"ian rai"s on western settlements
C. It was ma"e possi$le $y the fail#re of Napoleon:s forces to s#ppress a slave revolt
in -aiti
D. It showe" !efferson:s consi"era$le fle8i$ility in "ealing with foreign policy
E. It violate" !efferson:s own views concerning the strict constr#ction of the
17. 'resi"ent !ackson resiste" the a"mission of Te8as into the *nion in 1(&7 $eca#se he
A. acknowle"ge" the legitimacy of the Me8ican government:s claim to Te8as
B. feare" that "e$ate over the a"mission of Te8as wo#l" ignite controversy a$o#t
C. was i"eologically oppose" to territorial e8pansion
D. co#l" fin" no s#pport within his party for a"mitting Te8as
E. $elieve" that a"mitting Te8as wo#l" violate international law
1/. The %ep#$lican 'arty originate" in the mi" 1(31:s as a sectional party committe" to
which of the following2
A. Cpposition to the f#rther e8tension of slavery into the territories
B. Imme"iate emancipation of the slaves
C. %epeal of ,hig economic policies
D. %estriction of immigration
E. Acknowle"gement of pop#lar sovereignty as the $asis for organi6ing fe"eral
1(. In 1(01 the most important so#rce of reven#e for the fe"eral government was
A. income ta8es
B. inheritance ta8es
C. sales ta8es
D. li4#or ta8es
E. c#stoms "#ties
10. ,illiam !ennings Bryan:s >Cross of <ol"? oration was primarily an e8pression of his
A. f#n"amentalist religio#s $eliefs
B. ne#tral stance towar" the $elligerents of the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
C. a"vocacy of free an" #nlimite" coinage of silver
D. opposition to teaching the theory of evol#tion in p#$lic schools
E. antiDimperialist convictions
1. The American home front in the +econ" ,orl" ,ar is $est "escri$e" as
A. politically "ivi"e" over the wis"om of the American war efforts
B. #naffecte" $y ethnic an" racial tensions
C. economically invigorate" $y military spen"ings
D. re"e"icate" to the reforms of the New Deal
E. "emorali6e" $y foo" shortages
1. In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally
esta$lishe" $y the early 1/11:s2
A. The so#thern colonies only
B. The mi""le an" so#thern colonies only
C. The to$acco an" rice growing colonies only
D. All the colonies e8cept 'ennsylvania an" the New Englan" colonies
E. All the colonies
. In the *nite" +tates; the -aitian re$ellion of the 1/01:s prompte"
A. the ac4#isition of '#erto %ico for coloni6ation $y emancipate" slaves
B. a movement of free African Americans to -aiti
C. the passage of a fe"eral law increasing the severity of p#nishment for slave
D. an increase" fear of slaves in the +o#th
E. a military e8pe"ition of so#thern slavehol"ers to restore 9rench r#le in -aiti
&. ,hich of the following statements a$o#t African American sol"iers "#ring the Civil
,ar is correct2
A. They were primarily engage" in military campaigns west of the Mississippi
B. They were limite" to noncom$at "#ty
C. They were $arre" from receiving awar"s for valor in com$at
D. 9or most of the war; they were pai" less than ,hite sol"iers of e4#al rank
E. 9or most of the war; they were le" African American officers
.. The +trategic Arms )imitation Talks; e8pan"e" tra"e with the +oviet *nion; an"
'resi"ent Ni8on:s visit to the 'eople:s %ep#$lic of China were all facets of the policy of
A. $rinkmanship
B. "eterrence
C. "Etente
D. roll$ack
E. li$eration
3. All of the following contri$#te" to the passage of the Eighteenth Amen"ment
legislating 'rohi$ition in 1010 EACE'TB
A. the contin#e" efforts of the AntiD+aloon )eag#e
B. the fervor of the 9irst ,orl" ,ar len"ing patriotism to the ca#se of prohi$ition
C. the 'rogressive $elief in social reform
D. the c#m#lative impact of state prohi$ition laws
E. the high "eath toll from alcohol relate" a#tomo$ile acci"ents
7. In the "eca"e following the +econ" ,orl" ,ar; the +#preme Co#rt "ecision that ha"
the most wi"esprea" conse4#ences concerne" which of the following2
A. Immigration policies
B. Congressional reappointment
C. The rights of minority gro#ps
D. The 5#ris"iction of co#rts in "etermining war g#ilt
E. The fe"eral government:s powers of ta8ation
/. 'rior to the Civil ,ar; a transformation occ#rre" in the workforce of the New
Englan" te8tile mills as the farm girls were replace" $y
A. 9renchDCana"ian immigrants
B. 9ree" African American from the +o#th
C. Irish immigrants
D. <erman immigrants
E. Italian immigrants
(. The primary power grante" to the Civil %ights Commission create" in 103/ was the
a#thority to
A. investigate an" report on cases involving "iscrimination
B. iss#e writs to enforce its "ecision after a hearing
C. initiate co#rt cases to challenge gen"er "iscrimination
D. fine employers fo#n" g#ilty of "iscriminatory hiring practices
E. grant monetary awar"s to victims of "iscrimination
0. D#ring his presi"ency; %ichar" Ni8on "i" which of the following2
A. +#pporte" the #se of $#sing to en" racial segregation in p#$lic schools
B. Intensifie" conflict $etween the *nite" +tates an" !apan
C. A$olishe" the Tennessee Falley A#thority
D. En"e" American participation in the war in Fietnam
E. Create" the National Aerona#tics an" +pace A"ministration
&1. The cartoon a$ove is commentary on late nineteenthDcent#ry
A. m#nicipal corr#ption
B. imperialism
C. la$or #nrest
D. $#siness monopolies
E. civilDrights campaigns
&1. ,hich of the following was tr#e of the *nite" +tates Constit#tion as a"opte" at the
Constit#tional Convention2
A. It was $#ilt on a series of compromise
B. It provi"e" e8act specifications covering all aspects of government
C. It was a revise" version of the English Constit#tion
D. It incl#"e" a Bill of %ights
E. It allowe" all male citi6ens over the age of 1 to vote
&. The !efferson a"ministration a"vocate" which of the following changes as a means of
restoring rep#$lican i"eals2
A. A$olishing the Bank of the *nite" +tates
B. %e"#cing the scope of activities of the fe"eral government
C. Discontin#ing the f#n"ing of state "e$ts
D. Increasing the si6e of the *nite" +tates military
E. A"opting the =ent#cky an" Firginia %esol#tion at the national level
&&. The ,ilmot 'roviso specifically provi"e" for
A. the prohi$ition of slavery in )o#isiana
B. the primacy of fe"eral law over state legislate" Black Co"es
C. the a$olition of the international slave tra"e
D. the prohi$ition of slavery in lan"s ac4#ire" from Me8ico in the Me8ican ,ar
E. fe"eral ret#rn of f#gitive slaves
&.. The %oosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine e8pan"e" America:s role in
A. Central America an" the Cari$$ean
B. The 'hilippines
C. North Africa
D. Asia
E. E#rope
&3. ,hich of the following emerge" "#ring the 'rogressive Era as the most infl#ential
a"vocates of f#ll political; economic; an" social e4#ality for Black Americans2
A. ,.E.B D#Bois
B. 9re"erick Do#glas
C. Booker T. ,ashington
D. I"a B. ,ells
E. )angston -#ghes
&7. The cartoon a$ove refers to which of the following2
A. The %e" +care
B. The Cpen Door Notes
C. The Immigration G#ota Act of 101
D. The response to the '#llman +trike
E. The Boston 'olice +trike
&/. D#ring the <reat Depression; the fe"eral government respon"e" with force when
A. the comm#nist "ominate" National Mine ,orkers: *nion "eno#nce" the
American government an" flag
B. a#"iences $ooe" newsreels showing 'resi"ent -er$ert -oover
C. mo$s of farmers trie" to prevent foreclos#res on farms an" threatene" to lynch
5#"ges who allowe" them
D. the Bon#s E8pe"itionary 9orce encampe" in ,ashington
E. protesters "isplaye" >-oover 9lags? ; empty pockets t#rne" insi"e o#t
&(. ,hich of the following is a correct statement a$o#t collegeDlevel e"#cation in the
twentieth cent#ry *nite" +tates2
A. +tate #niversities increase" scholarship ai" "#ring the Depression
B. 'rivate #niversities raise" a"mission stan"ar"s "#ring the 10.1:s
C. The <I Bill finance" the e"#cation of male st#"ents "#ring the postD+econ" ,orl"
,ar era
D. The >$a$y $oomers? finishe" college in large n#m$ers in the 1031:s
E. There was a sharp "ecline in college enrollment "#ring the Fietnam ,ar
&0. The pro$lem lay $#rie"; #nspoken for many years in the min"s of American women.
It was a strange stirring; a sense of "issatisfaction; a yearning that women s#ffere" in the
mi""le of the twentieth cent#ry in the *nite" +tates. Each s#$#r$an ho#sewife str#ggle"
with it alone. As she ma"e the $e"s; shoppe" for groceries; matche" slipcover material;
ate pean#t $#tter san"wiches with her chil"ren; cha#ffe#re" C#$ +co#ts an" Brownies;
lay $esi"e her h#s$an" at night; she was afrai" to ask even of herself the silent 4#estionB
HHIs this all2HH?
The a#thor of the statement a$ove most likely was
A. Angelina <rimke
B. +#san B. Anthony
C. Betty 9rie"an
D. Angela Davis
E. 'hyllis +chafly
.1. >%eaganomics?; or s#pplyDsi"e economics; le" to which of the following2
A. A "ecline in #nemployment an" poverty
B. <reater ta8 reven#es than government e8pen"it#res
C. )arge Increases in the incomes of wealthy Americans
D. An increase in appropriations for school l#nches
E. )ower military e8pen"it#res than "#ring the Carter a"ministration
.1. The lea"ers of the 'rogressive movement were primarily
A. farmers intereste" in improving agric#lt#ral pro"#ction
B. immigrant activist attempting to change restrictive immigration laws
C. representatives of in"#stries seeking higher tariffs
D. workers concerne" with esta$lishing in"#strial #nions
E. mi""le class reformers concerne" with #r$an an" cons#mer iss#es
.. The ma5ority of white families in the ante$ell#m so#th owne"
A. more than 111 slaves
B. 31D111 slaves
C. 11D31 slaves
D. 3D11 slaves
E. no slaves
.&. The Misso#ri Compromise "i" which of the following
A. 'rohi$ite" slavery in all the territory of the )o#isiana '#rchase
B. 'rovi"e" for the a"mission to the *nion of all f#t#re states in pairs of one free; on
C. Allowe" Maine to enter the *nion as a free state
D. 9inally settle" the 4#estion of congressional power of slavery in the territories
E. 'rovi"e" for the anne8ation of Te8as
... ,hich of the following $est characteri6es the writings of American a#thors 9. +cot
9it6geral"; e.e c#mmings; an" +inclair )ewis2
A. Disill#sionment with mo"ern American society
B. <lorification of mo"ern American capitalism
C. Cele$ration of Black c#lt#re
D. <lamori6ation of war
E. %eaffirmation of tra"itional American val#es
.3. Cne of the imme"iate conse4#ences of the Tet offensive in 107( was that
A. 'resi"ent !ohnson complete" the process of Fietnami6ation
B. North Fietnamese troops took control of +aigon
C. 'op#lar s#pport for the war "ecline" in the *.+
D. The +o#th Fietnamese government was overthrown
E. Congress gave greater s#pport to 'resi"ent !ohnson:s war policies
.7. All of the following contri$#te" to "iscontent among sol"iers in the Continental Army
A. Most sol"iers were "raftees
B. The sol"iers feare" for the welfare of families $ack home
C. The army ha" ina"e4#ate arms an" amm#nition
D. The army pai" sol"iers in "epreciate" paper money
E. The army was ina"e4#ately fe" an" clothe"
./. !aco$ %iis: How the other Half Lives is a st#"y of
A. !im Crow segregation an" its effect on African Americans
B. The plight of <reat 'lains farmers in the 1(01:s
C. Immigrant #r$an poverty an" "espair in the 1(01:s
D. The corr#ption in city political machines in the 1(01:s
E. The rise of in"#strial capitalists in the late 10
.(. Margaret +anger is $est known for her
A. contri$#tion to the ra"ical s#ffragist movement
B. en"orsement of coe"#cation
C. a"vocacy of $irth control
D. presi"ency of the ,omen:s Christian Temperance *nion
E. organi6ation of the ,omen:s Tra"e *nion )eag#e
.0. The %ep#$lican 'resi"ents of the 101:s favore"
A. mem$ership in the )eag#e of Nations
B. ta8 c#ts for wealthy Americans
C. stringent fe"eral reg#lation of American $#siness
D. re"#ce" American tariffs on foreign imports
E. forgiveness of E#ropean war "e$ts from the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
31. 9rom the 1((1:s to the $eginning of the New Deal; the "ominant American In"ian
policy of the *nite" +tates government so#ght to
A. strengthen tra"itional tri$al a#thority
B. relocate all American In"ians to the Cklahoma territory
C. enco#rage American In"ian emigration to Cana"a
D. enco#rage American In"ians to preserve their lang#age an" religions
E. $reak #p tri$al lan"hol"ings
31. Ale8an"er -amilton:s financial program was most favora$le to
A. western farmers
B. war veterans
C. so#thern planters
D. eastern merchants
E. state $ankers
3. The goal of the American Coloni6ation +ociety was to
A. ret#rn free" slaves to Africa
B. recr#it immigrants for American factories
C. assimilate recent immigrants to American +ociety
D. e8ten" *.+ infl#ences to overseas colonies
E. promote western e8pansion $y fin"ing internal improvements
3&. The most #npop#lar an" least s#ccessf#l of 'resi"ent Thomas !efferson:s policies was
A. a"vocacy of territorial e8pansion
B. han"ling of the Bar$ary Coast pirates
C. re"#ction of the si6e of the military
D. re"#ction of the national "e$t
E. a"herence to ne#trality in "ealing with Britain an" 9rance
3.. ,hich of the following principles was esta$lishe" $y the Dre" +cott "ecision2
A. Congress co#l" a$olish slavery at will
B. National legislation co#l" not limit the sprea" of slavery in the territories
C. The rights of all people are protecte" $y the Constit#tion
D. +laves resi"ing in a free sate a#tomatically $ecame free
E. Thro#gh s4#atter sovereignty; a territory ha" the sole right to "etermine the stat#s
of slavery within its territorial limits
33. The precipitating factor in the 1(0. '#llman strike was '#llman:sB
A. "ismissal of #nion workers
B. intro"#ction of scrip in part payment of wages
C. retraction of its promise to provi"e an employee ins#rance an" retirement plan
D. employment of immigrant la$or at less than a living wage
E. c#tting of wages witho#t proportionate c#ts in company ho#sing rents
37. In his Atlanta Compromise speech; Booker T. ,ashington calle" for which of the
A. African American voting rights
B. An en" to racial segregation
C. +#pport for African American self help
D. E"#cational e4#ality for African Americans
E. %acial integration of religio#s organi6ation
3/. All of the following contri$#te" to the growth of the free African American
pop#lation in the *.+ in the early nineteenth cent#ry EACE'TB
A. the gra"#al emancipation laws of in"ivi"#al states
B. man#mission grante" for the %evol#tionary ,ar service
C. man#mission grante" $y slavehol"er:s wills
D. nat#ral increase among free African Americans
E. fe"eral constit#tional provisions for emancipation
3(. In the 10&1:s the movement le" $y Dr. 9rancis Townsen" contri$#te" to congressional
approval of a law
A. ins#ring the $ank "eposits of cons#mers
B. sec#ring fe"eral protection of la$or #nion organi6ers
C. provi"ing larger fe"eral s#$si"ies to farmers
D. implementing a fe"eral program of ol" age $enefits
E. protecting ethnic minorities from "iscrimination
30. ,hich of the following civil rights gro#ps is NCT correctly match with one of its
lea"ing fig#res2
A. +o#thern Christian )ea"ership ConferenceIMarc#s <arvey
B. Black 'anthersI-#ey Newton
C. National Association for the A"vancement of Colore" 'eopleI%oy ,ilkins
D. Black M#slimsIMalcolm A
E. +t#"ent Nonviolent Coor"inating CommitteeI+tokely Carmichael
71. ,hich of the following is tr#e of the <#lf of Tokin %esol#tion2
A. It en"e" the Fietnam ,ar
B. It $arely passe" in Congress; reflecting the $itter "ivision over American
involvement in Fietnam
C. It was a statement of American policy that followe" the Tet offensive.
D. It allowe" the 'resi"ent to "eploy com$at troops in +o#th Fietnam
E. It provi"e" for the first peace negotiations $etween the *nite" +tates an" North
71. The Compromise of 1(31 "i" which of the following2
A. A"mitte" Te8as to the *nion as a +lave state
B. A"mitte" California to the *nion #n"er the principles of pop#lar sovereignty
C. 'rohi$ite" slavery in the District of Col#m$ia
D. Enacte" a stringent f#gitive slave law
E. A"5#ste" the Te8asDMe8ico $o#n"ary
7. Cne means $y which 'resi"ent -oover attempte" to fight the <reat Depression was
A. the esta$lishment of the TFA
B. the esta$lishment of the %econstr#ction 9inance Corporation
C. a lowering of $arriers to free tra"e
D. the early payment of $on#ses to veterans
E. "irect government ai" to the nee"y
7&. The principal reason for the formation of the Di8iecrat party in 10.( was the
opposition of "issi"ent Democrats to 'resi"ent Tr#man:s
A. esta$lishment of the CIA
B. removal of <eneral MacArth#r from his military comman"
C. s#pport for the TaftD-artley Act
D. proposal for civil rights legislation
E. call for an investigation of the loyalty of all fe"eral employees
7.. Thro#gho#t the first half of the nineteenth cent#ry; women reformers were most
active in the ca#se of
A. temperance
B. woman s#ffrage
C. pacifism
D. immigrants: rights
E. workers: rights
73. ,hich of the following was tr#e of most '#ritans who emigrate" to seventeenthD
cent#ry New Englan"2
A. They ha" reno#nce" the Ch#rch of Englan"
B. They re5ecte" the a#thority of the English king
C. They consi"ere" themselves nonD+eparatists
D. They approve" the Crown:s religio#s policy
E. They inten"e" to ret#rn event#ally to Englan"
The Rise and Fall of Man
'rimate Nean"erthal +ocrates ,.! Bryan
77. The cartoon a$ove was inten"e" primarily as a satirical comment on
A. +ocial Darwinism
B. The =l# =l#8 =lan
C. The election of 1(07
D. The +copes trial
E. )ochner v. New Jork
7/. The 9e"eralist papers challenge" the conventional political wis"om of the eighteenth
cent#ry when they asserte" that
A. a rep#$lican form of government co#l" s#ccee" only in small co#ntries
B. limitations on the pop#lar will le" to tyranny
C. a week central government was the only g#arantee of in"ivi"#al rights
D. a large rep#$lic offere" the $est protection of minority rights
E. political parties were cr#cial to the s#ccess of the new government
7(. ,ilson:s 1. points incorporate" all of the following EACE'TB
A. open "iplomacy
B. free"om of the seas
C. recognition of Allie" economic an" territorial agreements ma"e "#ring the war
D. creation of an international organi6ation to preserve the peace an" sec#rity of its
E. national selfD"etermination
70. The first massive migration of Black Americans from the +o#th occ#rre" "#ring
which of the following perio"s2
A. imme"iately following the Civil ,ar
B. "#ring an" imme"iately after the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
C. D#ring the <reat Depression
D. In the "eca"e after ,,II
E. D#ring the civil rights movement of the 1071:s
/1. In the last 4#arter of the nineteenth cent#ry; American agric#lt#re was characteri6e"
A. a "ecline in the n#m$er of tenant farmers
B. a "ecline in foreclos#res on Mi"western farms
C. a "ecline in the n#m$er of farm cooperatives
D. an increase in wholesale prices for farm pro"#cts
E. an increase in acres #n"er c#ltivation
/1. ,hich of the following statements a$o#t Africans $ro#ght as slaves to the British
North American colonies is tr#e2
A. They were the primary la$or so#rce for plantations in the Chesapeake $y 17&1
B. They ha" a m#ch lower life e8pectancy in the Chesapeake than in +o#th Carolina
or the ,est In"ies
C. They greatly o#tn#m$ere" E#ropeans in every colony so#th of the Ma8onDDi8on
line $y 1//7
D. They maintaine" c#lt#ral practices $ro#ght from Africa
E. They were the primary so#rce of la$or in 'enn #ntil 1/1
/. 'rogressive reformers re5ecte" +ocial Darwinism $eca#se they $elieve" that
A. all races were e4#al in a$ility
B. personal "evelopment was infl#ence" solely $y here"itary factors
C. conflict an" competition "i" not necessarily improve society
D. science ha" no role in society
E. society was fi8e" $y the laws of nat#re an" incapa$le of significant change
/&. 'ickney:s Treaty with +pain is consi"ere" a "iplomatic highlight of ,ashington:s
a"ministration $eca#se it
A. allowe" the *.+ to #se the port of New Crleans
B. ce"e" 9lori"a to the *.+
C. invite" Americans to settle in Te8as
D. opene" +panish Cari$$ean ports to American tra"e
E. with"rew +pain:s military forces from the Cari$$ean
/.. Ma5or "omestic "evelopments in the *.+ "#ring 'resi"ent Eisenhower:s two terms
incl#"e all of the following EACE'TB
A. a rise in the gross national pro"#ct
B. the "ismantling of New Deal welfare programs
C. the peaking of the post war $a$y $oom
D. the e8o"#s of Black families from the r#ral so#th
E. the $eginning of constr#ction of interstate highway system
/3. The imme"iate effect of An"rew !ackson:s attack on the +econ" Bank of the *.+ in
1(&. was
A. the creation of the >in"epen"ent treas#ry?
B. an e8pansion of cre"it an" spec#lation
C. the fail#re of state $anks
D. the esta$lishment of mo"ern $anking reg#lations
E. the creation of a fe"eral "eficit
/7. The primary p#rpose of the 'roclamation of 1/7& was to
A. enco#rage westwar" e8pansion
B. avoi" conflict with the transDAppalachian In"ians
C. gain m#ch nee"e" reven#e
D. "rive o#t 9rench colonists
E. provi"e a haven for Catholics
//. By the 1/31:s; the British colonies on the North American mainlan" were
characteri6e" $y all of the following EACE'TB
A. "is"ain for British constit#tional monarchy
B. many religio#s "enominations
C. a society witho#t a here"itary aristocracy
D. a growing n#m$er of non English settlers
E. acceptance of slavery as a la$or system
/(. )et +o#thern oppressors trem$leII shall stren#o#sly conten" for imme"iate
enfranchisementII will $e as harsh as tr#th an" as #ncompromising as 5#stice
The a#thor of this 4#ote a$ove was
A. !ohn C. Calho#n
B. +tephen A. Do#glas
C. -enry Clay
D. A$raham )incoln
E. ,illiam ). <arrison
/0. All of the following have $een cite" as reasons for the "ropping of the atomic $om$
on !apan in 10.3 EACE'T the nee" to
A. $lock a planne" !apanese invasion of the *.+
B. keep the +oviet *nion o#t of the war against !apan
C. save American lives
D. "emonstrate American s#periority in weaponry to the +oviet *nion
E. force the #ncon"itional s#rren"er of !apan
(1. Infl#ential critics of the 1031:s; s#ch as Davi" %iesman; were most concerne" with
which of the following aspects of life in the *.+ following ,,II2
A. Alienation an" conformity in mo"ern society
B. +chooling for the $a$y $oomers
C. The economic responsi$ilities of $eing a worl" power
D. The threat to the nation from comm#nist s#$version
E. The sprea" of political corr#ptions