This document is a resume for Marion Lamar Elledge summarizing their experience and qualifications for a customer service manager position. Elledge has over 10 years of experience in customer service, project management, and administrative roles. They are skilled at leading teams, developing client loyalty, and achieving goals related to revenue growth, cost reduction, and efficiency. Elledge also has experience in marketing, purchasing, budgeting, and training. Their most recent role was as a customer service manager for a janitorial supply company where they managed customer service, purchasing, and inventory.
This document is a resume for Marion Lamar Elledge summarizing their experience and qualifications for a customer service manager position. Elledge has over 10 years of experience in customer service, project management, and administrative roles. They are skilled at leading teams, developing client loyalty, and achieving goals related to revenue growth, cost reduction, and efficiency. Elledge also has experience in marketing, purchasing, budgeting, and training. Their most recent role was as a customer service manager for a janitorial supply company where they managed customer service, purchasing, and inventory.
This document is a resume for Marion Lamar Elledge summarizing their experience and qualifications for a customer service manager position. Elledge has over 10 years of experience in customer service, project management, and administrative roles. They are skilled at leading teams, developing client loyalty, and achieving goals related to revenue growth, cost reduction, and efficiency. Elledge also has experience in marketing, purchasing, budgeting, and training. Their most recent role was as a customer service manager for a janitorial supply company where they managed customer service, purchasing, and inventory.
This document is a resume for Marion Lamar Elledge summarizing their experience and qualifications for a customer service manager position. Elledge has over 10 years of experience in customer service, project management, and administrative roles. They are skilled at leading teams, developing client loyalty, and achieving goals related to revenue growth, cost reduction, and efficiency. Elledge also has experience in marketing, purchasing, budgeting, and training. Their most recent role was as a customer service manager for a janitorial supply company where they managed customer service, purchasing, and inventory.
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Marion Lamar Elledge
205 Marine Street, Mobile AL | (706) 339-1629 | marion_elledge!om!a"t#net
$%eration" & '("tomer Ser)i!e Manager Proven manager with extensive experience in customer service, project planning, and administrative management resulting in revenue growth and organizational expansion. Ability to lead goal-focused teams and build collaborative woring relationships with all employee levels and external partners. !illed administrator and committed team player recognized for developing client loyalty and achieving cost-reduction and e"ciency improvement objectives. !trong executive recognized for well-developed communication and problem-solving sills. Areas of expertise include: #ustomer !ervice Purchasing $areting Project %&vent $anagement 'egotiation !trategic Planning (raining % )evelopment Administrative $anagement *udget )evelopment Marion is an innovative problem solver. I worked on a number of projects with him over more than 10 years. He has a talent for bringing together the right group of people and resources to complete a project. He fosters an informal creative working environment while never losing sight of the goal. ! Pam Gennusa, Former Chair, IDEAlliance Board of Directors *ro+e""ional E,%erien!e +A$, $A'-.A#(-/0'1 #,$PA'2, Augusta, 1A 3453 6 Present '("tomer Ser)i!e Manager&*(r!-a"ing $anaged customer service and performed purchasing duties for large, independent janitorial supply and e7uipment company. /esponded to customer re7uests for sales 7uotes, product availability and special orders. /esearched and resolved customer complaints. 0nput sales orders from multiple sources into integrated sales and inventory management system. $anaged company retail space, (he 1reen 8ay !tore, inventory 9 display. Assisted on- site customers. Processed point of sale report and balance cash drawer daily. $onitored inventory and built purchase orders for major product suppliers based on inventory, projected customer need and established contracts and criteria. *uilt and maintained new product information and pricing in database. 1ained pro:ciency in ))0 inform ;sales order and inventory management software<. &#,-),1! #,/P,/A(0,', $obile, A= 3454 6 3453 $.ner&$%eration" Manager ,versaw all aspects of startup web-based and incubator bric and mortar retail business. /esearched products 9 product development of eco-friendly pet products. #onducted comparative analysis of available e-commerce platforms> managed technical support and site design built on the *ig#ommerce e-commerce platform. 0nitiated contact and negotiated with distributors%suppliers in securing stoc orders and inventory. ?andled logistics, distribution and coordinated drop ship orders. )irected all aspects of sales and mareting, including conducting interviews with media and creating press releases and web content. $aintained social networing integration strategy. Provided assistance to contractor with !earch &ngine ,ptimization, meta- tagging, and site analysis. Marion Lamar Elledge *age /.o )A-P?0' /&A=(2, $obile, A= 344@ 6 3454 0ealtor & /rainer&Mar1eting 'on"(ltant Assisted potential buyers and sellers. /eviewed available properties and provided comparative analysis based on customers re7uirements. 'egotiated buyer%seller contracts. &nhanced real estate and mareting nowledge by regularly attending mareting and technology seminars and maintaining continuing education units. Provided consultation and training on integrated mareting strategies to peers and staA. #ollaborated with management on new corporate web site design. 0ncreased companyBs online presence by initiating social media mareting strategies, including personal and corporate real estate blogs. 0'(&/'A(0,'A= )010(A= &'(&/P/0!& A==0A'#& , Alexandria, CA 344D 6 344E E,e!(ti)e 2i!e *re"ident ;344F 6 344E< !erved on management team overseeing budget development%management, staA supervision and customer service, and e"ciency monitoring. )elivered critical updates and status reports to *oard of )irectors. )eveloped and implemented cohesive strategic plans. Provided industry research and analysis, needs assessments, and business development plans for future and ongoing programs. !ecured industry alliances with .ortune F44 corporations and international non-pro:ts. *uilt sponsorship and fundraising programs to drive substantial revenue growth. )irected technical training tutorials and seminars on publishing industry standards and emerging technologies. #reated web content and managed mareting eAorts. Produced and led international conference and trade shows from conception to :nal execution. /educed program expenses G4H by proposing%implementing cost-cutting procedures, integrated mareting processes, and slim-lined program logistics while maintaining 7uality of end-product. !erved on executive committee charged with evaluating sta"ng, performing downsizing, and reassigning staA, simultaneously reducing expenditures by more than GFH in less than six months. *olstered revenue by up to I5$ per year by launching major trade shows in conjunction with events. 2i!e *re"ident o+ 3n+ormation /e!-nologie" ;5JJE-344G< 0ntroduced international events broadening organizational goals and expanding customer base. 1rew membership in alignment with organizational objectives through eAective mareting and sales strategies. !pearheaded a variety of roundtables, emerging technology showcases, and eAective mareting campaigns. 0ncreased revenues by more than IG$ by partnering with industry leaders across multiple industries to create dynamic seminars and woring sessions, developing industry standards and spearheading in-depth educational programs, international conferences. 0ntroduced industry newsletter, published industry resource guide and initiated organizationBs boostore. Prior IDEAlliance positions: Director of IT Programs, Project Manager, Assistant to Vice President, Accounting Manager (1!"#$$#%& Ed(!ation -'0C&/!0(2 ,. !,-(? #A/,=0'A, #olumbia, !# 4a!-elor o+ S!ien!e *"5!-olog5 'ognate"6 4("ine"" Admini"tration and 'om%(ter S!ien!e I am always impressed by Marion"s thoroughness and dedication in creating a high#$uality end result.! Ken Holman, CTO, Crane Softri!hts, "TD#