Sap Ewm - Erp Initial Setup
Sap Ewm - Erp Initial Setup
Sap Ewm - Erp Initial Setup
After completing RFC Definition we need to do below activities.
ORG structure of MM- WM. In ERP
1. Create plant.
2. maintain storage location
3. create warehouse
4. Create Pur organisation.
5. Create Shipping Point.
1. Plant to purchase org.
2. Plant to company code.
3. Plant to shipping point.
4. Plant + storage loc + warehouse.
5. Assigning Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Delivery
>>Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination
Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries.
Assign WM arehouse to EWM warehouse.
Copy movement type 101 and 601.
Queue Setting in ERP.
Generate Integration Models
Maintaining qRFC Monitor
Setting User Parameters for Data Transfer
Number Ranges for Deliveries
Object field, enter RV_BELEG and check whether it already exists
ERP system, choose Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Outbound Process (SPM) Unchecked Deliveries
Maintain Deviating Number Range for Unchecked Deliveries.
Check period.
Check material type OMS2 and plant setting.
Create material.
Create vendor and assign plant
Create Customer.
Check CFM1 and CFM2 for material master.
Maintaining Extended Warehouse Management-Specific Parameters
Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Integrate SPM with Other Components Maintain Extended WM-
Specific Parameters.
Defining the Queue for Extended Warehouse Management
Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Integrate SPM with Other Components Define Queue for Transfer
to Extended WM.
Logging Sent and Received Messages
Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Integrate SPM with Other Components Log Sent an Received
Generating the Distribution Model for ERP to EWM
Logistics Execution Service Parts Management (SPM) Integrate SPM with Other Components Generate Distribution
model ERP => EWM. Alternativerly, call transaction /SPE/OL19.
Defining Delivery Split by Warehouse Number
Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Define Split Criteria for Deliveries Delivery Split by Warehouse Number.
After completing RFC Definition we need to do below activities.
From EWM side:
1. Define EWM ware house
2. Define Warehouse Number Control
3. Define Supply chain unit.
4. Mapping Warehouse Numbers
Extended Warehouse Management Interfaces ERP Integration General Settings Map Warehouse Numbers from ERP
system to EWM System.
5. Defining Availability Groups
Extended Warehouse Management Goods Receipt Process Configure Availability Group for Putaway.
6. Defining the Transportation Group
Extended Warehouse Management SCM Basis Master Data Product Maintain Transportation Group.
7. Defining Warehouse Number Ranges
Extended Warehouse Management MasterData Define Number Ranges.
Define Number Ranges for Warehouse Tasks/Warehouse Documents>> /SCWM/TO
Define Number Range Intervals for Wave>> /SCWM/WAVE
Define Number Range Intervals for Warehouse Order>> /SCWM/WHO
Define Number Range Intervals for Consolidation Group>> /SCWM/DSGR
Number Ranges for VAS Order>> /SCWM/VASO
Define Number Ranges for Indirect Labor Tasks>> /SCWM/ILT
Number Ranges for Physical Inventory Documents>> /SCWM/PIDO
8. Defining Warehouse Number Ranges for Hus
Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings Handling Units External Identification Define Number
ranges for HU Identification. Alternatively, call transaction SNRO. Object field, enter /SCWM/HUID.
9. Creating a Supply Chain Unit for a Warehouse
Extended Warehouse Management Master Data Maintain Supply Chain Unit. Alternatively, call transaction
10. Creating a Supply Chain Unit Hierarchy
>>call transaction /SCMB/SCUHIERMAIN.
You should use the SCU of the plant transferred using the core interface (CIF).
At this point of the configuration process, it is important that you check that the data for the plant, the
business partner, and the shipping points has been transferred to SAP EWM.
11. Mapping Storage Locations from the ERP System to EWM
Extended Warehouse Management Interfaces ERP Integration Goods Movement Map Storage Locations form ERP
System to EWM.
12. Registering Display Programs for Application Log
SAP Easy Access screen, call transaction SMQE.
13. Create storage types
14. Create storage section
15. Define Storage Type Groups
16. Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Groups
17. Storage Bins > Define Storage Bin Structure
18. Staging Areas> Define Staging Area and Door Determination Groups
19. Warehouse Door>> Define Warehouse Door>> Assign Staging Area/Door Determination Group to
Door>> Assign Staging Area to Warehouse Door
20. Create Bin in GR area.
21. check and create process type process type
Defining Number Range Intervals
a. Technical keys: Choose Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings Delivery Processing Define Number
Range Intervals for Technical Keys and define the intervals.
b. Outbound deliveries: Choose Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings Delivery Processing Define
Number Range Intervals for Outbound Deliveries and define the intervals.
c. Inbound deliveries and outbound delivery orders: Choose Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings
Delivery Processing Define No. Range Intervals for Inbound Deliveries and Outbound Del. Orders
and define the intervals.
Defining the Delivery Priority
Extended Warehouse Management Cross- Process Settings Delivery Processing Define Delivery Priority.
Defining Shipping Conditions
Extended Warehouse Management Cross-Process Settings Delivery Processing Define Shipping Conditions.
Defining Incoterms
Extended Warehouse Management CrossProcess Settings Delivery Processing Define Incoterms.