Geology of Cameroon

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Cameroons Geology

Cameroons geological history begins with the Archaean era between 3.5 and 2.5 billion years
(Ga) ago. Its different phases of development are illustrated by geological masses formed during
successive orogenic cycles characterized by the formation of mountain ranges, and subsequent
extension phases by the splitting of the continental crust.
Cameroon is generally acknowledged to have experienced three orogenic cycles:
1. The Liberian cycle, exemplified by the Ntem complex, which dates from the Archaean era,
and is about 2.5 billion years old
2. The Eburnean or Transamazonian cycle, with the Nyong and Ayna, formations, which date
from the Palaeoproterozoic period (2.5-1.8 billion years ago);
3. The Pan-African cycle, which comprises formations from the Neoproterozoic era 1,000-600
million years (Ma) ago.
The extension phases consist of:
The Lower Palaeozoic period, during which Mangbaii-type series were deposited, around
580 million years ago;
The Cretaceous era, is exemplified by the Benue trough and its coastal and continental
counterparts, which were formed around 110 million years ago;
The Tertiary era, when the plutonic and volcanic complexes of the Cameroon Line were
formed, about 70 million years ago.
The Quaternary period is exemplified chiefly by continental erosion and recent alluvial
deposits, particularly on floodplains and in subsidence zones.
Geology & Mineral potential
This geology is favorable to the mineralization of substances as precious metals (gold, diamonds)
base metal, rare metals etc, and hydrocarbons. So that we can have for example in :
Congo Craton Archaean Greenstone belts (South): iron ore (Mbalam, Kribi), uranium
(Lolodorf), Diamond (Mobilong)
Central Cameroun shear Poli series (North): uranium, saphire, gold,
Sanaga shear zone Lom series (East): gold
Pan African Mobile Belt: (Placer gold)
Sedimentary basins: oil & gaz (Douala, Campo, Kribi) salt, sapphire (Mamf
From 1960 to1990, some of these indices discovered trough the exploration carried out since the
beginning of the last century, were investigated with the bilateral cooperation agreements
between Cameroon and international bodies like BRGM, UNDP, BGR and others. This resulted
in the iron in Mbalam & Kribi, bauxite in Ngaoundal and Minim Martap and Fongo Tongo,
Nickel-Cobalt in Lomie, titanium in Akonolinga, Tin in Mayo Darle, Uranium in Poli &
Lolodorf, Gold in the East region, Diamond in the south east region. These projects form the
current axis of the mineral exploration & exploitation activities in Cameroon

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