The document discusses the potential of nuclear fusion as a future energy source. It describes how current nuclear fission methods produce radioactive waste and have limited fuel resources, while fusion could provide clean, virtually limitless power. Fusion works by slamming together hydrogen atoms at high temperatures and is how stars generate energy. Scientists are attempting to achieve controlled fusion reactions using machines like ITER, but significant challenges around achieving and sustaining high temperatures and gaining more energy output than input remain. If these challenges can be overcome, fusion energy could open new possibilities while providing humanity with an abundant source it desperately needs as other resources are depleted.
The document discusses the potential of nuclear fusion as a future energy source. It describes how current nuclear fission methods produce radioactive waste and have limited fuel resources, while fusion could provide clean, virtually limitless power. Fusion works by slamming together hydrogen atoms at high temperatures and is how stars generate energy. Scientists are attempting to achieve controlled fusion reactions using machines like ITER, but significant challenges around achieving and sustaining high temperatures and gaining more energy output than input remain. If these challenges can be overcome, fusion energy could open new possibilities while providing humanity with an abundant source it desperately needs as other resources are depleted.
The document discusses the potential of nuclear fusion as a future energy source. It describes how current nuclear fission methods produce radioactive waste and have limited fuel resources, while fusion could provide clean, virtually limitless power. Fusion works by slamming together hydrogen atoms at high temperatures and is how stars generate energy. Scientists are attempting to achieve controlled fusion reactions using machines like ITER, but significant challenges around achieving and sustaining high temperatures and gaining more energy output than input remain. If these challenges can be overcome, fusion energy could open new possibilities while providing humanity with an abundant source it desperately needs as other resources are depleted.
The document discusses the potential of nuclear fusion as a future energy source. It describes how current nuclear fission methods produce radioactive waste and have limited fuel resources, while fusion could provide clean, virtually limitless power. Fusion works by slamming together hydrogen atoms at high temperatures and is how stars generate energy. Scientists are attempting to achieve controlled fusion reactions using machines like ITER, but significant challenges around achieving and sustaining high temperatures and gaining more energy output than input remain. If these challenges can be overcome, fusion energy could open new possibilities while providing humanity with an abundant source it desperately needs as other resources are depleted.
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Fusion Energy and the Future
Ryan Tsang Chemistry Period 6 Mr. Bridges 28 May 2014
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Fusion Energy and the Future The human race has advanced a long way since the discovery of nuclear techniques and medicine. According to technology timelines, any one of them regarding computers, science, or technology all make it profusely evident that we are surpassing successive innovations by a matter of moments. An article that defines an idea in one year may be the newest invention in the next. Nuclear science has been employed to many uses in the past, however, new science on fusion reactions are progressively innovating factions of science and energy as we know it today. Nuclear fusion reactions are most prevalent in the field of energy. Fusion energy and the idea has been hanging around for decades, but many obstacles are impeding the path to success which holds a clean, efficient means of powering the planet. Nuclear science itself is commonly associated with terms such as radiation or biohazard. In a way this is true, with current energy systems moving towards nuclear power through nuclear fission, radioactive waste is a very present issue that results from toying with the nucleus. Common practices of nuclear science today include fission reactions for energy. The current fission method derives energy from shooting neutrons to splice Uranium, which has a giant nucleus, into smaller atoms in a chain reaction of continual splits and splices. However, the result yields a decaying Uranium nucleus that wont stabilize until thousands of years in the future which leaves behind biohazardous waste we must store somehow. Although nuclear and therefore cleaner than fossil fuels which emit CO2 waste, there is still the radioactive waste that can harm the environment. Another issue tied with such a method is the quickly depleting resource in Uranium. Naturally occuring in the environment, the sources have already been mostly extracted; and according to statitistics, Uranium supplies, if utilized in place of fossil fuels, will be depleted within 33.6 years (Eric Landau). Clearly, current nuclear issues are Tsang 3
evident with the radioactivity of decaying nuclear matter through alpha, beta, and gamma emissions, the long wait associated with the stabilization of such wastes, the possibility of nuclear accidents with fission reactors as witnessed with Japan and Chernobyl, and the sheer lack of resources available (particularly Uranium). With such issues and more importantly, the dissipation of Uranium reserves within the generation leads society to believe that there is a requisite to discover the next efficient and clean energy source. The answer lies here: Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear fusion reactions are the key to succeeding in developing a clean, natural, and efficient energy source that is virtually unlimited resource wise. The basics of nuclear fusion are defined as the combining of two smaller atoms into one larger atom with a larger nucleus with the addition of a large amount of energy. The most common way this is achieved is seen in the cosmos and thus is the model scientists try to emulate here. Nuclear fusion is witnessed in the cores of stars, most spectacularly in the sun. Using the sun as an example, a variety of fusion types are seen including proton-proton fusion, helium fusion, and the carbon cycle. Basically, the superheated cores of the stars are tightly wound in a chaining cycle of fusion reactions in which hydrogen particles are slammed together and create helium particles in addition to energy (Nuclear Reactions in Stars). This is the method which has been experimented with here on Earth and has been proven to achieve such expectations. Producing more voltage than fission by an exponential value, the process by which fusion reactions are executed is incredibly sophisticated. Localized fusion reactions work by enabling a process that creates a tightly confined, two ended strip that shoots heavy hydrogen particles deuterium and tritium at high speeds and intense temperatures from the opposing sides. This shape is known as a circular bottle shape called a tokamak. The mechanism hosting such a reaction must be able to confine heat Tsang 4
over 100 million degrees; this is done so by the use of magnetic fields to confine the vacuum. The magnetic fields also contribute to the next critical part of positioning the superheated plasma particles of hydrogen. Once placement variables are accounted for, the high-speed plasma particles are blasted at each other. The deuterium and tritium yield helium and high-speed neutrons that render 17.6 mega-electron volts of energy per helium production. Consecutively, the voltage produced will be directed through a process that slows the neutrons down and consequently emits heat which will power steam turbines in order to transmit the power out to the grid (How Fusion Works). The best attempt of a machine that will be designed to accomplish this gargantuan task is located in France, dubbed ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) which has been under construction since July 2010 (Building ITER). However it is not that simple to produce a machine with such colossal capabilities. The errors and incapabilities of the model include firstly, the failure to achieve the intense temperatures needed for an extended period of time, as fusion reactions do not chain like fission reactions do. Secondly the balance of input and output of electricity resulting from a fusion reaction is not in favor of the output. Too much electricity is utilized to execute the reaction that not enough energy is produced in the end to profit from the fusion. Lastly, it is an incredible financial burden to produce machines that can succeed in such a process. An economically beneficial solution is of interest. It is a far reached goal that is plagued by some pressing issues that need to be addressed, however once achieved, the reaction will yield pleasing results. Energy has been derived easily through fossil fuels and fission reactions, however concerns were the heavy carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming, the lack of or depleting resources, the safety of workers in compromise as seen in uncontrolled reactions of fission reactors, air pollution, and less nuclear waste (How Nuclear Fusion Reactors Work). Tsang 5
Fusion energy provides for all of these factors and also many other uses that in the past, would be implemented only in the most ambitious of dreams. Fusion energy is the exact solution being it clean of CO2 emissions, virtually inexhaustible in resources, safe, clean of pollution, and having no nuclear waste. More efficient than both wind and solar power, the other possible routes, fusion is our future. Many fascinating instances could result from the perfection of fusion. Scientists have toyed with the star wars type ideology of fusion propulsion into deep space. The idea itself if very plausible since there is an unlimited supply of Hydrogen in space and with a proper mechanism to absorb Hydrogen into a fusion reactor, the spaceship would attain unlimited amounts of fuel granting it the privilege to travel wherever and however long it wishes (How Fusion Reactors Work 7). As abstract as these ideas get, the most benefit the human race can receive is from the unlimited source that we so desperately need. With fossil fuels and Uranium reserves dipping in danger of total depletion, we need fusion now (Steven Cowley). Earth itself along with the inhabitants of it must evolve in order to avoid extinction. Charles Darwin proved that about a century ago saying that the strongest survive. As humans have evolved and adapted to the Earth, the newest issue has arisen and is waiting on the edge to see if human kind can work the clock and develop the quintessential energy source that thrives on its own, the ability to harness a source of power that is inexhaustible, unlimited, and something that will power the Earth for millions of generations ahead of us. The answer is simply complex: Fusion: an ideology so simple, yet so complex to achieve. If nuclear fusion energy can be successfully deployed, new facets of the world will open such as clean energy, unlimited energy, waste free energy, deep space explorations, and the ideas can engulf us endlessly. But it all relies on our ability to harness the power of the abundance of hydrogen. A plan has been developed in ITER and nuclear fusion is forecasted to make its debut in 30 years. Tsang 6
Thirty years simply, is too far. Efforts need to be done in order to speed up the process as Steven Cowley states in his speech. Humankind cant afford to sit around on this topic, fusion energy is incredibly complicated to harness through reactors and EU power plants and the Earth needs it now.
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Works Cited Freudenrich, Ph.D. Craig. "How Nuclear Fusion Reactors Work." HowStuffWorks., 11 Aug. 2005. Web. 23 May 2014. "Fusion Energy." : How Fusion Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014. "Fusion Is Energy's Future." Steven Cowley:. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014. "ITER - the Way to New Energy." ITER - the Way to New Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014. "Nuclear Reactions in Stars." Nuclear Reactions in Stars. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014. "World Uranium Supply." - Eric Landau. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2014.