This document is the June 1967 issue of the U.S. Army Aviation Digest. It includes articles by several high-ranking Army officials on topics related to Army aviation, its history, and its future. The issue also lists the editorial staff and provides information about the mission of the Digest.
This document is the June 1967 issue of the U.S. Army Aviation Digest. It includes articles by several high-ranking Army officials on topics related to Army aviation, its history, and its future. The issue also lists the editorial staff and provides information about the mission of the Digest.
This document is the June 1967 issue of the U.S. Army Aviation Digest. It includes articles by several high-ranking Army officials on topics related to Army aviation, its history, and its future. The issue also lists the editorial staff and provides information about the mission of the Digest.
This document is the June 1967 issue of the U.S. Army Aviation Digest. It includes articles by several high-ranking Army officials on topics related to Army aviation, its history, and its future. The issue also lists the editorial staff and provides information about the mission of the Digest.
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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MG Robert R. Williams 5 COMMANDANT, U. S. ARMY AVIATION SCHOOL MG Delk M. Oden ASST COMDT, U. S. ARMY AVIATION SCHOOL COL M. H. Parson DIGEST EDITORIAL STAFF MAJ L. J. Herman Jr., Editor-In-Chief Richard K. Tierney, Editor William H. Smith Diana G. Williams Tina Johnson GRAPHIC ART SUPPORT Harold G. Linn Harry A. Pickel Dorothy L. Crowley Angela A. Akin DIRECTOR, U. S. ARMY BOARD FOR AVIATION ACCIDENT RESEARCH COL Warren R. Williams USABAAR EDUCATION AND LITERATURE DIV Pierce L. Wiggin William E. Carter Ted Kontos Charles Mabius ARMY AVIATION '1GESJ JUNE 1967 VOLUME 13 NUMBER 6 LEITER, GEN Harold K. Johnson ARMY AVIATION OF THE FUTURE, MG Robert R. Williams DAYS OF DECISION-YEARS OF CHALLENGE, MG Delk M. Oden THE CARE AND KEEPING OF ARMY AVIATION, MG W. N. Redling ARMY AVIATION, THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE TEAM, MG Robert H. York THAT SOMEBODY UP THERE, MG Harry H. Critz THE FLYING PART OF ARMOR, MG A. D. Surles, Jr. TALONS FROM THE SKY, BG G. P. Seneff, Jr. A COLORFUL QUARTER CENTURY OF ARMY AVIATION AIRCRAFT' FIXED WING AIRCRAFT ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT ARMY AVIATION IN ACTION PEARL'S CRASH SENSE SHARE ITS U-21, THE ARMY'S NEW UTILITY AIRCRAFT 1 2 6 10 14 16 21 26 28 30 31 32 34 39 60 64 The mission of the U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST is to provide information of an operational or functional nature concerning safety nnd aircraft accident prevention, training, maintenance, operations, research and development, aviation medicine, and other related data. The DIGEST is an official Department of the Army periodical published monthly under the supervision of the Commandant, U. S. Army Aviation School. Views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Department of the Army or the U. S. Army Aviation School. Photos are U. S. Army unless otherwise specified. Material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the DIGEST and to the author, unless otherwise indicated. Articles, photos, and itcms of interest on Army Aviation nre invited. Direct communication is author- ized to: Editor.inChie!, U.S. Army Aviation Digest, Fort Rucker, Alabama. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army, 29 December 1964. Active Army units receive distribution under the pinpoint distribution system as outlined in AR 3101, 20 l\larch 62, and DA Circular 31057, 14 March 63. Complete DA Form 12-4 and send directly to CO, AG Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, ;\ld. 21220. For any chanJ(e in distribution requirements, merely initiate a revised DA Form 12-4. National Guard and Army Reserve units submit requirements through their state adjutants general and U. S. Army Corps commanders respectively .. For those not eligible for official distribution or who desire personal copies of the DIGEST, paid sub- scriptions, 54.50 domestic and S5.50 overseas, are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printiog Olbce, WashioJ(ton, D. C., 20402. UNITED STATES ARMY THE CHIEF OF STAFF TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMY AVIATION On behalf of all the men and women of the United States Army, I extend heartiest congratulations to Army Aviation, as well as appre- ciation for its achievements of the past twenty-five years. Since its beginnings in 1942, Army Aviation has advanced with the Army in acquiring new capabilities and refining old approaches to land war- fare. In recent years especially, aviation has been essential to our consideration of concepts and techniques for improving the Army1s performance in combat. A fledgling in World War II, Army Aviation proved its value to the combat commander and went on to develop increasingly important abilities for fulfilling Army roles and missions. Today in the war in Southeast Asia, Army aircraft are involved in virtually every combat and combat support operation. Aviation personnel have met the chal- lenges of operating in a difficult environment against an unseen enemy, and they have accomplished their tasks regardless of these hazards. Their bravery, professionalism, and dedication to duty represent the noblest of soldierly virtues. I join your comrades in arms in expressing pride in your out- standing accomplishments. We know you will maintain this record of service to our country throughout the coming years. & ~ General, United States Army Chief of Staff 2 ARMY AVIATION OF THE FUTURE Major General Robert R. Williams Director of Army Aviation A FEW predictions for 1980: The Army will have 18,000 aircraft. The Chief of Staff or the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, the Commandant of the Infantry School, Armor School, and half the division commanders will be Army aviators. The Army's tactical transport aircraft will be VTOL but will be cruising at speeds of well over 300 knots. The Huey will still be with us in large numbers. The 0-1 may still be in the inventory. These predictions for 13 years in the future will no doubt startle many. Some tacticians will say it's ridiculous; the budgeteers will plan for some new locks to put on the budget; proponents of other high cost Army programs will gird themselves to protect their share of the budget, for they will realize the funds for such an expanding program must come from somewhere; and personnel management people may shudder a bit thinking about providing pilots to fly all these aircraft. As background and possibly to place some of the older readers in a better frame of mind to accept the rationale that led me to these predictions, I ask that each reader step back in his memory an equal distance-13 years. U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST In 1954 would you have be- lieved that by 1967: The Army would have over 9,000 aircraft and a still rapidly growing inventory? The Army would pay in the millions for a single aircraft? There would be one Army di- vision with over 450 aircraft? Two four s tar generals would wear wings (Howze and Powell); two commandants of the Infantry School would have been Army aviators, (Powell and York); in one infantry division in 1963 all three general officers would be pilots; the youngest general offi- cer in all the services today would be an Army aviator (General Klingenhagen) and three of the youngest generals (Klingenhagen, Blanchard and Burdette) would be Army aviators? The Army Aviation School would be expanding to an output of 625 pilots per month. The UH-l, just an idea in the minds of a few in 1954, would be coming off the production line at today's rate? The armed helicopter would be a very effective weapons system and one would be designed spe- cifically for the mission of direct fire support? Helicopters would attain speeds of over 175 knots? A small observation helicopter (the OH-6) would fly nonstop from coast to coast? The 0-1 would still be in high demand in 1967 and will prob- ably be with us for some time? The argument will be made that the demands for Army avi- ation and its present somewhat explosive growth is o'Ccasioned by the conflict in Vietnam and is just a fad. I will grant that the con- flict in Vietnam has provided an almost ideal military application for Army aviation, but I will also contend that it is providing a proving ground for Army aviation and indoctrination of personnel JUNE 1967 that will have a lasting effect on fu ture Army organiza tion and tactics in all levels of war. The leaders of our Army for the 1970- 80 time period will almost with- out exception have fought in Vietnam. They will fight as bat- talion or brigade commanders. For one year they will conduct their operations based primarily on airmobility. Troop movement by air, resupply by air, air recon- naissance, -aerial command posts and direct fire support by armed helicopters will become a way of life with them. In the future as they write doctrine, draw up or- ganizations, or prepare equipment requirements for the Army of the fu ture they will lean heavily on their past experience with airmo- bility. This is the beginning of the true air age - not -the crest. From an Army standpoint, we have in the past employed aircraft pri- marily in specialized or high pri- ority roles. Aircraft were used only when they were the only means of accomplishing the mis- sion or when the priority was high enough to "justify" the use. Our aircraft were in addition to our ground vehicles. N ow we are learning to depend on aircraft as a primary and accepted means of accomplishing our mission and learning to capitalize on the speed and effectiveness they pro- vide. This has come about in large part through the greatly improved dependability of aviation. Our aircraft are much improved; our pilots are more highly trained; and we have learned much about operating in adverse weather and in the field. A direct parallel exists in civil air travel. The combination of speed, comfort, dependability, safety and convenience offered to the customer by the present day airlines has caused a rapid in- crease in airline travel. "A recently completed 'Gallup The Army leaders of 1970-80 will almost without exception have fought in Vietnam Poll' for Trans World Airlines showed that in 1964 only 34 % of the adult U. S. population had flown on an airliner. By the end of 1966 this proportion was 42 % and growing at a rate of 12 % a year. By the 1970s, when the new, air transportation-conscious gen- eration reaches adulthood, they will boost the figure to 60%."* Figures I and 2 on the following page depict the increase in the air- line fleet and passengers over the past 20 years and the forecast of the future on which the airlines are basing multibillion dollar in- vestments. Another parallel exists in gen- eral aviation, the civilian counter- part of Army aviation. Companies and individuals are finding that Gen Clifton F. Von Kann; Text, US Air Transport Forecasts and an An- swer to the Challenge. THOUSANOS I- L.L..
50 SOURCE' AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA ICy 6680 PROJECTION IS BASED ON INFORMAL FORECAST) 60 65 80 CALENDAR YEARS Figure 1 today's aircraft provide a de- pendable means of getting their job done. General aviation (which can best be defined as all civil aviation outside of the airlines) has considerable similarity to Army aviation. types craft found in general aVIatIon are of the same size and charac- teristics as Army aircraft and are employed in much the way. The following charts depIct the growth of general aviation over the past 20 years and the forecast growth (fig. 3 and 4). A similar plot can be made for the growth of Army aviation over the past 20 years (fig. 5). The similarity of the data pre- sented on airline, general aviation and Army aviation growth should be noted. These statistics provide the basis for my first prediction. My second prediction is based on the growing importance of Army aviation and on the people who are now Army aviators. Let's do a little analysis of the group who are potential generals in the 1970-80 .period. They are now lieutenant colonels and colonels. 4 Graduates of War Colleges (colonel on active duty): Army aviation 35.9%; overall 34.7%. Selected for promotion to colonel on last list: Army avia- tion 45.4%; overall 28.6%. . Selected for promotion to lieu- tenant colonel on last list: Army aviation 76.0%; overall 74.5%. MILLIONS 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 45 CIl 0::: (!) Z UJ CIl CIl
a... PASSENGERS OF U. S. SCHEOULED AIRLINES //' 55 I I I / / , , , / 1-..' , 0,
(;, '-<J / Q:-/
/ / SOURCE: AJR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (CY 6680 PROJECTION IS aASED ON INFORMAL FORECASTI 60 70 75 ao CALENDARJJ"RS Figure 2 Selected for Command and General Staff College in 1967: Army aviation 22.3% of total selected. The following is a quote from a statement made by the Under Secretary of the Army to a Con- gressional Committee: . "In closing, I wish to take thIS opportunity to recognize the out- standing achievements of Army aviators during this period of tur- bulence, unprecedented and pioneering on new frontIers in the use of aviation in military operations. The sionalism, and unfalhng dedIca- tion to duty of these men and their crews have been in the finest Army tradition. They have un- hesitatingly accepted every chal- exceeded every expectation, and taken personal dislocations and inconvenience in stride. Our Army, like any organization, is no better than its people. These men have shouldered a major share of our undertaking in Viet- nam which has led to making to- day's Army the finest ever fielded." I am confident that, with the growing importanc.e of ation and the cahber of mdlvl- duals who are now Army aviators, there will be many general officers wearing wings in the fu ture. My third prediction is based on TIiOUSANOS 180 160 I- 140 0::: U 120 0:::
100 ao 60 Figure 3 Figure 4 HUNDREDS 40 L.L.. 35 0::: u 0:::
I I I SOURCE, A. 195566 INVENTORY, I f f I I 1966 AEROSPACE FACTS & FIGURES 8. 1966ao FORECAST FAA-PO 65 70 CALENDAR YEARS .. ARMY AIRCRAFT 70 75 ao . U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST the money and brain power tha t have gone into trying to cross- breed the helicopter and the air- plane during t ~ past 15 years. Starting with the XV-l and XV-3 in 1952 and continuing through the composite research aircraft project now in progress, slightly more than one-half billion dollars have been spent to achieve a usable high speed VTOL aircraft. Several of these programs have been highly successful in demon- strating the technical feasibility of V/STOL systems. However, they have not yet been proved to the extent that they can live in the unrefined environment of the Army in the field. Concurrent with the V/STOL effort, much has been done to im- prove the speed, stability and re- liability of the helicopter. I fore- see that there will be marked in- creases in rotary wing aircraft technology and that aircraft, which lift off on rotors, will be able to cruise at speeds above 300 knots by stopping, stowing or tilting the rotor blades to eliminate rotor drag. My fourth and fifth predictions are based on the time-proved fact that a really good aircraft just will not go away. Every now and then off the production line comes a real winner. It makes a name for itself early in life and every- body just has to have one. Produc- tion gets stretched out. Then the aircraft lives long after produc- tion ceases. A good utility air- craft can have an amazingly long life. The H uey will in my opinion last as a highly serviceable aircraft just as the old DC-3 has. In 1980 the pilots of all U. S. services and of many nations will probably be cussing it as slow, hard to fly and obsolete-but they will still be flying it. No matter how many studies we write showing that the 0-1 should be replaced, they are still in demand. Maybe the next gen- eration of pilots will give up. JUNE 1967 Flying has been described as hour after hour of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror. Army aviation's growth however, can best be described as month after month of stress and labor punctuated by days of des- peration. I am sure that all avia- tors and nonaviators, who have worked so hard to bring airmo- bility to the Army, feel proud and well rewarded for their long hours of work. N ow before the rotor wash com- pletely clouds my crystal ball, I "This is the beginning of the true air age-not the crest" want to say that I see continued growth for Army aviation, with its future development limited only by the imagination and in- genuity of those of you who will be at the controls. As modern technology rapidly advances, Army aircraft of the 1980-90 time period may even stagger the imagination of those of us who have witnessed our progress from the Cub to the Cobra. Army aviation is on the move and all of us should consider it an honor to be a member of the team. ~ 5 DAYS OF DECISION- YEARS OF CHALLENGE Maior General Delk M. Oden Commandant, U. S. Army Aviation School The success of Army aviation can be traced primarily to the Aviation School (both at Fort Sill, Okla., and later Fort Rucker, Ala.) where most of today's air- mobile concepts were born. A RMY AVIATION'S "star" burns brightly in Vietnam today. Our aviation personnel and units have accepted the chal- lenge of combat and have proved the validity of many of the con- cepts and tactical applications of Army aviation for which they also fought valiantly, but in a different way, on the home front. Today in Vietnam airmobile op- erations supported by Army heli- copters are the backbone of op- erations against the elusive Viet Congo Almost without exception op- erations begin with helicopter lifted forces moving into strategic positions to surprise the enemy, to block his retreat, to capture his base camp, or to fix his posi- tion. Regardless of the size of the encounter, Army helicopters are employed throughout the opera- tion in lifting reinforcements, ef- fecting vertical envelopment, re- supply, reconnaissance, and evac- 6 uation of casualties. When the operation ends the Army helicop- ter is the last combat vehicle to leave the battlefield. This nor- mally involves lifting the rear guard from its last contact with enemy forces to the security of its base camp. Our ground forces in Vietnam are sold on airmobility. They like the idea of being picked up refreshed and rested at their base camp. ~ e y look over their shoulders as the lift helicopters depart the landing zone, knowing they'll be back with food, ammunition, and reinforcements. They know too the helicopters will be available to return them, as quickly as they brough t them, to medical attention if they're wounded in the engagement. When the battle is over and uppermost in their minds is rest, hot food, and a shower, the sound of familiar popping blades of Army helicop- ters is heard in the distance, and they are soon back wi thin the se- curity of their home base. Yes, the ground trooper likes this kind of support because it al- lows him to meet the enemy when he, the trooper, is at his best both physically and mentally. Our ground forces returning from Vietnam will be Army aviation's strongest supporters in the fu- ture, because they have found a better way to go to war and they will insist on that way for the fu- ture. Since the first shipment of Army aircraft from the United States in 1961, the whirling blades of the Army's choppers have never stopped turning in defense of freedom in Vietnam. Our first aircraft commitment, the banana- shaped CH-21 helicopter, was transported to Vietnam by air- craft carrier. These choppers lit- erally "hit the beach running," in flying from the carrier decks under their own power, and in U. S. ARl\IY AVIATION DIGEST lifting troops into combat within three days after their arrival. For several years following this initial commitment, United States advisers and the Army's aircraft carried the load of the United States effort in Vietnam. As the Communist buildup in South Vietnam moved ahead at a rapid pace the loyal forces of the Re- public of Vietnam were stagger- ing under an avalanche of de- feats, and the prospects for vic- tory lay heavily with the Viet Congo A dramatic success in bat- tle was needed to bolster the sag- ging morale of the government forces. Such a success was supplied in the battle of Dong Xoai in June 1965, which saw the Free World Forces turn defeat into victory largely through the use of Army aviation. Armed helicopters launched continuous attacks against the enemy regiment surrounding the Dong Xoai Special Forces camp, while troop-carrying helicopters JUNE 1967 landed continuous reinforce- ments. When the heavily out- numbered garrison was out of ammunition and the remaining defenders were dead or wounded, Army helicopters braved a bar- rage of point-blank enemy fire to evacuate the survivors of the doomed fortress. On the same day, within three hours after this evacuation, Army helicopters fought their way back into the soccer field next to the Dong Xoai garrison, the same spot from which they had evacuated the survivors. They unloaded a strik- ing force of Vietnamese Rangers, and then reinforced this element with additional troops until the Dong Xoai garrison was again in friendly hands. In the Pleiku campaign begin- ning in October 1965, the mag- nificent 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) fought a running battle with the three regiments of a North Vietnamese division in the Air Cav's first baptism of fire. Helicopter-borne elements of the division assisted in break- ing the enemy's siege on the Plei Me Special Forces camp and then chased the North Vietnamese di- vision all the way to Cambodia, inflicting thousands of casualties on the enemy. History may well record this campaign as the turning point of the war in Vietnam. This was the enemy's first commitment of a division size force, and they were soundly defeated. A force of this size has never since been commit- ted in the Vietnam conflict. Fol- lowing the success of the 1st Cav- alry Division in the Pleiku cam- paign we began hearing the phrase, "We have stopped losing the war in Vietnam." The strength of Army aviation has expanded until today we have over 2,200 aircraft in the Viet- nam conflict. They provide the mobility that allows our forces to meet the guerrilla threat with considerably fewer ground troops 7 Blades of Army helicopters have never stopped turning in the defense of the Republic of Vietnam Here a sergeant of the 1st Cavalry DiVision directs the landing of a Huey arriving with supplies than anyone would have antici- pated would be required just a few years ago. We know that Army airmobil- ity through the use of helicopters is an accepted doctrine today as a result of the test of combat in Vietnam. However, during the early years of challenge that be- gan on 6 June 1942, only a few stout hearted individuals fought the battle for the advancement of Army aviation. Following its birthdate and during the early years of the reign of the fixed-wing aircraft, the progress of Army aviation moved slowly. The helicopter was the shot in the arm needed to get the program going, and the turbine powered Huey was the champion that permitted the breakthrough in airmobility. Armed helicopter development closely paralleled the airmobility concept, meeting with similar difficulties. The revolutionary concepts of aerial firepower and troop mobil- ity were brought to the forefront when the Army shocked the mili- tary world with the introduction of "Sky Cav" during Exercise Sagebrush in the middle 50s. Re- 8 percussions went all the way to the Secretary of Defense, and there a decision was made to al- low the Army to continue its ex- periments with the Sky Cav con- cept. The lid was off; a program that had been pushed laboriously forward by the sweat and tears of a few individuals began to move under its own momentum, gathering size and speed. In Vietnam it matured. The nucleus for the advance- ment and growth of Army avi- ation has been the Aviation Cen- ter and School. It was at the school that the early battles were fought through concepts, doc- trine, and experimentation with airmobility and the armed heli- copter. The campaign had started at Fort Sill, Okla., with the Ar- tillery School. Aviation moved on to Fort Rucker in search of its own place in the sun and an opportunity to spread out. Since this early beginning many other military posts have added momentum to the big push through significant contributions to the advancement of airmobil- ity. On the birthday of Army avi- a tion, the center and school pause to acknowledge the loyal support and well wishes of the many and varied military and civilian groups and activities. The A via tion Cen ter and School have reacted in a most commendable manner to the chal- lenge of the accelerated demand for Army aviation support throughou t the free world. The growth of the school during the past 18 months has far exceeded any other growth period in the history of Army aviation. Many new training programs are under- way at Fort Rucker, most of which are heavily Vietnam oriented. A noticeable sense of combat ur- gency and direction is associated with all training now being con- ducted at the Aviation School. A look at some development data and statistics from the Avi- ation Center will reveal the mag- nitude of this expansion in avia- tion training. During the past year Fort Stewart, Ga., was se- lected as an addition to the train- ing base for the original purpose of conducting primary fixed wing flight training. The 16 weeks of the initial entry primary fixed wing training was moved from U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST Fort Rucker and established at Fort Stewart in July 1966. In a very recent addition to the :Fort Stewart complex, the facili- ties of Hunter Air Force Base at Savannah have been turned to the Army. This installation has been designated Hunter Army Airfield and is part of the Fort Stewart command. Hunter will be primarily a helicopter training area and will be the school's training base for the AH-l G HueyCobra. We will graduate and send to Vietnam the first in- structor pilots from our Cobra course this August. As a result of the steady expan- sion of training, the flying hour program at Fort Rucker more than doubled during the past 18 months. This is represented by an increase from 31,000 flying hours per month in January 66 to 70,000 per month in June 67. In fiscal year 68 this monthly rate will in- crease to in excess of 80,000 flying hours per month for a yearly to- tal of approximately one million fiying hours. The total operating budget for the Aviation School and Center for fiscal year 67 stood at $80 mil- lion. In fiscal year 68 the budget will increase to $96 million. Expansion in student training is even more impressive. The big buildup in student load began early in 1966. The history of the training program at the Aviation School in the several years imme- diately preceding 1966 had been a very gradual buildup of rotary wing training and a gradual de- cline in fixed wing training. In the three years prior to 1966 the average student load was 74 heli- copter pilots and 85 fixed wing pilots. By September 1966, the school was graduating 290 heli- copter pilots and 30 fixed wing pilots. This number has steadily in. creased. In April 1967 the school's output reached an all time high JUNE 1967 Aviation training geared to combat of 375 helicopter pilots and 50 fixed wing pilots each month. These figures of training growth and expansion are impres- sive, but the end is not yet in sight. A new training goal has been established and this fall the school will begin its buildup to graduate an additional 200 heli- copter pilots per month at the Army Aviation School element at Fort Stewart, Ga. This will bring the total school ou tpu t to 625 pilots per month for an annual total of 7,500 Army aviators. As you are well aware this yearly output will exceed the total avi- ators in the Army aviation pro- gram before the beginning of the big buildup. We have proved in Vietnam that the helicopter has a surviv- ability on the battlefield beyond many peoples' expectations. The testbed for this survivability has been at treetop level within range of even the smallest of the enemy's individual weapons. With appro- priate modification of our tactical employment of helicopters we have every reason to believe that our survivability against a sophis- ticated enemy would be as good as it has been against the guer- rilla. The battlefield advantage of maneuver, mobility, and aerial firepower will be just as impor- tant, just as decisive, in a sophisti- cated environment as we have found it to be in the counterin- surgency environment. If you think back to World War II and the Korean war you can recall numerous instances where a heliborne force could easily have broken a deadlock with enemy forces, traversed an impenetrable wooded area, per- formed a critical river or assaulted the enemy rear areas. The Rhine River would not in itself present any obstacle to a heliborne force on the offensive. Our hasty retreat from the Yalu River in Korea when heavily out- numbered by Red Chinese forces cost us thousands of lives and millions of dollars worth of equipment. This costly retreat could have been accomplished as an orderly withdrawal by the use of helicopters in a defensive role. Horizons Unlimited are the marching words for Army aviation in the future. At the same time we must bear firmly in mind that we cannot march off and leave the ground trooper for the sake of aircraft sophistication. The limit- iug factor must not be budgetary considerations or size, but the ability of our aircraft to continue to live with and be maintained by our forces under field condi- tions. On this 25th anniversary of Army aviation we honor our dead and wounded of the war in Viet- nam. We are ever mindful that the sacrifices of many of these gallant flying were made freely for their country. Many factors unite in the motivation of a man to achieve such a high plateau of service and sacrifice, not the least of which is his de- sire to advance the capability of the Army through its aviation. Army aviation looks to the fu- ture. With the coming of the Cobra and follow-on systems for direct fire support, airmobile op- erations will improve. Increased payload, fuel range, and speed for all our helicopters will allow us to better support our surface forces. The future of Army avi- ation is bright, and we are only beginning to exploit the possi- bilities for the application of our new found aerial firepower and tactical airmobility. 9 Army aircraft maintenance and supply training accounts for the major portion of the activities of the Transportation School at Fort Eustis, Va. The Care Anti Keeping OF ARMY AVIATIO Major General W. N. Redling Commandant, U. S. Army Transportation School A s MANY PROPONENTS of Army aviation are prob- ably aware, Department of the Army General Order No. 76 (1952) assigned the responsibility for logistical support of Army aviation to the Transportation Corps. The number of this gen- eral order is not important; the date of the document is, because the order charged the Transpor- ta tion Corps wi th a grea t and growing responsibility (a respon- sibility that all personnel in the Corps continue to shoulder with pride) in the field of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. Today Army aircraft mainte- nance and su ppl y training ac- counts for the major portion of the activities of the Transporta- tion School at Fort Eustis. A meaningful insight behind the ra- tionale of this newly acquired re- sponsibility can be gained by re- 10 viewing some of the factors which led up to this most significant de- velopment. During the period following the Korean war, the Transporta- tion Corps in carrying out its mis- sion - that of transporting men and equipment - was acquiring more and larger helicopters and was rapidly becoming a major user of Army aircraft. Simulta- neously, maintenance and supply problems were becoming increas- ingly complicated in all arms and branches that used rotary-wing aircraft to satisfy mobility re- quirements. It was soon conclud- ed that the Ordnance Light Avi- ation Maintenance Companies which were charged with most of the logistical support of this type of activity were no longer capable of accomplishing the specialized maintenance and supply responsi- bility demanded by the ever- increasing inventory and variety of aircraft. These considerations, combined wi th a general concern for more effective supply and maintenance procedures, led to the decision to concentrate all responsibility for maintenance and supply, includ- ing training, in one branch of the service and, if possible, at one location. Accordingly, in 1952 the Department of the Army, having decided to give the responsibility for aviation maintenance and supply to the Transportation Corps, started looking for a suit- able location. A team visited the Transporta- tion School at Fort Eustis, Va., to determine the caliber of in- struction given by the School and to survey existing facilities. Suf- ficient space was desired not only to conduct aviation maintenance courses but also to institute other U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST courses of instruction related to the logistical support of aircraft and aircraft units. Since some buildings previously used for marine and highway training were found suitable for aviation main- tenance training, it was not long before the maintenance training program was established at Fort Eustis. At the outset the entire staff was composed of two officers and a civilian who supervised about 85 instructors. The reminiscences of an early member of the aviation group at Fort Eustis illustrate the growing pains initially experienced at the Transportation School. Fresh out of flight training and still wear- ing Ordnance insignia, he re- ported to Fort Eustis in mid-1953. Not knowing where to go, he asked the MP at the front gate for directions to the flight strip. The MP replied, "There are no airplanes around here. You better go over to Langley Air Force Base. That's where all the avia- tors are." At this time, there was so little aviation activity at the Transpor- tation School that only two avia- tors were assigned; they were in- structing the officer classes on the employment of Army aviation. Our reminiscing aviator recalls that in 1953 the only visible evi- dence of aviation activity at Eustis was the airstrip. This was a run- way 2,000 feet long covered with pierced steel planking but with- out a control tower. The only facility available was an old wooden building left over from the days of the CCC which was used as an operations office. In front of this operations building was a Lister bag and in back, that obsolete necessity, a "two- holer." The total flying equip- ment at this time was one H-13. one L-19 and an LC-126, which, if your aviation history is not up to snuff, is a Cessna 195 purchased for military use. JUNE 1967 Initial planning for mainte- nance training started late in 1953, about the same time that our early aviator changed his Ordnance insignia for a TC wheel. At this time, he was issued a di- rective to get ready to teach avia- tion maintenance training sub- jects and to prepare requisite lesson plans. From October 1953 to June 1954, he and his few asso- ciates wrote lesson plans like mad. Another stimulating challenge for these pioneers was the acquisi- tion-a better word might be "scrounging" -of suitable train- ing aids. They went all over the Tidewater area gathering up parts from wrecked aircraft. They paid weekly visits to the Navy junk- yard in Norfolk, Va., to pick up components that could be used in training the classes. Dedication was much in evidence. One in- structor made a monthly trip with a rental trailer to a Naval Air Station a few hundred miles down the coast to pick up any aircraft salvage that had accumulated during the month. Little or no attention was paid to the origin of the component. After all, a pump was a pump. In the process they acquired a collec- tion of components of every de- scription. These were torn down and reassembled, and step-by-step lesson plans were de- veloped. Eventually, the first stu- dents arrived and classes started about I July 1954. Other than the airfield the only area available for flight line activ- ity was an old driver training range used by the Highway De- partment of the Transportation School. The instructors moved some L-19s and H-13s out there and taught inspection, runup procedures, operational checks, taxiing. and other related main- tenance procedures right out in the open field. There were no hangars or shops. The only per- manent facility was a bleacher which had been covered over to keep out the wind and rain, and equipped, of course, with that modern convenience-the Lister bag. A major addition to the physi- cal plant was made in 1955. Mem- bers of the Field Servicing Branch procured and erected, by their own effort, a surplus metal build- ing to accommodate personnel and training aids during incle- ment weather. For the next few years, no great changes were made in the physical plant, but many improvements in training aids were made as the junkyard items were replaced by components of aircraft in the Army inventory. What probably helped most at this early stage was the degree and An instructor discusses the T53 turbine engine troubleshooter trainer Care and Keeping of Army Aviation it was noted that some of the torque functions on one compo- nent of the H-19 required as much as 500 foot-pounds. The largest torque wrench we had in our tool sets was for 400 pounds. So we fabricated a wrench and then at- tached 5 feet of gas pipe to it with a 10-pound fish scale on the end of it for calibration. To tighten the fan hub nut-the one causing the problem-we detailed about a dozen men to hold the fan steady, applied a K factor to compensate for both the weight and the bend in the pipe and ap- plied the requisite amount of pressure. The next step was to write to the Chief of Transporta- tion to urge him to get the tool sets equipped so that the mainte- nance training mission could be performed in a satisfactory man- ner. It might be to note though that the nuts tight- ened under this less-than-recom- mended procedure went their full life. type of dedication found among aviation personnel of all grades. Many of our members were recent transferees from other arms and branches of the Army. These peo- ple, rather than be separated from their first love, pulled up long established roots and joined the Transportation Corps family. Above all, they wanted to stay with and contribute to further development of the new concept of mobility. Most Army aviation personnel will agree that this strong sense of belonging has persisted since the first steps were taken toward initiation of the concept to per- mit the Army to develop and em- ploy aircraft responsive to its own unique requirements. Without this firm loyalty, this strong de- sire to be associated with avia- tion, it would have taken us many more years to develop the pro- gram to the point we have at- tained. An interesting expedient de- veloped by this early group of devotees was in the area of crash rescue training. A couple of in- structors went up to Patuxent Naval Air Station and picked up a crashed Navy F6F. This wreck was hauled down to Fort Eustis on a commercial flatbed and in- stalled with great pride in the training area. Apparently the in- structors would push it over a bank and then haul it out with wreckers to show the students proper crash rescue and recovery procedures. This aspect of the training pro- gram eventually caused a bit of trouble to the Aviation Depart- ment. Among the instructors was a very eager first lieutenant-a real bug as far as airplanes were concerned. On nights and week- ends, he would go dowri to the crash rescue site and work on the ]2 engine. He finally fixed it up enough to run, but it made so much noise and caused so many complaints from residents on the post that the IG made an inquiry and declared it to be illegal. In our efforts to establish prop- er maintenance training proce- dures, we soon learned that: standards of aircraft logistics are extremely rigid, aircraft compo- nents are most sensitive to logis- tics, aviation supply is an ex- tremely complicated matter, and an acceptable level of aircraft availability cannot be attained in terms of the supply response adequate for ground vehicles. Furthermore, we learned that air- craft, once procured, no matter how refined in design and quality, require a high level of mainte- nance. Each plane had its own com- plement of. special tools as well af) its individual peculiarities and sensitivities to certain mainte- nance techniques. This was some- thing new. Our experience with railway equipment, landing craft, and trucks had not, to say the least, completely prepared us for this new role with its finer toler- ances. After all, with a truck or boat, if something goes wrong, you can stop in the shade or drift; with an airplane, you do not have this alternative. A basic philoso- phy was adopted and continues today: "Out of ground effect is no time to discover the part was faulty or the mechanic untrained. Each must be proved before be- coming a part of the aircraft or aviation team." Another problem confronting the School was that of securing the proper type of equipment for use in training. The tool system had not caught up with the air- craft. We often found that we had to improvise. For example, Particularly vexing problems encountered resulted from lack of continuity of assignments and the difficulty of maintaining a reser- voir of skilled aviation mainte- nance personnel. As aircraft be- came more complex and the inventory rose, maintenance and mechanical problems also became more complex. Aircraft were be- ing brought into the inventory more rapidly than the MOS code, which identified the skill of the mechanic, could be revised. As a result, mechanics were being trained and fed into the mainte- nance system without an adequate means of identifying their type of skill. The personnel people did not always recognize the require- ments of the aviation field. They sometimes made personnel assign- ments on the basis that mainte- nance or supply were the same whatever the type unit. Many addi tions have been made to maintenance training U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST facilities. We now have grown from a few bays in boat sheds to a total of 36 buildings, occupying over 540,000 square feet. More space and facilities are being built or are on the drawing boards. During the past year, three new hangars have been constructed and 23 World War II buildings have been converted to classrooms to accommodate the increased workload, which has grown about 300 percent since the summer of 1965. Today the maintenance train- ing program consists of 20 avia- tion maintenance military occu- pational specialty (MOS) produc- ing courses and two other courses for officers. Nine of these courses apply to rotary-wing aircraft, nine to both rotary-wing and fixed- wing aircraft, and the remaining four to fixed-wing only. During fiscal year 1967, in-resident stu- dent personnel in excess of 14,000 will be undergoing training in the aviation maintenance courses. Approximately 350 officers will receive training in aircraft main- tenance and 30 pilots will be trained annually in the Aircraft Maintenance Test Pilot Course (UH-l). The Aircraft Mainte- nance Test Pilot Course is the newest of the officer courses; the first class was graduated in Sep- tember 1966. A total of 491 classes of all types will be conducted throughout the coming year. On an average day 3.200 en- listed students and 107 officer students in residence are attend- ing 103 enlisted and five officer courses. Nine different types of heli- copters and six different types or fixed-wing aircraft are used for training in the aviation mainte- nance department at the present time. including the OH-6A (LOH) and the CH-54A Flying Crane. Programs are being de- veloped for the HueyCobra, the JUNE 1967 Advanced Aerial Fire Support System (AAFSS), and the U-21A. With extensive resources avail- able, an ever growing body of talent, and more efficient equip- ment to use for training, the con- tribution of the U. S. Army Transportation School to Army aviation continues to keep pace with aviation developments. Con- stant liaison is maintained with industry. Experiences in Vietnam are being studied and pertinent changes are already being made in the curriculum and in methods of ins truction. Great progress has been made in Army aviation in the past 25 . years; growth continues as cur- rent challenges are met and future requirements anticipated. The contribution that Army aviation is making in Southeast Asia, in- deed throughout the world, is being documented in many ways and in many forms. We might ask ourselves, "When can or when will its contribution be assessed?" It is probably a bit too early to make any conclusive assessment. Everyday, through experience gained in teaching aviation main- tenance or in studying the achieve- ments of the graduates of the Transportation School, we find that change is needed here, that improvement is required there. New units are being created. New equipment is coming into the inventory. Army aviation is now in the process of receiving its first big field test. Its capabilities are be- ing tested under a variety of con- di tions, and new lessons are con- stantly being learned. It is func- tioning as an effective member of the military team. This may be the answer to the question of how or when will the contribution of Army aviation to the overall Army effort, indeed that of the Transportation School to Army aviation, be assessed. In the final analysis, the .achievements of the team are dependent upon the in- dividual contribution of each member. ...... Students at Fort Eustis receive instruction on a CH-34 transmission ARMY AVIATION- the newest member of the team The real reason Army aviation has progressed so dynamically is that it has never lost sight of its real purpose: to augment the capability of land forces to conduct prompt and sustained combat operations incident to land warfare. Maior General Robert H. York Commandant, U. S. Army Infantry School E VERYONE is looking up to Army aviation, and right'iy so. Remember when the Infantry Division was authorized only II aviators and 10 aircraft? Compare this to the modern airmobile di- vision with over 938 aviators and 434 organic aircraft. What ac- counts for Army aviation's growth by seven league bounds? What fed it and kept it alive during the cutback in military resources which occurred after World War 11 and Korea? What is its future? The Army airmobility concept was born of necessity to reduce the widening gap between fire- power and mobility of the indi- vidual soldier. That gap, once recognized, had to be breached if we were to maintain a balance among the combat functions of firepower, mobility, intelligence, support, and command and con- trol. So' time and circumstances dic- tated the airmobile approach. The concept was developed, tested, and, as we all well know, it has 14 withstood the final test of com- bat. But what about the formative days of Army aviation? Why did it grow so rapidly and strong? The real reason Army aviation has progressed so dynamically is that it has never lost sight of its real purpose: to augment the capability of land forces to con- duct prompt and sustained com- bat operations incident to land warfare. In my opinion the key word here is augment} because by providing this essential augmen- tation to our combat forces, Army aviation has taken its rightful place alongside the other mem- bers of the Army team. Another major reason Army aviation has become a full-fledged and highly respected member of the Army team is through the demonstrated professionalism of the men who make up its ranks. This professionalism not only applies to the officer and warrant officer aviators but also to the many others who perform the less glamorous but nevertheless im- portan t tasks from crewchief to fuel truck driver. These are un- sung heroes, bu t a lion's share of the credit must be attributed to them. Perhaps special recognition should go to crewchiefs, many of whom not only must fly long hours wi th their aircraft, bu t also put in equally long weary hours maintaining them under the worst possible field conditions. It would be impossible to fully recognize all the many different jobs being done by these soldiers, but the spirit to render the best possible service has permeated throughout the men of Army aviation and is strongly reflected in their pride of performance. Although their individual contributions vary, col- lectively they make up the total effort, and that effort is over- whelming! I could reiterate some of the impressive statistics accrued by the men of Army aviation, but by the time you read this article they will undoubtedly be surpassed by others even more impressive. Besides, statistics are not all that U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST Obstacles such as dense jungle (right) slow down and tire the infantryman. But Army aviation provides the means to bypass these obstacles and arrive in the target area fresh and ready for combat (above) important. What is important is the feeling of mutual respect that is being established as a result of their deeds and the developing reliance on Army aviation by the other members of the Army team. N ow that Army airmobility is an integral part of our thinking, what is it doing to further en- hance its future? In Southeast Asia, this bold new concept has opened a dimension in warfare that is perhaps the greatest tacti- cal innovation since the German blitzkrieg of World War II. Because of it we are now able to employ more effectively our singularly most important asset- a physically fit, well equipped, highly motivated combat soldier on or very> near his assignecLo.b- jective area. His strength is no longer sapped by exposure to rigorous approach marches over difficult terrain. Instead he has JUNE 1967 bypassed that terrain by helicop- ter. We have emplaced him, re- placed him, resupplied him, and elimina ted his need to burden himself with heavy equipment. We have reinforced him and pro- vided close intimate fire support when he got into a scrap. Most significantly, we have withdrawn him from one area within the battlefield to another. All of these have been accomplished over and over again by aerial means I Obviously then, the value of the individual combat soldier has been greatly increased through Army aviation, simply because we can now accomplish much more with our resources. In addition to being able to rapidly deploy airmobile forces and their equipment and supplies about the battle area, Army avia- tion has performed other essential combat functions equally well. Through the speed and range of the aerial vehicle and its ability to overfly obstacles, the procure- ment of timely, accurate intelli- gence information by our combat forces has been tremendously in- creased. Army aircraft have pro- vided the ground commanders with airborne eyes and ears that have significantly enhanced their reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition efforts and en- abled them to greatly expand their area of influence. Perhaps one of the greatest con- tributions Army aviation has made has been in the area of command and control. In the pre- vious wars our Army has fought, commanders in many instances 'were required to assess the tactical Continued on page 62 15 THAT SOMEBODY UP THERE Supports This Cannoneer Major General Harry H. Critz Commandant, U. S. Army Artillery and Missile School F OR AN 80-YEAR period ex- tending from the Civil War through the ini tial commi tmen t of U. S. Forces in World War II, field artillerymen valued avia- tion as a supplement to ground observation teams, and it wasn't a wholly reliable supplement at that. Whether it was a hydrogen- filled balloon of Civil War vintage or a stubby Piper Cub, the mis- sion was the same-observe and adjust fire. It was for this purpose that aviation organic to the artil- lery was first authorized on June 6, 1942, at Fort Sill, Okla. Today, the artilleryman's ap- preciation of aviation has sharp- 16 ened. Operations being conducted in Vietnam bear witness to a much larger role than that which prompted the War Department to provide the artillery wi th or- ganic aircraft. Aircraft now serve not only as aerial observation platforms, but provide the Army with airmobile capabilities, aerial resupply, aerial reconnaissance, and a growing aerial artillery fire support. Despite these innova- tions and diverse applications of aviation, the role of observation now merits greater emphasis than ever before. Aerial observers were first tac- tically employed by U. S. forces during the Civil War. Professor Thaddeus Lowe became the first aerial forward observer of an American unit when he success- fully directed artillery fire from a balloon against Confederate forces on September 24, l86l. Aerial observers continued to sup- port Union ground forces through- out the Civil War with varying degrees of success. Balloonists were trained at Fort Sill during World War I, and bal- loon units continued their train- ing until the last unit was de- activated in 1942. Only one bal- loon was on station at Fort Sill at the outbreak of World War I, U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST but with America's entry into the conflict, the artillery's penchant for balloon observation ushered in a hectic period of training. During World War I, Fort Sill witnessed the construction of the Henry Post Airfield, named in honor of Second Lieu tenan t Henry B. Post, a pioneer military aviator, who was killed in an air- plane accident near San Diego, Calif., on February 9, 1914. Con- struction of the field started Au- gus t 8, 1917, and the field was sufficiently completed by January 1918 to accommodate the balloon school-a five-week course with a capacity for 315 students. A Balloon Corps training school was established at the post where aviators and observers were trained and special technical courses were given to enlisted personnel. During the war years, the school trained more than 700 balloon officers and organized 89 balloon companies. Thirty-three of these companies were sent overseas. Although development of the airplane during World War I made the balloon obsolete, the Artillery saw little application for the airplane in an observation role. Thus, balloon companies were kept on active duty through the years between the two world wars. What dealt the balloons their deathblow was the inevitable adoption of the airplane for aerial observation purposes. The deci- sion to use the plane for this pur- pose was not a sudden change of heart but merely a revival of tac- ticians' though ts. Also, develop- ment of the airplane had pro- gressed significan tly from the Ba"oons played an important role as vation platforms in the early history of Army aviation. But they were extremely vulnerable to airplanes and fire. The loon at right bursts into flames and jures 24 men on the afternoon of 2 April 1918 at Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla. JUNE 1967 planes used in the Army as early as 1915. It was in 1915 that America's first squadron arrived at Fort Sill to conduct experiments in artil- lery fire observation. Designated the First Aero Squadron, the unit consisted of airplanes of the J. N. tractor type (Curtiss JN3). Incle- ment weather conditions and me- chanical difficul ties grounded the planes for more than two months. As a result, the experiment failed to convince the artilleryman of the airplane's potential. While at Fort Sill, however, the squadron did contribute a "first" in aviation. The first aerial photo mosaic was developed, using a Brock automatic camera. The aerial photographic work done at this time resul ted in the redesign of the Brock camera and in further development of aerial cameras. Only one plane was stationed at Fort Sill at the outbreak of World War II. Development of aerial observation with planes continued on a sporadic and generally in- effective course until 1941. A vari- ety of aircraft were in the experi- ments, including a strange looking craft, tagged an "autogiro," which provided a modified plane body with rotor blades. At that time no one could see any use for the weird looking flying machine. In 1941 aviation organic to the Artillery received its big shot in the arm which led to the estab- lishmen t of the Air Training De- partment at the Artillery School at Fort Sill in 1942. Results from large maneuvers undertaken in May 1941 and later trials in Ten- nessee during June resulted in recommendation to the War De- partment that the light airplanes be made a regular component of the artillery. But it may have been an article wri tten by MA J William W. Ford, a field artillery- man, aviation enthusiast, and sportsman pilot, which served as the major inducement to the War Departmen t' s proposal. In his article Major Ford outlined his concept of aviation in the Field Artillery. The article, published in the FIELD ARTILLERY JOURNAL, was forwarded to MG Robert M. Danford, then the Chief of Field Artillery. Following a visit to Fort Sill and a discussion of aviation with Major Ford, General Danford re- submitted an earlier recommen- da tion to the War Departmen t that light aircraft manned by ar- tillery officers be made organic to That Somebody Up There Under the organization inaugu- rated in 1942, two airplanes-Iow- performance aircraft of the Piper Cub type-two pilots, and one mechanic were made organic to each field artillery battalion, to each divisional field artillery head- quarters, and to each field artillery brigade or group headquarters. Thus, each infantry division was authorized 10 aircraft-2 in each of the four field artillery bat- talions and 2 in the division artil- lery headquarters-and each arm- ored division was authorized 6 aircraft-2 in each of the three field artillery battalions. It was not until later that the armored division had an artillery head- quarters. division and corps artillery units. Prematurely, the recommendation was disapproved. Major General Leslie J. McNair, Chief of Staff of General Headquarters and later the first Commanding General of the Army Ground Forces, felt that a fair trial must be given the new system of air support commands- and generally favored the massing of su ppon elemen ts as opposed to General Danford's proposal. Subsequently, however, the Of- fice of the Chief of Staff ordered a test of General Danford's pro- posal. After the originally sched- uled test was interrupted by the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Sec- ond Infantry Division and the 13th Field Artillery Brigade were designated test units. Lieutenant Colonel Ford, recently promoted from major, was placed in charge and the tes t was ordered to pro- ceed at Fort Sill. Major Gordon J. Wolf, a re- servist who had been correspond- ing with Colonel Ford, was re- called to duty to help select personnel for the test group and organize the air training detach- ment under which they would function. Instruction began on 15 J anu- ary 1942. The students, thereafter referred to as the "Class Before One," were divided into A and B flights. Instruction consisted of flight and ground training, and both of these were further divided into three stages. Training was completed at Fort Sill on February 28, 1942. The civilian instructors returned to their homes while the "Class Be- fore One" students split into two grou ps and departed for con- tinued testing elsewhere. By the end of April 1942, the tests were completed, and the groups reassembled at Fort Sill to await the outcome of more than 18 three months of tedious work. The boards appointed to ob- serve the tests were impressed. Their findings and recommenda- tions to the War Department high- ly favored organic aviation for field artillery units. Despite concern over the "vulnerability of the light planes," General Headquarters concurred in the recommenda- tions. On June 6, 1942, the War De- partment authorized organic Army aviation. That same month, Lieu- tenant Colonel Ford was pro- moted to colonel and named di- rector of the Department of Air Training of the Field Artillery School. Al though the Artillery had proved the advantage and the feasibility of organic aviation, it could not rest on its laurels. Op- position to the concept of organic aviation persisted and was heard on several occasions. Friction soon developed between the Army Ground Forces and the Army Air Forces over the organization and control of liaison aviation. This issue was further complicated in 1943 when the question arose as to what type of plane should be used by the ground force. In this year General McNair, who by this time had been firmly con- vinced of the need for organic aviation, offered the following arguments: "The planes are right where they are needed, not back at some centralized airfield. "The present organization, un- like any other, insures satisfactory unit communications. "By daily association, complete understanding between the pilots and other battalion officers is obtained." It wasn't until more than a year later that organic aviation was assured permanence. With the organization estab- lished, necessary courses for this tactical training were organized in the Air Training Department set up in the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill. The first graduation occurred on September 18, 1942, with 18 graduates constituting the first class to follow the "Class Be- fore One." A majority of the early graduates and all available planes except those used for training at the school were sent overseas to initiate the equipping of units taking part in the invasion of North Africa. While the first graduates were experiencing combat action, train- ing at Fort Sill continued. The Army Aviation School reached a peak enrollment of almost 300 students and by the end of the war 263 pilots and 2,262 mechanics had been trained there. It was from combat reports that the Army recognized that require- ments existed for aircraft usage other than merely for observation. In 1943, artillery aviators started aerial medical evacuation, par- ticularly in jungle areas of the South Pacific. At the same time, artillery aviators in both theaters began flying limited supply, com- U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST munication relay, surveillance and reconnaiss3.nce and wire laying missions. In addition, they also were used in controlling advanc- ing armor and infantry, and mak- ing aerial photographs. By the end of the war, prepara- tions were underway to expand organic aviation to other branches based on the variety of missions undertaken by aviators in combat. During the late forties, tests were conducted on various models of observation planes to replace the L-4, which was used exten- sively during the war. Most were found wanting, although the L-17, thought to be strictly an "airport airplane," later far ou tperformed its supposed capabilities in Korea. Finally, the Army settled on the L-19, which was designed by Cessna. The original contract for 420 L-19s was let in 1950. The air- craft, with slight modifications, to include designation (now 0-1), remains, pending replacement by the light observation helicopter. While the Army was trying to decide on a light observation plane for the Artillery, training continued at Fort Sill with the L-4 Piper Cub and a variety of experimental models. Much of the aviation training at Fort Sill was concerned with fixed-wing aircraft; however, ro- tary-wing aircraft were to play a most important part of the School's overall operations. The acceptance of the helicop- ter gave the Army greater mobil- ity and versatility and gave Fort Sill aviation a heavier training req uiremen t. This latest concept in aVIatIOn was introduced formally to Fort Sill in October 1948 when the Army established the advanced tactical training course there. Colonel Hubert D. Gaddis set up the flight training course and flight standardized the first Army rotary-wing instructor pilots. In August 1954, when the Army Avi- JUNE 1967 L-4s with pontoons were tested at Fort Sill during World War II ation School was moved to Camp Rucker from Fort Sill, the rotary- wing course was changed from a section of the flight department to a department of its own. While at Fort Sill, aviators were trained to fly the H-25 and the OH-13 helicopters. With a requirement for a greater number of pilots, the Army implemented the first warrant officer class at Fort Sill in 1951. August 1953 witnessed the first full class of these rotary-wing aviators. Also in 1953 the first instru- ment examiners course was started at Fort Sill. The LC-126 was the instrument trainer for the first four examiners. The loss of the Aviation School in 1954 dealt a blow to Fort Sill's aviation activity, but did not ter- minate it. A new role was adopted for Fort Sill in 1955 with the training of CH-34 Choctaw heli- copter aviation companies. Instrument training resumed at Fort Sill in 1957. The Cessna 182s and Piper Comanches were used as primary instrument trainers for this program. The Spartan Avia- tion School and, later, Ross Avia- tion were the instrument program contractors. In addition to this program, tes ts were begun on the T-37 Cessna jets which were to be used as high performance planes for artillery observation. During the summer of 1958, the 54th Transportation Company received twelve CH-37 medium helicopters. The CH-37 was the first helicopter with the capability to lift a 105-mm howitzer and crew. CH-37s and attached sling loads were a common sight at Fort Sill until the Chinook assumed the old Mojave's role. Fort Sill was first affected by the growing involvement in Viet- nam when Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of the 45th Transportation Battalion Headquarters deployed in 1961. This Sill unit, which had served as training headquarters, was the second aviation unit to move to Vietnam. The loss of Fort Sill's aviation training headquarters brought new changes, and the aVIatIOn units stationed at Fort Sill were assigned to the 1st Field Artillery Brigade. This was Fort Sill's avia- tion headquarters until 1963 when the Artillery Aviation Group (Provisional) was formed. Aviation continued growing and diversifying at Fort Sill as a new breed of "tiger" was born. The armed helicopter "tiger course" was implemented in 1963 to train helicopter aviators in tactical, ter- rain and combat flying. It was also in 1963 that Fort Sill became further qualified "medium weight" in the Army aviation arena. The CH-37 Mo- 19 That Somebody Up There viding our maneuver forces with artillery fire suppDrt. This system has the capability not only to de- liver indirect fire from the ground, bu t also to fire on targets of DppDrtunity frDm the air while moving to a new position. Further development of the aerial artillery cDncept will lead to' even more avenues fDr employment of a sys- tem of this type. At present, a method of quickly detaching the rocket mounts from the aircraft is being develDped. This develop- ment wDuld allow the battery to continue firing from dug-in posi- tions while the aircraft were be- ing used for ammunition resup- ply. Wars, both present and fu- ture, could use a system as flexible and mobile as this. javes, already on station, were joined by the CV-2 Caribou of the 57th Aviation Company. Fort Sill aviation was now capable of moving the artillery to just about any place at any time. With Fort Sill's Artillery Avia- tion Group capable of handling any assigned mission, III Corps Artillery moved on post in August 1964. Henry Post Army Airfield had a new face to' meet these re- quirements. Three new hangars and a cDmplete taxiway could now handle any aircraft in the Army inventory. The Artillery Aviation Group (Provisional) was redesig- nated the Artillery Aviation CDmmand. With an expanding traInIng program, Fort Sill branched out into other areas. With a need for more responsive fire support for airmobile forces, test and evalua- tiDn of future fire support systems was initiated in 1963. In March of that year the Committee for Aerial Artillery Test and Evalua- tion (CAA TE) was formed. The committee was composed Df mem- bers from each department of the School with the director of the Gunnery Department as chair- man. To provide the committee with an DrganizatiDn capable of accomplishing its required mis- sions, the 1st Aerial Artillery Bat- tery (ProvisiDnal) was organized in May of that year. One of many missions assigned the committee was to determine the most feasible means of employ- ing aerial artillery. Four CH-34s and 50,000 rDunds of 4.5-inch rocket ammunition were made available for test purposes. Since direct firing of aerial rockets was an accomplished fact, emphasis was placed on develop- ing a suitable indirect fire capa- bility. Certain adaptations were required before the CH-34 heli- 20 copter could be used fDr this pur- pose. One 10-tube, 4.5-inch rocket pod was affixed to' each side of the aircraft. Initially all quadrant elevation and traverse was accom- plished manually. Later develop- ments resulted in a more sophis- ticated system featuring electri- cally controlled quadrant eleva- tion and traversing mechanisms. Although this system has yet to accomplish the accuracy desired for a direct support artillery piece, progress has been made to- ward an acceptable weapon. The ability of the aerial artillery bat- tery to receive a fire mission in the air, to land, and to complete the mission with indirect fire was apt- ly demonstrated by the test group. The battery was laid for direction and the first rounds in adjustment were on the way in 2Y2 minutes after the first aircraft landed. Fire from two aircraft equaled that of a battalion of 105-mm howitzers firing two vDlleys. In April 1964, for the first time in the histDry of the Artillery, an aircraft was placed on line with other artillery weapons at Fort Sill's Artillery Firepower Demon- stratiDn. This was true recogni- tion by the Artillery and Missile School of the concept of a flying artillery weapon. Tests have proved the helicop- ter-mDunted rocket system to be as accurate as the ground launcher for the same rocket. However, research indicates product im- provement in the rocket propel- lant and launcher conditions will increase range and accuracy for the aerial system. The feasibility of combining the 4.5-inch rocket and the UH-I helicDpter is being considered. The First Aerial Artillery Bat- tery (PrDvisional), in its testing at Fort Sill, has given the Army an entirely new concept for pro- Fort Sill's cDntributiDn to avia- tiDn spans a period of more than 50 years. Indications are that it will continue. Artillery observa- tion testing and training brought the first tactical Army aviation squadron to Fort Sill in 1915 and it was fDr this purpose that Dr- ganic aviation was authorized 27 years later in 1942. As U. S. units became engaged in combat, avia- tion was fDund to be extremely useful in Dther aspects of opera- tions. Artillerymen were early in expressing their preference for the plane over the balloon and, in turn, promoted the adoption of the helicopter. ThroughDut the gradual de- velDpment of Army aviation, the veteran redleg, recDgnizing the significance of aerial support, mustered greater respect fDr the Army aviator. Having gained the cDnfidence of the veteran redleg, the Army aviatDr continues to strive for even greater proficiency in sup- porting the Artillery. However, he retains enough professiDnal pride never to allow the artillery- man to' forget that he's that some- body up there watching out for him. ~ U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST The Flying Part of Armor Armor and aviation have had a maior common interest over all others - mobility C OMl\1ANDERS throughout military history who have gained a mobility differential over their enemy, made maximum use of available fire- power, maintained effective control of their forces, reacted quickly to accurate and timely information of their enemy, and provided for adequate combat service support have been the most successful on the battlefield. Essentially these keys to success are the five major functions of combat commonly re- ferred to as command and control, maneuver, fire- power, intelligence, and logistics. All are essential to success in combat, although one may carry more weight than another in a particular operation. In any operation the commander at each level with the assistance of his staff considers each of these functions in relation to his mission. Historically and currently, Armor, with its char- acteristics of armor protected firepower, great mo- JUNE 1967 Maior General A. D. Surles, Jr. Commandant, U. S. Army Armor School bility and organizational flexibility, has tactically exemplified the combat functions described above. Complementary to, and coincidentally with, the ever developing capabilities of Armor, early recog- nition of Army aviation potential has extended Armor's combat power into the third dimension. Armor and aviation have had a major common interest over all others-mobility. I think it can be said that Armor has provided the basic philosophy of mobile warfare upon which Army aviation has grown and developed. Many may feel that this is an unduly parochial statement on my part; however, it is not intended to be taken in this light. Armor has always stressed highly mobile combat operations with a predominance of mounted combat. Army aviation elements are or- ganized to take maximum advantage of a greatly im- proved mobility differential over all ground forces. 21 The Flying Part of Armor It has that great advantage of not being restricted by the ter- rain, thus markedly enhancing the elements of surprise and subse- quent shock effect on the enemy. Lack of a ground gaining and holding capability of our present aviation units should be recog- nized by all commanders and off- set by integrating their combat power and favorable characteris- tics with the ground forces' plan of operation. No pure force, tank, infantry, etc., possesses all the in- gredients essential to conduct ef- fective sustained combat opera- tions. It was recognized early by armor leaders that Army aviation from inception was a necessary part of the combined arms team. The first use of Army aviation elements to extend the reconnais- sance capability of ground ele- ments cannot easily be fixed. In World War II, for example, Cubs organic to the field artillery bat- talions were used on numerous occasions to perform reconnais- sance for ground elements other than their parent organizations. The arming of the first Army air- craft would also be very difficult to specifically pin down. It is known, however, that an aviator in the 4th Armored Division as early as August 1944 threw hand grenades from his Piper Cub. Later he wired the struts of the aircraft with bazookas on each side. I am sure tha t many other ideas were in the minds of our early Army aviators that were not tried for one reason or another. The fact remains that the concept of using Army aircraft in a unit de- signed to perform the tradi tional missions of armored cavalry was born through the farsightedness of many officers. This discussion of the air cavalry concept is not intended to be a historical record with documentation, but is to out- line the development and growth of this concept. AIR CA V ALRY CONCEPT Developmen t of the air cavalry concept was based on the need for a reconnaissance and security unit with greater mobility than ground mobile forces. The first experimental "Sky Cav" company was organized and tested on Exercise Sagebrush in 1955. A follow-on Sky Cav com- pany (provisional) was organized and tested in 1957 on Exercise Sledge Hammer. These test re- sults indicated the feasibility of integrating Army aviation ele- ments with ground elements, but further study and testing were needed to perfect a suitable or- ganizational structure. In 1957 the term "Sky Cav" was replaced by the term "Aerial Combat Reconnaissance." The Army Aviation School already had by this time an ACR platoon (provisional) that had been con- ducting demonstrations at Fort Rucker, Fort Benning, Fort Knox, and other military installations. These demonstrations greatly as- sisted in spreading the word and stimulating imagination and in- terest in the promising capabili- ties of air cavalry units. The first Aerial Combat Recon- naissance Company (experimen- tal) was activated in 1958 at Fort Rucker. Aircraft organic to this unit were equipped with weapons systems fabricated and designed at Fort Rucker. This unit, al- Left: General Bruce Clark of CONARC visits the Aviation School in late 1960 where MG Ernest F. Easterbrook (center), the school commandant, briefs him on early helicopter armament experiments. MAJ Carroll M. Cook, ACR company com- mander, pOints to a kit which later evolved into the M-1 and M-2 armament subsystems. WO Clarence J. Carter of ACR is at right. Above: a closeup of the kit Major Cook is pointing out U.S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST though equipped wi th jerry-rig weapons systems, demonstrated such potential it caused many of the doubters to change their views on the armed helicopter mobile task force. Major General Robert Grow said, "Leading cavalrymen have contended from time immemorial, reconnaissance to be effective must include fighting; therefore, our reconnaissance units must be able to survive and accomplish their mission on the modern bat- tlefield." The ACR company was given this capability tQ fight for information through use of its armed helicopters and airmobile elements. Although the ACR com- pany was never fully tested in the field, it did accomplish, through the use of many demonstrations, the objective of assisting in getting other actions taken which did result in a similar unit being organized and tested. The Armor School made its contributions to the Sky Cav and ACR units through recommenda- tions to CONARC, direct liaison with the Army Aviation School, providing test evaluators, and closely monitoring the entire pro- gram. During this period, the Armor School was also applying all the capabilities of this concept to the area of traditional missions performed by armored cavalry units. Therefore, it was no sur- prise when CON ARC in 1959 di- rected the Armor School to pre- pare advance plans for an armed helicopter mobile task force which was to be specifically designed to augment the traditional missions performed by armored cavalry elements. The school was further directed to prepare a draft train- ing text and a tentative plan of test. In meeting the requirements outlined in these directives, the Armor School worked in close co- ordination with the Army Avia- tion School. The unit designed JUNE 1967 The 55-10 on the H-13 (above) is an early helicopter armament experiment was an Aerial Reconnaissance and Security Troop (ARST) which closely paralleled the organization of the ACR company. The origi- nal uni t proposed by the Armor School was as shown in the dia- gram on this page. It is signifi- cant to note the similarity of this original unit with the present air cavalry troop. This is primarily due to the original unit being organized with a combined arms team, a combat proved organiza- tional concept that optimizes flexibility. The weapons systems were the best that had been developed at Fort Rucker. The ARS test troop was organized a t Fort Benning and in January 1960 moved to Fort Stewart for training and test- ing. Final results of this test 1 LOH 1 LOH 1 HEL (CARGO, IT) proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the requirement for and the feasibility of the air cavalry concept. This unit was also evaluated in Europe on Winter Shield I in 1960. A provisional ARS troop was activated and trained under the supervision of the 14th Ar- mored Cavalry Regiment. The Armor School provided the regi- ment with all the information that was available at that time to assist them in training and operat- ing. The troop was attached to the 14th Armored Cavalry Regi- ment for the entire exercise, al- though it did perform missions for other ground elements. The ARS troop was the firs t air cavalry unit that really had the capability with its aircraft and 4 4 HEL,CARGO, LT 1 HEL 1 HEL 1 LOH (CARGO, (CARGO, LT) LTl 23 The Flying Part of Armor armamen t systems to perform the traditional missions of the armored cavalry. It, like our present air cavalry troop, was primarily em- ployed to extend the security and reconnaissance of a ground ele- ment by working in conjunction and in close coordination with the supported ground element. This does not mean that it can- not operate independently but it is most effective when employed with a ground force. In 1961 Armor School repre- sentatives headed a test and evalu- ation team whose primary objec- tive was to determine if the light observation helicopter (LOH) could be maintained and logisti- cally supported, if assigned at the armored cavalry troop level. An air scout section consisting of four LO H was assigned to an armored cavalry troop, 8th Cavalry, 4th Infantry Division. Tests were con- ducted at Fort Lewis and Yakima Firing Center. The air scou t section performed its own organizational level sup- port, and backup organizational maintenance support was provided by helicopter mechanics who had been integrated into the squad- ron' s maintenance elements. Scout helicopters remained with the troop at all times and were em- ployed by the troop commander to augment and extend his recon- naissance and security capability. Test results indicated that the LOH could live with the armored cavalry troop, could be main- tained by the pilot and crewchief observer, and could be logistically supported in the same manner as other troop elements. In 1962 the air cavalry troop was made organic to the divi- sional armored cavalry squadron wi th the reorganiza tion of the Army division under ROAD. The TOE for this troop provided it with the most advanced helicop- ters and armament systems. Some armament systems specifically de- signed by civilian industry through the research and development program of the Army were now available. It was also in 1962 that the Armor School provided represen- tatives for the Army Tactical o ~ bility Requirements Board (the Howze Board) that was being formed. The work of this board laid the foundation for the funda- mental concept for the 11 th Air Assault Division, Air Cavalry Squadron, and Air Cavalry Com- bat Brigade. The Air Cavalry Combat Bri- gade later changed to the Air Cavalry Brigade and was never organized, primarily due to other higher priority commitments for aviation equipment and personnel. The 11 th Air Assault Division had an organic air cavalry squad- ron. This squadron now is or- ganized with three air cavalry troops and one ground armored cavalry troop. The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) has been operating very successfully in Vietnam for over a year. Its air cavalry squadron, 1/ 9 Cavalry, has proved itself in combat. In 1964 an air cavalry troop re- placed the aviation company or- ganic to the armored cavalry regiments. Two separate air cavalry squad- rons, 3/ 17 and 7/ 17 Cavalry, were activated at Fort Knox in Novem- ber 1966. These squadrons are organized under the same TO E of the air cavalry squadron organic to the 1st Cavalry Division (Air- mobile). Air cavalry units presently au- thorized in the Army include: one air cavalry troop organic to each divisional armored cavalry squad- ron; one air cavalry troop Of- ganic to each armored cavalry regiment; one air cavalry squad- ron organic to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) ; and two separate air cavalry squadrons in training at Fort Knox, Ky. I think it is obvious to every- one that the air cavalry concept is on the move. Advanced scout and fire support helicopters will be entering the inventory of Army aircraft in the near future that will greatly enhance the capabil- ity of these units to perform their combat mission. DIVISIONAL COMMAND AND CONTROL HELICOPTERS Armor historically has used Army aviation elements to assist in the command and con trol of its formations. General 1. D. White, when he was commander of the 8 th U. S. Army in Korea said, "Army aircraft have been my long right arm. With them I can reach out to any part of the com- mand as the need arises." Armor commanders need Army aviation support for performing such missions as radio relay, for- mation control, command visits, staff visits, liaison activities, etc. The Armor School position on the G-series TOE as pertains to command and control aircraft au thorized is that there are not enough. The division headquar- ters command aviation section needs more than six helicopters if it is to fulfill its mission. For example, where will the DISCOM (division support command) ele- ments get helicopter support for command and control? These ele- ments are scattered throughout the division's area of operation, and it has been proved that the tactical elements aren't going too far without this support. Brigades need more than four LOR becaust! each commander of the attached combat maneuver battalions should have one LOH under his operational control, in 24 U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST addition to requirements of bri- gade headquarters. Divisional ar- 'mored cavalry squadron head- quarters should be provided with an organic aviation section for command and control. The squad- ron commander should not use helicopters assigned to the air cavalry troop for this purpose. This would be the same as taking a reconnaissance vehicle or tank from one of the ground cavalry troops. After-action reports from Viet- nam reinforce this need for in- creasing divisional command and control helicopters. We should take another hard look at the divisional requirements for or- ganic Army aviation support. FUTURE TREND Where does Armor go from here? Within the decade a new highly sophisticated main battle tank will appear. Although this tank will possess a greatly en- hanced capability in firepower, protection, and mobility, it will still be tied to moving and fight- ing on the ground. Yet, at the present moment a bold new idea of mo,ring and fighting from the air by ground forces is emerging. The Infantry has taken full ad- vantage of the potential of air- mobile formations to ride the riflemen to the battle scene where he dismounts to fight on foot. The air cavalry units conduct reconnaissance and security opera- tions from the air to complement the ground force formations. As mobility of our ground forces in- crease, the need for more air cav- alry units will continue to grow. Armor is looking forward to a Dynamic Tri-dimensional Mobil- ity (DTM) concept for maneuver- ing and fighting mounted, from air and ground combat vehicles. Integration of air-armor maneuver units into armor formations will provide a marked increase in rna. JUNE 1967 bility over present armor forma- tions. These air-armor maneuver units must live within the battle areas with other ground armor units and have a capability of seizing and holding ground. Yet, while these air-armor units lift from the ground, their firepower and shock effect will remain and be enhanced. The key to the Armor DTM concept will remain the balance of firepower, protection, and mo- bility. Just maneuvering rapidly through the air without the capa- bility to seize and hold ground will be improper. Likewise, armor protection to the point of reduc- Armor looks to the future with the Dynamic Tri-di- mensional Mobility (DTM) concept which promises air-armor maneuver units living among other ground armor units and boasting firepower, shock effect, and a capability of seizing and holding ground ing mobility and, therefore, los- ing rapid mobile reaction will be undesirable. The Armor DTM concept will not infringe upon the missions of the tactical air force, infantry air- mobile forces, or even air cavalry forces. Army aviation elements will play an even bigger role in this concept, which assuredly will grow and thrive on the battlefield of the future. The horse was re- placed by wheeled and tracked vehicles; yet, the role of the cav- alry did not change to any extent, and its capability for conducting tradi tional missions was grea tly enhanced. N ei ther will the DTM concept change Armor's role, but it will change its methods of op- erating and greatly enhance its ca pabili ties. Charging horse-cavalrymen with drawn sabers became a thing of the glorious past with develop- ment of the machinegun. Reluc- tantly, the cavalrymen dismounted from their horses and mounted th eir new fire-spurting armored vehicles. Again, we face the chal- lenge of mounting a portion of our forces in air vehicles that dart about the battlefield, very close to the ground, bringing heavy volumes of firepower to bear on the enemy with great speed, sur- prise, and shock effect. Major General Adna R. Chaf- fee said, "It is often said, and it may be true in the abstract, that the principles of war do not change. It is, nevertheless, absa. lutely true that methods do change and are constantly chang- ing. We may study the great cap- tains of the past to learn of their principles and, above all, of their character, ,but do not let us be tied too much to their methods. For methods change with every change of armament and equip- ment." We will continue to stress, as we have in the past, at the U. S. Army Armor School, that the armor commander must take max- imum advantage of the most fav- orable characteristics of each ele- ment of his combined arms team, which I am sure will continue to grow in Army aviation strength and combat effectiveness. I take pleasure in extending my congratulations to all Army avia- tion personnel, on the 25th anni- versary of Army aviation, for a job well done. I am sure each of you will continue to exercise your technical know-how, imagination, and ingenuity that has contributed so much to the success enjoyed by the Army aviation program. 25 -- TALO M H KY tilt is with extreme pride) deep humility and great expectation that I congratulate Army aviation on its silver anniversary. I am proud to be associated with the magnificent men who wear the Army aviators badge-humble as I recall the many whose fantastic accomplishments in the skies over every battlefield of the last 25 years have brought us to our position of high esteem today-have great expectations as I study the faces of our newest members) shin- ing with dreams and plans of even greater deeds to come."-- G. P. SENEFF, JR., BG, USA, Commanding, 1 st Aviation Brigade. T HEIR FLIGHT log boasts a million hours in the skies of Vietnam. Their insignia depict an attacking golden hawk spread- ing its awesome talons, set against the sword of U. S. Forces in Viet- nam. Their motto is "Nguy Hiem," the Vietnamese phrase meaning DANGER. Flight plans for their aircraft record their presence over Vietnam from the 26 northern reaches of jungle cov- ered mountains, southward to the rice-rich paddies of the vast Me- kong Delta. This profile describes the of- ficers and men of the Army's larg- est aviation unit, the 1st Aviation Brigade. One must, however, see such an organization in action to fully realize its impact on the war, for the Army force structure has not reflected an aVIatIOn unit of this magni tude since the Army Air Forces days of World War II. I t is necessary here to view the course of events which led to the brigade's establishment in May of 1966 before reviewing part of its first year in operation as a full- fledged member of the Army Team in Vietnam. The year was 1965. The Army's U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST air role was destined to play an increasingly vital part in the Viet- nam war-a war which was taking on the appearance, if only in numbers alone, of a conflict fought a few thousand miles to the north in the fifties. There was no doubt in 1965 that Army aircraft were in Vietnam to stay. Many more were to come. As D. S. ground troops poured into this region of Southeast Asia it became necessary to chart course for the arrival of greater numbers of faster, larger, more sophisticated aircraft. This took on urgent and immediate impor- tance, as did pilots and crews to man them. Aviation units settling in read- ily met the challenge as the mas- sive buildup shifted into high gear. Battalions, companies, pla- toons, detachments, sections of aviation, however small, were de- barking at so fast a clip that diminishing control and manage- ment became apparent. This rapidly changing situation spawned the inevitable. A head- quarters was established to pro- vide command, control and staff planning for aviation units, other than divisional, to more effective- ly supP.ort D .. S. AR VN (Army RepublIc of VIetnam) and the in- creasing numbers of Free World Assistance Forces. This headquarters was labeled an Avia- Group (Provisional). Later In the same year it became the Aviation Group, command- Ing the several battalions and companies of aviation which then dotted the battle map. The months that followed saw Army aviation reaching dimen- sions in Vietnam not dreamed of a year before. Four of these months had hardly elapsed before it was realized that arriving avia- tion uni ts were ou tgrowing the control of the new group. The problem was intense. The solu- tion was obvious: another group. JDNE 1967 Few escape the fury of the "Hawks" By winter, the 17th Aviation Group was formed with a mission akin to that of the 12th. Only the D. S. divisional or- ganic aviation and special avia- tion support units remained out- side the command of the two newcomer groups. It wasn't long after the old Army Support Group had blos- somed into its own massive head- quarters called D. S. Army, Viet- nam, that the need for a single subordinate aviation headquarters became apparent. Needed was a headquarters that would be charged wi th the hierarchy of command, staff planning and ad- ministrative supervision of the two groups. The result was called an Aviation Brigade (Provi- sional). On 23 May 1966 the bJ.-i- gade became officially the 1st Aviation Brigade. July saw the creation of the newly named "Capital Aviation Battalion" by the brigade. In the wake of reorganization, the 13th Aviation Battalion parted com- pany from 12th Aviation Group control to continue Army avia- tion's involvement deep in the Delta. August found the 13th Aviation Battalion and the Capital Avia- tion Battalion trading their vari- ety of patches for that of the "Golden Hawk." Early that month the new shoulder patch had been approved by the Institute of Heraldry. Early 1967 saw more new units coming-to relieve men and ma- chines who had been flying twice as much as either are supposed to fly. No major combat operation since the brigade's inception has found itself without support in one form or another from one or more of the brigade's ten bat- talions, whose 44 aviation com- panies hold ti tIe to more than half of the Army's aircraft on Vietnamese soil. The wide assortment of aircraft cast their shadows over the entire length of Vietnam. These ma- chines lent to combat operations the versatility and awesomeness of the Huey slicks and gunships; the strength of the Chinook; the eyes of the Bird Dog; the reliabil- ity of the Otter; the variety of the Beaver; the sophistication and electronics of the Mohawk; and, for a few months, the STOL capability of the Caribou. The accomplishments of these aircraft and the gallant men who fly them provide the basis for any review of the brigade's first year. A glance at their results is to know success in combat. During a 6-month period, a staggering 1,008,167 operational sorties were flown under severe weather and hazardous combat conditions. Brigademen entered a tctal of 460,069 hours in their logs for this half-year period in every variety of mission. One Continued on page 63 27 Above: Professor Lowe at Fair Oaks A COLORFUL QUARTER-CENTURY OF ARMY AVIATION AIRCRAFT T HE OFFICIAL birthday of Army aviation is 6 June 1942, when the War Department authorized light aircraft organic to the Field Artillery. However, this climaxed an endeavor that began on another June 6th-in 1861 when Professor Thaddeus S. C. Lowe demonstrated how balloons could provide aerial support to the ground forces. Since, the Army has used many aircraft in its sincere search for optimum aerial support of the ground operation. Aircraft on the next six pages certainly are not all of those that have contributed to the development of Army aviation-but they are representative. (See the Jun-Oct 1962 DIGESTs for a complete history of Army aviation aircraft.) Above: An L-5 at Ft Rucker's Army Aviation Museum Below: An L-16 at The Presidio, Calif., in 1951 Below: An L-17 parked in Korea in 1954 The L-4 (above) was the principal combat airplane used by Army aviation throughout World War II In 1946 Army aviation obtained its first hellcopters-H-13s/ similar to the one above. Early in 1952 Army aviation received its first transport helicopter/ the H-19 (below) Above: The original Grasshopper patch worn by the first liaison pilots at Fort Sill/ Okla./ in the early 1940s. It is from the A-2 jacket of MG Robert R. Williams/ Director ~ . Army Aviation/ who donated it to the U. S. Army AViation Museum. Below: Army aViation' s first L-19 was obtained in December 1950. It made its debut in Korea in February 1951 and is still active in Vietnam In 1960 the Army boosted its observation capability with the OV-1 FIXED WING AIRCRAFT The highly successful CV-2 (below) joined the Army in 1959 and was transferred to the Air Force in 1967 The U-6 (above) replaced the L-17 in 1951 and provided an additional transport capability at the front in Korea. In 1955 the Army obtained the U-1A (below) which carries a larger load The U-8 (below) is the Army's command aircraft Above (top to bottom): The UH-19, CH-34 and CH-37. In 1954 the Army supplemented its UH-19 transport capability with the CH-34, and in 1956 added the CH-37, then the world's largest twin-engine helicopter. Right: In 1966 the Army got a big lift from the CH-54 Above: The UH-1, obtained in 1956, was the Army's first turbine helicopter. Right: In 1961 the first CH-47s went to work for the Army. Below: CH-21s, obtained ir. 1954, carried the early load in Vietnam ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT T HE SOLDIER at the left might well be telling the Viet- namese boy why he sees so many Army aircraft flying over his country. American soldiers with their helicopters and airplanes are in the Republic of Vietnam-just as their predecessors were in Korea, Africa, Europe and the Pacific- to continue the seemingly eternal struggle against those who would deny mankind his inherent right to freedom. The helicopter right above you, the soldier might be saying, is the powerful Crane, which can lift ARMY A VIA )N IN ACTION' thousands of pounds. Above it is the sleek Mohawk taking off on an observation mission. Beside it is the Cayuse, the Army's newest and fastest observation helicopter. In the center, troops climb down from the Chinook, a huge transport helicopter that can carry as many as 32 troops into combat. In the far upper corner, one of many heroic Huey door gunners is at work. Below him, the deadly Cobra, newest attack helicopter, joins its Huey cousins and then at the lower right bares it fangs on a fire mission. the following 28 pages prepared by the United States Army Board for Aviation Accident Research personal equipment and rescue / survival lowdown Tired, after paddling ashore, Pearl stands at water's edge. She removed boots to aid in paddling. Shore was sandy, so she waded in with bare feet. Had shore been rocky or cov- ered with shells, she would have used boots to save her tootsies. First order of busi- ness was to dry her clothes. While dressing, Pearl heard sound of aircraft. Quickly, she got out her survival kit and removed the pen gun. She fired two flares, but the sound of the aircraft faded away. Thirsty, Pearl took the water bag from the survival kit, filled it at the water's edge, and dropped in purification tablet. Thirst satis- fied, she felt hunger pangs and decided to try her fishing luck. Using the saw blade from the kit, with the pen gun as a handle, she cut a fishing pole and attached line and hook. Plastic top of kit breaks off on perforated end to form shovel. Using this, with pen gun as handle, Pearl dug until she found a nest of grub worms for bait. She fished through the reeds at the edge of the water and her efforts were soon rewarded. Pearl shows off 1% pound crappie, main course for lunch. Using survival knife, she quickly scales her lunch and carves filets. Teflon covered metal portion of survival kit serves as ideal frying pan with pen gun attached as handle. Pearl wears gloves to protect her hand from heat as she fries fish filet. Hunger satisfied, Pearl waited for several hours, but heard no sound of searching aircraft. She decided it was time to make her way back to civilization and put on the wrist compass from the kit. Checking directions, she gathered her equipment ... and followed the advice of Mr. Horace Greeley. Late in the afternoon, she came to a road and put up her thumb. Some lucky motorist was in for a delightful surprise. Dear Pearl, You doll! Why did the world's greatest aviator have to discover you in a magazine? Where were you when I was dazzling the wiregrass beauties around Fort Rucker? Now that I've seen you, I ~ very disappointed that you didn't avail yourself of the opportuni ty to admire my masculine form and hear about my heroic exploits. N ever fear! I, Hora tio Frozzleforth, have a propo- sition for you. Forget the pen guns, smoke flares, and all the other unnecessary survival gear you've been peddling I I know a nice little deserted island off the coast of Florida where I could teach you the art of survival in ways 'you've never dreamed of! You and I will go to the island with nothing but our bare hands and ingenui ty. We will be en tirely alone, with no outside help or interference. I will teach you everything you need to know! I will show you how to survive in the water and on the beach-how to serve a six course meal from the sea and jungle I In the evenings, after your lessons, we will sit around the campfire and watch the sun sink into the Gulf. While we sip our coconut cocktails, I will tell you about my vast flying experience and how, single-handed, I captured a whole Viet Cong regiment. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I urge you to accept! Fondly, CPT Horatio Frozzleforth Dear CPT Frozzleforth: I am thrilled and delighted to accept your invi- tation. My mother, my aunt, and six of my cousins, who are all professional boxers, have agreed to go with us. I'm sure we'll all benefit from your great experience. When shall we leave? PEARL Dear Pearl: Request that you supply this headquarters a cur- rent list of all individual rescue and survival equip- ment authorized for aviators. Please include the source of authorization. This unit has been experiencing difficulty pro- curing these items because of our inability to cite specific authoritative references. Any assistance given this request will be greatly appreciated. Dear CPT Dolan: CPT David A. Dolan Flight Support Section Leader Hq, 1st Support Brigade Thank you for your letter and interest. The specific authority for your unit to draw individual aviator equipment, to include rescue and survival items, is found in CTA 50-901, dated 5 October JUNE 1967 37 If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue and survival gear, write to Pearl U. S. Army Board for Aviation Accident Research Fort Rucker, Alabama 36360 1966. In addition, CT A 50-901 was changed by message AMXCP-A1 (EBP) 3619, dated 24 January 1967, to add the Signal Kit Personnel Distress (pen gun flare kit) and the gray gauntlet glove. Of particular interest to me is a new personnel survival kit which has been developed and is on its way to Vietnam. This kit (see pages 34-36) is much improved and should be available for issue later this year. I hope the above is helpful. If not, be sure to drop me another line. PEARL Dear Pearl: I think you missed one of the most obvious mis- takes of our misguided Army aviator as pictured on page 49 of the March issue of the AVIATION DIGEST. He is not wearing a flight suit. After four years in Army aviation it is disheartening to see the flight suit remain a neglected stepson. I have always believed that it was designed and produced with safety in mind. Evidently this is not the case .... Isn't it time for the U. S. Army Board for Aviation Accident Research to take a stand? Let's either endorse flight suits, encourage their wear, or get rid of them and concentrate efforts on protecting that layer of skin between blousing garters and boot tops that is invariably exposed while flying in an Army fatigue uniform. Yes, I tuck my trousers in my boot tops. Do you? How many on your staff do? My next point concerns survival gear. Why can't each Army aviator be issued a personal survival kit and knife when he draws his first APH-5? Seems it would save a lot of trouble and eliminate all that 38 good gear safely locked away in the supply room syndrome I have found all too prevalent. Dear Mr. MeN air: CW2 Charles T. McNair Department of Tactics Fort Rucker, Alabama Thank you for your letter and interest. The U. S. Army Board for Aviation Accident Research has taken a posi tion on the wearing of flight suits. This position has been that all personal equip- ment, such as helmets, flight suits, gloves, and com- bat boots be worn on tactical flights. However, USABAAR can only recommend. It cannot dictate policy. There is a small development requirement (SDR) for aviation crewmember's flight clothing presently under study. This new flight suit will look like fatigues in order to satisfy field commanders. At the same time, it will be permanently fire resistant (the present flight suit is not) and will be as func- tional as the present flight suit by adding the required pockets. There are survival kits in the Army system. The personal individual survival kit now available in CONUS is the SEEK-I. In this issue, I am demon- strating a new survival kit that is being sent to RVN. Another 100 of these kits are being evaluated for possible adoption worldwide. It has been rec- ommended that this kit (with a survival knife) be issued to student pilots along with their APH-5 helmets. In addition, the kit should be inspected annually for completeness and for the service life of some items in the kit. PEARL U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST crash sense "IT COU DN'T HAPPEN TO MEl" JUNE 1967 E GO IS A NECESSARY PART of our total per- sonality. We must like and admire ourselves if we are to live with what we see in the mirror 24 hours every day. If we don't, conflicts arise and we develop traits described by gentlemen wearing thick glasses and white coats. Ego is one of the driving forces that makes us want to do weII or excel in all of our activities. When we govern it with common sense, it becomes a healthy asset. Unfortunately, the ego doesn't limit its growth by reality. It not only feeds on ability and accom- plishments, but it has a healthy appetite for false pride. Given the chance, it will prod us into actions beyond our ability. It will give us a false sense of security in situations we are unable to cope with. In short, we develop a sometimes arrogant, some- times complacen t, IT-COULDN'T -HAPPEN -TO- ME attitude. For those who spend their working hours as mattress testers, this is of little conse- quence. But for those who fly, work around, or ride in aircraft, it can be fatal. 39 lilT COULDN,/T HAPPEN TO MElli TAIL ROTOR FATALITY I heard a thud from the rear of the aircraft and felt a severe shudder. I knew something had struck the tail rotor . . . Pilot: "I was on a routine helicopter mission in an OH-23G and my first stop was made to pick up two passengers. I landed, cut the throttle back to 40 Passenger approached from right rear and walked into tail rotor idle, and saw three people standing next to the passenger lounge. After about 30 seconds, one of the people started toward my aircraft, approaching to the right rear. "I yelled at him and motioned for him to ap- proach the aircraft to the front. "When he got to the helicopter, I opened the door and he asked who I was waiting for. I told him who I was supposed to pick up. Before I had an opportunity to reprimand him for approaching the rear of the helicopter, he turned and ran back toward the building to pick up a box. "An officer started toward the aircraft, approach- U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST .. practically every soldier may expect to be in and around helicopters during his Army service. It is considered essential that he receive training in propeller and rotor hazards during his basic training. ing to the right front. I opened the right door and started to adjust the seat belts on the right side. As the officer arrived and started to enter the aircraft, I turned to the left side and started to adjust the left seat belt. At this time, I heard a thud from the rear of the aircraft and felt a severe shudder. I knew something had struck the tail rotor, so I jumped out the left side and found the body of the soldier who had first approached lying to the rear of the aircraft. I called for someone to get a doctor, but it was quite evident that nothing could be done for him." Flight surgeon: "Careful interrogation of the people who knew the soldier failed to bring out any medical reason for his actions. He apparently was in a hurry, excited and slightly apprehensive about his first helicopter ride, and completely for- got that a helicopter has two rotor blades. An effort should be made to inform everyone of the basic hazards inherent in entering helicopters." Investigation board: "The board determined that the pilot was fully qualified and was on an author- ized and scheduled mission to transport two pas- sengers. Command regulations permit passengers to board or disembark from helicopters while the engine is running, providing the pilot has cau- tioned the passengers about the dangers of the rotor blades. In this case, the pilot felt he had fulfilled this requirement. Shortly after landing, he saw an individual approaching the helicopter in a dan- gerous manner. He motioned and called to the individual to prevent him from walking into the tail rotor. The pilot felt that the individual realized JUNE 1967 his dangerous act. However, the soldier later used the same route again that he had intended to use the first time. "It was concluded by the board that the deceased either did not understand the dangers of heli- copters, or he had forgotten them .... His anxiety or excitement may have influenced his judgment. "The pilot was possibly a victim of circumstances. He thought he had conveyed his message to the prospective passenger. When the soldier approached the aircraft the second time, the pilot was pre- occupied in preparing the seat belts. Therefore, he did not observe the soldier's movement. "The primary cause of the accident was the pas- senger's failure to use proper procedure in ap- proaching a helicopter .... " Letter of transmittal: " ... All units have been directed to conduct quarterly training in propeller and rotor blade hazards. "Commanders have been directed to survey prin- cipal heliports and institute measures to reduce rotor blade hazards .... "The increased use of helicopters in military operations indicates that practically every American soldier may expect to be in and around helicopters during his Army service, either as a passenger, or in some other role. It is considered essential that every s o l ~ e r receive training in propeller and rotor blade hazards during his basic training and period- ically thereafter .... It is further recommended that posters showing hazardous and safe areas around each type and model of helicopter be distributed throughout the Army." 41 lilT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO ME!" MISSED APPROACH the CV-2 was approaching from the southeast at a low altitude. The landing gear was down and the aircraft was heading toward the mountain. GCA controller: "A Caribou was calling ap- proach control on a common frequency, so I was receiving the call the same as approach control. They were having a little bit of trouble locating him, so I offered my assistance because they didn't have SIF jIFF interrogator equipment and we did. I located it after I had the pilot squawk for iden- tification. I got positive radar contact seven miles sou tho The Caribou was proceeding on a sou th- westerly heading. "I saw that in approximately two miles it would intercept the on-course. I advised approach control that I had a weak target on it . and a strong IFF return. I asked if they had any contact on radar, but I got the impression they were too busy at the time. They tried to find him, but they were work- ing a departure at the same time. As the Caribou . crossed the on-course, I decided I'd take control of the aircraft and give the pilot a right turn. "I zeroed his turn, gave him the lost communica- tion procedure and all runway information for a surveillance approach to runway 34. He acknowl- edged all transmissions. . . . I rolled him ou t on final and he appeared to roll out on course at approximately eight and one-haH miles, heading 345. At this point, I lost radar contact. All I had was the IFF. I advised the pilot that I had lost radar contact and had an IFF target only, and that the continuation of the approach would be IFF target, with no radar separation applied. He acknowledged and I noticed the IFF target to be slightly left of the on-course .... "I saw a video target once again at approximately seven and one-half miles. It appeared to be left of the on-course, maybe a quarter of a mile. The 42 IFF target appeared to be very close to on-course, maybe slightly left. At this time, I gave the pilot a right turn to 040. I wanted to see how he tracked as long as I had video. I wanted to give him a considerable turn so I could figure out a good heading for final. However, I lost radar contact again and was still on IFF. I brought him back on course and rolled him out with a heading of 350, this time at seven miles .... I told him to prepare to begin his descent in one mile. I gave him another check, a 15-second warning to begin his descent in 15 seconds at six miles. I told him to begin his descent from 4,500 and that GCA recommended 750 fpm for 90 knots. This was the second time I advised him of this. I always advise an aircraft a second time so the pilot gets it for sure .... I told him not to acknowledge further transmissions on final unless requested to do so . " ... At five miles, I gave him a passing altitude of 4,000 feet. He advised me that he was at 4,300 feet and making up for it. At this time, I gave him slightly left of course .... He proceeded inbound and at four miles I gave him a slight left correc- tion . . . then on course, and told him his passing altitude should be 3,500 feet in his descent. He acknowledged, saying 'We've made up for it,' mean- ing that he had made up for his higher altitude at the five mile mark. "At that time, my IFF target started to bloom. I got a bulging target. ... I was still trying to get a video return from the aircraft, but was unable to at three miles. I gave him no on-course informa- tion at three miles because I wasn't sure of it. The target was blooming badly left and right at that time. I told the pilot that his passing altitude U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST should be 3,000 feet in his descent and he acknowl- edged. . . . I was concerned over the blooming tar- get, so I decided to call the approach off just out of 3,000 feet and three miles. I told the pilot radar contact was lost and to execute a missed approach, climbing outbound on a heading of 360 0 to 3,500 feet. I told him to reverse his course with a left turn when he reached 3,500 feet, and to contact approach control. The pilot acknowledged. Ap- proximately 20 seconds later, I got another trans- mission from him asking the frequency to contact approach control. I gave him the frequency and he said, 'Thank you.' That was the last transmission I got from him .... " Question: "After you got identification of this aircraft, you vectored it to a position where you could put it on final approach. Is this true?" Answer: "Partially. It crossed the on-course while approach control was trying to get a target on it. I had to reverse the pilot's course and descend him to an altitude to intercept the glide path." Question: "Do you know what his altitude was when he started descending?" Answer: ''I'm pretty sure that it was 5,500 feet. I gave the pilot a right turn to a heading of 090 0 , and instructed him to descend to and maintain 4,500 feet." Question: "Did he acknowledge this when you gave it to him?" Answer: "Yes, he did." Question: "You indicated that when you did this you had a weak radar target and a strong IFF return. Would you explain this?" Answer: "Yes. The radar was working a t half power that day and from what I can understand JUNE 1967 43 .. the pilots did not have a full understanding of the implications of an IFF onV approach. ~ h e V did not realize that their position in relationship to the centerline could not be accurately pinpointed. from conversations with previous pilots we had given departures to, the overcast was quite heavy. At half power, it's difficult for the radar to cut through the overcast. It is actually quite a job when operating at full power. The IFF return is not the same. I was getting a strong IFF return and a weak radar return." Question: "What type of advisory did you give the pilot at that time?" Answer: "I advised him that the continuation of his approach would be with an IFF target only and that radar separation could not be applied." Question: "What was his answer to your ad- visory?" Answer: "I don't remember his exact words. It was something like 'wonderful' or 'marvelous.' It gave me the indication that he wasn't too excited about getting an IFF approach, but did approve of it." Question: "What were your intentions by con- tinuing the IFF? Did you hope to get radar back and bring him in, or were you attempting to vector him to the airfield?" Answer: "My intention was to give him an ap- proach using IFF. When the IFF started getting out of hand, I realized the approach could not be continued and I discontinued it by giving him a missed approach." Witness: "Another soldier and I noticed a CV-2 approaching from the southeast at a low altitude. 44 The landing gear was down and the aircraft was heading toward the mountain. The top of the mountain was completely hidden by fog. As the aircraft approached our position, there was no change in the pitch of the engines, and none as it neared the mountain. As the aircraft disappeared into the fog, we heard the sound of an apparent crash." The airplane struck trees, crashed, and came to rest inverted. The crew of four and nine passengers were killed. Two passengers sustained critical in- juries, 14, passengers sustained major injuries, and three passengers escaped with minor injuries. The point at which the Caribou struck the mountain was measured and determined to be 4,300 feet left of the approach path for runway 34. Investigation board analysis: " ... Sensing that approach control was busy assisting an aircraft which was outbound, and apparently unable to concentrate on a target for the approaching air- craft, the controller decided to direct the surveil- lance approach. After transmitting adjustment turns, the control targeted the aircraft as on-course, eight and one-half nautical miles from touchdown. The controller transmitted missed approach in- structions which were acknowledged by the pilots. The controller stated that the GCA equipment was presenting a weak radar target and a strong IFF interrogator return. He again stated that at the eight and one-half nautical mile mark, he lost radar U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST contact and had only IFF interrogator return. At this point, the GCA controller advised the pilots that radar contact had been lost and that he was receiving an IFF target only. He further transmitted that the continuation of the approach would be with an IFF target and no radar separation could be applied. This condition was acknowledged by the pilots. "After discussions with other pilots, and analysis by the board members, it is the opinion of the board that the pilots did not have a full under- standing of the implications of an IFF only ap- proach. They did not realize that their position in relation to the centerline could not be accurately pinpointed. When a duplicate approach was made, operating the GCA equipment at one-half power, the radar video target was lost prior to the time the aircraft was established on the final approach course. The operator was unable to regain the radar video target. During this duplicating ap- proach, the weather conditions, with the exception of precipitation, were such that the aircraft had to be targeted while flying through clouds. Although the cloud conditions were not a duplicate of those present at the time of the crash, the GCA equip- ment was required to target the aircraft while it was in clouds .... "The IFF interrogator target return presents an arc shaped target which can cover as much as a two-mile area on the radar scope. During a sur- JUNE 1967 veillance approach, the GCA controllers, under normal conditions, provide course and distance in- formation. Altitude is the responsibility of the pilot. Advisory service for altitude at various dis- tance marks is furnished by the GCA controller. Altitude advisories were given to the pilots of the crashed aircraft at each mile interval. ... " Indorsements: "Concur with the finding that the descent of the aircraft to 2,100 feet after issuance and receipt of missed approach instructions con- stitutes the primary cause of the accident. Like- wise, concur that a principal contributing cause was the use of the SIF j IFF interrogator beacon, with resultant inaccuracy .... " "N otwithstanding improvement in ground navi- gational equipment and controller personnel, it remains the fundamental responsibility of the aviators to comply with emergency instructions as issued." "There was one additional navigational instru- ment available and evidently functioning which, if used, would have indicated to the pilot that he was considerably to the left of the approach course. This was the ADF which was tuned to the ADF beacon at the airfield, but evidently not used as a crosscheck by the pilot or copilot. "Failure to use all available instruments as cross- checks during instrument approaches is a habit easily acquired and constant emphasis on avoiding this habit is essential." 45 Witness: "I was flying on a northeasterly course when I saw a helicopter ahead and to my left, at about 200 feet below. My altitude was 2,000 feet. The aircraft went into what appeared to be a nor- mal simulated forced landing. It turned a little more than 90 across in front of me, after which the nose started to tuck under. It continued tuck- ing until I was looking at the skids. After the nose had tucked about 90, I saw a flashing in the rotor which gave the appearance of the rotor starting to come apart. The aircraft continued somersaulting until I lost sight of it for about the last 200-300 feet of its descent to the ground. I started turning after losing sight of the aircraft and saw it on the ground." The helicopter continued to tuck under at the point where the witness lost sight of it, coming to an inverted position. As it did so; a main rotor blacie severed the tail boom. The pilot was thrown out of the aircraft and struck by the same blade. The helicopter rolled over laterally and hit the ground in a level upright position with little or no rpm. The pilot was found 45 yards from the wreckage and 90 to the flight path. Examination of the wreckage showed the force trim selector switch in the left (copilot's) position. The antitorque pedals for both the pilot's and copilot's positions had been adjusted to the full rear position. The fore and aft cyclic control fric- tion lock was found to be five turns toward the lock position. Both seat belts and shoulder har- nesses were unlocked. According to the pilots who had flown the aircraft last before the accident, the antitorque pedals had been left with the right seat pedals in the full extended position and the left seat pedals aft in the next to last position. The pilot was also qualified and experienced in fixed wing airplanes. He held a commercial rating and had flown more than 500 hours. He frequently rented airplanes for pleasure flights. Colleague: "One evening several weeks before the accident, my friend and I left the flight line, immediately changed clothes, and drove to the air- port in my car. Another friend was with us. He and I untied the plane while our friend went in and checked the plane out and got the keys. When he came back, he made a short preflight and we got in. I was in the back seat and my friends were in the fron t. "We took off and headed for an airport near a large city. He didn't gain much altitude right at first because he wanted to do some tree level flying after we were away from the airport. He did quite a lot of tree level flying. No fancy maneuvers, just flying as close to the trees as possible and into 46 clearings, pulling out just over the trees. "After passing a town, he brought the plane to about 2,000 feet, let our colleague take the controls, and gave himself a forced landing to about 10 feet. We then climbed back to altitude and flew straight to our des tination. "When we landed, we met my friend's girlfriend and went to the snack bar for hambargers and cokes. Then we started back to the town where our base is located. The girl was in the back left wi th our colleague, and my friend and I were in the front. He took off, got up to flying altitude, and then let me have the controls. He had given me a couple of hours instruction before. By this time it was dark, so we headed straight for home. "I flew the plane until we were almost halfway, where my friend unfastened his safety belt, moved through the space between the two front seats into our colleague's lap, while his girlfriend moved from her seat into the pilot's seat. My friend then took her seat in the back. After they were fastened back down, I gave the girl the controls. She flew for awhile, until we were approaching our town, then my friend and I exchanged seats in the same manner. He let his girlfriend fly the plane through final, but, because it was dark, he took over and made the approach and landing, then taxied back to the hangar .... " Airport manager: "Several weeks prior to his fatal accident, I walked into the hangar at the air- lilT COULDNIT HAP'PEN TO ME!II CHANGED SEATS? It zs speculated that he landed the aircraft and changed to the left seat. Why he did this is unknown . .. U. s. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST port and saw one of our planes making takeoffs and landings. I asked who was flying as the land- ings were not too good. I watched another landing and it was very bad, so I went into the office and asked them to advise the pilot to come to the r m p ~ "He was amazed that I should stop him from flying. However, in addition to the bad landings, several people had told me that he had ta-xied ou t so fast that the plane was almost flying. I told him he was acting smart and was a show-off and that I did not wan t him to fly the airplane any more. I also told him that if he did not change his ways he would surely kill himself. He asked me to fly with him and I told him that I did not have time. "He continued to call me the next week and the last time he called, I told the clerk at the airport to make an .appointment for the weekend and I would ride with him. I met him at the airport, gave him a checkride, and he demonstrated satisfactory ability and proficiency. I then told him he could fly the plane locally, but not to land at any other airport. "Later he came back and rented the plane. In about one-half hour, he called and reported that he had damaged the wing in landing at another airport. He flew the plane back to the airport and this was the last contact that I had with him." Colleague: "I went on a fixed wing flight with him several months prior to his accident .... We took off in the early afternoon and flew for about JUNE 1967 . . . he decided to change seats in flight he apparently released his safety harness and belt, frictioned the collective, and began a move to the right seat 47 lIlT COULDNIT HAPPEN TO ME!II Main rotor blade strike on pilot's helmet was confirmed by laboratory analysis. Pilot did not have seat belt or shoulder harness fastened and he was thrown out while aircraft was in uncontrollable attitude two hours. During this flight, several maneuvers were not made the way I thought they should have been done. He made very tight turns and stalls at low altitude. This led me to term:inate the flight sooner than planned. I have over 2600 hours fixed wing time and I considered these maneuvers dan- gerous. "He told me on several occasions that he liked to fly low and fast .... I talked with him after his first flight on the day of the accident and he said that he had been up to a lake, buzzing two girls on water skis .... " Flight surgeon: " ... The sequence of events on the day of the accident were, in general: The pilot arose at the usual time, met a formation, then re- turned to his room to catch a little extra sleep while his colleagues had breakfast. According to them, he never ate breakfast. . . . He was in bed about 2230 the evening before, and asleep about 2300. He did not appear upset or despondent and there was no evidence of organic illness. . . . He neither drank nor smoked, and was never observed 48 taking medication, not even aspirin. "He flew the aircraft for two hours, then re- turned to refuel. While his aircraft was being refueled, he confided to a colleague that he had gone to a small airport where he had a fixed wing accident the previous weekend. He reported that after he left the airport he had flown over a lake and buzzed some girls on water skis, causing them to fall into the lake. He made no reference to any difficulties during his first flight. "After refueling, he took off and what happened from that time until he was seen by the one and only witness to his fatal descent is unknown. It is speculated that he landed the aircraft and changed to the left seat. Why he did this is unknown. It is speculated that he flew in the left seat until it was time to return to the base. He began the return in a northeasterly direction and, about 8-10 miles from the base ... he evidently decided to return to the right seat in flight .... He apparently re- leased his safety harness and belt, frictioned the collective, and began a move to the right seat. It U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST is speculated that he inadvertently pushed the cyclic and the aircraft went into the disastrous attitude described by the witness. (Attempts to change from the left to right seat on the ground by the accident investigation board resulted in inad- vertently pushing the cyclic.) "It is believed the aircraft was approximately 600 feet above the ground, at an airspeed of 50-55 knots. The witness lost sight of the aircraft when it was about 250-300 feet above the ground. "N 0 doors were on the helicopter and the pilot was thrown out of it in any of several uncontrolled positions at approximately 100 feet .... A main rotor blade struck his helmet, causing skull frac- tures, lacerations of the jaw, fractures, and other injuries. The blade strike caused instantaneous death and the pilot was dead when he hit the ground .... "Among the items found to indicate a left seat position were the anti torque pedal settings on the left side in the full aft position, as near to him as possible. He was very short, about 5'6". The pilot who flew the aircraft last in the left seat used a different pedal setting entirely. The pedals on the right side were also in the full aft position. The seat belts on both sides were unfastened, with no evidence of strain or tear, and the force trim con- trol toggle switch was adjusted for the left seat. ... "The major disconcerting area is the pilot him- self. His spoken and observed antics while in the air are alarming and certainly lend credence to a set of bizarre but plausible suppositions." The aircraft accident investigation board found the cause of this accident to be: "Suspected self- induced control movement ... which resulted in an uncontrollable aircraft attitude." Listed as contributing factors were: "Pilot was not properly secured by the restraining system, which caused him to be thrown from the aircraft while in an uncontrollable attitude," and "a strong possibility exists that he may have attempted to change seat positions while in normal flight." Among the recommendations made were: "That the widest possible dissemination of facts surround- ing this accident be brought to the attention of flight personnel," and "that USABAAR consider using this accident for prevention purposes in exist- ing safety publications." JUNE 1967 HILL 1028 In vzew of the szx aircraft destroyed on this one particular hill) an article in the Aviation Digest is needed to publicize Hill 1028 ... UH-ID aircraft commander: "We got up at 0500 and planned on a 0600 takeoff. The weather looked bad so we decided to eat breakfast. I called the weather station and they said the ceiling was 400 feet and was breaking up and looked pretty good to the sou tho "We took off at approximately 0700. I was flying from the right seat. I was on instruments and the pilot was maintaining visual reference with the ground. "We entered a pretty solid fog bank and I started a climbing left turn. I think I may have gotten vertigo. Either the pilot or one of the passengers pointed to the front and I saw a hill. It was coming at me awfully fast. I flared the helicopter and leveled the skids. "After impact, I must have been knocked out .... "There was no pressure exerted by any of the passengers about continuing the flight or turning back prior to the crash. I had flown the helicopter two hours the day before and it was a good flying ship. All the instruments were functioning properly. We had 1,000-1,100 pounds of fuel on board and it took 95% Nl for takeoff. I don't know if the pilot was on the controls with me at the time of the crash or not. There was no fire prior to ground impact." Crewchief: " ... We were flying low level over a 49 "IT COULDN'T HAP'PEN TO ME!" road to the valley where the weather was clearing. We were flying about 200 feet above the ground and at about 90-95 knots airspeed. We started to hit fog down to the road and the aircraft com- mander pulled up and tried a 180 turn to the left in the fog, at about 80 knots. I could see the trees about 200-250 feet below, then grass and fog blended together. "The next thing I saw was the ground closing in fast. The aircraft commander pulled up with pitch and cyclic. Then we hit and rolled end over end, and the shi p was on fire at firs t impact. I was Burned UH-1D on Hill 1028. Arrow pOints to wreckage of C-123 which crashed in same location 50 thrown from the aircraft approximately 25 yards .... The aircraft was in flames by the time I was able to turn toward it. People were rolling out and machinegun rounds were going off from the heat inside. I found the aircraft commander next to the front of the aircraft about six feet away, face down. I saw the pilot's hand on fire outside the window and reached in and pulled him ou t. He rolled away from the wreckage down the hill. I picked up the aircraft commander and started to get away from the wreckage when a fuel cell blew up and flames began shooting out in all directions .... When help came, we walked down the hill." Accident investigation board narrative: " ... The weather in the area at this time of year can best be described as variable and uncertain for both ceiling and visibility, with numerous showers and intermittent ground fog. Current weather observa- tions can be extremely misleading. The aircraft commander received his weather briefing by phone shortly before takeoff .... The route of flight was south along a highway. Altitude varied between 50 and 1 00 feet above the terrain. During the flight, thin patches of fog were encountered. However, it was 'in and out' until they reached a point just to the west of Hill 1028. At this point, the aircraft entered a fog bank and did not break out. "The aircraft commander had been watching the flight instruments while the pilot maintained visual contact with the ground. When the aircraft did not break out of the fog bank, the aircraft commander started a climbing left turn. While in the turn, at an airspeed of approximately 80 knots, he saw the hill and flared. The aircraft struck the hill (slope estimated to be 50) in an estimated 50 nose high attitude .... "It hit hat:d enough to crush the skids upward and allow the bottom of the fuselage to be crushed . . . . At the time of impact, as the aircraft slid for- ward, the left aft fuel cover section was ripped out of the fuselage and left sticking in the ground. "The helicopter skidded forward about 35 feet up the hill and began to nose forward, ripping out the bottom front plexiglass. As the front end dug in, the aircraft flipped over, landed on its top, and began burning. This is when the passengers found themselves in an inverted position, locked in their seat belts, except for the crew chief who was thrown from his seat belt when the aircraft started to flip. As the passengers unlocked their seat belts, they fell and rolled out the left, down the steep slope .... "Analysis: A visual flight was attempted, instru- U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST ment conditions were encountered, and the air- craft crashed .... "The crewchief was thrown from the aircraft on impact due to not having his seat belt tightly secured .... "The aircraft commander was not instrument qualified and was unable to properly evaluate the situation. "In view of the unit's mission, its aviators are required to be away from their home station for extended periods. Due to the shortage of instrument qualified aviators, it is not possible to assign an instrument qualified aviator on all missions .... "In view of the number of aircraft destroyed on this one particular hill (one C-123, one A-IE, one CH-47, and three UH-Is) it is suggested that an article be written and submitted to the AVIATION DIGEST in order to publicize Hill 1028." The board stated that the cause of the accident was the aircraft commander inadvertently flying into actual weather conditions which exceeded his capabilities and resulted in his becoming dis- oriented while making a climbing left turn. It listed contributing factors as: Weather-ceiling and visibility diminished dur- ing the flight. The desire to complete the mission. A left turn while flying from the right seat, which further restricted visual references. Spatial disorientation caused by frequent changes from visual to instrument flight conditions. The board recommended a NOTAM be pub- lished warning all pilots of the hazard of flying up the highway when low ceilings and visibility pre- vail. It also recommended publication and re- emphasis of the hazards resulting from attempts to fly VFR in IFR conditions. Although the aircraft was destroyed by fire, all occupants survived. The aircraft commander, pilot, crewchief, gunner, and four passengers sustained major injuries. One passenger escaped injury. Flight surgeon: "The major injury producing mechanism was that of rapid and total deceleration upon impact. This resulted in compression frac- tures of the lower spine in seven of the nine indi- viduals. That this is the limit of the severity of the injuries, with the exception of a 30% body burn suffered by the pilot, must be directly attributed to the fact that all seat belts and shoulder harnesses held, even though the aircraft came to rest in an inverted position. The crewchief was thrown from the aircraft at initial impact, not due to the failure JUNE 1967 of his seat belt, but because he was wearing it in a loose position to facilitate control of his weapon in covering low level flight. "The burns suffered by the pilot involved only those areas not covered by clothing. He was flying with his fatigue sleeves rolled up and suffered severe arm burns. "Although no recommendations could be made to prevent the rapid deceleration injuries, it has certainly been demonstrated that vertigo may result from the combined use of instrument and visual references. In addition, it is recommended that all people flying in aircraft wear their sleeves rolled down and gloves if at all possible. It should also be recommended that all passengers wear seat belts securely fastened, as this has certainly been demon- strated as effective in preventing serious injuries." Reviewing official: "Concur with the cause fac- tors as stated by the accident investigation board. "Concur with the recommendations by the board. In addition, the battalion has published an instru- ment familiarization training circular ... which will provide basic helicopter instrument training for noninstrument rated rotary wing aviators. All units within the battalion have been briefed on this accident and have been directed to cite this accident and its causes in quarterly special weather briefings to be conducted for all aviators. "Reference the flight surgeon's analysis and rec- ommendations, the battalion SOP spells out spe- cifically that all crewmembers will be equipped with and wear flying gloves, and that sleeves will be rolled down while flying. Increased command em- phasis has been directed to insure compliance with the SOP in this respect." Third indorsement to letter of transmittal: ". . . The findings and recommendations of the investigation board are approved with one excep- tion. It appears that the aircraft commander in- tentionally rather than inadvertently flew into the weather .... " USABAAR policy requires that publication of accident accounts be completely anonymous, with no reference to names, dates, or places. This policy has been followed in the account of the above accident. However, in view of the recommendation of the aircraft accident investigation board that Hill 1028 be pUQlidzed, and in view of the large number of aircraft which have crashed on this one hill, it is considered essential that the location of Hill 1028 be given. Hill 1028 is located south of Pleiku, along highway 14. 51 lilT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO ME!II While on the subject of low visibility VF R flying, it is appropriate to include a lesson taught by Mr. Gerard Bruggink in the Aviation Safety Orientation Course conducted by USABAAR. This lesson is entitled . AS FAST AS YOU CAN SEE 52 You are flying your helicopter at treetop level, trying to maintain visual contact while visibility is limited to 1,000 feet. You are on the lookout for obstacles that may loom out of the grayness around you, hoping you'll have enough room to make an evasive turn when necessary. Feeling slightly uneasy, you have reduced your airspeed from 100 to 80 knots. A practical question at this point is: How much forward distance will you travel from the moment you see an obstacle until you complete the first 90 of an evasive turn? If your total forward travel exceeds the existing forward visibility, you are in trouble. In that case, the accident board would probably blame your demise on: "Flight into low ceiling and visibility conditions without an appro- priate reduction in airspeed." (This is a direct quote from one of the many reports on weather accidents.) There is no reason to doubt that our colleagues who killed themselves under poor visibility condi- tions slowed down when walking in the dark or driving in the fog. Their failure to use the same protective instinct when flying can be explained only by a lack of understanding of the relationship between safe forward speed and existing visibility, as shown on the figure below. The figure is based on the assumption that it takes about five seconds to perceive, to make a decision, 676 FT l' l' 80 KNOTS 40 KNOTS u. S. R ~ f Y AVIATION DIGEST and to start a corrective maneuver (W ADC Tech- nical Report 58-399-VISION IN MILITARY AVIATION). The forward distance traveled dur- ing these five seconds-under no-wind conditions- is a function of TAS and is shown by the straight line on the lower portion of the graph. At 80 knots, the aircraft's forward displacement in five seconds is 676 feet. Assuming that the evasive maneuver consists of a coordinated turn, it is obvious that the first 90 of this turn will bring the aircraft closer to the obstacle over a distance equal to the radius of the turn. For reference purposes, a bank angle of 30 is used as a standard. At 80 knots, this would pro- duce a turn radius of 984 feet (and a rate of turn of about 8 per second). Therefore, the total dis- placement of the aircraft towards the obstacle, from the moment of perception until the completion of a 90 turn, would be 676 + 984 == 1,660 feet. With a given visibility of 1,000 feet, your problem is simply the lack of 660 feet to maneuver in. In other words, a collision becomes inevitable unless you engage in some last second acrobatics which 7000 i= w
I- z w
u < -' 0..
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CHART 1 , i J
.- 1-V4 i I II I II Ii J I " I . '4: I
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<:> I .' / / 'i l f .. I / " REACTION j' ) I DISTANCE At (5 SECS) II If.J'- l'
" " iIIfII""" .dI!'# 1/4
.."" 1/8 o 40 80 120 160 200 220 TAS (KNOTS) CHART SHOWING THEORETICAL RelATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXISTING VISIBILITY AND MAXIMUM SAFE AIRSPEED JUNE 1967 would probably only increase the spectacularity of your mis.hap. What would your chances be if you reduced your speed to 40 knots with the same 1,000 foot visibility? A look at the figure shows that your total forward displacement in that case would be 338 + 246 == 584 feet. This would give you an approximate 400 foot visibility margin (and a six second time margin). Chart 1 shows the theoretical relationship be- tween existing visibility and maximum safe air- speed for various speeds and bank angles. It can easily be seen that the fixed wing pilot who operates in a higher speed region has to give himself a lot more maneuvering room under conditions of poor visibility. For instance, at 180 knots his total dis- placement towards the obstacle during an evasive maneuver with a 30 bank angle is about 1 nautical mile. The implication is that, at 180 knots, he needs at least 1 Y:4 nm visibility. When he reduces his speed to 100 knots, his forward displacement is about 2,300 feet and a visibility of 1/ 2 nm would give him a reasonable margin of safety. The chart is based on no-wind conditions. It speaks for itself that a headwind works in a pilot's favor and a tailwind against him. It should also be noted that poorly visible obstacles such as high tension lines may increase the existing visibility requirements by a factor of 10 or more. The dotted lines on the chart show the total forward displace- ment when bank angles of 20 and 40 are used. (Take into consideration the increase in stall speed when you increase the bank angle: at a bank angle of 40 the stall speed increases by about 14 percent, and in a 60 bank by 40 percent.) The only purpose of this discussion is to show that, theoretically at least, existing forward visi- bility is directly related to maximum safe airspeed as shown in chart 2. CHART 2 VISIBILITY MAX SAFE AIRSPEED 600 ft Below 40 knots 1/8 nm Below 50 knots 1,000 ft Below 60 knots 1/4 nm Below 75 knots 2,000 ft Below 90 knots 1/2 nm Below 115 knots 3/4 nm Below 150 knots 1 nm Below 175 knots To summarize, the charts don't tell you how to fly your airplane when visibility is poor. They are only a reminder that the smart pilot doesn't fly faster than he can see. 53 lilT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO ME!II "WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?" this was the question asked three highly experienced aviators The engines of a twin engine airplane were started at 1150. It took off with an IP, pilot, and copilot aboard at 1224 for a flight of 816 nautical miles. The IP filed IFR, estimating 04:30 en route, with an estimated 00: 30 to his selected alternate. He listed 06:00 hours of fuel aboard. Destination weather was given as 300 feet overcast, 1 mile visi- bility, forecast to improve. Alternate weather was given as 25,000 feet broken, 7 miles visibility. Communications log: 1624- As the airplane approached an en route reporting point, the center asked for identification. The pilot stated that the transponder was inopera- tive. He was cleared direct to his destination and instructed to climb and maintain 9,000 feet. 54 1626- The airplane was cleared to descend to 4,000 feet and the pilot was instructed to report leaving 5,000 feet. At 1629, he reported out of 9,000 feet for 4,000 feet. At 1631, he reported descending to 6,000 feet and asked for destination weather. The weather was given as 100 feet obscured, with 1/8 mile visibility in fog. At 1633, the pilot was told to hold on the 052 radial at his destination at 4,000 feet. These instructions were repeated and he was told to expect further clearance at 1650. The pilot requested the airport with the highest ceiling in the vicinity of his destination and was told to stand by. Communications were difficult, but the pilot acknowledged loud and clear. 1641- The pilot was advised that a nearby air- port was open for approaches and to switch to an- other channel. The center relinquished control to the recommended alternate at 1642. At 1646, the pilot called the center and requested clearance to another airport. He was asked if he had approval to land at the requested airport and advised of a 30 minute delay. At 1648, the pilot reported out of 4,000 feet for 6,000 feet and was told to expect a direct routing from his original destination to his requested airport. This was repeated. Ten seconds later, the pilot cancelled IFR and this was the last center contact. The airplane was seen on radar proceeding southwest toward the airport the pilot had requested. 1703- The pilot called the alternate originally ,recommended to him and asked for its ceiling. He was given a pilot report of 1,000 feet overcast, 1 Y2 miles visibility, altimeter 30.12. At 1707, the pilot reported over the outer marker at 4,000 feet, VFR, and stated that he would like an approach. He was told to expect an IFR clearance at 1740. At 1708, he was given the airport weather as 800 feet overcast, I Y2 miles visibility, and asked for the full serial number and type aircraft. The pilot acknowl- edged and said that he expected approach clear- ance at 1722. Approach control: "Roger, understand holding U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST Fuel .panel from crashed airplane shows main tanks selected, with fuel boost pumps on auxiliary tanks VFR. Maintain VFR." Pilot: "Will let down to 3,000 feet." Approach control: "Leave area or maintain 4,000 feet." Pilot: "Will remain VFR." 1723- Approach control called the pilot and asked, "Are you still with me?" Pilot: "Affirmative. Holding outer marker, 4,000 feet, thank you." Approach control: "Expect approach clearance at 40, as previously issued." 1732- The pilot was told to revise his approach clearance time to 1745 and asked if he copied. He replied, "Affirmative." At 1734, approach control called the pilot and told him he could expect to go to a reporting point. He was given new weather of 200 feet overcast and 3/4 mile visibility in fog. The pilot acknowledged. At 1736 the pilot was asked if he was still at 4,000 feet VFR and able to maintain to the reporting point. He replied that he could and was instructed to proceed to the reporting point, maintain 4,000, and report over the report- ing point for IFR clearance. At 1740, approach control asked the pilot his location and he replied that he was coming up on the reporting point, about 3 miles short. At 1741, approach control JUNE 1967 issued a blanket call, giving the visibility as 1/2 mile. 1742- Approach control: "Are you still over the reporting poin t?" Pilot: "Right now." Approach control: "Descend and maintain 3,000 feet, report leaving 4,000 feet." Pilot: "Roger, out of 4 now." 1743- The pilot reported at 3,000 feet and ap- proach control told him to expect his clearance at 47. 1746- Approach control: "Clear alternate outer marker via reporting point and ILS course, depart another reporting point 220 radial inbound on localizer at 2,000 feet. Report reporting point in- bound leaving 3,000 feet." Pilot: "Roger, out of 3 now." Approach control: "What time do you estimate the reporting point inbound?" Pilot: "Will leave reporting point in 30 seconds." 1749- Approach control: "Your clearance limit is the outer marker. Hold northwest on localizer, 1 minute patterns, left turns. The aircraft ahead of you just missed his approach." Pilot: "Roger." Approach control: "Expect further clearance at 55 lilT COULDN'T HAP'PEN TO ME!" 1800." The pilot acknowledged and was advised that another pilot reported 200 feet overcast and 3/8 mile visibility in fog. He was told to report at the outer locator, holding. 1750- Other aircraft in the vicinity started di- verting to other airports. At 1751, approach con- trol issued a blanket call, stating that the weather would go to zero-zero until 2400 and later. 1754- The pilot reported outbound in the hold- ing pattern over the outer marker at 2,000 feet. At 1755, talking to another aircraft, approach control reported the visibility steadily dropping, then at 1/ 4 mile. 1756- Approach control called the pilot and asked, "What are your intentions?" Pilot: "We'd like to shoot an approach right now. We're procedure turn, inbound." Approach control: "Roger .... Airport weather, pilot Ireport, 200 feet overcast, visibility one-quarter. This is below ILS runway 16 straight-in minimums. Advise if you still wish to shoot the approach." Pilot: "Roger, we still want to shoot the approach at pilot's discretion. Over." Approach control: "Roger, understand. Cleared for 16, ILS approach. Report outer locator in- bound." Pilot: "Roger, thank you." 1759- Approach control: " . . I have new weather, sir." Pilot: "We're outer marker, inbound." Approach control: "Weather, pilot report, 100 feet overcast, 1/4 mile visibility in fog. Contact tower. ... " The airplane crashed 2% miles from the ap- proach end of the ILS approach, approximately 200 feet to the right of the approach path. The right wing hit a 70foot tree, shearing the outer portion of the wing. The airplane rolled inverted to the right, sheared the left wing, then crashed to the ground inverted and skidded about 10 feet. All three occupants sustained fatal injuries. Investigation board analysis: "After finding their destination below minimums, the crewmembers ap- parently were undecided as to what their course of action should be for 32 minutes from 1631 through 1703 hours. They then appeared to have misunder- stood their approach clearance as 22 minutes past the hour, rather than 40 minutes past the hour. At 23 minutes past the hour, a 1740 approach time was verified by approach control, acknowledged, and accepted by the crewmembers. At 1732, ap- proach control issued a new approach time of 1745. Once again, this was acknowledged and accepted. It 56 appears from this, because no fuel shortage was mentioned, that there was no concern by the crew about the shortage of fuel. The possibility exists that the crew figured fuel consumption from takeoff time and disregarded the fact that at least 30 minutes of ground time was used prior to takeoff. Additionally, at least two climbs and descents were made and fuel consumption in climb is more than double the consumption at cruise power .... "Two more extensions of approach times were given (1747 and 1800) and acknowledged with no apparent concern over a shortage of fuel. The first time any apparent concern was shown was when the decision was made to land at the pilot's discretion with the weather below ILS minimum. The board feels that the aircraft ran out of fuel because of the following facts: "Total engine operating time at 1800 (apparent time of the accident) was six hours and six minutes. "Due to the altitude and time of year, heater op- eration was required. Maximum heater consump- tion is three gallons per hour. An average of two gallons per hour is considered normal consumption. "Using two gallons per hour heater consumption and the flow charts for the ins taIled engines, cruise power (65 %, not considering climb) consumes 39.6 gallons per hour. This gives an endurance of 5 hours and 32 minutes. The normal cruise power on this aircraft is 65 %. Additionally, the IP was known to have always used the power chart to de- termine 65 % and then cruised at that power set- ting. "The left engine was not developing power at impact. This was determined by the type of pro- peller damage, postcrash propeller governor inspec- tion, the lack of fuel found during engine fuel in- jection system inspection, and the position of the propeller and throttle cockpit controls. "The right engine was attempting to develop takeoff power, as determined by propeller damage, propeller governor inspection, the limited fuel found in the engine fuel injection system, and the position of the throttle and propeller cockpit con- trols. "A fuel management problem was indicated in that the cockpit fuel selector valves were both se- lecting fuel from the main fuel cells, and both fuel boost pumps were found in the auxiliary tank po- sitions. Both main tanks contained no more than residual fuel during the postcrash inspection. A small postcrash fire occurred on the outbound side of the left engine nacelle, causing minor paint blis- tering. Insufficient fuel was available to sustain combustion." Cause factors: "1. Lack of knowledge: incorrect- U. S. ARl\IY AVIATION DIGEST ly assumed six hour fuel endurance (flight plan was filed with six hours of fuel). Normal flight planning is for 5 hours and 30 minu tes endurance. "2. Lack of discipline: remained undecided on a course of action in the destination area for 32 min- utes; then held on top for another 53 minutes in a rapidly deteriorating situation (weather, fuel, air traffic) while VFR weather was within 15 flying minutes." The three men aboard this aircraft were all high- ly experienced aviators. The IP had more than 7,000 flying hours and held a special instrument rating. The pilot was a master Army aviator with more than 4,500 flying hours, and the copilot was a master Army aviator with more than 5,000 flyIng hours. Two questions remain unanswered about this accident. Why did this highly experienced crew fail to plan for and moni tor their fuel consum p- tion? The apparent answer is that they did not know the fuel consumption rate or the endurance limitations of the airplane. This is indicated by the fact that the IP listed six hours of fuel aboard on DD Form 175, while normal flight planning for the airplane is for 5 hours and 30 minutes. Why did they continue to mill around in the destination area and the alternate, knowing the weather was deteriorating rapidly, when it was clear only 15 minutes away? The answer to this question is more complex. There was an obvious desire to get as close as possible to their destination. This desire, coupled with pride and overconfidence, may have tipped the scales of judgment just enough to result in the faulty decisions which led to the crash. the density altitude was low and the pilot didn't feel that the passengers would present any problem . . . UN UALIF ED OH-23C pilot: " ... After arriving at my desti- nation, I refueled, filed a local flight plan for four hours, checked the weather, and made a map recon- naissance. "I departed the airfield at 1005 and flew to the area where I was to meet my passenger. I flew around the area approximately an hour attempting to locate him .... I located my passenger and landed at a point near the junction of two roads. I had no problems with the low reconnaisance or the approach and landing. I shut down and got out. "It was decided that I would have two passengers who wanted to make an air reconnaissance of the area. After takeoff, we toured the area for 15 min- utes and returned to the point of departure. "I set up an approach into the wind and all seemed normal. I terminated approximately 15 feet short of my intended touchdown point at a hover of about 6-8 feet, moving slowly forward. At this time, I noticed a slight power loss to 2900 rpm. I attempted to add more throttle, only to discover that full throttle had already been applied. The rpm kept dropping slowly. JUNE 1967 "The helicopter then started to back up slightly. I lowered collective pitch some and gave forward cyclic. We began to descend, but continued back- ward with the rpm still dropping. I then realized we were going to the ground. . . . I t appeared as though we went backwards enough to put the air- craft over very unfavorable terrain, rough and slop- ing. I decided to turn 180 0 right, gain some air- speed, and descend to possibly regain enough power to sustain flight. I realized that with some airspeed I could descend at least as much as the slope. I also aligned the aircraft wi th our path over the ground, thinking I could run the skids on the ground to re- gain power and rpm. I gained approximately 15 mph and lowered collective, maintaining direc- tional control. Apparently this was not enough, be- cause the left skid struck the ground. The aircraft then turned to the right, uncontrolled, and hit a second time on the left skid. The skid tucked under and the aircraft rolled on its left side and came to rest. ... " The pilot and his two passengers escaped injury, but the helicopter was a total loss. 57 lilT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO ME!" 58 RPM was lost when approach was terminated below hilltop on down- wind side. Helicopter hit on left skid and rolled on its left side U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST the mission was assigned to the pilot by the company commander, who later informed the pilot he was cleared for passengers Accident investigation board: " . .. The pilot had a total of 72 helicopter flying hours. Of these, 61.3 hours were in OH-13s during a qualification course. He had started OH-23C transition training and had 7.5 hours in the OH-23C, of which 2.5 hours were dual rides given by two instructor pilots. No checkout work sheet was made by the first in- structor pilot. The checkout work sheet made by the second instructor pilot showed that maximum performance takeoffs, running takeoffs, running landings, slope operations, confined area, pinnacle, decelerations, and reconnaissance had not been per- formed. A night checkout was not performed. The pilot stated he had not left the traffic pattern dur- ing the two instructor pilot rides and that he had not made any touchdown autorotations. He also stated that he discussed his difficulty with rpm con- trol with the second instructor pilot. The board noted that there was no remark about rpm control in the remarks section of the check ride report .... "The board asked the pilot if he had ever taken a written examination on the pilots handbook for the OH-23C and his answer was no. When asked if he had studied the pilots handbook, the answer was no. "The board found that the mission was assigned to the pilot by the company commander, who later informed the pilot he was cleared for passengers and made the remark 'Passengers' along with his initials on the rotary wing check ride report, but did not date it. The pilot stated that the company commander had not ridden with him as an IP .... "The company commander was asked if he was aware of the hours required for transition in the OH-23, and his answer was that it was normally 10 hours, but he wasn't quite sure of the training cir- cular that required or stated the required time. Asked if he knew that the pilot was not qualified in the aircraft at the time he assigned the mission to him, the company commander answered that he did not know the exact hours, but that the pilot had planned on flying the aircraft 1.5 hours the JUNE 1967 evening of the day before the accident and that he would get more time on the trip out to pick up his passengers. . . . When asked how many hours of dual instruction he thought the pilot had in the OH-23, the company commander said he thought it was three or four hours .... "The board asked the pilot if he was ever told at any time not to carry two passengers and the an- swer was no. When asked if he had ever demon- strated his ability to carry two passengers, the an- swer was also no. When asked why he elected to carry the two passengers, the pilot answered that the density altitude was low and he didn't feel that it would present any problem. "The board noted that the ballast bar had not been moved to the rear, but the cockpit loading fell within the range limit so that the ballast bar did not have to be transferred. The board determined that minimum and maximum cockpit loading of the OH-23 was not explained to the pilot and that he was not fully aware of the cockpit loading and e.g. limits. There was no load limit plaque in the aircraft. ... "The board concluded that transition training had not been completed in accordance with AR 95-4 and that the pilot was very inexperienced in the OH-23 .... " With respect to landing spots and available ap- proaches, the board concluded: "The least desirable approach path was selected to the point of the intended landing. The pilot elected to approach across two deep gullies toward a steep hillside, when two ridge lines were avail- able as approach paths. "There were more favorable landing sites in the immediate vicinity that could have been considered and still have been within sight of the driver of the vehicle that was to pick up the passengers. "The approach selected was terminated short of the intended point of touchdown. It was into the wind, but was terminated below the top of the hill and on the downwind side .... " 59 Q -ID PILOT: "I was cleared into position on the approach end of runway 25. I waited momentarily while a UH-I landed on the runway ahead of me. I t then hovered to the parking area on the north side of the strip and set down. I was cleared for takeoff and proceeded down the run- way, using short field technique. "I lifted off at about 45 mph, gained about four feet of altitude, and lowered the nose of my air- craft. At this time, I noticed a UH-I hovering out from the parking area on my right and turning east, between the runway and the UH-I parking line. As I came abreast of the UH-I, its rotorwash stalled out my right wing. It dipped sharply down and struck the ground. My aircraft veered sharply to the right, into the UH-I parking area. "With full left aileron, the 0-1 began to right itself. As I regained control, I was in a medium bank to the left at low airspeed. I rolled out on a southwesterly heading, and continued my climbout to the south. Both my observer and I were unaware that the wing had actually hit the ground, so we continued the mission. "A subsequent check with the tower revealed that the UH-J had not been cleared to hover and attempts by the tower to contact it by radio proved unsuccessful. This is not the first near-accident I have experienced as a result of a UH-I hovering near or onto an active runway as I was landing or taking off in an 0-1. The UH-l pilots do not seem to understand the principles of flight applicable to light aircraft. They often display little regard for common safety precautions. I have attempted on numerous occasions to contact UH-I aircraft on the ground by radio, both on tower frequencies and on guard, but have met with only partial suc- cess. Although some pilots display a high regard for ground safety, especially around fixed wing aircraft, some seem to feel that once they have completed their approach, there is no need for 60 excerpts from near-accident and flight hazard reports control or radio contact during ground operations." * * * Twin engine fixed wing pilot: "After being di- rected to the parking ramp by the tower (no follow- me vehicle), I had to wait five minutes for the op- erations sergeant to park the aircraft. He did not use any arm and hand signals. He just pointed to the general area he wanted the airplane in. "I asked the operations sergeant if he could ar- range for avionics to repair one of our omnis. He said it was 'highly impractical' to arrange for this because we (1) would need a work order, and (2) have to cross the field to get it approved. There was no transportation available. Since it was close to quitting time and transportation for our crew- chief (who would have to supervise the repair) would not be available, we decided to leave the omni alone. "We requested fuel and oil, but the vehicle did not arrive prior to the 1630 hours cutoff time. Since no transportation was available after that time to take us to our billets (three miles away), we had to postpone the refueling until the next day prior to departure. Also, no time was available for the crewchief to adequately perform his postflight in- spection. "The next morning our crewchief reported to the field at 0630 and once again requested POL. I arrived at 0700 and when I checked on the progress of refueling, I was told that the alert section had been notified and it was 'being taken care of.' I made out and filed my flight plan, proposing a 0800 takeoff. At the same time, the copilot pre- flighted the aircraft. He came back to operations at 0730 and stated that the POL vehicle had not yet arrived. After being told once again by the PFC, who was the only man in operations, that the alert section was taking care of it, I decided at 0745 to take my problem to the airfield commander. He took immediate action and by 0825 we were fueled and ready to taxi out for takeoff. U. S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST H The described circumstances prevented the performance of proper maintenance and encouraged a slip-shod, hurry-up attitude that is often first in the sequence leading to an accident. This is exactly what the Army aircraft accident prevention pro- gram is striving to eliminate. Won't you help?" * * * U-6A pilot: " ... We had just broken formation at 300 feet and were following a formation of two UH -1 Bs and a Flying Crane when my aircraft was caught in the rotorwash of the crane. I was holding a medium bank when this happened, at approxi- mately 100 mph, and was just beginning a climb. "The aircraft banked sharply over 90 0 and the rudder and aileron were very stiff and reacted against my corrections. It happened very quick, but I believe I lost about 100 feet of altitude before the U-6A could be brought under control. My flight path led into some hills approximately 500 feet high .... I had been caught in a downdraft in mountainous terrain in the past and it was very similar to what I experienced this time." * * * U-IOA pilot: "While in no. 1 position, awaiting takeoff clearance for runway 35, two four-engine jets were cleared for takeoff on runway 17 approxi- mately two minutes apart. Immediately after the second jet neared the departure end of runway 17, I was given takeoff clearance. I refused to take the active at that time due to probable wake turbulence from the jets at my end of the runway. At that time, a single engine aircraft, awaiting takeoff on runway 08, requested and was given takeoff clear- ance. At the time the pilot reached the junction of runways 08 and 35, he was approximately 50 feet in the air. When he hit the wake turbulence, his aircraft lost approximately 15 feet and appeared to be out of control. Fortunately, he was flying across the area of turbulence, instead of parallel to it, and was able to recover successfully. "Had I accepted the takeoff clearance issued, I would very likely have lost control of the aircraft and become a statistic in the weekly accident sum- mary. It demonstrated very vividly to me the dan- gers involved when we take chances to beat other traffic out of an airfield." * * * OH-23D pilot: "While on a traInIng flight, I experienced what I at first believed to be air tur- bulence. After leaving a confined area, I again JUNE 1967 experienced rough flight. At this time, I discovered that the engine was cutting out, then surging. I elected to return to an airfield, feeling it would be safe. "Halfway to the airfield, over a river, the engine got worse, so I elected to make a precautionary landing. I started an approach to a slope area, bringing in full throttle in order to hold 3 I 00 rpm. On final, the engine cut out, surged to 3700 rpm, then quit. I had to go into autorotation at approxi- mately 10- I 5 feet. Fortunately, I was able to land on a hill crest with no damage. "A lot could have been avoided by making a precautionary landing when the first sign of engine failure was noticed. I would have had a more suit- able landing site and could have landed under much better conditions if I had." * * * UH-IB pilot: "I was flying as aircraft commander of an armed UH-IB during combat operations. The aircraft was equipped with an M-16 type armed gun system, modified so that the rocket pods could be jettisoned separately. All crewmembers smelled smoke after we pulled out from our second firing pass. "During both passes, all machineguns fired, and all rockets were expended. After smelling smoke, the rocket pods were immediately checked and one rocket was seen to be hung up. Since it could not be determined whether the rocket was burning or had just failed to fire, the pods were jettisoned. During this period, the fire team leader had maneuvered his aircraft into position to check for fire, but had seen nothing. "As we turned toward the nearest airfield, the crewchief saw smoke coming from a point near the base of the transmission housing. I decided to land immediately in an infantry battalion CPo After landing, we found the source of the fire was a burning rag in the space between the 7.62 ammuni- tion trays and the rear cabin bulkhead. Damage was limited to a slight scorching of the bulkhead upholstery. The cause of the fire was determined to be hot brass expended from the M-60 door guns dropping on the rag. "This space between the arms trays and bulkhead is frequently used for storage of rags, books, etc., by the crew. It is certain that the SOPs in this unit will be changed to stop this practice and this inci- dent should be brought to the attention of a l ~ 61 ARMY AVIATION - NEWEST MEMBER Continued from page 15 situation and make key decisions from a position somewhere to the rear of their forces. Their situa- tion reports might have been sec- ond, or depending on communi- cations, third hand information. N ow through the command and control helicopter, the command- er can place himself at a vantage point in the air where he can personally observe and influence all of his forces engaged in a specific operation. This is not to say that commanders did not per- sonally influence units in the past. They most certainly did. But to do so mean t tha t they would be required to pick a specific unit w here they fel t their presence might be most required. through the capabilities of the newest member of the team. Still there are opponents to the growth and development of Army aviation who have rationalized its combat success in Southeast Asia by stating that we are now en- gaged in a war that is completely unique. They will readily ac- know ledge mobili ty as the key to success in this particular war, be- cause victory hinges on our ability to mass, assault and destroy the enemy before he fades into the safety of his inhospitable terrain. What they will not acknowledge is the potential of the Army air- mobility concept in its envisioned application in higher intensity warfare. Strangely enough, how- ever, if you consider the pattern of war we are presently fighting in the jungles, mountains, and paddies of Vietnam, it could very well be the pattern of future con- flicts, with tactical modifications to cope with the specific situation. Through the continuous appli- cation of sound tactics and tech- niques, Army aviation, like the vulnerable but highly versatile infantryman, can accomplish its assigned tasks regardless of the intensity of warfare encountered. We can fully appreciate that in a higher intensity environment the possibility of exposure to enemy long range artillery fighter bomb- ers and armor forces would prob- ably require some changes in our methods of employing Army air- craft. I am sure that imaginative flying soldiers will be able to cope with these new requirements with the same positive attitude they have maintained in the face of other challenging situations. Army aviation has come a long way in 25 years. But the route has been strewn with frustration and unacceptance. Despite the formidable obstacles, however, it has continued to grow and thrive to fulfill the needs of a modern well balanced Army. Its future growth and potential will be limited only by the foresight and motivation of the men who will employ its unique capabilities in a manner to provide even greater service to the Army team. In the aerial command post, the airmobile force commander, wi th the aid of a small balanced staff and superior radio commu- nications, can effectively control all facets of an operation. He can quickly lift or shift a fantastic variety of fire support and, as re- quired, modify or alter his plan. When necessary he can discard one plan and adopt another in seconds. The old adage "shoot, move, and communicate," which has long rep res en ted the legs of the tripod of military success, has taken on a fresh new meaning Troops of the 173rd Airborne Brigade jump into the assault from a UH-l 62 of many was the movement of 1,893,821 troops on the battlefield. That is more personnel than are necessary to completely man 126 Army combat divisions. Resupply, a prominent capability of Army ail', accounted for cargo trans- ported which tipped the scales at 138,288 tons. The art of helicopter gunnery, fast becoming a legendary capa- bility, categorizes our pilots and gunners as true professionals. Their expertise in gunnery tac- tics and the variety of skills forged in the landing zones of Vietnam by exposure to ever- changing tactical situations caught the enemy wherever he turned. As proof that few escape the unleashed fury of "Hawk" gun- ships, hundreds of enemy sampans have been sunk along the hun- dreds of miles of canals and rivers which crisscross more than half the country. Fewer succeed in evading the all-seeing eyes of the ominous "Firefly" ships which prowl these waterways under cover of darkness, which is no longer the shield under which enemy craft once stealthily de- livered their caches. Helicopter fire teams accompanying Firefly JUNE 1967 mIssIOns hunt, seek out, and de stroy these contrabanders. To ensure that this battlefield know-how was not lost, the bri- gade has published two editions and a pocket version of an opera- tions manual which records the .results of its combat experience. This experience has dictated the need to standardize aviation unit organizations, tailoring them to their missions. An important part of this program is the redesigna- tion of all aviation units with titles more descriptive of their mission and organic aircraft. Re- naming, until officially acted upon, has become an interim reality in the brigade. (See insert.) While combat seasoning is . gathered in battle, tribute is due the schools responsible for the de- gree of training with which their alumni arrive for combat. They are without exception a tribute to these insti tutions of military learning: aviators, crewchiefs, me- chanics, gunners, and the scores of other ca tegories of men who professionally serve the 1st Avia- tion Brigade in Vietnam. Untold numbers of these men have given a tremendous account of themselves under the stresses of frequent flight, long strenuous hours and sometimes heavy com- bat conditions. Countless, too, are those who have run the gamut of sacrifice in this brigade, earning the right to personal and unit awards, both American and for- eign, for extraordinary heroism, valor, and merit. Nor is the bri- gade without those who have made the extreme sacrifice . As Army aviation commemo- rates it 25th anniversary, the 1st A viation Brigade hails the begin- ning of its second year. Some will remember the brigade's victories ot the first year. Others will join it in years to come. No one will forget that it exists. EQUIPMENT N/A PRESENT DESIGNATION PROPOSED DESIGNATION N/A R/W F/Wor Composite UBIB Gun Company UHI Lilt Company CH-47 CH54 0-1 OV-l V-I A viation Brigade Aviation Group Aviation Battalion Aviation Battalion Aviation Company (Airmobile Light) Aviation Company (Airmobile Light) Aviation Company (Airmobile Medium) Flying Crane Company Aviation Company (Surveillance Air- plane Light) Aviation Company (Aerial Surveillance) Aviation Company (Airmobile Fixed Wing) Aviation Brigade Combat Aviation Group Combat Aviation BattaUon Combat Support Aviation Battalion Armed Helicopter Company Assault Helicopter Company Assault Support Heli- copter Company Assault Support Heli- copter Company Reconnaissance ,Airplane Company Surveillance Airplane Company VtiUty Airplane Company 63 T HE NEW U-2IAs, scheduled for first deliveries this month, are a cross between Beech Air- craft Corporation's King Air and Queen Air. They have the King Air wings and engines and a fuse- lage similar to that of the Queen Air. Purpose of combining the two aircraft is to get the features most needed by the Army from each. The twin turboprop engines will give the U-21 power and reliabil- i ty; the King Air wings will pro- vide the lift needed to match the engines; and the Queen Air cabin the roominess needed to carry troops and cargo. The U -21 looks very much like the NU -8F. This aircraft is a six passenger un pressurized turboprop transport converted from a Queen Air Model 80. The major differ- ence in the looks of the U-21 and the NU-8F is that the U-21 will have a cargo compartment for- ward of the regular airstair cabin door to provide overall cargo space of 53Y2" x 51 Y2". The U-21s will be powered by twin Pratt & Whitney PT6A-20 engines. These engines have 550 shaft horsepower and have a dry 'veight of 309.5 pounds. They are 62 inches long and 19 inches in diameter. They drive three-bladed, constant speed, fully feathered Hartzell propellers. A 58-gallon main fuel cell is located in each aft nacelle sec- tion. In addition four intercon- nected auxiliary cells are located in each wing; these hold an addi- tional 131 gallons. This gives the U-21 a total fuel capacity of 378 gallons. A complete crossfeed sys- tem permi ts use of fuel by ei ther engine from all tanks. Nacelle and inboard tanks are completely self-sealing to provide protection for 202 gallons of fuel. The remaining cells in the out- board wing panels are standard bladders. The interior arrangement al- lows for a variety of uses. The pilot and copilot sit side by side and are separated from the main cabin by a removable half-curtain. The cabin will accommodate ten DIR'ECTION OF TAKEOFF GUARANTEED MAXIMUM I 1= TAKEOFF TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE IS BASED ON A GROUND RUN DISTANCE OF 15 PERCENT MORE THAN THAT FOR HARD SURFACE FielD. DIRECTION OF LANDIN'G GUARANTEED MAXIMUM I_---GROUNDROLL .. 715' .... _---_800'----_1 combat equipped troops on center facing bench seats. An alternate ambulance arrangement will ac- commodate three litter patients plus three ambulatory patients or medical attendants. As a staff transport it will carry six passen- gers in standard forward-facing chairs. With all passenger sea ts re- moved, the cabin can hold 3,000 pounds of cargo. Cargo tiedown fittings are installed in the floor. U sable cabin space is 55 inches wide by 57 inches high and 12Y2 feet long. Bulky items are easily loaded through a door 53 Y2 inches wide by 51 Y2 inches high. The floor is designed to wi th- stand cargo loads of 200 pounds per square foot. Cargo tiedowns are capable of restraining 2,000 pounds. The aircraft is designed to op- erate within a temperature range of -25 0 F to +125 0 F without modification. None of the equip- ment onboard will be affected by temperatures or weather condi- tions within this range. The Army has awarded the Beech Aircraft Corporation a con- tract for 88 U-21s. Delivery was started in March and should be completed by January 1968. The initial contract comes to $17,631,081. The total contract, including spares, is expected to exceed $20 million. Beech is also training 20 in- structor pilots and 20 instructor mechanics to operate and service the aircraft. Training is being conducted at the Beechcraft facil- ities in Wichita, Kan. Classes in- clude ground school instruction in maintenance and operation of the U-21 as well as transition flight check for aviators. 64 u. S. AVIATION DIGEST