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A H 1 G H 1 N TER M E O 1 A T E

Reference Cuide to Reading Strategies
1 CHAPTER 1 The American Dream
PART 1 Ideas: I Have a Dream
What Is the American Dream?
An exchange of letters in a newspaper presents some questions and dllswers about what is
happening to the American Dream.
I Hear America Singing 7
TIs poem by Walt Whitman gives another viewpoint on what the American Dream is all
PART 2 Our Leaders: The Pursuit of Happiness 10
CNN Video: Independence Day 1O
TIs news report shows various ways that Americans typically celebrate Independence Day.
Declaration of Independence 11
This key document is presented in two versions-first in the original 18u, century English
and then in modem "plain English."
Second Inaugural Address of President William J. Clinton 15
In tls speech made by President Bill Clinton, he presents his version of the 20th century
American Dream.
CHAPTER 2 Money 21
PART 1 The Economy: Working to Live-Living to Work 22
Family Values and Reversed Worlds 24
An interviewer talks with a woman for whom " ... home had become work and work had
become home."
"Homeless" from Rachel and Her Children 29
In this excerpt from a book by Jonathan Kozol, a 36-year-old man describes what it's like
to be homeless in New York City.
PART 2 Money Makes the World Go Around
A Tale of Two Extremes
In tls artide, the author gives advice about how to handle money.
CNN Video: BiII Gates
This news piece on Bill Gates discusses how much he is worth and compares his wealth
to that of other rich Americans.
BiII's $50 BiI: By AII Accounts a Lot of Dough
TIs artide from The SeatUe Times describes how the rich and the not so rich spend their
vi Contents
CHAPTER 3 Traditions 45
PART 1 Winter: Home for the Holidays 46
CNN Video: Kwanzaa 46
This news clip reports on the Kwanzaa holiday. It tells how and why it began and how it is
typically celebrated.
KwanzaaHistory 47
This magazine article details the founding of the African American holiday, Kwanzaa, and
describes how it is celebrated.
The Gift of the Magi 51
This touching, classic short story shows that what's really important is not what is in the
gift box, but what is in the heart of the giver.
PART 2 Childhood: A Child at Heart 57
WesternFlyer 58
In this magazine article, the author describes his lifelong attachment to the first bicycle he
ever owned.
Barbie Stories 63
In these letters, men and women share their memories of the Barbie Dolls they had and
loved as children.
CHAPTER 4 People
PART 1 Friends: A Friend in Need
You Just Don't Understand 70
In this article, the author describes the differences between men's and women's conversa-
tional styles.
CNN Video: Robert Frosfs Farm 73
This news report provides inforrnation about Robert Frost that could offer some insight into
this great poet's work.
Mending Wall 73
This farnous poem asks readers to think about why we sometirnes build real stone walls or
syrnbolic emotional walls between ourselves and others.
PART 2 Families: Father Dearest 78
Vigilance 79
This article from TheAtlantic Monthly describes one woman's growing understanding of
why her overprotective father acts the way he does.
Daddy Weirdest 83
In this article, the author tells about her father's strange and overpowering interest in trains.
CHAPTER 5 Geography
PART 1 States of Mind
CNN Video: The Gold Rush
This news report shows' one of the places where gold was first discovered in California. It
gives an overview of the Gold Rush and talks about the current status of gold mining in the
United States.
Contents vii
Searchingfor Gold Mountain 91
This chapter from a book about the Chinese in America describes the Gold Rush in 19th
century California.
South Beach Seduction 95
This artide from The Miami Herald shows how one man's three-day vacation in Miami,
Florida tums into a two-week stay.
PART 2 Rural Areas: Farm Life
Tenant Farming: Not Really a Solution 101
This artide describes how many former slaves became tenant farmers after fue Civil War.
It also examines why the tenant farming system was ultimately ineffective.
The Ties That Bind 105
This editorial from Farm Journal magazine describes the enduring role of the woman on
the American farm.
CHAPTER 6 Language
PART 1 Body Language: The Wink of an Eye
Hand Gestures 113
This artide describes some common gestures and the meanings behind them.
ASLin America 118
The authors of this artide outline the history and importance of American Sign Language,
which is used by most deaf people in the U.S. and Canada.
PART 2 Differences: Not $0 Different After AII
Speaking Different Languages 123
This selection from the popular book, Men andfrom Mars, Women arefrom Venus, describes
why men and women sometimes have problems cornmunicating with each other.
CNN Video: African-American Language 127
This news piece looks at the language soine African Americans use and discusses whether
the public educational system should teach these African Americans using the language with
which they are most familiar.
Ebonics:A Language Debate 128
This artide discusses the controversy that arose over using African-American English as a
tool for teaching standard English in the public school system. It also takes a look at the
differences between a language and a dialecto
CHAPTER 7 Beliefs
PART 1 The Unexplained
PsychicPhenomena: Whafs Going on Here? 134
This artide discusses the history of psychic phenomena and the forms it has been practiced
in, and takes a look at fue popularity of psychic phenomena in modem day America.
Get Off Your CUSpand Live! 140
In this excerpt from Aunt Erma s Cope Book, humor writer and newspaper columnist, Erma
Bombeck, gives her own amusing interpretation of how astrology works.
vi Contents
PART2 Unidentified Flying Objects: Life Out There 144
CNN Video: SpaceInvaders? 144
This news report re-examines the "Roswell Incident" by providing some background informa-
tion and offering new perspectives as well.
Roswell,NewMexico: Home ot the Strange 145
This newspaper artide from USA Today tells why thousands of people each year flock to
Roswell in hopes of finding out more about where unidentified flying objects come from.
SETI(TheSearchtor Extraterrestriallntelligence) 149
This artide describes a government-sponsored project which is trying to locate intelligent
life elsewhere in the Universe.
CHAPTER 8 Entertainment
PART1 Music: Getting Into the Swing of It
CNN Video: World Jazz
This news report covers the International Association of Jazz Educators conference. It
describes the different activities at the conference and discusses the worldwide interest in
Old New Orleans
In this excerpt from a book by Langston Hughes, the author explores the origins of jazz,
beginning in 19th century New Orleans.
Spiritualsto Hip Hop: The Importance ot BlackMusicin America 162
This artide describes the key role played by Mrican Americans in the development of modern
American music.
PART2 Sports: It's How You Play the Game 165
An Interview with RebeccaLobo 166
In this internet interview from NBC Online, a famous women's basketball star talks about
her experiences and the future of women in professional basketball.
The DaliasCowboys:America'sTeam 171
In this artide, the author gives a brief history of one of the most powerful football teams
in the history of American professional sports.
CHAPTER 9 Technology 177
PART1 The Information Age: Too Much Information? 178
Orwell Got It Wrong 179
This magazine artide from Reader's Digest tells why the author believes that today's technol-
ogy is leading to greater personal freedom for everyone.
Return to Sender?
In this artide, two Internet experts debate the pros and cons ofusing E-mail as an advertising
PART2 Virtual Reality: Is It Live or Is It Memorex? 186
CNN Video: Skyride in NewYork 186
This humorous dip shows what it is like to be a passenger on the virtual ride, Skyride,
located in the Empire State Building. It describes some of the images that passengers see
and gives their reactions to the experience.
Contents ix
Virtual Surgery 187
This article describes the increasing use of computers in delicate medical procedures.
Would Vou Like Nachosor the Internet? 191
In this article from TheDallas Morning News, a reporter shows how a Texas couple created
a whole new business by adding a few computers to the offerings at their restaurant.
CHAPTER 10 Popular Culture 195
PART1 Television: Tuning In 196
RatingsWar 197
This article outlines a TVrating system that helps parents decide what their children should
and should not watch.
Queenof Talk and More
This magazine article describes Oprah Winfrey's amazing Iife and career.
PART2 Cars: Driving Passions 205
My First Car 206
The author of this humorous article describes his love affair with the first car he ever owned.
CNN Video: Family Cars 21O
This news report profiles a father and son who restore classic cars.
RoadRage 211
This article from Car and Driver Magazine argues against the idea that angry drivers are
a major cause of automobile accidents in the United States.
A1manac 217
1. Map of the United States showing state capitals 218
2. Geographic map of the United States 219
3. Total Population of the States in the United States 220
4. Population of the States in the United States by Ethnic
Background 221
5. Major Events in United States History 222
6. Weights and Measures, Temperatures (Celsiusand Fahrenheit) 222
7. Twenty Wealthiest People in the World 223
8. Some Internet Usage Statistics 223
9. Immigration Patterns in California and Florida 224
10. Bicycle Ownership and Usage 225
11. Non-English Speaking Americans 225
12. Slave Ownership in the United States 226
13. Irregular Past Tenses and Past Participles 227
14. Common Prefixes and Suffixes 228
Crediu 229
PREFACE .. '""
Rethinking America is a multi-skill cultural series for
students of English as a Second Language. Each book
has ten broad topie areas. However, the subject matter
in these areas varies from book to book. Rethinking
America incorporates authentic texts as a source of
reading. Authentic texts give the student an entry into
understanding American culture by hearing authentie
voiees writing about their views and experiences. These
readings also represent a variety of genres: newspaper
artieles and essays, poems, short stories, charts, graphs,
and many others.
The readings and activities throughout Rethinking
America foster cultural awareness, understanding, and
interaction among students, and between students and
their local setting, whether they are studying English
in the D.S. or in another country. This series is intended
to get students to examine not only American cultural
values, but their own cultural values as well. Through
these readings and activities, students engage in mean-
ingful dialogues, and in ttte process, refine their English
language skills.
Many of the changes and additions in this new edi-
tion stem from the thoughtful suggestions of students
and teachers who have used Rethinking America over
the years and from the suggestions of reviewers who
carefully examined all three new manuscripts as we
developed the series. It was extremely gratifying to be
able to make use of these ideas as we expanded the
original book into a three-book series.
This expansion involved several different types of
changes. First of all, there are two new books at the
intermediate and high-intermediate levels. Secondly, we
have increased the scope of the reading comprehension
sections, added specific reading strategies instruction
in each chapter, and provided some exciting new an-
cillary components, ineluding a video segment to ac-
company each chapter and an Almanac containing
supplementary information at the back of each book.
Thirdly, all follow-up activities now inelude exercises
whieh are relevant to students who are using the book
in a setting outside ofthe United States as well as within
the U.S.
Chapter Organization Each chapter is organized
around a central theme and divided into two subthemes.
Each subtheme contains two readings that examine the
topie from different points of view.
Before You Read Each reading is introduced by a
photo, chart, or some other visual opener related to the
reading topie. A brief preview of the reading follows,
and students are encouraged to think about what they
already know about the topie and to answer some ques-
tions about the preview.
Cultural Cues Information that may be culture-spe-
cific, such as references to television shows or histori-
cal figures, is explained before the reading.
About the Author Brief biographies of many of the
authors are ineluded. Photos of major figures in Ameri-
can culture are also provided.
Each reading ineludes line numbers for easy reference
by the student and teacher. In addition, some words
are highlighted for quiek reference.
Within each chapter, a video segment related to the
topic and obtained from the CNN video archives is
listed. Each video clip is accompanied by a set of sug-
gested discussion questions.
Check Your Comprehension Following each reading
are five or more questions regarding the content of the
Reading Strategy Aspecific reading strategy is high-
lighted in each follow-up reading activity. A brief state-
ment about the strategy appears in a box in the margin
along with a reference to the Reading Strategy Guide
in the front of the book which contains a more complete
explanation of the strategy.
Vocabulary In this section, students work with the
vocabulary from the reading. The activities are varied
and designed to keep the interest level high: some ask
the students to think about the grammatieal context of
vocabulary, such as the use of prepositions in idiomatie
phrases; some are matching and fill in the blank exer-
cises; still others are games, such as word searches or
crossword puzzles.
Think About It This section asks students to go be-
yond the factual content of a reading and relate their
own lmowledge and experience to the themes that are
introduced. These questions sometimes ask students to
apply their understanding to projects, such as partici-
pating in simulations, or looking at outside materials
such as magazines and newspapers.
Synthesis At the end of each chapter, a section of
exercises and activities helps students integrate the
ideas presented in the four readings of each chapter.
These activities are designed to be relevant to students
inside as well as outside the U.S.
Diseussion and Debate This section presents sev-
eral questions that can be used for class discussion or
debate. This activity encourages students to come up
with their own questions, as well.
Writing Topies The writing topies present different
levels of writing tasks, from simple question-and-an-
swer assignments or single-paragraph writing, to jour-
nal entries and short essays.
On Your Own This section suggests projects that can
be done outside of class. These activities include watch-
ing videos, conducting surveys, doing library or Internet
Preface xi
research, as well as an array of other student-centered
CNN Video Segments Each volume of the Rethink-
ing America series has an accompanying CNN video.
The clips on this video are closely tied to one or more
of the readings in the Rethinking America texto Ques-
tions are included in the text to foster discussion of
the video. The video transcriptions are available and
appear in the Instructor's Manual.
The Almanae An almanac filled with stimulating and
rich cultural information is found at the back of each
book. It includes a list of major events in U.S. history,
maps, temperature conversion tables, and other general
Instruetor's Manual An Instructor's Manual is avail-
able to help make best use of the features of Rethinking
America. This Manual includes not only answer keys,
but also tips for using the video segments, related In-
ternet and other outside information, and guidelines for
using the series in EFL settings. The transcriptions for
the CNN video also appear in the Instructor's Manual.
____ Reference Guide to Reading Strategies
The following reading strategies are introduced and practiced in Rethinking
America 2:
Active Reading Reading actively means creating questions and cornments
about a text as you read it. This can help you understand and remember
ideas and information. As you read, write questions and cornments in the
margin of your reading.
Finding and Understanding the Main Idea The main idea is the central,
most important idea in the reading. Finding and understanding the main
idea will help you understand the central purpose of the reading.
Increasing Speed By increasing your reading speed, you will actually
understand more of what you are reading. When you increase your speed,
you read words in groups, rather than individually. This helps you see the
connections between the words and phrases in the reading.
Making Predictions When you make predictions, you use what you al-
ready know to make guesses about a reading before beginning the reading.
Then, as you read, you check to see if your predictions were accurate.
Predictions help you focus and prepare for the reading.
Reading Aloud Reading Aloud simply means speaking what you are read-
ing, rather than reading silently. When you read aloud you hear the sound
of words and phrases. Reading aloud can help you understand new words
and information.
Reading Graphics and Statistics Graphics and statistics allow an author
to give a lot of information in a brief and clear way. Graphics and statistics
help you to organize information visually and to get a clearer idea of the
information appearing in the texto
Scanning Scanning means reading quickly, without reading every word,
in order to find specific iriformation in a reading.
Reference Guide to Reading Strategies xiii
Skirnrning Skirnming means reading quickIy, without reading every word,
in order to get the main idea of a reading. When you skim, Iook at titIes,
illustrations and anything else in a reading that will quickly give you informa-
Sununarizing Surnmarizing means taking only the most important ideas
and information from a reading and putting them in your own words. Try
fitting your surnmaries on index cards.
Understanding Facts and Opinions A fact is something that is real and
true. An.opinion, on the other hand, is what a person believes. An opinion
has no proof. t is very important to make sure you understand when what
you are reading is fact and when it is opinion.
Understanding Through Outlining An outline is a numbered, structured
grouping of the main points of a reading. Creating an outline heIps you
understand the structure of a reading by giving you a simplified picture of
these main points.
Understanding Arguments To understand an argument made by an au-
thor, you must identify what the author wants to convince you of, and find
the ideas the author uses to support this argument.
Understanding by Categorizing Categorizing means pIacing information
into groups or categories. Putting ideas into two or more different categories
can heIp you get a better understanding of the reIationships between ideas
in a reading.
Understanding Definitions Defmitions are the meanings of words.
Often, the definition of an unfamiliar word can be found in the reading
itself. You can Ieam the meaning of a difficuIt word by Iooking at how the
word is used in the sentence or surrounding sentences.
Understanding Descriptions Descriptions are expIanations of what
something is like. Good descriptions heIp the reader to get a strong picture
of what is being described
xiv Reference Guide to Reading Strategies
Understanding Examples Examples are often used to support main ideas
in a reading. Finding these examples will help give you a better understand-
ing of the main points of a reading.
Understanding From Context Sometimes you can figure out the mean-
ing of a new word or phrase by looking at the other words that come before
and after it. These surrounding words can help to show the meaning of the
new word or phase.
The American Dream
What is the American Dream? Is it Iike other dreams?
In this chapter, you will read about the American Dream
from several different points of view. You will hear from a
modern writer, a poet from the past, the third president of the
United States! and a 20th century president. The American
Dream means something special to each of these people.
PART ONE ~J[fnI ~illgr:W,~MlJilll g;&~~
In this section, you will find two very different views of the American Dream.
These two selections were written at two different times in America's
history, but they share a common theme: hope.
Before You Read
A common view of the American Dream
In this reading, Marilyn vos Savant, a newspaper writer, answers a letter
from one of her readers. The reader asks about the meaning of the American
Before you read these letters, think about these questions:
Rave you heard the phrase "the American Dream" before?
Do you believe life in the past was easier?
In your country, were things better in the past?
Row do your parents' lives compare to yours?
PART ONE Ideas: I Rave a Dream 3
Cultural Cues "During World War II in the foxholes and gun turrets ... " The
writer is speaking of the kinds of dreams that American soldiers had
while they were fighting in World War n.
boom box A large portable stereo, known for being loud.
condos Another word for condominiums, types of apartments that are
owned, not rented.
Norman Rockwell An American artist (1894-1978) whose works show
idealized views of everyday American life.
one side of the ledger An idiom referring to looking at both sides of an
issue; a ledger is a book for keeping accounts. In a ledger, you write
your expenses on one side and your income on the other. If you look
at only one side 01 the ledger, you might only look at the negative part
of something, for example.
on-line access A connection to the Internet.
white picket fence A small fence, which is a symbol of calm suburban
life (see photo).
Letter to Marilyn
vos Savant
Dear Ms. vos Savant,
You are not a cynica}l person so you may not want to express your
opinion about this. What would you say is the "American Dream"? During
World War 11, in the foxholes2 and gun turrets,3 the American Dream
was a rose-covered cottage with a white picket fence, a front porch with
5 a squeaky swing, a shady street, bright and obedient children, camping trips,
fishing, the comer soda fountain, and seeing your children taking part in
school and church plays. This was depicted by Norman Rockwell and early
family television shows.
Now we have little condos, boom boxes blaring rap and rock, hot rods,
10 drugs, alcohol, cheap sex, abortion, guns, hate and violence. Nearlyevery
sin is applauded on television talk shows. Is there still an "American Dream?
-Robert Kieckhefer, Silver Spring, Maryland
lcynical = pessimistic, distrustful
2foxhole = a hole dug into the ground to protect a soldier frOIDgunfire
3gun turret = a type of tower used to hold guns. Gun turrets are used by the military during
4 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
Source: Parade Magazine
Check Your
Dear Mr. Kieckhefer,
You're looking at only one side of the ledger. First you describe a
lovely dream-that few ever really had-and neglect to describe the night-
15 mare aspects of the 1940s (which included some of history's worst mo-
ments). You could easily construct a miserable list of social problems
rampant4 in the 1950s too. Then you go on to describe only the modero
nightmare and imply that modero folks don't have a dream. Of course we
do. It's an update on what you already described. 1 think it would be nice
20 for sweet, old-fashioned folks like you to feel a little better about modero
times and become sweet, new-fashioned folks.
Today's "American Dream" includes a house in the suburbs with a back-
yard for the kids to play in (instead of a cottage with a fence), a patio for
barbecues (instead of a front porch), a shady street,' bright and obedient
25 children, camping trips, fishing, two family cars (to take us way past the
local ice cream shops), seeing the kids taking part in school and church
plays, and on-line access to the world. Sounds pretty good to me! The
phrasing is a little less romantic and a little more practical, but it's not so
different. 1 only wish we had another Norman Rockwell to celebrate it so
30 well.
Covering one's house with ros es is a nice poetic touch if you live in a
poetic setting, but in reallife I'd vote for growing them in a garden now
instead. Which is just what people actually did back in the time period you
describe too.
1. Who is Marilyn vos Savant? Who is Mr. Kieckhefer?
2. What does Mr. Kieckhefer think the American Dream is?
3. What does he think of the American Dream today?
4. What does Ms. vos Savant mean when she says, "You're looking at
only one side of the ledger?" Which si de is Mr. Kieckhefer looking at?
5. What does Ms. vos Savant think of Mr. Kieckhefer's view of the "old"
American Dream?
6. Who is Norman Rockwell? Why is he important in these letters?
7. What does the letter writer mean when he says, "You are not a cynical
8. What is Ms. vos Savant's American Dream?
9. What is her opinion of the modero American Dream?
10. Do you think Ms. vos Savant's reply changed Mr. Kieckhefer's
opinion? Why or why not?
4rampant = running wild, overwhelming
PART ONE Ideas: I Rave a Dream 5
Understanding Arguments
In this reading, the two writers make arguments. That is, each is trying to
convince the other of a point of view. What arguments do they make? Use
the following table and list the points that each of the writers makes.
I ~ \ --~~--------
I ""'-
!Find out more about
arguments by lookng
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Mr. Kieckhefer:
"The American Dream is dead."
Ms. vos Savant:
"The American Dream is the same
as it was in the past."
Which argument do you agree with? Why?
The letter writers include a lot of adjectives in their letters. Finish the
following sentences showing you understand the meanings ofthe boldfaced
1. A cynical person would never _
2. A squeaky door makes _
3. are very shady.
4. An obedient child would never _
5. is a lovely place.
6. - is rampant in this country.
7. I think is very romantic.
8. ---- is not very practica!.
9. sounds very poetic.
10. A bright student _
1. How "American" is the American Dream? Do people of other
countries have similar dreams? How is the American Dream different?
2. There is a popular saying in the United States: "Apessimist sees the
glass as half-empty, the optimist sees it as half-full." Mr. Kieckhefer
6 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
seems to be a pessimist, and Ms. vos Savant an optimist. Which are
you? Why do you think so?
3. What is your dream? 1s it similar to the American Dream? How is it
Before VOU Read
The Life of Walt Whitman
bom May 31, the second of nine children in West Hills, Long
1sland, New York to Walter and Louisa Whitman
the Whitman family moved to Brooklyn, New York
Whitman's only years of formal education
"'2Jitman worked as a clerk in a law office
began work as a printer
began working as a teacher
became editor of the Long Islander, a weekly newspaper
worked for the Presidential campaign of Martin van Buren
left teaching and became a printer for the New World and a
reporter for the Democratic Review
published his first and only novel, Franklin Evans
edited the Aurora, a daily newspaper, and the Evening Tattler
returned to Brooklyn to write for and edit several newspapers
worked briefly for the Crescent, New Orleans
edited The Brooklyn Freeman
ran a stationery store, a printing office, and built houses
published Leaves 01 Grass, a volume of poetry, at his own
edited The Brooklyn Times
volunteered in hospitals during the Civil War
suffered a stroke
died in Camden, New Jersey
The following poem was written by Walt Whitman, who is known as one
of America's greatest poets.
Before you read this poem, think about the following questions:
Do you enjoy poetry?
What poets do you enjoy reading in English or in your native
Cultural Cues
PART ONE Ideas: I Have a Dream 7
ploughboy A young man who works on a fann with a "plough," or "plow,"
as it is spelled today.
I Hear America Singing
bUWalt Whitmal\
1 hear America singing, the varied carolsl 1hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe2 and
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam3,
5 The mason4 singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deck-hand5
singing on the steamboat deck.
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he
10 The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or
at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of
the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
15 The day what belongs to the day-at night the party of young fellows,
robust6, friendly,
Source: Leaves of Grass Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.
Check Your
1. Who are the characters in this poem?
Z. Why do you think the characters are singing?
3. What does the line, "each one singing his as it should be blithe and
strong" mean?
4. What does the line, "Each singing what belongs to him or her and to
none else" mean?
'carol = song
2blithe = cheerful
"plank or beam = types of wood
"mason = brick worker
5deck-hand = someone who works on a boat Conthe deck)
"robust = healthy
8 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
s. What does "the day what belongs to the day" mean?
6. What is the mood (happy, sad, thoughtful, etc.) of this poem?
7. What is the main idea of this poem?
8. What is Whitman'sview of the American Dream?
'/: .;.
Find out more about
reading aloud by
looking in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Reading Aloud
Poems are often understood better when read aloud. You get a stronger
sense of the rhythm, rhyme, and sound of the words, all which add to the
meaning. Practice reading the poem aloud. If you are good at memorizing
things, try memorizingthe poem and reciting it.
This crossword puzzle uses the names of professions found in this poem.
Read the descriptions of the professions, and write the corred words in
the blanks.
PART ONE Ideas: 1 Rave a Dream 9
1. Someone who works on a ship
4. Someone who makes boots
and sandals
7. Someone who works the soil
on a farm
9. Someone who makes hats
10. Sorneone who builds furniture
2. A woman with children
3. Someone who chops trees for
5. Someone who works on
6. Someone who works on the
deck of a boat
8. Someone who builds with
stone or brick
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Whitman is famous for his poem in honor of Abraham Lincoln, "O
Captain, My Captain." Find it on the Internet or in the library and
bring it to class for discussion.
2. "1 Hear America Singing" is called a lyric poem, that is, a poem that
brings forth certain feelings or emotions. What emotions do you think
Whitman was trying to bring forth in his readers?
3. This poem shows a difference between men and women. How does it
do that? Why do you think this difference exists?
~~~ ..
These two readings are from opposite ends of the history of the United States.
The Declaration of Independence is one of the first important documents
created by the new American government. President Clinton's speech
is quite recent.
Before Vou Read
~~ Watchthe
Independence Day.
Discuss these questions:
1. How is Independence
Day celebrated across
the United States?
2. What activity do most
Americans take part in
on Independence
The Declaration 01 Independence
The next reading is the text of fue
Declaration of Independence, signed
on July 4, 1776. In it, the leaders of
America declared that America
should be free from England.
The language of this reading is
from a different time period, and
therefore isn't like modero English.
You will see two versions here: one
in the original language, and one in
modero English. Read it first in the
original, as fue language is an im-
portant part of American culture.
Then, read the modero version to
deepen your understanding.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Did your country ever go through a revolutionary war?
What do you know about the American Revolution?
PAR T TW O : Our Leaders: The Pursuit of Happiness 11
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of hurnan events, it becomes necessary for one
people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with
another, and to assurne among the powers of the earth, the separate and
5 equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,
a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare
the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
10 among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness.-That to secure
these rights, Govemments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the govemed, - That whenever any Form of
Govemment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People
to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Govemment, laying its founda-
15 tion on such principIes and organizing its powers in such form, as to them
shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed,
will dictate that Govemments long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn1, that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than
20 to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
In "plain English":
The declaration of all thirteen united States of America.
In history, when one group of people needs to declare itself free from
another, and to become free as God and Nature intends them to be, it is
25 necessary that they explain why they are declaring their freedom.
We believe our reasons are obvious, that all men are created equal, that
God has given them certain rights which cannot be violated, including, life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Govemments are formed to protect
these rights, and govemments get their power from the people. Whenever
30 one govemment works against human rights, the people have the right to
end that govemment and start a new one which will bring about safety and
happiness. Of course, cautious people know that old govemments should
not be changed for minor reasons; furthermore, experience has shown that
people are more willing to suffer things that are not horrible than to get rid
35 of govemments that they are used to.
lhath shewn = has shown
12 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
_________ l1li'.' ~IIII: "'U __Iliffii1I111~_-_-U,IIil"--IIII------------
Check Vour 1. According to the Declaration, when should people form new
Comprehension govemments?
2. According to the Declration, when should people not form new
3. What are the basic human rights, according to the Declaration?
4. What does "the separate and equal station" mean?
5. What does "that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which
they are accustomed" mean?
6. What does "deriving their just powers from the consent of the
govemed" mean?
'Fltid out more bout
sunmariing by
loo~lng in the
ReferenceCuide to
Reading Strategieson
pages xii-xiv,
The plain English version of the Declaration is a type of summary. Write
another summary, even shorter than the simplified version.
Compare your version with orte written by another student in the class.
What information did you include that your partner did not? Do you want
to rewrite your surnmary after reading your partner's?
Choose the best synonyrn for each of fuese words. VOCABULARV
Using New WordS
1. dissolve
a. discontinue
b. fix
c. dislocate
d. unite
3. evident
a. right
b. clear
c. untrue
d. helpful
2. entitle
a. name
b. authorize
c. prevent
d. belittle
4. consent
a. permission
b. continuous
c. expense
d. denial
PART TWO: Our Leaders: The Pursuit o Happiness 13
. 5. destructive
6. institute
a. supportive
a. deserve
b. noisy
b. begin
c. harrnful
c. end
d. creative
d. want
7. dictate
8. transient
a. say
a. important
b. want
b. moving
c. give
c. unimportant
d. harm
d. temporary
9. abolish
10. suffer
a. end
a. harm
b. begin
b. endure
c. keep
c. keep
d. want
d. begiI).
THINK ABOUT IT 1. At one time, Great Britain had many colonies, including the United
States. Do you know what some of the others were? What colonies
does Great Britain still rule?
2. What does independence mean to you? Are you independent? Why is
it such an important value, in your opinion?
3. In your opinion, when is revolution necessary? Would you participate
in a revolution? Under what circumstances?
Before YOU Read The Life of president BiII Clinton
William Jefferson Clinton
42nd President of the United States, (beginning on January 20, 1993)
Nickname: Bill
Born: August 19, 1946, in Rope, Arkansas
Father: William Jefferson Blythe III
Stepfather: Roger Clinton
Mother: Virginia Divine Blythe Clinton
Married: Hillary Rodham, on October 11, 1975
Children: Chelsea Victoria Clinton
Religion: Baptist
Education: Graduated from Georgetown University (1968); attended
Oxford University (1968-70); graduated from Yale University Law
School (1973)
14 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
Occupation: Lawyer, public official
Political Party: Democrat
Other Government Positions:
Arkansas Attorney General, 1976-78
Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92
Finding out mofe
about making
predictions by looking
in the ReferenceCuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Making predidions
The next reading consists ofpart ofthe January 1997 inaugural speech given
by President Clinton. Inaugural speeches are ones given on the day that the
President takes office after being elected.
You probably already know something about political speeches. Think
about the political speeches you have heard, either in English or in another
language, and see what predictions you can make about the reading. Do
this before you read. First think about the purpose of an inaugural speech.
Discuss this with your class.
What topics do you think this speech will cover? Check the boxes. After
you finish reading, return to this chart and decide whether your predictions
were correcto
D taxes
D housing
D unemployrnent
D health care
D education
D religion
D crime
D democracy
D freedom
D international trade
D the opposing party
D the Internet
D foreign relations
After reading: Were you right?
Cultural Cues
PAR T T WO : Our Leaders: The Pursuit of Happiness 15
Industrial Revolution A period on change in the late eighteenth century
in England, when factories were becoming mechanized. The Industrial
Revolution caused many changes not only in the workplace, but in society
and culture as well.
About the Author William J. Clinton is the 42nd Presi-
dent of the United States. Bom in
Rope, Arkansas, Mr. Clinton attended
Yale University and Oxford Univer-
sity. Re became President for the first
time in 1993, and was the first Presi-
dent from the Democratic Party in
twelve years. Re was elected a sec-
ond time in 1996, during a prosperous
period in the American economy.
Second Inaugural Address of
President William]. Clinton
January 20, 1997
My fellow citizens:
At this last presidential inauguration of the twentieth century, let us lift
our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century. It is our
5 great good fortune that time and chance have put us not only at the edge
of a new century, in a new millenniuml, but on the edge of a bright new
prospect in human affairs-a moment that will define our course, and our
character, for decades to come. We must keep our old democracy forever
young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us set our sights
10 upon a land of new promise.
The promise of America was bom in the eighteenth century out of the
bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was extended and preserved
lmillenniurn = 1,000 years
16 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
in the nineteenth century, when our nation spread across the continent,
saved the union, and abolished2 the awful scourge3 of slavery.
15 Then, in turmoil4 and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world
stage to make this the American Century.
And what a century it has been. America became the world's mightiest
industrial power; saved the world from tyranny5 in two world wars and a
long cold war; and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions
20 who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty.
Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class and security
in old age; built unrivaled centers of learning and opened public schools to
all; split the atom and explored the heavens; invented the computer and the
microchip; and deepened the wellspring6 of justice by making a revolution
25 in civil rights for African-Americans and all minorities, and extending the
circle of citizenship, opportunity and dignity to women.
Now, for the third time, a new century is upon us, and another time to
choose. We began the nineteenth century with a choice, to spread our nation
from coast to coast. We began the twentieth century with a choice, to
30 hamess the Industrial Revolution to our values of free enterprise, conser-
vation, and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the
dawn of the twenty-first century a free people must now choose to shape
the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the
limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union.
35 When last we gathered, our march to this new future seemed less certain
than it does today. We vowed then to set a clear course to renew our nation.
In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by
challenge, strengthened by achievement. America stands alone as the world's
indispensable nation. Once again, our economy is the strongest on Earth.
40 Once again, we are building stronger families, thriving communities, better
educational opportunities, a cleaner environment. Problems that once
seemed destined to deepen now bend to our efforts: our streets are safer
and record numbers of our fellow citizens have moved from welfare to
45 And once again, we have resolved for our time a great debate over the
role of govemment. Today we can declare: Govemment is not the problem,
and govemment is not the solution. We-the American people-we are the
solution. Our founders understood that well and gave us a democracy strong
enough to endure for centuries, flexible enough to face our common chal-
50 lenges and advance our common dreams in each new day.
2abolished = ended
3scourge = illness, affliction
"turmoil = an unsettled condition
"tyranny = oppression, dictatorship
6wellspring = source, fountain
Check Your
-ed and -ing endings
PAR T T W O : Our Leaders: The Pursuit of Happiness 17
1. What is unique about President Clinton's 1997 inauguration?
2. President Clinton says, "The promise of America was bom in the
eighteenth century out of the bold conviction that we are all created
equal." What is he referring to?
3. What events took place in America in the nineteenth century,
according to the President?
4. Why does the President call the twentieth century "the American
5. What does the phrase, "problems that once seemed destined to
deepen now bend to our efforts" mean? What problems does he
6. What will be the challenge of the twenty-first century, according to
the President?
7. What do you think this sentence means: "Today we can declare:
Government is not the problem, and government is not the solution"?
8. What are the successes of the President's first four years in office,
according to the speech?
This reading contains some adjectives, words that describe nouns, that end
in -ed and -ing. It also contains some verbs that end in -ed and -ing. How
can you tell when one of these word~s b~ing used as an adjective and
when it is being used as a verb? When the -ed and -ing word comes before
a noun and describes that noun, it is being used as an adjective. When the
word is part of a verb phrase, it is being used as a verbo
Here are two examples:
I was surprised by the news.
That is very surprising news.
In the first example, "surprised" is part of the verb phrase "was surprised."
In the second example, !'surprising" comes before the noun "news" and
describes the news-surprising news.
Look at the underlined words from the reading and write A if the word
is being used as an adjective and V if it is being used as a verbo
~ 1. America is the promised land.
2. We are all created equal.
3. We have built unrivaled centers of learning.
__ 4. We have explored the heavens.
__ 5. We are extending the rights of citizenship to all.
__ 6. We are building thriving communities.
18 CHAPTER ONE The American Dream
THINK ABOUT IT 1. What is your opinion of this inaugural speech? Did you learn anything
from it?
2. What connections do you find between this speech and the
Declaration of Independence? Why do you think those connections
3. In your library, or on the Internet, locate a recording of a political
speech and listen to it. Write your impressions in your journal.
Discuss the speech with your class.
Discussion and Debate 1. Each of the four readings in this chapter present a view of America.
Describe the four views. How are they similar? How do they differ?
2. These four readings look at America at different points in time: 1776,
1855, and the mid-1990s. What differences are there in the readings
that are related to the historical events?
3. AlI of the readings in this chapter present an optimistic, or positive,
view of America. What is left out? Do you think there is another part
of the story that isn't being told? Is that part less important?
4. Ask your classmates another question about this chapter.
Writing Topies
1. Look at the timeline of Walt Whitman's life presented in this chapter.
Using that information, write a short essay about his life.
2. Write a new version of "1Hear America Singing". Make it relevant to
modern life. You may write an essay, or a poem, if you prefer.
3. Write an essay in which you explain what the American Dream means
in today's world. You can write about what the Dream means to you
personally, or to people in general.
On Your Own 1. Identify a period of American history that interests you. Do a little
research on the Internet or in the library and find out more about that
periodo Give a short presentation to your class about your research.
2. The following films del with America's history or government.
Choose one of them to watch-check it out of the library or rent it
from a video store.
All the President's Men
Being There
Bob Roberts
Wag the Dog
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
The American President
The Candidate
Primary Colors
PART TWO: Our Leaders: The Pursuit of Happiness 19
3. Find a Presidential speech on the Internet
( Read it.
4. How much do people lrnow about American history? Interview at
least three people and ask them the following questions. (If you are in
the United States, try to ask Americans.) Compare your responses
with your classmates' responses.
a. When was the country established?
b. Who was its first leader?
c. When was the frrst World War?
Add other questions that you think rnight be interesting (don't make
them too hard!). Compare your answers with your classmates'
answers. What conclusions can you draw?
A L M A N A e For additional cultural inforrnation, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Alrnanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other inforrnation to
enhance your learning.
************************************** I
America is often thought of as a wealthy country.~Its citizens
are known for working long hours with Httlevadation time.
However, they are also known for enjoying the ~oney they
earn. In this chapter, you will read about American working
habits and American attitudes towards money.
Working to Live-Living to Work
Do you enjoy working? In this sedion, two very different Americans talk
about their homes and work,
and how these two areas of Iife relate to each other.
Before You Read
Cultural Cues
In this reading, the author talks to a woman about her work and her family.
You may be surprised to read about the woman's attitude towards her work
at a factory.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
What kinds of jobs have you had? Did you enjoy working?
Do you enjoy spending time with your family?
Do people spend enough time with their families?
Walgreens A large chain of drugstores that is part of the Sam Walton
family businesses, which also includes Wal-Mart; the Waltons are among
the three richest families in the United States.
Men and Women in the Workforce
Percent in Labor Force
by Sex: 1950 to 1990
_ Male
Source: "Labor Force and
Occupation," Peter J. Sepielli
and Thornas J. Palurnbo,
Friday, May 9, 1997, U.S.
Census Bureau, http://
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
PAR T ON E: The Econorny: Working to Live-Living to Work 23
c. stayed about the same
b. fell
a. grew
~ REUJiNG Reading Graphics alld Slatistlcs
[ Findout more about The graph above shows statistics about men and women in the work force.
r reading graphics and Look closely at the graph, which reports percentages, and answer the follow-
statistics by looking in ing questions:
the Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on 1. Between 1950 and 1990, the percentage of all people working _
pages xii-xiv.
2. The percentage of women in the workforce grew the most between
a. 1950-1960
c. 1970-1980
b. 1960-1970
d. 1980-1990
3. The percentage of men employed dropped 3 percent between _
a. 1950-1960
c. 1970-1980
b. 1960-1970
d. 1980-1990
4. There is a 17%difference between the number of men and women in
the workforce in o
a. 1960
c. 1980
b. 1970
d. 1990
5. What do you predict the percentages will be for the year 2000,
based on this chart? _
a. 68,72,66 b. 56,72,59 c. 80,88,78
Explain your answer.
About the Author
Arlie Hochschild is a professor of Sociology at the University of California,
Berkeley. She is the author of two popular books on American life: The
Second Shift and The Managed Heart. Her work has also appeared in many
magazines, including Psychology Today and Harper's. She has received
many awards for her work.
Family Values and Reversed Worlds
by Arlie Russell Hochschild beS'I6
Linda Avery* a friendly thirty-eight-year-old mother of two daughters, is a
shift supervisor at the Demco Plant, ten miles down the valley from Amerco
headquarters. Her husband, Bill, is a technician in the same planto Linda
and Bill share the care of her sixteen-year-old daughter from a previous
5 marriage and their two-year-old by working opposite shifts, as a full fifth
of American working parents do. "Bill works the 7 A.M. to 3 P.M. shift while
1 watch the baby," Linda explained. "Then 1 work the 3 P.M. to 11 P.M. shift
and he watches the baby. My older daughter works at Walgreens after
10 When we first met in the factory's breakroom over a couple of Cokes,
Linda was in blue jeans and a pink jersey, her hair pulled back in a long
ponytail. She wore no makeup, and her manner was purposeful and direct.
She was working overtime, and so 1began by asking her whether Amerco
required the overtime, or whether she volunteered for it. "Oh, 1put in for
15 it," she replied with a low chuckle. But, 1 wondered aloud, wouldn't she
and her husband like to have more time at home together, finances and
company policy permitting. Linda took off her safety glasses, rubbed her
whole face, folded her arms, resting her elbows on the table, and approached
the question by describing her life at home:
20 1walk in the door and the minute 1tum the key in the lock my older
daughter is there. Granted, she needs somebody to talk to about her
day.... The baby is still up. She should have been in bed two hours
ago and that upsets me. The dishes are piled in the sink. My daughter
comes right up to the door and complains about anything her stepfather
25 said or did, and she wants to talk about her job. My husband is in the
other room hollering to my daughter, "Tracy, 1 don't ever get any time
to talk to your mother, because you're always monopolizing her time
before 1 even get a chance!" They all come at me at once.
30 To Linda, her home was not a place to relax. It was another workplace.
Her description ofthe urgency of demands and the unarbitrated1 quarrels
that awaited her homecoming contrasted with her account of arriving at
her job as a shift supervisor:
1 usually come to work early just to get away from the house. 1 get
35 there at 2:30 P.M., and people are there waiting. We sitoWe talk. Wejoke.
*The names of the people and the company name in this reading have been changed.
Iunarbitrated = not worked out, not controlled
Source: The Time Bind
PART ONE: The Econorny: Working to Live-Living to Work 25
I let them know what's going on, who has to be where, what changes
I've made for the shift that day. We sit and chit-chat for five or ten
minutes. There's laughing, joking, fun. My coworkers aren't putting me
down for any reaSon. Everything is done with humor and fun from
40 beginning to end, though it can get stressful when a machine malfunc-
For Linda, home had become work and work had become home. Some-
how, the two worlds had been reversed. Indeed, Linda felt she could only
get relief from the "work" of being at home by going to the "home" of work.
45 ... In a previous era, men regularly escaped the house for the bar, the
fishing hole, the golf course, the pool hall, or often enough, the sweet joy
of work. Today, aS one of the women who make up 45 percent of the
American workforce, Linda Avery, overloaded and feeling unfairly treated
at home, was escaping to work, too. Nowadays, men and women both inay
50 leave unwashed dishes, unresolved quarrels, crying tots, test y teenagers,
and unresponsive mates behind to arrive at work early and call out, "Hi,
fellas, I'm here!"
... Where did Linda feel most relaxed? She laughed more, joked more,
listened to more interesting stories while on break at the factory than at
55 home. The social life that once might have surrounded her at home she
now found at work. Frankly, life there was more fun.
1. What does Linda mean when she says she "put in for" overtime?
z. According to the reading, how many parents work at opposite times?
3. How have working women become like working men, according to
this reading?
4. At the time the author wrote this artide, what percentage of women
were in the workforce?
5. Why does Linda prefer work to home?
6. In the past, where did men go to escape the pressures of home?
7. What do you think is the meaning of "reversed worlds" in the title?
8. Why is work more fun than home to some Americans, according to
the reading?
Understanding Idioms
and Colloquial
This reading contains idioms and colloquial language. These items are in
italics in the sentences below. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning
to the original sentence. Explain your answer.
1. We chit-chat for five or ten minutes.
a. We speak seriously for five or ten minutes.
b. We speak lightly for five or ten minutes.
c. We speak angrily for five or ten minutes.
2. Her daughter was a test y teenager.
a. Her daughter was a happy teenager.
b. Her daughter was a smart teenager.
c. Her daughter was a short-tempered teenager.
3. Her coworkers didn't put her down.
a. Her coworkers didn't criticize her.
b. Her coworkers didn't leave her alone.
c. Her coworkers didn't work with her.
4. My husband hollered to my daughter.
a. My husband scolded my daughter.
b. My husband yelled to my daughter.
c. My husband laughed at my daughter.
S. She went to her favorite jishing hole.
a. She went to her favorite lake.
b. She went to her favorite fish market.
c. She went to her favorite restaurant.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. What is life like for working parents in your culture?
2. In what ways is your family like the Avery family in the reading?
In what ways is your family different?
3. Do you think Linda Avery is abad mother?
Why or why not?
4. What advice would you give the Avery family for improving their
relationships? Write a letter to them giving them your advice.
Before You Read
PART ONE: The Econorny: Working to Live-Living to Work 27
Housing and Unemployrnent
Austin, Texas
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Phoenix, Arizona
Honolulu, Hawaii
Denver, Colorado
Las Vegas, Nevada
Boston, Massachusetts
Dallas, Texas
Seattle, Washington
San Francisco, California
San Diego, California
Chicago, Illinois
Atlanta, Georgia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
New York City, New York
Baltirnore, Maryland
Los Angeles, California
Miami, Borida
House Price
Find out more about
skimming by looking
in the ReferenceGuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Look carefully at the table and answer these questions:
Which city do you think is the easiest city for a low-income family to
move to?
Which city would be the most difficult to move to?
Which city would you like to move to?
Explain your answers.
Skirnming means reading something quickly to get the main idea. Skirn the
article "Homeless" from Rachel and Her Children. Take no more than three
minutes. Here are some hints on how to skim:
Move your eyes quickly down the page. Don't stop on individual
Slow down a little when you see something that looks important to
Put a check in the margin, or underline important phrases-but don't
do this often. Remember, keep moving!
Now answer the questions below.
1. What is the main point of this story? _
2. Who is Richard Lazarus? _
3. How did Mr. Lazarus become homeless? _
Finally, read the story as you normally would.
In the following reading, the author went into the subway in New York
and found a homeless man to talk to. Here, he tells a little about what it is
like to be homeless.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Who is responsible for the homeless?
Are there homeless people in your city? How do you feel about them?
Do you think homeless people are lazy?
Cultural Cues
The Bowery An area of New York City, now well known for the number
of homeless people and transients who stay there.
Dante An Italian poet (1265-1321) who wrote The Di1)ine Comedy, one
part of which, "The Inferno," gives a detailed description of Hell.
Grand Central Station One of the major railroad and subway stations
in New York City.
Grand Hyatt A large hotel in New York City.
Macy's A large department store.
Martinique The name of a hotel used as a shelter for the homeless in New
York City.
Medicaid Agovernment healthcare program primarily for poor and elderly
Port Authority A public transportation station in New York City.
Vietnam veteran Someone who was part of the military during the Viet-
nam War.
About the Author
PAR T O N E : The Econorny: Working to Live-Living to Work 29
Jonathan Kozolis the author of the National Book Award-winningDeath at
an Early Age, as well as many other books, includingSavage Inequalities:
Children in America:S Schools, Amazing Grace: The Lives 01Children and
the Conscience 01 a Nation, and flliterate America. Over the past 30 years
he has been concerned with the care and education of children.
j.:~~ ~,~
"Homeless" from Rachel and Her Children
by Jonathan Kozol
Richard Lazarus, an educated, 36-year-old
Vietnam veteran 1met two days after Thanks-
givingin the subway underneath Grand Cen-
tral Station, tells me he had never been
5 without a job until the recent surnmer. In July
he underwent the loss of job, children, and
wife, all in a single stroke. As in almost all
these situations, it was the simultaneous occur-
rence of a number of emergencies, any one of
10 which he might have sustained alone, but not
a11at the same time, that suddenly removed
him from his home.
"Always,up untillast surnmer, 1have found
a job that paid at least $300. Now 1 couldn't
15 find a job that paid $200. When 1 found an
opening at a department store they said that
1 was overqualified. If someone had asked
me ayear ago who are the homeless, 1would
not have known what to reply. Now 1 know
20 the answer. They are people like myself. 1
went to Catholic elementary school. 1 had
my secondary education in a private military
school. 1joined the service and was sent to
Thailand as an airman." He has a trade. It's
25 known as "inventorydata processing." He had
held a single job in data processing for seven
years until last summer when the company
shut down, without a warning, and moved
out of state.
30 "Whenthe company left 1 could [rnd noth-
ing. 1looked everywhere. 1got one job for two
months in the surnmer. Part-time, as a security
guard in one of the hotels for homeless fami-
35 When 1 ask which one it was, he says the
Martinique. "1 clocked the floors for fire
check. From the top floor to the lobby 1swore
to myself: rat infested, roach infested, drug in-
fested, filth infested, garbage everywhere, and
40 little children playing in the stairs. Innocent
people, women, children, boxed in by their mis-
ery. Most people are permitted to make more
than one mistake. Not when you're poor."
In September he was sick. "1was guarding
45 homeless people and 1 didn't have a home. 1
slept in Washington Square and Central Park."
He's living now in a run-down hotel operated
in conjunction with the Third Street Shelter on
the Bowery. "When you come in at night the
50 guards wear gloves. They check you with a
metal detector. They're afraid to touch me."
While we talk we watch an old man nearby
who is standing flat and motionless against the
wall, surrounded by two dozen bright-red shop-
55 ping bags from Macy's. Every so often, some-
one stops to put a coin into his hand. 1notice
the care with which the people drop their coins,
in order that their hands do not touch his. When
1 pass that spot some hours later, he will still
60 be there. 1'1ldo the same. 1'lllook at his hand-
the fingers wom and swollen and the nails
curled in like claws-and 1will drop a quarter
and extract my hand and move off quickly.
After standing with Lazarus for two hours
65 before the hot-dog stand, 1ask him if he'd like
to leave the station to sit down with me and
get a decent meal. He's awkward about ac cept-
ing this. When 1press him, he explains he had
only one subway token1 and has no more
70 money. If he leaves the station he will need a
dollar to get back inside. He agrees to leave
when 1assure him 1can spare a dollar. Outside
on Forty-Second Street, we're facing the
Grand Hyatt. He looks at it with fear.
75 "The first thing that you see when you come
out of there is power."
At a delicatessen next to the Grand Hyatt
he explains about the subway tokens. Each
morning at the shelter you get in a line in order
80 to receive two subway tokens. This is to en-
able you to look for jobs; the job search is
required. But, in order to get the tokens, you
ltoken = con used for subway entry
have got to prove that you already have a job
appointment. "It's a long line. By the time you
85 get the tokens you have missed the job appoint-
mento You wait in line for everything. 1 get the
feeling that the point is not to find a job but
to teach us something about who we are. Get-
ting us in line is the idea."
90 In the restaurant he orders a chicken sand-
wich and, although he's nervous and his hands
are shaking, he eats fast; he's almost done be-
fore 1'veput a paper napkin in my lapoHe apolo-
gizes but he tells me that this is the first thing
95 he has had to eat since 8:00 A.M. It's now about
8:30 in the evening.
"Before 1 got into this place 1was sleeping
in the parks. When it got colder 1would sleep
all night in an X-rated movie or the subway or
100the Port Authority. l' d spend most of my time
just walking. 1would try to bathe each day in
public toilets. l' d wash my clothes and lay them
outside in the sun to dry. 1 didn't want to feel
like a pariah2 that nobody would get near. 1
105used to talk with people like yourself so that
1would not begin to feel cut off. 1invested all
my strength in fighting off depression. 1 was
scared that 1would fall aparto
"During this time 1tried to reunite with my
11001d lady. For me, the loss of work and loss
of wife had left me rocking. Then the welfare
regulations hit me. 1began to feel that 1would
be reduced to trash. You're never prepared for
this. It's like there isn't any bottom. It's not like
115cracks in a safety neto It's like a black hole
sucking you inside. Halfthe people that 1know
are suffering from chest infections and sleep
deprivation. The lack of sleep leaves you debil-
itated,3 shaky. You exaggerate your fears. If a
120psychiatrist carne along he'd say that 1 was
crazy. But 1 was an ordinary mano There was
nothing wrong with me. 1 lost my wife. 1 lost
my kids. 1 lost my home. Now would you say
that 1was crazy if 1told you 1was feeling sad?
125 "1was a pretty stable mano Now 1tremble
2pariah = social outcast
3debilitated = sick, unable to function
PART ONE: The Econorny: Working to Live-Living to Work 31
when 1meet somebody in the ordinary world.
!'m trembling right now. One reason that 1didn't
want to leave the subway was that 1feel safer
underground. When you asked if 1would come
130 outside and get something to eat, my frrst
thought was that you would see me shaking if
we sat down for a meal and you'd think 1was
an alcoholic.
'Tve had abad cold for two weeks. When
135 you're sickthere's no wayto get better. Youcan-
not sleep in at the shelter. You have got to go
outside and show that you are looking for
a job. 1 had asthma4 as a kid. It was gone
for twenty years. Now it's back. !'m always
140 swa110wingfor air. Before 1got into the shelter,
1did not have Medicaid or welfare. If you don't
have an address it's very hard. 1 scrambled to
get into the computer.
"Asthma's cornmon at the shelter. There's a
145 lot of dust. That may be why. Edema [swo11en
feet]-you get it from sitting up so much and
walking a11day long. If you're very hungry and
you want a meal you can get it at St. Francis.
You can get a sandwich at Grand Central every
150 night at ten o'dock. So if you want to keep
from starving you are always on the move. Ifyou
have no subway tokens then youjump the stile.
You're always breaking rules and so you
start to have this sense of premonition5:
4asthma = a type of illness that makes it difficult to breathe
Opremonition = a feeling about the future
155 'Sooner or later!'l1 be caught.' You live in con-
stant fear.
"Ayear ago 1never thought that somebody
like me would end up in a shelter. Nothing
you've ever undergone prepares you. Youwalk
160 into the place-the sme11of sweat and urine
hits you like a wall. Unwashed bodies and the
look of absolute despair on many, many faces
there would make you think you were in
Dante's He11.Abandon hope. 1 read a loto !'m
165 not a lazy mano
"1 slept with my dothes on the first night
that 1 was there. 1 was given a cot but they
were out of sheets. 1 lay awake. 1 heard men
crying in their sleep. They're sound asleep and
170 they are crying. What you fear is that you wi11
be here forever. You do not know if it's ever
going to end. Youthink to yourself: It is a dream
and 1wi11wake. Sometimes 1think: It's an ex-
periment. They are watching you to frnd out
175 how much you can take. Someone wi11come
someday and say: 'Okay, this guy has suffered
long enough. Now we'l1 take him back into our
world.' Then you wake up and get in line....
"Listen to me: !'ve always worked. 1 need
180 to work! !'m not a lazy man." His voice rises
and the people at the other tables stare. "If 1
thought that 1could never work again!'d want
to die."
Source: Rachel and Her Children
Check Your
1. What is Richard Lazarus's background? What is his occupation?
2. Why is Mr. Lazarus homeless?
3. What is the irony about Mr. Lazarus working at the Martinique Hotel?
4. Mr. Lazarus gives two reasons why he doesn't like to come out of the
subway. What are they?
5. Why is Mr. Lazarus surprised that he has become homeless?
6. What is wrong with homeless shelters, according to Mr. Lazarus?
7. Mr. Lazarus says that he thinks it might be "an experiment." What
does he mean?
8. Richard Lazarus says, "Getting us in line is the idea." What does he
mean by this?
9. According to the reading, what type of person can become homeless?
Using Prepositions
Write the correct preposition(s) on the line(s) in each of the following
1. The benefit dinner was given conjunction
____ ~~~ a charity auction.
2. You should try to find how to help the homeless.
3. No one enjoys waiting line.
4. If you stay your room alone, you might begin to feel
cut from society.
5. I was invited two dinner parties, but they were
both the same time.
6. I went to visit my old friend, but his landlord said he had moved
7. His room was so small, he felt boxed -------
8. Donna went bed very late last night, so she is
sleeping this moming.
9. Most people don't believe they will ever end -------
10. The desk was surrounded a lot of empty boxes.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. According to the artide, Mr. Lazarus is educated, has at least seven
years of experience in his trade, and wants to work.
Why do you think he doesn't have a job?
2. Mr. Lazarus says he never thought he could become homeless. Do you
think you could ever be homeless? Why or why not?
3. What would you do if you were Mr. Lazarus?
4. How did this reading make you feel? Were you surprised by anything?
Did anything make you sad? Angry? Explain your answer.
5. Imagine Mr. Lazarus two years from now. Write a description of what
happens to him beginning after the author of the reading interviewed
How much money do you spend? How much do you save? In this section, you will read
about American attitudes towards saving and spending money.
Before You Read Gather different denominations of
American money, if you can. Look at
the pictures on the money, and read
the following table.
The U.S. Treasury building
The White House
The U.S. Capitol
Independence Hall
Abraham Lincoln
Alexander Hamilton
Andrew Jackson
Ulysses S. Grant
Benjamin Franklin
Mast Camman Denaminatians al U.S. Currency
Amouot Portrait Design00 the Rack
$1 George Washington The great seal of the United States
$2 Thomas Jefferson The signers of the Declaration of
The Lincoln Memorial
In this article, the author describes two types of "money personalities":
the miser, the person who enjoys saving money, and the spendthrift, the
person who enjoys spending.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Are you a miser or a spendthrift?
What are some good reasons to save money?
What are some good reasons to spend money?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
Charles D'Orleans (1391-1465) A wealthy member of French royalty,
held captive by the British; he was known for his poetry.
Eric Tyson is a syndicated columnist, financial counselor and author of
Personal Finance for Dummies.
When it comes to money, you're a hardworking
miser, a free spirit or spendthrift, or something
in between.
5 Some want to make and save a lot of money
in order to retire early. 1 see people pursuing
higher-paying and increasingly demanding ca-
reers to accomplish this goal. They make many
personal sacrifices in exchange for income
10 today.
The problem is that tomorrow might not
come. Even if all goes according to plan, will
you know how to be happy when you're not
working if you spend your entire life making
15 money? More importantly, who will be around
to share your leisure time? One of the costs of
engaging in an intense career is time spent
away from friends and family. You may indeed
realize your goal of retiring early, but you may
20 be putting offtoo much living today in expecta-
tion of living tomorrow.
As Charles D'Orleans said in 1465, "It's
very well to be thrifty, but don't amass a hoard
of regrets."
25 Spendthrifts
At the other extreme are those who live only
for today. A friend of mine once said, "I'm not
into de1ayed gratification1." Shop until you
drop seems to be the motto of this personality
30 type. "Why bother saving when 1 might not be
here tomorrow?" reason these people.
The danger of this approach is that tomor-
row may come after all, and most people don't
want to spend all their tomorrows working for
35 a living. The earlier neglect of saving, however,
handicaps the possibility of not working when
you are older.
A happy medium
Neither extreme is good, obviously.
40 You may be surprised to hear me say that
if you must pick an extreme, 1think it's better
to pick the spendthrift approach. (Do 1 hear a
collective sigh of relief?) As long as you have
a financial safety net, a nest egg of some kind
45 or relatives or friends you can really count on,
and you don't mind continuing to work (assum-
ing your health allows), you should be okay.
At least you're making use of your money and,
hopefully, deriving value and pleasure from it.
50 The only difference between a person with-
out savings or access to private healthcare and
some homeless people is a few months of un-
'delayed gratification = enjoying something at a later time
PART TWO: Money Makes the World Go Around 35
Postponing doing what you love and being
55 with people you love until retirement can be a
mistake. It may never come. Retirement can
be a great time for some people; for others, it is
a time ofboredom, loneliness, and poor health.
You won't know what it will be like for you
60 until you get there. In the meantime, you need
to figure out where you stand fmancially re
garding retirement planning. Ifyou're like mos1
working people, you need to increase your sav-
ings rate for retirement.
Source: Personal Finance for Dummies
Check Vour
Find out more about
understanding from
context by looking in
the Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
1. What are the advantages a miser has?
2. What are the disadvantages?
3. What are the advantages a spendthrift has?
4. What are the disadvantages?
5. What does the phrase "a happy medium" mean?
6. What does Tyson mean by "the only difference between a person
without savings or access to private healthcare and some homeless
people is a few months of unemployrnent"?
7. What does this quotation from Charles d'Orleans mean: "It's very well
to be thrifty, but don't amass a hoard of regrets"?
8. Which extreme does Tyson think is better? Do you agree?
Understanding from Context
Find the following sentences in the reading and write down the Une number
where you fmd each one. Look at the text that surrounds it. Don't use your
dictionary! From the context of the reading, explain what each sentence
1. Don't amass a hoard of regrets.
Paragraph __
Meaning: _
2. I'm not into delayed gratification.
Paragraph __
Meaning: _
3. Shop until you drop.
Paragraph __
Meaning: _
4. You should have a financial safety net.
Paragraph __
Meaning: _
5. Do you have a nest egg?
Paragraph __
Meaning: _
What information in the text gives you clues to the meaning of these senten-
ces? Discuss your answers with a classmate.
The following list contains words that show quantity. Choose the correct
ones to put in the blanks in the sentences. Some may have more than
one correct answer, although sometimes the different answers change the
meaning of the sentence.
a lot of
lots of
too much
too many
1. Some people want to make money.
2. Some people make personal sacrifices to make
3. Some people put emphasis on money.
_______ people don't want to work their entire life.
5. People don't want to spend ..--- of their tomorrows
6. You should get pleasure from your work.
7. The difference between homeless people and people
without savings is .months of
8. If you're like people, you need to save
_______ money for retirement.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Are you a miser or a spendthrift? Which do you think is better?
2. What do you imagine retirement to be like? Do you look forward to
3. What is your favorite way to spend money?
PART TWO: Money Makes the World Go Around 37
Before You Read
Microsoft Corporation Financial Highlights, 1997
(in millions, except earnings per share, tor the year ending June 30)
1993 1994 1995 1996
$3,753 $4,649 $5,937 $8,671
Net ncome
1,146 1,453 2,195
Retum on revenue
25.4% 24.7% 24.5% 25.3%
Total assets
3,805 5,363 7,210 10,093
Source: Adapted from information found at:
~~ Watchthe
< CNN video
VIDEO on BiII Gates.
Discuss these questions:
1. According to the
report, how rich is BiII
2. Who is the richest
American ever?
3. What did you learn
about BiII Gates?
Seattle, Washington,
home of Microsoft
Discuss the chart in class.
What do you think "net income" means?
What does "total assets" mean?
In the following reading, the author discusses the life of Bill Gates, the
Chairman of Microsoft, and one of the richest men in the world.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Have you heard of Bill Gates?
Have you used Microsoft products?
Is it possible to be "too rich"?
l$Il!I - ~~a;;;==a '-__ Iillllillllilillllil._-_Iil-_'Iil- __ -Iillil-Iillil' Iil Iil'III'"
Cultural Cues
About the Author
Bellevue A city in Washington state, near Seattle.
Tiffany's Ajewelry store known for fine and expensive items.
that eye ofthe camel thing A reference to a quotation from the Christian
Bible: "It is easier for a carnel to pass through the eye of a needle, than
for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
USDA surplus commodities The U.S. Department of Agriculture is a
government office that controls agricultural products and business. Sur-
plus commodities are foods that there are too much of.
Times The Seattle Times, the paper in which this article appeared.
money does a body good This is a reference to some popular advertise-
ments for milk, which told people "Milk does a body good."
government cheese This refers to a government prograrn in which poor
people were given free cheese each month.
Jerry Large is a columnist for the Seattle Times, from which this column is
This week, Bill Gates is worth $50 billion
and I'm not.
1don't begrudge1 him the fimrncial success.
Why should 1 be jealous?
5 It is of course, my own fault that 1 arn not
the possessor of 50 billion dollars, just as it is
your lack of initiative, or perhaps your content-
ment with a more pedestrian portfolio2, that
keeps you out of the billion-dollar club.
10 What would we do with 50 billion dollars,
lbegrudge = deny
2pedestrian portfolio = average collection of savings and
investments, one that doesn't produce large amonnts of
money. "Pedestrian" here means "everyday."
Well, you and 1, being socially conscious
and caring people, would give it all away,
wouldn't we? And by doing so we would prove
15 that the reason we didn't have billions before
is that we never wanted billions.
But suppose we were shallow and self-ab-
1see swirnming pools and beach vacations,
20 jets and yachts, island property and that ranch
in New Mexico I've been thinking about.
A while back, American Demographics8
magazine pawed through some statistics and
discovered that rich people do find ways to
25 dispose of income.
3demographics = the study of populations
PART TWO: Money Makes the World Go Around 39
How about a $55,000 trip around the world
in a private supersonic Concorde, or some jew-
elry from TIffany's?
Keith Ervin, a Times business reporter, did
30 a story last December on the recent influx of
stores aimed at the sort of folks for whom a
$100 billlooks like a penny.
He mentioned Barcelino, a Bellevue men's
clothing store where a customer has spent
35 more than $23,000 in a single visit.
Lots of stores like that have located in Seat-
tle or have plans to open a shop to sop up some
of that money. He reported there are about
59,000 farnilies around the Sound with at least
40 $1 rnillion.
Even so, there is only so much stuff you
can use.
Average folks spend 96 percent of annual
after-tax income each year. The rich spend only
45 about two-thirds of their after-tax income each
year, which means money keeps accurnulating
and they keep getting richer.
A rnillion dollars is flea food next to the
porterhouse steak Gates has. If you or 1 had
50 $50 billion, we could spend a rnillion ayear for
50,000 years. (Actually, we'd be spending only
the interest, so we'd never ron out of money.)
Look at it another way: It is a $50,000-a-year
salary for a million years.
55 Bill, a little pointer: Invest in some congres-
sional friends. Money does a body good.
1 know, 1 shouldn't go on like this about
money. Money is evil, or lust for it is, anyway.
There's that eye ofthe carnel thing, and there
60 is always everyone's favorite money-can't-buy
happiness exarnples, the Kennedys-wealth,
farne, power, looks and rnisery.
But, hey, it beats starvation.
We are all mature enough to know that the
65 business of Arnerica is making green.
People don't flock here so that they can
have the freedom to vote; they come to make
Money buys choices. People with money
70 have options when opportunities or problems
Money also buys a little security. A lot of
people in the rniddle class have a very loose
grip on [mancial stability; a little bad luck and
75 it's back to the governrnent cheese.
It wasn't until 1 tasted brie4 that 1 realized
that USDA surplus cornmodities weren't the
last word in [me cuisine. 1used to have a chip
on my shoulder about the rich. Maybe 1 still
80 have a little of that, but 1also think we've been
lecturing the wrong people about the evils of
Poor people are a captive audience for peo-
pIe who believe in social justice and want a
85 world that is not driven by greed. Seems as
though it is the wrong way around.
Tell rich people money is bad. Tell poor
people to get some quick.
I'm not poor anyrnore, but 1 could always
90 use more money. 1 want everyone out there
reading this to send me a dollar. Ask your
friends and neighbors to send me a dollar and
write to your relatives in Ohio and ask them
to send money.
95 Remember, a newspaper colurnn is soft-
ware, too. 1 prornise you that if 1 become a
billionaire, 1 will not forget your help.
Oops. 1think there rnight be some company
rule against solicitations.5 Never mind.
4brie = a type of fine French cheese
5solicitations = requests for money
Source: the Seattle Times
Check Your
1. How has wealth affected the Seattle community, according
to the writer?
2. What does "the business of Arnerica is making green" mean?
What does "green" refer to?
3. What is the difference between the way the rich spend money and the
way average people spend money, according to the reading?
4. What does "invest in some congressional friends" mean?
What's another way of saying this?
5. What does the author mean when he says, "we've been lecturing the
wrong people about the evils of money"?
6. What is the author's opinion of wealth? What sentences in the reading
tell you that?
7. Why does the author say "a newspaper column is software too"?
8. What does this sentence mean: "Poor people are a captive audience
for people who believe in social justice and want a world that is not
driven by greed"?
Understanding Humor
Find out more about
understanding humor
by looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
The tone of this article is humorous. However, the writer is also serious in
some parts. Humor is often hard to understand in a second language. Read
the sentences below, which are taken from the reading. Decide if the writer
is being serious or humorous. Then try to describe why you feel that way.
The first is done for you as an example.
1. It is of course, my own fault that 1 am not the possessor of 50 billion
dollars, just as it is your lack of initiative, or perhaps your
contentment with a more pedestrian portfolio, that keeps you out of
the billion-dollar club.
~Funny DSerious
I don't think he really believesthat t's just "Iack of initiative" that keeps
peoplefrom being wealthy. He is exaggerating in order to be funny.
2. Well, you and 1, being socially conscious and caring people, would
give it all away, wouldn't we?
DFunny DSerious
3. He reported there are about 59,000 families around the Sound with at
least $1 million.
DFunny DSerious
PART TWO: Money Makes the World Go Around 41
4. Averagefolks spend 96 percent of annual after-tax income each year.
O Funny O Serious
5. Moneybuys choices. People with money have options when
opportunities or problems arise.
O Funny O Serious
6. Money also buys a little security.
DFunny oSerious
Idioms and
Colloquial Language
7. Ask your friends and neighbors to send me a dollar and write to your
relatives in Ohio and ask them to send money.
O Funny O Serious
This reading uses idioms and colloquiallanguage. Complete the sentences
using the boldface phrases below, taken from the reading.
1. If advertising is aimed at you, it _
2. 1have a chip on my shoulder about _
3. Acaptive audience can't _
4. Aperson who is shallow and self-absorbed would probably _
5. If you pawed through a stack of magazines, you _
6. Myfavorite way to dispose of income is _
7. If people tlock to the city, they _
8. 1think that is the last word in _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. The author says, "People don't flock here so that they can have the
freedom to vote; they come to make money." Do you agree? Why or
why not?
2. In the United States, it is usually considered impolite to talk about
how much money you earn. Is this true in your country as well? What
do you think of this practice?
3. The author says that money buys security. In what ways do you think
this is true? Do you agree?
Discussion and Debate 1. Would you rather work at a job you love, even if it didn't pay well, or
a job you didn't like, but that paid a lot of money? Why?
2. Imagine you've won the 10ttery-$1O,OOO,OOO. What are you going to
do with the money? Save it or spend it? Or both? Will you quit school
or your job? Why or why not?
3. There is a saying "Money can't buy happiness." Do you agree? Why or
why not?
Writing Topies
1. In your joumal, write about the job you would love to have. Consider
more than just money-what kind of work would make you happy?
2. Do some research on the job you would love to have. Write a short
report about the job, answering the following questions:
Type ofjob:
Average yearly salary:
Education needed to get the job:
Typical duties of the job:
Typical work schedule of the job:
3. Is it better to save money or spend it? Write an essay in which you
persuade your reader of your point of view. Use examples from your
reading and from your own experience in your essay.
On Vour Own 1. What agencies are available in your cornmunity to help the homeless?
Do some research to fmd out.
2. Look in the job ads in your local newspaper. Find three that interest
you and bring them to class to talk about. Why do you think they
would be good jobs?
PART TWO: Money Makes the World Go Around 43
3. Interview three people on the topie of homelessness. Add more
questions if you want.
Why do you think people become homeless?
What can people do to help the homeless?
Do you give homeless people money? Why or why not?
Report your results to your class.
4. The following films deal with the subject of wealth or working. Watch
one of them, and discuss it with your class.
The Money Pit Gung Ho
Changing Places Melvin and Howard
Annie It Could Happen to You
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your leaming.
Every culture has traditions-in fad, traditions are what make one
culture different from another. In the first part of this chapter, you
willlook at some traditions associated with the winter h6lidays
in the United States.In the second part, you will read about some
toys that have been traditional favorites with American children.
* * * * * *
CWinter :CHome for the CHolidays
Christmas has Christian origins, as the name of the holiday suggests.
In the United States it is also a national holiday. However, it is certainly not the
only important winter holidays. A variety of religions and cultures celebrate their
own special winter holidays. This section looks at one of these-an African-American
holiday called Kwanzaa.
Before You Read
VIDE CNN video
on the
celebration of Kwanzaa.
Discuss these questions:
1. How did Kwanzaa
2. What are the reasons
for the celebration?
3. How do people
celebrate Kwanzaa?
Before you read, think about these questions:
Do you celebrate a winter holiday? Wlch one?
How do you celebrate this holiday?
What other winter holidays do you know something about?
PART ONE: Winter: Home for the Holidays 47
Kwanzaa is a cultural festival during which African-Americans celebrate
and reflect upon their rich heritage as the products of two worlds. It begins
December 26 and lasts for seven days. Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by
Dr. Maulana "Ron" Karenga, a college prafessor and African-American leader,
5 who believed that a special holiday could help African-Americans meet their
goals of building strong families, learning about their history, and creating
a sense of unity. After conducting extensive research in which he studied
the festivals of many African groups of people, he decided that the new
holiday should be a harvest or "first fruits" celebration, incorporating ideas
10 fram many different harvest traditions. Kwanzaa is a Kiswahili word meaning
"the first fruits of the harvest."
The East African language of Kiswahili was chosen as the official lan-
guage of Kwanzaa because it is a non-tribal language spoken by a large
portion ofthe African population. Also, its pronunciation is easy-the vowels
15 are pranounced like those in Spanish, and the consonants, for the most
part, like those in English.
Kwanzaa is based on seven principIes which are called Nguzo Saba.
The principIes are Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-determination), Ujima
(Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics),
20 Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith). One principIe is
highlighted each day of the holiday.
In preparation for the celebration, a straw place mat (Mkeka) is placed
on the table, along with a seven-candle candle holder (Kinara) with seven
candles, one black (placed in the center), three red (on the right), and three
25 green (on the left). The black candle represents the African-American people,
the red is for their struggles, and the green represents their hopes for the
future. Other items placed on the table are a variety of fruit (Mazao), ears
of com (Vibunzi) representing the number of children in the family, gifts
(Zawadi), and a communal unity cup (Kikombe Cha Umoja) for pouring
30 and sharing libation1
Each day of Kwanzaa, usually before the evening meal, family and friends
gather around the table and someone lights a candle, beginning with the
black. After that candles are lit altemately from left to right. While the
candle is being lit, a principIe is recited; then each person present takes a
35 tum to speak about the importance that principIe has to him- or herself.
Next the ceremony focuses on remembering those who have died. Aselected
llibation drinks
48 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
Source: Win95 Magazine
Check Your
Find out more about
processes by looking
in the Reference Cuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
person pours water or juice from the unity cup into a bowl. That person
then drinks from the cup and raises it high saying "Harambee" which means
"Let's all pull together." AlI repeat "Harambee!" seven times and each person
40 drinks from the cupo Then names of African-American Ieaders and heroes
are called out, and everyone reflects upon the great things these people did.
The ceremony is followed by a meal, and then singing and perhaps listening
to African music.
1. What does the word kwanzaa mean?
2. Why was the holiday Kwanzaa created?
3. What Ianguage is the word kwanzaa from?
4. What is the officiallanguage of Kwanzaa? Why was it chosen?
5. When did the holiday Kwanzaa begin?
6. What are the seven principIes upon which Kwanzaa is based?
7. What is a "unity cup" and why is it used?
8. What does "the products of two worlds" mean in this reading?
9. What does "harambee" mean?
Understanding Processes
This reading describes the process of ceIebrating Kwanzaa. Review the
reading and write the 16 steps people take to ceIebrate Kwanzaa. (You may
[rnd you have a different number of steps, depending on how you combine
certain procedures.)
Write these steps as instructions, using imperative verbs. Use "sequenc-
ing words" (such asfirst, next, then, etc. to show the order.) The first one
is done for you.
Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step
Step 8:
First, put a straw place mat (Mkeka) on the table.
Using Translation
PAR T O N E: Winter: Home for the Holidays 49
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 13:
Step 14:
Step 15:
Step 16:
Sometimes, translating a word into your native language helps you to under-
stand its meaning better. Look at these words and their translations into
Kiswahili. Then, translate them into your own language.
The name of the
1. Unity
2. Self-determination
3. Collective Work
and Responsibility
4. Cooperative
5. Purpose
6. Creativity
7. Faith
Translated into
Translated into your
first language
Talk to another student about your translations. Were they easy to do?
Which ones were most difficult? Why?
50 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
A--~~~~=.t""~:;;::;;:_I1I!I1I!I=m_C_=-_:-dl1l!~:- I1I!ml1l!~_~I1I!"I1I!"'I1I!_I1I!"l1I!lIII_""I1I! __UI1lI1l!I1I!"_I1I!-I1I!- __ I1I!II __
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Kwanzaa is based on seven principIes. The number seven, in fact, is
important in many stories and customs. Can you think of any others?
Does the number seven have any special significance in your culture?
2. Is Kwanzaa similar to any other holidays you know (in any culture)?
Which ones? How is it similar? What are the differences?
3. Why do you think Kwanzaa is important to the African-American
Before You Read
Largest Department Store Chains in the United States
1. Sears Roebuck
2. Wal-Mart Stores
3. Kmart
4. J.C. Penney
5. Dayton Hudson
6. May Department Stores
7. Woolworth
8. Federated Department Stores
9. R.H. Macy
Source: Blackbum MalIIIketing 10. Dillard Department Stores
Annual Sales
Some American department stores take in half of their annual sales during
the Christmas shopping season (Thanksgiving through New Year's Day).
This is because Americans spend so much money on Christmas, Hannukah,
and Kwanzaa presents.
What holidays do you celebrate by giving gifts?
How important are holiday gifts to you?
How much do you spend on holiday presents for family and friends?
The following story has been slightly simplified from its original version.
~lIIImllll-_"IIiI" --J_lIII _
Cultural Cues
magi The three kings who brought precious gifts to Christ when
he was bom.
the gift of the magi A special way of saying "the Christmas gift."
Queen of Sheba and King Solomon Sheba was an ancient country of
southem Arabia. Today it is called Yemen. Its people were known for
PART ONE: Winter: Home for the Holidays 51
their wealth. In the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, the
Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon.
Coney Island An amusement park in New York.
chorus girl A young woman who sings and dances in the theater, but is
not one of the stars.
Broadway A popular shopping and theatre street in New York.
About the Author
O. Henry was born Williarn Sydney Porter in 1862 in Greensboro, North
Carolina. He was brought up in the South during the depression after the
Civil War. He held differentjobs before becoming a teller in the First National
Bank. He was put in prison for stealing money in 1898. He started writing
short stories in prison under his pseudonym, O. Henry. After his release, he
moved to New York City, and wrote the first of his many books, Cabbages
and Kings, in 1904. His stories provide a romantic and humorous treatment
of everyday life. They are also known for their use of coincidence and trick
endings. He died in 1910.
One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was
all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies
saved one and two at a time by bargaining with
the grocer and the vegetable man and
5 the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the
silent guilt of being cheap. Three times Della
counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents.
And the next day would be Christmas.
There was clearly nothing to do but flop
10 down on the shabbyl little couch and howl.
So Della did it. Which makes one believe the
fact that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and
smiles, with sniffles the most common.
While the mistress of the home is gradually
15 going from sobbing to sniffling, take a look at
'shabby = old and wom out
the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. In
the entryway below was a letter-box into which
no letter would go, and a doorbell which no
finger could cause to ring. Also there was a
20 card on it with the name "Mr.Jarnes Dillingharn
The "Dillingharn" had been added during a
former period ofprosperity when its possessor
was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the
25 income was shrunk to $20, though, they were
thinking seriously of contracting it to a modest
"D." But whenever Mr.Jarnes Dillingharn Young
carne home and reached his flat above he was
called "Jim" and greatly hugged by Mrs. Jarnes
30 Dillingharn Young, already introduced to you
as Della. Which is all very good.
Della finished her cry and attended to her
cheeks with some powder. She stood by the
52 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
window and looked out dully at a gray cat walk-
35 ing a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow
would be Christmas Day, and she had only
$1.87 with which to by Jim a present. She had
been saving every penny she could for months,
with this resulto Twenty dolIars a week doesn't
40 go faroExpenses had been greater than she had
calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy
a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour
she had spent planning for something nice for
him. Something [me and rare and silver-
45 something worthy ofthe honor ofbeing owned
by Jim.
There were narrow mirrors between the
windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen
such mirrors in a cheap flat. Avery thin person
50 may, by observing his reflection in a rapid se-
quence of these long narrow mirrors, get a
fairly accurate reflection of his looks. DelIa,
being slender, had mastered the arto
Suddenly she whirled from the window and
55 stood before the mirror. Her eyes were shining
brilliantly, but her face had lost its color within
twenty seconds. Rapidly she pulIed down her
hair and let it falI to its fulIlength.
Now, there were two possessions of the
60 James Dillingham Youngs in which they both
took great pride. One was Jim's gold watch that
had been his father's and his grandfather's. The
other was DelIa's hair. Had the Queen of
Sheba lived in the flat across from theirs, DelIa
65 would have let her hair hang out the window
some day to dry just to make the Queen's jewels
and gifts less valuable. Had King Solomon
been the janitor, with :i1Ihis treasures piled up
in the basement, Jim would have pulIed out his
70 watch every time he passed, just to see him
pulI at his beard from envy.
So now DelIa's beautiful hair felI about her
flowing and shining like a cascade2 of brown
waters. It reached below her knee and was
75 almost like a dress. And then she did it up again
nervously and quickly. Once she fumbled for a
'cascade = waterfall
minute and stood still while a tear or two
splashed on the wom red carpet.
She put on her old brown jacket; she put
80 on her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts
and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes,
she fluttered out the door and down the stairs
to the street.
Where she stopped the sign said: "Madame
85 Sofronie. Hair Goods of AlI Kinds." One flight
up DelIa ran, and colIected herself, panting.
Madame, large, too white, chilly, hardly looked
the "Sofronie."
"Will you buy my hair?" asked DelIa.
90 "1buy hair," said Madame. "Take yer hat off
and let's have a look at it."
The brown cascade rippled down.
"Twenty dolIars," said Madame, lifting the
hair with a skilIed hand.
95 "Give it to me quick," said DelIa.
Oh, and the next two hours flew by on rosy
wings. Forget the fancy metaphor3. She was
ransacking4 the stores for Jim's presento
She found it at last. It surely had been made
100 for Jim and no one else. There was no other
like it in any of the stores, and she had tumed
all of them inside out. It was a platinum fob
chain simple and pure in design, showing its
value by substance alone and not by ornate5
105 decoration-as alI good things should do. It
was even worthy of The Watch. As soon as she
saw it she knew that it must be Jim's. It was
like him. Quietness and value-the description
applied to both. They took twenty-one dolIars
110 for it, and she hurried home with the remaining
87 cents. With that chain on his watch, Jim
would be eager to check the time in any com-
pany. As wonderful as the watch was, he some-
times looked at it secretly because of the old
115 leather strap that he used in place of a chain.
When DelIa reached home her excitement
changed a little to reason. She got out her curl-
3metaphor = a type of comparison; in tls case Della's
hair is a cascade
4ransack = search aggressively for something
50mate = fancy, very decorative
PART ONE: Winter: Home for the Holidays 53
ing irons and went to work trying to fIx her
hair, which was now a mess made by generosity
120 added to love. Which is always a tremendous
task, dear friends-a gigantic task.
Within forty minutes her head was covered
with tiny, close-lying curls that made her look
wonderfully like a schoolboy. She looked at
125 her refiection in the miITor long, carefully, and
"If Jim doesn't kill me," she said to herself,
"before he takes a second look at me, he'll say
1 look like a Coney Island chorus girl. But
130 what could 1 do-oh! what could I do with a
dollar and eighty-seven cents?"
At 7 o'clock the coffee was made and the
frying-pan was on the back of the stove hot
and ready to cook the chops.
135 Jim was never late. Della held the fob chain
in her hand and sat on the comer of the table
near the door that he always entered. Then she
heard his step on the stairs down on the first
fioor, and she tumed white for just a moment.
140 She had a habit of saying a little silent prayer
about the simplest everyday things, and now
she whispered: "Please God, make him think I
am still pretty."
The door opened and Jim stepped in and
145 closed it. He looked thin and very serious. Poor
fellow, he was only twenty-two-and to be bur-
dened with a family! He needed a new overcoat
and he had no gloves.
Jim stopped inside the door, as still as a
150 dog at the scent of bird. He stared at Della,
and there was a look in them that she could
not understand, and it scared her. It was not
anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor hor-
ror, nor any of the feelings that she had been
155 prepared foroHe simply stared at her with that
peculiar expression on his face.
Della wriggled off the table and went for
"Jim, darling," she cried, "don't look at me
160 that way. I had my hair cut off and sold because
I couldn't have lived through Christmas with-
out giving you a present. It'll grow out again-
you won't mind, will you? 1just had to do it.
My hair grows awfully fast. Say 'Merry Christ-
165 mas!' Jim, and let's be happy. You don't know
what a nice-what a beautiful, nice gift I've got
for you."
"You've cut off your hair?" asked Jim,
slowly, as if he had not understood, even
170 though he had thought hard about it.
"Cut it off and sold it," said Della. "Don't
you like me just as well, anyhow? I'm me with-
out my hair, ain't I?"
Jim looked about the room curiously.
175 "You say your hair is gone?" he said, seem-
ing almost stupid.
"Don't look for it," said Della. "It's sold, I
tell you-sold and gone, too. It's Christmas
Eve, boy. Be good to me, for I sold it for YOU.
180 Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered,"
she went on with sudden serious sweetness,
"but nobody could ever count my love for YOU.
Shall I put the chops on, Jim?"
Jim seemed quickly to wake out of his
185 trance. He hugged his Della. For ten seconds
let's not watch them. Eight dollars a week or
a million a year-what is the difference? A
mathematician or a scholar would give you the
wrong answer. The magi brought valuable gifts,
190 but that was not among them. This dark state-
ment will be illuminated later on.
Jim drew a package from his overcoat
pocket and threw it upon the table.
"Don't make any mistake, Dell," he said,
195 "about me. I don't think there's a haircut that
could make me like my girl any less. But if
you'll unwrap that package you may see why
I acted like I did."
White fingers tore at the string and paper.
200 And then a happy scream of joy; and then, alas!
a quick change to tears and crying, requiring
the immediate comfort of her husband.
For there lay The Combs-the set of combs
that Della had admired in a Broadway window.
205 Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jew-
elled rims6-just the right color for her beauti-
fuI vanished hair. They were expensive combs,
6rims = the outside part Di something
54 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
she knew, and her heart had yeamed for them
without believing she would ever have them.
210 And now, they were hers, but the hair that
should have held the beautiful combs was
But she held them tightly, and she looked
up with sad eyes and a smile and say: "Myhair
215 grows so fast, Jim!"
And then Della leaped up like a little cat
and cried, "Oh, oh!"
Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present.
She held it out to him eagerly with her open
220 hand. The dull precious metal seemed to flash
with a reflection of her bright spirit.
"Isn't it wonderful, Jim? 1 hunted all over
town to find it. You'll have to look at the time
a hundred times a day now. Give me your
225 watch. 1want to see how it looks on it."
Instead of obeying, Jim sat down on the
couch, leaned back, and smiled.
"Dell," said he, "let's put our Christmas pres-
ents away and keep 'em a while. They're too
230 nice to use right now. 1 sold the watch to get
the money to buy your combs. And now sup-
pose you put the chops on."
The magi, as you know, were wise men-
wonderfully wise men-who brought gifts to
235 the baby Jesus. They invented the art of giving
Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were
wise ones, perhaps ones you could exchange
if you got two. And here 1 have told you the
dull story of two foolish children in a flat who
240 most unwisely sacrificed for each other the
greatest treasures of their house. But in a last
word to the wise of these days let it be said
that of all who give gifts, these two were the
wisest. Of all who give and receive gifts, such
245 as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest.
They are the magi.
Check Your
1. What sort of apartment did the Youngs live in?
2. What is the reason that Della is crying at the beginning of the story?
3. Why are they thinking of changing the name plate to read "D." instead
of "Dillingham"?
4. How do es Della solve her problem?
5. How does Jim react to seeing Della's hair?
6. How does Jim get the money for Della's gift?
7. Why is this story called "The Gift of the Magi"?
Find out more about
summarizing by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Word Search
PAR T o NE: Winter: Home for the Holidays 55
Summarizing a short story can help you understand what details were im-
portant to you. Using the space below (and no more!) summarize "The Gift
of the Magi." Then compare your summary to one that a classmate wrote.
How are the details different? What did you focus on? Discuss these ques-
tions with your partner.
The following words are found in the reading. Begin by writing their mean-
ings in the blanks. Then circle them again in the following puzzle. The letters
in these words are written horizontally, vertically, left to right, and right to
left. The first word in the puzzle is done for you.
butcher _
cascade _
cheap _
janitor _
magi _
metaphor _
ornate _
peculiar _
prayer _
prosperity _
ripple _
sacrifice _
scholar _
shabby _
sniffles - _
sobs _
xm u
p o
m o f
j butchcr
rr ecI f
rc asf
k r
s nI f
fI e
s o
k t
m f n p
o v
eea eub
r I q h
m ornate
sI ot
o t
a f
w t
I fw prayer
a nIt
r f
r y
zI rI xb
ze au f
q J
w 9
uu r
m h
r y
f v
I o
w z
r f
h sw y
I he
j sobs
1. What is the best gift you have ever received? Whywas it so special?
2. Whydoes the author say that "these two were the wisest" at the end
of the story?
3. How do you think this story shows the "true spirit of Christmas"?
Childhood is a time of traditions. Traditional songs,
games, and toys play an important part in the Iife of
the Ammerican Child.
Before You Read
In this essay, the author talks about his first bicycle.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Have you ever owned a bicycle? Do you remember your frrst bicycle?
Why do you think bicycles are so important to children?
Cultural Cues paper route The route refers to the streets that the delivery person travels
to deliver the newspapers.
About the Author Brian Lonsway lives in Waterville, Ohio. He collects old bicycles.
58 CHAPTER THREE Traditians
It all started in Toledo, Ohio on the evening of August q, 1951. That was
when Dad gave me and my sister the most wonderful surprise of our young
lives-new bikes!
We'd always been happy with the secondhand or homemade toys we'd
5 been given, but this was something special. Even the serial number1 of my
bike-A59296A-remains forever locked in my mind!
1was 11 years old then, and 1 immediately took off to show friends my
new "machine". Every day 1rode the bike to school-and everywhere else.
When 1 got a paper route, 1made a box to hold the papers on the luggage
10 rack.
Although it seemed our bikes were built to last forever, that didn't stop
my buddies and me from constantly dismantling2 them for unneeded main-
Such Shining Times
15 ayer the years, our bikes wore assorted reflectors, mud flaps, handlebar
streamers and even hubcaps. Every summer, we stripped them down Cfor
speed, of course) and removed tanks, fenders and all the accessories. With
handlebars tumed upside down, they were now "racers".
Sometimes 1wonder how we survived when 1recall the "backward races"
20 we hado Sitting on the handlebars and facing the rear, I'd pedal furiously
while looking over my shoulder. AlI in all, 1did pretty well ... 1remember
only three major crack-ups.
Once, the bike went sailing over my head when 1 hit a curb. Another
time, 1took a dramatic "header" when the front fender caught a tree support
25 wire. And 1 well remember the nasty cut 1got while trying to ride the bike
standing on the crossbar.
I'll also never forget the longest trip 1took on my bike. One night when
1 was 13, 1 decided to ron away from home ... sort of. After pedaling for
what seemed forever, 1found myself in a place with lots of pavement and
30 strange-colored lights.
The sound of an airplane finally confirmed the realization that I'd strayed
onto the tarmac of the Toledo airport, 11 miles from home.
lserial number = the special number which is different for every item a manufacturer sells
2dismantling = taking something apart into separate pieces
PART TWO: Childhood: A Child at Heart 59
Caught in the glare of an airplane's landing lights and scared that the
police would soon be looking for me, 1tumed off my headlight and somehow
35 managed to frnd my way back home using dark country roads.
Winter Pedal Pushers
We loved our bikes so much that, in snowy weather, we'd laboriously
thread heavy twine around the tires to create "snow chains". Try topping
that for "nerdiness"3!
40 The only time in my life that my trust y Westem Flyer got out of my sight
was a brief period in the late 60s when 1 loaned it to Dad, then living in
Florida. When 1 got the bike back from hiro, 1 was a little miffed to frnd
he'd repainted it.
So what if the old paint had been a little thin because of all my polishing?
45 At least he got the color scheme right, even if the red is a little off. And
now that Dad is gone, 1 have little inclination to change it, since the paint
job reminds me of him.
Besides, the original decal is still there under the paint, and some of the
old color can still be seen. Maybe someday my son will restore the old bike
50 to its original glory.
Yes, 1 still have my old Westem Flyer. I'm also living in a house built in
1835.1 drive a 1961 Ford Sunliner and take to the water in a 1955 Century
Resorter speedboat.
Source: Reminisce Magazine What can 1 say? I've seen the past, and it still works!
1. What kinds of gifts did the author get before he got his first bicycle?
2. What kinds of accidents did the author have with his bicycle?
3. What's a "backwards race"?
4. Why was the author upset that his father repainted the bike?
5. Why won't he repaint the bicycle now?
6. What was the longest trip the author ever took on his bike?
3nerdiness = a "nerd" is derogatory terrn for an
uninteresting person who is extremely
interested in an unusual hobby
60 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
Find out more about
understanding ..
examples by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Understanding Examples
The author uses many examples to support his main ideas. List the examples
that are used for eaeh idea listed below. The first one is done for you.
1. The bieycle was the most special gift ever.
Example: He even remembers the serial number: A59296A.
2. He rode the bike everywhere.
To _
to _
and to _
3. He loved making ehanges to his bike.
He made .
He also put _
and on the bike.
4. He got in aeeidents with the bike.
Example 1.
Example 2.
Example 3. _
5. Even the paint was important.
First ,
seeond _
and finally, _
6. The author likes old things.
His bike was made _
His house was built _
His ear is _
His boat is _
Bicycle Words
PART TWO: Childhood: A Child at Heart 61
Look at the following drawing. Label each part on the bike.
luggage rack
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think the name of the bike, "Western Flyer," is important?
2. Bicycling is not a common form of transportation in the United
States. Why do you think this is true?
3. Interview one of your classmates about his or her experience with
bicycles. Think of three questions to ask him or her. One of them
might be "When did you get your first bicycle?"
4. Do you have a bicycle now? How often do you use it?
62 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
Before Vou Read
Cultural Cues
Macy's City Shopper Barbie
The Barbie Don became an important American toy in the 1950s. This don
is still very popular today.
The fonowing reading is a conection of short writings about memories
of Barbie. In it, both men and women talk about Barbie's role in their lives.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Rave you ever seen or owned a Barbie Don?
Is there a don or other toy that has been popular for a long time in
your culture?
Ken doll Barbie's don boyfriend.
Epcot Center Part of Disney World in which important scientific and cul-
tural items are displayed.
Dream House A don house made for Barbie.
Lake Shasta A large lake in Northern California.
Partridge Family Atelevision show featuring a family that is also a rock
and ron bando This show was popular in the early 1970s.
PART TWO: Childhood: A Child at Heart 63
Donny and Marie Referring to Donny and Marie Osmond, of the Osmond
family. The Osmonds were a singing family popular in the late 1960s and
early 1970s.
Brady Bunch A 1970s television show with an idealized American family.
Mattel The name of the toy company that makes Barbie and Ken dolls.
Macy's A large department store.
SaJeway A large grocery store chain.
Madonna A popular American singer.
G.I. Joe A soldier doll, usually played with by boys.
Barbie Stories
From Mrs. Brown, 48
As one of the frrst groups of children to have
Barbies, here's what I remember:
Spending many hours in my cousin's
backyard in the summer playing with our
5 Barbies.
Not liking the heavy makeup she wore in
the beginning. I'm glad they changed that!
My grandmother saying, "She certainly is
10 Wishing that I would look "healthy"
someday; now I'm glad I don't.
Wishing I had clothes like Barbie's-and
the accessories were great!
Thinking that Ken was really a
15 sponger-why doesn't he have the car,
condo, or gym equipment? I can't even
find shoes for my niece's Ken doll
From Margo T., 24
20 When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I got a
Barbie for Christmas, even though I had not
wanted one. She had only one dress, and the
only accessory she had was a swimming pool.
My parents couldn't afford much more. The
25 pool was so difficult to put together that I was
never able to do it right. It had a slide that the
doll wouldn't slide down: she'd always fall off.
Barbie could not swim in this pool either, be-
cause it was smaller than she was. If you put
30 her in the pool, she fell overoI played with the
pool for approximately twenty minutes before
deciding it wasn't fun. In fact, I hated it! Fur-
thermore, I hated the name "Barbie" too.
When I was about 9 or 10, my friend Sally
35 and 1 created a Barbie "McDonald's." We used
my one old Barbie and her collection of ten
Barbies and Kens. They were the waiters and
1 still have a Barbie, though I'm 23. 1 dyed
40 her hair purple, cut it, and made it into a mo-
hawk. She wears a leather jacket, and she has
a black tattoo. She is one of my most treasured
From Barbie R., 40
45 I've always had Barbies. 1 really am a Barbie,
and 1 live a Barbie life. My husband's name is
even Ken! 1 loved that doll. However, then I
64 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
went to Disneyland and met the "Barbie" there.
She was a loser! She wasn't perfect, not even
50 pretty. And Ken ... he was a disappointment,
1 used to chew on my Barbie's hands and
blame it on my dog, whose name was Ken. We
painted a big box to make our own Dream
55 House, since we couldn't afford the real one.
We built a pool in the sand on Lake Shasta
in California and pretended Barbie was so rich
that she had her own pool and beach. Finally,
1got the Barbie Dream Condo (with the eleva-
60 tor) for $1.00 at a garage sale.
The worst experience of my life was when
our house burned down. 1lost all ofmy Barbies
and the Partridge Family, Donny and Marie,
and Brady Bunch dolls. This event made
65 me the collector that 1 am today.
From Ken B., 19
1 don't have many memories of Barbie, but 1
do remember that when my sister Sally played
with Barbie, 1had a Superman doll. So 1wanted
70 to play with Sally and her Barbie, since she
had the Barbie Van. Superman could take a
nap, watch TV, cook some dinner, and then go
out to fight evil! The problem was, he was about
an inch shorter than all the Barbie dolls, so he
75 didn't exactly fit in. He's the superhero, but
Barbie made him look like a little kid!
From Kathy S., 37
Mysister and 1never had many Barbie accesso-
ries or fumiture. We didn't have enough money
80 to buy them. We used things that we found
around our house. An empty shoe box was
her bathtub. Those charm bracelets that were
popular a few years ago became toys for Bar-
bie's children. Back then, Mattel didn't sell
85 dishes or food for Barbie, so my sister and 1
would look through the Sunday paper for
Macy's or Safeway advertisements and cut out
pictures of food and dishes. Barbie and her
friends would have a grand meal! 1tell you, my
90 Barbie had a life of luxury! 1 had an electric
hair curler and decided to try it on Barbie's
hair. It burned it, so 1 cut it off and called her
Madonna because she looked like her.
From Velma F., 28
95 When 1 was a little girl 1 cut off my Barbie's
hair, and thought it was the coolest thing. 1cut
it straight across, a bob, like the cuts that were
popular in the eighties. Then 1cut off the hair
of my sister's Barbie. 1left it long on one side,
100 but cut it short on the other. Needless to say,
my mom didn't like my hairdressing hobby and
yelled at me. 1 still don't get it!
From Paul T., 21
My best memory of Barbie was when 1put all
105 my G.I. Joes in my sisters' Barbie Campero
Then, 1 rolled it off the roof, and watched the
camper break into a thousand pieces when it
hit the driveway. The G.1. Joes sailed through
the air. My sisters were so mad, and 1 was
110 grounded for two weeks.
Check Vour
1. What are some accessories that are made for Barbie?
2. What other dolls are named in the reading?
3. What activities or games seem to be popular with the children who
play with Barbie?
4. How did the boys play with dolls in these passages?
5. What was the problem with Ken B.'s Superman doll?
t Find out more about
scanning by looking in
the Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Slang and
PART TWO: Childhood: A Child at Heart 65
Scanmng means going over an artide quickly to look for specific infonnation.
Scan the reading again, and answer the following questions.
1. Who is the oldest respondent? _
2. Who had the most Barbies? _
3. Who has a husband named Ken? _
4. How many of the writers cut their Barbie's hair? _
5. How many different accessories are mentioned? _
6. Which male dolls are mentioned? _
and _
Review the reading to see if you understand what the following boldfaced
words mean. Discuss their meaning with your dassmates. Then, complete
the following sentences to show that you understand them.
1. John is a real sponger; he _
2. A loser _
3. My mother grounded me for because 1 _
4. 1had the coolest idea today! 1 decided to _
5. 1 don't get it! _
1lII_1lII1IIi1lll1lll"""""' _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Whose story did you like the best? Why?
2. Do you have a Barbie Story (or a similar story about another toy)?
3. Today Barbie iscontroversial. This is because many people feel that
she presents an unrealistic image of a woman. A new Barbie has a
wider waist, wears flat shoes, and has a different face. What do you
think of this controversy?
66 CHAPTER THREE Traditions
Discussion and Debate 1. Many people say that Christmas is too commercial in America. They
feel that people focus on buying and selling gifts more than on the
spirit of the season. How does this idea fit into other ideas you have
about American culture?
2. Why do you think holidays are important to people? Are they more
important to adults or to children?
3. Think of another question to ask classmates about the ideas in this
d. who celebrates it
e. special customs
Writing Topics
1. In your joumal, write about some memories from childhood: your
first bike, an important birthday, a favorite toy. Why do you think
these memories are important to you?
2. Look up the folIowing holidays, and write a short report on one of
Kwanzaa Hannukah Ramadan
3. Write about the holiday that is most important in your culture. In your
essay, discuss the folIowing:
a. when it is celebrated
b. its origin
c. traditional foods
On Your Own 1. Go to a toy store and look at the toys that are popular today. Make
notes and report back to the class.
2. Find someone who celebrates a holiday that you don't celebrate.
Interview that person about the holiday. Also ask him or her about
childhood memories of this holiday.
3. Take a polI of ten people about their childhood toys. Ask them these
questions, and add some of your own:
What was your favorite childhood toy?
Do you still have that toy?
If not, what happened to it?
What kinds of games did you playas a child?
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
The way that people treat each other is different jn different
cultures. This chapter looks at how Americans interad with their
friends and their families.
s: A Friend In Need
Friendships exist in every culture. However, the character of
friendships is different in each culture. This section takes a look at the
character of American friendships.
Before Vou Read
The following reading is about friendships between men and women.
Before you read this essay, think about the following questions:
Do you think men and women can be "just friends"?
Who is your "best" friend?
PART ONE: Friends: A Friend In Need 69
Find out more about
skimming by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Skirnming means reading something quickly to get the main idea. Before
you read the article carefully, take no more than two minutes to skim the
article. Then answer the questions below:
1. What is the main idea of the article? _
2. What are the differences between men and women, according to the
article? _
3. Who is the center of a little girl's life? _
Cultural Cues
Debbie Reynolds An actor who was popular in the 1950s and 1960s; she
is best known for her part as Cathy Selden in Singin' in the Rain.
Dick Van Dyke A popular entertainer who had a television show in the
1950s and 60s called The Dick Van Dyke Show. He has been in many
movies and television shows, including Diagnosis Murder.
Deborah Tannen is a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University in
Washington, D.C. She has written many books and articles, some of which
have appeared in TheNew York Times Magazine, Vogue, New York Magazine,
and The Washington Post. She lives in Washington, D.C.
-;;~:;~~:::1:::n-~~~:-:~-~---------==~'==== About the Author '",",,"'_M _ - -=-
by Deborah 7annen you Just Don't Understand
Once again, the seeds of women's and men's styles are sown in the ways
they learn to use language while growing up. In our culture, most people,
but especially women, look to their closest relationships as havens in a
hostile world. The center of a little girl's sociallife is her best friendo Girls'
5 friendships are made and maintained by telling secrets. For grown women
too, the essence1 of friendship is talk, telling each other what they're think-
ing and feeling, and what happened that day: who was at the bus stop, who
called, what they said, how that made them feel. When asked who their
best friends are, most women name other women they talk to regularly.
10 When asked the same question, most men will say it's their wives. After
that, many men name other men with whom they do things such as play
tennis or baseball (but never just sit and talk) or a chum from high school
whom they haven't spoken to in ayear.
When Debbie Reynolds complained that Dick Van Dyke didn't tell her
15 anything, and he protested that he did, both were right. She felt he didn't
tell her anything because he didn't tell her the fleeting thoughts and feelings
he experienced throughout the day-the kind of talk she would have with
her best friendo He didn't tell her these things because to him they didn't
seem like anything to tell. He told her anything that seemed important-
20 anything he would tell his friends.
Men and women often have their different ideas of what's important-and
at what point "important" topies should be raised. A woman told me, with
lingering incredulity2, of a conversation with her boyfriend. Knowing he
had seen his friend Oliver, she asked, "What's new with Oliver?" He replied,
25 "Nothing." But later in the conversation it came out that Oliver and his
girlfriend had decided to get married. "That's nothing?" the woman gasped
in frustration and disbelief.
For men, "Nothing" may be a ritual response at the start of a conversation.
A college woman missed her brother but rarely called him because she
30 found it difficult to get talk going. A typical conversation began with her
asking, "What's up with you?" and his replying, "Nothing." Hearing his "Noth-
ing" as meaning "There is nothing personal I want to talk about," she supplied
talk by filling him in on her news and eventually hung up in frustration. But
when she thought back, she remembered that later in the conversation he
35 had mumbled, "Christie and I got into another fight." This came so late and
so low that she didn't pick up on it. And he was probably equally frustrated
that she didn't.
lessence = basic quality
2incredulity = astonishment; state of being unsure
Source: You Just Don't
Check Vour
Using New Words
PART ONE: Friends: A Friend In Need 71
Many men honestly do not lrnow what women want, and women honestly
do not lrnow why men frnd what they want so hard to comprehend and
40 deliver.
1. How are men's and women's friendships different, according to the
2. According to Tannen, how do men and women define "important"
3. Who is a man likely to say is his best friend?
4. When aman says, "nothing," what might he really mean, according
to the author?
5. What is the most important part of women's friendships, according
to the reading?
Look up the words below. Draw a line from each word at the left to the
word or phrase at the right that most closely matches its meaning.
1. sow A. brief
2. haven
B. disbelief
3. hostile
C. formal
4. fleeting
D. gulp
5. incredulity
E. murmur
6. gasp
F. plant
7. ritual
G. restrained
8. mumble
H. shelter
9. frustrated
Now, choose three of these words and write a sentence using each of them .
iIII~ ~ ======== __ g-__g gilllg ,m;g'~g~gl~g~.;~====~====w-~====:=mm
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Tannen says that American girls' friendships are very important. Is
this true in your culture as well?
2. Do you agree with the author's last sentence in this essay? Why or
why not?
3. Brainstorm with a partner or on your own. Make a list of three other
things you have noticed about communication between men and
1. _
2. _
3. _
Discuss these differences in class. Why do you think these differences exist?
Before Vou Read
This reading is a poem by one of the
most important American poets,
Robert Frost. In this poem, there is
a line that is often repeated in Ameri-
can life: "Good fences make good
neighbors. "
Before you read the poem, think
about the following questions:
Do you enjoy poetry?
Rave you heard of Robert Frost
What do you think "Good
fences make good neighbors"
This poem may contain some
words or phrases that are new to
you. Read it slowly and think about
the meaning of these words and phrases. You should read the poem at least
Cultural Cues
~~~ .811 li1~ ::::. f!![,~~~_$):S3ll00:M .~~=~ill'i!1
wall To understand the poem, it's helpful to understand the sort of wall
that the poet is describing. It is a wall made of stones, which creates a
low fence around the owner's property, and is common in the northeast-
em part of the United States. (See photo above.)
About the Author
(f'W~Wajch the
on Robert
Frost's farm.
Discuss these questions:
1. Where is Robert
Frost's farm?
2. Which two states did
Robert Frost think
were the best in the
3. Which President did
Robert Frost write a
poem for?
4. What did you learn
about Robert Frost?
by Robert Frost
PART ONE: Friends: A Friend In Need 73
Robert Frost was bom in 1874, in San Francisco, California. He studied at
Harvard and became a teacher, shoemaker, and farmer before going to
England (1912-15). While he was in England, he published A Boy's Will
(1913) and North of Boston (1914), which brought him intemational fame.
Back in the United States he taught at Amherst Collegeand the University
of Michigan. His book New Hampshire (1923) won the Pulitzer Prize, as
did his frrst Collected Poems in 1930 and A Further Range, (1936). A last
collection, In the Clearing, appeared in 1962. At the time of his death, he
was regarded as the unofficial poet laureate of the United States.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell1 under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun,
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
5 The work of hunters is another thing:
1 have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps 1mean,
10 No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we fmd them there.
1 let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
15 We keep the wall between us as we go.
lfrozen-ground-swell = Pieces of earth move upward as the ground freezes in winter.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spelP to make them balance:
'Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
20 We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
25 My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, 'Good fences make good neighbors'.
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
30 'Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
35 And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves'3 to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
40 Bringing a stone grasped firrnly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
45 And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."
Check Your
1. What is the narrator's relationship with his neighbor?
2. What does the first line of the poem mean?
3. What does the line "Heis all pine and I am apple orchard" mean?
4. Whydoes the narrator say "1could say 'Elves' to him"?
5. What is the main idea of this poem?
2a spell = a magic trick
3elves = small, imaginary hurnan-like creatures
Find out more about
paraphrasing by
looking under
summarizing in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
PART ONE: Friends: A Friend In Need 75
When a reading is difficult, as poetry sometimes is, it can help to paraphrase,
or put phrases into your own words. Paraphrase the poem into prose, that
is as if you were telling a story. Paraphrase each of the parts below. The
first one is done for you. (This is difficult! It may help to work with a
1. Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun,
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
Something in nature doesn't love a wall. The frozen ground grows
under it, and makes the wall break, creating holes so wide that two
people can walk through them at the same time.
2. The work of hunters is another thing:
1 have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out o hiding,
To pIease the yelping dogs.
3. The gaps 1 mean
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we fmd them there.
4. 1let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
5. We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
6. And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
'Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
7. Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and 1 am apple orchard.
8. My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, 1 tell rum.
He only says, 'Good fences make good neighbors'.
9. Spring is the mischief in me, and 1wonder
If 1 could put a notion in his head:
'Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
PART ONE: Friends: A Friend In Need 77
10. Before 1built a wall I'd ask to know
What 1was walling in or walling out,
And to whom 1was like to give offense.
11. Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.' 1could say 'Elves' to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself.
12. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
13. He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think this poem is called "Mending Wall"?
2. Did you enjoy this poem? Why or why not?
3. Are fences common in your country? What do you think of the
practice of building fences?
Fami\ies: Fa+her Deares+
Fathers play an important role in every culture. In American culture, their roles are
changing. In the past, they were the family members who earned money by working
while mothers stayed home with the children. However, in today's changing world,
mothers work, fathers sometimes stay home, and relationships are different.
Before Vou Read
PART TWO: Families: Father Dearest 79
In the following reading, the author talks about her father's habit of worrying.
Before you read, think about these questions:
Were your parents worriers? What did they worry about?
What kind of things did your parents wam you about?
Cultural Cues
Heimlich maneuver A frrst-aid technique used when someone is choking.
mini-blinds A type of window covering made of slats of plastic or wood
that you can open or close to let in light.
My father and 1were watching a videotape
in which my two-year-old nephew, Cameron,
ran into view with a spoon sticking out of his
mouth. 1knew exactly what Dad was going to
5 say; 1practically mouthed the words along with
him: "He'll trip, and that spoon will go right
into his throat." In the next scene Cameron
raced around the coffee table. "He's going to
split his head open on that table," my father
10 said with alarmo "They should pad the comers."
"1know," 1replied. "1can't believe they de-
cided to have furniture!"
Dad smiled, as accustomed to my mocking1
his cautions as 1 am to hearing his warnings
15 about even the most mundane2 hazards. If my
father could, he would pad all the sharp comers
in the world.
Like most parents, he has always tried to
protect his children. And as a doctor who spe-
20 cializes in public-health issues, he is especially
conscious of the seemingly innocuous dangers
surrounding uso
1remember stuffing raw cookie dough into
my mouth at a friend's house once and being
25 surprised that nobody said a word about sal-
'mocking = making fun of
2mundane = boring, usual
monella3 poisoning. At home, "Are you chok-
ing?" was uttered as often as uDid you wash
your hands?" The Heimlich maneuver was a
highly valued skill.
30 Restaurants, Dad wamed, presented myr-
iad4 risks, from careless waiters who might
drop hot coffee onto your head to employees
who didn't wash their hands. If we scoffed5,
he would cite examples from his days as New
35 York City's commissioner of health.
Fashion, too, could be dangerous. A few
years ago he confiscated6 my coat because 1
hadn't had it hernmed sufficiently. Sometimes
1asked about it, as 1might about an eccentric7
40 family member banished8 to live in the attic.
Dad will put on the coat to demonstrate how
serious a problem it is.
"Look-it's too long even on me. And this
material is so heavy, it would pull you down."
45 "1have never heard of anyone being injured
by too heavy a coat."
3salmonella = a type ofbacteria that causes food poisoning
4myriad = many and different
5scoffed = mocked, ridiculed
6confiscated = took away
7eccentric = odd, peculiar
8banished = sent away
"Do you want to be the first? Just cut it off
here," he'd say, drawing his hand across his
50 The weather was only one of the many natu-
ral menaces from which we had to guard our-
selves. To this day, when 1 walk within yards
of tree branches, 1 blink as 1 hear his voice:
"Watch your eyes!"
55 Of course, as children, we did not always
listen to Dad. We had our broken bones, near
chokings, electric shocks, car accidents, and
illnesses, some of which might have been
avoided if we had heeded his advice and not
60 jumped from the tops of slides, ron around
while eating, yanked the plug while the vacuum
cleaner was on, driven too fast and kissed dogs.
When my brothers and sisters and 1remi-
nisce9 these days, we recall Dad's telling us
65 not to jump on the trampoline in gym class,
because of the possibility of spinal injury, and
the driving directions he devised to minimize
left tums. Now we find ourselves uttering simi-
lar admonitions10. We phone my brother to
70 tell him that we read about someone dying
from the same allergy he has or my sister to
wam her about the high lead content of certain
9reminisce = remember fondly
lOadmonitions = warnings
And now Dad has a new generation to
75 guide. His grandchildren have caught on
quickly, knowing to wag their fingers and say
"That's dangerous!" at the sight of cleaning
fluido "That's too big a bite-you'll choke,"
three-year-old Margaret tells her two-year-old
80 cousin at a holiday dinner table. As everyone
is leaving, we all laugh when my niece bids
Dad good-bye: "Be careful, Poppa!"
After a weekend visit to my parents, 1have
my father drop me off at the quiet suburban
85 train station for my trip back to Manhattan. As
1 wait, 1 can see his car in the parking lot; 1
know that he is watching to see that 1 board
safely, without falling into the space between
the platform and the train. Sometimes he parks
90 the car, steps out and walks up the stairs to
the opposite platform. We wave at each other
across the tracks. He stands there until the
train comes and he sees me leave.
When 1 aro seated, 1 watch him drive off,
95 wanting, as 1 do more and more often now, to
protect him from the world's sharp edges, the
way he always tried to protect uso1wish 1could
give him the reassurance his worrying and car-
ing gave me. As the train pulls away, 1whisper,
100 "Be careful, Dad."
Source: Atlantic Monthly
=-- """ ~~i1!J~' ~$fJj""I!i ..~ ~"WMJ I!i 11I1
Check Vour
1. What did the author's father worry about?
2. How did the author feel about her father's wamings when
she was younger?
3. Why did the author's father worry about her coat?
4. What things in nature made her father worry?
5. How has the author become like her father?
6. How does she feel about her father's warnings now?
. ~~\~ -;.;.- .
I -
Find out more about
through outlining by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
PART TWO: Families: Father Dearest 81
Understanding through Outlining
An outline gives the main points of an artide, and shows the relationship
between these parts. Outlining this artide can help you to understand the
main points. Complete the following outline. Refer to the reading when you
need to.
Father's Warnings
Dangers from food
Dangers from fashion
3. Natural dangers
Dangers at school
Dangers while driving
Look up these adjectives in a dictionary, or discuss them with a classmate.
Then, put the correct adjective in the blanks.
1. The neighborhood is ; it is outside the city.
2. My grandfather is ; he only wears green shirts
and pants, and talks to his rose bushes in Latin!
3. There are dangers in the forest: bears,
mosquitoes, and steep cliffs.
4. 1 prefer to eat vegetables. 1 like them crunchy!
5. That hike is fairly __ ; there are no hills and it's
only two miles.
6. The movie was really -three hours about the
life of a cow!
_______________ ;m_' :;~;::::'.iil!_lil;mil!. __ iI!'_m~==~&!w=l .~ ~~
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Was the author's father a good father, in your opinion?
2. Are you a worrier? What do you worry about?
3. Why do you think the author wrote this essay?
Before VOU Read
PART TWO: Families: Father Dearest 83
In the following reading, the author talks about her father, whose behavior
embarassed her.
Before you read this essay, think about the following questions:
Is anyone in your family odd in some way?
Were you embarrassed by your parents when you were a kid?
Penn Station A large transportation center in New York City.
Adirondacks A mountain area in New York.
Dinty Moore beef stew A popular brand of canned meat stew.
duct-tape An extremely strong type of tape.
Manhattan A borough of New York City.
Roy Rogers A chain of fast-food restaurants owned by the television
cowboy Roy Rogers.
Amtrak The national passenger train system.
northeast corridor The area consisting of Boston, New York, and the
roads and railways connecting them.
by Rebecca Barry
My dad just called. He's going to be in the
city tonight and wants me to meet him for din-
ner. Nice, right? Maybe for a child of a normal
parent, which I am not. Here's the scenario1:
5 Dad's traveling on business from upstate New
York to Washington, D.C. While a lot of people
would just hop on a plane, he will take the
evening train from Syracuse, arrive in New
York at 10:00 P.M., and check into a sleeper car
10 of the D.C.-bound train, which willleave New
York at 5:00 A.M. And if you think that means
dinner at a swanky2 late-night bistro3, you're
wrong. There's really no place my dad would
rather be than Penn Station. So if 1 want to
'scenario = scene
'swanky = fancy, high-class
3bistro = small restaurant
15 see him, I get to hang out there in the late
evening with the heroin addicts until his train
pulls in. We'll have chicken sandwiches and a
cup of instant hot cocoa at Roy Rogers, after
which he will kiss me good-bye and go fmd his
20 sleeping caro
The man loves trains-riding them, photo-
graphing them, .even listening to them. When I
was little, I thought it was normal to take Am-
trak everywhere; I truly believed that only the
25 filthy rich took domestic flights. I also didn't
find it odd that if we had to drive-say, to
visit my grandparents-the route was carefully
plotted near a railroad track so that somewhere
along the way, Dad could stop and take pic-
30 tures.
By the time 1reached middle school, I real-
ized that my dad was a freak. By the eighth
grade 1was the only kid who had never been on
an airplane. And it got worse. No other parents
35 played albums with titles like "Sounds of
Steam," live recordings of stearn engines that
sent the dog and cats running for cover. Other
parents also weren't teased by neighbors and
friends about having memorized all the train
40 schedules in the northeast corridor. But Dad
remained oblivious4 and blithely5 continued
to entertain company with his uncanny6 imita-
tion of an oncoming train that made the dog
howl. In riinth grade, the coolest girl in my
45 class, Krista Marshall, decided 1 was her new
best friend, and my father almost ruined my
life. Hoping to cement the friendship, 1invited
Krista on a vacation with my farnily. In my
effort to please, 1had forgotten that Dad's defi-
50 nition of vacation is different from most peo-
ple's. Other farnilies go to Disneyland or to the
beach or at least get to stay in a motel. But
Frank Barry believes in self-sufficiency, so we
ended up in a tent in the woods in the Adiron-
55 dacks. As was our luck with camping trips, it
rained from the first night on, which wouldn't
have been a problem if my father wasn't such
a fix-it-yourself type of guy and hadn't duct-
taped our old canvas tent together. But he is,
60 and he had, and the tent leaked. After four days
of waking up sopping wet, going for 5- to 10-
mile hikes Con which we saw lots of endan-
gered plants but not one cute boy) and living
off Dinty Moore beef stew, we finally piled
65 back into the car for the four-hour drive home.
Poor Krista, bug-bitten and sneezing, could
no longer contain herself when my father
pulled off the road in what seemed like the
middle of nowhere, got out of the car, and dis-
70 appeared into the woods.
"Why are we stopping?" she asked, a note
of panic rising in her voice, probably fearing
that we were going to set up camp again.
4oblivious = ignorant, not knowing
5blithely = happily, freely
"uncanny = very realistic
My mother smiled as if everything and
75 everyone were normal, and said, ""Frank isjust
going to take some pictures." To my horror,
there was my dad, some 20 feet above the
ground, leaning out precariously from a rail-
road bridge to get just the right angle to photo-
80 graph the train when it carne along. The train
was late and we ended up waiting in the car
for 45 minutes. Krista tried not to cry, and 1
miserably wondered how aman who didn't
look malevolent7 could single-handedly de-
85 stroy his own flesh and blood's chances at ever
being hipo
1have to admit that my father never really
ruined my life. It tumed out that Krista's par-
ents have a piece of paper strategically placed
90 over a hole in their living room that says in bold
red letters, "What in the hell are you looking
up here for?!" Krista always tried to remove it
before friends or boyfriends carne over, but
somehow it always reappeared in all its defen-
95 sive glory. With our socially challenged pro-
genitors8 in common, we became and remain
great friends.
1 also admit that when not humiliated by
my dad's bizarre behavior, 1 have to love and
100 admire that he's a free spirit. The truth is, he
simply doesn't wonder about what other peo-
pIe think. How many other girls have a dad
who hitchhiked all over Latin America to pho-
tograph trains his first year out of college? Or
105 whbse spare time is devoted to the worthy
cause of educating the world about the envi-
ronmental correctness oftaking the train? He's
a maverick9 That's cool because I'm kind of
like that, too. 1 don't care if my socks don't
110 match, or ifpeople laugh at me because 1obsti-
nately believe that life should be fair. Maybe 1
got it from him, but 1 definitely make my own
choices, regardless of other people's opinions.
So 1 guess it's better to have an embar-
7malevolent = evil
Sprogenitors = fathers
9maverick = pioneer, free spirit
115 rassing father than one who is busy trying to
impress other people. Sometimes 1 even love
my dad all the more for his quirkinesslO, like
his love for Penn Station. And at least now 1
have some ammunitionwhen he starts to scold
IOquirkiness oddness, unusual nature
PART TWO: Families: Father Dearest 85
120 me about being careful in Manhattan. 1mean,
1 appreciate his concem and everything, but
he's the one sleeping in the train station, not
Source: Chicken soup for the Teen Age Soul
Check Vour
'I'~READING Fi~ out more about
findlng and
understandlng the
maln idea by looking
in the ReferenceCuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
1. How is the author's father different from most other fathers?
2. What did the author's father do when he got out of college?
3. What kinds of activities did the author find odd when she was a
4. Why did the author's family go camping instead of on a more
"normal"vacation, like Disneyland?
5. Why did the author feel a close friendship with her neighbor, Krista?
6. In what way were Krista's parents odd, too? Whyis this important to
the writer?
7. How is the author like her father?
8. How does the author feel about her father now?
Finding and Understanding the Main Idea
What is the main point of this article? Select one of the statements below.
__ 1. The author's father was strange when she was younger, and she
hopes that fathers who read this won't be like her father.
__ 2. She is still humiliated by her father's behavior, and wants to write
about it.
__ 3. Although she thought her father was odd when she was younger,
the author appreciates his personality now.
__ 4. She wanted to write about her experiences with her best friend,
Now, explain why you chose that one. Find quotations or passages in the
reading to support your opinion.
and New Words
Look at the fo11owingpairs of sentences. Fill in the blank in the first sentence
of each pair with a word from the preposition listo Fi11in the blank in the
second sentence with a word from the vocabulary list.
Prepositions Vocabulary Words
in hang out
on bistro
for swanky
at oblivious
1. My father will be in the city tonight. We'l1have dinner
at a swanky
2. Tomorrow, 1'11hop aplane to Mexico. 1want
to at the beach there for a while.
3. The noise was so loud it sent me running cover. But
my friend just walked along to the noise, as if she
had not heard it.
4. The train pu11edin 10:00 P.M. Then we went to a
sma11 for a late dinner.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think the author wrote this artide?
2. The author says, "it's better to have an embarrassing father than one
who is busy trying to impress other people." Do you agree? Why?
3. Why do you think the author changed her mind about her father?
PART TWO: Families: Father Dearest 87
Discussion and Debate
Writing Topies
1. How do friendships and family relationships differ?
2. There is a saying, "Blood is thicker than water." What do you think
this means? Do you agree with the saying?
3. What is your definition of a family? Is it just blood relatives?
4. Think of another question to ask your classmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
1. In your journal, write about your family. Explain who they are and
what they are like.
2. Write a letter to a family member about a new friend you've made.
Explain who this person is, and why he or she is important.
3. Choose one family member who you think is unique. Write an essay
about this family member. Your essay should talk about how this
person has affected you.
4. Imagine you are an advice columnist. Look at the following letter.
Write a reply to the writer.
Dear Aunt Advice:
My mother is driving me crazy! She wants to know
everything Ido. She makes me come home by ten o'clock, and
wants to meet all of my friends before I go anywhere. She won't
let me go to movies that have violence or swearing in them. And,
I can't date, even though I'm already 14! What am I going to do?
Help me,
Crazy in Seattle
On Your Own 1. Find an article about cornmunication between men and women. Read
it and report on it to your class.
2. Look at the advice column in a newspaper for several days. Look for
letters that people write about family problems or difficulties with
friends. What kinds of problems do people write about? What kinds of
answers does the columnist give?
3. Watch at least one television show about family life. What kind of
father does the show portray? Compare your answers to your
classmates' answers.
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
*****************************1******** I
The United States has a diverse population, anJ its land is
diverse as well. From rain forests in the NorthweAt to desert
in the Southwest, from the coldest mountains inth~Northeast
to the warmest islands in the Southeast, the land is like the
people: different whereJer you go.
States of Mind
The fifty United States might seem Iike 50 simple political divisions, but the reality
of the situation is much more interesting. Each state has its own unique
history and character. Although some states resemble each other, each one
has its own story to tell.
Before Vou Read
Los Angeles
Long Beach
: Anaheim
Santa Ana
Facts About California
Nickname: The Golden State
Population: 31,589,153 (the largest
population in the D.S.)
Population Distribution:*
69 percent European-American
25.8 percent Rispanic-American
9.6 percent Asian-American
7.4 percent African-American
Size: 163,707 square miles (the third
largest state in the D.S.)
Entered the Union: September 9,
1850, the 31st State
First European Explorer: Juan
Cabrillo, 1542
First European Settlement: 1769,
near San Diego
Capital City: Sacramento
Largest City: Los Angeles
State Motto: Eureka! (I found it!)
*does not equal 100 percent, because some
people are in more than one category
In this reading, the author discusses the
history of the Chinese in California, and
the origin of California's nickname, Gold
Before you read, think about the fol-
lowing questions:
Rave you visited California? If so,
what did you see?
What do you think the nickname
"Forty-Niners" means?
What do you know about California?
PAR T ON E: States: States of Mind 91
1II- ~~~~~=~_mllllllzJ_iIllllNiIillillllllllr_~ __ IIIIImiIil=IIIII~iIil~ IIII' 1 - 11III--_ _
Cultural Cues American River A river in northern California.
Sierra Nevada Mountains Alarge mountain range in northern California.
Lake Tahoe is found in the Sierra Nevada.
Ronald Takaki is Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California,
Berkeley. He is the grandson of Japanese immigrants. He is the author of
Strangers from a Different Shore, and other books about Asians in America.
11III11II1I 11II-11II1I. 11II--11II -----------
About the Author
Searching for Gold Mountain
by Ronald Takaki
'monotony = boredom, sameness
2panning for gold = looking for gold in the water by using a pan
3embarked = started out
One surnmer day in the 1850s, a traveler in the Sierra Nevada mountains
of California carne upon an interesting sight. In the harsh landscape of
tumbled brown rocks he saw "long files of Chinarnen working alone." The
traveler enjoyed seeing the Chinese men; they broke up "the monotonyl of
5 the landscape." They wore blue cotton shirts, wide-legged trousers, wooden
shoes, and broad-brimmed straw hats. In the Chinese fashion of the time,
their jet-black hair was cut short, except in back, where each man wore a
long braid called a queue.
The men were busy sifting sand from the beds of mountain strearns,
10 rocking it back and forth in shallow pans as the water ran out. Like many
other people in California in those years, the Chinese miners were panning
for gold2
Gold had been discovered in 1848 along the American River in Califor-
nia, on the property of a man narned John Sutter. Although Sutter tried to
keep the discovery a secret, word ofthe fabulous find soon reached San Fran-
cisco, and hundreds of people deserted the city to set off for the American
River. The news spread to the rest of the United States, and to other parts of
the world as well. By January of 1849, 60 ships and thousands of overland
travelers were headed for California. The California gold rush had begun.
More than 70,000 hopeful adventurers embarked3 for California in 1849
alone. Among these "Forty-Niners" were 325 men from China. More Chinese
carne the next year, and the next. Like the prospectors who carne from the
~ 15
<CNNI Watch the
on the
California Gold Rush.
Discuss these questions:
1. When was the Gold
2. During the previous
year, how much gold
did miners remove?
3. How do you pan for
92 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
Source: Journey to Gold
Mountain: The Chinese in
19th Century America
eastern United States and elsewhere, the Chinese hoped to find a fortune
waiting for them in the California hills. A few of them did find gold-but
25 all of them found a new world and a new way of life, with challenges, fears,
and opportunities that they had not expected.
The exciting news about Gold Mountain spreact throughout China, filling
people with the desire to join the gold rush. One traveler in China said that
if everyone who wanted to go to California had been able to afford it, whole
30 Chinese towns would have been emptied. A popular Chinese saying of the
time promised that if aman could not get a thousand dollars in Califomia,
he would surely get at least eight hundred. But even with only three hundred
dollars he could return to China and become "a big, very big gentleman."
___________________ IIIIIIII __ "IIII __ """' lIIIrllll-IIII,, _
Check Vour 1. Why was California called Gold Mountain?
Comprehension 2. Describe the Chinese men of the 1850s.
3. Who were the Forty-Niners?
4. Who was John Sutter?
5. Why did the Chinese come to California?
6. What did the new settlers find in addition to gold?
7. What was the Gold Rush's effect on China?
8. How much money did it take to be "a big, very big gentleman" in
China during the Gold Rush?
Finding and Understanding the Main Idea
Find out more about
flnlng and1
understandlng the
maln Idea by looking
in the Reference Cuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Authors write to express an idea, or sometimes many ideas. What do you
think Takaki's main reasons for writing this essay were? Check the possible
reasons below. If you check mOre than one, indicate which you think is the
main idea.
__ To show that the Chinese are part of California Gold Rush history.
__ To tell a little about Gold Rush history.
__ To show the prejudice against the Chinese in the 1800s.
__ To discuss a part of California history.
__ To talk about the thousands of prospectors who got
rich in the 1800s.
Think about your choice of main idea. Explain in the following space why
you chose that main idea. Then discuss your choices with the class.
from Context
PART ONE: States: States of Mind 93
1 chose _
Here are some words from the reading that might have been new to you.
Find these words in the reading. Then, without looking them up in the
dictionary, from the reading and your understanding of the word, write a
definition for each of them. Compare your answers with a classmate's.
3. desert
4. landscape
5. miners
6. monotony
8. prospector
1. Three hundred twenty-five Chinese men were among the original
70,000 Forty-Niners. This is not a large number. Why do you think
Takaki writes about it?
2. The fascination with gold goes back centuries. Can you understand
this fascination? Do you own any gold jewelry? Would you like to?
Why or why not?
3. Takaki says that only a few people found gold. Why do you think so
many people continued to come to California in spite of this?
94 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
Before Vou Read Facts About Florida
Nickname: The Sunshine State
1995 Population: 14,165,570(the
4th largest population in the
Population Distribution:*
83.1percent European-
13.6percent African-American
12.2percent Hispanic-American
Size: 65,756square miles (the 22nd
largest state in the V.S.)
Entered the Union: March 3, 1845,
the 27th State
First European Explorer: Ponce
de Leon, 1513
First European Settlement: 1564
on the StoJohn River
Capital City: Tallahassee
Largest City: Miami
State Motto: In God We Trust
*does not equal 100 percent, because some
people are in more than one category
Cultural Cues
In this reading, the author talks about a popular area of Miami, Florida
called South Beach. South Beach is especiallypopular with models, photog-
raphers, and young people who enjoy the sunshine, roller skating, and
relaxed atmosphere.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Rave you ever visited Florida? If so, what did you see?
What do you know about Florida?
What does the word seduction mean?
condo condominium. Atype of apartment, or home that you purchase.
}lea market An open market where people sell used or cheap goods.
the Weather Channel Atelevision channel that broadcasts only weather
Ben-Gay A type of medication that is applied to the skin to soothe sore
bar mitzvah A celebration for a Jewish boy upon tuming thirteen. This
ceremony marks his entry into manhood.
PAR T o N E : States: States of Mind 95
Harleys Harley-Davidson motorcyles, the most popular American brand
of motorcycle.
Little Havana The Cuban-American neighborhood in Miami.
. ~~ //~
~ 1 ---
":. -~
Find out more about
increaslng speed by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Increasing Speed
Believe it or not, reading more slowly doesn't always help your understand-
ing. In fact, it can result in understanding less of what you read, not more.
One way to read more quickly is by reading groups of words, rather
than single words. Try to read words that forro natural groups, that is, groups
that are in the same phrase or clause in a sentence. If you read individual
words, you are reading like this:
Jeffrey Lew bought his condo in South Beach five years ago.
Your eyes are pausing eleven times! Ifyou read the same sentence in groups,
you'll read like this:
Jeffrey Lew bought his condo in South Beach five years ago.
Here, you're pausing only four times. Can you see why you group these
Now, read "South Beach Seduction" as quickly as you can, while still
understanding the texto Remember, you don't have to understand every
word. Keep your eyes moving and try to see groups of words.
Write the time you begin reading
Starting Time: _:_
by Stephen DiLauro South Beach Seduction
Jeffrey Lew bought his condo in South
Beach five years ago. Over the years he repeat-
edly urged me to visito Then, this past Decem-
ber, he told me over the phone that he had
5 given up on me. 1 responded that he should
look for me on his doorstep in January and got
myself a plane ticket that day.
Jeffrey is a gourmet cook. He whips us up
a light dinner my first evening in South Beach.
10 After eating, we go out on the terrace overlook-
96 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
ing Espaola Way to watch the street life. This
one block projects off of Washington Avenue
directly into Barcelona [Street]. In the narrow
space between the terra-cottal Spanish-style
15 buildings, people flow by on skates, bikes, feet,
bordered by palm trees and overlooked by bal-
conies. Palm trees. I want to run out and hug
a palm tree.
A knock on the door summons Jeffrey. I
20 overhear only parts of his side of the conversa-
tion: "Sugar? No problem ... my friend Steve
... Sure. Great!" Re comes back out on the
terrace. "Put your shoes on. We're going for
coffee. Rurry."
25 So much rosh and excitement for coffee?
"Don't ask questions," he calls from the kitchen
as he scoops together a cup of sugar.
We go to the apartment next door where
we meet three young women-Rolly, whose
30 apartment it is, Rosa, Jennifer-and Jennifer's
5-year-old daughter, Sage.
Each of the three women gives me an em-
brace and busses2 my cheek to say hello. (This
will take place with nearly every woman Jeffrey
35 introduces me to during my stay.) Rolly is obvi-
ously amodel. Rosa dances at Mango's on Ocean
Drive. Jennifer's boyfriend, Tony Garcia, is
hosting a hip-hop and acid jazz3 music show
they are listening to on the radio as we visito
40 Jeffrey starts doing an improvised rap on why
we park on driveways and drive on parkways.
Rosa is in stitches4 Maybe you had to be there.
Anyway, I'm glad to be hanging out with my
buddy and his friends, the air filled with the
45 interrningling scents of coffee and Ben-Gay.
Rolly threw her back out at a yoga class earlier
in the aftemoon.
Back in the apartment Jeffrey asks, "Do you
see why I'd rather be down here than in New
50 York? It's like this all the time." I'm starting to
get the picture.
lterra-cotta = a type of red clay material
'busses = kisses
3hip hop, acid jazz = types of music
"in stitches = laughing hard
We go for a walk and Jeffrey points out
some of the hot spots on Ocean Drive. It's a
Thursday night and the place is throbbing.
55 Music is pulsing everywhere. People are
swathed5 in neon light. The ubiquitous6
sound of spoken Spanish brings home to me
that I am in a major Latin American capital. The
winter and Pennsylvania seem very far away.
60 It's midnight and the phone is ringing as we
enter the apartment. News of another social
engagement. Back out and into the caro
The next day is sunny-of course. Jeffrey
and I spend the aftemoon at the beach. Women
65 are sunbathing topless and the ocean is a defin-
ing and irresistible blue.
Early in the evening one of his girlfriends
shows up. Jeffrey tugs on his ear and I go for
a walk.
70 I retum down Espaola Way later and see
that the girlfriend's car is gone. Jeffrey is up
and ready to go. We take a walk along Lincoln
Road and smoke cigars. The chic crowd prome-
nades beneath the palms. Jeffrey tells me the
75 first time he saw a palm tree he wanted to
make love to it. At midnight he takes me to
Tantra, a club on Espaola that has grass grow-
ing on the floor, and he buys me a birthday
cognac7. I'm 48 years old. We ron into some
80 of Jeffrey's friends and hang out until 2 A.M.
It's sunny, but windy and too cool for the
beach Saturday, my birthday. Jeffrey is apolo-
gizing for the weather, saying I arrived in "the
dead of winter." I'm in sandals, shorts and
85 T-shirt and just leamed from the Weather
Channel about the two days of snow and ice
that hit eastem Pennsylvania. I assure him that
the weather isjust fme. Jeffrey has a bar mitz-
vah to attend. Then he's planning to meet a girl-
90 friend at her place in Delray. Re apologizes for
missing my birthday and I wave him off.
The next moming Jeffrey takes me to the
Swap Shop tlea market in Fort Lauderdale.
5swathed = covered
"ubiquitous = existing everywhere
7cognac = a type of strong alcoholic drink
"This is part of the South Florida experience,"
95 he explains. Hundreds of bikers on Harleys
and other big machines are in evidence every-
where. The place is a total hoot8.
My first Sunday night in Miami: Holly and
Rosa ask us if we want to stroll with them
100 through the Art Deco fair on Ocean Drive. The
evening air is perfecto The two women are
beautiful. We walk and laugh and talk and
gawk9 Rosa points out the elaborate sand cas-
tle sponsored by Mango's Tropical Cafe, her
105 employer. We all agree that it is the best sand
castle any of us have ever seen.
Back at the apartment 1 gush about South
Beach. Jeffrey laughs. "Youdon't know the half
of it yet. It's the dead of winter. 1 can't even
110 take you out on the boat in this weather. Any-
way, I'm having a dinner party for you on Fri-
day. You, me and 15 women. That'll open your
115 Originally 1 had planned to stay three or
four days. I've been here for four days already.
Friday is five days off. 1ask if he can stand me
as a houseguest for that long.
"Sure. I'm having a ball. Don't worry, I'lllet
120 you know when you've been here long enough."
The next day on the phone 1explain to my
wife that 1just can't leave yet. She asks me if
I'm hanging out with models. 1respond with an
emphatic but noncommittaPO "Oh, please!"
125 By Wednesday moming I've decided that
Miami Beach is where 1 want to live. Jeffrey
laughs. "You going to move the family down,
Of course, 1 waver. He laughs again. "It
130 won't be quite the same experience with your
wife and kids here."
That night Howard shows up and the three
of us go to Versailles for Cuban food in Little
Havana. The food is delicious, ample, and sur-
135 rounded by a kind of glitter that has nothing
8a total hoot = very funny
9gawk = stare
lOemphatic but noncommital = strong but not convincing
PAR T O NE: States: States of Mind 97
to do with South Beach. 1 feel as though 1
should have had to cross a few intemational
borders to arrive here, but all 1 had to do was
take a ramp off the interstate.
140 After dinner we walk with our cigars in
Coconut Grove. Jeffrey points at me and tells
Howard, "He's been walking around with that
same grin on his face since he arrived. Look
at him."
140 It's true. 1 can't stop smiling. For the first
time in my life 1 feel I'm in exactly the right
place at exactly the right moment and things
can only get better.
Sunday Jeffrey asks me if 1 have any idea
145 how much longer I'll be staying. 1say it seems
to me I've been invading his space for an un-
conscionablylllong time already. "Not at all,"
he says. "How long have you been here?" He
is shocked when 1 tell him it's been 11 days.
150 "Eleven days! That's amazing. No one has ever
lasted that long with me."
Jeffrey assures me again that he loves my
company. "But it's time to ease on down the
road soon. Shoot for Tuesday."
155 Tuesday 1 check into the Clay Hotel two
blocks away on Espaola. On Wednesday, over
lunch at the Femandez Fruit Company on
Washington, 1 explain to Jeffrey that 1 can't
leave yet. If I'm going to move here, there are
160 a few things to check out first.
"What do you mean if? It looks to me like
you already moved here, neighbor," he laughs.
I'm pitching12 hard on the phone to my wife
that night. 1tell her we'lllive close to the beach.
165 "Is the beach there clean?"
Clean? It's the cleanest beach in the world,
1 tell her.
"It is not the cleanest beach in the world.
Think about what you're saying. Think about
170 some of the beaches we've been to."
1 insist that Miami Beach is the cleanest
beach in the world.
"unconscionably = immorally, improperly
12pitching = trying to convince
98 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
"1 think it's time for you to come home,"
she tells me.
175 The next day 1tell Jeffrey about the conver-
"She's right. Remember when you carne and
1 told you I'd let you know when you've been
here long enough? You've been here long
180 enough. Go home to your wife."
Soon. Real soon.
Source: Tropic Magazine
Ending Time: _._
minus starting time _:_
= number of minutes __
1,441 -7- __ mins.
words per minute
The average native speaker reads 250 words per minute. Keep
working on increasing your speed while retaining your under-
1. 111 m ~ 'w ~~~ Saml ~'Pj ~ ~~
Check Your 1. Who is Jeffrey Lew?
Comprehension 2. Why did the author visit Mr. Lew?
3. What is the author's first impressions of South Beach?
4. What kind of food do the people in the story eat in Miami?
5. What kinds of jobs do Mr. Lew's friends have?
6. What does Mr. DiLauro like about South Beach?
7. What kinds of activities do people do in South Beach, according to
the story?
8. How long does Mr. DiLauro stay with his friend?
Where does he go next?
9. Why does Mr. DiLauro call his wife?
10. Why do you think the author wrote this story?
Phrasal Verbs
PAR T O N E : States: States of Mind 99
This reading contains many phrasal verbs-verbs that include both a main
verb and one or two prepositions. Find the phrasal verbs listed below in
the reading, and discuss with a partner what they mean. Then complete the
following sentences.
Put the correct phrasal verb in the blank, then finish the sentence. Try
to use some of the new vocabulary from the reading. You may use the new
vocabulary words listed below, or use others that you learned from the
chapter. Remember you may need to change the verb forms or other words
to fit the meaning of the sentence.
Phrasal verbs: checkout, show up, point out, run into, hang out with,
whip up
New vocabulary:flea market, gawk, a total hoot, palms, cognac, hip
1. He pointed out the new building to me;
it was surrounded by palms.
2. She
at the party dressed in
3. By chance, 1
my best friend yesterday;
he 4.
My mother
a wonderful meallast night;
we had
5. Have you
the new club yet?
They have the latest
6. 1 like to
with a group of my friends at the mallo
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Have you ever visited a place that excited you like South Beach
excited the author? Where was it? How did you feel there?
2. People often feel more excited about places they visit on vacation
than the places they live. Why do you think this is?
3. How does this story show the multicultural history of the United
~~~ _ PART TWO
kUkAL AkEA$: fAkM LlfE
In America's past, most people Iived in rural areas or on farms. Today, most people Iive
in cities. However, rurallife is still a part of the American national character.
Before Vou Read
percentage of People Who Work on Farms, 1860-1998
Source: U.S. Dept. of
1860 18701900 19201930 194019501960 1970 1980 1994 1998
Cultural Cues
In the following reading, the author talks about some types of farming
arrangements that were common at one time in U.S. history.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Have you ever visited a farm?
Are any members of your family farmers?
. Do they own their own farms for work on someone else's farm?
tenant farming A system of agriculture in which the workers do not own
the land they work. Instead, they pay rent for the land or give a large
portion of their crops to the owner.
Civil War A war between the northem and southem states which lasted
from 1861 to 1865.
plantation A very large farm on which cotton and tobacco are grown.
PART TWO: Rural Areas: Farm Life 101
Tenant Farming: Not Really a Solution
Before the Civil War, the economy of the American South was largely
dependent on the labor of enslaved1 Africans. The main products of this
region were tobacco and cotton, both ofwhich were labor-intensive2 crops
requiring a great many field workers. Near the end of the CivilWar,in 1864,
the slaves were given their independence.
5 But the struggle was not over for either the plantation owners or for
the freed workers. The former slaves wanted to get as far away from
slavery as possible and to make sure that the freedom they now enjoyed
would continue. They also wanted to be able to build successful new lives
for themselves as independent citizens of the United States. Sothese former
10 slaves worked very hard to eliminate any arrangement that resembled the
old slave-owner setup. For example, they insisted on moving out of their
former slave quarters on the plantation, refused to work under the watchful
eye of an overseer,4 would not work under a gang labor5 system, and
struggled hard during nonworking hours to achieve social autonomy.6
15 The plantation owners, on the other hand, were left with the land, seeds,
mules and other items needed to grow crops, but with no labor force7 to
farm the land. In order to keep former slaves as much-needed laborers,
many landowners developed two systems of tenant farming. Through the
first type of arrangement, former slaves (and some whites who didn't own
20 land), would pay to rent a piece of land from a farm owner. These renters
were called "cash rent" tenants. However, most freed slaves had never had
any income and it was impossible for most of them to make enough money
to pay rent to a landowner. Therefore, a second type of tenant farming
arrangement was developed. This was called the sharecropping system.
25 Through this system the laborer who worked a piece of land "shared" in
whatever crops he could harvest8 from the land. In most cases two-thirds
to three-quarters of the crop went to the landowner, and only a third to a
quarter went to the worker.
This system worked all right for a few lucky tenant farmers. Usually,
lenslaved = forced to work without pay
2labor-intensive = requiring many workers
3former = in the past
40verseer = manager
5gang labor = large group supervised by a single overseer
6autonomy = independence
7labor force = people who work in a certain industry
8harvest = cutting and gathering of crops
102 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
30 however, tenants' income from the crops was not large enough to allow
them to survive all year round. In response, some landowners set up commis-
saries9 on their farms or plantations and sold food and other goods to the
tenants on a credit basis, allowing them to pay for the items they needed
later. Because of this arrangement, many tenants were kept constantly in
35 debt10 to their landlord, who in many cases was a former slave owner.
Although slavery had been abolished,l1 and the former slaves were free,
the new arrangement was often not a great deal different form the old one.
The dream of true independence had not yet been realized.
It took a long time for the tenant farming system to die out. In fact, in
40 some places things seemed to move in the opposite direction for a while.
In the state of Louisiana in the 1860s, more farmland was owned and oper-
ated by small landowners than by large landowners. By 1900, however,
absentee owners12 and overseer management dominated the agriculture
in that state.
40 Aiding in the former slaves' transition toward full independence and the
same legal rights as whites, were the many grass-roots13 institutions which
they established. Under slavery, most black people had not been allowed
to receive an education or establish their own churches. But after the Civil
War, unwilling to be second-class citizens in all-white institutions, many
45 blacks helped start small rural churches, neighborhood schools, and even
teacher training schools all over the South. Soon Mrican Arnericans began
to back even larger institutions, including Tuskegee University, which was
founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881 as a school for black students.
Tuskegee went on to become one of the most respected universities in the
50 country.
Today, the old tenant farming system has disappeared almost completely
and jobs in manufacturing and service industries offer new employment
opportunities to millions. Many Mrican Arnericans now hold high-ranking
positions in education, govemment, and industry. Although tenant farming
55 and sharecropping were one of the only viable opportunities for Mrican
Arnericans to support themselves following the Civil War, in the long run,
education, demand for social change, and a great deal of personal determina-
tion have been responsible for the tremendous progress made by the descen-
dants of former slaves in the past 100 years.
9cornrnissaries = sto res owned by the landowner
lOindebt = owing rnoney
IIabolished = ended
lzabsentee owners = people who own land but don't live on it
13grass-roots = started and operated by a local group
Check Vour
~"'" I ":, >V "'- -
~ ~ i
Find out more about
definitions by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
PART TWO: Rural Areas: Farm Life 103
1. When were enslaved Mricans given their freedom?
2. What did the former slaves want to do?
3. What did they want to avoid?
4. What did the plantation owners need?
s. What system developed at this time?
6. Why didn't tenant farming help most freed slaves?
7. What did former slaves do to help insure their continued
8. Who was Booker T. Washington?
Understanding Definitions
In telling about life after the Civil War, the author defines some facts and
terms. Look at the reading again and answer the following questions in your
own words.
1. According to the author, what is a plantation?
2. What does an overseer do?
3. What is a commissary?
4. What was sharecropping?
104 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
Learning from
The following words might be new to you. Find them in the reading, and
without looking in your dictionary, try to understand what they mean. write
a short definition for each of them.
1. region
2. independent
3. resembled
4. crops
5. in debt
6. former
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think that the system of slavery developed in the United
States when it did not exist in Europe at the time?
2. What things changed for the slaves after they were freed, and what
things stayed the same?
3. Why do you think the freed former slaves did not return to Africa?
Before YOU Read
The following reading talks about the role of women in managing a farm.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you think you would enjoy farming (or if you have farmed, did
you enjoy it)?
Do you think a life of farming would be difficult? Why?
What do you think about women being farmers?
Cultural Cues
PART TWO: Rural Areas: Farro Life 105
Martha Washington The wife of George Washington, the first President
of the United States.
Great Depression The economic crisis that began with the fall of the
stock market in 1929 and continued throughout the 1930s.
Revolutionary War The fight for independence from England, 1775-1781.
Gone with the Wrnd A popular novel and movie about the Civil War.
Dakota Territory Land in the central northem part of the United States,
which later became states.
Spartan From the Greek city Sparta, which in history was known for a
famous war.
the War between the States The American Civil War.
Farm Journal
editorial The Ties That Bind
The farm wife's sense of duty to her family
and the land was forged1 by wars. It was chis-
eled2 and defmed as eastemers and immi-
grants broke the sod. It was battered by the
5 Great Depression. Famities who survived all
that searched for meaning in their lives and
financial security.
It may have originated with Martha Wash-
ington, whose cornmitment to her husband
10 and th~ 4,000-acre farm at Mount Vemon was
as strong as her patriotism to the cause of the
Revolutionary War. Historians describe Mar-
tha as an equal with her husband in the ways
of management: George rose at 4 A.M., filling
15 diaries with accounts of his farming; she gave
household orders before breakfast, securing
time for gardening, the care ofher children and
training of slaves and servants. Symptomatic3
lforged = created
2chiseled = carved like stone
3symptomatic of = characterizing, describing
of the central tragedy of this nation, Martha's
20 dowry4 included 150 slaves.
In times of war, she talked like a Spartan
mother to her son going to battle, writes histo-
rian Ann Wharton. "1 hope you will all stand
firm-I know George will," Martha said. With
25 such courageous words on her lips, Martha's
sense of duty allowed her to watch George set
forth upon his cornmission-hazardous in the
extreme, but if successful, procuring5 the fu-
ture of their farm, and farms of all Americans.
30 Literature borrows heavily from history.
From Martha's real role in the Revolutionary
War, the nation's history marches onward, to
the War Between the States. For the South,
it was in part a war to protect a way of tife, a
35 pervasive6 part of which was plantation agri-
'dowry = in older times, money and property owned by
a woman when she was married, usually offered by her
"procuring = getting
Opervasive = common
106 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
In the beginning of Margaret Mitchell's
Gone with the Wind, Gerald O'Hara says to
his beautiful, headstrong7 daughter: "Do you
40 stand there, Scarlett O'Hara, and tell me that
Tara-that land-doesn't arnount to anything?"
Scarlett nodded obstinate1r. But her fa-
ther pressed on with the centrallesson of farro-
ing. "Land is the only thing in the world that
45 arnounts to anything For 'tis the only thing
in this world that lasts 'Tis the only thing
worth working for, worth fighting for-worth
dying for."
Scarlett comes to value land as the one
50 good thing amid the war. When her mother is
killed, her father goes crazy and the man she
loves leaves for battle, Scarlett accepts the re-
sponsibilities of running the farro herself.
After the Civil War was over, the nation
55 moved forward to become an industrial and
agricultural powerhouse. President Lincoln
had initiated the Homestead Act. Land was
given to eastem farmers responding to the call,
"Go West, young man." So powerful a call, it
60 even resonated9 across the Atlantic to immi-
grants from northem and central Europe.
Women did not always hear the call, but
heard the biblical voice of Ruth: "Whither thou
goest, 1 will go." In O.E. Rolvaag's Giants of
65 the Earth, a Norwegian farroer brings his wife,
Beret, across America to settle in the Dakota
Territory. Beret attempts to accept her fate
as a farro wife on the lonely land. But each day
is a battle between her will and the dangerous
70 Dakota winter: "This formless prairie had not
heart that beat, no waves that sang, no soul
that could be touched .... The days wore on;
bleak, gloomy days, with cold that congealed
alllife .... But that he could not understand
75 it-that he could not fathom the source of her
trouble; seemed whollylQ incomprehensible to
"headstrong = stubbom
Bobstinately = stubbomly
9resonated = echoed, sounded
l"wholly = completely
her. Didn't he realize she could never be like
him? ... "
Eventually, men and women realized they
80 could never domnate the vast American prairie
and plains. But they carne to terms with it. As
the men tilledll the land, the women organized
the schools and churches to "civilize" the wil-
85 Laura Ingalls fell in love with the prairie,
becomng a spokesperson for farro life through
her newspaper columns and Little House book
series. When Laura married Almanzo Wilder,
the couple lived in town until they could afford
90 a farro. Laura contributed to the family's in-
come by renting moros and cooking meals for
railroad workers.
As land went for sale, the Wilders stretched
their resources to buy Rocky Ridge farro. An
95 "ideal home should be made by a man and a
woman together," Laura said. She was her hus-
band's partner in farro work, her specialty being
the henhouse. She tried to net $1 in profit per
100 The farro economy soared during World
War 1 and, as export markets shriveled, crash-
ing in the 1920s. The 1930s brought a double
dos e of trouble-drought and debt, captured
by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath.
105 "Men stood by their fences and looked at
the ruined com, drying fast now, only a Httle
green showing through the film of dust. The
men were silent and they did not move often.
And the women carne out of the houses to
110 stand beside their men-to feel whether this
time the men would break. The women studied
the men's faces secretly, for the com could go,
as long as something else remained."
As the Tom Joad farnily searched field to
115 field for work, the men and children looked to
Ma for guidance. "She seemed to know that if
she swayed the family shook, and if she ever
really deeply wavered or despaired the family
would fall, the farnily will to function would
120 be gone."
Iltilled plowed
The Joads went West. Those who stayed be-
hind enlarged their fanns. Many sons died in
World War n. But in some cases, war survivors
brought home brides from Europe and settled
125 into fann life. In The Bridges 01 Madison
County by Robert Waller, war bride Francesca
Johnson, who grew up in Naples, Italy, absorbs
the lesson of American farro life. When aphotog-
rapher begs her to leave her family behind, she
130 embraces responsibility rather than romance.
PART TWO: Rural Areas: Fann Life 107
"Just my leaving, taking away my physical
presence, would be hard enough for Richard.
That alone might destroy him," Francesca said.
"On top of that, and this is even worse, he
135 would live the rest of his life with the whispers
ofthe people here .... They would suffer, too.
And they would hate me for it." A city woman
might have gone.
Check Your
1. According to the author, how was the fann wife affected by war?
2. What was Martha Washington like, according to the essay?
3. What movies are mentioned in this essay?
4. What books are mentioned?
5. Who were the Wilders? Surnmarize their story.
6. Who were the Joads? Surnmarize their story.
7. What was the Homestead Act?
8. According to the conclusion of the essay, how is a "city woman"
different from a "fann wife. n
~ READINC I Understanding Examples -
Find out more about This author makes use of examples to make the main points about farro
understanding wives. Review the article and complete the following outline. The first
examples by looking I example is given for you.
in the Reference Guide .
to Reading Strategies 1. Origins of farro wife attitudes in war: Martha Washington helps George.
on pages xii-xiv. 2. Examples fram literature:
a. _
b. _
c. _
d. _
e. _
108 CHAPTER FIVE Geography
Severa! verbs that might not be familiar to you are in this reading. Show
that you understand the meaning of these verbs by completing the following
1. She chiseled _
2. He secured _
3. We will initiate _
4. They did not waver when _
5. The farmer tilled _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Have you seen any of the movies or read any of the books mentioned
in this artide? Why do you think the author uses so many of them to
make the main point?
2. What does the author mean by the phrase, "symptomatic of the
central tragedy of this nation, Martha's dowry induded 150 slaves"?
3. Why did the author write this artide?
Discussion and Debate 1. Is there a difference between rural people and urban people?
Explain your opinion.
2. What is the life of a farmer like in your country? Describe what it is
like for both men and women.
3. How is the attitude of the "farm women" toward farm life in "The Ties
that Bind" different from that of the freed slaves? What attitudes do
they have in common?
4. Think of another question to ask your dassmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
Writing Topies
1. Would you like to live on a farm? In your joumal, write about your
feelings on rural life. If you have lived on a farm, describe what a
typical day is like.
2. What state would you like to visit? Write a short essay in which you
describe the state you would like to see, and give your reasons for
wanting to visit it.
3. There are many organized events that are held to help certain causes.
For example, Farm Aid helps farmers who are in danger of losing
their farms. What cause interests you? Write a persuasive essay in
PART TWO: Rural Areas: Farm Life 109
which you describe the cause that concerns you, and demonstrate
why it is an important cause.
On Your Own 1. Watch one of the films mentioned in this chapter.
Report on it to your class.
2. What is the life of a farmer like in your country?
Describe what it is like for both men and women.
3. Get information on a national park that interests you.
For information, visit a national park web site at: http://
4. Read The Bridges of Madison County or one of the Little House on
the Prairie books.
Report on your reading to the class.
5. The life of pioneers and farmers is often idealized on television. Rave
you seen any of these television programs-Bonanza, Little House on
the Prairie, or Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman? Watch one of these
Row do es the program reflect the ideas in this chapter?
6. Locate someone who has lived in California or Florida, or worked on
a farm. Interview that person about his or her experience.
Tell your class about the interview and what you learned.
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
~..--~ I
As a rule, languages define cultures, and the United States is
no exception. But what is "Ianguage"? This chapter looks
at body language, American Sign Language, talk
between men and women, and the distinctive
language of some African-Americans.
bloOd preSSure n
measUfement oE th
blood moves throu
blood preSSure can
See: art on page
bloom Iblum/ verb
to flower: OUr apple
free bloomed las!
Week. (antonYI1i) ~.
o sabamos desde n:__ .
decisin lel!islafi_
Body Language:rHEWt~K 0;= A~ EYE
Every culture has gestures-movements or postures that are meaningful. Some
of these gestures mean different things in different cultures, while others seem to be
universal. America has a rich blend of gestures that are uniquely its own. The deaf culture
in America also has a unique language based on hand gestures.
Before You Read
In the following reading, the author explains some cornmon gestures in the
United States.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
What are some cornmon American gestures?
Are there any gestures that are used in the same way in your culture?
Which gestures are used in a different way in your culture?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
PAR T ON E: Body Language: The Wink of an Eye 113
Martin Van Buren The eighth president of the United States.
Desmond Morris A scientist who studies human and animal behavior.
Charles Darwin The biologist who promoted the theory of evolution.
Tad Tuleja is the author of over 20 books. He studied cultural history at
Yale University, and he studied American popular culture in England.
The OK Sign
When the forefinger and the thumb are joined in a circle, the American
meaning is approval, a gesture signaling that something is "AlI right" or
"Perfect." The sign has been linked to the expression "OK," as many call it
5 the American OK sign, and take it as a representation of the letter "O." The
problem with this interpretation is that only the expression "OK" is native
to the United States. ("OK" dates from the 1840s and is probably an abbrevia-
tion of Martin Van Buren's nickname, Old Kinderhook, a reference to his
birthplace in Kinderhook, New York.) The thumb and forefinger sign
10 predates1 Van Buren's presidency by eighteen centuries: the first-century
Roman rhetorician2 Quintilian, in his treatise3 on oratory, gives the gesture
as a sign of approval.
It's clear, therefore, that the OKsign acquired its modero connotation4
in the ancient world and that the verbal expression was a late, and accidental
15 support. What remains to be explained is the symbolic logic involved. Des-
mond Morris and his colleagues draw a connection between the gesture
and the thumb-to-forefinger "precision grip"; such a grip often emphasizes
fine points in human conversation. The thumb and forefinger gesture is also
among the cornmonest of mudras, or sacred5 fmger postures, in the
20 Buddhist and Hindu contemplative6 traditions; as such it appropriately
symbolizes the inner perfection that the meditator seeks to achieve. Finally,
of course, there is the circle itself, one of the oldest and most common
lpredates = comes before
2rhetorician = a person who studies the use of argument in speech or writing
"treatise = speech or essay
4connotation = shade of meaning
5sacred = holy
6contemplative = in the act of thinking, concentrating
114 CHAPTER SIX Language
symbols for perfection in both Eastern and Western cultures. The unspoken
message of the ancient sign may be simply, "That is as perfect as a circle."
25 Crossing Your Fingers
We cross our fingers in several situations: when we are wishing for good
luck (or wishing to avoid bad luck) and when we are saying something
untrue for which we want to avoid being heId accountable. The statements
that go along with these situations are "Keep your fingers crossed" and "It
30 doesn't count, 1had my fmgers crossed." These situations have in common
the feature of potential danger; thus the gesture serves as protection from
bad luck or from the penalties normally associated with lying.
Why should crossed fmgers provide protection? Because they are what
Desmond Morris and his colleagues call a "cryptic version" of the sign of
35 the cross-a version early Christians could have employed without attracting
the attention of pagan eyes. Only after its origins were obscured by long-
standing repetition did the twined fingers pattern "come out into the open
as a light-hearted social gesture, performed by Christians and non-Christians
40 Shrugging Your Shoulders
Charles Darwin explained the shoulder shrug by the "principIe of uncon-
scious antithesis." An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honor,
holds his head upright, squares his shoulders7, and clenches his fists. A
person who feels incapable or uncertain adopts an opposite posture. He
45 hunches his shoulders, tilts his head, and shows his hands palm upward.
The message is one of helplessness: "1don't know what to say" or "1couldn't
help it." The shoulder shrug has also been defined as a form of defensive
hunching8 or symbolic retreat from an unmanageable situation. Raising the
shoulders has the apparent effect of lowering the head. The careless half-
50 humorous shrug thus bears a visual affinity9 to the nod or bow of submis-
sivenesslO and also to a turtle's retraction of its head into its shell. Whether
or not our neurological wiringll is mimicking12 our reptilian13 past here,
the meaning of the shrug among humans is the same as that among turtles:
"This is too much for me to handle."
7square your shoulders = face forward, with the shoulders very straight and even
8hunch = a posture where the shoulders are pushed forward and the back rounded
9affmity = relationship
IOsubmissiveness = letting someone else have power, giving in
llneurological wiring = nervous system
I2mimicking = imitating
13reptilian = related to reptiles, such as snakes and lizards
Source: Curious Customs
Check Vour
Find out more about
understanding by
by looking in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
PAR T O N E : Body Language: The Wink of an Eye 115
55 Winking
As a sign of momentary collusion14 between intimates, winking is cornmon
throughout Europe and America. The implication15 of the gesture is that
the winker and the winkee share a secret or at least a private understanding
of a public situation. Desmond Morris considers the action "directional eye
60 closure." He explains, "Closing the eye suggests that the secret is aimed
only at the person being looked at. The other eye is kept open for the rest
of the world, who are excluded from the private exchange." An opposite
interpretation might also work: The winker keeps one eye on the winkee,
while symbolically shutting everyone else out.
1. What are three different meanings of the "OK" sign?
2. Where did the expression "OK" probably come from?
3. When do Americans "cross their fingers"?
4. How did crossed fingers provide protection in ancient times?
5. What does shrugging your shoulders mean?
6. What does winking mean?
7. What are two different interpretations of why we close only one eye
when winking?
Understanding by Categorizing
This reading contains four example of physical gestures used in the United
States. Using the chart below, categorize these gestures according to which
ones seem to have an historical origin, a religious origin, and an origin in
the biology of human behavior. Extend your answer by writing a few words
in the appropriate boxes.
Religious Biological
The "OK" sign
Martin Van Buren
Buddhist finger
posture for
Old Kinderhook
Crossed fmgers
14collusion = cooperation
15implication = meaning
116 CHAPTER SIX Language
Word Parts
Some of the words in this reading may be unfamiliar to you. However, you
might recognize the root (shown in boldfaced letters). With a partner, try
to think of another word with the same root. One is done for you.
1. representation
2. predate
3. treatise
4. potential
5. preseription
6. antithesis
7. indignant
8. retraction
9. implication
10. affinity
Now, choose five of the words and write sentences using them, showing
you understand their meaning.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think so many gestures with ancient origins are still
2. Are there any American gestures in this reading that mean something
different in your culture?
3. Give some examples of gestures that communicate ideas more
powerfully than words. Why do you think gestures have so much
Before You Read
Find out more about
skirnrning by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Cultural Cues
PAR T O N E : Body Language: The Wink of an Eye 117
In the following artide, the authors talk about American Sign Language
(ASL) and how it began in the United States.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Have you seen someone using sign language?
Have you ever learned any sign language?
In order to understand the main ideas, read this artide once quickly-taking
no more than three minutes. Then, write three main ideas you understood
from the reading.
Now, reread the artide carefully.
Martha's Vineyard An island five miles off the southeastem shore of
118 CHAPTER SIX Language
American Sign Language (ASL) is the vi-
suallgestural language which is the pri-
mary means of communication of deaf
people in America and parts of Canada.
5 Current estimates are that between
100,000 and 500,000 people use ASL. This
includes native signers who have leamed
ASL as their first language from deaf par-
ents, hearing children of deafparents who
10 also leamed ASLas their native language,
and fluent signers who have learned ASL
from deaf people.
The history of ASL is long and rich.
Much of its early development, however,
15 remains poorly documented1 One rea-
son for this is that, like spoken languages,
the early forms of signed languages are
not preserved. While we can establish the
time and circumstances under which edu-
20 cation and thus formal instruction in English and various forms of signing,
were brought to deaf people in the United States, we have little idea about
the structure of the language which deaf people used prior to this. In spite
of the paucity2 of information about earlier forms of signed language, we
should not doubt that deaf people did communicate with each other in a
25 natural signed language. Even before hearing people began to take an inter-
est in their education, we can be sure that deaf people used a signed language.
We have two sources of evidence that deaf people used a natural signed
language before hearing people intervened3. One is the unique situation
which developed on Martha's Vineyard in the late seventeenth century. Mar-
30 tha's Vineyard is an island five miles off the southeastem shore of Massa-
chusetts. From 1690 to the mid-twentieth century, a high rate of genetic4
deafness appeared in the island population. Where the normal incidence
rate for deafness in the population in nineteenth century America was
approximately 1out of every 5700 people, the incidence on Martha's Vineyard
A B e o E F G
Y ~~If;tft
K l M
Idocumented = written about, recorded
2paucity = lack, small arnount (of something)
3inteIVened = carne between things; interfered
4genetic = related to the genes, or inherited from farnily
Source: Learning to See:
Teaching American Sign
Language as a Second
Check Your
PAR T ON E: Body Language: The Wink o an Eye 119
35 was 1 out o every 155. In some areas o the island the ratios were even
higher; in one town, or example, 1 in every 25 people was bom dea, and
in a certain neighborhood the ratio was as high as one in our.
Martha's Vineyard was an excellent example o a strong and tlourishing5
deaf community. What makes it especially interesting is that there is evidence
40 o an indigenous6 signed language being used on the island. The first deaf
islander, who arrived with his wie and family in 1692, was fluent in some
type of signed language. Many of the families which inhabited the island
moved there from the Boston area; before this, they had immigrated from
a region in England known as the Weald in the county of Kent. Almost all
45 o the deaf inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard could trace their ancestry back
to this small, isolated area in England.
As the deaf community on Martha's Vineyard flourished, so did the
language. We can only surmise7 that this local signed language was based
on a regional variety of British sign language. Soon, it spread in use to the
50 entire island so that almost every individual, deaf and hearing, was able to
use the Vineyard sign language. The impact on deaf people ... must have
been tremendous. With much of the hearing population of the island bilingual
in spoken English and Vineyard sign language, deafness was not viewed as
55 a handicap. Deaf people were full participants in all aspects of island society.
1. Who uses ASL?
2. What is ASL?
3. For how long have people who are deaf been using sign language?
4. What is the importance of Martha's Vineyard in the history of people
who are deaf in Arnerica?
5. Why is Martha's Vineyard so interesting in the history of ASL?
6. What was the background o the deaf population on Martha's
7. What was the effect of Vineyard sign language on the population?
5flourishing = blossoming, growing
6indigenous = native
7surmise = guess
120 CHAPTER SIX Language
Academic Language
This artide uses sophisticated vocabulary and phrases that are characteristic
of academic writing.
Look at the following sentences taken from the reading. Rewrite them
in your own words. Start by defining the underlined words; then put the
phrases together.
1. American Sign Language (ASL) is the visual/gesturallanguage which
is the primary means of communication of deaf people in America
and parts of Canada.
Most deaf people in the U.s. and Canada communicate using
American Sgn Language which is a carefully worked out series of
hand and finger movements.
2. While we can establish the time and circumstances under which
education and thus formal instruction in English and various forms of
signing, were brought to deaf people in the United States, we have
little idea about the structure of the language which deaf people used
prior to this.
3. In spite of the paucity of information about earlier forms of signed
language, we should not doubt that deaf people did communicate with
each other in a natural signed language.
4. Where the normal incidence rate for deafness in the population in
nineteenth century America was approximately 1 out of every 5700
people, the incidence on Martha's Vineyard was 1 out of every 155.
5. Many of the families which inhabited the island moved there from the
Boston area; before this, they had immigrated from a region in
England known as the Weald in the county of Kent.
PART ONE: Body Language: The Wink of an Eye 121
6. With much of the hearing population of the island bilingual in spoken
English and Vineyatd sign language, deafness was not viewed as a
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Would you like to leam sign language? Why or why not?
2. In what ways do you think ASL is similar to verballanguage? In what
ways do you think it is different?
3. Do you think ASL is just as effective a means of cornmunication as
verballanguages? Why or why not?
Although most Americans speak English, there are differences
in the English they speak. Some of these differences might be
cultural, while others might be more personal.
Before You Read
Look at the smvey below. Ask as rnany rnen and wornen as you can these
eight questions. Keep a record o their responses and bring thern to class.
1. What kind of rnovies
do you like?
2. What is your favorite
kind of car?
3. What is your favorite
How rnuch rnoney
would you need in
order to consider
yourself rich?
Who is your favorite
What's your favorite
way to spend a free
Do you eI\ioy
How rnany pairs of
shoes do you have?
Men's answers Women's answers
Cultural Cues
fiFFilid out more about
active reading by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
PART TWO: Differences: Not So Different After AlI? 123
The following reading is taken from the very popular book, Men are from
Mars, Women are from Venus, by John Gray. In this reading, Dr. Gray
explans the source of miscornmuncation between men and women.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you cornmuncate well with the opposite sex? Why or why not?
Are there communication problems between the sexes?
Martians and Venusians The author's words for men and women, from
the title of his book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
Active Reading
When you read a text, you are more than a passive observer of words. A
good reader thnks about what he o: she is reading, and has an interna!
"conversation" with the author.
One way of makng ths conversation more real is to make notes on the
texto Reread the text and make notes in the margino These can be simple
notes: do you agree or disagree with the ideas? Do they make you angry?
You may want to use a simple notation system:
Put a + by ideas that you agree with
Put a - by ideas you disagree with
Put a !by ideas that make you angry
Put a by ideas that you enjoyed reading
As you read this essay, use this markng system. Refer to your notes when
you get to the "Think About It" section for discussion.
BY JOH N GRAY, PH.D. II1l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111l111 lII1E11
When the Martians and Venusians frrst got together, they encountered1
many ofthe problems with relationships we have today. Because they recog-
nized that they were different, they were able to solve these problems. One
of the secrets of their success was good cornmuncation.
lencountered = met
124 CHAPTER SIX Language
5 Ironically2, they communicated well because they spoke different lan-
guages. When they had problems, they would just go to a translator for
assistance. Everyone knew that people from Mars and people from Venus
spoke different languages, so when there was a conflict they didn't start
judging or fighting but instead pulled out their phrase dictionaries to under-
10 stand each other more fully. If that didn't work they went to a translator
for help.
The Martian and Venusian languages had the same words,
but the way they were used gve different meanings.
You see the Martian and Venusian languages had the same words, but
15 the way they were used gave different meanings. Their expressions were
similar, but they had different connotations3 or emotional emphasis. Mis-
interpreting each other was very easy. So when communication problems
emerged, they assumed it wasjust one ofthose expected misunderstandings
and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other.
20 They experienced a trust and acceptance that we rarely experience today.
Expressing Feelings Versus Expressing Information
Even today we still need translators. Men and women seldom mean the
same things even when they use the same words. For example, when a
woman says "1 feellike you never listen," she does not expect the word
25 never to be taken literally. Using the word never is just a way of expressing
the frustration she is feeling at the moment. It is not to be taken as if it
were factual information.
To fully express their feelings, women assume poetic license to use
various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations.
To fully express their feelings, women assume poetic license4 and use
various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. Men mistakenly take
these expressions literally. Because they misunderstand the intended mean-
ing, they commonly react in an unsupportive manner. In the following chart
ten complaints easily misinterpreted are listed, as well as how a man might
35 respond unsupportively.
2ironically = opposite fram what you'd believe
3connotations = shades of me~ings
"poetic license = freedom to exaggerate, or change the facts a little for effect
PART TWO: Differences: Not So Different After AlI? 125
Ten Common Complaints That Are Easily Misinterpreted
Women say things like this
"We never go out."
40 "Everyone ignores me."
"1aro so tired, I can't do
"1want to forget everything."
45 "The house is always a mess."
"No one listens to me anyrnore."
"Nothing is working."
"You don't love me anyrnore."
"We are always in a hurry."
"1want more romance."
Men respond like this
"That's not true. We went out last
"I'm sure some people notice you."
"That's ridiculous. You are not
"If you don't like your job, then
"It's not always a mess."
"But I aro listening to you right
"Are you saying it is my fault?"
"Of course Ido. That's why I'm
"We are noto Friday we were
"Are you saying I aro not
55 You can see how a "literal" translation of a woman's words could easily
mislead a man who is used to using speech as a means of conveying5 only
facts and information. We can also see how a man's responses might lead
to an argument. Unclear and unloving cornmunication is the biggest problem
in relationships. The number one complaint women have in relationships
60 is: "1don't feel heard."
Even this complaint is misunderstood and misinterpreted!
The number one complaint women have in relationships is:
"1 don't feel heard."
Even this complaint is misunderstood and misinterpreted!
65 Aman's literal translation of "1don't feel heard" leads him to invalidate6
and argue with her feelings. He thinks he has heard her if he can repeat
what she has said. A translation of a woman saying "1don't feel heard so
that a man could correctly interpret it is: "1feel as though you don't fully
understand what I really mean to say or care about how I feel. Would you
70 show me that you are interested in what I have to say?"
5conveying = giving
"invalidate = not find important
126 CHAPTER SIX Language
Source: Men Are from Mars,
Women Are From Venus.
Check Your
Using New Words
If aman really understood her complaint then he would argue less and
be able to respond more positively. When men and women are on the verge7
of arguing, they are generally misunderstanding each other. At such times,
it is important to rethink or translate what they have heard.
1. According to the author, in what way do men misinterpret women?
2. What kinds of speech distinguish women's talk, according to the
3. What is the biggest problem in relationships, according to Gray?
4. Does Gray think that men are unsupportive? Why or why not?
5. What does the author mean by, "they communicated well because
they spoke different languages"?
6. What is the most common complaint women have in cornmunicating
with men?
7. What is the most important problem that men feel in communicating
with women?
The following words, taken from the reading, might not be familiar to you.
Show you understand the words by completing the following sentences.
1. Yesterday, 1encountered _
2. The fact that 1 doesn't
invalidate the experiment.
3. The crowd was on the verge of _
4. Ironically, _
_____________________ is a metaphor for
_____________________ emerged recently.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. What do you think of the author's argument? Is it accurate? Does it
exaggerate? Review your "Active Reading" notes to help the
2. What do you think is the biggest problem in relationships between the
3. What other differences have you noticed in men's and women's styles
of communicating? Refer to the survey you did before the reading.
How do those observations fit into Gray's argument?
'on the verge at the point, nearly
PART TWO: Differences: Not So Different Mter AlI? 127
Before You Read
Watch the
CNN video
_ on African-
American language.
Discuss these questions:
1. Why are some people
against using Black
dialect in the
2. Why is Black dialect
controversial among
3. According to the
report, when is it okay
to use Black dialect?
Cultural Cues
African-Americans have played important roles in America's history. They
have made important inventions and discoveries, created great works of
art, and excelled in science, music, medicine, and sports. The U.S. Post
Office has issued many stamps to honor the achievements of African-
Americans. These are only four of the dozens that have been issued.
Mary McLeod Bethune Co-founder of Cookman-Bethune College, the
National Council of Negro Women, and Vice President of the NAACP
Paul Laurence Dunbar A poet and writer; bom in Ohio; he was the
son of former slaves, he attended public schools, and worked as an
elevator operator before becoming a writer.
W.E.B. DuBois A civil rights leader who co-founded the NAACP
(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
Ralph Bunche First African-American to be a division head in the
Department of State, Nobel Prize winner
In this article, the author talks about a dialect of English spoken by some
African Americans.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Rave you noticed any differences in American dialects?
What stereotypes are associated with different dialects?
Do you think the standard English taught in schools is the only
"correct" form of English?
Board of Education A group of elected officials who supervise the educa-
tional institutions in a community.
128 CHAPTER SIX Language
Ebonics One of several tenns used to describe a distinct dialect of English
used by some members of the African-American comrimnity in the United
Meet the Press A television interview programo
Congressional Black Caucus A group of members of congress who try
to pass laws which benefit African-Americans.
Ebonics: A Language De
In December of 1996, the Oakland, California Board ofEducation received
nationwide attention after declaring, in essence,l that African-American
English, or "Ebonics," is not a dialect2 of American English, but a separate
language which has developed from the distinct African American culture
5 in the United States. Although the Board of Education later retreated from
this statement, at the time this classification of Ebonics as a separate lan-
guage led to the development of an Ebonics policy in the public school
system. Basically, this policy suggested that, rather than banishing3 African
American English from the classroom, it should actually be used as a tool
10 with which to teach standard English.
The Board of Education said, "Too many African American children are
entering school year after year speaking differently, and it is obstructing4
their ability to leam. Let's recognize that this is happening." What the board
was saying was that students who speak African-American English should
15 not be criticized or harshly5 corrected, but given special assistance in
learning standard English6 in much the same way as a student who moved
from Mexico and spoke only Spanish would receive training in English as
a second language.
Carolyn Getridge, Oakland's school superintendent, said the poor aca
20 demic record of some African American students in the public schools in
Oakland means that administrators and teachers there must do something
dramatic to try to improve the language skills of these students. Getridge
said that having teachers simply tell students that the way they speak is
1in essence = in reality, in fact
2dialect = a particular variety of a language
3banishing = sending away, driving out
40bstructing = getting in the way of
5harshly = roughly, sharply
6standard English = the English taught in grammar books
PART TWO: Differences: Not So Different After All? 129
non-standard, without explanation and without empathy,7 is a terrible mis-
25 take. "The students begin to shut down,8" she said. "We want to change
that reality."
The Ebonics controversy has divided African American leaders. Some
feel that recognizing that some African American students who enter school
do not speak standard English, is the first step toward helping these students
30 achieve success in school. But other African Americans, including the Rever-
end Jesse L. Jackson, said that movement toward Ebonics would limit
African American students' ability to compete for jobs against graduates
who speak standard English. On NBC's "Meet the Press," Jackson said, "1
understand the attempt to reach out to these children, but this is an unaccept-
35 able surrender borderlining on disgrace,9" It's teaching downlO to our
children and it must never happen." ..
Oakland school officials, joined by Representative Maxine Waters (Dem-
ocrat of California), who leads the Congressional Black Caucus, ada-
mantlyl1 defended the Ebonics policy and insisted that it had been
40 misinterpreted as an attempt to lead students away from standard English.
School officials said they simply want O~kland teachers to devote more
time-and show more sensitivity-to students who rely on African American
English and help them better understand the differences between their
language pattems and standard English.
45 Part of the confusion stems from the fact that many people involved in
the disagreement did not understand the difference between a language and
a dialectoAlllanguages were originaUy dialects-ways of speaking developed
by a group of people so that they could cornmunicate with each other. One
reason a dialect becomes a langu~ge is that the written and oral forros
50 provide enough concretel2 examples of its use for someone to make up rules
about it. Linguists13 study these examples and start writing dictionaries and
grarnmar books that describe how the forros are used. This regularized set
of forros eventually becomes a distinct language.
Linguists refer to the quote, "a language has an arrny apd a navy" to
55 emphasize the difference between a language and a dialect.ln other words,
they say that the dialect that becomes a standard language is the one that
is used by the economic, political, educational, and socialleaders of a certain
area. This prestigel4 di~ect then becomes the standard language of a region
because the most powerful people use it. However, a variety of dialects of
60 the language continue to exist, and new ones are developing aUthe time.
7empathy = emotional understanding
'shut down = stop working
9disgrace = shame, lack of respect
l"teaching down = lowering the level of instruction
"adamantly = firmly, strongly
12concrete = defmite, positive
13linguists = people who study languages
l"prestige = respected, influential
130 CHAPTER SIX Language
Participants on both sides ofthe Ebonics debate would do well to remem-
ber that standard languages are not sacred entities15 and that they come
and go over time. Classical Latin was once the most important standard
language on the European continent. But with the Roman Empire's loss of
65 economic and political power, Latin died out, and several "sub-standard"
dialects of Latin gained strength and eventually evolved16 into standard
languages in their own right-among them French, Spanish and Italian. In
the same way, what we think of today as "standard" English, is only one of
many dialects ofEnglish, induding Ebonics, some ofwhich maywell become
70 standard languages in the future.
Check Your
Find ot more about
arguments by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
1. What is Ebonics?
2. Why was Jesse Jackson against Ebonics programs in the public
school system?
3. What is the difference between a language and a dialect?
4. What happened to Latin?
Understanding Arguments
What is the main argument in this artide? What are the people quoted in
the artide trying to convince you to believe? How are these ideas supported?
Fill out the following chart with information from the reading.
Carolyn Getridge said that
They will shut down and stop
students should not be told the
way they speak is wrong.
2. Jesse Jackson said that the
Ebonics movement would hurt African-American children.
3. Maxine Waters said that Ebonics
would not lead students away from standard English.
4. A prestige dialect eventually
turns into a standard language.
15sacred entities = holy things
16evolved = developed naturally and gradually
Using New Words
PART TWO: Differences: Not So Different After AlI? 131
Review the footnotes and the reading. Look up any of these words you don't
know. Then match the words that mean the same thing.
1. in essence a. ability to imagine another person's feelings
2. dialect
b. stop
3. empathy
c. a form of a language
4. shut down
d. having importance
5. linguist
e. getting in the way of
6. prestige
f. person who studies languages
7. teach down
g. really
8. obstructing
h. simplify instruction
Now write sentences using three of the words or phrases in the first column.
Be sure your sentences show you understand the meaning of the word.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Are there dialects in your home country that are not as respected as
the standard language or dialect? Who speaks these dialects?
2. Do you agree with the idea of using a person's home language or
dialect to help teach them a new language or a new dialect of their
language? Why or why not?
3. Rave you ever been criticized because of your language? If so, what
was your reaction?
Discussion and Debate 1. Swearing is very controversial. Some argue that this language has no
place in a "civilized society." Others say it is a natural part of human
communication. What do you think?
2. This chapter may present some pessimistic views: men and women
have trouble communicating, blacks and whites don't always speak
the same language, even body language can have a negative impact.
What are your ideas on these issues? What is the positive side to
these arguments?
3. Think of another question to ask your classmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
132 CHAPTER SIX Language
Writing Topies
1. In your journal, write about an important language experience you've
hado Maybe it was the first time you tried to speak English, or a time
when you were successful at giving a speech.
2. Write a paragraph about language in your native language. Then, try
to translate that paragraph into English. Finally, write another
paragraph about the translation experience. Was it easy? Hard? Did
you know the English words for the words in your language?
3. Some people in the United States believe that English should be
America's "official" language. Others feel that America's history is rich
in language, and different languages should be taught and accepted.
What do you think? Write an essay in which you argue for one side or
the other. You may want to do some reading about the topie first.
Check the newspapers or the Internet for more information.
On Your Own 1. Go to a public place and observe people for a couple of hours. Take
notes on their language and gestures. Also make note of their ethnie
backgrounds, ages, and genders. What differences do you notiee?
What do you conclude from your observations?
2. Find a book about sign language. Learn a few signs and demonstrate
them for your classmates, signing along with a verbal translation of
their meaning.
3. Go to the library or the Internet and research one of the African
Americans mentioned on page 127. Make a report to your class about
what you learned.
4. Read John Gray's book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
Report on the book to your class.
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
Americans are known for being practical and sensible. This
chapter shows us another side of American Iife, the belief in
the unexplained and in the possibi1ityof life in outer space.
The Uwexplained
What do Americans believe? What do they believe in?
The answers to these questions are as varied as the American population.
This section looks at the work of astrologists and psychics,
two controversial subjects.
Before You Read
Cultural Cues
Predictions for 1997 and 1998 made by psyehics
Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson, former British royalty, will join the cast of
the television program "Melrose Place." In reallife, she will marry the
clothing designer, Calvin Klein.
Madonna will become so concemed about the quality of children's
television shows she will revive the Mickey Mouse Club, and star in it
AlI cats will have to be killed because they will carry a virus that
blinds people.
Doctors will cure the common cold.
Cuban leader Fidel Castro will be overthrown and move into a
Beverly Hills mansion.
A drink that makes your skin glow bright green in the dark will
become popular with nighttime runners and bicyclists.
Deserts will bloom like gardens after scientists create "walking
vegetables" that can move from place to place searching for water.
Greek and Babylonian cultures Groups of people living in the Mid East
and in westem Asia more than two thousand years ago.
talk show A television program in which guests talk with an interviewer
in front of a live audience.
~~dj~ P:8/f(J1r!'8/f~: tfkat~GrJi/f9(J/fH'8f'8f
For thousands of years people in various parts of the world have claimed
that it is possible for human beings to leam about the future through the
PART ONE: The Unexplained 135
use of psychic1 abilities. The power to do this is sometimes referred to as
"the sixth sense." Believers say that this special sense exists alongside the
5 usual five physical senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.
This faculty2 is thought to reveal information not available to the ordinary
mind. Over the years, this sixth sense has been given a lot of different names
and people have claimed to see evidence of it in a variety of different forms.
But all these beliefs have one thing in common: they demonstrate a
10 conviction3 that hidden knowledge can be found, and insight about future
events can be gained, by using special abilities of the mind which are not
usually used in everyday life.
The records ofthe early Greek and Babylonian cultures contain refer-
ences to mediums4 and oracles5 who were thought to be able to communi-
15 cate with the gods. Typically, the oracle would go into a dreamlike state
called a trance. In this condition, they would contact the gods and then
deliver divine messages to the listeners. Other ways of obtaining special
revelations6 included the interpretation of dreams and the attempt to make
contact with the souls of people who had died. In early Rome, and up until
20 400 A.D.,7 people called augers performed elaborate ceremonies in order
to receive guidance from the gods and give advice to the Roman citizens.
Other ancient methods of finding guidance include the use of astrology,8
numerology,9 the interpretation of tea leaves, the "reading" of the lines in
the palm of the hand, looking into crystal balls for information, and the use
25 of special fortune telling cards. AlI of these methods are still used with
varying degrees of seriousness in various parts of the world today.
Arnericans have always shown a special interest in psychic phenom-
ena.lO In the late 1880s, the Spiritualistll movement grew rapidly in the
United States, largely due to the well-publicized experiences of two young
30 sisters, Margaret and Kate Fox, who claimed to be able to communicate
with spirits "on the other side." At a typical sance,12 those who wished to
contact the spirits of dead relatives would sit in a circle around a table in
a darkened room holding hands with the sisters. The medium would then
call out to the person she was trying to contact and a response might be
lpsychic = supematural, intuitive
2faculty = special ability
3conviction = strongly-held belief
"rnediums = person who conununicates with the spirits of the dead
50racles = person or place able to give information about the future
6revelations = information, discoveries
7A.D. = after the birth of Christ
8astrology = using the stars to understand the present and predict the future
9numerology = using numbers to gain supematural understanding
IOphenomena = events, occurrences
llSpritualist = those who believe they can contact the dead
12sance = meeting
35 received, sometimes in the form of tapping sounds on the table. Later,
Margaret Fox claimed that the events that people observed at her sances
were merely tricks. Despite the fact that many reports of psychic phenomena
proved to be false, The Society for Psychical Research was founded to
examine the claims of spiritualism.
40 One of the most respected groups to undertake research into the field
of psychic phenomena is the Parapsychology13 Laboratory at Duke Univer-
sity in North Carolina. A group of researchers at this institution began to
apply the rigorous14 methods of scientific research to the study ofthis field.
These researchers used laboratory experiments to study the capacity of the
45 human mind to make use of two abilities: extrasensory perception and
psychokenesis. Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the ability to know some-
thing that you couldn't possibly know by using the usual five senses. Psy-
chokenesis (PK) is the ability to move an object using only the powers of
the mind.
50 Typically, the Duke team conducts mathematically-based studies involv-
ing the use of special playing cards and ordinary dice.15 To test a subject's
level of ESP, the researcher uses a deck of 25 cards, each of which has a
simple design on its face: a star, a circle, a cross, a square, or a series of
wavy lines. A laboratory assistant stares with great concentration at the
55 face of each of the 25 cards which the subject is not allowed to see. Then,
the subject tells what he or she thinks is pictured on each cardo A score of
five correct out of 25 is considered pure chanceo Scores higher than that are
thought to indicate the existence of ESP. To test a subject for psychokenetic
abilities, the researcher asks the subject to try to make certain numbers on
60 the dice fall face upward. The researcher then throws dice against a wall
and keeps track of how often the dice produce the requested numbers. After
correlating the scores on individual ESP tests and PK tests with the scores
on thousands of such tests, researchers have concluded that psychic phe-
nomena do indeed existo
65 In recent years, there has been increased interest in psychic phenomena
in the United States. There are currently hundreds of psychic telephone
hotlines16 and Internet web sites, and countless books have been published
on the subject. These resources will supply the user with advice about
current decisions and future events, supposedly based on information ob
70 tained through psychic means. Even police departments have begun to admit
to using psychics to help solve difficult cases.
One psychic who has received a lot of attention is Sylvia Browne who
lives in Campbell, California. Ms. Browne has appeared on several talk
l"parapsychology = the study of psychic phenomena
14rigorous = very serious, strict
15dice = cubes with dots on the side used in games of chance
16hotlines = phone numbers where someone answers 24 hours a day
Check Your
PAR T O N E : The Unexplained 137
shows where she has discussed and demonstrated her ability to communi-
75 cate with spirits of the deceasedY Brown says that she can see both
"earthbound ghosts," which look just like living people, and spirits from
"the Other Side," which are less clear and sometimes communicate through
gestures and pantomime. Ms. Browne's web site states that her goals are:
"... to prove that the soul survives death, that God is a real and living
80 presence, and that there is a Divine Plan to our lives .... "
A psychic reading over the phone with Ms. Brown costs $450. Her web
site includes a listing of her upcoming TVappearances, lectures, and predic-
tions for the future. Included in her predictions for the next hundred years
are these items:
85 Electrical cars will have flotation ability for water travel.
Babies will be birthed in water all the time, with music, incense, and
green and lavender lights.
There will be no U.S. Presidency. Instead, the govemment will go
back to a Greek Senate structure.
90 By 2055 most people willlive in domed cities due to poor
atmospheric conditions.
Whether you believe in psychic phenomena or not, it is a subject you will
probably be hearing more about. Interest in the sixth sense seems to be
increasing, despite out cl!!fent fascination with technology. In fat, research-
95 ers who specialize in "the new physics" are beginning to agree that there
are some things about our world that just can not be accounted for using
purely physical explanations. It looks like psychic phenomena are likely to
be a subject of just as much fascination in the future as they have been in
the pasto
1. What are the five senses?
2. What is the "sixth" sense?
3. How did oracles in Greece and Babylon obtain their information?
4. Who was responsible for early interest in spiritualism in the United
5. What is special about the studies being conducted at Duke University?
6. How do people learn about Ms. Browne's work?
17deceased = no longer living, dead
Find out more about
scanning by looking in
the Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Using New
You may recall that scanning is reading through something quickly for
specific information. Sean the article and answer the questions below.
1. What were psychics called in Greece and Babylon? --------
2. What were psychics called in ancient Rome? ----------
3. Name several ancient methods of finding out about the future. ---
4. When did the Spiritualist movement start in the U.S.?-------
5. Where is Duke Universitylocated? --------------
6. What items do researchers at Duke use to test for ESP abilities? --
7. What items do researchers use to test for PK abilities? -------
8. Where does SylviaBrowne live? ---------------
Completethe followingsentences showingthat you understand the meaning
of the words in boldface.
1. If a person is psychic, he or she can --------------
2. When a person is in a trance, he or she -------------
_________________ in A.D.
4. Astrology involves _
5. People ask for a sance so that they can ------------
____________________ is a rigorous sport.
7. People sometimes try to use ESP to -------------
8. If a person is deceased, he or she _
PAR T O N E : The Unexplained 139
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Do you believe in any sort of psychic phenomena? Why or why not?
2. Would you ever go to a sance? Why or why not?
3. Do any of Ms. Browne's predictions for the next hundred years make
sense to you? Which ones? Why?
Before You Read
Daily Horoscope
Forecast lor Monday
Aries: You're still finding your place in the world. It isn't easy making
everyone happy! Concentrate on yourself.
Taurus: Your enemies are against you today. They accuse you of many
things. Tell the truth, and everything will be okay.
Gemini: You are doing many new things, but this upsets people close to
you. Are they concemed about you, or about themselves?
Cancer: Everyone is telling you what to do, but you should keep doing
your job. You'll accomplish the things you want if you don't listen to
Leo: You will surprise yourself today. You have been telling yourself that
you can't do the things you want. Today, you can!
Virgo: Listen to yourself today. Someone is trying to upset you. Be true
to yourself.
Libra: You need your enemy's support. Avoiding the problems won't help.
This is worth the time and trouble.
Scorpio: Today is a good day to be quieto Just because someone wants
to argue, doesn't mean you have to.
Sagitarius: People will give you bad advice today. It is a good day to
spend by yourself.
Capricorn: Today you give up something. But you will get much more in
retum. The sacrifice is worth it.
Aquarius: Be careful not to be bossy today. You need to be more
sympathetic to the people you work with.
Pisces: You can't trust everyone you meet today. Do your own research
and think for yourself. Reliable information is important.
Look in today's newspaper and find your horoscope. Compare it to the
horoscope listed here. Bring in your horoscope to discuss with the class.
In the following reading, the author, a famous humor writer, talks about
her opinion of astrology.
Before you read, think about the following questions.
Do you read your daily horoscope? If so, do you believe it?
Do you believe in other kinds of fortune telling, such as psychic
advice or palm reading?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
Judas Iscariot One of the 12 apostles of Jesus, identified as the one who
betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver by helping to arrange for his arrest.
Ann Boleyn English queen, the second wife of Henry VIII; within three
months, his passion for her had cooled. She was arrested, charged with
treason, and beheaded.
Erma Bombeck was a columnist and writer who was popular for her humor.
She wrote about everyday life, especially that of a wife and mother. Some
of her other books include, At Wits End, Just Wait Till You Have Children
of Your Own!, The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank, and If
Life is a Bowl of Cherries-What Am I Doing in the Pits? She died in 1996.
byErmafumbeck Get Off Your Cusp and l1ve!
Ever since 1 read that Eva Braun (Hitler's mistress), Judas Iscariot, and
Anne Boleyn shared my zodiac sign, 1 could riever get too choked Upl
about Astrology.
Mr. Steve meant well, but he didn't know what a loser 1 was. My suri.
5 never rose on my signoMyplanets were always conspiring2 behind my back.
And my destiny always read like it had been out in the nataP sun too long.
Maybe 1was just bitter, but it always seeined like other people got the
good signs. Their horoscopes always read "Popularity and untold wealth
will haunt you. There is no getting away from it. You are irresistible to every
10 sign in the zodiaco Give in and enjoy."
Not mine. It was always an ominous4 warning like "Watch your purse."
''Your high school acne was only in remission5, and will return the fifteenth
of the month." "Don't become discouraged by your friends who will take
advantage of you."
15 Somehow, 1 always felt if Mother had held on a little longer-a good
month and a half-things would have been different for me.
Oh, 1 had faith in the predictions. It was just that my interpretation of
my sign was not always the way it turned out. For example:
Predicti6n: "You get a chance today to provide guidance and
20 inspiration6."
lchoked up = emotional
2conspiring = planning bad things
3natal = related to birth
4ominous = threatening, dark
5in remission = temporarily cured
6inspiration = motivation
Source: Aunt Erma's Cope
PART ONE: The Unexplained 141
Fact: 1 chaperoned7 thirty fourth-graders on a tour of a meat-packing
Prediction: "One you thought had abandoned you is back in the
25 Fact: We found a roach under the sink.
Prediction: "Married or single, this is a 'power' time for you!"
Fact: The heat went off for four hours.
Prediction: "You have a unique way of expressing yourself, and you
could gain much satisfaction by writing."
30 Fact: 1wrote a check to have the septic tank8 cleaned.
Mr. Steve didn't tell me that keeping up with my stars was a full-time
job. The daily forecast in the paper was brief and scanty9. 1 had to buy a
magazine to fmd out my food forecast, one for my sex forecast, one for my
fashion predictions, another for my travel, and still another for my decoration
35 sense, color selection, and perfume.
1 wanted to clean out my refrigerator one day but didn't dare because
my sign said avoid the color green.
1 canceled trips, put off foot surgery, didn't invite Virgos to my party,
and on the advice of my horoscope did not handle money for an entire
40 month. (If it hadn't been for my charge card, I'd have died.) There was so
much to learn about myself. 1was absolutely fascinating. 1discovered women
born under my sign were dynamic, confident, and into asparagus. 1was an
orange person, trusting, French provincial 10 with boundlessll energy, and
45 One evening at ajewelry party, one of the brownies 1was serving dropped
on the carpet. 1 reached over, picked it up off the floor, popped it in my
mouth, and said, "Afuzzy brownie never hurt anyone."
A woman 1 knew only as Nicky looked deep into my eyes and nodded
knowingly. "Only a Pisces on the CUSpl3would say that."
50 1asked her how she knew. She said certain traits14 belonged to certain
signs. According to my birth date, 1was born on a rising signl5 which made
my destiny special. 1was a wonderful homemaker, excellent cook, and fme
seamstress. That wasn't a destiny. It was a sentence!
7chaperoned = adult who watches over younger people at social events
"septic tank = part of a sewage system for household waste
9scanty = meager, not enough
IOprovincial = from a province, the countryside
I1boundless = endless
l21ong-waisted = the characteristic of a tall, thin person
l30n the cusp = bom on the day that a sun sign moves into a new sign
l4t;raits = characteristics, qualities
l5rising sign = an astrology term
__________________ II1 'IIl1Il1
Check Your 1. How does Bombeck interpret the predictions in her horoscope?
Comprehension 2. Where does the author read about her horoscope?
3. What does this quotation mean: "Somehow, 1 always felt if Mother had
held on a Httle longer-a good month and a half-things would have
been different for me."
4. How does the author feel about horoscopes in general?
5. What do the last statements, "That wasn't a destiny. It was a
sentence!" mean? What is the special meaning of the word "sentence"
Flnd out more about
understanding humor
by looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Understanding Humor
This essay uses humor to make its main points. Can you understand how the
following passages are intended to be humorous? Write a brief explanation of
the humor after each passage.
1. 1wanted to clean out my refrigerator one day but didn't dare because
my sign said avoid the color green.
2. Prediction: "One you thought had abandoned you is back in the
Fact: We found a roach under the sink.
3. Somehow, 1 always felt if Mother had held on a Httle longer-a good
month and a half-things would have been different for me.
4. 1 was a wonderful homemaker, excellent cook, and fine seamstress.
That wasn't a destiny. It was a sentence!
Discuss your answers with your classmates.
PART ONE: The Unexplained 143
Using Phrases
The following phrases are found in the reading. Show that you understand
how to use them by filling the corred prepositions in the blanks. You will
use some of the prepositions more than once.
about in out
of for
1. 1 get choked ~~~_u __~~~_ sad movies.
2. Don't tell me the ending, 1 want to see for myself how it tums
3. My sister's old boyfriend is back u the picture-they had a
date last week.
4. Be careful not to let people take advantage ~~_ you.
5. The alarrn went _~~~_ every time someone walked by the caro
6. My brother said that 1 should have faith ~ my abilities.
7. My sister runs so fast 1 can't keep _~~~ __ ~~~_ her.
8. What did you find _~~~ __ ~~~_ the new secretary?
9. My father told us to clean ~ our closets and get rid
____ our old toys.
10. 1 really don't want to study, so I'll put it _
another hour.
11. ~ the advice my doctor, I'm going to stop
12. According my teacher, class is canceled tomorrow.
13. If it hadn't been ~ __ ~ that party Saturday, the whole weekend
would have been boring.
1. Do you share the author's opinion about horoscopes?
Why or why not?
2. Find today's horoscopes in the newspaper and read them.
Do they sound accurate? Why or why not?
3. If a fortune teller or your horoscope told you there would be a
horrible car accident if you went out, would you stay home?
Why or why not?
-- -----------------=----------
Unidentifie;l FI
People around the world are fascinated by the idea of Iife on other planets.
In the United States, many organizations and groups focus their atlention
on this issue. But, so far, no contad has been made .
at least we don't think so.
Before Vou Read
~~ Watchthe
CNN video
VIDEO on Roswell,
New Mexico.
Discuss these questions:
1. What happened in
Roswell, new Mexico?
2. How does the United
States Air Force
explain the event?
3. Do you believe a
flying saucer crashed
in Roswell?
Partidpants in the 50th anniversary Roswell UFOparade.
In the following reading, the author discusses Roswell, New Mexico, where
50 years ago, some people believe that a spaceship crashed .
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you believe in life in outer space?
Rave you ever seen something in the sky that you couldn't explain?
Find out more about
increasing speed by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Cultural Cues
PART TWO: UFOs: Life Out There 145
Increasing Speed
Record the time it takes you to read this article. Try to read as quickly as
you can while still understanding the story.
Starting Time: __ :__
UFO Unidentified Flying Object.
Wal-Mart A large discount store chain.
~ .
. .
~ r h
ROSWEU, NEW MEXICO: Home ot t e Strange
by Laura Bly
Most people in this little town of 50,000
never thought much about the "Incident."
Nearly fifty years ago, there was a fieryl crash
landing. The U.S. Arrny first said it was a flying
5 saucer. However, the next day they said it was
a lost weather balloon.
But now, Stan Crosby and his neighbors are
cashing in on the fad for extraterrestrials. The
49th anniversary of the Roswell crash and
10 the alien-invasion film Independence Day will
bring at least 10,000people to the city's second
"UFO Encounter."
There will be an alien costume contest and
an "out of this world" fireworks display. Tour-
15 ists will visit the Intemational UFO Museum
and Research Center, one oftwo Roswell muse-
ums featuring visitors from outer space. For
$15 per person, they will take an 8-mile drive
to the place where two alien spacecraft are
20 said to have collided.
lfiery = on fue, blazing
This collision began the 50-year contro-
On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Daily Record
reported the military's capture of a flying sau-
25 ceroBut then officials changed their minds. The
next day they said it was a "harrnless, high-
altitude weather balloon." Most citizens be-
lieved them.
However, in the 1980s, books, articles, and
30 TVshows suggested a military cover-up. ANew
Mexico politician asked for an investigation.
The investigators reported that the Roswell
crash was a spy device. They said it was de-
signed to learn whether the Soviets were test-
35 ing atomic weapons. There was one problem,
however: the officials admitted that records
from the Roswell military base-1946 to 1950-
couldn't be located. More people began be-
lieving in the UFO theory. Because of this, some
40 Roswell residents were afraid of their town
being called "Kook2 City."
"But once people saw we weren't sacrific-
ing UFO babies on the courthouse lawn, they
calmed down," Crosby says.
45 These days, the "Kook City" fears are
mostly gone. They've been replaced with the
knowledge that tourists mean good business.
The local Wal-Mart store ordered "impact
site" T-shirts, and the Roswell lnn says about
50 15%of its summer business is UFO fans.
At the lntemational UFO Museum and Re-
search Center, a silver saucer pokes through
the roof. About 350 visitors a day come to look
at fuzzy photos and UFO-related news artieles.
55 Admission is free, but it costs $2.50 to have
your picture taken with an alien dummy. A few
blocks down Main Street, the UFO Enigma3
Museum attracts more tourists because of a
fiberglass4 saucer surrounded by stuffed
60 aliens.
2kook = crazy person
3enigma = an unexplained event, something puzzling
4fiberglass = a type of building material similar to plastic
Ending Time: __ :__
Among the recent visitors were Rufus and
Helen Davidson ofFlorida. Like so many others
who come to UFO Town, USA, the Davidsons
say they experienced something they can't ex-
65 plain.
"We saw one in Ohio back in 1964 or '65,"
Rufus remembers. "It was bullet-shaped ...
and it was not a weather balloon, 1can guaran-
tee that."
70 No matter what the Davidsons saw, Stan
Crosby is happy to keep the questions-and
the possibilities-alive.
"We've always been a flow-through point to
somewhere else," he acknowledges.
75 Until now: "Everybody loves a mystery, and
we're playing along .... We were given a
lemon, and we're making lemonade."
Source: USA Today
minus starting time: _
515 -7- _
Total Mins. = words per minute
Compare your reading rate with the one you had on page 98. ls it faster?
How much? What is your goal for your speed?
Check Vour
1. What is the "lncident"?
2. What does "Kook City" mean? Why did this term worry some of the
3. What does "impact site" mean?
4. Why do some people believe that the military is hiding the truth?
5. What does the last sentence, "We were given a lemon, and we're
making lemonade," mean?
6. Why are some Roswell residents happy about the stories about aliens?
Defining Words
from Context
PART TWO: UFOs: Life Out There 147
Look back at the reading and find the following words and phrases. Then
write a defmition of each one. Don't look at your dictionary; try to use the
text around the words to help you understand their meaning.
1. flying saucer _
2. weather balloon _
3. outer space _
4. cash in on _
5. flow-through point _
6. enigma _
7. dummy _
8. alien _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why do you think people are so fascinated by the idea of UFOs?
2. Which do you believe-the government story or the local people who
believe there was a UFO crash?
3. Mr. Crosby said in the artide, "Everybody loves a mystery." What
other mysteries interest people? What mysteries interest you?
Before Vou Read
Does this look Iike a UFO to you?
The following articIe talks about SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelli-
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?
Do you enjoy science fiction books and movies?
Find out more about
skimming by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Read this passage in two minutes. Then write three main ideas from the
reading on the lines below.
________________ ill-_- -_illillillOOillill =====::===-=-=,-=::'::::"'::===::~::~::~::'=::,=~~::ro::-::-::=====
Cultural Cues
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. space
McDonnell Douglas A large aerospace engineering company.
PART TWO: UFOs: Life Out There 149
It seems that people have long dreamed and wondered about the existence
of life on other planets. We're especially interested in knowing whether this
life can communicate with usoOver the past 50 years, with the help of radio
telescopes, we now have the technology to allow interplanetaryl
5 communication. The question is, will we find someone to communicate
We are also fascinated with the idea of space travel. Although astronauts
have walked on the moon, we now hope to visit other communities on
planets and moons even farther away. Dr. William A. Gaubatz from the
10 McDonnell Douglas Aerospace division has offered the idea that "Space
is a Place." By this he means that space may be the place to travel, play,
work, build things, and mine minerals and convert them into energy.
What would life be like if we really had a space transportation system
that could carry us to other planets? How long will it be until we have farms
15 on the moon or space tourism? Maybe there will be television shows from
Mars. Maybe new "pioneers" will build new cornmunities in space. This
outlook believes that space should be explored. It is the dream of a new
frontier to learn about and delight in, and a chance perhaps to encounter
and investigate other life forms.
20 One group that holds these dreams is the SETI Institute, in Mountain
View, California. This institute is the home for scientific and educational
projects focusing on the presence of life in the universe. The Institute
conducts and encourages research in a large number of fields, including
astronorny2 and the planetary sciences, evolution, and the orgin of life.
25 The Institute also encourages public information and education programs
that teach people about SETI.
The institute's projects have been sponsored by NASA, the National
Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the U.S. Geological Survey,
prvate industry, and prvate donations.
30 So, it seems that many people, from private citizens to large governrnent
agencies, are interested in finding life in space. A film, Contact, was made
in 1997 about SETI. In it, the main character Ellie Arroway, a SETI scientist,
defends a request for money to do her research:
linterplanetary = between planets
'astronomy = the study of stars and planets
Executive: We must confess that your proposal seems less like science
35 and more like science fiction.
EUie Arroway: Science fiction. You're right, it's crazy. In fact, it's
even worse than that, it's nuts. You wanna hear something really
nutty? I heard of a couple guys who wanna build something
called an airplane, you know you get people to go in, and fly
40 around like birds, it's ridiculous, right? And what about breaking
the sound barrier, or rockets to the moon? Atomic energy, or
a mission to Mars? Science fiction, right? Look, all I'm asking is
for you to just have the tiniest bit of vision. You know, to just
sit back for one minute and look at the big picture. To take a
45 chance on something that just might end up being the most
profoundly impactful moment for humanity, for the history .
of history.
Only the future will tell if we will find life in space, and whether we will
go to meet it.
Check Vour
1. What technology will allow us to talk to other communities in space?
2. What are some of the activities that Dr. Gauvatz suggests for outer
3. What activities does the SETI institute sponsor?
4. Who has sponsored some of the SETI Institute's activities? Why is this
5. Who is interested in finding life in space?
6. Who is Ellie Arroway?
7. How does she try to convince the executive that SETI is worth
VOCABULARV Look up these words in the dictionary. Rewrite the definitions in your own
Definitions words. Write an example sentence that shows you understand the meaning
ofthe word.
1. interplanetary
Definition: _
Example: _
2. astronauts
5. planetary
PART TWO: UFOs: Life Out There 151
THINK ABOUT IT 1. What do you know about the existence of life elsewhere in the
universe, based on book, television, and movies.
2. Do you believe that extraterrestrials have visited our planet?
3. Imagine the following situation:
The SETI radio telescopes have picked up unusual radio signals from
deep space. The analysis of the signals shows that the signals come
from intelligent life on a distant planet.
You would like to communicate with this life-form.
What message will you send?
What kind of communication you will use? (computer, music,
language, etc.).
Explain your choice.
Discussion and Debate 1. Some people find astrology to be "harmless fun;" others believe it can
be a damaging superstition. What do you think?
2. Billions of dollars are spent to explore space and search for
intelligent life in space. Is this money well spent? Or, should this
money be used for projects here on earth? What benefit does space
exploration bring us?
3. Is there a connection between the .belief in aliens and the belief in
astrology, in your opinion?
4. Think of another question to ask your classmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
Writing Topics 1. In your joumal, write about what you think of when you look at the
moon or stars.
2. With a group of people, imagine that you are pioneers who have been
asked to establish a cornmunity on another planet. What will you take
with you? Write a plan for your community. Food and water will be
provided, but all other materials you must request.
3. If you had to leave earth and live on another planet, where would you
live? Why? Write an essay in which you discuss your choice. What do
you imagine life will be like?
On Your Own 1. Interview five people. Ask them the following questions, and any
other questions you want to add:
Do you believe in astrology?
Do you read your horoscope?
PART TWO: UFOs: Life Out There 153
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Have you ever seen a UFO?
Compare your answers to ones that your classmates got. What
conclusions can you draw?
2. If possible, find out more about SETI on the Internet and record some
notes about what you find to share with your class.
3. Watch one of these movies, which focus on communicating with
people in outer space: Contact; E. T., The Extra- Terrestrial; Close
Encounters of the Third Kind. Report on the movie to your class.
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
"'************************************* 1
The United States is famous for entertainment-in fact, music,
movies, and television shows are its biggest exp0t1 to the rest
of the world. Just as entertainment reflects Ameri~an culture,
it also affects the world culture.
_______ ~ PART ONE
America's mix of cultures have had a tremendous effect on its musical history.
One of the strQngest influences has come from types of music that were first
played by African Americans-jazz, blues, and rock and roll. These musical forms
have been much admired and imitated around the world.
Before Vou Read
Benny Goodman
Louis Armstrong
Do you lmow what kind of music these
people play?
In this reading, we will look at the
history of jazz in one city: New Orleans,
Louisiana. New Orleans is an important
center for jazz, even today.
Before you read, think about
these questions:
What types of American music do
you enjoy?
Which American musicians are
your favorites?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
Watch the
CNN video
on world jazz.
Discuss these questions:
1. Why is jazz music less
popular in the U.5.
than in the rest of the
2. What kinds of
adivities happen at
the conference?
3. Who are the
musicians in this
by 1ung~ton'ijughe~
PAR T O N E : Music: Getting lnto the Swing of lt 157
Civil War The American Civil War, which started in 1861 and ended in
1865; the Civil War began when the southern states declared indepen-
dence from the North. A major issue in the war was slavery.
Louis Armstrong A farnous jazz musician; "Satchmo" was born in 1900
and died in 1971. He was famous for his rough-sounding voice and his
trumpet playing.
Langston Hughes was born in 1902
and died in 1967. He was a leader of a
social movement called the Harlem
Renaissance. He wrote poetry, chil-
dren's books, and music. He was a
powerful voice that spoke out for Af-
rican Americans in the United States.
~ldRew ~rlem1~
A hundred and fifty years ago in old New Orleans there was a public square
called Congo Square. It was a big wide open dusty place where on Sundays,
when they did not have to work, the African slaves carne with their drums
to sing and dance what they called the bamboula. Crowds used to gather
5 around the square to watch the dancing slaves and listen to the music that
they made on their drums. This was mostly rhythm music, unless sometimes
the dancers began to sing or to chant remembered African songs against
the drums, or to make up words of their own. Long after the time of the
Civil War these Sunday dances continued. Little Louis Armstrong's great-
10 grandmother remembered them well and told him about the drearns.
Most people who write about the history of American jazz believe that
158 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Source: The First Book of
jazz began in New Orleans, where the bands and orchestras1 borrowed
some of the rhythms of the drums in Congo Square. The rhythms that the
drummers there beat out in the dusty sunlight made the people standing
15 around want to move their heads in time, tap their feet, and dance, too.
That is one of the things about jazz: it always makes people want to move.
Jazz music is music to move to, to dance to-not just to listen to.
The African drummers in New Orleans did not have any written music.
They played from memory or made up rhythms as they went along, since
20 they were playing just for fun. Today the best jazz is often played without
music, from a tune remembered, and played as one feels like playing it for
fun at that particular momento
New Orleans had been a French city and a Spanish city before it was
an American city, so, in addition to the slave drums, it knew many different
25 kinds of music, both popular and classical. There was a great opera house
in New Orleans long before the Civil War. And there were very fme orchestras
and bands in the Louisiana city. But many people could not afford to go to
the opera house, or listen to the symphony orchestras, or learn to play
music by note as trained musicians did. So the poor people, without teachers,
30 made their own music, playing mostly by ear for fun the melodies of old
Spanish songs and French dance quadrilles and putting behind them the
beat of Congo Square drums-which made this freshly made up early music
of New Orleans a very lively music indeed.
~ Old New Orleans had many marching
35 bands that played a louder, livelier, more
steadily rhythmical music than orchestras
in opera houses or concert halls, and folks
almost danced when they marched along
behind such bands. On the sidewalks chil-
40 dren did dance. When Louis Armstrong's
parents were young, these brass bands
often played in the streets or in parks
where everybody could hear them for noth-
ing. The sidewheel steamers that paddled
.., w - ~ "'" "" -.:: . 45 up and down the Mississippi River from
'" "'- "" .., .. \J "'" ..
"'..., ~ ..., New Orleans to Memphis and StoLOUlScar-
ried little bands on them. So the lively drum-time marching music of New
Orleans, many years ago, began to spread all over the heart of America.
And it turned into dancing music. Its syncopated2 1-2-3-4 beat, a particular
50 kind of 1-2-3-4 beat played with the accent shifted to the weak beat and
stepped up a bit by memories of Congo Square, became a part of jazz.
lorchestras = musical groups
2syncopated = short, compressed
Check Your
Find out more about
summarlzing by
looking in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
PAR T o N E : Music: Getting 1nto the Swing of 1t 159
1. Who were the first jazz musicians?
2. What is the bamboula?
3. Before New Orleans was an American city, what kind of city was it?
4. What countries' music contributed to jazz?
5. Why did jazz become popular?
6. Describe how African drurnmers in New Orleans played.
7. How did jazz spread throughout the United States?
8. What other kinds of music were found in earlier times in the United
This reading focuses on the history of early jazz. Summarize this story in
the following box. Don't use more space than that!
Now, compare your surnmary with one a classmate wrote. Answer these
What information did you include that your partner did not?
If you could rewrite your surnmary, what would you change?
Many phrases in English are idioms; that is, the meanings of the individual
words may not tell you the meaning of the whole idiom. For example, look
at this sentence:
My chances of getting a job went up in smoke.
160 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Can you guess what "went up in smoke" means? To go up in smoke means
to disappear, almost instantly. Do you understand why the idiom means
Find the following idioms in the reading. (The idioms in the sentences
below are in italics.) After you discover what they mean, write a new
sentence, using the idiom correctly.
1. to make up something (you can also say to make something up) __
2. justfor fun _
3. hear themfor nothing _
4. play by ear _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Langston Hughes says thatjazz made people in New Orleans feellike
dancing. What kind of music makes you want to dance? What kind
makes you happy? Sad?
2. Write about music. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Describe a kind of music you like and a kind that you dislike.
Write about your favorite musician.
What's your favorite song today? What was your favorite song last
Can you play the piano? Do you like to sing?
3. Jazz is known as an American forro of music. What type of music is
your culture known for? Do you know the history of that type of
music? Discuss this topic with your classmates.
4. This reading gives many vocabulary items that can be organized into
categories. Can you fit the words into the right categories? Refer to
the reading for help. Then, add two new items in each category. Some
examples are given for you.
PART ONE: Music: Getting Into the Swing o It 161
Type of musical
A drum
Type of music
Type of dance
The bamboula
American states
American cities
New Orleans
Sto Louis
Before VOU Read
This article discusses the importance ofmusic from the African American
community in the United States. Can you match the musicians in the photo-
162 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
graphs with the types of music they perform? Put the letter of the musician
next to the type of music. Some wiIl have more than one letter.
___________ rock and roIl
___________ blues
___________ jazz
___________ pop
Before you read this article, think about these questions:
Do you know of any African American musicians?
How many styles of American music can you name?
Consider the foIlowing quotation from jazz musician Charlie Parker
(1920-1955): "Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your
wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your hom." What do
you think Parker means by this?
Cultural Cues
;g. ~
Nat "King" Cole and Ella Fitzgerald early jazz singers.
Louis Armstrong early jazz artist.
Miles Davis the inventor of "cool" jazz.
Bob Marley a reggae singer.
James Brown, Little Richard, Chuck Berry early rock and roIl artists.
B.B King a blues guitarist and singer.
Sarah Vaughn and BUlle Hollday early jazz singers.
Aretha Franklin and Diana Ross rock and roIl singers who began their
careers in the 1960s.
Michael Jackson a pop singer who started his career in the 1960s when
he was a child.
June is Black Music Month in the United
States. Each year at this time, the music indus-
try recognizes and highlights the important
contributions made by African-Americans to
5 the development of music in America.
Music has always been a compelling part
of the African-American experience. Black
music in America dates back to the work songs
of the enslaved Africans who were forced to
10 work for white farmers. These slaves sang
songs to help the time go faster, to cornmuni-
cate with one another in the fields, and to talk
to God about their problems. By the late 1800's,
this music had begun to evolve into the forms
PAR T O N E : Music: Getting Into the Swing of It 163
15 we know today as the blues andjazz. And 100
years later, black perforrners like Whitney
Houston, Janet Jackson, and Boys II Men are
not only at the forefront of the American music
scene, but have also become world-famous en-
20 tertainers.
Many Europeans thought of music only as
an art forrn, and therefore a luxury solely in-
tended for the rich. Blacks, on the other hand,
whether in Africa or America, used music in
25 much more practical ways. The song "Follow
the Drinking Gourd" included directions to
slaves about how to escape from their captors.
The blues offered a kind of self-help system
for dealing with problems. Gospel music was
30 used in religious ceremonies to praise God, and
in everyday life to help people keep their hopes
The history of American Black music is a
long one. And throughout that history, African-
35 Americans have been at the cutting edge1 of
musical innovation. In fact, this one group of
people is largely responsible for the growth of,
'cutting edge forefront, beginning
and present size of, the popular music industry
in the United States today. From gospel, blues,
40 and jazz, to rock and roll, rap, and hip hop,
African-Americans have helped to define the
American musical experience.
When Americans celebrate Black music
month, they celebrate the contributions of
45 early jazz singers like Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah
Vaughn, Billie Holiday and Nat King Cole.
Also remembered are Louis Armstrong and
Miles Davis, two hOll players who changed
jazz history. James Brown, Little Richard,
50 and Chuck Berry were early rock and roll
musicians who shocked some and excited mil-
lions with their wild new musical style. Other
major contributors include Bob Marley, a reg-
gae artist whose son Ziggy continues his tradi-
55 tion, and B.B. King, a blues guitarist. And we
can't forget Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross,
and Michael Jackson, world-famous pop stars
who deserve the fame they have gained for
their music.
60 Many would argue there would be no Amer-
ican music without African-American music.
June is the month to remember those who have
changed musical history.
Check Your
1. What is celebrated in June?
2. Which types of music are considered "black" music?
3. What was the difference in attitudes towards music in some European
and African American communities?
4. How did black music start in the United States?
5. What does "cutting edge" mean? How does it relate to this story?
Understanding the Main Point
Find out more about
understanding the
main point by looking
in the Reference Cuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Although this reading mentions many different ideas about music, it has
one main idea. What is that idea? Try to express it in one sentence.
Compare your sentence with a classmate's. Did you come up with the same
idea? Discuss your ideas with your classmates.
164 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Musical Vocabulary
Do you know what these kinds of music are? Begin by stating what you
already know. Then, look up their dictionary definitions. Write a short de-
scription of each below.
blues _
jazz _
gospel _
rock & roll _
hip hop _
You might leam more by trying to find examples of this music. Check a
local radio guide, or ask your friends and family if they have any recordings
of these kinds of music. Try to listen to as many examples as you can.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Although many of the types of music listed in this reading are
identified as "American" music, they are written and performed in
other countries, too. Which kinds of music mentioned in this article
have been accepted in your home culture?
2. Do you have a favorite kind of American music? Which musicians do
you admire most?
3. What kind of traditional music is your home country known for? If
you have any recordings, bring them to class to play and discuss with
your classmates
4. Watch a music video on TV (look at MTV,VHl or BET for videos if
you can). What was it like? Did you enjoy it?
SPORTS: It's How You Play the Game
Sports are an important form of entertainment in the United States.
Millions of people play baseball, basketball, football, and even soccer.
Millions more watch these games on television.
___ ro __ ~ 'IIII~ IIII,*IIII,* i ~ -~
Cultural Cues
Rave you seen a basketball game?
What about a women's basketball
game? In the following reading, you
will read an interview conducted on
the Internet with one of the most fa-
mous women basketball players, Re-
becca Lobo.
Before you read, think about the
following questions:
Do you enjoy sports?
Rave you ever played
Rave you ever watched women's
sporting events?
NCAA National Collegiate Athletic
Larry Bird A former professional
basketball player for the Boston
Celtics, now the coach ofthe Na-
tional Basketball Association
eNBA) team, the Indiana Pacers.
Dr. J Aformer professional basket-
ball player, Julius Erving, of the
Philadelphia 76ers.
Carlton Fisk A baseball player
with the Boston Red Sox,
1969-1980 and the Chicago White
Sox, 1981-1991.
MVP Most Valuable Player.
Rebecca Lobo
166 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
The following is part of an interview that took place on the Internet. It's
called a "Golden Moment Chat," and this one is with U.S. Olympic Basketball
team member, Rebecca Lobo. The television network NBC conducted this
interview during the Olympic Games.
5 Rebecca Lobo helped the University of Connecticut win the 1995 NCAA
title and was named the tournament's Most Outstanding Player. She has
become one of the country's most prominent representatives of women's
basketball. She is now a member ofthe WNBA, Women's National Basketball
Association, playing for the New York Liberty.
10 NBC Host: Rebecca, thank you so much for coming on-line with us today!
Wereally appreciate your taking the time out during these exciting Games
and coming on-line to chat with your cyberfans1. Let's get started with
our first question.
NBC Host: What does it feellike to play in the Olympics?
15 Rebecca: It's an incredible rush2 and especially to play in front of large
crowds and know that you're representing your country.
NBC Host: Your team is faring3 very well in the games. Do you feel that
you are being overshadowed by the men's team or do you think the
women's team is receiving its fair share of attention?
20 Rebecca: Our past two games we have set two new attendance records for
women's sports so we feel our game is coming into our own. We feel
there is room for both the women and men to play and receive their
share of attention.
NBC Host: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
25 Rebecca: I always wanted to play basketball as far as I can remember. I
dreamed of playing for the Boston Celtics. When I got older, I thought
about becoming a lawyer or a teacher or some other profession.
NBC Host: How many hours do you practice without your team?
Rebecca: This year most of the things we do are with the team. We practice
30 almost five hours a day. In the off season, I practice three to four hours,
which includes basketball, conditioning, and weight lifting.
NBC Host: Who do you feel is your team's MVP?
lcyberfans = fans on the Internet
2rush = slang for "excitement"
"faring = doing
PART TWO: SportS: It's How You Play the Game 167
Rebecca: We have so many different contributors, everyone has shined this
year. 1 think Teresa and Katrina are our leaders and the heart and soul
35 of this team.
NBC Host: Australia looked like they might just give the Team a run for
their money, but you guys were able to control and walk away. What do
you view as the greatest challenge still before you on the road to the
gold medal?
40 Rebecca: Brazil, who is also undefeated, wiIl be a big challenge. Without
overlooking other games, we might face Australia again and they may
give us another test!
NBC Host: When did you start basketball? Did you play all through grade
45 Rebecca: The frrst team 1was on was in the third grade and 1played every
year, and every summer, after that!
NBC Host: Congratulations to you and aIl the members of the women's
basketball team. With the increased awareness of women's basketball
in this country, what are your feelings about the success of women's
50 professional basketball in this country?
Rebecca: I'm very excited about the increased interest and 1 think it wiIl
carry over into the professional game and carry over to that leve!.
NBC Host: Rebecca-What are you going to do after the Games? Are you
going to continue with basketball or take some time off to pursue some-
55 thing else?
Rebecca: I'm going to take a little time off. But a little time only means
about a month. 1plan on continuing my career as long as my body allows
me to!
NBC Host: Rebecca, do you find it distracting with aIl the media?
60 Rebecca: Not at all, theyare only allowed to be around us at certain times.
1 remember when there were only two people foIlowing the women's
game. 1 would much rather have it like this.
NBC Host: Which is your favorite moment in the Olympic Games so far?
Rebecca: Opening ceremonies and each of our games has been very special
65 also!
NBC Host: With so much of your time being devoted to basketball how do
you manage to lead a normallife?
Rebecca: It's not completely normal, but 1 make sure 1find the time for my
family and friends and always make sure 1 have time for myself!
70 NBC Host: Rebecca ... where did you get your good looks?
Rebecca: 1 appreciate the compliment! 1 get half from my mother and
half from my father!
NBC Host: What separates the Olympic class athlete from the rest? 1s it
more mental discipline, focus, and toughness, or is it more natural talent?
168 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Source: NBC "Golden
Moments" interviews
Check Your
75 Rebecca: It's a combination of all three, plus an incredible commitment.
NBC Host: Who is your all time favorite sports figure?
Rebecca: In basketball, I grew up watching Larry Bird and Dr. J and I loved
watching Carlton Fisk. I appreciated all sports figures and never really
had an all-time favorite.
80 NBC Host: Rebecca, thank you so much for coming on-line today and talking
to all your cyberfans out here! Good luck in your quest for the Gold!
Rebecca: I appreciate everyone typing in and I hope you keep watch-
ing our Games!
1. What does Ms. Lobo like about playing in the Olympics?
2. How was the attendance at the Olympics for women's basketball?
3. How much training does Rebecca do every day?
4. According to Ms. Lobo, what qualities are necessary for an Olympic
5. What was her favorite part of the Olympic Games?
6. What teams does she think will be difficult for the United States to
7. How does she feel about the media?
~- I~READINC I Summari~-~"!ll_Wl-- ~ - - --.~... -- ,,-, --
Find out more about
summarizing by
looking in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
This reading is an interview, so the organization is different from a typical
essay. Put the information you leamed from reading the interview into
summary format. You should have three summaries that focus on the main
areas of the interview: Rebecca Lobo's childhood, The Olympic Games, and
Life as a Basketball Player.
1. Rebecca Lobo's Childhood _
2. The Olympic Games _
3. Life as a Basketball Player -----------------
Slang and
PART TWO: SportS: It's How You Play the Game 169
Review the reading, looking for the following phrases. Discuss their meaning
with a classmate. Choose and fUI in the phrase that would best complete
the sentences. Use each phrase only once.
be an incredible rush give us a run for our money
come into our own practice every day in the off season
fare very well receive their fair share of attention
1. Q: Who will be difficult to beat?
A: Australia will _
2. Q: Do men dominate basketball?
A: Both men and women _
3. Q: Row often do you work out?
A: 1 _
4. Q: Are you excited to play in the Olyrnpics?
A: It will _
5. Q: Row will the tearn do next year?
A: 1 think we will _
6. Q: You lost the first garnes, but won the last three. What will happen
A: 1 think we are finally going to _
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Do you think women's basketball will eventually be as successful as
rnen's? Why or why not?
2. Rave you ever watched the Olyrnpic Games? What events do you
3. What sport do you enjoy most? Do you play or just watch?
170 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Before Vou Read
The Dalias Cowboys
Gallup Poli
The Gallup Polling agency, a group that asks Americans their opinions on
a variety of issues, asked the following question about the Super Bowl:
"Which do you personally fmd more entertaining-the Super Bowl game
itself or the advertising cornmercials that ron during the Super Bowl?"
They asked both football fans and those who don't watch football. Here's
what they said.
Total Football fans
The game itself
The commercials
Don't watch game
No opinion
Cultural Cues
Are you surprised by these numbers?
Super Bowl The national championship football game, played in late
PART TWO: SportS: It's How You Play the Game 171
The DalIas Cowboys
In 1960, the DalIas Cowboys became the National FootbalI League's first
successful new team. Clint Murchison Jr. was the new team's owner. Tom
Landry was named the head coach.
The team was very successful in the professional football world. How-
5 ever, the "glory years" didn't come easily. In the early 1960s, the Cowboys
didn't do welI. But in 1966, the Cowboys began a streak1 of twenty winning
seasons. That streak included 18 years in the playoffs, five trips to the Super
BowI, and victories in Super Bowls VJ2 and XII.
During the 1970s, the Cowboys were led by future Pro FootbalI Hall of
10 Fame members: quarterback3 Roger Staubach, and running back Tony
Dorsett. The Cowboys of the 1970s and early 1980s were known as "Ameri-
ca's Team." Their team was ahead of almost every other club because of
promotions such as their team newspaper, The Dallas Cowboys Newsweekly,
sales of Cowboys souvenirs and clothes, and the famous DalIas Cowboys
15 cheerleaders.
The Cowboys had their first losing season in two decades in 1986, and
did even worse in 1988. The team was sold to Jerry Jones in 1989. Jones
chose former University of Miami coach Jimmy Johnson to replace Tom
Landry. Landry finished his career with 270 victories. This was the third
20 highest number of wins by any coach in football history.
Johnson's first team won only once in 16 games. However, he made some
changes that soon led the Cowboys to championship status in Super Bowl
XXVII. They folIowed with a second world title in Super Bowl XXVIII4.In
March 1994, colIege coach Barry Switzer replaced Johnson as the Cowboys'
25 third head coach. The winning continued under Switzer. "The Team of the
Nineties" won its third Super Bowl in four years with a 27-17 victory over
the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XXX.
Its winning streak ended there, however. They didn't reach Super Bowl
XXXI or XXXII5.Maybe next year.
lstreak = series
2The Super Bowl is marked by Roman Numerals: VI = 6 and XII = 12
3quarterback = a position on the football team; one of the most important-the quarterback
makes decisions about the plays
4XXVIII = 28
5XXXIor XXXII = 31 or 32
172 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
Check Vour
Find out more abOut
processes by looking
in the Reference Cuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
1. Who was the most successful coach of the Cowboys?
2. What do es the phrase "glory years" mean?
3. Who was the least successful coach of the Cowboys?
4. Apart from winning games, what made the team so successful?
5. What were the Cowboys of the '70s and '80s known as? Why?
Understanding Processes
This reading presents a sequence of events, or an historical process. Surnma-
rize the reading by putting these events into a time line. Put the date on
the line at the left, then a short description of the event at the right. The
first one is done for you.
Date Event
1960 The Cowboys became the NFL's first successful new team.
Word Search
PART TWO: SportS: It's How You Play the Game 173
The words in this word search are associated with football. Youprobably
won't know what all of them mean, but see if you can frnd out from a
dictionary or from asking a football fan!
K C A 8 L L U
F Z N A 8 N C D E F
I E N I L D R A Y Y T F I F F 8 X O R N G T E C
R H R P M R I N N S T E F R G E G X U T K W N y 8
E O D N T C C X T D F 8 D F R E V lEC E I L J C
L G A F T O 8 T E L A A M F I E L D G O A T U M
8 F P H R E K C I K E CAL P P R L K C H 8 H W Z A
S V O K C A 8 F L A H X Q G L I N E 8 A C K E R
D 8 S C O R E T
end zone
field goal
fifty-yard line
first and ten
goal posts
lateral pass
time out
touchdm n
wide receiver
174 CHAPTER EIGHT Entertainment
lHINK ABOUl 11 1. Rave you seen an American football game? If so, What was it like?
2. Do you watch soccer? Do you like it better than American football?
3. A news reporter recentIy claimed that football is now America's
national sport, overtaking baseball. Which sport characterizes America
better, in your opinion?
4. "Super Bowl Sunday," the day on which the national championship
game is played, has become almost like a holiday. People often have
parties to watch the game, even if they don't like football or their
team isn't playing. Talk to someone who has been to a Super Bowl
party. Ask them about it.
Discussion and Debate 1. Soccer is a very popular sport, even in the United States. Rowever, it
does not receive as much attention in the United States as it does in
other countries. Why do you think this is so?
2. Professional sports stars and rock musicians can be paid millions of
dollars ayear just to play. They also receive millions more to endorse
certain products. Do you think stars are paid too much? Why or why
3. Is it harder to be a good musician or a good athlete? Why?
4. Think of another question to ask your classmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
Writing Topies
1. Write one or two paragraphs describing a favorite entertainment
activity in your home country that isn't practiced in the United States.
2. In your journal, write about your favorite music or favorite sport.
3. Is there a musician or a sports figure that you admire? Write an essay
in which you talk about why you admire this person; discuss his or
her admirable qualities, as well as details about his or her life. You
may need to research some facts on the Internet or in a magazine.
PART TWO: SportS: lt's How You Play the Game 175
On Your Own 1. Find a story in the sports pages that interests you and read it.
Summarize the story for your classmates.
2. Watch a movie that focuses on sports. Here are some to consider:
Bull Durham, Baseball
Rocky, Boxing
North Dallas Forty, Football
A League of Their Own, Baseball
The Natural, Baseball
Personal Best, Track and Field
Tin Cup, Golf
Chariots of Fire, Track and Field
Hoop Dreams, Basketball
White Men Can't Jump,
Field of Dreams, Baseball
Phar Lap, Horse Racing
When We Were Kings, Boxing
Bang the Drum Slowly, Baseball
Barton Fink, Wrestling
Report to your class on the film you watched.
3. Choose a sport you don't know much about. Do some research about
the mIes of the game. If you can, attend a game or watch one on
television. What was the game like? Could you understand the mIes?
Did you enjoy it? Report to your class what you learned.
4. Find CDs or tapes in your library or in a record store of some of the
following, and listen to them. Relate them to what you have leamed
about black music in this chapter:
"Janet," Janet Jackson
"Kind of Blue," Miles Davis
"Best Of Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong"
"Two Great Guitars," Bo Diddley & Chuck Berry
"Blues Is King," B.B. King
Talk about your opinions of the music with your class.
A l M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
'"****************************Ir******** I
Technology is changing the world. This is nothing new.
However, it is interesting to look at the ways that various
cultures accept technology-how they use it, live with it, enjoy
it, and create it. This chapter focuses on how technology has
affected the United Statesand vice versa.
~~"~~~_ PART ONE
TI-lE lI'IFClRITIFITIClI'1FIIJE: Too Much Information?
We Iive in an "age" of information. The Internet, faxes, e-mail, cellular telephones, and
other devices are adding to the amount of information we get every day. The United States
is affected greatly by this wealth of information. It is changing the ways in which we
communicate, work, and Iive.
Before You Read
percentage of U.S. Homes with Different Electronic Devices
20 40 60 80 100
Radios ColorTV
Stereo TV
CD player
Black & White TV
Home Computer
Stereo Camcorder
Portable CD player Car CD Player
Large-screen TV
TVNCR Combination Laserdisc Player
In this article, the writer talks about his involvement with the information
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Row has technology changed your life?
Which of the items listed in the graph above are most necessary?
Rave you heard of, or read anything by George Orwell?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
PART ONE: The Information Age: Too Much Information? 179
George Orwell The pseudonyrn of Eric Arthur Blair, a novelist and essayist,
born in Bengal, India, in 1903; his novels Animal Farm (1945) and 1984
(1949) are considered classics.
Internal Revenue Service The government agency responsible for col-
lecting taxes.
Michael Kinsley is the editor of Slate, a magazine that is published on the
Internet by Microsoft Corporation.
George Orwell's famous novel 1984 (written in 1948) opens with its hero,
Winston Smith, returning to his squalid1 apartment. Attached to a wall is
a "telescreen," described as "an oblong2 metal plaque3like a dulled mirror."
It is in essence a two-way television, which watches Smith's every movement
5 while barking government propaganda4 at him. "Big Brother Is Watching
You" is the state's slogan.
This was Orwell's vision of the future: technology would become the
tool of totalitarian dictatorship. TVand computers would make Big Brother
10 Fortunately, Orwell got it exactly wrong. The high-tech devices that
have invaded our lives-home computers, fax machines, VCRs and now the
Internet-have expanded human freedom.
On the Redmond, Washington, campus of Microsoft Corporation, where
I work these days, there is not much doubt that technology is a wonderful
15 thing. It has made many of the software prograrnmers, wandering the halls
in jeans and T-shirts, rich men and women while still in their 20s or 30s.
But more than that: people in Cyberworld-shorthand for the culture
of computers and telecommunications-passionately believe that today's
technology revolution is also a revolutionary advance for hurnan liberty.
20 They're right. But most of them also don't remember a time when computers,
especially, were thought to be amenace to freedom.
lsqualid = dirty
2oblong = long and narrow, like a rectangle
"plaque = piece of wood or metal, usually with writing on it
'propaganda = political information that is one-sided
180 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Source: Reader's Digest
Check Vour
Orwell was fliTfrom the only doubter of the post-World War I periodo
During the 1950s and 1960s many other seers worried that ever-bigger com-
puters would lead to centralization of information and power. The menace5
25 of giant computers was a major theme of popular culture.
Then around 1980, computers suddenly got small. The desktop personal
computer (PC) carne to market and gave enormous power to the individual.
Tiny businesses could do what only large ones could before. Even within
big businesses, employees had much more autonomy6. Asymbolic develop-
30 ment was the arrival of inexpensive tax-preparation software. Today you
can use your home PC to do your income tax quickly and accurately, while
the Internal Revenue Service still can't get its own giant computers to
work right.
On balance, most people would concede7 that the advantages of today's
35 technologies, including the Internet, outweigh its disadvantages. Certainly
our freedom has been enhanced8 on the everyday personallevel. (Remem-
ber the time before VCRs when you had to watch a TV show or a movie
when they wanted you to?)
On the more profound9 politicallevel, is there anyone who thinks the
40 world would be a freer place if computers, fax machines and the Internet
didn't exist?
This is one that Orwell really did get wrong.
1. Who is "Big Brother"?
2. Why do es Kinsley think that technology is a "wonderful thing"?
3. What happened to computers in 1980?
4. What was the result of computers becoming smaller?
5. What is "CyberWorld"?
6. Why does the author think that Orwell "got it wrong"?
5menace = threat
6autonomy = self-sufficiency; self-rule
7concede = admit
Benhanced = improved
"profound = deep
~..~_v;;,,~ ~~
! -
Find out more about
TI understanding
arguments by looking
in the ReferenceGuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
PART ONE: The Information Age: Too Much Information? 181
Understanding Arguments
In this reading, the author makes an argument: "Orwell was wrong."
Review the reading, and list the reasons that the author makes this claim.
Orwell got it wrong.
Reason 1. _
Reason 2. _
Reason 3. _
Several words in this reading may not be familiar to you. Complete the
following sentences to show that you understand their meaning.
1. A squalid room has _
2. I received some propaganda that said _
3. I had to concede that _
4. A person with autonorny doesn't have to _
________________ isn't a very profound thought.
6. Under a totalitarian govemment, _
IHINK ABOUI II 1. Do you agree with the author? Does technology only expand our
freedom? Can you think of examples where it limits our freedom?
2. What technological device has improved your life? What would your
life be like without it?
3. What technological device has made your life more difficult? How
would your life improve without it?
182 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Before Vou Read
Sparn is a canned meat product. Spamming is the practice of advertising
through unsolicited e-mails.
Computer Words
e-mail: Electronic mail; messages sent using computers.
flame: To insult someone in an e-mail message.
junk mail: Advertising sent through the mail.
net: Short form of the word Internet; the global system of computers,
connected by cables and satellites.
spam: Advertising sent through e-mail.
In the following reading, Sanford Wallace and Scott Hazen Mueller discuss
"spam," or "junk e-mail." Some people think this type of advertising is the
perfect combination of new technology and advertising. Others find it an
invasion of privacy.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you use e-mail? If so, have you received "spam"?
What is your opinion of "junk mail"-advertising sent without
requesting it-either on the Internet or in your mailbox?
Find oufmore about
sldrnrning by looking
in the ReferenceCuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
Cultural Cues
PART ONE: The Information Age: Too Much Information? 183
Skim the article-that is, read it quickly to get the main idea. Take only two
minutes. Answer the following questions after you have read it.
What is Sanford Wallace's view of spamming? _
What is Scott Mueller's view of spamming? _
Super Bowl The national championship game for U.S. football teams; it is
played in January, and is the most popular television show of the year.
pyramid schemes Illegal business structures that rely on people investing
their money and bringing in more partners, who then invest their money;
no products are created.
Bud'sfrogs Television advertising for Budweiser beer that features frogs;
it was a very successful advertising campaign.
About the Authors Sanford Wallace is the head of Cyber Promotions, a company that uses the
Internet to help companies advertise their products. Scott Hazen Mueller
is the Vice President of Engineering for Whole Earth Networks, an Internet
Service Provider.
Return to Sender ?
by Sanford Wallace and Scott Hazen Mueller
Is junk e-mail a form of trespassing?
Wallace: Are television ads trespassing1? Is postal junk mail trespassing?
No, because advertising is an accepted part ofthose media. Since e-mail
is a relatively new way to communicate, we're still debating its
5 appropriate uses. Cyber Promotions takes the position that e-mail is no
more exempt2 from ads than the Super BowI is from Bud's frogs.
Cornmercials are just part of life. In the same way that sponsors help
'trespassing = illegally entering onto someone's property
2exempt = excluded, left out
184 CHAPTER NINE Technology
finance television shows, e-mail advertisement profits will help finance
the continued growth and expansion of the Net.
10 Mueller: Junk e-mail is more theft than trespassing. You get stuck on a
mailing list without having a chance to get off it, and then are bom-
barded3 with trash that you have to pay foro Think about it-tons of
people pay access charges to get this stuff they don't want. They have
to shell out4 once to download5 it, and then paya second time to get
15 on some spammer's "remove" listoNo one should ever be sent advertising
without their prior permission, and by that 1 do not mean sending a
message to them asking their permission.
Source: Time Digital
Is spamming ever worth it?
Wallace: Absolutely! Many people love to get online breaking news about
20 products, services and opportunities. Also, many savvy6 business people
monitor their competitors' e-mail ads to keep tabs on what they're up
to. And promotions let you find the best deals, highest-quality products
and best services on the Net. The beauty of e-mail advertising is that it
is not intrusive7 Unlike unsolicited phone calls, e-mail doesn't interrupt
25 dinner. E-mail patiently waits until the recipient decides to read it.
Mueller: The only people who benefit from spam are the spammers. 1 see
countless stories about this company or that person who hired a spammer
to send their ad. Not only did they not get any sales, they also got flamed
in e-mail, they got rude phone calls, and if they gave a fax number, they
30 got even ruder faxes. This is a benefit? The spammers take money from
anyone they can find, legitimate or not, and blast mailboxes around the
world with bogus8 hair-loss cures, pyramid schemes and fake credit
Check Your
1. What is spam?
2. Why does Mueller think that spam is trespassing?
3. Why does Wallace think it isn't?
4. According to Mueller, who benefits from spam?
5. According to Mueller, why don't merchants benefit from spam?
6. What's a "pyramid scheme"?
3bombarded = bombed, overwhelmed
4shell out = pay
5download = receive from the Internet
6savvy = smart
7intrusive = invasive, interruptive
8bogus = false
PART ONE: The Iilformation Age: Too Mtich Inforrr.ation? 185
Match each slang or colloquial word or phrase with its meaning in standard
English. Write the letter of the definition in the blank.
Slang and
__ 1. junk mail
__ 2. spam
__ 3. shell out
__ 4. savvy
__ 5. keep tabs on
__ 6. flame
__ 7. bogus
a. false
b. e-mail advertising
c. track
d. insult by e-mail
e. unwanted advertising
f. pay
g. knowledgeable
IT 1. Do you agtee with Wallace or Mueller? Why?
2. Do you agree that e-mail advertising is "not intrusive"?
Why or why not?
3. Do you get junk mail? Do you read it? Why or why not?
_______ .PARTTWO ---
VIrtual Reality: Is It live or Is It Memorex?
Virtual reality refers to realities created by technology and computers.
Virtual reality might take the form of a game or a simulation on a computer.
It might be a toy or an amusement park ride.
Before You Read
~~ Watdlthe
. CNN video
VIDEO on New York
City's Skyride.
Discuss these questions:
1. What is Skyride?
2. What were the
passenger's readions?
3. Would you Iike to go
on Skyride? Why or
why not?
This is an image from a virtual reality programo In this program, you
can "walk" through this office park, and look at the buildings, trees, and
In this article, you will read about the use of virtual reality in surgery.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Do you know what uses virtual reality has?
How has technology changed the practice of medicine?
Find out more about
increasing speed by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
Cultural Cues
PART TWO: Virtual Reality: Is It Live or Is It Memorex? 187
Increasing Speed
Record the time it takes you to read this article. Try to read as quickly as
you can while still understanding the story.
Starting Time: __ :__
HMO Health maintenance organization, the most common form of private
health insurance in the United States.
FDA The Food and Drug Administration, the organization responsible for
approving new drugs and medical procedures, as well as regulating the
food industry.
Dr. Kelly, a neurosurgeon1 at New York University Medical Center, prepares
for brain surgery by looking through a small hole. "Pretend we're looking
into a sphericaJ2 room-like the skull is a spherical room," he said. "And
we want to figure out the best way to get to the couch without entering the
5 room-only we want to figure out the best way to get to that deep-seated
Dr. Kelly moves through the patient's brain, past everything that is
blocking the path to the tumor. He is using a computer to do this. In fact,
he is one of many doctors in the US. developing virtual reality experiments
10 to help plan for surgery. These procedures are approved by the FDA.
Like virtual reality programs that allow someone to fly aplane without
getting into an airplane, or walk through a new house without leaving the
office, the surgery program lets surgeons look through the body and plan
the safest method for removing a tumor or repairing an injury. Dr. Kelly
15 treats over 300 patients ayear using this new technology.
However, this technology is probably more important than a game or a
flight simulator3. During an operation, a surgeon can sometimes have
problems trying to avoid blood vessels. As a result, the patient can suffer
lneurosurgeon = doctor who operates on the brain and nelVOUSsystem
2spherical = round
3f1ightsimulator = a computer that allows the user to practice flying without an airplane
188 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Source: New York
neurological or tissue4 damage from the operation. But, with computers,
20 using interactive virtual-reality software, the surgeon can plan a surgical
path and think about the operation before any incision5 is made.
Here's how the procedur~ works.
Tne doctor performs a CAT (computerized axial tomography) sean,
which produces 500 images of the patient's medical probleIl1. Then, the
25 scans are put into a computer, which processes them into a three-dimen-
sional picture of the patient. Then, the software allows the doctor to "ex-
plore" the inside of the patient's problem.
In a study done over 10years at the Mayo Clinic and New York University
M~dical Center, 90 percent of patients who had computer-assisted surgery
30 had their brain tumors completely removed. Those who had traditional
surgery had only a 60 percent removal rateo This fact is very encouraging
for doctors who practice this new surgical method.
However, some doctors prefer the "old" ways. They see tne new computer
systems as being nice "toys" but think that their fesults are overstated. Dr.
35 Fraser, of NewYork HOl?pital,stated, "computers are a fun system, but they
make no big difference in patient outcome."
Although some doctors still like the traditional methods, HMOs will
soon begin to encourage doctors to use the computerized methods. This is
because they cost less than traditional surgery and patients spend less time
40 in the hospital.
Patients themselves are also demanding this new technology. They have
read about it on the Internet, and want the procedure that is going to work
best and have the least recovery time. In fact, well-informed, technologically
sophisticated6 patients will probably make the biggest impact on pushing
45 for the advancement of computer-assisted medical treatment.
Ending Time: __ :__
minus starting time: _
492 -7- _
Total Mins. = words per minute
Compare your reading rate with the one you had on page 98. Is it faster?
How much? Remember, the typical native speaker of English reads at an
average rate of 250 words per minute. For nonfiction reading, such as this
one, the rate slows down to about 200. You should aim for 150 words per
minute. If your number is a lot slower, practice trying to read faster. (If it's
much faster, you may not be reading carefully enough.) What is your goal
for your speed?
"tissue = skin and organs
5incision = cut
6sophisticated = knowledgeable
Check Your
PART TWO: Virtual Reality: 18 It Live or 18 It Memorex? 189
1. Who is Dr. Kelly?
2. What is virtual reality?
3. What is the FDA?
4. How does Dr. Kelly create an image of a patient?
5. Why do HMOs like this new procedure?
6. How much more effective is the new procedure at complete tumor
7. Why do some doctors prefer the "old" ways of surgery?
8. Why do patients want this new technology?
Below are some medical terms which appear in the artide. Be sure you
understand what they mean. Look each of them up in a dictionary, and write
a definition in your own words.
1. neurosurgeon
2. tumor 3.
4. blood vessel 5. tissue 6.
CAT scan
8. tomography
1. Why do you think Dr. Fraser doesn't like this new surgical method?
Are you persuaded by his argument? Why or why not?
2. What is the HMO's biggest concem? Why do you think that is their
primary worry?
3. If you needed an operation, would you ask for this type of procedure?
Why or why not?
190 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Before Vou Read
It' s a whole new realm ...
- .
9 r o u p
Ifyou were looking for ~pt[lnl!l}~, you can still find it h~[~!
Thankfully, the Web site development and Internet Marketing arm ofRick's American Cyber Grill has
been very successful. So much so that we have decided to spin this group off as a separate business:
~~wB.eaLI!lM~igrll.p. We have moved to office space downtown on the square. Look for a new
Web site soon that will be unlike anything you've seen on the Internet.
Other Puhlic Internet Access in Denton
There are several places in Denton that ofTerpublic Internet access for free. Check out the J;:milY
fowl~r Pul?lic1i!Jrary or the M-rtiDJ"uthl::LKi!!KRe(;reationJ::~nter.Soon, the Senior Center will
have public access also.
Rick's Grin Home page:
This essay is about cybercafs, a new kind of place where people meet,
drink coffee, and surf the Internet.
Before you read, think about the following questions:
Are there any cybercafs in your town?
Rave you ever visited a cybercaf?
Cultural Cues
Chuck E. Cheese's A popular pizza chain, which focuses on serving chil-
dren; children go there to play games as well as eat pizza.
Denton A town in Texas near DalIas.
nachos a snack made of tortilla chips, cheese, and other ingredients.
hotlist A list of favorite World Wide Web sites; the hotlist is also a web
site that contains links to those web pages.
Netscape A brand of computer software that allows a user to look at web
PART TWO: Virtual Reality: Is It Live or Is It Memorex? 191
NASCAR The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing.
QVC A cable television station on which products are demonstrated, and
viewers can buy them by calling a toll-free telephone number.
Chamber of Commerce An association of businesses in a city or town;
most cities have a Chamber of Commerce.
-f/v@uu y:/U Ul\}~~Gh@3 @1' th:~Jrtt:.nn:.~M
~1TU fi~.~Vi tz
Rick and Teresa Hunt have a curious view of how best to negotiate the Net.
"There's nothing like a plate of nachos to make leaming Netscape nice and
easy," Ms. Hunt explains. Ifnachos aren't your speed, they can also suggest
potato skins, a burger or any of the other several dozen items on the menu
5 at Rick's American Cyber Grill in Denton (
Rick's has become a local gathering place, where the regulars surf the
Net, research their competition, market their businesses and help others
do the same. On any given day, you'll see a mixture of college students,
senior citizens and often families whose children find the computers as
10 attractive as the games at Chuck E. Cheese's. Only here, the parents
find themselves just as intrigued1 On the East and West coasts, cyber
coffeehouses and cafs may be all the rage. Typically they are places where
the digitally2 cool stop by for an espresso3, check their e-mail and show
off their hotlist. But, for reasons no one knows for sure, here in Texas
15 they've never caught on.
But up in Denton, far removed from the traditional urban markets for
cyber joints, the Hunts assembled a network4 of five computers in their
established restaurant. In less than ayear the computers, and the Net, have
tumed their world upside down. For one thing, Rick's is about to become
20 center stage for the home shopping network QVC. The cable and on-line
network is going to be there showing off NASCAR merchandise and its
sponsored race caro
Already Rick's has become a focal point5 for local business leaders
trying to impress foreign investors. The Denton Chamber of Commerce
25 uses the online link at the restaurant to demonstrate how easy it is to work
from Denton and still have access to the world.
'intrigued = fascinated, interested
2digitally = related to computers
3espresso = a type of strong coffee
"network = computers connected together
"focal point = main location
192 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Source: The Dallas
Morning News
Check Vour
Find out more about
understanding fact
and opinion by
looking in the
Reference Cuide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
And while the computers are all very impressive, it's not what lured6 me
up to Rick's. What caught my attention was all the cornrnunity inforrnation on
their Web page.
30 Rather than using its site to push burgers and beer, Rick's has become
the Net's window on Denton. There are shopping guides, movie listings,
antique shops and community news.
Some people make it a daily stop to check e-mail. One customer, a roofer,
pulls up national weather reports, satellite images of cities battered7
35 by storrns, then maps he and his crew will follow to the location.
So has it helped business? On the rainy Wednesday after noon 1 went
by, the parking lot was full. By the end of the year, Rick's hopes to expand,
adding more tables and, of course, more computers.
"Rick and 1 moved here to be part of a cornrnunity," Teresa says. "We
40 never realized how this would make us such a center of the community."
1. Who visits Rick's American Cyber Grill?
2. Why did the author visit Rick's?
3. How does the Charnber of Cornrnerce use the link at the restaurant?
4. How do people use the computers at Rick's?
5. How have computers affected business at Rick's?
6. Why haven't cybercafs become popular in other places in Texas?
Understanding Fad and Opinion
Newspaper artieles and other types of writing often inelude a mixture of
facts and opinions. It's important to be able to tell the difference-if you
read an opinion and think it's a fact, you might be rnisled.
Here are some statements related to the reading. Identify them as facts
(F) or opinions (O). The first one is done for you.
_F_ 1. Rick's has become a local gathering place, where the regulars
surf the Net.
__ 2. The computers at Rick's are as attractive as the garnes at Chuck
E. Cheese's.
__ 3. Cybercafs haven't caught on in Texas.
__ 4. Rick and Teresa's restaurant is the best in Denton.
61ured = attracted, drew
"battered = beaten
PART TWO: Virtual Reality: Is 1t Live or Is It Memorex? 193
__ S. It is easy to work from Denton and have access to the rest of
the world.
__ 6. People on the east and west coasts are "cooler" than people in
__ 7. People of all types come to Rick's to use the Internet.
Fill in the blanks with the slang and colloquial verb phrases below.
Slang and
Verb Phrases
isn't your speed
surfs the Net
is all the rage
catches on
shows off
turns it upside down
pushes burgers and beer
1. If someone is too proud, he probably a lot.
2. If you don't like something, then it _
3. In order to find information, John _
4. A good restaurant owner _
S. Going to a cybercaf _
6. The Internet not only cnanges your life, it _
7. If my idea with the public, I'll be rich.
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Why did the author write this artide?
2. What condusions can you draw about Denton, Texas?
3. Why do you think cybercafs are popular?
Discussion and Debate 1. Are you comfortable with technology, or does it make you nervous?
Explain your answer.
2. Imagine you could attend school entirely through a computer.
(Actually, this is possible!) Would you er\ioy that? Why or why not?
3. Is technology making us lazy? If so, how is it doing so? If not, explain
your answer.
4. Think of another question to ask your dassmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
194 CHAPTER NINE Technology
Writing Topics
1. Look through some magazines that feature computers. In your
journal, write about what you saw-what things interested you, what
things confused you.
2. Does your school need more access to technology, especially the
Internet? If so, write a letter to your school's Dean or President,
explaining what you need and why. If not, write a letter to your
parents or to a friend, telling them about the access you have to
technology at your school.
3. Is technology developing too rapidly? Write an essay in which you
argue that technology is a benefit or a harm to society. Use examples
in your essay.
On Your Own 1. If there is a cybercaf in your cornmunity, visit it and report to your
class about the experience. If there isn't, visit a cybercaf site on line.
(You might try
2. Find a toystore in your cornmunity. Go in and look at some of the
electronic games and toys. Are they different from the toys you had
when you were a child? Discuss your experience with your
3. Watch a movie that features technology, such as:
The Net 1984 2001: A Space Odyssey Sneakers
Did you enjoy the film? Report on it to your class.
4. Conduct a survey. sk ten people which electrical items they own,
and which they have used in the last 24 hours. Here are some items
to include, but you can add more if you like:
telephone Internet
fax machine cellular phone
personal computer ATM
television voicemail system
VCR electric typewriter
video camera
Compare the results of your survey with those of your classmates. How do
they compare the the chart on page 178?
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
Popular Culture
JlHigh culture" includes such things as paintings, c1assical music,
and ballet. Popular culture includes any other form of
entertainment that people enjoy such as movies and rock music.
Two other interesting aspects of popular culture in the United States
are television and cars.
_______ 1 PART ONE
!II!ij~ ~II11IIII11,, 11I
Television: Tuning In
Although television watching has decreased recently, the average
American still watches several hours of television a day. It is no surprise
that it continues to be the most influential force in the
American household.
Before You Read
Cultural Cues
A Guide to Television Ratings
TV--y: Suitable for all children
TV-Yshows are created for a very young audience, including children as
young as two. These programs will not frighten younger children.
TV--Y7: Suitablefor children seven and older
TV-Y7shows are better for older children who can teIl between make-
believe and reality. They may include mild physical or comical violence,
whieh may scare children under seven years old.
TV--G:Suitable for a general audience
Although TV-Gshows are not made especially for children, they contain
little or no violence, no strong language and little or no sexual contento
Many parents will find these shows okay for their kids.
TV--PG: Paren tal guidance suggested
TV-PGshows may contain material that some parents wiIl not want their
younger children to see. Such programs may contain some swearing, a
little violence, or scenes where the actors talk about sexo
TV--14: May be unsuitablefor children under 14
TV-14programs may contain complicated topies, sexual content, strong
language and violence. Parents are strongly warned that they may find
such programs unsuitable for children under age 14.
TV--M:Por mature audiences only
TV-Mprograms are designed to be viewed by adults only. Such programs
may contain mature topics, swearing, graphic violence, and sexo
Look at the list of ratings and discuss these questions with
Do the categories of television shows on the list make sense?
How would you change the categories?
Do you think this kind of list helps parents control what their
children watch?
Do you check the television rating on a show before you watch it?
ARC, NBC, CBS, Fox The four major television networks in the United
PAR T O N E : Television: Tuning In 197
JANUARY /7) /<1<17 Ratings lNar
Do the new TV ratings tell parents
what they really need to know?
Armie Suzak's mom and dad now have an
answer to the question they love to ask when
5 Annie watches TV. "Myparents always ask, 'Is
that show for kids?' " says Annie, 13, of Oak
Park, lllinois. "With the ratings, they can make
sure I'm not lying."
Last week network TV got a new ratings
10 system to keep kids honest and parents in-
formed. Shows on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox
are now tagged with1 coded ratings intended
to help parents decide what kids should watch.
All channels should carry ratings by the end of
15 January.
The codes appear in the upper-Ieft-hand
comer of the TVscreen for the first 15 seconds
of a 30-minute show. They are similar to movie
ratings (see chart). "We wanted to keep it as
20 simple as possible," says Barbara Dixon,
spokesperson for the group that invented the
new system. Parents already know movie rat-
ings, Dixon said, so the group felt that a similar
system would work best.
25 A happy ending? Not so fast
Not everyone agrees. The PTA, pediatri-
cians2, church groups and others claim the new
ratings don't give parents enough information.
For instance, a show may be rated TV-14 be-
30 cause of nasty words, violence or racy3 love
scenes, or perhaps all three. Critics of the new
'tagged with = labeled, given labels
'pediatricians = children's doctors
3racy = sexy
system want the ratings to specify4 the reasons
for the rating. One idea is to add a "V" for
violence, an."S" for sex and so forth. "Tell Par-
35 ents what's in the show, and let them decide
what is appropriate for their kids," says Vicky
Rideout of Children Now in Oakland, Califor-
Many opponents of the new ratings system
40 suspect that TV producers don't want ratings
to be specific because that could SCare off ad-
vertisers. "The producers' main motive5 is to
sell TV time to advertisers," says Donald K.
Freedheim of the American Psychological As-
45 sociation, which opposes the ratings. Compa-
nies may not want their ads to run during shows
with adults-only ratings.
This is only a test
The ratings war really started with a new
50 law passed last February. By 1998, according
to the law, all new TVs must be rnade with
a V-chip. This tiny cornputer chip will enable
parents to block out shows with certain ratings.
After the law was passed, President Clinton
55 rnet with bosses from the TVindustry. The pro-
ducers promised to come up with a fair system
of rating their own TV shows and to test it for
10 months before starting to use it with the
new V-chip televisions.
60 President Clinton did not applaud or attack
the new systern when it was announced last
month. "We rnight be able to make it better,"
he said. "The parents' groups, the advocacy6
'specify = name specifically
5motive = purpose
6advocacy = support
198 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
groups deserve to be heard and considered.
65 But we are now doing what 1 think ought to
be done."
What do kids think?
Kids are just beginning to notice the new
ratings. Colin Wilson, a ninth-grader in Fort
70 Worth, Texas, says they won't change what he
watches. He often gets to pick his own shows.
"1trust his judgment," says his mom, Claudia
Wilson. "The ratings system may be helpful to
some people, but basic common sense works
75 equally well."
StephenBarnes, 12, ofBrooklyn, NewYork,
thinks a TV-Mrating might tempt kids who are
flipping channels. But what kids see in movies
and video games is often more violent or
80 grownup than TVshows, he says. "Most parents
don't know what their kids watch, anyway."
Fans and foes7 of the new system agree on
one thing: no system will work unless parents
get involved. Some parents have already laid
85 down new rules.
"I'm allowed to watch G and PG shows by
myself," says Eric Fowler, 9, of McLean, Vir-
ginia. "But shows that are TV-14, 1 have to
watch with my mom and dad."
Source: Time For Kids
7foes enemies
Check Vour
1 Find out more about
summarizing by
looking in the
Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
1. How does the new ratings system work?
2. Who is Barbara Dixon?
3. Why do some groups disagree with the ratings system?
4. Why do the opponents think that the TV ratings aren't specific
5. What is a V-chip? What does it do?
6. Did President Clinton support the new system?
7. How do kids feel about the system?
8. What is one thing that both the supporters and opponents of the
system agree on?
Use the following space to write a short summary of the article.
Then compare your summary to a classmate's. How are they different? What
would you change in yours?
PAR T O N E : Television: Tuning In 199
Refer to the reading to see how these prepositions are used. Write the
correct preposition in the blanks. You may use the prepositions more than
1.Is that show kids?
2. the ratings, they can make sure I'm not lying.
3. Shows ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox now have ratings.
4. All channels wiil carry ratings the end
______ January.
5. The codes appear the frrst 15 seconds
_______ a 30-rninute show.
6. Barbara Dixon is the spokesperson the group that
invented the new system.
7.A show may be rated TV-14because nasty words.
8. One idea is to add a "V" violence.
9. Ratings could scare advertisers.
10. AlI new televisions must be made a V-chip
THINK ABOUT IT 1. What is your opinion of the ratings system? Will it work?
2. Do you think children should not watch violence on television?
3. What was your favorite television show as a child? What rating do
you think it would receive today?
4. Does your country provide ratings for television prograrns? What is
prograrnrning like for children in your country?
200 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
Before Vou Read
! Find out more about
skimming by looking
in the ReferenceCuide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
-~""'~~mm1E'41 :;"*""'" ~ WY~"" w=;, "AJb, b~
Oprah Winfrey
Occupation: TV Personality,
Producer, Actress
Birthdate: January 29, 1954
Birthplace: Kosciusko, Mississippi,
United States
Education: Tennessee State
This artide discusses the success of
a very famous American television
personality, Oprah Winfrey.
Before you read, think about
the following questions:
Rave you ever seen the Oprah Winfrey show?
Do you like talk shows on television?
Remember that skimming means reading something quickly to get the main
idea. Read the artide quickly-take no more than three minutes. Then
answer these questions:
1. What is important about Oprah Winfrey? ------------
2. What was Oprah's early life like? ---------------
3. What does Oprah struggle with in her personallife? -------
Now, read the story more carefully.
-----~. ~~~~~.I!![---_I!!~::: ==== I!!
Cultural Cues Forbes A magazine focusing on financial stories and advice.
Steven Spielberg A successful film director; his films indude E.T., the
Extra-Terrestrial, CloseEncounters ofthe ThirdKind, The Color Purple,
Schindler's List, and Amistad.
PAR T O N E : Television: Tuning In 201
Alice Walker An American writer whose most famous work is The Color
Mary Pickford An American actor from fue early part of fue century.
Lucille Ball An American comedian popular in the 1950s and 1960s; her
most famous show was 1 Love Lucy.
by lan Hodder
''AUmy liJe 1 have always known 1 was born to greatness. "
-Oprah Winfrey
The reigning queen of all media is talk-show
host Oprah Winfrey. Her influence goes beyond
her daily one-hour show into everything from
fue publishing business to the agricultural mar-
5 kets. Do you need proof? When Winfrey dis-
cusses an unknown author on her show, his
book goes to the top of the best-seller charts.
She cleverly renegotiates her contract, and
Forbes soon calls her the world's highest-
10 paid entertainer. She starts a new exercise
program, and thousands of people adopt her
regimen. She establishes a television and film
studio in West Chicago, and fue formerly
troubled neighborhood undergoes an eco-
15 nomic rebirth. She discusses mad cow disease
on her show, and American cattle markets
suffer. Yet, regardless of how great her author-
ity becomes, Oprah remains the plain speak-
ing, empathetic best girlfriend to American
20 homemakers.
Even occasional viewers of The Oprah Win-
Jrey Show know about its host's troubled child-
hood. She was bom to unwed teenage parents
in rural Mississippi. She spent her childhood
25 living in extreme poverty on her grandmother's
farm. (Incidentally, "Oprah" is an accidental
misspelling of fue biblical name Orpah.) She
moved to Milwaukee as a preteen1 to live with
her mother, Vernita Lee, under whose roof she
30 was sexually molested by male relatives. Win-
frey spent her early teens in and out o trouble.
At age fourteen, she gave birth to a premature2
l:>aby,who died shortly thereafter. Facing the
threat of being sent to a home for troubled
35 youth, Winfrey went to live with her father in
Nashville. Vemon Winfrey, a barber and busi-
nessman, provided the discipline that was lack-
ing in his daughter's life. He instituted a strict
curfew and stressed fue value of education,
40 and under his iron fist, Oprah tumed her life
around quickly.
At age nineteen, Winfrey got her first broad-
casting job. She was a reporter at radio station
WVOLin Nashville. She also enrolled at Ten-
45 nessee State University to study speech and
performing arts. In her sophomore year, 1972,
Winfrey switched interests and became the
first African-American television news an-
chor3 in Nashville. She moved to Baltimore in
'preteen = before the age of 13
2premature = bom before 9 months
3anchor = main news reporter on television
202 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
50 1976 and, after two years working as a reporter
and eo-anehor, she was hired to host the sta-
tion's talk show, People Are Talking. At first,
the management didn't quite know what to
think of Winfrey-a blaek, overweight woman
55 working in a white man's appearanee-
obsessed4 world. Viewers, however, re-
sponded very well to her. In 1984, after eight
years in Baltimore, Winfrey nervously aeeepted
a job as host of A.M. Chicago, a moming show.
60 She had reason to be nervous: the program was
seheduled opposite Phil Donahue's top-rated
national talk show.
It tumed out that her worries were un-
founded. Within months, Winfrey's A.M. Chi-
65 cago was beating its rival. Rather than try to
imitate Donahue, Winfrey simply was herself.
"The closest thing that Phil Donahue ever
talked about was the faet that he was a way-
ward5 Catholie. Other than that, talk show
70 hosts didn't talk about themselves," explained
the talk-show host Maury Povieh in an inter-
view with Working Woman magazine. "Oprah
opened up a lot of new windows beeause they
could empathize with her." Winfrey, who had
75 always wanted to be an actress but had no
professional experience, then landed a good
movie role playing Sofia in Steven Spielberg's
1985 adaptation of Alice Walker's The Color
Purple. For her performance, Winfrey received
80 an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Ac-
The good publicity that eame with her nom-
ination couldn't have come at a better time.
Winfrey was scheduled to do her program-
85 now titled The Oprah Winfrey Show-as a na-
tional program, in 1986. The ehange to a large
audience went well, and the top-rated Donahue
now found himself competing with Oprah. Dur-
ing this period of expansion6, Winfrey began
90 giving herself a large part of her show's profits.
She established Harpo Productions ("Harpo"
obsessed = fanatical, extremely focused
5wayward = not following the mIes
6expansion = growth
is Oprah spelled baekwards). Oprah Winfrey is
the third woman in history-after Mary Pick-
ford and Lucille Ball-to own a major studio,
95 and is well on her way to becoming the first
Afriean-American billionaire (she earned an es-
timated $97 million in 1996).
In 1994, with her fortieth birthday fast ap-
proaching, Winfrey found herself at both a per-
100 sonal and professional crossroads. Daytime
television had beeome crowded with chit-
chat7 Winfrey and her many competitors of-
fered topies that appealed to audiences who
liked gossip and scandal. Even though Winfrey
105 remained the leader of the talk show genre,
talk- TVhad tumed terribly trashy. The thought
of retiring from the show to concentrate on
acting and producing occurred to Winfrey
often. But instead of leaving the show, Winfrey
110 promised to refocus her show on uplifting,
meaningful subjects. She believed that her au-
dience would stick with her even if her show's
topies were less sensationalistic8 Because of
Winfrey's promise, the past few years of "The
115 Oprah Winfrey Show" have featured fewer por-
nographers and prostitutes, and far more po-
etry and pop psychology9. Despite an early
drop in ratings, Winfrey's popularity is now as
strong as ever.
120 In spite of her sueeess, Winfrey has had an
ongoing battle with her weight. After weighing
around two hundred pounds from 1984 to 1987,
the five-foot-seven hostess lost sixty-seven
pounds on a liquid diet and showed off her thin
125 figure in 1989. Within ayear, she regained the
weight, plus an additional three pounds. In
1991, Winfrey hired chef Rosie Daley to cook
low-fat food. The following year, exercise spe-
cialist Bob Greene became Winfrey's personal
130 trainer. Almost ninety pounds melted away
thanks to Daley's fat-free food and Greene's
difficult daily workouts. In 1995, a thin Winfrey
competed in a marathon and finished with a
7chitchat = light talk
8sensationalistic = getting a lot of attention
"pop psychology = popular psychology
good time. Her TV audience witnessed the
135 transformation first-hand, and, when Daley and
Greene each published Winfrey-related books,
they became bestsellers.
Winfrey's spare time is spent with her fianc
Stedman Graham, a public relations executive.
140 She also has a beloved cocker spaniepo, Solo-
lOcocker spaniel a type of dog
PAR T O N E : Television: Tuning In 203
mono The couple (and dog) reside primarily in
a penthouse condominium overlooking Lake
Michigan, and they take vacations at Winfrey's
property in Rolling Prairie, Indiana, or at her
145 85-acre ranch near Telluride, Colorado.
Check Vour
No Didionary!
1. Besides her talk show, what other professional activities does
Oprah participate in?
2. What Was Oprah's childhood like?
3. Why was Oprah nervous when she first began her talk
show in Chicago?
4. Who is Phil Donahue?
5. What has been Oprah's biggest challenge?
6. How did Oprah get into shape?
7. How has Oprah's show changed since its beginning?
8. How did Oprah affect the cattle industry?
Do you know these words? Find them in the reading, and try to determine
what they mean from contexto Don't use your dictionary!
1. crossroads _
2. curfew _
3. empathetic _
4. genre _
5. marathon _
6. penthouse _
7. regimen _
8. reign _
9. renegotiate _
10. scandal _
204 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Row is Oprah's life history a "typical American story"?
2. Oprah's influence continues to grow. She has recentIy started a book
club. She recommends a book, and then it is discussed on her
television show. When Oprah recommends a book, it quickly goes to
the top of the bestseller list.
Rere are some of the books she has recommended:
The Rapture 01 Canaan by Sheri Reynolds
Stones From the River by Ursula Regi
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
The Deep End 01 the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard
Song 01 Solomon by Toni Morrison
The Book 01Ruth by Jane Ramilton
Rave you heard of any of these books? Would you read a book that
was recommended by a television host? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think people el\ioy talk shows? Look in a current
television listing to see how many there are. Does this number
surprise you?
The American love affair with the automobile is well-known.
In this part of the chapter, you will read about how a car
can sometimes become an object of love and sometimes a
dangerous weapon.
Before You Read
~~~=~~S ~~ -===-
Getting a car is often an important rite of passage in an American teenager's
life. In this article, the author talks about his first caro
Before you read this story, think about the following questions:
Have you ever owned a car? When did you buy your first one?
Why do you think some people are sentimental about their first car?
=_"".&1--_- -%-=-tlma- -_- _, _
About the Author Lou Ross was once the Vice Chairman of the Ford Automobile Corporation.
206 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
by Lou Ross
My Pirstear
Do you know what happens when a car is
too old to ron anyrnore?
Someone sells it to a teenager, and for a
few brief months at the end of a long life of
5 seIVice that old machine becomes newer than
new again, an aged teacher of new freedoms,
and the taskmaster of all the responsibilities
that come with them.
That's the way it was with my first caro It
10 was a 13-year-old 1937 Plyrnouth with a
bumper1 held on with baling wire2, a clutch3
that scraped like chalk against a blackboard,
and an inability to go to bed at night without
first being tucked in.
15 That's right. It had to be tucked in at night.
That's because it was more than a little sensi-
tive to night dew, or rain, or anything that felt
like moisture. It made a pretty good barome-
tert, now that 1 think on it, for it would tell
20 you when it was going to rain by a complete
refusal to start.
As an ingenious5 engineer in the making
(the older you get, the more ingenious you re-
member you were when you were young), 1
25 carried a blanket and a surplus arrny poncho6
to cover up the hood every night.
That old car got to liking being tucked in,
and toward the end, 1 had to cover the hood7
every night. Most nights that worked, but when
30 it didn't, well, a '37 Plyrnouth is light enough
lbumper = part of a car body
2baling wire = wire used to hold bales of hay together.
3clutch = part of a car's engine
4barometer = instrument that measures air pressure
5ingenious = very smart, clever
"poncho = a type of cape used to keep off rain
7hood = the part of the car body covering the engine
to get a friend, sometimes, my wife-to-be Car-
olyn, to push the car by hand to get it started.
The memories that surround that car still
start up for me a lot better than that Plyrnouth
35 ever did.
Mostly, they are the remembrances of pay-
ing for the car-the total price of $75, insur-
ance, repairs, and operating costs. And they
include the memories of how the car paid me
40 back with interest.
1was 18 years old and a freshman at Wayne
State University. 1was the first one ever in my
family to go to college, so the family was proud;
but my father was a Detroit City policeman,
45 and with two other kids at home, there wasn't
any budget for college tuition, books, and least
of all, anything as frivolous as the purchase of
a caro
Yet then, as now, a car seemed like a practi-
50 cal necessity. 1 had to get up at 6 A.M. to ride
the city bus in order to get to class by 8 A.M.
A car could save me hours every day, and give
me the flexibility to take on additional week-
end odd jobs.
55 So when 1 took my first summer job at
"Ford's," in the Dearbom Assembly Plant, get-
ting a car was a wish, tucked just behind the
demand of eaming my fall tuition.
Not only did 1eam the money that summer,
60 but 1leamed a respect for assembly work that
1 carry with me to this day.
For my job on the line was to guide the
front end sheet metal down onto the moving
chassis-body8 conveyor9 Then 1 had to drop
65 to my knees onto the COITugated10 surface of
Bchassis = the frame of a car
9conveyor = type of belt that moves parts in a factory
lOcorrugated = having a wavy surface
PART TWO: Cars: Driving Passions 207
the conveyor line, and wrestle a three-inch bolt
through a frame bracket, add a one-inch chunk
of rubber, two inches of spring to compress,
and thread it into the radiator support. Well, I
70 had been a varsity football and baseball player
in high school, and that job took every bit of
my physical endurance and more to survive.
In later years, I helped my two sons find
work in Ford plants so they could gain the
75 appreciation for plant life and develop a sin-
cere convictionll engendered12 by hard work,
to complete their college education.
At summer's end, I was back on the city
bus en route13 to school when we passed a
80 1937 Plymouth on the street with a sign in the
window-"For Sale. $75.00." I got off the bus
and bought it immediately.
That was my first mistake, for I hadn't got-
ten my father involved in the decision or even
85 asked for advice in advance. He probably felt
a little cheated, and was upset, especially since
the car needed a new clutch that he could have
warned me about. But my dad accepted my
apologies and the inevitability14 of the deci-
90 sion, and he even paid for a new clutch out of
his pocket.
For six months I got to school in that car,
and saved an hour-and-a-half a day, as I antici-
pated. Much of that time, however, was in-
95 vested in keeping it running, becoming truly
intimate with the Plymouth under the hood.
And, there were a few minutes every night
when I tucked it in with blanket and poncho.
The car actually paid for itself. For I was
100 at Carolyn's house one day when a TV repair
truck backed into the parked Plymouth and
damaged the bumper, or what was left of the
bumper. The insurance company paid me $75,
which was the original price of the caro Of
105 course, I kept on driving the car with the dan-
gling bumper, and a couple of years later
scrapped it out15 for $25.
AlI experiences eventually end up in scrap-
books, and that's literally true of your first caro
110 Yet there will always be a clear picture of that
'37 Plymouth, and what it taught me, in my
mind. You don't forget a car you have to tuck
in bed every night.
llconviction = dedication
12engendered = created
13enroute = on the way
14inevitability = fate, unavoidable nature
15scrapped it out sold it for scrap metal
1. What condition was the car in when Mr. Ross bought it?
2. What mistake did he make when he first bought it?
3. How did the car get damaged?
4. How did the car change Mr. Ross's life?
5. What does he mean that he had to "tuck the car in" at night?
6. How did the car "pay for itself"?
7. Why did he buy the car?
______________ OOIlli!l-_= =__= __ ~_t!\~-_-.._:;;;; _
Check Your
208 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
Find out more about
reading graphics and
statistics by looking in
the Reference Guide to
Reading Strategies on
pages xii-xiv.
r)'*ffi'rnmgjDl1~"'=====-====:::-:::~===M - %lrIll~_IIl __ Il-_W'1Il-1Il__ -_ilii _
Reading Graphics and Statistics
Look at the followingtable, then answer the questions that follow it.
Automobile Statistics for Selected States
percentage of
who are
Gallons of
Annual miles
Drivers fuel used
miles per driven per
per car
per car gallon
71.9 .82 569 13.66
64.1 .90 670 18.17
78.9 1.07 71316.69
63.2 .96 535 19.04
74.0 1.11 66717.49
69.5 .87 675 16.66
61.4 .55 633 15.16
57.1 1.02 61617.98
65.9 .89 762 17.17
71.8 .67 995 13.20
Average for the United States
67.4 .89 707 16.84
1. In which state do people drive the least? ------------
2. In which state do people drive the most? _
3. Which states are below the national average for total fuel
consumption? _
4. Which states are above the national average for average miles per
gallon? _
5. Which state has the most drivers per car? _
6. What two states are most similar in their driving habits? ------
7. How did you decide your answer for number 6? ---------
Car Terminology
PART TWO: Cars: Driving Passions 209
In this reading, several words for parts of cars were introduced. In the
following drawing, label the parts of the car listed.
steering wheel
1. In your opinion, why did the author write this essay?
2. Why do people grow fond of their cars?
3. Cars are one of the major sources of environmental damage. Should
people drive less? How else can we protect the environment against
automobile pollution?
210 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
Before Vou Read
Watch the
CNN video
on fixing old
cars. Discuss these
1. What kind of cars do
the men work on?
2. Why do they choose
this kind of car?
3. How do pea pIe ad
when they see these
cars on the road?
Cultural Cues
About the Author
~='~~~---!li---~---'~-' ,,_im
Improper Driving Reported in Accidents
percentage percentage percentage
of fatal
of injury
of all
Type of driving
accidents accidents accidents
Improper driving
68.1 73.5 75.5
Speed too fast or unsafe
19.8 13.9 14.0
Right ofway
15.2 25.5 22.9
-failed to yield
10.2 18.1 17.0
-passed stop sign
3.0 5.0 4.0
-ignored signal
2.2 2.4 1.9
Drove left of center line
9.1 2.4 2.2
Improper passing
1.5 1.3 1.5
Made improper tum
2.3 2.8 4.2
Followed too closely
0.5 7.0 7.2
Other improper driving
19.7 20.7 23.6
No improper driving stated
31.9 26.5 24.5
U.S. roads are becoming more crowded, and some people would argue that
driving is getting more difficult. In this article, the author writes about "road
rage," acts of anger that often result in accidents.
Before you read, discuss these questions with classmates:
Describe each type of improper driving in the chart.
Which ones have you been guilty of?
Do you think drivers are becoming ruder?
Rave you seen an automobile accident?
What do you think caused it?
NPR National Public Radio, a publicly-funded radio programo
AAA The Automobile Association of America, a club that supplies maps
and road service to its members.
Fourth Amendment The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
which protects citizens from illegal police searches.
Csaba Csere writes for Cal' and Driver' magazine.
PAR T T WO : Cars: Driving Passions 211
Last July, on NPR, I heard Dr. Ricardo Mar-
tinez, the head ofthe National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration [NHTSA], state that "ag-
gressive drivers" account for 28,000 traffic
5 deaths per year. That is about two-thirds of the
41,907 traffic fatalities that were recorded for
1996. This made me think. NHTSA has been
saying for years that drunk drivers account for
half of traffic deaths and speeders for another
10 third. And what about fatal accidents caused
by bad weather, road hazardsl, mechanical
failures, and drivers falling asleep at the wheel,
talking on cellular phones, or simply making
mistakes? It seems like there aren't enough
15 traffic fatalities2 to account for all these
There's no need for a Congressional investi-
gation. Dr. Martinez had already been to the
capitol to explain. He defined aggressive driv-
20 ers as individuals who are more likely to:
"speed, tailgate, fail to yield, weave in and out
oftraffic, pass on the right, make improper and
unsafe lane changes, ron stop signs and red
lights, make hand and facial gestures, scream,
25 honk, flash their lights, be impaired3 by alco-
hol or drugs, drive unbelted, or take other un-
safe actions." Given the inclusiveness of this
list, whatever could possibly cause the 13,000
or so traffic deaths that Dr. Martinez does not
30 attribute to aggressive drivers?
Dr. Martinez went on to explain that these
"aggressive" drivers are possibly suffering from
"stress disorders that lead to impaired judg-
ment." He sees three factors linked to aggres-
lhazards = dangers
2fatalities = deaths
3impaired = unable to perform well
35 sive driving: 1. lack of responsible driving be-
havior, 2. reduced levels oftraffic enforcement,
3. increased congestion and travel in urban
But what really causes this new social prob-
40 lem? The government has a long history of allo-
cating millions to investigate why people com-
mit crimes or fail to escape poverty. Where is
NHTSA's search for the root causes of this so-
called road rage?
45 One organization that has explored this
issue is the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
[FTS]. In three studies published last March,
the AAAFTS estimated that road rage kills or
injures at least 1,500 people each year. As
50 terrible as that is, this is much lower than Dr.
Martinez's figures. But then, these studies de-
fined aggressive driving as "an angry or impa-
tient motorist or passenger who injures or kills
another motorist, passenger, or pedestrian, in
55 response to a traffic dispute4, altercation5,
or grievance6." I think everyone would agree
that such acts are truly road-rageous.
What's interesting is that while the studies
find many motivations for drivers to be come
60 angry, the No. 1 cause is lane blocking. Next
come tailgating and changing lanes without
using turn signals. Although no one would sug-
gest that such motoring misdemeanors7 jus-
tify vehicular homicide,8 they do indicate
65 that we could reduce these incidents if drivers
followed the roles of the road.
4dispute = argument
5altercation = fight
6grievance = complaint
7misdemeanors = small crimes
"vehicular homicide = killing someone with a car
212 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
Unfortunately, knowledge of these ruies
seems to be dropping fasto More and more
school districts have removed driver training
70 from their programs. Even the Los Angeles Uni-
fied School District, which serves students in
the nation's most auto-dependent city, has elim-
inated driver education.
Education is one of the solutions that Dr.
75 Martinez proposed, but he didn't suggest im-
proving driver educatioh. NHTSA is sending
out tip sheets to "highway safety professionals
and advocates9" and promoting a nationwide
ceU-phone number to report incidents of ag-
80 gressive driving. Aggressive driving, as he de-
fined it, includes almost all vehicular infrac-
tionslO, real or imagined.
The safety agency has also "distributed pub-
lic information and education materials on ag-
85 gressive driving to the 23 major media mar-
kets." This perhaps accounts for the recent
flurry of sensationalist stories bn the various
TV quasi-newsll magazines. ABC recently
reran a "Primetime Live" story in which Sam
90 Donaldson arranged to clog the left lane of
the Washington Beltway during rush hour in a
camera van driving at 55 mph. He then went
into his trademark annoying ignorant act when
drivers expressed irritation, occasionally with
95 universally understood gestures, that some
blockhead12 in a blocky vehicle was biocking
the passing lane. This is education?
Dr. Martmez also proposes more vigorous13
law enforcement against "aggressive drivers"
100 and is organizing crackdowns14 in various
states. As part of this program, he would like
to install automated-Iaser-imaging and video-
speed-detection devices and high-resolution
9advocates = supporters
lOinfractions = violations of the laws
llquasi-news = something like news, not exactly news
12blockhead = stupid person
"'vigorous = strong
14crackdowns = extra enforcement of the rules
traffic cameras. So much for the Fourth
105 Amendment protecting us from unreasonable
search and seizure. However, if an impartia}l5
committee of citizens could sean the tapes fo'
evidence of goveriunent officials in various
acts of financial or personal misconduct, it
110 might be worth it.
These proposed solutions suggest that this
entire "aggressive driving" campaign is simply
a new public-relations game. It is designed to
prosecute16 and persecute17 NHTSA's usual
115 suspects, now that the old slogans no longer
work. "Speed kiUs," for example, has become
difficult to seU since NHTSA has been forced
to admit that traffic deaths in 1996 increased
only 0.25 percent after 24 states increased their
120 highway speed limits.
It is good, however, to see NHTSA talking
more about crash avoidance than crash sur-
vival. However, with the dangers of airbags18
more in the news than their benefits, perhaps
125 it was inevitable.
Further evidente of this shift comes from
NHTSA's "Crashes Aren't Accidents" campaign
that began last December. In this campaign, Dr.
Martinez told his staff "to eliminate the word
130 accident from the field of unintentional injury."
He described motor vehicle crashes as "pre-
dictable, preventable events. We can identify
their causes and prevent them."
We couldn't agree more, but simply blaming
135 every driver who has ever flashed a headlight
at a road hog or banishing19 the word accident
from the dictionary will not, by themselves,
eliminate a single car crash.
Source: Car and Driver Magazine
15impartial = not favoring one side or another
15prosecute = sue in court
17persecute = oppress
18airbags = safety devices
19banishing = eliminating
PART TWO: Cars: Driving Passions 213
Understanding the Main Idea
The author proposed several ideas in his article. What are they? How do es
he support them? Fill out the following table. The first example is done for
1. Why did the author question the statisties about traffie fatalities?
2. What is wrong with the NHTSA's defmition of "aggressive drivers,"
aeeording to the author?
3. What is the main reason drivers get angry, aeeording to the reading?
4. What effect did higher speed limits have on traffie deaths?
5. What is the author's point of view about "road rage"?
Check Vour
Find out more about
understanding the
main idea by looking
in the Reference Guide
to Reading Strategies
on pages xii-xiv.
1. The NHTSA has inflated its
statistics about road rage.
2. _
3. _
4. _
5. _
The numbers don't add up; there
aren't enoughfatalities to
account for their percentages.
214 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
This reading has a lot of words that might have been new to you. Look at
the following list of words. Draw a line to each word's closest match. Refer
to the reading if you need help.
1. airbag argument
2. altercation
3. an advocate
4. banishing
5. blockhead
6. crackdown
7. fatality
8. grievance
9. hazard
10. impaired
11. impartial
12. irifraction
13. misdemeanor
14. persecute
15. prosecute
16. vehicular homicide
17. vigorous
sue in court
not favoring one side or another
stupid person
killing someone with a car
safety device
violation of the laws
extra enforcement of the rules
unable to perform well
small crime
THINK ABOUT IT 1. Do you agree with the author's point ofview about road rage? Why or
why not?
2. There have been recent proposals to raise the age limit for drivers to
18 from 16, which it is in most states. What do you think of this
3. The author points out that driver's education classes are being cut at
many high schools. Do you think these classes should be kept? Why
or why not?
PART TWO: Cars: Driving Passions 215
Discussion and Debate 1. Cars and television are two important parts of American life. Some
would even say that these items are essential parts of the American
lifestyle. What other items are important to the American lifestyle, in
your opinion?
2. Some scholars say that material possessions are a reflection of a
particular value in a society. For example, automobiles might be a
symbol of Americans' love of independence and movement. Make a
list of other possessions or activities that are important to Americans
and discuss what values you think they might represento
3. How are attitudes towards cars different in the United States than in
your country? Are attitudes toward television different? In what way?
4. Think of another question to ask your classmates about the ideas in
this chapter.
Writing Topics
1. In your journal, write about a television personality or program that
has had an influence on your life. What makes that show or person so
special to you?
2. What kind of car would you like to own? Write a short essay
describing the car of your dreams. Use plenty of detall.
3. Choose one of the following topics and write an essay in which you
argue your point of view:
a. Cars are a necessary and enjoyable part of life.
b. Cars cause damage to the environment; we should change our
driving habits.
c. Television has a negative influence on children.
d. Television is an important form of entertainment; it provides
comfort and amusement to people.
On Your Own 1. Look at recent television listings. What kinds of shows seem to be
most popular? Watch a popular television show and discuss it with
your class.
2. Find some car advertisements for different kinds of cars. Look
carefully at the ads: who are they advertising to? How do you know
that? Discuss these ads with your class.
3. Many television shows and films have cars as a main focus. Watch
one of the following fIlms or television shows (in reruns, if they're
available). Talk about what you saw with your class.
My Mather the Car (television)
Herbie the Lave Bug (television)
The Lave Bug (fIlm)
216 CHAPTER TEN Popular Culture
Knight Rider (television)
American Graffiti (film)
Corvette Summer (film)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (film)
A L M A N A e For additional cultural information, refer to the Almanac on pages 217-228.
The Almanac contains lists of useful facts, maps, and other information to
enhance your learning.
1. Map of the United States showing state capitals 218
2. Geographic Map of the United States 219
3. Total Population of the States in the United States 220
4. Population of the States in the United States by 221
Ethnic Background
5. Major Events in United States History 222
6. Weights and Measures, Temperatures (Celsiusand 222
7. Twenty Wealthiest People in the Woi'ld 223
8. Some Internet Usage Statistics 223
9. Immigration Patterns in California and Florida 224
10. Bicycle Ownership and Usage 225
11. Non-English Speaking Americans 225
12. Slave Ownership in the United States 226
13. Irregular Past Tenses and Past Participles 227
14. Common Prefixes ahd Suftixes 228
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3. Total Population
of the States in
the United States
Source: Population Estimates
Branch, u.s. Bureau o the
Census, Release date: Aug.
Latest estimate
4. Population of the States in the United States by Ethnic Background
Asian &
Hispanic Hispanic
Black Indian Islander
265,283,783 28,268,895 219,748,786 25,771,113 193,977,673 33,503,435 2,288,119 9,743,443
4,273,084 35,857 3,125,926 30,401 3,095,525 1,103,986 15,385 27,787
607,007 22,356 462,255 18,075 444,180 23,325 95,339 26,088
4,428,068 941,479 3,936,621 880,294 3,056,327 153,888 248,490 89,069
2,509,793 40,852 2,076,142 36,088 2,040,054 403,466 13,170 17,015
31,878,234 9,630,188 25,491,661 9,011,827 16,479,834 2,371,293 303,494 3,711,786
3,822,676 535,917 3,535,813 503,635 3,032,178 164,343 35,538 86,982
3,274,238 253,245 2,895,483 223,705 2,671,778 297,984 7,906 72,865
724,842 22,774 572,853 19,365 553,488 136,062 2,434 13,493
543,213 37,705 184,638 30,035 154,603 340,837 1,692 16,046
14,399,985 2,022,110 11,930,830 1,879,468 10,051,362 2,172,252 51,592 245,311
7,353,225 187,392 5,130,880 163,122 4,967,758 2,074,548 17,086 130,711
1,183,723 93,100 395,969 46,444 349,525 35,514 6,515 745,725
1,189,251 80,976 1,154,199 75,050 1,079,149 6,438 15,856 12,758
11,846,544 1,136,282 9,639,662 1,063,265 8,576,397 1,806,901 26,210 373,771
5,840,528 129,277 5,297,205 118,023 5,179,182 477,928 14,022 51,373
2,851,792 49,865 2,754,355 45,164 2,709,191 55,047 8,358 34,032
2,572,150 124,842 2,355,375 112,989 2,242,386 152,166 22,903 41,706
3,883,723 28,543 3,573,069 24,406 3,548,663 279,930 5,891 24,833
4,350,579 109,969 2,884,225 94,301 2,789,924 1,393,678 19,346 53,330
1,243,316 8,446 1,223,6907,598 1,216,0925,729 5,578 8,319
5,071,604 170,052 3,494,905 141,828 3,353,077 1,373,129 15,343 188,227
6,092,352 348,181 5,499,644 275,693 5,223,951 377,715 14,279 200,714
9,594,350 242,128 8,024,496 215,033 7,809,463 1,368,804 58,939 142,111
4,657,758 76,044 4,360,889 65,814 4,295,075 128,056 56,934 111,879
2,716,115 20,149 1,702,058 15,988 1,686,070 986,895 9,638 17,524
5,358,692 76,755 4,685,274 67,767 4,617,507 597,565 20,418 55,435
879,372 14,550 816,791 12,244 804,547 3,216 54,226 5,139
1,652,093 63,294 1,552,364 57,640 1,494,724 64,953 14,744 20,032
1,603,163 226,039 1,388,507 205,786 1,182,721 118,440 28,120 68,096
1,162,481 15,852 1,139,475 14,391 1,125,084 8,066 2,281 12,659
7,987,933 920,085 6,414,926 792,965 5,621,961 1,157,171 20,622 395,214
1,713,407 677,341 1,490,295 649,808 840,487 43,001 157,181 22,930
18,184,774 2,537,597 13,991,765 1,916,575 12,075,190 3,198,235 72,963 921,811
7,322,870 134,384 5,518,807 114,871 5,403,936 1,624,259 93,963 85,841
643,539 6,359 604,844 5,326 599,518 4,111 29,392 5,192
11,172,782 168,711 9,766,839 149,373 9,617,466 1,264,493 22,356 119,094
3,300,902 114,823 2,745,517 95,578 2,649,939 253,319 260,501 41,565
3,203,735 177,233 3,005,721 162,308 2,843,413 57,752 44,116 96,146
12,056,112 292,050 10,690,370 245,200 10,445,170 1,162,462 17,067 186,213
990,225 59,475 917,164 47,509 869,655 47,050 4,683 21,328
3,698,746 40,771 2,543,890 33,747 2,510,143 1,115,869 8,754 30,233
732,405 7,266 666,157 5,782 660,375 4,542 57,221 4,485
5,319,654 52,302 4,385,463 44,667 4,340,796 874,592 11,843 47,756
19,128,261 5,503,372 16,203,786 5,309,635 10,894,151 2,336,165 90,035 498,275
2,000,494 121,641 1,907,846 112,675 1,795,171 16,747 28,472 47,429
588,654 5,704 578,103 5,195 572,908 3,500 1,695 5,356
6,675,451 223,828 5,111,445 195,348 4,916,097 1,322,722 17,780 223,504
5,532,939 321,684 4,944,646 284,864 4,659,782 189,241 99,369 299,683
1,825,754 9,892 1,756,9158,790 1,748,125 57,600 2,544 8,695
5,159,795 122,622 4,756,004 109,880 4,646,124 284,368 45,277 74,146
481,400 27,536 463,029 25,578 437,451 4,082 10,558 3,731
Note: In the categories given above, American Indian includes Eskirno and Aleut
Source: Administrative Records and Methodology Research Branch-U.S. Bureau of the Census
5. Major Events in United States History
'1754!----- French and Indian War
Boston Tea party --....r1773I1
11776 vDeclaration of Independence
Slavery is Ilegal in Massachusetts -----r1783,,1
11"1789~ George Washington becomes President
Building of the White House starts --....r,1 rJ
Federal government moves to Washington, D.C.
War of 1812
Texas becomes a state
Gold discovered in California
Civil War begins
Lincoln frees the slaves
Civil War ends
President John F. Kennedy is killed
200lh Anniversary of U.S. independence
6. Weights and
(Celslus and
Weights and Measures
1 pound (lb.) = 453.6 grarns (g.)
16 ounces (oz.) = 1 pound (lb.)
2,000 pounds (lb.) = 1 ton
1 inch (in. or") = 2.54 centimeters (cm.)
1 foot (ft. or ') = 0.3048 meters (m.)
12 inches (12") = 1 foot (1')
3 feet (3') = 1 yard (yd.)
1 mile = 5,280 feet (5,280')
Temperature chart: Celsius and Fahrenheight
degrees n Celsius (C) = % degrees Fahrenheight) - 32
degrees nFahrenheight (C) = % degrees Celsius) + 32
C: 100 30 25 20 15 10 5
F: 212 86 77 68 59 50 41
7. Twenty Wealthiest People in the
Gates, William H. III
United States
51,000,000,000 Microsoft Corp.
Walton, Family
United States
Wal-Mart Stores
Bolkiah, Sultan Hassanal
36,000,000,000 oil, gas
Buffett, Warren
United States
33,000,000,000 Berkshire Hathaway
Alsaud, King Faud Bin Abdul
Saudi Arabia
25,000,000,000 investments, real estate
Allen, Paul Gardner
United States
21,000,000,000 Microsoft Corp.
Al Nahyan, Sheikh Zayed Bin
United Arab
15,000,000,000 oil, investments
Al-sabah, Sheikh Jaber
15,000,000,000 oil, investments, real estate
Al-ahmed Al-jaber
Thomson, Kenneth
14,400,000,000 Thomson Corp.
Pritzker, Jay A. and Robert A.
United States
Mars, Forrest Edward Sr. and
United States
13,500,000,000 candy company
Alsaud, Prince Alwaleed Bin
Saudi Arabia
13,300,000,000 investments, construction,
Lee Shau Kee
Hong Kong 12,700,000,000
real estate
Albrecht, Theo & Karl and Germany 11,700,000,000 retailing
Ballmer, Steven
United States
10,700,000,000 Microsoft Corp.
Mulliez, Gerard and family
10,300,000,000 retailing
Dell, Michael
United States
10,000,000,000 Dell Computer Corp.
Al-Maktoum, Makhtoum bin
10,000,000,000 oil, services
Li Ka-shing Hong Kong 10,000,000,000 real estate,
telecornmunication, etc.
Botin, Emilio and family Spain 9,200,000,000 banking
8. Some Internet
Usage Statistics
World Wide Web devices worldwide
(total # of computers accessing the web)
1997: 78,144,159
1998: 120,394,629
World Wide Web devices in U.S.
(total # of computers accessing the web)
1997: 49,381,480
1998: 72,143,711
World Wide Web users worldwide
(total # of users accesssing the web)
1997: 68,685,240
1998: 97,254,212
9. Immigration
Patterns in
California and
World Wide Web users in U.S.
(total # of users accessing the web)
1997: 38,739,864
1998: 51,594,024
World Wide Web pages
(total # of URLs worldwide)
1997: 351,010,467
1998: 829,429,194
Percent of computers and users on the World Wide Web
At the end of 1996, the U.S. accounted for 68%of the devices and 61%of
the users accessing the World Wide Web.
Percent of U.S. households owing a PC.
At the end of 1997, 43%of U.S households owned a PC.
Irnmigrants Admitted, by leading Country of Birth: 1995
Total (includes other countries not shown here): 62,023
Cuba: 15,112
Dominican Republic: 2,090
Mexico: 1,922
Philippines: 1,806
Vietnam: 1,194
India: 1,141
Former Soviet Union: 1,021
China: 639
Total (includes other countries not shown here): 166,482
Mexico: 34,416
Philippines: 22,584
Vietnam: 16,755
China: 10,256
Former Soviet Union: 10,045
India: 6,646
Cuba: 428
Dominican Republic: 71
10. Bicycle Owner-
ship and Usage
90 million, or 46% of American adults ride a bicycle at least once a
500,000 Americans ride their bike to work.
Nearly 80% of bicycle commuters are men.
Roughly 70% of bicycle commuters are age 15-34.
California has the highest percentage of bicycle commuters (13
metropolitan areas with at least 10 bicycle commuters per 1,000)
Nearly 33 million Americans consider themselves recreational
Recreational bicyclists are split equally between men and women.
Four percent of recreational cyclists are black, with 2%Asian or other
More than half of all recreational cyclists own air pumps, but fewer
than half own locks and only 16% own helmets
Nearly 40% of bicycle owner report having a mechanical problem in a
given year.
11. Non-English
Non-English Total
Hindi and related
French Creole
1990 Populaticm
1980 Population
Note: Totals includes languages not shown here.
1990 Po pul atio n
1980 Population
5 years and over 3 years and over change
144,292 99,166
142,684 146,429
127,441 16,417
102,418 36,865
96,568 122,300
92,485 123,059
Pennsylvania Dutch
83,525 68,202
81,877 16,189
80,723 113,227
80,388 87,941
77,511 100,886
70,964 83,216
65,848 24,506
65,265 32,502
55,781 73,234
54,350 69,386
50,005 19,298
46,044 13,661
45,206 42,479
41,876 27,459
Source: 1997 Information Please (TM) Almanac
12. Slave Owner-
ship' in the
Unlted States
Source: Historical
Encyclopedia of World
Slavery, Junius P. Rodriguez,
General Editor; ABL-CLIO
In 1861, Edward Dunbar, estimated that 14,000,000 Africans had been cap-
tured and sent to the Americas between 1500 and 1870.
In 1969, Philip Curtin published The Afr-ican Slave Trade: A Census, in
which he estimated 9,566,000 Africans had been sent to both North and
South America between 1451 and 1870. Below are the figures he arrived at:
prior to 1600 274,900
1600-1700 1,341,100
1701-1810 6,051,710
1811-1870 1,898,400
Curtin arrived at his figures by studying shipping and merchant records, as
well as numerous other types of material that hadn't previously been studied.
Later scholars claim that the number taken from Africa may be 12 million,
or closer to Dunbar's figure of 14,000,000 because Curtin may not have
accounted for the many Africans who died in capture or in transito The
actual numbers will never be known.
_~'i? ffi :IT ;flli:!lif7 i~ B:=~ifIljlE":2mr&JifffWU:'~~ s;,:1IiIIi ~
13. Irregular Past
Simple Form
Past Participle
Tenses and Past
was, were
became become
began begun
bit bitten
blew blown
broke broken
brought brought
bought bought
cost cost
did done
drank drunk
drove driven
felt felt
fit fit
flew flown
got gotten
had had
hid hidden
hit hit
knew known
laid laid
let let
lie (down)
lie (untruth)
lied lied
read read
rode ridden
shut shut
stole stolen
took taken
taught taught
woke woken
wore wom
14. Common
Common Prefixes
Prefixes and
Meaning Example
after aftertaste
both ambidextrous
sound auditorium
negative ofdisappear
in the past ex-wife
not irnmature
between, among
within intrastate
again remember
Common Suffixes
Meaning Example
belonging to American
place, building aquarium
color monochrome
consisting of wooden
person who does an action writer
relating to
measuring device speedometer
quality rudeness
globelike hemisphere
one who is
direction backward
extent worldwide
(Page 3) "Letter to Marilyn vos Savant." From Parade
Magazine, August 10, 1997. Copyright 1997.
(Page 7) "1Hear America Singing." Public Domain.
(Page 11) "Declaration of Independence." Public Do-
(page 15) "Second Inaugural Address of President Wil-
liam J. Clinton." Public Domain.
(page 24) "Family Values and Reversed Worlds." From
The Time Bind by Arlie Russell Hochschild, Copyright
1997 by Arlie Russell Hochschild. Reprinted by per-
mission of Henry Holt and Company.
(Page 29) "Homeless." From Rachel and Her Children:
Homeless Families in America by Jonathan Kozol.
Copyright 1988 by Jonathan Kozol. Reprinted by per-
mission of Crown Publishers, Inc.
(Page 34) "A Tale of Two Extremes." From Personal
FinanceFor Dummies by Eric Tyson, MBA. Copyright
1994, 1995, 1996 Eric Tyson. AlI rights reserved. Re-
produced by permission of IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
. . . For Dummies is a registered trademark of IDG
Books Worldwide, Inc.
(page 38) "Bill's $50 Bil: By AlI Accounts, A Lot of
Dough." From The Seattle Times, April 23, 1998. Copy-
right 1997, The Seattle Times Company.
(Page 47) "Kwanzaa History." From Win95 Magazine.
http:/// Copyright 1996.
(page 51) "The Gift of the Magi." Public Domain.
(page 58) "Westem Flyer." From Reminisce, July 1997.
Copyright 1997. Reprinted by permission of Reiman
(Page 70) "YouJust Don't Understand." From You Just
Don't Understand. Copyright 1990 by Deborah Tan-
nen, Ph.D. Reprinted by permission of William Mor-
row & Company, Inc.
(page 73) "Mending Wall." From The Poetry of Robert
Frost, edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright
1958 by Robert Frost. Copyright 1967 by Lesley Frost
Ballantine. Copyright 1930, 1939, 1969 by Henry
Holt & Company. Reprinted by permission of Henry
Holt and Company, Inc.
(page 78) "Vigilance." Copyright 1997 Meg Cimino,
as frrst published in The Atlantic Monthly. Reprinted
by permission of the author.
(Page 79) "Fox Trot" Copyright by Universal Press
Syndicate. Reprint by permission of Universal Press
Syndicate. AlI rights reserved.
(page 83) "Daddy Weirdest." From Seventeen maga-
zine, August, 1994. Copyright 1994, Rebecca Bary.
Reprinted by permission of Writers house, LLCon be-
half of Rebecca Barry.
(Page 91) "Searching for Gold Mountain." From Jour-
ney to Gold Mountain. Copyright 1989 and 1994,
Chelsea House Publishers.
(page 95) "South Beach Seduction." By Stephen Di-
launo. From The Miami Herald, April17, 1998. Numer-
ous attempts have been made to obtain permission for
reprint from the author, but permission has not yet been
obtained as of press time.
(Page 105) "The Ties that Bind." From Farm Journal,
May/June 1997. Copyright 1997.
(page 113) "Hand Gestures." From Curious Customs
by Thadeus Thlja. Copyright 1987 by The Stonesong
Press, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Harmony Books,
a division of Crown Publishers, Inc.
(page 118) "ASLin America." From Learning to See.
Copyright 1997. Reprinted by permission of Gallaudet
University Press.
(Page 123) "Speaking Different Languages." FromMen
Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray.
Copyright 1992 by John Gray. Reprinted by permis-
sion of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
(Page 142) "Get Off Your Cusp and Live." From Aunt
Erma's Cope Book. Copyright 1979. Reprinted by
(page 147) "Roswell, New Mexico: Home of the
Strange." From USA Today, May 23,1997. Copyright
1997, USA Today. Reprinted with permission.
(Page 159) "Old New Orleans." From The First Book
of Jazz. Copyright 1995. Reprinted by permission of
Grolier Publishing.
(page 170) "An Interview With Rebecca Lobo." From
NBC On Line: Golden Moments. Copyright 1996, The
National Broadcasting Company. AlI rights reserved.
(page 183) "Orwell Got it Wrong." By Michael Kinsley.
From Reader's Digest, June 1997. Numerous attempts
have been made to obtain permission for reprint from
the author, but permission has not yet been obtained
as of press time.
(Page 188) "Return to Sender?" Time Digital, July/Au-
gusto Copyright 1997. Reprinted by permission of the
(Page 195) "Would You Like Nachos or the Internet?"
From The Dallas Morning News, March 17, 1997. Copy-
right 1997. Reprinted with permission of The DalIas
Morning News
(page 201) "Ratings War." From Times For Kids, Janu-
ary 17, 1997. Copyright 1996 Time, Inc. Reprinted by
(Page 205) "Queen ofTalk and More." From www.cel- Copyright 1997, Ian Hodder. AlI rights
(Page 210) "My First Car." Reprinted by permission of
the author.
(Page 215) "Road Rage." Adapted fram Car and Driver,
October 1997. Copyright 1997.
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