Colorado Supreme Court Emergency Motion For Injunction

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2 East 14
Ave., Denver, Colorado 80203
Appeal from District Court, Adams County,
Colorado, Case No. 13CV32572, Hon. C. Scott
COLORADO, et al,
Consolidated with District Court, City and
County of Denver, Colorado, Case No.
COLORADO, et al.
JOHN W. SUTHERS, Attorney General
DANIEL D. DOMENICO, Solicitor General*
LEEANN MORRILL, First Asst Attorney
1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Telephone: (720) 508-6551
Email:; michael.fran;
*Counsel of Record
Registration Numbers: 32038, 39111, 38742

Case No. 2014SA000212



Pursuant to C.A.R. 8, the Attorney General of the State of Colorado,
John Suthers, on behalf of the State and the People of Colorado, hereby
seeks an injunction pending resolution of this appeal. The Court now has
jurisdiction over the case that will resolve, so far as state courts can
resolve it, the substantive question of whether Colorados marriage laws
violate the federal constitution. See Notice of Appeal, filed today.
But while the Court goes about the process of resolving that
important question, the State, its lower courts and county clerks, and its
people, deserve clarity and uniformity in the application of state law.
This motion asks the Court to provide that clarity and uniformity
regardless of how the merits are ultimately resolved on the important
question of same-sex marriage. As will be argued below, the appropriate
way to do so is to look to the U.S. Supreme Courts actions in Herbert v.
Kitchen, (and the numerous other federal courts resolving constitutional
claims for same-sex marriage) and enjoin the State and the Clerk and
Recorders or others acting on its behalf from acting contrary to current
state law until the validity of those laws has been fully adjudicated. See
n.5-6 infra (collecting cases with stays).
The current confusion and uncertainty benefits nobody. This Court
plainly has the power to prevent that from continuing, see C.A.R. Rule 8,
Rule 21(a); Colo. Const. art VI, 3.

See also C.R.C.P. 65 (an injunction is binding not only on the parties, but on
the parties officers, agents ... and other persons who are in active concert or
participation with a party. Thus any injunction as to the State would be


The Notice of Appeal filed earlier today in this case brings the
underlying question of the constitutionality of Colorados Marriage Laws
a significant step closer to final resolution. But while that important
issue has gotten closer to resolution, the issue of what County Clerks
and the State are supposed to do in the interim, has descended into
complete confusion. Only this Court can bring clarity and ensure that
the orderly administration of justice prevails. There are two state cases
from same-sex couples challenging the merits of Colorados marriage
laws. Those have been combined through Multi-District Litigation to
Judge Crabtree in Adams County. Brinkman et al v. Long et al. No.
13CV32572, and the summary judgment order in that case is the subject
of this appeal. Ex. A (Brinkman Summary Judgment Order, July 9,
2014). There is also a case in Boulder County district court whereby the
Attorney General is addressing the County Clerks legal authority to
issue same-sex marriage licenses contrary to current Colorado law.
Colorado v. Hall, No. 14CV30833, where the court denied the States
request for a preliminary injunction. Ex. B (Hall Order Denying
Preliminary Injunction, July 10, 2014).
Another lawsuit will apparently be necessary in Pueblo County
district court unless this Court acts, as the Pueblo Clerk has now begun

binding upon those acting under state law, as clerks do when they issue
marriage licenses.).


issuing same-sex marriage licenses contrary to Colorado law.
there is a federal case in the district of Colorado from same-sex couples
challenging the merits of Colorados marriage laws. Burns v.
Hickenlooper, No. 14-cv-1817, Ex. C. (Complaint, July 1, 2014); Ex. D
(Defendants Motion for Stay Proceedings and Non-Opposition to
Proposed Preliminary Injunction, July 2, 2014).
On July 9, Judge Crabtree issued a summary judgment order in
Brinkman, holding that Colorados limits on same-sex marriage violate
the U.S. Constitution, but also recognizing it was a delusion to think
that his district court order was the final word on the matter. Ex. A,
p.47. Recognizing the legal and social confusion caused by allowing the
issuance of licenses before that final word has been handed down, Judge
Crabtree stayed the effectiveness of his judgment. Id. p.46-48.
One day later, Judge Hartman of Boulder County reached an
apparently conflicting decision. Ex. B. While recognizing that the
issuance of licenses in these circumstances is likely illegal, he
nevertheless refused to prevent Boulder Clerk Hall from doing so. Id.,
p.23. In response, the Denver Clerk & Recorder, despite being a party to
the Brinkman case (subject to a stay), began issuing licenses contrary to
state law and Judge Crabtrees Order. The Pueblo Clerk & Recorder

Marriage-Licenses-Friday-266676981.html The longer there is legal confusion,
the more likely it is that other Clerks will act contrary to Colorado law
and the legal game of whack-a-mole will continue.


followed suit. The State filed a motion for an injunction against the
Denver Clerk, but Judge Crabtree denied the States motion on the
morning of July 9, 2014, stating [i]t is not the function of an injunction
to enforce the dignity and enforceability of a Courts Order. Ex. E, p.5
(injunction denial order).
The rest of the states clerks are now in a quandary: some have
decided to await judicial resolution, others are still seeking legal advice.
Meanwhile, state law is being patently ignored and the State is
incurring real and irreparable costs associated with this chaotic
situation. Should more clerks choose to follow the example of Boulder,
Denver and Pueblo, those costs will only increase and additional
litigation would be unnecessarily thrust upon the State with
inconsistent and confusing legal decisions all but a guaranteed result.
There has been confusion enough in other states where a court has
ruled against a states marriage laws but not put in place a stay.
But in
no other state have the courts allowed the situation going on now in
Colorado to continue clerks openly defying state law before any court
has issued a binding decision against the laws and in the face of a stay.
Cf. Lockyer v. City and County of San Francisco, 95 P.3d 459 (Cal.

See Evans v. Utah, No. 14:CV55DAK, (D. Utah, May 19, 2014) (litigation
regarding validity of marriage licenses issued when no stay in place following
marriage litigation), appeal pending No. 14-4060 (10th Cir. July 11, 2014)
(affirming but issuing stay pending appeals to U.S. Supreme Court). The Utah
situation shows the costly mess that this can lead to. This is hardly a scenario
for Colorados courts to emulate.


Dept of Health v. Hanes, 78 A.3d 676, 690-92 (Pa. Commw. Ct.
2013) (clerks lack authority to issue same-sex marriage licenses, post-
Windsor, while merits are litigated). Whatever one thinks about the
merits of the underlying question of same-sex marriage, the question
about the role of courts versus county clerks is one this Court should
resolve immediately. It can solve this serious and growing problem by
the simple expedient of putting on hold the issuance of licenses while the
appeal of the merits plays out.
This motion is necessary to preserve the orderly procedures and rule
of law and enforce the separation of powers doctrine by allowing the
judicial branch to resolve critical questions about constitutional rights in
an orderly manner. An injunction is necessary to maintain the status

The California Supreme Court aptly described the difference between
addressing the merits of same-sex marriage and the legality of Clerks issuance
of licenses contrary to existing state law:
Although the present proceeding may be viewed by some as presenting
primarily a question of the substantive legal rights of same-sex couples,
in actuality, the legal issue before us implicates the interest of all
individuals in ensuring that public officials execute their official duties
in a manner that respects the limits of the authority granted to them as
officeholders. In short, the legal question at issue---the scope of the
authority entrusted to our public officials---involves the determination of
a fundamental question that lies at the heart of our political system: the
role of the rule of law in a society that justly prides itself on being a
government of laws, and not of men (or women). Id. at 1067-68.


quo pending a final court resolution on the merits. County Clerks lack
legal authority to issue marriage licenses on behalf of the State that are
patently contrary to the Colorado Constitution and statutes that define
marriage as the union of one man and one woman, while litigation is
pending with a stay issued by the district court judge.
C.A.R. 8 gives the Court, or any Justice, the authority to issue
injunctions during the pendency of appeals. While such a request must
ordinarily be made in the first instance in the trial court, a request for
such relief directly from this Court may be made if the trial could has
denied an application. C.A.R. 8(a); see also Colo. Const. art. VI, 3. The
State has sought relief in the trial court in a motion for injunction and it
was denied on the morning of July 14, 2014. Ex. E. Additionally, due to
the acts of other Clerks not party to Brinkman who continue to issue
same-sex marriage licenses, any relief afforded by the trial court would
not be practicable in resolving the broader issue for the states other 63
Generally, to obtain injunctive relief, a party must prevail on the
merits, suffer irreparable injury, show that the harm to the movant
outweighs the harm to the opposing party and show that the injunction
would not be adverse to the public interest. Romero v. City of Fountain,
307 P.3d 120, 122 (Colo. App. 2011) (adopting federal factors for
injunction); Campbell v. Buckley, 11 F. Supp.2d 1260, 1262 (D. Colo.
1998), affd, 203 F.3d 738 (10th Cir. 2000) (same factors).


When it is brought on behalf of the public to benefit the public,
however, the party requesting the injunction must show only that it is
correct on the merits. Conway-Bogue Realty Inv. Co. v. Denver Bar Assn,
135 Colo. 398, 409-10, 312 P.2d 998, 1003 (1957); see also Port of New
York Authority v. City of Newark, 85 A.2d 815, 818-19 (N.J. Sup. Ct
Thus, the only question this Court must answer to properly resolve
whether to grant this motion should be whether the states clerks are
authorized, prior to any final, binding court decision, to ignore state law
in carrying out their ministerial functions. That is the issue presented in
this motion.
I. County clerks do not have the authority to issue licenses
that do not comply with state law.
By definition, the issuance of marriage licenses is a ministerial act; it
is one which the person performs in a given state of facts in a prescribed
manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without regard to
or the exercise of his own judgment upon the propriety of the act being
done. Hamma v. People, 94 P. 326, 328 (Colo. 1908). Under the Uniform
Marriage Act, County Clerks are given the power to issue licenses by the
State on behalf of the State, but only if the requirements set by the state
are met. See C.R.S. 14-2-104, 14-2-106, and 14-2-110. Put another
way, if certain requirements are met, all 64 County Clerks must issue
the marriage license; conversely, if certain requirements are not met


(e.g., an individual is under age, or the couple is not comprised of one
man and one woman), County Clerks must not issue a marriage license.
Clerks are authorized to issue marriage licenses by state law. They are
not authorized to pick and choose which state laws governing that
delegated authority they will abide by.
Until this Court or the United States Supreme Court finally resolves
the question, Colorados Marriage Laws remain in effect. Whether
Colorados marriage limitations will survive Constitutional scrutiny in
the final analysis is highly in doubt. But until we reach that final
analysis, the clerks actions must be based on the current state of the
law, not what it may be in the future. See Beedle v. Wilson, 422 F.3d
1059, 1069 (10th Cir. 2005) (right violated must be established at the
time of the defendant's actions). See Ex. B (Hall Order finding State
satisfied likelihood of success on the merits based on current law).
Thus, other courts, even those that end up ruling in favor of same-sex
marriage, recognize that until those laws are repealed or overturned by
final court action, local officials have no authority to ignore them. See
Lockyer, 33 Cal.4th at 1073 (Pending our determination of these
matters, we directed the officials to enforce the existing marriage
statutes and refrain from issuing marriage licenses or certificates not
authorized by such provisions.); Hanes, 78 A.3d at 692.


II. Clerks ignoring state law prior to judicial rulings causes
irreparable harm and is against the public interest.
Even if the State were required to prove the additional Romero
factors, it would prevail. These factors align with the factors for a stay,
and have already been carefully adjudicated by Judge Crabtree. He
recognized that even though he ruled against the State on the
underlying constitutional merits, the State had established a likelihood
of success on the merits for a stay, given the stay issued in similar
litigation by the U.S. Supreme Court and four Federal Courts of
See also Ex. A at 46. Likewise for federal district courts in
Oklahoma, Virginia, Kentucky, Texas, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Herbert v. Kitchen, 134 S.Ct. 893 (U.S. Jan. 6, 2014) (stay pending appeal
granted); Kitchen v. Herbert, No. 13-4178, slip op. 64-65 (10th Cir. June 25,
2014) (same); Latta v. Otter, No. 14-35420 (9th Cir. May 20, 2014) (Idaho case -
same) attached as Exhibit F; DeBoer v. Snyder, No. 14-1341 (6th Cir. Mar. 25,
2014) (Michigan case - same) attached as Exhibit G; see also Tanco v.
Haslam, No.14-5297 *2 (6th Cir. April 25, 2014) (Tennessee case) (per curium)
(Because the law in this area is so unsettled, in our judgment the public
interest and the interests of the parties would be best served by this Court
imposing a stay on the district courts order until this case is reviewed on
appeal.), attached as Exhibit H; Baskin v. Bogan, No. 14-2386 (7th Cir. June
27, 2014) (Indiana case - granting stay pending appeal), attached as Exhibit I.
District Court decisions granting stay: Bishop v. United States, ex rel. Holder,
962 F. Supp. 2d 1252 (N.D. Okla. 2014); Bostic v. Rainey, No. 2:13cv395, 2014
WL 561978 (E.D. Va. Feb. 13, 2014); De Leon v. Perry, No. SA-13-CA-00982-
OLG, 2014 WL 715741 (W.D. Tex. Feb. 26, 2014); Bourke v. Beshear, No.3:13-
CV-750-H, 2014 WL 556729, at *14 (W.D. Ky. Feb. 12, 2014) (stay granted,
noting [i]t is best that these momentous changes occur upon full review,
rather than risk premature implementation or confusing changes. That does
not serve anyone well); Henry v. Himes, No. 14-cv-129, 2014 WL 1512541, *1-
2 (S.D. Ohio April 16, 2014) (stay pending appeal granted); Wolf v. Walker, No.
14-cv-64-bbc, 2014 WL 2693963 *12 (W.D. Wis. June 13, 2014) (I do not


Permitting County Clerks to ignore some state laws while using the
power granted by other state laws causes significant irreparable harm to
the state and the public interest particularly when it is a handful of
clerks while the majority continues to enforce state law. There are at
least five types of harm that letting these few clerks actions go
unchecked will cause.
First, there is the inherent harm courts have uniformly recognized in
rejecting duly enacted laws. Judge Crabtree recognized as much,
following Coalition for Econ. Equity v. Wilson, 122 F.3d 718, 719 (9th
Cir. 1997); O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao De Vegetal. v. Ashcroft,
314 F.3d 463, 467 (10th Cir. 2002); Planned Parenthood of Greater Tex.
Surgical Health Servs. v. Abbott, 134 S.Ct. 506, 506 (2013); New Motor
Vehicle Bd. v. Orrin W. Fox Co., 434 U.S. 1345, 1351 (1977) (Rehnquist,
J., in chambers) (It also seems to me that any time a State is enjoined
by a court from effectuating statutes enacted by representatives of its
people, it suffers a form of irreparable injury.). Ex. A at 47.
Second, the harm caused by the confusion the clerks action has
caused is real and widespread. As Judge Crabtree noted, The public has
an interest in the orderly determination of the constitutionality of its
laws and granting a stay will effectuate that end. Id. Judge Crabtree

interpret Geiger as undermining the Courts order in Herbert...Because I see no
way to distinguish this case from Herbert, I conclude that I must stay any
injunctive relief pending appeal.).


expressly noted that a stay was necessary to avoid the instability and
uncertainty which would result in the State of Colorado if the Court did
not stay its ruling, noting with disfavor the continued issuance of
marriage licenses in Boulder as the type of instability and uncertainty
that should be avoided. Id. at 48 n.18. The Denver Clerk, however, has
been emboldened by Judge Hartmans views to the contrary to ignore
this judicial finding in the case in which she is a party. Apparently this
Courts intervention is necessary.
Third, the clerks action cannot be isolated, as Judge Hartman
seemed to hope. The States system for processing and acknowledging to
the public (that is to say, recognizing, marriages) does not allow for the
Registrar to double-check compliance with state law. The continued
issuance of invalid same-sex marriage licenses harms the State by
forcing other divisions of the State to recognize, contrary to the current
law and constitution, the legal validity of the improperly issued licenses.
See C.R.S 14-2-109(1) (Either the person solemnizing the marriage
ora party to the marriage shall complete the marriage certificate form
and forward it to the county clerk and recorder[.]); 14-2-109(3) (Upon
receipt of the marriage certificate, the county clerk and recorder shall
register the marriage.); 25-2-106 (Each county clerk and recorder shall
prepare a reportwith respect to every duly executed marriage
certificate that is returned in accordance with 14-2-109, C.R.S. On or
before the tenth day of each monthsuch clerk and recorder shall


forward to the state registrar all such marriage reports for all marriage
certificates returned in the preceding period.); 25-2-104 (Promptly
upon the receipt of each vital statistics report..., the state
registrarshall register the statistical event described thereinand
shall place the samein the permanent files of the office.).
So whatever licenses clerks submit will become part of the record that
the State recognizes. The system is dependent on clerks carrying out
their duties pursuant to law; it does not contemplate having to second-
guess their compliance. Thus, the clerks actions effectively mean that
the State itself is being forced to violate its own laws by recognizing
marriages that are not at least not yet valid.
Fourth, third parties rely on this system for various reasons. To be
sure, practical, real-world harm will result from third-parties
including the courts, private corporations, and other governmental
entities unknowing reliance on the invalid marriage licenses currently
being issued in the name of the State. For example, the following acts
turn on the ability to prove the existence of a valid marriage: (1)
establishing spousal benefits under the Social Security Act; (2) obtaining
a legal name change on a drivers license, passport, social security card,
or other government-issued identification; (3) establishing the
presumptive legitimacy of children; (4) establishing relationships
necessary for determining probate, inheritance, and unclaimed property
matters; (5) establishing eligibility for health, life, and disability


insurance coverage and benefits; and (6) establishing the existence of a
legal marriage in dissolution proceedings for purposes of spousal support
and/or maintenance, child support, the division of marital assets; and
the custody of minor children. In short, because the legalization of
marriage turns on the performance of ministerial acts by both State and
county officials, the County Clerks issuance of invalid marriage licenses
sends ripples of harm throughout our society that cannot be undone by
the State either easily or with absolute legal certainty.
Fifth, if this Court refuses to use its broad powers, see C.A.R. 8 & 21,
Colo. Const. art. VI, 3, to ensure that government officials carry out
their ministerial duties while controversial litigation is ongoing, it will
provide perverse and dangerous incentives. What about a sheriff who
believes limits on felons or minors obtaining a concealed carry permit
violates the right to bear arms? A DMV clerk who does not believe
undocumented immigrants are entitled to a drivers license? Both would
be encouraged to put their personal opinions above their duties to follow
the law should this Court countenance the ongoing actions of the clerks.
Each day that County Clerks continue to issue same-sex marriage
licenses and publicly declare those licenses validity, despite the State
Marriage Laws and the Attorney Generals statements to the contrary
greater social and legal chaos ensues because the public is left confused
and uncertain about the legal validity of such marriages and the role of
clerks versus the role of the courts or other government officials in


determining whether to enforce state law.
Each and every day that
County Clerks continue to issue same-sex marriage licenses in direct
contravention of the State Marriage Laws, Coloradans confidence in
their government diminishes in view of the fact that, as public officers,
County Clerks are refusing to abide by and enforce still-valid Colorado
The public confidence is further irreparably undermined by the fact
that, as public officers, County Clerks who issue marriage licenses to
same-sex couples are issuing false certificates, in further violation of
Colorado law. See C.R.S. 18-8-406 (stating that a person commits a
class 6 felony, if, being a public servant authorized by law to make and
issue official certificates or other official written instruments, he makes
and issues such an instrument containing a statement which he knows
to be false.); see also People v. Buckallew, 848 P.2d 904 (Colo. 1993)
(concerning the statutes application to county officials).
This is not to ignore the harms to couples who, if the State is wrong
on the ultimate constitutional merits, have been denied the right to a
government marriage certificate. One can understand and sympathize
with the desire to shortcut the normal processes and get that certificate,
even if it comes with the disclaimer or cloud of legal uncertainty. But
that is not enough to overcome the reasons that favor the Courts



temporarily suspending the issuance of licenses while this appeal on the
merits plays out. Indeed, the moving concerns of same-sex couples in
Colorado are not unlike the concerns of same-sex couples around the
United States, and those couples are, pursuant to the standard legal
process, awaiting a final judicial determination before same-sex
marriage licenses are issued.
Most importantly, even if the State does prove to be wrong on the
constitutional question, that does not mean that prematurely issued
certificates will be validated. See Lockyer, 33 Cal.4th at 1116
([Accordingly, we view Family Code section 300 itself as an explicit
statutory provision establishing that the existing same-sex marriages at
issue are void and invalid.). Thus, even if the State loses this appeal,
the couples obtaining these certificates likely would not be the winners.

Second, to the extent this were an immediate and irreparable harm, the
couples could have brought actions for preliminary injunctive relief.
That they chose not to reveals that they recognize, as the heavy majority
of courts have, that this harm is but temporary and reparable.
If they

Indeed, the Hall Order seems to set aside substantial legal difficulties
created by licenses that are not valid by speculating that additional litigation
and lawyers in the future may sort things out. This is a strong reason to follow
the orderly administration of the judicial process not ignore the process and
hope it can be fixed later.
Compare, for example, the Seventh Circuits lifting of the stay it imposed in
Baskin for a couple when it was shown that one of them was suffering from
terminal cancer. See Ex. I. There has been no such showing or allegation here.


prevail on the merits, a real, no-disclaimer, no-questions-asked marriage
certificate will be theirs for the asking.
The relief requested in this motion will not decide the merits of
claims for a federal right to same-sex marriage that would invalidate
Colorados Constitution and statutes those substantial and weighty
claims will be decided for Colorado either by the federal courts, where
Colorado has now been sued and will be bound by the outcome of a Utah
case in Kitchen v. Herbert, or by this Court (subject to petitions to the
U.S. Supreme Court by the loser) in the merits of this appeal. Either
way, the merits can and should be decided in due course for all of
Colorado. The relief here requested, however, is immediately necessary
to preserve the status quo pending those appeals and to affirm the legal
responsibility of County Officials to comply with Colorado law. Colorado
is hardly the only state where the constitutional right to same-sex
marriage is being actively litigated. Colorado stands alone, however, in
its courts permitting a handful of clerks to issue marriage licenses
contrary to law before the courts have made a final, binding
determination of the merits. States defending their marriage laws (like
Colorado) have all asked for stays pending appeal to protect the status
quo and avoid legally indeterminate marriage licenses from being issued
by eager clerks. As detailed above, see n. 5-6 supra, courts have
repeatedly imposed stays in same-sex marriage litigation resulting in


Clerks in those States being compelled to wait for final judicial action.
Colorado should join this wise course of action.
The question of the constitutionality of limitations on state
recognition of same-sex marriage like Colorados is undoubtedly headed
for a final resolution soon. And the excitement felt by those who support
same-sex marriage, including the Respondent Clerks and the plaintiffs
in the various related cases is more than understandable momentum is
on their side. Unless the U.S. Supreme Court grants certiorari on the
substantive question before the Kitchen case becomes final and binding,
the Attorney General has already recognized that Colorados laws will
not stand. See Ex. D.
But the immediate question is whether that excitement and that
momentum will be allowed to overwhelm the various legal and
constitutional processes and structures and divisions of power the state
has put in place for carrying out ministerial duties like issuing marriage
licenses or profoundly non-ministerial ones like deciding constitutional
questions. Those processes and divisions can be cumbersome, unwieldy,
and downright frustrating. They may even seem pointless in a particular
case when the right outcome may be so obvious to so many.
Yet true as that might be in the immediate term, the long-term
stability of our system of government and rule of law depends on those
structures and divisions standing up in the face of pressure, even where


the immediate result might appear unjust. This case shows the wisdom
of that fundamental understanding: the Brinkman and Burns cases were
moving along as our system requires, and were on track to final
resolution as soon as possible. That process is not as fast or simple as
anyone may want, but they are the process our system of laws and
divided power depends on. A rush to get to the right result by
shortcuts, no matter how well-intentioned, is a precedent this Court
should refuse to set.
The State specifically requests an order pending appeal prohibiting
the Defendants, including the State and those acting pursuant to state
law, from: (1) issuing marriage licenses on behalf of the State that do not
comply the Uniform Marriage Act, 14-2-104(1)(b) or Colo. Const. art. II,
section 31; and (2) submitting or processing any marriage licenses that
do not comply with state law to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics,
pending further order of the Court. See See C.A.R. 8(a); C.A.R. 21.
Respectfully submitted this 14th day of July, 2014.


Attorney General

/s/ Michael Francisco
Solicitor General
Assistant Solicitor General
First Assistant Attorney General
Attorneys for the State of Colorado
*Counsel of Record



This is to certify that I have duly served the foregoing
upon the following parties or their counsel electronically via ICCES, or
via electronic mail, at Denver, Colorado this 14th day of July, 2014,
addressed as follows:

Plaintiffs/Appellees in Adams County District Court Case:
Ralph Ogden, Reg. No. 13623
M. Anne Wilcox, Reg. No. 13604
160 Lafayette Street
Denver, Colorado 80218

Professor Thomas Russell, Reg. No. 34771
1001 16th Street B180 #175
Denver, Colorado 80265

Plaintiffs/Appellees in the City and County of Denver District Court

John M. McHugh, Reg. No. 45456
Anthony L. Giacomini, Reg. No. 26057
Amy R. Gray, Reg. No. 40814
Michael Kotlarczyk, Reg. No. 43250
Tess Hand-Bender, Reg. No. 42681
Jason M. Lynch, Reg. No. 39130
1900 16th Street, Suite 1700
Denver, Colorado 80202

Marcus Lock, Reg. No. 33048
525 North Main Street
Gunnison, Colorado 81230
Ann Gushurst, Reg. No. 29187


10375 Park Meadows Blvd., Suite 520
Littleton, Colorado 80124

Defendant Karen Long, Clerk and Recorder for Adams County, Colorado:

Heidi M. Miller, Reg. No. 33923
County Attorney
Jennifer D. Stanley, Reg. No. 33084
Assistant County Attorney
4430 South Adams County Parkway
Floor, Suite C5000B
Brighton, Colorado 80601-8206

Defendant Debra Johnson, Clerk and Recorder for the City and County of
Denver, Colorado:

Wendy J. Shea, Reg. No. 26253
Assistant City Attorney
Denver City Attorneys Office, Litigation Section
201 West Colfax Avenue, Dept. No. 1108
Denver, Colorado 80202-5332

Defendant John W. Hickenlooper, Jr., Governor of the State of Colorado:

Jack Finlaw, Reg. No. 11681
Benjamin Figa, Reg. No. 41302
Governors Office of Legal Counsel
121 State Capitol
Denver, Colorado 80203

Amicus Curiae Alliance Defending Freedom:

Michael J. Norton, Reg. No. 6430
7951 E. Maplewood Avenue, Suite 100
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111


Byron J. Babione, Pro Hac Vice
David Austin R. Nimocks, Pro Hac Vice
15100 N. 90
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

s/Michael Francisco


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