Lambeau Field Is An Outdoor Athletic Stadium in Stadium, Replacing The Original

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Lambeau Field is an outdoor athletic stadium in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the home field

of the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League. It opened in !"# as City
Stadium, replacing the original $ity %tadium at &ast 'igh %chool as the Packers( home
field. Informally kno)n as New City Stadium for its first eight seasons, it )as renamed
in *ugust !+" in memory of Packers founder, player, and long,time head coach, $urly
)ho had died t)o months earlier.
0he stadium(s street address has been /+" Lombardi *1enue since *ugust !+2, )hen
'ighland *1enue )as renamed in honor of former head coach 3ince Lombardi.
sits on a block bounded by Lombardi *1enue 6north78 9neida %treet 6east78 %tadium
:ri1e and 3alley 3ie) ;oad 6south78 and ;idge ;oad 6)est7. 0he playing field at the
stadium sits at an ele1ation of +5< feet 6!" m7 abo1e sea le1el.
0he stadium completed its latest reno1ation in the summer of /<4 )ith the addition of
#,<<< seats high in the south end =one. *bout ",5<< of the ne) seating is general, )hile
the remaining ,+<< seats are club or terrace suite seating.
With a capacity of 2<,!#2,
Lambeau Field is the fourth largest stadium in the NFL )ith standing room, but is third in
normal capacity. It is no) the largest 1enue in the state of Wisconsin, edging out $amp
;andall %tadium 62<,4/7, located on the campus of the >ni1ersity of Wisconsin in
o . Packers seek a modern facility
o ./ &@pansion, !+A!"
o .4 /<<A<4 reno1ation
o .5 %outh end=one e@pansion, /</A4
o ." *trium reno1ation, /<4A"
/ Name and nickname
o /. Ne) $ity %tadium
o /./ Lambeau Field
o /.4 $orporate naming rights
o /.5 B0he Fro=en 0undraB
o /." 0itleto)n, >%*
4 Postseason
5 0raditions
o 5. 0he BLambeau LeapB
o 5./ %tadium music
o 5.4 Packers shareholders meeting
o 5.5 'igh school and college football
o 5." 'ockey
o 5.+ %no)mobile racing
o 5.# $oncerts
o 5.2 Fire)orks
" %eating capacity
+ ;eferences
# %ources
2 &@ternal links
Packers seek a modern facility
%ince !/", the Packers had played at /",<<< seat $ity %tadium, located behind &ast
'igh %chool. 'o)e1er, by the !"<s, it )as considered inadeCuate for the times. It )as
built almost entirely of )ood, and &ast 'igh(s locker room facilities )ere considered
inadeCuate e1en in the !/<s8 1isiting teams often dressed at their hotel. 9fficials in
?il)aukee, /< miles to the south, )here the Packers had played part of their schedule
since !44, kne) that $ity %tadium )as less than ideal as an NFL 1enue. 0hey built
?il)aukee $ounty %tadium in !"4 in hopes of luring the Packers there full,time. *s
originally built, $ounty %tadium )as double the si=e of $ity %tadium. %oon after $ounty
%tadium opened, the other NFL o)ners threatened to force the Packers to mo1e to
?il)aukee unless they built a ne) stadium. In *ugust !"", the Packers announced
plans for a ne) stadium in Green Bay, )ith a seating capacity of 4/,<<<.
In *pril !"+,
Green Bay 1oters responded by appro1ing 6#<.4D7 a bond issue to finance the ne)
0he original cost in !"# )as E!+<,<<< 6paid off in !#27 and its seating
capacity )as 4/,"<<.
0he ne) stadium )as the first modern stadium built specifically for an NFL franchise. *t
that time, the other ele1en NFL teams )ere playing either in facilities shared )ith ?aFor
League Baseball teams, or in other pre,e@isting shared facilities.
0he site, no) bordered on three sides by the 1illage of *sh)aubenon, )as selected
because it had a natural slope, ideal for creating the bo)l shape. 0he nearby outdoor
practice fields 6$larke 'inkle Field and ;ay Nitschke Field7 and :on 'utson $enter are
in *sh)aubenon, as )as the Packers 'all of Fame until /<<4.
0he ne) $ity %tadium )as officially opened on %eptember /!, !"#, as the Packers beat
the Bears /A#, in front of a capacity cro)d of 4/,4/. In a ceremony at halftime, the
stadium )as dedicated by 3ice President ;ichard Ni@on. *lso in attendance on the
platform )ere reigning ?iss *merica ?arilyn 3an :erbur, NFL commissioner Bert Bell,
and Bears( o)ner George 'alas,
on a brief lea1e from coaching.
*lthough they no) had a modern facility in Green Bay, the Packers continued to play
t)o or three regular,season games in ?il)aukee. %tarting in !!", e@pansions to
Lambeau Field 6see belo)7 made it financially realistic for the Packers to play their entire
regular season in Green Bay for the first time in o1er +< years. Former ?il)aukee ticket
holders recei1e tickets to a preseason game and games / and " of the regular season home
schedule, in )hat is referred to as the BGold packageB. Green Bay season ticket holders
recei1e tickets to the remaining home games as part of their BGreen packageB.
Expansion, 1!1"#
:emand for tickets at the ne) stadium easily outstripped supply, not coincidentally after
the arri1al of coach 3ince Lombardi in !"!. In !+, four years after it opened, the
stadium(s capacity )as increased to 42,++!.
%ince then, the Packers ha1e been regularly increasing the seating capacity. 0he bo)l )as
increased to 5/,4/# in !+4, to about "<,24# in !+" )ith the enclosure of the south end
and to "+,/+4 in !#<, )hen the north end =one )as enclosed to form a
continuous o1al bo)l.
$onstruction of #/ pri1ate bo@es in !2" increased the seating capacity to "+,!/+, and a
!!< addition of 4+ additional bo@es and ,!/< theatre,style club seats brought the
number to "!,"54. In !!", a E5.#,million proFect put !< more pri1ate bo@es in the
pre1iously open north end =one, again gi1ing the stadium the feel of a complete bo)l and
increasing capacity to +<,2!<.
$%%1"%& reno'ation
0he West side of Lambeau Field
By the end of the !!<s, the Packers belie1ed that they needed to update the facility to
remain financially competiti1e in the NFL. ;ather than build a ne) stadium,
$hairmanG$&9 Bob 'arlan and PresidentG$99 Hohn Hones un1eiled a E/!" million plan
to reno1ate Lambeau Field in Hanuary /<<<. It )as to be paid for partly by the team 1ia
the !!#,!2 stock sale, )hich netted more than E/< million. ?ost of the proceeds )ere to
be paid through a <."D sales ta@ in Bro)n $ounty and personal seat license fees on
season ticket holders. *fter their plan )on appro1al by the Wisconsin %tate Legislature, it
)as ratified by Bro)n $ounty 1oters on %eptember /, /<<< by a "4D,5#D margin.
$onstruction began early in /<<.
0he reno1ated Lambeau Field on game day.
%tatues of $urly Lambeau and 3ince Lombardi at Lambeau Field.
3ie) of Lambeau Field from the %outh end=one.
0he massi1e rede1elopment plan )as designed to update the facilities, add more
premium and suite seating, yet preser1e the seating bo)l, keeping the storied natural
grass playing field of the Bfro=en tundraB. 0he proFect )as completed in time for the /<<4
season, bringing the capacity to #/,"".
$onstruction management )as conducted by
0urner $onstruction %ports, and pro1ed to be of remarkably little disruption to the /<<
and /<</ seasons.
Lambeau Field is the oldest continually operating NFL stadium
In /<<#, the Packers
completed their "st season at Lambeau, breaking the all,time NFL record set by the
$hicago Bears at Wrigley Field 6!/A#<7. 6While %oldier Field in $hicago is older, it
)as not the home of the Bears until !#.7 9nly the Boston ;ed %o@ at Fen)ay Park and
the $hicago $ubs at Wrigley ha1e longer acti1e home,field tenures in *merican
professional sports.
Lambeau Field on 9ctober 4, /<<5
*lthough the capacity has more than doubled since Lambeau Field )as opened, demand
for tickets remains high. 0he Packers ha1e sold out e1ery game since !+<, and more
than 2,<<< names remain on the )aiting list 6)ith a reported a1erage )ait time of 4<
0he sell,out streak has had the effect 6intended or not7 of ensuring that all
Packers home games are tele1ised in Green Bay and ?il)aukee, a streak that started in
!#4 6prior to that time, local telecasts of home games )ere disallo)ed regardless of ho)
many tickets )ere sold78 the Packers are one of four NFL teams 6the others being the
Washington ;edskins, :en1er Broncos, and Pittsburgh %teelers7 that ha1e not had a
home game blacked out since the current blackout rules )ere put into place.
:uring the /<<# season, Lambeau Field )as 1oted the number one NFL stadium in
game,day atmosphere and fan e@perience by a %ports Illustrated online poll.
In /<<!, 0he %ports 0urf ?anagers *ssociation named Lambeau Field the /<<! Field of
the Iear.
*t the end of the /<4 season, the Packers ha1e compiled a /<2AA" regular season
mark at Lambeau Field.
*s of the /<4 season, there are three NFL teams that ha1e ne1er )on a game at
Lambeau during its e@istence, )hich are the *ri=ona $ardinals 6<A#7, the Baltimore
;a1ens 6<A47, and the :en1er Broncos 6<A57. 9n the other hand, the Jansas $ity $hiefs
64A<7 and 'ouston 0e@ans 6A<7 remain unbeaten at Lambeau.
Sout( end)one expansion, $%1$"1&
* 1ie) of the /<4 Lambeau Field seating e@pansion in the south end =one and one of
the ne) ': 1ideo boards
In /<<, plans )ere announced by the Green Bay Packers to install ne) high definition
scoreboards in place of their current scoreboards8 plans for a ne) sound system )ere
announced as )ell.
Later the plans )ere e@panded to include adding as many as #,"<<
seats both inside and outside as )ell as 1ie)ing platforms and lounge areas. 9n ?ay ",
/< the Packers sent out an online sur1ey to 4<,<<< season,ticket holders, club,seat
holders and indi1iduals on the season,ticket )aiting list to get feedback from the fans on
se1eral concepts being considered for the south end,=one de1elopment. 9n *ugust /",
/< plans )ere officially announced to add #,"<< ne) seats to the south end =one. 0he
ne) seats are outdoors )ith the e@ception of one indoor ro). 0he seats include heated
areas that melt sno) as it falls 6a concept tested on a small scale during )inter /<<7,
intending to sol1e the logistical problem of sho1eling sno) from an Bupper deckB seating
area. 0he sno) that falls into the original bo)l area is sho1eled by compensated
1olunteers from the community using a system of temporary chutes placed in the aisles
and carts to remo1e the sno) from the stadium.
0he ne) sound system )as completed in time for the /<A/</ NFL season. 9n *ugust
/", /< Packers president ?ark ?urphy announced that the e@pansion of Lambeau
)ould not be paid by ta@payers but by the team itself. *fter construction )as completed
on the south end =one seating in the summer of /<4, Lambeau became the 4rd largest
stadium in the NFL, )ith a capacity of 2<,#"<. *dditional construction included t)o ne)
to)er gates for the north and south end =one. Lambeau Field also installed ?itsubishi
:iamond 3ision 3ideo Boards, as )ell as a rooftop 1ie)ing terrace in the north end =one
for club seat holders during games. 0he rooftop 1ie)ing terrace and 1ideo boards )ere
completed in time for the /</ season.
9n :ecember 4, /</, Lambeau Field )as damaged by a minor fire )hen construction
)orkers )ere cutting a metal beam, and the sparks from the cutting ignited. 0he damage
cost E",<<< in repairs.
*trium reno'ation, $%1&"1#
In /<4, the Packers announced a ne) E5<." million reno1ation proFect for the Lambeau
*trium entrance, that )ill be entirely paid by the Packers )ithout public funding. 0he
proFect began in ?arch /<4 and is e@pected to be completed in Hune /<".
0he Packers plan to remo1e ground bet)een Bob 'arlan Pla=a and Lombardi *1enue,
)hich )ill no) be the basement of the atrium. 0hey )ill mo1e the Pro %hop to the ne)
ground le1el. 0he Packers 'all of Fame )ill mo1e to the second floor of the atrium
)here $urly(s Pub is currently located. $urly(s )ill mo1e to the main floor )here the Pro
%hop is currently held. 0his reno1ation proFect is referred to as BPhase IIB, )ith the first
phase considered as the #,"<< seats that )ere installed pre1iously. $urly(s )ill be
accessible from 'arlan Pla=a and the hall of fame )ill ha1e more room for e@hibits. 0he
ne) setup )ill be easier for fans to get to $urly(s as it )as difficult for fans in the past.
Phase II )ill also include the follo)ingK
0he 9neida Nation gate )ill get an e@panded pla=a e@tending into the east
parking lot. * tunnel under the pla=a )ill lead to a player parking area
immediately east of the pla=a. Permanent rest rooms )ill be under the pla=a.
* ne) entrance )ill be added at parking lot le1el on the east side, )ith an
escalator pro1iding access to the main floor of the atrium.
'arlan Pla=a in front of the ?iller Gate facing Lombardi *1enue )ill remain, but
its front )ill line up )ith the north face of the atrium to)er )here the Pro %hop is
situated. 0he $urly Lambeau and 3ince Lombardi statues )ill remain in the
pla=a, though they )ill ha1e to be repositioned.
Ne) player facilities in the lo)er le1el of the stadium, including strength and
conditioning rooms and a 4",by,"<,yard practice )alk,through area.
$urly(s Pub and the Packers 'all of Fame )ill be closed temporarily during some part of
the proFect, probably in /<5, but the Pro %hop )ill remain open.
0he reno1ation proFect is e@pected to create appro@imately ,"<< Fobs and pay more than
E+< million in )ages. 0eam president and $&9 ?ark ?urphy said !" percent of
spending on the proFect )ill be done in Wisconsin and +! percent in northeastern
Name and nickname
New City Stadium
?ain articleK $ity %tadium 6Green Bay7
0he original name of Lambeau Field lasted through the !+5 season. 9fficially B$ity
%tadiumB, the name BNe) $ity %tadiumB )as used informally to distinguish it from its
predecessor at &ast 'igh %chool.
Lambeau Field
* statue of $urly Lambeau stands near the main entrance
0)o months after the death of Packers founder $urly Lambeau, Ne) $ity %tadium )as
renamed BLambeau FieldB by the Green Bay city council on *ugust 4, !+".
Besides founding the team in !!, Lambeau played for the Packers in their early years
and )as the team(s coach for 4 seasons through !5!. 'e shares the distinction )ith
ri1al George 'alas of the $hicago Bears of coaching his team to the most NFL
championships, )ith si@. Lambeau )as inducted as a charter member of the Pro Football
'all of Fame in $anton, 9hio in !+4.
Corporate namin+ ri+(ts
9n No1ember #, /<<<, t)o months after Bro)n $ounty 1oters appro1ed a sales ta@ to
fund Lambeau Field(s reno1ation, a second referendum )as presented to the same Bro)n
$ounty 1oters. 0his referendum asked )hether naming rights to the reno1ated stadium
should be sold in order to retire earlier the <."D sales ta@ created to co1er construction
costs. 0he referendum passed "4D to 5#D, the e@act percentage by )hich 1oters
appro1ed the sales ta@.
*fter the 1ote passed, the Packers entered talks )ith the $ity of Green Bay, )hich o)ns
the stadium, to further e@plore the options. 0he $ity and team agreed to sell the rights if a
price of E<< million could be reali=ed, although no buyer has been found.
0he Packers, although agreeing to be bound by the )ill of the 1oters, ha1e consistently
stressed that they )ould prefer Lambeau Field keep its traditional name, honoring the
club(s founder.
0he Packers ha1e sold naming rights to the fi1e entrance gates. From the north going
clock)ise, they areK ?iller Bre)ing 6atrium gate7, the 9neida 0ribe of Indians of
Wisconsin 6east gate facing 9neida %treet7, ?ills Fleet Farm stores 6south)est gate7,
*ssociated Bank 6)est gate and pri1ate bo@ entrance7, and 3eri=on 6north)est gate7. 0he
ne) north to)er gate is sponsored by Bellin 'ealth and the ne) south to)er gate is
sponsored by %hopko. ?iller Bre)ing is also a sponsor of the atrium, and has a section in
one end =one called the B?iller Lite &nd LoneB, gi1ing a)ay tickets in that area )ith
1arious beer promotions.
,-(e Fro)en -undra,
*n empty Lambeau Field.
0he stadium(s nickname )as spa)ned by the Ice Bo)l bet)een the Packers and the
:allas $o)boys, played on :ecember 4, !+#. 0he game )as played in temperatures of
M" NF 6M/+ N$7 )ith sharp )inds. Hournalist 0e@ ?aule associated Lambeau Field )ith
the term tundra in his article summari=ing the game in %ports Illustrated.
Lambeau Field is alleged to ha1e gotten its nickname, The Frozen Tundra, from The
Greatest Challenge, the Packers( authori=ed 1ersion of the highlight film )ritten by %te1e
In the $o)boys( authori=ed 1ersion of the highlight film, A Chilling
Championship, also )ritten by %abol, Bill Woodson used the term the Frozen Tundra
)hen narrating the film to describe Lambeau Field.
Prior to the !+# season, an
underground electric heating system had been installed but it )as not able to counter the
effects of the cold front that hit Green Bay at the onset of the Ice Bowl. 0he field had
been co1ered o1ernight )ith the heater on but )hen the co1er )as remo1ed in the sub,
=ero cold the moisture atop the grass flash,fro=e.
0he underground heating and drainage system )as redone in !!#, )ith a system of
pipes filled )ith a solution including antifree=e replacing the electric coils. *fter the /<<+
season, the surface, heating, and drainage system )as replaced. 0he ne) grass surface
has synthetic fibers )o1en into the sod.
&1en the ne) 1ideo boards, installed in /<<5,
ha1e been influenced by the field(s nickname, being called B0undra 3isionB. 0hese 1ideo
displays, installed by :aktronics out of Brookings, %outh :akota, measure more than /"
feet 6#.+ m7 high by 5+ feet 65 m7 )ide.
*n artificial lighting system, based on
technology used in :utch rose,gro)ing greenhouses, )as tested in /<< and purchased
for use in the /< season. It operates /5 hours a day from 9ctober to early :ecember to
e@tend the gro)ing season for the field(s grass. 0he system is also used in some soccer
stadiums )here shade from stands and partial roofs are a problem for the turf, not the
cold and short gro)ing season found in Green Bay.
-itletown, .S*
?ore famously a nickname for the city than its football field, B0itleto)n, >%*B became
populari=ed in !+, e1en before 3ince Lombardi )on any of his championships. *t the
!+ NFL $hampionship Game against the Ne) Iork Giants, )hich the Packers )on 4#,
<, fans hung up signs around the stadium that read Welcome to Titletown, USA. 0hen,
Giants Cuarterback I.*. 0ittle Foked that the honor )as for him, Fust that his name )as
misspelled. By the mid,+<s, 0itleto)n, >%* )as registered as a trademark of the Green
Bay Packers, Inc. Lambeau Field has been home to se1en NFL )orld championship
seasons, fi1e under Lombardi, one under ?ike 'olmgren and one under ?ike ?c$arthy,
surpassing the si@ )orld championship seasons )itnessed by its predecessor, $ity
%tadium, under $urly Lambeau.
0he *trium inside Lambeau Field
Lambeau Field has freCuently gi1en a significant postseason home,field ad1antage for
the Packers. Playoff games at Lambeau Field typically feature cold Wisconsin )inters.
0he most famous e@ample is the aforementioned Ice Bo)l. ?ore recently, in the !!#
NFL playoffs both the %an Francisco 5!ers in the di1isional playoffs and the $arolina
Panthers in the NF$ $hampionship Game struggled to adapt to the muddy and the cold
conditions respecti1ely. 0he temperatures during the /<<# NF$ $hampionship Game 6in
)hich the Packers lost in 90, /4,/<, to the Ne) Iork Giants7 reached as lo) as M5 NF
6M/< N$7, )ith a )ind chill of M/5 NF 6M4 N$7. From its opening in !"# until Hanuary
/<<4, )hen they fell /#A# to the *tlanta Falcons, the Packers had ne1er lost a postseason
game at Lambeau Field. 'o)e1er, the Packers hosted Fust one postseason game 6in the
ad,hoc round,of,+ in the strike,shortened !2/ season7 during a lean stretch of /# years
bet)een the Ice Bo)l of !+# and a )ild,card game in :ecember !!5. *lthough the
Packers ha1e )on only three of their last eight playoff games at Lambeau Field, their
o1erall home post,season record is a respectable 5A". 0he stadium has hosted fi1e
championship contestsK three NFL title games in !+, !+" and !+# 6the BIce Bo)lB78
t)o NF$ championships after the !!+ and /<<# seasons.
-(e ,Lambeau Leap,
%ign for the *trium outside Lambeau Field
?any Packer players )ill Fump into the end =one stands after scoring a touchdo)n, in a
celebration affectionately kno)n as the BLambeau LeapB. 0he Lambeau Leap )as
in1ented by safety Le;oy Butler, )ho scored after a ;eggie White fumble reco1ery and
lateral against the L.*. ;aiders in :ecember !!4. It )as later populari=ed by )ide
recei1er ;obert Brooks.
It(s not kno)n precisely )hen the celebration )as first coined the BLambeau LeapB, but
one of the first possible mentions )as by broadcaster *l ?ichaels, )ho mentioned during
a ?onday Night Football broadcast in !!+, BIt(s a ne) tradition in Green Bay, ;obert
Brooks leaping into the stands.B
When the NFL banned e@cessi1e celebrations in /<<<, the Lambeau Leap )as
grandfathered into the ne) rules, permitting it to continue.
9ccasionally, a 1isiting player )ill attempt a Lambeau Leap, only to be denied by
Packers fans. 0his happened to then,?innesota 3ikings cornerback Fred %moot )hen he
intercepted a pass and returned it for a touchdo)n8
Packers fans proceeded to thro)
their be1erages on %moot. :uring the /<<# NF$ $hampionship game, Ne) Iork Giants
running back Brandon Hacobs faked a Lambeau Leap after scoring a touchdo)n, angering
many Green Bay faithful in the stands.
Before a game against the Packers on
%eptember /<, /<<!, $incinnati Bengals )ideout $had Hohnson, then kno)n as $had
9chocinco, announced he )ould do a Lambeau Leap if he scored a touchdo)n, and then
follo)ed through by leaping into the arms of pre,arranged fans )earing Bengals Ferseys.
0he NFL Net)ork countdo)n program, the NFL 0op <, named the Lambeau Leap the
/nd greatest touchdo)n celebration of all time.
Stadium music
Welcome sign
9riginally, music at Lambeau Field )as pro1ided by the Packers( LumberFack Band. 0he
li1e band has been replaced by recorded music.
0he Packers intro music for )hen they are introduced before each game is BGet ;eady
for 0hisB by / >nlimited. P* announcer Bill Hart= 6also the main ne)s anchor for WB*I,
03 6$hannel /77, accompanies this by saying, BLadies and gentlemen, here are your 4,
time World $hampion Green Bay Packers.B
Whene1er the Packers score a touchdo)n, the 0odd ;undgren hit BBang the :rum *ll
:ayB is played. 0his tradition began in !2" and is no) used by other teams around the
BGoO Iou PackersO GoOB, the team(s fight song, is played at Lambeau Field immediately
follo)ing the Packers( player introductions and after each e@tra point scored by the
0he BGo Pack GoB Fingle is usually played )hen the team is on defense or during the start
of a dri1e on offense. * song built around this Fingle is BGo Pack GoOB by 0he + Packers.
0he 'ouse of Pain hit BHump *roundB is often played during one time,out at Lambeau,
resulting in )idespread Fumping around by the cro)d. 0his tradition began due to the
popularity of the same songGcro)d,participation tradition at >ni1ersity of Wisconsin
football games.
0he polka standard BBeer Barrel PolkaB 6also kno)n as B;oll 9ut 0he BarrelB7 is also
played at Lambeau Field, usually in the fourth Cuarter of games. BI Gotta FeelingB by the
Black &yed Peas is played )hen the Packers )in a game.
Packers s(are(olders meetin+
With the !!#A!2 sale of stock in the Packers corporation, s)elling the number of
o)ners to o1er /,<<<, a large 1enue )as needed for the annual shareholders meeting.
0he e1ent returned to Lambeau Field in /<<+ after se1eral thousand people )ere turned
a)ay from the /<<" meeting at the nearby ;esch $enter.
Hi+( sc(ool and colle+e football
When built, Lambeau Field )as also slated to be used by Green Bay(s public high
schools, as old $ity %tadium had been. 'o)e1er, a key !+/ game bet)een the Packers
and :etroit Lions )as affected )hen t)o high schools played in the rain the preceding
Friday, damaging the field. *fter that, Lombardi asked the schools to a1oid using
Lambeau, ho)e1er both %outh)est 'igh and West 'igh played there until a high school
stadium )as built in the late !#<s. In !#<, Green Bay(s Premontre 'igh %chool 6the
alma mater of Lombardi(s son, 3ince Hr., )hich has since been merged into Notre :ame
*cademy7 hosted 6and )on7 the state pri1ate school football championship.
-citation needed.
!2/ and !24, %t. Norbert $ollege hosted Fordham >ni1ersity 6Lombardi(s alma mater7
in benefit games to fight cancer.
%hortly after the /<<+ WisconsinA9hio %tate hockey game 6see belo)7, ne)spaper
reports said the Wisconsin football team might be interested in mo1ing a non,conference
road game to Lambeau Field.
In /<+, Lambeau Field )ill host the Wisconsin Badgers 1s. L%> 0igers in the /nd of a
t)o game series starting in /<5, )here the game is in 'ouston at ;eliant %tadium.
Lambeau Field hosting its first hockey game.
Follo)ing the success of the B$old WarB collegiate hockey game held in /<< at
?ichigan %tate(s %partan %tadium, hockey teams from Wisconsin and 9hio %tate met in
the Fro=en 0undra 'ockey $lassic, an outdoor game played on a temporary rink inside
the stadium on February , /<<+. 0he Badgers defeated the Buckeyes 5A/ before a
capacity cro)d of 5<,2!<. 0here )ere some problems as the ice began to crack during
play, but o1erall it )as a success, ending )ith the Badgers doing the Lambeau Leap
follo)ing their 1ictory.
Snowmobile racin+
In /<<5 a sno)mobile racing e1ent )as held in the parking lot due to a lack of sno). In
/<<" the sno)mobile racing e1ent took place o1er the turf, )ith the right amount of sno)
%ince the reno1ation, only one concert has been performed at Lambeau. 0he last concert
to be held at the stadium, prior to the reno1ation, )as %ur1i1or, in !2" to a cro)d of
4,<<<. Jenny $hesney and Lac Bro)n Band performed in Green Bay on Hune , /<,
on their Goin( $oastal 0our. 0he main reasons for the lack of concerts at Lambeau Field
re1ol1e around concerns of the team relating to potential damage of the playing surface
and also the more desirable 1enues in Wisconsin, notably ?iller Park and the B?9
'arris Bradley $enter in ?il)aukee and $amp ;andall %tadium in ?adison. 0he
market(s si=e also makes playing indoor 1enues like the nearby ;esch $enter and Bro)n
$ounty *rena more feasible for concert promoters to play locally.
For many years, Lambeau hosted a popular annual Fourth of Huly fire)orks display,
sponsored by locally based retailer %hopko %tores, Inc.

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