Manual Geomag
Manual Geomag
Manual Geomag
Using GeoMag
GeoMag is a very simple program to use. Data items can be directly typed into any of the
white fields, except the Datum and Continents. These items must be selected from a fixed
number of predefined choices in drop down lists. For each of the data fields, the up/down
arrow on their sides will increment or decrement the value in the field. Whenever a data
item changes, the dependent fields will change according to the parameters of the
conversion. For example, changing a Longitude will change the X/Y UTM coordinates and
zone, based on the new Longitude and the old Latitude. The UTM Convergence, Magnetic
Declination and the Bearing Compass will always be updated for changes in position and
Below are the valid ranges for each data field.
Data Item Range
Date 1900.00 to 2004.99
Elevation 0.0 to 599.99 kilometers
Longitude 0.0 to 179 degrees, 59.99 minutes
Latitude 0.0 to 89 degrees, 59.99 minutes
UTM Easting 160 to 800 kilometers, 999.99 meters,
depends on Y/Latitude
UTM Northing 0.0 to 9999 kilometers, 999.99 meters
UTM Zone 1 to 60 for the northern hemisphere,
-1 to -60 for the southern hemisphere
UTM Coordinate System
The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid was devised as one way of solving the
cartographer's dilemma: how to represent the (nearly) spherical earth's surface on a fiat
sheet of paper. Latitude and longitude coordinates are sufficient when long distances are
to be covered. (Pilots and sailors use them almost exclusively.) However, for ground teams
who cover only a few miles, latitude-longitude is much too cumbersome to be practical. For
example, subdividing tic-marks for latitude-longitude are shown only in two places along
the edge of a 7-1/2 minute quad map. Furthermore, the subdivisions of the units (minutes
and seconds) are one-sixtieth of the larger unit. We are not accustomed to dividing lengths
by sixtieths, as were the Babylonians who invented this system 4000 years ago. Another
limitation is that a unit of longitude, a degree, represents less distance as one moves away
from the equator. This complicates matters when one needs to calculate the distance or
bearing from one point to another.
Spherical trigonometry or other complex mathematical methods must be used to make
these calculations. These are not impossible of course, just inconvenient.
The UTM system was developed with guidelines that it would: (1) be a square grid; (2)
have no negative numbers in the coordinates; (3) read left-to-right and bottom-to-top and
(4) be decimal - based.
To accomplish these goals, the UTM system divides the earth's sphere into 60 zones;
each is six degrees of longitude wide. The zones are numbered I through 60, west-to-east,
beginning at 180 degrees west longitude. Figure 1 shows the zone numbering system on
a continental outline map. Although not shown on this map, the zones cover only the area
between 80 degrees south and 84 degrees north latitudes. Different grids (not described
here) cover the polar areas.
Figure 1: The numbering system for UTM zones. The zones extend from 80 degrees
south to 84 degrees north latitudes.
The metric system is used as the units of the UTM coordinates. It may be convenient to
remember (as a possible trivia answer) that the distance from the equator to either pole is
10,000,000 meters or 10,000 kilometers. To be exact, a kilometer is equal to nearly 0.625
of a mile or 0.62137 miles.
A square grid is superimposed on each zone and aligned so its vertical lines are parallel to
the center of the zone. This centerline is called the central meridian, and is three degrees
of longitude from each zone boundary.
The UTM coordinates (measures of distance) are arranged so they always read from left-
to-right and from bottom-to-top. This is done as follows. In the Northern Hemisphere the
origin, or zero point, of the horizontal lines is at the equator, while in the Southern
Hemisphere the origin is at the South Pole.
Establishing coordinates for the vertical lines was done differently. The vertical line at the
center of each zone (central meridian) was arbitrarily assigned the value of 500 km to
avoid having negative coordinate values. Assigning the value of 500 km to the center of
each zone causes the zero point to fall in another zone - the one to its left (west). For this
reason, you will never see a zero value for an east-west coordinate. The smallest value is
160 km and it is at the equator. As one moves away from the equator, the UTM east
coordinate at the zone's western edge has larger and larger values. At 84 degrees north
latitude it is 465 km. Likewise, the eastern (right) zone boundaries will have coordinates of
834 km at the equator and 515 km at 84 degrees north latitude. The way the square grid is
placed on each zone is shown in Figure 2. Note that this drawing is not to scale; the
horizontal axis is highly exaggerated.
Figure 2: The square UTM grid that is superimposed on each zone. This drawing is not to
Figure 3 shows a portion of zones 10 and 11 in the western U.S. Nevada, quite
accidentally, lies totally in zone 11, while California falls in both zones 10 and 11. The
latitude-longitude and UTM coordinates are both shown in this figure to illustrate their
relationship. Note that the UTM lines at zone boundaries meet at slight angles, and the
width (number of kilometers) of the zones is greater near the bottom (south) than at the top
in this illustration. Observe also the square UTM grid is parallel to the central meridian.
Figure 3: UTM zones 10 and 11 in California and Nevada.
Taking a closer look at the UTM grid, refer to Figure 4, which is a familiar 7 .5 minute quad
with emphasized UTM grid lines 1000 meters (I kilometer) apart. All USCS topographic
maps published in the last 30 years or so have this grid. Since about 1982, the grid lines
have been printed on the map, while earlier maps show only the positions of the grid lines
on the map's edges as blue tic-marks. A close-up view of a comer of a 7.5 minute quad is
shown in Figure 5. On the lower right edge of the map is the notation 5095000mN. The
numerals 9 and 5 are printed in larger type size than the others, but ignore the difference
in type size. This number is the UTM coordinate of the black line just to its left. It is
5,095,000 meters (5095 kilometers) north of the equator and is called the UTM north
coordinate. The other numbers along the edge are also UTM north coordinates but are
expressed in kilometers. Again, ignoring type size, the next number up the map edge is
5096, one kilometer greater than the first one. Along the bottom of the map there is the
notation 606000mE, a UTM east coordinate. The vertical line above it is 606 kilometers
east (right) of the zone's zero point. Put another way it is 500 minus 606 or 106 kilometers
west (left) of the central meridian. The next grid line to the left of this one has no number
under it. The UTM coordinates are sometimes omitted if they interfere with the printing of
other information. The number corresponding to this line is 605, one kilometer less than
the one to its right.
Figure 4: UTM grid on a 7.5 minute USGS topographic map.
Dividing the space between them into tenths may specify locations between grid lines. For
example, in the upper right-hand comer of Figure 5 is the elevation notation 4180, printed
in black. The digit 4 in this number is about two-tenths of the distance between the 605
and 606 vertical lines. The UTM east coordinate would then be 605.2 kilometers. Likewise
the 4 is about one-tenth of the distance up from the 5096 line and its UTM north coordinate
is 5096.1 kilometers. Just by giving these two numbers, 605.2 east and 5096.1 north, plus
the zone number, you have uniquely specified this point on the earth's surface. And just
looking at the map with no calculations or measurements needed did it. For more accurate
subdivision between UTM grid lines, you can use a transparent overlay or the metric scale
at the bottom of the map.
Figure 5: A corner of a 7 .5 minute USCS topographic map showing UTM coordinates
As taught in the U.S. Army, it should be noted that some teams learn UTM coordinates as
a six-digit number. This number is created using the two large, bold-type UTM numbers
from the map and the tenths from dividing the space between the grid lines. The decimal
point is omitted. In addition, they learn to "read right up"; thus, presenting the number in
the correct format. Therefore, the coordinates mentioned above would be transmitted as
The UTM zone number will be found in the information printed on the lower left-hand
corner of the map.
If you are plotting bearings very accurately, as you would during radiolocation of an ELT,
one additional factor should be considered.
The only place where the UTM grid is aligned exactly true north is at the midpoint of a
zone (at the central meridian). The grid will be rotated slightly counterclockwise for
locations west (left) of the central meridian. This can be seen in Figure 4. Note how the
UTM grid is not quite parallel to the edges of the map. Similarly, it will have a small
clockwise rotation east of the central meridian. The amount of rotation increases as you
move away from the central meridian and is maximized at the zone boundaries. This
difference between true north and UTM grid north is called the convergence, so named
because the meridians converge as they approach the poles. In the continental U.S. the
convergence will never exceed 2.5 degrees. If you need to know the convergence, it is
shown on a diagram on the map in Figure 6. The vertical line with the star at its end
represents true north, while the line with the notation GN (abbreviation for grid north) at its
end shows the angle (not to scale) of the UTM grid. The convergence for this map is
shown as 0 degrees, 57 minutes, which is the same as 57 divided by 60 or about 1.0
degrees. On this map grid north is counterclockwise from true north by 1.0 degrees.
Figure 6 also shows the relation between true north and magnetic north. Note the legend
below the figure gives a year that is associated with the magnetic declination. That's
because declination is not a constant value - it changes with time. The change is slow; one
degree every 10 years is common in parts of the U.S. But if you're using a 30-year-old
map, the declination printed on it may be wrong by three degrees. On this map, the
difference between magnetic north (in 1984) and UTM grid north is 21.0 degrees minus 1.0
degrees, or 20.0 degrees. Knowing the exact values of convergence and declination is not
important unless you are doing precise navigation or making extremely accurate plots of
Figure 6: Diagram on USGS topographic maps that shows the angular relations among
grid north, true north and magnetic north.
One further advantage the UTM system offers is its coordinates can be convened to
latitude-longitude and vice versa. The mathematical equations for doing this are very
complicated, but are easily handled by computers, including small hand held ones. Being
able to make these conversions is quite useful when coordinating search operations
involving both ground teams and air resources. If a ground team requests a victim
evacuation by helicopter and gives its location in UTM coordinates, these can be
converted to latitude-longitude. The aircraft crew can then use its on-board navigation
equipment to locate the pickup site. Another use of the conversion process is in the
plotting of locations on a map. In searches for missing aircraft, the FAA is sometimes able
to furnish a record of the aircraft's flight path from its radar records (NTAP). These
locations are always given in latitude-longitude coordinates. Plotting these on a map can
be very time-consuming. But, if they are converted to UTM coordinates, then they can be
plotted very quickly.
These are the features of the UTM coordinate system that you need to use in the field. It
provides a rapid, simple and accurate way to report your location. All that remains to be
done is adding the UTM grid lines to your maps. Use a long straightedge to connect the
blue tic-marks with a pencil or fine-point pen. This would be a good project for a cold winter
night or at a team meeting when discussing map reading. Then, on your next mission, the
UTM grid will be waiting for you to use it.
For those interested in more details about the UTM system the following references are
Maps for America, by Morris M. Thompson, published by the United States Geological
Survey, 1979. This is an excellent reference book that describes all the features on USGS
maps. The appendix has a thorough description of the UTM coordinate system.
United States Army Technical Manuals TM 5-241-1, "Grids and Grid References", and TM
5-241-8, "Universal Transverse Mercator Grid". The first of these describes the way the
UTM system forms the basis for the Military Grid Reference System. The latter provides
the mathematical equations for converting UTM coordinates to latitude - longitude and vice
Geodetic Datums and Ellipsoids
Hundreds of geodetic datums are in use around the world. The Global Positioning system
is based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84). The Defense Mapping Agency
publishes parameters for simple XYZ conversion between many datums and WGS-84.
Coordinate values resulting from interpreting latitude, longitude, and height values based
on one datum as though they were based in another datum can cause position errors in
three dimensions of up to one kilometer.
Datum conversions are accomplished by various methods. Complete datum conversion is
based on seven parameter transformations that include three translation parameters, three
rotation parameters and a scale parameter. Simple three parameter conversion between
latitude, longitude, and height in different datums can be accomplished by conversion
through Earth-Centered, Earth Fixed XYZ Cartesian coordinates in one reference datum
and three origin offsets that approximate differences in rotation, translation and scale.
GeoMag uses the Standard Molodensky formulas to convert latitude, longitude, and
ellipsoid height in one datum to another datum.
Datums and their Parameters Available with GeoMag
Datum Ellipsoid DX DY DZ
Adindan Clarke 1880 -162.0 -12.0 206.0
Arc 1950 Clarke 1880 -143.0 -90.0 -294.0
Arc 1960 Clarke 1880 -160.0 -8.0 -300.0
Australian 1966 Australian National -133.0 -48.0 148.0
Australian 1984 Australian National -134.0 -48.0 149.0
Camp Area Astro International 1909 -104.0 -129.0 230.0
Cape Clarke 1880 -136.0 -108.0 -292.0
European 1950 International 1909 -87.0 -98.0 -121.0
European 1979 International 1967 -86.0 -98.0 -119.0
Geodetic 1949 International 1967 84.0 -22.0 209.0
Hong Kong 1963 International 1967 -156.0 -271.0 -189.0
Hu Tzu Shan International 1967 -634.0 -549.0 -201.0
Indian Everest 289.0 734.0 257.0
North American 1927 Clarke 1866 -8.0 160.0 176.0
North American 1983 GRS 80 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oman Clarke 1880 -346.0 -1.0 224.0
Ordnance Survey 1936 Airy 375.0 -111.0 431.0
Pulkovo 1942 Krassovsky 1942 27.0 -135.0 -89.0
South American 1956 International 1967 -288.0 175.0 -376.0
South American 1969 South American 1969 -57.0 1.0 -41.0
Tokyo Bessel 1841 -128.0 481.0 664.0
WGS 1972 WGS 72 0.0 0.0 -4.5
WGS 1984 WGS 84 0.0 0.0 0.0
Early ideas of the figure of the Earth resulted in descriptions of the Earth as an oyster (The
Babylonians before 3000 BC), a rectangular box, a circular disk, a cylindrical column, a
spherical ball, and a very round pear (Columbus in the last years of his life). Flat Earth
models are still used for plane surveying, over distances short enough so that Earth
curvature is insignificant (less than 10 km).
Spherical Earth models represent the shape of the Earth with a sphere of a specified
radius. Spherical Earth models are often used for short range navigation (VOR-DME) and
for global distance approximations. Spherical models fail to model the actual shape of the
Earth. The slight flattening of the Earth at the poles results in about a twenty-kilometer
difference at the poles between an average spherical radius and the measured polar
radius of the Earth.
Figure 1: Ellipsoidal Parameters
Ellipsoidal Earth models are required for accurate range and bearing calculations over long
distances. Loran-C, and GPS navigation receivers use ellipsoidal Earth models to compute
position and waypoint information. Ellipsoidal models define an ellipsoid with an equatorial
radius and a polar radius. The best of these models can represent the shape of the Earth
over the smoothed, averaged sea-surface to within about one hundred meters.
Ellipsoids and their Parameters Available with GeoMag
Ellipsoid Semi-Major Axis Semi-Minor Axis 1/f
Clarke 1866 6378206.4 6356583.8 294.979
Clarke 1880 6378249.145 6356514.86955 293.465
Australian National 6378160.0 6356774.719 298.240
International 1909 6378388.0 6356911.94613 297.000
International 1967 6378157.5 6356772.2 298.250
Everest 6377276.3452 6356075.4133 300.802
GRS 80 6378137.0 6356752.31414 298.257
Airy 6377563.396 6356256.91 299.325
Krassovsky 1942 6378245.0 6356863.0188 298.300
South American 1969 6378160.0 6356774.7192 298.250
Bessel 1841 6377397.155 6356078.96284 299.153
WGS 72 6378135.0 6356750.519915 298.260
WGS 84 6378137.0 6356752.31414 298.257
A Brief Introduction to Geomagnetism
The following is intended to give those users unfamiliar with Earth magnetism an
introduction to the various parameters calculated by the GeoMag program and an
understanding of the changing nature of the Earths magnetic field. If you are interested in
pursuing the subject further, some references are listed at the end of this section.
Figure 1: Earths Magnetic Field
The Earth's magnetic field resembles, in general; the field generated by a dipole magnet
(i.e., a straight magnet with a north and South Pole) located at the center of the Earth. The
axis of the dipole is offset from the axis of the Earth's rotation by approximately 11
degrees. This means that the north and south geographic poles and the north and south
magnetic poles are not located in the same place. At any point, the magnetic field is
characterized by a direction and intensity, which can be measured. The geomagnetic poles
are located in the area where the lines of force are perpendicular to the Earth's surface
and are sometimes referred to as the dip poles (dip = 90 degrees). The physical location of
the magnetic pole is actually an area rather than a single point. Because of the changing
nature of Earths magnetic field, the location of the magnetic poles also changes. The
current locations of the magnetic poles are approximately:
North Pole: 78.5 N and 103.4 W degrees, near Ellef Ringnes Island, Canada
South Pole: 65 S and 139 W degrees, in Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica
Figure 2: Magnetic Field Vector
The Earth's magnetic field is described by seven parameters. These are declination (D),
inclination (I), horizontal intensity (H), vertical intensity (Z), total intensity (F) and the north
(X) and east (Y) components of the horizontal intensity. The parameter most frequently
requested and most often misunderstood is magnetic declination or variation (D). This is
the angle made between the trace of the total magnetic field in the horizontal plane (H) and
true north. D is considered positive when the angle measured is east of true north and
negative when west. The inclination or dip, I, is the angle between the horizontal plane and
the total magnetic field. Inclination, also called magnetic dip, is considered positive when
downward pointing. These elements, D, I and H give a full vector representation of the
magnetic field, F. Vertical intensity is the trace of the total intensity in the vertical plane and
is considered positive when I is positive, that is downward pointing. The east component,
Y, is considered positive when pointing east and the north component, X, is positive when
pointing towards geographic north.
At any specific point, the values of the magnetic elements are changing. The changes are
not uniform over area or time. Some types of change are distinguishable. Three important,
classifiable changes are the diurnal, secular and storm variations. The small regular
fluctuations in the magnetic field that occur more or less regularly every 24 hours are
called diurnal variations. Secular changes extend over years with generally smooth
increases or decreases in the field. Magnetic storms are sudden and potentially large
disturbances in the magnetic field, which may last hours or days. Of these changes, the
least understood is the long-term change that occurs over years in the main magnetic field.
Mathematical models can approximate the magnetic field over short periods of time, but
because the secular change is not predictable, the potential for error increases the further
in time from the base epoch the calculations are. For this reason, it is important to use the
most current accepted models of the magnetic field. These models are produced about
every 5 years and are available from NGDC and the World Data Centers.
Earth Magnetic Field Maps
Figure 1: Migration of the Earth's North Pole over Time
Figure 1 shows how the Earth's magnetic north pole, located in far northern Canada, has
moved over the past 50 years. The rate of change has been approximately one degree of
latitude every five years. This is why older maps do not have the correct, current magnetic
declination printed in their legends.
Figure 2: Transverse Mercator Projection with Magnetic Color Contours
In Figure 2, the warmer colors, e.g. red and orange, represent increasing values of positive
magnetic declination. The cooler colors, e.g. green and blue, represent decreasing values
of negative magnetic declination. Yellow represent near zero declination.
About GeoMag
GeoMag is a free ware program and is copyrighted. Distribute freely and enjoy
Garry Petrie is the author of GeoMag.
He can be reached at:
19880 NW Nestucca Drive
Portland, Oregon 97229
503-264-3027 day
503-690-5465 evenings