This document outlines the course objectives and units of study for MEC333: IC Engines and Refrigeration. The course will cover the thermodynamic principles of internal combustion engines and their application to issues like power generation and emissions. It will also cover refrigeration systems, including vapor compression and absorption cycles. The six units will address topics like air standard cycles, combustion phenomena in engines, engine performance testing, refrigeration basics and cycles, psychrometrics of air conditioning, and human thermal comfort. The primary textbooks listed are Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Arora.
This document outlines the course objectives and units of study for MEC333: IC Engines and Refrigeration. The course will cover the thermodynamic principles of internal combustion engines and their application to issues like power generation and emissions. It will also cover refrigeration systems, including vapor compression and absorption cycles. The six units will address topics like air standard cycles, combustion phenomena in engines, engine performance testing, refrigeration basics and cycles, psychrometrics of air conditioning, and human thermal comfort. The primary textbooks listed are Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Arora.
This document outlines the course objectives and units of study for MEC333: IC Engines and Refrigeration. The course will cover the thermodynamic principles of internal combustion engines and their application to issues like power generation and emissions. It will also cover refrigeration systems, including vapor compression and absorption cycles. The six units will address topics like air standard cycles, combustion phenomena in engines, engine performance testing, refrigeration basics and cycles, psychrometrics of air conditioning, and human thermal comfort. The primary textbooks listed are Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Arora.
This document outlines the course objectives and units of study for MEC333: IC Engines and Refrigeration. The course will cover the thermodynamic principles of internal combustion engines and their application to issues like power generation and emissions. It will also cover refrigeration systems, including vapor compression and absorption cycles. The six units will address topics like air standard cycles, combustion phenomena in engines, engine performance testing, refrigeration basics and cycles, psychrometrics of air conditioning, and human thermal comfort. The primary textbooks listed are Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Arora.
Course Objectives: The course material will cover the fundamental thermodynamic operating principles of IC Engines These fundamentals will be used to link the phenomenological processes taking place in the engine for issues of: power generation, emissions and environmental impact, fuel economy and fuel composition effects on engine operation The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning course provides insights in how thermodynamic principles are applied within the air conditioning and refrigeration industry Unit I Fundamentals of I.C. Engines-Introduction : Basic Concepts-Air standard cycles and fuel-air cycles, Assumptions in Air standard and fuel air cycles, Otto Cycle : Work done, mean effective pressure and Efficiency, Diesel Cycle : Work done, mean effective pressure and Efficiency, Dual Cycle : Work done, mean effective pressure and Efficiency, Comparison of cycles, Fuel air cycle, Actual engine cycle Unit II Combustion Phenomenon in I.C. Engines : S.I. Engines- Theory of Carburetion, Combustion in spark Ignition engines, Stages of combustion in S.I. Engines, Flame propagation in S.I. Engines, Abnormal Combustion in S.I. Engines, Phenomenon of Detonation in SI engines, effect of engine variables on Detonation, Combustion chambers, Rating of fuels in SI engines, C.I. Engines- Fuel supply system, types of fuel pump, injector and distribution system, Combustion in compression ignition engines, stages of combustion, Factors affecting combustion in C.I. Engines, Phenomenon of knocking in CI engine, Effect of knocking, Types of combustion chambers rating of fuels in CI engines, Comparison of knocking and Detonation in SI & CI engines Unit III Performance characteristics and Testing of I.C. Engines : Introduction to Indian Standards for testing of I.C. Engine, Mean effective pressure, Indicated power, Brake power, Friction power and their interconnectivity, Methods to determine power and efficiencies, Variables affecting performance of engine, Characteristic curves, Heat Balance sheet, Methods of improving engine performance(super & turbocharged engines)-Introductory Unit IV Introduction to Refrigeration: Basic Concepts : Necessity and applications, Module of refrigeration and C.O.P., Mechanical Refrigeration, Types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration, Bell Coleman cycle and Brayton Cycle, Open and Dense air systems, Actual air refrigeration system problems, Refrigeration needs of Aircrafts Unit V Working and Analysis of Refrigeration Cycles : Vapour Compression Refrigeration- Working principle and essential components of the plant, Simple Vapour compression refrigeration cycle, COP, Representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts, Effect of sub cooling and super heating, Cycle analysis, Actual cycle Influence of various parameters on system performance, Vapor Absorption Refrigeration-- Calculation of max COP, Description and working of NH3, Water system and Li Br Unit VI Air Conditioning : Introduction- Psychometric Properties & Processes, Characterization of Sensible and latent heat loads, Need for Ventilation, Consideration of Infiltration, Load concepts of RSHF, GSHF- Problems, Concept of ESHF and ADP, Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature, Comfort chart, Comfort Air conditioning, Requirements of Industrial air conditioning Text Books: Credits:3 Page:1/2 Print Date : 3/5/2014 2:48:53 PM Text Books: 1. Internal combustion engines by Ganesan.V., Tata McGraw Hill, India, 4th Edition, (2013) 2. Refrigeration and air conditioning by C. P. Arora, Mc graw Hill, 3rd Edition, (2008) References: 1. Internal combustion engine fundamentals by Heywood, J. B, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, (2011) 2. Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine by Willard W. Pulkrabek, Prentice hall Delhi, 1st Edition, (2003) 3. A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by R.S.Khurmi, S Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi., 1st Edition, (2006) Page:2/2 Print Date : 3/5/2014 2:48:53 PM