Merged - Document Problems 1-7

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Homework #1, assigned 4/05/13, due 04/12/13
Problem 1
A gas may be considered rareed (it cannot be studied using the continuum hypothesis)
if it contains less than 10
molecules per cubic millimeter. Remembering that Avagadros
number tells you that a gas contains 6.02310
molecules per mole, how low would the
pressure need to be such that air can be considered rareed at a temperature of 18

Problem 2
Measurements of temperature and pressure in the Martian atmosphere show that T = 50

and P = 900 Pa. Calculate:
The density under those conditions assuming the value of the gas constant, R
, on
Mars can be approximated with that of CO
The the density of the air on Earth under the same pressure and temperature.
The density of the CO
under terrestrial conditions, T = 18

C and
P = 101.6 kPa.
Problem 3
A rigid tank contains helium gas at 600 kPa absolute pressure and 20

C. What is the change

in pressure if the temperature is increased to 40

Problem 4
A 25 mm diameter shaft is pulled through a cylindrical bearing as shown in the gure below.
A lubricant with a kinematic viscosity of 810
/s and density of 910 kg/m
lls the
0.3 mm gap between the shaft and the bearing. Determine the force, P, required to pull the
shaft at a constant velocity of 3 m/s. Assume that the velocity inside the gap varies linearly
between the shaft and the stationary bearing casing.
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Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Fluid Mechanics Homework #1. Assigned 4/1/11, due 4/8/11
Problem 1
A gas may be considered rareed, that is, it can not be studied with theories based on the con-
tinuum assumption, if it contains less than 10
molecules per cubic millimeter. Remembering
that Avogadros number tells you that a gas contains 6.023 10
molecules per mole, how low
would pressure need to be so that air can be considered rareed at a temperature of 18

Problem 2
Measurements of temperature and pressure in Mars atmosphere show values of T = 50

and P = 900 Pa.
(a) The density under those conditions assuming the value of the gas constant, R
, in
Mars atmosphere can be approximated by the value of CO
(b) The value of the density on Earth under the same conditions, and under more typical
conditions on Earths surface T = 18

C and P = 101.6 kPa

Problem 3
A rigid tank contains air at 600 kPa absolute pressure and 18

C. What is the change in

pressure if the temperature is increased to 40

Problem 4
A 25 mm diameter shaft is pulled through a cylindrical bearing as shown in gure . A lubricant
with kinematic viscosity equal to 8 10
/s and specic gravity 0.91lls the 0.3 mm gap
between the shaft and the bearing. Determine the force, P, required to pull the shaft at
a velocity of 3 m/s. Assume that the velocity inside the gap varies linearly between the
moving shaft and the stationary bearing casing, and that the shear stress is proportional to the
lubricants dynamic viscosity and the slope of the velocity prole: =
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #2, assigned 4/12/13, due 04/19/13
Problem 1
The basic elements of a hydraulic press are shown in the gure. The plunger has an area
of 0.0012 m
, and a force F
can be applied to the plunger through a lever mechanism that
multiples the force by a factor of 4. If the large piston has an area of 0.2 m
, what load, F
can be raised by a force of 1000 N applied to the lever?
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #2, assigned 4/06/12, due 04/13/12
Problem 1
A 0.3 m diameter pipe is connected to another pipe, the second one with
a 0.02 m diameter, and both of them are rigidly held in place. Both
pipes are horizontal with pistons at each end. If the space between the
pistons is lled with water, what force will have to be applied to the
larger piston to balance a force of 80 N applied to the smaller piston.
Problem 2
The basic elements of a hydraulic press are shown in the gure. The
plunger has an area of 0.0012 m
, and a force F
can be applied to the
plunger through a lever mechanism that multiples the force by a factor
of 4. If the large piston has an area of 0.2 m
, what load, F
, can be
raised by a force of 1000 N applied to the lever?




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Problem 2
A cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends contains a volatile liquid and its vapor (see gure
at the top of the next page). The liquid density is 800 kg/m
, and its vapor density is
negligible. The pressure in the vapor is 120 kPa and the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa.
the gage pressure reading on the pressure gage
the height h of the mercury manometer

4. Problem 2.46

5. Problem 2.61

Problem 3
A 1 m wide, 3 m long rectangular gate weighs 5.0 kN. It is held in place by a horizontal
exible cable, as shown in the gure. Water exerts pressure on the gate, which is hinged at
point A. Determine the tension in the cable and the reaction force at the hinge.
Problem 4
A homogeneous 1 m wide, 3 m long rectangular gate weighs 500 kg. It is
held in place by a horizontal exible cable, as shown in the gure. Water
exerts pressure on the gate, which is hinged at point A. Determine the
tension in the cable.



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Problem 5
A vertical wall separates seawater from freshwater. If the seawater
stands at a depth of 7 m, what depth of freshwater is required to give
a zero resultant force on the wall? When the resultant force is zero will
the moment due to the uid forces be zero? Describe your reasoning.

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Problem 4
The Ballard Locks, or Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, raises or lowers boats between between
Lake Union and Puget Sound. A top view of the locks is diagramed in the gure below. The
width across the locks is 24 m, and the angle between the gate and the lock wall, , is 15

The water depth on the Lake Union side is 16.7 m and the water depth on the Puget Sound
side is 8.8 m. Calculate:
Force exerted by the water on a single gate
Contact force between the two gates
Reaction force at hinges
Problem 5
A rectangular gate, 8 meters in height and 3 meters in width (into the paper) is located and
the end of a rectangular passage that is connected to a large open tank lled with water.
The gate is hinged at its bottom and held close by a horizontal force F
applied at the center
of the gate, as shown in the gure. The maximum value for F
is 3500 kN.
Determine the maximum value of the depth, h, above the center of the gate, before
the gate starts to open
Would the value be the same if the gate was hinged at the top? Show the calculations
and explain physically what the result means.
Problem 6
The U tube in the gure is partially lled with water and rotates around its axis of symmetry,
a-a. Determine the angular velocity that will cause the water to start vaporizing at the
bottom of the tube, point A.
Problem 6
A rectangular gate, 8 meters in height and 3 meters in width (into the
paper) is located and the end of a rectangular passage that is connected
to a large open tank lled with water. The gate is hinged at its bottom
and held close by a horizontal force F
applied at the center of the
gate, as shown in the gure. The maximum value for F
is 3500 kN.
Determine the maximum value of the depth, h, above the center
of the gate, before the gate starts to open
Would the value be the same if the gate was hinged at the top?
Show the calculations and explain physically what the result means.
Problem 7
The U tube in the gure is partially lled with water and rotates around
its axis of symmetry, a-a. Determine the angular velocity that will cause
the water to start vaporizing at the bottom of the tube, point A.

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Problem 7
A barge has a trapezoidal shape and is 22 m long into the paper. If the total weight of the
barge and cargo is 300 tons, what is the draft, H, of the barge in seawater.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #3, assigned 4/19/13, due 04/26/13
Problem 1
Air at atmospheric conditions is drawn into a compressor at a steady rate of 15.0 ft
The compression ratio is P
= 10, and the evolution of the gas can be assumed to be
isentropic P/

= constant, where is the ratio of specic heats for the gas and is equal
to 1.4. Note that the isentropic assumption gives the best possible theoretical performance
of the compressor. If the design criteria is that the velocity at the outlet does not exceed
70 ft/s, what is the minimum diameter for the round pipe at the outlet?
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Fluid Mechanics Homework #3. Assigned 4/15/11, due 4/22/11
Problem 1
Air at atmospheric conditions is drawn into a compressor at a steady rate of 0.5 m
/s. The
compression ratio is P
= 10, and the evolution of the gas can be assumed, as a rst order
approximation, to be isentropic P/

= constant, where is the ratio of specic heats for the

gas and is equal to 1.4). If the design criteria is that the velocity at the outlet does not exceed
30 m/s, what is the minimum diameter for the round pipe at the outlet?

Problem 2
Calculate the force necessary to hold the plug in place at the exit where there is a ow rate of
0.1 m
/s of oil coming out of 0.5 m diameter pipe. The pressure dierence between the inside
of the pipe and the outside is 5 MPa.

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Problem 2
When a 2-D liquid jet hits an inclined at jet, it splits into two streams with equal speed
but uneven thickness. Assuming the shear stresses on the plate is negligible, calculate the
resulting thicknesses, h
and h
, as a function of the plate angle, . Also calculate the force
on the plate necessary to keep it in place.
Problem 3
When a liquid jet hits an inclined at jet, it splits into two streams with equal speed but
uneven thickness. Assuming the shear stresses on the plate is negligible, calculate the resulting
thicknesses, h
and h
, as a function of the plate angle, . Comment on the limiting cases
= 0
and = 90
. Calculate the force on the plate necessary to keep it in place.

Problem 4
To evaluate the terminal velocity of a water droplet in air )the velocity at which it falls under
gravity in steady state), we measure the air velocity behind a droplet as it falls in a wind
tunnel. This velocity if well approximated by the expression: V [1 (r/H)
, where r is the
distance from the droplets center of mass trajectory (axis of symmetry) and H and V are
known values.
Calculate the terminal velocity of the droplet and the drag that the air exerts on it.
Note: Its helpful to study the problem relative to a reference frame xed to the droplet. In this
reference frame, the problem, and the appropriate control volume, can be sketched as follows:
Problem 3
A 10 mm diameter jet of water is deected by a homogeneous rectangular block (15 mm x
200 mm x 100 mm) that weighs 6 N. Determine the minimum volume ow rate needed to
tip the block. Neglect any splashback and neglect shear forces on the surface of the block.
Problem 2
When a liquid jet hits an inclined at jet, it splits into two streams
with equal speed but uneven thickness. Assuming the shear stresses on
the plate is negligible, calculate the resulting thicknesses, h
and h
, as
a function of the plate angle, . Comment on the limiting cases = 0

and = 90

. Calculate the force on the plate necessary to keep it in

Problem 3
When a liquid jet hits an inclined at jet, it splits into two streams with equal speed but
uneven thickness. Assuming the shear stresses on the plate is negligible, calculate the resulting
thicknesses, h
and h
, as a function of the plate angle, . Comment on the limiting cases
= 0
and = 90
. Calculate the force on the plate necessary to keep it in place.

Problem 4
To evaluate the terminal velocity of a water droplet in air )the velocity at which it falls under
gravity in steady state), we measure the air velocity behind a droplet as it falls in a wind
tunnel. This velocity if well approximated by the expression: V [1 (r/H)
, where r is the
distance from the droplets center of mass trajectory (axis of symmetry) and H and V are
known values.
Calculate the terminal velocity of the droplet and the drag that the air exerts on it.
Note: Its helpful to study the problem relative to a reference frame xed to the droplet. In this
reference frame, the problem, and the appropriate control volume, can be sketched as follows:
Problem 3
A 10 mm diameter jet of water is deected by a homogeneous rectan-
gular block (15 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm) that weighs 6 N. Determine
the minimum volume ow rate needed to tip the block.

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Problem 4
Water ows through a 90

pipe bend. The pipe cross section is constant 0.10 ft

. The ow
rate through the pipe is a constant 280 gpm (US gallons per minute). The pressure at the
top and left side are 24 psi and 26 psi (absolute), respectively. The total volume inside the
bend is 2 ft
. Calculate the net force,

R, required to hold the pipe bend in place.
Problem 5
You are conducting a wind tunnel test to measure the aerodynamic drag (air resistance)
over a cylinder. Apply the momentum principle for a control volume to relate the drag
force per unit width, w, in terms of the upstream and downstream velocities and pressures.
The upstream velocity is a 15.6 m/s. The downstream horizontal velocity measurements are
shown in the table below. Upstream pressure is 133.5 Pa (gage) and downstream pressure is
0.0 Pa (gage). The diameter of the cylinder is 100 mm. Total wind tunnel height is 240 mm.
Neglect any forces on the wind tunnel walls. The horizontal velocity prole is symmetric
about the y axis.
Table 1: Wind Tunnel Velocity Prole
Vertical Position (mm) Horizontal Velocity (m/s)
0 5.0
10 5.8
20 7.0
30 9.2
40 12.1
50 15.2
60 18.0
70 20.2
80 21.4
90 22.4
100 23.0
110 23.6
120 23.9
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #4, assigned 4/26/13, due 5/03/13
Problem 1
A rocket is held xed on a test stand by a horizontal force, F. The rocket is powered by
liquid oxygen reacting with a liquid fuel. The absolute pressure of the exhaust gas, p
not necessarily atmospheric. The exhaust gas can be treated as air and an ideal gas. Also
assume that the rocket is to be launched for peaceful purposes.
Assuming that the pressure, area, velocity, and density of the exit, p
, A
, V
, and
the fuel and oxygen ow rates are known, show that the horizontal force is equal to
Given that m
= 1.45 kg/s, m
= 7.25 kg/s, p
= 90 kPa, A
= .015 m
, T
= 860 K
calculate the speed of the exhaust gas, V
, and the force, F.
Calculate the rate of energy added by the incoming fuel and oxidizer assuming an
adiabatic system. Hint: calculate the rate of enery ux from the exiting exhaust gases.
Problem 2
Consider ow through a pipe of radius R. The axial, or z, velocity does not vary along the
length of the pipe. The axial pipe velocity does vary across the pipe radius according the
the relation:
v(r) = V


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First, calculate the volumetric ow rate of the pipe through section 1 in terms of the radius,
R, and max velocity. Second, use the integral form of conservation of momentum to relate
the change in pressure, P
, to the in terms of the shear stress on the pipe wall. Is the
change in pressure, P
, greater than, equal to, or less than zero? Third, write the wall
shear stress in terms of the ow rate and and therefore relate the ow rate to the change in
pressure. Recall that the axial component of the shear stress is
Problem 3
Air is blown over a computer processing chip for thermal management. The velocity, tem-
perature, and width of the incoming air stream is known; V
= 10 m/s, T
= 15

C, H
10 cm. The temperature and velocity of the exiting air stream are also known; V
= 10 m/s,
= 75

C. Do not assume that the air is incompressible. The system is at a steady state
and can be treated as 2D. Calculate:
The width of the air ow leaving the control volume, H
The total rate of heat transfer from the processor to the air,

Problem 4
Water is supplied at 150 ft
/s and 60 psi (absolute) to a hydraulic turbine through a 3 ft
diameter pipe. The turbine discharge pipe has a 4 ft diameter, and the water pressure at
the discharge is 10 psi (absolute). If the turbine develops 2500 hp, determine the turbines
eciency. Hint: calculate the maximum possible work that could be extracted if the ow
was isentropic and adiabatic.
Problem 5
Air at 20

C and atmospheric pressure enters a compressor with an inlet diameter of 12 cm

at 75 m/s and leaves at an absolute pressure and temperature of 200 kPa and 345 K,
respectively, into a pipe of diameter of 8 cm. Cooling water around the compressor removes
18 kW of heat. Determine the power required by the compressor. Also determine the
eciency of the compressor.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #5, assigned 5/03/13, due 5/10/13
Problem 1
A velocity eld for a particular ow under consideration is found to be given by:
v = Ay +Ax
where A is a positive constant. Find:
What are the dimensions of A?
Calculate the individual components of the acceleration eld.
Find the equation for the streamline passing through a xed point (x
, y
Assume that, in SI units, A=2.0 and make a contour plot of the streamlines on the
range -2.0< x <2.0 and -2.0< y <2.0. Make sure to plot the direction of the ow along
the streamlines.
Describe in words the nature of the ow eld.
Problem 2
Reconsider Couette ow between two parallel plates as derived in class, but with the top
plate moving with a known velocity +V
and the bottom plate is moving with a known
velocity of V
. Derive the velocity eld in the uid layer. Calculate the shear stress vector
that the uid exerts onto the plate. Assume steady ow, incompressible, 2D, fully developed,
no pressure gradient in the x direction. Fluid density and viscosity are also known.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #6, assigned 5/10/13, due 5/17/13
Problem 1
Consider a thin layer of water owing down an inclined plane. Assume that the ow is
steady, incompressible, fully developed, and 2D. Calculate:
The velocity distribution within the water in terms of the knowns of the problem
A simple sketch of the velocity distribution
The volume ow rate of liquid down the slope
The shear stress from the water onto the plane
The maximum speed of the water given that the angle is 30

and the height is 1 mm

Problem 2
Consider two uids of known density and viscosity in a channel which is subjected to a
constant pressure gradient in the x direction. Calculate the velocity prole in both liquids.
Assume steady, incompressible, fully developed and 2D ow.
Problem 3
A steady ow velocity eld is given by v = 2xy + (x
) . Let the density be constant
and neglect gravity. If the ow is inviscid, nd the pressure, p(x, y), if the pressure at x=0
y=0 is p
Problem 4
A siphon draws water from a larger container. Assuming inviscid ow, derive an expression
for the ow rate through the tube as a function of h. What is the maximum possible value
of h that can occur before the uid begins to cavitate? In the case where the water is at

C, H = 3 ft, D = 1 in, what is h?

Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Homework #7, assigned 5/17/13, due 5/24/13
Problem 1
Flow leaves a water reservoir from a pipe that is at a depth h
. The diameter of the pipe
changes from D
to D
= 0.75 D
and then to D
= 2 D
. The velocity at the end of the
pipe, V
, is known. Assuming the Bernouilli equation is applicable, calculate the pressures
and velocities at points 1, 2, and 3. Take h
=10 m, h
=2 m, h
=13 m, D
=10 cm, V
=3 m/s.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME333 Fluid Mechanics Homework #7. Assigned 5/11/12, due 5/18/12
Problem 1
Flow comes out of a water reservoir from a pipe that is at a depth h
below the free surface. The
diameter of the pipe changes from D
to D
= 0.75D
, and then to D
= 2D
. This happens
while the pipes change height to h
and h
. The velocity at the end of the pipe, V
= 3 m/s.
Assuming that Bernouilli is applicable in the pipes, calculate what are the pressures and
velocities at 1, 2 and 3.
Take h
= 10 m, h
= 2 m, h
= 13 m, and D
= 0.1 m.


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Problem 2
A closed cylindrical tank lled with water is emptied by a vertical pipe with a known length,
, and diameter, d
. Since the tank is closed, the pressure inside is equal to the vapor
pressure of water at 20C

. Assuming the draining is slow enough such that the Bernoulli

equation is applicable, derive an expression in symbolic form for the rate-of-change of the
height of water inside the reservoir, h
, in terms of the other knowns in the problem.
Integrate your expression to obtain h
as a function of time, given that h
at time t=0 is
known, say h
. If D
=10 m, h
=10 m, d
=0.1 m, h
=8 m, H
=10 m, how long does
it take for the tank to drain?

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Problem 3
Wind tunnel tests are to be conducted to to evaluate the design of a new wind turbine. The
power output of the turbine, P, should depend on the local wind speed, U, air density and
viscosity, and , turbine blade length, , and blade rotation rate , i.e.,
P = f (U, , , , )
How many dimensionless parameters do you expect for this problem? What are the dimen-
sionless parameters for this problem?
The actual prototype will have a blade length of 50 m rotating at a rate of 0.1 rev/s
operating in air at standard conditions with a speed of 10 m/s. A scaled model being
prepared for wind tunnel tests has a blade length of 0.5 m. Assuming the air in the wind
tunnel is also at standard conditions and the wind tunnel air speed is 2 m/s, what should be
the rotation rate of the model turbine in order to obtain dynamic similarity? If the power
measured by the model is 4.0 W, what would be the expected power output for the actual
Problem 4
A centrifugal pump increases the pressure, i.e. P = P
, of an incompressible
uid with a owrate Q, viscosity , and density . The impeller blades of the pump have
some diameter D with a rotation rate and require some input work

W. The functional
dependence of the ow rate is given as
Q = f (P,

W, , D, , ).
Use dimensional analysis to evaluate the dependency of Q in terms of non-dimensional
Problem 3
Use dimensional analysis to estimate what does the drag on a submarine depend on.

How do you think the problem simplies when the depth at which the submarine is traveling
is much larger than the submarines characteristic length?
Problem 4
A centrifugal pump uses electricity to move a set of blades that push a liquid ow rate Q from
the inlet at a pressure P
to the outlet at a pressure P
. The rotor (set of moving blades) moves
at an angular speed . Use dimensional analysis to evaluate the dependency of Q in terms of
non dimensional groups.


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