The document contains verses from the Bhagavad Gita with translations. It discusses concepts like karma yoga, detachment from fruits of actions, controlling the senses, finding peace through abandoning desires and ego, seeing action in inaction, and becoming free from attachments through self-knowledge.
The document contains verses from the Bhagavad Gita with translations. It discusses concepts like karma yoga, detachment from fruits of actions, controlling the senses, finding peace through abandoning desires and ego, seeing action in inaction, and becoming free from attachments through self-knowledge.
The document contains verses from the Bhagavad Gita with translations. It discusses concepts like karma yoga, detachment from fruits of actions, controlling the senses, finding peace through abandoning desires and ego, seeing action in inaction, and becoming free from attachments through self-knowledge.
The document contains verses from the Bhagavad Gita with translations. It discusses concepts like karma yoga, detachment from fruits of actions, controlling the senses, finding peace through abandoning desires and ego, seeing action in inaction, and becoming free from attachments through self-knowledge.
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Greatest Verses from Bhagavad Gita
Shuklambara Dharam Vishnum
Shashivarnam Chatur Bhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayet Sarva Vignopa Santaye Meaning: Lord Vigneshwara who wears a white garment who is all pervading who has a bright !omple"ion #like a $ull moon% who has $our hands #representing all power% who has an ever&smiling $a!e upon that deity ' meditate $or the removal o$ all obsta!les( Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Om Namoh Bhagavateh Vasudevayah Om Namoh Narayanaya )nanyaas!hinthayantho mam ye janah paryupaasathe *hesham nithyaabhiyukthanam yogakshemam vahaamyaham Lord +rishna says , ' shall take !are o$ the well being and wel$are o$ that bhaktha who nurtures no other thought than me( -e depends on nobody but Me( *hose who always think o$ Me who always hold on to my $eet ' take !are o$ their yoga and kshema(. karmanye vadhika raste Ma phaleshu kada!hana/ ma karma phala he tur bhuh ma te sangvasta karmani *o a!tion alone hast thou a right and never at all to its $ruits/ let not the $ruits o$ a!tion be thy motive/ neither let there be in thee any atta!hment to ina!tion( patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhakty0 praya!!hati tad aham bhakty&upahrtam asn0mi prayat0tmanah 1od will a!!ept anything you o$$er with love and devotion be it a lea$ a $lower or water( *he spiritual meaning o$ this means the body o$ the devotee should be the lea$ the $lower is the heart and the water is tears o$ joy( 2e have to o$$er only these three( yogasthah kuru karmani sangam tyaktvaa dhanamjaya siddhy asiddhyoh samo bhutvaa samatvam yoga u!yate Do your duty to the best o$ your ability 3 )rjuna with your mind atta!hed to the Lord abandoning worry and sel$ish atta!hment to the results and remaining !alm in both su!!ess and $ailure( 45uanimity o$ the mind is !alled +arma&yoga( yatra yogesvarah krsno yatra p0rtho dhanur&dharah tatra sr6r vijayo bh7tir dhruv0 n6tir matir mama ' am !onvin!ed that wherever there is the Lord +rishna and )rjuna !arrying the bow and arrows there opulen!e vi!tory great power and morality are always assured( yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham 2henever and wherever there is de!line o$ dharma #righteousness% and as!endan!e o$ adharma #unrighteousness% at that time ' mani$est Mysel$ in visible $orm( 8or the prote!tion o$ the righteous and destru!tion o$ the wi!ked and $or the sake o$ establishing dharma again ' in!arnate Mysel$ on earth ages a$ter ages( Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya !ha dushkritam( Dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge( 8or the up&li$tment o$ the good and virtuous 8or the destru!tion o$ evil 8or the re&establishment o$ the natural law ' will !ome in every age b6jam m0m sarva&bh7t0n0m viddhi p0rtha san0tanam buddhir buddhimat0m asmi tejas tejasvin0m aham ' am present as the seed in all the living beings( +now Me as the eternal seed o$ all beings( sr6 bhagav0n uv0!a imam vivasvate yogam proktav0n aham avyayam vivasv0n manave pr0ha manur iksv0kave 9brav6t 1od spoke: :)rjuna ' am unborn ' am in$inite ' am omnis!ient and omnipresent( ' have neither beginning nor an end:( duhkhesv anudvignamanah sukhesu vigatasprhah vita raga bhaya krodhah sthitadhir munir u!yate ) person whose mind is unperturbed by sorrow who does not !rave pleasures and who is !ompletely $ree $rom atta!hment $ear and anger is !alled Sthita&prajna & a sage o$ steady intelle!t( yada samharate !ayam kurmo 9nganiva sarvasah indriyanindriyarthebhyas tasya prajna pratisthita 2hen one !an !ompletely withdraw the senses $rom sense obje!ts as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into the shell $or prote!tion then the intelle!t o$ su!h a person is !onsidered steady( visaya vinivartante niraharasya dehinah rasa&varjam raso 9py asya param drstva nivartate *he desire $or sensual pleasures $ades away i$ one abstains $rom sense enjoyment but the !raving $or sense enjoyment remains( *he !raving also disappears $rom one who has known the Supreme Being( tani sarvani samyamya yukta asita matparah vase hi yasyendriyani tasya prajna pratishita 3ne should $i" one;s mind on Me with loving !ontemplation a$ter bringing the senses under !ontrol( 3ne;s intelle!t be!omes steady when one;s senses are under !omplete !ontrol( dhyayato vishayan pumsah sangas teshupajayate sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho bhijayate 3ne develops atta!hment to sense obje!ts by thinking about sense obje!ts( Desire $or sense obje!ts !omes $rom atta!hment to sense obje!ts and anger !omes $rom un$ul$illed desires( vihaya kaman yah sarvan pumamsh !arati nihsprihah nirmamo nirahankarah sa shantim adhiga!!hati 't is only those who give up all desires and wander $ree $rom hankering $alse ego and possessiveness who attain pea!e( esha brahmi sthitih partha nainam prapya vimuhyati sthitvasyam anta&kale (pi brahma&nirvanam ri!!hati 3 Partha attaining brahma in this way is !alled brahmi sthitih( )$ter attaining this state one is no longer deluded( '$ at the time o$ death one is situated in this !ons!iousness even $or a moment he attains brahma&nirvana( karma brahmodbhavam viddhi brahmaksara&samudbhavam tasmat sarva&gatam brahma nityam yajne pratisthitam <egulated a!tivities are pres!ribed in the Vedas and the Vedas are dire!tly mani$ested $rom the Supreme Personality o$ 1odhead( Conse5uently the all&pervading *rans!enden!e is eternally situated in a!ts o$ sa!ri$i!e( *he living beings are born $rom $ood grains/ grains are produ!ed by rain/ rain !omes #as a $avor $rom Devas% i$ duty #+arma% is per$ormed as a sel$less servi!e #Seva =ajna% evam pravartitam !akram nanuvartayatiha yah aghayur indriyaramo mogham partha sa jivati 3ne who does not help to keep the wheel o$ !reation in motion by sa!ri$i!ial duty #Seva% and who rejoi!es in sense pleasures that sin$ul person lives in vain 3 )rjuna( tasmad asaktah satatam karyam karma sama!ara asakto hy a!aran karma param apnoti purusah *here$ore always per$orm your duty e$$i!iently and without any sel$ish atta!hment to the results be!ause by doing work without atta!hment one attains the Supreme Being( karmanaiva hi samsiddhim asthita janakadayah lokasamgraham evapi sampasyan kartum arhasi +ing >anaka and others attained per$e!tion #or Sel$&reali?ation% by sel$less servi!e #+arma&yoga% alone( =ou also should per$orm your duty with a view to guide people and $or the universal wel$are o$ so!iety( prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah ahankara&vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate )ll work is done by the energy and power o$ nature but due to delusion o$ ignoran!e people assume themselves to be the doer( mayi sarvani karmani sannyasyadhyatma&!etasa nirasir nirmamo bhutva yudhyasva vigata&jvarah Do your duty dedi!ating all work to Me in a spiritual $rame o$ mind $ree $rom desire atta!hment and mental grie$( *he Lord instru!ts that one has to be!ome $ully +rishna !ons!ious to dis!harge duties( 3ne has to sa!ri$i!e everything $or the good will o$ the Lord +rishna and at the same time dis!harge pres!ribed duties without any desires or atta!hments( indriyasyendriyasyarthe raga&dvesau vyavasthitau tayor na vasam aga!!het tau hy asya paripanthinau Likes and dislikes $or sense obje!ts are $elt by embodied beings but one should not $all under the !ontrol o$ senses and sense obje!ts be!ause they are stumbling blo!ks on the path o$ sel$&reali?ation( indriyani mano buddhir asyadhisthanam u!yate etair vimohayaty esa jnanam avrtya dehinam *he senses the mind and the intelle!t are said to be the seat o$ lust #+ama%( +ama !ontrolling the senses the mind and the intelle!t deludes a person by veiling Sel$& knowledge #>nana%( tasmat tvam indriyanyadau niyamya bharatarshabha papmanam prajahi hyenam jnana vijnana nashanam *here$ore 3 )rjuna by !ontrolling the senses $irst kill this devil o$ material desire that destroys Sel$&knowledge and Sel$&reali?ation( indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah manasas tu para buddhir yo buddheh paratas tu sah *he senses are said to be superior to the body/ the mind is superior to the senses/ the intelle!t is superior to the mind/ and atma #Spirit% is superior to the intelle!t( evam buddheh param buddhva samstabhyatmanam atmana jahi satrum maha&baho kama&rupam durasadam *hus knowing the Sel$ #atma% to be superior to the intelle!t and !ontrolling the mind by the intelle!t #that is puri$ied by spiritual pra!ti!es% one must kill this mighty enemy lust #+ama% 3 )rjuna( janma karma !a me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punarjanma naiti mam eti so;rjuna 3ne who truly understands My trans!endental appearan!e and a!tivities #o$ !reation maintenan!e and dissolution% attains My supreme abode and is not born again a$ter leaving this body 3 )rjuna( vita raga bhaya krodha manmaya mam upasritah bahavo jnana tapasa puta mad bhavam agatah Many have be!ome $ree $rom atta!hment $ear anger and attained salvation #Mukti% by taking re$uge in Me be!oming $ully absorbed in My thoughts and be!oming puri$ied by the $ire o$ Sel$&knowledge( karmany akarma yah pasyed akarmani !a karma yah sa buddhiman manusyesu sa yuktah krtsnakarmakrt 3ne who sees ina!tion in a!tion and a!tion in ina!tion is a wise person( Su!h a person is a yogi and has a!!omplished everything( yasya sarve samarambhah kama&sankalpa&varjitah jnanagni&dagdha&karmanam tam ahuh panditam budhah 3ne whose desires have be!ome sel$less by being roasted in the $ire o$ Sel$&knowledge is !alled a sage by the wise( Person in +rishna !ons!iousness is devoid o$ all kinds o$ sense& grati$i!atory propensities and is to be understood that he has burned up the karma by per$e!t knowledge( tyaktva karmaphalasangam nityatriptnirashrayah karmanyabhipravritto9pi naiva kin!hit karoti sah 3ne who has abandoned sel$ish atta!hment to the $ruits o$ work and remains ever !ontent and dependent on no one but 1od su!h a person though engaged in a!tivity does nothing at all and in!urs no +armi! rea!tion( yadr!!ha&labha&santusto dvandvatito vimatsarah samah siddhav asiddhau !a krtvapi na nibadhyate -e who is satis$ied with gain whi!h !omes by the will o$ the 1od who is $ree $rom duality and does not envy who is steady both in su!!ess and $ailure although engaged in work su!h a +arma&yogi is not bound by +arma( 1atasangasya muktasya jnanavasthita&!etasah yajnaya!haratah karma samagram praviliyate )ll +armi! bonds o$ a philanthropi! person #+arma&yogi% who is $ree $rom atta!hment whose mind is $i"ed in Sel$&knowledge and who does work as a servi!e to the Lord dissolves away( Brahmarpanam Brahma havir Brahmagnau Brahmana hutam Brahmai9va tena gantavyam Brahmakarmasamadhina 4ternal Being #Brahma% is the oblation( Brahma is the !lari$ied butter( *he oblation is poured by Brahma into the $ire o$ Brahma( Brahma shall be reali?ed by one who !onsiders everything as #a mani$estation or% an a!t o$ Brahma( sreyan dravya&mayad yajnaj jnana&yajnah parantapa sarvam karmakhilam partha jnane parisamapyate *he knowledge sa!ri$i!e is superior to any material sa!ri$i!e 3 )rjuna be!ause all a!tions in their entirety !ulminate in knowledge( tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva&darshinah )!5uire this trans!endental knowledge $rom a Sel$&reali?ed person by humble reveren!e by sin!ere in5uiry and by servi!e( *he wise ones who have reali?ed the *ruth will tea!h you( yathaidhamsi samiddho ;gnir bhasma&sat kurute ;rjuna jnanagnih sarva&karmani bhasma&sat kurute tatha )s the bla?ing $ire redu!es wood to ashes similarly the $ire o$ Sel$&knowledge #Brahma& jnana% redu!es all bonds o$ +arma to ashes 3 )rjuna( na hi jnanena sadrsam pavitram iha vidyate tat svayam yoga&samsiddhah kalenatmani vindati 'n this world there is nothing so sublime and pure as trans!endental knowledge( Su!h knowledge is the mature $ruit o$ all mysti!ism( )nd one who has be!ome a!!omplished in the pra!ti!e o$ devotional servi!e enjoys this knowledge within himsel$ in due !ourse o$ time( shraddhaval labhate jnanam tat¶h samyatendriyah jnanam labdhva param shantim a!irenadhiga!!hati :) $aith$ul man who is dedi!ated to trans!endental knowledge and who subdues his senses is eligible to a!hieve su!h knowledge and having a!hieved it he 5ui!kly attains the supreme spiritual pea!e(: =ogayukto visuddhatma vijitatma jitendriyah sarvabhutatmabhutatma kurvannapi na lipyate ) +arma&yogi whose mind is pure whose mind and senses are under !ontrol and who sees one and the same 4ternal Being #Brahma% in all beings is not bound by +arma though engaged in work( j@Anena tu tad aj@Ana yeA nABitam Atmana teAm Adityavaj j@Ana prakABayati tat param *rans!endental knowledge destroys the ignoran!e o$ the Sel$ and reveals the Supreme just as the sun reveals the beauty o$ obje!ts o$ the world( tadbuddhayas tadatmanas tannisthas tatparayanah ga!!hanty apunaravrttim jnananirdhutakalmasah Persons whose mind and intelle!t are totally merged in 4ternal Being #Brahma% who are $irmly devoted to Brahma who have Brahma as their supreme goal and sole re$uge and whose impurities are destroyed by the knowledge o$ Brahma do not take birth again( vidyavinayasampanne brahmane gavi hastini suni !ai 9va svapake !a panditah samadarsinah )n enlightened person #by per!eiving the Lord in all% looks at a learned and humble Brahmana an out!ast even a !ow an elephant or a dog with an e5ual eye( yo 9ntahsukho 9ntararamas tatha 9ntarjyotir eva yah sa yogi brahmanirvanam brahmabhuto 9dhiga!!hati 3ne who $inds happiness with the 4ternal Being #Brahma% who rejoi!es Brahma within and who is illuminated by Sel$&knowledge su!h a yogi attains Brahma&nirvana and goes to the Supreme Being #Para&Brahma%( yatendriyamanobuddhir munir moksaparayanah vigate!!habhayakrodho yah sada mukta eva sah ) sage is in truth liberated by renoun!ing all sense enjoyments $i"ing the eyes and the mind #at an imaginary bla!k dot% between the eye brows e5uali?ing the breath moving through the nostrils #by +riya te!hni5ues% keeping the senses mind and intelle!t under !ontrol having salvation #Mukti% as the prime goal and be!oming $ree $rom lust anger and $ear( bhoktaram yajnatapasam sarvaloka mahesvaram suhrdam sarvabhutanam jnatva mam santim r!!hati My devotee attains pea!e by knowing Me #or Sri +rishna the Supreme Being #Para& Brahma%% as the enjoyer o$ sa!ri$i!es and austerities as the great Lord o$ all the universe and the $riend o$ all beings( sarva&dharm0n parityajya m0m ekam saranam vraja aham tv0m sarva&p0pebhyo moksayisy0mi m0 su!ah Meaning & Lord +rishna said: 1ive up all dharma and seek my re$uge ' shall grant Moksa #liberation $rom the !y!le o$ birth and dead%( 1uru Brahma 1uru Vishnu 1uru Devo Maheshwara 1uru Sakshat Param Brahma *asmai Shri 1urave Camah Meaning & 1uru is the Creator Lord Brahma 1uru is Prote!tor Lord Vishnu 1uru is Lord Maheshwara( 1uru is verily the supreme reality( Sublime prostrations to -im( Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Om Namoh Bhagavateh Vasudevayah Om Namoh Narayanaya Aum Loka Samastaa Sukinou Bhavanthu. Meaning - May a the !eings in a the "ords !e ha##y$ %ea&e' #ea&e and #ea&e !e every"here. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti