AP US History 2002

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The documents contain passages about British colonial policies, the development of early American democracy under Jackson, and the Monroe Doctrine warning European powers against further colonization in the Americas.

The Navigation Acts were laws passed in Britain that reinforced its mercantilist policies by restricting trade between its colonies and other countries. They required colonial trade to either pass through Britain first or be conducted using British ships.

Jacksonian Democracy promoted the political participation of the common man and believed that an aristocracy posed a danger to the American republic. It supported increasing franchise and political rights for more white male citizens.


S History AP MC
1. The Navigation Acts were part of the British policy known as
A. Isolationism
B. Capitalism
C. Mercantilism
D. Monopolism
E. Imperialism
. !acksonian Democracy was "isting#ishe" $y the $elief that
A. an aristocracy pose" no "anger to the %ep#$lic
B. the National %ep#$licans alone knew what was right for the people
C. political participation $y the common man sho#l" $e increase"
D. political rights sho#l" $e grante" to women
E. franchise restrictions sho#l" $e racially ne#tral
&. 'resi"ent Monroe artic#late" the Monroe Doctrine in his 1(& a""ress to Congress
primarily in or"er to
A. repon" positively to the recent )atin American revol#tions
B. r#le o#t *nite" +tates involvement in +o#th America
C. provi"e a rationale for *nite" +tates intervention in the Isthm#s of 'anama
D. warn E#ropean nations against f#rther colonial vent#res in the ,estern
E. enco#rage Britain to help the fle"gling )atin American states
.. ,hich of the following transportation "evelopments opene" the ,est to settlement an"
tra"e $etween 1/01 an" 1(&12
A. T#rnpikes an" canals
B. %ailroa"s an" steamships
C. T#rnpikes an" railroa"s
D. Clipper ships an" t#rnpikes
E. Canals an" railroa"s
3. ,hich of the following $est "escri$es the sit#ation of the free"men in the "eca"e
following the Civil ,ar2
A. Each was given .1 acres of lan" an" a m#le $y the *nion government
B. All were imme"iately grate" political e4#ality $y the Emancipation 'roclamation
C. The ma5ority entere" sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other
near$y planters
D. They were re4#ire" to pass a literacy test $efore $eing grate" *nite" +tates
E. They s#pporte" the passage of Black Co"es to ens#re their economics an"
political rights
7. ,hich of the following was a serio#s constit#tional 4#estion after the Civil ,ar2
A. The restoration of the power of the fe"eral 5#"iciary
B. The legality of the national $anking system
C. The political an" legal stat#s of the former Confe"erate states
D. The relationship $etween the *nite" +tates an" Britain
E. The propose" anne8ation of Colom$ia
/. The +#preme Co#rt "ecision in 'lessy v. 9erg#son "i" which of the following2
A. Deno#nce" $#siness com$inations in restraint of tra"e
B. Declare" that the 9o#rteenth Amen"ment applie" principally to the protection of
C. +anctione" separate $#t e4#al p#$lic facilities for African Americans
D. Define" the Constit#tion as color $lin"
E. Empowere" Congress to cancel treaties with American In"ian tri$es #nilaterally
(. The flappers of the 101:s challenge" tra"itional American attit#"es a$o#t women $y
A. a fe"eral $irth control an" a$ortion rights protection law
B. gen"er e4#ality in salaries
C. an e4#al rights amen"ment
D. greater free"om in manner of "ress an" moral $ehavior
E. a fe"eral law to esta$lish prenatal clinics in r#ral areas
0. D#ring the 10&1:s; the <reat Depression le" to
A. the nationali6ation of ma5or in"#stries
B. the strengthening of the family #nit an" a higher $irth rates
C. a "ecline in highway constr#ction
D. a mass internal migration of Americans looking for work
E. a "ecrease in la$or #nion mem$ership
11. The policy of containment; 5#stifie" $y <eorge =eman:s 10./ analysis of
international sit#ation calle" for
A. $locking the e8pansion of the +oviet *nion:s infl#ence
B. c#r$ing *nite" +tates foreign investment to limit involvement in worl" conflict
C. li$erating Eastern E#rope from comm#nism
D. "esta$ili6ing the +oviet *nion
E. "ivi"ing <ermany into 6ones a"ministere" $y the *nite" +tates; Britain; an" the
+oviet *nion
11. The D#tch settle" New Netherlan"s primarily to
A. sec#re a ref#ge for the persec#te"
B. check the growth of English colonies in North America
C. e8pan" their commercial an" mercantile network
D. gain colonies to pro"#ce agric#lt#ral s#rpl#ses
E. sec#re naval s#pplies
1. 9rance negotiate" a treaty of alliance with the American nation in 1//( following
A. the "efeat of British <eneral B#rgoyne at +aratoga
B. American naval victories in the <reat )akes
C. the "ispatch of an American peace mission to Britain
D. an #ltimat#m $y American "iplomats
E. a personal plea $y <eorge ,ashington
1&. ,hich of the following is tr#e of the case of Mar$#ry v. Ma"ison
A. It esta$lishe" that Congress ha" the sole right to form#late national legislation
B. It s#pporte" Thomas !efferson in his claim to have >e8ec#tive review?
C. It $acke" ,illiam Mar$#ry in his re4#est for a $ank charter
D. It affirme" the principle of 5#"icial review
E. It "etermine" the +enate:s right to >a"vise an" consent?
1.. After the %evol#tion the concept of the >rep#$lican mother? s#ggeste" that
A. women wo#l" $e responsi$le for raising their chil"ren; especially their sons; to $e
virt#o#s citi6ens of the yo#ng rep#$lic
B. voting wo#l" soon $ecome a privilege grante" to e"#cate" an"@or marrie" women
C. the first "#ty of mothers was to serve the nee"s of government
D. wives an" mothers wo#l" $e welcome in emerging political parties
E. women:s virt#es ha" $een the inspiration for the i"eals of the %evol#tion
13. All of the following acc#rately "escri$e !efferson:s p#rchase of the )o#isiana
Territory from 9rance EACE'TB
A. It opene" the Mississippi %iver permanently to western farmers
B. It en"e" the threat of American In"ian rai"s on western settlements
C. It was ma"e possi$le $y the fail#re of Napoleon:s forces to s#ppress a slave revolt
in -aiti
D. It showe" !efferson:s consi"era$le fle8i$ility in "ealing with foreign policy
E. It violate" !efferson:s own views concerning the strict constr#ction of the
17. 'resi"ent !ackson resiste" the a"mission of Te8as into the *nion in 1(&7 $eca#se he
A. acknowle"ge" the legitimacy of the Me8ican government:s claim to Te8as
B. feare" that "e$ate over the a"mission of Te8as wo#l" ignite controversy a$o#t
C. was i"eologically oppose" to territorial e8pansion
D. co#l" fin" no s#pport within his party for a"mitting Te8as
E. $elieve" that a"mitting Te8as wo#l" violate international law
1/. The %ep#$lican 'arty originate" in the mi" 1(31:s as a sectional party committe" to
which of the following2
A. Cpposition to the f#rther e8tension of slavery into the territories
B. Imme"iate emancipation of the slaves
C. %epeal of ,hig economic policies
D. %estriction of immigration
E. Acknowle"gement of pop#lar sovereignty as the $asis for organi6ing fe"eral
1(. In 1(01 the most important so#rce of reven#e for the fe"eral government was
A. income ta8es
B. inheritance ta8es
C. sales ta8es
D. li4#or ta8es
E. c#stoms "#ties
10. ,illiam !ennings Bryan:s >Cross of <ol"? oration was primarily an e8pression of his
A. f#n"amentalist religio#s $eliefs
B. ne#tral stance towar" the $elligerents of the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
C. a"vocacy of free an" #nlimite" coinage of silver
D. opposition to teaching the theory of evol#tion in p#$lic schools
E. antiDimperialist convictions
1. The American home front in the +econ" ,orl" ,ar is $est "escri$e" as
A. politically "ivi"e" over the wis"om of the American war efforts
B. #naffecte" $y ethnic an" racial tensions
C. economically invigorate" $y military spen"ings
D. re"e"icate" to the reforms of the New Deal
E. "emorali6e" $y foo" shortages
1. In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally
esta$lishe" $y the early 1/11:s2
A. The so#thern colonies only
B. The mi""le an" so#thern colonies only
C. The to$acco an" rice growing colonies only
D. All the colonies e8cept 'ennsylvania an" the New Englan" colonies
E. All the colonies
. In the *nite" +tates; the -aitian re$ellion of the 1/01:s prompte"
A. the ac4#isition of '#erto %ico for coloni6ation $y emancipate" slaves
B. a movement of free African Americans to -aiti
C. the passage of a fe"eral law increasing the severity of p#nishment for slave
D. an increase" fear of slaves in the +o#th
E. a military e8pe"ition of so#thern slavehol"ers to restore 9rench r#le in -aiti
&. ,hich of the following statements a$o#t African American sol"iers "#ring the Civil
,ar is correct2
A. They were primarily engage" in military campaigns west of the Mississippi
B. They were limite" to noncom$at "#ty
C. They were $arre" from receiving awar"s for valor in com$at
D. 9or most of the war; they were pai" less than ,hite sol"iers of e4#al rank
E. 9or most of the war; they were le" African American officers
.. The +trategic Arms )imitation Talks; e8pan"e" tra"e with the +oviet *nion; an"
'resi"ent Ni8on:s visit to the 'eople:s %ep#$lic of China were all facets of the policy of
A. $rinkmanship
B. "eterrence
C. "Etente
D. roll$ack
E. li$eration
3. All of the following contri$#te" to the passage of the Eighteenth Amen"ment
legislating 'rohi$ition in 1010 EACE'TB
A. the contin#e" efforts of the AntiD+aloon )eag#e
B. the fervor of the 9irst ,orl" ,ar len"ing patriotism to the ca#se of prohi$ition
C. the 'rogressive $elief in social reform
D. the c#m#lative impact of state prohi$ition laws
E. the high "eath toll from alcohol relate" a#tomo$ile acci"ents
7. In the "eca"e following the +econ" ,orl" ,ar; the +#preme Co#rt "ecision that ha"
the most wi"esprea" conse4#ences concerne" which of the following2
A. Immigration policies
B. Congressional reappointment
C. The rights of minority gro#ps
D. The 5#ris"iction of co#rts in "etermining war g#ilt
E. The fe"eral government:s powers of ta8ation
/. 'rior to the Civil ,ar; a transformation occ#rre" in the workforce of the New
Englan" te8tile mills as the farm girls were replace" $y
A. 9renchDCana"ian immigrants
B. 9ree" African American from the +o#th
C. Irish immigrants
D. <erman immigrants
E. Italian immigrants
(. The primary power grante" to the Civil %ights Commission create" in 103/ was the
a#thority to
A. investigate an" report on cases involving "iscrimination
B. iss#e writs to enforce its "ecision after a hearing
C. initiate co#rt cases to challenge gen"er "iscrimination
D. fine employers fo#n" g#ilty of "iscriminatory hiring practices
E. grant monetary awar"s to victims of "iscrimination
0. D#ring his presi"ency; %ichar" Ni8on "i" which of the following2
A. +#pporte" the #se of $#sing to en" racial segregation in p#$lic schools
B. Intensifie" conflict $etween the *nite" +tates an" !apan
C. A$olishe" the Tennessee Falley A#thority
D. En"e" American participation in the war in Fietnam
E. Create" the National Aerona#tics an" +pace A"ministration
&1. The cartoon a$ove is commentary on late nineteenthDcent#ry
A. m#nicipal corr#ption
B. imperialism
C. la$or #nrest
D. $#siness monopolies
E. civilDrights campaigns
&1. ,hich of the following was tr#e of the *nite" +tates Constit#tion as a"opte" at the
Constit#tional Convention2
A. It was $#ilt on a series of compromise
B. It provi"e" e8act specifications covering all aspects of government
C. It was a revise" version of the English Constit#tion
D. It incl#"e" a Bill of %ights
E. It allowe" all male citi6ens over the age of 1 to vote
&. The !efferson a"ministration a"vocate" which of the following changes as a means of
restoring rep#$lican i"eals2
A. A$olishing the Bank of the *nite" +tates
B. %e"#cing the scope of activities of the fe"eral government
C. Discontin#ing the f#n"ing of state "e$ts
D. Increasing the si6e of the *nite" +tates military
E. A"opting the =ent#cky an" Firginia %esol#tion at the national level
&&. The ,ilmot 'roviso specifically provi"e" for
A. the prohi$ition of slavery in )o#isiana
B. the primacy of fe"eral law over state legislate" Black Co"es
C. the a$olition of the international slave tra"e
D. the prohi$ition of slavery in lan"s ac4#ire" from Me8ico in the Me8ican ,ar
E. fe"eral ret#rn of f#gitive slaves
&.. The %oosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine e8pan"e" America:s role in
A. Central America an" the Cari$$ean
B. The 'hilippines
C. North Africa
D. Asia
E. E#rope
&3. ,hich of the following emerge" "#ring the 'rogressive Era as the most infl#ential
a"vocates of f#ll political; economic; an" social e4#ality for Black Americans2
A. ,.E.B D#Bois
B. 9re"erick Do#glas
C. Booker T. ,ashington
D. I"a B. ,ells
E. )angston -#ghes
&7. The cartoon a$ove refers to which of the following2
A. The %e" +care
B. The Cpen Door Notes
C. The Immigration G#ota Act of 101
D. The response to the '#llman +trike
E. The Boston 'olice +trike
&/. D#ring the <reat Depression; the fe"eral government respon"e" with force when
A. the comm#nist "ominate" National Mine ,orkers: *nion "eno#nce" the
American government an" flag
B. a#"iences $ooe" newsreels showing 'resi"ent -er$ert -oover
C. mo$s of farmers trie" to prevent foreclos#res on farms an" threatene" to lynch
5#"ges who allowe" them
D. the Bon#s E8pe"itionary 9orce encampe" in ,ashington
E. protesters "isplaye" >-oover 9lags? ; empty pockets t#rne" insi"e o#t
&(. ,hich of the following is a correct statement a$o#t collegeDlevel e"#cation in the
twentieth cent#ry *nite" +tates2
A. +tate #niversities increase" scholarship ai" "#ring the Depression
B. 'rivate #niversities raise" a"mission stan"ar"s "#ring the 10.1:s
C. The <I Bill finance" the e"#cation of male st#"ents "#ring the postD+econ" ,orl"
,ar era
D. The >$a$y $oomers? finishe" college in large n#m$ers in the 1031:s
E. There was a sharp "ecline in college enrollment "#ring the Fietnam ,ar
&0. The pro$lem lay $#rie"; #nspoken for many years in the min"s of American women.
It was a strange stirring; a sense of "issatisfaction; a yearning that women s#ffere" in the
mi""le of the twentieth cent#ry in the *nite" +tates. Each s#$#r$an ho#sewife str#ggle"
with it alone. As she ma"e the $e"s; shoppe" for groceries; matche" slipcover material;
ate pean#t $#tter san"wiches with her chil"ren; cha#ffe#re" C#$ +co#ts an" Brownies;
lay $esi"e her h#s$an" at night; she was afrai" to ask even of herself the silent 4#estionB
HHIs this all2HH?
The a#thor of the statement a$ove most likely was
A. Angelina <rimke
B. +#san B. Anthony
C. Betty 9rie"an
D. Angela Davis
E. 'hyllis +chafly
.1. >%eaganomics?; or s#pplyDsi"e economics; le" to which of the following2
A. A "ecline in #nemployment an" poverty
B. <reater ta8 reven#es than government e8pen"it#res
C. )arge Increases in the incomes of wealthy Americans
D. An increase in appropriations for school l#nches
E. )ower military e8pen"it#res than "#ring the Carter a"ministration
.1. The lea"ers of the 'rogressive movement were primarily
A. farmers intereste" in improving agric#lt#ral pro"#ction
B. immigrant activist attempting to change restrictive immigration laws
C. representatives of in"#stries seeking higher tariffs
D. workers concerne" with esta$lishing in"#strial #nions
E. mi""le class reformers concerne" with #r$an an" cons#mer iss#es
.. The ma5ority of white families in the ante$ell#m so#th owne"
A. more than 111 slaves
B. 31D111 slaves
C. 11D31 slaves
D. 3D11 slaves
E. no slaves
.&. The Misso#ri Compromise "i" which of the following
A. 'rohi$ite" slavery in all the territory of the )o#isiana '#rchase
B. 'rovi"e" for the a"mission to the *nion of all f#t#re states in pairs of one free; on
C. Allowe" Maine to enter the *nion as a free state
D. 9inally settle" the 4#estion of congressional power of slavery in the territories
E. 'rovi"e" for the anne8ation of Te8as
... ,hich of the following $est characteri6es the writings of American a#thors 9. +cot
9it6geral"; e.e c#mmings; an" +inclair )ewis2
A. Disill#sionment with mo"ern American society
B. <lorification of mo"ern American capitalism
C. Cele$ration of Black c#lt#re
D. <lamori6ation of war
E. %eaffirmation of tra"itional American val#es
.3. Cne of the imme"iate conse4#ences of the Tet offensive in 107( was that
A. 'resi"ent !ohnson complete" the process of Fietnami6ation
B. North Fietnamese troops took control of +aigon
C. 'op#lar s#pport for the war "ecline" in the *.+
D. The +o#th Fietnamese government was overthrown
E. Congress gave greater s#pport to 'resi"ent !ohnson:s war policies
.7. All of the following contri$#te" to "iscontent among sol"iers in the Continental Army
A. Most sol"iers were "raftees
B. The sol"iers feare" for the welfare of families $ack home
C. The army ha" ina"e4#ate arms an" amm#nition
D. The army pai" sol"iers in "epreciate" paper money
E. The army was ina"e4#ately fe" an" clothe"
./. !aco$ %iis: How the other Half Lives is a st#"y of
A. !im Crow segregation an" its effect on African Americans
B. The plight of <reat 'lains farmers in the 1(01:s
C. Immigrant #r$an poverty an" "espair in the 1(01:s
D. The corr#ption in city political machines in the 1(01:s
E. The rise of in"#strial capitalists in the late 10
.(. Margaret +anger is $est known for her
A. contri$#tion to the ra"ical s#ffragist movement
B. en"orsement of coe"#cation
C. a"vocacy of $irth control
D. presi"ency of the ,omen:s Christian Temperance *nion
E. organi6ation of the ,omen:s Tra"e *nion )eag#e
.0. The %ep#$lican 'resi"ents of the 101:s favore"
A. mem$ership in the )eag#e of Nations
B. ta8 c#ts for wealthy Americans
C. stringent fe"eral reg#lation of American $#siness
D. re"#ce" American tariffs on foreign imports
E. forgiveness of E#ropean war "e$ts from the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
31. 9rom the 1((1:s to the $eginning of the New Deal; the "ominant American In"ian
policy of the *nite" +tates government so#ght to
A. strengthen tra"itional tri$al a#thority
B. relocate all American In"ians to the Cklahoma territory
C. enco#rage American In"ian emigration to Cana"a
D. enco#rage American In"ians to preserve their lang#age an" religions
E. $reak #p tri$al lan"hol"ings
31. Ale8an"er -amilton:s financial program was most favora$le to
A. western farmers
B. war veterans
C. so#thern planters
D. eastern merchants
E. state $ankers
3. The goal of the American Coloni6ation +ociety was to
A. ret#rn free" slaves to Africa
B. recr#it immigrants for American factories
C. assimilate recent immigrants to American +ociety
D. e8ten" *.+ infl#ences to overseas colonies
E. promote western e8pansion $y fin"ing internal improvements
3&. The most #npop#lar an" least s#ccessf#l of 'resi"ent Thomas !efferson:s policies was
A. a"vocacy of territorial e8pansion
B. han"ling of the Bar$ary Coast pirates
C. re"#ction of the si6e of the military
D. re"#ction of the national "e$t
E. a"herence to ne#trality in "ealing with Britain an" 9rance
3.. ,hich of the following principles was esta$lishe" $y the Dre" +cott "ecision2
A. Congress co#l" a$olish slavery at will
B. National legislation co#l" not limit the sprea" of slavery in the territories
C. The rights of all people are protecte" $y the Constit#tion
D. +laves resi"ing in a free sate a#tomatically $ecame free
E. Thro#gh s4#atter sovereignty; a territory ha" the sole right to "etermine the stat#s
of slavery within its territorial limits
33. The precipitating factor in the 1(0. '#llman strike was '#llman:sB
A. "ismissal of #nion workers
B. intro"#ction of scrip in part payment of wages
C. retraction of its promise to provi"e an employee ins#rance an" retirement plan
D. employment of immigrant la$or at less than a living wage
E. c#tting of wages witho#t proportionate c#ts in company ho#sing rents
37. In his Atlanta Compromise speech; Booker T. ,ashington calle" for which of the
A. African American voting rights
B. An en" to racial segregation
C. +#pport for African American self help
D. E"#cational e4#ality for African Americans
E. %acial integration of religio#s organi6ation
3/. All of the following contri$#te" to the growth of the free African American
pop#lation in the *.+ in the early nineteenth cent#ry EACE'TB
A. the gra"#al emancipation laws of in"ivi"#al states
B. man#mission grante" for the %evol#tionary ,ar service
C. man#mission grante" $y slavehol"er:s wills
D. nat#ral increase among free African Americans
E. fe"eral constit#tional provisions for emancipation
3(. In the 10&1:s the movement le" $y Dr. 9rancis Townsen" contri$#te" to congressional
approval of a law
A. ins#ring the $ank "eposits of cons#mers
B. sec#ring fe"eral protection of la$or #nion organi6ers
C. provi"ing larger fe"eral s#$si"ies to farmers
D. implementing a fe"eral program of ol" age $enefits
E. protecting ethnic minorities from "iscrimination
30. ,hich of the following civil rights gro#ps is NCT correctly match with one of its
lea"ing fig#res2
A. +o#thern Christian )ea"ership ConferenceIMarc#s <arvey
B. Black 'anthersI-#ey Newton
C. National Association for the A"vancement of Colore" 'eopleI%oy ,ilkins
D. Black M#slimsIMalcolm A
E. +t#"ent Nonviolent Coor"inating CommitteeI+tokely Carmichael
71. ,hich of the following is tr#e of the <#lf of Tokin %esol#tion2
A. It en"e" the Fietnam ,ar
B. It $arely passe" in Congress; reflecting the $itter "ivision over American
involvement in Fietnam
C. It was a statement of American policy that followe" the Tet offensive.
D. It allowe" the 'resi"ent to "eploy com$at troops in +o#th Fietnam
E. It provi"e" for the first peace negotiations $etween the *nite" +tates an" North
71. The Compromise of 1(31 "i" which of the following2
A. A"mitte" Te8as to the *nion as a +lave state
B. A"mitte" California to the *nion #n"er the principles of pop#lar sovereignty
C. 'rohi$ite" slavery in the District of Col#m$ia
D. Enacte" a stringent f#gitive slave law
E. A"5#ste" the Te8asDMe8ico $o#n"ary
7. Cne means $y which 'resi"ent -oover attempte" to fight the <reat Depression was
A. the esta$lishment of the TFA
B. the esta$lishment of the %econstr#ction 9inance Corporation
C. a lowering of $arriers to free tra"e
D. the early payment of $on#ses to veterans
E. "irect government ai" to the nee"y
7&. The principal reason for the formation of the Di8iecrat party in 10.( was the
opposition of "issi"ent Democrats to 'resi"ent Tr#man:s
A. esta$lishment of the CIA
B. removal of <eneral MacArth#r from his military comman"
C. s#pport for the TaftD-artley Act
D. proposal for civil rights legislation
E. call for an investigation of the loyalty of all fe"eral employees
7.. Thro#gho#t the first half of the nineteenth cent#ry; women reformers were most
active in the ca#se of
A. temperance
B. woman s#ffrage
C. pacifism
D. immigrants: rights
E. workers: rights
73. ,hich of the following was tr#e of most '#ritans who emigrate" to seventeenthD
cent#ry New Englan"2
A. They ha" reno#nce" the Ch#rch of Englan"
B. They re5ecte" the a#thority of the English king
C. They consi"ere" themselves nonD+eparatists
D. They approve" the Crown:s religio#s policy
E. They inten"e" to ret#rn event#ally to Englan"
The Rise and Fall of Man
'rimate Nean"erthal +ocrates ,.! Bryan
77. The cartoon a$ove was inten"e" primarily as a satirical comment on
A. +ocial Darwinism
B. The =l# =l#8 =lan
C. The election of 1(07
D. The +copes trial
E. )ochner v. New Jork
7/. The 9e"eralist papers challenge" the conventional political wis"om of the eighteenth
cent#ry when they asserte" that
A. a rep#$lican form of government co#l" s#ccee" only in small co#ntries
B. limitations on the pop#lar will le" to tyranny
C. a week central government was the only g#arantee of in"ivi"#al rights
D. a large rep#$lic offere" the $est protection of minority rights
E. political parties were cr#cial to the s#ccess of the new government
7(. ,ilson:s 1. points incorporate" all of the following EACE'TB
A. open "iplomacy
B. free"om of the seas
C. recognition of Allie" economic an" territorial agreements ma"e "#ring the war
D. creation of an international organi6ation to preserve the peace an" sec#rity of its
E. national selfD"etermination
70. The first massive migration of Black Americans from the +o#th occ#rre" "#ring
which of the following perio"s2
A. imme"iately following the Civil ,ar
B. "#ring an" imme"iately after the 9irst ,orl" ,ar
C. D#ring the <reat Depression
D. In the "eca"e after ,,II
E. D#ring the civil rights movement of the 1071:s
/1. In the last 4#arter of the nineteenth cent#ry; American agric#lt#re was characteri6e"
A. a "ecline in the n#m$er of tenant farmers
B. a "ecline in foreclos#res on Mi"western farms
C. a "ecline in the n#m$er of farm cooperatives
D. an increase in wholesale prices for farm pro"#cts
E. an increase in acres #n"er c#ltivation
/1. ,hich of the following statements a$o#t Africans $ro#ght as slaves to the British
North American colonies is tr#e2
A. They were the primary la$or so#rce for plantations in the Chesapeake $y 17&1
B. They ha" a m#ch lower life e8pectancy in the Chesapeake than in +o#th Carolina
or the ,est In"ies
C. They greatly o#tn#m$ere" E#ropeans in every colony so#th of the Ma8onDDi8on
line $y 1//7
D. They maintaine" c#lt#ral practices $ro#ght from Africa
E. They were the primary so#rce of la$or in 'enn #ntil 1/1
/. 'rogressive reformers re5ecte" +ocial Darwinism $eca#se they $elieve" that
A. all races were e4#al in a$ility
B. personal "evelopment was infl#ence" solely $y here"itary factors
C. conflict an" competition "i" not necessarily improve society
D. science ha" no role in society
E. society was fi8e" $y the laws of nat#re an" incapa$le of significant change
/&. 'ickney:s Treaty with +pain is consi"ere" a "iplomatic highlight of ,ashington:s
a"ministration $eca#se it
A. allowe" the *.+ to #se the port of New Crleans
B. ce"e" 9lori"a to the *.+
C. invite" Americans to settle in Te8as
D. opene" +panish Cari$$ean ports to American tra"e
E. with"rew +pain:s military forces from the Cari$$ean
/.. Ma5or "omestic "evelopments in the *.+ "#ring 'resi"ent Eisenhower:s two terms
incl#"e all of the following EACE'TB
A. a rise in the gross national pro"#ct
B. the "ismantling of New Deal welfare programs
C. the peaking of the post war $a$y $oom
D. the e8o"#s of Black families from the r#ral so#th
E. the $eginning of constr#ction of interstate highway system
/3. The imme"iate effect of An"rew !ackson:s attack on the +econ" Bank of the *.+ in
1(&. was
A. the creation of the >in"epen"ent treas#ry?
B. an e8pansion of cre"it an" spec#lation
C. the fail#re of state $anks
D. the esta$lishment of mo"ern $anking reg#lations
E. the creation of a fe"eral "eficit
/7. The primary p#rpose of the 'roclamation of 1/7& was to
A. enco#rage westwar" e8pansion
B. avoi" conflict with the transDAppalachian In"ians
C. gain m#ch nee"e" reven#e
D. "rive o#t 9rench colonists
E. provi"e a haven for Catholics
//. By the 1/31:s; the British colonies on the North American mainlan" were
characteri6e" $y all of the following EACE'TB
A. "is"ain for British constit#tional monarchy
B. many religio#s "enominations
C. a society witho#t a here"itary aristocracy
D. a growing n#m$er of non English settlers
E. acceptance of slavery as a la$or system
/(. )et +o#thern oppressors trem$leII shall stren#o#sly conten" for imme"iate
enfranchisementII will $e as harsh as tr#th an" as #ncompromising as 5#stice

The a#thor of this 4#ote a$ove was
A. !ohn C. Calho#n
B. +tephen A. Do#glas
C. -enry Clay
D. A$raham )incoln
E. ,illiam ). <arrison
/0. All of the following have $een cite" as reasons for the "ropping of the atomic $om$
on !apan in 10.3 EACE'T the nee" to
A. $lock a planne" !apanese invasion of the *.+
B. keep the +oviet *nion o#t of the war against !apan
C. save American lives
D. "emonstrate American s#periority in weaponry to the +oviet *nion
E. force the #ncon"itional s#rren"er of !apan
(1. Infl#ential critics of the 1031:s; s#ch as Davi" %iesman; were most concerne" with
which of the following aspects of life in the *.+ following ,,II2
A. Alienation an" conformity in mo"ern society
B. +chooling for the $a$y $oomers
C. The economic responsi$ilities of $eing a worl" power
D. The threat to the nation from comm#nist s#$version
E. The sprea" of political corr#ptions

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