SPE Strategic Plan 2013-2017: Approved by The Spe Board of Directors

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SPE Strategic Plan



MARCH 2013

SPE Strategic Plan 2 March 2013

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Strategic Framework ................................................................................................................................. 5

Strategic Priorities ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Appendix A: Strategic Planning Steering Committee ..................................................................... 10

SPE Strategic Plan 3 March 2013
Since its inception 55 years ago, the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) has remained constant
in its mission to collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge and to provide
opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence. SPE is
increasingly aware of the impact a changing environment and global influences may have on its
ability to be effective in serving an increasingly diverse membership in a highly complex

By all objective measures, SPE is a highly successful organization. SPE has seen dramatic
growth in membership globally (Fig. 1) and in the number of meetings offered (Fig. 2) to serve
these members. At the same time, SPE has added new programs, expanded the reach of its
programs and services, opened new offices to serve its global membership, and worked with
other organizations to create greater value for members and the industry as a whole.

Throughout this period of strong growth, SPE has strived to operate in a manner consistent
with a set of One SPE Guiding Principles adopted by the Board in September 2001:
The Society of Petroleum Engineers is a diverse community of professionals that
provides valuable knowledge and services to those professionals and to the industry in
varied forms.
The concept of One SPE reflects the goal that each function and activity of the Society
should serve the broader membership while addressing local needs, supporting
technical and professional excellence, and making wise use of Society resources.
The voluntary donation of time and talent by SPE members is our most vital asset and
the creative energy of volunteers must be encouraged and supported by the Society.

Figure 1
Growth in SPE Membership
Professional Members Student Members
Figure 2
Number of Meetings
Conferences, Exhibitions, Workshops and Forums
SPE Strategic Plan 4 March 2013
Threats to SPE Success
While SPE has achieved great success, several factors could affect SPEs ability to sustain this

Oil and gas price volatility. The price of oil and gas are key external factors that can
affect support for SPE activities, including meeting attendance, membership, and
participation in other programs. While SPE cannot affect the price of oil and gas, it can
develop contingency plans for how to adapt the business to a sharp and sustained
decline in prices.
Technical quality within SPE programs. Rapid growth in SPE programs has led to
concern that the quality of programming could be impacted. To sustain its success, SPE
must ensure that technical quality is not compromised.
Volunteerism. The changing demographics of SPEs membership mean that more
members come from areas that lack a tradition of volunteerism. Coupled with the
pending retirement of many of SPEs long-time active volunteers, SPE could face a
significant challenge to following its traditional volunteer-driven path to programming.
At the same time that SPE pursues its strategic priorities, it must consider ways to manage or
mitigate the potential impact of these threats to its business.
Developing a New Strategic Plan
SPE leaders determined it was time to reassess and either confirm or recalibrate its direction
and core strategies to ensure SPEs continued long-term success. In June 2012, SPE launched a
strategic planning process to look at the direction the industry is moving and to develop a new
SPE Strategic Framework for the next 5 years. The initiative, led by Ganesh Thakur, SPE
President, Mark Rubin, SPE Executive Director, and a Steering Committee comprised of five
board members (identified in Appendix A), was organized in three phases:

Phase I was to gather data and best thinking from multiple sources both within and
outside the organization: leaders in the field, SPE members, SPE Board Members, and
SPE staff. The data collection findings were comprised of 85 responses to a strategic
planning survey, 13 one-on-one interviews with industry leaders, and a July senior staff
leadership team workshop.
Phase II of the process was a 1-day facilitated Strategic Planning Workshop for the SPE
Board of Directors and the SPE staff who work with Board Committees.
Phase III engaged the Steering Committee and SPE staff leadership team in coalescing
and advancing the workshop discussions and creating a high level 5-year Strategic Plan
to guide SPE decision-making and priority-setting through 2017.

This process led to the identification of four key strategic priorities. SPEs Board Committees
and work groups will examine these priorities and develop specific initiatives to address them
over the next five years. SPE should also evaluate whether it has the appropriate infrastructure
(governance and staff) to ensure its long-term success.

SPE Strategic Plan 5 March 2013
SPE Strategic Framework 2013-2017

To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical
knowledge concerning the exploration, development
and production of oil and gas resources, and related
technologies for the public benefit; and to provide
opportunities for professionals to enhance their
technical and professional competence.
Enable the global oil and gas E&P industry to share
technical knowledge needed to meet the worlds
energy needs in a safe and environmentally
responsible manner
Capability development (to support industry in
dealing with the big crew change)
Knowledge transfer
Promoting professionalism and social responsibility
Public education about petroleum engineering
profession and industry issues
SPE Strategic Plan 6 March 2013
SPE identified four key areas of focus to advance the Society over the next five years.

1. Capability development (to support industry in dealing with the big crew
Areas of challenge or opportunity associated with this strategic priority that SPE may
choose to address include:
Accelerate competency development. Those coming into the industry will have to
gain skills and be prepared to take on responsibility quickly as retirements
accelerate. New professionals will need mentoring, training and other resources to
fill the gaps in their knowledge. While technical skills are crucial, the full skill set
required for success must be addressed through a combination of technology and
soft skills training to accelerate competency.
Support faculty development and retention. Universities struggle to recruit,
develop, and retain faculty due to the numerous opportunities available in the
private sector. This has created a zero sum game where universities recruit faculty
from each other without increasing the total pool of educators. Universities face a
crew change of their own, which will exacerbate the staffing challenge.
Fill faculty gap with experienced professionals. The number of future industry
professionals is limited by the availability of faculty. There may be several ways to
address this, including the creation of opportunities for qualified industry
professionals to teach in universities. This could be something that companies
would support for their technical leaders and might also be attractive to experienced
professionals transitioning to retirement. Universities would need ways to identify
those who will make good educators.
Facilitate lifecycle learning strategies (for any career stage). For professional
development and advancement, individuals at all stages of their career have a need
to master new areas of expertise, equip themselves for new responsibilities and keep
their technical knowledge current.
Assess competency. Both companies and individuals need measures for competency
ways to demonstrate that certain skills have been acquired and can be put to use.
Availability of competency assessment tools could encourage members to train
themselves in new areas, and be used to demonstrate to prospective employers that
they are ready for a particular assignment. Within companies, assessment methods
are necessary to measure whether competency development has been successfully
accelerated. An additional benefit could be to communicate to the public that
engineers have demonstrated certain levels of professional competence.

SPE Strategic Plan 7 March 2013
2. Knowledge transfer
This priority offers many opportunities, along with some challenges, that SPE may be
able to address:
Maintain and enhance technical quality within SPE programs. With the rapid
growth in SPE meetings and other programs, questions have been raised whether
that growth may have negatively affected the timing of knowledge delivery to
members, quality of papers, and other program elements. Ensuring that the
technical content offered through its programs remains of the highest quality is
crucial to SPEs success.
Address volunteerism issues. SPE relies heavily on member volunteers for its
programs, and especially to provide technical expertise. Volunteerism is not
common in many areas outside the US and Western Europe. As membership from
these areas grow, SPE will be challenged to apply its traditional model successfully.
SPE must explore ways to make volunteering for SPE programs more efficient,
effective and attractive to SPE members.
Make knowledge available on-demand and in user friendly ways. Technology has
enhanced member expectations for the delivery of technical knowledge when,
where, and in the format needed. Offerings must be easy to use and provide the
features members expect.
Address language issues. While English remains the language of the oil and gas
industry, SPE has growing membership with limited English skills. Determining to
what extent translation is appropriate or needed and how to fill any gaps will be an
important aspect of serving these members and growing membership in certain
Take full advantage of communications technologies. New technologies open the
possibility for new types of events, new methods of content delivery, and new ways
for members to network and communicate. For continued success, SPE must explore
the potential of these technologies and deploy those that enhance the value of what
is offered or support volunteer participation in SPE activities.
Enable identification and closure of technology gaps. As R&D has become more
dispersed across the industry, it can be challenging to know whether technical gaps
are being addressed. Better means for identifying the technical capabilities required
to enable development of world oil and gas resources are needed. SPE may be in a
unique position to facilitate discussions and exchange of information around gaps in
existing technologies and whether other industries may have applicable technologies
that could be deployed.
Complete and promote use of PetroWiki. PetroWiki has the potential to become an
invaluable technical resource for industry through member contributions. It will
serve as a vehicle for both capturing and sharing the technical knowledge of SPEs
members. Making PetroWiki content available publicly increases transparency and
supports SPEs image as an independent technical resource.
Serve as a curator of content. The volume of information available continues to
increase and can be overwhelming. Sorting through vast quantities of content and
SPE Strategic Plan 8 March 2013
identifying the material of greatest value or relevance for members will enhance SPE
Determine future of peer reviewed journals. The value of peer-reviewed content is
clear and peer-reviewed journals are crucial to the academic community. Yet, like
many publishers, SPE has seen declining subscriptions to its journals. Submissions
for peer review have declined as industry is busier and oil companies have reduced
the amount of research they perform. Reconciling these trends is important to
supporting industry academics who educate future engineers.
Facilitate mentoring. The retirement of experienced professionals disrupts the
informal mentoring that occurs on the job with new engineers. The knowledge
transferred in these interactions covers both technical and corporate skills. As
retirements increase, filling the mentoring gap may provide opportunities for SPE to
address this need.

3. Promoting professionalism and social responsibility
Several opportunities that SPE should consider in this area are:
Emphasize SPE professional code of conduct. There is a growing trend for
government organizations to require that professional engineers be part of an
organization that emphasizes accountability for professionalism (as an alternative to
the government setting up its own mechanisms). While SPE has long had a Guide
for Professional Conduct, it has not emphasized accountability, and should evaluate
to what extent that is an appropriate path forward for SPE. Developing a common
global understanding of professional behavior is another area to be addressed.
Incorporate ethics and ethics education in SPE programming. The growing interest
in ethics and need for ethics education should be addressed by SPE.
Provide certification general as well as discipline specific. As the pool of available
talent grows in non-traditional areas, companies need ways, such as certification, to
ensure that the technical training received by those individuals is sufficient to meet
their needs. Even for professionals with industry experience, knowledge that the
individual meets certain competency standards in a discipline has value to both
employers and prospective employees. Government agencies are also showing
interest in knowing that certain industry positions are filled by individuals with
demonstrated expertise, which could necessitate certifications in specific areas of
Promote safety and environmental protection as high priorities with our
membership. Over the past two decades, industry has become far more cognizant of
the far-reaching environmental and social consequences of its activities. While many
companies have very strong safety and environmental programs, several recent
incidents have reinforced public and government skepticism of industrys focus on
these issues. SPE should emphasize safety, the environment, and sustainability to
its members as a complement to current corporate efforts. Ensuring that
environmental and social responsibility are part of SPE programming may provide
opportunities to improve awareness and perception.
SPE Strategic Plan 9 March 2013
Maintain integrity and independence of SPE. As an individual membership society
that emphasizes technical knowledge, SPE is viewed as credible and independent of
corporate influence. As SPE evaluates future opportunities, it is crucial to retain
SPEs integrity and independence. Sharing this emphasis with local sections to
inform their activities is also important.

4. Public education about petroleum engineering profession and industry issues
Communicating industry activities publicly yields several challenges and opportunities
SPE may choose to address:
Attract young people to the industry. Public perception of the oil and gas industry is
poor in the US and Western Europe, increasing the challenge to attract young people
to industry careers. Enhancing energy and STEM
education in schools helps to
counter those perceptions, and there may be other ways SPE can help to make the
industry an attractive career choice.
Develop public awareness programs based on technology. The technology used by
the oil and gas industry is complex and not easily understood by the general public.
This makes public perception subject to inaccurate interpretations of technical
information. Making technical information accessible and enhancing awareness
based on that information is a possible role for SPE.
Serve as a technical authority/trusted source of unbiased information. SPE may be
able to leverage its reputation for integrity and technical excellence to provide white
papers, case studies and other factual, technical information to governmental
organizations and the public. These materials can help both industry and the public
by explaining technologies, technical issues, best practices, and challenges in
meeting the worlds energy needs.
Leverage membership to provide expertise on technical issues. As SPE works to
leverage its technical reputation to expand public information, it is important to
position SPE as an organization of technical experts. When expertise is required to
assist a government organization, or speak publically, SPE should have a process to
identify members with appropriate expertise to serve that role.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
SPE Strategic Plan 10 March 2013

SPE Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Ganesh Thakur, SPE 2012 Board President and Steering Committee Chair
Mark Rubin, SPE Executive Director
Egbert Imomoh, SPE 2013 Board President
Ken Arnold, SPE 2012 Vice President Finance
Janeen Judah, SPE 2013 Vice President Finance
Alain Labastie, SPE 2011 Board President
Jeff Spath, SPE 2014 Board President-Elect

Consultant and facilitator: Susan S. Meier, Principal, Meier and Associates

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