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Student Services - Admissions

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Student Services Admissions Procedure Approved J anuary 9, 2013 Page 1


Title: Admissions

Approved:__________________________________ ___________
(President) (Date)

Policy or Compliance Reference: Admissions Policy

Review and Revision Date(s): J anuary 9, 2013

First Approval Date: September 6, 2011

Stakeholders Consulted (Date):
Academic Council (December 2, 2011)
Deans Council (February 15, 2012)
SMT Policy Review Committee (J anuary 9, 2013)

Reference to other Documents:
Post-secondary Learning Act
Alberta Human Rights

The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements and provisions for admission
of domestic and international students into programs and courses at Northern Lakes


1. General Admissions
a) Regular students who are 17 years of age or older may apply to Northern
Lakes College.
b) Applicants do not need a high school diploma to take programs or courses at
Northern Lakes College. Admission requirements are designed to
accommodate mature students. However, they must have the required
prerequisites for the programs or courses selected.
c) Admission requirements are normally established to meet minimum
prerequisite requirements for all credit programs/courses and are based on
learning outcomes.
d) Program specific admission requirements are reviewed by Academic Council
and approved by the Vice President, Academics.

Student Services Admissions Procedure Approved J anuary 9, 2013 Page 2
e) The principle of first-come, first-qualified, first-served will apply to all students
who meet the program admission requirements.
f) The College will accept valid and/or official documentation that demonstrates
students qualifications for entry to the College and its programs.
g) The College reserves the right to limit application to oversubscribed

2. Provisional
Applicants who do not meet all admission requirements for a program of study
may ask that they be interviewed by the Director to be evaluated for provisional
admission. Provisional admission requires the applicant to complete a prior
learning assessment and/or prescribed developmental studies or specified
courses within the program prior to being converted to regular student status.

3. Unclassified
Applicants who do not plan to pursue a certificate/diploma program but desire to
take certain courses may be admitted as unclassified students without satisfying
the pre-requisites of the desired program.

4. Program Admissions
a) Northern Lakes College is committed to meeting the diverse needs of its
communities and may tailor its program admission criteria to support
demonstrated community need and/or to comply with external accreditation
requirements for a program.
b) Program admission requirements will be objective, measurable and relevant.
c) Program admission requirements vary from program to program and may
include the following:
i. Academic prerequisites,
ii. Interest and aptitude, and
iii. Previous experience
iv. Previous academic record

5. Admissions Readiness Assessment
An admissions readiness assessment may be used to determine the appropriate
level of student study as specified by the program department. Assessments may
also be used by program departments as criteria for admission.

6. Students with Disabilities
Persons with learning disabilities will be permitted accommodations of time,
adaptive techniques or technologies to assist them in managing the information
and skills so they may potentially meet the program/course learning outcomes.
The applicant must meet the following conditions before an accommodation
request will be considered:
a) the academic prerequisites of the program;
b) the physical capacity to safely perform activities required to meet the program

Student Services Admissions Procedure Approved J anuary 9, 2013 Page 3
c) the intellectual capacity to incorporate the knowledge and skills required to
successfully meet the program outcomes;
d) the emotional and psychological health required to meet the program
All requests for accommodations will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

7. Students with English as a Second Language
Applicants for whom English is a second language must submit evidence of their
English competence as part of the application process. Their English ability will
be evaluated through tests (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, and others) and eligibility will be
determined based on the results of these tests. Applicants must also meet all
other admission requirements.

8. International Students
Applicants who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents must have
a valid visa to register in any College course or program as verified by the

9. Dual Enrolment Students/High School Dual Credit
Dual credit programming is open to all grades 10 12 students who meet
established College course/program admission requirements.

10. Partnership/Collaborative Programs
Partnership programs intended to prepare students for advanced post-secondary
programs shall be governed by the admission requirements of the partnership

11. Letters of Permission
To be admitted as a Visiting Student, applicants must submit a Letter of
Permission from a sending post-secondary institution and must meet general
College admission criteria and all prerequisites for each College course in which
they are seeking enrolment.

12. Re-admission
A student may apply for re-admission to the College if there is an interruption or
where the student is required to withdraw or is expelled from the College. The
College may require the student to demonstrate current competence in courses
already passed (e.g. by means of a challenge exam and/or by repeating all or
part of the course(s)). In the case of expulsion, the terms of re-admission will
require the approval of the Vice President, Academic.

13. Refusal of Admission
The College reserves the right to deny re-admission to an individual based on
past performance or unsuitability.

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