07:20:2014 Bulletin
07:20:2014 Bulletin
07:20:2014 Bulletin
July 20, 2014
Faithbuilders (E. Hall)
9:00 Sanctuary Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Youth Classes: (N. Forum)
Salt, Adult Class (N. Room)
10:30 Watermark Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Pathnders, Adult Class (N. Room)
High Flight, Adult Class (E. Hall)
*CoreFit & More Tu & Th, 4:30 p ............
Mens Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30 a ..........
*Womens Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p ....
*Adult Choir Wednesday, 7:00 p ...................
Womens Bible Study Thursday, 6:45 a .....
*Mens Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 a ........
Roots (Young Adults) Thursday, 7:00 p ....
*Womens Bible Study Friday, 9:30 a ...
KP Prayer Group Saturday, 6:30 a ...........
CrossFit crosstchaparral.com ...........................
Chain Gang (Craft) 2
Monday 10 a .......
Reap What You Sew 2
& 4
Wed. 9 a .....
* on break
Praise Songs
Worship Choir
You Raise Me Up
Morning Prayer
Word in Song
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
Sharon Hostetler
Frank Shirvinski
The Story: The Trials of a King
2 Samuel 3-24
Closing Song
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Closing Prayer
Nick Stavlund
Executive Pastor
Frank Shirvinski
Lead Pastor
Katy Statler
Ministry Director: Youth
Nicole Moran
Preschool Director
Jenny Statler
Interim Worship Leader: Sanctuary
Matt Vlahovich
Worship Leader: Watermark
Sharon Hostetler
Ministry Director:
Connections & Events
Stacy Shirvinski
Executive Director: Community
Impact, Families and Children
Sara Perrine
Minister, Missional Groups
Mary Cartwright
Minister, Pastoral Care
Regularly Scheduled Programs
Helpful Info
Communion/Lords Supper
All followers of Christ are welcome to
participate in our Service of
Communion. If you have prepared
yourself for this very special moment
with our Savior, you are invited to His
table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please
take the emblems as they are passed
and partake when you are ready.
Some prefer to take it before passing
it along.
In all of our services, a special time
for giving is set aside. Participation is
an act of worship and voluntary.
We have a friendly, well-sta!ed and
impeccably clean nursery located on
the north side of the narthex. Please
see an usher for directions.
Prayer: Marilyn Davis, Irv Ekelund
Sympathy: Please remember the
Atchison family. Olan passed away
last week.
Flowers on the stage are provided by
the Aragaki family in memory of Fred.
www.chaparral.org 6451 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 480-991-9878
7/20 9:00a Youth attend service Sanct. .... .... ....
7/22 5:30p Zumba Forum N .... .... .....................
7/23 Sunsplash Youth O#site .... ............. ..........
7/26 10:00a Strategic Team Mtg E. Hall .... .......
7/26 10:00a Zumba Forum N .... .. .....................
Wednesday, 7/23
Calling all Youth Group Students and
their friends! We will leave Church
around 2:30 p.m. and get back around
7:30 p.m. Cost is $20 plus money for
food/drink/massive ice cream. RSVP
We have a little over 5 ! weeks to prepare for
our time with these families. How does it
Family Promise is a local chapter of a national
non-profit organization to help displaced
families with a safe place, food, emotional
support and a full range of social, economic
and educational services. It is a temporary
situation (60-90 days) for the family with the
goal of keeping them together while helping
them find jobs and a permanent home.
Each evening the families are transported by
van from a home-like day center to volunteer
churches of all faiths that provide a meal and
a safe sleeping space for individual families.
Chaparral Christian Church has been blessed
with the opportunity to manage the evening
care for 4 families from August 24 30. We
will provide a hot meal each evening for them
on our Church campus (in the Choir Room)
and then house them in the Forum building
with each family having a divided private
sleeping area.
Here are some needs we have RIGHT NOW:
1) Prayers and open hearts for not only these
families in need, but also for the volunteers
and wonderful people (YOU included) of our
Church who felt drawn to be a part of this
wonderful mission.
2) Bedding (any size sheets, blankets, pillow
cases and pillows). The best resource to start
obtaining this may be your own linen closet.
Please bring them to the Church office in the
next few weeks.
3) Non-perishable breakfast and lunch
supplies (i.e., breakfast bars, cereal, peanut
butter, jelly). A more definitive list will be
placed in the Church bulletin soon.
For more information on Family Promise pick
up a brochure in the Narthex. To volunteer,
please contact Mary Blakeman
(blakeman.mary@gmail.com) or Sara Perrine
Cn AugusL 23rd, 8rlan lorresLer wlll rlsk
LoLal arm, leg, and back faugue whlle
bowllng 100 frames (10 compleLe games) all
Lo help make a dlerence for Lhe Pouse of
8efuge and Pouse of Pope and Lhe
lndlvlduals Lhey serve. 1hls ls Lhelr 26Lh year
of helplng men and slngle moms escape
homelessness and achleve
self-sumclency. 1he
money ralsed wlll
reduce Lhelr debL on Lhe
Lrlplex LhaL our Pouse of
Pope moms llve ln. lL ls Lhelr lasL morLgaged
properLy and paylng lL o wlll allow Lhem Lo
expand Lhelr women's program. lf you
would llke Lo sponsor 8rlan go Lo: hup://