Pressurized Mech Seals Piping Plans

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The paper discusses different piping plans for supporting dual mechanical seals, including their advantages/disadvantages, and issues like nitrogen absorption. It also discusses new technologies like pressure tracking valves.

The four piping plans recognized by API are plans 53A, 53B, 53C which use internal circulating devices, and plan 54 which uses external circulation.

The paper discusses nitrogen absorption and its effects on plan 53A's operation. It also discusses the influence of ambient temperature changes on plans 53A and B.

Richard J.

Smith became a Director

of AESSEAL plc, in Rotherham, United
Kingdom, in 1998. He began his career
training as Design Engineer with the
Ford Motor Company, working in both
production and product development areas.
He has been active in the sealing technology
field for the past 24 years. Joining
AESSEAL in 1989, Mr. Smith has worked for
many years with the application engineering
of sealing technology. He has extensive knowledge of field
applications in many industry sectors. For the past seven years, he
has been at the forefront of the Companys involvement in the oil
and gas industry sectors for both upstream and downstream
applications. He is currently AESSEALs representative on the API
682 Task Force. Mr. Smith has had a number of technical papers
published at conferences with articles published in international
journals. These have been predominantly on the practical
application of sealing technology and energy conservation.
The American Petroleum Institute recognizes four auxiliary
piping plans for supporting pressurized dual wet mechanical seals.
There is limited published information guidance as to which plan
will offer the most suitable solution for any particular application.
Recent work within the mechanical seal industry has led to an
enhanced understanding of operational issues.
This paper is intended to fill in some of the gaps in knowledge
and provide an overview of options available. A detailed description
of the four plans is provided alongside a summary of the
advantages and disadvantages of each. Issues associated with gas
absorption and ambient temperature changes are explored
alongside practical solutions. There is scope for innovation within
supporting piping plans. New technologies are explained alongside
test data and a case study.
Improved understanding will lead to improved specification that
will reduce total cost of ownership. Greater knowledge will assist
the operator in obtaining improved seal reliability.
Over the past few decades the use of dual seals on pumping
equipment has increased in popularity. Within the hydrocarbon and
chemical process industries, plant safety requirements and the need
for reduced fugitive emissions are the predominant drivers. Dual
seals where a pressurized clean liquid barrier fluid is placed
between the seals are most commonly applied. To maintain barrier
fluid pressure and provide outer seal cooling a variety of associated
supporting auxiliary piping plans have been developed. In the
international mechanical seal standard (API 682 ISO 21049, Third
Edition, 2004), the American Petroleum Institute (API) recognizes
three piping plans, plan numbers 53A, 53B and 53C, that utilize
internal circulating devices and one piping plan with external
circulation, plan number 54. The three variations of the plan 53
type were first published in July 2002 (API 682 ISO 21049,
Second Edition, 2002), while API plan 54 has been recognized for
many decades. There is little discussion within the international
standard of different plans and little guidance as to which plan will
offer the most suitable solution for any particular application.This
paper provides a detailed description of each of the plan 53 types
and its operation. A general overview of some of the many
variations of plan 54 is provided. The advantages and disadvantages
of each of the different types are summarized. Nitrogen absorption
and its effects upon the operation of plan 53As are discussed and
illustrated with accompanying test data. The influence of ambient
temperature changes on plan 53A and B is discussed alongside
proposed solutions. Plan 53C is also discussed in detail, including
its primary advantages and also its Achilles heel where it is
susceptible to contaminated fluid applications.
New technology can overcome the weaknesses of all the plan 53
types and is explained alongside test data and potential application
groups that are presented together with a case study.
Seal Arrangements
Arrangement 3 dual seals utilize high pressure fluid between the
seals (Figure 1) and were traditionally called double seals. The
fluid between the seals is of a higher pressure than the process fluid
in the seal chamber and this fluid is termed barrier fluid. The
barrier fluid is normally pressurized approximately between 20 and
60 psi (1.4 to 4.2 bar) greater than the pump seal chamber.
Arrangement 3 seals offers the highest level of safety and the
elimination of process leakage to the atmosphere. The 53A, 53B,
53C and 54 plans discussed in this paper are used in conjunction
with arrangement 3 seals.
Figure 1. Arrangement Three Dual Seal.
Primary Differences
All Plan 53 systems consist of a pressurized barrier fluid
reservoir. An internal pump ring or circulating device (Figure 2)
within the seal cartridge provides circulation of the barrier fluid. In
plan 54 systems the barrier fluid is circulated by an external pump.
Plan 54 systems may or may not incorporate a reservoir.
Richard J. Smith
Rotherham, United Kingdom
Figure 2. Internal Pumping Ring Types.
Plan 53AConstant Pressure
A pressurized external barrier fluid reservoir stores a volume of
clean barrier fluid that is circulated through the seal. Flow is
maintained by an internal pumping ring; the barrier fluid passes
from the seals through the reservoir and then returned back to
the seals. The reservoir normally has an internal cooling coil;
pressurization of the barrier fluid is normally via nitrogen from an
external source. A regulator is normally used to maintain a constant
pressure (Figure 3). Instrumentation is incorporated to Alarm in
case of low liquid level and pressure.
Figure 3. API Piping Plan 53A.
Plan 53BVariable Pressure
Plan 53B differs from Plan 53A in that barrier fluid is stored and
the pressure is maintained through the use of a prepressurized
bladder-type accumulator. The barrier fluid is not circulated
through the bladder accumulator but around a cooling loop,
which will include a separate heat exchanger. The accumulator is
effectively on a dead leg (Figure 4), and its sole purpose is to
store fluid and pressure; it does not play any part in cooling the
barrier fluid. Flow is maintained by an internal pumping ring
within the seal. The pressure will vary depending on the level of the
liquid in the reservoir, and a pressure switch is used to alarm for a
low liquid level based upon pressure in the system. Volume of fluid
in a bladder accumulator cannot be directly measured.
Figure 4. API Piping Plan 53B.
Plan 53CConstant Differential Pressure Ratio
Plan 53C utilizes a piston-type accumulator to maintain pressure
above seal chamber pressure. Similar to the 53B barrier the
accumulator is on a dead leg with fluid circulated around a cooling
loop with a heat exchanger (Figure 5). A reference line is taken
from the pump seal chamber to the piston accumulator. The
accumulator will therefore have process fluid on one side of the
piston and barrier fluid on the other. The cross sectional areas on
either side of the piston differ as a result of the accumulator having
a piston rod on one side and not on the other. As the system is in
equilibrium, the resulting forces on either side of the piston being
equal, then the pressures will vary according to the mathematical
formula pressure = force/area. It is therefore possible to provide a
constant higher pressure in the barrier fluid above the process fluid
pressure by exploiting the difference in cross sectional areas of the
piston. Some piston accumulators use a spring to create higher
pressure rather than using the area differential. The differential
pressures across the inner seal faces remain virtually constant
regardless of changes in pressure in the process fluid. Liquid level
is monitored by a level switch or via a piston proximity switch.
Figure 5. API Piping Plan 53C.
Plan 54
The API 682 standard provides very little in the way of
guidelines to the configuration on plan 54. The plan is described as
a pressurized external barrier fluid reservoir or system supplying
clean fluid to the seal chamber. The diagram (Figure 6) in the
international standard provides no details of instrumentation or fluid
flow or pressure control. Users and seal vendors have effectively a
blank canvas to design a suitable system for any given application or
set of circumstances. The standard also states that the reservoir
pressure is greater than the process pressure being sealed. However
this is misleading, as there is not a reservoir mandated for plan 54.
Future editions of API 682 are likely not to reference reservoir.
Figure 6. API Piping Plan 54.
There are many interpretations of plan 54 in operation of
varying complexity. The scope of supply between the seal vendor
and user will need to be clearly defined. The alarm philosophy will
need to be properly thought out but such systems may incorporate
pressure, flow, reservoir level and temperature alarms.
Some users may opt to specify API Standard 614 (1999),
Lubrication Shaft-Sealing and Control-Oil Systems for
Special-Purpose Applications; however this approach may
provide users with an unnecessarily complex and expensive system
for any service. A properly engineered system is often expensive.
Where these systems are properly engineered, they provide among
the most reliable systems.
Plan 54 systems can be divided into two basic groups: a
once-through system and a dedicated recirculation system.
Once-Through Systems
These can be further broken down into two types

A system that is based on a slip stream from a suitable process

source, which is then, after passing through the seals, returned to
the process. Pressure is normally maintained by use of restriction
orifices and pressure control valves.

A system that is based on a fluid stream from a suitable source,

which is passed through the seals to a liquid effluent plant or
recovery system. Such systems are more generally found in
aqueous processes. Pressure is normally maintained by use of
restriction orifices and pressure control valves.
Once-through systems can be attractive due to their relative sim-
plicity; care should be taken to ensure that the source of the barrier
fluid is always available when the seal is rotating. If orifices are
used exclusively consideration needs to be taken for viscosity
changes in the barrier fluid due to temperature changes.
Dedicated Pumped Systems
Again this group can be further broken down into two distinct types:

A separate circulation system with an unpressurized tank

(reservoir) with top up replenishment to maintain the barrier fluid
volume. The external circulating pump will also serve to provide
barrier fluid pressure in conjunction with a pressure control valve
normally situated downstream of the seal.

A separate circulation system with a pressurized reservoir with

top up replenishment to maintain the barrier fluid volume. The
pump provides circulation but not pressure. These systems are
typically very similar to a plan 53A, B or C with the addition of the
external circulation pump.
Dedicated external pump systemsThese pump barrier systems
should be designed so that each seal cartridge has facilities to
indicate seal failure and loss of barrier pressure. Multiple seals
connected to a common reservoir are prone to cross contamination,
in an upset condition. If process fluid enters the barrier fluid
system all seals will become contaminated. A robust pressure
alarm system/procedure is required or using a separate reservoir
for each seal (or pump in the case of a between-bearings pump)
will resolve this issue.
Many users will view the barrier supply pumps to be a critical
service and therefore insist on a system incorporating installed
spare barrier fluid pumps and in some circumstances, a separate
power supply.
Barrier reservoirs also need a level transmitter to initiate a low
and a high level alarm. Unpressurized tanks are sometimes
specified with a nitrogen blanket and a vent to atmosphere or to the
flare system.
Geographical Anomaly
Since the incorporation of the three piping plans into the
international standard API 682 ISO 21049, Third Edition (2004),
the most popular specified plan 53 in Europe and Asia is the API
Plan 53B. Interestingly, the North American market has not had
such a widespread adoption of this plan with the traditional Plan
53A being the most widely specified and used. The reasons for this
regional variation in piping plan preferences are unknown. In the
preparation of this paper, the author researched and could not find
any authoritative text that could lead users to such choices. One
commonly held belief is that 53B offers the advantage in that there
is a membrane (the rubber bladder) between the pressurizing gas,
nitrogen, which prevents nitrogen absorption into the barrier fluid.
There is a commonly held notion that this absorbed gas will impact
on the reliability of the outboard seal in any dual mechanical seal
arrangement. The author again is unaware of any text that explains
this phenomenon or proves this hypothesis in practice. One would
also expect the North American market to enjoy lower levels of
reliability on dual mechanical seals because of predominate use
of Plan 53A systems than the European market, which has
predominately adopted 53B. Again, no specific studies have been
undertaken on such a small seal group. However, it has been
reported (API Standard 682, Annex A, 2004) that North American
refinery seal mean time between repair (MTBR) is virtually
identical to European seal MTBR. It is suspected that the choice
between Plans 53A and 53B comes down purely to customer
preference, or company tradition or cost.
Cost Implications of Different Plans
Figure 7 provides an illustration of the comparative costs of
auxiliary piping plan hardware. Plan 52 is added to provide a
relative benchmark. The cost indicated does not include the cost of
the services that the auxiliary piping plan will need to be hooked
up to. Table 1 provides guidelines as to the hidden costs.
Figure 7. Relative Hardware Cost Comparison.
Table 1. Services and Instrumentation Requirements.
Potentially plan 54 can offer the lowest cost system; however this
is dependent on the level of specification. A simple once-through
system has the cost of piping to consider. A simple recirc system
with an atmospheric tank and unspared pressurizing pump will be
low cost. However, consideration needs to be made for the cost of
running a power cable to the pump head.
API 682 illustrates Plan 53A seal reservoirs with screwed
connections. Many users opt to upgrade to flanged connections.
There are also many users who prefer stand off flanged level
gauges. Optional flange bottom reservoirs (for cleaning) are also
available. The additional cost of such items rapidly increases the
cost of the 53A unit and the price then becomes comparable, or in
some instances, more expensive than the equivalent 53B plans.
Plan 53A will also have a greater installation cost in that it
requires connection of at least two instruments and connection to a
nitrogen service.
There is a common perception that Plan 53B is relatively low
cost; bladder accumulators are mass produced and effectively off
the shelf. However, all the ancillary instrumentation and cooling
has to be incorporated into the system package. These ancillaries
are normally mounted onto a panel on a stand. With a 53A these
components are mounted directly onto the vessel; 53B systems
tend to be more expensive than a standard 53A as a result.
However, with no connection required for a plant nitrogen system
and only currently one instrument specified the installed cost is
probably about the same as a standard 53A. 53C is the potentially
highest level of pricing; effectively this system has the same cost as
a plan 53B but with the complexity of the piston accumulator
replacing the bladder accumulator. However, with few instruments
and no external services, the 53C can be surprisingly competitive.
Plan 53A
One of the principle advantages of 53A is its simplicity;
operators can easily understand its operation. Limitations of Plan
53A are that its maximum pressure is limited to that of the nitrogen
system available in the plant. This can be overcome by use of
nitrogen bottles, which adds to the complexity and cost. Some
users also have reservations about the use of a 53A system due to
concerns over the robustness of the nitrogen supply and any
potential contamination into the nitrogen header. Absorption of
nitrogen into the barrier fluid remains a concern. This is discussed
further in the section, NITROGEN ABSORPTION AND 53A.
Cooling Circuit and Reservoir Placement
53A reservoirs form part of the cooling circuit. As circulation
of any plan 53 system is via a pumping ring within the seal
consideration needs to be given to reduce the pressure drop within
the circuit. The reservoir has little restriction to the barrier fluid flow;
however the length of the lines between the reservoir and seal gland
plate should be minimized. To promote thermosyphon cooling when
the pump is idle, the height of the normal liquid level in the reservoir
above the gland plate of the seal should be not be less than 3 ft (1 m).
All lines need to slope up from the pump gland to the reservoir at a
minimum of inch per ft (10 mm per 240 mm). Reservoir placement
is therefore effectively restricted to be adjacent to the pump.
The internal cooling coil on standard API reservoirs may not
provide sufficient heat removal on some high temperature services.
Additional coolers are occasionally employed to supplement
cooling and are installed in series within the cooling circuit.
Ambient Temperature Effects/Solar Radiation
There is a potential for the nitrogen pressure within the reservoir
to be affected by ambient temperature changes. With the process
fluid passing through the reservoir the temperature will be stabilized
to some degree. If the cooling coil is used, this further mitigates
the effect. However, if the unit is an installed spare then ambient
temperature variation and resultant pressure changes can be a
factor to consider. Use of a self-relieving regulator overcomes
these issues but environmental consideration of any product
contamination of the barrier fluid and subsequent release to atmos-
phere are concerns cited against this approach. However, the
potential for release of process fluid to the atmosphere would be an
extremely unlikely event with three or more fault conditions to
occur simultaneously and alarms to be ignored.
Section Summary
The advantages and disadvantages are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Plan 53A Advantages and Disadvantages.
Plan 53B
One of the advantages of the 53B system is that there is no
connection to an external nitrogen source. The bladder accumulator
is precharged with nitrogen during commissioning. The nitrogen is
separated from the barrier fluid by a rubber bladder so the nitrogen
absorption issue is avoided. A disadvantage with a 53B is there is
no direct method of measuring liquid level within the accumulator.
Pressure will be higher when the accumulator is topped up with
liquid and the gas volume reduced. As the liquid depletes through
normal seal leakage and the gas volume increases the pressure in
the accumulator decays. The alarm is by low pressure rather than
low liquid level. The system pressure is therefore variable and this
can cause some reliability issues with the seal faces. Tutorial Annex
A of API 682 ISO 21049, Third Edition (2004), describes how:
after a contacting seal has worn in to match a certain set of operating
conditions, changing those conditions can result in increased leakage
until the faces have worn to match the new conditions.
With a 53B there is a slow pressure decay; the faces will be
continually bedding themselves in to match the reducing pressure.
Upon refilling of the accumulator the pressure is increased, in
some cases significantly. The worn-in faces will have to rapidly
wear to bed themselves into this new condition with increased
leakage during this period.
Cooling Circuit Considerations
and Accumulator Placement
Unlike Piping 53A, Piping Plans 53B and 53C may utilize an
external cooler; the circulating flow does not pass through the
accumulator. The accumulator and instrumentation are effectively up
a dead leg and not part of the barrier fluid circuit. The accumulator
set has more freedom of position; this is a potential advantage in
installations where space is restricted. Placement is also possible
for convenience of maintenance.
The external cooler is placed in the cooling circuit and has
similar restrictions of placement as a 53A reservoir. Coolers can be
conventional shell and tube, forced draft air coolers, or natural
draft air coolers (finned piping). For lower duties it may be that the
surface area of the piping in the cooling circuit is sufficient to
dissipate the heat load from the seal.
Care needs to be taken where heat loads are high; the flow
restrictions in traditional coolers may cause a pressure drop and
negatively affect the pump rings ability to provide for adequate
flow. A number of coolers are now available on the market that
minimize these effects.
Ambient Temperature Affects/Solar Radiation
53B systems with their trapped gas volume are very susceptible
to changes in ambient temperature. Where there is a large diurnal
and seasonal changes in ambient temperature, barrier fluid
pressure will correspondingly be affected. If ambient temperature
conditions are not taken into consideration when designing the
alarm strategy, in extremely hot ambient conditions, it may be
possible that the accumulator becomes completely depleted of
liquid without triggering the pressure alarm.
On extremely cold nights, the pressure alarm may be activated
when there is still sufficient liquid remaining in the accumulator.
The operator will then refill the barrier fluid, causing excessive
fluid volumes in the accumulator, which may over-pressurize the
system if the temperature rises the following day. Solar radiation
can amplify this problem (Figure 8). Figure 9 provides a user with
a proposed alarm strategy. However adopting this may force users
to specify unnecessarily high barrier fluid pressure. This will cause
unnecessary wear and stresses on the seal faces and may limit
operators in the use of back-to-back dual seals, which have
compromised reliability (Smith, 2008) on contaminated and
abrasive services. Another proposed strategy, which is included in
the Draft International Standard for the fourth revision of API 682
ISO 21049, will propose that the simple pressure switch is replaced
by a pressure and a temperature transmitter. Taking both readings
and using simple logic of a distributed control system (DCS)
the actual liquid level is thus calculated. The effects of ambient
temperature change can be further mitigated by the following:

Pressure relief valve in the barrier liquid piping

Shade the accumulator to eliminate solar radiation effects.

By insulating and/or temperature control (heat tracing for example)

of the accumulator
Figure 8. Accumulator Pressure Versus Ambient Temperature.
Figure 9. Proposed Alarm Strategy.
Section Summary
The advantages and disadvantages are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Plan 53B Advantages and Disadvantages.
Plan 53C
The 53C system potentially offers a very elegant solution. There
is no nitrogen in contact with the barrier fluid, therefore gas
absorption issues are eliminated. The barrier fluid pressure tracks
the changes of the seal chamber pressure. This provides an
idealized working environment for the inner seal. Differential
pressure across these faces will always be at a constant ratio
reducing inner seal stresses, wear and improving reliability.
Changes in ambient temperature will have no effect as there is no
stored gas volume and any expansion of the liquid will be relieved
back to the seal chamber via the reference line. However, 53C has
its Achilles heal: the reference line and the piston accumulator have
to be compatible with the process fluid. Contaminated fluid may
block the reference line or potentially damage the piston seals. This
limits the 53C application group to clean noncorrosive fluids. If
the process fluid is dirty, contaminated, corrosive or very high
viscosity at ambient temperature, then the choice of a 53C may
well be inappropriate.
Cooling Circuit Considerations
and Accumulator Placement
As the 53C cooling circuit is identical to that of a 53B, cooling
considerations detailed in the previous section, Cooling Circuit
Considerations and Accumulator Placement.
Section Summary
The advantages and disadvantages are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Plan 53C Advantages and Disadvantages.
Plan 54
The principle advantage of plan 54 is the increased potential for
heat removal from a seal system. Flow rate on a plan 53 system is
dependent on the efficiency of the pumping ring within the seal
and the resistance within the auxiliary piping plan pipework. Plan
54 does not have these restrictions as the external pump is not
restricted in size. With higher flow/head available plan 54 can be
used with larger heat exchangers; an example would be a finned
tube heat exchanger. Hypothetically with plan 54 the tube can be of
infinite length.
The most common application group of plan 54 is for hot
temperature services to improve heat removal or maintain a lower
barrier fluid temperature. Plan 54 is also suited to applications with
small shaft sizes, low rotational speed or variable speed drive,
where plan 53 system seal circulation devices performance is
compromised. In services where there is a limited operating
temperature window for the process fluid plan 54 can potentially
offer more thermal stability. Barrier fluid may be heated or cooled
as appropriate and circulation can be guaranteed in periods of
operational idleness.
Section Summary
The advantages and disadvantages are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5. Plan 54 Advantages and Disadvantages.
Plan 53A, B, and C Reservoir Size
API 682 dictates the size of a 53A reservoir to 5 gallons (25
liters) for seals intended to fit shafts above 2.5 inches (60mm). For
smaller shafts a 3 gallon (12 liters) reservoir is specified. However,
this is a little misleading as the actual working volume of the
reservoir is significantly less (Figure 10). The maximum and
minimum liquid levels are dictated by the length of the sight glass.
This provides for typically 1.3 gals (5 liters) and 0.7 gals (2.7 liters)
volume for the two size reservoirs. The hold up time or time
between top up intervals is based on the seal leakage rate and this
smaller working volume.
Figure 10. Reservoir Working Volume.
There are currently no specified sizes for Plan 53B or C reservoirs.
For Plan 53C the calculation is relatively straightforward in that the
volume should be at least that of a 53A reservoir. This will provide
a broadly equivalent hold up time between refills. For 53B, the
calculation can be more complex. However for shaft sizes greater
than 2.5 inches (60 mm), an accumulator of 9 gals (35 liters) and
for smaller shaft sizes of 5 gals (20 liters) should provide an
adequate volume for most applications. The choice of these sizes
has been based on achieving broadly comparative working liquid
volumes to the 53A. When barrier fluid is at minimum pressure (at
minimum ambient pressure) the retained liquid in the accumulator
should be at least 1 percent by volume.
Selection Flowchart
Figure 11 is a flow chart that is offered as a general guideline for
selection of appropriate dual seal piping plan. The flow chart takes
into account some of the principle decision points. Step three is in
line with current API guidelines on the use of barrier fluid systems
where the nitrogen is in direct contact with the fluid and concerns
with absorption. This philosophy is discussed in this paper in the
following section, NITROGEN ABSORPTION AND 53A. Step
four makes the assumption that API 682 seals are used and that
ambient temperature will vary by 70F (40C). Use of 53B
systems above this limit could cause pressure variation at extreme
temperatures to exceed the scope of API 682 seals. If higher
pressure seals are used then this limit can be ignored. For more
detailed selection the seal vendor should be consulted.
Figure 11. Dual Seal Piping Plan Selection General Guideline.
With a 53A system the pressurized nitrogen is in direct contact
with the barrier fluid. The hypothesis is that over time nitrogen may
become absorbed in the barrier fluid. During seal operation a
minute amount of this barrier fluid will be passing across the outer
seal faces as fluid film and passing to atmosphere, therefore
subject to a pressure drop across the faces. There is evidence that
nitrogen may be liberated due to rapid decreases in pressure and
the theory is that this can happen at the seal faces where pressure
reductions occur and the result can be instability or contact with
the outer seal faces. There is anecdotal evidence from the field that
foaming barrier fluid has been observed on the atmospheric side of
dual seal outer faces. This theory of the effects of nitrogen
absorption is widely discussed within the industry; however there
appears to be no publicized information on this subject and the
effects upon seal reliability. The author has been unable to trace any
field or scientific studies in the presentation of this paper.
In 2002 the international standard API 682 Second Edition (2002)
was published. This standard offered a tutorial that advised a maximum
pressure limitation for plan 53A systems of 145 psi (10 bar) in an
attempt to eliminate or at least minimize the effects of gas absorption
(Smith, 2008). In February 2007, the API 682 task force preparing
revision four discussed this phenomenon again and there was
considerable difference of opinion among the task force members as to
what this threshold value should be, if indeed there should be one.
Several individuals advocated that the 145 psi (10 bar) threshold was
far too conservative. Indeed, one major manufacturer had performed
the majority of its qualification tests using plan 53A and had observed
no negative effects to seal performance due to gas absorption.
In 2007 a test rig was designed and built to provide direct
comparison between 53A and 53B operation. Seals could be
dynamically tested utilizing a plan 53B system and then switched
over to a plan 53A system (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Gas Absorption Test Rig.
Barrier fluid pressure was set at an arbitrary 363 psi (25 bar),
which is considerably higher than the threshold advocated in API
682 ISO 21049, Third Edition (2004). The seal was first operated in
53B mode and then switched over to 53A. Of particular interest is
the outside seal faces as they are subject to the highest pressure
differentials, 363 psi (25 bar) to atmosphere, and therefore the highest
stresses and will consequently exhibit the highest temperatures.
Accurate temperature measurement (Figure 13) would therefore
indicate any contact or abnormal running. However surprisingly it
was observed that temperatures were virtually identical between 53A
and 53B mode operation. The 53A system was left pressurized for 15
hours to ensure nitrogen absorption; again no difference was
observed in outside face temperatures.
Figure 13. Start after 15 Hours Overnight at 360 psig (25 barg).
When the seal was subject to rapid decompression it was noted
that in plan 53A mode outside face temperature rapidly increased.
It was also observed that barrier fluid flow rate decreased and flow
was lost. However the pressure had to decay to a very low level,
approximately 7 psi (0.5 bar) before a significant effect was noted
(Figure 14). One conclusion of this may be that the circulating
device or pumping ring within the seal starts to cavitate as nitrogen
is liberated during decompression.
Figure 14. Slow Depressurization after 18 Hours at 360 psig (25 barg).
From these limited experiments the author cannot conclusively
say that nitrogen absorption does not cause a problem in the field.
The jury is still out!
General Description
An alternative solution that opens up the application group for
53C applications has been developed (Figure 15). The system can
be used on contaminated, corrosive, high temperature/viscosity
process fluids. In this system the piston accumulator is pressurized
by nitrogen via a pressure tracking valve (Figure 16). A pressure
reference line from the seal chamber is used and use of an
instrument isolator prevents process fluid entering the instrument
while referencing the process pressure to the instrument. Typically
the reference line will be filled with a benign fluid.
Figure 15. Plan 53C Modified.
Figure 16. Tracker Valve.
The system will track the seal chamber pressure in a similar
way to the standard 53C system thereby providing all the
reliability advantages of constant pressure ratio across the inner
seal faces. As the pressure in the seal chamber increases, the
tracking valve increases the nitrogen pressure in the piston
accumulator by a set amount that can be varied, thereby increasing
the pressure in the barrier fluid by a corresponding amount. With
a reduction in seal chamber pressure the tracking valve vents
pressure away from the piston accumulator, thus reducing the
barrier fluid pressure. The differential pressure can be set to
optimize conditions.
Testing was carried out to understand the ability of the tracking
valve to react to pressure variations in the seal chamber. Results of
some of the testing are illustrated (Figure 17) and indicate rapid
tracking valve response to changing pressures.
Figure 17. Reference Pressure Simulated Stuffing Box Pressure.
Applications of Tracking Valve Technology
Traditionally, on abrasive and contaminated services, users have
opted for Plan 53A or B systems. One of the drawbacks of these
systems is the potential for high barrier fluid differential, which
infers the selection of back-to-back or face-to-face dual seals. Both
these designs have inferior performances for contamination and
abrasive services (Smith, 2008). Face-to-back designs have a more
limited differential pressure capability; however they offer superior
reliability in abrasive and contaminated services and will now
enjoy a far wider application group when used in conjunction with
tracker valve technologies.
Use with 53A
The tracking valve can also be applied to plan 53A systems in a
similar way (Figure 18).
Figure 18. API Plan 53A Modified.
Pressure Tracker Installation
At a major pharmaceutical production facility in the United
Kingdom, a pressure tracking valve with a diaphragm instrument
isolator is installed in conjunction with a plan 53A barrier support
system. The system supports a dual mechanical seal on a top entry
reactor vessel. The duty is summarized in Table 6; pressure tracking
pressure varies from 7 psi (0.5 bar) to 225 psi (15.5 bar). The
pressure tracker is supplied with nitrogen at 290 psi (20 bar), which
will enable maintenance of the pressure in the barrier support
system at 29 psi (2 bar) above the pressure in the production vessel.
The tracker is connected via the mechanical seal flush line, which
will give the reference pressure for the tracker unit (Figure 19).
Table 6. Summary Pressure Tracking Valve Duty Details.
Figure 19. Tracking Valve Installation.
The seal has seen the significant variations in service conditions
(Figure 20); leakage rates are consistently low at a fraction of API
682 qualification test limits.
Figure 20. Tracking Valve Operation.
With many options of liquid barrier fluid piping plans available
the choice can sometimes appear daunting. Informed application
of liquid barrier fluid piping plans can improve mechanical seal
reliability and reduce total cost of ownership. There are many
variables to consider at the design stage. The understanding of
these issues will also assist in operation and troubleshooting. Sound
engineering principles are applicable across all industry sectors.
Pressure tracking barrier fluid piping plans reduce the stresses on
mechanical seals and improve longevity.
Technology continues to develop and pressure tracking systems
are now available for use on contaminated services. With these
systems combined with face-to-back seal designs the user will
enjoy improved seal life.
API Standard 614, 1999, Lubrication Shaft-Sealing and
Control-Oil Systems for Special-Purpose Applications, Fourth
Edition, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 682, 2002, Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal
and Rotary Pumps, Second Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 682, 2004, Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal
and Rotary Pumps, Third Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, D.C.
API Standard 682, 2004, Annex A, Sheet 10 of 10 Shaft Sealing
Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps, Third Edition,
American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
Smith, R., 2008, Contradicting Requirements in API 682 Dual
Seal Design Configurations, AESSEAL plc, Proceedings of
the 10th Fluid Machinery Congress, IMECHE.
The author would like to acknowledge the following for their
valued work on some of the issues presented: Stephen Shaw and
John T. Bright, AESSEAL plc; Chris Fone, European Sealing
Association; Tom Arnold, Fluor. The author would also like to
acknowledge the work of Tony Semple from Bechtel. Tony was
originally going to coauthor this paper. He was probably the
individual who first grasped some of the temperature pressure
issues with plan 53A and B systems and also the first to offer the
combined temperature pressure measurement to overcome 53B
alarm strategy problems. Sadly, Tony died in October 2008 before
he was able to see some his ideas incorporated into the revision of
the API 682 Standard.

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