Trend Report Boho PDF
Trend Report Boho PDF
Trend Report Boho PDF
It seems that Boho or bohemian-chic or other words 'Sienna's' style is back and not just for the festival
season. And no, it is not Sienna Miller who has started the bohemian crae a!ain. At the end it could lose its
"ro"erty 'Sienna's'.
Boho derives from the early '#$s and bohemian and hi""yish elements of the '%$as are melted in this style
which reached its "eak in the early &$$$s mostly in &$$' and &$$( thank to Sienna Miller. )he actress was
*ude +aw's !irlfriend in &$$' and they both had a role in the movie Alfie and on the "remier of the movie,
Sienna was wearin! a ma,i dress which was bohemian , unusual for the "ublic that time. And later in &$$(,
at the -lastonbury music festival, she also was wearin! a tatty, flared skirt with a hu!e belt . )hese outfits
that consisted of ma,i dresses, coined belts, s"a!hetti stra" to"s etc. enchanted the "ublic with their
bohemian charm. A lot of celebrities and thousands of "eo"le started to dress in the style of boho , wearin!
loose ma,i skirts with fur waistcoats and headbands after Sienna so it is not really sur"risin! that the other
name of boho is Sienna's because she did built fame for the style. .n the other hand, not just Sienna is the
only one whose style is boho, models such as /ate Moss , sin!ers like the youn! and beautiful British talent
0i,ie +ott , or Mary-/ate .lsen, 1icole 2itchie and +indsay +ohan who is famous for her scandals not for
her style.
In &$$3 ,before the recession of boho, it became a 'mass' style. Moreover, Miller influenced celebrity, su"er
stylist 2achel 4oe as well, who created a collection of clutches known as '4oebots'. )his drove to the result
of new followers such as American actress Misha Barton or former model , desi!ner -eor!ina 5ha"man who
were wearin! ma,is with lon! loose sleeves and of course with a "erfect match 4oebots. But like with every
trend "eo"le !et fed u" , it ha""ened to boho,too and "eo"le move towards even Sienna chan!ed her outfits.
6It was a stran!e social e,"eriment, to be res"onsible for all that,6 she said of her boho influence in &$$3. 6It
made me self-conscious, which, inherently, I'm not. 0eo"le would say, 6I'm sick of boho6, and now I stand u"
and say, 6But I liked those clothes - it's not my fault that they were co"ied, you wore them and now you're
sick of them.6
7owever, it was the end of the crae boho did not disa""ear at all. It e,isted and was "o"ular durin! the
festival season after that ,too.
)hen in &$8', 7edi Slimane when he started workin! at Saint +auren did make his debut s"rin!9summer
&$8' collection in which ':$s style bohemian and hi""yish little details a""eared and boho was back. It was
not as messy as it used to be but it was in "eo"le's mind a!ain.
And it seems that this summer is the new risin! of boho. Model ,0o""y ;elevi!ne's weddin! dress for her
second weddin! was ins"ired by boho and desi!ned by 0ucci's 0eter ;undas. )he dress was a bit of ethnic
style, ma,i skirt and lon! sleeve to" with floral "attern , totally hi""yish but ele!ant at the same time.
+ately, at the couture shows +ena 0erminova , russian model and I) !irl, was dressed boho -chic style in
Burberry's autumn9winter &$8( collection - which celebrated the bohemian artists and writers of the 8#&$s -,
and castin! a!ent 1atalie *oos wore blouson-sleeved floral ma,i with wed!es and a 5hanel ba!. And boho
revealed. )ruly said, it has !one throu!h chan!es this time. It is not untidy and messy anymore, more likely
"olished, clean hems and hi!h class accessories.
.n the other hand, a"art from the catwalk and the world of fame and celebrities and we take a look at the
world of ordinary "eo"le, boho con<uests amon! them, as well. 1ot just the fact that most of the visitors of
festivals are made u" of !irls wearin! ma,i dresses, flower crowns, turbans, lot of rin!s and bracelets at one
time. After all, what could be more comfy, more feminine and se,ier in the sweatin! heat of your favorite
concert as one ma,i coy with loose , curly hair style=
In addition, the customer-oriented, mass stores are crowded boho "ieces,too. >rom )o"sho", to 4ara,
>orever &8 the shelves are stuffed with flower crowns, turbans, headbands, ma,i dresses, lon! skirts,
kimono-ins"ired jackets, loose-sleeved to"s, bracelets and hu!e stoned rin!s. But enou!h just to watch the
bustle of the street and discover the "resence of the style a!ain. )he new, sleek boho brou!ht the bohemian
hi""y style to fashion, but leavin! behind a jumbled slack of the '%$s.
?elcome back boho, this time will you disa""ear as the summer !oes by or will you stay lon!er=