Star Ocean First Departure Creation

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Item List/Item Creation FAQ for Star Ocean: First Departure
for Playstation Portable
| Table of Contents |
| |
| In order to navigate this guide I have implemented a Ctrl+f system, which |
| means you press ctrl+f in your browser or word processor to bring up the |
| search menu, then enter the letters in brackets on the right of the section|
| that you're looking for. |
| I. Introduction................................................. [01.00] |
| II. Single-Use Items............................................. [02.00] |
| III. Food......................................................... [03.00] |
| IV. Weapons...................................................... [04.00] |
| - ASHLAY and RODDICK......................................... [04.01] |
| - CYUSS...................................................... [04.02] |
| - ERYS, IOSHUA, and MILLIE................................... [04.03] |
| - ILIA and PERICCI........................................... [04.04] |
| - MAVELLE.................................................... [04.05] |
| - PHIA....................................................... [04.06] |
| - RONYX...................................................... [04.07] |
| - T'NIQUE.................................................... [04.08] |
| - WELCH...................................................... [04.09] |
| V. Armor........................................................ [05.00] |
| - ASHLAY, CYUSS, PHIA, RODDICK............................. [05.01] |
| - ERYS, IOSHUA, MAVELLE, MILLIE, RONYX..................... [05.02] |
| - ILIA, T'NIQUE, WELCH..................................... [05.03] |
| - PERICCI.................................................. [05.04] |
| - Shield..................................................... [05.05] |
| - Helmet..................................................... [05.06] |
| - ASHLAY, CYUSS, PHIA, RODDICK............................. [05.07] |
| - Everyone Else............................................ [05.08] |
| - Greaves.................................................... [05.09] |
| - ASHLAY, CYUSS, PHIA, RODDICK............................. [05.10] |
| - Everyone Else............................................ [05.11] |
| VI. Accessories.................................................. [06.00] |
| VII. Materials.................................................... [07.00] |
|VIII. Other........................................................ [08.00] |
| IX. Combat Items................................................. [09.00] |
| X. Key Items.................................................... [10.00] |
| XI. Skills....................................................... [11.00] |
| - Non-Combat Skills.......................................... [11.01] |
| - Combat Sills............................................... [11.02] |
| - Secret Fighting Techniques (SFT)......................... [11.A2] |
| - Specialties................................................ [11.03] |
| - Art...................................................... [11.A3] |
| - Customization............................................ [11.B3] |
| - Appraising............................................... [11.C3] |
| - Crafting................................................. [11.D3] |
| - Writing.................................................. [11.E3] |
| - Compounding.............................................. [11.F3] |
| - Cooking.................................................. [11.G3] |
| - Alchemy.................................................. [11.H3] |
| - Survival................................................. [11.I3] |
| - Replication.............................................. [11.J3] |
| - Machinist................................................ [11.K3] |
| - Oracle................................................... [11.L3] |
| - Music.................................................... [11.M3] |
| - Train.................................................... [11.N3] |
| - Scouting................................................. [11.O3] |
| - Familiar................................................. [11.P3] |
| - Pickpocket............................................... [11.Q3] |
| - Super Specialties.......................................... [11.04] |
| - Master Chef.............................................. [11.A4] |
| - Orchestra................................................ [11.B4] |
| - Enlightenment............................................ [11.C4] |
| - Publication.............................................. [11.D4] |
| - Group Appraising......................................... [11.E4] |
| - Blacksmith............................................... [11.F4] |
| - Contraband............................................... [11.G4] |
| - Talent Chart............................................... [11.05] |
|XII. Version History............................................... [12.00] |
|XIII. Credits...................................................... [13.00] |
|XIV. Contact Info.................................................. [14.00] |
| Introduction [01.00] |
This list contains all of the items (weapons, armors, accessories, herbs,
cooking ingredients, and etc.) from Star Ocean: The First Departure.
I'm 100% sure this list is complete, with the only thing missing where to get
some items.
The set up of most of the list is like the following:
Item Name
- "Item Description"
- Second Item Description (Hitting SQUARE [])
- Where/How to get
Items will be in Alphabetical Order.
For the weapons/armors/accessories it will look like this:
"Item Description"
Where/How to get
Most of the items will be missing the Where/How to get so if you have that
information please let me know!
NOTE: For laughs you MUST go to WELCH's Weapon section [04.09]. Read the
descriptions of her weapons IN ORDER. It will tell you a story and have you
laughing out loud.
MISSING: Here's a list of the items I have no clue where/how to get.
Light Cross
If you know where/how to get any of these please let me know! Thanks a bunch.
| Single-use Items [02.00] |
Angel Statuette
- "A statuette of a beautiful angel imbued with mystical powers that heal the
wounds of all party members."
- Restores HP 30%
- Art [Magic Clay]
- "A magical pill that cures the user of poison and restores some HP"
- No additional description
- Buy at any item shop
- "A special herbal fruit that cures poison."
- No additional description
- Buy at any item shop
Artemis Leaf
-"A crescent-shaped leaf named after the goddess of the hunt. Can cure poison"
- No additional description
- Buy at some item shops
- "A legenday herb said to work on any type of wound and contain mystical
powers. Can heal most wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy at some item shops
- "A special herbal fruit that restores MP."
- Restores MP 22%
- Buy at all item shops
- "A special herbal fruit that restores HP."
- Restores HP 22%
- Buy at all item shops
Faerie Cologne
- "A magical cologne that prevents enemies from approaching by releasing an
oder that they may find unpleasant."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake+Wolfsbane]
Friut Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 45% of the user's HP and MP."
- Restores HP and MP 45%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane] + [Lavander+Rose Hip]
Goddess Statuette
- "A statuette of a saintly goddess imbued with mystical powers that restore
MP for all party members."
- Restores MP 30%
- Art [Magic Clay]
Hazardous Heal
- "A potion that heals the user's wounds, but with some side effects."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Mandrake] + [Rose Hip+Wolfsbane]
Herbal Potion
- "A magical potion that restores 30% of the user's MP."
- Restores MP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Athelas] + [Lavander+Lavander]
Holy Mist
- "A holy incense that restores 60% HP for all party members when used in
- Restores HP 60%
- Compounding [Athelas+Lavender] + [Lavender+Rose Hip]
Hot Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 70% of either the user's HP or MP."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane] + [Athelas+Mandrake]
- "A flower in the mint family that acts as a sedative and a tonic. Can heal a
few wounds."
- Restores HP 3%
- Can buy in some shops
Malodorous Potion
- "A potion that slightly restores the HP of a party member, but has a
nauseous smell that makes it difficult to drink."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Wolfsbane+Wolfsbane]
- "A strange plant that when pulled from the earth emits a scream that drives
all who hear it mad. Contains a deadly poison."
- No additional description
- Mandrakes drop
Maple Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 20% of the user's HP."
- Restores HP 20%
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake] + [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Medicine Bottle
- "A special potion that completely cures the user's status ailments."
- No additional description
- Buy at some shops, Eagle Familiar Shop,
Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Artemis Leaf] + [Artemis Leaf+Athelas]
[Artemis Leaf+Mandrake]
Mixed Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's HP and MP."
- Restores HP and MP 30%
- Compounding [Lavender+Lavender] + [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Murky Potion
- "A strange, cloudy potion that looks very suspicous. What effects could it
- No additional description
- Killing the Chimera in Puffy's Roleplaying Game in Tatori. She's the white
outfitted girl near the Inn.
Paralysis Cure
- "A magical pill that cures the user of paralysis and restores some HP."
- No additional description
- Buy at most shops
Potion of Merlin
- "A potion that completely restores MP when used."
- Restores MP 100%
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake]
Potion of Nightmares
- "A potion that can cure both status ailments and wounds, but produces some
side effects if used in good health."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake] + [Rose Hip+Wolfsbane]
Potion of Reversal
- "A mystical potion that swithces the HP and MP gauges."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas+Lavender] + [Athelas+Mandrake]
Refreshing Syrup
- "A mystical potion that completely restores HP."
- Restores HP 100%
- Compounding [Athelas+Lavender] + [Lavender+Rose Hip]
Resurrection Elixir
- "A magical potion that resuscitates a party member."
- Restores HP 60%
- Buy at most shops, Stork/Eagle Familar Shop
Compounding [Athelas+Athelas] + [Lavender+Lavender]
Resurrection Mist
- "A magical incense that completely resuscitates a single party member when
- Restores HP 100%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Lavender] + [Athelas+Lavender]
Risky Resurrection
- "A potion that resuscitates a party member, but with some side effects."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas+Mandrake]
Rose Hip
- "A fruit produced only on roses. Highly nutritious and capable of curing
small wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy at some shops
Smelling Salts
- "A powerful medicine that can be used to resuscitate a single party member."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Lavender] + [Athelas+Athelas]
Sour Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's MP."
- Restores MP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Mandrake] + [Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane]
Stone Cure
- "A magical pill that cures the user of petrification and restores some HP."
- No additional description
- Buy at most Item Shops
Strange Potion
- "A potion with a somewhat suspicious color. What effects lie in store for
the user?"
- No additional description
- Aquired with a Goodie Box
Succubus Perfume
- "A magical perfume that brings enemies closer by producing an odor that they
find pleasant."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Rose Hip+Wolfsbane]
Sweet Potion
- "A sweet-smelling potion that slightly restores the HP of all party members"
- Restores HP 20%
- Compounding [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Sweet Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's HP."
- Restores HP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Mandrake] + [Lavender+Rose Hip]
Violent Pill
- "A dangerous pill that creates an effect which can be either heavenly or
hellish in nature."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane] + [Mandrake+Mandrake]
- "A plant in the buttercup family, whose beautiful flowers hide the fact that
its roots contain a suffocating poison."
- No additional description
- Buy at most shops
Wonder Drug
- "A magical pill that completely cures the user of any status ailments. Can
also resuscitate a user."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Athelas] + [Artemis Leaf+Lavender]
| Food [03.00] |
**** For favorite food's search [NAME's Favorite Food] ****
10 oz. Steak
- "It's a 10 oz. piece of sirloin steak. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Cooking [Meat], Horned Wolf drops
16 oz. Steak
- "It's a 16 oz. piece of sirloin steak. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Cooking [Meat], Dire Wolf drops
Agar Drink
- "A refreshing health drink made with gelatinous agar. Restores MP (for one)"
- Restores MP 35%
- Cooking [Wobbly Slime]
Amazing Tenderloin
- "A delicious tenderloin steak, one bite of which makes one lean back in awe.
Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 70%
- Cooking [Sirloin], Shadow Beast drops
Apple Pie
- "A treat prepared by baking thin apple slices inside a pie crust. Restores
HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 25%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Awful Cider
- "A cider accidentally made with salt instead of sugar. Now, who'd like to
try it? Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Fruit]
Banana Frappe
- "A delicious blend of bananas, milk, and coffee. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores MP 3%
- Failed Cooking [Grains]
Batter-fried Shrimp
- "Shrimps dipped in an egg mixture and then covered with crumbs before
deep-frying in oil. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Bean Rice Cake
- "A rice cake containing soy beans and sweet red peas. Restores HP (for one)"
- Restores HP 56%
- Master Chef [Grains+Grains]
Beautiful Ice Cream
- "An ice cream so scrumptious, it can make anyone want to scream out loud.
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 80%
- Cooking [Sweet Fruit]
Beef and Egg Bowl
- "A dish that looks like a chicken and egg rice bowl but actually uses beef.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 46%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Meat]
Beef Rice Bowl
- "Strips of beef cooked in a sweet and spicy broth poured over a bowl of rice
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Master Chef [Grains+Meat]
Bitter Cake
- "Ack! *Spit* Did you follow the recipe properly? Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Bitter Juice
- "Um..I don't think I should serve this..Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Grains]
Bloody Driver
- "A tangy mix of tomato juice, orange juice, lime juice, and soda water.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Boiled King Crab
- "A crab with meat toughened by the rough waves. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Boiled Mushrooms [Ronyx's Favorite Food]
- "Boiled matsutake mushrooms. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Bonito Rice Ball
- "A rice ball with bonito flakes inside. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Grains]
Cabbage Roll
- "Various ingredients wrapped in cabbage leaves boiled with salt and then
cooked in broth. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Cactus Cocktail
- "An unusual drink made by combining cactus juice, raspberry juice, and
ginger ale. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 90%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Cheese Salad
- "A salad containing many different types of cheese.
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 60%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Vegetables]
Chicken and Egg Bowl
- "Chicken, onions, and whisked eggs cooked in a broth and then poured onto a
bowl of rice. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 45%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Grains]
Chicken Shish Kebab
- "High-quality chiken skewered with a wooded stick and grilled slowly over
charcoal. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Cooking [Meat]
Chocolate Banana [Welch's Favorite Food]
- "A delectable treat; a banana covered in chocolate sauce.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 28%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Christmas Turkey
- "A festive turkey prepared and eaten only once a year. Restores HP (for one)
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Sirloin]
Coffee Milk
- "Even the bitterest coffee acquires a gentler flavor with the addition of
milk. Restorse HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
- "Although its recipe is unknown, its refreshing taste is known all over the
universe. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 35%
- Cooking [Grains]
Cold Soba
- "Plain buckwheat noodles eaten by dipping into tsuyu sauce. Can be served
hot or cold. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 28%
- Cooking [Grains]
Collagn Jelly
- "A jelly made with collagen to give one that extra smooth skin that never
grows old. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 60%
- Cooking [Gelatinous Slime]
Corn on the Cob
- "Corn cobs grilled in soy sauce. Gives off a delectable smell.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 28%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Crazy Cow [Ilia's Favorite Food]
- "An unusual blend of milk and apple juice, which may be hard for some to
stomach. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Cream Soda
- "A carbonated soft drink flavored with vanilla. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Custard of Life
- "A miraculous custard with enough power to even bring the dead back to life.
Resuscitates (for one)."
- Restores HP 100%
- Cooking [Sweet Fruit]
Daikon Salad
- "A salad with plenty of daikon radish. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 70%
- Master Chef [Vegetables+Vegetables]
Delectable Cheese
- "A blend of rich cheeses that can keep any party in high spirits all through
the night. Restore HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 70%
- Cooking [Creamy Cheese]
Deluxe Fruit Platter
- "A luxurious assortment of fruit, the price of which changes from location
to location. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Sweet Fruit]
Deluxe Sushi
- "The finest in sushi cuisine, made from freshly caught fish.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 70%
- Master Chef [Seafood+Seafood]
Demonic Durian
- "A fruit from the demon world with an ugly stench that hides a
mouthwatering flesh. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 80%
- Cooking [Sweet Fruit]
Devil's Ramen
- "A bowl of ramen noodles so good that people line up around the block just
to have a taste. Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 50%
- Cooking [Ingredients of Yarma]
Eel Soup
- "A miso soup cooked with eel. A delightfully rustic dish.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 65%
- Cooking [Marenne Oysters]
Egg Fried Rice
- "A dome of egg fried rice, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 26%
- Gotten from Mana the Maid in a PA of Tropp if you gave her some Creamy
Cheese in a previous PA.
Egg Soup
- "Whisked eggs cooked in a soup, with a bit of corn flour added to give it a
nice feel. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Escargot [Ioshua's Favorite Food]
- "Edible snails sauteed in garlic. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 5%
- Cooking [Meat]
Fabulous Flan
- "A flan pudding so soft that it melts in your mouth.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 90%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Eggs and Dairy]
Fiery Cyclops Cider
- "Orange juice and milk, blended. It's the addition of sugar that makes this
mix drinkable. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 50%
- Cooking [Grains]
Fine Tuna Sashimi [Pericci's Favorite Food]
- "Sashimi made from highly fatty tuna. Has an exquisite texture that just
melts in the mouth. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 45%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Fire in the Sky
- "A sweet concoction of cola, orange juice, and just a touch of grenadine.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Fish Ball Soup
- "A soup cooked with balls of ground fish. Cures paralysis, petrification,
and poison; resuscitates (for one)."
- No additional descriptions
- Master Chef [Seafood+Vegetables]
Fish Soup
- "Miso soup made with a broth using deep-sea bass. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Fresh Juice
- Made from 100% fruit juice. Not from concentrate! Restores MP (for all)."
- Restores MP 70%
- Cooking [Creamy Cheese]
Fresh Orange Juice
- "Freshly squeezed orange juice, with a slightly bitter taste.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 40%
- Master Chef [Fruit+Fruit]
Fresh Spring Roll
- "A dish made by wrapping rice paper around shrimps and vegetables.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Fried Egg
- "A whole egg fried on just one side. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 18%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Fruit Cake
- "A cake filled with generous amounts of fruit. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 40%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Fruit Parfait [Millie's Favorite Food]
- "Various fruits and chocolate layered over ice cream.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 20%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Fruit Punch
- "A sweet drink made by soaking bite-sized bits of various fruit in a bowl
full of soda water. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 40%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Fruit Sandwich
- "A sandwich generously filled with fruit and whipped cream.
Restores MP (for all)."
- Restores MP 50%
- Master Chef [Fruit+Grains]
Golden Natto
- "A rare dish made by fermenting golden soybeans, which appear only once
every 10,000 beans. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 45%
- Cooking [Grains]
Golden Stew
- "A stew made with seafood. On a side note, some think clams taste best fried
Restores MP (for all)"
- Restores MP 90%
- Cooking [Organic Vegetables]
Golden Stir-Fry
- "Meat and vegetables stir-fried at the perfect temperature by a true artisan
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Sirloin]
Granadallia Juice
- "A drink made from the sweet, highly aromatic flesh of passion fruit.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Grilled Turban Shell [Phia's Favorite Food]
- "Edible snails grilled over charcoal. The delicious flavor can make a grown
man cry. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Ham and Eggs
- "Ham and eggs fried together for a greasy but tasty breakfast.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 25%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Hamburg Steak
- "Ground beef and diced onions formed into a round patty and grilled until
brown. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 32%
- Cooking [Meat]
Handmade Soba
- "High-quality buckwheat noodles handmade by an artisan.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Cooking [Grains]
Healthy Juice
- "A juice made from several vegetables. Pretty nutritiousm but not all that
tasty. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 60%
- Cooking [Organic Vegetables]
Hogplum Juice
- "A drink made from the fruit of the aromatic hogplum tree.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Resotres MP 50%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Hot Pot of Shadows
- "A murky stew made from unkown ingredients. Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 70%
- Cooking [Ingredients of Yarma]
Howling Fox Cider
- "A sweet concoction of three types of fruit juice mixed with grenadine and
vanilla syrup. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 70%
- Cooking [Grains]
Jowful Bandit Cider
- "A rich cider given a twist with a dash of chocolate syrup.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
- "Napa cabbage dipped in soy sauce and drenched in chili pepper and garlic.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 40%
- Cooking [Organic Vegetables]
Kimchi Hot Pot
- "A hot pot with a spicy broth made from kimchi. The perfect summer dish,
strangely enough. Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 70%
- Master Chef [Meat+Seafood]
- "A sponge cake shaped like the dainty fingers of a lady.
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 8%
- Goodie Box drops.
Leaping Titan Cider
- "A refreshing blend of lemonade, grapefruit and pineapple juices, orange
sherbet, and raspberries. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 70%
- Cooking [Grains]
Legendary Otoro
- "A tuna sashimi so exquisite, its existence is known by only a handful of
gourmet chefs. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 70%
- Cooking [Top-Quality Tuna]
Liver Stir-Fry
- "Liver stir-fried with leek. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 32%
- Cooking [Meat]
Lobster Soup
- "A soup brimming with the rich flavors of lobster. Remember, it's not polite
to slurp. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 32%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Lord's Ozoni
- "A luxury soup that uses pheasant meat for the broth and contains other rich
ingredients. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 60%
- Cooking [Marenne Oysters]
Luscious Gratin
- "A dish made with such skill that one bite will send shivers down one's
spine. Restores HP (for one)."
- Resotres HP 68%
- Unknown how to cook. Gotten from Mana the Maid in a PA of Tropp if you gave
her some Creamy Cheese in a previous PA.
Luxury Grape Juice
- "A rich grape juice, the price of which rises as time goes by. Buy it early
as an investment! Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 90%
- Cooking [Ingredients of Yarma]
Macaroni Gratin
- "A creamy white sauce poured over some boiled macaroni and then baked.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Mango Lassi
- "The perfect drink for a hot day. A refreshing blend of yogurt, mango, and
surgar. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Mango Shake
- "Although sweet and refreshing, shakes tend to make one thirsty. This one's
made from mangoes. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 21%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Mangosteen Juice
- "A sweet juice made from the white flesh of this tropical fruit.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 55%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Mesona Jelly [Ashlay's Favorite Food]
- "Slices of jelly made from mesona mint covered in a sauce flavored with
muscovado sugar. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 40%
- cooking [Vegetables]
Milk Shake
- "Milk, ice, and other ingredients blended into a cold drink.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Mixed Fruit Juice
- "Juices of several fruits mixed in a blender with milk.
Restores MP (for all)."
- Restores MP 40%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Fruit]
Mixed Meat Hamburg
- "A hamburger steak made with both ground beef and pork.
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 40%
- Master Chef [Meat+Meat]
Mutton BBQ
- "Mutton grilled over charcoal. Sometimes steamed while laid on top of
vegetables. Restores HP and MP (For one)."
- Restores HP and MP 45%
- Master Chef [Meat+Vegetables]
Nata de Coco
- "Coconut milk fermented into a jelly-like dessert. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Wobbly Slime]
- "Fermented soybeans that have a sticky texture. People either love it or
hate it. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 25%
- Cooking [Grains]
- "The legendary drink of the Nordic gods...but who knows what it tastes like?
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 100%
- Master Chef [Meat+Seafood]
Old Milk
- "
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Ooze Cocktail
- "A slightly bitter cocktail that on first sight looks like sludge poured
into a glass. Restores MP (for all)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Gelatinous Slime]
Orange Shake
- "A viscous drink made by blending orange juice with cream and sugar.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Plum Rice Ball
- "A rice ball with a pickled plum inside. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Grains]
Pork Soup
- "Miso soup cooked with generous portions of sliced pork and vegetables.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Cooking [Meat]
Prehistoric Meat
- "Anyone who's ever fantasized about living as a caveman will be delighted by
this food item. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 50%
- Cooking [Meat]
Pure Rice Ball
- "A rice ball made from rice cooked in a metal pot. Each grain seems to be
full of life. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Magic Rice]
Rice Omelet [Erys' Favorite Food]
- "Flavored rice and other toppings wrapped in a thin omelet.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 20%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Root Bear
- "A slightly bitter soft drink flavored with the roots of sassafras tree.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Rotting Sashimi
- "Um...This smells a bit fishy. Poison effect (for one)."
- No additional description
- Failed Cooking [Seafood]
- "A sponge cake covered with a thick layer of chocolate. Slightly bitter.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
- "A side dish consisting mainly of fresh vegetables. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 22%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Salmon Rice Ball
- "A rice ball with slightly spicy salmon bits inside. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Grains]
Salt Rice Ball [T'nique's Favorite Food]
- "A triangular rice ball flavored only with salt. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Saucy Noodles
- "A think, slightly sweet sauce poured over cripsy noodles.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 65%
- Cooking [Gelatinous Slime]
Saucy Rice
- "A think and slightly sweet sauce poured over brown rice. Cures paralysis,
petrification, and poison; resuscitates (for one)."
- No additional description
- Master Chef [Grains+Vegetables]
Sauteed Sweet Bream
- "A dish with sweet bream sauteed in an orange sauce. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 50%
- Master Chef [Fruit+Seafood]
Scrumptious Pizza
- "A pizza topped with the finest meats from across the world.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 68%
- Unknown how to cook. Gotten from Mana the Maid in a PA of Tropp if you gave
her some Creamy Cheese in a previous PA.
Sea Bream Sashimi
- "Slices of raw sea bream, with a slightly crunchy texture.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 19%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Sea Yogurt
- "A yogurt made by fermenting milk with both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 35%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Seafood Gratin
- "A gratin containing seafood such as squid, clams, and shrimp.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 50%
- Master Chef [Eggs and Dairy+Seafood]
Seafood Pasta
- "It's a pasta dish with a sauce containing mostly seafood.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Seafood Rice Bowl
- "Generous portions of seafood loaded onto a bowl of rice.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Master Chef [Grains+Seafood]
Seafood Salad
- "A salad made with seaweed an other aquatic plants, as well as shrimp and
salmon. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Seaweed Rice Ball
- "A rice ball with seaweed inside. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Grains]
Shark's Fin Bun
- "A deluxe steamed savory bun filled with shark's fin.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Seafood]
- "Fruit juice mixed with sugar and other flavoring agents frozen into solid
form. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Slimy Gelatin
- "A slightly bitter jelly more suited for adults. Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 60%
- Cooking [Gelatinous Slime]
Sole in Wine Sauce [Mavelle's Favorite Food]
- "A lean serving of sole, steamed and then cooked in a vintage white wine.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Spicy Beef Soup
- "A spicy soup containing beef and vegetables. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Meat]
Steak of the Demons
- "A successful attempt at grilling a steak without letting any of its flavors
seep out. Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 90%
- Cooking [Ingredients of Yarma]
- "A simple dish prepared by slowly cooking assorted meats and vegetables in a
pot. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 36%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Stinky Bean Cake
- "Ew. Is it just me, or does this smell funny? Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Grains]
- "Meat and vegetables fried in oil before being mixed with a broth thickened
with corn flour. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Sugar Crepe
- "A simple crepe with only sugar sprinkled inside. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Super-Spicy Stew
- "A soup with a spiciness level that is beyond nuclear. Not for the faint of
heart. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 80%
- Cooking [Marenne Oysters]
Super Rice Ball
- "A rice ball with several types of ingredients inside. Only one way to find
out which! Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Cooking [Grains]
Sweet and Sour Pork
- "Deep fried pork cooked in a sweet and sour sauce with vegetables.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 40%
- Master Chef [Fruit+Meat]
Sweet Curry
- "A curry with a sweet flavor more suited for small children.
Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 100%
- Cooking [Magic Rice]
Tasteless Stew
- "So...What did you put in this thing? Restores MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 1%
- Failed Cooking [Meat]
Tearful Risotto
- "The warmth of this rice dish is enough to make anyone nostalgic for
Mother's cooking. Restores HP and MP (for one)."
- Restores HP and MP 80%
- Cooking [Magic Rice]
Tofu Pudding
- "An eastern dessert made from soy milk. Has a mouthwatering, bouncy texture.
Restorse MP (for one)."
- Restores MP 30%
- Cooking [Wobbly Slime]
Tomato Salad
- "A salad filled with plenty of cold tomato slices. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 50%
- Master Chef [Fruit+Vegetables]
Treasured Gorgonzola
- "A Gorgonzola cheese matured for ages, bound to make any cheese lover drool
in anticipation. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 78%
- Unknown how to cook. Gotten from Mana the Maid in a PA of Tropp if you gave
her some Creamy Cheese in a previous PA.
Tropical Melody [Cyuss' Favorite Food]
- "A blend of orange, grapefruit, and lemon juice, sweetened with a dash of
grenadine. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Cooking [Grains]
Tuna Belly Rice Bowl
- "The fattiest tuna belly meat piled up on a bowl of rice. Melts right in the
mouth. Resuscitates (for one)."
- Restores HP 100%
- Cooking [Top-Quality Tuna]
Tuna Platter
- "A mouthwatering platter of tuna meat, from red meat to the fattiest belly
meat. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 60%
- Cooking [Top-Quality Tuna]
Tuna Sashimi
- "Sashimi made from fatty tuna. Has a smooth texture that can even astound
seasoned critics. Restores HP (for all)."
- Restores HP 20%
- Cooking [Seafood]
Twice-cooked Pork [Roddick's Favorite Food]
- "Meat and vegetables fried in oil on high-heat. Good stir-fry always has
better vegetables. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Umai-bo Candy 1
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Fish roe flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 5%
- Master Chief [Seafood x Seafood]
Umai-bo Candy 2
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Salami flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 11%
- Master Chief [Meat x Meat]
Umai-bo Candy 3
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick.
Garden salad flavor. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 11%
- Master Chief [Fruit x Vegetables]
Umai-bo Candy 4
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Teriyaki flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Master Chief [Meat x Vegetables]
Umai-bo Candy 5
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Cheese flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 20%
- Master Chief [Eggs and Dairy x Meat]
Umai-bo Candy 6
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick.
Cream of corn flavor. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 21%
- Master Chief [Eggs and Dairy x Vegetables]
Umai-bo Candy 7
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Takoyaki flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 25%
- Master Chief [Grains x Seafood]
Umai-bo Candy 8
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick.
Tonkatsu sauce flavor. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 28%
- Master Chief [Fruit x Meat]
Umai-bo Candy 9
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick.
Chicken curry flavor. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 28%
- Master Chief [Grains x Meat]
Umai-bo Candy 10
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Grilled eel flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 29%
- Master Chief [Grains x Grains]
Umai-bo Candy 11
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Caramel flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Master Chief [Eggs and Dairy x Eggs and Dairy]
Umai-bo Candy 12
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Cocoa flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 30%
- Master Chief [Fruit x Grains]
Umai-bo Candy 13
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick.
Shrimp mayonnaise flavor. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Master Chief [Eggs and Dairy x Seafood]
Umai-bo Candy 14
- "A puffed corn snack in the shape of a cyindrical stick. Chocolate flavor.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 38%
- Master Chief [Fruit x Fruit]
Vanilla Ice Cream
- "A dessert prepared by whisking cream, eggs, and sugar and then freezing the
results. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 10%
- Cooking [Eggs and Dairy]
Vegetable Soup
- "A healthy soup made with several types of vegetables.
Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 35%
- Cooking [Vegetables]
Watermelon Bar
- "A sherbet, shaped like a slice of watermelon, on a stick. Even the rind is
edible! Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 15%
- Cooking [Fruit]
White Peach in Syrup
- "Slices of white peach floating around in syrup. Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 45%
- Cooking [Fruit]
Wilted Salad
- "What the..!? How old is this salad!? Restores HP (for one)."
- Restores HP 2%
- Failed Cooking [Vegetables]
| Weapons [04.00] |
Weapons will be arranged from weakest to strongest.
ASHLAY and RODDICK [04.01]
Dull Blade
"A sword with a flattened blade that couldn't even through a block of cheese."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Wimpy Sword
"A sword unable to cut anything due to the flimsiness of its blade."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Scumbag Slayer
"An unbelievably vulgar weapon that can nevertheless instantly kill any enemy
that has the word 'scum' in its name."
ATK - 1
CRT - 40
"An average sword about 3 feet long."
ATK - 30
Default weapon. Buy in Duess.
"A sword with a curved blade."
ATK - 50
Buy in Portmith
"A saber with a straight blade."
ATK - 130
Buy in Tatori/Astral. Armored Knight drops.
Longsword +1
"An enhanced Longsword."
ATK - 200
HIT - 20
CRT - 60
Roddick Customize Longsword (and others) with Crystal
Walloon Sword
"A heavy sword with a long, narrow blade and a swept guard with two perforated
ATK - 270
HIT - 20
Savant drops.
Roddick Customize Longsword (and others) with Sapphire
Longsword +2
An enhanced Longsword +1."
ATK - 350
HIT - 25
CRT - 60
Ashlay and Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Dwarven Sword
"Crafted by the dwarves, a race said to be extinct."
ATK - 420
HIT - 30
CRT - 80
Element - Earth
Find in Mt. Metorx Mines.
Air Slicer
"A sword imbued with the powers of the wind."
ATK - 490
HIT - 35
CRT - 20
Element - Wind
Found in the Old Race Ruins. Found in Purgatorium Inner Sanctum.
Damascus Sword
"A sword made of Damascus."
ATK - 560
HIT - 40
CRT - 10
Ashlay customization Invalid Pile.
Roddick Customize Walloon Sword (and others) with Damascus
Holy Sword
"A sword that has been blessed with holy magic."
ATK - 630
Hit - 45
CRT - 15
Element - Light
Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Ashlay Customize Walloon Sword (and others) with Crystal
Sword of Marvels
"A longsword of superb craft, strengthened over time by the knowledge of the
ATK - 700
HIT - 50
CRT - 50
Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Ashlay Customize Sword of Stealth (and others) with
Sword of Stealth
"A sword that reduces an enemy's movement rate by 10% with every blow."
ATK - 750
HIT - 60
Element - Fire and Water
Ashlay and Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Sword of Strength
"Reduces an enemy's defense by 30%."
ATK - 750
HIT - 60
CRT - 50
Element - Water
Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Ashlay Customize Sword of Stealth (and others) with
Star Ruby
"A blade that emits a cool, bluish light which resembles that of the moon."
ATK - 800
HIT - 70
CRT - 50
Element - Light
Ashlay and Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Luxurious Sword
"A sword of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
ATK - 850
HIT - 80
CRT - 50
Found in the Muah treasury. Cannot keep with it.
Mithril Sword
"A sword made of mithril."
ATK - 900
HIT - 90
CRT - 50
Roddick and Ashlay Customize Moonfalx with Mithril
Meteor Crusher
"A sword that lowers the enemy's defence by 10% with every successful hit."
ATK - 950
HIT - 100
CRT - 50
Element - Fire
Ashlay customization Invalid Pile
Roddick Customizes Mithril Sword with Star Ruby
"A sword that converts half the damage inflicted on an enemy into HP."
ATK - 950
HIT - 80
Element - Earth
Ashlay and Roddick customization Invalid Pile
Force Sword
"A magical longsword that converts the wielder's mental powers into a blade of
light that slices through enemies."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 160
Gain 2 after beating Del Argosy (The Crimson Shield)
Dueling Sword
"A sword said to have been gifted to a warrior who was proclaimed a hero by an
ancient kingdom."
ATK - 1,200
HIT - 180
CRT - 80
Ashlay Customize Luxurious Sword with Rainbow Daimond
Roddick Customize Luxurious Sword with Damascus
"A sword crafted from a mythical metal capable of calling forth thunder."
ATK - 1,600
HIT - 200
CRT - 70
Element - Light, Wind, and Dark
Ashlay and Roddick Customize Force Sword with Philosopher's Stone
Aurora Blade - RODDICK ONLY
"A shimmering sword imbued with the bright glow of life."
ATK - 2,000
HIT - 300
Element - Light
Found in B27 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
Murasama - ASHLAY ONLY
"A new addition to this version. A legendary Katana said to choose its own
ATK - 2,000
HIT - 300
Found in B25 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
CYUSS [04.02]
Dull Blade
"A sword with a flattened blade that couldn't even through a block of cheese."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Wimpy Sword
"A sword unable to cut anything due to the flimsiness of its blade."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Scumbag Slayer
"An unbelievably vulgar weapon that can nevertheless instantly kill any enemy
that has the word 'scum' in its name."
ATK - 1
CRT - 40
Two-Handed Sword
"A longsword about 6 feet long."
ATK - 50
GUTS - 10
Default Sword (Cyuss starts with this), Buy in Portmith
"A two-handed sword with a double-edged blade."
ATK - 100
GUTS - 20
Buy in Autanim, Tatori, Astral, Tropp
Silver Sword
"A longsword made of silver."
ATK - 180
HIT - 10
GUTS - 30
CRT - 10
Find in Astral Cave
"A two-handed sword with a simple guard and heavy pommel to balance its
ATK - 300
HIT - 15
GUTS - 30
CRT - 20
Customization Invalid Pile
Claymore +1
"An enhanced Claymore."
ATK - 400
HIT - 20
GUTS - 40
CRT - 60
Customization Invalid Pile
"A powerful longsword with a wave-shaped blade."
ATK - 500
HIT - 25
GUTS - 40
CRT - 40
Buy in Silvalant
Claymore +2
"An enhanced Claymore +1."
ATK - 600
HIT - 30
GUTS - 50
CRT - 60
Customization Invalid Pile
Astral Sword
"A sword said to have been forged long ago to defeat an evil spirit."
ATK - 700
HIT - 40
GUTS - 60
CRT - 40
Customize Shockwave Sword (and others) with Diamond
Magnifying Blade
"Raises the wielder's ATK by 10% with every successful hit."
ATK - 800
HIT - 50
GUTS - 70
Customization Invalid Pile
Luxurious Sword
"A sword of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
ATK - 850
HIT - 80
CRT - 50
Found in the Muah treasury. Cannot keep with it.
Shockwave Sword
"A sword capable of flinging enemies across the battlefield."
ATK - 900
HIT - 60
GUTS - 80
Customize Claymore +1 (and others) with Green Beryl
Force Sword
"A magical longsword that converts the wielder's mental powers into a blade of
light that slices through enemies."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 160
Gain 2 after beating Del Argosy (The Crimson Shield)
Searing Sword
"A magical sword engraved with symbols that keep t eternally engulfed in
roaring flames."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 70
GUTS - 90
CRT - 20
Element - Fire
Customization Invalid Pile
Vorpal Sword
"A pure white sword that conjures a freezing gale."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 70
GUTS - 60
CRT - 60
Element - Water
Customized Astral Sword with Star Ruby
Slayer Sword
"A horrific sword imbued with its creator's murderous desires."
ATK - 1,200
HIT - 100
GUTS - 100
CRT - 60
Element - Wind
Customization Invalid Pile
Berserk Sword
"The sword of a mad warrior."
ATK - 1,400
HIT - 120
GUTS - 110
CRT - 40
Element - Earth
Customization Invalid Pile
Blade of Doom
"A mysterious sword with a dark nature hinted by its name."
ATK - 1,400
HIT - 120
GUTS - 110
CRT - 40
Element - Dark
Customize Luxurious Sword with Mithril
Meteor Striker
"A longsword forged from metoric metal."
ATK - 1,800
HIT - 200
GUTS - 120
CRT - 60
Element - Light
Customize Force Sword with Moonrock
CYUSS Special
"A new addition to this version. A longsword that can only be used by CYUSS."
ATK - 2,400
HIT - 300
GUTS - 140
CRT - 80
Found in B25 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
ERYS, IOSHUA, and MILLIE [04.03]
Creaky Rod
"A worn rod that looks like it might snap in half any minute."
ATK - 1
MAG - 1
Failed Customization
"A normal rod carved out of wood."
ATK - 10
MAG - 10
Default weapon.
Ruby Wand
"A rod enhanced with a ruby embedded at the top."
ATK - 50
MAG - 20
Buy in Astral, Tropp, Ionis. Customization Invalid Pile
Crested Rod
"A rod for symbologists enhanced with symbols etched at the top."
ATK - 100
HIT - 10
MAG - 50
Buy in Silvalant
Rod of Jewels
"A rod greatly enhanced with jewels embedded all over."
ATK - 150
DEF - 30
HIT - 20
MAG - 100
CRT - 10
Customization Invalid Pile
Luxurious Rod
"A rod of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
ATK - 200
HIT - 40
MAG - 200
CRT - 60
Found in the Muah treasury. Cannot keep with it.
"A magical rod that reduces the MP cost of the wielder's attacks by a third."
ATK - 300
Hit - 60
MAG - 200
CRT - 50
Customization Invalid Pile
Holy Rod
"A magical rod imbued with holy powers said to be able to heal the wielder's
ATK - 350
HIT - 80
MAG - 250
CRT - 25
Element - Light
Customize Mindsoother with Moonrock
Scepter of the Bunny
"A rod with a symbol of the Bunny engraved at the top. Increases the movement
rate of the wielder."
ATK - 400
HIT - 100
MAG - 150
CRT - 30
Customization Invalid Pile
Rod of the Feather
"A rod that has been passed down from generation to generation among the
winged Featherfolk."
ATK - 600
HIT - 180
MAG - 600
LUC - 10
CRT - 20
Customization Invalid Pile
"A rod that converts 20% of damage inflicted on the wielder into MP."
ATK - 800
HIT - 200
MAG - 800
STM - 30
LUC - 30
CRT - 40
Found in B10 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
"A legendary rod imbued with the wisdom of dragons that increases the spell
damage inflicted by the wielder."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 160
MAG - 350
CRT - 50
Customize Rod of the Feather with Philosopher's Stone
ILIA and PERICCI [04.04]
Rickety Knuckles
"A pair of knuckles forged so carelessly that normal fingers won't even fit
into them."
ATK - 1
Failed Customization
Brass Knuckles
"A weapon worn over the hands to protect them from injury when dealing out
ATK - 50
HIT - 15
Buy in Portmith
Hard Knuckles
"A pair of knuckles enhanced with metal plates."
ATK - 100
HIT - 60
Buy in Autanim, Tatori, Astral, Tropp, Ionis
Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
Knuckles +1
"Enhanced Knuckles."
ATK - 150
HIT - 60
AVD - 10
CRT - 40
Ilia and Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
Taloned Knuckles
"A pair of knuckles enhanced with a set of metal talons."
ATK - 200
HIT - 90
AVD - 20
CRT - 40
Buy in Van Y Ille
Pericci customize Brass Knuckles (and others) with Gold
"A pair of knuckles enhanced with a set of metal nails."
ATK - 300
Hit - 120
AVD - 30
CRT - 20
Buy in Silvalant
Knuckles +2
"Enhanced Knuckles +1"
ATK - 400
HIT - 150
AVD - 40
CRT - 40
Ilia and Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
Metal Fang
"A pair of knuckles greatly enhanced with a set of sharp metal claws."
ATK - 500
HIT - 180
AVD - 200
CRT - 40
Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
Ilia customize Blazing Knuckles (and others) with Rune Metal
Silver Knuckles
"Knuckles made of silver."
ATK - 600
Hit - 210
AVD - 80
CRT - 50
Ilia's Customization Invalid Pile
Pericci customize Cestus (and others) with Silver
Blazing Knuckles
"A pair of magical knuckles engraved with symbols that produce fire on impact"
ATK - 700
Hit - 240
AVD - 100
CRT - 20
Element - Fire
Ilia and Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
"A pair of knuckles enhanced with a set of claws."
ATK - 750
Hit - 180
AVD - 110
GUTS - 10
CRT - 40
Pericci customize Blazing Knuckles with Meteorite
Cestus of Poison
"A pair of knuckles greatly enhanced with a set of metal needles tipped with
ATK - 800
Hit - 300
AVD - 120
CRT - 20
Ilia and Pericci's Customization Invalid Pile
Dragon Claw
"A pair of powerful knuckles said to be able to shatter even the scales of
ATK - 900
Hit - 450
AVD - 140
CRT - 40
Ilia and Pericci customize Cestus of Poison with Moonrock

Kaiser Knuckles - ILIA ONLY
"A pair of knuckles made from a legendary metal which has tremendous
destructive powers."
ATK - 1,000
Hit - 600
AVD - 160
CRT - 50
Found in B20 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
Xtra Knuckles - PERICCI ONLY
"A new addition to this version. Perhaps the most powerful pair of knuckles."
ATK - 1,000
Hit - 350
AVD - 150
GUTS - 50
CRT - 80
Found in B15 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
MAVELLE [04.05]
Raven Orb
"A mystical weapon known as a flying orb. Can only be used by MAVELLE."
ATK - 280
HIT - 40
GUTS - 10
STM - 10
CRT - 10
Element - Wind
Default Weapon (she starts with this)
Ruby Orb
"A orb imbued with the powers of fire."
ATK - 300
HIT - 50
GUTS - 20
STM - 15
CRT - 30
Element - Fire
Buy in Tropp
Water Orb
"An orb imbued with the powers of water."
ATK - 440
HIT - 60
GUTS - 30
STM - 20
CRT - 30
Element - Water
Bye in Van Y Ille. Customization Invalid Pile
Crescent Orb
"An orb imbued with the powers of the moon."
ATK - 520
HIT - 70
GUTS - 40
STM - 25
CRT - 40
Element - Light
Buy in Silvalant. Customization Invalid Pile
Orb of the Valkyrie
"An orb imbued with the prayers of the warrior maidens."
ATK - 600
HIT - 80
GUTS - 50
STM - 30
CRT - 60
Found in B2 of the Old Race Ruins. Customization Invalid Pile
Silver Orb
"A silver orb with a beautiful glow that is said to be able to enchant all who
gaze upon it."
ATK - 700
Hit - 100
GUTS - 60
STM - 35
CRT - 50
Customize Orb of the Valkrie with Silver
Rune Orb
"An orb said to be protected by the magic of the Runes, the first people on
ATK - 800
HIT - 120
GUTS - 70
STM - 40
CRT - 50
Customization Invalid Pile
Flame Orb
"An orb imbued with the powers of Ifrit, a god said to be able to control
ATK - 1000
HIT - 160
GUTS - 80
STM - 45
CRT - 60
Element - Fire
Customization Invalid Pile
Orb of Darkness
"A dangerous, powerful orb imbued with the powers of darkness."
ATK - 1200
Hit - 200
GUTS - 90
STM - 50
CRT - 60
Element - Dark
Customize Flame Orb with Philosopher's Stone
Holy Orb
"A new addition to this version. An orb said to be imbued with holy powers."
ATK - 1500
Hit - 250
GUTS - 100
STM - 60
CRT - 80
Element - Light
Found in B16 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
PHIA [04.06]
Dull Blade
"A sword with a flattened blade that couldn't even through a block of cheese."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Wimpy Sword
"A sword unable to cut anything due to the flimsiness of its blade."
ATK - 1
CRT - 1
Failed Customization
Scumbag Slayer
"An unbelievably vulgar weapon that can nevertheless instantly kill any enemy
that has the word 'scum' in its name."
ATK - 1
CRT - 40
Throwing Dagger
"A dagger better suited to throwing than hand-to-hand."
ATK - 50
CRT - 80
Default Weapon (she starts with this)
"A type of dagger."
ATK - 100
HIT - 10
CRT - 100
Find in Astral Cave. Buy in Van Y Ille.
"A type of shortsword."
ATK - 150
HIT - 15
AVD - 5
CRT - 120
Buy in Silvalant
Gladius +1
"An enhanced Gladius."
ATK - 200
HIT - 20
AVD - 10
CRT - 120
Customization Invalid Pile.
Gladius +2
""An enhanced Gladius +1."
ATK - 250
HIT - 25
AVD - 15
CRT - 140
Customization Invalid Pile.
Roundel Dagger
"A deadly dagger with 100% hit rate."
ATK - 350
Hit - 35
AVD - 20
CRT - 140
Found in B2 of the Old Race Ruins. Customization Invalid Pile.
Bloody Sword
"A sword of unholy magic that feeds on the enemy's HP."
ATK - 400
HIT - 40
AVD - 25
CRT - 160
Element - Dark
Customization Invalid Pile.
"A thin, sharp sword that is curved at the end."
ATK - 500
HIT - 50
AVD - 30
CRT - 170
Element - Water
Customization Invalid Pile.
Flare Baselord
"A sword of fire that inflicts additional fire damage."
ATK - 650
Hit - 80
AVD - 40
CRT - 200
Element - Fire
Customization Invalid Pile.
Elemental Blade
"A sword imbued with the powers of the elements."
ATK - 600
Hit - 60
AVD - 35
CRT - 180
Customize Assassin's Sickles (and others) with Meteorite.
Ice Blades
"Swords made from ice that inflict additional ice damage."
ATK - 650
Hit - 80
AVD - 40
CRT - 200
Element - Water
Customize Luxurious Sword with Mithril.
Assassin's Sickles
"A popular weapon among assassins, due to it's 50% critical hit rate."
ATK - 700
Hit - 100
AVD - 80
CRT - 250
Customization Invalid Pile
Death Bringer
"A new addition to this version. A dagger that brings death quickly to one's
ATK - 700
Hit - 100
AVD - 50
CRT - 220
Customize Ice Blades with Philosopher's Stone.

Dragon Blade
"A dagger of deadly sharpness that can reduce an enemy's defense by 40%."
ATK - 800
Hit - 120
AVD - 60
CRT - 250
Found in B11 of the Cave of the Seven Swords
Luxurious Sword
"A sword of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
ATK - 850
HIT - 80
CRT - 50
Found in the Muah treasury. Cannot keep with it.
Force Sword
"A magical longsword that converts the wielder's mental powers into a blade of
light that slices through enemies."
ATK - 1,000
HIT - 160
Gain 2 after beating Del Argosy (The Crimson Shield)
RONYX [04.07]
"A small bow."
ATK - 100
Default Weapon (he starts with this)
"A large bow."
ATK - 150
Customization Invalid Pile.
"Shaped like a horizontally laid bow and features a trigger on the handle."
ATK - 200
HIT - 10
Buy in Silvalant. Customization Invalid Pile.
"A large crossbow capable of delivering unparalleled damage."
ATK - 300
HIT - 40
Find in Purgatorium Inner Sanctum. Customization Invalid Pile.
Elven Bow
"A superior bow said to be able to hit any target."
ATK - 400
HIT - 100
Reward for doing the Mt. Eckdart side-quest.
Silver Bow
"A silver bow made from the shards of the stars."
ATK - 600
Hit - 150
Customization Invalid Pile.
Bow of Lightning
"A bow that causes sparks to fly from any enemy it hits."
ATK - 800
HIT - 200
Element - Wind
Found in B12 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
Bow of Explosion
"A bow that causes an explosion around any enemy it hits."
ATK - 800
HIT - 200
Element - Fire
Customize Silver Bow with Philosopher's Stone.
T'NIQUE [04.08]
Scumbag Slayer
"An unbelievably vulgar weapon that can nevertheless instantly kill any enemy
that has the word 'scum' in its name."
ATK - 1
CRT - 40
"A wooden staff about 6 feet long."
ATK - 100
HIT - 20
AVD - 15
CRT - 10
Buy in Van Y Ille.
"A normal spear."
ATK - 300
HIT - 30
AVD - 10
CRT - 60
Buy in Silvalant.
Long Spear
"A much longer version of the Spear."
ATK - 400
HIT - 40
AVD - 15
CRT - 80
Find in the Space-Time Labratory.
"A spear engraved with symbols that produce a cyclone in the area whenever
ATK - 500
HIT - 10
AVD - 50
CRT - 160
Element - Wind
Customization Invalid Pile.
Long Spear +1
"An enhanced Long Spear."
ATK - 500
HIT - 50
AVD - 20
CRT - 100
Customization Invalid Pile.
Three-section Staff
"A weapon composed of 3 staves connected with each other."
ATK - 550
Hit - 120
AVD - 55
CRT - 40
Customization Invalid Pile.
Longspear +2
"An enhanced Long Spear +1."
ATK - 600
HIT - 70
AVD - 30
CRT - 120
Customization Invalid Pile.
"A weapon that combines the advantages of an axe and a spear."
ATK - 750
HIT - 80
AVD - 70
CRT - 50
Customize Spear (and others) with Diamond.
Spinning Spear
"A spear with incredible piercing abilities."
ATK - 800
Hit - 80
AVD - 40
CRT - 150
Customize Whirlwind (and others) with Damascus.
"A spear that shoots out flames."
ATK - 850
Hit - 100
AVD - 50
CRT - 160
Element - Fire
Customization Invalid Pile.
Saint's Halberd
"A halberd that has recived the blessings of the gods."
ATK - 900
Hit - 120
AVD - 100
CRT - 50
Element - Light
Customize Flamelancer with Orichalcum.
Dragon Lance
"A legendary lance used in the past to combat dragons."
ATK - 1000
Hit - 200
AVD - 60
CRT - 200
Customization Invalid Pile.
Enhanced Halberd
"A halberd made of a special metal."
ATK - 1200
Hit - 160
AVD - 110
CRT - 70
Customize Dragon Lance with Meteorite.
Star Lance
"A new addition to this version. A lance said to have been used by a famous
ATK - 1500
Hit - 300
AVD - 120
GUTS - 50
CRT - 100
Element - Earth
Found in B21 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
Welch [04.09]
Scumbag Slayer
"An unbelievably vulgar weapon that can nevertheless instantly kill any enemy
that has the word 'scum' in its name."
ATK - 1
CRT - 40
Handy Stick
"A stick with a hand at the end that has a tendency to poke and jab people."
ATK - 150
HIT - 15
Default weapon (she starts with this)
Fuzzy Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the warm and fuzzy feeling of those being poked."
ATK - 250
HIT - 20
CRT - 10
Buy in Van Y Ille.
Playful Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the amusement of those who are repeatedly poked."
ATK - 350
HIT - 25
GUTS - 10
CRT - 15
Buy in Silvalant. Customize Handy Stick (and others) with Gold.
Tedious Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the boredom of those who are finding that all that
poking is getting old."
ATK - 500
HIT - 30
GUTS - 20
LUC - 10
CRT - 20
Find in the Space-Time Labratory.
Customize Handy Stick (and others) with Green Beryl.
Tense Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the discomfort of those who continue to find
themselves being poked."
ATK - 600
HIT - 40
GUTS - 30
LUC - 20
CRT - 25
Customization Invalid Pile.
Worrying Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the nervousness of those who wonder if this thing
will ever stop poking them."
ATK - 700
Hit - 50
GUTS - 40
LUC - 30
CRT - 30
Customization Invalid Pile.
Annoying Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the irratation of those who would really like it
to stop poking them, like, now."
ATK - 800
HIT - 70
GUTS - 50
LUC - 40
CRT - 40
Customization Invalid Pile.
Furious Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the anger of those who aren't joking and would
really like the poking to stop."
ATK - 900
HIT - 90
GUTS - 60
LUC - 50
CRT - 50
Customize Annoying Handy Stick with Rainbow Diamond.
Stern Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the seriousness of those who are warning for the
last time to cut it out."
ATK - 1000
Hit - 120
GUTS - 70
LUC - 60
CRT - 60
Customization Invalid Pile.
Final Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with the last straw that pushes the patience of those
who are continously poked."
ATK - 1600
Hit - 200
GUTS - 80
LUC - 80
CRT - 80
Customize Stern Handy Stick with Moonrock.
Violent Handy Stick
"A Handy Stick imbued with violence unleashed by those who are pushed beyond
ATK - 2000
Hit - 300
GUTS - 100
LUC - 100
CRT - 100
Found in B25 of the Cave of the Seven Stars
| Armor [05.00] |
Armor will be arranged from weakest to strongest.
Weird Armor
"A weirdly designed suit of armor that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith.
Holey Armor
"A completely useless suit of armor with a gaping hole in it."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith
Leather Armor
"A simple suit of armor made from animal skin."
DEF - 6
Default armor.
Padded Armor
"A suit of leather armor enhanced with iron plates."
DEF - 12
Buy in Portmith.
Ring Mail
"A suit of armor composed of many interlocking iron rings."
DEF - 20
Buy in Astral.
"A suit of armor composed of metal plates sandwiched between two layers of
DEF - 30
Buy in Ionis.
Plate Armor
"A sturdy suit of armor composed of interlocking iron plates."
DEF - 90
Buy in Silvalant.
Steel Armor
"A sturdy suit of armor that is light and easy to equip."
DEF - 150
Blacksmith [Meteorite] (without Magical Rasp)
Dwarven Mail
"A suit of armor crafted with the technology of a lost race. Halves fire dmg."
DEF - 200
Element - Fire (Halves)
Find in the Mt. Metorx Mines. Find in the Old Race Ruins.
Blacksmith [Damascus] (without Magical Rasp)
Mithril Mesh
"A suit of mail composed of interlocking mithril rings. Halves water, fire,
and wind dmg."
DEF - 200
Element - Fire, Wind, Water (Halves)
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp).
Luxurious Armor
"Armor of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
DEF - 250
Found in the Muah Treasury (not allowed to keep).
Sylvan Mail
"A silver suit of armor forged with shards of the stars. Protects from
petrification. Halves wind and dark dmg."
DEF - 250
Element - Wind, Dark (Halves)
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Meteorite] (with Magical Rasp)
Reflecting Plate
"A powerful suit of armor that can reflect attack dmg. Halves fire and wind
dmg. Absorbs light dmg."
DEF - 300
Element - Fire, Wind (Halves), Light (Absorbs)
Blacksmith [Orichalcum] (with Magical Rasp)
Weird Clothing
"A weirdly designed outfit that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Pickpocket Ledore the Adventurer in Autanim.
Weird Armor (RONYX ONLY)
"A weirdly designed suit of armor that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith.
"A simple robe favored by symbologists."
DEF - 4
Defualt armor.
Leather Armor (RONYX ONLY)
"A simple suit of armor made from animal skin."
DEF - 6
Default armor.
Silk Robe
"A beautiful robe mad from extremly soft silk."
DEF - 10
Buy in Portimith, Autanim, Tatori
Padded Armor (RONYX ONLY)
"A suit of leather armor enhanced with iron plates."
DEF - 12
Buy in Portmith, Autanim, Tatori
Amber Robe
"A robe decorated with numerous pieces of amber."
DEF - 20
Buy in Ionis.
Ring Mail (RONYX ONLY)
"A suit of armor composed of many interlocking iron rings."
DEF - 20
Buy in Astral, Van Y Ille.
Brigandine (RONYX ONLY)
"A suit of armor composed of metal plates sandwiched between two layers of
DEF - 30
Buy in Ionis.
Silver Robe (MAVELLE ONLY)
"A beautiful robe woven from silver thread."
DEF - 35
MAG - 10
Buy in Van Y Ille.
Holy Cloak
"A holy outfit imprinted with the symbol of a major god. Absorbs light dmg."
DEF - 100
Element - Light (Absorbs)
Buy in Silvalant.
Robe of Deception
"A magical rob that wraps the wearer in illusions. Protects from
petrification. Nulifies wind and light dmg."
DEF - 100
AVD - 100
MAG - 60
GUTS - 50
Element - Light, Wind (Nulifies)
Found in Mt. Eckdart and the Space-Time Labratory.
Blacksmith [Rune Metal] (without Magical Rasp).
Mithril Mesh
"A suit of mail composed of interlocking mithril rings. Halves water, fire,
and wind dmg."
DEF - 200
Element - Fire, Wind, Water (Halves)
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp).
Luxurious Robe
"A robe of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
DEF - 200
GUTS - 20
Found in the Muah Treasury. Cannot Keep.
Cloak of the Stars
"A beautiful outfit decorated with shards of the stars. Halves light dmg."
DEF - 220
MAG - 100
Element - Light (Halves)
Blacksmith [Rune Metal] (with Magical Rasp).
Weird Armor
"A weirdly designed suit of armor that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith.
Leather Armor
"A simple suit of armor made from animal skin."
DEF - 6
Default armor.
Padded Armor
"A suit of leather armor enhanced with iron plates."
DEF - 12
Buy in Portmith, Autanim, Tatori.
Ring Mail
"A suit of armor composed of many interlocking iron rings."
DEF - 20
Buy in Astral, van Y Ille.
Martial Arts Outfit
"An outfit that martial artists find easy to move around in."
DEF - 20
AVD - 10
Buy in Portmith, Autamin, Tatori.
"A suit of armor composed of metal plates sandwiched between two layers of
DEF - 30
Buy in Ionis.
Kung Fu Top
"A martial arts top worn by kung fu disiples."
DEF - 100
AVD - 50
Buy in Astral, Tropp, Ionis, Van Y Ille.
Shaolin Top (T'NIQUE ONLY)
"A martial arts top worn by Shaolin disiples."
DEF - 100
AVD - 50
Buy in Van Y Ille.
Luxurious Robe
"A robe of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
DEF - 200
GUTS - 20
Found in the Muah Treasury. Cannot Keep.
Mithril Mesh
"A suit of mail composed of interlocking mithril rings. Halves water, fire,
and wind dmg."
DEF - 200
Element - Fire, Wind, Water (Halves)
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp).
Dueling Suit
"A superior and sturdy suit of armor refined for battle use. Protects from
petrification. Halves earth, fire, and wind dmg."
DEF - 300
AVD - 100
GUTS - 20
Element - Fire, Wind, Earth (Halves)
Blacksmith [Moonrock] (without Magical Rasp) or
Blacksmith [Damascus] (with Magical Rasp).
Battle Suit
"An outfit made from silicone and developed for battle use."
DEF - 500
AVD - 150
GUTS - 50
Blacksmith [Moonrock] (with Magical Rasp).
PERICCI [05.04]
Tattered Bikini
"A worn-out bikini."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith.
"A two-piece swimsuit that barely conceals the chest and bottom."
DEF - 24
AVD - 10
Default Armor. Buy in Portmith, Durss.
Fashionable Bikini
"A cute bikini."
DEF - 100
AVD - 50
Buy in Van Y Ille, Silvalant.
Kitty Suit
"A battle outfit designed for Lesser Fellpool."
DEF - 200
AVD - 120
GUTS - 5
Find in the Old Race Ruins. Blacksmith [Moonrock] (without Magical Rasp).
Luxurious Robe
"A robe of such impressive craft that it awes all who look at it."
DEF - 200
GUTS - 20
Found in the Muah Treasury. Cannot Keep.
Mithril Mesh
"A suit of mail composed of interlocking mithril rings. Halves water, fire,
and wind dmg."
DEF - 200
Element - Fire, Wind, Water (Halves)
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp).
Magic Bikini
"Not your average bikini. Halves earth, wind, and fire dmg."
DEF - 300
AVD - 100
GUTS - 20
Element - Fire, Wind, Earth (Halves)
Blacksmith [Damascus] (with Magical Rasp).
Kitty Armor
"A suit of armor designed for Lesser Fellpool. Nullifies earth and fire dmg."
DEF - 500
AVD - 150
GUTS - 50
Element - Fire, Earth (Nullifies)
Blacksmith [Moonrock] (with Magical Rasp).
Shields [05.05]
Weird Shield
"A weirdly designed shield that is a bit embarrassing to wield."
DEF - 1
AVD - 10
Goodie Box drops.
Weird Gauntlet
"A weirdly designed guantlet that is a bit embarrassing to wield."
DEF - 1
AVD - 10
Failed Blacksmith.
Wooden Shield
"A simple shield made of wood."
DEF - 2
AVD - 50
Steal from a soldier in Portmith. Goodie Box drops.
Round Shield
"A circular shield made of metal."
DEF - 4
AVD - 60
Buy in Portmith, Autanim, Tatori, Astral, Ionis, Durss.
Knight's Shield
"A tall shield designed for ease of use by mounted knights."
DEF - 10
AVD - 70
Buy in Tropp, Van Y Ille. Blacksmith [Iron] (without Magical Rasp).
Fine Shield
"A very sturdy shield refined for use in battle."
DEF - 15
AVD - 75
Find in Mt. Eckdart. Blacksmith [Iron] (without Magical Rasp).
Ankh Shield
"A shield engraved with a sacred symbol."
DEF - 20
AVD - 80
Found in Mt. Metorx Mines. Blacksmith [Iron] (with Magical Rasp).
Dwarven Guard
"A shield created with the technology of a lost race."
DEF - 25
AVD - 85
Found in Mt. Metorx Mines.
Mithril Shield
"A beautiful shield crafted from mithril. Protects against paralysis."
DEF - 30
AVD - 90
Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp).
Helmet [05.06]
"A rounded cap with no brim that raises the success rate of Writing while
offering some protection."
DEF - 0
Buy in Ionis.
Weird Helmet
"A weirdly shaped helmet that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Steal from Mercenary in Astral. Goodie box drops.
"A crown sporting an emerald that offers some protection."
DEF - 1
Crafting [Green Beryl].
Leather Helmet
"A simple helmet made from animal skin."
DEF - 2
Buy in Portmith, Autanim, Tatori, Durss.
Gold Crown
"An expensive crown made of pure gold that offers some protection."
DEF - 5
Crafting [Gold].
Padded Helmet
"A leather helmet enhanced in parts with iron plates."
DEF - 10
Buy in Autanim, Tatori, Tropp.
Iron Helmet
"An iron helmet that protects the entire face."
DEF - 20
Buy in Ionis.
Plate Helmet
"A sturdy helmet composed of several layers of iron plates."
DEF - 30
Buy in Silvalant.
"A crystal headgear made in the likeness of a frog's head. Now, if you can
only convince somebody to wear it..."
DEF - 30
Found in Purgatorium. Crafting [Crystal].
Dream Crown
"A crown of powerful magic. Absorbs fire and wind dmg."
DEF - 40
Element - Fire, Wind (Absorbs)
Blacksmith [Orichalcum] (with Magical Rasp).
Steel Helmet
"A sturdy helmet that is light and easy to equip."
DEF - 50
Find in Mt. Metorx Mines and Old Race Ruins.
Blacksmith [Meteorite] (without Magical Rasp).
Dwarven Helmet
"A helmet created with the technology of a lost race."
DEF - 60
Find in Mt. Metorx Mines. Blacksmith [Damascus] (without Magical Rasp).
Mithril Helmet
"A beautiful helmet made of mithril."
DEF - 70
Find in Revorse tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (with Magical Rasp). Win Rank A in
Tatori Arena with a Fighter.
Dueling Helmet
"A superior helmet refined for use in battle that offers incredible
DEF - 100
Blacksmith [Damascus] (with Magical Rasp).
"A rounded cap with no brim that raises the success rate of Writing while
offering some protection."
DEF - 0
Buy in Ionis.
"A weirdly shaped cap that is a bit embarrassing to wear."
DEF - 1
Goodie box drops.
"A crown sporting an emerald that offers some protection."
DEF - 1
Crafting [Green Beryl].
Gold Crown
"An expensive crown made of pure gold that offers some protection."
DEF - 5
Crafting [Gold].
"A cap designed with the technology of a lost race."
DEF - 25
Find in Mt. Eckdart, the Space-Time Labratory, and Old Race ruins. Win Rank A
of Tatori Arena with a Mage.
Kitty Hairband (PERICCI ONLY)
"A piece of armor designed for Lesser Fellpool."
DEF - 25
HIT - 10
AVD - 10
Found in the Space-Time Labratory. Blacksmith [Iron] (with Magical Rasp).
"A crystal headgear made in the likeness of a frog's head. Now, if you can
only convince somebody to wear it..."
DEF - 30
Found in Purgatorium. Crafting [Crystal].
"A legendary cap said to have been worn by a famous symbologist. Halves fire
DEF - 35
AVD - 20
Element - Fire (Halves)
Found in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Orichalcum] (without Magical Rasp).
Dream Crown
"A crown of powerful magic. Absorbs fire and wind dmg."
DEF - 40
Element - Fire, Wind (Absorbs)
Blacksmith [Orichalcum] (with Magical Rasp).
Greaves [05.09]
Weird Shoes
"A weirdly desgined pair of shoes that is a bit embarrasing to wear."
DEF - 1
Steal from Lulu in Ionis. Goodie box drops.
Leather Greaves
"A simple pair of greaves made from animal skin."
DEF - 5
Buy in Portmith, Autanim, Tatori, Duess.
Iron Greaves
"A pair of greaves made of iron. Protects the legs."
DEF - 10
Buy in Autanim, Tatori, Astral, Tropp, Ionis.
Glass Slippers (GIRLS ONLY)
"A beautiful, glittering pair of heels made out of crystal. Will not turn
into something else at midnight."
DEF - 10
AVD - 20
Crafting [Crystal].
Plate Greaves
"A sturdy pair of greaves made of numerous interlocking iron plates."
DEF - 20
Buy in Van Y Ille, Silvalant.
Silver Greaves
"A beautiful pair of greaves that give off a silver glitter."
DEF - 30
Find in Mt. Metorx Mines and Old Race Ruins.
Blacksmith [Meteorite] (without Magical Rasp).
Dwarven Boots
"A pair of boots designed with the technology of a lost race."
DEF - 50
Found in Mt. Metorx Mines. Blacksmith [Damascus] (without Magical Rasp).
Mithril Greaves
"A beautiful pair of greaves made of mithril."
DEF - 75
Find in Revorse Tower. Blacksmith [Mithril] (without Magical Rasp). Win Rank A
in Tatori Arena with a fighter.
Sylvan Boots
"A pair of silver boots said to have been forged with shards of the stars."
DEF - 100
Blacksmith [Meteorite] (with Magical Rasp).
Weird Boots
"A weirdly desgined pair of boots that is a bit embarrasing to wear."
DEF - 1
Failed Blacksmith.
"A simple pair of sandals made of wood."
DEF - 2
AVD - 10
Buy in Van Y Ille.
"A pair of boots made from animal skin."
DEF - 3
AVD - 10
Buy in Portmith, Duess.
Suede Boots
"An expensive pair of boots made from mountain goat skin."
DEF - 8
AVD - 15
Buy in Van Y Ille.
Glass Slippers (GIRLS ONLY)
"A beautiful, glittering pair of heels made out of crystal. Will not turn
into something else at midnight."
DEF - 10
AVD - 20
Crafting [Crystal].
Leather Boots
"A thick pair of boots made from cow skin."
DEF - 15
AVD - 20
Buy in Van Y Ille.
"Shoes that martial artists find easy to move around in."
DEF - 15
AVD - 40
Buy in Van Y Ille.
"Shoes favored by kung fu disciples."
DEF - 30
AVD - 80
Buy in Ionis, Van Y Ille.
Shaolin Shoes (T'NIQUE ONLY)
"Shoes favored by Shaolin disciples."
DEF - 30
AVD - 80
Buy in Van Y Ille.
Elven Slippers
"A pair or slippers designed with the technology of a lost race."
DEF - 50
AVD - 25
Find in the Space-Time Labratory, Revorse Tower, and in the Old Race Ruins.
| Accessories [06.00] |
Amulet of Antivenin
- "A charm with mystical powers that protect the wearer from poison."
- Crafting [Iron]
Amulet of Flexibility
- "A charm with mystical powers that protect the wearer from petrification."
- Crafting [Iron]
Amulet of Freedom
- "A charm with mystical powers that protect the wearer from paralysis."
- Crafting [Iron]
Angelic Headband
- "A gittery, silver headband that offers some protection."
- AVD: 5
- Crafting [Sapphire]
- "Just an ordinary anklet that offers some protection."
- DEF: 3
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Aqua Ring
- "A ring that completely protects the wearer from water attacks. Nullifies
water damage. Doubles fire damage."
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Archangel's Bracelet
- "A bracelet said to be worn by those who live in the heavens. Absorbs fire
damage and halves all other elemental damage."
- ATK: 60
DEF: 60
HIT: 60
AVD: 60
MAG: 200
GUTS: 60
LUC: 60
- Gabriella drops (Level 10 Monster of the Silver Trumpet).
Astral Ring
- "A special ring needed to use the Raven Sword fighting style."
- STM: 10
- Only Phia can wear this acc.
Berserker Ring
- "A ring of wild power that causes the wearer to constantly burn with intense
- Crafting [Ruby]
Blood Earring
- "A magical earring that has a 10% chance of converting physical damage
inflicted on the wearer into HP."
- Crafting [Ruby]
Blue Talisman
- "A holy talisman imbued with the powers of the gods of water that raise the
wearer's defense. Halves water damage."
- DEF: +30% of base DEF
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Bracelet of Gambling
- "A strange bracelet that randomly changes the amount of damage inflicted on
the wearer to between 25% and 200%."
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Breeze Earring
- "A daimond earring that raises the wearer's agility."
- AVD: 15
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
- "An accessory sporting a daimond."
- Buy in Eckdart.
Chain of Might
- "A chain imbued with the powers of the gods of war that rais the wearer's
attack power."
- ATK: +30% of base ATK
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Combo Link
- "A bracelet that lets the wearer combine two special arts into an attack
- Found in a chest inside a cave between Van Y Ille and Silvalant.
- "A clear, transparent mineral that is similar to quarts. Halves wind damage"
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 3+.
- "A strange black metal that is highly resilient and durable. Halves water
and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 6+. Found in some dungeons.
- "The hardest gem in the world, its form is created by arranging pure carbon
atmos into an isometric lattice."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 4+
Dream Bracelet
- "A fantastic bracelet that temporarily raises the level of the wearer by
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Earring of Frenzy
- "An earring that doubles the wearer's attack powers. However, these frenzied
attacks take a toll on acuracy."
- ATK: Doubled
HIT: Halved
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Earring of Magnetism
- "A mystical earring that attracts enemies to the wearer."
- ATK: 20
GUTS: 20
CRT: 20
- Crafting [Diamond]
Earring of Readiness
- "A mystical earring that prevents back attacks on the wearer. Halves dark
- LUC: 20
- Crafting [Diamond]
Earring of the Winds
- "A special earring that softens the impact of wind magic on the wearer.
Halves wind damage."
- Crafting [Diamond]
Emerald Earring
- "A mystical earring that turns the wearer into a chatterbox. Raises Hasten
Speech to Level 6. Halves wind damage."
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Emerald Ring
- "A ring imbued with the powers of symbology that reduce the MP cost of the
wearer's attacks by a third."
- STM: 10
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Faerie ring
- "A ring of powerful magic that halves the MP cost of attacks by the wearer."
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Faerie Tear
- "Converts 10% of spell damage inflicted on the wearer into MP. Halves
water damage. Doubles fire damage."
- Asmodeous drops (Rare).
Feather Ring
- "A ring given to IOSHUA by his parents."
- DEF: 5
- Only Ioshua can wear this acc.
Fire Ring
- "A ring that increases the spell damage inflicted with fire damage. Halves
fire damage. Doubles water damage."
- MAG: 10
GUTS: 10
STM: 10
- Crafting [Ruby]
Flare Ring
- "A ring that completely protects the wearer from fire attacks. Nullifies
fire damage. Doubles water damage."
- Crafting [Ruby]
- "A tool that starts a fire by hitting two rocks together. Equip it and push
the action button to use."
- Recieve after defeating the Velkhent during the Pirate Hidout quest.
Foot Insignia
- "A mystical charm imbued with the powers of the warrior that raise the
attack power and hit rate of the wearer."
- ATK: +10% of base ATK
HIT: +30% of base HIT
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Gale Earring
- "A magical earring that gives the wearer the speed of the wind and an extra
attack. Halves wind damage."
- HIT: 10
AVD: 10
CRT: 15
- Del Argosy (The Crimson Shield) drops.
Glittering Earring
- "A beautiful earring sporting a diamond. Halves light damage."
- Crafting [Diamond]
- "This gold ore has low purity and needs to be refined to be of any value."
- AVD: 1
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 1+
Gold Bracelet
- "A bracelet made out of gold that offers some protection."
- DEF: 10
- Crafting [Gold]
Gold Cross
- "A mystical gold cross the significantly increases the weaerer's hit rate.
Halves fire damage."
- HIT: 50
- Crafting [Gold]
Gold Earring
- "A gold earring that raises the wearer's agility."
- AVD: +10% of base AVD
- Crafting [Gold]
Gold Idol
- "A doll made out of pure gold, the attention to detail of which has awed
many an art buff."
- HIT: 1
- Crafting [Gold]
Gold Ring
- "A ring made of gold. Good mainly for showing off."
- AVD: 1
- Crafting [Gold]
Golden Brooch
- "An accessory made with meticulous craftmanship."
- GUTS: 5
- Crafting [Gold]
Good Luck Charm
- "A charm made by MILLIE for RODDICK. Nullifies earth, water, and fire
damage. Halves wind, light, and dark daamge."
- ATK: 200
DEF: 15
HIT: 20
AVD: 25
MAG: 5
GUTS: 20
LUC: 80
CRT: 20
- Recieve after doing a PA with Millie. Must have recruited Millie in Eckdart.
Green Beryl
- "Known as aquamarine when containing iron, and emerald when containing
chrome. Halves earth damage."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 3+
Green Bracelet
- "A bracelet sporting an emerald that offers some protection."
- GUTS: 5
LUC: 5
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Hammer Charm
- "A mystical charm that halves daze time for the wearer."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Heavy Ring
- "A much too heavy iron ring that has an elemental disadvantage. Doubles dark
- DEF: 2
CRT: 2
- Failed Crafting
Hefty Earring
- "An iron earring that increases the wearer's attack power. However, its
heaviness takes its toll on accuracy."
- ATK: +30% of base ATK
HIT: -10% of base HIT
- Crafting [Iron]
Hefty Ring
- "A hefty steel ring that may offer some benefits but has an elemental
disadvantage. Doubles fire and wind damage."
- Crafting [Iron]
Holy Ring
- "A magical ring that has a 10% chance of protecting the wearer from all
spell attacks."
- Crafting [Crystal]
Intimidation Pendant
- "A pendant imbued with holy powers the prevent enemies from approaching."
- Crafting [Crystal]
- "This iron ore can be refined into iron by reducing the ferric oxide
contained within."
- HIT: 1
- Buy in most Item Shops. Buy in Eckdart.
Lame Earring
- "A pretty lame earring."
- Failed Crafting
Lavish Idol
- "A doll made out of diamonds, the gorgeous craft of which has awed all who
have seen it."
- MAG: 1
- Crafting [Diamond]
Leaf Pendant
- "A pendant in the shape of a leaf imbued with the blessings of a certain
individual that guard the wearer for life."
- DEF: +30% of base defense
LUC: 10
- Ruffian drops (in Mt. Metorx Mines).
Levitation Ring
- "A ring made of orichalcum."
- ??
- Acquired by Santa's Boots.
Light Cross
- "A cross that doubles the max MP of the wearer. Halves water, wind, and
dark damage. Doubles earth, fire, and light damage."
- DEF: 20
AVD: 40
GUTS: 10
LUC: 20
- ??
Lunar Charm
- "A charm imbued with lunar magic that raises the wearer's MP."
- MP: +30% of base MP
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Lunar Talisman
- "A sacred talisman imbued with the powers of the lunar gods that raise the
wearer's HP."
- HP: +20% of base HP
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Magic Cross
- "A magical cross that has a 10% chance of reflecting all damage to enemies.
Halves light and dark damage."
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Magic Jar
- "A magical pot that can produce fantastic items just by carrying it around."
- Found in the east most room in the Oracle Room.
Magician's Glove
- "A special light glove that when equipped improeves the success rate of
- Machinist
Mallet Charm
- "A mystical charm that prevents the wearer from getting dazed."
- GUTS: 10
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Meteor Ring
- "A magical ring that imbues the wearer with the luster of a shooting star
and gives the wearer and extra attack."
- GUTS: 5
STM: 10
CRT: 1
- Steal from Elderly Person in Tatori.
- "A fragment of a meteor imbued with magic that gives off a mystical glow.
Halves earth and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
Mind Ring
- "A ring imbued with serenity that recharges the MP of the wearer in the
midst of battle. Doubles wind damage."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Mist Insignia
- "A mystical accessory taht raises the wisdom of the wearer."
- MAG: +10% of base MAG
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
- "A magical metal, the existence of which has only been told about in
anchient lore. Halves wind and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
Moon Earring
- "A magical earring that has a 10% chance of reflecting any damage inflicted
on the wearer to a nearby party member."
- Crafting [Moonrock]
- "An accessory made from moonrock that boosts the vitality and mental powers
of the wearer. Raises HP and MP."
- HP: +20% of base HP
MP: +20% of base MP
- Crafting [Moonrock]
- "A magical stone imbued with mystical powers that is said to be a fragment
of the moon. Halves water and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
Mystic Amulet
- "An amulet with mystical powers the blind the enemy when the wearer attempts
to escape."
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
- "An ordinary necklace that offers some protection."
- AVD: 20
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
- "That Lesser Fellpool girl was carrying around this ocarina. If you see a
lonly kitty, equip it and try using it near her."
- Pericci drops this after completing the Pirate quest. Only chance to get it.
Onyx Earring
- "A magical earring that converts 10% of spell damage inflicted on the wearer
into MP."
- Crafting [Iron]
- "A metal able to resist gravity, said to have been used on a mysterious
legendary continent. Halves earth and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 7+
Philosopher's Stone
- "A stone that alchemists spend their entire lives trying to create. Halves
light and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
- "A tool for digging into rock. Try equipping it and hitting areas where you
see a glint of light."
- Buy in Portmith
Princess Ring
- "A beautiful ring that balances both chic and luxury while increasing the
wearer's MP."
- MP: +20% of base MP
MAG: 2
- Crafting [Crystal]
Prism Ring
- "A magical ring that has a 5% chance of protecting the wearer from all
- GUTS: 5
- Crafting [Crystal]
Purple Amulet
- "An amulet with mystical powers that discract the nemy when the wearer
attempts to escape."
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Rainbow Diamond
- "A rare diamond that glitters in all the colors of the rainbow. Halves fire
and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 7+
Regeneration Ring
- "A ring imbued with magic powers that heal the wearer's wounds even in the
midst of battle."
- DEF: 2
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Ricochet Bracelet
- "A magical bracelet that has a 5% chance of reflecting all damage inflicted
on the wearer to a nearby enemy."
- Crafting [Ruby]
Ring of Absorption
- "A mystical ring that converts physical damage inflicted on the wearer into
- DEF: 6
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
Ring of Avoidance
- "A ring that prevents enemies from approaching the wearer."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Ring of Fusion
- "A mystical ring that converts spell damage inflicted on the wearer into
- MAG: 6
- Crafting [Crystal]
Ring of Happiness
- "An expensive ring that is famous in the cities for its ability to bring
happiness to the wearer. Makes the wearer feel lucky."
- MAG: 10
STM: 10
LUC: 50
- Succubus drops (boss of the Muah Treasury).
Ring of Healing
- "A ring imbued with magic powers that heal the wearer's wounds over time."
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Ring of Infinity
- "A ring with mystical powers that expedite the wearer's growth. Raises
1 EXP with each step. Doubles elemental damage."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Ring of Insanity
- "A mystical ring that allows the wearer to hurl enemies across the
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Ring of Lightspeed
- "A magical ring that imbues the wearer with the movement of light and gives
the wearer two extra attacks."
- GUTS: 10
STM: 30
CRT: 5
- Demonic Eye drops (in the Cave of the Seven Stars). Only 2 chances of
getting this.
Ring of Lunacy
- "A ring of powerful magic that completely protects the wearer with the power
of the moon. Causes wearer to daze easily."
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Ring of Mental Power
- "A ring imbued with potent magic that recharges the wearer's MP in the midst
of battle."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
Ring of Might
- "A ring imbued with the powers of the ancient titans that rase the wearer's
attack power but doubles all elemental damage."
- ATK: Doubles
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Ring of Resistance
- "A ring of protection that lowers spell damage inflicted on the wearer by
- Crafting [Crystal]
Ring of Sadness
- "A mystical ring that lowers the wearer's attack power in exchange for
increased defense."
- ATK: -30% of base ATK
DEF: +30% of base DEF
- Steal from Heartbroken Enore in Van Y Ille Castle.
Ring of the Accursed
- "A cursed ring, still popular due to the considerable protection it offers.
Doubles earth, fire, wind, and dark damage."
- DEF: +30% of base DEF
- Crafting [Moonrock]
Ring of Trust
- "A magical ring that converts trust from others into courage. Increases GUTS
in proportion to the number of close friends."
- GUTS: 20
STM: 20
LUC: 10
CRT: 10
- Crafting [Diamond]
Ring of Wisdom
- "A magnificent ring imbued with the knowledge of the ancients that protects
the wearer from an assortment of conditions."
- Crafting [Philosopher's Stone]
- "A corundum stone with a red look created by the presence of some chrome.
Halves fire damage."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 2+
Ruby Earring
- "An earring sporting a ruby that offers some protection."
- DEF: 30
- Crafting [Ruby]
Ruby Pendant
- "A pendent sporting a ruby that offers some protection. Nullifies fire
- DEF: 30
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
Rune Metal
- "A metal of an unclear nature, although some say it is a crystallized form
of magic. Halves wind and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 6+
Sacrificial Doll
- "A mystical doll that sacrifices itself when its owner's life is in danger.
Halves elemental damage."
- GUTS: 20
- Crafting [Diamond]
Saint Elmo's Charm
- "A charm of the patron saint of sailors, received from a boy at the harbor.
Absorbs water damage."
- AVD: 10
- Talk to the blue-eyed boy near the harbor entrance after completeing the
Pirate Quest to get this.
Santa's Boots
- "A pair of ruby red boots filled with the dreams of children."
- Buy from the Santa Dealer in Silvalant.
- "A corundum stone that isn't red. Those with some titanium and iron have a
blue appearance. Halves water damage."
- No additional description
- By in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 2+
Shadow Cross
- "A cross that doubles the max HP of the wearer. Halves earth, fire, and
light damage. Doubles water, wind, and dark damage."
- HP: Doubled
HIT: 40
MAG: 20
STM: 20
CRT: 10
- Crafting [Rainbow Diamond]
Shield Earring
- "An earring of protection that lowers physical damage inflicted on the
wearer by 80%."
- Crafting [Ruby]
Shield Ring
- "A ring of protection that lowers physical damage inflicted on the wearer
by 90%."
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
-"This silver ore has a low purity and needs to be refined to be of any value"
- DEF: 1
- Buy in Eckdart. create in Alchemy levels 1+
Silver Amulet
- "A charm imbued with the powers of the demon gods that raise the spell
damage inflicted by the wearer."
- MAG: 3
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Barrette
- "A simple, silver hair clasp that offers some protection."
- DEF: 3
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Charm
- "A lucky charm imbued with holy powers. Absorbs light damage. Nullifies
dark damage."
- DEF: 1
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Cross
- "A holy silver cross the protects the wearer. Halves light damage. Doubles
fire damage."
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Earring
- "A beautiful earring made of pure silver that raises the MP of the wearer."
- MP: +30% of base MP
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Idol
- "A doll made out of pure silver, the smooth polish of which has awed many
an appraiser."
- AVD: 1
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Pendant
- "A silver pendant imbued with magic that raises the wearer's agility."
- AVD: 10
- Crafting [Silver]
Silver Ring
- "A ring made of pure silver that offers some protection. Halves light and
dark damage."
- DEF: 2
STM: 10
LUC: 10
- Crafting [Silver]
Star Earring
- "A mystical earring that turns the wearer into a chatterbox. Raises Hasten
Speech to Level 3. Halves light damage."
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
Star Guard
- "A magical bracelet engraved with powerful symbols of defense."
- DEF: 30
AVD: 100
- Find in the Space-Time Labratory and Revorse Tower.
Star Necklace
- "A necklace with mystical powers that turn the wearer into a chatterbox.
Raises Hasten Speech to Level 5."
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
Star Ruby
- "A ruby that when polished and put under a light, produces a white star-like
pattern. Halves fire and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 5+
Stardust Ring
- "A magical ring that protects the wearer with the power of the stars.
Nullifies light damage."
- Crafting [Star Ruby]
Storm Ring
- "A gold ring imbued with mystical powers that raise the wearer's agility and
hit rate."
- HIT: 15
AVD: 15
LUC: 5
- Crafting [Gold]
- "A mystical talisman imbued with the powers of an unkown god that raise the
wearer's defense."
- DEF: +10% of base DEF
- Crafting [Green Beryl]
Tear of Israfel
- "A pendant imbued with the prayers of a saddened angel grieving over the
mistakes made by humans since time immemorial."
- ATK: 60
DEF: 30
HIT: 30
AVD: 30
MAG: 80
GUTS: 20
LUC: 50
CRT: 30
- Dropped from Dark Stalker in the Cave of the Seven Stars.
Thief's Glove
- "A thin glove that when equipped allows for the kind of subtl finger
movements needed for a certain kind of job."
- Buy in Ionis
Thunder Ring
- "A ring that increases the damage inflicted with wind spells. Halves wind
damage. Doubles earth damage."
- GUTS: 30
- Crafting [Diamond]
- "An emblem imbued with the powers of the Tria, Gods of Creation. Nullifies
fire, wind, and dark damage."
- ATK: 200
DEF: 60
HIT: 20
AVD: 20
GUTS: 20
STM: 20
CRT: 20
- Buy from Santa Dealer in Silvalant.
- "The symbol of an unknown god."
- ATK: 10
DEF: 12
HIT: 10
AVD: 5
MAG: 3
CRT: 2
- Goodie box drops.
Ugly Accessory
- "An accessory likely to be mocked by all who lay eyes on it."
- Failed Crafting
Velvet Tear
- "Converts 10% of spell damage inflicted on the wearer into MP. Halves fire
damage. Doubles water damage."
- Bandit King/Resphina Drops (Boss of the Cave of the Seven Stars).
Water Ring
- "A ring that increases the damage inflicted with water spells. Halves water
damage. Doubles fire damage."
- MAG: 10
GUTS: 10
STM: 10
- Crafting [Sapphire]
Weighty Ring
- "An iron ring that increases the wearer's attack power but has an elemental
disadvantage. Doubles light damage."
- ATK: +20% of base ATK
HIT: -5% of base HIT
CRT: 1
- Crafting [Iron]
Weird Doll
- "A weird oddity made of iron."
- Crafting [Iron]
| Materials [07.00] |
Artemis Leaf
- "A crecent-shaped leaf named after the goddess of the hunt. Can cure poison"
- No additional description
- Buy in some Item Shops.
- "A legendary herb said to work on any type of wound and contain mystical
powers. Can heal most wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy in some Item Shops.
Conductor Baton
- "A baton absolutely essential to the art of conducting and used to direct
orchestral musicians. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Creamy Cheese
- "A type of food ingredient. A cheese of such delicacy and creaminess that a
single touch can cause it to melt."
- No additional description
- Buy in Silvalant. Steal from Lilly in Kraat and Teen Girl in Van Y Ille.
- "A clear, transparent mineral that is similar to quarts. Halves wind damage"
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 3+.
- "A strange black metal that is highly resilient and durable. Halves water
and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 6+. Found in some dungeons.
- "The hardest gem in the world, its form is created by arranging pure carbon
atmos into an isometric lattice."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 4+
Eggs and Dairy
- "A basic set of food ingredients consisting of prodects made by proccessing
eggs and milk, such as cheese and butter."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
Feather Pen
- "A normal pen used to write music and conrol the flow of the piece. Can only
be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Fountain Pen
- "A pen designed so ink is loaded into an internal cartridge and flows out
from the nib. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
- "A basic set of food ingredients consisting of various ripe fruit collected
from all seasons."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
Gelatinous Slime
- "A type of food ingredient. A gelatinous substance that, apparently, is
- No additional description
- Buy in Astral, Durss
- "This gold ore has low purity and needs to be refined to be of any value."
- AVD - 1
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 1+
- "A basic set of food ingredients consisting of staple foods such as rice,
wheat, and millet."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
Green Beryl
- "Known as aquamarine when containing iron, and emerald when containing
chrome. Halves earth damage."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 3+
Ingredients of Yarma
- "A set of luxury ingredients said to be used by Yarma, the god of food
himself. Contents unkown."
- No additional description
- Buy in Silvalant
- "This iron ore can be refined into iron by reducing the ferric oxide
contained within."
- HIT - 1
- Buy in most Item Shops. Buy in Eckdart.
- "A flower in the mint family that acts as a sedative and a tonic. Can heal a
few wounds."
- Restores HP 3%
- Buy in some Item Shops.
Magic Canvas
- "A blank, white canvas. Anything drawn on this canvas is said to have a soul
of its own. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Item Shops.
Magic Clay
- "A lifeless piece of clay that, when crafted into an object, gains magical
properties. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Item Shops
Magic Film
- "A special film needed to create 3-D replicas of photographed objects. Can
only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis.
Magic Rice
- "A type of food ingredient. A special type of rice created by magic."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
- "A strange plant that when pulled from the earth emits a scream that drives
all who hear it mad. Contains a deadly poison."
- No additional description
- Buy in some Item Shops. Dropped by Mandrakes.
Marenne Oysters
- "A type of food ingredient. A greenish oyster caught off the coast and
prized all across the world."
- No additional description
- Buy in Portmith, Ionis.
- "A basic set of food ingredients consisting of fresh meats collected from
birds and beasts."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
Mechanic's Toolbox
- "A toolbox containing every tool needed for working on machinery. Can only
be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
- "A fragment of a meteor imbued with magic that gives off a mystical glow.
Halves earth and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
- "A magical metal, the existence of which has only been told about in
anchient lore. Halves wind and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
- "A magical stone imbued with mystical powers that is said to be a fragment
of the moon. Halves water and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
Organic Vegetable
- "A type of food ingredient. Heathly vegetables that have soaked up plenty of
sunlight and nutrients in the soil."
- No additional description
- Buy in Tatori, Van Y Ille.
- "A metal able to resist gravity, said to have been used on a mysterious
legendary continent. Halves earth and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 7+
Pet Food
- "Food meant for animals, although some use better ingredients than even
human dishes. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Tatori+
Philosopher's Stone
- "A stone that alchemists spend their entire lives trying to create. Halves
light and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 8+
Premium Paper
- "A high-quality paper used in making official documents. Can only be used
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
Rainbow Diamond
- "A rare diamond that glitters in all the colors of the rainbow. Halves fire
and light damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 7+
Rose Hip
- "A fruit produced only on roses. Highly nutritious and capable of curing
small wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy in most Item Shops
- "A corundum stone with a red look created by the presence of some chrome.
Halves fire damage."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 2+
Rune Metal
- "A metal of an unclear nature, although some say it is a crystallized form
of magic. Halves wind and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy (with Lezard Flask) levels 6+
- "A corundum stone that isn't red. Those with some titanium and iron have a
blue appearance. Halves water damage."
- No additional description
- By in Eckdart. Create in Alchemy levels 2+
- "A basic set of food ingredients consisting of fresh seafood gathered from
oceans and rivers."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
-"This silver ore has a low purity and needs to be refined to be of any value"
- DEF - 1
- Buy in Eckdart. create in Alchemy levels 1+
- "A type of food ingredient. High-quality and tasty beef, soaking in rich
juices. Can be used in Cooking."
- No additioanl descirption
- Buy in Tatori, Silvalant.
Smith's Hammer
- "A large hammer used for hitting and strenghtening hard metal. Can only be
used once."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
Smooth Crystal
- "What could this material be crafted into?"
- No additional description
- Found in the last treasure chests in the Cave of the 7 Stars. Used for
Welch's best Killer Move.
- "A magic pair of glasses imbued with the power to see the truth. Can
identify data on enemies and is required for Appraising."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Item Shops
Star Ruby
- "A ruby that when polished and put under a light, produces a white star-like
pattern. Halves fire and dark damage."
- No additional description
- Create in Alchemy levels 5+
Sweet Fruit
- "A type of food ingredient. Fruits that have been picked at the peak of
their ripeness as well as their sweetness."
- No additional description
- Buy in Van Y Ille.
Top Quality Tuna
- "A type of food ingredient. Tuna caught off the coast of ???, which normally
goes for about ??? Fol per pound."
- No additional description
- Buy in Autanim
- "A basic set of food ingredients including greens, onions, potatos, and
- No additional description
- Buy in most Food Shops
Wobbly Slime
- "A type of food ingredient. A substance that wobbles at the slightest touch.
May be more fun to play with than eat."
- No additional description
- Buy in Astral, Durss.
- "A plant in the buttercup family, whose beautiful flowers hide the fact that
its roots contain a suffocating poison."
- No additional description
- Buy in most Item Shops
| Others [08.00] |
A Drunken Holiday
- "A book written by Ilia. "I think I'll have a drink at that hot spring
resort. Their local brew is just fantastic!"
- Resets Affection Level of user to 8
- Publication
A Guide to Sweets
- "A book written by Millie. "If you want a really awesome parfait, mix some
rich vanilla ice cream with lots of fruit."
- Resets Affection Level of user to 8.
- Publication
All About Herbs
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Herbology skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Assassin's Manual
- "A book written by Erys. "The methods featured in this book are dangerous
and should not be attempted by anyone."
- Resets Affection Level of user to 8.
- Publication
Benefaction Card
- "A mystical card that summons the goddess of fortune, who offers the party
an item."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Blurry Photo
- "Nothing can be made out in this photo because it's out of focus."
- No additional description
- Failed Replication
Book of Prophecy 1
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Book of Prophecy 2
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Book of Prophecy 3
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Book of Prophecy 4
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Book of Prophecy 5
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Book of Prophecy 6
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Bounced Check
- "A check that has been rejected by all banks. Causes the owner to fall into
- You lose 15 FOL every second with this in your inventory. SELL!
- Contraband
Bunny Whistle
- "A special whistle needed to call Bunny."
- No additional description
- Get this in a 2-part Private Action with the character Pericci.
- "A keyboard instrument that was the predecessor of the piano. Also known as
a harpsichord."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Choosing Ingredients
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Keen Eye Skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Cinderella Glass
- "A potion that allows the user to enjoy discounts when used in a shop."
- No additional description
- Recieve as a reward for defeating Darth Widow. Find in Tropp and the
Space-Time Labratory.
- "A document indicated the user's ownership of an inn. Can only be used once.
Can only be used in towns."
- Allows you to stay in the inn for free, until you leave.
- Contraband
Counterfeit Medal
- "A fake medal that looks exactly like the real thing. Can falsify the
owner's experience."
- Sets EXP to level to 1. Can not be used past level 100.
- Contraband
Death of Originality
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Imitation skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Dish of the Day
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Recipe skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
- "What exactly is this depicting? It doesn't have even a shred of artistic
beauty. It's just a bunch of doodles."
- No additional description
- Failed Art
Drawing Poses
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Sketching skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Element Analyzer
- "A machine that analyzes the elements in an object by type and shape and
improves the success rate for Appraising."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Engineer's Handbook
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Machinery Skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
- "The affections of a fan converted into book form. Finally, something that
one can proudly show to friends."
- No additional description
- Buy from Meili in Autanim (near weapon shop). Item Order drops (more often).
Goodie Box drops.
Fanfic ;)
- "The love of a fan converted into book form. A work of suprising depth and
skill for a piece of fanfic."
- No additional description
- Item Order drops (more often). Goodie Box drops.
Fanfic ;O
- "The dreams of a fan converted into book form. Or was it actually written by
a pro? It's hard to tell."
- No additional description
- Item Order drops (more often). Goodie Box drops.
Fanfic X
- "The hopes of a fan converted into book form. Obvious from the first line
that it's a genuine classic."
- No additional description
- Boss Baird drops. Item Order drops (more often). Goodie box drops.
- "The whims of a fan converted into book from. A work with its own small
- No additional description
- Steal from Excited Scholar in Van Y Ille Castle. Item Order drops (more
often). Goodie Box drops.
- "The soul of a fan converted into book form. No longer just a fan, the
author finds some renown."
- No additional description
- Item Order drops (more often). Goodie Box drops.
- "The feelings of a fan converted into book form. Maybe a bit embarrassing
to show to others."
- No additional description
- Steal from Chelsey in Autanim. Item Order drops (more often). Goodie Box
- "The thoughts of a fan converted into book form. Let's just say the results
- No additional description
- Steal from Strong-minded Lady in Ionis. Item Order drops (more often).
Goodie Box drops.
Food for the Soul
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Knife skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Forged Bill
- "A fake bill that looks exactly like the real thing, although the time and
effort needed to make one isn't really worth it."
- No additional description
- Contraband
Forged Check
- "A fake check that looks exactly like the real thing."
- No additional description
- Contraband
Forged Document
- "A fake document that looks exactly like the real think."
- No additional description
- Contraband
Franz Beyer
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the perfofrmance skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Friends of the Woods
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Animal Training skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Goodie Box
- "What's that rattleing inside? A magical box that contains three different
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Graphic Tool
- "A machine that helps with artistic activities and improves the success of
- No additional description
- Machinist
- "A reed instrument whose gentle sound is said to have a soothing effect on
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Health Insurance
- "A contract taken out in case something terrible happens. Use only when
- No additional description
- Contraband
Hermetic Philosophy
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Technology skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
How to Use Your Boss
- "A book written by Welch. "Step 1: Learn how to intimidate your boss!"
- Resets Affection Level of user to 8
- Publication
Item Order
- "A document certifying that the party is contractually obliged to receive
free items. Can only be used once."
- No additional description
- Contraband
- "What's that rattling inside? A magical box with contents that jump out when
opened. Cannot be used in towns."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Jewel of the Frog
- "Said to be crafted by the Tria, Gods of Creation, this peculiar gem helps
those lost in dungoens and want to get home."
- No additional description
- Buy from the Santa Dealer. Buy in the Oracle Room.
Keen Kitchen Knife
- "A useful knife that can chop up any ingredient. Increases the success rate
of Cooking and Master Chef."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Lezard Flask
- "A special flask made by a famed alchemist and necromancer. Allows more
valuable stones to be created with Alchemy."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
Life in Nature
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Biology skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Little Kitty Lost
- "A book written by Pericci. "Meow! I'm a poor, lost kitten. Oh, can somebody
please help my find my home?"
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
- "A harp-like stringed instrument commonly found in the hands of handsome,
long-haired bards."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Magic Camera
- "A magical camera that can create a 3-D replica of an object it photographs
when a special film is used."
- No additional description
- Buy in Ionis
Magical Rasp
- "A magical file used in crafting superious weapons and armor. Increases the
success rate of Customization and Blacksmith."
- No additional description
- Buy from the Santa Dealer in Silvalant
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Eye for Detail skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Music Box
- "A music box filled with innumerable memories, the melody of which is said
to repel enemies."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Music Editor
- "A machine capable of creating every and all existing sounds. Increases the
success rate of composing music."
- No additional description
- Machinist
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Music Knowledge skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Mystical Shamisen
- "How is this instrument mystical? The answer is only known by the Tria, Gods
of Creation."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
New Book of Prophecy
- "You should take the Books of Prophecy with a pinch of salt. After all, they
were written over 10 years ago."
- No additional description
- Failed Writing
Operation Manual
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Operation skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Paper Scrap
- "A useless piece of paper."
- No additional description
- Failed Writing/Publication
- "A bunch of ordinary pebbles."
- No additional description
- Failed Alchemy
- "Pity the adventurer who needs to drag this cumbersome instrument all over
the place."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Pipe Organ
- "A keyboard instrument played by driving in pressurized air. Its unique,
gentle sounds have captivated listeners for ages."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Pocket Encyclopedia
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Item Knowledge skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Portrait A
- "When peace came crashing down around him, this young man set out to save
his friend and protect the ones he loves."
- Roddick
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait B
- "A cruel fate visited this girl one day without warning. But she woun't give
up, not until peace as been restored."
- Millie
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait C
- "Although a born leader who plays a major role in the party, there are
moments in this man's past that he cannot let go."
- Ronyx
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait D
- "Is it respect that this woman packs in her punches as she loyally follows
her captian? Or is it something else?"
- Ilia
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait E
- "Overshadowed by the heroic past of his father, this man may soon be
approaching the day when he can be feted on his own right."
- Cyuss
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait F
- "The missing left arm of this man speaks of the painful price of his past
heroic deeds."
- Ashlay
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait G
- "Although stubborn and a bit of a tomboy, very few men can remain calm at
the sight of this girl's beautiful smile."
- Phia
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait H
- "His parents assassinated and his sister abducted, this young man made it
his life's mission to find his sister at any cost."
- Ioshua
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait I
- "This melancholic woman travels around with revenge in her heart and will
not stop until she has fulfilled her desire."
- Mavelle
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait J
- "A lonely little kitty cat. "Waaa! I want some friends!"
- Pericci
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait K
- ""I'm not a dog, I'm a werewolf!" Somewhere at this very moment, this boy
is training himself to become stronger."
- T'nique
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait L
- "This girl carries the sins of her past on her shoulders, visibly sagging
from the weight of those crimes."
- Erys
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Portrait M
- "This mysterious girl emerged out of nowhere to join the party. Who could
she be!?"
- Welch
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Potion of Epiphany
-"A mystical potion that lets the user acquire a new talent for just a moment
when used from the status screen."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Rose Hip]
Potion of Trust
- "A mystical potion that deepens trust with a party member when used from
the status screen."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Rose Hip]
- "This gentle warmth imbued in this painting is said to have a soothing
effect on all who look at it."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
- "A magical camera that produces an accurate 3-D replica of an object. When
used, increases the success rate of Replication."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Scrap Iron
- "Just a ball of scrap iron."
- No additional description
- Buy in Autanim Item Shop
Scroll of Power
- "A scroll containing instructions of an ancient combat technique. Readers
can learn the Power Burst skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Scroll of Reprisal
- "A scroll containing instructions of an ancient combat technique. Readers
can learn the Counter skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Secret Account
- "Accounting books showing the true profit of a company, but hidden from
taxmen to avoid paying taxes."
- No additional description
- Contraband
Secrets of the Earth
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Mineralogy skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Seizure Warrant
- "A warrant with which the user can claim the right to own and reproduce an
- No additional description
- Contraband
Silver Trumpet
- "A lavish trumpet crafted out of pure silver. The grandiose sound produced
by it is said to reach even the heavens above."
- No additional description
- Buy in Tropp and Eckdart
Soldering Iron
- "A tool that uses heat to craft stones into beautiful shapes. Increases the
success rate of Crafting."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Sterile Glove
- "A glove protected against harmful microbes. Increases the success rate of
- No additional description
- Machinist
Stock Certificate
- "A portion of the net worth of a company. Dividends are paid out to the
owner as long as the company doesn't go bust."
- No additional description
- Contraband
- "A book written by T'nique. "As I lay under the spring sun, I could feel the
wind caressing me with the breath of life..."
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
Survival for Dummies
- "A book written by Cyuss. "Here's how you go about surviving in the jungle."
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
Survival Kit
- "A box containing tools needed for outdoor survival. Increases the success
rate of Survival."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Symbol of the Gods
- "By imprinting the symbol onto one's flesh, one can acquir the
Nibelungaling! special art."
- Welch's best special art
- Smooth crystal changes to Symbol of the Gods
Tales of a Young Boy
- "A book written by Ioshua. "Father! No! When I came to, my father..."
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
The Bestiary
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Faeriology skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
The Innocent Knight
- "A book written by Phia. "But I didn't do it! Please, believe me! Somebody!"
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
The Perfect Rhythm
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Smithing skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
The Seven Veterans
- "A book written by Ashlay. "Let us seven verteran join forces and defeat
those bandits!"
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
This Cruel World
- "A book written by Mavelle. "Look at that floor! You call that clean, you
good for nothing daughter-in-law!?"
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
Triangle Flask
- "A container often carried by alchemists and used for alchemy. Increases
the success rate of Alchemy."
- No additional description
- Machinist
TriMan to the Rescue
- "A book written by Roddick. "TriMan heard the cries of help and immediately
flew over once again to save the day!"
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
Universe Quest
- "A book written by Ronyx. "Suddenly, there before his eyes was a mysterious
spaceship that threatened the peace..."
- Resets the Affection Level of the user to 8
- Publication
- "A small stringed instrument. It is sometimes referred to as the queen of
instruments due to its delicate yet gorgeous sound."
- No additional description
- Buy in Eckdart
Walls of the Soul
- "A skill guidebook. Readers can learn the Mental Science skill."
- No additional description
- Writing
Weird Shape
- "What exactly was this supposed to be? This shape doesn't have any meaning
at all. It's just a lump of clay."
- No additional description
- Failed Art
Word Processor
- "A machine that helps to polish the writings of an author. Increases the
success rate of Writing and Publication."
- No additional description
- Machinist
| Combat Items [09.00] |
4-way Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and sends lasers racing in four directions when used
in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Angel Statuette
- "A statuette of a beautiful angel imbued with mystical powers that heal the
wounds of all party members."
- Restores HP 30%
- Art [Magic Clay]
- "A magical pill that cures the user of poison and restores some HP"
- No additional description
- Buy at any item shop
- "A special herbal fruit that cures poison."
- No additional description
- Buy at any item shop
Artemis Leaf
-"A crescent-shaped leaf named after the goddess of the hunt. Can cure poison"
- No additional description
- Buy at some item shops
Assault Bomb
- "A bomb that exploades and inflicts damage upon an enemy in proportion to
the user's attack power when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
- "A legenday herb said to work on any type of wound and contain mystical
powers. Can heal most wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy at some item shops
Bitter Lotion
- "A magical lotion that randomly allows the user to instantly kill enemies
with weapon damage when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender + Wolfsbane]
- "A special herbal fruit that restores MP."
- Restores MP 22%
- Buy at all item shops
- "A special herbal fruit that restores HP."
- Restores HP 22%
- Buy at all item shops
Bubble Lotion
- "A magical lotion that randomly allows the user to instantly kill enemies
with weapon damage when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Wolfsbane]
Compress of Veda
- "A compress that temporarily increases the movement rate of the user when
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Rose Hip]
Critical Card
- "A magical card imbued with the powers of the gods of war that guarantees
the next attack to be a critical hit."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Daze Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and randomly dazes enemies when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Deadly Poison Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and randomly poisons enemies when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Death of Socrates
- "This scene of self-sacrifice inspires the viewer to make the ultimate
sacrifice for all other party members."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Defense Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and inflicts damage to enemies in proportion to the
user's defense when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Elven Powder
- "A powder that turns the user invincible for 10 seconds when used in battle,
after which the user is incapacitated."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Mandrake]
Experience Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that allow the party to gain
twice as much experience as usual."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Faerie Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that conjure a sacred light that
heals all party members' wounds."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Faerie Cologne
- "A magical cologne that prevents enemies from approaching by releasing an
oder that they may find unpleasant."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Wolfsbane]
Faerie Elixir
- "A magical potion that when used in battle temporarily allows the user to
attack without losing MP."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Artemis Leaf]
Faerie Mist
- "A magical incense that lets all party members temporarily deliver attacks
without losing MP whn used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Athelas]
Faerie Statuette
- "A statuette of a gallant faerie imbued with mystical powers that can
destroy a single enemy."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Flare Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and engulfs nearby enemies in flames when used in
- No additional description
- Machinist
Friut Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 45% of the user's HP and MP."
- Restores HP and MP 45%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Wolfsbane] + [Lavander + Rose Hip]
Goddess Statuette
- "A statuette of a saintly goddess imbued with mystical powers that restore
MP for all party members."
- Restores MP 30%
- Art [Magic Clay]
Hazardous Heal
- "A potion that heals the user's wounds, but with some side effects."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Mandrake] + [Rose Hip + Wolfsbane]
Herbal Potion
- "A magical potion that restores 30% of the user's MP."
- Restores MP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Athelas] + [Lavander + Lavander]
Hexagram Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that block the spells of all
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Holy Mist
- "A holy incense that restores 60% HP for all party members when used in
- Restores HP 60%
- Compounding [Athelas + Lavender] + [Lavender + Rose Hip]
Hot Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 70% of either the user's HP or MP."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Wolfsbane] + [Athelas + Mandrake]
Illusion Doll
- "A magical statuette that creates illusions of the user, making it easier to
dodge enemy attacks."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Immunity Pill
- "A magical pill that protects the user from all status the ailments when
used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Artemis Leaf]
- "A flower in the mint family that acts as a sedative and a tonic. Can heal a
few wounds."
- Restores HP 3%
- Can buy in some shops
Lotion of Strength
- "An oil that raises the attack power of the user but blocks the use of
special arts and spells when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Rose Hip]
Magic Gumdrop
- "A magical gumdrop so powerful, it can halt the flow of time."
- No additional description
- ??
Malodorous Potion
- "A potion that slightly restores the HP of a party member, but has a
nauseous smell that makes it difficult to drink."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Wolfsbane + Wolfsbane]
- "A strange plant that when pulled from the earth emits a scream that drives
all who hear it mad. Contains a deadly poison."
- No additional description
- Mandrakes drop
Maple Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 20% of the user's HP."
- Restores HP 20%
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake] + [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Marionette Pill
- "A pill that resucitates a party member with increased attack power when
used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Rose Hip]
Medical Rinse
- "A magical medicine that slowly restores the user's HP when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Lavender], [Lavender + Lavender]
Medicine Bottle
- "A special potion that completely cures the user's status ailments."
- No additional description
- Buy at some shops, Eagle Familiar Shop,
Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Artemis Leaf] + [Artemis Leaf+Athelas]
[Artemis Leaf+Mandrake]
- "A bomb that halves the HP of everyone in the area near the explosion when
used in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Melt Potion
- "A magical potion that randomly allows the user to instatntly kill an enemy
with weapon-based damage when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Wolfsbane + Wolfsbane]
Mental Potion
- "A magical potion that raises spell damage when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Rose Hip]
Mind Bomb
- "A bomb that explodes and reduces the MP of enemies by 50 when used in
- No additional description
- Machinist
Mirror of Knowledge
- "A mirror imbued with wisdom. When raised to the heavens, it increases the
knowledge of all party members."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Mist of Madness
- "A magical incense that randomly causes confusion to enemies on screen when
used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Wolfsbane + Wolfsbane]
Mixed Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's HP and MP."
- Restores HP and MP 30%
- Compounding [Lavender+Lavender] + [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Murky Potion
- "A strange, cloudy potion that looks very suspicous. What effects could it
- No additional description
- Killing the Chimera in Puffy's Roleplaying Game in Tatori. She's the white
outfitted girl near the Inn.
Nuclear Bomb
- "A bomb of immense destruction that blows away anyone on screen when used
in battle."
- No additional description
- Machinist
Oil of Paralysis
- "A magical oil that can paralyze a single enemy in battle for some time."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender + Wolfsbane]
Ointment of Veda
- "A slave that increases the movement rate of all party members when used in
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Athelas]
Paralysis Cure
- "A magical pill that cures the user of paralysis and restores some HP."
- No additional description
- Buy at most shops
Paralysis Mist
- "A magical incense that randomly paralyzes enemies on screen when used in
- No additional description
- Compounding [Rose Hip + Wolfsbane]
Pixie Perfume
- "A perfume that inceases spell damage but makes the user go berserk when
used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Wolfsbane]
Potion of Lilith
- "A potion that raises the user's attack power when used in battle, but makes
the user go berserk."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Wolfsbane], [Mandrake + Wolfsbane]
Potion of Merlin
- "A potion that completely restores MP when used."
- Restores MP 100%
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake]
Potion of Might
- "A potion that increases the user's attack power by 30% when used in
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Rose Hip]
Potion of Nightmares
- "A potion that can cure both status ailments and wounds, but produces some
side effects if used in good health."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender+Mandrake] + [Rose Hip+Wolfsbane]
Potion of Reversal
- "A mystical potion that swithces the HP and MP gauges."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas+Lavender] + [Athelas+Mandrake]
Potion of the Winds
- "A mystical potion that when used in battle temporarily increases the attack
power of the user."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Rose Hip], [Mandrake + Rose Hip]
Refreshing Syrup
- "A mystical potion that completely restores HP."
- Restores HP 100%
- Compounding [Athelas + Lavender] + [Lavender + Rose Hip]
Resurrection Elixir
- "A magical potion that resuscitates a party member."
- Restores HP 60%
- Buy at most shops, Stork/Eagle Familar Shop
Compounding [Athelas + Athelas] + [Lavender + Lavender]
Resurrection Mist
- "A magical incense that completely resuscitates a single party member when
- Restores HP 100%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Lavender] + [Athelas + Lavender]
Revival Card
- "A magical card that prevents the death of one party member when used in
battle. Has no effect if the party is wiped out."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Risky Resurrection
- "A potion that resuscitates a party member, but with some side effects."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Mandrake]
Rose Hip
- "A fruit produced only on roses. Highly nutritious and capable of curing
small wounds."
- Restores HP 2%
- Buy at some shops
Sacrifice Pill
- "A pill that converts all of the user's HP into a bolt of energy that
attacks enemies."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Mandrake]
Shock Oil
- "An oik that covers the ground with a liquid that lowers enemies' MP to 0
when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Wolfsbane]
Silence Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that block the spells of a
single enemy."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Sleeping Gas
- "An explosive vial that dazes a single enemy when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Buy in Autanim Item Shop
Smelling Salts
- "A powerful medicine that can be used to resuscitate a single party member."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Lavender] + [Athelas + Athelas]
Smoke Mist
- "A magical incense that lowers the movement rate for all enemies when used
in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Rose Hip]
Smoke Oil
- "A magical medicine that when used in battle lowers the movemeny rate of a
single enemy."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender + Mandrake]
Sour Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's MP."
- Restores MP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf + Mandrake] + [Artemis Leaf + Wolfsbane]
- "A magic pair of glassses imbued with the power to see the truth. Can
identify data on enemies and is required for Appraising."
- No additional description
- Buy in any Item Shop
Starry Night
- "The mighty power imbued in this painting is said to be able to conjure the
jet-black fires of the demon world."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Stink Gel
- "This magical gel randomly allows the user to poison enemies with weapon
damage when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Lavender + Wolfsbane], [Wolfsbane + Wolfsbane]
Stone Cure
- "A magical pill that cures the user of petrification and restores some HP."
- No additional description
- Buy at most Item Shops
Strange Potion
- "A potion with a somewhat suspicious color. What effects lie in store for
the user?"
- No additional description
- Aquired with a Goodie Box
Succubus Perfume
- "A magical perfume that brings enemies closer by producing an odor that they
find pleasant."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Rose Hip+Wolfsbane]
Sweet Potion
- "A sweet-smelling potion that slightly restores the HP of all party members"
- Restores HP 20%
- Compounding [Rose Hip+Rose Hip]
Sweet Syrup
- "A mystical potion that restores 30% of the user's HP."
- Restores HP 30%
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Mandrake] + [Lavender+Rose Hip]
Temper Tablet
- "A pill that randomly allows the user to instantly kill an enemy when used
in battle, but then makes the user go berserk."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Mandrake + Mandrake]
The Scream
- "Rumors say the scream of horror depicted in this painting an summon
creatures of terror that will decimate all enemies."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Treasure Card
- "A magical card imbued with omnipotence that makes it easier to find
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Veda Idol
- "A magical idol imbued with mystical powers that make it easier to escape."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Victory Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that inspire all party members
and raise their GUTS levels."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Violent Pill
- "A dangerous pill that creates an effect which can be either heavenly or
hellish in nature."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane] + [Mandrake+Mandrake]
Warrior Idol
- "An idol based on the god of war imbued with mystical powers that can
destroy all enemies."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Clay]
Wealth Card
- "A magical card imbued with mystical powers that give the party the ability
to find twice the amount of money as usual."
- No additional description
- Art [Magic Canvas]
Will Potion
- "A potion that raises the user's GUTS by 30% when used in battle."
- No additional description
- Steal from Ashlay in Kraat or Cyuss in Ionis (during a PA).
Goodie box drops.
Witch Powder
- "A powder that reduces all spell damage inflicted on the user when used in
- No additional description
- Compounding [Athelas + Rose Hip]
- "A plant in the buttercup family, whose beautiful flowers hide the fact that
its roots contain a suffocating poison."
- No additional description
- Buy at most shops
Wonder Drug
- "A magical pill that completely cures the user of any status ailments. Can
also resuscitate a user."
- No additional description
- Compounding [Artemis Leaf+Athelas] + [Artemis Leaf+Lavender]
| Key Items [10.00] |
- "A permit recieved from the item shop in Haute. Needed to get into Portmith"
- No additional description
- Recieve in Haute Item Shop
Van Emblem
- "The emblem recieved from the King of Van."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Van Castle
Silvalant Emblem
- "The emblem recieved from the King of Silvalant."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Silvalant Castle
Muah Emblem
- "The emblem recieved from the King of Muah."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Portmith Castle
Astral Emblem
- "The emblem recieved from the King of Astral."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Astral Castle
- "A red secruity keycard."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Purgatorium Inner Sanctum
- "A blue secruity keycard."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Purgatorium Inner Sanctum
Eye of Truth
- "An Old Race artifact needed to open interdimentional doorways."
- No additional description
- Recieve in Purgatorium Inner Sanctum
| Skills [11.00] |
Skill points are gained as your characters level up but you can't learn any
skills unless you purchase them from Skill Guilds. You only need to purchase
the skill set once for everyone to learn the skills. Specialties, which are
discussed later in this section, are learned by training certain combinations
of skills.
There are multiple ways to gain skill points or increase your skill levels.
Below is a chart dictating all the ways to do so.
1. Level Up - You gain SP each time you level up.
2. Master a Talent - For each talent you unlock you gain 100 SP.
3. Enlightenment - While turned on this Super Specialty increases the amount
of SP gained from leveling up.
4. Skill Books - When read these books grant a free skill level.
The following chart gives the locations of where you can learn skills by
purchasing skill sets from Skill Guilds.
| Location | Skill Sets Available |
| Haute | Knowledge 1, Sense 1, Technical 1, Combat 1 |
| Portmith | Knowledge 1, Sense 2, Technical 1, Combat 1 |
| Autanim | Knowledge 2, Sense 2, Technical 1, Combat 1 |
| Tatori | Knowledge 2, Sense 2, Technical 2, Combat 2 |
| Tropp | Knowledge 2, Sense 2, Technical 2, Combat 2 |
| Eckdart | Knowledge 3, Sense 3, Technical 3, Combat 2 |
| Ionis | Knowledge 3, Sense 3, Technical 3, Combat 2 |
| Van Y Ille | Knowledge 3, Sense 3, Technical 3, Combat 3 |
| Silvalant | Knowledge 3, Sense 3, Technical 3, Combat 3 |
| Cave of the Seven Stars (B6) | Backstab Skill |
| Non-Combat Skills [11.01] |
The following are all the descriptions and SP needed of all the skills in the
game. The SP needed charts were made with level 10 Determination.
The ability to exactly replicate the shape of an object on paper.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Sketching | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 7 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 19 |
| Specialties Affected: Art | Skill Set: Technical 1 |
Music Knowledge
A general knowledge of music. Raises AGL by 1 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|Music Knowledge| SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 9 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 24 |
| Specialties Affected: Music | Skill Set: Knowledge 2 |
The ability to play instruments. Raises AGL by 1 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Performance | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 9 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 24 |
| Specialties Affected: Music | Skill Set: Technical 3 |
Item Knowledge
Knowledge of various items. Raises sell prices by 3% per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|Item Knowledge | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 13 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 40 |
| Specialties Affected: Appraising | Skill Set: Knowledge 2 |
Knowledge of precious metals. Raises INT by 3 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Minerology | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 16 | 32 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 59 |
| Specialties Affected: Appraising, Crafting | Skill Set: Knowledge 1 |
Knowledge of various herbs. Raises the restorative effects of Blueberries/
Blackberries by 3% per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Herbology | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 10 | 18 | 27 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 64 |
| Specialties Affected: Appraising, Compounding, | Skill Set: Knowledge 1 |
| Survival | |
Eye for Detail
The ability to do detailed work with your hands. Raises AGL by 1 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Aesthetics | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 17 | 26 | 36 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 95 |
| Specialties Affected: Crafting, Customization | Skill Set: Technical 2 |
The ability to find pleasure in studying objects of beauty.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|Eye for Detail | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 18 | 32 | 46 | 50 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 155 |
| Specialties Affected: Art, Crafting | Skill Set: Sense 1 |
Intellectual manual labor needed for creating written works. Raises DEX by 1
per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Penmanship | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 49 |
| Specialties Affected: Writing | Skill Set: Technical 2 |
The will to push one's self towards one's goals. Lowers EXP needed to level up
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Effort | SP Needed: 1 | 4 | 12 | 20 | 28 | 36 | 44 | 52 | 60 | 68 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 325 |
| Specialties Affected: Train | Skill Set: Sense 3 |
The will to meet all challenges. Lowers SP needed for each skill.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Determination | SP Needed: 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64 | 72 | 80 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 440 |
| Specialties Affected: Train | Skill Set: Sense 2 |
The will to withstand pain and suffering. Raises CON by 2 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Resilience | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 17 | 26 | 36 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 95 |
| Specialties Affected: Survival, Train | Skill Set: Sense 1 |
Danger Radar
The ability to detect immediate danger. Raises STM by 3 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Danger Radar | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 20 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 34 |
| Specialties Affected: Scouting | Skill Set: Sense 2 |
Knowledge of all living creatures. Raises HP by LV-squared x 10.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Biology | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 8 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 350 |
| Specialties Affected: Compouding | Skill Set: Knowledge 2 |
Mental Science
Knowledge of the mind and supernatural powers. Raises MP by 5 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|Mental Science | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 12 | 32 | 42 | 62 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 228 |
| Specialties Affected: Compouding | Skill Set: Knowledge 3 |
The ability to cut with a knife required by all aspiring chefs. Raises STR by
10 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Knife | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 20 | 30 | 35 | 45 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 216 |
| Specialties Affected: Cooking | Skill Set: Technical 1 |
Knowledge of how to make food. Boosts the effects of eating a favorite dish.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Recipe | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 10 |
| Specialties Affected: Cooking | Skill Set: Knowledge 1 |
Keen Eye
A keen eye for good ongredients. Raises the restorative effects of cooked
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Keen Eye | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 10 |
| Specialties Affected: Cooking | Skill Set: Sense 1 |
The ability to put your fingers in your mouth and blow hard to produce a
piercing sound.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Whistling | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 10 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 25 |
| Specialties Affected: Familiar | Skill Set: Technical 1 |
Animal Training
The ability to train an animal to do specific tasks.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|Animal Training| SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 11 |
| Specialties Affected: Familiar | Skill Set: Technical 2 |
The ability to forge metals. Raises DEX by 2 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Smithing | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 20 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 43 |
| Specialties Affected: Customization | Skill Set: Technical 3 |
The ability to distill liquids and use lab equipment. Raises STR by 10 per LV
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Technology | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 28 | 36 | 44 | 52 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 246 |
| Specialties Affected: Alchemy | Skill Set: Technical 3 |
Knowledge of faeries and the source of life. Raises INT by 2 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Faeriology | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 11 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 28 |
| Specialties Affected: Alchemy | Skill Set: Knowledge 3 |
The ability to receive messages from an otherworldly presence. Could they be
signs? (Recieves random item)*
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| ESP | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 174 |
| Specialties Affected: Oracle | Skill Set: Technical 3 |
* Can be any of the following items:
- Aquaberries x 5
- Blackberries x 5
- Blueberries x 5
- Foot Insignia
- Froghead
- Hammer Charm
- Mithril
- Moonstome
- Orichalcum
- Ring of Healing
- Ring of Mental Power
- Spectacles
- Stardust Ring
- Stone Cure
Knowledge of the gods. Raises a random ability value.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Piety | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 40 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 163 |
| Specialties Affected: Oracle | Skill Set: Knowledge 3 |
A mind that is open to the whims of the Gods of Creation. (Free Fol)
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Purity | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 171 |
| Specialties Affected: Oracle | Skill Set: Sense 2 |
Level 1: 100 Fol
Level 2: 700 Fol
Level 3: 1900 Fol
Level 4: 3700 Fol
Level 5: 6100 Fol
Level 6: 9100 Fol
Level 7: 12700 Fol
Level 8: 16900 Fol
Level 9: 21700 Fol
Level 10: 27100 Fol
Total: 100,000 Fol
Aesthetic Design
Balancing beauty and might. Raises STR, INT, AGL and DEX by 6 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
|AestheticDesign| SP Needed: 4 | 10 | 16 | 22 | 28 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 330 |
| Specialties Affected: Customization | Skill Set: Sense 3 |
Courage can help one keep one's nerves, even in front of a crowd.
| Skill | Level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| Courage | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 10 | 20 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 41 |
| Specialties Affected: Pickpocketing | Skill Set: Sense 1 |
Poker Face
The ability to act cool ander any circumstances. Raises GUTS by 3 per LV.
| Skill | Level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| Poker Face | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 46 |
| Specialties Affected: Pickpocketing | Skill Set: Sense 2 |
The ability to correctly grasp the details of an object and make them your own
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Imitation | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 14 | 22 | 28 | 34 | 40 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 207 |
| Specialties Affected: Replication | Skill Set: Technical 1 |
Knowledge of machines.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Machinery | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 15 |
| Specialties Affected: Machinist | Skill Set: Technical 2 |
The ability to use machines properly.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Operation | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 14 |
| Specialties Affected: Machinist | Skill Set: Technical 3 |
| Combat Skills [11.02] |
All combat skills have an increased effect of 5% per skill level. Effects
that are random have an increased chance of occurring. Example; Level 0 = 0%,
Level 1 = 5%, Level 2 = 10% and so on. Guardbreak has the chance to occur 10%
of the time at level 2 and Hasten Speech casts 30% faster at level 6.
Randomly ignores an enemy's defense when attacking.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Guardbreak | SP Needed: 2 | 4 | 12 | 14 | 26 | 28 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 306 |
| Skill Set: Combat 1 |
Randomly teleports character behind enemy's back.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Backstab | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 35 |
| Skill Set: Found in B6 of the Cave of the Seven Stars |
Trigger a counterattack when button pressed while blocking.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Counter | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 179 |
| Skill Set: Combat 3 |
Randomly guarantees attack to land, regardless of hit accuracy.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Feint | SP Needed: 1 | 2 | 12 | 22 | 42 | 60 | 62 | 65 | 70 | 75 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 411 |
| Skill Set: Combat 3 |
Power Burst
Randomly boosts attack power.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Power Burst | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 26 | 28 | 50 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 181 |
| Skill Set: Combat 1 |
Hasten Speech
Cuts casting time for spells.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Hasten Speech | SP Needed: 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 70 | 79 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 489 |
| Skill Set: Combat 3 |
Body Control
Reduces daze time.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Body Control | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 37 |
| Skill Set: Combat 2 |
Randomly boosts defense.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Qigong | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 15 | 22 | 29 | 36 | 43 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 157 |
| Skill Set: Combat 1 |
Randomly evades enemy attacks.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Sidestep | SP Needed: 1 | 2 | 12 | 22 | 42 | 60 | 62 | 65 | 70 | 75 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 411 |
| Skill Set: Combat 2 |
Increases movement speed with each level. Randomly teleports character into
attack position.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Godspeed | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 13 | 23 | 33 | 43 | 60 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 177 |
| Skill Set: Combat 2 |
Randomly increases spell damage.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Trance | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 14 | 24 | 34 | 44 | 54 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 247 |
| Skill Set: Combat 1 |
Randomly prevents incantation to be interrupted by enemy attacks.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Concentration | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 283 |
| Skill Set: Combat 3 |
Cuts waiting time between spells.
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| Recast | SP Needed: 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 30 | 37 | 44 | 51 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 214 |
| Skill Set: Combat 2 |
| Secret Fighting Techniques (SFT) [11.A2] |
| Skill | Level: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| ALL SFT's | SP Needed: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| | Total SP Needed to Master: 55 |
Q: What are SFT?
A: SFT are essintially your techniques -- upgraded. Bigger and Better.
Q: Where do I get SFT?
A: Here is a list of where to get them:
- Four Beasts SFT
Gotten from the King of Van after starting the emblem quest
- Omega SFT
Obtained after completing Rank C in the Tatori Arena with any fighters.
- Wyrm King SFT
Ashlay gives it to you during the PA in Silvalant City (after
recieving the Eye of Truth) after the PA in the Van Weapon Shop
(ASHLAY must have 9+ AL for RODDICK).
- Bagua SFT
Obtained from the chest in Muah Treasury during the emblem quest.
- Divine Fury SFT
Found in a treasure chest after defeating the boss of the Old Race Ruins.
- Feline SFT
Obtained from the chest in Muah Treasury during the emblem quest.
- God of War SFT
This SFT is on Phia only, if she joins in the Astral Castle when you have
six or less party members. If she is the 3rd party member you recruit you
WILL NOT be able to get this SFT.
Q: I've got a SFT and it's level 10, how do I get my upgraded techniques?
A: It all depends on Proficiency, or rather how many times you've used the
technique. For Roddick, it's best if the technique you want to upgrade has
been used 20-25 times. For everyone else, the technique should be used
around 100-130 times. If the techs have that much proficiency (or more)
then simply use the tech in battle and at the end of the battle you should
get a message saying the technique has leveled up.
Q: I've got the proficiency to 100-130 and used the tech in battle and it
didn't upgrade! Why not!?
A: How many times did you use it in the battle? If you can, use it up to 3-5
times in a battle, otherwise just keep trying. You shouldn't need more than
150 proficiency to get it. Also, make sure the technique your using can
even be upgraded.
Upgradable techniques:
| Roddick |
Omega Thunderclap Blade
Thunderclap Blade + Omega SFT
Omega Lightray Blade
Lightray Blade + Omega SFT
Omega Double Slash
Double Slash + Omega SFT
Dragon Slash
Spirit Strike + Four Beasts SFT
Phoenix Blast
Shockwave Swirl + Four Beasts SFT
Blackwyrm Thundersurge
Dragon Roar + Wyrm King SFT
Bluewyrm Thundersurge
Dragon Slash + Wyrm King SFT
Redwyrm Thundersurge
Phoenix Blast + Wyrm King SFT
| Ilia |
Bluewyrm Strike
Palm of Destruction + Four Beasts SFT
Tiger Claw
Avenging Fist + Four Beasts SFT
Tortoise Smash
Explosive Kick + Four Beasts SFT
Phoenix Blast
Meteor Palm + Four Beasts SFT
Divine Strike
Any Four Beasts skill [Tiger Claw, Tortoise Smash, Pheonix Blast] + Bagua SFT
Divine Wrath
Divine Strike + Divine Fury SFT
| Cyuss |
Omega Firestorm Blade
Firestorm Blade + Omega SFT
Omega Thunderclap
Thunderclap Blade + Omega SFT
Omega Double Slash
Double Slash + Omega SFT
Dragon Surge
Lightray Blade + Four Beasts SFT
Tortoise Surge
Spirit Blast + Four Beasts SFT
Tiger Surge
Shockwave Swirl + Four Beasts SFT
| Ashlay |
Dragon Slash
Spirit Strike + Four Beasts SFT
Phoenix Blast
Shockwave Swirl + Four Beasts SFT
Omega Thunderclap Blade
Thunderclap Blade + Omega SFT
Omega Double Slash
Double Slash + Omega SFT
| Phia |
Sylvan Shot
Three Way + God of War SFT
Unholy Terror
Galaxy SB + God of War SFT
Victory Terror
Unholy Terror + God of War SFT
| T'nique |
Flame Tornado
Tornado Strike + Bagua SFT
Gale Hurricane
Gale Strike + Bagua SFT
Divine Strike
Hurricane Strike + Bagua SFT
Omega Strike
Divine Strike + Omega SFT
| Mavelle |
Southern Cross
Flare Orb + Omega SFT
Seventh Star
Hail Orb + Omega SFT
Thunder Orb + Omega SFT
| Pericci |
Dream Hammer
Panther Attack + Feline SFT
JC Summersault
Roundhouse + Feline SFT
Magical Dance
Power Dance + Feline SFT
| Welch |
Mithril Fist
Iron Fist + Omega SFT
Rapid Flick
Flick + Omega SFT
Slappity Slap
Slap + Omega SFT
| Item Creation/Specialties [11.03] |
Item Creations or Specialties are specific to each character. In order to
learn a specialty you must invest points into the skills necessary to learn
it. Specialties increase in level just like skills and level directly with
the skills needed to learn them.
Example: Roddick learns Sketching level 5 and Aesthetics level 4. His Art
specialty is increased to level 4 ((5 + 4) / 2 ) = 4.5). The level that the
specialty becomes is the average of all skills needed for the specialty with
the decimals truncated, or basically you always round down.
You can learn talents from specialties. To do this simply learn a specialty
that uses a talent the character doesn't have, but can learn (see the Talent
Chart [11.05] for more details). Using this specialty grants the chance to
learn a secret talent.
| Art [11.A3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Sketching, Aesthetics |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Magic Canvas or Magic Clay |
| TALENTS | Design Sense |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Graphic Tool |
Art is mainly used to create items used in combat. You can double your EXP
gained per battle or increase the drop rate of items from enemies and many
more various things.
| Portrait A-M** | Silence Card |
| | Veda Idol |
| Critical Card | Hexagram Card |
| Revival Card | Illusion Doll |
| Victory Card | |
| Experience Card | Angel Statuette |
| Treasure Card | Mirror of Knowledge |
| Wealth Card | |
| Benefaction Card | Faerie Statuette |
| Faerie Card | Jack-in-the-Box |
| Primavera | |
| Death of Socrates | Goddess Statuette |
| Starry Night | Goodie Box |
| The Scream | Warrior Idol |
** You can only make Portraits of those in your Party. Ex: If you want a
portrait of Mavelle, but she isn't in your party you won't be able to make it.
| Customization [11.B3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Aesthetic Design, Smithing |
| | Eye for Detail |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Weapons and Minerals |
| TALENTS | Originality |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Magical Rasp |
Customization is one of the best specialties in the game because you can
create some of the best weapons from it. When creating new weapons there are
1 of 3 things that can happen - Correct Combination, Invalid Combination,
and Failed Combination.
Now as you most likely know, there are a number of weapons that can be made
through customizing. What you may not know is that for a given character,
only around 4% of the combinations possible will actually give you something.
For example, everyone knows that if Roddick combines a Luxurious Sword with a
Damascus, he will get a Dueling Sword. However, if he combines, say, a
Sabre with a Green Beryl, he will not actually make something new per se. The
same applies with all the other "non-combinations," like Sinclair + Gold,
Longsword + Silver, etc. Let me explain:
If you are making a "real" combination (like Luxurious Sword + Damascus),
you will either end up with the true result of that combination or a failure.
HOWEVER! If you do an "invalid combination," you will wind up with one of a
predetermined set of weapons for that character. Here is an example:
==>Millie tries to customize a Mindsoother with a Sapphire. She ends up with a
Rod of Jewels.
==>She tries it again. This results in a Scepter of the Bunny.
==>Millie, upset by these lackluster results, tries the exact same thing again
This time, she gets a Rod of the Feather.
See? Had she customized the Mindsoother with a Moonrock (a "real"
combination) instead, she would have had one of two results: a Holy Rod
(success), or a Creaky Rod (failure). But since she did an invalid
combination, she got random drawings from the "Invalid Combination" pile
instead. The "pile" for each character (we'll call it the Invalid Pile)
consists of a set of five or so weapons, one of which will be chosen randomly
to be the result when an invalid combination is attempted. Or you could just
fail outright. This sort of comes in handy early in the game, for if you are
crafty you can lay hands on some fairly nice equipment at a minimal cost as
far as minerals are concerned. I hope all that isn't too confusing--if it is,
mention it to me and I'll simplify a bit if I can.
| INVALID PILE | Longsword +2 (350 ATK) |
| | Damascus Sword (560 ATK) |
| | Sword of Stealth (750 ATK) [Fire, Water] |
| | Moonfalx (800 ATK) [Light] |
| | Meteor Crusher (950 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Souleater (950 ATK) [Earth] |
| Walloon Sword | Crystal | Holy Sword (630 ATK) [Light] |
| Longsword +2 | | |
| Dwarven Sword | | |
| Air Slicer | | |
| Damascus Sword | | |
| Sword of Marvels | | |
| Sword of Stealth | Star Ruby | Sword of Strength (750 ATK) [Water]|
| Moonfalx | | |
| Luxurious Sword | | |
| Mithril Sword | | |
| Souleater | | |
| Meteor Crusher | | |
| Force Sword | | |
| Dueling Sword | | |
| Silvance | | |
| Murasama | | |
| Sword of Stealth | Diamond | Sword of Marvels (700 ATK) |
| Sword of Strength | | |
| Moonfalx | | |
| Luxurious Sword | | |
| Mithril Sword | | |
| Souleater | | |
| Meteor Crusher | | |
| Force Sword | | |
| Dueling Sword | | |
| Silvance | | |
| Murasama | | |
| Moonfalx | Mithril | Mithril Sword (900 ATK) |
| Luxurious Sword | Rainbow Diamond | Dueling Sword (1200 ATK) |
| Force Sword | Philosopher's | Silvance (1600 ATK) [Light, Wind, |
| | Stone | Dark] |
| INVALID PILE | Zweihander (300 ATK) |
| | Claymore +1 (400 ATK) |
| | Claymore +2 (600 ATK) |
| | Magnifying Blade (800 ATK) |
| | Searing Sword (1000 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Slayer Sword (1200 ATK) [Wind] |
| | Berserk Sword (1400 ATK) [Earth] |
| Shockwave Sword | Diamond | Astral Sword (700 ATK) |
| Searing Sword | | |
| Vorpal Sword | | |
| Luxurious Sword | | |
| Slayer Sword | | |
| Blade of Doom | | |
| Berserk Sword | | |
| Force Sword | | |
| Meteor Striker | | |
| Cyuss Special | | |
| Claymore +1 | Green Beryl | Shockwave Sword (900 ATK) |
| Flameberge | | |
| Claymore +2 | | |
| Astral Sword | | |
| Magnifying Blade | | |
| Astral Sword | Star Ruby | Vorpal Sword (1000 ATK) [Water] |
| Luxurious Sword | Mithril | Blade of Doom (1400 ATK) [Dark] |
| Force Sword | Moonrock | Meteor Striker (1800 ATK) [Light] |
| ERYS |
| INVALID PILE | Ruby Wand (50 ATK, 20 MAG) |
| | Rod of Jewels (150 ATK, 100 MAG) |
| | Mindsoother (300 ATK, 200 MAG) |
| | Scepter of the Bunny (400 ATK, 150 MAG) |
| | Rod of the Feather (600 ATK, 600 MAG) |
| Mindsoother | Moonrock | Holy Rod (350 ATK, 250 MAG)[Light] |
| Rod of the Feather | Philosopher's | Dragonstaff (1000 ATK, 350 MAG) |
| | Stone | |
| ILIA |
| INVALID PILE | Knuckles +1 (150 ATK) |
| | Knuckles +2 (400 ATK) |
| | Silver Knuckles (600 ATK) |
| | Blazing Knuckles (700 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Cestus of Poison (800 ATK) |
| FAILED COMBINATION | Rickety Knuckles |
| Blazing Knuckles | Rune Metal | Metal Fang (500 ATK) |
| Cestus of Poison | | |
| Cestus of Poison | Moonrock | Dragon Claw (900 ATK) |
| INVALID PILE | Ruby Wand (50 ATK, 20 MAG) |
| | Rod of Jewels (150 ATK, 100 MAG) |
| | Mindsoother (300 ATK, 200 MAG) |
| | Scepter of the Bunny (400 ATK, 150 MAG) |
| | Rod of the Feather (600 ATK, 600 MAG) |
| Mindsoother | Moonrock | Holy Rod (350 ATK, 250 MAG)[Light] |
| Rod of the Feather | Philosopher's | Dragonstaff (1000 ATK, 350 MAG) |
| | Stone | |
| INVALID PILE | Water Orb (440 ATK) [Water] |
| | Crescent Orb (520 ATK) [Light] |
| | Orb of the Valkyrie (600 ATK) |
| | Rune Orb (800 ATK) |
| | Flame Orb (1000 ATK) [Fire] |
| Orb of the Valkyrie| Silver | Silver Orb (700 ATK) |
| Flame Orb | Philosopher's | Orb of Darkness (1200 ATK) [Dark] |
| | Stone | |
| INVALID PILE | Ruby Wand (50 ATK, 20 MAG) |
| | Rod of Jewels (150 ATK, 100 MAG) |
| | Mindsoother (300 ATK, 200 MAG) |
| | Scepter of the Bunny (400 ATK, 150 MAG) |
| | Rod of the Feather (600 ATK, 600 MAG) |
| Mindsoother | Moonrock | Holy Rod (350 ATK, 250 MAG)[Light] |
| Rod of the Feather | Philosopher's | Dragonstaff (1000 ATK, 350 MAG) |
| | Stone | |
| INVALID PILE | Hard Knuckles (100 ATK) |
| | Knuckles +1 (150 ATK) |
| | Knuckles +2 (400 ATK) |
| | Metal Fang (500 ATK) |
| | Blazing Knuckles (700 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Cestus of Poison (800 ATK) |
| FAILED COMBINATION | Rickety Knuckles |
| Brass Knuckles | Gold | Taloned Knuckles (200 ATK) |
| Hard Knuckles | | |
| Knuckles +1 | | |
| Cestus | Silver | Silver Knuckles (600 ATK) |
| Knuckles +2 | | |
| Metal Fang | | |
| Blazing Knuckles | Meteorite | Cat Fang (750 ATK) |
| Cestus of Poison | Moonrock | Dragon Claw (900 ATK) |
| PHIA |
| INVALID PILE | Gladius +1 (200 ATK) |
| | Gladius +2 (250 ATK) |
| | Roudel Dagger (350 ATK) |
| | Bloody Sword (400 ATK) [Dark] |
| | Fameface (500 ATK) [Water] |
| | Flare Baselard (650 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Assassin's Sickles (700 ATK) |
| Assassin's Sickles | Meteorite | Elemental Blade (600 ATK) |
| Death Bringer | | |
| Dragon Blade | | |
| Luxurious Sword | | |
| Force Sword | | |
| Luxurious Sword | Mithril | Ice Blades (650 ATK) [Water] |
| Ice Blades | Philosopher's | Death Bringer (700 ATK) |
| | Stone | |
| INVALID PILE | Longsword +2 (350 ATK) |
| | Holy Sword (630 ATK) [Light] |
| | Sword of Marvels (700 ATK) |
| | Sword of Stealth (750 ATK) [Fire, Water] |
| | Sword of Strength (750 ATK) [Water] |
| | Moonfalx (800 ATK) [Light] |
| | Souleater (950 ATK) [Earth] |
| Longsword | Crystal | Longsword +1 (200 ATK) |
| Sabre | | |
| Sinclair | | |
| Longsword | Sapphire | Walloon Sword (270 ATK) |
| Sabre | | |
| Sinclair | | |
| Longsword +1 | | |
| Walloon Sword | Damascus | Damascus Sword (560 ATK) |
| Longsword +2 | | |
| Dwarven Sword | | |
| Air Slicer | | |
| Holy Sword | | |
| Sword of Marvels | | |
| Moonfalx | Mithril | Mithril Sword (900 ATK) |
| Mithril Sword | Star Ruby | Meteor Crusher (950 ATK) [Fire] |
| Luxurious Sword | Damascus | Dueling Sword (1200 ATK) |
| Force Sword | Philosopher's | Silvance (1600 ATK) [Light, Wind, |
| | Stone | Dark] |
| INVALID PILE | Long Bow (150 ATK) |
| | Crossbow (200 ATK) |
| | Arbalest (300 ATK) |
| | Silver Bow (600 ATK) |
| Silver Bow | Philosopher's | Bow of Explosion (800 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Stone | |
| INVALID PILE | Long Spear +1 (500 ATK) |
| | Whirlwind (500 ATK) [Wind] |
| | Three Section Staff (550 ATK) |
| | Long Spear +2 (600 ATK) |
| | Flamelancer (850 ATK) [Fire] |
| | Dragon Lance (1000 ATK) |
| Spear | Diamond | Halberd (750 ATK) |
| Long Spear | | |
| Long Spear +1 | | |
|Three Section Staff | | |
| Long Spear +2 | | |
| Spinning Spear | | |
| Whirlwind | Damascus | Spinning Spear (800 ATK) |
| Flamelancer | | |
| Saint's Halberd | | |
| Dragon Lance | | |
| Enhanced Halberd | | |
| Star Lance | | |
| Flamelancer | Orichalcum | Saint's Halberd (900 ATK) [Light] |
| Dragon Lance | Meteorite | Enhanced Halberd (1200 ATK) |
| INVALID PILE | Tense Handy Stick (600 ATK) |
| | Worrying Handy Stick (700 ATK) |
| | Annoying Handy Stick (800 ATK) |
| | Stern Handy Stick (1000 ATK) |
| Handy Stick | Gold | Playful Handy Stick (350 ATK) |
| Fuzzy Handy Stick | | |
| Handy Stick | Green Beryl | Tedious Handy Stick (500 ATK) |
| Fuzzy Handy Stick | | |
| Playful Handy Stick| | |
|Annoying Handy Stick| Rainbow Diamond | Furious Handy Stick (900 ATK) |
| Stern Handy Stick | Moonrock | Final Handy Stick (1600 ATK) |
| Appraising [11.C3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Herbology, Item Knowledge |
| | Mineralogy |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Spectacles |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Element Analyzer |
From time to time you will find items that are unidentified such as ?MINERAL
or ?ITEM. If you have Spectacles you can try to identify them. If you fail at
identifying the item it remains unidentified and you may try to identify it.
| Crafting [11.D3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Aesthetics, Eye for Detail |
| | Mineralogy |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Minerals |
| TALENTS | Originality, Nimble Fingers|
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Soldering Iron |
There are many items that can be created via Crafting but each character can
only craft a certain amount of them. There is always a 25% chance of failure
so if your Odds of Success are greater than 75% they will be reduced to it, if
they are lower than 75% then they remain. The tables below lists the
characters and what they can craft. An 'X' between the brackets indicates that
the item can be created with that character.
A list of all crafting results and their descriptions can be found after these
lists. Search: [11.CL]
Failed Combinations: Ugly Accessory, Lame Earring, Heavy Ring
| Iron |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Amulet of Antivennin | x | | | | | x | | x | x | | | | x |
| Amulet of Flexibility| | | | | | x | | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Amulet of Freedom | | | | x | x | x | | | x | | | x | x |
| Hefty Earring | x | x | | | x | | x | | | x | x | | |
| Hefty Ring | x | x | x | | x | | | | | x | x | x | |
| Onyx Earring | | | x | x | | | x | x | x | | x | x | x |
| Weighty Ring | x | | | | | | | | | | | x | |
| Weird Doll | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | | x |
| Silver |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Silver Amulet | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | x | | x |
| Silver Barette | x | x | x | | x | x | x | | | | | x | |
| Silver Charm | x | x | | | x | x | x | | x | x | | x | x |
| Silver Cross | x | x | | | x | | x | | | x | | | |
| Silver Earring | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | x | x | x |
| Silver Idol | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | x | x | x |
| Silver Pendant | | | x | x | | | | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| Silver Ring | x | x | | x | x | | x | | | x | | | |
| Gold |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Gold Bracelet | x | | | | x | x | x | | | x | | | |
| Gold Crown | | | | | | x | x | | | | | | |
| Gold Cross | x | | | | x | x | | | | x | | | |
| Gold Earring | | | | x | x | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Gold Idol | | x | | x | | | | x | x | | x | x | x |
| Gold Ring | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Golden Brooch | x | x | x | x | | | x | | x | | x | x | x |
| Storm Ring | | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x | | x |
| Sapphire |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Angelic Headband | | x | | x | | | x | | x | | x | | x |
| Anklet | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | x | |
| Aqua Ring | | | x | x | | x | | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| Blue Talisman | | | x | x | x | x | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Foot Insignia | | x | x | x | | | | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Purple Amulet | x | | | | x | x | x | | | | x | x | |
| Water Ring | | | | | | | | x | | | | | |
| Ruby |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Berserker Ring | x | x | | | x | x | | x | | x | | x | |
| Blood Earring | | | | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x |
| Fire Ring | | | x | | | | | | | | | | |
| Flare Ring | | | | x | x | x | | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Ricochet Bracelet | | | x | | | | | | | | | | |
| Ruby Earring | | | | | | x | | | | | x | | |
| Shield Earring | | | | x | | | x | x | | | x | | |
| Crystal |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Froghead | | x | | | | | | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| Glass Slippers | | x | | x | | | | | x | | x | x | x |
| Holy Ring | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Intimidation Pendant | | | x | | | x | | | | | | | |
| Princess Ring | | | | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Prism Ring | x | x | | | | x | | | | | x | | |
| Ring of Fusion | x | x | x | | x | x | | x | x | x | x | | x |
| Ring of Resistance | x | x | x | | x | x | | x | | x | x | | |
| Green Beryl |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Bracelet of Gambling | x | | | | x | | x | | | | | | |
| Chain of Might | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | x | |
| Crown | | x | x | x | | | | x | x | x | | | x |
| Emerald Earring | | | x | x | | | x | x | x | | x | | x |
| Emerald Ring | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x |
| Faerie Ring | x | x | | | x | | x | | | x | x | x | |
| Green Bracelet | | x | | x | | | x | x | | | x | | |
| Talisman | | | x | | | x | | | x | | | | x |
| Diamond |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Earring of Magnetism | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Earring of Readiness | x | x | x | | x | | x | | x | x | | | x |
| Earring of the Winds | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Glittering Earring | | | | | | | x | | | | | | |
| Lavish Idol | | | | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Ring of Trust | | x | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Sacrificial Doll | x | | | | x | x | x | x | | x | x | | |
| Thunder Ring | | | x | | | | | | x | x | | | |
| Star Ruby |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Necklace | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | x | |
| Ring of Absorption | | x | x | x | | | x | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Ruby Pendant | x | x | | | | | x | x | | x | | | |
| Shield Ring | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Stardust Ring | | | x | x | x | | | | x | | | x | x |
| Star Earring | | | x | x | | | | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Star Necklace | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Rainbow Diamond |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Breeze Earring | x | x | | | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x |
| Dream Bracelet | x | x | | | x | | x | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Magic Cross | | | x | x | | | | x | | | | x | x |
| Mystic Amulet | | | x | x | x | | x | x | x | | | x | x |
| Regeneration Ring | x | x | | | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x |
| Ring of Healing | | | | x | | | | x | | | | | |
| Ring of Might | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Shadow Cross | | x | x | x | | | | | | | | | |
| Moonrock |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Earring of Frenzy | x | x | | | x | | x | | | x | x | x | |
| Lunar Charm | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Lunar Talisman | x | x | | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| Moon Earring | | | | x | | | | | | | | | |
| Moonlight | x | x | | | | | x | | x | x | | x | x |
| Ring of Insanity | x | x | | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Ring of Lunacy | | | | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Ring of the Accursed | | x | x | | x | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Philosopher's Stone |
| Results |Rod|Ilia|Rox|Mil|Ash|Cyu|Pha|Ios|Mav|T'ni|Per|Wel|Ery|
| Hammer Charm | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Mallet Charm | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x | | |
| Mind Ring | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Mist Insignia | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | | x |
| Ring of Avoidance | | | x | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Ring of Infinity | | | | x | | | | x | x | | | x | x |
| Ring of Mental Power | x | x | x | | x | | x | x | x | x | | x | x |
| Ring of Wisdom | x | x | | | x | | x | | | x | | | |
WO = Women Only
SCO = Spell Casters Only
AWO = Attaking Women Only
WSCO = Women Spell Casters Only
| List of Accessories [11.CL] |
| Mineral | Description (Stats) |
| Iron | Amulet of Antivenin - Protects against poison |
| | Amulet of Freedom - Protects against paralysis |
| | Amulet of Flexibility - Protects against petrification |
| | Hefty Earring - Increases ATK, but lowers HIT (WO) |
| | Hefty Ring - Doubles fire+wind damage |
| | Onyx Earring - Convers 10% of spell damage into MP(WO) |
| | Weighty Ring - Increses ATK, doubles light damage |
| | Weird Doll - None |
| Silver | Silver Amulet - Raises spell dmg inflicted by wearer (SCO) |
| | Silver Barette - DEF 3 (WO) |
| | Silver Charm - Absorbs light damage, nulifies dark damage |
| | Silver Cross - Halves light damage, doubles fire damage |
| | Silver Earring - Raises MP (WSCO) |
| | Silver Idol - AVD 1 |
| | Silver Pendant - Raises agility, AVD 10 |
| | Silver Ring - Halves light and dark damage |
| Gold | Gold Bracelet - DEF 10 |
| | Gold Crown - DEF 3 |
| | Gold Cross - HIT 50, Halves fire damage |
| | Gold Earring - Raises agility (WO) |
| | Gold Idol - HIT 1 |
| | Gold Ring - AVD 1 |
| | Golden Brooch - GUTS 5 |
| | Storm Ring - Raises agility and hit rate, AVD 15 HIT 15 |
| Sapphire | Angelic Headband - AVD 5 (WO) |
| | Anklet - DEF 3 |
| | Aqua Ring - Nulifies water damage, doubles fire damage |
| | Blue Talisman - Raises defense, halves water damage |
| | Foot Insignia - Raises attack and hit rate |
| | Purple Amulet - Distracts enemy when wearer tries to escape|
| | Water Ring - Halves water damage, doubles fire damage |
| Ruby | Berserker Ring - Raises attack in battle and lowers defense|
| | Blood Earring -10% chance to convert physical dmg to HP(WO)|
| | Fire Ring - Halves fire damage, doubles water damage (SCO) |
| | Flare Ring - Nulifies fire damage, doubles water damage |
| | Ricochet Bracelet - 5% chance to reflect dmg inflicted back|
| | Ruby Earring - AVD 30 (WO) |
| | Shield Earring - Lowers physical dmg inflicted by 80% (WO) |
| Crystal | Froghead - DEF 30 |
| | Glass Slippers - DEF 10, AVD 20 |
| | Holy Ring - 10% chance of protecting wearer from all spells|
| | Intimidation Pendant - Prevents enemies from approaching |
| | Princess Ring - Increases MP (SCO) |
| | Prism Ring - 5% chance of protecting wearer from all atks |
| | Ring of Fusion - Converts spell dmg into HP |
| | Ring of Resistance - Lowers spell dmg inflicted by 90% |
| Green Beryl | Bracelet of Gambling -Changes dmg inflicted between 25-200%|
| | Chain of Might - Raises attack power |
| | Crown - DEF 1 |
| | Emerald Earring -Hasten Speech lvl 6, halves wind dmg(WSCO)|
| | Emerald Ring - Reduce MP cost of atks/spells by 1/3 |
| | Faerie Ring - Reduce MP cost of atks/spells by 1/2 |
| | Green Bracelet - GUTS 5, LUC 5 |
| | Talisman - Raises defence |
| Diamond | Earring of Magnetism - Attracts enemies, ATK 20 (WO) |
| | Earring of Readiness - Prevents back atks, halves dark (WO)|
| | Earring of the Winds - Halves wind damage (WO) |
| | Glittering Earring - Halves light damage (WO) |
| | Lavish Idol - MAG 1 |
| | Ring of Trust -Increases GUTS in proportion to # of friends|
| | Sacrificial Doll -Prevents death once, halves elemental dmg|
| | Thunder Ring - Halves wind dmg, doubles earth dmg (SCO) |
| Star Ruby | Necklace - AVD 20 |
| | Ring of Absorption - Converts physical dmg into HP |
| | Ruby Pendant - DEF 30, Nullifies fire damage |
| | Shield Ring - Raises agility (WO) |
| | Stardust Ring - Lowers physical dmg inflicted by 90% |
| | Star Earring - Hasten Speech lvl 3, halves light dmg (WSCO)|
| | Star Necklace - Hasten Speech lvl 5 (SCO) |
|Rainbow Diamond| Breeze Earring - AVD 15 (WO) |
| | Dream Bracelet - Temporarily raises level of wearer by 1 |
| | Magic Cross -10% chance of reflecting all dmg, halves light|
| | and dark dmg |
| | Mystic Amulet - Blind the enemy when the wearer escapes |
| | Regeneration Ring - Heals wounds in the midst of battle |
| | Ring of Healing - Heals wearer's wounds over time |
| | Ring of Might - Raises atk power but doubles elemental dmg |
| | Shadow Cross -Doubles max HP. Halves earth, fire, light dmg|
| | Doubles water, wind, dark dmg |
| Moonrock | Earring of Frenzy - Doubles atk power, lowers hit (AWO) |
| | Lunar Charm - Raises MP |
| | Lunar Talisman - Raises Hp |
| | Moon Earring - 10% chance of reflecting dmg to a nearby |
| | party member (WO) |
| | Moonlight - Boosts def and mag. Raises HP and MP |
| | Ring of Insanity - Allows wearer to hurl enimies across |
| | battlefield |
| | Ring of Lunacy - Completely protects wearer. Dazes easily |
| | Ring of the Accursed - Raises DEF. Doubles earth, fire, |
| | wind, dark dmg |
| Philosopher's | Hammer Charm - Halves daze time |
| Stone | Mallet Charm - Prevents daze |
| | Mind Ring - HIT 50, Halves fire damage |
| | Mist Insignia - Recharges MP in battle. Doubles wind dmg |
| | Ring of Avoidance - Prevents enemies from approaching |
| | Ring of Infinity - Raises 1 EXP per step. Doubles elemental|
| | Ring of Mental Power - Recharges MP in battle |
| | Ring of Wisdom - Protects wearer from an assortment of |
| | conditions |
| Writing [11.E3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Penmanship |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Fountain Pen |
| TALENTS | Composition |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Word Processor |
| | Beret |
Once a character reaches level 5 in a skill, the Writing specialty grants the
ability to create a book that teaches that skill. The tomes can be used on any
character that does not have that skill up to level 5 yet. The Word Processor
passively gives a 10% increase in success and the Beret when worn on the party
member writing increases success by another 10%. Below is a list of the books
that can be created.
| Animal Training | Friends of the Woods | 2 |
| Biology | Life in Nature | 2 |
| Counter | Scroll of Reprisal | 3 |
| Eye for Detail | Metallurgy | 1 |
| Faeriology | The Bestiary | 4 |
| Herbology | All About Herbs | 2 |
| Imitation | Death of Originality | 3 |
| Item Knowledge | Pocket Encyclopedia | 1 |
| Keen Eye | Choosing Ingredients | 4 |
| Knife | Food for the Soul | 3 |
| Machinery | Engineer's Handbook | 4 |
| Mental Science | Walls of the Soul | 1 |
| Mineralogy | Secrets of the Earth | 1 |
| Music Knowledge | Musicology | 2 |
| Operation | Operation Manual | 3 |
| Performance | The World's a Stage | 3 |
| Power Burst | Scroll of Power | 4 |
| Recipe | Dish of the Day | 2 |
| Sketching | Drawing Poses | 3 |
| Smithing | The Perfect Rhythm | 4 |
| Technology | Hermetic Philosophy | 4 |
| Compounding [11.F3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Biology, Herbology |
| | Mental Science |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Sterile Glove |
In short, compounding takes 2 herbs and combines them to create a usable item
whether it be single-use or combat. Below are charts showing all possible
combinations and their results.
| Artemis Leaf | Faerie Elixir |
| | Immunity Pill |
| | Medicine Bottle |
| Athelas | Herbal Potion |
| | Medicine Bottle |
| | Potion of Epiphany |
| | Wonder Drug |
| Mandrake | Hazardous Heal |
| | Medicine Bottle |
| | Sour Syrup |
| | Sweet Syrup |
| Lavender | Medical Rinse |
| | Resurrection Mist |
| | Smelling Salts |
| | Wonder Drug |
| Rose Hip | Compress of Veda |
| | Marionette Pill |
| | Paralysis Cure |
| | Potion of Trust |
| Wolfsbane | Fruit Syrup |
| | Hot Syrup |
| | Sour Syrup |
| | Violent Pill |
| Athelas | Faerie Mist |
| | Ointment of Veda |
| | Resurrection Elixir |
| | Smelling Salts |
| Lavender | Holy Mist |
| | Potion of Reversal |
| | Refreshing Syrup |
| | Resurrection Mist |
| Mandrake | Elven Powder |
| | Hot Syrup |
| | Potion of Reversal |
| | Risky Resurrection |
| Rose Hip | Mental Potion |
| | Potion of Might |
| | Potion of the Winds |
| | Witch Powder |
| Wolfsbane | Bubble Lotion |
| | Pixie Perfume |
| | Potion of Lilith |
| | Shock Oil |
| Lavender | Herbal Potion |
| | Medical Rinse |
| | Mixed Syrup |
| | Resurrection Elixir |
| Mandrake | Maple Syrup |
| | Potion of Merlin |
| | Potion of Nightmares |
| | Smoke Oil |
| Rose Hip | Fruit Syrup |
| | Holy Mist |
| | Refreshing Syrup |
| | Sweet Syrup |
| Wolfsbane | Bitter Lotion |
| | Melt Potion |
| | Oil of Paralysis |
| | Stink Gel |
| Mandrake | Risky Resurrection |
| | Sacrifice Pill |
| | Temper Tablet |
| | Violent Pill |
| Rose Hip | Lotion of Strength |
| | Potion of Epiphany |
| | Potion of the Winds |
| | Smoke Mist |
| Wolfsbane | Bubble Lotion |
| | Faerie Cologne |
| | Melt Potion |
| | Potion of Lilith |
| Rose Hip | Antidote |
| | Maple Syrup |
| | Mixed Syrup |
| | Sweet Potion |
| Wolfsbane | Hazardous Heal |
| | Paralysis Mist |
| | Potion of Nightmares |
| | Succubus Perfume |
| Wolfsbane | Malodorous Potion |
| | Melt Potion |
| | Mist of Madness |
| | Stink Gel |
| Cooking [11.G3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Keen Eye, Knife, Recipe |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Food Ingredients |
| TALENTS | Taste |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Keen Kitchen Knife |
You can buy most ingredients from stores, but there are some rare ingredients
that you can only in certain cities. There is always a 10% chance to fail so
if your odds are higher than 90% they will become 90%. Normal ingredients that
you fail to cook result in failed dishes while the rare ingredients that fail
to cook are burned up in the process and yield no failure dish.
[Name] Next to the dish is the characters favorite food. When given to that
character, the effect is always 100% HP/MP. EX: Give Grilled Turban Shell to
Millie and it heals her HP 10%. Give the same food to Phia and it heals her
HP/MP 100%, because it is her favorite food.
Foods missing: Ladyfingers, Luscious Gratin, Scrumptious Pizza,
Treasured Gorgonzola
If you know what foods create these, please let me know!
| Seafood | Batter-fried Shrimp | 10% HP (One) |
| | Boiled King Crab | 38% HP (One) |
| | Fine Tuna Sashimi | 45% HP (One) [Pericci's] |
| | Fish Soup | 10% HP (One) |
| | Grilled Turban Shell | 10% HP (One) [Phia's] |
| | Lobster Soup | 32% HP (One) |
| | Sea Bream Sashimi | 19% HP (One) |
| | Seafood Pasta | 30% HP (One) |
| | Seafood Salad | 35% HP (One) |
| | Shark's Fin Bun | 30% HP (One) |
| | Tuna Sashimi | 20% HP (All) |
| | Rotten Sashimi (Fail) | Poison (One) |
| Fruit | Apple Pie | 25% HP (One) |
| | Cactus Cocktail | 90% HP/MP (One) |
| | Chocolate Banana | 28% HP (One) [Welch's] |
| | Fruit Cake | 40% HP (One) |
| | Fruit Parfait | 20% HP (One) [Millie's] |
| | Fruit Punch | 40% HP (One) |
| | Granadilla Juice | 30% MP (One) |
| | Hogplum Juice | 40% MP (One) |
| | Mango Shake | 21% HP (One) |
| | Mangosteen Juice | 55% MP (One) |
| | Orange Shake | 15% HP (One) |
| | Sherbet | 10% HP (One) |
| | Sole in Wine Sauce | 60% HP (One) [Mavelle's] |
| | Watermelon Bar | 15% HP (One) |
| | White Peach in Syrup | 45% HP (One) |
| | Awful Cider (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| | Bitter Juice (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Grains | Bloody Driver | 30% MP (One) |
| | Bonito Rice Ball | 36% HP (One) |
| | Cola | 35% MP (One) |
| | Cold Soba | 28% HP (One) |
| | Crazy Cow | 30% MP (One) [Ilia's] |
| | Cream Soda | 30% HP (One) |
| | Fiery Cyclops Cider | 50% MP (One) |
| | Fire in the Sky | 30% MP (One) |
| | Golden Natto | 45% HP (One) |
| | Handmade Soba | 38% HP (One) |
| | Howling Fox Cider | 70% MP (One) |
| | Joyful Bandit Cider | 30% MP (One) |
| | Leaping Titan Cider | 70% MP (One) |
| | Mango Lassi | 30% MP (One) |
| | Natto | 25% HP (One) |
| | Plum Rice Ball | 36% HP (One) |
| | Root Beer | 30% HP (One) |
| | Salmon Rice Ball | 36% HP (One) |
| | Salt Rice Ball | 30% HP (One) [T'nique's] |
| | Seaweed Rice Ball | 36% HP (One) |
| | Super Rice Ball | 38% HP (One) |
| | Tropical Melody | 30% HP (One) [Cyuss'] |
| | Banana Frappe (Fail) | 3% MP (One) |
| | Stinky Bean Cake (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Meat | 10 oz. Steak | 35% HP (One) |
| | 16 oz. Steak | 38% HP (One) |
| | Chicken Shish Kebab | 15% HP (One) |
| | Escargot | 5% HP (One) [Ioshua's] |
| | Hamburg Steak | 32% HP (One) |
| | Liver Stir-Fry | 32% HP (One) |
| | Pork Soup | 15% HP (One) |
| | Prehistoric Meat | 50% HP (One) |
| | Spicy Beef Soup | 30% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Vegetables | Boiled Mushrooms | 10% HP (One) [Ronyx's] |
| | Cabbage Roll | 30% HP (One) |
| | Corn on the Cob | 28% HP (One) |
| | Fresh Spring Roll | 38% HP (One) |
| | Mesona Jelly | 40% HP (One) [Ashlay's] |
| | Salad | 22% HP (One) |
| | Stew | 36% HP (One) |
| | Stir-Fry | 35% HP (One) |
| | Twiced-cooked Pork | 35% HP (One) [Roddick's] |
| | Vegetable Soup | 35% HP (One) |
| | Wilted Salad (Fail) | 2% HP (One) |
| Eggs and Dairy | Coffee Milk | 15% HP (One) |
| | Egg Soup | 30% HP (One) |
| | Fried Egg | 18% HP (One) |
| | Ham and Eggs | 25% HP (One) |
| | Macaroni Gratin | 10% HP (One) |
| | Milk Shake | 30% HP (One) |
| | Rice Omelet | 20% HP (One) [Eyrs'] |
| | Sachertorte | 36% HP (One) |
| | Sea Yogurt | 35% MP (One) |
| | Sugar Crepe | 10% HP (One) |
| | Vanilla Ice Cream | 10% HP (One) |
| | Old Milk (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| | Bitter Cake (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Organic Vegetables | Golden Stew | 90% MP (All) |
| | Healthy Juice | 60% MP (One) |
| | Kimchi | 40% HP (One) |
| Sirloin | Amazing Tenderloin | 70% HP (All) |
| | Christmas Turkey | 60% HP (One) |
| | Golden Stir-Fry | 60% HP (One) |
| Top-Quality Tuna | Legendary Otoro | 70% HP/MP (One) |
| | Tuna Belly Rice Bowl | Revives 100% HP (One) |
| | Tuna Platter | 60% HP (One) |
| Marenne Oysters | Eel Soup | 65% HP (One) |
| | Lord's Ozoni | 60% HP/MP (One) |
| | Super-Spicy Stew | 80% HP (One) |
| Magic Rice | Pure Rice Ball | 60% HP (One) |
| | Sweet Curry | 100% HP/MP (One) |
| | Tearful Risotto | 80% HP/MP (One) |
| Creamy Cheese | Delectable Cheese | 70% HP (One) |
| | Fresh Juice | 70% MP (All) |
| Sweet Fruit | Beautiful Ice Cream | 80% HP/MP (One) |
| | Custard of Life | 100% HP (One) |
| | Deluxe Fruit Platter | 60% HP (One) |
| | Demonic Durian | 80% HP/MP (One) |
| Gelatinous Slime | Collagen Jelly | 60% HP/MP (One) |
| | Ooze Cocktail | 30% MP (All) |
| | Saucy Noodles | 65% HP (One) |
| | Slimy Gelatin | 60% MP (One) |
| Wobbly Slime | Agar Drink | 35% MP (One) |
| | Nata de Coco | 30% MP (One) |
| | Slimy Gelatin | 60% MP (One) |
| | Tofu Pudding | 30% MP (One) |
|Ingredients of Yarma| Devil's Ramen | 50% HP (All) |
| | Hot Pot of Shadows | 70% HP (All) |
| | Luxury Grape Juice | 90% HP/MP (One) |
| | Steak of the Demons | 90% HP (All) |
| Alchemy [11.H3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Technology, Mineralogy |
| | Faeriology |
| TALENTS | Blessing of Mana |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Lezard's Flask |
| | Triangle Flask |
Alchemy allows you to create various minerals from the common item Iron. This
is helpful in Crafting, Customization, and Blacksmith. The higher your skill
level the more minerals that are available. The table below shows which mineral
is available at each level. Some of the minerals require the Lezard's Flask
which is unattainable until you reach Ionis.
Please note that if you do not have the Talent "Blessing of Mana", which is
only available to Mages, the chances of failure are ~90%.
| 1 | Silver | No |
| 1 | Gold | No |
| 2 | Sapphire | No |
| 2 | Ruby | No |
| 3 | Green Beryl | No |
| 3 | Crystal | No |
| 4 | Diamond | No |
| 5 | Star Ruby | No |
| 6 | Damascus | No |
| 6 | Rune Metal | Yes |
| 7 | Orichalcum | No |
| 7 | Rainbow Diamond | Yes |
| 8 | Moonstone | Yes |
| 8 | Philosopher's Stone | Yes |
| 8 | Meteorite | Yes |
| 8 | Mithril | Yes |
| Survival [11.I3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Herbology, Resilience |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Survival Kit |
Survival is more of a last ditch effort specialty because most of the items
are very common and are more easily obtained in item shops. There are some
items that are extremely rare and can help for early game customization or
* Indicates the item is rare
| Eggs and Dairy | Crystal | Athelas |
| Fruit | Damascus | Artemis Leaf |
| Grains | Diamond | Lavender |
| Meat | Gold | Mandrake |
| Seafood | Green Beryl | Rose Hip |
| Vegetables | Iron | Wolfsbane |
| | Meteorite* | |
| | Mithril* | |
| | Moonstone* | |
| | Orichalcum | |
| | Philosopher's Stone* | |
| | Rainbow Diamond* | |
| | Ruby | |
| | Rune Metal* | |
| | Sapphire | |
| | Silver | |
| | Star Ruby | |
| Replication [11.J3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Imitation |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Magical Camera/RIRICA |
| | Magical Film |
| | Reproducable Item |
Replication gives you the ability to duplicate items. Not all items in the
game are able to be replicated but rightfully so, still there are quite a few
items that you may want to replicate (Faerie Ring). Orchestra helps a bunch
| Machinist [11.K3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Machinery, Operation |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Mechanic's Toolbox |
| TALENTS |Design Sense, Nimble Fingers|
Machinist creates combat items and items that increase your success rate in
other specialties.
| Daze Bomb, Deadly Poison, Soldering Iron |
| Flare Bomb, Mind Bomb, Magician's Glove |
| Music Box |
| 4-way Bomb, Assault Bomb, Sterile Glove |
| Word Processor |
| Defense Bomb, Graphic Tool, Megabomb, RIRICA |
| Survival Kit |
| Element Analyzer, Nuclear Bomb, Triangle Flask|
| Oracle [11.L3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | ESP, Piety, Purity |
This specialty is completely optional as it provides no real benefit for you.
Using this specialty will give you hints or suggestions for the game.
| Music [11.M3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS |Music Knowledge, Performance|
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Instrument |
| | Feather Pen (Compose) |
| | Conductor Baton (Perform) |
| TALENTS | Rhythm Sense, Listening |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Music Editor |
Arguably one the most powerful specialties in the game, Music opens up a
whole new world for you. To learn songs you must first obtain an Instrument.
Then you need a Feather Pen to compose new songs, there are 2 songs per
Instrument. When you have learned a song you can then Perform it with the help
of a Conductor Baton. It is nearly impossible to play any song unless you have
both talents.
Again, if you don't have both Talents (Rhythm Sense and Listening) your will
fail 99% of the time. This means that Roddick will almost always fail, because
he can never learn Listening.
| Spirit Dance | Cembalo | Increases HIT |
| Faerie Dance | Cembalo | Increases AGL |
| Battle Blues | Harmonica | Increases random encounters |
| Lonely Blues | Harmonica | Decreases random encounters |
| Song for Justice | Lyre | Increased ATK |
| The Eternal Song | Lyre | Increased DEF |
| A Pale Breeze | Mystical Shamisen | Increased Movement Rate |
| A Hidden Power | Mystical Shamisen | Increased HP/MP |
| Salvation Hymn | Piano | HP/MP recovery from walking |
| Celebration Hymn | Piano | Increase of all stats |
| A Healing Tune | Pipe Organ | HP recovery from walking |
| A Relaxing Tune | Pipe Organ | MP recovery from walking |
| The Devil's Aria | Silver Trumpet | Summon special enemy if in a |
| | | random encounter area. See |
| | | section [05.05] for details |
| Aria of the Gods | Silver Trumpet | Temporarily gives everyone |
| | | all talents for specialties |
| Hero's Arrival | Violin | Summon an enemy from your |
| | | current encounter area |
| Goddess' Arrival | Violin | Significantly increases |
| | | specialty success rate |
| Train [11.N3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Determination, Effort |
| | Resilience |
| COEFFICIENT | Party total training level |
| | x 0.25 |
When you train you gain more experience according to the coefficient. The
penalty you pay is a decrease in ATK and DEF by the same coefficient. This
number can be as low as 0.25% or as high as 20%. The combined total of all
characters Train level factors in to this so if all 8 characters have level 10
Train you can level up quite a bit faster.
| Scouting [11.O3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Danger Radar |
| TALENTS | Animal Instinct |
| COEFFICIENT | (Skill Lvl x5) +/- 100% |
Scouting is used to increase or decrease the random encounter rate. The way
the coefficient modifies the encounter rate is in the form of a percent. At
skill level 10 you can raise the encounter rate to 150% or drop it to 50%.
| Familiar [11.P3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Animal Training, Whistling |
| TALENTS | Love of Animals |
This specialty allows you to summon a bird that has items for sale. It can
be used anywhere and is helpful if your low on items in the middle of a
| 1-2 | Aquaberries...........70 Fol | 7-8 | Eggs and Dairy......20 Fol |
| | Blackberries.........180 Fol | | Fruit...............80 Fol |
| Pigeon | Bluberries............50 Fol | | Grains.............150 Fol |
| | Spectacles............10 Fol | Hawk | Meat................50 Fol |
|--------|------------------------------| | Seafood............150 Fol |
| 3-4 | Flare Bomb...........180 Fol | | Vegetables..........20 Fol |
| | Lavender..............35 Fol |-------|----------------------------|
| Crow | Rose Hip.............230 Fol | 9-10 | Aquaberries.........70 Fol |
| | Wolfsbane............150 Fol | | Athelas............800 Fol |
|--------|------------------------------| | Blackberries.......180 Fol |
| 5-6 | Mandrake..............80 Fol | | Blueberries.........50 Fol |
| | Mind Bomb............300 Fol | Eagle | Magic Canvas.......300 Fol |
| Stork | Paralysis Cure.......100 Fol | | Medicine Bottle....300 Fol |
| | Resurrection Elixir..500 Fol | | Resurrection Elixir500 Fol |
| | Stone Cure...........100 Fol | | Spectacles..........10 Fol |
| Pickpocketing [11.Q3] |
| REQUIRED SKILLS | Courage, Poker Face |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Thief's Glove OR |
| | Magician's Glove |
| TALENTS | Nimble Fingers |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Magician's Glove |
Pickpocketing gives you the ability to steal items from NPCs and PCs. The
only downside to stealing is that you'll lose AL from your party members the
more you pickpocket. Even if your in a PA you'll still lose AL. There isn't
much worth stealing in First Departure, so you may just want to skip this
altogether. However, if you really want to pickpocket, check out my
Pickpocketing Guide. It gives a list of what you can steal.
| Super Specialties [11.04] |
Super Specialties combine multiple party members specialties to create a new
more powerful specialty. To unlock a Super Specialty you must have two or more
characters level the key specialty to a minimum of level 3, then obtain the
other specialt needed for it. Super Specialty levels are determined by the key
specialties levels, the sum of your characters key specialty levels divided by
3 gives you the level of the Super Specialty.
| Master Chef [11.A4] |
| KEY SPECIALTY | Cooking |
| OTHER SPECIALTY | Compounding |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Ingredients |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Keen Kitchen Knife |
Master Chef is an enhanced version of cooking where you can combine 2
ingredients and make entirely new cooking dishes.
| Eggs and Dairy | Fabulous Flan | 90% MP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 11 | 30% HP (One) |
| | Old Milk (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Fruit | Mixed Fruit Juice | 40% MP (All) |
| | Bitter Cake (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Grains | Chicken and Egg Bowl | 46% HP (One) |
| | Bitter Cake (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Meat | Beef and Egg Bowl | 46% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 5 | 20% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Seafood | Seafood Gratin | 50% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 13 | 35% HP (One) |
| | Rotting Sashimi (Fail) | Poison |
| Vegetables | Cheese Salad | 60% HP/MP (One) |
| | Wilted Salad (Fail) | 2% HP (One) |
| Fruit | Fresh Orange Juice | 40% MP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 14 | 38% HP (One) |
| | Bitter Juice (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Grains | Fruit Sandwich | 50% MP (All) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 12 | 30% HP (One) |
| | Bitter Juice (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Meat | Sweet and Sour Pork | 40% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 8 | 28% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Seafood | Sauteed Sweet Bream | 50% MP (One) |
| | Rotting Sashimi (Fail) | Poison |
| Vegetables | Tomato Salad | 50% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 3 | 11% HP (One) |
| | Bitter Juice (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Grains | Bean Rice Cake | 56% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 10 | 29% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Meat | Beef Rice Bowl | 30% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 9 | 28% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Seafood | Seafood Rice Bowl | 60% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 7 | 25% HP (One) |
| | Rotting Sashimi (Fail) | Poison |
| Vegetables | Saucy Rice | Cures paralysis, petrify, |
| | | poison; revives (One) |
| | Wilted Salad (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Meat | Mixed Meat Hamburg | 40% HP/MP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 2 | 11% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Seafood | Kimchi Hot Pot | 70% HP (All) |
| | Nectar | 100% HP/MP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Vegetables | Mutton BBQ | 45% HP/MP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 4 | 15% HP (One) |
| | Tasteless Stew (Fail) | 1% MP (One) |
| Seafood | Deluxe Sushi | 70% HP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 1 | 5% HP (One) |
| | Rotting Sashimi (Fail) | Poison |
| Vegetables | Fish Ball Soup | Cures paralysis, petrify, |
| | | poison; revives (One) |
| | Wilted Salad (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Vegetables | Daikon Salad | 70% HP/MP (One) |
| | Umai-bo Candy 6 | 21% HP (One) |
| | Wilted Salad (Fail) | 1% HP (One) |
| Orchestra [11.B4] |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Conductor's Baton |
| | Various Instruments |
This Super Specialty plays one song that gives a handy ability that, while
being played, all characters function as if they have all talents. This aids in
item creation but also enhances the chances to acquire a secret talent.
| Enlightenment [11.C4] |
| OTHER SPECIALTY | Survival |
| COEFFICIENT | Train Skill x 4 |
If you turn Enlightenment on every time your characters level they will gain
more skill points. Many stats take a hit but you will max out many skills early
in the game and save lots of leveling.
- %Hit decreased by coefficient divided by 5
- %AVD, GUTS, and SPEED decreased by coefficient
| Publication [11.D4] |
| KEY SPECIALTY | Writing |
| OTHER SPECIALTY | Machinist |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Fountain Pen |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Word Processor |
Publication lets you choose a character to write a book. The books let you
set the Affection Levels between the author and the reader to 8. This helps
tweak endings to your liking.
| Ashlay | The Seven Veterans |
| Cyuss | Survival for Dummies |
| Erys | Assassin's Manual |
| Ilia | A Drunken Holiday |
| Ioshua | Tales of a Young Boy |
| Mavelle | This Cruel World |
| Millie | A Guide to Sweets |
| Pericci | Little Kitty Lost |
| Phia | The Innocent Knight |
| Roddick | TriMan to the Rescue |
| Ronyx | Universe Quest |
| T'nique | Suisuiden |
| Welch | How to Use Your Boss |
| Group Appraising [11.E4] |
| KEY SPECIALTY | Appraising |
| OTHER SPECIALTY | Crafting |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Spectacles |
For one transaction you can raise or lower the price of goods at shops. Lower
the price when buying and raise it when selling to get the most of your money.
| Blacksmith [11.F4] |
| KEY SPECIALTY | Customization |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Smith's Hammer, Minerals |
| ENHANCING ITEMS | Magical Rasp |
Blacksmith lets you create armor and accessories from minerals. Some of the
better items in the game are created this way. Having the Magical Rasp may
increase your chances of success but it also limits what items you can create.
The Magical Rasp can be bought from the Santa Dealer in Silvalant for
100,000 Fol.
Weird Boots
Weird Armor
Weird Guantlet
Holey Armor
| List of Armor [11.BL] |
| Mineral | Description/Stats | Magical Rasp |
| Iron | Fine Shield - DEF 15, AVD 75 | No |
| | Knight's Shield - DEF 10, AVD 70 | No |
| | Ankh Shield - DEF 20, AVD 80 | Yes |
| | Kitty Hairband - DEF 25, HIT 10, AVD 10 | Yes |
| Orichalcum | Hermit's Cap - Halves Fire Dmg DEF 35, AVD 20 | No |
| | Dream Crown - Absorbs Fire, Wind Dmg. DEF 40 | Yes |
| | Reflecting Plate - Halves Fire, Wind Dmg. | Yes |
| | Absorbs Light Dmg. DEF 300 | |
| Damascus | Dwarven Boots - DEF 50 | No |
| | Dwarven Helmet - DEF 60 | NO |
| | Dwarven Mail - Halves Fire Damage. DEF 200 | No |
| | Dueling Helmet - DEF 100 | Yes |
| | Dueling Suit - Protects from Petrification. | Yes |
| | Halves earth, fire, and wind damage. DEF 300 | |
| | Magic Bikini - Halves earth, wind, and fire | Yes |
| | damage. DEF 300 | |
| Moonrock | Kitty Suit - DEF 200 | No |
| | Dueling Suit - Protects from Petrification. | NO |
| | Halves earth, fire, and wind damage. DEF 300 | |
| | Battle Suit - DEF 500 | Yes |
| | Kitty Armor - Nullifies earth and fire damage | Yes |
| | DEF 500 | |
| Mithril | Mithril Greaves - DEF 75 | No |
| | Mithril Helmet - DEF 70 | No |
| | Mithril Mesh - Halves water, fire, and wind | Yes |
| | damage. DEF 200 | |
| | Mithril Shield - Protects against paralysis | Yes |
| | DEF 30, AVD 90 | |
| Meteorite | Silver Greaves - DEF 30 | No |
| | Steel Helmet - DEF 50 | No |
| | Steel Armor - DEF 150 | No |
| | Sylvan Boots - DEF 100 | Yes |
| | Sylvan Helmet - DEF 80 | Yes |
| | Sylvan Mail - Protects from petrification | Yes |
| | Halves wind and dark damage. DEF 250 | |
| Rune Metal | Robe of Deception - Protects from petrification| No |
| | Nullifies wind and light damage. DEF 100 | |
| | Cloak of the Stars - Halves light damage. | Yes |
| | DEF 220 | |
| Contraband [11.G4] |
| KEY SPECIALTY | Pickpocketing |
| OTHER SPECIALTY | Replication |
| REQUIRED ITEMS | Premium Paper |
Contraband is mainly used for profit. Most of the items sell for a decent
price or at the least can be used to save you money. You will lose Affection
Level from your party members when using Contraband. Possible items from using
Contraband are:
- Bounced Check
- Contract
- Counterfeit Medal
- Forged Bill
- Forged Check
- Forged Document
- Health Insurance
- Item Order
- Secret Account
- Seizure Warrant
- Stock Certificate
| Talent Chart [11.05] |
Talents are additional "specialties" which give you 100 SP bonus when you
learn them. You can acquire the talent by repeatedly performing a certain
specialty, you may eventually acquire the necessary talent. You'll hear a
"Ping" sound, when you've unlocked one, and a message will pop up saying
"You have aquired the secret talent "XXXX".
Talents also improve your success rate in item creation type which is related
to the learned talent. For example, learning Design Sense boosts your success
rate in Art.
Each character has starting talents and secret talents which have to be
learned. The talent they start with is random, so always save before gaining
a new character. If you want a specific skill to begin with, and you don't get
it, restart until you do.
The maximum amount of talents one character can have is 10 (although as
shown below, not everyone can learn all the talents).
| Talent Name | Learned when using | Characters who CANNOT learn |
| Originality |CraftingCustomization| IOSHUA, ERYS, ILIA |
| Taste | Cooking | RONYX |
| Nimble Fingers | Crafting, Machinist | CYUSS, ASHLAY |
| Design Sense | Art, Machinist | ASHLAY |
| Rhythm Sense | Music | N/A |
| Composition | Writing | N/A |
| Love of Animals | Familiar | IOSHUA, ERYS, RONYX |
| Listening | Music | RODDICK |
| Blessing of Mana| Alchemy | RODDICK, CYUSS, ASHLAY, ILIA, PHIA |
| Animal Instinct | Scout | RONYX, ILIA |
| Version History [12.00] |
Version 1.00 (05/16/10)
- Finished adding most of the missing locations. Just missing the Light Cross
Version 0.99 (06/08/09)
- Added more SFT Q/A
- Added a few missing where/how to get
Version 0.98 (06/03/09)
- Finished Foods
- Added Where to get/How to make for most weapons/armor/helmet/shields/greaves
- Finished Combat Items
- Finished Accessories
Version 0.88 (06/01/09)
- Added Foods F-P, V-W
Version 0.85 (05/15/09)
- Changed layout
- Added where/how to get for the Single Use Items and Food (A-B)
Version 0.80 (05/08/09)
- Finished Item List
- Missing Descriptions/Where to Get/Make items
- Decided to Add Item Creation/Super Specialty Guide
- Missing Item Creation/Super Specialty Guide
Version 0.60 (2/03/09)
- Finished Armor list
- Finished Material list
- Finished Key Item list
- Added NOTE to read Welch's weapons descriptions
Version 0.20 (1/26/09)
- Finished Weapon list
- started Armor list
Version 0.10 (12/24/08)
- Finished Single-use Item list
- started Food list
- started Weapon list.
| Credits/Thanks [13.00] |
Thank you people who made cwCheat, and the codes to go along with it (I really
really love debug mode).
Thank you noz3r0! Your SOSE guide was extremly helpful! Especially your
Item Creation/Specialty information. A lot of items from SOFD were in SOSE so
I was able easily get the information down. <3
Thank you tamashii for the info on some items.
Thank you VeghEsther for the info on some items.
Thank you Eric for pointing out I have a pickpocketing guide, and there are
various items one can get in there, and then listing them! <3
Thank you LeoChris for a good amount of items and how to get.
Thank you Hugo for giving me a lot of info as well!
| Contact Info [14.00] |
My name is Rikki, and my e-mail is
Feel free to e-mail me any questions/comments/advice/mistakes.
However, when you e-mail me please arrange your subject header like this:
SOFD: "Subject Here"
Putting the SOFD: in front of your subject will help me filter e-mails related
to the Star Ocean: First Departure guides/walkthroughs I've done. Will I read
your e-mail if you don't do this? Probably not, I'm paranoid so I don't
read e-mails if I don't know who they're from. Adding the SOFD will allow me
to read it.
Pleaaase send in where to get the items if you know. Thanks.

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