Tatad VS
Tatad VS
Tatad VS
72335-39; 21 MAR 1988]
Thursday, February 12, 2009 Posted by Coffeeholic Writes
Labels: Case Digests, Political Law
Facts: The complainant, Antonio de los Reyes, originally filed what he
termed "a report" with the Legal Panel of the Presidential Security
Command (PSC) on cto!er "#$%, containing charges of alleged
&iolations of Rep' Act (o' )*"# against then Secretary of Pu!lic
+nformation ,rancisco S' Tatad' The "report" was made to "sleep" in the
office of the PSC until the end of "#$# when it !ecame widely -nown that
Secretary (then .inister) Tatad had a falling out with President .arcos
and had resigned from the Ca!inet' n /ecem!er "0, "#$#, the "#$%
complaint was resurrected in the form of a formal complaint filed with the
Tanod!ayan' The Tanod!ayan acted on the complaint on April ", "#1*
which was around two months after petitioner Tatad2s resignation was
accepted !y Pres' .arcos !y referring the complaint to the C+S,
Presidential Security Command, for in&estigation and report' n 3une "4,
"#1*, the C+S report was su!mitted to the Tanod!ayan, recommending
the filing of charges for graft and corrupt practices against former
.inister Tatad and Antonio L' Cantero' 5y cto!er 06, "#10, all affida&its
and counter7affida&its were in the case was already for disposition !y the
Tanod!ayan' 8owe&er, it was only on 3une 6, "#16 that a resolution was
appro&ed !y the Tanod!ayan' ,i&e criminal informations were filed with
the Sandigan!ayan on 3une "0, "#16, all against petitioner Tatad alone'
(") Section ), paragraph (e) of RA' )*"# for gi&ing /2 9roup, a pri&ate
corporation controlled !y his !rother7in7law, unwarranted !enefits,
ad&antage or preference in the discharge of his official functions: (0)
;iolation of Section ), paragraph (!) for recei&ing a chec- of P"06,***'**
from Ro!erto ;allar, President<9eneral .anager of Amity Trading
Corporation as consideration for the release of a chec- of P611,***'** to
said corporation for printing ser&ices rendered for the Constitutional
Con&ention Referendum in "#$): ()) ;iolation of Section $ on three ())
counts for his failure to file his Statement of Assets and Lia!ilities for the
calendar years "#$), "#$4 and "#$1' A motion to =uash the information
was made alleging that the prosecution depri&ed accused of due process
of law and of the right to a speedy disposition of the cases filed against
him' +t was denied hence the appeal'
Issue: >hether or not petitioner was depri&ed of his rights as an
Held: ?@S' /ue process (Procedural) and right to speedy disposition of
trial were &iolated' ,irstly, the complaint came to life, as it were, only
after petitioner Tatad had a falling out with President .arcos' Secondly,
departing from esta!lished procedures prescri!ed !y law for preliminary
in&estigation, which re=uire the su!mission of affida&its and counter7
affida&its !y the complainant and the respondent and their witnesses, the
Tanod!ayan referred the complaint to the Presidential Security Command
for finding in&estigation and report' The law (P'/' (o' #"") prescri!es a
ten7day period for the prosecutor to resol&e a case under preliminary
in&estigation !y him from its termination' >hile we agree with the
respondent court that this period fiAed !y law is merely "directory," yet,
on the other hand, it can not !e disregarded or ignored completely, with
a!solute impunity' A delay of close to three ()) years can not !e deemed
reasona!le or Bustifia!le in the light of the circumstance o!taining in the
case at !ar'
PNO, C.J.,
SAN*IGAN"A$AN +First *i&ision, NAC(RA,
Res/on.ents. "RION, -n.
March 13, 2009
3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3
T4is is - Petition 5or Certior-ri
'n.er R'1e 89 o5 t4e 1::;
R'1es o5 Ci&i1 Pro<e.'re -ss-i1in2 t4e Reso1'tion
.-te. 2 M-r<4
200; o5 t4e First *i&ision o5 t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n in Cri0in-1 C-se
No. 2898? entit1e., @People of the Philippines v. Robert P. Balao,
et al., A4i<4 .enie. /etitioner Fe1i<isi0o F. L-B-rte, Jr.Cs Motion to
!'-s4. T4e Reso1'tion
.-te. 18 O<to=er 200; o5 s-i. <o'rt
.en>in2 /etitionerCs 0otion 5or re<onsi.er-tion is 1iDeAise
<4-11en2e. in t4is /etition.
T4e -nte<e.ents 5o11oA.
In J'ne 1::0, t4e N-tion-1 (o'sin2 A't4orit> +N(A,
-A-r.e. t4e ori2in-1 <ontr-<t 5or t4e in5r-str'<t're AorDs on t4e
P-4-no<o> Sites -n. Ser&i<es ProEe<t, P4-se 1 in "-<o1o. Cit> to
A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion. T4e /roEe<t, Ait4 - <ontr-<t <ost
o5P;,888,90;.99, A-s 5'n.e. => t4e For1. "-nD 'n.er t4e ProEe<t
Lo-n A2ree0ent 5or2e. on 10 J'ne 1:8? =etAeen t4e P4i1i//ine
Go&ern0ent -n. t4e I"R*%For1. "-nD.
A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion <o00en<e. t4e in5r-str'<t're AorDs
on 1 A'2'st 1::0.
In A/ri1 1::1, t4e <o0/1-in-nt C-n.i.o M.
F-E't-2, Jr.+F-E't-2, Jr., A-s .esi2n-te. ProEe<t En2ineer o5 t4e
A Variation/Extra Work Orer !o. " A-s -//ro&e. 5or t4e
e3<-&-tion o5 'ns'it-=1e 0-teri-1s -n. ro-. H11in2 AorDs. As -
<onseI'en<e, Ar<eo Cr'B o5 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion s'=0itte. t4e
5o'rt4 =i11in2 -n. Re/ort o5 P4>si<-1 A<<o0/1is40ents on 8 M->
1::1. F-E't-2, Jr., 4oAe&er, .is<o&ere. <ert-in .eH<ien<ies. As -
res'1t, 4e iss'e. Work #nstr$%tion !o. " reI'irin2 so0e s'//ortin2
.o<'0ents, s'<4 -s: +1, <o/> o5 -//ro&e. <on<rete /o'rin2J +2,
s'r&e> res'1ts o5 ori2in-1 2ro'n. -n. Hnis4e. 1e-DsJ +?, &o1'0e
<-1<'1-tion o5 e-rt4 H11 -<t'-11> ren.ere. on siteJ +G, test res'1ts
-s to t4e I'-1it> o5 0-teri-1s -n. <o0/-<tionJ -n. +9, <o/> o5
AorD instr'<tions -ttestin2 to t4e .e0o1is4e. <on<rete str'<t'res.
T4e <ontr-<tor 5-i1e. to <o0/1> Ait4 t4e AorD instr'<tion.
/on F-E't-2, Jr.Cs 5'rt4er &eriH<-tion, it A-s est-=1is4e. t4-t
t4ere A-s no -<t'-1 e3<-&-tion -n. ro-. H11in2 AorDs 'n.ert-Den
=> A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion. F-E't-2, Jr.Cs Hn.in2s -re s'00-riBe.
-s 5o11oAs:
1. No to/o2r-/4i< 0-/ A-s -//en.e., e&en i5 t4e s-0e is
ne<ess-r> in 1-n. .e&e1o/0ent AorDsJ - .is<-r.e. .r-Ain2 s4eet:
@S/ot E1e&-tions -n. E3istin2 Gr-.e1inesK o5 t4e /roEe<t site A-s 5o'n.,
='t t4is <ontr-ste. si2niH<-nt1> Ait4 t4e -11e2e. Eoint%s'r&e> res'1ts in
s'//ort o5 t4e )-ri-tionLE3tr- ForD Or.er No. 1J
2. No 1-=or-tor> tests Aere <on.'<te. to -s<ert-in 'ns'it-=i1it>
o5 0-teri-1s, e&en i5 t4e s-0e s4o'1. 4-&e =een reI'ire. -s essenti-1
=-sis t4ereo5J
?. T4ere Aere no re<or.s o5 t4e e3<-&-tion -n. .is/os-1 o5
'ns'it-=1e 0-teri-1s -n. o5 ro-. H11in2 AorDs 4-&in2 =een 0-.e => t4e
/re&io's en2ineers, Ro.o15o .e 1os S-ntos -n. Noe1 Lo=ri.o -t t4e ti0e
s-i. -<ti&ities Aere -11e2e.1> e3e<'te.J
G. T4e e3<-&-tion o5 'ns'it-=1e 0-teri-1s -n. ro-. H11in2 AorDs
Aere o&eresti0-te. to t4e /reE'.i<e o5 t4e 2o&ern0ent:
-. in - 10.00 0eter ri24t%o5%A-> +ROF, ro-., t4e entire Ai.t4 o5 10.00
0eters A-s 'se. in <-1<'1-tin2 t4e &o1'0e o5 <'t o5 'ns'it-=1e
0-teri-1s A4en t4e 'n.ist'r=e. n-t'r-1 2ro'n.s on =ot4 si.es o5 t4e
ro-. A-s on1> 8.00 0etersJ
=. t4e 0-t4e0-ti<-1 <-1<'1-tion in .eter0inin2 t4e &o1'0e o5 <'t o5
'ns'it-=1e 0-teri-1s -re <ontr-r> to t4e <ontr-<tCs te<4ni<-1
s/e<iH<-tions A4i<4 /ro&i.es 5or <'t 0e-s're0ents, i.e.6,7 => en.%-re-
<. in - 10.00 ROF ro-., -n eMe<ti&e Ai.t4 o5 8.;0 0eters A-s 'se. in
<-1<'1-tin2 t4e &o1'0e o5 ro-. H11 A4en t4e 'n.ist'r=e. n-t'r-1
2ro'n.s on =ot4 si.es o5 t4e ro-. A-s on1> 8.00 0eters -/-rtJ
.. t4e 0-t4e0-ti<-1 <-1<'1-tions in .eter0inin2 t4e &o1'0e o5 ro-.H11
-re <ontr-r> to t4e <ontr-<tCs te<4ni<-1 s/e<iH<-tions, s/e<iH<-11>
Se<tion ?.11 t4ereo5, i.e., => en.%-re- 0et4o..
9. No 1-=or-tor> test A-s 0-.e to -s<ert-in t4e I'-1it> o5
i0/orte. ro-. H11 0-teri-1s.
In - Me0or-n.'0 .-te. 2; J'ne 1::1, t4e ProEe<t ON<e
re<o00en.e. t4e ter0in-tion o5 t4e in5r-str'<t're <ontr-<t Ait4
A.C. Constr'<tion.
In its Re/ort .-te. 12 A'2'st 1::1, t4e In&entor> -n.
A<<e/t-n<e Co00ittee .eter0ine. t4e tot-1 -<<o0/1is40ent o5
t4e <ontr-<tor -t G0.8:O, re/resentin2 P?,G??,;1?.10 o't o5 t4e
tot-1 re&ise. <ontr-<t -0o'nt o5 P8,?:;,229.0: in<1'si&e
o5 Variation Orer !o. " in t4e -0o'nt
o5 P;10,;1;.9G. T4ere-5ter, s-i. Co00ittee re<o00en.e. t4-t
t4e te0/or-r> /roEe<t s's/ension i0/ose. => t4e <ontr-<tor,
A4i<4 in<'rre. .e1->s in t4e /roEe<t <o0/1etion, =e re5erre. to t4e
Le2-1 *e/-rt0ent 5or -//ro/ri-te -<tion.
On 1: A'2'st 1::1, t4e M-n-2er o5 t4e Le2-1 *e/-rt0ent
iss'e. - Me0or-n.'0 -..resse. to t4e Gener-1 M-n-2er o5 N(A
en.orsin2 -//ro&-1 o5 t4e Re2ion-1 ProEe<ts *e/-rt0entCs +RP*Cs,
re<o00en.-tion. T4e N(A Gener-1 M-n-2er t4ro'24 - 1etter
.-te. 2: A'2'st 1::1 in5or0e. t4e <ontr-<tor o5 t4e res<ission o5
4is <ontr-<t 5or t4e .e&e1o/0ent o5 t4e s-i. /roEe<t '/on 4is
re<ei/t t4ereo5 Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to N(ACs en5or<in2 its ri24t
'n.er t4e <ontr-<t in &ieA o5 t4e <ontr-<torCs 'ni1-ter-1 -n.
'n-'t4oriBe. s's/ension o5 t4e <ontr-<t AorDs -0o'ntin2 to
-=-n.on0ent o5 t4e /roEe<t. *es/ite t4e res<ission noti<e iss'e.
=> t4e N(A /er 1etter .-te. 2: A'2'st 1::1, t4e <ontr-<tor
<ontin'e. AorDin2 inter0ittent1> Ait4 &er> 0ini0-1 AorD5or<e
'nti1 s'<4 ti0e -s t4e -A-r. o5 re0-inin2 in5r-str'<t're AorDs is
eMe<te. => N(A to -not4er <ontr-<tor.
In M-r<4 1::2, t4e N(A "o-r. o5 *ire<tors, /er Reso1'tion
No. 2G9?, -//ro&e. t4e 0't'-1 ter0in-tion o5 t4e A.C. Cr'B
Constr'<tion <ontr-<t -n. -A-r.e. t4e re0-inin2 AorD to Tri-.
Constr'<tion -n. *e&e1o/0ent Cor/or-tion +Tri-.,. T4e <ontr-<t
-0o'nt 5or t4e re0-inin2 AorD A-s P:,99G,8?;.?2.
re/resent-ti&es 5ro0 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion, Tri-. -n. N(A%
"-<o1o. <on.'<te. - Eoint 0e-s're0ent -t t4e site to .eter0ine
t4e tot-1 -<<o0/1is40ent o5 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion in<1'si&e o5
-<<o0/1is40ents -5ter N(A in&entor>.
T4e ProEe<t ON<e A-s s'=seI'ent1> in5or0e. => t4e
Centr-1 ON<e t4-t t4e -<<o0/1is40ents 0-.e => A.C. Cr'B
Constr'<tion -5ter t4e N(A in&entor> Ao'1. =e /-i. .ire<t1> to
s-i. <ontr-<tor => Tri-.. As o5 2; M-r<4 1::2, Tri-. 4-. iss'e.
<4e<Ds in 5-&or o5 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion -0o'ntin2 to One Mi11ion
Pesos +P1,000,000.00, A4i<4 Aere re<ei&e. => Ar<eo M. Cr'B /er
ON<i-1 Re<ei/t No. ?00?.
In its Me0or-n.'0 .-te. 22 J'ne 1::2, t4e Re2ion-1
ProEe<ts *e/-rt0ent re<o00en.e. to t4e Gener-1 M-n-2er t4-t
t4e 5'n. sett1e0ent to A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion =e eMe<te..
T4ere-5ter, Tri-. .is<o&ere. t4-t <ert-in AorD ite0s t4-t
4-. =een in 'n.er t4e in&entor> re/ort -s -<<o0/1is4e. -n.
-<<e/t-=1e Aere in 5-<t non%e3istent. F-E't-2, Jr. =ro'24t t4ese
irre2'1-rities to t4e -ttention o5 t4e Co00ission on A'.it +COA,.
A5ter its s/e<i-1 -'.it in&esti2-tion, t4e COA 'n<o&ere.
so0e -no0-1ies, -0on2 A4i<4, -re 24ost -<ti&ities, s/e<iH<-11>
t4e e3<-&-tion o5 'ns'it-=1e 0-teri-1s -n. ro-. H11in2 AorDs -n.
s'=st-n.-r., .e5e<ti&e AorD0-ns4i/. L-=or-tor> tests <onHr0e.
t4e irre2'1-rities.
F'rt4er, -<<or.in2 to t4e COA, A4i1e it is tr'e t4-t t4e
5o'rt4 =i11in2 o5 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion 4-. not =een /-i. its
-<<o0/1is40ents -5ter t4e A'2'st 1::1 in&entor> 5o'n.
-<<e/t-=1e => N(A -0o'ntin2 to P8:8,1;;.08 Aere /-i. .ire<t1>
=> Tri-.. EMe<ti&e1>, A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion 4-. =een o&er/-i. =>
-s 0'<4 -s P2?2,828.?9, A4i<4 -0o'nt is 0ore t4-n t4e net
/->0ent .'e /er t4e <o0/'t-tion o5 t4e 'n/-i. 5o'rt4 =i11in2.
ConseI'ent1>, /etitioner, -s 0-n-2er o5 t4e Re2ion-1
ProEe<ts *e/-rt0ent -n. C4-ir0-n o5 t4e In&entor> -n.
A<<e/t-n<e Co00ittee, -n. ot4er N(A oN<i-1s Aere <4-r2e. in
-n In5or0-tion
.-te. 9 M-r<4 2001, Aor.e. -s 5o11oAs:
T4e 'n.ersi2ne. O0='.s0-n Prose<'tor II o5 t4e ON<e o5 t4e
O0='.s0-n%)is->-s, -<<'ses RO"ERT P. "ALAO, FELICISIMO F.
T4-t in or -=o't t4e 0ont4 o5 M-r<4, 1::2
-t "-<o1o. Cit>, Pro&in<e o5 Ne2ros O<<i.ent-1, P4i1i//ines
-n. Ait4in t4e E'ris.i<tion o5 t4is (onor-=1e Co'rt, -=o&e%
n-0e. -<<'se., RO"ERT P. "ALAO, JOSEP(INE C.
NOEL (. LO"RI*O, P'=1i< ON<ers, =ein2 t4e
Gener-1 M-n-2er, Te-0 (e-., )is->-s M2t. ON<e,
*i&ision M-n-2er +)is->-s,, M-n-2er, RP*, ProEe<t M2t.
ON<er A -n. S'/er&isin2 En2ineer, *i1i0-n, !'eBon Cit>,
in s'<4 <-/-<it> -n. <o00ittin2 t4e oMense in re1-tion to
oN<e -n. A4i1e in t4e /er5or0-n<e o5 t4eir oN<i-1
5'n<tions, <onni&in2, <on5e.er-tin2 -n. 0't'-11> 4e1/in2
Ait4 e-<4 ot4er -n. Ait4 -<<'se. ARCEO C. CRZ, -
/ri&-te in.i&i.'-1 -n. Gener-1 M-n-2er o5 A.C. Cr'B
Constr'<tion Ait4 -..ress -t ;G88 "-2tiD-n Street, M-D-ti
Cit> Ait4 .e1i=er-te intent, Ait4 0-ni5est /-rti-1it> -n.
e&i.ent =-. 5-it4, .i. t4en -n. t4ere Ai115'11>, 'n1-A5'11>
-n. 5e1onio's1> <-'se to =e /-i. to A.C. Constr'<tion
/'=1i< 5'n.s in t4e -0o'nt o5 TFO (N*RE* T(IRT$ TFO
CRRENC$, s'//ose.1> 5or t4e e3<-&-tion -n. ro-.H11in2
AorDs on t4e P-4-no<o> Sites -n. Ser&i<es ProEe<t in
"-<o1o. Cit> .es/ite t4e 5-<t no s'<4 AorDs Aere
'n.ert-Den => A.C. Constr'<tion -s re&e-1e. => t4e
S/e<i-1 A'.it <on.'<te. => t4e Co00ission on A'.it, t4's
-<<'se. /'=1i< oN<i-1s in t4e /er5or0-n<e o5 t4eir oN<i-1
5'n<tions 4-. 2i&en 'nA-rr-nte. =eneHts, -.&-nt-2e -n.
/re5eren<e to -<<'se. Ar<eo C. Cr'B -n. A.C. Constr'<tion
-n. t4e0se1&es to t4e .-0-2e -n. /reE'.i<e o5 t4e
On 2 O<to=er 2008, /etitioner H1e. - 0otion to I'-s4 t4e
In5or0-tion r-isin2 t4e 5o11oAin2 2ro'n.s: +1, t4e 5-<ts <4-r2e. in
t4e in5or0-tion .o not <onstit'te -n oMenseJ +2, t4e in5or0-tion
.oes not <on5or0 s'=st-nti-11> to t4e /res<ri=e. 5or0J +?, t4e
<onstit'tion-1 ri24ts o5 t4e -<<'se. to =e in5or0e. o5 t4e n-t're
-n. <-'se o5 t4e -<<'s-tions -2-inst t4e0 4-&e =een &io1-te. =>
t4e in-.eI'-<> o5 t4e in5or0-tionJ -n. +G, t4e /rose<'tion 5-i1e.
to .eter0ine t4e in.i&i.'-1 /-rti<i/-tion o5 -11 t4e -<<'se. in t4e
in5or0-tion in .iso=e.ien<e Ait4 t4e Reso1'tion .-te. 2; M-r<4
On 2 M-r<4 200;, t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n iss'e. t4e Hrst
-ss-i1e. reso1'tion .en>in2 /etitionerCs 0otion to I'-s4. Fe
I'ote t4e s-i. reso1'tion in /-rt:
A0on2 t4e -<<'se.%0o&-nts, t4e /'=1i< oN<er A4ose
/-rti<i/-tion in t4e -11e2e. oMense is s/e<iH<-11> 0entione. in t4e M->
?0, 2008 Me0or-n.'0 is -<<'se. Fe1i<isi0o L-B-rte, Jr., t4e C4-ir0-n
o5 t4e In&entor> -n. A<<e/t-n<e Co00ittee +IAC,, A4i<4 'n.ertooD t4e
in&entor> -n. Hn-1 I'-ntiH<-tion o5 t4e -<<o0/1is40ent o5 A.C. Cr'B
Constr'<tion. T4e -11e2-tions o5 L-B-rte t4-t t4e IAC, .'e to <ert-in
<onstr-ints, -11e2e.1> 4-. to re1> on t4e re/orts o5 t4e He1. en2ineers
-n.Lor t4e ProEe<t ON<e -s to A4i<4 0-teri-1s Aere -<t'-11> inst-11e.J
-n. t4-t 4e s'//ose.1> -N3e. 4is si2n-t're to t4e IAC P4>si<-1
In&entor> Re/ort -n. Me0or-n.- .-te. A'2'st 12, 1::1 .es/ite 4is
not =ein2 -=1e to -tten. t4e -<t'-1 ins/e<tion =e<-'se 4e -11e2e.1>
s-A t4-t -11 t4e 0e0=ers o5 t4e Co00ittee 4-. -1re-.> si2ne. -re
0-tters o5 .e5ense A4i<4 4e <-n -..ress in t4e <o'rse o5 t4e tri-1.
(en<e, t4e I'-s4-1 o5 t4e in5or0-tion Ait4 res/e<t to -<<'se. L-B-rte
is .enie. 5or 1-<D o5 0erit.
WHEREFORE, in &ieA o5 t4e 5ore2oin2, t4e Co'rt 4ere=>
reso1&es -s 5o11oAs:
+1, A<<'se. Ro=ert "-1-o, Jose/4ine An2si<o -n. )ir2i1io
*-<-1osC Motion to A.0it Motion to !'-s4 .-te. O<to=er G, 2008
isGRANTED; t4e Motion to !'-s4 .-te. O<to=er G, 2008
-tt-<4e. t4ereto, is GRANTED. A<<or.in21>, t4e <-se is
4ere=>DISMISSED inso5-r -s t4e s-i. -<<'se.%0o&-nts -re
+2, T4e Motion to !'-s4 .-te. O<to=er 2, 2008 o5 -<<'se.
En2r. Fe1i<isi0o F. L-B-rte, Jr. is 4ere=> DENIED 5or 1-<D o5 0erit.
Let t4e -rr-i2n0ent o5 t4e -<<'se. /ro<ee. -s s<4e.'1e.
on M-r<4 1?, 200;.
S'=seI'ent1>, t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n iss'e. t4e se<on.
-ss-i1e. reso1'tion .en>in2 /etitionerCs 0otion 5or
re<onsi.er-tion. Pertinent1>, it 4e1.:
T4e Motion 5or Re<onsi.er-tion o5 -<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr. 0ere1>
reiter-te. t4e 2ro'n.s -n. -r2'0ents A4i<4 4-. =een .'1> <onsi.ere.
-n. /-sse. '/on in t4e -ss-i1e. Reso1'tion. Nonet4e1ess, -5ter - <-re5'1
re&ieA o5 t4e s-0e, t4e Co'rt sti11 Hn.s no <o2ent re-son to .ist'r= t4e
Hn.in2 o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se o5 t4e ON<e o5 t4e O0='.s0-n to in.i<t
-<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr., Es/inos-, Lo=ri.o -n. Cr'B o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e..
In its Me0or-n.'0 .-te. J'1> 2;, 200G -n. M-> ?0, 2008, t4e
/rose<'tion A-s -=1e to s4oA Ait4 s'N<ient /-rti<'1-rit> t4e res/e<ti&e
/-rti<i/-tion o5 t4e -5ore0entione. -<<'se. in t4e <o00ission o5 t4e
oMense <4-r2e.. T4e rest o5 t4e 5-<t'-1 iss'es => -<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr.
Ao'1. reI'ire t4e /resent-tion o5 e&i.en<e in t4e <o'rse o5 t4e tri-1 o5
t4is <-se.
T4e Co'rt -1so 0-int-ins t4e &-1i.it> -n. s'N<ien<> o5 t4e
in5or0-tion -2-inst -<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr., Es/inos-, Lo=ri.o -n. Cr'B. T4e
in5or0-tion 4-s /-rti<'1-r1> -11e2e. t4e '1ti0-te 5-<ts <onstit'tin2 t4e
essenti-1 e1e0ents o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e. A4i<4 -re -s 5o11oAs:
1. t4-t -<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr., Es/inos-, -n. Lo=ri.o -re /'=1i<
oN<ers =ein2 t4e *e/-rt0ent M-n-2er, ProEe<t M-n-2e0ent ON<er A,
-n. S'/er&isin2 En2ineer o5 t4e N(A .'rin2 t4e ti0e 0-teri-1 in t4e
<ri0in-1 in5or0-tionJ -n.
2. t4-t t4e s-i. -<<'se., in t4eir res/e<ti&e oN<i-1 <-/-<ities
-n. in <ons/ir-<> Ait4 -<<'se. Cr'B, - /ri&-te in.i&i.'-1 -n. t4e
Gener-1 0-n-2er o5 A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion, 4-&e -<te. Ait4 0-ni5est
/-rti-1it> or e&i.ent =-. 5-it4 -n. 4-&e 2i&en 'nA-rr-nte. =eneHts,
/re5eren<e, -n. -.&-nt-2e to Ar<eo C. Cr'B -n. A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion
or 4-&e <-'se. .-0-2e -n. /reE'.i<e to t4e 2o&ern0ent, =>
@6<-'sin27 to =e /-i. A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion /'=1i< 5'n.s in t4e
-0o'nt o5 TAo ('n.re. T4irt> TAo T4o's-n. Si3 ('n.re. TAent> Ei24t
Pesos -n. T4irt> Fi&e Cent-&os +P2?2,828.?9, s'//ose.1> 5or t4e
e3<-&-tion -n. ro-.H11in2 AorDs on t4e P-4-no<o> Sites -n. Ser&i<es
ProEe<t in "-<o1o. Cit> .es/ite t4e 5-<t t4-t no s'<4 AorDs Aere
'n.ert-Den => A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion -s re&e-1e. => t4e S/e<i-1 A'.it
<on.'<te. => t4e Co00ission on A'.it.K
T4e ot4er 5-<t'-1 .et-i1s A4i<4 -<<'se. L-B-rte, Jr. <ite. -re
0-tters o5 e&i.en<e =est t4res4e. o't in t4e <o'rse o5 t4e tri-1.
(en<e, t4e inst-nt /etition A4i<4 is - reiter-tion o5 /etitionerCs
s'=0issions. Petitioner -s<ri=es 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion
-0o'ntin2 to 1-<D or e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion to t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n
in: +1, '/4o1.in2 t4e &-1i.it> -n. s'N<ien<> o5 t4e In5or0-tion
.es/ite its 5-i1're to 0-De o't -n oMense -n. <on5or0 to t4e
/res<ri=e. 5or0J +2, .en>in2 4is 0otion to I'-s4 <onsi.erin2 t4-t
t4e re0-inin2 -&er0ents in t4e In5or0-tion 4-&e =een ren.ere.
'ninte11i2i=1e => t4e .is0iss-1 o5 t4e <4-r2es -2-inst so0e o5 4is
<o%-<<'se.J -n. +?, 'sin2 -s =-ses t4e Prose<'tionCs Me0or-n.-
.-te. 2; J'1> 200G -n. ?0 M-> 2008 to s'//1e0ent t4e
in-.eI'-<ies o5 t4e In5or0-tion. In -..ition, /etitioner -&ers t4-t
4is <onstit'tion-1 ri24t to =e in5or0e. o5 t4e n-t're -n. <-'se o5
t4e -<<'s-tion -2-inst 4i0 4-. =een &io1-te. 5or 5-i1're o5 t4e
In5or0-tion to s/e<i5> 4is /-rti<i/-tion in t4e <o00ission o5 t4e
oMense. Petitioner -1so -r2'es t4-t t4e 5-<ts <4-r2e. in t4e
In5or0-tion .o not <onstit'te -n oMense -s no .-0-2e or inE'r>
4-. =een 0-.e or <-'se. to -n> /-rt> or to t4e 2o&ern0ent.
Fin-11>, /etitioner 0-int-ins t4-t t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n 1ost its
E'ris.i<tion o&er 4i0 '/on t4e .is0iss-1 o5 t4e <4-r2es -2-inst 4is
<o%-<<'se. -s t4e re0-inin2 -<<'se. -re /'=1i< oN<ers A4ose
s-1-r> 2r-.e is =e1oA 2;.
In its Co00ent
.-te. 21 *e<e0=er 200;, t4e ON<e o5 t4e
O0='.s0-n, t4ro'24 t4e ON<e o5 t4e S/e<i-1 Prose<'tor,
<o'nters t4-t se/-r-te -11e2-tions o5 in.i&i.'-1 -<ts /er/etr-te.
=> t4e <ons/ir-tors -re not reI'ire. in -n In5or0-tion -n. neit4er
s4o'1. t4e> =e <o&ere. => e&i.en<e s'=0itte. to est-=1is4 t4e
e3isten<e o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se. A11e2-tions re2-r.in2 t4e n-t're -n.
e3tent o5 /etitionerCs /-rti<i/-tion -n. E'stiH<-tion 5or 4is -<ts
A4i<4 <onstit'te t4e oMense <4-r2e. -re e&i.enti-r> 0-tters
A4i<4 -re 0ore /ro/er1> -..resse. .'rin2 tri-1. T4e O0='.s0-n
reiter-tes o'r r'1in2 in #n&%o v. 'ani&anba(an
t4-t t4e
5'n.-0ent-1 test in reQe<tin2 on t4e &i-=i1it> o5 - 0otion to I'-s4
is t4e s'N<ien<> o5 t4e -&er0ents in t4e in5or0-tion t4-t is,
A4et4er t4e 5-<ts -sse&er-te., i5 4>/ot4eti<-11> -.0itte., Ao'1.
est-=1is4 t4e essenti-1 e1e0ents o5 t4e <ri0e .eHne. => 1-A. An.
re1>in2 on t4e <-se o5)o*in&o v. 'ani&anba(an,
O0='.s0-n st-tes t4-t in5or0-tions nee. on1> st-te t4e '1ti0-te
5-<tsJ t4e re-sons t4ere5or -re to =e /ro&e. .'rin2 t4e tri-1.
O0='.s0-n 0oreo&er 0-int-ins t4-t t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n 4-s
E'ris.i<tion o&er /etitioner. T4e O0='.s0-n -r2'es t4-t it is o5
no 0o0ent t4-t /etitionerCs /osition is <1-ssiHe. -s
s-1-r> 2r-.e 28 -s 4e is - 0-n-2er Ait4in t4e 1e2-1 <onte0/1-tion
o5 /-r-2r-/4 1+2,, Se<tion G+-, o5 Re/'=1i< A<t No. 82G:.
In 4is Re/1>
.-te. : O<to=er 2008, /etitioner stron21>
-sse&er-tes t4-t, -<<or.in2 to t4e Constit'tion, in - <ons/ir-<>
in.i<t0ent t4e /-rti<i/-tion o5 e-<4 -<<'se. in t4e so%<-11e.
<ons/ir-<> t4eor> s4o'1. =e .et-i1e. in or.er to -//rise t4e
-<<'se. o5 t4e n-t're o5 t4e -<<'s-tion -2-inst t4e0 in re1-tion
to t4e /-rti<i/-tion o5 t4e ot4er -<<'se.. A 2ener-1 st-te0ent
t4-t -11 t4e -<<'se. <ons/ire. Ait4 e-<4 ot4er Ait4o't st-tin2 t4e
/-rti<i/-tion o5 e-<4 r'ns -5o'1 o5 t4e Constit'tion.
-..s t4-t t4e '1ti0-te 5-<ts inten.e. => 1-A re5er to .eter0in-te
5-<ts -n. <ir<'0st-n<es A4i<4 s4o'1. =e<o0e t4e =-sis o5 t4e
<-'se o5 -<tionJ st-te0ent o5 5-<ts A4i<4 Ao'1. =e in <o0/1ete
-<<or. Ait4 t4e <onstit'tion-1 reI'ire0ent o5 2i&in2 t4e -<<'se.
s'N<ient in5or0-tion -=o't t4e n-t're -n. t4e <-'se o5 t4e
-<<'s-tion -2-inst 4i0.
Petitioner -1so -&ers t4-t t4e
O0='.s0-nCs re1i-n<e on -n. <it-tion o5 t4e <-ses o5 #n&%o v.
-n. )o*in&o v. 'ani&anba(an
is 0is/1-<e.
-n. 0is1e-.in2.
PetitionerCs 0-in -r2'0ent is t4-t t4e In5or0-tion H1e. =e5ore
t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n ins'N<ient1> -&erre. t4e essenti-1 e1e0ents
o5 t4e <ri0e <4-r2e. -s it 5-i1e. to s/e<i5> t4e in.i&i.'-1
/-rti<i/-tion o5 -11 t4e -<<'se..
T4e Co'rt is not /ers'-.e.. T4e Co'rt -Nr0s t4e reso1'tions
o5 t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n.
At t4e o'tset, it s4o'1. =e stresse. t4-t t4e .eni-1 o5 - 0otion
to I'-s4 is not <orre<ti=1e => <ertior-ri. Fe11%est-=1is4e. is t4e
r'1e t4-t A4en - 0otion to I'-s4 in - <ri0in-1 <-se is .enie., t4e
re0e.> is not - /etition 5or <ertior-ri ='t 5or /etitioners to 2o to
tri-1 Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to reiter-tin2 t4e s/e<i-1 .e5enses in&oDe.
in t4eir 0otion to I'-s4. Re0e.i-1 0e-s'res -s re2-r.s
inter1o<'tor> or.ers, s'<4 -s - 0otion to I'-s4, -re 5roAne. '/on
-n. o5ten .is0isse.. T4e e&i.ent re-son 5or t4is r'1e is to -&oi.
0'1ti/1i<it> o5 -//e-1s in - sin21e <o'rt.
T4is 2ener-1 r'1e, 4oAe&er, is s'=Ee<t to <ert-in e3<e/tions.
I5 t4e <o'rt, in .en>in2 t4e 0otion to .is0iss or 0otion to I'-s4
-<ts Ait4o't or in e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion or Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5
.is<retion, t4en <ertior-ri or /ro4i=ition 1ies.
An. in t4e <-se -t
=-r, t4e Co'rt .oes not Hn. t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n to 4-&e
<o00itte. 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion.
T4e 5'n.-0ent-1 test in reQe<tin2 on t4e &i-=i1it> o5 -
0otion to I'-s4 on t4e 2ro'n. t4-t t4e 5-<ts <4-r2e. .o not
<onstit'te -n oMense is A4et4er or not t4e 5-<ts -sse&er-te., i5
4>/ot4eti<-11> -.0itte., Ao'1. est-=1is4 t4e essenti-1 e1e0ents o5
t4e <ri0e .eHne. in 1-A.
M-tters ali$ne Ai11 not =e <onsi.ere..
Coro11-ri1>, Se<tion 8 o5 R'1e 110 o5 t4e R'1es o5 Co'rt st-tes
SEC. 8. '$+%ien%( of %o*plaint or infor*ation.RA <o0/1-int or
in5or0-tion is s'N<ient i5 it st-tes t4e n-0e o5 t4e -<<'se., t4e
.esi2n-tion o5 t4e oMense => t4e st-t'te, t4e -<ts or o0issions
<o0/1-ine. o5 -s <onstit'tin2 t4e oMenseJ t4e n-0e o5 t4e oMen.e.
/-rt>J t4e -//ro3i0-te ti0e o5 t4e <o00ission o5 t4e oMense, -n. t4e
/1-<e A4erein t4e oMense A-s <o00itte..
F4en -n oMense is <o00itte. => 0ore t4-n one /erson, -11 o5
t4e0 s4-11 =e in<1'.e. in t4e <o0/1-int or in5or0-tion.
T4e -<ts or o0issions <o0/1-ine. o5 0'st =e -11e2e. in s'<4
5or0 -s is s'N<ient to en-=1e - /erson o5 <o00on 'n.erst-n.in2
to DnoA A4-t oMense is inten.e. to =e <4-r2e. -n. en-=1e t4e
<o'rt to DnoA t4e /ro/er E'.20ent. T4e In5or0-tion 0'st -11e2e
<1e-r1> -n. -<<'r-te1> t4e e1e0ents o5 t4e <ri0e <4-r2e.. F4-t
5-<ts -n. <ir<'0st-n<es -re ne<ess-r> to =e in<1'.e. t4erein
0'st =e .eter0ine. => re5eren<e to t4e .eHnition -n. e1e0ents
o5 t4e s/e<iH< <ri0es.
T4e test is A4et4er t4e <ri0e is .es<ri=e. in inte11i2i=1e
ter0s Ait4 s'<4 /-rti<'1-rit> -s to -//rise t4e -<<'se., Ait4
re-son-=1e <ert-int>, o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e.. T4e raison ,etre o5
t4e r'1e is to en-=1e t4e -<<'se. to s'it-=1> /re/-re 4is .e5ense.
Anot4er /'r/ose is to en-=1e -<<'se., i5 5o'n. 2'i1t>, to /1e-.
4is <on&i<tion in - s'=seI'ent /rose<'tion 5or t4e s-0e oMense.
T4e 'se o5 .eri&-ti&es or s>non>0s or -11e2-tions o5 =-si< 5-<ts
<onstit'tin2 t4e oMense <4-r2e. is s'N<ient.
Pertinent1>, Se<tion ?+e, o5 Re/'=1i< A<t No. ?01:, ot4erAise
DnoAn -s t4e Anti%Gr-5t -n. Corr'/t Pr-<ti<es A<t, re-.s:
SEC. ?. Corr$pt pra%ti%es of p$bli% o+%ers.RIn -..ition to -<ts
or o0issions o5 /'=1i< oN<ers -1re-.> /en-1iBe. => e3istin2 1-A, t4e
5o11oAin2 s4-11 <onstit'te <orr'/t /r-<ti<es o5 -n> /'=1i< oN<er -n. -re
4ere=> .e<1-re. to =e 'n1-A5'1:
3 3 3
+e, C-'sin2 -n> 'n.'e inE'r> to -n> /-rt>, in<1'.in2 t4e Go&ern0ent,
or 2i&in2 -n> /ri&-te /-rt> -n> 'nA-rr-nte. =eneHts, -.&-nt-2e or
/re5eren<e in t4e .is<4-r2e o5 4is oN<i-1, -.0inistr-ti&e or E'.i<i-1
5'n<tions t4ro'24 0-ni5est /-rti-1it>, e&i.ent =-. 5-it4 or 2ross
ine3<'s-=1e ne21i2en<e. T4is /ro&ision s4-11 -//1> to oN<ers -n.
e0/1o>ees o5 oN<es or 2o&ern0ent <or/or-tions <4-r2e. Ait4 t4e
2r-nt o5 1i<enses or /er0its or ot4er <on<essions.
T4e essenti-1 e1e0ents 5or &io1-tion o5 Se<tion ?+e, o5 R.A.
No. ?01: -re -s 5o11oAs:
1. T4e -<<'se. is - /'=1i< oN<er or /ri&-te /erson <4-r2e. in
<ons/ir-<> Ait4 4i0J
2. S-i. /'=1i< oN<er <o00its t4e /ro4i=ite. -<ts .'rin2 t4e
/er5or0-n<e o5 4is oN<i-1 .'ties or in re1-tion to 4is /'=1i< /ositionJ
?. (e <-'ses 'n.'e inE'r> to -n> /-rt>, A4et4er t4e 2o&ern0ent
or /ri&-te /-rt>J
G. S'<4 'n.'e inE'r> is <-'se. => 2i&in2 'nA-rr-nte. =eneHts,
-.&-nt-2e or /re5eren<e to s'<4 /-rtiesJ -n.
9. T4e /'=1i< oN<er 4-s -<te. Ait4 0-ni5est /-rti-1it>, e&i.ent
=-. 5-it4 or 2ross ine3<'s-=1e ne21i2en<e.
T4e Co'rt Hn.s t4-t t4e In5or0-tion in t4is <-se -11e2es t4e
essenti-1 e1e0ents o5 &io1-tion o5 Se<tion ?+e, o5 R.A. No. ?01:.
T4e In5or0-tion s/e<iH<-11> -11e2es t4-t /etitioner, Es/inos- -n.
Lo=ri.o -re /'=1i< oN<ers =ein2 t4en t4e *e/-rt0ent M-n-2er,
ProEe<t M-n-2e0ent ON<er A -n. S'/er&isin2 En2ineer o5 t4e
N(A res/e<ti&e1>J in s'<4 <-/-<it> -n. <o00ittin2 t4e oMense in
re1-tion to t4e oN<e -n. A4i1e in t4e /er5or0-n<e o5 t4eir oN<i-1
5'n<tions, <onni&e., <on5e.er-te. -n. 0't'-11> 4e1/e. e-<4
ot4er -n. Ait4 -<<'se. Ar<eo C. Cr'B, Ait4 .e1i=er-te intent
t4ro'24 0-ni5est /-rti-1it> -n. e&i.ent =-. 5-it4 2-&e
'nA-rr-nte. =eneHts to t4e 1-tter, A.C. Cr'B Constr'<tion -n. to
t4e0se1&es, to t4e .-0-2e -n. /reE'.i<e o5 t4e 2o&ern0ent. T4e
5e1onio's -<t <onsiste. o5 <-'sin2 to =e /-i. to A.C. Cr'B
Constr'<tion /'=1i< 5'n.s in t4e -0o'nt o5 P2?2,828.?9
s'//ose.1> 5or e3<-&-tion -n. ro-. H11in2 AorDs on t4e
P-4-no<o> Sites -n. Ser&i<es ProEe<t in "-<o1o. Cit> .es/ite t4e
5-<t t4-t no s'<4 AorDs Aere 'n.ert-Den => s-i. <onstr'<tion
<o0/-n> -s re&e-1e. => t4e S/e<i-1 A'.it <on.'<te. => COA.
On t4e <ontention t4-t t4e In5or0-tion .i. not .et-i1 t4e
in.i&i.'-1 /-rti<i/-tion o5 t4e -<<'se. in t4e -11e2-tion o5
<ons/ir-<> in t4e In5or0-tion, t4e Co'rt 'n.ers<ores t4e 5-<t t4-t
'n.er P4i1i//ine 1-A, <ons/ir-<> s4o'1. =e 'n.erstoo. on tAo
1e&e1s. Cons/ir-<> <-n =e - 0o.e o5 <o00ittin2 - <ri0e or it 0->
=e <onstit'ti&e o5 t4e <ri0e itse15. Gener-11>, <ons/ir-<> is not -
<ri0e in o'r E'ris.i<tion. It is /'nis4e. -s - <ri0e on1> A4en t4e
1-A H3es - /en-1t> 5or its <o00ission s'<4 -s in <ons/ir-<> to
<o00it tre-son, re=e11ion -n. se.ition.
F4en <ons/ir-<> is <4-r2e. -s - <ri0e, t4e -<t o5 <ons/irin2
-n. -11 t4e e1e0ents o5 s-i. <ri0e 0'st =e set 5ort4 in t4e
<o0/1-int or in5or0-tion. "'t A4en <ons/ir-<> is not <4-r2e. -s
- <ri0e in itse15 ='t on1> -s t4e 0o.e o5 <o00ittin2 t4e <ri0e -s
in t4e <-se -t =-r, t4ere is 1ess ne<essit> o5 re<itin2 its
/-rti<'1-rities in t4e In5or0-tion =e<-'se <ons/ir-<> is not t4e
2r-&-0en o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e.. T4e <ons/ir-<> is si2niH<-nt
on1> =e<-'se it <4-n2es t4e <ri0in-1 1i-=i1it> o5 -11 t4e -<<'se. in
t4e <ons/ir-<> -n. 0-Des t4e0 -nsAer-=1e -s <o%/rin<i/-1s
re2-r.1ess o5 t4e .e2ree o5 t4eir /-rti<i/-tion in t4e <ri0e. T4e
1i-=i1it> o5 t4e <ons/ir-tors is <o11e<ti&e -n. e-<4 /-rti<i/-nt Ai11
=e eI'-11> res/onsi=1e 5or t4e -<ts o5 ot4ers, 5or t4e -<t o5 one is
t4e -<t o5 -11.
Not-=1>, in People v. -$itlon&,
-s /ointe. o't =>
res/on.ent, t4e Co'rt r'1e. on 4oA <ons/ir-<> -s - 0o.e o5
<o00ittin2 t4e oMense s4o'1. =e -11e2e. in t4e In5or0-tion, vi.:
3 3 3 F4ere <ons/ir-<> e3ists -n. <-n ri24t1> =e -//re<i-te.,
t4e in.i&i.'-1 -<ts .one to /er/etr-te t4e 5e1on> =e<o0es o5 se<on.-r>
i0/ort-n<e, t4e -<t o5 one =ein2 i0/'t-=1e to -11 t4e ot4ers. )eri1>, -n
-<<'se. 0'st DnoA 5ro0 t4e in5or0-tion A4et4er 4e 5-<es - <ri0in-1
res/onsi=i1it> not on1> 5or 4is -<ts ='t -1so 5or t4e -<ts o5 4is <o%
-<<'se. -s Ae11.
A <ons/ir-<> in.i<t0ent nee. not, o5 <o'rse, -&er -11 t4e
<o0/onents o5 <ons/ir-<> or -11e2e -11 t4e .et-i1s t4ereo5, 1iDe t4e /-rt
t4-t e-<4 o5 t4e /-rties t4erein 4-&e /er5or0e., t4e e&i.en<e /ro&in2
t4e <o00on .esi2n or t4e 5-<ts <onne<tin2 -11 t4e -<<'se. Ait4 one
-not4er in t4e Ae= o5 t4e <ons/ir-<>. Neit4er is it ne<ess-r> to
.es<ri=e <ons/ir-<> Ait4 t4e s-0e .e2ree o5 /-rti<'1-rit> reI'ire. in
.es<ri=in2 - s'=st-nti&e oMense. It is eno'24 t4-t t4e in.i<t0ent
<ont-ins - st-te0ent o5 5-<ts re1ie. '/on to =e <onstit'ti&e o5 t4e
oMense in or.in-r> -n. <on<ise 1-n2'-2e, Ait4 -s 0'<4 <ert-int> -s
t4e n-t're o5 t4e <-se Ai11 -.0it, in - 0-nner t4-t <-n en-=1e - /erson
o5 <o00on 'n.erst-n.in2 to DnoA A4-t is inten.e., -n. Ait4 s'<4
/re<ision t4-t t4e -<<'se. 0-> /1e-. 4is -<I'itt-1 or <on&i<tion to -
s'=seI'ent in.i<t0ent =-se. on t4e s-0e 5-<ts. It is s-i., 2ener-11>,
t4-t -n in.i<t0ent 0-> =e 4e1. s'N<ient @i5 it 5o11oAs t4e Aor.s o5 t4e
st-t'te -n. re-son-=1> in5or0s t4e -<<'se. o5 t4e <4-r-<ter o5 t4e
oMense 4e is <4-r2e. Ait4 <ons/irin2 to <o00it, or, 5o11oAin2 t4e
1-n2'-2e o5 t4e st-t'te, <ont-ins - s'N<ient st-te0ent o5 -n o&ert -<t
to eMe<t t4e o=Ee<t o5 t4e <ons/ir-<>, or -11e2es =ot4 t4e <ons/ir-<>
-n. t4e <onte0/1-te. <ri0e in t4e 1-n2'-2e o5 t4e res/e<ti&e st-t'tes
.eHnin2 t4e0 +19A C.J.S. 8G2%8GG,.
3 3 3 Cons/ir-<> -rises A4en tAo or 0ore /ersons <o0e to -n
-2ree0ent <on<ernin2 t4e <o00ission o5 - 5e1on> -n. .e<i.e to
<o00it it. Cons/ir-<> <o0es to 1i5e -t t4e &er> inst-nt t4e /1otters
-2ree, e3/ress1> or i0/1ie.1>, to <o00it t4e 5e1on> -n. 5ort4Ait4 to
-<t'-11> /'rs'e it. )eri1>, t4e in5or0-tion 0'st st-te t4-t t4e -<<'se.
4-&e <on5e.er-te. to <o00it t4e <ri0e or t4-t t4ere 4-s =een -
<o00'nit> o5 .esi2n, - 'nit> o5 /'r/ose or -n -2ree0ent to <o00it
t4e 5e1on> -0on2 t4e -<<'se.. S'<4 -n -11e2-tion, in t4e -=sen<e o5
t4e 's'-1 's-2e o5 t4e Aor.s @<ons/ire.K or @<on5e.er-te.K or t4e
/4r-se @-<tin2 in <ons/ir-<>,K 0'st -/t1> -//e-r in t4e in5or0-tion in
t4e 5or0 o5 .eHniti&e -<ts <onstit'tin2 <ons/ir-<>. In Hne, t4e
-2ree0ent to <o00it t4e <ri0e, t4e 'nit> o5 /'r/ose or t4e
<o00'nit> o5 .esi2n -0on2 t4e -<<'se. 0'st =e <on&e>e. s'<4 -s
eit4er => t4e 'se o5 t4e ter0 @<ons/ireK or its .eri&-ti&es -n.
s>non>0s or => -11e2-tions o5 =-si< 5-<ts <onstit'tin2 t4e
<ons/ir-<>. Cons/ir-<> 0'st =e -11e2e., not E'st in5erre., in t4e
in5or0-tion on A4i<4 =-sis -n -<<'se. <-n -/t1> enter 4is /1e-, -
0-tter t4-t is not to =e <on5'se. Ait4 or 1iDene. to t4e -.eI'-<> o5
e&i.en<e t4-t 0-> =e reI'ire. to /ro&e it. In est-=1is4in2 <ons/ir-<>
A4en /ro/er1> -11e2e., t4e e&i.en<e to s'//ort it nee. not ne<ess-ri1>
=e s4oAn => .ire<t /roo5 ='t 0-> =e in5erre. 5ro0 s4oAn -<ts -n.
<on.'<t o5 t4e -<<'se..
In -..ition, t4e -11e2-tion o5 <ons/ir-<> in t4e In5or0-tion
s4o'1. not =e <on5'se. Ait4 t4e -.eI'-<> o5 e&i.en<e t4-t 0->
=e reI'ire. to /ro&e it. A <ons/ir-<> is /ro&e. => e&i.en<e o5
-<t'-1 <oo/er-tionJ o5 -<ts in.i<-ti&e o5 -n -2ree0ent, - <o00on
/'r/ose or .esi2n, - <on<erte. -<tion or <on<'rren<e o5
senti0ents to <o00it t4e 5e1on> -n. -<t'-11> /'rs'e it. A
st-te0ent o5 t4e e&i.en<e on t4e <ons/ir-<> is not ne<ess-r> in
t4e In5or0-tion.
T4e ot4er .et-i1s <ite. => /etitioner, s'<4 -s t4e -=sen<e o5
-n> .-0-2e or inE'r> <-'se. to -n> /-rt> or t4e 2o&ern0ent,
1iDeAise -re 0-tters o5 e&i.en<e =est r-ise. .'rin2 tri-1.
As to t4e <ontention t4-t t4e resi.'-1 -&er0ents in t4e
In5or0-tion 4-&e =een ren.ere. 'ninte11i2i=1e => t4e .is0iss-1 o5
t4e <4-r2es -2-inst so0e o5 4is <o%-<<'se., t4e Co'rt Hn.s t4-t
t4e In5or0-tion s'N<ient1> 0-Des o't - <-se -2-inst /etitioner
-n. t4e re0-inin2 -<<'se..
Fit4 re2-r. to t4e -11e2e. irre2'1-r 'se => t4e
S-n.i2-n=->-n o5 t4e Prose<'tionCs Me0or-n.- .-te. 2; J'1>
200G -n. ?0 M-> 2008 to s'//1e0ent t4e in-.eI'-<ies o5 t4e
In5or0-tion, t4e Co'rt Hn.s -.eI'-te its e3/1-n-tion in t4e Hrst
-ss-i1e. reso1'tion, to Ait:
It 0-> =e re<-11e. t4-t - rein&esti2-tion o5 t4e <-se A-s
or.ere. => t4is Co'rt =e<-'se t4e /rose<'tion 5-i1e. to s-tis5-<tori1>
<o0/1> Ait4 -n e-r1ier .ire<ti&e o5 t4e 5or0er C4-ir/erson -n.
Me0=ers o5 t4e First *i&ision, -5ter notin2 t4e in-.eI'-<> o5 t4e
in5or0-tion, to <1-ri5> t4e /-rti<i/-tion o5 e-<4 o5 t4e -<<'se.. In
or.erin2 t4e rein&esti2-tion, t4e Co'rt note. t4-t t4e /rose<'tionCs
J'1> 2;, 200G Me0or-n.'0 .i. not -..ress t4e -//re4ensions o5 t4e
5or0er C4-ir/erson -n. Me0=ers o5 t4e First *i&ision -s to t4e
in-.eI'-<> o5 t4e -11e2-tions in t4e in5or0-tion.
T4is ti0e, .es/ite - rein&esti2-tion, t4e /rose<'tionCs
Me0or-n.'0 .-te. M-> ?0, 2008 sti11 5-i1e. to s/e<i5> t4e
/-rti<i/-tion o5 -<<'se.%0o&-nts "-1-o, An2si<o -n. *-<-1os. T4e
0ost re<ent Hn.in2s o5 t4e /rose<'tion sti11 .o not -..ress t4e
.eH<ien<> 5o'n. => t4e Co'rt in t4e in5or0-tion. T4e /rose<'tion
-&ers t4-t /'rs'-nt to Se<tion ?, R'1e 11; o5 t4e R'1es o5 Co'rt, in
.eter0inin2 t4e &i-=i1it> o5 - 0otion to I'-s4 =-se. on t4e 2ro'n. o5
@5-<ts <4-r2e. in t4e in5or0-tion .o not <onstit'te -n oMense,K t4e
test 0'st =e A4et4er or not t4e 5-<ts -sse&er-te., i5 4>/ot4eti<-11>
-.0itte., Ao'1. est-=1is4 t4e essenti-1 e1e0ents o5 t4e <ri0e -s
.eHne. => 1-A. T4e /rose<'tion <onten.s t4-t 0-tter ali$ne s4o'1.
not =e <onsi.ere.. (oAe&er, in t4e inst-nt <-se, t4e Co'rt 4-s 5o'n.
t4e in5or0-tion itse15 to =e in-.eI'-te, -s it .oes not s-tis5> t4e
reI'ire0ents o5 /-rti<'1-r1> -11e2in2 t4e -<ts or o0issions o5 t4e s-i.
-<<'se.%0o&-nts, A4i<4 ser&e. -s t4e =-sis o5 t4e -11e2-tion o5
<ons/ir-<> =etAeen t4e -5ore0entione. -<<'se.%0o&-nts -n. t4e
ot4er -<<'se., in t4e <o00ission o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e. in t4e
Fin-11>, t4e Co'rt s'st-ins t4e S-n.i2-n=->-nCs E'ris.i<tion
to 4e-r t4e <-se. As <orre<t1> /ointe. o't => t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n,
it is o5 no 0o0ent t4-t /etitioner .oes not o<<'/> - /osition Ait4
S-1-r> Gr-.e 2; -s 4e A-s - .e/-rt0ent 0-n-2er o5 t4e N(A, -
2o&ern0ent%oAne. or <ontro11e. <or/or-tion, -t t4e ti0e o5 t4e
<o00ission o5 t4e oMense, A4i<4 /osition 5-11s Ait4in t4e -0=it o5
its E'ris.i<tion. A/ro/os, t4e Co'rt 4e1. in t4e <-se o5 /e$span v.
A4i<4 in&o1&e. - re2ion-1 M-n-2erL*ire<tor o5 Re2ion )I
o5 t4e P4i1i//ine (e-1t4 Ins'r-n<e Cor/or-tion +P4i14e-1t4, Ait4
s-1-r> 2r-.e 28, to Ait:
It is o5 no 0o0ent t4-t t4e /osition o5 /etitioner is 0ere1>
<1-ssiHe. -s s-1-r> 2r-.e 28. F4i1e t4e Hrst /-rt o5 t4e -=o&eSI'ote.
/ro&ision <o&ers on1> oN<i-1s o5 t4e e3e<'ti&e =r-n<4 Ait4 t4e s-1-r>
2r-.e 2; -n. 4i24er, t4e se<on. /-rt t4ereo5 @s/e<iH<-11> in<1'.esK
ot4er e3e<'ti&e oN<i-1s A4ose /ositions 0-> not =e o5 2r-.e 2; -n.
4i24er ='t A4o -re => e3/ress /ro&ision o5 1-A /1-<e. 'n.er t4e
E'ris.i<tion o5 t4e s-i. <o'rt.
(en<e, res/on.ent <o'rt is &este. Ait4 E'ris.i<tion o&er
/etitioner to2et4er Ait4 F-r-40-n., - /ri&-te in.i&i.'-1 <4-r2e.
to2et4er Ait4 4er.
T4e /osition o5 0-n-2er in - 2o&ern0ent%oAne. or <ontro11e.
<or/or-tion, -s in t4e <-se o5 P4i14e-1t4, is Ait4in t4e E'ris.i<tion o5
res/on.ent <o'rt. It is t4e /osition t4-t /etitioner 4o1.s, not 4er s-1-r>
2r-.e, t4-t .eter0ines t4e E'ris.i<tion o5 t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n.
T4is Co'rt in L-<son &. E3e<'ti&e Se<ret-r>, et -1. r'1e.:
A /er's-1 o5 t4e -5oreI'ote. Se<tion G o5 R.A. 82G: re&e-1s t4-t to 5-11
'n.er t4e e3<1'si&e E'ris.i<tion o5 t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n, t4e 5o11oAin2
reI'isites 0'st <on<'r: +1, t4e oMense <o00itte. is - &io1-tion o5 +-,
R.A. ?01:, -s -0en.e. +t4e Anti%Gr-5t -n. Corr'/t Pr-<ti<es A<t,, +=,
R.A. 1?;: +t4e 1-A on i11%2otten Ae-1t4,, +<, C4-/ter II, Se<tion 2, Tit1e
)II, =ooD II o5 t4e Re&ise. Pen-1 Co.e +t4e 1-A on =ri=er>,, +.,
E3e<'ti&e Or.er Nos. 1,2, 1G -n. 1G%A, iss'e. in 1:88 +seI'estr-tion
<-ses,, or +e, ot4er oMenses or 5e1onies A4et4er si0/1e or <o0/1e3e.
Ait4 ot4er <ri0esJ +2, t4e oMen.er <o00ittin2 t4e oMenses in ite0s
+-,, +=,, +<, -n. +e, is - /'=1i< oN<i-1 or e0/1o>ee 4o1.in2 -n> o5 t4e
/ositions en'0er-te. in /-r-2r-/4 - o5 se<tion GJ -n. +?, t4e oMense
<o00itte. is in re1-tion to t4e oN<e.
To re<-/it'1-te, /etitioner is - /'=1i< oN<er, =ein2 - .e/-rt0ent
0-n-2er o5 P4i14e-1t4, - 2o&ern0ent%oAne. -n. <ontro11e.
<or/or-tion. T4e /osition o5 0-n-2er is one o5 t4ose 0entione. in
/-r-2r-/4 -, Se<tion G o5 RA 82G: -n. t4e oMense 5or A4i<4 s4e A-s
<4-r2e. A-s <o00itte. in re1-tion to 4er oN<e -s .e/-rt0ent
0-n-2er o5 P4i14e-1t4. A<<or.in21>, t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n 4-s
E'ris.i<tion o&er 4er /erson -s Ae11 -s t4e s'=Ee<t 0-tter o5 t4e <-se.
WHEREFORE, /re0ises <onsi.ere., t4e inst-nt /etition
is DISMISSED. T4e Reso1'tions .-te. 2 M-r<4 200; -n. 18
O<to=er 200; o5 t4e First *i&ision o5 t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n
)0!1E O. 1#!/0
0sso%iate J$sti%e
On ON<i-1 Le-&e
Chief J$sti%e
0%tin& Chief J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
0sso%iate J$sti%e
Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution, it is hereby
certified that the conclusions in the above ecision !ere reached in
consultation before the case !as assi"ned to the !riter of the o#inion of the
0%tin& Chief J$sti%e
&n &fficial 'eave$
Actin" Chief (ustice$
Rollo, ##$ 3+,0- ated , .ove/ber 2000$
Id$ at ,1+,0- Penned by Presidin" (ustice 1eresita ($ 'eonardo+e Castro !ith the concurrence of
Associate (ustices iosdado M$ Peralta and Ale2ander 3$ 3es/undo$
Id$ at ,4+52$
Id$ at 4$
Id$ at 111$
Id$ at 112, 232$
Id$ at 113+116$
Id$ at 233$
Id$ at 233+236$
Id$ at 9$
Id$ at 23,$
Id$ at 235+230$
Id$ at 119$
Id$ at 53+56- ated , March 1991$
Id$ at 53+56$
Id$ at 136+13,$
Id$ at ,5+,0$
Id$ at 51+52$
Id$ at 229+2,0$
334 Phil$ 1051 719908$
309 Phil$ 004 720008$
Id$ at 1001$
&19:;<IS: =.&<. AS >A. AC1 ?@;19:; :?I.I.3 19: (@;ISIC1I&. &? 19:
SA.I3A.AABA., AM:.I.3 ?&; 19: P@;P&S: P;:SI:.1IA' :C;:: .&$ 1505, AS AM:.:C
!hich #ertinently statesD
S:C$ 6$ Section 6 of the sa/e decree is hereby further a/ended to read as follo!sD
S:C$ 6$ Jurisdiction$ E1he Sandi"anbayan shall e2ercise ori"inal Furisdiction in all cases involvin"D
a$ Violations of ;e#ublic Act .o$ 3019, as a/ended, other!ise Gno!n as the Anti+3raft and Corru#t
Practices Act, ;e#ublic Act .o$ 1309, and Cha#ter II, Section 2, 1itle VII, AooG II of the ;evised Penal Code,
!here one or /ore of the accused are officials occu#yin" the follo!in" #ositions in the "overn/ent, !hether in a
#er/anent, actin" or interi/ ca#acity, at the ti/e of the co//ission of the offense-
718 &fficials of the e2ecutive branch occu#yin" the #ositions of re"ional director and hi"her, other!ise
classified as 3rade H3rade 20I and hi"her, of the Co/#ensation and Position Classification Act of 1949 7;e#ublic
Act .o$ 50,48, s#ecifically includin"D
2 2 2 2
7"8 Presidents, directors or trustees, or /ana"ers of "overn/ent+o!ned and controlled cor#orations,
state universities or educational institutions or foundations$
Id$ at 2,3+202$
Id$ at 2,0$
Id$ at 2,9$
Su#ra note 22$
Su#ra note 26$
Serana v. Sandiganbayan, 3$;$ .o$ 1520,9, 22 (anuary 2004, ,62 SC;A 226, 235$
Id$ citin" Newsweek, Inc. v. IAC, 3$;$ .o$ '+53,,9, 30 May 1945, 162 SC;A 101$
Cabrera v. Sandiganbayan, 646 Phil$ 3,0, 3,9 720068$
People of te Pilippines v. !on. "eresita #i$on%Capulong, 3$;$ .o$ 105626, 14 (une 1995, 2,0
SC;A 630, 66,$
Serapio v. Sandiganbayan &"ird #ivision', 666 Phil$ 699, ,22 720038$
(iranda v. !on. Sandiganbayan, 3$;$ .o$ 1,6094, 20 (uly 200,, 656 SC;A 15,, 144+149$
Serapio v. Sandiganbayan &"ird #ivision', su#ra
;e#ublic Act .o$ 3019 719508, Sec$ 37e8$
Cabrera v. Sandiganbayan, 646 Phil$ 3,0, 350 720068$
)strada v. Sandiganabayan, 620 Phil$ 420, 4,3+4,6 720028$
)strada v. Sandiganbayan, 620 Phil$ 420, 450 720028$
3,6 Phil$ 302 719948$
Id$ at 344+390$
)strada v. Sandiganbayan, 620 Phil$ 420, 452 720028
Rollo, #$ ,,$
3$;$ .o$ 1,4140, 11 ?ebruary 200,, 6,1 SC;A 140$
Id$ at 192+193$
Tag A!"#$%&' MIRANDA $&
T(LIAO Ca&% D#g%&)
October 26, 2012
B* +a%!"+%,#-a
Ma!" 08. 199/. 2 01-) !a,a$%& 2%% ,#&!3$%%, I 4135 N#016a-. Ra+3-. I&a0%6a.
S%7)%+0% 1999. S402 Ma,%a6 2a& a%&)%,. A7#6 27. 2001. "% %8%!1)%, a &23-
!3-9%&- a-, #,%-)#9#%, 7%)#)#3-%& :3&% M#a-,a. S403 O!3-. S403 Da6+a!#3 . a
!%)a#- B3*%) ,%6a C1; a-, A+a,3 D3%. a& )"% 7%&3-& %&73-% 93 )"% ,%a)" 39
V#!%-)% B1a;3- a-, <6#;a T1a6#a3. :1,g% /. 2001. :1,g% T1+a6#1a- -3)%, )"% a0&%-!%
39 7%)#)#3-%& a-, #&&1%, a :3#-) 3,% ,%-*#-g &a#, 1g%-) +3)#3- 3- )"% g31-, )"a).
&#-!% )"% C31) ,#, -3) a!=1#% >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"%# 7%&3-&. )"% +3)#3- !a--3) 0%
737%6* "%a, 0* )"% C31). I- )"% +%a-)#+%. 7%)#)#3-%& a77%a6%, )"% %&361)#3- 39 )"%
S)a)% 43&%!1)3 L%3 T. R%*%& )3 )"% D%7a)+%-) 39 :1&)#!%.
A,>1,#!a)#3- 39 a +3)#3- )3 =1a&" a 2aa-) 39 a%&) -%#)"% >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"%
7%&3- 39 )"% a!!1&%,. -3 !1&)3,* 39 6a2 3$% )"% 03,* 39 )"% a!!1&%,.
CA !"stice Oscar #errerra:
<8!%7) #- a776#!a)#3- 93 0a#6. #) #& -3) -%!%&&a* 93 )"% C31) 39 ?#&) I-&)a-!% )3 9#&)
a!=1#% >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"% 7%&3- 39 )"% a!!1&%, )3 ,#&+#&& )"% !a&% 3 ga-) )"% %6#%9.
T"% 31)#g") ,#&+#&&a6 39 )"% !a&% %$%- 0%93% )"% C31) a!=1#%& >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"%
7%&3- 39 )"% a!!1&%, #& a1)"3#;%, 1-,% S%!)#3- / @aA. R16% 112 R16% 39 C31). C#+#-a6
T"% $361-)a* a77%aa-!% 39 )"% a!!1&%,. 2"%%0* )"% !31) a!=1#%& >1#&,#!)#3- 3$%
"#& 7%&3-. #& a!!3+76#&"%, %#)"% 0* "#& 76%a,#-g )3 )"% +%#)& @&1!" a& 9#6#-g a +3)#3-
)3 =1a&" 3 3)"% 76%a,#-g& %=1##-g )"% %8%!#&% 39 )"% C31)B& >1#&,#!)#3- 3$%.
a77%a#-g 93 aa#g-+%-). %-)%#-g )#a6A 3 0* 9#6#-g 0a#6.
Sa-)#ag3 &"32& ,#&!%)#3- 01) !1&)3,* 39 6a2 a-, >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"% 7%&3-. C1&)3,*
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7%&3- a!!1&%,.
(C)TION TO T# RUL )"a) 9#6#-g 76%a,#-g& &%%5#-g a99#+a)#$% %6#%9
!3-&)#)1)%& $361-)a* a77%aa-!%. a-, )"% !3-&%=1%-) &10+#&- 39 3-%B& 7%&3- )3 )"%
>1#&,#!)#3- 39 )"% C31). T"#& #& #- )"% !a&% 39 76%a,#-g& 2"3&% 7a*% #& 7%!#&%6* 93 )"%
a$3#,a-!% 39 )"% >1#&,#!)#3- 39 )"% C31). 6%a, )3 &7%!#a6 a77%aa-!%. ?a#61% )3 9#6%
)"%+ #& CAIV<R O? D<?<NC<
1. C#$#6 !a&%&. +3)#3- )3 ,#&+#&& 3- )"% g31-, 39 6a!5 39 >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"% 7%&3- 39 )"%
,%9%-,a-). 2"%)"% 3 -3) 3)"% g31-,& 93 ,#&+#&&a6 a% #-!61,%,.
2. C#+#-a6 !a&%&. +3)#3- )3 =1a&" a !3+76a#-) 3- )"% g31-, 39 >1#&,#!)#3- 3$% )"%
7%&3- 39 )"% a!!1&%,
3. M3)#3- )3 D1a&" a 2aa-) 39 a%&) E L%ga6#)* 39 C31) 73!%&& 93!#-g )"% &10+#&-
39 )"% 7%&3- 39 )"% a!!1&%,.
$NRAL RUL: O-% 2"3 &%%5& a99#+a)#$% %6#%9 #& ,%%+%, )3 "a$% &10+#))%, )3
)"% :1#&,#!)#3- 39 )"% C31).
1F3802; 1/ NOV 2001]
Wedesday, February 0!, 2009 Posted by Coffeeholic Writes
Labels: Case Digests, Political Law
Facts: The petitioner, the incum!ent mayor of Pagudpud +locos (orte,
shot the former mayor and his political ri&al Atty' 5enemerito' After
the shooting, he surrendered himself and hence the police inspector and
wife of the &ictim filed a criminal complaint for murder against him' The
Budge after conducting the preliminary eAamination(p'e' for !re&ity)
found pro!a!le cause and issued a warrant of arrest' Also after
conducting the preliminary in&estigation (p'i' for !re&ity), he issued a
resolution forwarding the case to the prosecutor for appropriate action'
Petitioner recei&ed a su!poena directing him to file his counter
affida&it, affida&it of witnesses and other supporting documents' 8e did it
the following day' >hile proceedings are ongoing, he filed a petition for
ha!eas corpus with the C'A alleging thatC the warrant was null and &oid
!ecause the Budge who issued it was a relati&e !y affinity of the pri&ate
respondent and the p'e' and the p'i' were illegal and irregular as the
Budge doesnDt ha&e Burisdiction on the case' The C'A' granted
the petition holding that the Budge was a relati&e !y affinity !y )rd degree
to the pri&ate respondent and the p'i' he conducted has 0 stages, the p'e'
and the p'i' proper' The proceeding now consists only of one stage' 8e
conducted the re=uisite in&estigation prior to the issuance of warrant of
arrest' .oreo&er he did not complete it' 8e only eAamined the witness of
the complainant' 5ut the prosecution instead of conducting p'i' of his own
forwarded the records to the m!udsman (.5 for !re&ity) for the latter
to conduct the same' The .5 directed the petitioner to su!mit his
counter affida&it, !ut he did not comply with it finding the same
superfluous' The graft in&estigator recommended the filing
of information for murder which the .5 appro&ed' Petitioner recei&ed a
copy of the resolution !ut pre&ented see-ing reconsideration thereof he
filed a motion to defer issuance of warrant of arrest pending the
determination of pro!a!le cause' The Sandigan!ayan denied the motion'
This is now a petition for re&iew on the decision of the Sandigan!ayan'
(") >hether or (ot the .5 followed the procedure in
conductingpreliminary in&estigation'
(0) >hether or (ot petitioner was afforded an opportunity to !e heard
and to su!mit contro&erting e&idence'
Held: The proper procedure in the conduct of preliminaryin&estigation
was not followed !ecause of the following reasons' ,irstly,
the preliminary in&estigation was conducted !y ) different in&estigators,
none of whom completed the preliminary in&estigation There was not one
continuous proceeding !ut rather, cases of passing the !uc-, the last one
!eing the .5 throwing the !uc- to the Sandigan!ayan' Secondly, the
charge of murder is a non !aila!le offense' The gra&ity of the offense
alone should ha&e merited a deeper and more
thorough preliminary in&estigation' The .5 did nothing of the sort !ut
wallowed the resolution of the graft in&estigator' 8e did a worse Bo!
than the Budge, !y actually adopting the resolution of the graft
in&estigator without doing anything and threw e&erything to the
Sandigan!ayan for e&aluation' Thirdly, a person
under preliminaryin&estigation !y the .5 is entitled to a motion for
reconsideration, as maintained !y the Rules of Procedure !y the .5'
The filing of the motion for reconsideration is an integral part of
the preliminaryin&estigation proper' The denial thereof is tantamount to
the denial of the right itself to a preliminary in&estigation' This fact alone
renderspreliminary in&estigation conducted in this case incomplete' And
lastly, it was patent error for the Sandigan!ayan to ha&e relied purely on
the .5Ds certification of pro!a!le cause gi&en the pre&ailing facts of the
case much more so in the face of the latterDs flawed report and one side
factual findings'
The court cannot accept the Sandigan!ayanDs assertion of ha&ing found
pro!a!le cause on its own, considering the .5Ds defecti&e report and
findings, which merely re-ied on the testimonies of the witnesses for the
prosecution and disregarded the e&idence for the defense'
3udgment is rendered setting aside the resolution of the Sandigan!ayan,
ordering the Sandigan!ayan to =uash the warrant of arrest and
remanding the .5 for completion of the preliminaryin&estigation'
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
F%"&T D%'%&%()
A.M. No. RTJ-05-1966 March 21, 2006
D - C % & % ( )
.udges are e/#ected to e/hibit *ore tha 0ust cursory ac1uaitace with statutes ad
#rocedural laws, % all good faith, they *ust 2ow the laws ad a##ly the* #ro#erly, .udicial
co*#etece re1uires o less, Where the legal #rici#le i+ol+ed is sufficietly basic ad
ele*etary, lac2 of co+ersace with it costitutes gross igorace of the law,
The Case ad the Facts
This ad*iistrati+e case ste*s fro* a +erified Co*#lait
filed with the (ffice of the Court
3d*iistrator 4(C35 by %*elda &, -ri1ue6, % that case, .udge 3acleto Ca*iade was
charged with gross *iscoduct, 2owigly rederig a u0ust 0udg*et, ad gross igorace
of the law, The *aterial a+er*ets of the Co*#lait ad res#odet7s Co**et are
su**ari6ed by the (C3 as follows:
8/ / / 9Co*#laiat: %*elda &, -ri1ue6 charges 9"es#odet: .udge 3acleto Ca*iade with
;ross $iscoduct, <owigly "ederig a =0ust .udg*et ad ;ross %gorace of the Law
ad Procedure relati+e 9to: Cri*ial Case )o, C>=?0@@A0B, etitled CPeo#le of the Phili##ies
+ersus &herwi Due E >ugol, 3thoy .oh 3#ura,7 for $urder, 3s *other of the +icti* i the
cri*ial case, 9co*#laiat: alleges that res#odet issued a order dated B1 $arch 200!, the
decretal #ortio of which reads:
CWF-"-F("-, the Court hereby deies the *otio for the issuace of the warrat of arrest
agaist the accused?*o+atsG sets aside the assailed "esolutio of the City Prosecutor o the
basis of which the latest a*eded ifor*atio was filedG 1uashes the latest a*eded
ifor*atioG ad re*ads this case to the City Prosecutor for co*#letio of the #reli*iary
8"es#odet so ruled because there was o #reli*iary i+estigatio co*#leted o accused
3l+i Taggart Pi*etel 3l+e6 ad 3l+i .oh 3#ura 9as: they were deied the o##ortuity to file a
*otio for recosideratio or a #etitio for re+iew before the ifor*atio was filed i court,
8Co*#laiat clai*s that res#odet was grossly *ista2e whe he ruled, i effect, that the
i+estigatig #rosecutor caot file a cri*ial ifor*atio before the e/#iratio of the 1H?day
#eriod withi which the accused are allowed by the "e+ised "ules of Court to *o+e for
recosideratio or #etitio for re+iew of a ad+erse C"esolutio,7 "es#odet cited &ales +ersus
&adigabaya 4;,", 9)o,: 1!BI02, 1@ )o+e*ber 20015 that Cthe filig of *otio for
recosideratio is a itegral #art of the #reli*iary i+estigatio #ro#er7 ad that a
9i:for*atio Cfiled without first affordig / / / accused his right to file *otio for recosideratio7
is tata*out to a deial of the right itself to a #reli*iary i+estigatio,
8Co*#laiat coteds that &ales is ot a##licable to the cri*ial case because of sigificat
factual ad #rocedural distictios betwee the two cases: 415 the &ales case #roceeded uder
the "ules of Procedure of the (*buds*a, while sub0ect cri*ial case was coducted uder
the "ules of CourtG 425 there was o co*#leted #reli*iary i+estigatio i the &ales case but
there was a co*#leted full?blow #ael #reli*iary i+estigatio o the accused i the sub0ect
cri*ial caseG ad 4B5 it is oly uder the "ules of Procedure of the (*buds*a that the
#reli*iary i+estigatio is dee*ed co*#leted ad ter*iated u#o the la#se of the #eriod to
file a *otio for recosideratio fro* the resolutio of the (*buds*a while there is othig i
the "ules of Court which states that a #erso i+estigated has the right to file a *otio for
recosideratio or rei+estigatio before the 9i:for*atio ca be filed i court,
8% his C($$-)T, res#odet e/#lais that the #ael of #rosecutors coductig #reli*iary
i+estigatio filed i court their a*eded ifor*atio without furishig accused 3#ura ad
3l+e6 their co#y of the resolutio, Fe stresses that his challeged order is i accordace with
law ad 0uris#rudece, citig a*og others, the case of &ales, Fe clai*s his order was a
hoest res#ose to the #edig *atters before hi* ad 9he: *erely grated reliefs cosistet
with those grated by the &u#re*e Court i the &ales case,
89"es#odet 0udge asserts that: while the facts of &ales ad the cri*ial case are differet, the
legal #rici#le i+ol+ed i the for*er case Cthat a #reli*iary i+estigatio is #art of due #rocess
ad a *otio for recosideratio of the "esolutio of the Prosecutor fidig #robably cause for
the filig of ifor*atio is #art of a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad res#odet who is ot gi+e the
o##ortuity to file the sa*e is i effect de#ri+ed of his right without due #rocess of law7 caot
be o+erloo2ed, "es#odet #oits out that co*#laiat, who was re#reseted by two attoreys,
should ha+e resorted to 0udicial recourse such as a a##eal of the order i 1uestio +ia a
#etitio for certiorari to the Court of 3##eals,8
"e#ort ad "eco**edatio of the (C3
% its "e#ort,
the (C3 fids res#odet guilty of gross igorace of the law, Thus, it
reco**eds that res#odet be #eali6ed with the *a/i*u* i*#osable fie of P!0,000,
cosiderig that he was earlier #eali6ed with si/ *oths7 sus#esio for aother serious
though urelated offese,
3ccordig to the (C3, the issue raised by co*#laiat does ot #ertai to a error of 0udg*et
or to oe #ertaiig to the e/ercise of soud 0udicial discretio by res#odet, "ather, the issue
is whether res#odet co*#lied with #rocedural rules so ele*etary that to digress fro* the*
a*outs to either igorace or egligece, &ice the #rocedure for the istitutio of cri*ial
actios is basic ad clearly e/#ressed i the "ules of Court, res#odet7s (rder is dee*ed to
ha+e bee atteded by gross igorace of the law,
The Court7s "ulig
The Court agrees with the fidigs of the (C3 but reduces the #ealty,
3d*iistrati+e Liability of "es#odet
This Court has cosistetly held that lac2 of co+ersace with legal #rici#les sufficietly basic
ad ele*etary costitutes gross igorace of the law,
3s a ad+ocate of 0ustice ad a +isible
re#resetatio of the law, a 0udge is e/#ected to be #roficiet i the iter#retatio of our laws,
3 #erusal of the (rder issued by res#odet o $arch B1, 200!, shows that he re*aded
Cri*ial Case )o, C>=?0@@A0B to the city #rosecutor for the co*#letio of the #reli*iary
i+estigatio based o this Court7s rulig i &ales +, &adigabaya,
Clearly, res#odet failed
to read the case i its etirety, or he grossly *isa##reheded the doctrie it had laid dow,
3 careful study of &ales re+eals that it a##lies s#ecifically to #reli*iary i+estigatios
coducted before the (*buds*a, That case was decided i accordace with the "ules of
Procedure of the (*buds*a, gratig the accused fiftee days to *o+e for a recosideratio
or a rei+estigatio of a ad+erse resolutio i a #reli*iary i+estigatio,
(b+iously, the
cri*ial case filed before res#odet7s court was ot co+ered by the "ules of Procedure of the
(*buds*a but by the "ules of Court, which had o corres#odig #ro+isio, Thus, &ales was
ot i #oit,
Diligece i 2ee#ig u#?to?date with the decisios of this Court is a co**edable +irtue of
0udges ad, of course, *e*bers of the bar, Co*#rehedig the Court7s decisios is a differet
*atter, howe+er, for it is i this area where oe7s co*#etece *ay be tested ad #ro+e,
3s a#tly #oited out by the (C3, the ter*iatio of a #reli*iary i+estigatio u#o the filig of
a ifor*atio i court is a well?established #rocedural rule uder the "ules of Cri*ial
Procedure, "es#odet clearly strayed fro* the well?trodde #ath whe he grossly *isa##lied
the rulig of the Court i &ales, &ice a #reli*iary i+estigatio i Cri*ial Case )o, C>=?
0@@A0B was held, that stage of the legal #rocess was already co*#leted,
The )ew Code of .udicial Coduct for the Phili##ie .udiciary re1uires 0udges to be
e*bodi*ets of 0udicial co*#etece ad diligece,
Those who acce#t this e/alted #ositio owe
the #ublic ad this Court the ability to be #roficiet i the law ad the duty to *aitai
#rofessioal co*#etece at all ti*es,
%deed, co*#etece is a *ar2 of a good 0udge, This
e/alted #ositio etails a lot of res#osibilities, fore*ost of which is #roficiecy i the law, (e
caot see2 refuge i a *ere cursory 2owledge of statutes ad #rocedural rules,
"es#odet 0udge fell short of these stadards whe he failed i his duties to follow ele*etary
law ad to 2ee# abreast with #re+ailig 0uris#rudece,
&er+ice i the 0udiciary i+ol+es
cotiuous study ad research fro* begiig to ed,
-/actig as these stadards *ay be, 0udges are e/#ected to be #ersoificatios of 0ustice ad
the rule of law ad, as such, to ha+e *ore tha 0ust a *odicu* ac1uaitace with statutes ad
#rocedural rules,
-ssetial to e+ery oe of the* is faithfuless to the laws ad *aiteace of
#rofessioal co*#etece,
.udges are ot co**o idi+iduals whose gross errors 8*e forgi+e ad ti*e forgets,8
whe they dis#lay a utter lac2 of fa*iliarity with the rules, they erode the cofidece of the
#ublic i the co*#etece of our courts,
&uch lac2 is gross igorace of the law, 'erily, failure to
follow basic legal co**ads ad rules costitutes gross igorace of the law, of which o oe
is e/cused, ad surely ot a 0udge,
"es#odet coteds that istead of filig the istat 3d*iistrati+e Co*#lait, co*#laiat
should ha+e resorted to 0udicial recourse, li2e a a##eal of the (rder i 1uestio, %t should be
reiterated that the court7s #ower of a##ellate re+iew is distict fro* a ad*iistrati+e *atter,
which i+ol+es the e/ercise of the court7s #ower to disci#lie 0udges, 3 ad*iistrati+e *atter is
uderta2e ad #rosecuted solely for the #ublic welfareG that is, to *aitai the faith ad
cofidece of the #eo#le i the go+er*et,
% su*, we reiterate our rulig i 3bbariao +, >eltra,
as follows:
8We e*#hasi6e that igorace of the law is the *ais#rig of i0ustice, For this reaso, we
always re*id the *e*bers of the bech of their duty to be faithful to the law ad to *aitai
#rofessioal co*#etece, .udges are called u#o to e/hibit *ore tha 0ust cursory
ac1uaitace with statutes ad #rocedural rules, >asic rules *ust be at the #al*s of their
hads, Their ie/cusable failure to obser+e the basic laws ad rules will reder the*
ad*iistrati+ely liable, CWhere the law i+ol+ed ?? as i this case ?? is si*#le ad ele*etary,
lac2 of co+ersace therewith costitutes gross igorace of the law,78
3s to the charges of gra+e *iscoduct ad 2owigly rederig a u0ust 0udg*et, we agree
with the fidigs of the (C3 that there is o allegatio or e+idece o record to su##ort these
"egardig the #ealty to be i*#osed o res#odet, although gross igorace of the law is
classified as a serious charge, it has bee sactioed with a wide rage of #ealties,
Court has to balace the reco**eded #ealty, The (C3 suggests the *a/i*u* fie
of P!0,000, because res#odet was #eali6ed earlier with si/ *oths7 sus#esio for aother
serious though urelated offese, Without *ii*i6ig the seriousess of the #re+ious
*iscoduct, the Court otes that the acts #resetly co*#laied of are co*#letely urelated to
ad dissi*ilar fro* those i the #rior case, The acts uder cosideratio caot be cosidered
a re#etitio of the sa*e or si*ilar acts for which res#odet was #re+iously sus#eded, )either
is there ay showig that he acted with *alice or bad faith i issuig his (rder i the #reset
case, =der the #reset circu*staces, this Court dee*s a fie of P20,000 to be a##ro#riate,
=related or ot, both cases reflect #oorly o res#odet as a #ublic officer, The Costitutio
e/#ects 0udges to be e*bodi*ets of co*#etece, itegrity, #robity ad
%deed, *agistrates should #ersoify fourIns; a*ely, itegrity, ide#edece,
idustry ad itelligece,
WF-"-F("-, .udge 3acleto L, Ca*iade is foud guilty of gross igorace of the law, for
which he is F%)-D i the a*out of twety thousad #esos 4P20,0005, Fe is &T-")LJ
W3")-D that a re#etitio of the sa*e or si*ilar acts shall be dealt with *ore se+erely i the
&( ("D-"-D,
Chief .ustice
W- C()C=":
% versus %
G. R. No. 174350
A'2'st 1?, 2008
3 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % 3
"e5ore s is - Petition 5or Certiorari 'n.er R'1e 89 o5 t4e
Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt -ss-i1in2 t4e 23 0pril 2445
-n.26 J$ne 2445 Resol$tion
o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s
in CA%G.R. CE"%SP No. 00088, A4i<4 -nn'11e. -n. set -si.e t4e 5
0pril 2447
-n. 84 0$&$st 2447
Resol$tions o5 t4e *e/-rt0ent
o5 J'sti<e +*OJ, in I.S. No. 02%:2?0%I, entit1e. 91he :on&kon& an
'han&hai Bankin& Corporation v. ;atherine Balan&a$an, et
al. T4e tAin reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ -Nr0e., in essen<e,
t4eResol$tion o5 t4e ON<e o5 t4e Cit> Prose<'tor,
Ce=' Cit>,
A4i<4 .is0isse. 5or 1-<D o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se t4e <ri0in-1 <o0/1-int
5or Est-5- -n.Lor !'-1iHe. Est-5-, H1e. -2-inst /etitioner%S/o'ses
"ern>1 "-1-n2-'-n +"ern>1, -n. T-t4erene "-1-n2-'-n
+T-t4erene, => res/on.ent (on2 Ton2 -n. S4-n24-i "-nDin2
Cor/or-tion, Lt.. +(S"C,.
In t4is Petition 5or Certiorari, /etitioners "ern>1 -n.
T-t4erene 'r2e t4is Co'rt to @re&erse -n. set -si.e t4e *e<ision
o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s, S/e<i-1 nineteent4 +si<, 61:
7 .i&ision
+si<,, Ce=' Cit> +si<, -n. -<<or.in21>, .is0iss t4e <o0/1-int
-2-inst t4e 6/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene7 in &ieA o5 t4e
-=sen<e o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se to A-rr-nt t4e H1in2 o5 -n in5or0-tion
=e5ore t4e Co'rt -n. 5or 'tter 1-<D o5 0erit.K
As <'11e. 5ro0 t4e re<or.s, t4e -nte<e.ents o5 t4e /resent
<-se -re -s 5o11oAs:
Petitioner T-t4erene A-s - Pre*ier C$sto*er 'ervi%es
Representative +PCSR, o5 res/on.ent =-nD, (S"C. As - PCSR, s4e
0-n-2e. t4e -<<o'nts o5 (S"C .e/ositors Ait4 Pre*ier
'tat$s. One s'<4 <1ient -n.Lor .e/ositor 4-n.1e. => 4er A-s
Ro2er *A->ne $orD +$orD,.
$orD 0-int-ine. se&er-1 -<<o'nts Ait4 res/on.ent
(S"C. So0eti0e in A/ri1 2002, 4e Aent to res/on.ent (S"CCs
Ce=' "r-n<4 to tr-ns-<t Ait4 /etitioner T-t4erene res/e<tin2 4is
*o11-r -n. Peso A<<o'nts. Petitioner T-t4erene =ein2 on &-<-tion
-t t4e ti0e, $orD A-s -tten.e. to => -not4er PCSR. F4i1e -t t4e
=-nD, $orD inI'ire. -=o't t4e st-t's o5 4is ti0e .e/osit in t4e
-0o'nt o5P2,900,000.00. T4e PCSR re/resent-ti&e A4o -tten.e.
to 4i0, 4oAe&er, <o'1. not Hn. -n> re<or. o5 s-i. /1-<e0ent in
t4e =-nDCs .-t- =-se.
$orD -.-0-nt1> insiste., t4o'24, t4-t t4ro'24 /etitioner
T-t4erene, 4e 0-.e - /1-<e0ent o5 t4e -5ore0entione. -0o'nt
in - 4i24er%e-rnin2 ti0e .e/osit. $orD 5'rt4er e1-=or-te. t4-t
/etitioner T-t4erene e3/1-ine. to 4i0 t4-t t4e -11e2e. 4i24er%
e-rnin2 ti0e .e/osit s<4e0e A-s s'//ose.1> =ein2 oMere. to
Pre0ier <1ients on1>. /on 5'rt4er s<r'tin> -n. e3-0in-tion,
res/on.ent (S"CCs =-nD /ersonne1 .is<o&ere. t4-t: +1, on 18
J-n'-r> 2002, $orD /re%ter0in-te. - P1,000,000.00 ti0e .e/ositJ
+2, t4ere Aere <-s4 0o&e0ent ti<Dets -n. Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s -11
si2ne. => $orD 5or t4e -0o'nt o5 P1,000,000.00J -n. +?, t4ere
Aere re2'1-r 0o&e0ents in $orDCs -<<o'nts, i.e., =e2innin2 in t4e
0ont4 o5 J-n'-r> 2002, 0ont41> .e/osits in t4e -0o'nt
o5 P12,900.00 -n. P8,???.?? Aere 0-.e, A4i<4 $orD .enie. e&er
0-Din2, ='t s'r0ise. Aere t4e re2'1-r interest e-rnin2s 5ro0 t4e
/1-<e0ent o5 t4e P2,900,000.00.
It A-s 1iDeAise .is<o&ere. t4-t t4e -=o&e%0entione.
.e/osits Aere tr-ns-<te. 'sin2 /etitioner T-t4ereneCs <o0/'ter
-n. AorD st-tion 'sin2 t4e <o.e or /erson-1 /-ssAor.
@CEO8.K T4e si2niH<-n<e o5 <o.e @CEO8,K -<<or.in2 to t4e =-nD
/ersonne1 o5 res/on.ent (S"C, is t4-t, @6i7t is on1> Ms.
"-1-n2-'-n A4o <-n tr-ns-<t 5ro0 6t4e7 <o0/'ter in t4e AorD
st-tion CEO%8, -s s4e is /ro&i.e. Ait4 - sAi/e <-r. A4i<4 s4e
Dee/s so1e <'sto.> o5 -n. on1> s4e <-n 'se, -n. A4i<4 s4e 'ti1iBes
5or /'r/oses o5 /er5or0in2 =-nD tr-ns-<tions 5ro0 t4-t
"-nD /ersonne1 o5 res/on.ent (S"C 1iDeAise re<o'nte. in
t4eir -N.-&its t4-t /rior to t4e H1in2 o5 t4e <o0/1-int 5or est-5-
-n.Lor I'-1iHe. est-5-, t4e> Aere in <ont-<t Ait4 /etitioners
"ern>1 -n. T-t4erene. Petitioner "ern>1 s'//ose.1> 0et Ait4
t4e0 on tAo o<<-sions. At Hrst 4e .is-&oAe. -n> DnoA1e.2e
re2-r.in2 t4e A4ere-=o'ts o5 $orDCs 0one> ='t 1-ter on -.0itte.
t4-t 4e DneA t4-t 4is Ai5e in&este. t4e 5'n.s Ait4 S4e11 Co0/-n>.
(e 1iDeAise -.0itte. t4-t 4e 0-.e t4e /4one =-nDin2 .e/osit to
<re.it $orDCs -<<o'nt Ait4 t4e P12,900.00 -n. t4e P8,???.?? 'sin2
t4eir 1-n.1ine te1e/4one. Fit4 res/e<t to /etitioner T-t4erene,
s4e -11e2e.1> s/oDe to t4e =-nD /ersonne1 -n. $orD on se&er-1
o<<-sions -n. -.0itte. t4-t t4e 5'n.s Aere in.ee. in&este. Ait4
S4e11 Co0/-n> ='t t4-t $orD DneA -=o't t4is.
So -s not to r'in its n-0e -n. 2oo.Ai11 -0on2 its <1ients,
res/on.ent (S"C rei0='rse. $orD t4e P2,900,000.00.
"-se. on t4e 5ore2oin2 5-<t'-1 <ir<'0st-n<es, res/on.ent
(S"C, t4ro'24 its /ersonne1, H1e. - <ri0in-1 <o0/1-int 5or Est-5-
-n.Lor !'-1iHe. Est-5- =e5ore t4e ON<e o5 t4e Cit>
Prose<'tor, Ce=' Cit>.
Petitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene s'=0itte. t4eir Eoint
<o'nter%-N.-&it =-si<-11> .en>in2 t4e -11e2-tions <ont-ine. in
t4e -N.-&its o5 t4e -5oren-0e. e0/1o>ees o5 res/on.ent (S"C
-s Ae11 -s t4-t 0-.e => $orD. T4e> -r2'e. t4-t t4e -11e2-tions in
t4e Co0/1-int%AN.-&its Aere /'re 5-=ri<-tions. S/e<iH<-11>,
/etitioner T-t4erene .enie. 1, 4-&in2 s/oDen on t4e te1e/4one
Ait4 *> -n.$orDJ -n. 2, 4-&in2 -.0itte. to t4e /ersonne1 o5
res/on.ent (S"C -n. $orD t4-t s4e tooD t4e P2,900,000.00
o5 $orD -n. in&este. t4e s-0e Ait4 S4e11 Cor/or-tion. Petitioner
"ern>1 si0i1-r1> .enie. 1, 4-&in2 0et Ait4 *>, IUi2o, Cortes -n.
Ar<'riJ -n. 2, 4-&in2 -.0itte. to t4e0 t4-t $orD DneA -=o't
/etitioner T-t4ereneCs 0o&e o5 in&estin2 t4e 5or0erCs 0one> Ait4
S4e11 Cor/or-tion.
Res/e<tin2 t4e P12,900.00 -n. P8,???.?? re2'1-r 0ont41>
.e/osits to $orDCs -<<o'nt 0-.e 'sin2 t4e <o.e @CEO8,K
/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene, in t4eir .e5ense, -r2'e. t4-t
sin<e it A-s - .e/osit, it A-s 4er .'t> to -<<e/t t4e 5'n.s 5or
.e/osit. As re2-r.s $orDCs ti0e .e/osit Ait4 res/on.ent (S"C,
/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene insiste. t4-t t4e 5'n.s t4erein
Aere ne&er entr'ste. to T-t4erene in t4e 1-tterCs <-/-<it> -s
PCSR E0/1o>ee o5 t4e 5or0er =e<-'se 0onies .e/osite. @-t -n>
=-nD Ao'1. not -n. Ai11 not =e entr'ste. to s/e<iH< =-nD
e0/1o>ee ='t to t4e =-nD -s - A4o1e.K
Fo11oAin2 t4e reI'isite /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion, Assist-nt
Cit> Prose<'tor +ACP, )i<tor C. L-=orte, Prose<'tor II o5 t4e
OCP, Ce=' Cit>, in - Resol$tion
.-te. 21 Fe=r'-r> 200?, 5o'n.
no /ro=-=1e <-'se to 4o1. /etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene 1i-=1e
to st-n. tri-1 5or t4e <ri0in-1 <o0/1-int o5 est-5- -n.Lor I'-1iHe.
est-5-, /-rti<'1-r1> Arti<1e ?19 o5 t4e Re&ise. Pen-1
Co.e. A<<or.in21>, t4e ACP re<o00en.e. t4e .is0iss-1 o5
res/on.ent (S"CCs <o0/1-int.
T4e ACP e3/1-ine. 4is Hn.in2, vi.:
As in -n> ot4er <-ses, Ae 0-> ne&er DnoA t4e '1ti0-te tr't4
o5 t4is <ontro&ers>. "'t on =-1-n<e, t4e e&i.en<e on re<or. ten. to =e
s'//orti&e o5 res/on.entsC <ontention r-t4er t4-n t4-t o5 <o0/1-int.
3 3 3 3
First o5 -11, it is Ae11 to .Ae11 on A4-t Mr. $orD s-i. in 4is -N.-&it.
V18. For /'r/oses o5 o/enin2 t4ese tAo ti0e
.e/osits +si<, -<<o'nts, Ms. "-1-n2-'-n -sDe. 0e to si2n
se&er-1 "-nD .o<'0ents on se&er-1 o<<-sions, t4e n-t're
o5 A4i<4 I A-s 'n5-0i1i-r Ait4.C
V20. I .is<o&ere. 1-ter t4-t t4ese Aere
Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s -n. <-s4 0o&e0ent ti<Dets, Ait4 A4i<4
.o<'0ents Ms. "-1-n2-'-n -//-rent1> A-s -=1e to
Ait4.r-A t4e -0o'nt 5ro0 0> -<<o'nts, -n. t-De t4e
s-0e 5ro0 t4e /re0ises o5 t4e "-nD.C
In .eter0inin2 t4e <re.i=i1it> o5 -n e&i.en<e, it is Ae11 to
<onsi.er t4e /ro=-=i1it> or i0/ro=-=i1it> o5 oneCs st-te0ents 5or it 4-s
=een s-i. t4-t t4ere is no test o5 t4e tr't4 o5 4'0-n testi0on> e3<e/t
its <on5or0it> to o'r DnoA1e.2e, o=ser&-tion -n. e3/erien<e.
Mr. $orD <o'1. not 4-&e =een t4-t 'nA-r> -n. 'nDnoAin21>
inno<ent to <1-i0 'n5-0i1i-rit> Ait4 Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s -n. <-s4
0o&e0ent ti<Dets A4i<4 Ms. "-1-n2-'-n 0-.e 4i0 to si2n on se&er-1
o<<-sions. (e is - /re0ier <1ient o5 (S"C 0-int-inin2 -n -<<o'nt in
0i11ions o5 /esos. A Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/ -n. <-s4 0o&e0ent ti<Dets <o'1.
not 4-&e 4-. s'<4 intri<-te Aor.in2s or ter0ino1o2> so -s to ren.er
t4e0 non%'n.erst-n.-=1e e&en to -n or.in-r> -<<o'nt 4o1.er. Mr. $orD
-.0itte.1> is - 1on2%st-n.in2 <1ient o5 t4e =-nD. Fit4in t4e /erio. o5
W1on2%st-n.in2C 4e <ert-in1> 0'st 4-&e eMe<te. so0e Ait4.r-A-1s. It
2oes Ait4o't s->in2 t4ere5ore t4-t t4e o<<-sions t4-t Ms. "-1-n2-'-n
<-'se. 4i0 to si2n Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s -re not 4is Hrst en<o'nter Ait4
s'<4 Din.s o5 .o<'0ents.
T4e one ine1'<t-=1e <on<1'sion t4ere5ore t4-t <-n =e .r-An 5ro0
t4e /re0ises is t4-t Mr. $orD 5ree1> -n. DnoAin21> DneA A4-t A-s
2oin2 on Ait4 4is 0one>, A4o 4-s in /ossession o5 t4e0 -n. A4ere it
A-s in&este.. T4ese t-De o't t4e e1e0ents o5 .e<eit, 5r-'., -='se o5
<onH.en<e -n. Ait4o't t4e oAnerCs <onsent in t4e <ri0es <4-r2e..
T4e ot4er 1e2 on A4i<4 <o0/1-in-ntCs <-'se o5 -<tion st-n.s rest
on its <1-i0 5or s'0 o5 0one> -2-inst res/on.ents -11e2e.1> -5ter it
rei0='rse. Mr. $orD 5or 4is 0issin2 -<<o'nt s'//ose.1>
t-DenLAit4.r-An => Ms. "-1-n2-'-n. T4e =-nDCs -<tion -2-inst
res/on.ents Ao'1. =e - <i&i1 s'it -2-inst t4e0 A4i<4 -//-rent1> it
-1re-.> .i. -5ter t4e =-nD ste/s into t4e s4oes o5 Mr. $orD -n. =e<o0es
t4e <re.itor o5 Ms. "-1-n2-'-n.
T4e ACP t4en <on<1'.e. t4-t:
"> -n. 1-r2e, t4e e&i.en<e on re<or. .o +si<, not en2en.er
eno'24 =-ses to est-=1is4 - /ro=-=1e <-'se -2-inst res/on.ents.
On 1 J'1> 200?, res/on.ent (S"C -//e-1e. t4e -=o&e%
I'ote. reso1'tion -n. 5ore2oin2 <o00ent to t4e Se<ret-r> o5 t4e
*OJ => 0e-ns o5 - Petition 5or Re&ieA.
In - Reso1'tion .-te. 8 A/ri1 200G, t4e C4ie5 St-te
Prose<'tor, Jo&en<ito R. Z'Uo, 5or t4e Se<ret-r> o5 t4e *OJ,
.is0isse. t4e /etition. In .en>in2 res/on.ent (S"CCs re<o'rse,
t4e C4ie5 St-te Prose<'tor 4e1. t4-t:
Se<. 12 +<, o5 *e/-rt0ent Cir<'1-r No. ;0 .-te. J'1> 2,
2000 /ro&i.es t4-t t4e Se<ret-r> o5 J'sti<e 0->, *ot$ proprio, .is0iss
o'tri24t t4e /etition i5 t4ere is no s4oAin2 o5 -n> re&ersi=1e error in t4e
I'estione. reso1'tion.
Fe <-re5'11> e3-0ine. t4e /etition -n. its -tt-<40ents -n.
5o'n. no re&ersi=1e error t4-t Ao'1. E'sti5> - re&ers-1 o5 t4e -ss-i1e.
reso1'tion A4i<4 is in -<<or. Ait4 t4e 1-A -n. e&i.en<e on t4e 0-tter.
Res/on.ent (S"CCs <otion for Re%onsieration A-s 1iDeAise
.enie. Ait4 Hn-1it> => t4e *OJ in - 1en2t4ier Reso1'tion .-te.?0
A'2'st 200G.
T4e *OJ E'stiHe. its r'1in2 in t4is Aise:
A /er's-1 o5 t4e 0otion re&e-1s no neA 0-tter or -r2'0ent
A4i<4 A-s not t-Den into <onsi.er-tion in o'r re&ieA o5 t4e <-se.
(en<e, Ae Hn. no <o2ent re-son to re<onsi.er o'r reso1'tion.
A//e11-nt 5-i1e. to /resent -n> iot- o5 e&i.en<e .ire<t1> s4oAin2 t4-t
res/on.ent T-t4erene "-1-n2-'-n tooD t4e 0one> -n. in&este. it
so0eA4ere e1se. A11 it trie. to est-=1is4 A-s t4-t T-t4erene 'n1-A5'11>
tooD t4e 0one> -n. 5r-'.'1ent1> in&este. it so0eA4ere e1se 3 3 3,
=e<-'se -5ter t4e Ait4.r-A-1s Aere 0-.e, t4e 0one> ne&er re-<4e.
Ro2er $orD -s -//e11-nt -.o/te. 4ooD, 1ine -n. sinDer t4e 1-tterCs
.e<1-r-tion, .es/ite $orDCs si2n-t'res on t4e Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s <o&erin2
t4e tot-1 -0o'nt o5 P2,900,000.00 3 3 3. F4i1e -//e11-nt 4-s e&er>
re-son to s's/e<t T-t4erene 5or t4e 1oss o5 t4e P2,900,000.00 -s /er
$orDCs =-nD st-te0ents, t4e <-s4 .e/osits Aere i.entiHe. => t4e
n'0er-1s @CEO8K -n. it A-s on1> T-t4erene A4o <o'1. tr-ns-<t 5ro0
t4e <o0/'ter in t4e AorD st-tion CEO%8, /1's -11e2e. /4oto2r-/4s
s4oAin2 T-t4erene @1e-&in2 4er oN<e -t 9:28 /.0. Ait4 - ='1D> /1-sti<
=-2 /res'0-=1> <ont-inin2 <-s4K sin<e - /ortion o5 t4e 5'n.s A-s
Ait4.r-An, Ae .o not, 4oAe&er, .Ae11 on /ossi=i1ities, s's/i<ion -n.
s/e<'1-tion. Fe r'1e =-se. on 4-r. 5-<ts -n. so1i. e&i.en<e.
Moreo&er, -n e3-0in-tion o5 t4e /etition 5or re&ieA re&e-1s t4-t
-//e11-nt 5-i1e. to -//en. t4ereto -11 -nne3es to res/on.entsC 'r2ent
0-ni5est-tions 3 3 3 to2et4er Ait4 s'//1e0ent-1 -N.-&its o5 Me1-nie
.e O<-0/o -n. Re3 ". "-1'<-n 3 3 3, A4i<4 -re /ertinent .o<'0ents
reI'ire. 'n.er Se<tion 9 o5 *e/-rt0ent Cir<'1-r No. ;0 .-te. J'1> ?,
Res/on.ent (S"C t4en Aent to t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s =>
0e-ns o5 - Petition 5or Certiorari 'n.er R'1e 89 o5 t4e Re&ise.
R'1es o5 Co'rt.
On 28 A/ri1 2008, t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s /ro0'12-te. its
*e<ision 2r-ntin2 res/on.ent (S"CCs /etition, t4ere=> -nn'11in2
-n. settin2 -si.e t4e tAin reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ.
T4e fallo o5 t4e -ss-i1e. .e<ision re-.s:
<9:;:?&;:, in vie! of the fore"oin" #re/ises, Fud"/ent is hereby
rendered by us 3;A.1I.3 the #etition filed in this case$ 1he assailed
;esolutions dated A#ril 5, 2006 and Au"ust 30, 2006 are A..@'': and S:1
1he City Prosecutor of Cebu City is hereby &;:;: to file the
a##ro#riate Infor/ation a"ainst the #rivate res#ondents$
Petitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4ereneCs 0otion 5or
re<onsi.er-tion /ro&e. 5'ti1e, -s it A-s .enie. => t4e -//e11-te
<o'rt in -Resol$tion .-te. 2: J'ne 2008.
(en<e, t4is /etition 5or %ertiorari H1e. 'n.er R'1e 89 o5 t4e
Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt.
Petitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene H1e. t4e /resent /etition on
t4e -r2'0ent t4-t t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s <o00itte. 2r-&e -='se o5
.is<retion in re&ersin2 -n. settin2 -si.e t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e
*OJ =hen: +1, @6i7t re&erse. t4e reso1'tion o5 t4e Se<ret-r> o5
J'sti<e, M-ni1- .-te. A'2'st ?0, 200G -n. <orres/on.in21>, 2-&e
.'e <o'rse to t4e Petition 5or Certiorari H1e. => (S"C on A/ri1 28,
2008 .es/ite A-nt o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se to A-rr-nt t4e H1in2 o5 -n
in5or0-tion -2-inst t4e 4erein /etitionersK
J +2, @6i7t -//re<i-te.
t4e .'=io's e&i.en<e -..'<e. => (S"C -1=eit t4e -=sen<e o5
1e2-1 st-n.in2 or /erson-1it> o5 t4e 1-tterK
J +?, @6i7t .enie. t4e
0otions 5or re<onsi.er-tion on J'ne 2:, 2008 notAit4st-n.in2 t4e
21-rin2 e&i.en<e /ro&in2 t4e inno<en<e o5 t4e /etitionersK
J +G,
@6i7t re='Me. t4e e&i.en<e o5 t4e 4erein /etitioners in s/ite o5 t4e
5-<t t4-t, e3-0inin2 s'<4 e&i.en<e -1one Ao'1. est-=1is4 t4-t t4e
0one> in I'estion A-s -1re-.> Ait4.r-An => Mr. Ro2er *A->ne
J -n. +9, @6i7t 5-i1e. to .is0iss o'tri24t t4e /etition =>
(S"C <onsi.erin2 t4-t t4e reI'ire. -N.-&it o5 ser&i<e A-s not
0-.e /-rt or -tt-<4e. in t4e s-i. /etition /'rs'-nt to Se<tion 1?,
R'1e 1? in re1-tion to Se<tion ?, R'1e G8, -n. Se<tion 2, R'1e 98 o5
t4e R'1es o5 Co'rt.K
ReI'ire. to <o00ent on t4e /etition, res/on.ent (S"C
re0-rDe. t4-t t4e H1in2 o5 t4e /resent /etition is i0/ro/er -n.
s4o'1. =e .is0isse.. It -r2'e. t4-t t4e <orre<t re0e.> is -n
-//e-1 => %ertiorari 'n.er R'1e G9 o5 t4e Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt.
Petitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene, on t4e ot4er 4-n.,
-sserte. in t4eir Repl(
t4-t t4e /etition H1e. 'n.er R'1e 89 A-s
ri24t5'11> H1e. <onsi.erin2 t4-t not on1> I'estions o5 1-A Aere
r-ise. ='t I'estions o5 5-<t -n. error o5 E'ris.i<tion -s Ae11. T4e>
insist t4-t t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s @<1e-r1> 's'r/e. into t4e
E'ris.i<tion -n. -'t4orit> o5 t4e P'=1i< Prose<'torLSe<ret-r> o5
E'sti<e +si<, 3 3 3.K
Gi&en t4e 5ore2oin2 -r2'0ents, t4ere is nee. to -..ress,
Hrst, t4e iss'e o5 t4e 0o.e o5 -//e-1 resorte. to => /etitioners
"ern>1 -n. T-t4erene. T4e /resent /etition is one
5or %ertiorari 'n.er R'1e 89 o5 t4e Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt. Noti<e
t4-t A4-t is =ein2 -ss-i1e. in t4is re<o'rse is t4e .e<ision -n.
reso1'tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s .-te. 28 A/ri1 2008 -n. 2: J'ne
2008, res/e<ti&e1>. T4e Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt, /-rti<'1-r1> R'1e
G9 t4ereo5, s/e<iH<-11> /ro&i.es t4-t -n -//e-1 => %ertiorari 5ro0
t4e E'.20ents or Hn-1 or.ers or reso1'tions o5 t4e -//e11-te <o'rt
is => &eriHe. /etition 5or re&ieA on %ertiorari.
In t4e /resent <-se, t4ere is no I'estion t4-t t4e 28 A/ri1
2008 )e%ision -n. 2: J'ne 2008 Resol$tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5
A//e-1s 2r-ntin2 t4e res/on.ent (S"CCs /etition in CA%G.R. CE".
SP No. 00088 is -1re-.> - .is/osition on t4e 0erits. T4ere5ore,
=ot4 .e<ision -n. reso1'tion, iss'e. => t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s, -re
in t4e n-t're o5 - Hn-1 .is/osition o5 t4e <-se set =e5ore it, -n.
A4i<4, 'n.er R'1e G9, -re -//e-1-=1e to t4is Co'rt via - Petition
5or Re&ieA on Certiorari, vi.:
SECTION 1. >ilin& of petition =ith '$pre*e Co$rt. S A /-rt>
.esirin2 to -//e-1 => %ertiorari 5ro0 - E'.20ent or Hn-1 or.er or
reso1'tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s, t4e S-n.i2-n=->-n, t4e Re2ion-1
Tri-1 Co'rt or ot4er <o'rts A4ene&er -'t4oriBe. => 1-A, 0-> H1e Ait4
t4e S'/re0e Co'rt - &eriHe. /etition 5or re&ieA on %ertiorari. T4e
/etition s4-11 r-ise on1> I'estions o5 1-A A4i<4 0'st =e .istin<t1> set
5ort4. +E0/4-sis s'//1ie..,
It is e1e0ent-r> in re0e.i-1 1-A t4-t - Arit o5 %ertiorari Ai11
not iss'e A4ere t4e re0e.> o5 -//e-1 is -&-i1-=1e to -n -22rie&e.
/-rt>. A re0e.> is <onsi.ere. X/1-in, s/ee.> -n. -.eI'-teX i5 it
Ai11 /ro0/t1> re1ie&e t4e /etitioners 5ro0 t4e inE'rio's eMe<ts o5
t4e E'.20ent -n. t4e -<ts o5 t4e 1oAer <o'rt or -2en<>.
In t4is
<-se, -//e-1 A-s not on1> -&-i1-=1e ='t -1so - s/ee.> -n.
-.eI'-te re0e.>.
An. A4i1e it is tr'e t4-t in -<<or.-n<e Ait4
t4e 1i=er-1 s/irit /er&-.in2 t4e R'1es o5 Co'rt -n. in t4e interest o5
s'=st-nti-1 E'sti<e,
t4is Co'rt 4-s, =e5ore,
tre-te. - /etition
5or %ertiorari -s - /etition 5or re&ieA on %ertiorari, /-rti<'1-r1> i5
t4e /etition 5or %ertiorari A-s H1e. Ait4in t4e re21e0ent-r> /erio.
Ait4in A4i<4 to H1e - /etition 5or re&ieA on %ertiorariJ
e3<e/tion is not -//1i<-=1e to t4e /resent 5-<t'-1 0i1ie'.
P'rs'-nt to Se<. 2, R'1e G9 o5 t4e Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt:
SEC. 2. 1i*e for ?lin&@ extension. S T4e /etition s4-11 =e H1e.
Ait4in H5teen +19, .->s 5ro0 noti<e o5 t4e E'.20ent or Hn-1 or.er or
reso1'tion -//e-1e. 5ro0, or o5 t4e .eni-1 o5 t4e /etitionerCs 0otion 5or
neA tri-1 or re<onsi.er-tion H1e. in .'e ti0e -5ter noti<e o5 t4e
E'.20ent. 3 3 3.
- /-rt> 1iti2-nt Ais4in2 to H1e - /etition 5or re&ieA
on %ertiorari 0'st .o so Ait4in 19 .->s 5ro0 re<ei/t o5 t4e
E'.20ent, Hn-1 or.er or reso1'tion so'24t to =e -//e-1e.. In t4is
<-se, /etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4ereneCs 0otion 5or
re<onsi.er-tion o5 t4e -//e11-te <o'rtCs Reso1'tion A-s .enie. =>
t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s in its Resol$tion .-te. 2: J'ne 2008, - <o/>
o5 A4i<4 A-s re<ei&e. => /etitioners on G J'1> 2008. T4e /resent
/etition A-s H1e. on 1 Se/te0=er 2008J t4's, -t t4e ti0e o5 t4e
H1in2 o5 s-i. /etition, 9: .->s 4-. e1-/se., A-> =e>on. t4e 19%
.-> /erio. Ait4in A4i<4 to H1e - /etition 5or re&ieA 'n.er R'1e G9,
-n. e&en =e>on. -n e3ten.e. /erio. o5 ?0 .->s, t4e 0-3i0'0
/erio. 5or e3tension -11oAe. => t4e r'1es 4-. /etitioners so'24t
to 0o&e 5or s'<4 e3tr- ti0e. As t4e 5-<ts st-n., /etitioners
"ern>1 -n. T-t4erene 4-. 1ost t4e ri24t to -//e-1 via R'1e G9.
"e t4-t -s it 0->, -1tern-ti&e1>, i5 t4e .e<ision o5 t4e
-//e11-te <o'rt is -tten.e. => 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion
-0o'ntin2 to 1-<D or e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion, t4en s'<4 r'1in2 is
5-t-11> .e5e<ti&e on E'ris.i<tion-1 2ro'n. -n. 0-> =e I'estione.
e&en -5ter t4e 1-/se o5 t4e /erio. o5 -//e-1 'n.er R'1e G9
sti11 Ait4in t4e /erio. 5or H1in2 - /etition 5or %ertiorari 'n.er R'1e
Fe 4-&e /re&io's1> r'1e. t4-t 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion 0->
-rise A4en - 1oAer <o'rt or tri='n-1 &io1-tes -n. <ontr-&enes t4e
Constit'tion, t4e 1-A or e3istin2 E'ris/r'.en<e. "> 2r-&e -='se o5
.is<retion is 0e-nt s'<4 <-/ri<io's -n. A4i0si<-1 e3er<ise o5
E'.20ent -s is eI'i&-1ent to 1-<D o5 E'ris.i<tion. T4e -='se o5
.is<retion 0'st =e 2r-&e, -s A4ere t4e /oAer is e3er<ise. in -n
-r=itr-r> or .es/oti< 0-nner => re-son o5 /-ssion or /erson-1
4osti1it> -n. 0'st =e so /-tent -n. 2ross -s to -0o'nt to -n
e&-sion o5 /ositi&e .'t> or to - &irt'-1 re5's-1 to /er5or0 t4e .'t>
enEoine. => or to -<t -t -11 in <onte0/1-tion o5 1-A.
T4e Aor.
@<-/ri<io's,K 's'-11> 'se. in t-n.e0 Ait4 t4e ter0 @-r=itr-r>,K
<on&e>s t4e notion o5 Ai115'1 -n. 'nre-sonin2 -<tion. T4's, A4en
seeDin2 t4e <orre<ti&e 4-n. o5 %ertiorari, - <1e-r s4oAin2 o5
<-/ri<e -n. -r=itr-riness in t4e e3er<ise o5 .is<retion is
In re&ersin2 -n. settin2 -si.e t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ,
/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene <onten. t4-t t4e Co'rt o5
A//e-1s -<te. Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion -0o'ntin2 to 1-<D or
e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion.
T4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s, A4en it reso1&e. to 2r-nt t4e /etition
in CA%G.R. CE". SP No. 00088, .i. so on tAo 2ro'n.s, i.e., 1, t4-t
@t4e /'=1i< res/on.ent +*OJ, 2r-&e1> -='se. 4is .is<retion in
Hn.in2 t4-t t4ere A-s no re&ersi=1e error on t4e /-rt o5 t4e Ce='
Cit> Prose<'tor .is0issin2 t4e <-se -2-inst t4e /ri&-te
res/on.ent Ait4o't st-tin2 t4e 5-<ts -n. t4e 1-A '/on A4i<4 t4is
<on<1'sion A-s 0-.eK
J -n. 2, t4-t @t4e /'=1i< res/on.ent +*OJ,
0-.e re5eren<e to t4e 5-<ts -n. <ir<'0st-n<es o5 t4e <-se
1e-.in2 to 4is Hn.in2 t4-t no /ro=-=1e <-'se e3ists, 3 3 3 +t4e,
&er> 5-<ts -n. <ir<'0st-n<es +A4i<4, s4oA t4-t t4ere e3ists -
/ro=-=1e <-'se to =e1ie&e t4-t in.ee. t4e /ri&-te res/on.ents
<o00itte. t4e <ri0es 3 3 3 <4-r2e. -2-inst t4e0.K
It e3/1-ine. t4-t:
In re5'sin2 to H1e t4e -//ro/ri-te in5or0-tion -2-inst t4e /ri&-te
res/on.ents =e<-'se 4e W.oes not .Ae11 on /ossi=i1ities, s's/i<ion -n.
s/e<'1-tionC -n. t4-t 4e r'1es W=-se. on 4-r. 5-<ts -n. so1i. e&i.en<eC,
+si<, t4e /'=1i< res/on.ent e3<ee.e. 4is -'t4orit> -n. 2r-&e1> -='se.
4is .is<retion. It 0'st =e re0e0=ere. t4-t - Hn.in2 o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se
.oes not reI'ire -n inI'ir> into A4et4er t4ere is s'N<ient e&i.en<e to
/ro<'re - <on&i<tion. It is eno'24 t4-t it is =e1ie&e. t4-t t4e -<t or
o0ission <o0/1-ine. o5 <onstit'tes t4e oMense <4-r2e.. T4e ter0 .oes
not 0e-n W-<t'-1 or /ositi&e <-'seJC +si<, nor .oes it i0/ort -=so1'te
<ert-int>. It is 0ere1> =-se. on o/inion -n. re-son-=1e =e1ie5. 6Cit-tion
o0itte..7 A tri-1 is t4ere /re<ise1> 5or t4e re<e/tion o5 e&i.en<e o5 t4e
/rose<'tion in s'//ort o5 t4e <4-r2e.
In t4is <-se, t4e /etitioner 4-. -0/1> est-=1is4e. t4-t it 4-s
- pri*a fa%ie <-se -2-inst t4e /ri&-te res/on.ents. As o=ser&e. => t4e
/'=1i< res/on.ent in 4is se<on. -ss-i1e. reso1'tion, /etitioner A-s -=1e
to /resent /4oto2r-/4s o5 /ri&-te res/on.ent Ms. "-1-n2-'-n 1e-&in2
4er oN<e <-rr>in2 - ='1D> /1-sti< =-2. T4ere A-s -1so t4e 5-<t t4-t t4e
tr-ns-<tions in Mr. $orDCs -<<o'nt 'se. t4e <o.e WCEO8C A4i<4
/res'0-=1> /oint to t4e /ri&-te res/on.ent Ms. "-1-n2-'-n -s t4e
-'t4or t4ereo5 5or s4e is t4e one -ssi2ne. to s'<4 AorD st-tion.
F'rt4er0ore, /etitioner A-s -=1e to est-=1is4 t4-t it A-s Ms.
"-1-n2-'-n A4o 4-n.1e. Mr. $orDCs -<<o'nt -n. s4e A-s t4e one
-'t4oriBe. to 0-De t4e /1-<e0ent o5 t4e s'0 o5 P2,900,000.00. Sin<e
s-i. s'0 is noA4ere to =e 5o'n. in t4e re<or.s o5 t4e =-nD, t4en,
-//-rent1>, Ms. "-1-n2-'-n 0'st =e 0-.e to -<<o'nt 5or t4e s-0e.
T4e -//e11-te <o'rt t4en <on<1'.e. t4-t:
T4ese 5-<ts en2en.er - Ae11%5o'n.e. =e1ie5 t4-t t4-t +si<, -
<ri0e 4-s =een <o00itte. -n. t4-t t4e /ri&-te res/on.ents -re
/ro=-=1> 2'i1t> t4ereo5. In re5'sin2 to H1e t4e <orres/on.in2 in5or0-tion
-2-inst t4e /ri&-te res/on.ents .es/ite t4e /resen<e o5 t4e
<ir<'0st-n<es 0-Din2 o't - pri*a fa%ie <-se -2-inst t4e0, t4e /'=1i<
res/on.ent 2r-&e1> -='se. 4is .is<retion -0o'ntin2 to -n e&-sion o5 -
/ositi&e .'t> or to - &irt'-1 re5's-1 eit4er to /er5or0 t4e .'t> enEoine.
or to -<t -t -11 in <onte0/1-tion o5 1-A.
T4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s 5o'n. 5-'1t in t4e *OJCs 5-i1're to
i.enti5> -n. .is<'ss t4e iss'es r-ise. => t4e res/on.ent (S"C in
its Petition 5or Re&ieA H1e. t4ereAit4. An., in s'//ort t4ereo5,
res/on.ent (S"C 0-int-ins t4-t it is in<orre<t to -r2'e t4-t @it
A-s not ne<ess-r> 5or t4e Se<ret-r> o5 J'sti<e to 4-&e 4is
reso1'tion re<ite t4e 5-<ts -n. t4e 1-A on A4i<4 it A-s =-se.,K
=e<-'se <o'rts -n.A$asi%E'.i<i-1 =o.ies s4o'1. 5-it45'11> <o0/1>
Ait4 Se<tion 1G, Arti<1e )III o5 t4e Constit'tion reI'irin2 t4-t
.e<isions ren.ere. => t4e0 s4o'1. st-te <1e-r1> -n. .istin<t1> t4e
5-<ts o5 t4e <-se -n. t4e 1-A on A4i<4 t4e .e<ision is =-se..
Petitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene, Eoine. => t4e ON<e o5 t4e
So1i<itor Gener-1, on t4e ot4er 4-n., .e5en.s t4e *OJ -n. -ssert
t4-t t4e I'estione. reso1'tion A-s <o0/1ete in t4-t it st-te. t4e
1e2-1 =-sis 5or .en>in2 res/on.ent (S"CCs /etition 5or re&ieA S
@t4-t +-5ter, -n e3-0in-tion +o5, t4e /etition -n. its -tt-<40ent
6it7 5o'n. no re&ersi=1e error t4-t Ao'1. E'sti5> - re&ers-1 o5 t4e
-ss-i1e. reso1'tion A4i<4 is in -<<or. Ait4 t4e 1-A -n. e&i.en<e
on t4e 0-tter.K
It 0'st =e re0e0=ere. t4-t - /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion is
not - I'-si%E'.i<i-1 /ro<ee.in2, -n. t4-t t4e *OJ is not - I'-si%
E'.i<i-1 -2en<> e3er<isin2 - I'-si%E'.i<i-1 5'n<tion A4en it re&ieAs
t4e Hn.in2s o5 - /'=1i< /rose<'tor re2-r.in2 t4e /resen<e o5
/ro=-=1e <-'se. In Ba$tista v. Co$rt of 0ppeals,
t4is Co'rt 4e1.
t4-t - /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion is not - I'-si%E'.i<i-1 /ro<ee.in2,
6T74e /rose<'tor in - /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion .oes not .eter0ine t4e
2'i1t or inno<en<e o5 t4e -<<'se.. (e .oes not e3er<ise -.E'.i<-tion
nor r'1e%0-Din2 5'n<tions. Pre1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion is 0ere1>
inI'isitori-1, -n. is o5ten t4e on1> 0e-ns o5 .is<o&erin2 t4e /ersons
A4o 0-> =e re-son-=1> <4-r2e. Ait4 - <ri0e -n. to en-=1e t4e Hs<-1
to /re/-re 4is <o0/1-int or in5or0-tion. It is not - tri-1 o5 t4e <-se on
t4e 0erits -n. 4-s no /'r/ose e3<e/t t4-t o5 .eter0inin2 A4et4er -
<ri0e 4-s =een <o00itte. -n. A4et4er t4ere is /ro=-=1e <-'se to
=e1ie&e t4-t t4e -<<'se. is 2'i1t> t4ereo5. F4i1e t4e Hs<-1 0-Des t4-t
.eter0in-tion, 4e <-nnot =e s-i. to =e -<tin2 -s - I'-si%<o'rt, 5or it is
t4e <o'rts, '1ti0-te1>, t4-t /-ss E'.20ent on t4e -<<'se., not t4e
T4o'24 so0e <-ses
.es<ri=e t4e /'=1i< /rose<'torCs
/oAer to <on.'<t - /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion -s I'-si%E'.i<i-1 in
n-t're, t4is is tr'e on1> to t4e e3tent t4-t, 1iDe I'-si%E'.i<i-1
=o.ies, t4e /rose<'tor is -n oN<er o5 t4e e3e<'ti&e .e/-rt0ent
e3er<isin2 /oAers -Din to t4ose o5 - <o'rt, -n. t4e si0i1-rit> en.s
-t t4is /oint.
A I'-si%E'.i<i-1 =o.> is -n or2-n o5 2o&ern0ent
ot4er t4-n - <o'rt -n. ot4er t4-n - 1e2is1-t're A4i<4 -Me<ts t4e
ri24ts o5 /ri&-te /-rties t4ro'24 eit4er -.E'.i<-tion or r'1e%
A I'-si%E'.i<i-1 -2en<> /er5or0s -.E'.i<-tor>
5'n<tions s'<4 t4-t its -A-r.s, .eter0ine t4e ri24ts o5 /-rties,
-n. t4eir .e<isions 4-&e t4e s-0e eMe<t -s E'.20ents o5 - <o'rt.
S'<4 is not t4e <-se A4en - /'=1i< /rose<'tor <on.'<ts -
/re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion to .eter0ine /ro=-=1e <-'se to H1e -n
In5or0-tion -2-inst - /erson <4-r2e. Ait4 - <ri0in-1 oMense, or
A4en t4e Se<ret-r> o5 J'sti<e is re&ieAin2 t4e 5or0erCs or.er or
reso1'tions. In t4is <-se, sin<e t4e *OJ is not - I'-si%E'.i<i-1
=o.>, Se<tion 1G, Arti<1e )III o5 t4e Constit'tion Hn.s no
-//1i<-tion. "e t4-t -s it 0->, t4e *OJ re<tiHe. t4e s4ortness o5
its Hrst reso1'tion => iss'in2 - 1en2t4ier one A4en it reso1&e.
res/on.ent (S"CCs 0otion 5or re<onsi.er-tion.
Anent t4e s'=st-nti-1 0erit o5 t4e <-se, A4et4er or not t4e
Co'rt o5 A//e-1sC .e<ision -n. reso1'tion -re t-inte. Ait4 2r-&e
-='se o5 .is<retion in Hn.in2 /ro=-=1e <-'se, t4is Co'rt Hn.s t4e
/etition .is0issi=1e.
T4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s <-nnot =e s-i. to 4-&e -<te. Ait4
2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion -0o'ntin2 to 1-<D or e3<ess o5
E'ris.i<tion in re&ersin2 -n. settin2 -si.e t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e
*OJ. In t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ, it -Nr0e. t4e
re<o00en.-tion o5 ACP L-=orte t4-t no /ro=-=1e <-'se e3iste. to
A-rr-nt t4e H1in2 in <o'rt o5 -n In5or0-tion 5or est-5- -n.Lor
I'-1iHe. est-5- -2-inst /etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene. It A-s
t4e re-sonin2 o5 t4e *OJ t4-t @6A74i1e -//e11-nt 4-s e&er> re-son
to s's/e<t T-t4erene 5or t4e 1oss o5 t4e P2,900,000.00 -s /er
$orDCs =-nD st-te0ents, t4e <-s4 .e/osits Aere i.entiHe. => t4e
n'0er-1s WCEO8C -n. it A-s on1> T-t4erene A4o <o'1. tr-ns-<t
5ro0 t4e <o0/'ter in t4e AorD st-tion CEO%8, /1's -11e2e.
/4oto2r-/4s s4oAin2 T-t4erene W1e-&in2 4er oN<e -t 9:28 /.0.
Ait4 - ='1D> /1-sti< =-2 /res'0-=1> <ont-inin2 <-s4C sin<e
- /ortion o5 t4e 5'n.s A-s Ait4.r-An, Ae .o not, 4oAe&er, .Ae11
on /ossi=i1ities, s's/i<ion -n. s/e<'1-tion. Fe r'1e =-se. on 4-r.
5-<ts -n. so1i. e&i.en<e.K
Fe .o not -2ree.
Pro=-=1e <-'se 4-s =een .eHne. -s t4e e3isten<e o5 s'<4
5-<ts -n. <ir<'0st-n<es -s Ao'1. e3<ite =e1ie5 in - re-son-=1e
0in., -<tin2 on t4e 5-<ts Ait4in t4e DnoA1e.2e o5 t4e /rose<'tor,
t4-t t4e /erson <4-r2e. A-s 2'i1t> o5 t4e <ri0e 5or A4i<4 4e A-s
A Hn.in2 o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se 0ere1> =in.s o&er t4e
s's/e<t to st-n. tri-1. It is not - /rono'n<e0ent o5 2'i1t.
T4e e3e<'ti&e .e/-rt0ent o5 t4e 2o&ern0ent is -<<o'nt-=1e
5or t4e /rose<'tion o5 <ri0es, its /rin<i/-1 o=1i2-tion =ein2 t4e
5-it45'1 e3e<'tion o5 t4e 1-As o5 t4e 1-n.. A ne<ess-r> <o0/onent
o5 t4e /oAer to e3e<'te t4e 1-As is t4e ri24t to /rose<'te t4eir
t4e res/onsi=i1it> 5or A4i<4 is t4r'st '/on t4e
*OJ. (en<e, t4e .eter0in-tion o5 A4et4er or not /ro=-=1e <-'se
e3ists to A-rr-nt t4e /rose<'tion in <o'rt o5 -n -<<'se. is
<onsi2ne. -n. entr'ste. to t4e *OJ. An. => t4e n-t're o5 4is
oN<e, - /'=1i< /rose<'tor is 'n.er no <o0/'1sion to H1e -
/-rti<'1-r <ri0in-1 in5or0-tion A4ere 4e is not <on&in<e. t4-t 4e
4-s e&i.en<e to /ro/ '/ t4e -&er0ents t4ereo5, or t4-t t4e
e&i.en<e -t 4-n. /oints to - .iMerent <on<1'sion.
"'t t4is is not to .is<o'nt t4e /ossi=i1it> o5 t4e <o00ission
o5 -='ses on t4e /-rt o5 t4e /rose<'tor. It is entire1> /ossi=1e t4-t
t4e in&esti2-tin2 /rose<'tor 4-s erroneo's1> e3er<ise. t4e
.is<retion 1o.2e. in 4i0 => 1-A. T4is, 4oAe&er, .oes not ren.er
4is -<t -0en-=1e to <orre<tion -n. -nn'10ent => t4e
e3tr-or.in-r> re0e.> o5 %ertiorari, -=sent -n> s4oAin2 o5 2r-&e
-='se o5 .is<retion -0o'ntin2 to e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion.
An. A4i1e it is t4is Co'rtCs 2ener-1 /o1i<> not to inter5ere in
t4e <on.'<t o5 /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tions, 1e-&in2 t4e
in&esti2-tin2 oN<ers s'N<ient .is<retion to .eter0ine /ro=-=1e
Ae 4-&e nonet4e1ess 0-.e so0e e3<e/tions to t4e
2ener-1 r'1e, s'<4 -s A4en t4e -<ts o5 t4e oN<er -re Ait4o't or in
e3<ess o5 -'t4orit>,
res'1tin2 5ro0 - 2r-&e -='se o5
.is<retion. A1t4o'24 t4ere is no 2ener-1 5or0'1- or H3e. r'1e 5or
t4e .eter0in-tion o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se, sin<e t4e s-0e 0'st =e
.e<i.e. in t4e 1i24t o5 t4e <on.itions o=t-inin2 in 2i&en sit'-tions
-n. its e3isten<e .e/en.s to - 1-r2e .e2ree '/on t4e Hn.in2 or
o/inion o5 t4e E'.2e <on.'<tin2 t4e e3-0in-tion, s'<4 - Hn.in2
s4o'1. not .isre2-r. t4e 5-<ts =e5ore t4e E'.2e +/'=1i< /rose<'tor,
or r'n <o'nter to t4e <1e-r .i<t-tes o5 re-son.
A//1>in2 t4e 5ore2oin2 .isI'isition to t4e /resent /etition,
t4e re-sons o5 *OJ 5or -Nr0in2 t4e .is0iss-1 o5 t4e <ri0in-1
<o0/1-ints 5or est-5- -n.Lor I'-1iHe. est-5- -re .eter0in-ti&e o5
A4et4er or not it <o00itte. 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion -0o'ntin2
to 1-<D or e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion. In reI'irin2 @har fa%ts an soli
evien%eK -s t4e =-sis 5or - Hn.in2 o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se to 4o1.
/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene 1i-=1e to st-n. tri-1 5or t4e <ri0e
<o0/1-ine. o5, t4e *OJ .isre2-r.s t4e .eHnition o5 /ro=-=1e <-'se
S t4-t it is - re-son-=1e 2ro'n. o5 /res'0/tion t4-t - 0-tter is, or
0-> =e, Ae11%5o'n.e., s'<4 - st-te o5 5-<ts in t4e 0in. o5 t4e
/rose<'tor -s Ao'1. 1e-. - /erson o5 or.in-r> <-'tion -n.
/r'.en<e to =e1ie&e, or entert-in -n 4onest or stron2 s's/i<ion,
t4-t - t4in2 is so.
T4e ter0 .oes not 0e-n @-<t'-1 -n. /ositi&e
<-'seK nor .oes it i0/ort -=so1'te <ert-int>.
It is 0ere1> =-se.
on o/inion -n. re-son-=1e =e1ie5J
t4-t is, t4e =e1ie5 t4-t t4e -<t
or o0ission <o0/1-ine. o5 <onstit'tes t4e oMense <4-r2e.. F4i1e
/ro=-=1e <-'se .e0-n.s 0ore t4-n @=-re s's/i<ion,K it reI'ires
@1ess t4-n e&i.en<e A4i<4 Ao'1. E'sti5> <on&i<tion.K (erein, t4e
*OJ re-sone. -s i5 no e&i.en<e A-s -<t'-11> /resente. =>
res/on.ent (S"C A4en in 5-<t t4e re<or.s o5 t4e <-se Aere
tee0in2J or it .is<o'nte. t4e &-1'e o5 s'<4 s'=st-nti-tion A4en in
5-<t t4e e&i.en<e /resente. A-s -.eI'-te to e3<ite in -
re-son-=1e 0in. t4e /ro=-=i1it> t4-t /etitioners "ern>1 -n.
T-t4erene <o00itte. t4e <ri0eLs <o0/1-ine. o5. In so .oin2, t4e
*OJ A4i0si<-11> -n. <-/ri<io's1> e3er<ise. its .is<retion,
-0o'ntin2 to 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion, A4i<4 ren.ere. its
reso1'tions -0en-=1e to <orre<tion -n. -nn'10ent => t4e
e3tr-or.in-r> re0e.> o5 %ertiorari.
Fro0 t4e re<or.s o5 t4e <-se, it is <1e-r t4-t - pri*a
fa%ie <-se 5or est-5-LI'-1iHe. est-5- e3ists -2-inst /etitioners
"ern>1 -n. T-t4erene. A /er's-1 o5 t4e re<or.s, i.e., t4e -N.-&its
o5 res/on.ent (S"CCs Aitnesses, t4e .o<'0ent-r> e&i.en<e
/resente., -s Ae11 -s t4e -n-1>sis o5 t4e 5-<t'-1 0i1ie' o5 t4e
<-se, 1e-.s t4is Co'rt to -2ree Ait4 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s t4-t,
t-Den to2et4er, t4e> -re eno'24 to e3<ite t4e =e1ie5, in -
re-son-=1e 0in., t4-t t4e S/o'ses "ern>1 "-1-n2-'-n -n.
T-t4erene "-1-n2-'-n -re 2'i1t> o5 t4e <ri0e <o0/1-ine.
o5. F4et4er or not t4e> Ai11 =e <on&i<te. => - tri-1 <o'rt =-se. on
t4e s-0e e&i.en<e is not - <onsi.er-tion. It is eno'24 t4-t -<ts
or o0issions <o0/1-ine. o5 => res/on.ent (S"C <onstit'te t4e
<ri0e o5 est-5- -n.Lor I'-1iHe. est-5-.
Co11e<ti&e1>, t4e /4oto2r-/4s o5 /etitioner T-t4erene 1e-&in2
t4e /re0ises o5 res/on.ent (S"C <-rr>in2 - ='1D> /1-sti< =-2 -n.
t4e -N.-&its o5 res/on.ent (S"CCs Aitnesses s'N<ient1>
est-=1is4 -<ts -.eI'-te to <onstit'te t4e <ri0e o5 est-5- -n.Lor
I'-1iHe. est-5-. F4-t t4e -N.-&its =e-r o't -re t4e 5o11oAin2:
t4-t $orD A-s - Pre0ier C1ient o5 res/on.ent (S"CJ t4-t /etitioner
T-t4erene 4-n.1e. -11 t4e -<<o'nts o5 $orDJ t4-t not one o5 $orDCs
-<<o'nts reQe<t t4e P2,900,000.00 -11e2e.1> .e/osite. in - 4i24er
>ie1.in2 -<<o'ntJ t4-t /rior to t4e .is<o&er> o5 4er -11e2e. -<ts
-n. o0issions, /etitioner T-t4erene s'//ose.1> /ers'-.e. $orD
to in&est in - @neA /ro.'<tK o5 res/on.ent (S"C, i.e., - 4i24er
interest >ie1.in2 ti0e .e/ositJ t4-t $orD 0-.e - tot-1
o5 P2,900,000.00 in&est0ent in t4e @neA /ro.'<tK => -'t4oriBin2
/etitioner "-1-n2-'-n to tr-ns5er s-i. 5'n.s to itJ t4-t /etitioner
T-t4erene s'//ose.1> -sDe. $orD to si2n se&er-1 tr-ns-<tion
.o<'0ents in or.er to tr-ns5er t4e 5'n.s to t4e @neA /ro.'<tKJ
t4-t s-i. .o<'0ents t'rne. o't to =e Ait4.r-A-1 s1i/s -n. <-s4
0o&e0ent ti<DetsJ t4-t -t no ti0e .i. $orD re<ei&e t4e <-s4 -s -
res'1t o5 si2nin2 t4e .o<'0ents t4-t t'rne. o't to =e Ait4.r-A-1
s1i/sL<-s4 0o&e0ent ti<DetsJ t4-t $orDCs -<<o'nt A-s re2'1-r1>
<re.ite. @1oose <4-n2eK in t4e -0o'nts o5 P12,900.00
-n. P8,???.?? =e2innin2 in t4e 0ont4 -5ter t4e -11e2e. @tr-ns5erK
o5 $orDCs 5'n.s to t4e @neA /ro.'<tKJ t4-t t4e re2'1-r .e/osits o5
1oose <4-n2e Aere tr-ns-<te. Ait4 t4e 'se o5 /etitioner
T-t4ereneCs AorD ter0in-1 -<<esse. => 4er /-ssAor. @CEO8KJ
t4-t t4e @CEO8K /-ssAor. A-s De>e. in Ait4 t4e 'se o5 - sAi/e
<-r. -1A->s in t4e /ossession o5 /etitioner T-t4ereneJ t4-t one o5
t4e 1oose%<4-n2e .e/osits A-s tr-ns-<te. via t4e /4one =-nDin2
5e-t're o5 res/on.ent (S"C -n. t4-t A4en tr-<e., t4e /4one
n'0=er 'se. A-s t4e 1-n.1ine n'0=er o5 t4e 4o'se o5 /etitioners
"ern>1 -n. T-t4ereneJ t4-t res/on.ent (S"CCs =-nD /ersonne1, -s
Ae11 -s $orD, s'//ose.1> -, t-1De. Ait4 /etitioner T-t4erene on
t4e /4one, -n. t4-t s4e -11e2e.1> -.0itte. t4-t t4e 0issin2 5'n.s
Aere in&este. Ait4 S4e11 Co0/-n>, o5 A4i<4 $orD -//ro&e., -n.
t4-t it A-s on1> 5or one >e-rJ -n. =, 0et Ait4 /etitioner "ern>1,
-n. t4-t t4e 1-tter -t Hrst .enie. 4-&in2 DnoA1e.2e o5 4is Ai5eCs
<o0/1i<it>, ='t 1-ter on -.0itte. t4-t 4e DneA o5 t4e in&est0ent
Ait4 S4e11 Co0/-n>, -n. t4-t 4e s'//ose.1> 0-.e t4e 1oose%
<4-n2e .e/osit via /4one =-nDin2J t4-t -5ter 2? A/ri1 2002, $orD
A-s to1. t4-t res/on.ent (S"C 4-. no @neA /ro.'<tK or t4-t it
A-s /ro0otin2 in&est0ent Ait4 S4e11 Co0/-n>J t4-t $orD .enie.
4-&in2 -n> DnoA1e.2e t4-t 4is 0one> A-s in&este. o'tsi.e o5
res/on.ent (S"CJ -n. t4-t /etitioner T-t4erene Ao'1. not 4-&e
=een -=1e to 5-<i1it-te t4e -11e2e. -<ts or o0issions Ait4o't
t-Din2 -.&-nt-2e o5 4er /osition or oN<e, -s - <onseI'en<e o5
A4i<4, (S"C 4-. to rei0='rse $orD t4e
0issin2 P2,900,000.00.
Fro0 t4e -=o&e, t4e -11e2e. <ir<'0st-n<es o5 t4e <-se -t =-r
0-De '/ t4e e1e0ents o5 -='se o5 <onH.en<e, .e<eit or
5r-'.'1ent 0e-ns, -n. .-0-2e 'n.er Art. ?19 o5 t4e Re&ise.
Pen-1 Co.e on est-5- -n.Lor I'-1iHe. est-5-. T4e> 2i&e rise to t4e
/res'0/tion or re-son-=1e =e1ie5 t4-t t4e oMense o5 est-5- 4-s
=een <o00itte.J -n., t4's, t4e H1in2 o5 -n In5or0-tion -2-inst
/etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene is A-rr-nte.. T4-t res/on.ent
(S"C is s'//ose. to 4-&e no /erson-1it> to H1e -n> <ri0in-1
<o0/1-int -2-inst /etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4erene .oes not ipso
fa%to <1e-r t4e0 o5 pri*a fa%ie 2'i1t. T4e s-0e 2oes 5or t4eir
=-si< .eni-1 o5 t4e -<ts or o0issions <o0/1-ine. o5J or t4eir
-tte0/t -t s4i5tin2 t4e .o'=t to t4e /erson o5 $orDJ -n. t4eir
<1-i0 t4-t Aitnesses o5 res/on.ent (S"C -re 2'i1t> o5 5-=ri<-tin2
t4e A4o1e s<en-rio. T4ese -re 0-tters o5 .e5enseJ t4eir &-1i.it>
nee.s to =e teste. in t4e <r'<i=1e o5 - 5'11%=1oAn tri-1. Lest it =e
5or2otten, t4e /resen<e or -=sen<e o5 t4e e1e0ents o5 t4e <ri0e is
e&i.enti-r> in n-t're -n. is - 0-tter o5 .e5ense, t4e tr't4 o5
A4i<4 <-n =est =e /-sse. '/on -5ter - 5'11%=1oAn tri-1 on t4e
0erits. Liti2-tion Ai11 /ro&e /etitioners "ern>1 -n. T-t4ereneCs
inno<en<e i5 t4eir .e5ense =e tr'e.
In Hne, t4e re1-3-tion o5 /ro<e.'r-1 r'1es 0-> =e -11oAe.
on1> A4en t4ere -re e3<e/tion-1 <ir<'0st-n<es to E'sti5> t4e
s-0e. Tr> -s Ae 0i24t, t4is Co'rt <-nnot Hn. 2r-&e -='se o5
.is<retion on t4e /-rt o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s, A4en it re&erse.
-n. set -si.e t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ. T4ere is no s4oAin2 t4-t
t4e -//e11-te <o'rt -<te. in -n -r=itr-r> -n. .es/oti< 0-nner, so
/-tent or 2ross -s to -0o'nt to -n e&-sion or 'ni1-ter-1 re5's-1 to
/er5or0 its 1e2-11> 0-n.-te. .'t>. On t4e <ontr-r>, Ae Hn. t4e
-ss-i1e. .e<ision -n. reso1'tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5 A//e-1s to =e
0ore in -<<or.-n<e Ait4 t4e e&i.en<e on re<or. -n. re1e&-nt 1-As
-n. E'ris/r'.en<e t4-n t4e reso1'tions o5 t4e *OJ.
Consi.erin2 t4e -11e2-tions, iss'es -n. -r2'0ents -..'<e.
-n. o'r .isI'isition -=o&e, Ae 4ere=> .is0iss t4e inst-nt /etition
5or =ein2 t4e Aron2 re0e.> 'n.er t4e Re&ise. R'1es o5 Co'rt, -s
Ae11 -s 5or /etitioner "ern>1 -n. T-t4ereneCs 5-i1're to s'N<ient1>
s4oA t4-t t4e <4-11en2e. )e%ision -n. Resol$tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5
A//e-1s Aere ren.ere. in 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion -0o'ntin2 to
1-<D or e3<ess o5 E'ris.i<tion.
WHEREFORE, /re0ises <onsi.ere., t4e inst-nt Petition
5or Certiorari is DISMISSED 5or 1-<D o5 0erit. T4e 28 A/ri1
2008 )e%ision -n. t4e 2: J'ne 2008 Resol$tion o5 t4e Co'rt o5
A//e-1s in CA%G.R. CE"% SP No. 00088, -re
4ere=> AFFIRMED. Fit4 <osts -2-inst /etitioners %% S/o'ses
"ern>1 "-1-n2-'-n -n. T-t4erene "-1-n2-'-n.
Asso<i-te J'sti<e
Asso<i-te J'sti<e
Asso<i-te J'sti<e Asso<i-te J'sti<e
Asso<i-te J'sti<e
I -ttest t4-t t4e <on<1'sions in t4e -=o&e *e<ision Aere
re-<4e. in <ons'1t-tion =e5ore t4e <-se A-s -ssi2ne. to t4e Ariter
o5 t4e o/inion o5 t4e Co'rtCs *i&ision.
Asso<i-te J'sti<e
C4-ir/erson, T4ir.
P'rs'-nt to Se<tion 1?, Arti<1e )III o5 t4e Constit'tion, -n.
t4e *i&ision C4-ir/ersonCs -ttest-tion, it is 4ere=> <ertiHe. t4-t
t4e <on<1'sions in t4e -=o&e *e<ision Aere re-<4e. in
<ons'1t-tion =e5ore t4e <-se A-s -ssi2ne. to t4e Ariter o5 t4e
o/inion o5 t4e Co'rtCs *i&ision.
C4ie5 J'sti<e
% esi"nated as an additional /e/ber in #lace of (ustice Antonio :duardo A$ .achura !ho !as then the
Solicitor 3eneral$
Anne2 >'C of the Petition- #enned by Associate (ustice Isaias P$ icdican and concurred in by Associate
(ustices Arsenio ($ Ma"#ale and ;a/on M$ Aato, (r$- rollo, ##$ 199+20,$
Anne2 >&C of the Petition- id$ at 104 J 109$
Anne2 >3C of the Petition- id$ at 122+123$
Anne2 >9C of the Petition- id$ at 12,+120$
Ay Assistant City Prosecutor Victor C$ 'aborte, Prosecutor II, &ffice of the City Prosecutor, Cebu City-
id$ at 54+02$
Id$ at 36$
Affidavit of ebbie Marie y, Assistant Vice+President of res#ondent 9SACIs Cebu Aranch- id$ at 66$
Id$ at 54+02$
Id$ at 00+01$
Id$ at 02$
Id$ at 12,+125$
Id$ at 206$
Id$ at 15$
Id$ at 225$
Id$ at 220$
Section 1, ;ule 6,, ;evised ;ules of Court$
Cua v. Santos, 3$;$ .o$ 132650, 14 &ctober 2006, 660 SC;A 35,, 306$
National Irrigation Ad*inistration v. Court of Appeals, 305 Phil$ 352, 302 719998$
+a*inal v. Castillo, 6,9 Phil$ ,62, ,,5 720038$
Republic v. Court of Appeals, 309 Phil$ 92, 94 720008- )ternal ,ardens (e*orial Park Corp. v. Court of
Appeals, 360 Phil$ 232, 2,5 719908$
People v. Ro*ualde$, 3$;$ .o$ 155,10, 1, (uly 2004$
-anal III v. Panganiban, 3$;$ .o$ 150606, 1, .ove/ber 200,, 60, SC;A 156, 106$
+lanolan v. Co**ission on )lections, 3$;$ .o$ 15,691, 31 March 200,, 6,6 SC;A 400, 416$
CA decision, #$ 3- rollo, #$ 201$
Id$ at 202$
Id$ at 203$
Id$ at 150+151$
-autista v. Court of Appeals, 613 Phil$ 1,9, 154+159 720018$
Co.uangco, Jr. v. Presidential Co**ission on ,ood ,overn*ent, 3$;$ .os$ 92319+20, 2 &ctober 1990,
190 SC;A 225, 266- Crespo v. (ogul, 3$;$ .o$ '+,3303, 30 (une 1940, 1,1 SC;A 652, 659+600- Andaya
v. Provincial /iscal of Surigao del Norte, 15, Phil$ 136, 139 719058$
-autista v. Court of Appeals, su#ra note 36 at 150$
Id$ at 154$
Rollo, ##$ 12,+125$
R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, 3$;$ .o$ 1,50,,, , March 2000, ,10 SC;A 359, 396$
0ebb v. !on. #e 1eon, 310 Phil$ 0,4, 049 7199,8$
R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, su#ra note 39 at 396+39,$
#.(. Consun.i, Inc. v. )sguerra, 324 Phil$ 1154, 114, 719958$
(endo$a%Arce v. +ffice of te +*buds*an &2isayas', 630 Phil$ 101, 113 720028, citin" Sebastian, Sr. v.
,arcitorena, 390 Phil$ ,19, ,2, 720008$
/ilada*s Par*a, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 3$;$ .o$ 132622, 30 March 2006, 625 SC;A 650, 600.
Sales v. Sandiganbayan, 621 Phil$ 105, 192+193 720018$
Pilapil v. Sandiganbayan, 3$;$ .o$ 101904, 0 A#ril 1993, 221 SC;A 369, 350$
R.R. Paredes v. Calilung, su#ra note 39 at 396$
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
&-C()D D%'%&%()
!.R. No. 1$%9&$ J'() 26, 201*
#IR!INIA DE LOS SANTOS-DIO, a+ a',hor-.)/ r)0r)+)(,a,-1) o2 3.S. EQUITIES, LTD., a(/
Pr)+-/-(7 J'/7) o2 "ra(ch $&, R)7-o(a8 Tr-a8 Co'r,, O8o(7a0o C-,6, a(/ TIMOT39 J.
DESMOND, "es#odets,
/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? /
!.R. No. 1$90$9
TIMOT39 J. DESMOND, "es#odet,
D - C % & % ( )
>efore the Court are cosolidated #etitios for re+iew o certiorari
assailig the )o+e*ber I,
200@ Decisio
ad .uly 19, 200A "esolutio
of the Court of 3##eals 4C35 i C3?;,", &P )o,
II2IH, u#holdig the +alidity of the trial court7s dis*issal of se#arate cri*ial ifor*atios for
estafa agaist #ri+ate res#odet Ti*othy ., Des*od 4Des*od5 due to lac2 of #robable
The Facts
% 2001, #etitioer 'irgiia De Los &atos?Dio 4Dio5, the *a0ority stoc2holder of F,&, -1uities,
Ltd, 4F& -1uities5 ad authori6ed re#resetati+e of Westdale 3ssets, Ltd, 4Westdale5,
itroduced to Des*od, the Chair*a ad Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer 4C-(5 of the &ubic >ay
$arie -/#loratoriu*, %c, 4&>$-%5, ad the authori6ed re#resetati+e of 3cti+e -+iro*ets,
%c, ad .' Chia, %c, 4.' Chia5, the *a0ority shareholder of &>$-%,
3fter so*e discussio
o #ossible busiess +etures, Dio, o behalf of F& -1uities, decided to i+est a total of
i &>$-%7s (cea 3d+eture $arie Par2 4(cea 3d+eture5, a the*e #ar2
to be costructed at the &ubic >ay Free#ort Loe which, whe o#eratioal, would showcase li+e
#erfor*aces of false?2iller whales ad sea lios, % this relatio, Dio clai*ed that Des*od led
her to belie+e that &>$-% had a ca#ital of =&KH,H00,000,00, iclusi+e of the +alue of the *arie
*a**als to be used i (cea 3d+eture,
ad also guarateed substatial returs o
Des*od e+e #reseted a >usiess Pla, idicatig that: 4a5 (cea 3d+eture7s
8attedace will rise fro* 2A1,192 i 2001 to 0ust o+er BI@,A2I i 200@, with re+eues risig
fro* =&K!,!20,000,00 *illio to =&KA,290,000,00 *illio i the sa*e ti*e fra*e8G 4b5 8early
i+estors are e/#ected to rea# a aual retur of 2BM i 2001, risig to H1M i 200@8G ad 4c5
8fully #riced shares would yield a 19M retur: i 2001, risig to !2M i 200@,8
Thus, o .auary
1I, 2002, a &ubscri#tio 3gree*et
was e/ecuted by Des*od, as re#resetati+e of &>$-%
ad .' Chia, ad Dio, as re#resetati+e of F& -1uities,
While o Certificate of &toc2 was issued either to F& -1uities or to Dio, F& -1uities was
e/#ressly grated *iority #rotectio rights i a subse1uet &ubscri#tio ad &hareholders
dated $arch 12, 2002, statig that there shall be 8a o*iee of the &ubscriber to
be elected as TreasurerNChief Fiacial (fficer, who *ay ot be re*o+ed by the >oard of
Directors without the affir*ati+e +ote of the &ubscriber,8
3ccordigly, Dio was elected as a
*e*ber of &>$-%7s >oard of Directors ad further a##oited as its Treasurer,
The #arties later
e/ecuted two 425 %+estor7s Co+ertible Pro*issory )otes O oe dated 3#ril !, 2001
aother dated $ay I, 2001
O co+erig F& -1uities7 ifusio of a total of =&K1,000,000,00 for
the #ur#ose of #urchasig *achiery, e1ui#*et, accessories, ad *aterials to be used for the
costructio of (cea 3d+eture,
% .ue 2002, Dio, this ti*e o behalf of Westdale, i+ested aother =&K1,000,000,00
i a
se#arate busiess +eture, called the $iracle >each Fotel Pro0ect 4$iracle >each5, which
i+ol+ed the de+elo#*et of a resort owed by Des*od ad0oiig (cea 3d+eture, They
agreed that the said i+est*et would be used to settle &>$-%7sP!0,000,000,00 loa obligatio
to First $etro %+est*et Cor#oratio ad for the costructio of !I lodgig
Fowe+er, whe the corres#odig subscri#tio agree*et was #reseted to
Dio by &>$-% for a##ro+al, it cotaied a clause statig that the 8fuds i the &ubscri#tio >a2
3ccout8 were also to be used for the 8fudig of (cea 3d+eture7s )egati+e Cash Flow ot
e/ceedig =&K200,000,00,8
This was i coflict with the e/clusi+e #ur#ose ad itet of
Westdale7s i+est*et i $iracle >each ad as such, Dio refused to sig the subscri#tio
Dio further clai*ed that she foud out that, cotrary to Des*od7s re#resetatios, &>$-%
actually had o ca#acity to deli+er o its guaratees, ad that i fact, as of 2001, it was icurrig
losses a*outig toP@2,H9H,21@,00,
&he li2ewise clai*ed to ha+e disco+ered false etries i
the co*#ay7s boo2s ad fiacial state*ets O s#ecifically, its o+er+aluatio of the *arie
ai*als ad its o?disclosure of the true a*out of .' Chia7s i+est*et
O which #ro*#ted
her to call for a audit i+estigatio, Cose1uetly, Dio disco+ered that, without her 2owledge
ad coset, Des*od *ade certai disburse*ets fro* Westdale7s s#ecial accout, *eat
oly for $iracle >each e/#editures 4s#ecial accout5, ad di+erted a total of =&KA2,B@2,AI
therei for the o#eratig e/#eses of (cea 3d+eture,
Whe Des*od refused to e/ecute a
uderta2ig to retur the di+erted fuds, Dio, i her ca#acity as Treasurer of &>$-%, sus#eded
the release of the re*aiig fuds i the aforesaid s#ecial accout,
-+etually, after Dio was ousted as Director ad Treasurer of &>$-%,
she filed, o 3#ril 19,
200!, two 425 cri*ial co*#laits
4sub0ect cri*ial co*#laits5 for estafa 4a5 through false
#reteses uder 3rticle B1H4154b5
of the "e+ised Peal Code
4"PC5G ad 4b5 with
ufaithfuless or abuse of cofidece through *isa##ro#riatio or co+ersio uder 3rticle
of the "PC, both agaist Des*od before the (loga#o City Prosecutor7s (ffice
4City Prosecutor7s (ffice5, doc2eted as %& )os, 0!?$?992 ad 0!?$?99B,
% defese, Des*od *aitaied that his re#resetatio of hi*self as Chair*a ad C-( of
&>$-% was ot a sha* ad that Dio has ot e+e #ro+e that he did ot ha+e the e/#ertise ad
1ualificatios to double her i+est*et, 3*og others, he also deied ha+ig bee fired fro*
>ei0ig Lada 31uariu* Co, Ltd, for his su##osed ico*#etece ad *is*aage*et, Fe
further asserted that it was ot deceitful to +alue the *arie *a**als at =&KB,A20,000,00 as
e1uity cotributio of .' Chia i &>$-%, otwithstadig the fact that two 425 false 2iller whales
had already #erished before the co*#ay could start o#eratios, This is because the said
+aluatio, i ay case, would be based o the collecti+e ico*e?earig ca#acity of the etire
ai*al o#eratig syste* deri+ed fro* re+eues geerated by *arie #ar2 attedace ad
ad*issio fees,
% re#ly, Dio isisted that &>$-%, at the outset, e+er had sufficiet assets or resources of its
ow because, cotrary to Des*od7s clai*s, the total a*out of =&K2,B00,000,00 it #ur#ortedly
i+ested i buildigs ad e1ui#*et actually ca*e fro* the i+est*ets Dio7s co*#ay *ade i
3fter the #reli*iary i+estigatio, the City Prosecutor issued a "esolutio
dated 3ugust 2@,
200!, fidig #robable cause agaist Des*od for the abo+e*etioed cri*es, to wit:
The foregoig clearly a##lies i the istat two 425 cases as bore out by the followig facts, to
with 9sic:: 415 Des*od, as the Chair*a ad Chief -/ecuti+e (ffice of &>$-% ad i order to
#ersuade Dio to i+est, re#reseted that he #ossessed the ecessary ifluece, e/#ertise ad
resources 4i ter*s of credit ad #ro#erty5 for the #ro0ect 2owig the sa*e to be false as he
e+er had the ca#ital for the #ro0ect as bore out by his corres#odeces with DioG ad 425 Dio
fell for these *isre#resetatios ad the lure of #rofit offered by Des*od, thereby beig
iduced to i+est the a*outs of K1,1H0,000,00 ad K1,000,000,00 to the da*age ad
#re0udice of her co*#ay,
The ele*ets of the cri*es charged were thus established i these cases, a*ely Dio #arted
with her *oey u#o the #roddig ad etice*et of res#odet o the false #retese that he
had the ca#acity ad resources for the #ro#osed #ro0ect, % the ed, Dio was ot able to get her
*oey bac2, thus causig her da*age ad #re0udice, $oreo+er, such defraudatio or
*isa##ro#riatio ha+ig bee co**itted by Des*od through his co*#ay &>$-% i+ol+ig
fuds solicited fro* Dio as a *e*ber of the geeral #ublic i cotra+etio of the #ublic
iterest, the #robable cause clearly e/ists to idict Des*od for the cri*e of -stafa uder 3rticle
B1H 4154b5 ad 4254a5 of the "e+ised Peal Code i relatio to PD )o, 1@I9,
% +iew of the foregoig, corres#odig cri*ial ifor*atios
4sub0ect ifor*atios5 were filed
with the "egioal Trial Court of (loga#o City, >rach A! 4"TC5, doc2eted as Cri*ial Case
)os, H1@?200! ad H1H?200!, The accusatory #ortios thereof read as follows:
Cri*ial Case )o, H1@?200!
That i or about ad so*eti*e i early 2001, i (loga#o City, Phili##ies, ad withi the
0urisdictio of this Foorable Court, the abo+ea*ed accused, beig the officer of &ubic >ay
$arie -/#loratio, %c, 4&>$-%5, actig as a sydicate ad by *eas of deceit, did the ad
there, willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously defraud F,&, -D=%T%-& L%$%T-D, re#reseted i this
case by 'irgiia &, Delos &atos?Dio i the followig *aer, to wit: the said accused by *eas
of false *aifestatios ad fraudulet re#resetatios which he *ade to said 'irgiia &, Delos
&atos?Dio to the effect that he had the e/#ertise ad 1ualificatios, as well as the resources,
ifluece, credit ad busiess trasactio with the &ubic >ay $etro#olita 3uthority 4&>$35 ad
other fiacig istitutios to esure the +iability of the &ubic >ay $arie -/#loratio (cea
3d+eture Pro0ect 4&>$-(35, which he re#reseted to be a 1ualified ad legally e/istig
i+est*et eter#rise with ca#acity to solicit i+est*et fro* the geeral #ublic, by sub*ittig
docu*ets for the #ur#ose, which re#resetatios he 2ew to be false ad fraudulet ad the
su##ortig docu*ets are si*ilarly s#urious ad were oly *ade i order to iduce said 'irgiia
&, Delos &atos?Dio to i+est ad deli+er as i fact she i+ested ad deli+ered a total a*out of
(e $illio (e Fudred Fifty Thousad =& Dollars 4K1,1H0,000,005 to the said accused o the
stregth of said *aifestatios ad re#resetatios ad su##ortig docu*ets, ad said
accused, oce i #ossessio of the said a*out, *isa##lied, co+erted ad *isa##ro#riated
the sa*e to his ow #ersoal use ad beefit, to the da*age ad #re0udice of F,&, -1uities
Li*ited i the a*out of =& K1,1H0,000,00 or Ph#HA,H00,000,00 Pesos, the dollar co*#uted at
the rate of Ph# H0,00 to 9=&:K1,00 which was the #re+ailig rate of e/chage of a dollar to #eso
at the ti*e of the co**issio of the offese,
C()T"3"J T( L3W,
Cri*ial Case )o, H1H?200!
That i or about ad so*eti*e durig the #eriod fro* .ue 2002 to .uly 2002, i (loga#o City,
Phili##ies, ad withi the 0urisdictio of this Foorable Court, the abo+e?a*ed accused, did
the ad there, willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously defraud Westdale 3ssets, Li*ited
re#reseted i this case by 'irgiia &, Delos &atos?Dio i the followig *aer to wit: the said
accused recei+ed i trust ad for ad*iistratio fro* the said 'irgiia &, Delos &atos?Dio the
a*out of (e $illio =& Dollars 4K1,000,000,005 uder the e/#ress obligatio of usig the
sa*e to #ay the loa facility of the &ubic >ay $arie -/#loratio, %c, 4&>$-%5 with First $etro
%+est*et Cor#oratio ad to fud the costructio ad de+elo#*et of the $iracle >each
Pro0ect but the said accused, oce i #ossessio of the said a*out, with gra+e abuse of
cofidece ad with itet to defraud, *isa##lied, *isa##ro#riated ad co+erted the sa*e for
his ow use ad beefit by de+otig it to a #ur#ose or use differet fro* that agreed u#o ad
des#ite re#eated de*ads *ade u#o hi* to accout for ad to retur the said a*out, he
failed ad refused ad still fails ad refuses to do so, to the da*age ad #re0udice of the said
Westdale 3ssets, Li*ited i the a*out of =& K1,000,000,00 or its e1ui+alet to F%FTJ
$%LL%() 4Ph# H0,000,000,005 Pesos, Phili##ie Currecy, the dollar beig co*#uted at the rate
of Ph#H0,00 to K 1,00 which was the #re+ailig rate of e/chage at the co**issio of the
offese, to the da*age ad #re0udice of the latter i the afore*etioed a*out,
C()T"3"J T( L3W,
3ggrie+ed, Des*od filed a $otio for "ecosideratio,
as well as a $otio to Withdraw Filed
Fe also filed before the "TC a $otio to Defer Further Proceedigs ad to Defer
%ssuace of Warrat of 3rrest
but subse1uetly withdrew the sa*e ad filed, istead, a $otio
for .udicial Deter*iatio of Probable Cause,
The "TC "ulig
% a (rder
dated (ctober 21, 200!, the "TC ruled i fa+or of Des*od ad declared that o
#robable cause e/ists for the cri*es charged agaist hi* sice the ele*ets of estafa were ot
all #reset, to wit:
First, the ele*et of *isre#resetatio or deceit foud i #ar, 2 4a5 3rticle B1H of the "e+ised
Peal Code is abset, %t *ust be e*#hasi6ed that the #ro*ises allegedly *ade to the
co*#laiat by the accused that her co*#ay7s i+est*et will sigificatly icrease, clearly
a##eared i the &ubic >ay $arie -/#loratio, %c,7s 48&>$-%8, for bre+ity5 #rited busiess
#la dated .auary 12, 2001 43e/ 838, Co*#lait?3ffida+it dated 19 3#ril 200!5, 'erily, this is
&>$-%7s re#resetatio or 8co*e o8 to would?be i+estors ad ot a #ersoal assurace of the
accused, The fact that accused was the co*#ay7s Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer ad Chair*a of the
>oard of Directors is of o *o*et i the absece of ay e+idece to show that accused
#ersoally #re#ared the busiess #la thereby *a2ig the alleged 8rosy #icture8 his ow
#ersoal etice*ets to the co*#laiat, Therefore, there beig a dearth of e+idece #oitig
to the accused as author of the &>$-%7s busiess #la, ay *isre#resetatio or deceit
co**itted caot be #ersoally attributed to hi*,
Further*ore, the court caot fid ay sufficiet e+idece that the accused #ersoally assured
the co*#laiat about his so?called #ower, ifluece ad credit with the &>$3 ad other
fiacial istitutios that would su##osedly isure the +iability ad #rofitability of the #ro0ect,
)ote that owhere i the Co*#lait?3ffida+it of the #ri+ate co*#laiat are there s#ecific factual
allegatios that would show that the accused had #ersoal busiess *eetigs with the &>$3
ad said fiacial istitutios, 3s to how ad i what *aer ad sco#e accused e/ercised such
alleged #ower, ifluece ad credit o+er these 0uridical etities re*ai a bare ad self?ser+ig
a+er*et i the absece of ay factual detail or accout,
Fially, it caot be gaisaid 9sic: that accused was the oe who #ersoally +aluated the *arie
*a**als cotributed by .' Chia %cor#orated to the &ubic >ay $arie -/#loratio, %c, as
ca#ital a*outig to =&KB,A2! $illio, -+idece clearly #oit to a ide#edet +aluatio doe
by a third #arty a*ely >ei0ig Lada 31uariu* that +alued the *arie *a**als uder the
>uy?(ut 3gree*et dated &e#te*ber 9, 199I, )eedless to state, the ous is o co*#laiat to
cotro+ert this +aluatio, 3gai, howe+er, o ade1uate #roof was adduced alog this lie,
&ecod, the ele*et of #ersoal *isa##ro#riatio by the accused uder #ar, 14b5 3rticle B1H of
the "e+ised Peal Code is li2ewise ot #reset, While it *ay be coceded that there was
*oey utili6ed to #ay salaries of e/#atriates ad staff as well as the cost of utilities a*outig to
=&KA2,2A2,00 co*#laiat failed to show that said *oey was ta2e fro* her co*#aies7
i+est*ets i &>$-%, %t *ust be #oited out that other tha co*#laiat7s bare allegatio,
there was o docu*et #reseted categorically statig that the i+est*et of co*#laiat7s
co*#aies were ear*ar2 for a #articular #ay*et or #ro0ect, Fece, whe the i+est*et
etered &>$-%7s fiacial coffers, the sa*e #resu*ably were co?*igled with other *oies of
the cor#oratio,
$oreo+er ad *ore re+ealig, is the fact that agai there was o showig that it was accused
who #ersoally caused the #ay*et of these e/#eses allegedly i +iolatio of the ob0ecti+e of
the i+est*et, %t *ust be oted that &>$-% is a cor#oratio ad ot a sigle #ro#rietorshi#,
>eig a cor#oratio, e/#eses #aid of such a 2id as utilities ad salaries are ot authori6ed
#ersoally ad solely by the Presidet or the Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer or e+e by the Chair*a
of the >oard for that *atter, These are cor#orate acts that are #assed through board
resolutios, Fece, these cor#orate acts ca i o way be cosidered #ersoal acts of the
accused, Jet, he was sigled out a*og all H *e*bers of the >oard of Directors who
#resu*ably, i the ordiary course of busiess, a##ro+ed by resolutio the #ay*ets of such
utilities ad salaries, Cose1uetly, there is agai isufficiecy of e+idece that the accused
aloe caused the #ay*et of these salaries ad utilities for the sole #ur#ose of #oc2etig the
*oey thereby usig the sa*e for #ersoal gai,
Cose1uetly, the "TC deied the issuace of a warrat of arrest ad hold de#arture order
agaist Des*od ad ordered the dis*issal of the cases agaist hi*:
WF-"-F("-, foregoig cosidered, the sub0ect *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable
cause is fa+orably grated, There beig o #robable cause, the cases agaist the accused *ust
be dis*issed as they are hereby D%&$%&&-D, The *otios to issue warrat of arrest ad Fold
De#arture (rder as well as the #rayer for #ro+isioal re*edy are ecessarily D-)%-D,
&( ("D-"-D,
;i+e the "TC7s dis*issal of the foregoig cri*ial cases, the City Prosecutor7s (ffice filed
*otio for recosideratio which was, howe+er, deied, 3s such, it filed a #etitio for certiorari
ad *ada*us
before the C3 o the groud of gra+e abuse of discretio, "elatedly, Dio also
filed a #etitio?i?iter+etio
before the C3, #rayig for the reistate*et of the sub0ect
cri*ial co*#laits,
The C3 "ulig
% its )o+e*ber I, 200@ Decisio,
the C3 u#held the "TC7s authority to dis*iss a cri*ial
case if i the #rocess of deter*iig #robable cause for issuig a warrat of arrest, it also fids
the e+idece o record isufficiet to establish #robable cause, %t e/#laied that such dis*issal
is a e/ercise of 0udicial discretio sactioed uder &ectio @4a5, "ule 112 of the "e+ised
"ules of Cri*ial Procedure, ( this score, the C3 e+aluated the e+idece #reseted ad
agreed with the "TC7s coclusios that there was o sufficiet basis showig that Des*od
co**itted estafa by *eas of false #reteses, )either was it established that the *oey
sourced fro* #etitioer Dio was co+erted by res#odet Des*od for so*e other #ur#ose
other tha that for which it was iteded, Pertiet #ortios of the C3 Decisio restated the
"TC7s obser+atios i this wise:
% the istat case, the alleged false re#resetatios by Des*od which allegedly iduced
#ri+ate co*#laiats F,&, -1uities, Ltd, 48F,&, -1uities85 ad Dio, to #art with their *oey are
ot su##orted by the facts o record, First, the alleged false re#resetatio e*#loyed by
Des*od with res#ect to his e/#ertise ad 1ualificatios i the for* of ifluece, credit ad
busiess trasactios with the &ubic >ay $etro#olita 3uthority 4&>$35 ad fiacial
istitutios ad such resources to eable #ri+ate co*#laiats to double its i+est*et with
&>$-% has ot bee show to be false,
%deed, owhere i the docu*etary e+idece #reseted by #ri+ate co*#laiats that allegedly
cotaied the abo+e false re#resetatios does it show that it was #ri+ate res#odet hi*self
who *ade such re#resetatio, )otably, the &>$-%7s >usiess Pla dated .auary 12, 2001 to
which #ri+ate co*#laiats achor such allegatio does ot idicate that the re#resetatios
*ade therei ca*e #ersoally fro* Des*od, % additio, either does it a##ear fro* such
docu*et that the state*ets therei were used as a for* of a #ersoal assurace co*ig
fro* Des*od that #ri+ate co*#laiats would ideed double the a*out they had i+ested
with &>$-%, %f at all, we agree with the trial court that state*ets *ade i the said busiess
#la were *erely a for* of etice*et to ecourage would?be i+estors fro* 9sic: i+estig i
such 2id of busiess uderta2ig,
$oreo+er, we li2ewise agree with the trial court that o factual allegatios were *ade by #ri+ate
co*#laiats as to how such false #retese of #ower ad ifluece was *ade u#o the* by
Des*od ad which co+iced #ri+ate co*#laiats to #art with their *oey, %t bears stressig
that the allegatios of false #retese of #ower ad ifluece i a case of estafa are *ere
coclusios of law which *ust be substatiated at the +ery least by circu*staces which would
show that the #erso accused of co**ittig estafa did ideed co**it acts of false
re#resetatios, 3s the records show, there was o *isre#resetatio o the #art of Des*od
that he is the Chair*a ad Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer of &>$-% which is a cor#oratio egaged i
the busiess of de+elo#ig *arie #ar2s, &igificatly, the records li2ewise show that &>$-%
did ideed build ad de+elo# a *arie #ar2 i &ubic >ay 4(cea 3d+eture5 for the #ur#oses
stated i its busiess #la ad had etered ito a log?ter* lease agree*et with &>$3,
Docu*etary e+idece i the for* of the "e#ort of %de#edet 3uditors to &>$-% shows the
a*out of i+est*et the cor#oratio had i+ested i the said busiess uderta2ig, For
istace, the cor#oratio had i+ested the a*out of P10@,AII,219,00 i buildigs ad
e1ui#*et aloe, %t has also assets cosistig of *arie *a**als which are ecessary for the
o#eratio of the *arie #ar2, % this res#ect, we caot subscribe to #ri+ate co*#laiats7
cotetio that there was *isre#resetatio o the #art of #ri+ate res#odet that he had
o+er+alued the worth of the *arie *a**als it had #urchased fro* >ei0ig Lada 31uariu*
Co,, Ltd, of the "e#ublic of Chia, This clai* of #ri+ate co*#laiats of the deceitful acts
e*#loyed by Des*od i o+er#ricig the +alue of the *arie ai*als for =&KB,A2! $illio
whe i fact the sea ai*als were oly +alued for oe =,&, dollar was ot corroborated by the
e+idece o had,
/ / / /
% the sa*e *aer, the facts i the case at bar that would allegedly costitute a cri*ial
charge of estafa uder #ar, 14b5 are watig, >e it oted that uder the said #aragra#h, estafa
with ufaithfuless or abuse of cofidece through *isa##ro#riatio or co+ersio of the *oey,
goods or ay other #ersoal #ro#erty *ust be recei+ed i trust, o co**issio, for
ad*iistratio, or uder ay other obligatio which i+ol+es the duty to *a2e deli+ery thereof or
to retur the sa*e, %t is ot a*iss to ote that a #erusal of #ri+ate co*#laiats7 Co*#lait?
3ffida+it shows that sub0ect *oey i the a*out of =&K1,000,000,00 to be used for the $iracle
>each Pro0ect was #laced i a s#ecial accout with -1uitable?PC% >a2, 3s the records show,
the said fuds were #laced by Dio uder the cotrol of Fati*a Paglicawa, a e*#loyee of
Westdale, such that, o *oey ca be withdraw fro* the s#ecial accout without the sigature
of the said e*#loyee, Des*od ad a certai .oh Corcora, Therefore, at such ti*e, it caot
be said that the fuds were recei+ed for ad*iistratio or already uder the 0uridical #ossessio
of Des*od, $eawhile, we would li2e to e*#hasi6e that to costitute co+ersio, it
#resu##oses that the thig has bee de+oted to a #ur#ose or use differet fro* that agreed
u#o, 'erily, a facial e/a*iatio of the .oural 'oucher ad Chec2 'oucher #ertaiig to the
withdrawals *ade o such accout clearly shows that the disburse*ets were ot oly
authori6ed by Paglicawa but li2ewise idicated that the #ur#ose for such withdrawals was to
co+er #ay*ets for >%" ta/es ad the salaries of local e*#loyees ad e/#atriates,
To re#eat, these withdrawals as well as the #ur#ose thereof were 2ow to Paglicawa whe
9sic: she authori6ed the disburse*ets, Paglicawa, who was desigated by #ri+ate
co*#laiat Dio to cotrol the release of the said fuds is #resu*ed to ha+e acted uder the
latter7s authority, &uch *isco**uicatio betwee Dio ad Paglicawa with res#ect to the
#ur#ose of the fuds does ot *a2e out a case of estafa there beig o abuse of cofidece or
co+ersio to s#ea2 of ta2ig ito accout that the said fuds were released uder the
#resu*ed authority of #ri+ate co*#laiats through Paglicawa, ad which were ideed used
for the #ur#ose for which it was withdraw, That beig the case, there ca be o da*age or
#re0udice to Westdale ad Dio as there was o disturbace i the #ro#erty rights of Westdale
ad Dio i the said fuds sice the sa*e were used for the #ur#ose for which it was disbursed,
The agai, we agree with the trial court that there is o sufficiet e+idece adduced to su##ort
the cri*ial charges of estafa agaist Des*od, 3s #oited out by the trial court, while #ri+ate
res#odet is the Chair*a ad Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer of &>$-%, there is o showig that he
had #ersoally ad solely authori6ed the a##licatio of the abo+e fuds for the #ay*et of
e/#eses ot directly coected with the $iracle >each Pro0ect, )or does it a##ear that as
Chair*a ad Chief -/ecuti+e (fficer, Des*od has bee a##oited to e/ecute, o his ow,
such cor#orate acts,
4Citatios o*itted5
The City Prosecutor ad Dio filed their res#ecti+e *otios for recosideratio which were both
deied i a "esolutio
dated .uly 19, 200A,
Fece, the istat #etitios,
The %ssue >efore the Court
The #ri*ordial issue i this case is whether or ot the C3 erred i fidig o gra+e abuse of
discretio o the #art of the "TC whe it dis*issed the sub0ect ifor*atios for lac2 of #robable
The Court7s "ulig
The #etitios are *eritorious,
Deter*iatio of #robable cause *ay be either e/ecuti+e or 0udicial,
The first is *ade by the #ublic #rosecutor, durig a #reli*iary i+estigatio, where he is gi+e
broad discretio to deter*ie whether #robable cause e/ists for the #ur#ose of filig a cri*ial
ifor*atio i court, Whether or ot that fuctio has bee correctly discharged by the #ublic
#rosecutor, i,e,, whether or ot he has *ade a correct ascertai*et of the e/istece of
#robable cause i a case, is a *atter that the trial court itself does ot ad *ay ot be
co*#elled to #ass u#o,
The secod is oe *ade by the 0udge to ascertai whether a warrat of arrest should be issued
agaist the accused, % this res#ect, the 0udge *ust satisfy hi*self that, o the basis of the
e+idece sub*itted, there is a ecessity for #lacig the accused uder custody i order ot to
frustrate the eds of 0ustice, %f the 0udge, therefore, fids o #robable cause, the 0udge caot
be forced to issue the arrest warrat,
)otably, sice the 0udge is already duty?boud to
deter*ie the e/istece or o?e/istece of #robable cause for the arrest of the accused
i**ediately u#o the filig of the ifor*atio, the filig of a *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of
#robable cause beco*es a *ere su#erfluity,
if ot a deliberate atte*#t to cut short the #rocess
by as2ig the 0udge to weigh i o the e+idece without a full?blow trial,
% the case of Co +, "e#ublic,
the Court e*#hasi6ed the settled distictio betwee a
e/ecuti+e ad a 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause, +i6:
We reiterate that #reli*iary i+estigatio should be distiguished as to whether it is a
i+estigatio for the deter*iatio of a sufficiet groud for the filig of the ifor*atio or it is a
i+estigatio for the deter*iatio of a #robable cause for the issuace of a warrat of arrest,
The first 2id of #reli*iary i+estigatio is e/ecuti+e i ature, %t is #art of the #rosecutioPs
0ob,1wphi 1 The secod 2id of #reli*iary i+estigatio which is *ore #ro#erly called #reli*iary
e/a*iatio is 0udicial i ature ad is lodged with the 0udge,
( this score, it bears to stress that a 0udge is ot boud by the resolutio of the #ublic
#rosecutor who coducted the #reli*iary i+estigatio ad *ust hi*self ascertai fro* the
latter7s fidigs ad su##ortig docu*ets whether #robable cause e/ists for the #ur#ose of
issuig a warrat of arrest, This #rerogati+e is grated by o less tha the Costitutio which
#ro+ides that 8o warrat of arrest shall issue e/ce#t u#o #robable cause to be deter*ied
#ersoally by the 0udge after e/a*iatio uder oath or affir*atio of the co*#laiat ad the
witesses he *ay #roduce,8
While a 0udge7s deter*iatio of #robable cause is geerally cofied to the li*ited #ur#ose of
issuig arrest warrats, &ectio H4a5,
"ule 112 of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure
e/#licitly states that a 0udge *ay i**ediately dis*iss a case if the e+idece o record clearly
fails to establish #robable cause,
&-C, H, Whe warrat of arrest *ay issue, O 4a5 >y the "egioal Trial Court, O Withi te 4105
days fro* the filig of the co*#lait or ifor*atio, the 0udge shall #ersoally e+aluate the
resolutio of the #rosecutor ad its su##ortig e+idece, Fe *ay i**ediately dis*iss the case
if the e+idece o record clearly fails to establish #robable cause, %f he fids #robable cause, he
shall issue a warrat of arrest, or a co**it*et order if the accused had already bee arrested,
#ursuat to a warrat issued by the 0udge who coducted #reli*iary i+estigatio or whe the
co*#lait or ifor*atio was filed #ursuat to &ectio A of this "ule, % case of doubt o the
e/istece of #robable cause, the 0udge *ay order the #rosecutor to #reset additioal e+idece
withi fi+e 4H5 days fro* otice ad the issue *ust be resol+ed by the court withi thirty 4B05
days fro* the filig of the co*#lait or ifor*atio, 4-*#hasis ad uderscorig su##lied5
% this regard, so as ot to trasgress the #ublic #rosecutor7s authority, it *ust be stressed that
the 0udge7s dis*issal of a case *ust be doe oly i clear?cut cases whe the e+idece o
record #laily fails to establish #robable cause O that is whe the records readily show
ucotro+erted, ad thus, established facts which u*ista2ably egate the e/istece of the
ele*ets of the cri*e charged, ( the cotrary, if the e+idece o record shows that, *ore
li2ely tha ot, the cri*e charged has bee co**itted ad that res#odet is #robably guilty of
the sa*e, the 0udge should ot dis*iss the case ad thereo, order the #arties to #roceed to
trial, % doubtful cases, howe+er, the a##ro#riate course of actio would be to order the
#resetatio of additioal e+idece,
% other words, oce the ifor*atio is filed with the court ad the 0udge #roceeds with his
#ri*ordial tas2 of e+aluatig the e+idece o record, he *ay either: 4a5 issue a warrat of
arrest, if he fids #robable causeG 4b5 i**ediately dis*iss the case, if the e+idece o record
clearly fails to establish #robable causeG ad 4c5 order the #rosecutor to sub*it additioal
e+idece, i case he doubts the e/istece of #robable cause,
3##lyig these #rici#les, the Court fids that the "TC7s i**ediate dis*issal, as affir*ed by the
C3, was i*#ro#er as the stadard of clear lac2 of #robable cause was ot obser+ed, % this
case, records show that certai essetial facts O a*ely, 4a5 whether or ot Des*od
co**itted false re#resetatios that iduced Dio to i+est i (cea 3d+etureG ad 4b5 whether
or ot Des*od utili6ed the fuds i+ested by Dio solely for the $iracle >each Pro0ect for
#ur#oses differet fro* what was agreed u#o O re*ai cotro+erted, 3s such, it caot be said
that the absece of the ele*ets of the cri*e of estafa uder 3rticle B1H4254a5
ad B1H415
of the "PC had already bee established, thereby rederig the "TC7s i**ediate
dis*issal of the case highly i*#ro#er,
Lest it be *iscocei+ed, trial 0udges will do well to re*e*ber that whe a #ercei+ed ga# i the
e+idece leads to a 8either this or that8 coclusio, a #ur#oseful resolutio of the a*biguity is
#referable o+er a doubtful dis*issal of the case, 'erily, a 0udgePs discretio to dis*iss a case
i**ediately after the filig of the ifor*atio i court is a##ro#riate oly whe the failure to
establish #robable cause ca be clearly iferred fro* the e+idece #reseted ad ot whe its
e/istece is si*#ly doubtful, 3fter all, it caot be e/#ected that u#o the filig of the
ifor*atio i court the #rosecutor would ha+e already #reseted all the e+idece ecessary to
secure a co+ictio of the accused, the ob0ecti+e of a #re+iously?coducted #reli*iary
i+estigatio beig *erely to deter*ie whether there is sufficiet groud, to egeder a well?
fouded belief that a cri*e has bee co**itted ad that the res#odet is #robably guilty
thereof ad should be held for trial,
% this light, gi+e that the lac2 of #robable cause had ot
bee clearly established i this case, the C3 erred, ad the "TC gra+ely abused its discretio,
by rulig to dis*iss Cri*ial Case )os, H1H?200! ad H1@?200!, %deed, these cases *ust
stad the *uster of a full?blow trial where the #arties could be gi+e, as they should be gi+e,
the o##ortuity to +etilate their res#ecti+e clai*s ad defeses, o the basis of which the court
a 1uo ca #ro#erly resol+e the factual dis#utes therei,
WF-"-F("-, the #etitios are ;"3)T-D, The )o+e*ber I, 200@ Decisio ad .uly 19, 200A
"esolutio of the Court of 3##eals i C3 ;,", &P )o, II2IH which affir*ed the (ctober 21,
200! (rder of Dis*issal issued by the "egioal Trial Court of (loga#o City, >rach A! are
&-T 3&%D-, The two 425 cri*ial ifor*atios for estafa agaist res#odet Ti*othy .,
Des*od i Cri*ial Case )os, H1H?200! ad H1@?200! are hereby "-%)&T3T-D,
3ccordigly, the trial court is directed to #roceed with the arraig*et of the accused ad the
trial of the case with dis#atch,
&( ("D-"-D,
3ssociate .ustice
W- C()C=":
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3 T T - & T 3 T % ( )
% attest that the coclusios i the abo+e Decisio had bee reached i cosultatio before the
cases were assiged to the writer of the o#iio of the Court7s Di+isio,
3ssociate .ustice
Chair#erso, &ecod Di+isio
C - " T % F % C 3 T % ( )
Pursuat to &ectio % B, 3rticle '%%% of the Costitutio, ad the Di+isio Chair#ersoPs
3ttestatio, % certify that the coclusios i the abo+e Decisio had bee reached i cosultatio
before the cases were assiged to the writer of the o#iio of the CourtPs Di+isio,
Chief .ustice
CR<S4O $& MOG(L Ca&% D#g%&)
B* +a%!"+%,#-a
GR N3. L-53373 :1-% 30. 1987
A&&#&)a-) ?#&!a6 43!%&3 G. Ga6a 2#)" )"% a773$a6 39 )"% 43$#-!#a6 ?#&!a6 9#6%, a- #-93+a)#3- 93
%&)aga aga#-&) Ma#3 C%&73 #- )"% C#!1#) C#+#-a6 C31) 39 L1!%-a C#)*. C"%- )"% !a&% 2a& &%) 93
aa#g-+%-) )"% a!!1&%, 9#6%, a +3)#3- )3 ,%)% aa#g-+%-) 3- )"% g31-, )"a) )"%% 2a& a 7%-,#-g
7%)#)#3- 93 %$#%2 9#6%, 2#)" )"% S%!%)a* 39 :1&)#!% 39 )"% %&361)#3- 39 )"% 399#!% 39 73$#-!#a6
C#+#-a6 a!)#3-& %#)"% !3++%-!%, 0* !3+76a#-) 3 0* #-93+a)#3- &"a66 0% 73&%!1)%, 1-,% )"%
,#%!)#3- a-, !3-)36 39 )"% 9#&!a6. T"% #-&)#)1)#3- 39 a !#+#-a6 a!)#3- ,%7%-,& 173- )"% &31-,
,#&!%)#3- 39 )"% ?#&!a6. H% +a* 3 "% +a* -3) 9#6% )"% !3+76a#-) 3 #-93+a)#3-. 936632 3 -3) 936632
)"a) 7%&%-)%, 0* )"% 399%-,%, 7a)*. a!!3,#-g )3 2"%)"% )"% %$#,%-!% #- "#& 37#-#3-. #& &199#!#%-)
3 -3) )3 %&)a06#&" )"% g1#6) 39 )"% a!!1&%, 0%*3-, %a&3-a06% ,310). T"% %a&3- 93 76a!#-g )"%
!#+#-a6 73&%!1)#3- 1-,% )"% ,#&!%)#3- a-, !3-)36 39 )"% 9#&!a6 #& )3 7%$%-) +a6#!#31& 3
1-931-,%, 73&%!1)#3- 0* 7#$a)% 7%&3-&.
I) #& )"31g" )"% !3-,1!) 39 7%6#+#-a* #-$%&)#ga)#3-. )"a) )"% 9#&!a6 ,%)%+#-%& )"% %8#&)%-!% 39 a
4#+a ?a!#% !a&% )"a) 2316, 2aa-) )"% 73&%!1)#3- 39 a !a&%. T"% C31)& !a--3) #-)%9%% 2#)" )"%
9#&!a6B& ,#&!%)#3- a-, !3-)36 39 )"% !#+#-a6 73&%!1)#3-. I) #& -3) 71,%-) 3 %$%- 7%+#&% 93 a
C31) 39 !3+7%6 )"% 9#&!a6 )3 73&%!1)% a 73!%%,#-g 3#g#-a66* #-#)#a)%, 0* "#+ 3- a- #-93+a)#3-.
I- a !6a&" 39 $#%2& 0%)2%%- )"% :1,g% 2"3 ,#, -3) #-$%&)#ga)% a-, )"% ?#&!a6 2"3 ,#,. 3 0%)2%%- )"%
9#&!a6 a-, )"% 399%-,%, 7a)* 3 )"% ,%9%-,a-). )"3&% 39 )"% ?#&!a6B& &"316, -3+a66* 7%$a#6.
T"% a!)#3- 39 9#&!a6 3 73&%!1)3 #& -3) 2#)"31) a-* 6#+#)a)#3- 3 !3-)36. T"% &a+% #& &10>%!) )3 )"%
a773$a6 )3 )"% 43$#-!#a6 3 C#)* ?#&!a6 3 )"% C"#%9 39 S)a)% 43&%!1)3 a& )"% !a&% +a*0% a-, #)
+a*0% %6%$a)%, 93 %$#%2 )3 )"% S%!%)a* 39 :1&)#!% 2"3 "a& )"% 732% )3 a99#+. +3,#9* 3 %$%&%
)"% a!)#3- 3 37#-#3- 39 )"% ?#&!a6.
Cr)+0o 1+. Mo7'8 :151 SCRA &62 ;19%$<=
Post uder case digests, "e*edial Law at &uday, $arch 0!, 2012 Posted by &chi6o#hreic $id
5ac,+> 3 ifor*atio for -stafa was filed by the Fiscal
agaist Cres#o i the Cri*ial Circuit Court of Lucea,
Whe the case was set for arraig*et, Cres#o filed a
$otio To Defer 3rraig*et o the groud that there was
a #edig Petitio for "e+iew with theDe#art*et of
.ustice, &aid $otio was deied by .udge $ogul,
Cres#o7s $otio For "ecosideratio also ha+ig bee
deied, he filed a T"( with the C3, which grated the
sa*e, Thereafter, the C3 grated Cres#o7s Writ of
%0uctio ad #er#etually restraied .udge $ogul fro*
ha+ig Cres#o arraiged util the &ec, of .ustice fially
*ade his decisio ad ordered the Fiscal to *o+e for
dis*issal of the case, The Fiscal the filed a $otio
attachig the &ecretary7s "esolutio callig for the
dis*issal of the case, .udge $ogul deied the $otio ad
set Cres#o7s arraig*et, Fece, his recourse to the &C,
I++')> Whether or ot the trial court *ay refuse to grat a
$otio to Dis*iss filed by the Fiscal uder orders fro* the
&ecretary of .ustice ad istead isist o arraig*et,
3)8/> The #etitio *ust fail, The rule therefore i this
0urisdictio is that oce a co*#lait or ifor*atio is filed
i court, the ulti*ate dis#ositio thereof lies solely o its
soud discretio, Therefore, the &ecretary of .ustice
should refrai fro* etertaiig a #etitio for re+iew
whe the co*#lait or ifor*atio has already bee filed
i court,
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
-) >3)C
!.R. No. L-5**$* J'() *0, 19%$
MARIO 5L. CRESPO, #etitioer,
LUCENA CIT9, 9,h J'/-c-a8 D-+,., T3E PEOPLE O5 T3E P3ILIPPINES, r)0r)+)(,)/ ?6 ,h)
The issue raised i this ease is whether the trial court actig o a *otio to dis*iss a cri*ial
case filed by the Pro+icial Fiscal u#o istructios of the &ecretary of .ustice to who* the case
was ele+ated for re+iew, *ay refuse to grat the *otio ad isist o the arraig*et ad trial
o the *erits,
( 3#ril 1I, 19AA 3ssistat Fiscal Proceso <, de ;ala with the a##ro+al of the Pro+icial Fiscal
filed a ifor*atio for estafa agaist $ario Fl, Cres#o i the Circuit Cri*ial Court of Lucea
City which was doc2eted as Cri*ial Case )o, CCC%Q?H2 4Due6o5 PAA,1 Whe the case was set for
arraig*et the accused filed a *otio to defer arraig*et o the groud that there was a #edig #etitio for re+iew filed with the &ecretary
of .ustice of the resolutio of the (ffice of the Pro+icial Fiscal for the filig of the ifor*atio, % a order of 3ugust 1, 19AA, the #residig
0udge, Fis Foor, Leodegario L, $ogul, deied the *otio,
3 *otio for recosideratio of the order was deied i the
order of 3ugust H, 19AA but the arraig*et was deferred to 3ugust 1I, 19AA to afford ie for #etitioer
to ele+ate the *atter to the a##ellate court,
3 #etitio for certiorari ad #rohibitio with #rayer for a #reli*iary writ of i0uctio was filed by
the accused i the Court of 3##eals that was doc2eted as C3?;,", &P )o, 0@9AI,
% a order of
3ugust 1A, 19AA the Court of 3##eals restraied .udge $ogul fro* #roceedig with the arraig*et of
the accused util further orders of the Court,
% a co**et that was filed by the &olicitor ;eeral he
reco**eded that the #etitio be gi+e due course,
( $ay 1H, 19AI a decisio was redered by the
Court of 3##eals gratig the writ ad #er#etually restraiig the 0udge fro* eforcig his threat to
co*#el the arraig*et of the accused i the case util the De#art*et of .ustice shall ha+e fially
resol+ed the #etitio for re+iew,
( $arch 22, 19AI the =dersecretary of .ustice, Fo,Catalio $acaraig, .r,, resol+ig the
#etitio for re+iew re+ersed the resolutio of the (ffice of the Pro+icial Fiscal ad directed the
fiscal to *o+e for i**ediate dis*issal of the ifor*atio filed agaist the accused,
3 *otio to
dis*iss for isufficiecy of e+idece was filed by the Pro+icial Fiscal dated 3#ril 10, 19AI with the trial
attachig thereto a co#y of the letter of =dersecretary $acaraig, .r, % a order of 3ugust 2, 19AI
the #ri+ate #rosecutor was gi+e ti*e to file a o##ositio thereto, 10 ( )o+e*ber 2!, 19AI the .udge deied the
*otio ad set the arraigi*et statig:
For resolutio is a *otio to dis*iss this rase filed by the #rocutig fiscal
#re*ised o isufficiecy of e+idece, as suggested by the =dersecretary of
.ustice, e+idet fro* 3e/ 838 of the *otio wherei, a*og other thigs, the
Fiscal is urged to *o+e for dis*issal for the reaso that the chec2 i+ol+ed
ha+ig bee issued for the #ay*et of a #re?e/istig obligatio the Fability of the
drawer ca oly be ci+il ad ot cri*ial,
The *otioPs thrust beig to iduce this Court to resol+e the iocece of the
accused o e+idece ot before it but o that adduced before the =dersecretary
of .ustice, a *atter that ot oly disregards the re1uire*ets of due #rocess but
also erodes the CourtPs ide#edece ad itegrity, the *otio is cosidered as
without *erit ad therefore hereby D-)%-D,
WF-"-F("-, let the arraig*et be, as it is hereby set for Dece*ber 1I, 19AI
at 9:00 oPcloc2 i the *o*ig,
&( ("D-"-D, 11
The accused the filed a #etitio for certiorari, #rohibitio ad *ada*us with #etitio for the
issuace of #reli*iary writ of #rohibitio adNor te*#orary restraiig order i the Court of
3##eals that was doc2eted as C3?;,", )o, &P?0IAAA, 12 ( .auary 2B, 19A9 a restraiig order was issued by
the Court of 3##eals agaist the threateed act of arraig*et of the accused util further orders fro* the Court, 1* % a decisio of (ctober
2H, 19A9 the Court of 3##eals dis*issed the #etitio ad lifted the restraiig order of .auary 2B, 19A9, 1& 3 *otio for recosideratio of
said decisio filed by the accused was deied i a resolutio of February 19, 19I0, 15
Fece this #etitio for re+iew of said decisio was filed by accused whereby #etitioer #rays
that said decisio be re+ersed ad set aside, res#odet 0udge be #er#etually e0oied fro*
eforcig his threat to #roceed with the arraig*et ad trial of #etitioer i said cri*ial case,
declarig the ifor*atio filed ot +alid ad of o legal force ad effect, orderig res#odet
.udge to dis*iss the said case, ad declarig the obligatio of #etitioer as #urely ci+il, 16
% a resolutio of $ay 19, 19I0, the &ecod Di+isio of this Court without gi+ig due course to
the #etitio re1uired the res#odets to co**et to the #etitio, ot to file a *otiod to dis*iss,
withi te 4105 days fro* otice, % the co**et filed by the &olicitor ;eeral he reco**eds
that the #etitio be gi+e due course, it beig *eritorious, Pri+ate res#odet through cousel
filed his re#ly to the co**et ad a se#arate couet to the #etitio as2ig that the #etitio be
dis*issed, % the resolutio of February H, 19I1, the &ecod Di+isio of this Court resol+ed to
trasfer this case to the Court En Banc, % the resolutio of February 2@, 19I1, the Court En
Banc resol+ed to gi+e due course to the #etitio,
Petitioer ad #ri+ate res#odet filed their res#ecti+e briefs while the &olicitor ;eeral filed a
$aifestatio i lieu of brief reiteratig that the decisio of the res#odet Court of 3##eals be
re+ersed ad that res#odet .udge be ordered to dis*iss the ifor*atio,
%t is a cardial #rici#le that a cri*ial actios either co**eced by co*#lait or by
ifor*atio shall be #rosecuted uder the directio ad cotrol of the fiscal, 1$ The istitutio of a
cri*ial actio de#eds u#o the soud discretio of the fiscal, Fe *ay or *ay ot file the co*#lait or ifor*atio, follow or ot foow that
#reseted by the offeded #arty, accordig to whether the e+idece i his o#iio, is sufficiet or ot to establish the guilt of the accused
beyod reasoable doubt, 1% The reaso for #lacig the cri*ial #rosecutio uder the directio ad cotrol of the fiscal is to #re+et
*alicious or ufouded #rosecutio by #ri+ate #ersos, 19 %t caot be cotrolled by the co*#laiat,
Prosecutig officers uder
the #ower +ested i the* by law, ot oly ha+e the authority but also the duty of #rosecutig #ersos
who, accordig to the e+idece recei+ed fro* the co*#laiat, are show to be guilty of a cri*e
co**itted withi the 0urisdictio of their office,
They ha+e e1ually the legal duty ot to #rosecute whe
after a i+estigatio they beco*e co+iced that the e+idece adduced is ot sufficiet to establish
a prima facie case,
%t is through the coduct of a #reli*iary i+estigatio
that the fiscal deter*ies the e/istece of a
#u*a facie case that would warrat the #rosecutio of a case, The Courts caot iterfere with the
fiscalPs discretio ad cotrol of the cri*ial #rosecutio, %t is ot #rudet or e+e #er*issible for a Court
to co*#el the fiscal to #rosecute a #roceedig origially iitiated by hi* o a ifor*atio, if he fids that
the e+idece relied u#o by hi* is isufficiet for co+ictio,
)either has the Court ay #ower to order
the fiscal to #rosecute or file a ifor*atio withi a certai #eriod of ti*e, sice this would iterfere with
the fiscalPs discretio ad cotrol of cri*ial #rosecutios,
Thus, a fiscal who as2s for the dis*issal of
the case for isufficiecy of e+idece has authority to do so, ad Courts that grat the sa*e co**it o
The fiscal *ay re?i+estigate a case ad subse1uetly *o+e for the dis*issal should the re?
i+estigatio show either that the defedat is iocet or that his guilt *ay ot be established beyod
reasoable doubt,
% a clash of +iews betwee the 0udge who did ot i+estigate ad the fiscal who did,
or betwee the fiscal ad the offeded #arty or the defedat, those of the FiscalPs should or*ally
( the other had, either a i0uctio, #reli*iary or fial or a writ of #rohibitio *ay be
issued by the courts to restrai a cri*ial #rosecutio
e/ce#t i the e/tre*e case where it is ecessary
for the Courts to do so for the orderly ad*iistratio of 0ustice or to #re+et the use of the strog ar* of
the law i a o# #ressi+e ad +idicti+e *aer,
Fowe+er, the actio of the fiscal or #rosecutor is ot without ay li*itatio or cotrol, The sa*e
is sub0ect to the a##ro+al of the #ro+icial or city fiscal or the chief state #rosecutor as the case
*aybe ad it *aybe ele+ated for re+iew to the &ecretary of .ustice who has the #ower to affir*,
*odify or re+erse the actio or o#iio of the fiscal, Cose1uetly the &ecretary of .ustice *ay
direct that a *otio to dis*iss the rase be filed i Court or otherwise, that a ifor*atio be filed
i Court,
The filig of a co*#lait or ifor*atio i Court iitiates a cri*ial actio, The Court thereby
ac1uires 0urisdictio o+er the case, which is the authority to hear ad deter*ie the
Whe after the filig of the co*#lait or ifor*atio a warrat for the arrest of the accused is
issued by the trial court ad the accused either +olutarily sub*ited hi*self to the Court or was duly
arrested, the Court thereby ac1uired 0urisdictio o+er the #erso of the accused,
The #reli*iary i+estigatio coducted by the fiscal for the #ur#ose of deter*iig whether
a prima facie case e/ists warratig the #rosecutio of the accused is ter*iated u#o the filig
of the ifor*atio i the #ro#er court, % tur, as abo+e stated, the filig of said ifor*atio sets
i *otio the cri*ial actio agaist the accused i Court, &hould the fiscal fid it #ro#er to
coduct a rei+estigatio of the case, at such stage, the #er*issio of the Court *ust be
secured, 3fter such rei+estigatio the fidig ad reco**edatios of the fiscal should be
sub*itted to the Court for a##ro#riate actio,
While it is true that the fiscal has the quasi
judicial discretio to deter*ie whether or ot a cri*ial case should be filed i court or ot, oce the
case had already bee brought to Court whate+er dis#ositio the fiscal *ay feel should be #ro#er i the
rase thereafter should be addressed for the cosideratio of the Court,
The oly 1ualificatio is that the
actio of the Court *ust ot i*#air the substatial rights of the accused,
or the right of the Peo#le to
due #rocess of law,
Whether the accused had bee arraiged or ot ad whether it was due to a rei+estigatio by
the fiscal or a re+iew by the &ecretary of .ustice whereby a *otio to dis*iss was sub*itted to
the Court, the Court i the e/ercise of its discretio *ay grat the *otio or dey it ad re1uire
that the trial o the *erits #roceed for the #ro#er deter*iatio of the case,
Fowe+er, oe *ay as2, if the trial court refuses to grat the *otio to dis*iss filed by the fiscal
u#o the directi+e of the &ecretary of .ustice will there ot be a +acuu* i the #rosecutioR 3
state #rosecutor to hadle the case caot #ossibly be desigated by the &ecretary of .ustice
who does ot belie+e that there is a basis for #rosecutio or ca the fiscal be e/#ected to
hadle the #rosecutio of the case thereby defyig the su#erior order of the &ecretary of
The aswer is si*#le, The role of the fiscal or #rosecutor as We all 2ow is to see that 0ustice is
doe ad ot ecessarily to secure the co+ictio of the #erso accused before the Courts,
Thus, i s#ite of his o#iio to the cotrary, it is the duty of the fiscal to #roceed with the
#resetatio of e+idece of the #rosecutio to the Court to eable the Court to arri+e at its ow
ide#edet 0udg*et as to whether the accused should be co+icted or ac1uitted, The fiscal
should ot shir2 fro* the res#osibility of a##earig for the Peo#le of the Phili##ies e+e uder
such circu*staces *uch less should he abado the #rosecutio of the case lea+ig it to the
hads of a #ri+ate #rosecutor for the the etire #roceedigs will be ull ad +oid,
The least
that the fiscal should do is to cotiue to a##ear for the #rosecutio although he *ay tur o+er the
#resetatio of the e+idece to the #ri+ate #rosecutor but still uder his directio ad cotrol,
The rule therefore i this 0urisdictio is that oce a co*#lait or ifor*atio is filed i Court ay
dis#ositio of the case as its dis*issal or the co+ictio or ac1uittal of the accused rests i the
soud discretio of the Court, 3lthough the fiscal retais the directio ad cotrol of the
#rosecutio of cri*ial cases e+e while the case is already i Court he caot i*#ose his
o#iio o the trial court, The Court is the best ad sole 0udge o what to do with the case
before it, The deter*iatio of the case is withi its e/clusi+e 0urisdictio ad co*#etece, 3
*otio to dis*iss the case filed by the fiscal should be addressed to the Court who has the
o#tio to grat or dey the sa*e, %t does ot *atter if this is doe before or after the
arraig*et of the accused or that the *otio was filed after a rei+estigatio or u#o
istructios of the &ecretary of .ustice who re+iewed the records of the i+estigatio,
% order therefor to a+oid such a situatio whereby the o#iio of the &ecretary of .ustice who
re+iewed the actio of the fiscal *ay be disregarded by the trial court, the &ecretary of .ustice
should, as far as #racticable, refrai fro* etertaiig a #etitio for re+iew or a##eal fro* the
actio of the fiscal, whe the co*#lait or ifor*atio has already bee filed i Court, The
*atter should be left etirely for the deter*iatio of the Court,
WF-"-F("-, the #etitio is D%&$%&&-D for lac2 of *erit without #roouce*et as to costs,
&( ("D-"-D,
Yap, Fernan, Narvasa, Melencio!errera, "u#ierre$, %r&, 'ru$, (aras, Feliciano, (adilla, Bidin,
)armien#o and 'or#es, %%&, concur&
*eehan+ee, '&%&, #oo+ no par#&
CereBo &s Peo/1e, GR 1892?0, J'ne 1, 2011
Poste. => Pi's Mor-.os on No&e0=er 1?, 2011
(Admin Law, RTC, judicial power)
Facts: Petitioner fled a complaint for libel against respondents. Finding probable cause, the Prosecutor fled
the corresponding Information against them, but reversed its earlier fnding and recommended the withdrawal of
the Information.
Relying on the recommendation o f the prosecutor, the RTC ordered the criminal case dismissed on the ground
that it is a settled rule that the determination of the persons to be prosecuted rests primarily with the Public
Prosecutor who is vested with quasi-judicial discretion in the discharge of this function. Being vested with such
power, he can reconsider his own resolution if he fnds that there is reasonable ground to do so.
However, upon petitioners motion for reconsideration, the RTC granted the same and reinstated the case after
the DOJ Secretary reversed the resolution of the prosecutor.
Issue: Whether or not the RTC judge necessarily has to make an independent evaluation or assessment of the
merits of the case.
Held: Yes. Well-entrenched is the rule that once a case is fled with the court, any disposition of it rests on the
sound discretion of the court. In thus resolving a motion to dismiss a case or to withdraw an Information, the
trial court should not rely solely and merely on the fndings of the public prosecutor or the Secretary of Justice.
It is the courts bounden duty to assess independently the merits of the motion, and this assessment must be
embodied in a written order disposing of the motion. While the recommendation of the prosecutor or the ruling
of the DOJ Secretary is persuasive, it is not binding on courts.
By relying solely on the manifestation of the public prosecutor and the resolution of the DOJ Secretary, the trial
court abdicated its judicial power and refused to perform a positive duty enjoined by law. The said Orders were
thus stained with grave abuse of discretion and violated the complainants right to due process. They were void,
had no legal standing, and produced no efect whatsoever
;e#ublic of the Phili##ines
Su!"#" Cou!$
+ versus +
G.R. No. 1.5/30
CA;PI&, J.,
AAA, and
M:.&KA, JJ.
(une 1, 2011
1his #etition for revie! on certiorari under ;ule 6, of the ;ules of Court
seeGs to annul the (uly 11, 2004 ecision
and the .ove/ber 6, 2004
of the Court of A##eals 7CA8 in CA+3$;$ SP .o$ 99044, !hich
reversed and set aside the &ctober 26, 2005
and the ?ebruary 25, 2000
of the ;e"ional 1rial Court 7;1C8 of LueMon City, Aranch 92$
1he ;1C &rders revived Cri/inal Case .o$ L+03+11,690, entitled >People
of te Pilippines v. Juliet 3ane$a, Pablo Abunda, Jr., +scar (apalo and 2icente
Afulugencia,4 after the sa/e !as dis/issed in an earlier &rder$
The Facts
&n Se#te/ber 12, 2002, #etitioner (ose#h CereMo filed a co/#laint for libel
a"ainst res#ondents (uliet BaneMa, Pablo Abunda, (r$, and Vicente Afulu"encia
7res#ondents8, as !ell as &scar Ma#alo 7Ma#alo8$
?indin" #robable cause to indict res#ondents,
the LueMon City
ProsecutorIs &ffice 7&P+LC8 filed the corres#ondin" Infor/ation a"ainst the/ on
?ebruary 14, 2003 before the ;1C$
;es#ondents thereafter filed a Motion for ;econsideration andNor Motion to
;e+evaluate ProsecutionIs :vidence before the &P+LC$
In its resolution dated .ove/ber 20, 2003, the &P+LC reversed its earlier
findin" and reco//ended the !ithdra!al of the Infor/ation$
ConseOuently, a
Motion to is/iss and <ithdra! Infor/ation !as filed before the ;1C on
ece/ber 3, 2003$ urin" the intervenin" #eriod, s#ecifically on .ove/ber 26,
2003, res#ondents !ere arrai"ned$ All of the/ entered a >not "uiltyC #lea$
In deference to the #rosecutorIs last resolution, the ;1C ordered the cri/inal
case dis/issed in its &rder dated March 10, 2006, vi$.5
Settled is the rule that the deter/ination of the #ersons to be #rosecuted
rests #ri/arily !ith the Public Prosecutor !ho is vested !ith Ouasi+
Fudicial discretion in the dischar"e of this function$ Aein" vested !ith
such #o!er, he can reconsider his o!n resolution if he finds that there is
reasonable "round to do so$ 2 2 2$
More so, the Court cannot interfere !ith the Public ProsecutorIs
discretion to deter/ine #robable cause or the #ro#riety of #ursuin" or
not a cri/inal case !hen the case is not yet filed in Court, as a "eneral
rule$ 9o!ever, if the sa/e cri/inal case has been filed in Court already,
the Public Prosecutor can still interfere !ith it subFect to the a##roval of
the Court$ In the case of ;e#ublic vs$ Sun"a, et al$, the Su#re/e Court
held that !hile it has been settled in the case of Cres#o vs$ Mo"ul that
the trial court is the sole Fud"e on !hether a cri/inal case should be
dis/issed after the co/#laint or infor/ation has been filed in court,
nonetheless any /otion of the offended #arty for the dis/issal of the
cri/inal case, even if !ithout obFection of the accused, should first be
referred to the #rosecutin" fiscal and only after hearin" should the court
e2ercise its e2clusive authority to dis/iss or continue !ith the
#rosecution of the case$ 1he Court, therefore, after hearin" and
conferrin" !ith the fiscal, can dis/iss the case if convinced that there is
)no* reason to continue !ith the #rosecution )of* the sa/e$ As in this
case, the Court finds /erit )in* the /otion of the Public Prosecutor$
A""rieved, #etitioner /oved for reconsideration of the said &rder, ar"uin"
that the .ove/ber 20, 2003 &P+LC resolution has not yet attained finality,
considerin" that the sa/e !as the subFect of a Petition for ;evie! filed before the
e#art/ent of (ustice 7&(8$
1he ;1C deferred action on the said /otion to
a!ait the resolution of the &($
&n (une 25, 2005, the Secretary of (ustice #ro/ul"ated his resolution
reversin" and settin" aside the &P+LCIs .ove/ber 20, 2003 resolution, and
directin" the latter to refile the earlier Infor/ation for libel$
&n &ctober 26, 2005, the ;1C issued its first assailed &rder "rantin"
#etitionerIs /otion for reconsideration, confor/ably !ith the resolution of the
&( Secretary, thusD
Considerin" the findin"s of the e#art/ent of (ustice reversin" the
resolution of the City Prosecutor, the Court "ives favorable action to the
Motion for ;econsideration$ In the sa/e /anner as discussed in arrivin"
at its assailed order dated 10 March 2006, the Court "ives /ore lee!ay
to the Public Prosecutor in deter/inin" !hether it has to continue or sto#
#rosecutin" a case$ <hile the City Prosecutor has #reviously decided not
to #ursue further the case, the Secretary of (ustice, ho!ever, throu"h its
resolution on the Petition for ;evie! did not a"ree !ith hi/$
1he Court disa"rees !ith the ar"u/ent raised by the accused that
double Feo#ardy sets in to the #icture$ 1he order of dis/issal as !ell as
the !ithdra!al of the Infor/ation !as not yet final because of the ti/ely
filin" of the Motion for ;econsideration$ 1he Court),* therefore, can still
set aside its order$ Moreover, there is no refilin" of the case nor the filin"
of a ne! one$ 1he case filed re/ains the sa/e and the order of dis/issal
!as /erely vacated because the Court finds the Motion for
;econsideration /eritorious$
<9:;:?&;:, findin" the Motion for ;econsideration
/eritorious, the &rder dated 10 March 2006 is hereby
;:C&.SI:;: and S:1 ASI:$
'et the arrai"n/ent of accused &scar Ma#alo and #re+trial )of*
the other accused be set on 05 ece/ber 2005 at 4D30 in the /ornin"$
S& &;:;:$
;es#ondents /oved for reconsideration, but the /otion !as denied in the
;1CIs second assailed &rder dated ?ebruary 25, 2000$
;elentless, res#ondents elevated their #redica/ent to the CA throu"h a
Petition for Certiorari under ;ule 5, of the ;ules of Court, ar"uin" in the /ain
that the ;1C &rders violated their constitutional ri"ht a"ainst double Feo#ardy$
Ruling of the CA
1he a##ellate court found the ;1C to have "ravely abused its
discretion in orderin" the reinstate/ent of the case$ 1he CA annulled the
i/#u"ned ;1C &rders, rulin" that all the ele/ents of double Feo#ardy e2ist$
1here !as a valid Infor/ation sufficient in for/ and substance filed before a
court of co/#etent Furisdiction to !hich res#ondents had #leaded, and that
the ter/ination of the case !as not e2#ressly consented to by res#ondents-
hence, the sa/e could not be revived or refiled !ithout trans"ressin"
res#ondentsI ri"ht a"ainst double Feo#ardy$
1he CA further found that the &( Secretary i/#ro#erly tooG
co"niMance of the Petition for ;evie! because &( e#art/ent &rder .o$
223 /andates that no a##eal shall be entertained if the accused has already
been arrai"ned or, if the arrai"n/ent tooG #lace durin" the #endency of the
a##eal, the sa/e shall be dis/issed$
Petitioner inter#osed the instant a##eal !hen his /otion for
reconsideration of the CA ecision !as denied$
The Issues
Petitioner ascribes the follo!in" errors to the CAD
a$ 1he 9onorable Court of A##eals erred in findin" that there !as
ouble (eo#ardy, s#ecifically on the alle"ed e2istence of the
reOuisites to constitute ouble (eo#ardy-
b$ 1he 9onorable Court of A##eals failed to consider the fact that
there !as .& refilin" of the case nor the filin" of a ne! one in
arrivin" )at* its conclusion that ouble (eo#ardy sets in to the
c$ 1he 9onorable Court of A##eals erred in findin" that there !as 1$8
a valid ter/ination of the case on the basis of the &rder of the 1rial
Court dated 10 March 2006, and alle"edly 2$8 !ithout the e2#ress
consent of the res#ondents$
1he assi"ned errors !ill be subsu/ed into this issueD
0eter tere was a valid ter*ination of te case so as to user in te
i*pregnable wall of double .eopardy.
Our Ruling
1he #etition is i/#ressed !ith /erit$
<ell+entrenched is the rule that once a case is filed !ith the court, any
dis#osition of it rests on the sound discretion of the court$ In thus resolvin" a
/otion to dis/iss a case or to !ithdra! an Infor/ation, the trial court should not
rely solely and /erely on the findin"s of the #ublic #rosecutor or the Secretary of
It is the courtIs bounden duty to assess inde#endently the /erits of the
/otion, and this assess/ent /ust be e/bodied in a !ritten order dis#osin" of the
<hile the reco//endation of the #rosecutor or the rulin" of the
Secretary of (ustice is #ersuasive, it is not bindin" on courts$
In this case, it is obvious fro/ the March 10, 2006 &rder of the ;1C,
dis/issin" the cri/inal case, that the ;1C Fud"e failed to /aGe his o!n
deter/ination of !hether or not there !as a pri*a facie case to hold res#ondents
for trial$ 9e failed to /aGe an inde#endent evaluation or assess/ent of the /erits
of the case$ 1he ;1C Fud"e blindly relied on the /anifestation and
reco//endation of the #rosecutor !hen he should have been /ore circu/s#ect
and Fudicious in resolvin" the Motion to is/iss and <ithdra! Infor/ation
es#ecially so !hen the #rosecution a##eared to be uncertain, undecided, and
irresolute on !hether to indict res#ondents$
1he sa/e holds true !ith res#ect to the &ctober 26, 2005 &rder, !hich
reinstated the case$ 1he ;1C Fud"e failed to /aGe a se#arate evaluation and /erely
a!aited the resolution of the &( Secretary$ 1his is evident fro/ the "eneral tenor
of the &rder and hi"hli"hted in the follo!in" #ortion thereofD
As discussed durin" the hearin" of the Motion for
;econsideration, the Court !ill resolve it de#endin" on the outco/e of
the Petition for ;evie!$ Considerin" the findin"s of the e#art/ent of
(ustice reversin" the resolution of the City Prosecutor, the Court "ives
favorable action to the Motion for ;econsideration$
Ay relyin" solely on the /anifestation of the #ublic #rosecutor and the
resolution of the &( Secretary, the trial court abdicated its Fudicial #o!er and
refused to #erfor/ a #ositive duty enFoined by la!$ 1he said &rders !ere thus
stained !ith "rave abuse of discretion and violated the co/#lainantIs ri"ht to due
#rocess$ 1hey !ere void, had no le"al standin", and #roduced no effect
1his Court /ust therefore re/and the case to the ;1C, so that the latter can
rule on the /erits of the case to deter/ine if apri*a facie case e2ists and
conseOuently resolve the Motion to is/iss and <ithdra! Infor/ation ane!$
It is beyond cavil that double Feo#ardy did not set in$ ouble Feo#ardy e2ists
!hen the follo!in" reOuisites are #resentD 718 a first Feo#ardy attached #rior to the
second- 728 the first Feo#ardy has been validly ter/inated- and 738 a second
Feo#ardy is for the sa/e offense as in the first$ A first Feo#ardy attaches only 7a8
after a valid indict/ent- 7b8 before a co/#etent court- 7c8 after arrai"n/ent- 7d8
!hen a valid #lea has been entered- and 7e8 12"' $2" &33u4"- 2&4 5""' &36u($$"-
o! 3o'7(3$"-, o! $2" 3&4" -(4#(44"- o! o$2"!1(4" $"!#('&$"- 1($2ou$ 2(4
"8!"44 3o'4"'$$
Since !e have held that the March 10, 2006 &rder "rantin" the /otion to
dis/iss !as co//itted !ith "rave abuse of discretion, then res#ondents !ere not
acOuitted nor !as there a valid and le"al dis/issal or ter/ination of the case$ :r"o,
the fifth reOuisite !hich reOuires the conviction and acOuittal of the accused, or the
dis/issal of the case !ithout the a##roval of the accused, !as not /et$ 1hus,
double Feo#ardy has not set in$
9HEREFORE, the #etition is hereby GIVEN DUE COURSE, and the
assailed (uly 11, 2004 ecision and the .ove/ber 6, 2004 ;esolution of the Court
of A##eals in CA+3$;$ SP .o$ 99044, and the &ctober 26, 2005 and the ?ebruary
25, 2000 &rders of the ;e"ional 1rial Court of LueMon City, Aranch 92, are
hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. 1he case is RE%ANDED to the LueMon
City ;1C, Aranch 92, for evaluation on !hether #robable cause e2ists to hold
res#ondents for trial$
.o costs$
FACTS: On March 17, 1989, at about 7:30 o'clock in the mornin, at the
!icinit" o# the air$ort roa% o# the Ma&bate 'ome&tic Air$ort, locate% at the
munici$alit" o# Ma&bate $ro!ince o# Ma&bate, Conre&&man Moi&e& (&$ino&a, Sr)
an% hi& &ecurit" e&cort&, namel" *ro!incial +uar%& Antonio Corte&, +a&$ar
Amaro, an% Artemio Fuente& ,ere attacke% an% kille% b" a lone a&&a&&in) 'ante
Siblante another &ecurit" e&cort o# Conre&&man (&$ino&a, Sr) &ur!i!e% the
a&&a&&ination $lot, althouh, he him&el# &u##ere% a un&hot ,oun%) An
in!e&tiation o# the inci%ent then #ollo,e%)
Therea#ter, an% #or the $ur$o&e o# $reliminar" in!e&tiation, the %e&inate%
in!e&tiator #ile% an amen%e% com$laint ,ith the Munici$al Trial Court o#
Ma&bate accu&in -icente .im, Sr) et al o# the crime o# multi$le mur%er an%
#ru&trate% mur%er in connection ,ith the air$ort inci%ent)
A#ter con%uctin the $reliminar" in!e&tiation, the court i&&ue% an or%er
conclu%in that a $robable cau&e ha& been e&tabli&he% #or the i&&uance o# a
,arrant o# arre&t o# name% accu&e%))
On October 30, 1989, Fi&cal Al#ane #ile% ,ith the /eional Trial Court o#
Ma&bate, #our 012 &e$arate in#ormation& o# mur%er aain&t the t,el!e 0132
accu&e% ,ith a recommen%ation o# no bail)
On 4o!ember 31, 1989, $etitioner& -icente .im, Sr) an% Su&ana .im #ile% ,ith
u& a !eri#ie% $etition #or chane o# !enue ,5c ,a& authori6e%, #rom the /TC o#
Ma&bate to the /TCt o# Makati to a!oi% mi&carriae o# 7u&tice) The ca&e& ,ere
ra##le% to 8ranch 9: $re&i%e% b" re&$on%ent ;u%e 4eme&io S) Feli<)
*etitioner& -icente .im, Sr) an% Su&ana .im #ile% ,ith the re&$on%ent court
&e!eral motion& an% mani#e&tation&, amon other& ,a& an or%er be i&&ue%
re=uirin the tran&mittal o# the initial recor%& o# the $reliminar" in=uir" or
in!e&tiation con%ucte% b" the Munici$al ;u%e 8ar&aa o# Ma&bate #or the be&t
enlihtenment o# thi& >onorable Court in it& $er&onal %etermination o# the
e<i&tence o# a $robable cau&e or $rima #acie e!i%ence a& ,ell a& it&
%etermination o# the e<i&tence o# uilt, pursuant to the mandatory mandate of
the constitution that no warrant shall issue unless the issuing magistrate
shall have himself been personally convinced of such probable cause.
/e&$on%ent court i&&ue% an or%er %en"in #or lack o# merit the motion& an%
mani#e&tation& an% i&&ue% ,arrant& o# arre&t aain&t the accu&e% inclu%in the
$etitioner& herein)
?SS@( : Ahether or not a 7u%e ma" i&&ue a ,arrant o# arre&t ,ithout bail b"
&im$l" rel"in on the $ro&ecution'& certi#ication an% recommen%ation that a
$robable cau&e e<i&t&)
>(.': ?# a ;u%e relie& &olel" on the certi#ication o# the *ro&ecutor a& in
thi& ca&e ,here all the recor%& o# the in!e&tiation are in Ma&bate, he or &he
ha& not $er&onall" %etermine% $robable cau&e) The %etermination i& ma%e b" the
*ro!incial *ro&ecutor) The con&titutional re=uirement ha& not been &ati&#ie%)
The ;u%e commit& a ra!e abu&e o# %i&cretion)
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
-) >3)C
!.R. No+. 9&05&-5$ 5)?r'ar6 19, 1991
#ICENTE LIM, SR. a(/ MA9OR SUSANA LIM, #etitioers,
3ON. NEMESIO S. 5ELI@ a(/ 3ON. ANTONIO AL5ANE, res#odets.
!.R. No+. 9&266-69 5)?r'ar6 19, 1991
MA9OR NESTOR C. LIM a(/ MA9OR ANTONIO A3O, #etitioers,
Francisco ,& -lamas for pe#i#ioners in "&,& Nos& ./01/12&
%oll3 *& Fernande$, Eleni#o Ba4aliho4, 5rlando M& 6anao and !echanova, Ballicid 7 8ssocia#es
for pe#i#ioners in "&,& Nos& ./9:::.&
$ay a .udge without ascertaiig the facts through his ow #ersoal deter*iatio ad relyig
solely o the certificatio or reco**edatio of a #rosecutor that a #robable cause e/ists issue
a warrat of arrestR
( $arch 1A, 19I9, at about A:B0 oPcloc2 i the *orig, at the +iciity of the air#ort road of the
$asbate Do*estic 3ir#ort, located at the *uici#ality of $asbate #ro+ice of $asbate,
Cogress*a $oises -s#iosa, &r, ad his security escorts, a*ely Pro+icial ;uards 3toio
Cortes, ;as#ar 3*aro, ad 3rte*io Fuetes were attac2ed ad 2illed by a loe assassi, Date
&iblate aother security escort of Cogress*a -s#iosa, &r, sur+i+ed the assassiatio #lot,
although, he hi*self suffered a gushot woud,
3 i+estigatio of the icidet the followed,
Thereafter, ad for the #ur#ose of #reli*iary i+estigatio, the desigated i+estigator, Farry
(, Tatiado, T&g, of the PC Cri*ial %+estigatio &er+ice at Ca*# >agog %balo Lega6#i City
filed a a*eded co*#lait with the $uici#al Trial Court of $asbate accusig, a*og others,
'icete Li*, &r,, $ayor &usaa Li* of $asbate 4#etitioers i ;,", )os, 9!0H!HA5, .olly T,
Ferade6, Florecio T, Ferade6, .r,, )oilo 3, >agalihog, $ayor )estor C, Li* ad $ayor
3toio <ho 4#etitioers i ;,", )os, 9!2@@?@95 of the cri*e of *ulti#le *urder ad frustrated
*urder i coectio with the air#ort icidet, The case was doc2eted as Cri*ial Case )o,
3fter coductig the #reli*iary i+estigatio, the court issued a order dated .uly B1, 19I9
statig therei that:
, , , after weighig the affida+its ad aswers gi+e by the witesses for the
#rosecutio durig the #reli*iary e/a*iatio i searchig 1uestios ad
aswers, cocludes that a #robable cause has bee established for the issuace
of a warrat of arrest of a*ed accused i the a*eded co*#lait, a*ely,
.i**y Cabarles, "oie Ferade6, )oilo >agalihog, .olly Ferade6,
Florecio Ferade6, .r,, 'icete Li*, &r,, &usaa Li*, )estor Li*, 3toio <ho,
.ai*e Liwaag, Laldy Du*alag ad "ee Tualla alias Tidoy, 4,ollo, #, HI, ;,",
)os, 9!0H!?HA5
/// /// ///
% the sa*e (rder, the court ordered the arrest of the #etitioers ad reco**eded the a*out
of P200,000,00 as bail for the #ro+isioal liberty of each of the accused,
Petitioers .olly Ferade6 ad )oilo >agalihog filed a *otio for the reductio of bail which
was grated by the court ad they were allowed to #ost bail i the a*out of P1H0,000,00 each,
-/ce#t for .i**y Cabarles, all the rest of the accused #osted bail at P200,000,00 each,
( 3ugust 29, 19I9, the etire records of the case cosistig of two hudred si/ty oe 42@15
#ages were tras*itted to the Pro+icial Prosecutor of $asbate, "es#odet 3ctig Fiscal
3toio C, 3lfae was desigated to re+iew the case,
( &e#te*ber 22, 19I9, Fiscal 3lfae issued a "esolutio which affir*ed the fidig of a prima
facie case agaist the #etitioers but differed i the desigatio of the cri*e i that the ruled
that 8, , , all of the accused should ot oly be charged with $ulti#le $urder With Frustrated
$urder8 but for a case of $="D-" for each of the 2illig of the four +icti*s ad a #hysical
i0uries case for iflictig gushot woud o the buttoc2s of Date &iblate,8 43e/ 8F8,
Co**et of Fiscal 3lfae, #, 1I@, ,ollo, ;,", )os, 9!0H!?HA5 3 *otio to recosider the
"esolutio filed by #etitioers 'icete Li*, &r, ad $ayor &usaa Li* was deied,
( (ctober B0, 19I9, Fiscal 3lfae filed with the "egioal Trial Court of $asbate, four 4!5
se#arate ifor*atios of *urder agaist the twel+e 4125 accused with a reco**edatio of o
( )o+e*ber 21, 19I9, #etitioers 'icete Li*, &r, ad &usaa Li* filed with us a +erified
#etitio for chage of +eue, 4Case )o, 3,$, )o, I9?11?12A0?$TC, for*erly, ;,", )os, 90HIA?
( Dece*ber 1!, 19I9, we issued a en ;anc "esolutio authori6ig the chage of +eue fro*
the "egioal Trial Court of $asbate to the "egioal Trial Court of $a2ati to a+oid a *iscarriage
of 0ustice, to wit:
3ctig o the #etitio for chage of +eue of the trial of Cri*ial Cases )os,
HI11, HI12, HI1B, ad HI1! fro* the "egioal Trial Court, $asbate, $asbate to
ay of the "egioal Trial Courts at Due6o City or $a2ati, the Court "esol+ed to
4a5 ;"3)T the aforesaid #etitio for trasfer of +eue i order to a+oid
*iscarriage of 0ustice 43rticle '%%%, &ectio H4!5 of the Phili##ie Costitutio5G 4b5
D%"-CT the Cler2 of Court, "egioal Trial Court, $asbate, $asbate to tras*it
the records of the aforesaid cases to the -/ecuti+e .udge, "egioal Trial Court,
$a2ati, for rafflig a*og the other braches of the courtG ad 4c5 ("D-" the
"egioal Trial Court of $asbate, $asbate to desist fro* further ta2ig
cogi6ace of the said cases util such ti*e that the #etitio is fially resol+ed,
The cases were raffled to >rach H@ #resided by res#odet .udge )e*esio &, Feli/,
Petitioers 'icete Li*, &r, ad &usaa Li* filed with the res#odet court se+eral *otios ad
*aifestatios which i substace #rayed for the followig:
1, 3 order be issued re1uirig the tras*ittal of the iitial records of the
#reli*iary i1uiry or i+estigatio coducted by the $uici#al .udge >arsaga of
$asbate for the best elighte*et of this Foorable Court i its #ersoal
deter*iatio of the e/istece of a #robable cause or prima faciee+idece as
well as its deter*iatio of the e/istece of guilt, #ursuat to the *adatory
*adate of the costitutio that o warrat shall issue uless the issuig
*agistrate shall ha+e hi*self bee #ersoally co+iced of such #robable cause,
2, $o+ats be gi+e a*#le o##ortuity to file their *otio for #reli*iary
i+estigatio as a *atter of rightG ad
B, % the e+et that this court *ay later be co+iced of the e/istece of a
#robable cause, to be allowed to file a *otio for reductio of bail or for
ad*issio of bail, 4#, 1A, ,ollo, ;,", )os, 9!0H!?HA5
% aother *aifestatio, the Li*s reiterated that the court coduct a hearig to deter*ie if
there really e/ists aprima facie case agaist the* i the light of docu*ets which are
recatatios of so*e witesses i the #reli*iary i+estigatio, The *otios ad *aifestatios
were o##osed by the #rosecutio,
( .uly H, 1990, the res#odet court issued a order deyig for lac2 of *erit the *otios ad
*aifestatios ad issued warrats of arrest agaist the accused icludig the #etitioers
herei, The res#odet .udge said:
% the istat cases, the #reli*iary i+estigatio was coducted by the
$uici#al Trial Court of $asbate, $asbate which foud the e/istece of #robable
cause that the offese of *ulti#le *urder was co**itted ad that all the accused
are #robably guilty thereof, which was affir*ed u#o re+iew by the Pro+icial
Prosecutor who #ro#erly filed with the "egioal Trial Court four se#arate
ifor*atios for *urder, Cosiderig that both the two co*#etet officers to
who* such duty was etrusted by law ha+e declared the e/istece of #robable
cause, each ifor*atio is co*#lete i for* ad substace, ad there is o
+isible defect o its face, #his 'our# finds i# jus# and proper #o rel3 on #he
prosecu#or<s cer#ifica#ion in each informa#ion which reads: 4##, 19?20, ,ollo, ;,"
)os, 9!0H!?HAG -*#hasis su##lied5
/// /// ///
The #etitioers the filed these cosolidated #etitios 1uestioig the .uly H, 1990 (rder,
% a "esolutio dated .uly 1A, 1990 i ;,", )os, 9!0H!?HA, we issued 8, , , a T-$P("3"J
"-&T"3%)%); ("D-", effecti+e i**ediately ad cotiuig util further orders fro* this
Court, orderig the res#odet 0udge or his duly authori6ed re#resetati+es or agets to C-3&-
ad D-&%&T fro* eforcig or i*#le*etig the warrat of arrest without bail issued agaist the
#etitioers i his (rder dated .uly H, 1990 i Cri*ial Cases )os, HI11?1!,
% aother "esolutio dated .uly B1, 1990 i ;,", )os, 9!2@@?@9, we resol+ed:
/// /// ///
, , , To %&&=- writs of 415 P"-L%$%)3"J $3)D3T("J %).=)CT%(), orderig
ad directig the res#odet 0udge to recallNset aside adNor aul the legal
effects of the warrats of arrest without bail issued agaist ad ser+ed u#o
herei #etitioers .olly T, Ferade6, Florecio T, Ferade6, .r, ad )oilo
>agalihog ad release the* fro* cofie*et at PC?C%& Detetio Ceter,
Ca*# Cra*e, Due6o CityG ad 425 T-$P("3"J "-&T"3%)%); ("D-",
effecti+e i**ediately ad cotiuig util further orders fro* this Court, orderig
the res#odet 0udge or his duly authori6ed re#resetati+es or agets, to C-3&-
3)D D-&%&T fro* eforcig or i*#le*etig the warrats of arrest without bail
issued agaist #etitioers $ayors )estor C, Li* ad 3toio T, <ho,
The #ri*ary issue i these cosolidated #etitios ceters o whether or ot a 0udge *ay issue a
warrat of arrest without bail by si*#ly relyig o the #rosecutioPs certificatio ad
reco**edatio that a #robable cause e/ists,
This is ot a o+el 1uestio, % the case of (lacer v, =illanueva 412@ &C"3 !@B 919IB:5, we
ruled that a 0udge *ay rely u#o the fiscalPs certificatio of the e/istece of #robable cause ad,
o the basis thereof, issue a warrat of arrest, Fowe+er, the certificatio does ot bid the 0udge
to co*e out with the warrat of arrest, This decisio iter#reted the 8search ad sei6ure8
#ro+isio of the 19AB Costitutio which #ro+ides:
, , , o search warrat or warrat of arrest shall issue e/ce#t u#o #robable
cause to be deter*ied by the 0udge, or such other res#osible officer as *ay be
authori6ed by law, after e/a*iatio uder oath or affir*atio of the co*#laiat
ad the witesses he *ay #roduce , , ,
We ruled:
, , , The issuace of a warrat is ot a *ere *iisterial fuctioG it calls for the
e/ercise of 0udicial discretio o the #art of the issuig *agistrate, This is clear
fro* the followig #ro+isios of &ectio @, "ule 112 of the "ules of Court,
>arran# of arres#, when issued, S %f the 0udge be satisfied fro* the #reli*iary
e/a*iatio coducted by hi* or by the i+estigatig officer that the offese
co*#laied of has bee co**itted ad that there is reasoable groud to
belie+e that the accused has co**itted it, he *ust issue a warrat or order for
his arrest,
=der this sectio, the 0udge *ust satisfy hi*self of the e/istece of #robable
cause before issuig a warrat or order of arrest, %f o the face of the ifor*atio
the 0udge fids o #robable cause, he *ay disregard the fiscalPs certificatio ad
re1uire the sub*issio of the affida+its of witesses to aid hi* i arri+ig at a
coclusio as to the e/istece of a #robable cause, This has bee the rule sice
=,&, +, (ca*#o 41I Phil, 15 ad 3*arga +, 3bbas 49I Phil, AB95, 3d this
e+idetly is the reaso for the issuace by res#odet of the 1uestioed orders
of 3#ril 1B, 1H, 1@, 19, 19I2 ad .uly 1B, 19I2, Without the affida+its of the
#rosecutio witesses ad other e+idece which, as a *atter of log?stadig
#ractice had bee attached to the ifor*atio filed i his sala, res#odet foud
the ifor*atios iade1uate bases for the deter*iatio of #robable cause, For
as the esuig e+ets would show, after #etitioers had sub*itted the re1uired
affida+its, res#odet wasted o ti*e i issuig the warrats of arrest i the case
where he was satisfied that #robable cause e/isted,
The case of )oliven v, Ma+asiar 41@A &C"3 B9B 919II15 was decided after the effecti+ity of the
19IA Costitutio, We stated:
The secod issue, raised by #etitioer >eltra, calls for a iter#retatio of the
costitutioal #ro+isio o the issuace of warrats of arrest, The #ertiet
#ro+isio reads:
3rt, %%%, &ec, 2, The right of the #eo#le to be secure i their #ersos, houses,
#a#ers ad effects agaist ureasoable searches ad sei6ures of whate+er
ature ad for ay #ur#ose shall be i+iolable, ad o search warrat or warrat
of arrest shall issue e/ce#t u#o #robable cause to be deter*ied #ersoally by
the 0udge after e/a*iatio uder oath or affir*atio of the co*#laiat ad the
witesses he *ay #roduce, ad #articularly describig the #lace to be searched
ad the #ersos or thigs to be sei6ed,
The additio of the word 8#ersoally8 after the word 8deter*ied8 ad the
deletio of the grat of authority by the 19AB Costitutio to issue warrats to
8other res#odet officers as *ay be authori6ed by law8, has a##aretly
co+iced #etitioer >eltra that the Costitutio ow re1uires the 0udge to
#ersoally e/a*ie the co*#laiat ad his witesses i his deter*iatio of
#robable cause for the issuace of arrest, This is ot a accurate iter#retatio,
What the Costitutio uderscores is the e/clusi+e ad #ersoal res#osibility of
the issuig 0udge to satisfy hi*self of the e/istece of #robable cause, %
satisfyig hi*self of the e/istece of #robable cause for the issuace of a
warrat of arrest, the 0udge is ot re1uired to #ersoally e/a*ie the co*#laiat
ad his witesses, Followig established doctrie ad #rocedures, he shall: 415
#ersoally e+aluate the re#ort ad the su##ortig docu*ets sub*itted by the
fiscal regardig the e/istece of #robable cause ad, o the basis thereof, issue
a warrat of arrestG or 425 if o the basis thereof he fids o #robable cause, he
*ay disregard the fiscalPs re#ort ad re1uire the sub*issio of su##ortig
affida+its of witesses to aid hi* i arri+ig at a coclusio as to the e/istece of
#robable cause,
&oud #olicy dictates this #rocedure, otherwise 0udges would be uduly lade
with the #reli*iary e/a*iatios ad i+estigatio of cri*ial co*#laits istead
of cocetratig o hearig ad decidig cases filed before their courts,
The decisio i (eople v, !onora;le Enrique B, In#in4, et al, 4;,", )o, II919, .uly 2H, 19905,
reiterated the abo+e iter#retatio of 8#ersoal8 deter*iatio by the .udge:
We e*#hasi6e i*#ortat features of the costitutioal *adate that 8, , , o
search warrat or warrat of arrest shall issue e/ce#t u#o #robable cause to be
deter*ied #ersoally by the 0udge , , ,8 43rticle %%%, &ectio 2, Costitutio5
First, the deter*iatio of #robable cause is a fuctio of the .udge, %t is ot for
the Pro+icial Fiscal or Prosecutor or for the -lectio &u#er+isor to
ascertai, 5nl3 #he %ud4e and #he %ud4e alone ma+es #his de#ermina#ion,
&ecod, the #reli*iary i1uiry *ade by a Prosecutor does ot bid the .udge, %t
*erely assists hi* to *a2e the deter*iatio of #robable cause, The .udge
does ot ha+e to follow what the Prosecutor #resets to hi*, B3 i#self, #he
(rosecu#or<s cer#ifica#ion of pro;a;le cause is ineffec#ual, I# is #he repor#, #he
affidavi#s, #he #ranscrip#s of s#eno4raphic no#es ?if an3@, and all o#her suppor#in4
documen#s ;ehind #he (rosecu#or<s cer#ifica#ion which are ma#erial in assis#in4
#he %ud4e #o ma+e his de#ermina#ion,
3d third, .udges ad Prosecutors ali2e should distiguish the #reli*iary i1uiry
which deter*ies #robable cause for the issuace of a warrat of arrest fro* the
#reli*iary i+estigatio #ro#er which ascertais whether the offeder should be
held for trial or released, -+e if the two i1uiries are coducted i the course of
oe ad the sa*e #roceedig, there should be o cofusio about the
ob0ecti+es, The deter*iatio of #robable cause for the warrat of arrest is *ade
by the .udge, The #reli*iary i+estigatio #ro#er OO whether or ot there is
reasoable groud to belie+e that the accused is guilty of the offese charged
ad, therefore, whether or ot he should be sub0ected to the e/#ese, rigors ad
e*barrass*et of trial OO is the fuctio of the Prosecutor,
The Court *ade this clear i the case of Castillo +, 'illalu6 41A1 &C"3 B9
.udges of "egioal Trial Courts 4for*erly Courts of First %stace5
o loger ha+e authority to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatios,
That authority, at oe ti*e re#osed i the* uder &ectios 1B, 1!
ad 1@, "ule 112 of the "ules of Court of 19@!, 4)ee &ec, !, "ule
10I, "ules of Court of 19!0G Peo#le +, &olo, !A Phil, !!B, cited i
$ora, Co**ets o the "ules, 19I0 ed,, 'ol, !, ##, 11H?11@5
was re*o+ed fro* the* by the 19IH "ules o Cri*ial
Procedure, effecti+e o .auary 1, 19IH, 4Pro*ulgated o
)o+e*ber 11, 19I!5 which deleted all #ro+isios gratig that
#ower to said .udges, We had occasio to #oit tills out i &alta +,
Court of 3##eals, 1!B &C"3 22I, ad to stress as well certai
other basic #ro#ositios, a*ely: 415 that the coduct of a
#reli*iary i+estigatio is 8ot a 0udicial fuctio , , , 4but5 #art of
the #rosecutioPs 0ob, a fuctio of the e/ecuti+e,8 425 that
whee+er 8there are eough his or #rosecutors to coduct
#reli*iary i+estigatios, courts are couseled to lea+e this 0ob
which is essetially e/ecuti+e to the*,8 ad the fact 8that a certai
#ower is grated does ot ecessary *ea that it should be
idiscri*iately e/ercised,
The 19II 3*ed*ets to the 19IH "ules o Cri*ial Procedure,
declared effecti+e o (ctober 1, 19II, 4The 19II 3*ed*ets
were #ublished i the issue of >ulleti Today of (ctober 29, 19II5
did ot restore that authority to .udges of "egioal Trial CourtsG
said a*ed*ets did ot i fact deal at all with the officers or
courts ha+ig authority to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatios,
This is ot to say, howe+er, that so*ewhere alog the lie "TC
.udges also lost the #ower to *a2e a #reli*iary e/a*iatio for
the #ur#ose of deter*iig whether #robable cause e/ists to
0ustify the issuace of a warrat of arrest 4or search warrat5,
&uch a #ower OO ideed, it is as *uch a duty as it is a #ower OO
has bee ad re*ais +ested i e+ery 0udge by the #ro+isios i
the >ill of "ights i the 19BH, the 19AB ad the #reset 919IA:
Costitutios securig the #eo#le agaist ureasoable searches
ad sei6ures, thereby #lacig it beyod the co*#etece of *ere
Court "ule or &tatute to re+o2e, The distictio *ust, therefore, be
*ade clear while a "TC .udge *ay o loger coduct
#reli*iary i+estigatios to ascertai whether there is sufficiet
groud for the filig of a cri*ial co*#lait or ifor*atio, he
retais the authority, whe such a #leadig is filed with his court,
to deter*ie whether there is #robable cause 0ustifyig the
issuace of a warrat of arrest, %t *ight be added that this
distictio accords, rather tha coflicts, with the ratioale of &alta
because both law ad rule, i restrictig to 0udges the authority to
order arrest, recogi6e the fuctio to be 0udicial i ature,
We reiterate that #reli*iary i+estigatio should be distiguished as to whether
it is a i+estigatio for the deter*iatio of a sufficiet groud for the filig of the
ifor*atio or it is a i+estigatio for the deter*iatio of a #robable cause for
the issuace of a warrat of arrest, The first 2id of #reli*iary i+estigatio is
e/ecuti+e i ature, %t is #art of the #rosecutioPs 0ob, The secod 2id of
#reli*iary i+estigatio which is *ore #ro#erly called #reli*iary e/a*iatio is
0udicial i ature ad is lodged with the .udge, , , ,
Fially i the recet case of (eople v, 6el4ado, e# al, 4;,", )os, 9B!19?B2, &e#te*ber 1I,
19905 there is a state*et that the 0udge *ay rely o the resolutio of C($-L-C to file the
ifor*atio by the sa*e to2e that it *ay rely o the certificatio *ade by the #rosecutor who
coducted the #reli*iary i+estigatio i the issuace of the warrat of arrest, We, howe+er,
also reiterated that 8, , , the court *ay re1uire that the record of the #reli*iary i+estigatio be
sub*itted to it to satisfy itself that there is #robable cause which will warrat the issuace of a
warrat of arrest,8 4&ectio 2, 3rticle %%%, Costitutio5, "eliace o the C($-L-C resolutio or
the ProsecutorPs certificatio #resu##oses that the records of either the C($-L-C or the
Prosecutor ha+e bee sub*itted to the .udge ad he relies o the certificatio or resolutio
because the records of the i+estigatio sustai the reco**edatio, The warrat issues ot
o the stregth of the certificatio stadig aloe but because of the records which sustai it,
%t is ob+ious fro* the #reset #etitio that otwithstadig the abo+e decisios, so*e .udges
are still boud by the iertia of decisios ad #ractice uder the 19BH ad 19AB Costitutios
ad are sadly cofused or hesitat, Prosecutors are also iterested i a clear cut rulig, We will,
therefore, restate the rule i greater detail ad ho#efully clearer ter*s,
There is o #roble* with search warrats which are relati+ely fewer ad far betwee ad where
there is o du#licatio of wor2 betwee the .udge ad the Prosecutor, The #roble* lies with
warrats of arrest es#ecially i *etro#olita or highly urba areas, %f a .udge has to #ersoally
1uestio each co*#laiat ad witess or go o+er the records of the ProsecutorPs i+estigatio
#age by #age ad word for word before he acts o each of a big #ile of a##licatios for arrest
warrats o his des2, he or she *ay ha+e o *ore ti*e for his or her *ore i*#ortat 0udicial
3t the sa*e ti*e, the .udge caot igore the clear words of the 19IA Costitutio which
re1uires 8, , , #robable cause to be personall3 deter*ied by the 0udge , , ,8, ot by ay other
officer or #erso,
%f a .udge relies solely o the certificatio of the Prosecutor as i this case where all the records
of the i+estigatio are i $asbate, he or she has ot personall3 deter*ied #robable cause,
The deter*iatio is *ade by the Pro+icial Prosecutor, The costitutioal re1uire*et has ot
bee satisfied, The .udge co**its a gra+e abuse of discretio,
The records of the #reli*iary i+estigatio coducted by the $uici#al Court of $asbate ad
re+iewed by the res#odet Fiscal were still i $asbate whe the res#odet Fiscal issued the
warrats of arrest agaist the #etitioers, There was o basis for the res#odet .udge to *a2e
his ow #ersoal deter*iatio regardig the e/istece of a #robable cause for the issuace of
a warrat of arrest as *adated by the Costitutio, Fe could ot #ossibly ha+e 2ow what
tras#ired i $asbate as he had othig but a certificatio, &igificatly, the res#odet .udge
deied the #etitioersP *otio for the tras*ittal of the records o the groud that the *ere
certificatio ad reco**edatio of the res#odet Fiscal that a #robable cause e/ists is
sufficiet for hi* to issue a warrat of arrest,
We reiterate the rulig i )oliven v, Ma+asiar that the .udge does ot ha+e to #ersoally
e/a*ie the co*#laiat ad his witesses, The Prosecutor ca #erfor* the sa*e fuctios as
a co**issioer for the ta2ig of the e+idece, Fowe+er, there should be a re#ort ad ecessary
docu*ets su##ortig the FiscalPs bare certificatio, 3ll of these should be before the .udge,
The e/tet of the .udgePs #ersoal e/a*iatio of the re#ort ad its ae/es de#eds o the
circu*staces of each case, We caot deter*ie beforehad how cursory or e/hausti+e the
.udgePs e/a*iatio should be, The .udge has to e/ercise soud discretio for, after all, the
#ersoal deter*iatio is +ested i the .udge by the Costitutio, %t ca be as brief or as
detailed as the circu*staces of each case re1uire, To be sure, the .udge *ust go beyod the
ProsecutorPs certificatio ad i+estigatio re#ort whee+er ecessary, Fe should call for the
co*#laiat ad witesses the*sel+es to aswer the courtPs #robig 1uestios whe the
circu*staces of the case so re1uire,
%t is worthy to ote that #etitioers 'icete Li*, &r, ad &usaa Li* #reseted to the res#odet
.udge docu*ets of recatatio of witesses whose testi*oies were used to establish a prima
facie case agaist the*, 3lthough, the geeral rule is that recatatios are ot gi+e *uch
weight i the deter*iatio of a case ad i the gratig of a ew trial 4Ta 3g >u +, Court of
3##eals, et al, ;,", )o, L?!AA!A, February 1H, 1990, Peo#le +, Lao Wa &ig, !@ &C"3 29I
919A2:5 the res#odet .udge before issuig his ow warrats of arrest should, at the +ery least,
ha+e goe o+er the records of the #reli*iary e/a*iatio coducted earlier i the light of the
e+idece ow #reseted by the cocered witesses i +iew of the 8#olitical udertoes8
#re+ailig i the cases, -+e the &olicitor ;eeral recogi6ed the sigificace of the
recatatios of so*e witesses whe he reco**eds a rei+estigatio of the cases, to wit:
%t *ust be #oited out, howe+er, that a*og the docu*ets attached to this
Petitio are affida+its of recatatio subse1uetly e/ecuted by .i**y Cabarles
ad Dailo Lo6ao ad a affida+it e/ecuted by oe, Ca*ilo &aao, father of
the co*#laiatPs witesses, "eato ad "o*eo &aao, %t was #recisely o the
stregth of these earlier writte state*ets of these witesses that the $uici#al
Trial Court of $asbate foud the e/istece of a prima facie case agaist
#etitioers ad accordigly reco**eded the filig of a Cri*ial %for*atio,
-+idetly, the sa*e writte state*ets were also the +ery basis of the 8FiscalPs
Certificatio8, sice the attached affida+its of recatatio were ot yet the
a+ailable, &ice the credibility of the #rosecutio witesses is ow assailed ad
#ut i issue ad, sice the #etitioers ha+e ot yet bee arraiged, it would be to
the broader iterest of 0ustice ad fair #lay if a rei+estigatio of this case be had
to secure the #etitioers agaist hasty #rosecutio ad to #rotect the* fro* a
o#e ad #ublic accusatio of cri*e, fro* the trouble, e/#ese ad a/iety of a
#ublic trial, ad also to #rotect the &tate fro* useless ad e/#esi+e trials
4&aloga +, PaTo ;,", )o, H9H2!, February 1I,19IH5, 4,ollo of ;,", )os, 9!0H!?
H@, ##, 200?2015
We reiterate that i *a2ig the re1uired #ersoal deter*iatio, a .udge is ot #recluded fro*
relyig o the e+idece earlier gathered by res#osible officers, The e/tet of the reliace
de#eds o the circu*staces of each case ad is sub0ect to the .udgePs soud discretio,
Fowe+er, the .udge abuses that discretio whe ha+ig o e+idece before hi*, he issues a
warrat of arrest,
%dubitably, the res#odet .udge co**itted a gra+e error whe he relied solely o the
ProsecutorPs certificatio ad issued the 1uestioed (rder dated .uly H, 1990 without ha+ig
before hi* ay other basis for his #ersoal deter*iatio of the e/istece of a #robable cause,
WF-"-F("-, the istat #etitios are hereby ;"3)T-D, The 1uestioed (rder of
res#odet .udge )e*esio &, Feli/ of >rach H@, "egioal Trial Court of $a2ati dated .uly H,
1990 is declared )=LL ad '(%D ad &-T 3&%D-, The Te*#orary "estraiig (rders ad
Preli*iary $adatory %0uctio issued i the istat Petitios are *ade P-"$3)-)T,
&( ("D-"-D,
Fernan, '&%&, Narvasa, Melencio!errera, 'ru$, (aras, Feliciano, "anca3co, (adilla, Bidin,
"riAo8quino, Medialdea and ,e4alado, %%&, concur&
)armien#o, %&, #oo+ no par#&
The Law#hil Pro0ect ? 3rellao Law Foudatio
Today is &aturday, $arch 1H, 201!
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
-) >3)C
!.R. No. 101%*$ 5)?r'ar6 11, 1992
ROLITO !O 6 TAM"UNTIN!, #etitioer,
T3E COURT O5 APPEALS, T3E 3ON. "ENJAMIN #. PELA9O, Pr)+-/-(7 J'/7),
"ra(ch 16%, R)7-o(a8 Tr-a8 Co'r,, NCJR Pa+-7, M.M., a(/ PEOPLE O5 T3E
P3ILIPPINES, res#odets,
3ccordig to the fidigs of the &a .ua Police i their %+estigatio "e#ort,
o 2
.uly 1991, -ldo $agua was dri+ig his car alog Wilso &t,, &a .ua, $etro $aila,
headig towards P, ;ue+arra &t, Petitioer etered Wilso &t,, where it is a oe?way street
ad started tra+ellig i the o##osite or 8wrog8 directio, 3t the corer of Wilso ad ., 3bad
&atos &ts,, #etitioerPs ad $aguaPs cars early bu*#ed each other, Petitioer alighted
fro* his car, wal2ed o+er ad shot $agua iside his car, Petitioer the boarded his car ad
left the scee, 3 security guard at a earby restaurat was able to ta2e dow #etitioerPs car
#late u*ber, The #olice arri+ed shortly thereafter at the scee of the shootig ad there
retrie+ed a e*#ty shell ad oe roud of li+e a**uitio for a 9 ** caliber #istol,
'erificatio at the Lad Tras#ortatio (ffice showed that the car was registered to oe -lsa
3g ;o,
The followig day, the #olice retured to the scee of the shootig to fid out where the sus#ect had co*e fro*G they were
ifor*ed that #etitioer had died at Cra+igs >a2e &ho# shortly before the shootig, The #olice obtaied a facsi*ile or
i*#ressio of the credit card used by #etitioer fro* the cashier of the ba2e sho#, The security guard of the ba2e sho# was
show a #icture of #etitioer ad he #ositi+ely idetified hi* as the sa*e #erso who had shot $agua, Fa+ig established that
the assailat was #robably the #etitioer, the #olice lauched a *ahut for #etitioer,
( I .uly 1991, #etitioer #reseted hi*self before the &a .ua Police &tatio to +erify ews re#orts that he was beig huted
by the #oliceG he was acco*#aied by two 425 lawyers, The #olice forthwith detaied hi*, 3 eyewitess to the shootig, who
was at the #olice statio at that ti*e, #ositi+ely idetified #etitioer as the gu*a, That sa*e day, the #olice #ro*#tly filed a
co*#lait for frustrated ho*icide
agaist #etitioer with the (ffice of the Pro+icial Prosecutor of "i6al, First 3ssistat Pro+icial
Prosecutor Deis 'illa %gacio 48Prosecutor85 ifor*ed #etitioer, i the #resece of his lawyers, that he could a+ail hi*self of his right to
#reli*iary i+estigatio but that he *ust first sig a wai+er of the #ro+isios of 3rticle 12H of the "e+ised Peal Code, Petitioer refused to
e/ecute ay such wai+er,
( 9 .uly 1991, while the co*#lait was still with the Prosecutor, ad before a ifor*atio could be filed i court, the +icti*,
-ldo $agua, died of his gushot woud4s5,
3ccordigly, o 11 .uly 1991, the Prosecutor, istead of filig a ifor*atio for frustrated ho*icide, filed a ifor*atio for
before the "egioal Trial Court, )o bail was reco**eded, 3t the botto* of the ifor*atio, the Prosecutor certified that o
#reli*iary i+estigatio had bee coducted because the accused did ot e/ecute ad sig a wai+er of the #ro+isios of 3rticle 12H of the
"e+ised Peal Code,
% the afteroo of the sa*e day, 11 .uly 1991, cousel for #etitioer filed with the Prosecutor a o*ibus *otio for i**ediate
release ad #ro#er #reli*iary i+estigatio,
allegig that the warratless arrest of #etitioer was ulawful ad that o #reli*iary
i+estigatio had bee coducted before the ifor*atio was filed, Petitioer also #rayed that he be released o recogi6ace or o bail,
Pro+icial Prosecutor $auro Castro, actig o the o*ibus *otio, wrote o the last #age of the *otio itself that he iter#osed o ob0ectio
to #etitioer beig grated #ro+isioal liberty o a cash bod of P100,000,00,
( 12 .uly 1991, #etitioer filed a urget eBpar#e *otio for s#ecial raffle
i order to e/#edite actio o the ProsecutorPs bail
reco**edatio, The case was raffled to the sala of res#odet .udge, who, o the sa*e date, a##ro+ed the cash bod
#osted by
#etitioer ad ordered his release,
Petitioer was i fact released that sa*e day,
( 1@ .uly 1991, the Prosecutor filed with the "egioal Trial Court a *otio for lea+e to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio
#rayed that i the *eati*e all #roceedigs i the court be sus#eded, Fe stated that #etitioer had filed before the (ffice of the Pro+icial
Prosecutor of "i6al a o*ibus *otio for i**ediate release ad #reli*iary i+estigatio, which *otio had bee grated by Pro+icial
Prosecutor $auro Castro, who also agreed to reco**ed cash bail of P100,000,00, The Prosecutor attached to the *otio for lea+e a co#y of
#etitioerPs o*ibus *otio of 11 .uly 1991,
3lso o 1@ .uly 1991, the trial court issued a (rder
gratig lea+e to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio ad cacellig the arraig*et
set for 1H 3ugust 1991 util after the #rosecutio shall ha+e cocluded its #reli*iary i+estigatio,
( 1A .uly 1991, howe+er, res#odet .udge mo#u proprio issued a (rder,
e*bodyig the followig: 415 the 12 .uly 1991 (rder
which grated bail was recalledG #etitioer was gi+e !I hours fro* recei#t of the (rder to surreder hi*selfG 425 the 1@ .uly 1991 (rder which
grated lea+e to the #rosecutor to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio was recalled ad cacelledG 4B5 #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio for i**ediate
release ad #reli*iary i+estigatio dated 11 .uly 1991 was treated as a #etitio for bail ad set for hearig o 2B .uly 1991,
( 19 .uly 1991, #etitioer filed a #etitio for cer#iorari, #rohibitio ad mandamus before the &u#re*e Court assailig the 1A
.uly 1991 (rder, cotedig that the ifor*atio was ull ad +oid because o #reli*iary i+estigatio had bee #re+iously
coducted, i +iolatio of his right to due #rocess, Petitioer also *o+ed for sus#esio of all #roceedigs i the case #edig
resolutio by the &u#re*e Court of his #etitioG this *otio was, howe+er, deied by res#odet .udge,
( 2B .uly 1991, #etitioer surredered to the #olice,
>y a "esolutio dated 2! .uly 1991, this Court re*aded the #etitio for cer#iorari, #rohibitio ad mandamus to the Court of
( 1@ 3ugust 1991, res#odet .udge issued a order i o#e court settig the arraig*et of #etitioer o 2B 3ugust 1991,
( 19 3ugust 1991, #etitioer filed with the Court of 3##eals a *otio to restrai his arraig*et,
( 2B 3ugust 1991, res#odet 0udge issued a Co**it*et (rder directig the Pro+icial Warde of "i6al to ad*it #etitioer
ito his custody at the "i6al Pro+icial .ail, ( the sa*e date, #etitioer was arraiged, % +iew, howe+er, of his refusal to eter a
#lea, the trial court etered for hi* a #lea of ot guilty, The Trial court the set the cri*ial case for cotiuous hearigs o 19, 2!
ad 2@ &e#te*berG o 2, B, 11 ad 1A (ctoberG ad o A, I, 1!, 1H, 21 ad 22 )o+e*ber 1991,
( 2A 3ugust 1991, #etitioer filed a #etitio for ha;eas corpus 12 i the Court of 3##eals, Fe alleged that i +iew of #ublic res#odetPs failure to 0oi issues i
the #etitio for cer#iorari earlier filed by hi*, after the la#se of *ore tha a *oth, thus #rologig his detetio, he was etitled to be released o ha;eas corpus,
( B0 3ugust 1991, the Court of 3##eals issued the writ of ha;eas corpus,
The #etitio for cer#iorari, #rohibitio ad mandamus, o
the oe had, ad the #etitio for ha;eas corpus, u#o the other, were subse1uetly cosolidated i the Court of 3##eals,
The Court of 3##eals, o 2 &e#te*ber 1991, issued a resolutio deyig #etitioerPs *otio to restrai his arraig*et o the
groud that that *otio had beco*e *oot ad acade*ic,
( 19 &e#te*ber 1991, trial of the cri*ial case co**eced ad the #rosecutio #reseted its first witess,
( 2B &e#te*ber 1991, the Court of 3##eals redered a cosolidated decisio
dis*issig the two 425 #etitios, o the followig
a, PetitioerPs warratless arrest was +alid because the offese for which he was arrested ad charged had
bee 8freshly co**itted,8 Fis idetity had bee established through i+estigatio, 3t the ti*e he showed
u# at the #olice statio, there had bee a e/istig *ahut for hi*, Durig the cofrotatio at the &a
.ua Police &tatio, oe witess #ositi+ely idetified #etitioer as the cul#rit,
b, PetitioerPs act of #ostig bail costituted wai+er of ay irregularity attedig his arrest, Fe wai+ed his
right to #reli*iary i+estigatio by ot i+o2ig it #ro#erly ad seasoably uder the "ules,
c, The trial court did ot abuse its discretio whe it issued the 1A .uly 1991 (rder because the trial court
had the iheret #ower to a*ed ad cotrol its #rocesses so as to *a2e the* cofor*able to law ad
d, &ice there was a +alid ifor*atio for *urder agaist #etitioer ad a +alid co**it*et order 4issued
by the trial 0udge after #etitioer surredered to the authorities whereby #etitioer was gi+e to the custody
of the Pro+icial Warde5, the #etitio for ha;eas corpus could ot be grated,
( B (ctober 1991, the #rosecutio #reseted three 4B5 *ore witesses at the trial, Cousel for #etitioer also filed a
8Withdrawal of 3##earace8
with the trial court, with #etitioerPs cofor*ity,
( ! (ctober 1991, the #reset Petitio for "e+iew o 'er#iorari was filed, ( 1! (ctober 1991, the Court issued a "esolutio
directig res#odet .udge to hold i abeyace the hearig of the cri*ial case below util further orders fro* this Court,
% this Petitio for "e+iew, two 425 #rici#al issues eed to be addressed: first, whether or ot a lawful warratless arrest had
bee effected by the &a .ua Police i res#ect of #etitioer ;oG ad secod, whether #etitioer had effecti+ely wai+ed his right
to #reli*iary i+estigatio, We cosider these issues seria#im,
% res#ect of the first issue, the &olicitor ;eeral argues that uder the facts of the case, #etitioer had bee +alidly arrested
without warrat, &ice #etitioerPs idetity as the gu*a who had shot -ldo $agua o 2 .uly 1991 had bee sufficietly
established by #olice wor2, #etitioer was +alidly arrested si/ 4@5 days later at the &a .ua Police &tatio, The &olicitor ;eeral
i+o2es Na$areno v, )#a#ion 'ommander, e#c,, e# al,,
oe of the se+e 4A5 cases cosolidated with In #he Ma##er of #he (e#i#ion for
!a;eas 'orpus of ,o;er#o Cmil, e#c,, v, ,amos, e# al,
where a *a0ority of the Court u#held a warratees arrest as +alid although effected
fourtee 41!5 days after the 2illig i coectio with which )a6areo had bee arrested, 3ccordigly, i the +iew of the &olicitor ;eeral, the
#ro+isios of &ectio A, "ule 112 of the "ules of Court were a##licable ad because #etitioer had declied to wai+e the #ro+isios of 3rticle
12H of the "e+ised Peal Code, the Prosecutor was legally 0ustified i filig the ifor*atio for *urder e+e without #reli*iary i+estigatio,
( the other had, #etitioer argues that he was ot lawfully arrested without warrat because he wet to the #olice statio si/
4@5 days after the shootig which he had allegedly #er#etrated, Thus, #etitioer argues, the cri*e had ot bee 80ust co**itted8
at the ti*e that he was arrested, $oreo+er, oe of the #olice officers who arrested hi* had bee a eyewitess to the shootig
of $agua ad accordigly oe had the 8#ersoal 2owledge8 re1uired for the lawfuless of a warratees arrest, &ice there
had bee o lawful warratless arrest, &ectio A, "ule 112 of the "ules of Court which establishes the oly e/ce#tio to the right
to #reli*iary i+estigatio, could ot a##ly i res#ect of #etitioer,
The reliace of both #etitioer ad the &olicitor ;eeral u#o Cmil v, ,amos is, i the circu*staces of this case, *is#laced,
% Cmil v, ,amos, by a eight?to?si/ +ote, the Court sustaied the legality of the warratless arrests of #etitioers *ade fro* oe
415 to fourtee days after the actual co**issio of the offeses, u#o the groud that such offeses costituted 8cotiuig
cri*es,8 Those offeses were sub+ersio, *e*bershi# i a outlawed orgai6atio li2e the )ew Peo#lePs 3r*y, etc, % the istat
case, the offese for which #etitioer was arrested was *urder, a offese which was ob+iously co**eced ad co*#leted at
oe defiite locatio i ti*e ad s#ace, )o oe had #reteded that the fatal shootig of $agua was a 8cotiuig cri*e,8
&ecodly, we do ot belie+e that the warratees 8arrest8 or detetio of #etitioer i the istat case falls withi the ter*s of
&ectio H of "ule 11B of the 19IH "ules o Cri*ial Procedure which #ro+ides as follows:
&ec, H 8rres# wi#hou# warran#; when lawful, S 3 #eace officer or a #ri+ate #erso *ay, without warrat,
arrest a #erso:
4a5 Whe, i his #resece, the #erso to be arrested has co**itted, is actually co**ittig, or is atte*#tig
to co**it a offeseG
4b5 Whe a offese has i fact 0ust bee co**itted, ad he has #ersoal 2owledge of facts idicatig
that the #erso to be arrested has co**itted itG ad
4c5 Whe the #erso to be arrested is a #risoer who has esca#ed fro* a #eal establish*et or #lace
where he is ser+ig fial 0udg*et or te*#orarily cofied while his case is #edig, or has esca#ed while
beig trasferred fro* oe cofie*et to aother,
% cases fallig uder #aragra#hs 4a5 ad 4b5 hereof, the #erso arrested without a warrat shall be
forthwith deli+ered to the earest #olice statio or 0ail, ad he shall be #roceed agaist i accordace with
"ule 112, &ectio A,
PetitioerPs 8arrest8 too2 #lace si/ 4@5 days after the shootig of $agua, The 8arrestig8 officers ob+iously were ot #reset,
withi the *eaig of &ectio H4a5, at the ti*e #etitioer had allegedly shot $agua, )either could the 8arrest8 effected si/ 4@5
days after the shootig be reasoably regarded as effected 8whe 9the shootig had: i fact 0ust bee co**itted8 withi the
*eaig of &ectio H4b5, $oreo+er, oe of the 8arrestig8 officers had ay 8#ersoal 2owledge8 of facts idicatig that
#etitioer was the gu*a who had shot $agua, The ifor*atio u#o which the #olice acted had bee deri+ed fro*
state*ets *ade by alleged eyewitesses to the shootig S oe stated that #etitioer was the gu*aG aother was able to ta2e
dow the alleged gu*aPs carPs #late u*ber which tured out to be registered i #etitioerPs wifePs a*e, That ifor*atio did
ot, howe+er, costitute 8#ersoal 2owledge,8
%t is thus clear to the Court that there was o lawful warratless arrest of #etitioer withi the *eaig of &ectio H of "ule 11B, %t
is clear too that &ectio A of "ule 112, which #ro+ides:
&ec, A >hen accused lawfull3 arres#ed wi#hou# warran#, S >hen a person is lawfull3 arres#ed wi#hou# a
warran# for an offense co4ni$a;le ;3 #he ,e4ional *rial 'our# the co*#lait or ifor*atio *ay be filed by
the offeded #arty, #eace officer or fiscal without a #reli*iary i+estigatio ha+ig bee first coducted, o
the basis of the affida+it of the offeded #arty or arrestig office or #erso
Fowe+er, ;efore #he filin4 of such complain# or informa#ion, #he person arres#ed ma3 as+ for a preliminar3
inves#i4a#ion ;3 a proper officer i accordace with this "ule, but he *ust sig a wai+er of the #ro+isios of
3rticle 12H of the "e+ised Peal Code, as a*eded, with the assistace of a lawyer ad i case of o?
a+ailability of a lawyer, a res#osible #erso of his choice, No#wi#hs#andin4 such waiver, he ma3 appl3 for
;ail as #ro+ided i the corres#odig rule ad the i+estigatio *ust be ter*iated withi fiftee 41H5 days
fro* its ice#tio,
If #he case has ;een filed in cour# wi#hou# a preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion havin4 ;een firs# conduc#ed, #he
accused ma3 withi fi+e 4H5 days fro* the ti*e he lears of the filig of the ifor*atio, as+ for a
preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion with the sa*e right to adduce e+idece i his fa+or i the *aer #rescribed i
this "ule, 4-*#hasis su##lied5
is also ot a##licable, %deed, #etitioer was ot arrested at all, Whe he wal2ed ito &a .ua Police &tatio, acco*#aied by
two 425 lawyers, he i fact #laced hi*self at the dis#osal of the #olice authorities, Fe did ot state that he was 8surrederig8
hi*self, i all #robability to a+oid the i*#licatio he was ad*ittig that he had slai -ldo $agua or that he was otherwise guilty
of a cri*e, Whe the #olice filed a co*#lait for frustrated ho*icide with the Prosecutor, the latter should ha+e i**ediately
scheduled a #reli*iary i+estigatio to deter*ie whether there was #robable cause for chargig #etitioer i court for the 2illig
of -ldo $agua, %stead, as oted earlier, the Prosecutor #roceed uder the erroeous su##ositio that &ectio A of "ule 112
was a##licable ad re1uired #etitioer to wai+e the #ro+isios of 3rticle 12H of the "e+ised Peal Code as a coditio for carryig
out a #reli*iary i+estigatio, This was substati+e error, for #etitioer was etitled to a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad that right
should ha+e bee accorded hi* without ay coditios, $oreo+er, sice #etitioer had ot bee arrested, with or without a
warrat, he was also etitled to be released forthwith sub0ect oly to his a##earig at the #reli*iary i+estigatio,
Turig to the secod issue of whether or ot #etitioer had wai+ed his right to #reli*iary i+estigatio, we ote that #etitioer
had fro* the +ery begiig de*aded that a #reli*iary i+estigatio be coducted, 3s earlier #oited out, o the sa*e day
that the ifor*atio for *urder was filed with the "egioal Trial Court, #etitioer filed with the Prosecutor a o*ibus *otio for
i**ediate release ad #reli*iary i+estigatio, The &olicitor ;eeral coteds that that o*ibus *otio should ha+e bee filed
with the trial court ad ot with the Prosecutor, ad that the #etitioer should accordigly be held to ha+e wai+ed his right to
#reli*iary i+estigatio, We do ot belie+e that wai+er of #etitioerPs statutory right to #reli*iary i+estigatio *ay be
#redicated o such a sli* basis, The #reli*iary i+estigatio was to be coducted by the Prosecutor, ot by the "egioal Trial
Court, %t is true that at the ti*e of filig of #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio, the ifor*atio for *urder had already bee filed with the
"egioal Trial Court: it is ot clear fro* the record whether #etitioer was aware of this fact at the ti*e his o*ibus *otio was
actually filed with the Prosecutor, % 'respo v, Mo4ul,
this Court held:
The #reli*iary i+estigatio coducted by the fiscal for the #ur#ose of deter*iig whether a prima
facie case e/ists to warratig the #rosecutio of the accused is ter*iated u#o the filig of the
ifor*atio i the #ro#er court, % tur, as abo+e stated, #he filin4 of said informa#ion se#s in mo#ion #he
criminal ac#ion a4ains# #he accused in 'our#, )hould #he fiscal find i# proper #o conduc# a reinves#i4a#ion of
#he case, a# such s#a4e, #he permission of #he 'our# mus# ;e secured, 8f#er such reinves#i4a#ion #he findin4
and recommenda#ions of #he fiscal should ;e su;mi##ed #o #he 'our# for appropria#e ac#ion, While it is true
that the fiscal has the quasijudicial discretio to deter*ie whether or ot a cri*ial case should be filed i
court or ot, oce the case had already bee brought to Court whate+er dis#ositio the fiscal *ay feel
should be #ro#er i the case thereafter should be addressed for the cosideratio of the Court, The oly
1ualificatio is that the actio of the Court *ust ot i*#air the substatial rights of the accused,, or the right
of the Peo#le to due #rocess of law,
/// /// ///
The rule therefore i this 0urisdictio is that once a complain# or informa#ion is filed in 'our# an3 disposi#ion
of #he case DsuchE as i#s dismissal or #he convic#ion or acqui##al of #he accused res#s in #he sound discre#ion
of #he 'our#, 3lthough the fiscal retais the directio ad cotrol of the #rosecutio of cri*ial cases e+e
while the case is already i Court he caot i*#ose his o#iio o the trial court, The Court is the best ad
sole 0udge o what to do with the case before it, , , ,
4Citatios o*ittedG e*#hasis su##lied5
)oetheless, sice #etitioer i his o*ibus *otio was as2ig for #reli*iary i+estigatio ad ot for a re?
i+estigatio 4Cres#o +, $ogul i+ol+ed a reinves#i4a#ion@, ad sice the Prosecutor hi*self did file with the trial
court, o the Hth day after filig the ifor*atio for *urder, a *otio for lea+e to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio
4attachig to his *otio a co#y of #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio5, we coclude that #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio was
i effect filed with the trial court, What was crystal clear was that #etitioer did as2 for a #reli*iary i+estigatio
o the +ery day that the ifor*atio was filed without such #reli*iary i+estigatio, ad that the trial court was
fi+e 4H5 days later a##rised of the desire of the #etitioer for such #reli*iary i+estigatio, Fially, the trial
court did in fac# grat the ProsecutorPs #rayer for lea+e to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio, Thus, e+e o the
4*ista2e5 su##ositio a##aretly *ade by the Prosecutor that &ectio A of "ule 112 of the "e+ised Court was
a##licable, the H?day regle*etary #eriod i &ectio A, "ule 112 *ust be held to ha+e bee substatially co*#lied
We belie+e ad so hold that #etitioer did ot wai+e his right to a #reli*iary i+estigatio, While that right is statutory rather tha
costitutioal i its fuda*et, sice it has i fact bee established by statute, it is a co*#oet #art of due #rocess i cri*ial
The right to ha+e a #reli*iary i+estigatio coducted before beig boud o+er to trial for a cri*ial offese ad hece for*ally at
ris2 of icarceratio or so*e other #ealty, is no# a *ere for*al or techical rightG it is a su;s#an#ive right, The accused i a cri*ial trial is
ie+itably e/#osed to #rologed a/iety, aggra+atio, hu*iliatio, ot to s#ea2 of e/#eseG the right to a o##ortuity to a+oid a #rocess
#aiful to ay oe sa+e, #erha#s, to hardeed cri*ials, is a +aluable right, To dey #etitioerPs clai* to a #reli*iary i+estigatio would be to
de#ri+e hi* the full *easure of his right to due #rocess,
The 1uestio *ay be raised whether #etitioer still retais his right to a #reli*iary i+estigatio i the istat case cosiderig
that he was already arraiged o 2B 3ugust 1991, The rule is that the right to #reli*iary i+estigatio is wai+ed whe the
accused fails to i+o2e it ;efore or a# #he #ime of en#erin4 a plea at arraig*et,
% the istat case, #etitioer ;o had +igorously
isisted o his right to #reli*iary i+estigatio ;efore his arrai4nmen#,3t the ti*e of his arraig*et, #etitioer was already before the Court
of 3##eals o cer#iorari, #rohibitio ad mandamus#recisely as2ig for a #reli*iary i+estigatio before beig forced to stad trial,
3gai, i the circu*staces of this case, we do ot belie+e that by #ostig bail #etitioer had wai+ed his right to #reli*iary
i+estigatio, % (eople v, )elfaison,
we did hold that a##ellats there had wai+ed their right to #reli*iary i+estigatio because
i**ediately after their arrest, they filed bail ad #roceeded to trial 8wi#hou# previousl3 claimin4 #ha# #he3 did no# have #he ;enefi# of a
preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion,8
% the istat case, #etitioer ;o as2ed for release o recogi6ace or o bail ad for #reli*iary i+estigatio i
oe o*ibus *otio, Fe had thus clai*ed his right to #reli*iary i+estigatio ;efore res#odet .udge a##ro+ed the cash bod #osted by
#etitioer ad ordered his release o 12 .uly 1991, 3ccordigly, we caot reasoably i*#ly wai+er of #reli*iary i+estigatio o the #art of
#etitioer, % fact, whe the Prosecutor filed a *otio i court as2ig for lea+e to coduct #reli*iary i+estigatio, he clearly if i*#liedly
recogi6ed that #etitioerPs clai* to #reli*iary i+estigatio was a legiti*ate oe,
We would clarify, howe+er, that cotrary to #etitioerPs cotetio the failure to accord #reli*iary i+estigatio, while costitutig
a deial of the a##ro#riate ad full *easure of the statutory #rocess of cri*ial 0ustice, did ot i*#air the +alidity of the
ifor*atio for *urder or affect the 0urisdictio of the trial court,
%t *ust also be recalled that the Prosecutor had actually agreed that #etitioer was etitled to bail, This was e1ui+alet to a
ac2owledg*et o the #art of the Prosecutor that the e+idece of guilt the i his hads was ot strog, 3ccordigly, we
cosider that the 1A .uly 1991 order of res#odet .udge recallig his ow order gratig bail ad re1uirig #etitioer to
surreder hi*self withi forty?eight 4!I5 hours fro* otice, was #laily arbitrary cosiderig that o e+idece at all S ad
certaily o new or addi#ional e+idece S had bee sub*itted to res#odet .udge that could ha+e 0ustified the recall of his
order issued 0ust fi+e 4H5 days before, %t follows that #etitioer was etitled to be released o bail as a *atter of right,
The fial 1uestio which the Court *ust face is this: how does the fact that, i the istat case, trial o the *erits has already
co**eced, the Prosecutor ha+ig already #reseted four 4!5 witesses, i*#act u#o, firstly, #etitioerPs right to a #reli*iary
i+estigatio ad, secodly, #etitioerPs right to be released o bailR Does he cotiue to be etitled to ha+e a #reli*iary
i+estigatio coducted i res#ect of the charge agaist hi*R Does #etitioer re*ai etitled to be released o bailR
Turig first to the *atter of #reli*iary i+estigatio, we cosider that #etitioer re*ais etitled to a #reli*iary i+estigatio
although trial o the *erits has already bega, Trial o the *erits should be sus#eded or held i abeyace ad a #reli*iary
i+estigatio forthwith accorded to #etitioer,
%t is true that the Prosecutor *ight, i +iew of the e+idece that he *ay at this ti*e ha+e
o had, coclude that #robable cause e/istsG u#o the other had, the Prosecutor cocei+ably could reach the coclusio that the e+idece
o had does ot warrat a fidig of #robable cause, % ay e+et, the costitutioal #oit is that #etitioer was no# accorded what he was
etitled to by way of #rocedural due #rocess,
Petitioer was forced to udergo arraig*et ad literally #ushed to trial without #reli*iary
i+estigatio, with e/traordiary haste, to the a##lause fro* the audiece that filled the courtroo*, %f he sub*itted to arraig*et at trial,
#etitioer did so 82ic2ig ad screa*ig,8 i a *aer of s#ea2ig , Durig the #roceedigs held before the trial court o 2B 3ugust 1991, the
date set for arraig*et of #etitioer, ad 0ust before arraig*et, cousel *ade +ery clear #etitioerPs +igorous #rotest ad ob0ectio to the
arraig*et #recisely because of the deial of #reli*iary i+estigatio,
&o eergetic ad deter*ied were #etitioerPs couselPs #rotests
ad ob0ectios that a ob+iously agered court ad #rosecutor dared hi* to withdraw or wal2out, #ro*isig to re#lace hi* with cousel de
oficio, Durig the trial, before the #rosecutio called its first witess, #etitioer through cousel oce agai reiterated his ob0ectio to goig to
trial without #reli*iary i+estigatio: #etitioerPs cousel *ade of record his 8con#inuin4 o;jec#ion,8
Petitioer had #ro*#tly goe to the
a##ellate court ocer#iorari ad #rohibitio to challege the lawfuless of the #rocedure he was beig forced to udergo ad the lawfuless of
his detetio,
%f he did ot wal2 out o the trial, ad if he cross?e/a*ied the #rosecutioPs witesses, it was because he was e/tre*ely loath
to be re#reseted by cousel de oficio selected by the trial 0udge, ad to ru the ris2 of beig held to ha+e wai+ed also his right to use what is
fre1uetly the oly test of truth i the 0udicial #rocess,
% res#ect of the *atter of bail, we si*ilarly belie+e ad so hold that #etitioer re*ais etitled to be released o bail as a *atter
of right, &hould the e+idece already of record cocerig #etitioerPs guilt be, i the reasoable belief of the Prosecutor, strog,
the Prosecutor *ay *o+e i the trial court for cacellatio of #etitioerPs bail, %t would the be u# to the trial court, after a careful
ad ob0ecti+e assess*et of the e+idece o record, to grat or dey the *otio for cacellatio of bail,
To reach ay other coclusios here, that is, to hold that #etitioerPs rights to a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad to bail were
effecti+ely obliterated by e+idece subse1uetly ad*itted ito the record would be to legiti*i6e the de#ri+atio of due #rocess
ad to #er*it the ;o+er*et to beefit fro* its ow wrog or cul#able o*issio ad effecti+ely to dilute i*#ortat rights of
accused #ersos well?igh to the +aishig #oit, %t *ay be that to re1uire the &tate to accord #etitioer his rights to a #reli*iary
i+estigatio ad to bail at this #oit, could tur out ulti*ately to be largely a cere*oial e/ercise, >ut the Court is ot co*#elled
to s#eculate, 3d, i ay case, it would ot be idle cere*oyG rather, it would be a celebratio by the &tate of the rights ad
liberties of its ow #eo#le ad a re?affir*atio of its obligatio ad deter*iatio to res#ect those rights ad liberties,
3CC("D%);LJ, the Court resol+ed to ;"3)T the Petitio for "e+iew o 'er#iorari, The (rder of the trial court dated 1A .uly
1991 is hereby &-T 3&%D- ad )=LL%F%-D, ad the Decisio of the Court of 3##eals dated 2B &e#te*ber 1991 hereby
The (ffice of the Pro+icial Prosecutor is hereby ("D-"-D to coduct forthwith a #reli*iary i+estigatio of the charge of
*urder agaist #etitioer ;o, ad to co*#lete such #reli*iary i+estigatio withi a #eriod of fiftee 41H5 days fro*
co**ece*et thereof, The trial o the *erits of the cri*ial case i the "egioal Trial Court shall be &=&P-)D-D to await the
coclusio of the #reli*iary i+estigatio,
$eati*e, #etitioer is hereby ("D-"-D released forthwith u#o #ostig of a cash bail bod of (e Fudred Thousad Pesos
4P100,000,005, This release shall be without #re0udice to ay lawful order that the trial court *ay issue, should the (ffice of the
Pro+icial Prosecutor *o+e for cacellatio of bail at the coclusio of the #reli*iary i+estigatio,
)o #roouce*et as to costs, This Decisio is i**ediately e/ecutory,
&( ("D-"-D,
Narvasa, '&%&, Bidin, Medialdea, ,omero and Nocon, %%&, concur&
S)0ara,) O0-(-o(+
!UTIERRE, JR., J., cocurrig:
% cocur i the *a0ority decisio #eed by $r, .ustice Floretio P, Feliciao but a* at a loss for reasos why a e/#erieced
.udge should isist o #roceedig to trial i a sesatioal *urder case without #reli*iary i+estigatio is#ite of the +igorous
ad cotiued ob0ectio ad reser+atio of rights of the accused ad otwithstadig the reco**edatios of the Prosecutor that
those rights *ust be res#ected, %f the Court had faithfully followed the "ules, trial would ha+e #roceeded s*oothly ad if the
accused is really guilty, the he *ay ha+e bee co+icted by ow, 3s it is, the case has to go bac2 to s1uare oe,
% agree with .ustice %sagai Cru6 8that the trial court has 4a##aretly5 bee *o+ed by a desire to cater to #ublic o#iio to the
detri*et of the i*#artial ad*iistratio of 0ustice,8 $ass *edia has its duty to fearlessly but faithfully ifor* the #ublic about
e+ets ad #ersos, Fowe+er, whe a case has recei+ed wide ad sesatioal #ublicity, the trial court should be doubly careful
ot oly to be fair ad i*#artial but also to gi+e the appearance of co*#lete ob0ecti+ity i its hadlig of the case,
The eed for a trial court to follow the "ules ad to be fair, i*#artial, ad #ersistet i gettig the true facts of a case is #reset i
all cases but it is #articularly i*#ortat if the accused is idigetG *ore so, if he is oe of those ufortuates who see* to s#ed
*ore ti*e behid bars tha outside, =li2e the accused i this case who e0oys the assistace of co*#etet cousel, a #oor
defedat co+icted by wide ad ufa+orable *edia co+erage *ay be #resu*ed guilty before trial ad be uable to defed
hi*self #ro#erly, Fece, the i*#ortace of the court always followig the "ules,
While cocurrig with .ustice FeliciaoPs ponencia, % a* costraied to add the foregoig obser+atios because % feel they for*
a itegral #art of the CourtPs decisio,
CRU, J., cocurrig:
% was oe of the *e*bers of the Court who iitially felt that the #etitioer had wai+ed the right to #reli*iary i+estigatio
because he freely #artici#ated i his trial ad his cousel e+e cross?e/a*ied the #rosecutio witesses, 3 closer study of the
record, howe+er, #articularly of the trascri#t of the #roceedigs foototed i theponencia, re+eals that he had fro* the start
de*aded a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad that his cousel had reluctatly #artici#ated i the trial oly because the court
threateed to re#lace hi* with a cousel de oficio if he did ot, =der the circu*staces, % a* co+iced that there was o
wai+er, The #etitioer was +irtually co*#elled to go to trial, &uch co*#ulsio ad u0ustified deial of a clear statutory right of the
#etitioer +itiated the #roceedigs as +iolati+e of #rocedural due #rocess,
%t is true that the rulig we lay dow here will ta2e the case bac2 to s1uare oe, so to s#ea2, but that is ot the #etitioerPs fault,
Fe had the right to isist that the #rocedure #rescribed by the "ules of Court be strictly obser+ed, The delay etailed by the
#rocedural la#se ad the attedat e/#ese i*#osed o the ;o+er*et ad the defedat *ust be laid at the door of the trial
0udge for his #reci#itate ad illegal actio,
%t a##ears that the trial court has bee *o+ed by a desire to cater to #ublic o#iio to the detri*et of the i*#artial ad*iistratio
of 0ustice, The #etitioer as #ortrayed by the *edia is ot e/actly a #o#ular #erso, )e+ertheless, the trial court should ot ha+e
bee iflueced by this irrele+at cosideratio, re*e*berig istead that its oly guide was the *adate of the law,
!RIBO-AQUINO, J., dissetig:
% regret that % caot agree with the *a0ority o#iio i this case, 3t this #oit, after four 4!5 #rosecutio witesses ha+e already
testified, a*og the* a eyewitess who idetified the accused as the gu*a who shot -ldo $agua iside his car i cold
blood, ad a security guard who idetified the #late u*ber of the gu*aPs car, % do ot belie+e that there is still eed to coduct
a #reli*iary i+estigatio the sole #ur#ose of which would be to ascertai if there is sufficiet groud to belie+e that a cri*e was
co**itted 4which the #etitioer does ot dis#ute5 ad that he 4the #etitioer5 is #robably guilty thereof 4which the #rosecutor, by
filig the ifor*atio agaist hi*, #resu*ably belie+ed to be so5,
% the #reset stage of the #resetatio of the #rosecutioPs e+idece, to retur the case to the Prosecutor to coduct a
#reli*iary i+estigatio uder "ule 112 of the 19IH "ule o Cri*ial Procedure would be su#ererogatory,
This case did ot suffer fro* a lac2 of #re+ious i+estigatio, Diliget #olice wor2, with a*#le *edia co+erage, led to the
idetificatio of the sus#ect who, se+e 4A5 days after the shootig, a##eared at the &a .ua #olice statio to +erify ews re#orts
that he was the ob0ect of a #olice *ahut, =#o eterig the statio, he was #ositi+ely idetified as the gu*a by a
eyewitess who was beig iterrogated by the #olice to ferret *ore clues ad details about the cri*e, The #olice thereu#o
arrested the #etitioer ad o the sa*e day, .uly I, 1991, #ro*#tly filed with the Pro+icial Prosecutor of "i6al, a co*#lait for
frustrated ho*icide agaist hi*, 3s the +icti* died the e/t day, .uly 9, 1991, before a ifor*atio could be filed, the First
3ssistat Prosecutor, istead of filig a ifor*atio for frustrated ho*icide, filed a ifor*atio for *urder o .uly 11, 1991 i
the "egioal Trial Court, with no ;ail recommended,
Fowe+er, the Pro+icial Prosecutor, actig o the #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio for #reli*iary i+estigatio ad release o bail
4which was erroeously filed with his office istead of the court5, reco**eded a cash bod of P100,000 for his release, ad
sub*itted the o*ibus *otio to the trial court for resolutio,
"es#odet .udge >e0a*i Pelayo *ust ha+e reali6ed his i*#etuosity shortly after he had issued: 4a5 his order of .uly 12, 1991
a##ro+ig the #etitioerPs cash bail bod without a hearig, ad 4b5 his order of .uly 1@, 1991 gratig the Prosecutor lea+e to
coduct a #reli*iary i+estigatio, for he mo#u propio issued o .uly 1A, 1991 aother order rescidig his #re+ious orders ad
settig for hearig the #etitioerPs a##licatio for bail,
The cases cited i #age 1H of the *a0ority o#iio i su##ort of the +iew that the trial of the case should be sus#eded ad that
the #rosecutor should ow coduct a #reli*iary i+estigatio, are ot o all fours with this case, % 6oromal
vs, )andi4an;a3an, 1AA &C"3 BH! ad (eople vs, Mon#on, 2B &C"3 102!, #he #rial of #he criminal case had no# 3e#
commenced because *otios to 1uash the ifor*atio were filed by the accused,-o$ada vs, !ernande$, 92 Phil,
10HBG C,), vs, Ban$uela, B1 Phil, H@HG )an 6ie4o vs, !ernande$, 2! &C"3 110 ad (eople vs, 5andasan, 2H &C"3 2AA are
also ia##licable because i those cases #reli*iary i+estigatios had i fact bee coducted before the ifor*atios were filed
i court,
%t should be re*e*bered that as i*#ortat as is the right of the accused to a #reli*iary i+estigatio, it is ot a costitutioal
right, %ts absece is ot a groud to 1uash the ifor*atio 4Doro*al +s, &adigabaya, 1AA &C"3 BH!5, %t does ot affect the
courtPs 0urisdictio, or i*#air the +alidity of the ifor*atio 4"odis +s, &adigabaya, 1@@ &C"3 @1I5, or costitute a
ifrige*et of the right of the accused to cofrot witesses 4>ustos +s, Lucero, I1 Phil, @!05,
The #etitioerPs *otio for a #reli*iary i+estigatio is ot *ore i*#ortat tha his a##licatio for release o bail, 0ust as the
coduct of such #reli*iary i+estigatio is ot *ore i*#ortat tha the hearig of the a##licatio for bail, The courtPs hearig of
the a##licatio for bail should ot be subordiated to the #reli*iary i+estigatio of the charge, The hearig should ot be
sus#eded, but should be allowed to #roceed for it will acco*#lish a double #ur#ose, The #arties will ha+e a o##ortuity to
show ot oly: 415 whether or ot there is #robable cause to belie+e that the #etitioer 2illed -ldo $agua, but *ore i*#ortatly
4b5 whether or ot the e+idece of his guilt is strog, The 0udgePs deter*iatio that the e+idece of his guilt is strog would
aturally foreclose the eed for a #reli*iary i+estigatio to ascertai the #robability of his guilt,
The bail hearig *ay ot be sus#eded because u#o the filig of a a##licatio for bail by oe accused of a ca#ital offese, 8the
0udge is under a le4al o;li4a#ion to recei+e e+idece with the +iew of deter*iig whether e+idece of guilt is so strog as to
warrat deial of bod,8 4Payao +s, Lesaca, @B Phil, 210G Fadhirul Tahil +s, -is*a, @! &C"3 BAIG Peralta +s, "a*os ad
Pro+icial Fiscal of %sabela, A1 Phil, 2A1G Padilla +s, -rile, 121 &C"3 !A2G %laga +s, Poce -rile, 1B9 &C"3 B!9G Peo#le +s,
3lbofera, 1H2 &C"3 12B5
The abolitio of the death #ealty did ot *a2e the right to bail absolute, for #ersos charged with offeses #uishable
by reclusion perpe#ua, whe e+idece of guilt is strog, are ot bailable 4&ec, B, 3rt, %%%, 19IA Costitutio5, % (eople
vs, 6acudao, 1A0 &C"3 !I9, we called dow the trial court for ha+ig grated the *otio for bail i a *urder case without ay
hearig ad without gi+ig the #rosecutio a o##ortuity to co**et or file ob0ectios thereto,
&i*ilarly this Court held i (eople vs, Bocar, 2A &C"3 H12:
, , , due process also demands #ha# in #he ma##er of ;ail #he prosecu#ion should ;e afforded full oppor#uni#3
#o presen# proof of #he 4uil# of #he accused, Thus, if it were true that the #rosecutio i this case was
de#ri+ed of the right to #reset its e+idece agaist the bail #etitio, or that the order gratig such #etitio
was issued u#o ico*#lete e+idece, the the issuace of the order would really costitute abuse of
discretio that would call for the re*edy of cer#iorari, 4-*#hasis su##lied,5
The #etitioer *ay ot be released #edig the hearig of his #etitio for bail for it would be icogruous to grat bail to oe who
is ot i the custody of the law 4Feliciao +s, Pasicola, 2 &C"3 III5,
% res#ectfully ta2e e/ce#tio to the state*ets i the ponencia that the 8#etitioer was ot arrested at all8 4#, 125 ad that
8#etitioer had ot bee arrested, with or without a warrat8 4#, 1B05, 3rrest is the ta2ig of the #erso ito the custody i order
that he *ay be boud to aswer for the co**issio of a offese 4&ec, 1, "ule 11B, "ules of Court5, 3 arrest is *ade by a
actual restrait of the #erso to be arrested, or by his sub*issio to the custody of the #erso *a2ig the arrest 4&ec, 2, "ule
11B, "ules of Court5, Whe ;o wal2ed ito the &a .ua Police &tatio o .uly I, 1991, ad #laced hi*self at the dis#osal of the
#olice authorities who cla*#ed hi* i 0ail after he was idetified by a eyewitess as the #erso who shot $agua, he was
actually ad effecti+ely arrested, Fis filig of a #etitio to be released o bail was a wai+er of ay irregularity attedig his arrest
ad esto#s hi* fro* 1uestioig its +alidity 4Callata +s, 'illaue+a, AA &C"3 BAAG >agcal +s, 'illara6a, 120 &C"3 H2H5,
% +ote to dis*iss the #etitio ad affir* the trial courtPs order of .uly 1A, 1991,
Melencio!errera, (aras, (adilla, ,e4alado and 6avide, %r&, %%&, concur&
S)0ara,) O0-(-o(+
!UTIERRE, JR., J., cocurrig:
% cocur i the *a0ority decisio #eed by $r, .ustice Floretio P, Feliciao but a* at a loss for reasos why a e/#erieced
.udge should isist o #roceedig to trial i a sesatioal *urder case without #reli*iary i+estigatio is#ite of the +igorous
ad cotiued ob0ectio ad reser+atio of rights of the accused ad otwithstadig the reco**edatios of the Prosecutor that
those rights *ust be res#ected, %f the Court had faithfully followed the "ules, trial would ha+e #roceeded s*oothly ad if the
accused is really guilty, the he *ay ha+e bee co+icted by ow, 3s it is, the case has to go bac2 to s1uare oe,
% agree with .ustice %sagai Cru6 8that the trial court has 4a##aretly5 bee *o+ed by a desire to cater to #ublic o#iio to the
detri*et of the i*#artial ad*iistratio of 0ustice,8 $ass *edia has its duty to fearlessly but faithfully ifor* the #ublic about
e+ets ad #ersos, Fowe+er, whe a case has recei+ed wide ad sesatioal #ublicity, the trial court should be doubly careful
ot oly to be fair ad i*#artial but also to gi+e the appearance of co*#lete ob0ecti+ity i its hadlig of the case,
The eed for a trial court to follow the "ules ad to be fair, i*#artial, ad #ersistet i gettig the true facts of a case is #reset i
all cases but it is #articularly i*#ortat if the accused is idigetG *ore so, if he is oe of those ufortuates who see* to s#ed
*ore ti*e behid bars tha outside, =li2e the accused i this case who e0oys the assistace of co*#etet cousel, a #oor
defedat co+icted by wide ad ufa+orable *edia co+erage *ay be #resu*ed guilty before trial ad be uable to defed
hi*self #ro#erly, Fece, the i*#ortace of the court always followig the "ules,
While cocurrig with .ustice FeliciaoPs ponencia, % a* costraied to add the foregoig obser+atios because % feel they for*
a itegral #art of the CourtPs decisio,
CRU, J., cocurrig:
% was oe of the *e*bers of the Court who iitially felt that the #etitioer had wai+ed the right to #reli*iary i+estigatio
because he freely #artici#ated i his trial ad his cousel e+e cross?e/a*ied the #rosecutio witesses, 3 closer study of the
record, howe+er, #articularly of the trascri#t of the #roceedigs foototed i theponencia, re+eals that he had fro* the start
de*aded a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad that his cousel had reluctatly #artici#ated i the trial oly because the court
threateed to re#lace hi* with a cousel de oficio if he did ot, =der the circu*staces, % a* co+iced that there was o
wai+er, The #etitioer was +irtually co*#elled to go to trial, &uch co*#ulsio ad u0ustified deial of a clear statutory right of the
#etitioer +itiated the #roceedigs as +iolati+e of #rocedural due #rocess,
%t is true that the rulig we lay dow here will ta2e the case bac2 to s1uare oe, so to s#ea2, but that is ot the #etitioerPs fault,
Fe had the right to isist that the #rocedure #rescribed by the "ules of Court be strictly obser+ed, The delay etailed by the
#rocedural la#se ad the attedat e/#ese i*#osed o the ;o+er*et ad the defedat *ust be laid at the door of the trial
0udge for his #reci#itate ad illegal actio,
%t a##ears that the trial court has bee *o+ed by a desire to cater to #ublic o#iio to the detri*et of the i*#artial ad*iistratio
of 0ustice, The #etitioer as #ortrayed by the *edia is ot e/actly a #o#ular #erso, )e+ertheless, the trial court should ot ha+e
bee iflueced by this irrele+at cosideratio, re*e*berig istead that its oly guide was the *adate of the law,
!RIBO-AQUINO, J., dissetig:
% regret that % caot agree with the *a0ority o#iio i this case, 3t this #oit, after four 4!5 #rosecutio witesses ha+e already
testified, a*og the* a eyewitess who idetified the accused as the gu*a who shot -ldo $agua iside his car i cold
blood, ad a security guard who idetified the #late u*ber of the gu*aPs car, % do ot belie+e that there is still eed to coduct
a #reli*iary i+estigatio the sole #ur#ose of which would be to ascertai if there is sufficiet groud to belie+e that a cri*e was
co**itted 4which the #etitioer does ot dis#ute5 ad that he 4the #etitioer5 is #robably guilty thereof 4which the #rosecutor, by
filig the ifor*atio agaist hi*, #resu*ably belie+ed to be so5,
% the #reset stage of the #resetatio of the #rosecutioPs e+idece, to retur the case to the Prosecutor to coduct a
#reli*iary i+estigatio uder "ule 112 of the 19IH "ule o Cri*ial Procedure would be su#ererogatory,
This case did ot suffer fro* a lac2 of #re+ious i+estigatio, Diliget #olice wor2, with a*#le *edia co+erage, led to the
idetificatio of the sus#ect who, se+e 4A5 days after the shootig, a##eared at the &a .ua #olice statio to +erify ews re#orts
that he was the ob0ect of a #olice *ahut, =#o eterig the statio, he was #ositi+ely idetified as the gu*a by a
eyewitess who was beig iterrogated by the #olice to ferret *ore clues ad details about the cri*e, The #olice thereu#o
arrested the #etitioer ad o the sa*e day, .uly I, 1991, #ro*#tly filed with the Pro+icial Prosecutor of "i6al, a co*#lait for
frustrated ho*icide agaist hi*, 3s the +icti* died the e/t day, .uly 9, 1991, before a ifor*atio could be filed, the First
3ssistat Prosecutor, istead of filig a ifor*atio for frustrated ho*icide, filed a ifor*atio for *urder o .uly 11, 1991 i
the "egioal Trial Court, with no ;ail recommended,
Fowe+er, the Pro+icial Prosecutor, actig o the #etitioerPs o*ibus *otio for #reli*iary i+estigatio ad release o bail
4which was erroeously filed with his office istead of the court5, reco**eded a cash bod of P100,000 for his release, ad
sub*itted the o*ibus *otio to the trial court for resolutio,
"es#odet .udge >e0a*i Pelayo *ust ha+e reali6ed his i*#etuosity shortly after he had issued: 4a5 his order of .uly 12, 1991
a##ro+ig the #etitioerPs cash bail bod without a hearig, ad 4b5 his order of .uly 1@, 1991 gratig the Prosecutor lea+e to
coduct a #reli*iary i+estigatio, for he mo#u propio issued o .uly 1A, 1991 aother order rescidig his #re+ious orders ad
settig for hearig the #etitioerPs a##licatio for bail,
The cases cited i #age 1H of the *a0ority o#iio i su##ort of the +iew that the trial of the case should be sus#eded ad that
the #rosecutor should ow coduct a #reli*iary i+estigatio, are ot o all fours with this case, % 6oromal
vs, )andi4an;a3an, 1AA &C"3 BH! ad (eople vs, Mon#on, 2B &C"3 102!, #he #rial of #he criminal case had no# 3e#
commenced because *otios to 1uash the ifor*atio were filed by the accused,-o$ada vs, !ernande$, 92 Phil,
10HBG C,), vs, Ban$uela, B1 Phil, H@HG )an 6ie4o vs, !ernande$, 2! &C"3 110 ad (eople vs, 5andasan, 2H &C"3 2AA are
also ia##licable because i those cases #reli*iary i+estigatios had i fact bee coducted before the ifor*atios were filed
i court,
%t should be re*e*bered that as i*#ortat as is the right of the accused to a #reli*iary i+estigatio, it is ot a costitutioal
right, %ts absece is ot a groud to 1uash the ifor*atio 4Doro*al +s, &adigabaya, 1AA &C"3 BH!5, %t does ot affect the
courtPs 0urisdictio, or i*#air the +alidity of the ifor*atio 4"odis +s, &adigabaya, 1@@ &C"3 @1I5, or costitute a
ifrige*et of the right of the accused to cofrot witesses 4>ustos +s, Lucero, I1 Phil, @!05,
The #etitioerPs *otio for a #reli*iary i+estigatio is ot *ore i*#ortat tha his a##licatio for release o bail, 0ust as the
coduct of such #reli*iary i+estigatio is ot *ore i*#ortat tha the hearig of the a##licatio for bail, The courtPs hearig of
the a##licatio for bail should ot be subordiated to the #reli*iary i+estigatio of the charge, The hearig should ot be
sus#eded, but should be allowed to #roceed for it will acco*#lish a double #ur#ose, The #arties will ha+e a o##ortuity to
show ot oly: 415 whether or ot there is #robable cause to belie+e that the #etitioer 2illed -ldo $agua, but *ore i*#ortatly
4b5 whether or ot the e+idece of his guilt is strog, The 0udgePs deter*iatio that the e+idece of his guilt is strog would
aturally foreclose the eed for a #reli*iary i+estigatio to ascertai the #robability of his guilt,
The bail hearig *ay ot be sus#eded because u#o the filig of a a##licatio for bail by oe accused of a ca#ital offese, 8the
0udge is under a le4al o;li4a#ion to recei+e e+idece with the +iew of deter*iig whether e+idece of guilt is so strog as to
warrat deial of bod,8 4Payao +s, Lesaca, @B Phil, 210G Fadhirul Tahil +s, -is*a, @! &C"3 BAIG Peralta +s, "a*os ad
Pro+icial Fiscal of %sabela, A1 Phil, 2A1G Padilla +s, -rile, 121 &C"3 !A2G %laga +s, Poce -rile, 1B9 &C"3 B!9G Peo#le +s,
3lbofera, 1H2 &C"3 12B5
The abolitio of the death #ealty did ot *a2e the right to bail absolute, for #ersos charged with offeses #uishable
by reclusion perpe#ua, whe e+idece of guilt is strog, are ot bailable 4&ec, B, 3rt, %%%, 19IA Costitutio5, % (eople
vs, 6acudao, 1A0 &C"3 !I9, we called dow the trial court for ha+ig grated the *otio for bail i a *urder case without ay
hearig ad without gi+ig the #rosecutio a o##ortuity to co**et or file ob0ectios thereto,
&i*ilarly this Court held i (eople vs, Bocar, 2A &C"3 H12:
, , , due process also demands #ha# in #he ma##er of ;ail #he prosecu#ion should ;e afforded full oppor#uni#3
#o presen# proof of #he 4uil# of #he accused, Thus, if it were true that the #rosecutio i this case was
de#ri+ed of the right to #reset its e+idece agaist the bail #etitio, or that the order gratig such #etitio
was issued u#o ico*#lete e+idece, the the issuace of the order would really costitute abuse of
discretio that would call for the re*edy of cer#iorari, 4-*#hasis su##lied,5
The #etitioer *ay ot be released #edig the hearig of his #etitio for bail for it would be icogruous to grat bail to oe who
is ot i the custody of the law 4Feliciao +s, Pasicola, 2 &C"3 III5,
% res#ectfully ta2e e/ce#tio to the state*ets i the ponencia that the 8#etitioer was ot arrested at all8 4#, 125 ad that
8#etitioer had ot bee arrested, with or without a warrat8 4#, 1B05, 3rrest is the ta2ig of the #erso ito the custody i order
that he *ay be boud to aswer for the co**issio of a offese 4&ec, 1, "ule 11B, "ules of Court5, 3 arrest is *ade by a
actual restrait of the #erso to be arrested, or by his sub*issio to the custody of the #erso *a2ig the arrest 4&ec, 2, "ule
11B, "ules of Court5, Whe ;o wal2ed ito the &a .ua Police &tatio o .uly I, 1991, ad #laced hi*self at the dis#osal of the
#olice authorities who cla*#ed hi* i 0ail after he was idetified by a eyewitess as the #erso who shot $agua, he was
actually ad effecti+ely arrested, Fis filig of a #etitio to be released o bail was a wai+er of ay irregularity attedig his arrest
ad esto#s hi* fro* 1uestioig its +alidity 4Callata +s, 'illaue+a, AA &C"3 BAAG >agcal +s, 'illara6a, 120 &C"3 H2H5,
% +ote to dis*iss the #etitio ad affir* the trial courtPs order of .uly 1A, 1991,
Melencio!errera, (aras, (adilla, ,e4alado and 6avide, %r,, %%&, concur&
1 3e/ 838 of PetitioG ,ollo, ##, 29?B2,
2 ,ollo, #, 2I,
B 3e/ 8>8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, BB?B!,
! 3e/ 8C8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, BH?!B,
H 3e/ 8D8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, !!?!H,
@ 3e/es 8-8 ad 8-?18 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, !@?!I,
A 3e/ 8F8 of Petitio, ,ollo, #, !9,
I 3e/ 8;8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, H0?H1,
9 3e/ 8;?18 of Petitio, ,ollo, #, H2,
10 3e/ 8F8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, H!?HH,
11 3e/ 8.8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, HA?HI
12 3e/ 8<8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, H9?@@,
1B 3e/ 8<?18 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, @A?@I,
1! 3e/ 8)8 of Petitio, ,ollo, ##, 109?120,
1H 3e/ 838 of Co**et, ,ollo, #, 1H!,
1@ ;,", )o, I@BB2,
1A ;,", )o, I1H@A, #ro*ulgated B (ctober 1991,
1I Peo#le +, >urgos, 1!! &C"3 1 419I@5,
19 1H1 &C"3 !@2 419IA5,
20 1H1 &C"3 at !@9?!A1,
21 Doro*al +, &adigabayaG 1AA &C"3 BH! 419I95G &a Diego +, Ferade6, 2! &C"3 110 419@I5G
Peo#le +, $oto, 2B &C"3 102!, 419@I5G Peo#le +, (adasa, 2H &C"3 2AA 419@I5G Lo6ada +,
Ferade6, 92 Phil, 10H1 419HB5G =,&, +, >a6uela, B1 Phil, H@! 4191H5,
22 Peo#le +, $ote+erde, 1!2 &C"3 @@I 419I@5G Peo#le +, ;o*e6, 11A &C"3 A2 419I25G Peo#le +,
$ar1ue6, 2A &C"3 I0I 419@95G Peo#le +, de la Cera, 21 &C"3 H@9 419@A5,
2B 110 Phil, IB9 419@15,
2! 110 Phil, at I!I,
2H Peo#le +, ;o*e6, supra; Peo#le +, Jutila, 102 &C"3 2@! 419I15G Peo#le +, Casiao, 111 Phil, AB
2@ % ,odis, )r, =, )andi4an;a3an, 2d Di+isio 41@@ &C"3 @1I 919II:5, the Court said:
8, , , 3d while the absece of #reli*iary i+estigatios does ot affect the courtPs 0urisdictio o+er the
case 45or do they i*#air the +alidity of the ifor*atio or otherwise reder it defecti+e, but, if there were o
#reli*iary i+estigatios ad the defedats, before eterig their #lea, i+ite the attetio of the court to
their absece, #he cour#, istead of dis*issig the ifor*atio, should conduc# such inves#i4a#ion, order #he
fiscal #o conduc# i# or remand #he case #o #he inferior cour# so #ha# #he preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion ma3 ;e
conduc#ed, % this case, the Taodbaya has the duty to coduct the said i+estigatio,
Thus, although #he )andi4an;a3an was correct i rulig that the absece of a #reli*iary i+estigatio is
ot groud for 1uashig a ifor*atio, it should have held #he proceedin4s in #he criminal cases in
a;e3ance pendin4 resolu#ion ;3 #he *anod;a3an of pe#i#ioner<s pe#i#ion for reinves#i4a#ion, as
al#erna#ivel3 #rayed for by hi* i his *otio to 1uash,8 41@@ &C"3 at @2B?@2!5
% (aredes v, )andi4an;a3an 419B &C"3 !@! 91991:5, the Court stated:
8, , , *he remed3 of #he accused i such a case is #o call #he a##en#ion of #he cour# #o #he lac+ of a
preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion ad demand, as a ma##er of ri4h#, #ha# one ;e conduc#ed, *he cour#, istead of
dis*issig the ifor*atio, should merel3 suspend #he #rial and order #he fiscal #o conduc# a preliminar3
inves#i4a#ion, Thus did we rule i Ila4an v, Enrile, 1B9 &C"3 B!9,8 419B &C"3 at !@95
2A &ectio 1! 415, 3rticle %%%, 19IA Costitutio: 8)o #erso should be held to aswer for a cri*ial offese
without due #rocess of law,8
2I 3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
, , , We are sad to *a2e the state*et that it would see* that the go+er*et ow i this #roceedig
would li2e to beco*e the law brea2er, Why do we say this, Jour Foor, The ifor*atio for a serious cri*e
of *urder was filed agaist the accused wi#hou# #he ;enefi# of #he preliminar3 inves#i4a#ion has ;een
admi##ed ;3 no less #han #he Inves#i4a#in4 Fiscal himself , , ,
/// /// ///
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Why do we say the go+er*et beco*es a law brea2er, We ha+e a case of C) vs, Marfori, %t says ad %
1uote 4cousel readig said #ortio i o#e court5
, , , Li2ewise i )an 6ie4o v, !ernande$, the &u#re*e Court says % 1uote, 4cousel readig said #ortio i
o#e court5, 3ll these doctries had bee recetly 1uoted i the case of 6oromal v,)andi4an;a3an, %
additio to this, we have filed a mo#ion ;efore #his 'our#, *he mo#ion #o )uspend (roceedin4s ad Trasfer
'eue which is se# for hearin4 on 9F 8u4us# 1..1, The argu*ets we cited i this *otio to sus#ed
#roceedigs ad to trasfer +eue are ot i+etio of this cousel,
3TTJ, FL3$%)%3)(:
Fe is tal2ig about the *otio which is set for 3ugust 2I, Jour Foor,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
I wan# #o ;e heard, Your !onor,
3TTJ, FL3$%)%3)(:
The $otio is set for 3ugust 2I ad he is ow arguig o that *otio,
I am 4oin4 #o s#op 3ou, You concen#ra#e on #he mo#ion ;efore #he 'our#,
F%&C3L '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
*he pendin4 inciden# is for #he arrai4nmen# of #he accused, Jou Foor,
What we are doig are ot #ertiet to the issue, This would be u#rocedural,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
What are we tryig to say, Jour Foor, wh3 do 3ou rush wi#h #he arrai4nmen# of #he accused when
#here are several unresolved inciden#s, *he special civil ac#ion ;efore #he 'our# of 8ppeals where
we ques#ioned #he ver3 validi#3 , , ,
=til ow the Court of 3##eals has ot gi+e due course regardig that,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
*he 4overnmen# rushes wi#h #he proceedin4s here, % the Court of 3##eals they filed a *otio for
e/tesio of te days fro* 3ugust 19 or util 3ugust 29 to co**et o that s#ecial ci+il actio,
There are do6es of cases which laguishes 2, B, ! to H years, >h3 so special and selec#ive in #he
#rea#men# of #his case, I as+ #ha# ques#ion,
>efore you #roceed, ca you cite a icidet before this Court where the #reli*iary i+estigatio
has bee delayed,
F%&C3L '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
The ifor*atio was filed last .uly 11, 1991, Today is 3ugust 2B, Where is the rush i arraigig the
!eard enou4h, (roceed wi#h #he arrai4nmen# of #he accused,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
% *y B0 years of #ractice, this is the first ti*e % a* sto##ed by the Court i the *iddle of *y
F%&C3L '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
You are was#in4 #he #ime of #he cour#,
5rder in #he cour#, 5rder in #he cour#,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
% wat to *a2e of record that #here has ;een clappin4 af#er #he manifes#a#ion of !on, Fiscal, Your
Let us #roceed with the arraig*et,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
$ay % coclude citig, Jour Foor, the &u#re*e Court decisio,
% ha+e *ade *y rulig, The accused is etitled to s#eedy trial, That is the reaso why this
arraig*et was set for today,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Ma3 I move for a reconsidera#ion, Your !onor,
*he mo#ion for reconsidera#ion is denied, (roceed wi#h #he arrai4nmen# of #he accused,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Jour Foor , ma3 we move #ha# we ma3 ;e 4iven a period of five da3s #o file a mo#ion #o quash
F%&C3L '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
This is #lai dilatory tactics, Jour hoor,
In view of #he refusal of #he accused #o en#er a plea on accoun# of #he advice of #his law3er, le#
#herefore a plea of no# 4uil#3 ;e en#ered ito the record of this case,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
% would li2e to *o+e for a rulig o our *otio to be gi+e fi+e days to file a *otio to 1uash, We did
ot hear the rulig o that #oit, Jour Foor,
3s #rayed for, counsel for accused is here;3 4iven a period of five da3s from #oda3 wi#hin which #o
file his Mo#ion #o Guash, , , ,
I# is unders#ood #ha# #he Mo#ion #o Guash will no# in an3wa3 affec# #he arrai4nmen# of #he accused,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Cosiderig the fa+orable rulig of the Court that we were gi+e fi+e days to file *otio to
1uash, ma3 we move #ha# #he 'our# order #he en#erin4 a plea of no# 4uil#3 of #he accused ;e
eBpun4ed from record, o#herwise we will deem #o have waived our ri4h# #o file a mo#ion #o quash,
/// /// ///
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
With due res#ect considerin4 #ha# #here are ver3 serious criminal law ques#ions involved in #his
proceedin4, we respec#full3 su;mi# #ha# i# is prema#ure, >esides, % ha+e a uresol+ed *otio to
ihibit the Presidig .udge,
% will cut you there , , , assumin4 3ou were 4iven five da3s #o file a mo#ion #o quash, i# doesn<# mean
#he arrai4nmen# is considered moo# and academic, *he arrai4nmen# s#ands icludig the #lea of ot
guilty to the offese as charged, % a* as2ig you whether you are a+ailig of the #re?trial without
#re0udice to filig a *otio to 1uash,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Cosistetly, #here is no valid proceedin4 ;efore #his 'our#, I would ra#her no# par#icipa#e in #his
case, Bu# if i# is #he 'our#<s order #hen we<ll have #o su;mi#, ;u# from #his represen#a#ion we will no#
volun#aril3 su;mi#,
/// /// ///
3TTJ 3"$('%T:
This re#resetatio *aifested that I would ra#her no# par#icipa#e in #his case, Bu# if i# is #he 'our#<s
order we would su;mi# #o #he 5rder of #his 'our# ;ecause we are officers of #he law ot that we are
already re#resetig the accused, $ay we res#ectfully *o+e to stri2e out fro* the record #he
inofficious order of #he !on, (rosecu#or #o appoin# a counsel de oficio, The accused is etitled to
cousel de oficio, The accused is etitled to cousel de par#e,
F%&C3L '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
Bu# counsel de par#e refuses #o par#icipa#e, in which #he incum;en# cour# can appoin# a (85 law3er
in case of #he a;sence of counsel de par#e,
*he o;jec#ion of (u;lic (rosecu#or is well #a+en, *ha# is #he procedure of #he 'our#, #ha# if #he
accused has no counsel de par#e we alwa3s appoin# a counsel de oficio for #he accused,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
We res#ectfully sub*it that accused in 'riminal 'ase is en#i#led #o counsel of his own choice, $ay
we at lease allow the accused to e/#ress his o#iio or decisio o *atters as to who should gi+e
hi* legal re#resetatio,
You jus# said earlier 3ou don<# wan# #o par#icipa#e in #he proceedin4s,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
*his is no# wha# I said, I said #ha# we<ll no# volun#aril3 par#icipa#e ;u# if it is the CourtPs order,
certaily the accused has the right of his ow cousel of choice,
The Court will ow reiterate orderig the trial of this case,
/// /// ///
4T&), 2B 3ugust 1991, ##, 2?9G e*#hasis su##lied5
Durig the hearig held o ! &e#te*ber 1991, before the Court of 3##eals, i the #etitio
for!a;eas 'orpus, cousel for #etitioer recouted i detail what too2 #lace before the trial court
ad stressed the ob0ectio etered by the #etitioer before the trial court ad that #etitioer
#artici#ated i the #roceedigs blow ot +olutarily but uder the coerci+e #ower of the trial 0udge,
Cousel cocluded:
, , , 84ain I said, Your !onors, we are no# par#icipa#in4 in #his proceedin4s, ;u# we will su;mi# #o
wha# #he %ud4e rules ;ecause #ha# is all we can do, >hile we o;jec# we have #o su;mi#, *ha# is wh3,
Your !onors, da#es were se# ou# of compulsion no# ;ecause we volun#aril3 par#icipa#ed ;u# we
reserved our ri4h#, Your !onors, #o pursue our special civil ac#ion and so #ha# is wh3 #hese da#es
came a;ou#,8 4T&), ! &e#te*ber 1991, "ecords i C3?;,", )os, &P?2HI00 ad 2HHB0, ##, BA?B9G
e*#hasis su##lied5
29 The rele+at #ortio of the trascri#t of steogra#hic otes reads as follows:
3d cosiderig that the Court has ot bee restraied by the Court of 3##eals des#ite the #etitio, let the
trial of this case #roceed,
3TTJ, 3"$('%T:
Your !onor please ma3 we jus# record a con#inuin4 o;jec#ion on #he 4rounds #ha# are ci#ed in our pe#i#ion
for ha;eas corpus and cer#iorari #o conduc# #he fur#her proceedin4s of #his 'our# ad by the way Jour
Foor, we do ot cosider ufortuate the deliberatio ad serious thoughts our higher courts are gi+ig i
res#ect to a cosideratio of the costitutioal right of the accused i+o2ed before that body rather it is the
*ost 0udicial act of u#liftig the highest court of our lad,
3lright #roceed,
PP '%LL3 %;)3C%(:
We call o our first witess to the witess stad, $r, )icaor >ayhoa, 4T&), 19 &e#te*ber 1991, #, @G
e*#hasis su##lied5
B0 % (eople v, -am;ino 410B Phil, H0! 919HI:5, La*bio, before co**ece*et of trial, de*aded his
right to #reli*iary i+estigatio, Fis *otio for #reli*iary i+estigatio was deied by the trial court
which, i due course of ti*e, co+icted La*bio, ( a##eal, the &u#re*e Court held that the trial court did
ot err i deyig La*bioPs *otio for #reli*iary i+estigatio because said *otio was filed after he
had etered a #lea of ot guilty ad because he too2 o ste#s to brig the *atter to a higher court to sto#
the trial of the case, The &u#re*e Court said:
8, , , 3gai, before the co**ece*et of the trial, a##ellat reiterated his #etitio for a #reli*iary
i+estigatio, which was o+erruled, e+ertheless appellan# #oo+ no s#eps #o ;rin4 #he ma##er #o hi4her
cour#s and s#op #he #rial of #he case; ins#ead he allowed #he prosecu#ion #o presen# #he firs# wi#ness who
was a;le #o #es#if3 and show #he commission of #he crime char4ed in #he informa#ion, >y his coduct, we
held that he wai+ed his right to a #reli*iary i+estigatio ad is esto##ed fro* clai*ig it,8 410B Phil, at
H0IG e*#hasis su##lied5
The Law#hil Pro0ect ? 3rellao Law Foudatio
TE@S/A?, (;@.5@R "#, 0*")La!elsC ci&il lia!ility, criminal lia!ility, !ligations and Contracts
;o"elio Aayotas y Cordova !as char"ed !ith ;a#e and eventually convicted thereof$
Pendin" a##eal of his conviction, Aayotas died$ ConseOuently, the Su#re/e Court dis/issed the
cri/inal as#ect of the a##eal$ 9o!ever, it reOuired the Solicitor 3eneral to file its co//ent !ith
re"ard to the civil liability of Aayotas arisin" fro/ his co//ission of the offense char"ed$
<hether or not the death of the accused #endin" a##eal of his conviction e2tin"uish his
civil liability$
Article 49 of the ;evised Penal Code #rovides that by death of the convict #ersonal
liabilities are e2tin"uished, as to #ecuniary #enalties liability therefore is e2tin"uished only !hen
the death of the offender occurs before final Fud"/ent$
1hus the court /ade a rulin" as follo!sD
1$ eath of the accused #endin" a##eal of his conviction e2tin"uishes his cri/inal liability as !ell
as the civil liability based solely thereon-
2$ Corollarily, the clai/ for civil liability survives not!ithstandin" the death of the accused, if the
sa/e /ay also be #redicated on a source of obli"ation other than delict$ Aricle 11,0 of the Civil
Code enu/erates these other sources of obli"ation fro/ !hich the civil liability /ay arise as a
result of the sa/e act or o/issionD 'a!, Contracts, Luasi+contracts, elictsP,Luasi+delicts-
3$ <here the civil liability survives, an action for recovery therefore /ay be #ursued but only by
!ay of se#arate civil action and /ay be enforced either a"ainst the e2ecutorNad/inistrator of the
estate of the accused, de#endin" on the source of obli"ation aside fro/ delicts-
6$ ?inally, the #rivate offended #arty need not fear a forfeiture of his ri"ht to file this se#arate civil
action by #rescri#tion, in cases !here durin" the #rosecution of the cri/inal action and #rior to
its e2tinction, the #rivate offended #arty instituted to"ether there!ith the civil action$ In such
case, the statute of li/itations on the civil liability is dee/ed interru#ted durin" the #endency of
the cri/inal case, confor/ably !ith #rovisions of Article 11,, of the Civil Code, that should
thereby avoid any a##rehension on a #ossible #rivation of ri"ht by #rescri#tion$
In the case at bar, the death of Aayotas e2tin"uished his cri/inal and civil liability based
solely on the act of ra#e$ 9ence, his civil liability also e2tin"uished to"ether !ith his cri/inal
liability u#on his death$
P@PL@ ;' 5A?TAS (9'R' (o' "*0**$) F Permalin-
Posted !y @rmalyn Canoy G Tuesday, (o&em!er "#, 0*")
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
F%"&T D%'%&%()
!.R. No. L-*6$0* J'86 *1, 19$&
!OTARDO 5LORDELIS a(/ RA5AEL "OLLOOS, ,h) 8a,,)r -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ A++,. 5-+ca8
o2 Ta7?-8ara(, "oho8, #etitioers,
T3E 3ON. 3ERACLEO CASTILLO, a+ C-,6 J'/7), "ra(ch I, Ta7?-8ara(, "oho8, MERLIN O.
COLL9ER a(/ ANTONIO CUAJAO, res#odets,
'ris#e#o 5& 'ima4ala for pe#i#ioners&
(aulino 'larin for priva#e responden#s& !on& !eracleo 'as#illo for and in his own ;ehalf&
This is a #etitio for re+iew of the resolutio of $arch B0, 19AB of the City Court of Tagbilara,
>ohol 4>rach %5 i its cri*ial case !@!0, orderig 8the #ro+isioal dis*issal of this case8 i
+iew of the alleged e/istece of a uresol+ed #re?0udicial 1uestio i a ad*iistrati+e case,
The essetial facts are ot cotro+erted,
( )o+e*ber 29, 19A2 the #ri+ate res#odet teachers of the >ohol &chool of 3rts ad Trades
of Tagbilara City, a*ely, $erli (, $ar, $arcelio T, $aca#obre, .r,, Delfi -#e, ;raciao
Liga, Phili# Collyer ad 3toio Cua0ao 4hereiafter referred to as the #ri+ate res#odets5,
lodged with the De#art*et of -ducatio ad Culture a swor ad*iistrati+e co*#lait agaist
the #etitioer #rici#al teacher ;otardo Flordelis 4hereiafter referred to as the #etitioer5, that
recites se+eral couts, oe of which accuses the latter as 8a ta/ e+ader by refusig to #ay his
ico*e ta/ for *ay years ow ad for *isdeclarig the sales of his busiess uder the #rete/t
of his soPs a*e,8
The #etitioer reacted by filig a co*#lait for #er0ury agaist the #ri+ate res#odets, 3fter a
#reli*iary i+estigatio at which testi*oial ad docu*etary e+idece was adduced by the
#arties, the secod assistat city fiscal 4"afael >ollo6os5 of Tagbilara, >ohol resol+ed 415 that
the ad*iistrati+e co*#lait i*#utes to the #etitioer two distict ad se#arate cri*ial
offeses, a*ely, ico*e ta/ e+asio, ad *isdeclaratio of the sales of his busiess 4sale of
furiture5G 425 that u#o the e+idece sub*itted, the allegatio that the #etitioer *isdeclared
the sales of his busiess 8has so*e se*blace of truth which ca be the basis of good faithG8
ad 4B5 that with res#ect, howe+er, to the charge that the #etitioer had e+aded his ico*e ta/
obligatios, the #ri+ate res#odets 8failed to adduce e+idece to substatiate their charge,8 3
ifor*atio for #er0ury was accordigly filed agaist the #ri+ate res#odets, which ifor*atio
#ertietly recites as follows: ,
That, o or about the 29th day of )o+e*ber, 19A2, i the City of Tagbilara,
Phili##ies, ad withi the 0urisdictio of this Foorable Court, the abo+e?a*ed
accused, cos#irig ad cofederatig together ad *o+ed by hate ad #ersoal
reset*et, did the ad there willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously, with *alice
aforethought ad with deliberate atte*#t to bis*irch the good a*e, re#utatio
ad itegrity of oe ;otardo Flordelis, Prici#al %?Charge of the >ohol &chool of
3rts ad Trades, write, e/ecute ad sig a +erified ad*iistrati+e co*#lait
agaist said ;otardo Flordelis ad ha+e it filed with the office of the Foorable
&ecretary of -ducatio ad Culture, declarig therei a false state*et,
#articularly uder Cout )o, 11 thereof, which charges said ;otardo Flordelis
that 8Fe 4referrig to $r, Flordelis5 is a ta/ e+ader by refusig to #ay his ico*e
ta/ for *ay years ow ,,,8 which state*et the accused herei fully well 2ow to
be false ad *alicious ad costituti+e of a utruthful arratio of facts ,,,,
( $arch 2A, 19AB the #ri+ate res#odets, u#o arraig*et before the City Court of
Tagbilara, #leaded ot guilty, Cote*#oraeously they filed a *otio to 1uash the ifor*atio
o the grouds 415 that the facts recited therei do ot costitute a offeseG ad 425 that it
cotais a+er*ets which, if true, would costitute a legal e/cuse or 0ustificatio,
( $arch B0, 19AB the res#odet 0udge, resol+ig the said *otio, #ro+isioally dis*issed the
case ad ordered the release fro* custody of the #ri+ate res#odets, o the sole groud that
the ta/ e+asio issue #edig resolutio i the ad*iistrati+e case before the De#art*et of
-ducatio ad Culture costitutes a #re?0udicial 1uestio which should first be resol+ed before
the cri*ial actio *ay #roceed,
( 3#ril 2B, 19AB the #etitioer, 0oied by the assistat city fiscal, filed the #reset #etitio for
re+iew, They here coted 415 that the doctrie of #re?0udicial 1uestio was icorrectly a##lied
belowG ad 425 that the cri*ial case should ha+e bee *erely sus#eded as #ro+ided i
sectio H, "ule 111, infra, of the "ules of Court, istead of beig #ro+isioally dis*issed, which
dis*issal *ay later be #leaded by the #ri+ate res#odets as a bar i double 0eo#ardy,
1, We rule that the doctrie of #re?0udicial 1uestio has o a##licatio to the situatio below,
3rticle B@ of the ew Ci+il Code states:
Pre?0udicial 1uestios, which *ust be decided before ay cri*ial actio *ay be
istituted or *ay #roceed, shall be go+ered by rules of court which the &u#re*e
Court shall #ro*ulgate ad which shall ot be i coflict with the #ro+isios of
this Code,
The i*#le*etig #ro+isio of the "ules of Court is sectio H of "ule 111, which reads:
&ec, H, )uspension ;3 reason of prejudicial ques#ion, S 3 #etitio for the
sus#esio of the cri*ial actio based u#o the #edecy of a #re?0udicial
1uestio i a ci+il case, *ay oly be #reseted by ay #arty before or durig the
trial of the criminal ac#ion, 4e*#hasis su##lied5
3s clearly delieated i the aforecited #ro+isios of the ew Ci+il Code ad the "ules of Court,
ad as uifor*ly a##lied i u*erous decisios of this Court,
the doctrie of #re?0udicial 1uestio
co*es ito #lay geerally i a situatio where a ci+il actio ad a cri*ial actio both #ed ad there
e/ists i the for*er a issue which *ust be #ree*#ti+ely resol+ed before the cri*ial actio *ay
#roceed, because howsoe+er the issue raised i the ci+il actio is resol+ed would be deter*iati+e juris
e# de jure of the guilt or iocece of the accused i the cri*ial case,
% the case at bar, o ci+il actio #eds, or has ay bee istituted, The co*#lait is *erely a
ad*iistrati+e oe, $oreo+er, either success or failure of the #ri+ate res#odets to #ro+e
their ta/ e+asio charge agaist the #etitioer i the ad*iistrati+e case ca attai the character
of a fial deter*iatio bidig ad coclusi+e u#o the court i the cri*ial actio so as to
foreclose the issue of guilt or iocece of the #ri+ate res#odets u#o the #er0ury idict*et,,
2, The #etitioerPs a##rehesio that double 0eo#ardy *ay set i is uwarrated, The record
shows that the 1uashal of the ifor*atio below was e/#licitly ad acti+ely sought by the #ri+ate
Whe a cri*ial case is dis*issed u#o the e/#ress a##licatio of the defedat, the dis*issal
is ot a bar to aother #rosecutio for the sa*e offese, because the defedatPs actio i
ha+ig the sa*e dis*issed costitutes a wai+er of his costitutioal #rerogati+e agaist double
0eo#ardy as he thereby #re+eted the court fro* #roceedig to trial o the *erits ad rederig
a 0udg*et of co+ictio agaist hi*,
The doctrie of esto##el is i 1uitessece the sa*e as the doctrie of wai+er :
the thrust of both is that a dis*issal, other tha o the *erits, sought by the
accused i a *otio to dis*iss, is dee*ed to be with his e/#ress coset ad
bars hi* fro* subse1uetly iter#osig the defese of double 0eo#ardy o
a##eal or i a ew #rosecutio for the sa*e offese,
3CC("D%);LJ, the resolutio of the court a quo of $arch B0, 19AB is set aside, ad the said
court is hereby ordered to reistate the #er0ury case agaist the #ri+ate res#odets ad to
#roceed with the trial thereof i accordace with law, )o costs,
Ma+alin#al, '&%&, *eehan+ee, Ma+asiar, Es4uerra and MuAo$ (alma, %%&, concur&
Lacoste +s, Ferade6
La Ch)C-+) Laco+,) 1+. 5)r(a(/).
;" @BA9@?9A, 21 $ay 19I!G First Di+isio, ;utierre6 .r, 4.5
La che*ise Lacoste is a Frech cor#oratio ad the actual ower of the trade*ar2s ULacoste,V UChe*ise
Lacoste,V UCrocodile De+iceV ad a co*#osite *ar2 cosistig of the word ULacosteV ad a re#resetatio
of a crocodileNalligator, used o clothigs ad other goods sold i *ay #arts of the world ad which has
bee *ar2eted i the Phili##ies 4otably by "ustas5 sice 19@!, % 19AH ad 19AA, Fe*adas D, Co,
was issued certificate of registratio for the trade*ar2 UChe*ise Lacoste ad D Crocodile De+iceV both i
the su##le*etal ad Prici#al "egistry, % 19I0, La Che*ise Lacoste &3 filed for the registratio of the
UCrocodile de+iceV ad ULacosteV, ;a*es ad ;ar*ets 4;obidra* Fe*adas, assigee of
Fe*adas D,Co,5 o##osed the registratio of ULacoste,V
% 19IB, La Che*ise Lacoste filed with the )>% a letter?co*#lait allegig acts of ufair co*#etitio
co**itted by Fe*adas ad re1uestig the agecy7s assistace, 3 search warrat was issued by the
trial court, 'arious goods ad articles were sei6ed u#o the e/ecutio of the warrats, Fe*adas filed
*otio to 1uash the warrats, which the court grated, The search warrats were recalled, ad the
goods ordered to be retured, La Che*ise Lacoste filed a #etitio for certiorari,
Whether the #roceedigs before the #atet office is a #re0udicial 1uestio that eed to be resol+ed before
the cri*ial actio for ufair co*#etitio *ay be #ursued,
)o, The #roceedigs #edig before the Patet (ffice do ot #arta2e of the ature of a #re0udicial
1uestio which *ust first be defiitely resol+ed, The case which sus#eds the cri*ial actio *ust be a
ci+il case, ot a *ere ad*iistrati+e case, which is deter*iati+e of the iocece or guilt of the
accused, The issue whether a trade*ar2 used is differet fro* aother7s trade*ar2 is a *atter of
defese ad will be better resol+ed i the cri*ial #roceedigs before a court of 0ustice istead of raisig
it as a #reli*iary *atter i a ad*iistrati+e #roceedig,
%as*uch as the goodwill ad re#utatio of La Che*ise Lacoste #roducts date bac2 e+e before 19@!,
Fe*adas caot be allowed to cotiue the trade*ar2 ULacosteV for the reaso that he was the first
registrat i the &u##le*etal "egister of a trade*ar2 used i iteratioal co**erce, "egistratio i
the &u##le*etal "egister caot be gi+e a #osture as if the registratio is i the Prici#al "egister, %t
*ust be oted that oe *ay be declared a ufair co*#etitor e+e if his co*#etig trade*ar2 is
registered, La Che*ise Lacoste is world reowed *ar2, ad by +irtue of the 20 )o+e*ber 19I0
$e*oradu* of the $iister of Trade to the director of #atets i co*#liace with the Paris Co+etio
for the #rotectio of idustrial #ro#erty, effecti+ely cacels the registratio of cotrary clai*ats to the
eu*erated *ar2s, which iclude ULacoste8
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
F%"&T D%'%&%()
!.R. No. L-6*$96-9$ Ma6 2, 19%&
LA C3EMISE LACOSTE, S. A., #etitioer,
3ON. OSCAR C. 5ERNANDE, Pr)+-/-(7 J'/7) o2 "ra(ch @LI@, R)7-o(a8 Tr-a8 Co'r,,
Na,-o(a8 Ca0-,a8 J'/-c-a8 R)7-o(, Ma(-8a a(/ !O"INDRAM 3EMANDAS, res#odets,
!.R. No. L-65659 Ma6 28, 19%&
3ON. RO"ERTO #. ON!PIN, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ M-(-+,)r o2 Tra/) a(/ I(/'+,r6, a(/ 3ON.
CESAR SAN DIE!O, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ D-r)c,or o2 Pa,)(,+, res#odets,
'as#illo, -aman, *an 7 (an#aleon for pe#i#ioners in :H2.:.2&
,amon '& Fernande$ for priva#e responden# in :H2.:.2 and pe#i#ioner in :1:1.&
%t is a*og this CourtPs cocers that the Phili##ies should ot ac1uire a ubeco*ig
re#utatio a*og the *aufacturig ad tradig ceters of the world as a ha+e for itellectual
#irates i*itatig ad illegally #rofitig fro* trade*ar2s ad tradea*es which ha+e established
the*sel+es i iteratioal or foreig trade,
>efore this Court is a #etitio for cer#iorari with #reli*iary i0uctio filed by La Che*ise
Lacoste, &,3,, a well 2ow -uro#ea *aufacturer of clothigs ad s#ortig a##arels sold i
the iteratioal *ar2et ad bearig the trade*ar2s 8L3C(&T-8 8CF-$%&- L3C(&T-8,
8C"(C(D%L- D-'%C-8 ad a co*#osite *ar2 cosistig of the word 8L3C(&T-8 ad a
re#resetatio of a crocodileNalligator, The #etitioer as2s us to set aside as ull ad +oid, the
order of 0udge (scar C, Ferade6, of >rach QL%Q, "egioal Trial Court, )atioal Ca#ital
.udicial "egio, gratig the *otio to 1uash the search warrats #re+iously issued by hi* ad
orderig the retur of the sei6ed ite*s,
The facts are ot seriously dis#uted, The #etitioer is a foreig cor#oratio, orgai6ed ad
e/istig uder the laws of Frace ad ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies, %t is udeiable
fro* the records that it is the actual ower of the abo+e*etioed trade*ar2s used o clothigs
ad other goods s#ecifically s#ortig a##arels sold i *ay #arts of the world ad which ha+e
bee *ar2eted i the Phili##ies sice 19@!, The *ai basis of the #ri+ate res#odetPs case
is its clai* of alleged #rior registratio,
% 19AH, Fe*adas W Co,, a duly licesed do*estic fir* a##lied for ad was issued "eg, )o,
&"?222H 4&" stads for &u##le*etal "egister5 for the trade*ar2 8CF-$%&- L3C(&T- W
C"(C(D%L- D-'%C-8 by the Phili##ie Patet (ffice for use o T?shirts, s#ortswear ad other
gar*et #roducts of the co*#ay, Two years later, it a##lied for the registratio of the sa*e
trade*ar2 uder the Prici#al "egister, The Patet (ffice e+etually issued a order dated
$arch B, 19AA which states that:
/// /// ///
,,, Cosiderig that the *ar2 was already registered i the &u##le*etal
"egister i fa+or of herei a##licat, the (ffice has o other recourse but to allow
the a##licatio, howe+er, "eg, )o, &"?222H is ow beig cotested i a Petitio
for Cacellatio doc2eted as %PC )o, 10!@, still registrat is #resu*ed to be the
ower of the *ar2 util after the registratio is declared cacelled,
Thereafter, Fe*adas W Co, assiged to res#odet ;obidra* Fe*adas all rights, title, ad
iterest i the trade*ar2 8CF-$%&- L3C(&T- W D-'%C-8,
( )o+e*ber 21, 19I0, the #etitioer filed its a##licatio for registratio of the trade*ar2
8Crocodile De+ice8 43##licatio &erial )o, !B2!25 ad 8Lacoste8 43##licatio &erial )o,
!B2!15,The for*er was a##ro+ed for #ublicatio while the latter was o##osed by ;a*es ad
;ar*ets i %ter Partes Case )o, 1@HI, % 19I2, the #etitioer filed a Petitio for the
Cacellatio of "eg, )o, &"?222H doc2eted as %ter Partes Case )o, 1@I9, >oth cases ha+e
ow bee cosidered by this Court i !emandas v& !on& ,o;er#o 5n4pin 4;,", )o, @H@H95,
( $arch 21, 19IB, the #etitioer filed with the )atioal >ureau of %+estigatio 4)>%5 a letter?
co*#lait allegig therei the acts of ufair co*#etitio beig co**itted by Fe*adas ad
re1uestig their assistace i his a##rehesio ad #rosecutio, The )>% coducted a
i+estigatio ad subse1uetly filed with the res#odet court two a##licatios for the issuace
of search warrats which would authori6e the search of the #re*ises used ad occu#ied by the
Lacoste &#orts Ceter ad ;a*es ad ;ar*ets both owed ad o#erated by Fe*adas,
The res#odet court issued &earch Warrat )os, IB?12I ad IB?129 for +iolatio of 3rticle 1I9
of the "e+ised Peal Code, 8it a##earig to the satisfactio of the 0udge after e/a*iig uder
oath a##licat ad his witesses that there are good ad sufficiet reasos to belie+e that
;obidra* Fe*adas ,,, has i his cotrol ad #ossessio i his #re*ises the ,,, #ro#erties
sub0ect of the offese,8 4"ollo, ##, @A ad @95 The )>% agets e/ecuted the two search warrats
ad as a result of the search foud ad sei6ed +arious goods ad articles described i the
Fe*adas filed a *otio to 1uash the search warrats allegig that the trade*ar2 used by hi*
was differet fro* #etitioerPs trade*ar2 ad that #edig the resolutio of %PC )o, 1@HI before
the Patet (ffice, ay cri*ial or ci+il actio o the sa*e sub0ect *atter ad betwee the sa*e
#arties would be #re*ature,
The #etitioer filed its o##ositio to the *otio arguig that the *otio to 1uash was fatally
defecti+e as it cited o +alid groud for the 1uashal of the search warrats ad that the grouds
alleged i the *otio were absolutely without *erit, The &tate Prosecutor li2ewise filed his
o##ositio o the grouds that the goods sei6ed were istru*et of a cri*e ad ecessary for
the resolutio of the case o #reli*iary i+estigatio ad that the release of the said goods
would be fatal to the case of the Peo#le should #rosecutio follow i court,
The res#odet court was, howe+er, co+iced that there was o #robable cause to 0ustify the
issuace of the search warrats, Thus, i its order dated $arch 22, 19IB, the search warrats
were recalled ad set aside ad the )>% agets or officers i custody of the sei6ed ite*s were
ordered to retur the sa*e to Fe*adas, 4"ollo, #, 2H5
The #etitioer achors the #reset #etitio o the followig issues:
Did res#odet 0udge act with gra+e abuse of discretio a*outig to lac2 of
4i5 i re+ersig the fidig of #robable cause which he hi*self had *ade i
issuig the search warrats, u#o allegatios which are *atters of defese ad
as such ca be raised ad resol+ed oly u#o trial o the *eritsG ad
4ii5 i fidig that the issuace of the search warrats is #re*ature i the face of
the fact that 4a5 LacostePs registratio of the sub0ect trade*ar2s is still #edig
with the Patet (ffice with o##ositio fro* Fe*adasG ad 4b5 the sub0ect
trade*ar2s had bee earlier registered by Fe*adas i his a*e i the
&u##le*etal "egister of the Phili##ie Patet (fficeR
"es#odet, o the other had, ceters his argu*ets o the followig issues:
TF- P-T%T%()-" F3& )( C3P3C%TJ T( &=- >-F("- PF%L%PP%)- C(="T&,
TF- "-&P()D-)T .=D;- D%D )(T C($$%T 3 ;"3'- 3>=&- (F D%&C"-T%()
T3)T3$(=)T T( L3C< (F .="%&D%CT%() %) %&&=%); TF- ("D-" D3T-D 3P"%L 22,
Fe*adas argues i his co**et o the #etitio for cer#iorari that the #etitioer beig a foreig
cor#oratio failed to allege essetial facts bearig u#o its ca#acity to sue before Phili##ie
courts, Fe states that ot oly is the #etitioer ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies but it also is
ot licesed to do busiess i the Phili##ies, Fe also cites the case of -evi#on Indus#ries v&
)alvador 411! &C"3 !205 to su##ort his cotetio The -evi#on case, howe+er, i+ol+ed a
co*#lait for ufair co*#etitio uder &ectio 21?3 of "e#ublic 3ct )o, 1@@ which #ro+ides:
&ec, 21 S 3, 3y foreig cor#oratio or 0uristic #erso to which a *ar2 or
tradea*e has bee registered or assiged uder this 3ct *ay brig a actio
hereuder for ifrige*et, for ufair co*#etitio, or false desigatio of origi
ad false descri#tio, whether or ot it has bee licesed to do busiess i the
Phili##ies uder 3ct u*bered Fourtee Fudred ad Fifty?)ie, as a*eded,
otherwise 2ow as the Cor#oratio Law, at the ti*e it brigs the
co*#laitG (rovided, That the coutry of which the said foreig cor#oratio or
0uristic #erso is a citi6e, or i which it is do*iciled, by treaty, co+etio or law,
grats a si*ilar #ri+ilege to cor#orate or 0uristic #ersos of the Phili##ies,
We held that it was ot eough for Le+ito, a foreig cor#oratio orgai6ed ad e/istig uder
the laws of the &tate of )ew Jor2, =ited &tates of 3*erica, to *erely allege that it is a foreig
cor#oratio, %t a+erred i Paragra#h 2 of its co*#lait that its actio was beig filed uder the
#ro+isios of &ectio 21?3 of "e#ublic 3ct )o, 1@@, as a*eded, Co*#liace with the
re1uire*ets i*#osed by the abo+ecited #ro+isio was ecessary because &ectio 21?3 of
"e#ublic 3ct )o, 1@@ ha+ig e/#licitly laid dow certai coditios i a s#ecific #ro+iso, the
sa*e *ust be e/#ressly a+erred before a successful #rosecutio *ay esue, %t is therefore,
ecessary for the foreig cor#oratio to co*#ly with these re1uire*ets or a+er why it should
be e/e*#ted fro* the*, if such was the case, The foreig cor#oratio *ay ha+e the right to sue
before Phili##ie courts, but our rules o #leadigs re1uire that the 1ualifyig circu*staces
ecessary for the assertio of such right should first be affir*ati+ely #leaded,
% cotradistictio, the #reset case i+ol+es a co*#lait for +iolatio of 3rticle 1I9 of the
"e+ised Peal Code, The -evi#on case is ot a##licable,
3ssertig a distictly differet #ositio fro* the Le+ito argu*et, Fe*adas argued i his brief
that the #etitioer was doig busiess i the Phili##ies but was ot licesed to do so, To
su##ort this argu*et, he states that the a##licable rulig is the case of Men#hola#um 'o&, Inc&
v& Man4aliman: 4A2 Phil, H2!5 where $etholatu* Co, %c,, a foreig cor#oratio ad Phili##ie?
3*erica Drug Co,, the for*erPs e/clusi+e distributig aget i the Phili##ies filed a co*#lait
for ifrige*et of trade*ar2 ad ufair co*#etitio agaist the $agali*as,
The argu*et has o *erit, *he Men#hola#um case is distict fro* ad ia##licable to the case
at bar, Phili##ie 3*erica Drug Co,, %c,, was ad*ittedly sellig #roducts of its #rici#al
$etholatu* Co,, %c,, i the latterPs a*e or for the latterPs accout, Thus, this Court held that
8whate+er trasactios the Phili##ie?3*erica Drug Co,, %c, had e/ecuted i +iew of the law,
the $etholatu* Co,, %c,, did it itself, 3d, the $etholatu* Co,, %c,, beig a foreig doig
busiess i the Phili##ies without the licese re1uired by &ectio @I of the Cor#oratio Law, it
*ay ot #rosecute this actio for +iolatio of trade*ar2 ad ufair co*#etitio,8
% the #reset case, howe+er, the #etitioer is a foreig cor#oratio ot doig busiess i the
Phili##ies, The *ar2etig of its #roducts i the Phili##ies is doe through a e/clusi+e
distributor, "usta Co**ercial Cor#oratio The latter is a ide#edet etity which buys ad
the *ar2ets ot oly #roducts of the #etitioer but also *ay other #roducts bearig e1ually
well?2ow ad established trade*ar2s ad tradea*es, i other words, "usta is ot a *ere
aget or coduit of the #etitioer,
The rules ad regulatios #ro*ulgated by the >oard of %+est*ets #ursuat to its rule?*a2ig
#ower uder Presidetial Decree )o, 1AI9, otherwise 2ow as the (*ibus %+est*et Code,
su##ort a fidig that the #etitioer is ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies, "ule %, &ec, 1 4g5 of
said rules ad regulatios defies 8doig busiess8 as oe8 which icludes, in#er aliaI
415 ,,, 3 foreig fir* which does busiess through *iddle*e actig o their ow
a*es, such as idetors, co**ercial bro2ers or co**issio *erchats, shall
ot be dee*ed doig busiess i the Phili##ies, >ut such idetors, co**ercial
bro2ers or co**issio *erchats shall be the oes dee*ed to be doig
busiess i the Phili##ies,
425 3##oitig a re#resetati+e or distributor who is do*iciled i the Phili##ies,
uless said re#resetati+e or distributor has a ide#edet status, i,e,, it
trasacts busiess i its a*e ad for its accout, ad ot i the a*e or for the
accout of a #rici#al Thus, where a foreig fir* is re#reseted by a #erso or
local co*#ay which does ot act i its a*e but i the a*e of the foreig fir*
the latter is doig busiess i the Phili##ies,
/// /// ///
3##lyig the abo+e #ro+isios to the facts of this case, we fid ad coclude that the #etitioer
is ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies, "usta is actually a *iddle*a actig ad trasactig
busiess i its ow a*e ad or its ow accout ad ot i the a*e or for the accout of the
>ut e+e assu*ig the truth of the #ri+ate res#odetPs allegatio that the #etitioer failed to
allege *aterial facts i its #etitio relati+e to ca#acity to sue, the #etitioer *ay still *aitai the
#reset suit agaist res#odet Fe*adas, 3s early as 192A, this Court was, ad it still is, of
the +iew that a foreig cor#oratio ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies eeds o licese to sue
before Phili##ie courts for ifrige*et of trade*ar2 ad ufair co*#etitio, Thus, i >es#ern
Equipmen# and )uppl3 'o& v& ,e3es 4H1 Phil, 11H5, this Court held that a foreig cor#oratio
which has e+er doe ay busiess i the Phili##ies ad which is ulicesed ad uregistered
to do busiess here, but is widely ad fa+orably 2ow i the Phili##ies through the use
therei of its #roducts bearig its cor#orate ad tradea*e, has a legal right to *aitai a
actio i the Phili##ies to restrai the residets ad ihabitats thereof fro* orgai6ig a
cor#oratio therei bearig the sa*e a*e as the foreig cor#oratio, whe it a##ears that they
ha+e #ersoal 2owledge of the e/istece of such a foreig cor#oratio, ad it is a##aret that
the #ur#ose of the #ro#osed do*estic cor#oratio is to deal ad trade i the sa*e goods as
those of the foreig cor#oratio,
We further held:
/// /// ///
,,, That co*#ay is ot here see2ig to eforce ay legal or cotrol rights arisig
fro*, or growig out of, ay busiess which it has trasacted i the Phili##ie
%slads, The sole #ur#ose of the actio:
%s to #rotect its re#utatio, its cor#orate a*e, its goodwill, whee+er that
re#utatio, cor#orate a*e or goodwill ha+e, through the atural de+elo#*et of
its trade, established the*sel+es,P 3d it coteds that its rights to the use of its
cor#orate ad trade a*e:
%s a #ro#erty right, a right in rem, which it *ay assert ad #rotect agaist all the
world, i ay of the courts of the world?e+e i 0urisdictios where it does ot
trasact busiess?0ust the sa*e as it *ay #rotect its tagible #ro#erty, real or
#ersoal, agaist tres#ass, or co+ersio, Citig sec, 10, )i*s o =fair
Co*#etitio ad Trade$ar2s ad cases citedG secs, 21?22, Fo#2is o
Trade$ar2s, Trade )a*es ad =fair Co*#etitio ad cases cited,P That #oit is
sustaied by the authorities, ad is well stated i !anover )#ar Minin4 'o& v&
8llen and >heeler 'o, 420I Fed,, H1B5, i which the syllabus says:
&ice it is the trade ad ot the *ar2 that is to be #rotected, a trade?*ar2
ac2owledges o territorial boudaries of *uici#alities or states or atios, but
e/teds to e+ery *ar2et where the traderPs goods ha+e beco*e 2ow ad
%detified by the use of the *ar2,
(ur recogi6ig the ca#acity of the #etitioer to sue is ot by ay *eas o+el or #recedet
settig, (ur 0uris#rudece is re#lete with cases illustratig istaces whe foreig cor#oratios
ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies *ay oetheless sue i our courts, % Eas# Board
Navi4a#ion -#d, v& Ysmael and 'o&, Inc& 4102 Phil, 15, we recogi6ed a right of foreig
cor#oratio to sue o isolated trasactios, % "eneral "armen#s 'orp& v& 6irec#or of
(a#en#s 4!1 &C"3 H05, we sustaied the right of Purita &#ortswear Cor#,, a foreig cor#oratio
ot licesed to do ad ot doig busiess i the Phili##ies, to file a #etitio for cacellatio of a
trade*ar2 before the Patet (ffice,
$ore i*#ortat is the ature of the case which led to this #etitio, What #receded this #etitio
for cer#iorari was a letter co*#lait filed before the )>% chargig Fe*adas with a cri*ial
offese, i,e,, +iolatio of 3rticle 1I9 of the "e+ised Peal Code, %f #rosecutio follows after the
co*#letio of the #reli*iary i+estigatio beig coducted by the &#ecial Prosecutor the
ifor*atio shall be i the a*e of the Peo#le of the Phili##ies ad o loger the #etitioer
which is oly a aggrie+ed #arty sice a cri*ial offese is essetially a act agaist the &tate,
%t is the latter which is #rici#ally the i0ured #arty although there is a #ri+ate right +iolated,
PetitioerPs ca#acity to sue would beco*e, therefore, of ot *uch sigificace i the *ai case,
We caot sow a #ossible +iolator of our cri*ial statutes to esca#e #rosecutio u#o a far?
fetched cotetio that the aggrie+ed #arty or +icti* of a cri*e has o stadig to sue,
% u#holdig the right of the #etitioer to *aitai the #reset suit before our courts for ufair
co*#etitio or ifrige*et of trade*ar2s of a foreig cor#oratio, we are *oreo+er recogi6ig
our duties ad the rights of foreig states uder the Paris Co+etio for the Protectio of
%dustrial Pro#erty to which the Phili##ies ad Frace are #arties, We are si*#ly iter#retig
ad eforcig a sole* iteratioal co**it*et of the Phili##ies e*bodied i a *ultilateral
treaty to which we are a #arty ad which we etered ito because it is i our atioal iterest to
do so,
The Paris Co+etio #ro+ides i #art that:
3"T%CL- 1
415 The coutries to which the #reset Co+etio a##lies costitute the*sel+es
ito a =io for the #rotectio of idustrial #ro#erty,
425 The #rotectio of idustrial #ro#erty is cocered with #atets, utility *odels,
idustrial desigs, trade*ar2s ser+ice *ar2s, trade a*es, ad idicatios of
source or a##ellatios of origi, ad the re#ressio of ufair co*#etitio,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- 2
425 )atioals of each of the coutries of the =io shall as regards the #rotectio
of idustrial #ro#erty, e0oy i all the other coutries of the =io the ad+atages
that their res#ecti+e laws ow grat, or *ay hereafter grat, to atioals, without
#re0udice to the rights s#ecially #ro+ided by the #reset Co+etio,
Cose1uetly, they shall ha+e the sa*e #rotectio as the latter, ad the sa*e
legal re*edy agaist ay ifrige*et of their rights, #ro+ided they obser+e the
coditios ad for*alities i*#osed u#o atioals,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- @
415 The coutries of the =io uderta2e, either ad*iistrati+ely if their legislatio
so #er*its, or at the re1uest of a iterested #arty, to refuse or to cacel the
registratio ad to #rohibit the use of a trade*ar2 which costitutes a
re#roductio, i*itatio or traslatio, liable to create cofusio, of a *ar2
cosidered by the co*#etet authority of the coutry of registratio or use to be
well?2ow i that coutry as beig already the *ar2 of a #erso etitled to the
beefits of the #reset Co+etio ad used for %detical or si*ilar goods, These
#ro+isios shall also a##ly whe the essetial #art of the *ar2 costitutes a
re#roductio of ay such well?2ow *ar2 or a i*itatio liable to create
cofusio therewith,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- I
3 trade a*e shall be #rotected i all the coutries of the =io without the
obligatio of filig or registratio, whether or ot it for*s #art of a trade*ar2,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- 10bis
415 The coutries of the =io are boud to assure to #ersos etitled to the
beefits of the =io effecti+e #rotectio agaist ufair co*#etitio,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- 10ter
415 The coutries of the =io uderta2e to assure to atioals of the other
coutries of the =io a##ro#riate legal re*edies to re#ress effecti+ely all the
acts referred to i 3rticles 9, 10 ad l0bis,
425 They uderta2e, further, to #ro+ide *easures to #er*it sydicates ad
associatios which re#reset the idustrialists, #roducers or traders cocered
ad the e/istece of which is ot cotrary to the laws of their coutries, to ta2e
actio i the Courts or before the ad*iistrati+e authorities, with a +iew to the
re#ressio of the acts referred to i 3rticles 9, 10 ad 10bis, i so far as the law
of the coutry i which #rotectio is clai*ed allows such actio by the sydicates
ad associatios of that coutry,
/// /// ///
3"T%CL- 1A
-+ery coutry #arty to this Co+etio uderta2es to ado#t, i accordace with
its costitutio, the *easures ecessary to esure the a##licatio of this
%t is uderstood that at the ti*e a istru*et of ratificatio or accessio is
de#osited o behalf of a coutryG such coutry will be i a #ositio uder its
do*estic law to gi+e effect to the #ro+isios of this Co+etio, 4@1 (,;, I0105
/// /// ///
% =ani#3 Fair Mills, Inc& v& * Ea#on 'o& 42B! F, 2d @BB5 the =ited &tates Circuit Court of
3##eals had occasio to co**et o the e/traterritorial a##licatio of the Paris Co+etio %t
said that:
911: The %teratioal Co+etio is essetially a co*#act betwee the +arious
*e*ber coutries to accord i their ow coutries to citi6es of the other
cotractig #arties trade*ar2 ad other rights co*#arable to those accorded
their ow citi6es by their do*estic law, The uderlyig #rici#le is that foreig
atioals should be gi+e the sa*e treat*et i each of the *e*ber coutries
as that coutry *a2es a+ailable to its ow citi6es, % additio, the Co+etio
sought to create uifor*ity i certai res#ects by obligatig each *e*ber atio
Pto assure to atioals of coutries of the =io a effecti+e #rotectio agaist
ufair co*#etitio,P
912: The Co+etio is ot #re*ised u#o the %dea that the trade?*ar2 ad
related laws of each *e*ber atio shall be gi+e e/tra?territorial a##licatio, but
o e/actly the co+erse #rici#le that each atioPs law shall ha+e oly territorial
a##licatio, Thus a foreig atioal of a *e*ber atio usig his trade*ar2 i
co**erce i the =ited &tates is accorded e/tesi+e #rotectio here agaist
ifrige*et ad other ty#es of ufair co*#etitio by +irtue of =ited &tates
*e*bershi# i the Co+etio, >ut that #rotectio has its source i, ad is
sub0ect to the li*itatios of, 3*erica law, ot the law of the foreig atioalPs
ow coutry, ,,,
>y the sa*e to2e, the #etitioer should be gi+e the sa*e treat*et i the Phili##ies as we
*a2e a+ailable to our ow citi6es, We are obligated to assure to atioals of 8coutries of the
=io8 a effecti+e #rotectio agaist ufair co*#etitio i the sa*e way that they are obligated
to si*ilarly #rotect Fili#io citi6es ad fir*s,
Pursuat to this obligatio, the $iistry of Trade o )o+e*ber 20, 19I0 issued a *e*oradu*
addressed to the Director of the Patets (ffice directig the latter:
/// /// ///
,,, to re0ect all #edig a##licatios for Phili##ie registratio of sigature ad
other world fa*ous trade*ar2s by a##licats other tha its origial owers or
The coflictig clai*s o+er iteratioally 2ow trade*ar2s i+ol+e such a*e
brads as Lacoste, .ordache, ;loria 'aderbilt, &asso, Fila, Pierre Cardi,
;ucci, Christia Dior, (scar de la "eta, Cal+i <lei, ;i+echy, "al#h Laure,
;eoffrey >eee, La+i ad Ted La#idus,
%t is further directed that, i cases where warrated, Phili##ie registrats of such
trade*ar2s should be as2ed to surreder their certificates of registratio, if ay,
to a+oid suits for da*ages ad other legal actio by the trade*ar2sP foreig or
local owers or origial users,
The *e*oradu* is a clear *aifestatio of our a+owed adherece to a #olicy of coo#eratio
ad a*ity with all atios, %t is ot, as wrogly alleged by the #ri+ate res#odet, a #ersoal
#olicy of $iister Luis 'illafuerte which e/#ires oce he lea+es the $iistry of Trade, For a
treaty or co+etio is ot a *ere *oral obligatio to be eforced or ot at the whi*s of a
icu*bet head of a $iistry, %t creates a legally bidig obligatio o the #arties fouded o
the geerally acce#ted #rici#le of iteratioal law of pac#a sun# servanda which has bee
ado#ted as #art of the law of our lad, 4Costitutio, 3rt, %%, &ec, B5, The *e*oradu* re*ids
the Director of Patets of his legal duty to obey both law ad treaty, %t *ust also be obeyed,
Fe*adas further coteds that the res#odet court did ot co**it gra+e abuse of discretio
i issuig the 1uestioed order of 3#ril 22, 19IB,
3 re+iew of the grouds i+o2ed by Fe*adas i his *otio to 1uash the search warrats
re+eals the fact that they are ot a##ro#riate for 1uashig a warrat, They are *atters of
defese which should be +etilated durig the trial o the *erits of the case, For istace, o
the basis of the facts before the .udge, we fail to uderstad how he could treat a bare
allegatio that the res#odetPs trade*ar2 is differet fro* the #etitioerPs trade*ar2 as a
sufficiet basis to grat the *otio to 1uash, We will treat the issue of #re0udicial 1uestio later,
;ratig that res#odet Fe*adas was oly tryig to show the absece of #robable cause,
we, oetheless, hold the argu*ets to be uteable,
3s a *adatory re1uire*et for the issuace of a +alid search warrat, the Costitutio re1uires
i o ucertai ter*s the deter*iatio of #robable cause by the 0udge after e/a*iatio uder
oath or affir*atio of the co*#laiat ad the witesses he *ay #roduce 4Costitutio, 3rt, %',
&ec, B5, Probable cause has traditioally *eat such facts ad circu*staces atecedet to the
issuace of the warrat that are i the*sel+es sufficiet to iduce a cautious *a to rely u#o
the* ad act i #ursuace thereof 4Peo#le +, &y .uco, @! Phil, @@A5,
This coce#t of #robable cause was a*#lified ad *odified by our rulig i )#onehill v&
6io+no, 420 &C"3 BIB5 that #robable cause 8#resu##oses the itroductio of co*#etet #roof
that the #arty agaist who* it is sought has #erfor*ed par#icular acts, or co**itted s#ecific
o*issios, +iolatig a gi+e #ro+isio of our cri*ial laws,8
The 1uestio of whether or ot #robable cause e/ists is oe which *ust be decided i the light
of the coditios obtaiig i gi+e situatios 4Cetral >a2 +, $orfe, 20 &C"3 H0A5, We agree
that there is o geeral for*ula or fi/ed rule for the deter*iatio of the e/istece of #robable
cause sice, as we ha+e recogi6ed i -una v& (la$a42@ &C"3 B105, the e/istece de#eds to
a large degree u#o the fidig or o#iio of the 0udge coductig the e/a*iatio, Fowe+er,
the fidigs of the 0udge should ot disregard the facts before hi* or ru couter to the clear
dictates of reaso, $ore so it is #lai that our coutryPs ability to abide by iteratioal
co**it*ets is at sta2e,
The records show that the )>% agets at the hearig of the a##licatio for the warrats before
res#odet court #reseted three witesses uder oath, swor state*ets, ad +arious e/hibits
i the for* of clothig a##arels *aufactured by Fe*adas but carryig the trade*ar2 Lacoste,
The res#odet court #ersoally iterrogated "a*o -sguerra, &a*uel Fi0i, ad $a*erto
-s#atero by *eas of searchig 1uestios, 3fter hearig the testi*oies ad e/a*iig the
docu*etary e+idece, the res#odet court was co+iced that there were good ad sufficiet
reasos for the issuace of the warrat, 3d it the issued the warrat,
The res#odet court, therefore, co*#lied with the costitutioal ad statutory re1uire*ets for
the issuace of a +alid search warrat, 3t that #oit i ti*e, it was fully co+iced that there
e/isted #robable cause, >ut after hearig the *otio to 1uash ad the o##ositios thereto, the
res#odet court e/ecuted a co*#lete turabout ad declared that there was o #robable
cause to 0ustify its earlier issuace of the warrats,
True, the lower court should be gi+e the o##ortuity to correct its errors, if there be ay, but the
rectificatio *ust, as earlier stated be based o soud ad +alid grouds, % this case, there
was o co*#ellig 0ustificatio for the about face, The allegatio that +ital facts were
deliberately su##ressed or cocealed by the #etitioer should ha+e bee assessed *ore
carefully because the ob0ect of the 1uashal was the retur of ite*s already sei6ed ad easily
e/a*ied by the court, The ite*s were alleged to be fa2e ad 1uite ob+iously would be eeded
as e+idece i the cri*ial #rosecutio, $oreo+er, a a##licatio for a search warrat is
heard eB par#e& %t is either a trial or a #art of the trial, 3ctio o these a##licatios *ust be
e/#edited for ti*e is of the essece, ;reat reliace has to be accorded by the 0udge to the
testi*oies uder oath of the co*#laiat ad the witesses, The allegatio of Fe*adas that
the a##licat withheld ifor*atio fro* the res#odet court was clearly o basis to order the
retur of the sei6ed ite*s,
Fe*adas relied hea+ily below ad before us o the argu*et that it is the holder of a
certificate of registratio of the trade*ar2 8CF-$%&- L3C(&T- W C"(C(D%L- D-'%C-8,
&igificatly, such registratio is oly i the &u##le*etal "egister,
3 certificate of registratio i the &u##le*etal "egister is ot prima facie e+idece of the
+alidity of registratio, of the registratPs e/clusi+e right to use the sa*e i coectio with the
goods, busiess, or ser+ices s#ecified i the certificate, &uch a certificate of registratio caot
be filed, with effect, with the >ureau of Custo*s i order to e/clude fro* the Phili##ies, foreig
goods bearig ifrige*et *ar2s or trade a*es 4"ule 12!, "e+ised "ules of Practice >efore
the Phil, Pat, (ff, i Trade*ar2 CasesG $arti, Phili##ie Co**ercial Laws, 19I1, 'ol, 2,
&ectio 19?3 of "e#ublic 3ct 1@@ as a*eded ot oly #ro+ides for the 2ee#ig of the
su##le*etal register i additio to the #rici#al register but s#ecifically directs that:
/// /// ///
The certificates of registratio for *ar2s ad trade a*es registered o the
su##le*etal register shall be cos#icuously differet fro* certificates issued for
*ar2s ad trade a*es o the #rici#al register,
/// /// ///
The reaso is e/#laied by a leadig co**etator o Phili##ie Co**ercial Laws:
The registratio of a *ar2 u#o the su##le*etal register is ot, as i the case of
the #rici#al register, #ri*a facie e+idece of 415 the +alidity of registratioG 425
registratPs owershi# of the *ar2G ad 4B5 registratPs e/clusi+e right to use the
*ar2, %t is ot sub0ect to o##ositio, although it *ay be cacelled after its
issuace, )either *ay it be the sub0ect of iterferece #roceedigs, "egistratio
o the su##le*etal register is ot costructi+e otice of registratPs clai* of
owershi#, 3 su##le*etal register is #ro+ided for the registratio of *ar2s which
are ot registrable o the #rici#al register because of so*e defects 4co+ersely,
defects which *a2e a *ar2 uregistrable o the #rici#al register, yet do ot bar
the* fro* the su##le*etal register,5 43gbayai, %% Co**ercial Laws of the
Phili##ies, 19AI, #, H1!, citig =y Fog $o +, Titay W Co,, et al,, Dec, )o, 2H!
of Director of Patets, 3#r, B0, 19@B5G
"egistratio i the &u##le*etal "egister, therefore, ser+es as otice that the registrat is usig
or has a##ro#riated the trade*ar2, >y the +ery fact that the trade*ar2 caot as yet be etered
i the Prici#al "egister, all who deal with it should be o guard that there are certai defects,
so*e obstacles which the user *ust &till o+erco*e before he ca clai* legal owershi# of the
*ar2 or as2 the courts to +idicate his clai*s of a e/clusi+e right to the use of the sa*e, %t
would be dece#ti+e for a #arty with othig *ore tha a registratio i the &u##le*etal
"egister to #osture before courts of 0ustice as if the registratio is i the Prici#al "egister,
The reliace of the #ri+ate res#odet o the last setece of the Patet office actio o
a##licatio &erial )o, B09H! that 8registrat is #resu*ed to be the ower of the *ar2 util after
the registratio is declared cacelled8 is, therefore, *is#laced ad grouded o sha2y
foudatio, The su##osed #resu*#tio ot oly rus couter to the #rece#t e*bodied i "ule
12! of the "e+ised "ules of Practice before the Phili##ie Patet (ffice i Trade*ar2 Cases but
cosiderig all the facts +etilated before us i the four iterrelated #etitios i+ol+ig the
#etitioer ad the res#odet, it is de+oid of factual basis, 3d e+e i cases where
#resu*#tio ad #rece#t *ay factually be recociled, we ha+e held that the #resu*#tio is
rebuttable, ot coclusi+e, 4Peo#le +, Li* Foa, ;,", )o, L10@12, $ay B0, 19HI, =re#orted5,
(e *ay be declared a ufair co*#etitor e+e if his co*#etig trade*ar2 is registered 4Par2e,
Da+is W Co, +, <iu Foo W Co,, et al,, @0 Phil, 92IG La Jebaa Co, +, Chua &eco W Co,, 1! Phil,
>y the sa*e to2e, the argu*et that the a##licatio was #re*ature i +iew of the #edig
case before the Patet (ffice is li2ewise without legal basis,
The #roceedigs #edig before the Patet (ffice i+ol+ig %PC Co, 1@HI do ot #arta2e of the
ature of a #re0udicial 1uestio which *ust first be defiitely resol+ed,
&ectio H of "ule 111 of the "ules of Court #ro+ides that:
3 #etitio for the sus#esio of the cri*ial actio based u#o the #edecy of a
#re?0udicial 1uestio i a ci+il case, *ay oly be #reseted by ay #arty before or
durig the trial of the cri*ial actio,
The case which sus#eds the cri*ial #rosecutio *ust be a ci+il case which is deter*iati+e
of the iocece or, sub0ect to the a+ailability of other defeses, the guilt of the accused, The
#edig case before the Patet (ffice is a ad*iistrati+e #roceedig ad ot a ci+il case, The
decisio of the Patet (ffice caot be fially deter*iati+e of the #ri+ate res#odetPs
iocece of the charges agaist hi*,
% Flordelis v& 'as#illo 4HI &C"3 B015, we held that:
3s clearly delieated i the aforecited #ro+isios of the ew Ci+il Code ad the
"ules of Court, ad as uifor*ly a##lied i u*erous decisios of this Court,
4>erbari +, Coce#cio, !0 Phil, IBA 419205G 3leria +, $edo6a, IB Phil, !2A
419!95G Peo#le +, 3rago, 9! Phil, BHA 419H!5G >rito?&y +, $alate Ta/icab W
;arage, %c,, 102 Phil !I2 419HA5G $ediola +, $acadael, 1 &C"3 H9BG >eite6 +,
Coce#cio, 2 &C"3 1AIG La#ate +, $otesa, ! &C"3 H10G .i*ee6 +, 3+eria,
22 &C"3 1BI0,5 % >uea+etura +, (ca*#o 4HH &C"3 2A15 the doctrie of
#re0udicial 1uestio was held ia##licable because o cri*ial case but *erely
a ad*iistrati+e case ad a ci+il suit were i+ol+ed, The Court, howe+er, held
that, i +iew of the #eculiar circu*staces of that case, the res#odetsP suit for
da*ages i the lower court was #re*ature as it was filed durig the #edecy of
a ad*iistrati+e case agaist the res#odets before the P(LC($, PThe
#ossibility caot be o+erloo2ed,P said the Court, Pthat the P(LC($ *ay had
dow a decisio ad+erse to the res#odets, i which case the da*age suit will
beco*e ufouded ad baseless for watig i cause of actio,P5 the doctrie of
#re?0udicial 1uestio co*es ito #lay geerally i a situatio where a ci+il actio
ad a cri*ial actio both #eed ad there e/ists i the for*er a issue which
*ust be #ree*#ti+ely resol+ed before the cri*ial actio *ay #roceed, because
howsoe+er the issue raised i the ci+il actio is resol+ed would be
deter*iati+e juris e# de jure of the guilt or iocece of the accused i the
cri*ial case,
% the #reset case, o ci+il actio #eds or has ay bee istituted, What was #edig was
a ad*iistrati+e case before the Patet (ffice,
-+e assu*ig that there could be a ad*iistrati+e #roceedig with e/ce#tioal or s#ecial
circu*staces which reder a cri*ial #rosecutio #re*ature #edig the #ro*ulgatio of the
ad*iistrati+e decisio, o such #eculiar circu*staces are #reset i this case,
$oreo+er, we ta2e ote of the actio ta2e by the Patets (ffice ad the $iister of Trade ad
affir*ed by the %ter*ediate 3##ellate Court i the case of -a 'hemise -acos#e )& 8& v, ,am
)adhwani 43C?;,", )o, &P?1BBH@, .ue 1A, 19IB5,
The sa*e )o+e*ber 20, 19I0 *e*oradu* of the $iister of Trade discussed i this decisio
was i+ol+ed i the a##ellate courtPs decisio, The $iister as the 8i*#le*etig authority8
uder 3rticle @bis of the Paris Co+etio for the #rotectio of %dustrial Pro#erty istructed the
Director of Patets to re0ect a##licatios for Phili##ie registratio of sigature ad other world
fa*ous trade*ar2s by a##licats other tha its origial owers or users, The brad 8Lacoste8
was s#ecifically cited together with .ordache, ;loria 'aderbilt, &asso, Fila, Pierre Cardi,
;ucci, Christia Dior, (scar dela "eta, Cal+i <lei, ;i+echy, "al#h Laurece, ;eoffrey
>eee, La+i, ad Ted La#idus, The Director of Patets was li2ewise ordered to re1uire
Phili##ie registrats of such trade*ar2s to surreder their certificates of registratio,
Co*#liace by the Director of Patets was challeged,
The %ter*ediate 3##ellate Court, i the La Che*ise -acos#e )&8& v& )adhwani decisio which
we cite with a##ro+al sustaied the #ower of the $iister of Trade to issue the i*#le*etig
*e*oradu* ad, after goig o+er the e+idece i the records, affirmed #he decision of #he
6irec#or of (a#en#s declarin4 -a 'hemise -acos#e 78& #he owner of #he dispu#ed trade*ar2
ad crocodile or alli4a#or device& The %ter*ediate 3##ellate Court s#ea2ig through $r, .ustice
'icete ', $edo6a stated:
% the case at bar, the $iister of Trade, as Pthe co*#etet authority of the
coutry of registratio,P has foud that a*og other well?2ow trade*ar2s
PLacosteP is the sub0ect of coflictig clai*s, For this reaso, a##licatios for its
registratio *ust be re0ected or refused, #ursuat to the treaty obligatio of the
3#art fro* this fidig, the ae/es to the o##ositio, which La Che*ise Lacoste
&,3, filed i the Patet (ffice, show that it is the ower of the trade*ar2 PLacosteP
ad the de+ice cosistig of a re#resetatio of a crocodile or alligator by the
#rior ado#tio ad use of such *ar2 ad de+ice o clothig, s#orts a##arel ad
the li2e, La Che*ise Lacoste &,3, obtaied registratio of these *ar2 ad de+ice
ad was i fact issued reewal certificates by the Frech )atioal %dustry
Pro#erty (ffice,
/// /// ///
%deed, due #rocess is a rule of reaso, % the case at bar the order of the Patet
(ffice is based ot oly o the udis#uted fact of owershi# of the trade*ar2 by
the a##ellee but o a #rior deter*iatio by the $iister of Trade, as the
co*#etet authority uder the Paris Co+etio, that the trade*ar2 ad de+ice
sought to be registered by the a##ellat are well?2ow *ar2s which the
Phili##ies, as #arty to the Co+etio, is boud to #rotect i fa+or of its owers,
it would be to e/alt for* o+er substace to say that uder the circu*staces, due
#rocess re1uires that a hearig should be held before the a##licatio is acted
The a##ellat cites sectio 9 of "e#ublic 3ct )o, 1@@, which re1uires otice ad
hearig whee+er a o##ositio to the registratio of a trade*ar2 is *ade, This
#ro+isio does ot a##ly, howe+er, to situatios co+ered by the Paris Co+etio,
where the a##ro#riate authorities ha+e deter*ied that a well?2ow trade*ar2
is already that of aother #erso, % such cases, the coutries sigatories to the
Co+etio are obliged to refuse or to cacel the registratio of the *ar2 by ay
other #erso or authority, % this case, it is ot dis#uted that the trade*ar2
Lacoste is such a well?2ow *ar2 that a hearig, such as that #ro+ided i
"e#ublic 3ct )o, 1@@, would be su#erfluous,
The issue of due #rocess was raised ad fully discussed i the a##ellate courtPs decisio, The
court ruled that due #rocess was ot +iolated,
% the light of the foregoig it is 1uite #lai that the #re0udicial 1uestio argu*et is without
We ha+e carefully goe o+er the records of all the cases filed i this Court ad fid *ore tha
eough e+idece to sustai a fidig that the #etitioer is the ower of the trade*ar2s
8L3C(&T-8, 8CF-$%&- L3C(&T-8, the crocodile or alligator de+ice, ad the co*#osite *ar2
of L3C(&T- ad the re#resetatio of the crocodile or alligator, 3y #retesios of the #ri+ate
res#odet that he is the ower are absolutely without basis, 3y further +etilatio of the issue
of owershi# before the Patet (ffice will be a su#erfluity ad a dilatory tactic,
The issue of whether or ot the trade*ar2 used by the #ri+ate res#odet is differet fro* the
#etitioerPs trade *ar2 is a *atter of defese ad will be better resol+ed i the cri*ial
#roceedigs before a court of 0ustice istead of raisig it as a #reli*iary *atter i a
ad*iistrati+e #roceedig,
The #ur#ose of the law #rotectig a trade*ar2 caot be o+ere*#hasi6ed, They are to #oit out
distictly the origi or owershi# of the article to which it is affi/ed, to secure to hi*, who has
bee istru*etal i brigig ito *ar2et a su#erior article of *erchadise, the fruit of his
idustry ad s2ill, ad to #re+et fraud ad i*#ositio 4-te#ha +, Director of Patets, 1@ &C"3
The legislature has eacted laws to regulate the use of trade*ar2s ad #ro+ide for the
#rotectio thereof, $oder trade ad co**erce de*ads that de#redatios o legiti*ate trade
*ar2s of o?atioals icludig those who ha+e ot show #rior registratio thereof should ot
be couteaced, The law agaist such de#redatios is ot oly for the #rotectio of the ower
of the trade*ar2 but also, ad *ore i*#ortatly, for the #rotectio of #urchasers fro* cofusio,
*ista2e, or dece#tio as to the goods they are buyig, 43sari Jo2o Co,, Ltd, +, <ee >oc, 1
&C"3 1G ;eeral ;ar*ets Cor#oratio +, Director of Patets, !1 &C"3 H05,
The law o trade*ar2s ad tradea*es is based o the #rici#le of busiess itegrity ad
co**o 0usticeP This law, both i letter ad s#irit, is laid u#o the #re*ise that, while it
ecourages fair trade i e+ery way ad ai*s to foster, ad ot to ha*#er, co*#etitio, o oe,
es#ecially a trader, is 0ustified i da*agig or 0eo#ardi6ig aotherPs busiess by fraud, decei#t,
tric2ery or ufair *ethods of ay sort, This ecessarily #recludes the tradig by oe dealer u#o
the good a*e ad re#utatio built u# by aother 4>alti*ore +, $oses, 1I2 $d 229, B! 3 42d5
The records show that the goodwill ad re#utatio of the #etitioerPs #roducts bearig the
trade*ar2 L3C(&T- date bac2 e+e before 19@! whe L3C(&T- clothig a##arels were first
*ar2eted i the Phili##ies, To allow Fe*adas to cotiue usig the trade*ar2 Lacoste for the
si*#le reaso that he was the first registrat i the &u##le*etal "egister of a trade*ar2 used
i iteratioal co**erce ad ot belogig to hi* is to reder ugatory the +ery essece of
the law o trade*ar2s ad tradea*es,
We ow #roceed to the cosideratio of the #etitio i "o;indram !emandas &uiaai u, !on&
,o;er#o ' (g#i,e# al& 4;,", )o, @H@H95,
3ctually, three other #etitios i+ol+ig the sa*e trade*ar2 ad de+ice ha+e bee filed with this
% !emandas 7 'o& v& In#ermedia#e 8ppella#e 'our#, e# al, 4;,", )o, @BH0!5 the #etitioer as2ed
for the followig relief:
%) '%-W (F 3LL TF- F("-;(%);, it is res#ectfully #rayed 4a5 that the
"esolutios of the res#odet Court of .auary B, 19IB ad February 2!, 19IB
be ullifiedG ad that the Decisio of the sa*e res#odet Court of .ue B0, 19IB
be declared to be the law o the *atterG 4b5 that the Director of Patets be
directed to issue the corres#odig registratio certificate i the Prici#al
"egisterG ad 4c5 gratig u#o the #etitioer such other legal ad e1uitable
re*edies as are 0ustified by the #re*ises,
( Dece*ber H, 19IB, we issued the followig resolutio:
Cosiderig the allegatios cotaied, issues raised ad the argu*ets adduced
i the #etitio for re+iew, the res#odetPs co**et thereo, ad #etitioerPs
re#ly to said co**et, the Court "esol+ed to D-)J the #etitio for lac2 of *erit,
The Court further "esol+ed to C3LL the attetio of the Phili##ie Patet (ffice
to the #edecy i this Court of ;,", )o, H@BA9@?9A etitled PLa Che*ise
Lacoste, &,3, +, Fo, (scar C, Ferade6 ad ;obidra* Fe*adasP which was
gi+e due course o .ue 1!, 19IB ad to the fact that ;,", )o, @B92I?29
etitled P;obidra* Fe*adas +, La Che*ise Lacoste, &,3,, et al,P filed o $ay
9, 19IB was dis*issed for lac2 of *erit o &e#te*ber 12, 19IB, >oth #etitios
i+ol+e the sa*e dis#ute o+er the use of the trade*ar2 PChe*ise LacosteP,
The secod case of "o;indram !emandas vs& -a 'hemise -acos#e, )&8&, e# al& 4;,", )o,
@B92I?295 #rayed for the followig:
%, ( the #etitio for issuace of writ of #reli*iary i0uctio, a order be issued
after due hearig:
l, -0oiig ad restraiig res#odets Co*#ay, attoreys?i?fact, ad
-staislao ;raados fro* further #roceedigs i the ufair co*#etitio charges
#edig with the $iistry of .ustice filed agaist #etitioerG
2, -0oiig ad restraiig res#odets Co*#ay ad its attoreys?i?fact fro*
causig udue #ublicatio i ews#a#ers of geeral circulatio o their
uwarrated clai* that #etitioerPs #roducts are F3<- #edig #roceedigs
hereofG ad
B, -0oiig ad restraiig res#odets Co*#ay ad its attoreys?i?fact fro*
sedig further threateig letters to #etitioerPs custo*ers u0ustly statig that
#etitioerPs #roducts they are dealig i are F3<- ad threateig the* with
cofiscatio ad sei6ure thereof,
%%, ( the *ai #etitio, 0udg*et be redered:
l, 3wardig ad gratig the issuace of the Writ of Prohibitio, #rohibitig,
sto##ig, ad restraiig res#odets fro* further co**ittig the acts
co*#laied ofG
2, 3wardig ad gratig the issuace of the Writ of $ada*us, orderig ad
co*#ellig res#odets )atioal >ureau of %+estigatio, its aforea*ed agets,
ad &tate Prosecutor -staislao ;raados to i**ediately co*#ly with the (rder
of the "egioal Trial Court, )atioal Ca#ital .udicial "egio, >rach QL%Q,
$aila, dated 3#ril 22, 19IB, which directs the i**ediate retur of the sei6ed
ite*s uder &earch Warrats )os, IB?12I ad IB?129G
B, $a2ig #er*aet ay writ of i0uctio that *ay ha+e bee #re+iously issued
by this Foorable Court i the #etitio at bar: ad
!, 3wardig such other ad further relief as *ay be 0ust ad e1uitable i the
3s earlier stated, this #etitio was dis*issed for lac2 of *erit o &e#te*ber 12, 19IB, 3ctig o
a *otio for recosideratio, the Court o )o+e*ber 2B, 19IB resol+ed to dey the *otio for
lac2 of *erit ad declared the deial to be fial,
Fe*adas v& !on& ,o;er#o 5n4pin 4;,", )o, @H@H95 is the third #etitio,
% this last #etitio, the #etitioer #rays for the settig aside as ull ad +oid ad for the
#rohibitig of the eforce*et of the followig *e*oradu* of res#odet $iister "oberto
F(": TF- D%"-CT(" (F P3T-)T&
Phili##ie Patet (ffice
/// /// ///
Pursuat to -/ecuti+e (rder )o, 91B dated A (ctober 19IB which stregthes the rule?*a2ig
ad ad0udicatory #owers of the $iister of Trade ad %dustry ad #ro+ides iter alia, that Psuch
rule?*a2ig ad ad0udicatory #owers should be re+itali6ed i order that the $iister of Trade
ad %dustry ca ,,,a##ly *ore swift ad effecti+e solutios ad re*edies to old ad ew
#roble*s ,,, such as the ifrige*et of iteratioally?2ow tradea*es ad
trade*ar2s ,,,Pad i +iew of the decisio of the %ter*ediate 3##ellate Court i the case of -8
'!EMI)E -8'5)*E, )&8&, versus ,8M )86>!8NI 93C?;,", &#, )o, 1BBH9 41A5 .ue 19IB:
which affir*s the +alidity of the $-$("3)D=$ of the $iister Luis ", 'illafuerte dated 20
)o+e*ber 19I0 cofir*ig our obligatios uder the P3"%& C()'-)T%() F(" TF-
P"(T-CT%() (F %)D=&T"%3L P"(P-"TJ to which the "e#ublic of the Phili##ies is a
sigatory, you are hereby directed to i*#le*et *easures ecessary to effect co*#liace with
our obligatios uder said co+etio i geeral, ad, *ore s#ecifically, to hoor our
co**it*et uder )ec#ion : ;isthereof, as follows:
1, Whether the trade*ar2 uder cosideratio is well?2ow i the Phili##ies or
is a *ar2 already belogig to a #erso etitled to the beefits of the
C()'-)T%(), this should be established, #ursuat to Phili##ie Patet (ffice
#rocedures i iter #artes ad e/ #arte cases, accordig to ay of the followig
criteria or ay co*biatio thereof:
4a5 a declaratio by the $iister of Trade ad %dustry thatP the trade*ar2 beig
cosidered is already well?2ow i the Phili##ies such that #er*issio for its
use by other tha its origial ower will costitute a re#roductio, i*itatio,
traslatio or other ifrige*etG
4b5 that the trade*ar2 is used i co**erce iteratioally, su##orted by #roof
that goods bearig the trade*ar2 are sold o a iteratioal scale,
ad+ertise*ets, the establish*et of factories, sales offices, distributorshi#s, ad
the li2e, i differet coutries, icludig +olu*e or other *easure of iteratioal
trade ad co**erceG
4c5 that the trade*ar2 is duly registered i the idustrial #ro#erty office4s5 of
aother coutry or coutries, ta2ig ito cosideratio the dates of such
4d5 that the trade*ar2 has bee log established ad obtaied goodwill ad
geeral iteratioal cosu*er recogitio as belogig to oe ower or sourceG
4e5 that the trade*ar2 actually belogs to a #arty clai*ig owershi# ad has the
right to registratio uder the #ro+isios of the aforestated P3"%&
2, The word trade*ar2, as used i this $-$("3)D=$, shall iclude
tradea*es, ser+ice *ar2s, logos, sigs, e*ble*s, isigia or other si*ilar
de+ices used for %detificatio ad recogitio by cosu*ers,
B, The Phili##ie Patet (ffice shall refuse all a##licatios for, or cacel the
registratio of, trade*ar2s which costitute a re#roductio, traslatio or
i*itatio of a trade*ar2 owed by a #erso, atural or cor#orate, who is a citi6e
of a coutry sigatory to the P3"%& C()'-)T%() F(" TF- P"(T-CT%() (F
%)D=&T"%3L P"(P-"TJ,
!, The Phili##ie Patet (ffice shall gi+e due course to the (##ositio i cases
already or hereafter filed agaist the registratio of trade*ar2s etitled to
#rotectio of )ec#ion : ;is of said P3"%& C()'-)T%() as outlied abo+e, by
re*adig a##licatios filed by oe ot etitled to such #rotectio for fial
disallowace by the -/a*iatio Di+isio,
H, 3ll #edig a##licatios for Phili##ie registratio of sigature ad other world
fa*ous trade*ar2s filed by a##licats other tha their origial owers or users
shall be re0ected forthwith, Where such a##licats ha+e already obtaied
registratio cotrary to the abo+e*etioed P3"%& C()'-)T%() adNor
Phili##ie Law, they shall be directed to surreder their Certificates of
"egistratio to the Phili##ie Patet (ffice for i**ediate cacellatio
@, Cosistet with the foregoig, you are hereby directed to e/#edite the hearig
ad to decide without delay the followig cases #edig before your (ffice:
1, %)T-" P3"T-& C3&- )(, 1@I9?Petitio filed by La Che*ise Lacoste, &,3,
for the cacellatio of Certificate of "egistratio )o, &"?222H issued to
;obidra* Fe*adas, assigee of Fe*adas ad Co*#ayG
2, %)T-" P3"T-& C3&- )(, 1@HI?(##ositio filed by ;a*es ad ;ar*ets
Co, agaist the registratio of the trade*ar2 Lacoste sought by La Che*ise
Lacoste, &,3,G
B, %)T-" P3"T-& C3&- )(, 1AI@?(##ositio filed by La Che*ise Lacoste,
&,3, agaist the registratio of trade*ar2 Crocodile De+ice ad &2i+a sought by
oe Wilso Chua,
Cosiderig our discussios i ;,", )os, @BA9@?9A, we fid the #etitio i ;,", )o, @H@H9 to be
#atetly without *erit ad accordigly dey it due course,
% co*#lyig with the order to decide without delay the cases s#ecified i the *e*oradu*, the
Director of Patets shall li*it hi*self to the ascertai*et of facts i issues ot resol+ed by this
decisio ad a##ly the law as e/#ouded by this Court to those facts,
(e fial #oit, %t is essetial that we stress our cocer at the see*ig iability of law
eforce*et officials to ste* the tide of fa2e ad couterfeit cosu*er ite*s floodig the
Phili##ie *ar2et or e/#orted abroad fro* our coutry, The greater +icti* is ot so *uch the
*aufacturer whose #roduct is beig fa2ed but the Fili#io cosu*ig #ublic ad i the case of
e/#ortatios, our i*age abroad, )o less tha the Presidet, i issuig -/ecuti+e (rder )o, 91B
dated (ctober A, 19IB to stregthe the #owers of the $iister of Trade ad %dustry for the
#rotectio of cosu*ers, stated that, a*og other acts, the du*#ig of substadard, i*itated,
ha6ardous, ad chea# goods, the ifrige*et of iteratioally 2ow tradea*es ad
trade*ar2s, ad the ufair trade #ractices of busiess fir*s has reached such #ro#ortios as to
costitute ecoo*ic sabotage, We buy a 2itche a##liace, a household tool, #erfu*e, face
#owder, other toilet articles, watches, brady or whis2y, ad ite*s of clothig li2e 0eas, T?shirts,
ec2, ties, etc, S the list is 1uite legth S ad #ay good *oey relyig o the brad a*e as
guaratee of its 1uality ad geuie ature oly to e/#lode i bitter frustratio ad geuie
ature o hel#less ager because the #urchased ite* turs out to be a shoddy i*itatio, albeit
a cle+er loo2ig couterfeit, of the 1uality #roduct, .udges all o+er the coutry are well ad+ised
to re*e*ber that court #rocesses should ot be used as istru*ets to, uwittigly or
otherwise, aid couterfeiters ad itellectual #irates, tie the hads of the law as it see2s to
#rotect the Fili#io cosu*ig #ublic ad frustrate e/ecuti+e ad ad*iistrati+e i*#le*etatio
of sole* co**it*ets #ursuat to iteratioal co+etios ad treaties,
WF-"-F("-, the #etitio i ;,", )(&, @BA9A?9A is hereby ;"3)T-D, The order dated 3#ril
22, 19IB of the res#odet regioal trial court is "-'-"&-D ad &-T 3&%D-, (ur Te*#orary
"estraiig (rder dated 3#ril 29, 19IB is *a4i,e, P-"$3)-)T, The #etitio i ;,", )(, @H@H9
is D-)%-D due course for lac2 of *erit, (ur Te*#orary "estraiig (rder dated Dece*ber H,
19IB is L%FT-D ad &-T 3&%D-, effecti+e i**ediately,
&( ("D-"-D,
*eehan+ee ?'hairman@, Melencio!errera, (lana, ,elova and 6e la Fuen#e, %%&, concur&
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
-) >3)C
!.R. No. L-&5$*9 A0r-8 25, 19*9
PEOPLE O5 T3E P3ILIPPINES, #laitiff?a##ellat,
SOTERO PEJI "AUTISTA, accused?a##ellee,
5ffice of #he )olici#or"eneral *uason for appellan#&
Emiliano *& *irona for appellee&
DIA, J.:
This case is before us by +irtue of a a##eal iter#osed by the &olicitor?;eeral to the
resolutio of the Court of First %stace of Ca+ite of &e#te*ber 10, 19BA dis*issig said case
for the followig reasos: first, that the accused &otero Pe0i >autista was ot gi+e a #reli*iary
i+estigatio before trialG ad secod, that said accused had bee twice #ut i 0eo#ardy,
The udis#uted facts bearig u#o the case are the followig: ( .uly 22, 19BH the accused
&otero Pe0i >autista was charged by oe (g Loo i the 0ustice of the #eace court of <awit,
Ca+ite, with ha+ig +iolated the #ro+isios of article 1IB of the "e+ised Peal Code o $ay B0,
19BH by 2owigly subscribig uder oath a false affida+it couched i the followig laguage:
%, the udersiged herei affir*ed, of lawful age, ad a ati+e of >ia2aya, <awit,
Ca+ite, uder the guidace of or*al *id, i the a*e of the law, ad i the #resece
of lawful authority do hereby declare the followig:
That (g Lo, the alleged defedat to the case, is #ersoally 2ow to *e ad we had
bee ac1uaited with each other withi a #eriod of se+eral *oths,
That se+eral ti*es ad oft durig the #eriod of our ac1uaitaceshi# % had told ad
ifor*ed the said defedat of the +alue of *auscri#t as s#ecified thereto i the
That o or about Dece*ber 12, 19B!, i the *uici#ality of <awit, Pro+ice of Ca+ite,
after a s2illful *aage*et actually ta2ig due ad+atage of our ac1uaitaceshi#,
defedat succeeded to ac1uire #ossessio of said *auscri#t,
That said defedat guarateed hi*self by deli+erig to *e wilfully, +olutarily, ad
uder o costrait whatsoe+er, a #ledge of security,
That defedat #ro*ised u#o his word of hoor to abide by the obligatio to retur ad
#roduce said *auscri#t u#o *y de*ad as rightful ower,
That later ad agai, o or about .auary 1, 19BH, said defedat willfully, +olutarily,
ad ulawfully *aaged to dis#ossess *e of the #ledge of security through a
icri*iatory *achiatio #re#ared ad de+ised by the sa*e defedat, effected ad
e/ecuted cotrary to law by city #olice*a badge )o, ABB ad thus ha+ig de#ri+ed of
the ecessary istru*ets as a lawful *eas of defese i case of a cotro+ersy li2e
this, the defedat herei a*ed willfully, +olutarily, ad feloiously refused ad still
refuses, ad will e+e refuse to retur ad #roduce the *auscri#t u#o *y de*ad as
rightful ower, ad has thereafter deied, ad still deies, ad will e+e dey ha+ig
recei+ed said *auscri#t, deceitfully, frauduletly, ad ulawfully co+erts ad
*isa##ro#riates the sa*e with itet to #rofit hi*self at *y ow detri*et ad #re0udice,
That the *auscri#t is *y source of ico*e ad it *ust therefore be +alued accordig to
its earig ca#acity to the a*out of two thousad #esos 4P2,0005 Phili##ie currecy or
its e1ui+alet +alue i pese#as,
That % a* willig to sub*it this to trial for the s#eedy ad*iistratio of .ustice,
4&gd,5 &(T-"( P-.% J >3=T%&T3
&ubscribed ad swor to before *e this B0, day of $arch, 19BH,
4&gd,5 F-")3)D( T, '%)%-;"3
%us#ice of #he (eace
Municipali#3 of Jawi#
4Causa Cri*ial )o, 10!A, .u6gado de Pa6 de <awit, Ca+ite5,
3fter the #reli*iary i+estigatio re1uired by law, the 0ustice of the #eace of <awit re*aded
the case to the Court of First %stace because it did ot fall uder his 0urisdictio ad he
reached the coclusio that there were reasoable grouds to belie+e that the cri*e was
co**itted ad that the accused was the oe who co**itted it, %stead of filig a ifor*atio
agaist the accused for the #ur#ose of chargig hi* with the aforesaid +iolatio of the "e+ised
Peal Code, the #ro+icial fiscal, without further #roceedigs, filed aother chargig hi* with
false testi*oy i a cri*ial case uder article 1I0 of the said Code, which is a feloy etirely
differet fro* that which had bee the sub0ect of the #reli*iary i+estigatio by the 0ustice of
the #eace of <awit, The ifor*atio so filed by the fiscal cotais the followig allegatios:
That o or about &e#te*ber 2@, 19BH, i the *uici#ality of <awit, Pro+ice of Ca+ite,
Phili##ie %slads, the said accused did the ad there ad there +olutarily, illegally ad
*aliciously ad 2owigly *a2e uder oath utruthful state*ets ad gi+e false
testi*oy agaist oe by the a*e (g Loo, the defedat i the cri*ial case
for es#afa )o, 10!! of the 0ustice of the #eace of <awit, Ca+ite, declarig falsely ad
2owigly that (g Loo had borrowed fro* hi* a certai *auscri#t for -glish %dio*s
i the *uici#ality of <awit, Ca+ite, ad that he had had gi+e hi* as security for the
retur to hi* of the said *auscri#t, two boo2s 4Webster dictioary ad -glish
gra**ar5, whe i truth ad i fact, as the accused 2ew it full well, that (g Loo did
ot borrow i <awit fro* hi* or elsewhere the said *auscri#t or he ga+e hi* the
Webster dictioary ad -glish gra**ar as security for the retur of the su##osed
Cotrary to law,
4Cri*ial case )o, @999, Court of First %stace of Ca+ite,5
The accused o arraig*et #leaded 8ot guilty,8 3fter trial has co**eced with the fiscal
#resetig his first witess, the accused ob0ected that he had ot bee gi+e a #reli*iary
i+estigatio ad that the cri*e with which he was the charged was etirely differet fro* that
which had bee i*#uted to hi* i the 0ustice of the #eace court, The 0udge the #residig o+er
the Court of First %stace of Ca+ite, the Foorable -*ilio PeTa, ha+ig foud the ob0ectio of
the accused to be well ta2e, ordered the trasfer of the case to the 0ustice of the #eace court of
the ca#ital of the #ro+ice to the ed that the ecessary #reli*iary i+estigatio be there
*ade, This doe, the 0ustice of the #eace retured the case to the Court of First %stace with
the re#ort that he did ot fid reasoable grouds to belie+e that the accused had co**itted
the cri*e of false testi*oy i a cri*ial case which had bee i*#uted to hi*, % +iew thereof,
o $ay 1@, 19B@, the said Court of First %stace the #resided by the Foorable Leo#oldo
"o+ira, ordered the filig away of the case, reser+ig, howe+er, to the #ro+icial fiscal the right
to file a ew ifor*atio whee+er should he dee* #ro#er with the aid of the sa*e #reli*iary
i+estigatio which the 0ustice of the #eace of the ca#ital of said #ro+ice had already
coducted, Fi+e days after, or o $arch 21, 19B@, the #ro+icial fiscal filed a ew ifor*atio i
a se#arate case 4cri*ial case )o, A1@A of the Court of First %stace of Ca+ite5 chargig the
sa*e accused &otero Pe0i >autista with false testi*oy i a cri*ial case, ad as2ed the .udge
Pastor $, -decia, the actig i the #lace of .udge "o+ira, #ersoally to coduct the
ecessary #reli*iary i+estigatio o the groud that the 0ustice of the #eace of the #ro+icial
ca#ital had #re+iously e/#ressed the o#iio that there were o reasoable grouds to belie+e
that the accused was guilty, This was doe, ad whe for*al trial was about to be held before
aother 0udge 4the Foorable $arcelo T, >oca 5, the accused raised the two 1uestios which,
resol+ed fa+orably to hi* through the a##ealed order, led to the fial dis*issal of the case,
1, %t is ot true, as has bee show by the &olicitor?;eeral, that the accused has ot
bee gi+e a #reli*iary i+estigatio, for this was coducted #recisely by the 0udge
hi*self Foorable Pastor $, -decia, o $ay 20, 19B@ as e+ideced by his order of
said date, which says:
%t a##earig fro* the #reli*iary i+estigatio *ade i this case that there are
reasoable grouds to belie+e that the accused has co**itted the cri*e of false
testi*oy ad that he is liable therefor, the arrest of the accused &otero Pe0i
>autista is ordered after which a day shall be set for the corres#odig trial,
2, )either is it true that said accused had bee twice #ut i 0eo#ardy or i dager of
beig tried for the sa*e cri*e of false testi*oy i a cri*ial case, 3ll that too2 #lace
was a #reli*iary i+estigatio i the first case, a*ely, that edorsed to the 0ustice of
the #eace of the ca#ital of the #ro+ice so that said i+estigatio *ight be coducted,
3d this #roceedig had to be ta2e because the accused as2ed for it, i+o2ig his right
to a #reli*iary i+estigatio before the sub*issio of the charge agaist hi*, Fe had
the udoubtedly a right to said i+estigatio because whe the fiscal first charged hi*
with false testi*oy i a cri*ial case, case )o, @999, said fiscal disregarded the
afore*etioed #rocedure ad for*ality, it ot beig #ossible to declare that the sa*e
were obser+ed 0ust because he had the* i case )o, 10!A of the 0ustice of the #eace
court of <awit for the reaso that i the latter case a cri*e distict fro* that i*#uted to
hi* afterwards was i+ol+ed, The "e+ised Peal Code di+ides false testi*oy ito three
for*s: first, false testi*oy i a cri*ial case 4arts, 1I0 ad 1I15 G secod, false
testi*oy i a ci+il case 4art, 1I25G ad third, false testi*oy i other cases, The
re1uisites for each of these three for*s are differet, ad the #ealties for each oe of
the* ad for each of their +ariatios are also differet, Fro* the foregoig it is ob+ious
that it is ot the sa*e thig to charge oe with false testi*oy i a cri*ial case ad to
charge hi* with false testi*oy i a ci+il case, ad with the sa*e cri*e i other cases,
Therefore, if there had bee othig *ore tha a #reli*iary i+estigatio, clearly it could ot be
said that the accused had e+er bee i 0eo#ardy, This is because a #reli*iary i+estigatio is
ot a trial or ay #art thereof ad does ot ha+e for its ob0ect that of deter*iig defiitely the
guilt of the accused by #roofs, couter#roofs, ad the other for*alities #rescribed by law, 4=,
&, vs& Ju Tuico, B! Phil,, 209,5
The 0ustice of the #eace of the ca#ital of the Pro+ice of Ca+ite, by reaso of the #ealty
#rescribed by law for the cri*e with which the accused was the charged, was ot co*#etet to
ta2e cogi6ace of case )o, @999 i which he did othig *ore tha to coduct, by delegatio
of the 0udge of the Court of First %stace, a #reli*iary i+estigatio #rayed for by the accused
hi*self, % this coectio it *ust be oted that the #ealties #rescribed for false testi*oy
agaist a accused i cri*ial cases are ot, or *ay they be lower tha arres#o ma3or or a
fie ot e/ceedig oe thousad #esos, ad that the #ealties which 0ustices of the #eace of
ca#itals of #ro+ices *ay i*#ose by +irtue of their origial 0urisdictio are arres#o which caot
e/ceed si/ *oths or a fie which caot e/ceed two hudred #esos or both #ealties at the
sa*e ti*e, 4&ectio 2, 3ct )o, 21B1,5
(e caot be cosidered to ha+e bee i 0eo#ardy uless the #rior 0udg*et, whether oe of
ac1uittal or co+ictio i the #ro#er case, has bee redered by a court ha+ig 0urisdictio to try
the sa*e by reaso of the cri*e with which he was charged ad the #ealty #rescribed therefor,
4;rafto vs& =,&, 20@ =, &,, BBBG 11 Phil,, AA@G =, &, vs& "ubi, 2I Phil,, @B1,5
% cases of lac2 of authority or 0urisdictio o the #art of the 0udge, the #roceedigs ta2e by hi*
are ull ad the trial of the accused uder said circu*staces has ot #laced hi* i dager of
co+ictio because there has bee o really +alid trial, Therefore, the right of the go+er*et to
#rosecute the cri*e subsists ad *ust be atteded to by the co*#etet 0udge called u#o to
ta2e cogi6ace of the sa*e, ad the defese of 0eo#ardy does ot lie agaist it, 4=,
&, vs& 3rceo, 11 Phil,, HB0G <e#er vs& =, &,, 19H =, &,, 100G 11 Phil,, @@9G =, &,, vs& .ay*e, 2!
Phil,, 90G =, &, vs& Ledes*a ad >erad, 29 Phil,, !B1,5
For the reasos set forth, it is e+idet that the fial dis*issal of the case ordered by the lower
court uder the circu*staces abo+e?*etioed was clearly erroeous, The order a##ealed
fro*, ot beig i accordace with law, *ust be re+ersed,
Wherefore, the aforesaid order is re+ersed ad it is ordered that the case be retured to the
lower court so that the trial *ay #roceed for the #ur#ose of recei+ig the e+idece which the
#rosecutio ad the defese *ay #reset, ad 0udg*et *ay be redered accordig to law,
with costs de oficio, &o ordered,
8vanceAa, '& %&, =illa,eal, Imperial, -aurel, 'oncepcion, and Moran, %%&, concur&
&-C()D D%'%&%()
!.R. No+. 1$20$0-$2 J'() 1, 200$
CLARO C. CASAM"RE,Petitioers,
,h)-r ca0ac-,6 a+ C)C?)r+ o2 ,h) D)0ar,C)(, o2 J'+,-c) 0a()8 o2 0ro+)c',or+
-(1)+,-7a,-(7 I.S. No+. 2006-225, 2006-226 a(/ 2006-2*&, JUSTICE SECRETAR9 RAUL M.
!ONALE, DIRECTOR !ENERAL ARTURO C. LOMI"AO, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ Ch-)2,
Ph-8-00-() Na,-o(a8 Po8-c), PDCSUPT. RODOL5O ". MENDOA, JR., a(/ PDSUPT.
9OLANDA !. TANI!UE,"es#odets,
/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/
!.R. No+. 1$20$&-$6 J'() 1, 200$
CRISPIN ". "ELTRAN, a(/ RA5AEL #. MARIANO, Petitioers,
RAUL M. !ONALE, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ S)cr),ar6 o2 ,h) D)0ar,C)(, o2 J'+,-c),
JO#ENCITO R. UBO, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ Ch-)2 S,a,) Pro+)c',or, ,h) Pa()8 o2
I(1)+,-7a,-(7 Pro+)c',or+ coC0o+)/ o2 EMMANUEL 9. #ELASCO, JOSELITA C.
;Pa()8<, RODOL5O ". MENDOA, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ Ac,-(7 D)0',6 D-r)c,or, D-r)c,ora,)
2or I(1)+,-7a,-o( a(/ D),)c,-1) Ma(a7)C)(, ;DIDM<, 9OLANDA !. TANI!UE, -( h)r
ca0ac-,6 a+ Ac,-(7 EE)c',-1) O22-c)r o2 DIDM, ,h) DEPARTMENT O5 JUSTICE ;DOJ<, a(/
/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/
!.R. No. 1$501* J'() 1, 200$
CRISPIN ". "ELTRAN, Petitioer,
PEOPLE O5 T3E P3ILIPPINES, SECRETAR9 RAUL M. !ONALE, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6 a+ ,h)
S)cr),ar6 o2 J'+,-c) a(/ o1)ra88 +'0)r-or o2 ,h) P'?8-c Pro+)c',or+, 3ONORA"LE
ENCARNACION JAJA !. MO9A, -( h)r ca0ac-,6 a+ Pr)+-/-(7 J'/7) o2 R)7-o(a8 Tr-a8
Co'r, o2 MaFa,- C-,6, "ra(ch 1&6, a(/ 3ONORA"LE ELMO M. ALAMEDA, -( h-+ ca0ac-,6
a+ Pr)+-/-(7 J'/7) o2 R)7-o(a8 Tr-a8 Co'r, o2 MaFa,- C-,6, "ra(ch 150, "es#odets,
D - C % & % ( )
The Case
These are cosolidated #etitios for the writs of #rohibitio ad certiorari to e0oi #etitioers7
#rosecutio for "ebellio ad to set aside the ruligs of the De#art*et of .ustice 4D(.5 ad
the "egioal Trial Court of $a2ati City 4"TC $a2ati5 o the i+estigatio ad #rosecutio of
#etitioers7 cases,
The Facts
Petitioer i ;,", )o, 1AH01B, Cris#i >, >eltra 4>eltra5, ad #etitioers i ;,", )os, 1A20A!?
A@, Li6a L, $a6a 4$a6a5, .oel ;, 'irador 4'irador5, &aturio C, (ca*#o 4(ca*#o5, Teodoro 3,
CasiTo 4CasiTo5, ad "afael ', $ariao 4$ariao5,
are *e*bers of the Fouse of
"e#resetati+es re#resetig +arious #arty?list grou#s,
Petitioers i ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 are
#ri+ate idi+iduals, Petitioers all face charges for "ebellio uder 3rticle 1B! i relatio to
3rticle 1BH of the "e+ised Peal Code i two cri*ial cases #edig with the "TC $a2ati,
;,", )o, 1AH01B 4The >eltra Petitio5
Followig the issuace by Presidet ;loria $aca#agal?3rroyo of Presidetial Procla*atio )o,
101A o 2! February 200@ declarig a 8&tate of )atioal -*ergecy,8 #olice officers
>eltra o 2H February 200@, while he was e route to $arilao, >ulaca, ad detaied hi* i
Ca*# Cra*e, Due6o City, >eltra was arrested without a warrat ad the arrestig officers did
ot ifor* >eltra of the cri*e for which he was arrested, ( that e+eig, >eltra was
sub0ected to a i1uest at the Due6o City Fall of .ustice for %citig to &editio uder 3rticle
1!2 of the "e+ised Peal Code based o a s#eech >eltra allegedly ga+e durig a rally i
Due6o City o 2! February 200@, o the occasio of the 20
ai+ersary of the -D&3
"e+olutio, The i1uest was based o the 0oit affida+it of >eltra7s arrestig officers who
clai*ed to ha+e bee #reset at the rally, The i1uest #rosecutor
idicted >eltra ad filed the
corres#odig %for*atio with the $etro#olita Trial Court of Due6o City 4$eTC5,
The authorities brought bac2 >eltra to Ca*# Cra*e where, o 2A February 200@, he was
sub0ected to a secod i1uest, with 1
Lt, Lawrece &a .ua 4&a .ua5, this ti*e for
"ebellio, 3 #ael of &tate #rosecutors
fro* the D(. coducted this secod i1uest, The
i1uest was based o two letters, both dated 2A February 200@, of Jolada Taigue 4Taigue5
ad of "odolfo $edo6a 4$edo6a5, Taigue is the 3ctig -/ecuti+e (fficer of the Cri*ial
%+estigatio ad Detectio ;rou# 4C%D;5, Phili##ie )atioal Police 4P)P5, while $edo6a is
the 3ctig De#uty Director of the C%D;, The letters referred to the D(. for a##ro#riate actio
the results of the C%D;7s i+estigatio i*#licatig >eltra, the #etitioers i ;,", )os, 1A20A!?
A@, &a .ua, ad se+eral others as 8leaders ad #ro*oters8 of a alleged foiled #lot to
o+erthrow the 3rroyo go+er*et, The #lot was su##osed to be carried out 0oitly by *e*bers
of the Co**uist Party of the Phili##ies 4CPP5 ad the $a2abayag <awal g Pili#ias
4$<P5, which ha+e for*ed a 8tactical alliace,8
( 2A February 200@, the D(. #ael of #rosecutors issued a "esolutio fidig #robable cause
to idict >eltra ad &a .ua as 8leadersN#ro*oters8 of "ebellio, The #ael the filed a
%for*atio with the "TC $a2ati, The %for*atio alleged that >eltra, &a .ua, ad other
idi+iduals 8cos#irig ad cofederatig with each other, / / /, did the ad there willfully,
ulawfully, ad feloiously for* a tactical alliace betwee the CPPN)P3, rea*ed as Partidog
<o*uista g Pili#ias 4P<P5 ad its ar*ed regular *e*bers as <ati#ua g 3a2 g >aya
4<3>5 with the $a2abayag <awal g Pili#ias 4$<P5 ad thereby rise #ublicly ad ta2e u#
ar*s agaist the duly costituted go+er*et, / / /,8
The %for*atio, doc2eted as Cri*ial
Case )o, 0@?!H2, was raffled to >rach 1BA uder Presidig .udge .ey Lid ", 3ldecoa?
Delorio 4.udge Delorio5,
>eltra *o+ed that >rach 1BA *a2e a 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause agaist
>efore the *otio could be resol+ed, .udge Delorio recused herself fro* the case which
was re?raffled to >rach 1!@ uder .udge -caracio .a0a?$oya 4.udge $oya5,
% its (rder dated B1 $ay 200@, >rach 1!@ sustaied the fidig of #robable cause agaist
>eltra sought recosideratio but .udge $oya also ihibited herself fro* the case
without resol+ig >eltra7s *otio, .udge -l*o $, 3la*eda of >rach 1H0, to who* the case
was re?raffled, issued a (rder o 29 3ugust 200@ deyig >eltra7s *otio,
Fece, the #etitio i ;,", )o, 1AH01B to set aside the (rders dated B1 $ay 200@ ad 29
3ugust 200@ ad to e0oi >eltra7s #rosecutio,
% his Co**et to the #etitio, the &olicitor ;eeral clai*s that >eltra7s i1uest for "ebellio
was +alid ad that the "TC $a2ati correctly foud #robable cause to try >eltra for such feloy,
;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 ad 1A20A!?A@ 4The $a6a ad Ladlad Petitios5
>ased o Taigue ad $edo6a7s letters, the D(. set sub#oeas to #etitioers o @ $arch
200@ re1uirig the* to a##ear at the D(. (ffice o 1B $arch 200@ 8to get co#ies of the
co*#lait ad its attach*et,8 Prior to their recei#t of the sub#oeas, #etitioers had 1uartered
the*sel+es iside the Fouse of "e#resetati+es buildig for fear of beig sub0ected to
warratless arrest,
Durig the #reli*iary i+estigatio o 1B $arch 200@, the cousel for the C%D; #reseted a
*as2ed *a, later idetified as .ai*e Fuetes 4Fuetes5, who clai*ed to be a eyewitess
agaist #etitioers, Fuetes subscribed to his affida+it before res#odet #rosecutor -**auel
'elasco who the ga+e co#ies of the affida+it to *edia *e*bers #reset durig the
#roceedigs, The #ael of #rosecutors
ga+e #etitioers 10 days withi which to file their
couter?affida+its, Petitioers were furished the co*#lete co#ies of docu*ets su##ortig the
C%D;7s letters oly o 1A $arch 200@,
Petitioers *o+ed for the ihibitio of the *e*bers of the #rosecutio #ael for lac2 of
i*#artiality ad ide#edece, cosiderig the #olitical *ilieu uder which #etitioers were
i+estigated, the state*ets that the Presidet ad the &ecretary of .ustice *ade to the *edia
regardig #etitioers7 case,
ad the *aer i which the #rosecutio #ael coducted the
#reli*iary i+estigatio, The D(. #ael of #rosecutors deied #etitioers7 *otio o 22 $arch
200@, Petitioers sought recosideratio ad additioally #rayed for the dis*issal of the cases,
Fowe+er, the #ael of #rosecutors deied #etitioers7 *otios o ! 3#ril 200@,
Petitioers ow see2 the ullificatio of the D(. (rders of 22 $arch 200@ ad ! 3#ril 200@,
3ctig o #etitioers7 #rayer for the issuace of a i0ucti+e writ, the Court issued a status 1uo
order o H .ue 200@, Prior to this, howe+er, the #ael of #rosecutors, o 21 3#ril 200@, issued
a "esolutio fidig #robable cause to charge #etitioers ad !@ others with "ebellio, The
#rosecutors filed the corres#odig %for*atio with >rach HA of the "TC $a2ati, doc2eted as
Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?9!! 4later cosolidated with Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?!H2 i >rach 1!@5,
chargig #etitioers ad their co?accused as 8#rici#als, *aster*ids, 9or: heads8 of a
Cose1uetly, the #etitioers i ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 filed a su##le*etal #etitio
to e0oi the #rosecutio of Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?9!!,
% his se#arate Co**et to the $a6a #etitio, the &olicitor ;eeral sub*its that the #reli*iary
i+estigatio of #etitioers was ot taited with irregularities, The &olicitor ;eeral also clai*s
that the filig of Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?9!! has *ooted the $a6a #etitio,
The %ssues
The #etitios raise the followig issues:
1, % ;,", )o, 1AH01B, 4a5 whether the i1uest #roceedig agaist >eltra for "ebellio was
+alid ad 4b5 whether there is #robable cause to idict >eltra for "ebellioG ad
2, % ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 ad 1A20A!?A@, whether res#odet #rosecutors should be e0oied
fro* cotiuig with the #rosecutio of Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?9!!,
The "ulig of the Court
We fid the #etitios *eritorious, ( the >eltra Petitio
The %1uest Proceedig agaist >eltra for "ebellio is 'oid,
%1uest #roceedigs are #ro#er oly whe the accused has bee lawfully arrested without
&ectio H, "ule 11B of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure #ro+ides the
istaces whe such warratless arrest *ay be effected, thus:
8rres# wi#hou# warran#; when lawful&K 3 #eace officer or a #ri+ate #erso *ay, without a
warrat, arrest a #erso:
4a5 Whe, i his #resece, the #erso to be arrested has co**itted, is actually co**ittig, or is
atte*#tig to co**it a offeseG
4b5 Whe a offese has 0ust bee co**itted ad he has #robable cause to belie+e based o
#ersoal 2owledge of facts or circu*staces that the #erso to be arrested has co**itted itG
/ / / /
% cases fallig uder #aragra#hs 4a5 ad 4b5 abo+e, the #erso arrested without a warrat shall
be forthwith deli+ered to the earest #olice statio or 0ail ad shall be #roceeded agaist i
accordace with sectio A of "ule 112,
The 0oit affida+it of >eltra7s arrestig officers
states that the officers arrested >eltra, without
a warrat,
for %citig to &editio, ad ot for "ebellio, Thus, the i1uest #rosecutor could
oly ha+e coducted O as he did coduct O a i1uest for %citig to &editio ad o other,
Cose1uetly, whe aother grou# of #rosecutors sub0ected >eltra to a secod i1uest
#roceedig for "ebellio, they o+erste##ed their authority rederig the secod i1uest +oid,
)oe of >eltra7s arrestig officers saw >eltra co**it, i their #resece, the cri*e of
"ebellio, )or did they ha+e #ersoal 2owledge of facts ad circu*staces that >eltra had
0ust co**itted "ebellio, sufficiet to for* #robable cause to belie+e that he had co**itted
"ebellio, What these arrestig officers alleged i their affida+it is that they saw ad heard
>eltra *a2e a allegedly seditious s#eech o 2! February 200@,
%deed, uder D(. Circular )o, @1, dated 21 &e#te*ber 199B, the iitial duty of the i1uest
officer is to deter*ie if the arrest of the detaied #erso was *ade 8i accordace with the
#ro+isios of #aragra#hs 4a5 ad 4b5 of &ectio H, "ule 11B,8
%f the arrest was ot #ro#erly
effected, the i1uest officer should #roceed uder &ectio 9 of Circular )o, @1 which #ro+ides:
Where 3rrest )ot Pro#erly -ffected,S &hould the %1uest (fficer fid that the arrest was ot
*ade i accordace with the "ules, he shall:
a5 reco**ed the release of the #erso arrested or detaiedG
b5 ote dow the dis#ositio o the referral docu*etG
c5 #re#are a brief *e*oradu* idicatig the reasos for the actio ta2eG ad
d5 forward the sa*e, together with the record of the case, to the City or Pro+icial
Prosecutor for a##ro#riate actio,
Where the reco**edatio for the release of the detaied #erso is a##ro+ed by the City or
Pro+icial Prosecutor but the e+idece o had warrat the coduct of a regular #reli*iary
i+estigatio, the order of release shall be ser+ed o the officer ha+ig custody of said detaiee
ad shall direct the said officer to ser+e u#o the detaiee the sub#oea or otice of #reli*iary
i+estigatio, together with the co#ies of the charge sheet or co*#lait, affida+it or swor
state*ets of the co*#laiat ad his witesses ad other su##ortig e+idece, 4-*#hasis
For the failure of >eltra7s #ael of i1uest #rosecutors to co*#ly with &ectio A, "ule 112 i
relatio to &ectio H, "ule 11B ad D(. Circular )o, @1, we declare >eltra7s i1uest
>eltra would ha+e bee etitled to a #reli*iary i+estigatio had he ot as2ed the trial
court to *a2e a 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause, which effecti+ely too2 the #lace of
such #roceedig,
There is )o Probable Cause to %dict
>eltra for "ebellio,
Probable cause is the 8e/istece of such facts ad circu*staces as would e/cite the belief i a
reasoable *id, actig o the facts withi the 2owledge of the #rosecutor, that the #erso
charged was guilty of the cri*e for which he was #rosecuted,8
To accord res#ect to the
discretio grated to the #rosecutor ad for reasos of #racticality, this Court, as a rule, does
ot iterfere with the #rosecutor7s deter*iatio of #robable cause for otherwise, courts would
be swa*#ed with #etitios to re+iew the #rosecutor7s fidigs i such i+estigatios,
i the few e/ce#tioal cases where the #rosecutor abused his discretio by igorig a clear
isufficiecy of e+idece to su##ort a fidig of #robable cause, thus deyig the accused his
right to substati+e ad #rocedural due #rocess, we ha+e ot hesitated to iter+ee ad
e/ercise our re+iew #ower uder "ule @H to o+ertur the #rosecutor7s fidigs,
This e/ce#tio
holds true here,
"ebellio uder 3rticle 1B! of the "e+ised Peal Code is co**itted O
9>:y risig #ublicly ad ta2ig ar*s agaist the ;o+er*et for the #ur#ose of re*o+ig fro*
the allegiace to said ;o+er*et or its laws, the territory of the "e#ublic of the Phili##ies or
ay #art thereof, or ay body of lad, a+al, or other ar*ed forces or de#ri+ig the Chief
-/ecuti+e or the Legislature, wholly or #artially, of ay of their #owers or #rerogati+es,
The ele*ets of the offese are:
1, That there be a 4a5 #ublic u#risig ad 4b5 ta2ig ar*s agaist the ;o+er*etG ad
2, That the #ur#ose of the u#risig or *o+e*et is either O
4a5 to re*o+e fro* the allegiace to said ;o+er*et or its laws:
415 the territory of the Phili##ies or ay #art thereofG or
425 ay body of lad, a+al, or other ar*ed forcesG or
4b5 to de#ri+e the Chief -/ecuti+e or Cogress, wholly or #artially, of ay of their
#owers ad #rerogati+es,
Thus, by its ature, rebellio is a cri*e of the *asses or *ultitudes i+ol+ig crowd actio doe
i furtherace of a #olitical ed,
The e+idece before the #ael of #rosecutors who coducted the i1uest of >eltra for
"ebellio cosisted of the affida+its ad other docu*ets
attached to the C%D; letters, We
ha+e goe o+er these docu*ets ad fid *erit i >eltra7s cotetio that the sa*e are
isufficiet to show #robable cause to idict hi* for "ebellio, The bul2 of the docu*ets
cosists of affida+its, so*e of which were swor before a otary #ublic, e/ecuted by *e*bers
of the *ilitary ad so*e ci+ilias, -/ce#t for two affida+its, e/ecuted by a certai "uel -scala
4-scala5, dated 20 Febuary 200@,
ad "aul Cachuela 4Cachuela5, dated 2B February
oe of the affida+its *etios >eltra,
% his affida+it, -scala recouted that i the
afteroo of 20 February 200@, he saw >eltra, (ca*#o, CasiTo, $a6a, $ariao, 'irador, ad
other idi+iduals o board a +ehicle which etered a chic2e far* i >ucal, Padre ;arcia,
>atagas ad that after the #assegers alighted, they were *et by aother idi+idual who
loo2ed li2e &a .ua, For his #art, Cachuela stated that he was a for*er *e*ber of the CPP
ad that 415 he atteded the CPP7s 810
Pleu*8 i 1992 where he saw >eltraG 425 he too2 #art
i cri*ial acti+itiesG ad 4B5 the ar*s he ad the other CPP *e*bers used were #urchased
#artly fro* cotributios by Cogressioal *e*bers, li2e >eltra, who re#reset #arty?list
grou#s affiliated with the CPP,
The allegatios i these affida+its are far fro* the #roof eeded to idict >eltra for ta2ig #art
i a ar*ed #ublic u#risig agaist the go+er*et, What these docu*ets #ro+e, at best, is
that >eltra was i >ucal, Padre ;arcia, >atagas o 20 February 200@ ad that 1! years
earlier, he was #reset durig the 1992 CPP Pleu*, )oe of the affida+its stated that >eltra
co**itted s#ecific acts of #ro*otig, *aitaiig, or headig a rebellio as foud i the D(.
"esolutio of 2A February 200@, )oe of the affida+its alleged that >eltra is a leader of a
rebellio, >eltra7s alleged #resece durig the 1992 CPP Pleu* does ot auto*atically *a2e
hi* a leader of a rebellio,
% fact, Cachuela7s affida+it stated that >eltra atteded the 1992 CPP Pleu* as 8Chair*a,
<ilusag $ayo =o 4<$=5,8 3ssu*ig that >eltra is a *e*ber of the CPP, which >eltra does
ot ac2owledge, *ere *e*bershi# i the CPP does ot costitute rebellio,
3s for the
alleged fudig of the CPP7s *ilitary e1ui#*et fro* >eltra7s cogressioal fuds, Cachuela7s
affida+it *erely cotaied a geeral coclusio without ay s#ecific act showig such fudig,
Cachuela *erely alleged that 8ag *ga ibag *ga #odo a*i ay galig sa *ga #arty list a
aihalal sa <ogreso tulad g >3J3) $=)3 O #i*u*uua ila &3T=" (C3$P( at C"%&P%)
>-LT"3), / / /,8
&uch a geeral coclusio does ot establish #robable cause,
% his Co**et to >eltra7s #etitio, the &olicitor ;eeral #oits to Fuetes7 affida+it, dated 2H
February 200@,
as basis for the fidig of #robable cause agaist >eltra as Fuetes #ro+ided
details i his state*et regardig *eetigs >eltra ad the other #etitioers atteded i 200H
ad 200@ i which #las to o+erthrow +ioletly the 3rroyo go+er*et were allegedly discussed,
a*og others,
The clai* is uteable, Fuetes7 affida+it was ot #art of the attach*ets the C%D; referred to
the D(. o 2A February 200@, Thus, the #ael of i1uest #rosecutors did ot ha+e Fuetes7
affida+it i their #ossessio whe they coducted the "ebellio i1uest agaist >eltra o that
day, %deed, although this affida+it is dated 2H February 200@, the C%D; first #reseted it oly
durig the #reli*iary i+estigatio of the other #etitioers o 1B $arch 200@ durig which
Fuetes subscribed to his state*et before res#odet #rosecutor 'elasco,
"es#odet #rosecutors later tried to re*edy this fatal defect by *otu #ro#rio sub*ittig to
>rach 1BA of the "TC $a2ati Fuetes7 affida+it as #art of their Co**et to >eltra7s *otio for
0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause, &uch belated sub*issio, a tacit ad*issio of the
dearth of e+idece agaist >eltra durig the i1uest, does ot i*#ro+e the #rosecutio7s case,
3ssu*ig the* to be true, what the allegatios i Fuetes7 affida+it *a2e out is a case for
Cos#iracy to Co**it "ebellio, #uishable uder 3rticle 1B@ of the "e+ised Peal Code, ot
"ebellio uder 3rticle 1B!, 3ttedace i *eetigs to discuss, a*og others, #las to brig
dow a go+er*et is a *ere #re#aratory ste# to co**it the acts costitutig "ebellio uder
3rticle 1B!, -+e the #rosecutio ac2owledged this, sice the feloy charged i the
%for*atio agaist >eltra ad &a .ua i Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?!H2 is Cos#iracy to Co**it
"ebellio ad ot "ebellio, The %for*atio *erely alleged that >eltra, &a .ua, ad others
cos#ired to for* a 8tactical alliace8 to co**it "ebellio, Thus, the "TC $a2ati erred whe it
e+ertheless foud #robable cause to try >eltra for "ebellio based o the e+idece before it,
The *iutes
of the 20 February 200@ alleged *eetig i >atagas betwee *e*bers of $<P
ad CPP, icludig >eltra, also do ot detract fro* our fidig,1aLMNphi1&ne# )owhere i the *iutes was
>eltra i*#licated, While the *iutes state that a certai 8Cris8 atteded the alleged *eetig,
there is o other e+idece o record idicatig that 8Cris8 is >eltra, &a .ua, fro* who* the
8flash dri+e8 cotaiig the so?called *iutes was allegedly ta2e, deies 2owig >eltra,
To re#eat, oe of the affida+its alleges that >eltra is #ro*otig, *aitaiig, or headig a
"ebellio, The %for*atio i Cri*ial Case )o, 0@?!H2 itself does ot *a2e such allegatio,
Thus, e+e assu*ig that the %for*atio +alidly charges >eltra for ta2ig #art i a "ebellio,
he is etitled to bail as a *atter of right sice there is o allegatio i the %for*atio that he is a
leader or #ro*oter of the "ebellio,
Fowe+er, the %for*atio i fact *erely charges >eltra
for 8cos#irig ad cofederatig8 with others i for*ig a 8tactical alliace8 to co**it rebellio,
3s worded, the %for*atio does ot charge >eltra with "ebellio but with Cos#iracy to
Co**it "ebellio, a bailable offese,
( the Ladlad ad $a6a Petitios
The Preli*iary %+estigatio was Taited
With %rregularities,
3s i the deter*iatio of #robable cause, this Court is si*ilarly loath to e0oi the #rosecutio
of offeses, a #ractice rooted o #ublic iterest as the s#eedy closure of cri*ial i+estigatios
fosters #ublic safety,
Fowe+er, such relief i e1uity *ay be grated if, a*og others, the sa*e
is ecessary 4a5 to #re+et the use of the strog ar* of the law i a o##ressi+e ad +idicti+e
or 4b5 to afford ade1uate #rotectio to costitutioal rights,
The case of the #etitioers
i ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 ad 1A20A!?A@ falls uder these e/ce#tios,
The #rocedure for #reli*iary i+estigatio of offeses #uishable by at least four years, two
*oths ad oe day is outlied i &ectio B, "ule 112 of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial
Procedure, thus:
Procedure.SThe #reli*iary i+estigatio shall be coducted i the followig *aer:
4a5 The co*#lait shall state the address of the res#odet ad shall be acco*#aied
by the affida+its of the co*#laiat ad his witesses, as well as other su##ortig
docu*ets to establish #robable cause, They shall be i such u*ber of co#ies as there
are res#odets, #lus two 425 co#ies for the official file, The affida+its shall be subscribed
ad swor to before ay #rosecutor or go+er*et official authori6ed to ad*iister oath,
or, i their absece or ua+ailability, before a otary #ublic, each of who* *ust certify
that he #ersoally e/a*ied the affiats ad that he is satisfied that they +olutarily
e/ecuted ad uderstood their affida+its,
4b5 Withi te 4105 days after the filig of the co*#lait, the i+estigatig officer shall
either dis*iss it if he fids o groud to cotiue with the i+estigatio, or issue a
sub#oea to the res#odet attachig to it a co#y of the co*#lait ad its su##ortig
affida+its ad docu*ets,
The res#odet shall ha+e the right to e/a*ie the e+idece sub*itted by the
co*#laiat which he *ay ot ha+e bee furished ad to co#y the* at his e/#ese, %f
the e+idece is +olu*ious, the co*#laiat *ay be re1uired to s#ecify those which he
iteds to #reset agaist the res#odet, ad these shall be *ade a+ailable for
e/a*iatio or co#yig by the res#odet at his e/#ese,
(b0ects as e+idece eed ot be furished a #arty but shall be *ade a+ailable for
e/a*iatio, co#yig, or #hotogra#hig at the e/#ese of the re1uestig #arty,
4c5 Withi te 4105 days fro* recei#t of the sub#oea with the co*#lait ad su##ortig
affida+its ad docu*ets, the res#odet shall sub*it his couter?affida+it ad that of
his witesses ad other su##ortig docu*ets relied u#o for his defese, The couter?
affida+its shall be subscribed ad swor to ad certified as #ro+ided i #aragra#h 4a5 of
this sectio, with co#ies thereof furished by hi* to the co*#laiat, The res#odet
shall ot be allowed to file a *otio to dis*iss i lieu of a couter?affida+it,
4d5 %f the res#odet caot be sub#oeaed, or if sub#oeaed, does ot sub*it couter?
affida+its withi the te 4105 day #eriod, the i+estigatig officer shall resol+e the
co*#lait based o the e+idece #reseted by the co*#laiat,
4e5 The i+estigatig officer *ay set a hearig if there are facts ad issues to be clarified
fro* a #arty or a witess, The #arties ca be #reset at the hearig but without the right
to e/a*ie or cross?e/a*ie, They *ay, howe+er, sub*it to the i+estigatig officer
1uestios which *ay be as2ed to the #arty or witess cocered,
The hearig shall be held withi te 4105 days fro* sub*issio of the couter?affida+its
ad other docu*ets or fro* the e/#iratio of the #eriod for their sub*issio, %t shall be
ter*iated withi fi+e 4H5 days,
4f5 Withi te 4105 days after the i+estigatio, the i+estigatig officer shall deter*ie
whether or ot there is sufficiet groud to hold the res#odet for trial, 4-*#hasis
%stead of followig this #rocedure scru#ulously, as what this Court had *adated i a earlier
rulig, 8so that the costitutioal right to liberty of a #otetial accused ca be #rotected fro* ay
*aterial da*age,8
res#odet #rosecutors ochalatly disregarded it, "es#odet
#rosecutors failed to co*#ly with &ectio B4a5 of "ule 112 which #ro+ides that the co*#lait
4which, with its attach*et, *ust be of such u*ber as there are res#odets5 be acco*#aied
by the affida+its of the co*#laiat ad his witesses, subscribed ad swor to before ay
#rosecutor or go+er*et official authori6ed to ad*iister oath, or, i their absece or
ua+ailability, before a otary #ublic, "es#odet #rosecutors treated the usubscribed letters
of Taigue ad $edo6a of the C%D;, P)P as co*#laits
ad acce#ted the affida+its attached
to the letters e+e though so*e of the* were otari6ed by a otary #ublic without ay showig
that a #rosecutor or 1ualified go+er*et official was ua+ailable as re1uired by &ectio B4a5 of
"ule 112,
Further, &ectio B4b5 of "ule 112 *adates that the #rosecutor, after recei+ig the co*#lait,
*ust deter*ie if there are grouds to cotiue with the i+estigatio, %f there is oe, he shall
dis*iss the case, otherwise he shall 8issue a sub#oea to the res#odets,8 Fere, after
recei+ig the C%D; letters, res#odet #rosecutors #ere*#torily issued sub#oeas to
#etitioers re1uirig the* to a##ear at the D(. office o 1B $arch 200@ 8to secure co#ies of the
co*#laits ad its attach*ets,8 Durig the i+estigatio, res#odet #rosecutors allowed the
C%D; to #reset a *as2ed Fuetes who subscribed to a affida+it before res#odet
#rosecutor 'elasco, 'elasco #roceeded to distribute co#ies of Fuetes7 affida+it ot to
#etitioers or their cousels but to *e*bers of the *edia who co+ered the #roceedigs,
"es#odet #rosecutors the re1uired #etitioers to sub*it their couter?affida+its i 10 days, %t
was oly four days later, o 1A $arch 200@, that #etitioers recei+ed the co*#lete co#y of the
attach*ets to the C%D; letters,1aLMNphi1&ne#
These ucotro+erted facts belie res#odet #rosecutors7 state*et i the (rder of 22 $arch
200@ that the #reli*iary i+estigatio 8was doe i accordace with the "e+ised "ules o9f:
Cri*ial Procedure,8
%deed, by #ere*#torily issuig the sub#oeas to #etitioers, toleratig
the co*#laiat7s atics durig the i+estigatio, ad distributig co#ies of a witess7 affida+it to
*e*bers of the *edia 2owig that #etitioers ha+e ot had the o##ortuity to e/a*ie the
charges agaist the*, res#odet #rosecutors ot oly tri+iali6ed the i+estigatio but also let
credece to #etitioers7 clai* that the etire #roceedig was a sha*,
3 #reli*iary i+estigatio is the crucial sie+e i the cri*ial 0ustice syste* which s#ells for a
idi+idual the differece betwee *oths if ot years of agoi6ig trial ad #ossibly 0ail ter*, o
the oe had, ad #eace of *id ad liberty, o the other had, Thus, we ha+e characteri6ed
the right to a #reli*iary i+estigatio as ot 8a *ere for*al or techical right8 but a
8substati+e8 oe, for*ig #art of due #rocess i cri*ial 0ustice,
This es#ecially holds true
here where the offese charged is #uishable by reclusio #er#etua ad *ay be o?bailable
for those accused as #rici#als,
Cotrary to the sub*issio of the &olicitor ;eeral, res#odet #rosecutors7 filig of the
%for*atio agaist #etitioers o 21 3#ril 200@ with >rach HA of the "TC $a2ati does ot
*oot the #etitios i ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 ad 1A20A!?A@, (ur #ower to e0oi #rosecutios
caot be frustrated by the si*#le filig of the %for*atio with the trial court,1aLMNphi 1&ne#
( "es#odet Prosecutors7 Lac2 of %*#artiality
We fid *erit i #etitioers7 doubt o res#odet #rosecutors7 i*#artiality, "es#odet
&ecretary of .ustice, who e/ercises su#er+isio ad cotrol o+er the #ael of #rosecutors,
stated i a iter+iew o 1B $arch 200@, the day of the #reli*iary i+estigatio, that, 8We 9the
D(.: will 0ust declare #robable cause, the it7s u# to the 9C:ourt to decide / / /,8
raised this issue i their #etitio,
but res#odets e+er dis#uted the +eracity of this state*et,
This clearly shows #re?0udg*et, a deter*iatio to file the %for*atio e+e i the absece of
#robable cause,
3 Fial Word
The ob+ious i+ol+e*et of #olitical cosideratios i the actuatios of res#odet &ecretary of
.ustice ad res#odet #rosecutors brigs to *id a obser+atio we *ade i aother e1ually
#olitically charged case, We reiterate what we stated the, if oly to e*#hasi6e the i*#ortace
of *aitaiig the itegrity of cri*ial #rosecutios i geeral ad #reli*iary i+estigatios i
#articular, thus:
9W:e caot e*#hasi6e too strogly that #rosecutors should ot allow, ad should a+oid, gi+ig
the i*#ressio that their oble office is beig used or #rostituted, wittigly or uwittigly, for
#olitical eds, or other #ur#oses alie to, or sub+ersi+e of, the basic ad fuda*etal ob0ecti+e
of obser+ig the iterest of 0ustice e+ehadedly, without fear or fa+or to ay ad all litigats
ali2e, whether rich or #oor, wea2 or strog, #owerless or *ighty, (ly by strict adherece to the
established #rocedure *ay be #ublic7s #erce#tio of the i*#artiality of the #rosecutor be
WF-"-F("-, we ;"3)T the #etitios, % ;,", )o, 1AH01B, we &-T 3&%D- the (rder dated
B1 $ay 200@ of the "egioal Trial Court, $a2ati City, >rach 1!@ ad the (rder dated 29
3ugust 200@ of the "egioal Trial Court, $a2ati City, >rach 1H0, % ;,", )os, 1A20A0?A2 ad
1A20A!?A@, we &-T 3&%D- the (rders dated 22 $arch 200@ ad ! 3#ril 200@ issued by
res#odet #rosecutors, We ("D-" the "egioal Trial Court, $a2ati City, >rach 1H0 to
D%&$%&& Cri*ial Case )os, 0@?!H2 ad 0@?9!!,
&( ("D-"-D,
3ssociate .ustice
W- C()C=":
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3sscociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
Ladlad vs. Velasco
=> M-Di
G.R. Nos. 1;20;0%;2 J'ne 1, 200;
"e1tr-n Petition:
On Fe=r'-r> 2G, 2008, PGMA si2ne. Presi.enti-1 Pro<1-0-tion No. 101; .e<1-rin2 - @St-te o5
N-tion-1 E0er2en<>.K Fo11oAin2 t4-t, /o1i<e oN<ers -rreste. Cris/in "e1tr-n on A4i1e 4e A-s
en ro'te to M-ri1-o, "'1-<-n, -n. .et-ine. 4i0 in C-0/ Cr-0e.
"e1tr-n A-s -rreste. Ait4o't - A-rr-nt -n. t4e -rrestin2 oN<ers .i. not in5or0 "e1tr-n o5
t4e <ri0e 5or A4i<4 4e A-s -rreste..
(e A-s s'=Ee<te. to - Hrst inI'est in&o1&in2 t4e <ri0e o5 in<itin2 to se.ition. T4is A-s =-se.
on - s/ee<4 "e1tr-n -11e2e.1> 2-&e .'rin2 - r-11> in !'eBon Cit> on 2G Fe=r'-r> 2008.
InI'est /rose<'tor 5o'n. /ro=-=1e <-'se.
"ASIS: Eoint -N.-&it o5 "e1tr-nCs -rrestin2 oN<ers A4o <1-i0e. to 4-&e =een /resent -t t4e
(e A-s -1so s'=Ee<te. to - se<on. inI'est in&o1&in2 t4e <ri0e o5 re=e11ion <on.'<te. => *OJ
st-te /rose<'tors.
T4e inI'est A-s =-se. on tAo 1etters 5ro0 CI*G e3e<'ti&e oN<er -n. .e/'t> .ire<tor. T4e
1etters <ont-ine. res'1ts o5 CI*GCs in&esti2-tion i0/1i<-tin2 "e1tr-n, et -1 -s @1e-.ers -n.
/ro0otersK o5 -n -11e2e. 5oi1e. /1ot to o&ert4roA t4e Arro>o 2o&ern0ent. *OJ st-te
/rose<'tors 5o'n. /ro=-=1e <-'se.
"e1tr-n o//oses t4e se<on. inI'est Hn.in2 /ro=-=1e <-'se t4-t 4e <o00itte. re=e11ion -n.
t4-t s'<4 inI'est A-s &oi..
L-.1-. -n. M-B- /etitions:
L-.1-., M-B-, et -1 Aere <-11e. 5or - /re1i0in-r> in&esti2-tion 5or t4e <ri0e o5 re=e11ion.
"-sis o5 t4e PI: res'1ts o5 t4e CI*G in&esti2-tion, <'11e. 5ro0 t4e "e1tr-n inI'est.
*'rin2 t4e PI, CI*G /resente. - 0-sDe. 0-n, 1-ter i.entiHe. -s J-i0e F'entes, A4o <1-i0e.
to =e -n e>eAitness -2-inst /etitioners. )e1-s<o, A4o A-s t4e /rose<'tor, 2-&e <o/ies o5 t4e
-N.-&it o5 F'entes to 0e.i- 0e0=ers /resent .'rin2 t4e /ro<ee.in2s.
L-.1-. 0o&e. 5or t4e in4i=ition o5 )e1-s<o <itin2 1-<D o5 i0/-rti-1it> -n. in.e/en.en<e,
<onsi.erin2 t4e /o1iti<-1 0i1ie' 'n.er A4i<4 /etitioners Aere in&esti2-te., t4e st-te0ents
t4-t t4e Presi.ent -n. t4e Se<ret-r> o5 J'sti<e 0-.e to t4e 0e.i- re2-r.in2 /etitionersC
<-se, -n. t4e 0-nner in A4i<4 t4e /rose<'tion /-ne1 <on.'<te. t4e /re1i0in-r>
F'rt4er0ore, t4e> <onten. t4-t t4e PI A-s t-inte. Ait4 irre2'1-rities -s not /'rs'-nt to R'1e
112 Se<?.
1. FON t4e inI'est 5or re=e11ion -2-inst "e1tr-n A-s &-1i.Y NO.
2. FON t4ere is /ro=-=1e <-'se to in.i<t "e1tr-n 5or re=e11ionY NO.
?. FON t4e PI <on.'<te. -2-inst L-.1-. -n. M-B- Aere t-inte. Ait4 irre2'1-rit>Y $ES.
T4e InI'est Pro<ee.in2 -2-inst "e1tr-n 5or Re=e11ion is )oi.. InI'est /ro<ee.in2s -re /ro/er
on1> A4en t4e -<<'se. 4-s =een 1-A5'11> -rreste. Ait4o't A-rr-nt.
T4e Eoint -N.-&it o5 "e1tr-nCs -rrestin2 oN<ers19 st-tes t4-t t4e oN<ers -rreste. "e1tr-n,
Ait4o't - A-rr-nt,18 5or In<itin2 to Se.ition, -n. not 5or Re=e11ion. T4's, t4e inI'est
/rose<'tor <o'1. on1> 4-&e <on.'<te. S -s 4e .i. <on.'<t S -n inI'est 5or In<itin2 to
Se.ition -n. no ot4er. ConseI'ent1>, A4en -not4er 2ro'/ o5 /rose<'tors s'=Ee<te. "e1tr-n
to - se<on. inI'est /ro<ee.in2 5or Re=e11ion, t4e> o&erste//e. t4eir -'t4orit> ren.erin2 t4e
se<on. inI'est &oi.. None o5 "e1tr-nCs -rrestin2 oN<ers s-A "e1tr-n <o00it, in t4eir
/resen<e, t4e <ri0e o5 Re=e11ion. Nor .i. t4e> 4-&e /erson-1 DnoA1e.2e o5 5-<ts -n.
<ir<'0st-n<es t4-t "e1tr-n 4-. E'st <o00itte. Re=e11ion, s'N<ient to 5or0 /ro=-=1e <-'se
to =e1ie&e t4-t 4e 4-. <o00itte. Re=e11ion. F4-t t4ese -rrestin2 oN<ers -11e2e. in t4eir
-N.-&it is t4-t t4e> s-A -n. 4e-r. "e1tr-n 0-De -n -11e2e.1> se.itio's s/ee<4 on 2G
Fe=r'-r> 2008.
Re=e11ion 'n.er Arti<1e 1?G o5 t4e Re&ise. Pen-1 Co.e is <o00itte. => risin2 /'=1i<1> -n.
t-Din2 -r0s -2-inst t4e Go&ern0ent 5or t4e /'r/ose o5 re0o&in2 5ro0 t4e -11e2i-n<e to s-i.
Go&ern0ent or its 1-As, t4e territor> o5 t4e Re/'=1i< o5 t4e P4i1i//ines or -n> /-rt t4ereo5, or
-n> =o.> o5 1-n., n-&-1, or ot4er -r0e. 5or<es or .e/ri&in2 t4e C4ie5 E3e<'ti&e or t4e
Le2is1-t're, A4o11> or /-rti-11>, o5 -n> o5 t4eir /oAers or /rero2-ti&es.
T4's, => its n-t're, re=e11ion is - <ri0e o5 t4e 0-sses or 0'1tit'.es in&o1&in2 <roA. -<tion
.one in 5'rt4er-n<e o5 - /o1iti<-1 en.. T4e e&i.en<e =e5ore t4e /-ne1 o5 /rose<'tors A4o
<on.'<te. t4e inI'est o5 "e1tr-n 5or Re=e11ion <onsiste. o5 t4e -N.-&its -n. ot4er
.o<'0ents29 -tt-<4e. to t4e CI*G 1etters. Fe 4-&e 2one o&er t4ese .o<'0ents -n. Hn.
0erit in "e1tr-nCs <ontention t4-t t4e s-0e -re ins'N<ient to s4oA /ro=-=1e <-'se to in.i<t
4i0 5or Re=e11ion.
Ass'0in2 t4-t "e1tr-n is - 0e0=er o5 t4e CPP, A4i<4 "e1tr-n .oes not -<DnoA1e.2e, 0ere
0e0=ers4i/ in t4e CPP .oes not <onstit'te re=e11ion.
T4e /rose<'tors 5-i1e. to <o0/1> Ait4 Se<tion ?- o5 R'1e 112 A4i<4 /ro&i.es t4-t t4e
<o0/1-int 0'st =e -<<o0/-nie. => t4e -N.-&its o5 t4e <o0/1-in-nt -n. 4is Aitnesses,
s'=s<ri=e. -n. sAorn to =e5ore -n> /rose<'tor or 2o&ern0ent oN<i-1 -'t4oriBe. to
-.0inister o-t4, or, in t4eir -=sen<e or 'n-&-i1-=i1it>, =e5ore - not-r> /'=1i<. (ere, t4e
/rose<'tors tre-te. t4e 'ns'=s<ri=e. 1etters o5 T-ni2'e -n. Men.oB- o5 t4e CI*G, PNP -s
<o0/1-ints -n. -<<e/te. t4e -N.-&its -tt-<4e. to t4e 1etters e&en t4o'24 so0e o5 t4e0
Aere not-riBe. => - not-r> /'=1i< Ait4o't -n> s4oAin2 t4-t - /rose<'tor or I'-1iHe.
2o&ern0ent oN<i-1 A-s 'n-&-i1-=1e -s reI'ire. => Se<tion ?+-, o5 R'1e 112.
Se<tion ?+=, o5 R'1e 112 -1so 0-n.-tes t4-t t4e /rose<'tor, -5ter re<ei&in2 t4e <o0/1-int,
0'st .eter0ine i5 t4ere -re 2ro'n.s to <ontin'e Ait4 t4e in&esti2-tion. I5 t4ere is none, 4e
s4-11 .is0iss t4e <-se, ot4erAise 4e s4-11 @iss'e - s'=/oen- to t4e res/on.ents.K (ere, -5ter
re<ei&in2 t4e CI*G 1etters, res/on.ent /rose<'tors /ere0/tori1> iss'e. s'=/oen-s to
/etitioners reI'irin2 t4e0 to -//e-r -t t4e *OJ oN<e on 1? M-r<4 2008 @to se<'re <o/ies o5
t4e <o0/1-ints -n. its -tt-<40ents.K
*'rin2 t4e in&esti2-tion, /rose<'tors -11oAe. t4e CI*G to /resent - 0-sDe. F'entes A4o
s'=s<ri=e. to -n -N.-&it =e5ore res/on.ent /rose<'tor )e1-s<o. )e1-s<o /ro<ee.e. to
.istri='te <o/ies o5 F'entesC -N.-&it not to /etitioners or t4eir <o'nse1s ='t to 0e0=ers o5
t4e 0e.i- A4o <o&ere. t4e /ro<ee.in2s. In.ee., => /ere0/tori1> iss'in2 t4e s'=/oen-s to
/etitioners, to1er-tin2 t4e <o0/1-in-ntCs -nti<s .'rin2 t4e in&esti2-tion, -n. .istri='tin2
<o/ies o5 - AitnessC -N.-&it to 0e0=ers o5 t4e 0e.i- DnoAin2 t4-t /etitioners 4-&e not 4-.
t4e o//ort'nit> to e3-0ine t4e <4-r2es -2-inst t4e0, res/on.ent /rose<'tors not on1>
tri&i-1iBe. t4e in&esti2-tion ='t -1so 1ent <re.en<e to /etitionersC <1-i0 t4-t t4e entire
/ro<ee.in2 A-s - s4-0. (en<e, t4e <o'rt <on<1'.e. t4-t t4ere A-s in.ee. /-rti-1it> on t4e
/-rt o5 t4e /rose<'tors A4o <on.'<te. t4e PI.
P4i1i//ineL-A.in5o J'ris/r'.en<e 1:G8 No&e0=er
P4i1i//ineL-A.in5o J'ris/r'.en<e P4i1. Re/. )o1. ;;
G.R. No. L-781, Regala v. CFI Bataan,
Re/'=1i< o5 t4e P4i1i//ines
No&e0=er 2:, 1:G8
G.R. No. L%;81
CEFERINO M. REGALA, re<'rrente,
BATAAN, re<'rri.o.
'res. :ernane. ( BaA$ian en representa%ion el re%$rrrente.
El J$e. re%$rrio en s$ propia representa%ion.
E1 re<'rrente es -<'s-.o en 1- <-'s- <ri0in-1 No. G?0; .e1
J'B2-.o .e Pri0er- Inst-n<i- .e "-t--n /or e1 .e1ito .e -sesin-to.
En 0->o 20, 1:G8 5'e in5or0-.o .e 1- I'ere11- > se .e<1-ro no
<'1/-=1e. Los testi2os, se2'n -I'e11-, er-n Fen<es1-o Cr'B,
Conr-.o M-n-1-< > otros.
En E'nio 8, .i- .esi2n-.o /-r- 1- &ist-, e1 Fis<-1 Pro&in<i-1 en &eB
.e -.'<ir s's /r'e=-s /resento 'n- I'ere11- en0en.-.-
in<1'>en.o <o0o -<'s-.os - 1os testi2os no0=r-.os en 1-
I'ere11-, Fen<es1-o Cr'B > <onr-.o M-U-1-<. En est- se2'n.-
I'ere11- se -1e2o I'e entre e1 re<'rrente > s's .os <o%-<'s-.os
4'=o <ons/ir-<ion, <on5e.er-<ion > ->'.- 0't'- <o0eter e1
.e1ito. A.0iti.- /or e1 E'B2-.o 1- I'ere11- en <'-nto - 1os
-<'s-.os Conr-.o M-n-1-< > Fen<es1-o Cr'B /-r- ser 'ti1iB-.os
<o0o testi2os .e 1- -<'s-<ion, -1e2-n.o 1-s <in<o <on.i<iones
I'e reI'ire e1 -rti<'1o :, Re21- 119. A est- /eti<ion -<<e.io e1
J'eB en s' or.en .e 8 .e E'nio .e 1:G8.
En E'nio 1G e1 re<'rrente /resento e1 -&iso .e -/e1-<ion <ontr-
.i<4- or.en, > 5'e .ene2-.- e1 1: .e1 0is0o 0es.
En E'nio 28 e1 re<'rrente /resento 'n- 0o<ion .e re<onsi.er-<ion
I'e 5'e .ene2-.- en 11 .e E'1io.
A1e2-n.o estos 4e<4os, e1 re<'rrente /resento s' /eti<ion ori2in-1
.e %ertiorari/i.ien.o I'e se-n -n'1-.-s /or este Tri='n-1 1-s
or.enes .e 8 .e E'nio > 11 .e J'1io .e 1:G8 .e1 J'B2-.o .e
Pri0er- Inst-n<i- .e "-t--n.
E1 re<'rrente -1e2- I'e si no se .iese <'rso - s' <it-.- -/e1-<ion
se <-'s-ri- irre/-r-=1e .-no - s's .ere<4os s'st-n<i-1es /orI'e
no tiene otro re0e.io 5-<i1, sen<i11o > -.e<'-.o. En <-so .e
<on.en-, e1 -<'s-.o /'e.e -/e1-r > en e1 E'B2-.o a A$e* /'e.e
.is<'tir to.os 1os errores <o0eti.os /or e1 E'B2-.o in5erior. Es e1
re0e.io or.in-rio I'e <on<e.e 1- 1e2is1-<ion &i2ente.
E1 re<'rrente -1e2- I'e 1- or.en .e1 E'eB .e 11 .e E'1io
.ene2-n.o 1- 0o<ion .e re<onsi.er-<ion es n'1- > .e nin2'n
&-1or /orI'e .i<4o E'eB o=ro sin E'ris.i<<ion, /'es s'
no0=r-0iento no 4- si.o -/ro=-.o /or 1- Co0ision .e
No0=r-0ientos, se2'n /'=1i<o 'n /erio.i<o .e 1- 0is0- 5e<4-.
No <onst- en -'tos I'e e1 E'eB 4->- teni.o <ono<i0iento .e t-1
.es-/ro=-<ion -ntes .e .i<t-r s' or.en, i0/'2n-.- .e i1e2-1. n
E'eB I'e .ese0/-n- s' <-r2o -ntes .e enter-rse .e 1-
.es-/ro=-<ion .e s' no0=r-0iento es 'n E'eB e fa%to. To.-s s's
-<t'-<iones oH<i-1es, <o0o E'eB e fa%to, son t-n &-1i.-s /-r-
to.os 1os Hnes 1e2-1es > /-r- to.- <1-se .e -s'ntos, <o0o 1-s .e
'n E'eB .eE're. +T->Do %ontra C-/istr-no, 9? J'r. Fi1., :2?.,
E1 re<'rrente > 1os .isi.entes -r2'>en I'e e1 E'eB, -1 /er0itir 1-
in<1'sion .e .os -<'s-.os > 1- -.i<ion .e 1-s /-1-=r-s: X=>
<ons/irin2, <on5e.er-tin2 -n. 4e1/in2 one -not4erX en 1- I'ere11-
en0en.-.-, -='so .e s' .is<re<ion <on in5r-<<ion .e1 -rti<'1o 1?,
Re21- 108 /orI'e I'e es- en0ien.- se- t-1. En 1- /ri0er-
I'ere11- se -<'s- -1 re<'rrente .e -'tor > en 1- en0e0.-.-
.e<o-'tor, /ero s' res/ons-=i1i.-. es 1- 0is0- en -0=-s. E1
<-0=io so1o se reHere - 1- 5or0- .e eEe<'<ion .e1 .e1itoJ /ero no
- 1- s'=st-n<i- .e1 .e1ito 0is0o. L- 5or0- .e eEe<'<ion es 0-s
=ien 0-teri- .e /r'e=-s > no .e -1e2-<iones, > 1os .et-11es
-1e2-.os en 1- I'ere11- en0en.-.- /'.ieron 4-=erse /ro=-.o
=-Eo 1- I'ere11- ori2in-1.
Los so1i<it-ntes en este e3/en.iente .e %ertiorari, -<'s-.os en
'n- I'ere11- /or -sesin-to, -1e2-n I'e e1 E'B2-.o se e3<e.io .e
s' E'ris.i<<ion > -='so .e e11- -1 /er0itir 1- en0ien.- .e 1-
I'ere11-. En 1- I'ere11- ori2in-1 se -12-=- I'e "r'no Are&-1o i=-
-r0-.o .e <ort-/1'0-s > Ce<i1io Are&-1o .e re&o1&er. En e1
I'ere11- en0en.-.-, I'e 5'e -.0it-.-, se -1e2- I'e "r'no
Are&-1o er- e1 I'e 11e&-=- e1 re&o1&er > Ce<i1io Are&-1o e1
En n'estr- o/inion, e1 E'B2-.o no -='so .e s' .is<re<ion. L-
en0ien.- .e 1- I'ere11- er- 0er-0ente .e 5or0-. No -5e<t- ni
-1ter- 1- n-t'r-1eB- .e1 .e1ito,/'es, se- "r'no o Ce<i1io e11 I'e
4->- <-'s-.o 1- 4eri.- 0ort-1, e1 .e1ito seri-1 e1 0is0o. T-0/o<o
-5e<t- - 1- e3tension .e 1- res/onsi=i1i.-. .e 1os so1i<it-ntes, to.-
&eB I'e, -1e2-n.ose en e1 I'ere11- I'e -0=os -<'s-.os
<ons/ir-ron > se ->'.-ron e1 'no -1 otro /-r- <o0eter e1 .e1ito,
seri-n res/ons-=1es en 1- 0is0- 0e.i.-, se- 'n- ' otro e1 I'e
inHrio 1- 4eri.- I'e /ro.'Eo 1- 0'erte .e1 o<<iso. Es, /or t-nto,
'n- en0ien.- /'r-0ente .e 5or0- I'e no -1ter-
s'st-n<i-10ente 1- I'ere11- ni -5e<t- - 1os .ere<4os .e 1os
-<'s-.os +Are&-1o > Are&-1o <ontr- Ne/o0'<eno, 8? J'r. Fi1., 889.,
A.e0-s, si e1 E'eB -<t'o <on in5r-<<ion o no .e1 Re21-0ento 5'e -
1o 0-s 'n error .e /ro<e.i0iento, > no 'n -='so .e .is<re<ion, ni
e3<eso o 5-1t- .e E'ris.i<<ion. T-1 error, si 1o es en re-1i.-., /'e.e
ser <orre2i.o en -/e1-<ion,.es/'es .e .i<t-.- senten<i-
.eHniti&- en /ri0er- inst-n<i-, > no en 'n- -<<ion .e %ertiorari.
So1-0ente /ro<e.e e1 re0e.io .e %ertiorari <'-n.o 'n tri='n-1,
en e1 eEe<'<ion .e s's 5'n<iones E'.i<i-1es, 4->- -<t'-.o sin
E'ris.i<<ion o <on e3<eso .e e11- o <on 2r-&e -='so .e .is<re<ion
> I'e, en 1- tr-0it-<ion or.in-ri-, no tiene e1 re<'rrente e1
re0e.io sen<i11o > e3/e.ito .e -/e1-<ion +Re21- 8;, -rti<'1o 1,. Si
/or <-.- error <o0eti.o /or 'n E'B2-.o .e %ertiorari, 1os -s'ntos
seri-n inter0in-=1es.
Se .eni2- 1- so1i<it'. <on 1-s <ost-s <ontr- e1 re<'rrente.
<oran, Pres., Paras, Ben&.on ( Pailla, <<., estan %onfor*es.
S#$%&%'# O$()(*)+
FERIA, J., <on<'rrin2:
I <on<'r in t4e res'1t 5or t4e 5o11oAin2 re-sons:
A<<or.in2 to se<tion 1, R'1e 8;, %ertiorari 1ies A4en - tri='n-1 or
oN<er e3er<isin2 E'.i<i-1 5'n<tions 4-s -<te. Ait4o't or in e3<ess
o5 its E'ris.i<tion, or Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion, -n. t4ere is
no -//e-1 nor -n> /1-in, s/ee.>, -n. -.eI'-te re0e.> in t4e
or.in-r> <o'rse o5 1-A.
T4ere is no .o'=t t4-t -//e-1 .oes not 1ie -2-inst -n or.er o5 -
<o'rt -.0ittin2 or .en>in2 t4e -0en.0ent o5 - <o0/1-int or
in5or0-tion, =e<-'se s'<4 or.er is in<i.ent-1 or inter1o<'tor> -n.
not Hn-1 in <4-r-<ter, t4-t is, it .oes nor /'t -n en. to t4e
or.in-r> /ro<ee.in2s o5 t4e <-se in <o'rt. Inter1o<'tor> or
in<i.ent-1 or.er 0-> =e i0/'2ne. -s erroneo's in t4e -//e11-te
<o'rt, A4en -//e-1 is t-Den 5ro0 t4e E'.20ent or or.er o5 t4e
1oAer <o'rt A4i<4 is Hn-1 in <4-r-<ter.
T4e I'estion to .eter0ine, t4ere5ore, is A4et4er or not t4e
res/on.ent E'.2e -<te. +a, Ait4o't or in e3<ess o5 t4e <o'rtZs
E'ris.i<tion, or +b, Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion, in -11oAin2 t4e
-0en.0ent o5 t4e in5or0-tion in t4is <-se.
+a, As to t4e Hrst I'estion, it is Ae11 DnoAn r'1e t4-t - <o'rt
4-&in2 E'ris.i<tion o&er t4e oMense <4-r2e. -n. t4e territor>
A4erein it A-s <o00itte., 4-s -1so E'ris.i<tion to .e<i.e -11
I'estions in<i.ent-1 to t4e <ri0in-1 /ro<ee.in2, s'<4 -s t4e
s'N<ien<> o5 - <o0/1-int or in5or0-tion, or A4et4er t4e
.e5en.-nt 4-s =een /re&io's1> <on&i<te. or in Eeo/-r.> o5 =ein2
<on&i<te. or -<I'itte. o5 t4e oMense <4-r2e., or is ins-ne. I5 t4e
.e<ision or reso1'tion on s'<4 I'estions is not <on5or0it> Ait4 or
-2-inst t4e 1-A, t4e <o'rt Ao'1. <o00it -n error, ='t not e3<ee.
its E'ris.i<tion. A E'.2e Ao'1. -<t in e3<ess o5 t4e <o'rtZs
E'ris.i<tion i5 4e /er5or0s or .oes -n -<t A4i<4 4e 4-s no /oAer
or -'t4orit> to .o, in <onne<tion Ait4 t4e /ro<ee.in2 o&er A4i<4
t4e <o'rt 4-s E'ris.i<tion. "'t to .e<i.e erroneo's1> - I'estion
A4i<4 it is Ait4in t4e <o'rtZs E'ris.i<tion to .e<i.e, is not -<tin2
=e>on. or in e3<ess o5 its E'ris.i<tion. To 4o1. ot4erAise Ao'1. =e
to s'st-in t4e -=s'r.it> t4-t - <o'rt -<ts Ait4in its E'ris.i<tion i5 it
.e<i.es - <-se in <on5or0it> Ait4 t4e 1-A, -n. in e3<ess o5 its
E'ris.i<tion o5 its .e<ision is erroneo's or <ontr-r> to 1-A.
Fro0 t4e 5ore2oin2, it ne<ess-ri1> 5o11oAs t4-t t4e .e<ision or
or.er o5 t4e res/on.ent E'.2e -11oAin2 t4e -0en.0ent o5 t4e
in5or0-tion -5ter t4e .e5en.-nt /etitioner 4-s /1e-.e. Ao'1. =e
erroneo's i5 it is -n -0en.0ent o5 s'=st-n<e -n. not o5 5or0, ='t
it Ao'1. not =e -n -<t =e>on. or in e3<ess o5 t4e <o'rtZs
E'ris.i<tion, =e<-'se t4e <o'rt 4-s /oAer or E'ris.i<tion to .e<i.e
t4-t I'estion. T4e res/on.ent E'.2e 4-s not, t4ere5ore, -<te.
Ait4o't or in e3<ess o5 t4e <o'rtZs E'ris.i<tion in -11oAin2 t4e
-0en.0ent o5 t4e in5or0-tion, 4oAe&er erroneo's t4-t reso1'tion
0-> =e.
+b, Fit4 res/e<t to t4e se<on., it 2oes Ait4o't s->in2, 5or it is o5
<o00on sense, t4-t i5 - /erson 4-s no /oAer to .o -n -<t, -n.
t4ere5ore no .is<retion to .o or not to .o it, it <-nnot =e s-i. t4-t
4e 4-s -<te. Ait4in, or Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5, 4is .is<retion in .oin2
or not .oin2 it. No one 0-> -='se - t4in2 t4-t 4e .oes not 4-&e.
I5 t4e res/on.ent E'.2e 4-s no .is<retion to -<t in one A-> or
-not4er, -s in t4e /resent <-se, 4e <o'1. not 4-&e -<te. Ait4
2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion, 5or 4e <-n not -='se - .is<retion A4i<4
.oes not 4-&e.
T4ere5ore t4e I'estion is re.'<e. to A4et4er or not t4e <o'rt 4-s
/oAer to -11oA t4e -0en.0ent in s'=st-n<e o5 -n in5or0-tion
-5ter t4e .e5en.-nt 4-s /1e-.e.. I5 it 4-s no /oAer to /er0it s'<4
-0en.0ent, it .oes 4-&e .is<retion to -11oA it or not =e<-'se
.is<retion s'//oses /oAer to .o.
Se<tion 1?, R'1e 108 o5 t4e R'1es o5 Co'rt, /ro&i.es:
SEC. 1?. 0*en*ent. R t4e in5or0-tion or <o0/1-int 0-> =e
-0en.e., in s'=st-n<e or 5or0, Ait4o't 1e-&e o5 <o'rt, -t -n>
ti0e =e5ore t4e .e5en.-nt /1e-.sJ -n. t4ere-5ter -n. .'rin2 t4e
tri-1 -s to -11 0-tters o5 5or0, => 1e-&e -n. -t t4e .is<retion o5 t4e
<o'rt, A4en t4e s-0e <-n =e .one Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to t4e ri24ts
o5 t4e .e5en.-nt.
A<<or.in2 to t4e -=o&e I'ote. /ro&isions, -5ter t4e .is<retion to
-11oA t4e -0en.0ent o5 -n in5or0-tion or <o0/1-int in 0-tters o5
5or0, ='t not in 0-tters o5 s'=st-n<e. T4e <o'rt 4-&in2 no /oAer
to -11oA -0en.0ent in s'=st-n<e it <o'1. not 4-&e .is<retion to
-11oA it or not, -n. 4en<e it <o'1. not 4-&e -<te. Ait4 2r-&e
-='se o5 .is<retion, A4i<4 t4e <o'rt .i. not 4-&e. T4ere5ore, t4e
res/on.ent E'.2e 4-s not -<te. Ait4 2r-&e -='se o5 .is<retion in
-.0ittin2 t4e -0en.0ent, e&en -ss'0in2 t4-t t4e -0en.0ent is
o5 s'=st-n<e.
F4ere5ore, %ertiorari .oes not 1ie in t4e /resent <-se, -n. t4e
/etition is .enie..
1$ason, J., <on<'rs.
HILADO, J., .issentin2:
I .issent.
P-r-2r-/4 8 o5 t4e /etition -11e2es t4-t on M-> 20, 1:G8,
/etitioner A-s -rr-i2ne. '/on t4e in5or0-tion Hrst H1e. => t4e
Pro&in<i-1 Fis<-1 'n.er .-te o5 M-> 8, 1:G8. In t4e ori2in-1
in5or0-tion t4e -<t i0/'te. '/on t4e /etitioner, -n. '/on hi*
alone, A-s t4-t o5 4-&in2 Di11e. one E5r-in "ri11o => s4ootin2 Ait4
- Hre-r0. A5ter /etitioner 4-. t4's =een -rr-i2ne., t4e Pro&in<i-1
Fis<-1 /resente. -n -0en.e. in5or0-tion .-te. J'ne 9, 1:G8,
<4-r2in2 t4ree /ersons, n-0e1>, /etitioner Ce5erino M. Re2-1-,
one Conr-.o M-n-1-< -n. one Fen<es1-o Cr'B Ait4 t4e -<t o5
4-&in2 Di11e. E5r-in "ri11o => s4ootin2 Ait4 - Hre-r0, t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion <4-r2in2 t4-t s-i. t4ree -<<'se. <ons/ire.,
<on5e.er-te. -n. 4e1/e. one -not4er in t4's Di11in2 E5r-in "ri11o.
P-r-2r-/4 9 o5 t4e res/on.entZs -nsAer e3/ress1> -.0its t4-t
/etitioner 4-. -1re-.> /1e-.e. not 2'i1t> to t4e ori2in-1
in5or0-tion A4en t4e res/on.ent <o'rt or.ere. t4e .is<4-r2e o5
t4e tAo neA .e5en.-nts Conr-.o M-n-1-< -n. Fen<es1-o Cr'B.
T4-t .is<4-r2e A-s so or.ere. '/on t4e Pro&in<i-1 Fis<-1Zs 0otion
o5 J'ne 9, 1:G8, I'ote. in P-r-2r-/4 8 o5 t4e /etition.
It, t4ere5ore, -//e-rs t4-t t4e -0en.0ent o5 t4e in5or0-tion A-s
0-.e => t4e Pro&in<i-1 Fis<-1 -n. -11oAe. => t4e res/on.ent
<o'rt after t4e .e5en.-nt +noA /etitioner, 4-. /1e-.e. not 2'i1t>
to t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion.
F-s t4e -0en.0ent 0ere1> 5or0-1, or A-s it s'=st-nti-1Y To
<4-r2e - /erson Ait4 4-&in2 alone Di11e. -not4er is not t4e s-0e
-s to t4e <4-r2e hi* an the t=o othersAit4 t4e Di11in2. T4-t t4e
Hrst -<t is s'=st-nti-11> R n->, essenti-11> R .iMerent 5ro0 t4e
se<on. is to 0> 0in. too o=&io's to reI'ire -r2'0ent. T4e Hrst
-<t is t4e -<t o5 on1> one in.i&i.'-1 A4i1e t4e se<on. is t4e -<t o5
t4ree. T4e Hrst -<t is t4e -<t o5 on1> one in.i&i.'-1 A4i1e t4e
se<on., i5 .'1> est-=1is4e., Ai11 res'1t in t4e <on&i<tion o5 three. To
s-> t4-t t4e -<t o5 one /erson is s'=st-nti-11> t4e s-0e -s t4e -<t
o5 t4ree /ersons, Ao'1. &irt'-11> =e t-nt-0o'nt to s->in2 t4-t one
-n. t4ree -rethe sa*e. (oA, t4en, <-n t4e Hrst -n. t4e se<on.
-<ts =e s'=st-nti-11> t4e s-0eY ConseI'ent1>, in t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion /etitioner A-s <4-r2e. Ait4 -n -<t
entire1> iCerent -n. istin%t 5ro0 t4-t <4-r2e. -2-inst 4i0 in t4e
ori2in-1 in5or0-tion. (en<e, t4e -0en.0ent A-s not 0ere1> in
5or0 ='t in s'=st-n<e. T4e s'=seI'ent .is<4-r2e o5 t4e -<<'se.
Conr-.o M-n-1-< -n. Fen<es1-o Cr'B <o'1. not, o5 <o'rse, -1ter
t4e /rin<i/1e.
T4e -0en.0ent .oes not re5er 0ere1> to t4e 5or0 o5 e3e<'tion o5
t4e <ri0e. I5 t4e one e3e<'tin2 Aere t4e sa*e /erson in =ot4
<-ses, t4en t4e st-te0ent Ao'1. =e <orre<t. "'t s'<4 is not t4e
sit'-tion 4ere R Ce5erino M. Re2-1-, Conr-.o M-n-1-< -n.
Fen<es1-o Cr'B, t4e -11e2e. /er/etr-tors o5 t4e <ri0e -<<or.in2
to t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion, -re not t4e sa*e -s Ce5erino M.
Re2-1-, t4e so1e oMen.er -<<or.in2 to t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion.
To 5'rt4er s'//ort t4eir t4esis, t4e 0-Eorit> -Nr0 t4-t t4e 5or0 o5
e3e<'tion is r-t4er - 0-tter o5 e&i.en<e t4-n o5 -11e2-tions -n.
t4-t t4e .et-i1s -11e2e. in t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion <o'1. 4-&e
=een /ro&en 'n.er t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion. Fe =e2 to /oint o't
t4e Ae-Dness o5 t4e -r2'0ent: => /ro&in2 t4e so%<-11e. .et-i1s
'n.er t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion t4e <on&i<tion o5 t4e three Di11ers
<o'1. ne&er 4-&e =een -tt-ine. 5or t4e si0/1e re-son t4-t tAo o5
t4e0 Aere not =ein2 /rose<'te. 'n.er s-i. ori2in-1 in5or0-tionJ
A4i1e => /ro&in2 t4e -11e2-tions o5 t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion +to
test t4e stren2t4 o5 t4e -r2'0ent Ae 0'st s'//ose t4-t Conr-.o
M-U-1-< -n. Fen<es1-o Cr'B Aere not .is<4-r2e., t4e <on&i<tion
o5 -11 three.e5en.-nts A4o 4-&e =een se<'re.. T4is .iMeren<e
=etAeen t4e ori2in-1 -n. -0en.e. in5or0-tions, - .iMeren<e
A4i<4 ne<ess-ri1> in&o1&es - s'=st-nti-1 <4-n2e in t4e <4-r2e.
T4e <4-r2e 'n.er t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion is no 1ess
s'=st-nti-11> .iMerent 5ro0 t4e <4-r2e <ont-ine. in t4e ori2in-1
in5or0-tion t4-n t4e .iMeren<e =etAeen three -n. one. T4e <-se
o5 0revalo an 0revalo vs. !epo*$%eno +8? P4i1., 82;, is not in
/oint. T4ere -re t4e -<<'se. 'n.er t4e ori2in-1 -n. -0en.e.
in5or0-tions Aere t4e s-0e tAo /ersons, "r'no Are&-1o -n.
Ce<i1io Are&-1o, t4e on1> .iMeren<e in t4e -11e2-tions <onsistin2 in
t4e .et-i1 o5 A4i<4 one o5 t4e0 A-s -r0e. Ait4 - /enDni5e -n.
A4i<4 A-s -r0e. Ait4 re&o1&er, ='t in t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion, -s
Ae11 -s in t4e -0en.e. one, t4e -<<'se. Aere t4e se15%s-0e tAo
/ersons. T4ere it A-s ri24t1> s-i. t4-t A4et4er "r'no A-s -r0e.
Ait4 - /enDni5e -n. Ce<i1io Ait4 - re&o1&er or &i<e &ers-, sin<e
t4e> Aere <4-r2e. Ait4 4-&in2 <ons/ire. -n. 4e1/e. e-<4 ot4er
in t4e <o00ission o5 t4e <ri0e, =ot4 <o'1. =e <on&i<te. to t4e
s-0e e3tent in one or ot4er <-se.
In t4e <-se -t =-r, i5 it 4-. =een -11e2e. in t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion t4-t t4e -<<'se. Re2-1- or.ere. Conr-.o M-U-1-<
-n. Fen<es1-o Cr'B to Di11 E5r-in "ri11o -n. onl(the sai
Re&ala A-s <4-r2e. Ait4 t4e <ri0e, it 0i24t =e <onten.e. Ait4
stron2er re-son t4-t t4e <4-n2e A-s 0ere1> in t4e 5or0 in t4e
5or0 o5 e3e<'tion. "'t s'<4 is not t4e <-se, -s -1re-.>
.e0onstr-te. -=o&e.
Anot4er s'=st-nti-1 -0en.0ent in&o1&e. in t4e <4-n2e 5ro0 t4e
ori2in-1 to t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion is t4e -'20ent-tion o5 t4e
Eeo/-r.> or .-n2er o5 /'nis40ent to A4i<4 t4e -<<'se. A-s
s'=Ee<te.. n.er t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion, in or.er to <on&i<t 4i0,
t4e e&i.en<e 0'st est-=1is4e. =e>on. re-son-=1e .o'=t t4-t 4e,
=> 4is oAn .ire<t -<t, Di11e. t4e &i<ti0. n.er t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion, -5ter /roo5 o5 <ons/ir-<> =etAeen 4i0 -n. 4is tAo
<o%-<<'se., 4e <o'1. =e <on&i<te. -s <o%-'t4or o5 t4e <ri0e e&en
Ait4o't /roo5 o5 4is 4-&in2 /erson-11> -n. .ire<t1> Di11e. or
/4>si<-11> /-rti<i/-te. in t4e Di11in2 o5 t4e &i<ti0, i5 s'N<ient
e&i.en<e Aere -..'<e. /ro&in2 t4-t t4e ot4er tAo or -n>one o5
t4e ot4er tAo -<<'se. <o00itte. t4e .ire<t -<t o5 Di11in2. T4e
-0en.0ent A4i<4 2i&es rise to t4is .iMeren<e o5 .-n2er o5
/'nis40ent <-nnot in -n> r-tion-1 sense =e <-11e. 0ere1> 5or0-1.
Neit4er <-n I -2ree Ait4 t4e &ieA o5 t4e 0-Eorit> t4-t Ae -re 4ere
<on<erne. -t 0ost Ait4 -n error o5 /ro<e.'re, -n. not -n -='se
o5 .is<retion. Neit4er <-n I s'=s<ri=e to t4e <oro11-r> o5 s-i.
/ro/osition, t4-t t4e error is on1> <orre2i=1e => -//e-1 -n. not
t4ro'24 %ertiorari. T4-t Ae -re .e-1in2 Ait4 t4e e3er<ise R
-<<or.in2 to 0> t4eor>, Ait4 - 2r-&e -='se R o5 t4e Co'rtZs
.is<retion, is /-tent 5ro0 t4e /ro&ision o5 R'1e 108, se<tion 1?
A4i<4 s->s t4-t -5ter /1e- -n. .'rin2 t4e tri-1 t4e in5or0-tion or
<o0/1-int 0-> =e -0en.e. -s to -11 0-tters o5 5or0 +-n. 0-> I
-.., -s to 0-tter o5 5or0 onl(, => 1e-&e -n. X-t t4e is%retion o5
t4e <o'rt,X A4en t4e s-0e <-n =e .one Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to t4e
ri24ts o5 t4e .e5en.-nt.
R'1e 108, se<tion 1?, in /ro&i.in2 t4-t -5ter /1e- -n. .'rin2 t4e
tri-1 t4e in5or0-tion or <o0/1-int 0-> =e -0en.e. X-s to -11
0-tters o5 5or0,X => 1e-&e -n. -t t4e .is<retion o5 t4e <o'rt, A4en
t4e s-0e <-n =e .one Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to t4e ri24ts o5 t4e
.e5en.-nt, ne<ess-ri1> .enies -11 /oAer -n. .is<retion to t4e
<o'rt -t t4-t st-2e o5 t4e /ro<ee.in2s, to -11oA -n> -0en.0ent in
T4e /resent C4ie5 J'sti<e o5 t4is <o'rt, in 4is Co00ent-ries on t4e
R'1es o5 Co'rt +)o1. II, 1:G0 e.., /. ?8:,, in /-rt s->s:
n.er t4is se<tion, t4e -0en.0ent o5 t4e <o0/1-int or
in5or0-tion, eit4er in s'=st-n<e or in 5or0, is -s to t4e /1-intiM,
/r-<ti<-11> - 0-tter o5 ri24t, i5 0-.e =e5ore t4e .e5en.-nt /1e-.sJ
t4ere-5ter, -0en.0ents -re -t t4e .is<retion o5 t4e <o'rt -n.
t4en on1> -s to 0-tters o5 5or0. . . . +E0/4-sis s'//1ie..,
T4is 1e-.s to t4e <on<1'sion t4-t t4e res/on.ent <o'rt -<te. Ait4
2r-&e -='se o5 its .is<retion in -11oAin2 t4e -0en.0ent in
An. I -0 o5 o/inion, Ait4 -11 .'e res/e<t to t4e 0-Eorit>, t4-t t4is
-<tion o5 t4e 1oAer <o'rt 0-> -n. s4o'1. =e <orre<te.
=> %ertiorari.
"'t it is s-i. t4-t -//e-1 A-s t4e /ro/er re0e.>. I 'n.erst-n. t4is
to 0e-n t4-t t4e -<<'se., noA /etitioner, s4o'1. 2o into tri-1
'n.er t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion, -A-it E'.20ent -n., i5
<on&i<te., -//e-1 t4ere5ro0, -n. on1> '/on s'<4 -//e-1 s4o'1.
4e =e -11oAe. to <o0/1-in -2-inst t4e error A4i<4, to 0> 0in.,
A-s /-1/-=1> <o00itte. => t4e res/on.ent <o'rt. S'//osin2 t4-t
'/on t4-t -//e-1 it s4o'1. =e .e<i.e. t4-t t4e error A-s re-11>
<o00itte. => t4e tri-1 <o'rt. F4-t t4en Ao'1. t4e -//e11-te <o'rt
.oY To <orre<t t4e error, it 0'st .e<1-re t4-t t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion A-s erroneo's1> -.0itte.J -n. t4-t tri-1 <o'rt 4-.
2r-&e1> -='se. its .is<retion in so -.0ittin2 s-i. /1e-.in2. In
s'<4 - <-se t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion Ai11 ne<ess-ri1> =e 4e1.
i11e2-11> -.0itte.J -n. I <-n not see 4oA t4e -//e11-te <o'rt <-n
t4en -&oi. .e<1-rin2 in&-1i. -11 t4e /ro<ee.in2s 4-. t4ere'n.er,
-n. to A4i<4 t4e -<<'se. Ai11 4-&e =een so inE'rio's1> s'=Ee<te..
T4e error 'n.er <onsi.er-tion is o5 s'<4 n-t're => re-son o5 its
in<i.en<e, t4-t, i5 it s4o'1. =e .e<1-re. to 4-&e =een <o00itte.,
-11 t4e /ro<ee.in2s 4-. 'n.er t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion Ao'1.
4-&e to =e -nn'11e. -n. t4e <-se Ao'1. nee. - re%tri-1. S'<4 -n
error s4o'1., I t4inD, =e .istin2'is4e. 5ro0 -n error <orre2i=1e
'/on -//e-1=itho$t nee of ann$llin& the pro%eein&s in the
%o$rt belo= an re*anin& the %ase for reDtrial. T4e Hrst Din. o5
error striDes -t t4e &er> 5o'n.-tion o5 t4e /ro<ee.in2s =e1oA,
A4i1e t4e se<on. 0ere1> <on<erns .et-i1s o5 s'<4 /ro<ee.in2s. In
t4e Hrst, -//e-1 Ai11 5-11 5-r s4ort o5 =ein2 - s/ee.> -n. -.eI'-te
re0e.>J in t4e se<on., it Ai11 not. It is in <-ses o5 t4e Hrst <1-ss
on1> A4ere I t4inD %ertiorari is t4e /ro/er re0e.>. A11 ot4er <-ses
Ao'1. 5-11 'n.er t4e se<on. <1-ss, -n. Ae <-n s-5e1> s-> t4e>
<onstit'te => 5-r t4e 2re-ter n'0=er.
Fe 0'st re0e0=er t4-t t4is is not - <i&i1 <-se R it is - <ri0in-1
/rose<'tion 5or 0'r.er, .'rin2 t4e /ro2ress -n. /en.en<> o5
A4i<4 R it 0-> Ae11 1-st o&er one >e-r R t4e -<<'se., A4o is
/res'0e. to =e inno<ent 'nti1 &-1i.1> <on&i<te., Ai11 =e s'=Ee<te.
to t4e 0or-1 -n. ner&o's tort're in<i.ent to t4e n-t're o5 t4e
<-se, -n. e&en 4is /erson-1 1i=ert> 0-> =e -.&erse1> -Me<te. i5
4e =e .enie. =-i1.
In &ieA o5 t4e 5ore2oin2 <onsi.er-tions, I s'=0it t4-t -//e-1
Ao'1. 5-11 5-r s4ort o5 =ein2 - s/ee.> -n. -.eI'-te re0e.> 5or
t4is /etitioner.
I5 t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion is 4e1. to =e in&-1i. 5or 4-&in2 =een
erroneo's1> -.0itte., t4ere s4o'1. =e no 5e-r t4-t t4is -<<'se.
Ao'1. 2o 'n/'nis4e. Ait4o't tri-1. In s'<4 - <-se t4e -0en.e.
in5or0-tion =ein2 in&-1i., t4e ori2in-1 in5or0-tion 0'st =e
.ee0e. ne&er to 4-&e =een s'/erse.e. t4ere=> -n., t4ere5ore,
sti11 st-n.s. T4e -<<'se. s4o'1. t4en =e /rose<'te. 'n.er t4e
s-i. ori2in-1 in5or0-tion. "'t i5 t4is <o'rt 4o1. t4-t - 0ist-De 4-s
=een 0-.e <4-r2in2 t4e /ro/er oMense in t4e ori2in-1
in5or0-tion, t4en in t4-t <-se t4e Co'rt o5 First Inst-n<e -n. or.er
t4e H1in2 o5 - neA one <4-r2in2 t4e /ro/er oMense, /ro&i.e. t4e
.e5en.-nt Ao'1. not t4ere=> /1-<e in .o'=1e Eeo/-r.>, /'rs'-nt
to R'1e 108, se<tion 1?, se<on. /-r-2r-/4.
I t4inD /etitioner is entit1e. to t4e Arit o5 %ertiorari t4-t 4e seeDs,
-n. t4-t t4is <o'rt s4o'1. -nn'1 t4e -<tion o5 t4e res/on.ent
<o'rt in -.0ittin2 t4e -0en.e. in5or0-tion -n. -11 /ro<ee.in2s
4-. t4ere-5ter, Ait4 t4e /ro/er instr'<tions.
BRIONES, M., .isi.ente:
E1 -rti<'1o 1?, Re2-1- 108, .e1 Re21-0ento .e 1os Tri='n-1es,
/res<ri=e 1o si2'ente:
SEC. 1?. 0*en*ents. R T4e in5or0-tion or <o0/1-int 0-> =e
-0en.e., in s'=st-n<e or 5or0, Ait4o't 1e-&e o5 <o'rt, -n> ti0e
=e5ore t4e .e5en.-nts /1e-.sJ -n. t4ere-5ter -n. .'rin2 t4e tri-1
-s to -11 0-tters o5 5or0, => 1e-&e -n. -t t4e .is<retion o5 t4e
<o'rt, A4enn t4e s-0e <-n =e .one Ait4o't /reE'.i<e to t4e
ri24ts o5 t4e .e5en.-nt.
333 333 333
Res'1t- e&i.ente, .e 1o tr-ns<rito, I'e .es/'es .e 4-=er
<ontens-.o e1 -<'s-.o - 1- I'ere11-, est- no /'e.e en0en.-rse
s'st-n<i-10ente, en s' 5on.o, sino so1o en <'estion .e 5or0-,
/re&io /er0iso .e1 tri='n-1, > -'n e11o so1-0ente <'-n.o /'e.e
4-<erse sin /erE'i<io .e 1os .ere<4os .e1 -<'s-.o. L- <'estion,
/'es, I'e tene0os I'e .eter0in-r en e1 /resente <-so es +1, si 1-
re5or0- .e 1- <ontest-<ion .e Xno <'1/-=1e,X es o no s'st-n<i-1J >
+2, si .i<4- re5or0- /'e.e o no /reE'.i<-r 1os .ere<4os .e1
No <-=e .'.- .e I'e 1- en0ien.- en <'estion es s'st-n<i-1, .e
5on.o. E&i.ente0ente e1 Fis<-1 re5or0o 1- I'ere11-, en e1 senti.o
.e in<1'ir <o0o -<'s-.os - Conr-.o M-U-1-< > Fen<es1-o Cr'B >
-1e2-n.o I'e estos <ons/ir-ron <on e1 re<'rrente, Ce5erino
Re2-1-, /-r- <o0eter e1 .e1ito .e -sesin-to, - Hn .e /o.er /e.ir
in0e.i-t-0ente e1 so=resei0iento .e 1- <-'s- <ontr- 1os n'e&os
-<'s-.os > 'ti1iB-r1os <o0o testi2os .e <-r2o <ontr- .i<4o Re2-1-.
E5e<ti&-0ente, esto 5'e 1o I'e 4iBo e1 Hs<-1, > en <onse<'en<i- e1
E'B2-.o or.eno e1 so=resei0iento /e.i.o .e<ret-n.o 1-
1i=e=er-<ion .e 1os n'e&os -<'s-.os > 4-=i1it-n.o1os .e est-
0-ner- /-r- ser testi2os .e 1- -<'s-<ion.
No es .iH<i1 0-2in-rse 1- sit'-<ion .e1 Fis<-1. Sin 1os n'e&os
-<'s-.os <o0o testi2os .e <-r2o, /ro=-=1e0ente t'&ier- 'n <-so
0'> QoEo <ontr- Re2-1-. Esto, /or 'n 1-.o. Por otro, se .e=e
/res'0ir I'e Conr-.o M-n-1-< > Fen<es1-o Cr'B no est-ri-n
.is/'estos - .e1-r-r - 5-&or .e 1- -<'s-<oin in<ri0in-n.ose - si
0is0os, - 0enos I'e 5'esen 1i=er-.os /ren&i-0ente .e to.-
res/onsi=i1i.-. -1 tenor .e1 -rti<'1o :, Re21- 119, .e1 Re21-0ento
.e 1os Tri='n-1es. *e -4i I'e e1 Fis<-1 se 4->- &isto o=1i2-.o -
re5or0-r 1- I'ere11- en e1 senti.o in.i<-to. [Co0o 4- .e ser,
/'es, .e 0er- 5or0- 'n- en0ien.- I'e <-0=i- t-n r-.i<-10ente
1-s /osi<iones E'ri.i<-s res/e<ti&-s .e1 -<'s-.o > .e 1-
!'e 1- en0ien.- es /erE'.i<i-1 - 1os .ere<4os .e1 re<'rrente, es
<os- s-1t- - 1- &ist-. Por &irt'. .e es- en0ien.-, I'e /er0ite -1
Fis<-1 -0/-r-r - M-U-1-< > Cr'B <on 1- <or-B- .e 1- in0'ni.-., e1
re<'rrente tiene -4or- I'e en<-r-rse <on .os testi2os I'e
/'e.en /es-r .e<isi&-0ente en e1 res'1t-.o .e 1- <-'s- <ontr- e1.
Se -r2'>e, sin e0=-r2o, I'e e1 re0e.io /ro<e.ente no es
e1 %ertiorari, sino 1- -/e1-<ion, <'-n.o 1- <-'s- se ter0ine .e
0o.o -.&erso -1 -<'s-.o. Creo I'e esto es 'n error. Es .o<trin-
Hr0e0ente est-=1e<i.- I'e e1 %ertiorari /ro<e.e, -'n <'-n.o se-
5-<ti=1e 1- -/e1-<ion, <'-n.o est- no o5re<e 'n re0e.io e3/e.ito
> -.e<'-n.o. T-1 es e1 <-so I'e nos o<'/-. E1 -='so .e .is<re<ion
<o0eti.o /or e1 tri='n-1 in5erior /'e.e -5e<t-r > tr-storn-r
r-.i<-10ente e1 /1-n .e .e5ens- .e1 -<'s-.oJ -si I'e 1e interes- -
este /re&enir e1 .-Uo -ntes .e I'e o<'rr-, > esto so1-0ente se
/'e.e <onse2'ir /or 0e.io .e 'n re<'rso r-/i.o > eH<-B
e1 %ertiorari. L- -/e1-<ion seri-, - 1o 0-s, 'n re0e.io <'r-ti&o,
/ero t-r.io, <'-n.o e1 .-Uo - 1os .ere<4os .e1 -<'s-.o >- se
4-=ri- <ons'0-.o, -<-so irre/-r-=1e0ente. Entre -0=-s
ter-/e'ti<-s%1- /re&enti&- > 1- <'r-ti&-%1- /ri0er- es
in.'.-=1e0ente 1- 0eEor, no so1o en 0e.i<in-, sino en to.os 1os
or.enes .e 1- &i.-.
Creo, /'es, I'e e1 re0e.io so1i<it-.o .e=e <on<e.erse.
;e#ublic of the Phili##ines
Su#re/e Court
+ versus %
G.R. No. 17;077
V:'ASC&, (;$, J., Cairperson,
M:.&KA, and
Au"ust 31, 2011
2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +2
1his is a #etition for revie! on certiorari seeGin" to reverse and set aside the
dated &ctober 13, 2005 of the Court of A##eals 7CA8 in CA+3$;$ C;
.o$ 24465, !hich in turn affir/ed in toto the ecision of the ;e"ional 1rial Court
7;1C8, Aranch 120, Caloocan City, in Cri/inal Case .o$ C+5505, convictin"
#etitioner of Violation of Section 11, Article II of ;e#ublic Act 7;A8 .o$ 915,, or
the Co*preensive #angerous #rugs Act of
1he factual and #rocedural antecedents are as follo!sD
In an Infor/ation
dated .ove/ber 11, 2002, #etitioner Abraha/ C$ Miclat,
(r$ !as char"ed for Violation of Section 11, Article II of ;A .o$ 915,, the
accusatory #ortion of !hich readsD
1hat on or about the 04
day of .ove/ber 2002, in Caloocan City, Metro
Manila and !ithin the Furisdiction of this 9onorable Court, the above+na/ed
accused, !ithout the authority of la!, did then and there !illfully and feloniously
have in his #ossession, custody and control )%ETHA%PHETA%INE=
HYDROCHLORIDE >SHABU? !ei"hin" 0$26 "ra/, Gno!in" the sa/e to be a
dan"erous dru" under the #rovisions of the above+cited la!$
C&.1;A;B 1& 'A<$ 7:/#hasis su##lied$8
@#on arrai"n/ent, #etitioner, !ith the assistance of counsel #leaded not
"uilty to the cri/e char"ed$ ConseOuently, trial on the /erits ensued$
1o establish its case, the #rosecution #resented Police Ins#ector (essie
Abadilla ela ;osa 7PNIns# ela ;osa8, ?orensic Che/ical &fficer of the
Phili##ine .ational Police 7P.P8 Cri/e 'aboratory, .P+C'&, Caloocan City
Police Station and Police &fficer 3 ;odri"o Antonio 7P&3 Antonio8 of the
Caloocan Police Station J ru" :nforce/ent @nit$ 1he testi/ony of the #olice
investi"ator, P&3 ?ernando Moran 7P&3 Moran8, !as dis#ensed !ith after
#etitionerIs counsel ad/itted the facts offered for sti#ulation by the #rosecution$
&n the other hand, the defense #resented the #etitioner as its sole
!itness$ 1he testi/onies of Abraha/ Miclat, Sr$ and Ma$ Conce#cion Miclat, the
father and sister, res#ectively, of the #etitioner !as dis#ensed !ith after the
#rosecution a"reed that their testi/onies !ere corroborative in nature$
E7(-"'3" @o! $2" P!o4"3u$(o'
?irst to testify for the #rosecution !as PNIns#$ (essie Abadilla ela ;osa,
?orensic Che/ical &fficer of the P.P Cri/e 'aboratory, .P+C'&, Caloocan
City Police Station !ho, on the !itness stand, affir/ed his o!n findin"s in
Physical Science ;e#ort .o$ +1222+02 7:2hs$ >,C >+1,C and >+2C8 that #er
Oualitative e2a/ination conducted on the s#eci/en sub/itted, the !hite
crystalline substance !ei"hin" 0$0, "ra/, 0$05 "ra/, 0$00 "ra/, and 0$05 "ra/
then contained inside four 768 se#arate #ieces of s/all heat+sealed trans#arent
#lastic sachets 7:2hs$ >+6C to >+0C8 "ave #ositive result to the test for
Methyla/#heta/ine 7sic8 9ydrochloride, a dan"erous dru"$
Also, thru the testi/ony of P&3 ;odri"o Antonio of the Caloocan Police
Station+ru" :nforce/ent @nit, Sa/son ;oad, Caloocan City, the #rosecution
further endeavored to establish the follo!in"D
At about 1D00 oIclocG in the afternoon of .ove/ber 4, 2002, PNIns#$ (ose
Valencia of the Caloocan City Police Station+S:@ called u#on his subordinates
after the 7sic8 receivin" an I.?&;:P Me/o fro/ Ca/# Cra/e relative to the
illicit and do!n+ri"ht dru"+tradin" activities bein" undertaGen alon" Pal/era
S#rin" II, Aa"u/bon", Caloocan City involvin" Abe Miclat, <ily alias >AoGboGC
and one Mic or (oFo 7:2hs$ >:,C >:+1,C and 7sic8 >:+3,C and >:+6C8$ I//ediately,
PNIns#$ Valencia for/ed a surveillance tea/ headed by SP&6 :rnesto Paltin" and
is co/#osed of five 7,8 /ore o#eratives fro/ the ru" :nforce/ent @nit,
na/elyD P&3 Pa"solin"an, P&2 Modina, P&2 e &ca/#o, and herein !itness
P&3 Antonio$ After a short briefin" at their station, the tea/ boarded a rented
#assen"er Fee#ney and #roceeded to the tar"et area to verify the said infor/ant
andNor /e/orandu/$
<hen the "rou# of SP&6 Paltin" arrived at Pal/era S#rin"
II, Caloocan City at around 3D,0 oIclocG that sa/e afternoon, they !ere )at* once
led by their infor/ant to the house of one Alias >Abe$C P&3 Antonio then
#ositioned hi/self at the #eri/eter of the house, !hile the rest of the /e/bers of
the "rou# de#loyed the/selves nearby$ 1hru a s/all o#enin" in the curtain+
covered !indo!, P&3 Antonio #ee#ed inside and there at a distance of 1Q /eters,
he sa! >AbeC arran"in" several #ieces of s/all #lastic sachets !hich he believed
to be containin" shabu$ Slo!ly, said o#erative inched his !ay in by "ently
#ushin" the door as !ell as the #ly!ood coverin" the sa/e$ @#on "ainin"
entrance, P&3 Antonio forth!ith introduced hi/self as a #olice officer !hile
>Abe,C on the other hand, after bein" infor/ed of such authority, voluntarily
handed over to the for/er the four 768 #ieces of s/all #lastic sachets the latter
!as earlier sortin" out$ P&3 Antonio i//ediately #laced the sus#ect under arrest
and brou"ht hi/ and the four 768 #ieces of #lastic sachets containin" !hite
crystalline substance to their headOuarters and turned the/ over to P&3 ?ernando
Moran for #ro#er dis#osition$ 1he sus#ect !as identified as Abraha/ Miclat y
Cerbo a$G$a >AA:,C 19 years old, sin"le, Fobless and a resident
ofMa"inha!a Villa"e, Pal/era S#rin" II, Aa"u/bon", Caloocan City$
E7(-"'3" @o! $2" D"@"'4"
&n the other hand, the )#etitioner* has a different version of the incident
co/#letely o##osed to the theory of the #rosecution$ &n the !itness stand, he
alle"ed that at about 6D00 oIclocG in the afternoon of .ove/ber 4, 2002, !hile he,
to"ether !ith his sister and father, !ere at the u##er level of their house !atchin"
the television soa# >Cindy,C they suddenly heard a co//otion do!nstairs
#ro/#tin" the three 738 of the/ to "o do!n$ 1here already inside !ere several
/ale individuals in civilian clothes !ho introduced the/selves as raidin" #olice
o#eratives fro/ the S:@ out to effect his 7Abe8 arrest for alle"ed dru"
#ushin"$ )Petitioner* and his father tried to #lead his case to these officers, but to
no avail$ Instead, one of the o#eratives even GicGed )#etitioner* at the bacG !hen
he tried to resist the arrest$ I//ediately, )#etitioner* !as handcuffed and to"ether
!ith his father, they !ere boarded inside the #olice vehicle$ 1hat on their !ay to
the Aa"on" Silan" Police Station, P&3 Pa"solin"an sho!ed to )#etitioner* a s/all
#iece of #lastic sachet containin" !hite crystalline substances alle"edly recovered
by the raidin" #olice tea/ fro/ their house$ At around 9D00 oIclocG in the
evenin", )#etitioner* !as transferred to the San"andaan 9eadOuarters !here he
!as finally detained$ 1hat u#on )#etitionerIs* transfer and detention at the said
headOuarters, his father !as ordered to "o ho/e$
&n (uly 24, 2006, the ;1C, after findin" that the #rosecution has established
all the ele/ents of the offense char"ed, rendered a ecision
convictin" #etitioner
of Violation of Section 11, Article II of ;A .o$ 915,, the dis#ositive #ortion of
!hich readsD
<9:;:?&;:, fro/ the facts established, the Court finds the
accused ABRAHA% %ICLAT Y CERBO AGUILTYB beyond reasonable
doubt of the cri/e of #ossession of a dan"erous dru"s 7sic8 defined and #enaliMed
under the #rovision of Section 11, sub+#ara"ra#h .o$ 738, Article II of ;e#ublic
Act .o$ 915, and hereby i/#oses u#on hi/ an indeter/inate #enalty of 4(8 >;?
:"&!4 &'- o'" >1? -&: $o $1")7" >1/? :"&!4 o@ (#!(4o'#"'$, in vie! of the
absence of a""ravatin" circu/stances$ 1he Court liGe!ise orders the accused to
#ay the a/ount of 1hree 9undred 1housand Pesos 7Ph#300,000$008 as fine$
'et the 0$26 "ra/ of shabu subFect /atter of this case be confiscated and
forfeited in favor of the 3overn/ent and to be turned over to the Phili##ine ru"
:nforce/ent A"ency for #ro#er dis#osition$
S& &;:;:$ 7:/#hasis su##lied$8
A""rieved, #etitioner sou"ht recourse before the CA, !hich a##eal !as later
docGeted as CA+3$;$ C; .o$ 24465$
&n &ctober 13, 2005, the CA rendered a ecision
affir/in" in toto the
decision of the ;1C, the dis#ositive #ortion of !hich readsD
9HEREFORE, the fore"oin" considered, the a##eal is
hereby DIS%ISSED and the assailed ecision AFFIR%ED in toto$ Costs
a"ainst the accused+a##ellant$
SO ORDERED$ 7:/#hasis su##lied$8
In affir/in" the ;1C, the CA ratiocinated that contrary to the contention of
the #etitioner, the evidence #resented by the #rosecution !ere all ad/issible
a"ainst hi/$ Moreover, it !as established that he !as infor/ed of his
constitutional ri"hts at the ti/e of his arrest$ 9ence, the CA o#ined that the
#rosecution has #roven beyond reasonable doubt all of the ele/ents necessary for
the conviction of the #etitioner for the offense of ille"al #ossession of dan"erous
9ence, the #etition raisin" the follo!in" errorsD
1$ <9:19:; &; .&1 A P&'IC: S@;V:I''A.C: 1:AM S:.1 1&
:1:;MI.: 19: V:;ACI1B &? A CAMP C;AM:M:M&;A.@M &?
S9AA@ 1;AI.3 AC1IVI1B A1 CA'&&CA. CI1B, <9IC9 C&.V:;1:
19:I; MISSI&. ?;&M S@;V:I''A.C: 1& A ;AII.3 1:AM, CA.
VA'I'B MA=: A. A;;:S1 A. S:A;C9 <I19&@1 A VA'I
<A;;A.1 9AVI.3 A::. ?I;S1 &A1AI.: ?;&M A C&@;1 &?
C&MP:1:.1 (@;ISIC1I&.$
2$ <9:19:; &; .&1 P::PI.3 19;&@39 A C@;1AI.+C&V:;:
<I.&< IS <I19I. 19: M:A.I.3 &? >P'AI. VI:< &C1;I.:C ?&;
A <A;;A.1':SS S:IK@;: 1& A: 'A<?@'$
3$ <9:19:; &; .&1 19: A:'I:? &? P&3 A.1&.I& 19A1 19: ?&@; 768
PI:C:S &? P'AS1IC SAC9:1S A'':3:'B A:I.3 A;;A.3: AB
P:1I1I&.:; C&.1AI.: S9AA@ (@S1I?I: 9IS :.1;B I.1& 19:
9&@S: A. A;;:S1 P:1I1I&.:; <I19&@1 A.B <A;;A.1$
6$ <9:19:; &; .&1 A;;A.3I.3 ?&@; 768 PI:C:S &? P'AS1IC
SAC9:1S C&.S1I1@1: AS A C;IM: <I19I. 19: M:A.I.3 &?
S:C1I&. , 738, ;@': 113 &? 19: ;@':S &? C&@;1$
,$ <9:19:; &; .&1 P:1I1I&.:; <AS P;&P:;'B APP;AIS: 7SIC8 &?
9IS C&.S1I1@1I&.A' ;I391S 1& A: I.?&;M: &? 19: CA@S: A.
.A1@;: &? 9IS A;;:S1 A. ;I391 1& A: ASSIS1: AB C&@.S:'
@;I.3 19: P:;I& &? 9IS A;;:S1 A. C&.1I.@: :1:.1I&.$
5$ <9:19:; &; .&1 19: C&.VIC1I&. AB 19: '&<:; C&@;1 &? 19:
P:1I1I&.:;, AS A??I;M: AB 19: 9&.&;AA': C&@;1 &? APP:A'S,
&. 19: AASIS &? A. I'':3A' S:A;C9 A. A;;:S1, IS C&;;:C1$
Si/#ly stated, #etitioner is assailin" the le"ality of his arrest and the
subseOuent seiMure of the arrestin" officer of the sus#ected sachets of dan"erous
dru"s fro/ hi/$ Petitioner insists that he !as Fust !atchin" television !ith his
father and sister !hen #olice o#eratives suddenly bar"ed into their ho/e and
arrested hi/ for ille"al #ossession of sabu$
Petitioner also #osits that bein" seen in the act of arran"in" several #lastic
sachets inside their house by one of the arrestin" officers !ho !as #ee#in" throu"h
a !indo! is not sufficient reason for the #olice authorities to enter his house
!ithout a valid search !arrant andNor !arrant of arrest$ Ar"uin" that the act of
arran"in" several #lastic sachets by and in itself is not a cri/e per se,#etitioner
/aintains that the entry of the #olice surveillance tea/ into his house !as ille"al,
and no a/ount of incri/inatin" evidence !ill taGe the #lace of a validly issued
search !arrant$ Moreover, #ee#in" throu"h a curtain+covered !indo! cannot be
conte/#lated as !ithin the /eanin" of the #lain vie! doctrine, renderin" the
!arrantless arrest unla!ful$
Petitioner also contends that the chain of custody of the alle"ed ille"al dru"s
!as hi"hly Ouestionable, considerin" that the #lastic sachets !ere not /arGed at
the #lace of the arrest and no acGno!led"/ent recei#t !as issued for the said
?inally, #etitioner clai/s that the arrestin" officer did not infor/ hi/ of his
constitutional ri"hts at any ti/e durin" or after his arrest and even durin" his
detention$ 9ence, for this infraction, the arrestin" officer should be #unished
1he #etition is bereft of /erit$
At the outset, it is a##arent that #etitioner raised no obFection to the
irre"ularity of his arrest before his arrai"n/ent$ Considerin" this and his active
#artici#ation in the trial of the case, Furis#rudence dictates that #etitioner is dee/ed
to have sub/itted to the Furisdiction of the trial court, thereby curin" any defect in
his arrest$
An accused is esto##ed fro/ assailin" any irre"ularity of his arrest if
he fails to raise this issue or to /ove for the Ouashal of the infor/ation a"ainst hi/
on this "round before arrai"n/ent$ Any obFection involvin" a !arrant of arrest or
the #rocedure by !hich the court acOuired Furisdiction over the #erson of the
accused /ust be /ade before he enters his #lea- other!ise, the obFection is dee/ed
In the #resent case, at the ti/e of #etitionerIs arrai"n/ent, there !as no
obFection raised as to the irre"ularity of his arrest$ 1hereafter, he actively
#artici#ated in the #roceedin"s before the trial court$ In effect, he is dee/ed to
have !aived any #erceived defect in his arrest and effectively sub/itted hi/self to
the Furisdiction of the court tryin" his case$ At any rate, the ille"al arrest of an
accused is not sufficient cause for settin" aside a valid Fud"/ent rendered u#on a
sufficient co/#laint after a trial free fro/ error$ It !ill not even ne"ate the validity
of the conviction of the accused$
1rue, the Aill of ;i"hts under the #resent Constitution #rovides in #artD
S:C$ 2$ 1he ri"ht of the #eo#le to be secure in their #ersons, houses,
#a#ers, and effects a"ainst unreasonable searches and seiMures of !hatever nature
and for any #ur#ose shall be inviolable, and no search !arrant or !arrant of arrest
shall issue e2ce#t u#on #robable cause to be deter/ined #ersonally by the Fud"e
after e2a/ination under oath or affir/ation of the co/#lainant and the !itnesses
he /ay #roduce, and #articularly describin" the #lace to be searched and the
#ersons or thin"s to be seiMed$
9o!ever, a settled e2ce#tion to the ri"ht "uaranteed by the above+stated
#rovision is that of an arrest /ade durin" the co//ission of a cri/e, !hich does
not reOuire a #reviously issued !arrant$ Such !arrantless arrest is considered
reasonable and valid under Section , 7a8, ;ule 113 of the ;evised ;ules on
Cri/inal Procedure, to !itD
Sec$ ,$ Arrest witout warrant8 wen lawful$ R a #eace office of a #rivate
#erson /ay, witout a warrant, arrest a #ersonD
7a8 <hen, in is presence, the #erson to be arrested has
co//itted, is actually co**itting, or is atte/#tin" to co//it an
?or the e2ce#tion in Section , 7a8, ;ule 113 to o#erate, this Court has ruled
that t!o 728 ele/ents /ust be #resentD 718 the #erson to be arrested /ust e2ecute an
overt act indicatin" that he has Fust co//itted, is actually co//ittin", or is
atte/#tin" to co//it a cri/e- and 728 such overt act is done in the #resence or
!ithin the vie! of the arrestin" officer$
In the instant case, contrary to #etitionerIs contention, he !as cau"ht in
flagrante delicto and the #olice authorities effectively /ade a valid !arrantless
arrest$ 1he established facts reveal that on the date of the arrest, a"ents of the
Station ru" :nforce/ent @nit 7S:@8 of the Caloocan City Police Station !ere
conductin" a surveillance o#eration in the area of Pal/era S#rin" II to verify the
re#orted dru"+related activities of several individuals, !hich included the
#etitioner$ urin" the o#eration, P&3 Antonio, throu"h #etitionerIs !indo!, sa!
#etitioner arran"in" several #lastic sachets containin" !hat a##ears to be sabu in
the livin" roo/ of their ho/e$ 1he #lastic sachets and its sus#icious contents !ere
#lainly e2#osed to the vie! of P&3 Antonio, !ho !as only about one and one+half
/eters fro/ !here #etitioner !as seated$ P&3 Antonio then inched his !ay in the
house by "ently #ushin" the door$ @#on "ainin" entrance, the o#erative introduced
hi/self as a #olice officer$ After !hich, #etitioner voluntarily handed over to P&3
Antonio the s/all #lastic sachets$ P&3 Antonio then #laced #etitioner under arrest
and, contrary to #etitionerIs contention, P&3 Antonio infor/ed hi/ of his
constitutional ri"hts$
P&3 Antonio then tooG the #etitioner and the four 768
#ieces of #lastic sachets to their headOuarters and turned the/ over to P&3
Moran$ 1hereafter, the evidence !ere /arGed >AMC 1+6,C the initials of the na/e
of the #etitioner$ 1he heat+sealed trans#arent sachets containin" !hite crystalline
substance !ere sub/itted to the P.P Cri/e 'aboratory for dru" e2a/ination,
!hich later yielded #ositive results for the #resence of /etha/#heta/ine
hydrochloride, a dan"erous dru" under ;A .o$ 915,$
Considerin" the circu/stances i//ediately #rior to and surroundin" the
arrest of the #etitioner, #etitioner !as clearly arrestedin flagrante delicto as he !as
then co//ittin" a cri/e, violation of the an"erous ru"s Act, !ithin the vie! of
the arrestin" officer$
As to the ad/issibility of the seiMed dru"s in evidence, it too falls !ithin the
established e2ce#tions$
Verily, no less than the 1940 Constitution /andates that a search and
conseOuent seiMure /ust be carried out !ith a Fudicial !arrant- other!ise, it
beco/es unreasonable, and any evidence obtained therefro/ shall be inad/issible
for any #ur#ose in any #roceedin"$
1he ri"ht a"ainst !arrantless searches and
seiMure, ho!ever, is subFect to le"al and Fudicial e2ce#tions, na/elyD
1$ <arrantless search incidental to a la!ful arrest-
2$ Search of evidence in S#lain vie!S-
3$ Search of a /ovin" vehicle-
6$ Consented !arrantless search-
,$ Custo/s search-
5$ Sto# and ?risG- and
0$ :2i"ent and e/er"ency circu/stances$
<hat constitutes a reasonable or unreasonable !arrantless search or seiMure
is #urely a Fudicial Ouestion, deter/inable fro/ the uniOueness of the
circu/stances involved, includin" the #ur#ose of the search or seiMure, the
#resence or absence of #robable cause, the /anner in !hich the search and seiMure
!as /ade, the #lace or thin" searched, and the character of the articles #rocured$
It is to be noted that #etitioner !as cau"ht in the act of arran"in" the heat+
sealed #lastic sachets in #lain si"ht of P&3 Antonio and he voluntarily surrendered
the/ to hi/ u#on learnin" that he is a #olice officer$ 1he seiMure /ade by P&3
Antonio of the four #lastic sachets fro/ the #etitioner !as not only incidental to a
la!ful arrest, but it also falls !ithin the #urvie! of the >#lain vie!C doctrine$
O5C"3$4 falling in plain view o@ &' o@@(3"! 12o 2&4 & !(<2$ $o 5" (' &
o4($(o' $o 2&7" $2&$ 7("1 &!" 4u5C"3$ $o 4"(Du!" "7"' 1($2ou$ & 4"&!32
1&!!&'$ &'- #&: 5" ('$!o-u3"- (' "7(-"'3"$ 1he >#lain vie!C doctrine a##lies
!hen the follo!in" reOuisites concurD >&? $2" )&1 "'@o!3"#"'$ o@@(3"! (' 4"&!32
o@ $2" "7(-"'3" 2&4 & !(o! Cu4$(@(3&$(o' @o! &' ('$!u4(o' o! (4 (' & o4($(o'
@!o# 12(32 2" 3&' 7("1 & &!$(3u)&! &!"&E >5? $2" -(43o7"!: o@ "7(-"'3"
(' )&(' 7("1 (4 ('&-7"!$"'$E >3? ($ (4 (##"-(&$"): &&!"'$ $o $2" o@@(3"! $2&$
$2" ($"# 2" o54"!7"4 #&: 5" "7(-"'3" o@ & 3!(#", 3o'$!&5&'- o! o$2"!1(4"
4u5C"3$ $o 4"(Du!"$ 1he la! enforce/ent officer /ust la!fully /aGe an initial
intrusion or #ro#erly be in a #osition fro/ !hich he can #articularly vie! the
area$ In the course of such la!ful intrusion, he ca/e inadvertently across a #iece
of evidence incri/inatin" the accused$ 1he obFect /ust be o#en to eye and hand
and its discovery inadvertent$ 7:/#hasis su##lied$8
It is clear, therefore, that an obFect is in #lain vie! if the obFect itself is
#lainly e2#osed to si"ht$ Since #etitionerIs arrest is a/on" the e2ce#tions to the
rule reOuirin" a !arrant before effectin" an arrest and the evidence seiMed fro/ the
#etitioner !as the result of a !arrantless search incidental to a la!ful arrest, !hich
incidentally !as in #lain vie! of the arrestin" officer, the results of the ensuin"
search and seiMure !ere ad/issible in evidence to #rove #etitionerIs "uilt of the
offense char"ed$
As to #etitionerIs contention that the #olice failed to co/#ly !ith the #ro#er
#rocedure in the transfer of custody of the seiMed evidence thereby castin" serious
doubt on its seiMure, this too deserves scant consideration$
Section 21, #ara"ra#hs 1 and 2, Article II of ;A .o$ 915, #rovidesD
S"3$(o' /1. Custody and #isposition of Confiscated, Sei$ed, and9or
Surrendered #angerous #rugs, Plant Sources of #angerous #rugs, Controlled
Precursors and )ssential Ce*icals, Instru*ents9Parapernalia and9or
1aboratory ):uip*ent$ + 1he P:A shall taGe char"e and have custody of all
dan"erous dru"s, #lant sources of dan"erous dru"s, controlled #recursors and
essential che/icals, as !ell as instru/entsN#ara#hernalia andNor laboratory
eOui#/ent so confiscated, seiMed andNor surrendered, for #ro#er dis#osition in the
follo!in" /annerD
718 1he a##rehendin" tea/ havin" initial custody and control of
the dru"s shall, i//ediately after seiMure and confiscation,
#hysically inventory and #hoto"ra#h the sa/e in the #resence of
the accused or the #ersonNs fro/ !ho/ such ite/s !ere
confiscated andNor seiMed, or hisNher re#resentative or counsel, a
re#resentative fro/ the /edia and the e#art/ent of (ustice
7&(8, and any elected #ublic official !ho shall be reOuired to si"n
the co#ies of the inventory and be "iven a co#y thereof-
728 <ithin t!enty+four 7268 hours u#on confiscationNseiMure of
dan"erous dru"s, #lant sources of dan"erous dru"s, controlled
#recursors and essential che/icals, as !ell as
instru/entsN#ara#hernalia andNor laboratory eOui#/ent, the sa/e
shall be sub/itted to the P:A ?orensic 'aboratory for a
Oualitative and Ouantitative e2a/ination-
2 2 2 2$
Corolarilly, the i/#le/entin" #rovision of Section 21 7a8, Article II of the
I/#le/entin" ;ules and ;e"ulations 7I;;8 of ;A .o$ 915,, #rovidesD
7a8 1he a##rehendin" tea/ havin" initial custody and control of the dru"s
shall, i//ediately after seiMure and confiscation, #hysically inventory and
#hoto"ra#h the sa/e in the #resence of the accused or the #ersonNs fro/ !ho/
such ite/s !ere confiscated andNor seiMed, or hisNher re#resentative or counsel, a
re#resentative fro/ the /edia and the e#art/ent of (ustice 7&(8, and any
elected #ublic official !ho shall be reOuired to si"n the co#ies of the inventory
and be "iven a co#y thereofD Provided, furter, tat non%co*pliance wit tese
re:uire*ents under .ustifiable grounds, as long as te integrity and te
evidentiary value of te sei$ed ite*s are properly preserved by te appreending
officer9tea*, sall not render void and invalid suc sei$ures of and custody over
said ite*s$
2 2 2 2$
?ro/ the fore"oin", it is clear that the failure of the la! enforcers to co/#ly
strictly !ith the rule is not fatal$ It does not render #etitionerIs arrest ille"al nor the
evidence adduced a"ainst hi/ inad/issible$
<hat is essential is >the
#reservation of the inte"rity and the evidentiary value of the seiMed ite/s, as the
sa/e !ould be utiliMed in the deter/ination of the "uilt or innocence of the
9ere, the reOuire/ents of the la! !ere substantially co/#lied !ith and the
inte"rity of the dru"s seiMed fro/ the #etitioner !as #reserved$ More i/#ortantly,
an unbroGen chain of custody of the #rohibited dru"s taGen fro/ the #etitioner !as
sufficiently established$ 1he factual antecedents of the case reveal that the
#etitioner voluntarily surrendered the #lastic sachets to P&3 Antonio !hen he !as
arrested$ 1o"ether !ith #etitioner, the evidence seiMed fro/ hi/ !ere i//ediately
brou"ht to the #olice station and u#on arrivin" thereat, !ere turned over to P&3
Moran, the investi"atin" officer$ 1here the evidence !as /arGed$ 1he turn+over of
the subFect sachets and the #erson of the #etitioner !ere then entered in the official
blotter$ 1hereafter, the Chief of the S:@, Police Senior Ins#ector (ose
;a/ireM Valencia, endorsed the evidence for laboratory e2a/ination to the
.ational Police istrict P.P Cri/e 'aboratory$ 1he evidence !as delivered by
P&3 Moran and received by Police Ins#ector (essie ela ;osa$
After a
Oualitative e2a/ination of the contents of the four 768 #lastic sachets by the latter,
the sa/e tested #ositive for /etha/#heta/ine hydrochloride, a dan"erous dru"$
An unbroGen chain of custody of the seiMed dru"s had, therefore, been
established by the #rosecution fro/ the arrestin" officer, to the investi"atin"
officer, and finally to the forensic che/ist$ 1here is no doubt that the ite/s seiMed
fro/ the #etitioner at his residence !ere also the sa/e ite/s /arGed by the
investi"atin" officer, sent to the Cri/e 'aboratory, and later on tested #ositive for
/etha/#heta/ine hydrochloride$
?or conviction of ille"al #ossession of a #rohibited dru" to lie, the follo!in"
ele/ents /ust be establishedD 718 the accused !as in #ossession of an ite/ or an
obFect identified to be a #rohibited or re"ulated dru"- 728 such #ossession is not
authoriMed by la!- and 738 the accused !as freely and consciously a!are of bein"
in #ossession of the dru"$
Aased on the evidence sub/itted by the #rosecution,
the above ele/ents !ere duly established in the #resent case$ Mere #ossession of a
re"ulated dru" per se constitutespri*a facie evidence of Gno!led"e or ani*us
possidendi sufficient to convict an accused absent a satisfactory e2#lanation of
such #ossession J the onus probandi is shifted to the accused, to e2#lain the
absence of Gno!led"e or ani*us possidendi$
It is a settled rule that in cases involvin" violations of the Co/#rehensive
an"erous ru"s Act, credence is "iven to #rosecution !itnesses !ho are #olice
officers for they are #resu/ed to have #erfor/ed their duties in a re"ular /anner$
Althou"h not constrained to blindly acce#t the findin"s of fact of trial courts,
a##ellate courts can rest assured that such facts !ere "athered fro/ !itnesses !ho
#resented their state/ents live and in #erson in o#en court$ In cases !here
conflictin" sets of facts are #resented, the trial courts are in the best #osition to
reco"niMe and distin"uish s#ontaneous declaration fro/ rehearsed s#iel,
strai"htfor!ard assertion fro/ a stutterin" clai/, definite state/ent fro/ tentative
disclosure, and to a certain de"ree, truth fro/ untruth$
In the #resent case, there is no co/#ellin" reason to reverse the findin"s of
fact of the trial court$ .o evidence e2ist that sho!s any a##arent inconsistencies in
the narration of the #rosecution !itnesses of the events !hich trans#ired and led to
the arrest of #etitioner$ After a careful evaluation of the records, <e find no error
!as co//itted by the ;1C and the CA to disre"ard their factual findin"s that
#etitioner co//itted the cri/e char"ed a"ainst hi/$
A"ainst the over!hel/in" evidence of the #rosecution, #etitioner /erely
denied the accusations a"ainst hi/ and raised the defense of fra/e+u#$ 1he
defense of denial and fra/e+u# has been invariably vie!ed by this Court !ith
disfavor, for it can easily be concocted and is a co//on and standard defense #loy
in #rosecutions for violation of the an"erous ru"s Act$ In order to #ros#er, the
defense of denial and fra/e+u# /ust be #roved !ith stron" and convincin"
As to the #enalty, !hile <e sustain the a/ount of fine, the indeter/inate
sentence i/#osed should, ho!ever, be /odified$
Section 11, Article II, ;A .o$ 915,, other!ise Gno!n as the Co/#rehensive
an"erous ru"s Act of 2002, #rovidesD
Section 11$ Possession of #angerous #rugs$ J 1he #enalty of life
i/#rison/ent to death and a fine ran"in" fro/ ?ive hundred thousand #esos
7P,00,000$008 to 1en /illion #esos 7P10,000,000$008 shall be i/#osed u#on any
#erson, !ho, unless authoriMed by la!, shall #ossess any dan"erous dru" in the
follo!in" Ouantities, re"ardless of the de"ree of #urity thereofD
2 2 2 2$
&ther!ise, if the Ouantity involved is less than the fore"oin" Ouantities,
the #enalties shall be "raduated as follo!sD
2 2 2 2$
738 I*prison*ent of twelve &;6' years and one &;' day to
twenty &67' years and a fine ranging fro* "ree undred tousand
pesos &P<77,777.77' to /our undred tousand pesos
&P=77,777.77', if the Ouantities of dan"erous dru"s are less tan
five &>' gra*s of o#iu/, /or#hine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine
hydrochloride, /ariFuana resin or /ariFuana resin
oil,*eta*peta*ine ydrocloride or ?sabu?, or other
dan"erous dru"s such as, but not li/ited to, MMA or Secstasy,S
PMA, 1MA, 'S, 39A, and those si/ilarly desi"ned or ne!ly+
introduced dru"s and their derivatives, !ithout havin" any
thera#eutic value or if the Ouantity #ossessed is far beyond
thera#eutic reOuire/ents- or less than three hundred 73008 "ra/s of
?ro/ the fore"oin", ille"al #ossession of less than five 7,8 "ra/s of
/etha/#heta/ine hydrochloride or sabu is #enaliMed !ith i*prison*ent of
twelve &;6' years and one &;' day to twenty &67' years and a fine ranging fro*
"ree !undred "ousand Pesos &P<77,777.77' to /our !undred "ousand Pesos
&P=77,777.77'$ 1he evidence adduced by the #rosecution established beyond
reasonable doubt that #etitioner had in his #ossession 0$26 "ra/ of sabu, or less
than five 7,8 "ra/s of the dan"erous dru", !ithout any le"al authority$
A##lyin" the Indeter/inate Sentence 'a!, the /ini/u/ #eriod of the
i/#osable #enalty shall not fall belo! the /ini/u/ #eriod set by the la!- the
/a2i/u/ #eriod shall not e2ceed the /a2i/u/ #eriod allo!ed under the la!-
hence, the i/#osable #enalty should be !ithin the ran"e of twelve &;6' years and
one &;' day to fourteen &;=' years and eigt &@' *onts.
9HEREFORE, #re/ises considered, the a##eal is DENIED$ 1he
ecision dated &ctober 13, 2005 of the Court of A##eals in CA+3$;$ C; .o$
24465 is AFFIR%ED 1($2 %ODIFICATION$ Petitioner is sentenced to suffer
the indeter/inate sentence of twelve &;6' years and one &;' day to fourteen &;='
years and eigt &@' *onts$
Associate (ustice
Associate (ustice
Associate (ustice Associate (ustice
Associate (ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above ecision had been reached in
consultation before the case !as assi"ned to the !riter of the o#inion of the CourtIs
Associate (ustice
1hird ivision, Chair#erson
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the ivision
Chair#ersonIs Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above ecision had
been reached in consultation before the case !as assi"ned to the !riter of the
o#inion of the CourtIs ivision$
Chief (ustice
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
TF%"D D%'%&%()
!.R. No. 9*&$5 J'() 5, 1991
ANTONIO A. LAMERA, #etitioer,
P3ILIPPINES, res#odets.
Esmeraldo C& "ulo3 for pe#i#ioner&
DA#IDE, JR., J.:p
3t aroud I:B0 oPcloc2 i the e+eig of 1! $arch 19IH, alog =rbao &treet, Pasig, $etro
$aila, a ower?ty#e 0ee#, the dri+e by #etitioer, allegedly 8hit ad bu*#ed8 a tricycle the
dri+e by -resto "eyes resultig i da*age to the tricycle ad i0uries to -resto "eyes ad
Paulio ;o6al,
3s a cose1uece thereof, two ifor*atios were filed agaist #etitioer: 4a5 a %for*atio for
rec2less i*#rudece resultig i da*age to #ro#erty with *ulti#le #hysical i0uries uder 3rticle
B@H of the "e+ised Peal Code readig as follows:
That o or about the 1!th day of $arch, 19IH, i the $uici#ality of Pasig, $etro
$aila, Phili##ies ad withi the 0urisdictio of this Foorable Court the abo+e?
a*ed accused, beig the the dri+er ad #erso i charge of a (wer .ee#
Toyota bearig Plate )o, )CC?B1B =' Pili#ias PIH, ad without due regard to
traffic laws, rules ad regulatios ad without ta2ig the ecessary care ad
#recautios to a+oid da*age to #ro#erty ad i0uries to #ersod 4sic5, did, the
ad there willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously dri+e, *aage ad o#efate 4sic5 said
(wer .ee# i a careless, rec2less, egliget ad i*#rudet *aer, as a result
of which said *otor +ehicle beig the dri+e ad o#erated by hi*, hit ad
bu*#ed a tricycle &=L=2i 4sic5 bearig Plate )o, )3?@HAH $C Pili#ias PIH,
dri+e by -resto "eyes y -sguerra ad owed by -resto 3toel, thereby
causig da*age to the &u6u2i tricycle i the a*out of PA,I!H,00G ad due to
the i*#act the dri+er ad the #assegers of a 4sic5 tricycle &u6u2i, sustaied
#hysical i0uries which re1uired *edical attedace as stated o##osite their
res#ecti+e a*es to wit:
1, -resto "eyes S $ore tha thirty 4B05 days
2, Paulio ;o6al S $ore tha thirty 4B05 days
B, Patricio Duitalig S Less tha ie 495 days
ad ica#acitated the* fro* #erfor*ig their custo*ary labor for the sa*e
#eriod of ti*e,
which was filed o 10 &e#te*ber 19IH with the "egioal Trial Court of Pasig, $etro $aila ad
doc2eted therei as Cri*ial Case )o, @!29! ad assiged to >rach @I thereofG ad 4b5 a
%for*atio for +iolatio of #aragra#h 2 of 3rticle 2AH of the "e+ised Peal Code o
3bado*et of oePs +icti* readig as follows:
That o or about the 1!th day of $arch, 19IH, i the $uici#ality of Pasig, $etro
$aila, Phili##ies, ad withi the 0urisdictio of this Foorable Court the abo+e?
a*ed accused, beig the dri+er of a ower?ty#e 0ee# with Plate )o, )CC?B1B
=' Pil, PIH which hit ad bu*#ed a *otori6ed tricycle with Plate )o, )3?@HAH?
$C PIH dri+e by -resto "eyes ad as a cose1uece of which Paulio ;o6al
ad -resto "eyes sustaied #hysical i0uries ad lost cosciousess, did the
ad there wilfully, ulawfully ad feloiously abadoed 4sic5 the* ad failed
4sic5 to hel# or reder assistace to the*, without 0ustifiable reaso,
which was filed o 1! )o+e*ber 19IH with the $etro#olita Trial Court of Pasig 4>rach A15
ad was doc2eted as Cri*ial Case )o, 2A9B,
( 29 .ue 19IA the $etro#olita Trial Court of Pasig redered its decisio i Cri*ial Case
)o, 2A9B fidig the #etitioer guilty of the cri*e of 3bado*et of oePs +icti* as defied ad
#eali6ed uder #aragra#h 2 of 3rticle 2AH of the "e+ised Peal Code ad seteced hi* to
suffer i*#riso*et for a #eriod of si/ 4@5 *oths of arres#o ma3or ad to #ay the costs,
Petitioer a##ealed fro* said Decisio to the "egioal Trial Court of Pasig, $etro $aila which
doc2eted the a##eal as Cri*ial Case )o, A0@!I,
% the *eati*e, o 2A 3#ril 19I9, #etitioer was arraiged i Cri*ial Case )o, @!29! before
>rach @I of the "egioal Trial Court of Pasig, Fe etered a #lea of ot guilty,
PetitioerPs a##eal, Cri*ial Case )o, A0@!I, was decided o B1 .uly 19I9, The court affir*ed
with *odificatio the decisio a##ealed fro*, The *odificatio cosisted *erely i the reductio
of the #ealty of i*#riso*et fro* si/ 4@5 to two 425 *oths,
&till usatisfied with the ew +erdict, #etitioer filed with the Court of 3##eals o B1 3ugust 19I9
a #etitio for its re+iew, doc2eted as C,3,?;,", C" )o, 0ABH1, assigig therei the followig
alleged errors:
TF- "-&P()D-)T F(), .=D;-D 4)I'5 -""-D %) 3FF%"$%); TF-
F%)D%); (F TF- $-T"(P(L%T3) T"%3L C(="T (F P3&%;, $-T"(
$3)%L3, TF3T 8TF- T"%CJCL- D"%'-) >J -")-&T( "-J-& W3&
>=$P-D >J TF- .--P D"%'-) >J TF- P-T%T%()-",8
TF- "-&P()D-)T F(), .=D;- -""-D %) 3FF%"$%); TF- F%)D%); (F
TF- $-T"(P(L%T3) T"%3L C(="T (F P3&%;, $-T"( $3)%L3, TF3T TF-
P-T%T%()-", 8L(&%); P"-&-)C- (F $%)D 3& TF- >L((DJ &C-)3"%(
W(=LD %)D=C- %) TF- 3'-"3;- $(T("%&T, F- 4)I'5 (PT-D, P-"F3P&
%)&T%)CT%'-LJ T( F%D- %D-)T%TJ, 3PP"-F-)&%'- $3J >- ('-" TF-
-)("$%TJ (F F%& $%&D-$-3)(" 3)D TF=& D-C%D-D 4)I'5 T(
W%TFF(LD 3&&%&T3)C- T( F%& F3LL-) '%CT%$&,8
TF- "-&P()D-)T F(), .=D;- -""-D %) D-CL3"%); TF3T, 83& TF-
P"-&%D%); .=D;- (F TF- $-T"(P(L%T3) T"%3L C(="T F3D TF-
(PP("T=)%TJ T( (>&-"'- TF- D-$-3)(" (F TF- W%T)-&&-&, %T %&
D%FF%C=LT T( D%&$%&& TF- F%)D%);& (F F3CT (F &3%D C(="T ;%'%);
C"-D-)C- T( P"(&-C=T%()P& W%T)-&&-&8 F(" )(T >-%); 4)I'5
&=PP("T-D >J &=>&T3)T%3L -'%D-)C- 3)D CL-3"LJ TF- L3W 3)D
TF- "-&P()D-)T F(), .=D;-D 4)I'5 -""-D %) 3FF%"$%); TF-
.=D;$-)T (F TF- $-T"(P(L%T3) T"%3L C(="T (F P3&%;, $-T"(
$3)%L3, F%)D%); TF- P-T%T%()-" ;=%LTJ (F TF- C"%$- (F
3>3)D()$-)T =)D-" 3"T, 2AH, P3", 2, (F TF- "-'%&-D P-)3L C(D-
3)D &-)T-)C%); F%$ T( &=FF-" TF- P-)3LTJ (F TW( 425 $()TF&
3)D ()- 415 D3J (F8,,E)*5 M8Y5, 3)D T( P3J TF- C(&T&,
TF- "-&P()D-)T F(), .=D;- -""-D %) )(T D-CL3"%); )=LL 3)D
'(%D 3LL TF- P"(C--D%);& %) TF- $-T"(P(L%T3) T"%3L C(="T (F
P3&%; 3)D 3LL TF- P"(C--D%);& >-F("- %T,
The Court of 3##eals foud o *erit i the #etitio ad dis*issed it i its Decisio #ro*ulgated
o 9 )o+e*ber 19I9,
Pertietly, it ruled:
We caot sustai the cotetio of the #etitioer that #ar, 2 of 3rt, 2AH of the
"e+ised Peal Code does ot a##ly to hi* sice the e+idece allegedly shows
that it was -resto "eyes, the tricycle dri+er, who ne4li4en#l3 caused the
accidet, Petitioer *isses the i*#ort of the #ro+isio, The #ro+isio #uishes
the failure to hel# or reder assistace to aother who* the
offeder acciden#all3wouded or i0ured, 3ccidetal *eas that which ha##es
by chace or fortuitously, without itetio ad desig ad which is ue/#ected,
uusual ad uforesee 4$oreo, Phil, Law Dictioary, 19A2 ed,, #, A ci#in4 De
La Cru6 +, Ca#ital %surace W &urety Co,, 1A &C"3 HH95, Cose1uetly, it is
eough to show that #etitioer accidetally i0ured the #assegers of the tricycle
ad failed to hel# or reder the* assistace, There is o eed to #ro+e that
#etitioer was egliget ad that it was his egligece that caused the i0ury, %f
the factor of cri*ial egligece is i+ol+ed, 3rticle B@H of the "e+ised Peal
Code will co*e ito #lay, The last #aragra#h of 3rt, B@H #ro+ides that 8the
#ealty e/t higher i degree to those #ro+ided for i this article shall be i*#osed
u#o the offeder who fails to led o the s#ot to the i0ured #arty such hel# as
*ay be i his bads to gi+e,8 Petitioer was charged uder #ar, 2 of 3rt, 2AH ot
uder 3rt, B@H of the "e+ised Peal Code,
Fis *otio to recosider the abo+e decisio wherei he strogly urged for recosideratio
/// /// ///
, , , We fid it hard to +isuali6e that the accused *ay be #eali6ed twice for a
8accidet8 ad aother for 8rec2lessess8, both of which arose fro* the sa*e
act, We sub*it that there could ot be a +alid charge uder 3rticle 2AH, whe, as
i the case at bar, there is already a #edig charge for rec2less i*#rudece
uder 3rticle B@H of the "e+ised Peal Code, %t is our +iew that the charge uder
3rticle 2AH #resu##oses that there is o other charge for rec2less i*#rudece,
ha+ig bee deied i the "esolutio of 1A $ay 1990,
#etitioer filed the istat #etitio,
>efore =s he raises this sole issue:
Could there be a +alid charge for alleged abado*et uder 3rticle 2AH, #ar, 2
of the "e+ised Peal Code which #ro+ides as basis for #rosecutio, 82, 3yoe
who shall fail to hel# aother who* he has acciden#all3 wouded or i0ured8
whe, he was #re+iously charged with 8rec2less i*#rudece resultig i da*age
to #ro#erty with *ulti#le #hysical i0uries8 uder 3rticle 2@H 4sic5 of the "e+ised
Peal CodeR
Fe *aitais the egati+e +iew ad su##orts it with the argu*et that 89f:or the sa*e act, that
is, the +ehicular collisio, oe could ot be idicted i two se#arate ifor*atios at the sa*e
ti*e based o 8accidet8 ad 8rec2lessessP, for there is a world of differece betwee 8rec2less
i*#rudece8 ad 8accidetallyP,8 3s e/#aded by hi*:
, , , sice #etitioer is facig a cri*ial charge for rec2less i*#rudece #edig
before >rach @I of the "egioal Trial Court of Pasig, $etro $aila , , , which
offese carries hea+ier #ealties uder 3rticle B@H of the "e+ised Peal Code,
he could o loger be charged uder 3rticle 2AH, #ar, 2, for abado*et , , , for
ha+ig allegedly failed 8to hel# or reder assistace to aother who* he
hasacciden#all3 wouded or i0ured8,
% (ur resolutio of 1 3ugust 1990 We re1uired res#odets to co**et o the #etitio,
% its Co**et filed o 10 &e#te*ber 1990, res#odet Peo#le of the Phili##ies, through the
(ffice of the &olicitor ;eeral, #uttig the issue s1uarely, thus:
, , , whether or ot #rosecutio for egligece uder 3rticle B@H of the "e+ised
Peal Code is a bar to #rosecutio for abado*et uder 3rticle 2AH of the
sa*e Code,
aswers it i the egati+e because said 3rticles #eali6e differet ad distict offeses, The rule
o double 0eo#ardy, which #etitioer has, i effect, i+o2ed, does ot, therefore, a##ly #ursuat
to e/istig 0uris#rudece, Fece, the #etitio should be dis*issed for lac2 of *erit,
% (ur resolutio of 1B $arch 1991 We ga+e due course to the #etitio ad re1uired the #arties
to sub*it si*ultaeously their res#ecti+e *e*orada, Petitioer sub*itted his o 22 3#ril
while the Peo#le *o+ed that its Co**et be cosidered as its *e*oradu*,
We agree with the &olicitor ;eeral that the #etitioer is actually i+o2ig his right agaist
double 0eo#ardy, Fe, howe+er, failed to directly ad categorically state it i his #etitio or
deliberately obscured it behid a suggestio of #ossible resultat absurdity of the two
ifor*atios, The reaso see*s ob+ious, Fe forgot to raise s1uarely that issue i the three
courts below, % ay case, to do so would ha+e bee a futile e/ercise, Whe he was arraiged,
tried, ad co+icted i the $etro#olita Trial Court of Pasig i Cri*ial Case )o, 2A9B, he was
ot yet arraiged i Cri*ial Case )o, @!29! before the "egioal Trial Court, 3s stated abo+e,
the 0udg*et of co+ictio i the for*er was redered o 9. %une 1.F2, while his arraig*et
i the latter too2 #lace oly o 92 8pril 1.F., 3*og the coditios for double 0eo#ardy to attach
is that the accused *ust ha+e bee arraiged i the #re+ious case,
% (eople vs, Bocar, supra,,
We ruled:
Legal 0eo#ardy attaches oly 4a5 u#o a +alid idict*et, 4b5 before a co*#etet
court, 4c5 after arraig*et, 4d5 a +alid #lea ha+ig bee etered, ad 4e5 the
case was dis*issed or otherwise ter*iated without the e/#ress coset of the
$oreo+er, he is charged for two se#arate offeses uder the "e+ised Peal Code, % (eople
vs, 6orique$,
We held:
%t is a cardial rule that the #rotectio agaist double 0eo#ardy *ay be i+o2ed
oly for the sa*e offese or idetical offeses, 3 si*#le act *ay offed agaist
two 4or *ore5 etirely distict ad urelated #ro+isios of law, ad if oe
#ro+isio re1uires #roof of a additioal fact or ele*et which the other does ot,
a ac1uittal or co+ictio or a dis*issal of the ifor*atio uder oe does ot
bar #rosecutio uder the other, Phrased elsewhere, where two differet laws 4or
articles of the sa*e code5 defies two cri*es, #rior 0eo#ardy as to oe of the* is
o obstacle to a #rosecutio of the other, although both offeses arise fro* the
sa*e facts, if each cri*e i+ol+es so*e i*#ortat act which is ot a essetial
ele*et of the
% (eople vs, Bacolod, supra,, fro* the act of firig a shot fro* a sub?*achie gu which
caused #ublic #aic a*og the #eo#le #reset ad #hysical i0uries to oe, ifor*atios for
#hysical i0uries through rec2less i*#rudece ad for serious #ublic disturbace were filed,
3ccused #leaded guilty ad was co+icted i the first ad he sought to dis*iss the secod o
the groud of double 0eo#ardy, We ruled:
The #rotectio agaist double 0eo#ardy is oly for the sa*e offese, 3 si*#le act
*ay be a offese agaist two differet #ro+isios of law ad if oe #ro+isio
re1uires #roof of a additioal fact which the other does ot, a ac1uittal or
co+ictio uder oe does ot bar #rosecutio uder the other,
&ice the ifor*atios were for se#arate offeses S the first agaist a #erso ad the secod
agaist #ublic #eace ad order S oe caot be #leaded as a bar to the other uder the rule o
double 0eo#ardy,
The two ifor*atios filed agaist #etitioer are clearly for se#arate offeses, The first, Cri*ial
Case )o, @!29!, for rec2less i*#rudece 43rticle B@H5, falls uder the sole cha#ter 4Cri*ial
)egligece5 of Title Fourtee 4Duasi (ffeses5 of >oo2 Two of the "e+ised Peal Code, The
secod, Cri*ial Case )o, 2A9B, for 3bado*et of oePs +icti* 4#ar, 2, 3rt, 2AH5, falls uder
Cha#ter Two 4Cri*es 3gaist &ecurity5 of Title )ie 4Cri*es 3gaist Persoal Liberty ad
&ecurity5 of >oo2 Two of the sa*e Code,
Duasi offeses uder 3rticle B@H are co**itted by *eas of culpa, Cri*es agaist &ecurity are
co**itted by *eas of dolo,
$oreo+er, i 3rticle B@H, failure to led hel# to oePs +icti* is either a offese by itself or a
ele*et of the offese therei #eali6ed, %ts #resece *erely icreases the #ealty by oe
degree, The last #aragra#h of the 3rticle s#ecifically #ro+ides:
The #ealty e/t higher i degree to those #ro+ided for i this article shall be
i*#osed u#o the offeder who fails to led o the s#ot to the i0ured #arties
such hel# as *ay be i had to gi+e,
&uch beig the case, it *ust be s#ecifically alleged i the ifor*atio, The ifor*atio agaist
#etitioer i this case does ot so allege,
=#o the other had, failure to hel# or reder assistace to aother who* oe has accidetally
wouded or i0ured is a offese uder #aragra#h 2 of 3rticle 2AH of the sa*e code which
The #ealty of arres#o ma3or shall be i*#osed u#o:
/// /// ///
2, 3yoe who shall fail to hel# or reder assistace to aother who* he has
accidetally wouded or i0ured,
The foregoig distictios satisfy the guidelies We *ade i (eople vs, ,elova, e# al,,
We held:
%t is #erha#s i*#ortat to ote that the rule li*itig the costitutioal #rotectio
agaist double 0eo#ardy to a subse1uet #rosecutio for the sa*e offese is ot
to be uderstood with absolute literaless, The idetity of offeses that *ust be
show eed ot be absolute idetity: the first ad secod offeses *ay be
regarded as the 8sa*e offese8 where the secod offese ecessarily icludes
the first offese or is ecessarily icluded i such first offese or where the
secod offese is a atte*#t to co**it the first or a registratio thereof, Thus,
for the costitutioal #lea of double 0eo#ardy to be a+ailable, ot all the techical
ele*ets costitutig the first offese eed be #reset i the techical defiitio
of the secod offese, The law here see2s to #re+et harass*et of a accused
#erso by *ulti#le #rosecutios for offeses which though differet fro* oe
aother are oetheless each costituted by a co**o set or o+erla##ig sets
of techical ele*ets,
=doubtedly the, o costitutioal, statutory or #rocedural obstacle barred the filig of the two
ifor*atios agaist #etitioer,
WF-"-F("-, for lac2 of *erit, the Petitio is D-)%-D without #roouce*ets as to costs,
&( ("D-"-D,
Fernan, '&%&, "u#ierre$, %r&, Feliciano and Bidin, %%&, concur&
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
TF%"D D%'%&%()
!.R. No+. 16*9$2-$$ March 2%, 200%
T3E 3ON. SANDI!AN"A9AN "es#odet,
D - C % & % ( )
.oselito "aiero ., Daa 4#etitioer5, oe of the accused i Cri*ial Cases )os, 2!1@A?2!1A0,
1uestios the deial by the )andi4an;a3an of his #lea bargaiig #ro#osal,
The atecedets facts are laid dow by )andi4an;a3an i its "esolutio dated $arch 2H, 200!,
as follows:
&aid accused,
together with accused >eedicto -, <ui6o, were charged before this Court for
three couts of *al+ersatio of #ublic fuds i+ol+ig the su*s of PB,29B,00, P1,I@9,00,
ad P1B,H2I,00, res#ecti+ely, which they #ur#ortedly tried to coceal by falsifyig the ti*e boo2
ad #ayrolls for gi+e #eriod *a2ig it a##ear that so*e laborers wor2ed o the costructio of
the ew *uici#al hall buildig of >ato, Leyte ad collected their res#ecti+e salaries thereo
whe, i truth ad i fact, they did ot, Thus, i additio to the charge for *al+ersatio, the
accused were also idicted before this Court for three couts of falsificatio of #ublic docu*et
by a #ublic officer or e*#loyee,
% the falsificatio cases, the accused offered to withdraw their #lea of 8ot guilty8 ad substitute
the sa*e with a #lea of 8guilty8, #ro+ided, the *itigatig circu*staces of cofessio or #lea of
guilt ad +olutary surreder will be a##reciated i their fa+or, % the alterati+e, if such #ro#osal
is ot acce#table, said accused #ro#osed istead to substitute their #lea of 8ot guilty8 to the
cri*e of falsificatio of #ublic docu*et by a #ublic officer or e*#loyee with a #lea of 8guilty8,
but to the lesser cri*e of falsificatio of a #ublic docu*et by a #ri+ate idi+idual, ( the other
had, i the *al+ersatio cases, the accused offered to substitute their #lea of 8ot guilty8
thereto with a #lea of 8guilty8, but to the lesser cri*e of failure of a accoutable officer to
reder accouts,
%sofar as the falsificatio cases are cocered, the #rosecutio foud as acce#table the
#ro#osal of the accused to #lead 8guilty8 to the lesser cri*e of falsificatio of #ublic docu*et
by a #ri+ate idi+idual, The #rosecutio e/#laied:
8With res#ect to the falsificatio cases earlier *etioed, it a##ears that the act of the accused
i #leadig guilty for a lesser offese of falsificatio by a #ri+ate idi+idual defied ad #eali6ed
uder 3rticle 1A2 of the "e+ised Peal code will stregthe our cases agaist the #rici#al
accused, $uici#al $ayor >eedicto <ui6o, who a##ears to be the *aster *id of these
cri*ial acts,8
%sofar as the *al+ersatio cases are cocered, the #rosecutio was li2ewise a*eable to the
offer of said accused to #lead 8guilty8 to the lesser cri*e of failure of a accoutable officer to
reder accouts because:
8/ / / .(&-L%T( "3)%-"( ., D33) has already restituted the total a*out of P1I,I@0,00 as
#er official recei#t issued by the #ro+icial go+er*et of Leyte dated February 2@, 2002, %
short, the da*age caused to the go+er*et has already bee restituted / / /,
The )andi4an;a3an, i the herei assailed "esolutio,
dated $arch 2H, 200!, deied
#etitioer7s $otio to Plea >argai, des#ite fa+orable reco**edatio by the #rosecutio, o
the *ai groud that o coget reaso was #reseted to 0ustify its a##ro+al,
The )andi4an;a3an li2ewise deied #etitioerPs $otio for "ecosideratio i a "esolutio
dated $ay B1, 200!,
This co*#elled #etitioer to file the #reset case for cer#iorari ad #rohibitio with #rayer for the
issuace of a te*#orary restraiig order adN or writ of #reli*iary i0uctio uder "ule @H of
the "ules of Court,
Petitioer argues that the )andi4an;a3an co**itted gra+e abuse of discretio i deyig his
#lea bargaiig offer o the followig grouds: first, #etitioer is ot a accoutable officer ad
he *erely affi/ed his sigature o the #ayrolls o a 8routiary basis,8 egatig ay cri*ial
itetG ad that the a*out i+ol+ed is oly P1I,I@0,00, which he already restituted,
The #etitio is *eritorious,
Plea bargaiig i cri*ial cases is a #rocess whereby the accused ad the #rosecutio wor2
out a *utually satisfactory dis#ositio of the case sub0ect to court a##ro+al, %t usually i+ol+es
the defedatPs #leadig guilty to a lesser offese or to oly oe or so*e of the couts of a
*ulti?cout idict*et i retur for a lighter setece tha that for the gra+er charge,
Plea bargaiig is authori6ed uder &ectio 2, "ule 11@ of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial
Procedure, to wit:
&-C, 2, Plea of guilty to a lesser offese, S 3t arraig*et, the accused, with the coset of
the offeded #arty ad the #rosecutor, *ay be allowed by the trial court to #lead guilty to a
lesser offese which is ecessarily icluded i the offese charged, 3fter arraig*et but before
trial, the accused *ay still be allowed to #lead guilty to said lesser offese after withdrawig his
#lea of ot guilty, )o a*ed*et of the co*#lait or ifor*atio is ecessary, 4sec, !, cir, BI?
(rdiarily, #lea bargaiig is *ade durig the #re?trial stage of the #roceedigs, &ectios 1 ad
2, "ule 11I of the "ules of Court, re1uire #lea bargaiig to be cosidered by the trial court at
the #re?trial coferece,
&-C, 1, (re#rialG manda#or3 in criminal cases& O % all cri*ial cases cogi6able by
the )andi4an;a3an, "egioal Trial Court, $etro#olita Trial Court, $uici#al Trial Court i
Cities, $uici#al Trial Court ad $uici#al Circuit Trial Court, the court shall, after arraig*et
ad withi thirty 4B05 days fro* the date the court ac1uires 0urisdictio o+er the #erso of the
accused, uless a shorter #eriod is #ro+ided for i s#ecial laws or circulars of the &u#re*e
Court, order a #re?trial coferece to cosider the followig:
4a5 08)a ?ar7a-(-(7G
4b5 sti#ulatio of factsG
4c5 *ar2ig for idetificatio of e+idece of the #artiesG
4d5 wai+er of ob0ectios to ad*issibility of e+ideceG
4e5 *odificatio of the order of trial if the accused ad*its the charge but iter#oses a
lawful defeseG ad
4f5 such *atters as will #ro*ote a fair ad e/#editious trial of the cri*ial ad ci+il
as#ects of the case,
&-C, 2, (re#rial a4reemen#& O 3ll agree*ets or ad*issios *ade or etered durig the #re?
trial coferece shall be reduced i writig ad siged by the accused ad cousel, otherwise,
they caot be used agaist the accused, The agree*ets co+erig the *atters referred to i
sectio 1 of this "ule shall be a##ro+ed by the court, 4-*#hasis su##lied5
>ut it *ay also be *ade durig the trial #ro#er ad e+e after the #rosecutio has fiished
#resetig its e+idece ad rested its case, Thus, the Court has held that it is i**aterial that
#lea bargaiig was ot *ade durig the #re?trial stage or that it was *ade oly after the
#rosecutio already #reseted se+eral witesses,
&ectio 2, "ule 11@ of the "ules of Court #resets the basic re1uisites u#o which #lea
bargaiig *ay be *ade,i&e&, that it should be with the coset of the offeded #arty ad the
ad that the #lea of guilt should be to a lesser offese which is ecessarily
icluded i the offese charged, The rules howe+er use word *ay i the secod setece of
&ectio 2, deotig a e/ercise of discretio u#o the trial court o whether to allow the
accused to *a2e such #lea,
Trial courts are e/horted to 2ee# i *id that a #lea of guilty for a
lighter offese tha that actually charged is ot su##osed to be allowed as a *atter of
bargaiig or co*#ro*ise for the co+eiece of the accused,
% (eople of #he (hilippines v& =illarama,
the Court ruled that the acce#tace of a offer to
#lead guilty to a lesser offese is ot de*adable by the accused as a *atter of right but is a
*atter that is addressed etirely to the soud discretio of the trial court,
/ / / % such situatio, 0uris#rudece has #ro+ided the trial court ad the (ffice of the
Prosecutor with a yardstic2 withi which their discretio *ay be #ro#erly e/ercised, Thus,
i (eople v& Ja3anan 4L?B9BHH, $ay B1, 19AI, IB &C"3 !BA, !H05, We held that the rules allow
such a plea onl3 when #he prosecu#ion does no# have sufficien# evidence #o es#a;lish #he 4uil# of
#he crime char4ed, % his cocurrig o#iio i (eople v& (arohino4 4;,", )o, L?!A!@2,
February 2I, 19I0, 9@ &C"3 BAB, BAA5, the .ustice 3toio >arredo e/#laied clearly ad
tersely the ratioale or the law:
/ / / ;A<2,)r ,h) 0ro+)c',-o( ha/ a8r)a/6 r)+,)/, #he onl3 ;asis on which #he fiscal and #he
cour# could ri4h#full3 ac# in allowin4 #he appellan# #o chan4e his former plea of no# 4uil#3 #o
murder #o 4uil#3 #o #he lesser crime of homicide could ;e no#hin4 more no#hin4 less #han #he
evidence alread3 in #he record, The reaso for this beig that &ectio ! of "ule 11I 4ow
&ectio 2, "ule 11@5 uder which a #lea for a lesser offese is allowed was ot ad could ot
ha+e bee iteded as a #rocedure for co*#ro*ise, *uch less bargaiig,
Fowe+er, =illarama i+ol+ed #lea bargaiig after the #rosecutio had already rested its case,
3s regards #lea bargaiig durig the #re?trial stage, as i the #reset case, the trial courtPs
e/ercise of its discretio should either be arbitrary or should it a*out to a ca#ricious ad
whi*sical e/ercise of discretio, ;ra+e abuse of discretio i*#lies such ca#ricious ad
whi*sical e/ercise of 0udg*et as is e1ui+alet to lac2 of 0urisdictio or, i other words, where
the #ower is e/ercised i a arbitrary *aer by reaso of #assio, #re0udice, or #ersoal
hostilityG ad it *ust be so #atet or gross as to a*out to a e+asio of a #ositi+e duty or to a
+irtual refusal to #erfor* the duty e0oied by law, or to act at all i cote*#latio of law,
% the #reset case, the )andi4an;a3an re0ected #etitioerPs #lea offer o the groud that
#etitioer ad the #rosecutio failed to de*ostrate that the #ro#osal would redoud to the
beefit of the #ublic, The)andi4an;a3an belie+es that a##ro+ig the #ro#osal would 8oly ser+e
to tri+iali6e the seriousess of the charges agaist the* ad sed the wrog sigal to #otetial
grafters i #ublic office that the #ealties they are li2ely to face would be lighter tha what their
cri*ial acts would ha+e *erited or that the ecoo*ic beefits they are li2ely to deri+e fro*
their cri*ial acti+ities far outweigh the ris2s they face i co**ittig the*G thus, settig to
aught the deterret +alue of the laws iteded to curb graft ad corru#tio i go+er*et,8
1avvphi 1
3##aretly, the )andi4an;a3an has #roffered +alid reasos i re0ectig #etitioerPs #lea offer,
Fowe+er, subse1uet e+ets ad higher iterests of 0ustice ad fair #lay dictate that #etitioerPs
#lea offer should be acce#ted, The #reset case calls for the 0udicious e/ercise of this CourtPs
e1uity 0urisdictio ?
-1uity as the co*#le*et of legal 0urisdictio see2s to reach ad do co*#lete 0ustice where
courts of law, through the ifle/ibility of their rules ad wat of #ower to ada#t their 0udg*ets to
the s#ecial circu*staces of cases, are ico*#etet so to do, -1uity regards the s#irit of ad
ot the letter, the itet ad ot the for*, the substace rather tha the circu*stace, as it is
+ariously e/#ressed by differet courts,
ad of its #ower of cotrol ad su#er+isio o+er the #roceedigs of lower courts,
i order to
afford e1ual 0ustice to #etitioer,
% (eople of #he (hilippines v& Es#rada,
the )andi4an;a3an, i its "esolutio dated $arch 1!,
200A, a##ro+ed the Plea >argaiig 3gree*et etered ito by the #rosecutio ad oe of the
accused, Charlie 83tog8 3g, The agree*et #ro+ided that the accused uderta2es to assist i
the #rosecutio of the case ad #ro*ises to retur the a*out of P2H,000,000,00, % a##ro+ig
the Plea >argaiig 3gree*et, the )andi4an;a3an too2 ito cosideratio the ti*eliess of the
#lea bargaiig ad whether the agree*et co*#lied with the re1uire*ets of &ectio 2, "ule
11@ of the "ules of Court, The )andi4a;a3an oted that the accused had already withdraw his
earlier #lea of 8ot guilty8G ad that the #rosecutio coseted to the #lea of guilt to a lesser
offeseG ad the lesser offese, which is Corru#tio of Public (fficials i relatio to %direct
>ribery, is ecessarily icluded i the offese charged, which is Pluder,
The Court sees o reaso why the stadards a##lied by the )andi4an;a3an to Es#rada should
ot be a##lied to the #reset case, "ecords show that there was a fa+orable reco**edatio
by the (ffice of the &#ecial Prosecutor to a##ro+e #etitioerPs *otio to #lea bargai, Thus, i
its $e*oradu* dated 3ugust 1@, 2002, the (ffice of the &#ecial Prosecutor ratioali6ed:
% the cases at bar, there is o dis#ute that .(&-L%T( "3)%-"( ., D33) has already
restituted the total a*out of P1I,I@0,00 as #er official recei#t issued by the #ro+icial
go+er*et of Leyte dated February 2@, 2002, % short, the da*age caused to the go+er*et
has already bee restituted by the accused,
There is also o dis#ute that accused D33) +olutarily surredered i the istat cases,
$oreo+er, the accused is also willig to #lead guilty to a lesser offese which to our *id, *erits
With res#ect to the falsificatio cases earlier *etioed, it a##ears that the act of the accused i
#leadig guilty for a lesser offese of falsificatio by #ri+ate idi+idual defied ad #eali6ed
uder 3rticle 1A2 of the "e+ised Peal Code will stregthe our cases agaist the #rici#al
accused, the $uici#al $ayor >eedicto <ui6o, who a##ears to be the *aster *id of these
cri*ial acts, 3fter all, the *o+ats herei .(&-L%T( "3)%-"( ., D33) was *erely
desigated as drafts*a detailed as fore*aNti*e2ee#er of the $uici#ality of >ato, Leyte,
$oreo+er, the lesser offeses of Falsificatio by Pri+ate %di+iduals ad Failure to "eder
3ccout by a 3ccoutable (fficer are ecessarily icluded i the cri*es of Falsificatio of
Public Docu*ets ad $al+ersatio of Public Fuds, res#ecti+ely, with which #etitioer was
origially charged,
=der 3rticle 1A1, #aragra#h ! of the "e+ised Peal Code, for the cri*e of Falsificatio of
Public Docu*ets through a utruthful arratio of facts to be established, the followig
ele*ets *ust cocur: 4a5 the offeder *a2es i a docu*et utruthful state*ets i a
arratio of factsG 4b5 the offeder has a legal obligatio to disclose the truth of the facts
arratedG 4c5 the facts arrated by the offeder are absolutely falseG ad 4d5 the #er+ersio of
truth i the arratio of facts was *ade with the wrogful itet of i0urig a third #erso,
( the other had, Falsificatio by Pri+ate %di+iduals #eali6ed uder 3rticle 1A2, #aragra#h 1
of the "e+ised Peal Code has the followig ele*ets: 4a5 ,h) o22)(/)r -+ a #ri+ate idi+idual
or a 0'?8-c o22-c)r or )C08o6)) Gho /-/ (o, ,aF) a/1a(,a7) o2 h-+ o22-c-a8 0o+-,-o(G 4b5 the
offeder co**itted ay of the acts of falsificatio eu*erated uder 3rticle 1A1 of the "e+ised
Peal CodeG ad 4c5 the falsificatio was co**itted i a #ublic or official or co**ercial
3s regards the cri*e of $al+ersatio of Public Fuds defied ad #eali6ed uder 3rticle 21A of
the "e+ised Peal Code, with which #etitioer was also charged, the ele*ets are as follows:
4a5 the offeder is a #ublic officerG 4b5 he has custody or cotrol of fuds or #ro#erty by reaso of
the duties of his officeG 4c5 the fuds or #ro#erty i+ol+ed are #ublic fuds or #ro#erty for which
he is accoutableG ad 4d5 he has a##ro#riated, ta2e or *isa##ro#riated, or has coseted to,
or through abado*et or egligece #er*itted, the ta2ig by aother #erso of such fuds or
3rticle 21A also #ro+ides that the failure of the #ublic officer to ha+e duly forthco*ig
such #ublic fuds or #ro#erty, u#o de*ad by a duly authori6ed officer, 8shall be prima
faciee+idece that he has #ut such *issig fuds or #ro#erty to #ersoal use,8 % this regard, it
has bee ruled that oce such #resu*#tio is rebutted, the it is co*#letely destroyedG i fact,
the #resu*#tio is e+er dee*ed to ha+e e/isted at all,
$eawhile, uder 3rticle 21I of the "e+ised Peal Code, Failure to "eder 3ccout by a
3ccoutable (fficer, the lesser offese which #etitioer see2s to #lead guilty of, the followig
ele*ets *ust cocur: 4a5 the offeder is a #ublic officerG 4b5 the offeder *ust be a
accoutable officer for #ublic fuds or #ro#ertyG 4c5 the offeder is re1uired by law or regulatio
to reder accouts to the C(3 or to a #ro+icial auditorG ad 4d5 the offeder fails to reder a
accout for a #eriod of two *oths after such accouts should be redered,
&ectio H, "ule 120 of the "ules of Court states whe a offese icludes or is icluded i the
other, to wit:
&-C, H, Whe a offese icludes or is icluded i aother, S 3 offese charged ecessarily
icludes the offese #ro+ed whe so*e of the essetial ele*ets or igrediets of the for*er,
as alleged i the co*#lait or ifor*atio, costitute the latter, 3d a offese charged is
ecessarily icluded i the offese #ro+ed, whe the essetial igrediets of the for*er
costitute or for* #art of those costitutig the latter,
3 offese *ay be said to ecessarily iclude aother whe +oC) o2 ,h) )++)(,-a8 )8)C)(,+
or -(7r)/-)(,+ o2 ,h) 2orC)r a+ a88)7)/ -( ,h) coC08a-(, or -(2orCa,-o( co(+,-,',) ,h)
8a,,)r, 3d +ice +ersa, a offese *ay be said to be ecessarily icluded i aother whe the
essetial igrediets of the for*er costitute or for* #art of those costitutig the latter,
% this case, the allegatios i the %for*atios filed agaist #etitioer are sufficiet to hold
#etitioer liable for the lesser offeses, Thus, i the charge for Falsificatio of Public
Docu*ets, #etitioer *ay #lead guilty to the lesser offese of Falsificatio by Pri+ate
%di+iduals ias*uch as it does ot a##ear that #etitioer too2 ad+atage of his official #ositio
i allegedly falsifyig the ti*eboo2 ad #ayroll of the $uici#ality of >ato, Leyte, % the sa*e
+ei, with regard to the cri*e of $al+ersatio of Public Fuds, while the %for*atios cotai
allegatios which *a2e out a case for $al+ersatio agaist #etitioer, e+ertheless, abset the
ele*et of co+ersio, theoretically, #etitioer *ay still be held liable for Failure to "eder
3ccout by a 3ccoutable (fficer if it is show that the failure to reder accout was i
+iolatio of a law or regulatio that re1uires hi* to reder such a accoutig withi the
#rescribed #eriod,
;i+e, therefore, that so*e of the essetial ele*ets of offeses charged i this case li2ewise
costitute the lesser offeses, the #etitioer *ay #lead guilty to such lesser offeses,
Fially, as #ro#ouded by #etitioer, ideed, he is ot a accoutable officer i that the ature
of his duty as fore*aNti*e2ee#er does ot #er*it or re1uire #ossessio or custody of local
go+er*et fuds,
ot to *etio that #etitioer has already restituted the a*out
of P1I,I@0,00 i+ol+ed i this case, =li2e Es#rada which i+ol+es a cri*e #uishable by
reclusio #er#etua to death,
ad a who##ig P2H,000,000,00 ta2e fro* the #ublic coffers,
this case tre*edously #ales i co*#ariso,
=der the #eculiar circu*staces of the #reset case, where gross ie1uity will result i a
discri*iatory dis#esatio of 0ustice, the Court will ot hesitate to iter+ee i order to e1uali6e
the i*balace,
43ERE5ORE, the #etitio is !RANTED. The "esolutios dated $arch 2H, 200! ad $ay B1,
200! are SETASIDE, The )andi4an;a3an is hereby ORDERED to grat #etitioerPs $otio to
Plea >argai, Let records of this case be REMANDED to the )andi4an;a3an for further
#roceedigs i accordace with this Decisio,
&( ("D-"-D,
3ssociate .ustice
3ctig Chair#erso
W- C()C=":
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3ssociate .ustice
3 T T - & T 3 T % ( )
% attest that the coclusios i the abo+e Decisio had bee reached i cosultatio before the
case was assiged to the writer of the o#iio of the Court7s Di+isio,
3ssociate .ustice
3ctig Chair#erso, Third Di+isio
C - " T % F % C 3 T % ( )
Pursuat to &ectio 1B, 3rticle '%%% of the Costitutio, ad the Di+isio 3ctig Chair#erso7s
3ttestatio, it is hereby certified that the coclusios i the abo+e Decisio had bee reached i
cosultatio before the case was assiged to the writer of the o#iio of the Court7s Di+isio,
Chief .ustice
-) >3)C
:!.R. No. 1&9&5*. A0r-8 1, 200*=
ARELLANO, petitioners, vs. PAN5ILO M. LACSON,respondent.
>efore the Court is the #etitioers7 $otio for "ecosideratio
of the
dated $ay 2I, 2002, re*adig this case to the "egioal Trial Court 4"TC5
of Due6o City, >rach I1, for the deter*iatio of se+eral factual issues relati+e to the
a##licatio of &ectio I of "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure o the
dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 filed agaist the
res#odet ad his co?accused with the said court, % the aforesaid cri*ial cases, the
res#odet ad his co?accused were charged with *ulti#le *urder for the shootig ad
2illig of ele+e *ale #ersos idetified as $auel $otero, a for*er Cor#oral of the
Phili##ie 3r*y, "olado &i#lo, &herwi 3balora, who was 1@ years old, "ay 3balora,
who was 19 years old, .oel 3*ora, .e+y "edillas, $eleubre &orroda, who was 1!
years old,
Pacifico $otero, .r,, of the !!th %fatry >atallio of the Phili##ie 3r*y,
Welbor -lca*el, &P(1 Carlito 3la#?a# of the La*boaga P)P, ad 3le/ )eri, for*er
Cor#oral of the !!th %fatry >atallio of the Phili##ie 3r*y, badied as *e*bers of
the Jura#on4 Balelen4 ;ag, The res#odet o##osed #etitioers7 *otio for
The Court ruled i the "esolutio sought to be recosidered that the #ro+isioal
dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 were with the e/#ress
coset of the res#odet as he hi*self *o+ed for said #ro+isioal dis*issal whe he
filed his *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause ad for e/a*iatio of
witesses, The Court also held therei that although &ectio I, "ule 11A of the "e+ised
"ules of Cri*ial Procedure could be gi+e retroacti+e effect, there is still a eed to
deter*ie whether the re1uire*ets for its a##licatio are attedat, The trial court
was thus directed to resol+e the followig:
$$$ 718 !hether the #rovisional dis/issal of the cases had the e2#ress consent of the
accused- 728 !hether it !as ordered by the court after notice to the offended #arty- 738
!hether the 2+year #eriod to revive it has already la#sed- 768 !hether there is any
Fustification for the filin" of the cases beyond the 2+year #eriod- 7,8 !hether notices to
the offended #arties !ere "iven before the cases of res#ondent 'acson !ere dis/issed
by then (ud"e A"nir- 758 !hether there !ere affidavits of desistance e2ecuted by the
relatives of the three 738 other victi/s- 708 !hether the /ulti#le /urder cases a"ainst
res#ondent 'acson are bein" revived !ithin or beyond the 2+year bar$
The Court further held that the rec2oig date of the two?year bar had to be first
deter*ied whether it shall be fro* the date of the order of the .udge 3gir, .r,
dis*issig the cases, or fro* the dates of recei#t thereof by the +arious offeded
#arties, or fro* the date of effecti+ity of the ew rule, 3ccordig to the Court, if the
cases were re+i+ed oly after the two?year bar, the &tate *ust be gi+e the o##ortuity
to 0ustify its failure to co*#ly with the said ti*e?bar, %t e*#hasi6ed that the ew rule
fi/es a ti*e?bar to #eali6e the &tate for its ie/cusable delay i #rosecutig cases
already filed i court, Fowe+er, the &tate is ot #recluded fro* #resetig co*#ellig
reasos to 0ustify the re+i+al of cases beyod the two?year bar,
% su##ort of their $otio for "ecosideratio, the #etitioers coted that 4a5
&ectio I, "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure is ot a##licable to
Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9G ad 4b5 the ti*e?bar i said rule
should ot be a##lied retroacti+ely,
The Court shall resol+e the issues seria#im,
I$ S:C1I&. 4, ;@': 110 &? 19: ;:VIS: ;@':S &? C;IMI.A'
P;&C:@;: IS .&1 APP'ICAA': 1& C;IMI.A' CAS:S .&S$ L+99+41509
1& L+99+41549$
The #etitioers a+er that &ectio I, "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial
Procedure is ot a##licable to Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 because
the essetial re1uire*ets for its a##licatio were ot #reset whe .udge 3gir, .r,,
issued his resolutio of $arch 29, 1999, Disagreeig with the rulig of the Court, the
#etitioers *aitai that the res#odet did ot gi+e his e/#ress coset to the
dis*issal by .udge 3gir, .r,, of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9, The
res#odet allegedly ad*itted i his #leadigs filed with the Court of 3##eals ad
durig the hearig thereat that he did ot file ay *otio to dis*iss said cases, or e+e
agree to a #ro+isioal dis*issal thereof, $oreo+er, the heirs of the +icti*s were
allegedly ot gi+e #rior otices of the dis*issal of the said cases by .udge 3gir,
.r, 3ccordig to the #etitioers, the res#odet7s e/#ress coset to the #ro+isioal
dis*issal of the cases ad the otice to all the heirs of the +icti*s of the res#odet7s
*otio ad the hearig thereo are coditios sine qua non to the a##licatio of the
ti*e?bar i the secod #aragra#h of the ew rule,
The #etitioers further sub*it that it is ot ecessary that the case be re*aded to
the "TC to deter*ie whether #ri+ate co*#laiats were otified of the $arch 22, 1999
hearig o the res#odet7s *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of the e/istece of
#robable cause, The records allegedly idicate clearly that oly the hadlig city
#rosecutor was furished a co#y of the otice of hearig o said *otio, There is
allegedly o e+idece that #ri+ate #rosecutor 3tty, ;odwi 'alde6 was #ro#erly retaied
ad authori6ed by all the #ri+ate co*#laiats to re#reset the* at said hearig, %t is
their cotetio that 3tty, 'alde6 *erely idetified the #ur#orted affida+its of desistace
ad that he did ot cofir* the truth of the allegatios therei,
The res#odet, o the other had, isists that, as foud by the Court i its
"esolutio ad .udge 3gir, .r, i his resolutio, the res#odet hi*self *o+ed for the
#ro+isioal dis*issal of the cri*ial cases, Fe cites the resolutio of .udge 3gir, .r,
statig that the res#odet ad the other accused filed se#arate but idetical *otios
for the dis*issal of the cri*ial cases should the trial court fid o #robable cause for
the issuace of warrats of arrest agaist the*,
The res#odet further asserts that the heirs of the +icti*s, through the #ublic ad
#ri+ate #rosecutors, were duly otified of said *otio ad the hearig thereof, Fe
coteds that it was sufficiet that the #ublic #rosecutor was #reset durig the $arch
22, 1999 hearig o the *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of the e/istece of #robable
cause because cri*ial actios are always #rosecuted i the a*e of the Peo#le, ad
the #ri+ate co*#laiats *erely #rosecute the ci+il as#ect thereof,
The Court has re+iewed the records ad has foud the cotetio of the #etitioers
&ectio I, "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure reads:
Sec$ 4$ Provisional dis/issal$ J A case shall not be #rovisionally dis/issed e2ce#t
!ith the e2#ress consent of the accused and !ith notice to the offended #arty$
1he #rovisional dis/issal of offenses #unishable by i/#rison/ent not e2ceedin" si2
758 years or a fine of any a/ount, or both, shall beco/e #er/anent one 718 year after
issuance of the order !ithout the case havin" been revived$ <ith res#ect to offenses
#unishable by i/#rison/ent of /ore than si2 758 years, their #rovisional dis/issal
shall beco/e #er/anent t!o 728 years after issuance of the order !ithout the case
havin" been revived$
Fa+ig i+o2ed said rule before the #etitioers?#ael of #rosecutors ad before the
Court of 3##eals, the res#odet is burdeed to establish the essetial re1uisites of the
first #aragra#h thereof, a*ely:
1$ the #rosecution !ith the e2#ress confor/ity of the accused or the accused
/oves for a #rovisional 7sin per.uicio8 dis/issal of the case- or both the #rosecution
and the accused /ove for a #rovisional dis/issal of the case-
2$ the offended #arty is notified of the /otion for a #rovisional dis/issal of the
3$ the court issues an order "rantin" the /otion and dis/issin" the case
6$ the #ublic #rosecutor is served !ith a co#y of the order of #rovisional dis/issal
of the case$
The foregoig re1uire*ets are coditios sine qua non to the a##licatio of the
ti*e?bar i the secod #aragra#h of the ew rule, Theraison dP e#re for the re1uire*et
of the e/#ress coset of the accused to a #ro+isioal dis*issal of a cri*ial case is to
bar hi* fro* subse1uetly assertig that the re+i+al of the cri*ial case will #lace hi*
i double 0eo#ardy for the sa*e offese or for a offese ecessarily icluded therei,
3lthough the secod #aragra#h of the ew rule states that the order of dis*issal
shall beco*e #er*aet oe year after the issuace thereof without the case ha+ig
bee re+i+ed, the #ro+isio should be costrued to *ea that the order of dis*issal
shall beco*e #er*aet oe year after ser+ice of the order of dis*issal o the #ublic
#rosecutor who has cotrol of the #rosecutio
without the cri*ial case ha+ig bee
re+i+ed, The #ublic #rosecutor caot be e/#ected to co*#ly with the ti*elie uless
he is ser+ed with a co#y of the order of dis*issal,
-/#ress coset to a #ro+isioal dis*issal is gi+e either viva voce or i writig, %t
is a #ositi+e, direct, ue1ui+ocal coset re1uirig o iferece or i*#licatio to su##ly
its *eaig,
Where the accused writes o the *otio of a #rosecutor for a #ro+isioal
dis*issal of the caseNo o;jec#ion or >i#h m3 conformi#3, the writig a*outs to e/#ress
coset of the accused to a #ro+isioal dis*issal of the case,
The *ere iactio or
silece of the accused to a *otio for a #ro+isioal dis*issal of the case
or his failure
to ob0ect to a #ro+isioal dis*issal
does ot a*out to e/#ress coset,
3 *otio of the accused for a #ro+isioal dis*issal of a case is a e/#ress coset
to such #ro+isioal dis*issal,
%f a cri*ial case is #ro+isioally dis*issed with the
e/#ress coset of the accused, the case *ay be re+i+ed oly withi the #eriods
#ro+ided i the ew rule, ( the other had, if a cri*ial case is #ro+isioally
dis*issed without the e/#ress coset of the accused or o+er his ob0ectio, the ew
rule would ot a##ly, The case *ay be re+i+ed or refiled e+e beyod the #rescribed
#eriods sub0ect to the right of the accused to o##ose the sa*e o the groud of double
or that such re+i+al or refilig is barred by the statute of li*itatios,
The case *ay be re+i+ed by the &tate withi the ti*e?bar either by the refilig of the
%for*atio or by the filig of a ew %for*atio for the sa*e offese or a offese
ecessarily icluded therei, There would be o eed of a ew #reli*iary
Fowe+er, i a case wherei after the #ro+isioal dis*issal of a cri*ial
case, the origial witesses of the #rosecutio or so*e of the* *ay ha+e recated their
testi*oies or *ay ha+e died or *ay o loger be a+ailable ad ew witesses for the
&tate ha+e e*erged, a ew #reli*iary i+estigatio
*ust be coducted before a
%for*atio is refiled or a ew %for*atio is filed, 3 ew #reli*iary i+estigatio is
also re1uired if aside fro* the origial accused, other #ersos are charged uder a ew
cri*ial co*#lait for the sa*e offese or ecessarily icluded thereiG or if uder a
ew cri*ial co*#lait, the origial charge has bee u#gradedG or if uder a ew
cri*ial co*#lait, the cri*ial liability of the accused is u#graded fro* that as a
accessory to that as a #rici#al, The accused *ust be accorded the right to sub*it
couter?affida+its ad e+idece, 3fter all, Uthe fiscal is ot called by the "ules of Court to
wait i a*bushG the role of a fiscal is ot *aily to #rosecute but essetially to do 0ustice
to e+ery *a ad to assist the court i dis#esig that 0ustice,V
% this case, the res#odet has failed to #ro+e that the first ad secod re1uisites
of the first #aragra#h of the ew rule were #reset whe .udge 3gir, .r, dis*issed
Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9, %rrefragably, the #rosecutio did ot
file ay *otio for the #ro+isioal dis*issal of the said cri*ial cases, For his #art, the
res#odet *erely filed a *otio for 0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause ad for
e/a*iatio of #rosecutio witesses allegig that uder 3rticle %%%, &ectio 2 of the
Costitutio ad the decisio of this Court i 8llado v& 6io+no,
a*og other cases,
there was a eed for the trial court to coduct a #ersoal deter*iatio of #robable
cause for the issuace of a warrat of arrest agaist res#odet ad to ha+e the
#rosecutio7s witesses su**oed before the court for its e/a*iatio, The
res#odet coteded therei that util after the trial court shall ha+e #ersoally
deter*ied the #resece of #robable cause, o warrat of arrest should be issued
agaist the res#odet ad if oe had already bee issued, the warrat should be
recalled by the trial court, Fe the #rayed therei that:
18 a Fudicial deter/ination of #robable cause #ursuant to Section 2, Article III of
the Constitution be conducted by this 9onorable Court, and for this #ur#ose, an order
be issued directin" the #rosecution to #resent the #rivate co/#lainants and their
!itnesses at a hearin" scheduled therefor- and
28 !arrants for the arrest of the accused+/ovants be !ithheld, or, if issued, recalled
in the /eanti/e until the resolution of this incident$
&ther eOuitable reliefs are also #rayed for$
The res#odet did ot #ray for the dis*issal, #ro+isioal or otherwise, of Cri*ial
Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9, )either did he e+er agree, i*#liedly or
e/#ressly, to a *ere #ro+isioal dis*issal of the cases, % fact, i his re#ly filed with the
Court of 3##eals, res#odet e*#hasi6ed that:
$$$ An e2a/ination of the Motion for (udicial eter/ination of Probable Cause and for
:2a/ination of Prosecution <itnesses filed by the #etitioner and his other co+accused
in the said cri/inal cases !ould sho! that the #etitioner did not #ray for the dis/issal
of the case$ +n te contrary, te reliefs prayed for terein by te petitioner are5 &;' a
.udicial deter*ination of probable cause pursuant to Section 6, Article III of te
Constitution8 and &6' tat warrants for te arrest of te accused be witeld, or if
issued, recalled in te *eanti*e until te resolution of te *otion. It cannot be said,
terefore, tat te dis*issal of te case was *ade wit te consent of te petitioner. A
copy of te aforesaid *otion is ereto attaced and *ade integral part ereof as
AnneA BA.4
Durig the hearig i the Court of 3##eals o .uly B1, 2001, the res#odet,
through cousel, categorically, ue1ui+ocally, ad defiitely declared that he did ot file
ay *otio to dis*iss the cri*ial cases or did he agree to a #ro+isioal dis*issal
thereof, thus:
.=&T%C- &3L();3:
3d it is your stad that the dis*issal *ade by the Court was #ro+isioal i atureR
3TTJ, F("T=):
I, Ga+ -( ;sic< ,ha, ,h) acc'+)/ /-/ (o, a+F 2or -,. 4ha, ,h)6 Ga(,)/ a, ,h) o(+),
Ga+ +-C086 a I'/-c-a8 /),)rC-(a,-o( o2 0ro?a?8) ca'+) 2or Garra(,+ o2 arr)+,
-++')/. The .udge 3gir, u#o the #resetatio by the #arties of their
witesses, #articularly those who had withdraw their affida+its, *ade oe further
coclusio that ot oly was this case lac2ig i #robable cause for #ur#oses of
the issuace of a arrest warrat but also it did ot 0ustify #roceedig to trial,
.=&T%C- &3L();3:
3d it is e/#ressly #ro+ided uder &ectio I that a case shall ot be #ro+isioally
dis*issed e/ce#t whe it is with the e/#ress cofor*ity of the accused,
3TTJ, F("T=):
That is correct, Jour Foor,
.=&T%C- &3L();3:
3d with otice to the offeded #arty,
3TTJ, F("T=):
That is correct, Jour Foor,
.=&T%C- &3L();3:
Was there a e/#ress cofor*ity o the #art of the accusedR
3TTJ, F("T=):
Th)r) Ga+ (o(), 9o'r 3o(or. 4) G)r) (o, a+F)/ ,o +-7( a(6 or/)r, or a(6
+,a,)C)(,, Gh-ch Go'8/ (orCa886 ?) r)J'-r)/ ?6 ,h) Co'r, o( 0r)-,r-a8 or o(
o,h)r Ca,,)r+, -(c8'/-(7 o,h)r 0ro1-+-o(a8 /-+C-++a8. $y +ery li*ited #ractice
i cri*ial courts, Jour Foor, had taught *e that a 0udge *ust be +ery careful o
this *atter of #ro+isioal dis*issal, % fact they as2 the accused to co*e
forward, ad the 0udge hi*self or herself e/#lais the i*#licatios of a #ro+isioal
dis*issal, Pu*a#ayag 2a ba dito, Puwede bag #u*ir*a 2aR
.=&T%C- "(&3"%(:
Jou were #reset durig the #roceedigsR
3TTJ, F("T=):
Jes, Jour Foor,
.=&T%C- "(&3"%(:
Jou re#reseted the #etitioer i this caseR
3TTJ, F("T=):
Tha, -+ corr)c,, 9o'r 3o(or. A(/ ,h)r) Ga+ (o,h-(7 o2 ,ha, +or, Gh-ch ,h) 7oo/
J'/7) A7(-r, Gho -+ Co+, F(oG8)/7)a?8) -( cr-C-(a8 8aG, ha/ /o() -(
r)+0)c, o2 0ro1-+-o(a8 /-+C-++a8 or ,h) Ca,,)r o2 Mr. Lac+o( a7r))-(7 ,o ,h)
0ro1-+-o(a8 /-+C-++a8 o2 ,h) ca+).
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
)ow, you filed a *otio, the other accused the filed a *otio for a 0udicial
deter*iatio of #robable causeR
3TTJ, F("T=):
Jes, Jour Foor,
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
Did you *a2e ay alterati+e #rayer i your *otio that if there is o #robable cause
what should the Court doR
3TTJ, F("T=):
Tha, ,h) arr)+, Garra(,+ o(86 ?) G-,hh)8/. Tha, Ga+ ,h) o(86 0ra6)r ,ha, G)
a+F)/. % fact, % ha+e a co#y of that #articular *otio, ad if % *ay read *y
#rayer before the Court, it said: UWherefore, it is res#ectfully #rayed that 415 a
0udicial deter*iatio of #robable cause #ursuat to &ectio 2, 3rticle %%% of the
Costitutio be coducted, ad for this #ur#ose, a order be issued directig the
#rosecutio to #reset the #ri+ate co*#laiats ad their witesses at the
scheduled hearig for that #ur#oseG ad 425 the warrats for the arrest of the
accused be withheld, or, if issued, recalled i the *eati*e util resolutio of this
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
There is o geeral #rayer for ay further reliefR
3TTJ, F("T=):
There is but it si*#ly says other e1uitable reliefs are #rayed for,
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
Do7t you sur*ise .udge 3gir, ow a *e*ber of this Court, #recisely addressed your
#rayer for 0ust ad e1uitable relief to dis*iss the case because what would be the
et effect of a situatio where there is o warrat of arrest beig issued without
dis*issig the caseR
3TTJ, F("T=):
9)+, 9o'r 3o(or. I G-88 (o, +)co(/ +a6 ;sic< 6)+ ,h) !oo/ J'+,-c), ?', Gha, -+
08a-( -+ G) /-/ (o, a7r)) ,o ,h) 0ro1-+-o(a8 /-+C-++a8, ()-,h)r G)r) G)
a+F)/ ,o +-7( a(6 a++)(, ,o ,h) 0ro1-+-o(a8 /-+C-++a8.
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
%f you did ot agree to the #ro+isioal dis*issal did you ot file ay *otio for
recosideratio of the order of .udge 3gir that the case should be dis*issedR
3TTJ, F("T=):
I /-/ (o,, 9o'r 3o(or, ?)ca'+) I F()G 2'886 G)88 a, ,ha, ,-C) ,ha, C6 c8-)(, ha/
a8r)a/6 ?))( arra-7()/, a(/ ,h) arra-7(C)(, Ga+ 1a8-/ a+ 2ar a+ I Ga+
co(c)r()/. So, ,h) /-+C-++a8, 9o'r 3o(or, ?6 J'/7) A7(-r o0)ra,)/ ,o
?)()2-, C), a(/ ,h)r)2or) I /-/ (o, ,aF) a(6 2'r,h)r +,)0 -( a//-,-o( ,o
rocF-(7 ,h) ?oa, or c8ar-26-(7 ,h) Ca,,)r 2'r,h)r ?)ca'+) -, 0ro?a?86 co'8/
0r)I'/-c) ,h) -(,)r)+, o2 C6 c8-)(,.
.=&T%C- ;=-""-"(:
% his *e*oradu* i lieu of the oral argu*et filed with the Court of 3##eals, the
res#odet declared i o ucertai ter*s that:
Soon thereafter, the SC in early 1999 rendered a decision declarin" the Sandi"anbayan
!ithout Furisdiction over the cases$ 1he records !ere re/anded to the LC
;1CD @#on raffle, the case !as assi"ned to Aranch 41$ Petitioner and the others
#ro/#tly filed a /otion for Fudicial deter/ination of #robable cause 7Anne2 A8$ 9e
asGed that !arrants for his arrest not be issued$ H" -(- 'o$ #o7" @o! $2" -(4#(44&) o@
$2" I'@o!#&$(o'4, 3o'$!&!: $o !"4o'-"'$ OSGF4 3)&(#$
The res#odet7s ad*issios *ade i the course of the #roceedigs i the Court of
3##eals are bidig ad coclusi+e o hi*, The res#odet is barred fro* re#udiatig
his ad*issios abset e+idece of #al#able *ista2e i *a2ig such ad*issios,
To a##ly the ew rule i Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 would be
to add to or *a2e e/ce#tios fro* the ew rule which are ot e/#ressly or i*#liedly
icluded therei, This the Court caot ad should ot do,
The Court also agrees with the #etitioers7 cotetio that o otice of ay *otio
for the #ro+isioal dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 or of
the hearig thereo was ser+ed o the heirs of the +icti*s at least three days before
said hearig as *adated by "ule 1H, &ectio ! of the "ules of Court, %t *ust be bore
i *id that i cri*es i+ol+ig #ri+ate iterests, the ew rule re1uires that the offeded
#arty or #arties or the heirs of the +icti*s *ust be gi+e ade1uate a priori otice of ay
*otio for the #ro+isioal dis*issal of the cri*ial case, &uch otice *ay be ser+ed o
the offeded #arty or the heirs of the +icti* through the #ri+ate #rosecutor, if there is
oe, or through the #ublic #rosecutor who i tur *ust relay the otice to the offeded
#arty or the heirs of the +icti* to eable the* to cofer with hi* before the hearig or
a##ear i court durig the hearig, The #roof of such ser+ice *ust be show durig the
hearig o the *otio, otherwise, the re1uire*et of the ew rule will beco*e
illusory, &uch otice will eable the offeded #arty or the heirs of the +icti* the
o##ortuity to seasoably ad effecti+ely co**et o or ob0ect to the *otio o +alid
grouds, icludig: 4a5 the collusio betwee the #rosecutio ad the accused for the
#ro+isioal dis*issal of a cri*ial case thereby de#ri+ig the &tate of its right to due
#rocessG 4b5 atte*#ts to *a2e witesses ua+ailableG or 4c5 the #ro+isioal dis*issal of
the case with the cose1uet release of the accused fro* detetio would eable hi*
to threate ad 2ill the offeded #arty or the other #rosecutio witesses or flee fro*
Phili##ie 0urisdictio, #ro+ide o##ortuity for the destructio or loss of the #rosecutio7s
#hysical ad other e+idece ad #re0udice the rights of the offeded #arty to reco+er o
the ci+il liability of the accused by his coceal*et or furti+e dis#ositio of his #ro#erty
or the cose1uet liftig of the writ of #reli*iary attach*et agaist his #ro#erty,
% the case at bar, e+e if the res#odet7s *otio for a deter*iatio of #robable
cause ad e/a*iatio of witesses *ay be cosidered for the oce as his *otio for
a #ro+isioal dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9, howe+er,
the heirs of the +icti*s were ot otified thereof #rior to the hearig o said *otio o
$arch 22, 1999, %t *ust be stressed that the res#odet filed his *otio oly o $arch
1A, 1999 ad set it for hearig o $arch 22, 1999 or barely fi+e days fro* the filig
thereof, 3lthough the #ublic #rosecutor was ser+ed with a co#y of the *otio, the
records do ot show that otices thereof were se#arately gi+e to the heirs of the
+icti*s or that sub#oeae were issued to ad recei+ed by the*, icludig those who
e/ecuted their affida+its of desistace who were residets of Di#olog City or PiTa,
La*boaga del )orte or Palo*#o, Leyte,
There is as well o #roof i the records that
the #ublic #rosecutor otified the heirs of the +icti*s of said *otio or of the hearig
thereof o $arch 22, 1999, 3lthough 3tty, 'alde6 etered his a##earace as #ri+ate
he did so oly for so*e but ot all the close 2is of the +icti*s, a*ely,
)eita 3la#?a#, %*elda $otero, $argarita "edillas, "ufio &i#lo, Car*elita -lca*el,
$yra 3balora, ad Leoora 3*ora who 4e/ce#t for "ufio &i#lo5
e/ecuted their
res#ecti+e affida+its of desistace,
There was o a##earace for the heirs of 3le/ )eri,
Pacifico $otero, .r,, ad $eleubre &orroda, There is o #roof o record that all the
heirs of the +icti*s were ser+ed with co#ies of the resolutio of .udge 3gir, .r,
dis*issig the said cases, % fie, there e+er was ay atte*#t o the #art of the trial
court, the #ublic #rosecutor adNor the #ri+ate #rosecutor to otify all the heirs of the
+icti*s of the res#odet7s *otio ad the hearig thereo ad of the resolutio of
.udge 3gir, .r, dis*issig said cases, The said heirs were thus de#ri+ed of their right
to be heard o the res#odet7s *otio ad to #rotect their iterests either i the trial
court or i the a##ellate court,
&ice the coditios sine qua non for the a##licatio of the ew rule were ot
#reset whe .udge 3gir, .r, issued his resolutio, the &tate is ot barred by the ti*e
li*it set forth i the secod #aragra#h of &ectio I of "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of
Cri*ial Procedure, The &tate ca thus re+i+e or refile Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?
I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9 or file ew %for*atios for *ulti#le *urder agaist the
II$ 19: 1IM:+AA; I. S:C1I&. 4, ;@': 110 &? 19: ;:VIS:
;@':S &? C;IMI.A' P;&C:@;: S9&@' .&1 A: APP'I:
The #etitioers coted that e+e o the assu*#tio that the res#odet e/#ressly
coseted to a #ro+isioal dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?I1@I9
ad all the heirs of the +icti*s were otified of the res#odet7s *otio before the
hearig thereo ad were ser+ed with co#ies of the resolutio of .udge 3gir, .r,
dis*issig the ele+e cases, the two?year bar i &ectio I of "ule 11A of the "e+ised
"ules of Cri*ial Procedure should be a##lied #ros#ecti+ely ad ot retroacti+ely
agaist the &tate, To a##ly the ti*e li*it retroacti+ely to the cri*ial cases agaist the
res#odet ad his co?accused would +iolate the right of the Peo#le to due #rocess,
ad uduly i*#air, reduce, ad di*iish the &tate7s substati+e right to #rosecute the
accused for *ulti#le *urder, They #osit that uder 3rticle 90 of the "e+ised Peal
Code, the &tate had twety years withi which to file the cri*ial co*#laits agaist the
accused, Fowe+er, uder the ew rule, the &tate oly had two years fro* otice of the
#ublic #rosecutor of the order of dis*issal of Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?
I1@I9 withi which to re+i+e the said cases, Whe the ew rule too2 effect o
Dece*ber 1, 2000, the &tate oly had oe year ad three *oths withi which to re+i+e
the cases or refile the %for*atios, The #eriod for the &tate to charge res#odet for
*ulti#le *urder uder 3rticle 90 of the "e+ised Peal Code was cosiderably ad
arbitrarily reduced, They sub*it that i case of coflict betwee the "e+ised Peal
Code ad the ew rule, the for*er should #re+ail, They also isist that the &tate had
cosistetly relied o the #rescri#ti+e #eriods uder 3rticle 90 of the "e+ised Peal
Code, %t was ot accorded a fair warnin4 that it would fore+er be barred beyod the
two?year #eriod by a retroacti+e a##licatio of the ew rule,
Petitioers thus #ray to the
Court to set aside its "esolutio of $ay 2I, 2002,
For his #art, the res#odet asserts that the ew rule uder &ectio I of "ule 11A of
the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure *ay be a##lied retroacti+ely sice there is o
substati+e right of the &tate that *ay be i*#aired by its a##licatio to the cri*ial
cases i 1uestio sice C9t:he &tate7s witesses were ready, willig ad able to #ro+ide
their testi*oy but the #rosecutio failed to act o these cases util it beca*e #olitically
e/#ediet i 3#ril 2001 for the* to do so,7
3ccordig to the res#odet, #eal laws,
either #rocedural or substati+e, *ay be retroacti+ely a##lied so log as they fa+or the
Fe asserts that the two?year #eriod co**eced to ru o $arch 29, 1999
ad la#sed two years thereafter was *ore tha reasoable o##ortuity for the &tate to
fairly idict hi*,
% ay e+et, the &tate is gi+e the right uder the Court7s assailed
"esolutio to 0ustify the filig of the %for*atio i Cri*ial Cases )os, 01?101102 to
01?101112 beyod the ti*e?bar uder the ew rule,
The res#odet isists that &ectio I of "ule 11A of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial
Procedure does ot broade the substati+e right of double 0eo#ardy to the #re0udice of
the &tate because the #rohibitio agaist the re+i+al of the cases withi the oe?year or
two?year #eriods #ro+ided therei is a legal coce#t distict fro* the #rohibitio agaist
the re+i+al of a #ro+isioally dis*issed case withi the #eriods stated i &ectio I of
"ule 11A, $oreo+er, he clai*s that the effects of a #ro+isioal dis*issal uder said rule
do ot *odify or egate the o#eratio of the #rescri#ti+e #eriod uder 3rticle 90 of the
"e+ised Peal Code, Prescri#tio uder the "e+ised Peal Code si*#ly beco*es
irrele+at u#o the a##licatio of &ectio I, "ule 11A because a co*#lait or
ifor*atio has already bee filed agaist the accused, which filig tolls the ruig of
the #rescri#ti+e #eriod uder 3rticle 90,
The Court agrees with the res#odet that the ew rule is ot a statute of
li*itatios, &tatutes of li*itatios are costrued as acts of grace, ad a surreder by
the so+ereig of its right to #rosecute or of its right to #rosecute at its discretio, &uch
statutes are cosidered as e1ui+alet to acts of a*esty fouded o the liberal theory
that #rosecutios should ot be allowed to fer*et edlessly i the files of the
go+er*et to e/#lode oly after witesses ad #roofs ecessary for the #rotectio of
the accused ha+e by sheer la#se of ti*e #assed beyod a+ailability,
The #eriods fi/ed
uder such statutes are 0urisdictioal ad are essetial ele*ets of the offeses
( the other had, the ti*e?bar uder &ectio I of "ule 11A is a2i to a s#ecial
#rocedural li*itatio 1ualifyig the right of the &tate to #rosecute *a2ig the ti*e?bar
a essece of the gi+e right or as a iheret #art thereof, so that the la#se of the
ti*e?bar o#erates to e/tiguish the right of the &tate to #rosecute the accused,
The ti*e?bar uder the ew rule does ot reduce the #eriods uder 3rticle 90 of the
"e+ised Peal Code, a substati+e law,
%t is but a li*itatio of the right of the &tate to
re+i+e a cri*ial case agaist the accused after the %for*atio had bee filed but
subse1uetly #ro+isioally dis*issed with the e/#ress coset of the accused, =#o
the la#se of the ti*elie uder the ew rule, the &tate is #resu*ed, albeit dis#utably, to
ha+e abadoed or wai+ed its right to re+i+e the case ad #rosecute the accused, The
dis*issal beco*es ipso fac#o #er*aet, Fe ca o loger be charged aew for the
sa*e cri*e or aother cri*e ecessarily icluded therei,
Fe is s#ared fro* the
aguish ad a/iety as well as the e/#eses i ay ew idict*ets,
The &tate *ay
re+i+e a cri*ial case beyod the oe?year or two?year #eriods #ro+ided that there is a
0ustifiable ecessity for the delay,
>y the sa*e to2e, if a cri*ial case is dis*issed o
*otio of the accused because the trial is ot cocluded withi the #eriod therefor, the
#rescri#ti+e #eriods uder the "e+ised Peal Code are ot thereby di*iished,
whether or ot the #rosecutio of the accused is barred by the statute of li*itatios or
by the la#se of the ti*e?lie uder the ew rule, the effect is basically the sa*e, 3s the
&tate &u#re*e Court of %lliois held:
P 1his, in effect, enacts that !hen the s#ecified #eriod shall have arrived, the ri"ht of
the state to #rosecute shall be "one, and the liability of the offender to be #unishedE
to be de#rived of his libertyEshall cease$ Its ter/s not only striGe do!n the ri"ht of
action !hich the state had acOuired by the offense, but also re/ove the fla! !hich the
cri/e had created in the offenderIs title to liberty$ In this res#ect, its lan"ua"e "oes
dee#er than statutes barrin" civil re/edies usually do$ 1hey e2#ressly taGe a!ay only
the re/edy by suit, and that inferentially is held to abate the ri"ht !hich such re/edy
!ould enforce, and #erfect the title !hich such re/edy !ould invade- but this statute
is ai/ed directly at the very ri"ht !hich the state has a"ainst the offenderEthe ri"ht to
#unish, as the only liability !hich the offender has incurred, and declares that this
ri"ht and this liability are at an end$ P
The Court agrees with the res#odet that #rocedural laws *ay be a##lied
retroacti+ely, 3s a##lied to cri*ial law, #rocedural law #ro+ides or regulates the ste#s
by which oe who has co**itted a cri*e is to be #uished, % *an, %r& v& 'our# of
this Court held that:
Statutes re"ulatin" the #rocedure of the courts !ill be construed as a##licable to
actions #endin" and undeter/ined at the ti/e of their #assa"e$ Procedural la!s are
retroactive in that sense and to that e2tent$ 1he fact that #rocedural statutes /ay
so/eho! affect the liti"antsI ri"hts /ay not #reclude their retroactive a##lication to
#endin" actions$ 1he retroactive a##lication of #rocedural la!s is not violative of any
ri"ht of a #erson !ho /ay feel that he is adversely affected$ .or is the retroactive
a##lication of #rocedural statutes constitutionally obFectionable$ 1he reason is that as
a "eneral rule no vested ri"ht /ay attach to, nor arise fro/, #rocedural la!s$ It has
been held that >a #erson has no vested ri"ht in any #articular re/edy, and a liti"ant
cannot insist on the a##lication to the trial of his case, !hether civil or cri/inal, of
any other than the e2istin" rules of #rocedure$
%t further ruled therei that a #rocedural law *ay ot be a##lied retroacti+ely if to do
so would wor2 i0ustice or would i+ol+e itricate #roble*s of due #rocess or i*#air the
ide#edece of the Court, % a per curiam decisio i 'ipriano v& 'i#3 of !ouma,
=ited &tates &u#re*e Court ruled that where a decisio of the court would #roduce
substatial ie1uitable results if a##lied retroacti+ely, there is a*#le basis for a+oidig
Uthe i0ustice of hardshi#V by a holdig of oretroacti+ity,
3 costructio of which a
statute is fairly susce#tible is fa+ored, which will a+oid all ob0ectioable, *ischie+ous,
idefesible, wrogful, ad i0urious cose1ueces,
This Court should ot ado#t a
iter#retatio of a statute which #roduces absurd, ureasoable, u0ust, or o##ressi+e
results if such iter#retatio could be a+oided,
Ti*e ad agai, this Court has decreed
that statutes are to be costrued i light of the #ur#oses to be achie+ed ad the e+ils
sought to be re*edied, % costruig a statute, the reaso for the eact*et should be
2e#t i *id ad the statute should be costrued with referece to the iteded sco#e
ad #ur#ose,
"e*edial legislatio, or #rocedural rule, or doctrie of the Court desiged to
ehace ad i*#le*et the costitutioal rights of #arties i cri*ial #roceedigs *ay
be a##lied retroacti+ely or #ros#ecti+ely de#edig u#o se+eral factors, such as the
history of the ew rule, its #ur#ose ad effect, ad whether the retros#ecti+e a##licatio
will further its o#eratio, the #articular coduct sought to be re*edied ad the effect
thereo i the ad*iistratio of 0ustice ad of cri*ial laws i #articular,
% a per
curiam decisio i )#efano v& >oods,
the =ited &tates &u#re*e Court catalogued the
factors i deter*iig whether a ew rule or doctrie euciated by the Figh Court
should be gi+e retros#ecti+e or #ros#ecti+e effect:
>7a8 the #ur#ose to be served by the ne! standards, 7b8 the e2tent of the reliance by
la! enforce/ent authorities on the old standards, and 7c8 the effect on the
ad/inistration of Fustice of a retroactive a##lication of the ne! standards$C
% this case, the Court agrees with the #etitioers that the ti*e?bar of two years
uder the ew rule should ot be a##lied retroacti+ely agaist the &tate,
% the ew rule i 1uestio, as ow costrued by the Court, it has fi/ed a ti*e?bar of
oe year or two years for the re+i+al of cri*ial cases #ro+isioally dis*issed with the
e/#ress coset of the accused ad with a priori otice to the offeded #arty, The ti*e?
bar *ay a##ear, o first i*#ressio, ureasoable co*#ared to the #eriods uder
3rticle 90 of the "e+ised Peal Code, Fowe+er, i fi/ig the ti*e?bar, the Court
balaced the societal iterests ad those of the accused for the orderly ad s#eedy
dis#ositio of cri*ial cases with *ii*u* #re0udice to the &tate ad the accused, %t
too2 ito accout the substatial rights of both the &tate ad of the accused to due
#rocess, The Court belie+ed that the ti*e li*it is a reasoable #eriod for the &tate to
re+i+e #ro+isioally dis*issed cases with the coset of the accused ad otice to the
offeded #arties, The ti*e?bar fi/ed by the Court *ust be res#ected uless it is show
that the #eriod is *aifestly short or isufficiet that the rule beco*es a deial of
The #etitioers failed to show a *aifest shortess or isufficiecy of the ti*e?
The ew rule was coce#tuali6ed by the Co**ittee o the "e+isio of the "ules
ad a##ro+ed by the Court en ;anc #ri*arily to ehace the ad*iistratio of the
cri*ial 0ustice syste* ad the rights to due #rocess of the &tate ad the accused by
eli*iatig the deleterious #ractice of trial courts of #ro+isioally dis*issig cri*ial
cases o *otio of either the #rosecutio or the accused or 0oitly, either with o ti*e?
bar for the re+i+al thereof or with a s#ecific or defiite #eriod for such re+i+al by the
#ublic #rosecutor, There were ti*es whe such cri*ial cases were o loger re+i+ed
or refiled due to causes beyod the cotrol of the #ublic #rosecutor or because of the
idolece, a#athy or the lac2adaisical attitude of #ublic #rosecutors to the #re0udice of
the &tate ad the accused des#ite the *adate to #ublic #rosecutors ad trial 0udges to
e/#edite cri*ial #roceedigs,
%t is al*ost a ui+ersal e/#eriece that the accused welco*es delay as it usually
o#erates i his fa+or,
es#ecially if he greatly fears the cose1ueces of his trial ad
co+ictio, Fe is hesitat to disturb the hushed iactio by which do*iat cases ha+e
bee 2ow to e/#ire,
The iordiate delay i the re+i+al or refilig of cri*ial cases *ay i*#air or reduce
the ca#acity of the &tate to #ro+e its case with the disa##earace or oa+ailability of its
witesses, Physical e+idece *ay ha+e bee lost, $e*ories of witesses *ay ha+e
grow di* or ha+e faded, Passage of ti*e *a2es #roof of ay fact *ore difficult,
accused *ay beco*e a fugiti+e fro* 0ustice or co**it aother cri*e, The loger the
la#se of ti*e fro* the dis*issal of the case to the re+i+al thereof, the *ore difficult it is
to #ro+e the cri*e,
( the other side of the fulcru*, a *ere #ro+isioal dis*issal of a cri*ial case
does ot ter*iate a cri*ial case, The #ossibility that the case *ay be re+i+ed at ay
ti*e *ay disru#t or reduce, if ot derail, the chaces of the accused for e*#loy*et,
curtail his associatio, sub0ect hi* to #ublic oblo1uy ad create a/iety i hi* ad his
fa*ily, Fe is uable to lead a or*al life because of co**uity sus#icio ad his ow
a/iety, Fe cotiues to suffer those #ealties ad disabilities ico*#atible with the
#resu*#tio of iocece,
Fe *ay also lose his witesses or their *e*ories *ay fade
with the #assage of ti*e, % the log ru, it *ay di*iish his ca#acity to defed hi*self
ad thus eschew the fairess of the etire cri*ial 0ustice syste*,
The ti*e?bar uder the ew rule was fi/ed by the Court to e/cise the *alaise that
#lagued the ad*iistratio of the cri*ial 0ustice syste* for the ;enefi# of #he )#a#e and
#he accusedG ot for the accused oly,
The Court agrees with the #etitioers that to a##ly the ti*e?bar retroacti+ely so that
the two?year #eriod co**eced to ru o $arch B1, 1999 whe the #ublic #rosecutor
recei+ed his co#y of the resolutio of .udge 3gir, .r, dis*issig the cri*ial cases is
icosistet with the ited*et of the ew rule, %stead of gi+ig the &tate two years
to re+i+e #ro+isioally dis*issed cases, the &tate had cosiderably less tha two years
to do so, Thus, .udge 3gir, .r, dis*issed Cri*ial Cases )os, D?99?I1@A9 to D?99?
I1@I9 o $arch 29, 1999, The ew rule too2 effect o Dece*ber 1, 2000, %f the Court
a##lied the ew ti*e?bar retroacti+ely, the &tate would ha+e oly oe year ad three
*oths or util $arch B1, 2001 withi which to re+i+e these cri*ial cases, The #eriod
is short of the two?year #eriod fi/ed uder the ew rule, ( the other had, if the ti*e
li*it is a##lied #ros#ecti+ely, the &tate would ha+e two years fro* Dece*ber 1, 2000 or
util Dece*ber 1, 2002 withi which to re+i+e the cases, This is i cosoace with the
ited*et of the ew rule i fi/ig the ti*e?bar ad thus #re+et i0ustice to the &tate
ad a+oid absurd, ureasoable, o##ressi+e, i0urious, ad wrogful results i the
ad*iistratio of 0ustice,
The #eriod fro* 3#ril 1, 1999 to )o+e*ber B0, 1999 should be e/cluded i the
co*#utatio of the two?year #eriod because the rule #rescribig it was ot yet i effect
at the ti*e ad the &tate could ot be e/#ected to co*#ly with the ti*e?bar, %t caot
e+e be argued that the &tate wai+ed its right to re+i+e the cri*ial cases agaist
res#odet or that it was egliget for ot re+i+ig the* withi the two?year #eriod
uder the ew rule, 3s the =ited &tates &u#re*e Court said, #er .ustice Feli/
Fra2furter, i "riffin v& (eopleI
<e should not indul"e in the fiction that the la! no! announced has al!ays been the
la! and, therefore, that those !ho did not avail the/selves of it !aived their ri"hts P$
The two?year #eriod fi/ed i the ew rule is for the beefit of both the &tate ad the
accused, %t should ot be e*asculated ad reduced by a iordiate retroacti+e
a##licatio of the ti*e?bar therei #ro+ided *erely to beefit the accused, For to do so
would cause a Ui0ustice of hardshi#V to the &tate ad ad+ersely affect the
ad*iistratio of 0ustice i geeral ad of cri*ial laws i #articular,
To re1uire the &tate to gi+e a +alid 0ustificatio as a coditio sine qua non to the
re+i+al of a case #ro+isioally dis*issed with the e/#ress coset of the accused before
the effecti+e date of the ew rule is to assu*e that the &tate is obliged to co*#ly with
the ti*e?bar uder the ew rule before it too2 effect, This would be a ra2 deial of
0ustice, The &tate *ust be gi+e a #eriod of oe year or two years as the case *ay be
fro* Dece*ber 1, 2000 to re+i+e the cri*ial case without re1uirig the &tate to *a2e a
+alid 0ustificatio for ot re+i+ig the case before the effecti+e date of the ew
rule, 3lthough i cri*ial cases, the accused is etitled to 0ustice ad fairess, so is the
&tate, 3s the =ited &tates &u#re*e Court said, #er $r, .ustice >e0a*i Cardo6o,
i )n3der v& )#a#e of Massachusse##s,
Uthe coce#t of fairess *ust ot be straied till
it is arrowed to a fila*et, We are to 2ee# the balace true,V % 6ima#ulac v& =illon,
this Court e*#hasi6ed that Uthe 0udge7s actio *ust ot i*#air the substatial rights of
the accused or the right of the &tate ad offeded #arty to due #rocess of law, This
Court further said:
Indeed, for Fustice to #revail, the scales /ust balance- Fustice is not to be dis#ensed for
the accused alone$ 1he interests of society and the offended #arties !hich have been
!ron"ed /ust be eOually considered$ Verily, a verdict of conviction is not necessarily
a denial of Fustice- and an acOuittal is not necessarily a triu/#h of Fustice, for, to the
society offended and the #arty !ron"ed, it could also /ean inFustice$ (ustice then
/ust be rendered even+handedly to both the accused, on one hand, and the State and
offended #arty, on the other$
% this case, the ele+e %for*atios i Cri*ial Cases )os, 01?101102 to 01?
101112 were filed with the "egioal Trial Court o .ue @, 2001 well withi the two?year
% su*, this Court fids the *otio for recosideratio of #etitioers *eritorious,
IN T3E LI!3T O5 ALL T3E 5ORE!OIN!, the #etitioers7 $otio for
"ecosideratio is ;"3)T-D, The "esolutio of this Court, dated $ay 2I, 2002, is
&-T 3&%D-, The Decisio of the Court of 3##eals, dated 3ugust 2!, 2001, i C3?;,",
&P )o, @H0B! is "-'-"&-D, The Petitio of the "es#odet with the "egioal Trial
Court i Ci+il Case )o, 01?1009BB is D%&$%&&-D for beig *oot ad acade*ic, The
"egioal Trial Court of Due6o City, >rach I1, is D%"-CT-D to forthwith #roceed with
Cri*ial Cases )os, 01?101102 to 01?101112 with deliberate dis#atch,
)o #roouce*ets as to costs,
6avide, %r&, '&%&, Mendo$a, (an4ani;an, 8us#riaMar#ine$, 'orona, 'arpio
Morales, ad 8$cuna, %%&, cocur&
Bellosillo, %&, see se#arate o#iio, cocurrig,
(uno, %,, #lease see disset,
=i#u4, %&, see se#arate 4dissetig5 o#iio,
Guisum;in4, %,, i the result, cocur with ., >ellosillo7s o#iio,
Ynares)an#ia4o, %&, 0oi the disset of ., Puo ad ., ;utierre6&
)andoval"u#ierre$, %&, disset, Please see dissetig o#iio,
'arpio, %&, o #art,
,ollo, 'ol, %%, ##, 120B?122I,
Id& at 11IB?1200,
)>% "e#ort, ##, B09 ad B11,
,ollo, 'ol, %%, ##, 12BA?12@A,
,e4alado, "e*edial Law Co*#ediu*, 'ol, %%, 9th "e+ised -ditio, #, !!2G Peo#le v& >ellosillo, 9 &C"3
IBH 419@B5,
&ectio H, "ule 112 of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure,
Peo#le v& Fo, 'ergara, 221 &C"3 H@1 4199B5,
Peo#le v& Fiaut, 10H Phil, B0B 419H95,
Pedatu* v& 3rago, 9B Phil, A9I 419HB5G Caes v& %ter*ediate 3##ellate Court, 1A9 &C"3 H! 419I95,
Peo#le v& Jlaga, HI Phil, IH1 419BB5,
>aesa v& Pro+icial Fiscal of Ca*aries &ur, BA &C"3 !BA 419A15,
"ule 11A, &ectio B4i5 of the "e+ised "ules of Cri*ial Procedure,
>ees v& =ited &tates of 3*erica, 2A@ F,2d 99 419@05,
&y v& Court of 3##eals, 11B &C"3 BBH 419I25G La+a v& ;o6ales, 11 &C"3 @H0 419@!5G >adiala v& CF%
of $isa*is (ccidetal, BH &C"3 2BA 419A05G Luciao v&$ariao, !0 &C"3 1IA
419A15G Teeha2ee v& $adayag, 20A &C"3 1B! 419925,
&-CT%() 1, (reliminar3 inves#i4a#ion defined; when required& O Preli*iary i+estigatio is a i1uiry
or #roceedig to deter*ie whether there is sufficiet groud to egeder a well?fouded belief
that a cri*e has bee co**itted ad the res#odet is #robably guilty thereof, ad should be
held for trial,
-/ce#t as #ro+ided i &ectio A of this "ule, a #reli*iary i+estigatio is re1uired to be coducted
before the filig of a co*#lait or ifor*atio for a offese where the #ealty #rescribed by law
is at least four 4!5 years, two 425 *oths ad oe 415 day without regard to the fie, 4&ectio 1,
"ule 112, 2000 "ules of Cri*ial Procedure5,
>adiala v& Court, supra&
2B2 &C"3 192 4199!5,
"TC "ecords, 'ol, 10, #, 2B2,
C3 ,ollo, #, BHH,
T&), C3?;,", &P )o, @H0B!, .uly B1, 2001, ##, 1B?1I 4e*#hasis ours5,
C3 ,ollo, #, BAI 4e*#hasis by res#odet5,
&ectio !, "ule 129 of the "e+ised "ules o -+idece,
'ari v& Food Fair &tores, 1B 3,L,",Bd I!! 419@!5,
#-c,-C+ A//r)++ ;0)r M)/-co L)7a8 R)0or,<
$auel $otero PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
"olado &i#lo $i#uta2, Di#olog City
&herwi 3balora $i#uta2, Di#olog City
"ay 3balora $i#uta2, Di#olog City
.oel 3*ora (s*ia &t,, Di#olog City
.e+y "edillas PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
Welbor -lca*el >gy, >arra, Di#olog City
Carlito 3la#?a# PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
Pacifico $otero, .r, >o, Tiago, Palu*#o, Leyte
$eleubre &orroda $i#uta2, Di#olog City
3le/ )eri )o address
4=idetified $ale i
$edico Legal "e#ort5
"TC "ecords, 'ol, %Q, #, 9,
"ufio &i#lo did ot affi/ his sigature o the .oit 3ffida+it of Desistace,
A22-a(,+ A//r)++ ;0)r A22-/a1-, o2 D)+-+,a(c)<
$yra 3balora =&T 3boo -staca, Di#olog City
4$other of &herwi 3balora
ad "ay 3balora5
Leoora 3*ora >gy, &etral, Di#olog City
4$other of .oel 3*ora5
)eita 3la#?a# BBI &agi &t, cor, 3*aga &t,, Poblacio &ata,
4Wife of Carlito 3la#?a#5 PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
%*elda $otero Poblacio )orte, PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
4Wife of $auel $otero5
Car*elita -lca*el =##er Dicayas, Di#olog City
4Wife of Welbor -lca*el5
$argarita "edillas >gy, Poblacio &outh, PiTa, La*boaga del )orte
4$other of .e+y "edillas5
,ollo, 'ol, 2, ##, 120H?121!,
Id& at 12!0,
Id& at 12!1?12!A,
Id& at 12H0?12H1,
22 C,.,&,, Cri*ial Law, Y 22B, #, HA!G =ited &tates v& -lio#oulos, !H F, &u##, AAA 419!25,
Peo#le v& 3lle, 11I P,2d 92A, !A C,3,2d, ABH,
Car#eter v& Co/, 1I2 &o, I1B 419B95,
3"T, 90, (rescrip#ion of crime&SCri*es #uishable by death, reclusion perpe#ua or reclusion #emporal
shall prescri;e in #wen#3 3ears&
Cri*es #uishable by other afflicti+e #ealties shall #rescribe i fiftee years,
Those #uishable by a correctioal #ealty shall #rescribe i te yearsG with the e/ce#tio of those
#uishable by arres#o ma3or, which shall #rescribe i fi+e years,
The cri*e of libel or other si*ilar offeses shall #rescribe i oe year,
The offeses of oral defa*atio ad slader by deed shall #rescribe i si/ *oths,
Light offeses #rescribe i two *oths,
Whe the #ealty fi/ed by law is a co*#oud oe, the highest #ealty shall be *ade the basis of the
a##licatio of the rules cotaied i the first, secod, ad third #aragra#h of this article,
Peo#le v& 3lle, 1! )-2d B9AG )#a#e v& 'rawford, 9I &- @1H,
"e#ublic v& 3gocillo, !0 &C"3 HA9 419A15,
&tate of <asas v& "aso*, B9 3L" !th I92,
22 C,.,&,, supra, at HAH, citig Peo#le v& Di Fraco, 1I! ),J,&,2d, #, 9A!, 1A $isc,2d 1AA,
Peo#le v& "oss, 1H@ ),-, B0B 4192A5,
;,", )o, 1B@B@I, .auary 1@, 2002, #, 1B,
B9H =,&, A01 419@95,
=rsua v& Court of 3##eals, 2H@ &C"3 1!A 4199@5,
City ad Couty of De+er v& Fol*es, !00 P,2d 1 419@H5,
Paat v& Court of 3##eals, 2@@ &C"3 1@A 4199A5,
Li2letter v& 'ictor Wal2er, BI1 =,&, @1I 419@H5,
B9B =,&, @B0 419@I5,
;le Li+estoc2 Co*#ay v& Colwell, 1IH =,&, H! 419025,
=ited &tates v& $a, 201 F, &u##, 20I 419@I5G >ar2er v& Wigo, !0A =,&, H1! 419A25,
=ited &tates v& Fay, B1B F,2d @20 419@B5,
=ited &tates v& $a, supra,
Dic2ey v& &tate of Florida, B9I =,&, B0 419A05,
>ar2er v& Wiggo, supra,
BH1 =,&, 12 419H@5,
291 =,&, 9A 419BB5,
29A &C"3 @A9 4199I5,
P-(PL-, et al, +, Lacso, 3#ril 1, 200B
F3CT&: >efore the court is the #etitioer7s *otio of recosideratio of the resolutio dated $ay 2B,
2002, for the deter*iatio of se+eral factual issues relati+e to the a##licatio of &ec, I "ule 11A of
""CP o the dis*issal of the cases D?99? I1@A9 ad D?99?I1@I9 agaist the res#odet, The
res#odet was charged with the shootig ad 2illig of ele+e *ale #ersos, The court cofir*ed the
e/#ress coset of the res#odet i the #ro+isioal dis*issal of the afore*etioed cases whe he filed
for 0udicial deter*iatio, The court also ruled the eed to deter*ie whether the other facts for its
a##licatio are attedat,
1, Whether or ot the re1uisites for the a##licability of &ec, I, "ule 11A of 2000 "ules o Cri*ial
Procedure were co*#lied with i the <uratog >aleleg cases
a, Was e/#ress coset gi+e by the res#odetR
b, Was otice for the *otio, the hearig ad the subse1uet dis*issal gi+e to the heirs of the +icti*sR
&ectio I, "ule 11A is ot a##licable to the case sice the coditios for its a##licability, a*ely: 15
#rosecutio with the e/#ress coset of the accused or both of the* *o+e for #ro+isioal dis*issal,
25 offeded #arty otified,
B5 court grats *otio ad dis*isses cases #ro+isioally,
!5 #ublic #rosecutor ser+ed with co#y of orders of #ro+isioal dis*issal, which is the defedats burde to
#ro+e, which i this case has ot bee doe
a, The defedat e+er filed ad deied ue1ui+ocally i his state*ets, through cousel at the Court of
3##eals, that he filed for dis*issal or did he agree to a #ro+isioal dis*issal thereof,
b, )o otice of *otio for #ro+isioal dis*issal, hearig ad subse1uet dis*issal was gi+e to the heirs
of the +icti*s,
2, W() ti*e?bar i &ec I "ule 11A should be a##lied #ros#ecti+ely or retroacti+ely,
Ti*e?bar should ot be a##lied retroacti+ely, Though #rocedural rules *ay be a##lied retroacti+ely, it
should ot be if to do so would wor2 i0ustice or would i+ol+e itricate #roble*s of due #rocess, &tatutes
should be costrued i light of the #ur#oses to be achie+ed ad the e+ils to be re*edied, This is because
to do so would be #re0udicial to the &tate sice, gi+e that the .udge dis*issed the case o $arch
29,1999, ad the )ew rule too2 effect o Dec 1,2000, it would oly i effect gi+e the* 1 year ad three
*oths to wor2 istead of 2 years, 3t that ti*e, they had o 2owledge of the said rule ad therefore they
should ot be #eali6ed for that, U%deed for 0ustice to #re+ail, the scales *ust balaceG 0ustice is ot to be
dis#esed for the accused aloe,V The two?year #eriod fi/ed i the ew rule is for the beefit of both the
&tate ad the accused, %t should ot be e*asculated ad reduced by a iordiate retroacti+e a##licatio
of the ti*e?bar therei #ro+ided *erely to beefit the accused, To do so would cause a i0ustice of
hardshi# to the state ad ad+ersely affect the ad*iistratio of 0ustice,
Feld: $otio grated
P)o08) 1 A8-ca(/o !R No. 11$&%$ ;D)c)C?)r 2,
0 CoCC)(,+
5ac,+> 3ccused was co+icted with a cri*e of ra#e with ho*icide of a ! year old girl, Fe was arrested
ad durig the iterrogatio he *ade a cofessio of the cri*e without the assistace of a cousel, >y
+irtue of his ucouseled cofessio the #olice ca*e to 2ow where to fid the e+ideces cosistig of
the +icti*7s #ersoal thigs li2e clothes staied with blood which was ad*itted to court as e+ideces, The
+icti* #leaded guilty durig the arraig*et ad was co+icted with the death #ealty, The case was
forwarded to the &C for auto*atic re+iew,
I++')> Whether or ot due #rocess durig the custodial i+estigatio was accorded to the accused,
3)8/> Due #rocess was ot obser+ed i the coduct of custodial i+estigatio for the accused, Fe was
ot ifor*ed of his right to a cousel u#o *a2ig his e/tra0udicial cofessio ad the ifor*atio agaist
hi* was writte i a laguage he could ot uderstad ad was ot e/#laied to hi*, This is i +iolatio
of sectio 14a5 of "ule 11@, the rule i*#le*etig the costitutioal right of the a##ellat to be ifor*ed of
the ature ad cause of the accusatio agaist hi*, The lower court also +iolated sectio B of "ule 11@
whe it acce#ted the #lea of guilt of the a##ellat without coductig a search i1uiry o the +olutariess
ad full uderstadig of the accused of the cose1ueces of his #lea, $oreo+er the e+ideces ad*itted
by the court that warrated his co+icted were iad*issible because they were due to a i+alid custodial
i+estigatio that did ot #ro+ide the accused with due #rocess of the law, Thus the &C aulled the
decisio of the i*#ositio of the death #ealty ad re*aded the case bac2 to the lower for further
Today is &aturday, $arch 1H, 201!
"e#ublic of the Phili##ies
-) >3)C
!.R. No. 11$&%$ D)c)C?)r 12, 1995
PEOPLE O5 T3E P3ILIPPINES, #laitiff?a##ellee,
ARNEL ALICANDO 6 "RIONES, accused?a##ellat,
The case at bar i+ol+es the i*#ositio of the death penal#3, With all our frailties, we are as2ed to #lay the role of a ifallible ;od
by e/ercisig the di+ie right to gi+e or ta2e away life, We caot err i the e/ercise of our 0udg*et for our error will be
irre+ocable, Worse, our error ca result i the worst of cri*es S *urder by the 0udiciary,
The records re+eal that a##ellat 3rel 3licado was charged with the cri*e of ra#e with ho*icide
i a %for*atio which reads:
That o or about the 12th day of .ue 199! i the City of %loilo, Phili##ies ad withi the 0urisdictio of this
Court, said accused, did the ad there willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously ad by *eas of force, +iolece
ad iti*idatio to wit: by the ad there #iig dow oe <F3L%- $3- P-)-C%LL3, a *ior, four years
of age, cho2ig her with his right had, succeeded i ha+ig caral 2owledge with her ad as a result
thereof she suffered as#hy/ia by stragulatio fractured cer+ical +ertebra ad laceratios of the +agial
ad rectal o#eigs causig #rofuse he*orrhages ad other i0uries which are ecessarily fatal ad which
were the direct cause of her death,
C()T"3"J T( L3W,
( .ue 29, 199!, a##ellat was arraiged with the assistace of 3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera of the P3(, De#art*et of .ustice,
3##ellat #leaded guilty,
3fter a##ellatPs #lea of guilt, the trial court ordered the #rosecutio to #reset its e+idece, %t also set the case for rece#tio of
e+idece for the a##ellat, if he so desired,
The #rosecutio e+idece shows that i the afteroo of .ue 12, 199!, "o*eo Peecilla, father of the four year old +icti*
<ha6ie $ae, was dri2ig li1uor with "a*il "odrigue6 ad "e*us ;addi i his 4PeecillaPs5 house at >aragay "i6al, Loe 1,
Pulo >ala, %loilo, 3##ellat 0oied the* but e+ery ow ad the would ta2e lea+e ad retur, 3##ellat was li+ig i his uclePs
house so*e fi+e 4H5 ar*Ps legth fro* PeecillaPs house, 3t about !:B0 #,*,, PeecillaPs grou# sto##ed dri2ig ad left,
Luisa "ebada also li+es i the Peecilla eighborhood, about oe ad a half 41?1N25 ar*Ps legth fro* the house of a##ellat, 3t
about H:B0 #,*, of that day, she saw the +icti* at the widow of a##ellatPs house, &he offered to buy her 8ye*as8 but a##ellat
closed the widow, &oo she heard the +icti* cryig, &he a##roached a##ellatPs house ad #ee#ed through a o#eig
betwee its floor ad door, The sight shoc2ed her a##ellat was a2ed, o to# of the +icti*, his left had cho2ig her ec2, &he
retreated to her house i fright, &he gathered her childre together ad ifor*ed her co*#adre, "icardo Lagraa, the i her
house, about what she saw, Lagraa was also o+erco*e with fear ad hastily left,
"o*eo Peecilla retured to his house at I oPcloc2 i the e+eig, Fe did ot fid <ha6ie $ae, Fe ad his wife searched for her
util 1 oPcloc2 i the *orig, Their effort was fruitless, "ebada was aware that the Peecillas were loo2ig for their daughter but
did ot tell the* what she 2ew, %stead, "elada called out a##ellat fro* her widow ad as2ed hi* the ti*e <ha6ie $ae left
his house, 3##ellat re#lied he was dru2 ad did ot 2ow,
3s the su started to rise, aother eighbor, Leo#oldo &atiago wet dow fro* his house to aswer the call of ature, Fe
disco+ered the lifeless body of <ha6ie $ae uder his house, Fer #arets were ifor*ed ad so was the #olice, 3t 9:00 a,*,,
"ebada suffered a chage of heart, &he ifor*ed "o*eo Peecilla ad his wife .ulie 3, that a##ellat co**itted the cri*e,
Forthwith, a##ellat was arrested ad iterrogated by P(B Dailo Ta, Fe +erbally cofessed his guilt without the assistace of
cousel, ( the basis of his ucouselled +erbal cofessio ad follow u# iterrogatios, the #olice ca*e to 2ow ad reco+ered
fro* a##ellatPs house, <ha6ie $aePs gree sli##ers, a #air of gold earrigs, a buri *at, a staied #illow ad a staied T?shirt all
of which were #reseted as e+idece for the #rosecutio,
The body of <ha6ie $ae was auto#sied by Dr, Tito Doro*al, a *edico?legal officer, Fis auto#sy re#ort re+eals the followig
i0uries sustaied by the +icti*:
!E86 7 NE'JN*!5,8'58B65MIN8- ,E"I5N):
15 Cotusio , #ur#le i color, 11 / 11,B c*,, i dia,, fro* left ad right aterior ec2, dow to the *edial
#ortio of the left ad right ifracla+icular area,
25 Cotusio, bluish #ur#le, H,H / @,B c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral left chest wall,
B5 Cotusio, bluish i color, B i os,, 1, 0,H W 1,1 c*,, i dia,, right atero? iferior chest wall,
!5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, ! / B,2 c*,, i dia,, left sub?costal arch,
H5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, !,H / H c*,, i dia,, su#ero?lateral, left iliac crest,
5N 5(ENIN" *!E )JC-- 2 *!5,8'58B65MIN8- '8=I*IE):
a5 Fractured, 2d cer+ical +ertebra,
b5 Fractured, crecoid cartilage,
c5 >oth lugs, e/#aded with *ulti#le #etechial he*orrhages,
d5 (ther iteral orgas, cogested,
15 Cofluet abrasio, B / 2,@ c*,, i dia,, #osterior as#ect, lower Brd, left forear*,
25 (ld woud, 2 / 1,H c*,, i dia,, #osterior *iddle Brd, left forear*,
B5 (ld woud, 1,H / 1 c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral as#ect, *iddle Brd, right forear*,
=8"IN8- FIN6IN")N8N8- FIN6IN"):
a5 Lacerated woud, fro* the fourchette u# to the do*e of the rectu*,,
b5 Fe*ato*a, fro* the fourchette u# to the rectu*,
c5 Lacerated woud, lateral wall of the +agia u# to the le+el of the #ro*otory of the
sacru* with a legth of I ceti*eters,
d5 3 cylider with a dia*eter of 2 c*s,, easily #asses the +agial ad aal o#eigs,
'8C)E 5F 6E8*!:
35 3&PFJQ%3 >J &T"3);=L3T%(),
>5 F"3CT="-D, 2d C-"'%C3L '-"T->"3,
C5 F-$(""F3;-, 2d D-;"-- T( L3C-"3T-D '3;%)3L W "-CT3L (P-)%);&,
3##ellat ado#ted the auto#sy re#ort of Dr, Doro*al as his docu*etary e+idece to #ro+e that the #ro/i*ate cause of <ha6ie
$aePs death was as#hy/ia by stragulatio,
( .uly 20, 199!, the trial court foud a##ellat guilty ad seteced hi* to death, vi$:
WF-"-F("-, the court hereby fids the accused, 8rnel 8licando, "CI-*Y beyod reasoable doubt for
4sic5 the Cri*e of "a#e with Fo*icide #eali6ed uder 3rticle BBH of the "e+ised Peal Code as a*eded
by #aragra#hs @ ad A 4)o, !5 &ectio 11 of "e#ublic 3ct )o, A@H9, 3rel 3licado is hereby seteced to
suffer a 4sic5 #ealty of death ad to ide*ify the heirs of the offeded #arty, <ha6ie $ae D, Peecilla, the
su* of PH0,000,00,
The death setece shall be e/ecuted by #uttig the #erso uder setece to death by electrocutio
4electric chair5, 3s soo as facilities are #ro+ided by the >ureau of Prisos, the *ethod of carryig out his
setece shall be chaged by gas #oisoig 4sic5,
Fere eds <ha6ie $aePs 1uest for 0ustice, Fer tor*etor *ust suffer for the grie+ous offese he had
co**itted, Fe deser+es o *ercy,
Cost agaist the accused,
&( ("D-"-D,
The case is before us o auto*atic re+iew cosiderig the death #ealty i*#osed by the trial court, 3 ew cousel, 3tty, .oel
Tiogco, too2 the cudgel for a##ellat, % his >rief, a##ellat assails the decisio of the trial court as a tra+esty of 0ustice,
We fid that the Decisio of the trial court setecig the a##ellat to death is shot full of errors, both substati+e ad #rocedural,
The co+ictio is o a a*alga* of iad*issible ad icredible e+idece ad su##orted by scoliotic logic,
Firs#, The arraig*et of the a##ellat is ull ad +oid, The trial 0udge failed to follow sectio 415 4a5 S of "ule 11@ o
arraig*et, &aid sectio #ro+ides:
/// /// ///
&ec, 1, 3rraig*et ad #leaG how *ade, S
4a5 The accused *ust be arraiged before the court where the co*#lait or ifor*atio has bee filed or
assiged for trial, The arraig*et *ust be *ade i o#e court by the 0udge or cler2 by furishig the
accused a co#y of the co*#lait or ifor*atio with the list of witesses, readig the sa*e i the laguage
or dialect 2ow to hi* ad as2ig hi* whether he #leads guilty or ot guilty, The #rosecutor *ay,
howe+er, call at the trial witesses other tha those a*ed i the co*#lait or ifor*atio,
The readig of the co*#lait or ifor*atio to the a##ellat i the lan4ua4e or dialec# +nown #o him is a ew
re1uire*et i*#osed by the 19IH "ules o Cri*ial Procedure, %t i*#le*ets the costitutioal right of a
a##ellat 8, , , to be ifor*ed of the ature ad cause of the accusatio agaist hi*,8
The ew rule also res#ods to
the reality that the Phili##ies is a coutry di+ided by dialects ad Pili#io as a atioal laguage is still i the #rocess of
.udicial otice ca be ta2e of the fact that *ay Fili#ios ha+e li*ited uderstadig either of the Pili#io or
-glish laguage, our official laguages for #ur#oses of co**uicatio ad istructio,
The i*#ortace of readig the
co*#lait or ifor*atio to the a##ellat i the laguage or dialect 2ow to hi* caot thus be uderstated,
% the case at bar, the records do ot re+eal that the %for*atio agaist the a##ellat was read i the laguage or dialect 2ow
to hi*, The %for*atio agaist the a##ellat is writte i the -glish laguage, %t is ube2ow whether the a##ellat 2ows the
-glish laguage, )either is it 2ow what dialect is uderstood by the a##ellat, )or is there ay showig that the %for*atio
couched i -glish was traslated to the a##ellat i his ow dialect before his #lea of guilt, The scaty trascri#t durig his
arraig*et, reads:
/// /// ///
Prosecutor -dwi Fa*a S 3##earig as #ublic #rosecutor
3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera S For the accused, Jour Foor, "eady for arraig*et,
%ter#reter S 4"eadig the ifor*atio to the accused for arraig*et ad #re?trial,5
)ote: 43fter readig the ifor*atio to the accused, accused #leads guilty5
(e eed ot draw a #icture to show that the arraig*et of the a##ellat is a ullity, %t +iolated sectio 14a5 of
"ule 11@, the rule i*#le*etig the costitutioal right of the a##ellat to be ifor*ed of the ature ad cause of
the accusatio agaist hi*, %t also deied a##ellat his costitutioal right to due #rocess of law,
%t is urged that we
*ust #resu*e that the arraig*et of the a##ellat was regularly coducted, Whe life is at sta2e, we caot lea o this
rebuttable #resu*#tio, We caot assu*e, We *ust be sure,
)econd, The plea of 4uil# *ade by the a##ellat is li2ewise ull ad +oid, The trial court +iolated sectio B of "ule 11@ whe it
acce#ted the #lea of guilt of the a##ellat, &aid sectio #ro+ides:
&ec, B, Plea of guilty to ca#ital offeseG rece#tio of e+idece,S
Whe the accused #leads guilty to a ca#ital offese, the court shall coduct a searchig i1uiry ito the
+olutariess ad full co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of his #lea ad re1uire the #rosecutio to #ro+e
his guilt ad the #recise degree of cul#ability, The accused *ay also #reset e+idece i his behalf,
The records re+eal how the trial 0udge iade1uately discharged this duty of coductig a 8searchig i1uiry,8 % the
hearig of .ue 2I, 199!, the trascri#ts re+eal the followig:
)ote 43fter readig the ifor*atio to the accused, accused #leads guilty,5
Court Duestio 4sic5 of the court to the accused,
D Cosiderig that this is a cri*e ad uder the a*eded law is a heious
cri*e, because of your #lea of guilty without the coset or e+e agaist the
discretio of the court, the court will gi+e you a *adatory death #ealty
because of the cri*e charged, do you uderstadR
3ccused Jes, Jour Foor,
D Did you eter a #lea of guilty o your ow +olutary will or without ay
force or iti*idatio fro* ay oe or whate+erR
3ccused )oe, Jour Foor,
D 3re you sureR
3ccused Jes, Jour Foor,
D (r *aybe because you were *ahadled or *altreated by ayoe ad
that will 0ust be the cosideratio for you to #lead guiltyR
3ccused )o, Jour Foor,
Court Were you ot *ahadled, #lease let us see your bodyR
)ote 43ccused raised his #riso uifor* or shirt ad showed to the court his
body fro* waist u#,5
3ccused )o, Jour Foor,
Court Jou were ot *altreated i the 0ailR
3ccused )o, Jour Foor,
Court Please let us see whether you ha+e bruises so that you will be
e/a*ied by a #hysicia to the order of the courtR
3ccused )o, Jour Foor,
Court %f you will #lead guilty, that #lea of guilty has o use because there will
be a *adatory death #ealty, do you still isist o your #lea of guiltyR
3ccused Jes, Jour Foor,
Court %f you #lead guilty to the cri*e charged there will be so*e effects o
your ci+il rights hut ot util the decisio will be affir*ed by the &u#re*e
3ccused Jes, Jour Foor,
)ote 4&ee (rder dated .ue 2I, 199! attached to the records of this case,5
% the e/t hearig o .uly 11, 199!, the followig +erbal e/chage tras#ired, vi$:
/// /// ///
Fiscal Fa*a: 3##earig as the #ublic #rosecutor, ready, Jour Foor,
(ur first witess is Dr, Tito Doro*al, Jour Foor,
3tty, 3ti1uiera: For the accused, Jour Foor,
Court >efore the court will #roceed with the rece#tio of e+idece by the
#rosecutio 3rel 3licado, #lease co*e here, 4at this 0ucture, 3rel
3licado, co*e ear to the court5
The court is warig you agai that this is rece#tio of e+idece by the
#rosecutio after you #lead guilty to the cri*e charged at, do you
3 Jes,
D Do you still affir* ad cofir* to your #lea of guilty of ra#e with ho*icideR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Do you still isist that your #lea of guilty is +olutary without force,
iti*idatio or whatsoe+erR
3 Jes,
D The court is warig you that after rece#tio of e+idece, the i*#osable
#ealty is *adatory deathR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Des#ite of that, you still isist o your #lea of guiltyR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
Court (2ey, #roceed,
&ectio B of "ule 11@ which the trial court +iolated is ot a ew rule for it *erely icor#orated the decisio of this Court i (eople
vs, 8pduhan, %r,,
ad reiterated i a ubro2e lie of cases,
The botto* lie of the rule is that the #lea of guilt *ust be based o a free
ad ifor*ed 0udg*et, Thus, the searchig i1uiry of the trial court *ust be focused o: 415 the +olutariess of the #lea, ad 425 the full
co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of the #lea, The 1uestios of the trial court failed to show the +olutariess of the #lea of guilt of the
a##ellat or did the 1uestios de*ostrate a##ellatPs full co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of his #lea, The records do ot re+eal ay
ifor*atio about the personali#3 profile of the a##ellat which ca ser+e as a trustworthy ide/ of his ca#acity to gi+e a free and informed
plea of 4uil#, The age, socio?ecoo*ic status, ad educatioal bac2groud of the a##ellat were ot #lu*bed by the trial court, The 1uestios
were fra*ed i -glish yet there is o i2lig that a##ellat has a oddig ac1uaitace of -glish, %t will be oted too that the trial court did
ot bother to e/#lai to the a##ellat the essetial ele*ets of the cri*e of ra#e with ho*icide,
3 cursory e/a*iatio of the 1uestios of the trial court to establish the +olutariess of a##ellatPs #lea of guilt will show their
utter isufficiecy, The trial court si*#ly i1uired if a##ellat had #hysical *ar2s of *altreat*et, %t did ot as2 the a##ellat
whe he was arrested, who arrested hi*, how ad where he was iterrogated, whether he was *edically e/a*ied before ad
after his iterrogatio, etc, %t li*ited its efforts tryig to disco+er late body *ar2s of *altreat*et as if i+olutariess is caused by
#hysical abuse aloe, "egretfully, it e+e tured a blid eye o the followig da*ig etry o the .ue 1B, 199! "ecord of
-+ets of the %loilo P)P 4-/h, 8$85 showig that after his arrest, #he appellan# was mo;;ed ;3 inma#es while in jail and had
suffered hema#oma, vi$:
2:H0 P$, S P02 &al+ador Pastoloro, .r,, P)P assiged at B2Ath P)P $FC, ifor*ed this office thru &P(1
W, ;arcera allegig that at about 9:00 3$ this date whe the sus#ect 3")-L 3L%C3)D( J >"%()-&, 2!
yrs, old, residece of "i6al, Pala#ala Loe %, CP, bee arrested ad *obbed by the irrate residets of Loe
%% "i6al, Pala#ala, ;P, i coectio of the "a#e with Fo*icide case wherei the +icti* <F3L%- $3-
P-)-C%LL3 J D"%L(), ! yrs, old, residece of sa*e #lace who was disco+ered dead uder the house
thereat, &us#ect whe tured o+er to this office ad #ut o loc2 u# cell was also mo;;ed ;3 #he an4r3
inma#es #hus causin4 upon him hema#oma con#usion on differen# par#s of his ;od3,
Li2ewise, the trial courtPs effort to deter*ie whether a##ellat had full co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of his #lea is fatally
flawed, %t wared the a##ellat he would get the *adatory death #ealty without e/#laiig the *eaig of 8manda#or38 %t did
ot ifor* the a##ellat of the ide*ity he has to #ay for the death of the +icti*, %t cautioed a##ellat there 8& & & will ;e some
effec#s on 3our civil ri4h#s8 without tellig the a##ellat what those 8effec#s8 are ad what 8civil ri4h#s8 of his are i+ol+ed,
3##ellatPs #lea of guilt is +oid ad the trial court erred i usig it to setece hi* to death, We stress that uder the 19IH "ules
of Cri*ial Procedure, a co+ictio i ca#ital offeses caot rest aloe o a #lea of guilt, &ectio B of "ule 11@ re1uires that
after a free ad itelliget #lea of guilt, the trial court *ust require the #rosecutio to #ro+e the guilt of the a##ellat ad the
#recise degree of his cul#ability beyod reasoable doubt, This rule *odifies #rior 0uris#rudece that a #lea of guilt e+e i
ca#ital offeses is sufficiet to sustai a co+ictio charged i the ifor*atio without eed of further #roof, The chage is
salutary for it ehaces oe of the goals of the cri*ial #rocess which is to *ii*i6e erroeous co+ictio, We share the stace
that 8it is a fuda*etal +alue deter*iatio of our syste* that it is far worse to co+ict a iocet #erso tha let a guilty *a
go free,
*hird, )ome prosecu#ion evidence, offered ide#edetly of the #lea of guilt of the a##ellat, were inadmissi;le, yet, were
cosidered by the trial court i co+ictig the a##ellat,
Thus, the trial court ga+e full faith ad credit to the ph3sical evidence #reseted by the #rosecutio, To 1uote its Decisio,
/// /// ///
Further, there are #hysical e+idece to #ro+e <ha6ie was ra#ed, These cosists of a pillow with bloodstais
i its ceter
ad the *shir#
of the accused colored white with bloodstais o its botto*, These #hysical e+idece
are e+idece of the highest order, They strogly corroborate the testi*oy of Luisa "ebada that the +icti* was ra#ed,
These are inadmissi;le e+idece for they were gathered by P(B Dailo Ta of the %loilo City P)P as a result of
custodial iterrogatio where appellan# +erbally confessed #o #he crime wi#hou# #he ;enefi# of counsel, P(B Ta
ad*itted uder cross?e/a*iatio, vi$:
/// /// ///
BY 8**Y& 8N*IGCIE,8:
D $r, Witess, whe for the first ti*e did you see 3rel 3licadoR
3 .ue 1B, 199!, whe % arrested hi*,
D Pre+ious to that you ha+e e+er see hi*R
3 Jes, sir,
D Whe for the first ti*e did you start i+estigatig 3rel 3licadoR
3 3fter % fiished i+estigatig the body of the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla,
D 3d that was also after you were ifor*ed that 3rel 3licado was a
sus#ect i the ra#ig of <ha6ie $ae PeecillaR
3 Jes, sir
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
D 3d who was that #erso who ifor*ed you of the sus#ectR
3 Luisa "ebada,
D $rs, "ebada who is the witess i this caseR
3 Jes, sir,
D 3d you started i+estigatig 3rel 3licado i the *orig of .ue 1B,
3 Jes, sir,
D Fow log did you iterrogate 3rel 3licado i the *orig of .ue 1B,
3 % caot re*e*ber the legth of ti*e % i+estigated hi*,
D Did it ta2e you the whole *orig of .ue 1B, 199! i iterrogatig ad
i+estigatig 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, sir,
D 3d the i+estigatio you coducted cotiued i the afteroo of the
sa*e dateR
3 Jes, sir,
D The followig day, .ue 1!, 199!, you still i+estigated ad iterrogated
3rel 3licado,
3 Jes, sir,
D 3d whe did you sto#, fially, i+estigatig ad iterrogatig 3rel
3 3fter % fiished reco+erig all the e/hibits i relatio to this case,
D What date did you sto# your i+estigatioR
3 .ue 1!, 199!, whe % fiished reco+erig the white T?shirt ad #air of
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
D Jou testified i this case, $r, Witess, you e+er ifor*ed the court that
you a##rised the accused of his costitutioal rights, is that correctR
3 % a##rised hi*,
D $y 1uestio is, durig your testi*oy before this court uder the direct
e/a*iatio of the #rosecutio you e+er ifor*ed the court that you
a##rised the accused of his costitutioal rightsR
Pros, Fa*a:
% did ot as2 hi* that 1uestio, Fow will he aswerR
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
D Whe did you ifor*, the date whe you ifor*ed 3licado of his
Costitutioal rightsR
3 ( .ue 1B,
D ( what hour did you ifor* hi*R
3 3fter the witess idetified hi*,
D What costitutioal rights did you ifor* 3licado ofR
3 The right to re*ai silet, ad right to get his lawyer ad % ha+e iter#reted
i 'isaya laguage,
D 8nd durin4 3our inves#i4a#ion for almos# #wo ?9@ da3s #he accused was
never represen#ed ;3 counsel, is #ha# correc#R
3 Jes, sir,
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
D 3re you aware of the law that e0ois a #ublic officer to ifor* the #erso
of his costitutioal rightsR
3 Jes, sir,
That is all, Jour Foor,
%t is ow fa*iliar learig that the Costitutio has stig*ati6ed as inadmissi;le e+idece uncounselledconfession
or admission, &ectio 12 #aragra#hs 415 ad 4B5 of 3rticle %%% of the Costitutio #ro+ides:
/// /// ///
&ec, 12, 415 3y #erso uder i+estigatio for the co**issio of a offese shall ha+e the right to be
ifor*ed of his right to re*ai silet ad to ha+e co*#etet ad ide#edet cousel #referably of his ow
choice, %f the #erso caot afford the ser+ices of cousel, he *ust be #ro+ided with oe,*hese ri4h#s
canno# ;e waived eBcep# in wri#in4 and in #he presence of counsel,
/// /// ///
4B5 8n3 confession or admission o;#ained in viola#ion of #his or #he precedin4 sec#ion shall ;e inadmissi;le
a4ains# him,
% the case at bar, P(B Ta did ot e+e ha+e the si*#le sese to reduce the all i*#ortat cofessio of the a##ellat i writig,
)either did he #reset ay writig showig that a##ellat wai+ed his right to silece ad to ha+e co*#etet ad ide#edet
cousel des#ite the blatat +iolatio of a##ellatPs costitutioal right, the trial court allowed his ucouselled cofessio to flow
ito the records ad illicitly used it i setecig hi* to death,
%t is ot oly the uncounselled confession that is code*ed as iad*issible, ;u# also evidence derived #herefrom, The #illow ad
the *shir# with the alleged bloodstais were e+idece derived from the ucouselled cofessio illegally e/tracted by the #olice
fro* the a##ellat, 3gai, the testi*oy of P(B Ta *a2es this all clear, vi$:
/// /// ///
D Did the accused 3rel 3licado acco*#ay you to the #lace of the icidetR
3 Jes, sir,
D Whe you arri+ed at the #lace of the icidet what did you doR
3 Fe #oited to the fish basi,
D Ca you idetify this fish basi which you said #oited to you by 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, sir,
D Please #oitR
3 4Witess #oitig to the fish basi already *ar2ed as -/hibit 8F8,5
D Did you as2 the accused what he did with this fish basiR
3 % as2ed the accused what he did with the fish basi ad he aswered that he used the fish
basi to co+er <ha6ie $ae Peecilla whe she was already dead,
Pros, Fa*a:
D Jou *ea to say to coceal the cri*eR
3 Jes, sir,
D What else aside fro* this fish basi, what else did you reco+erR
3 3t aroud A oPcloc2 i the e+eig he further #oited to us the old *at ad
the pillowwherei he layed the +icti* <ha6ie $ae Peecilla
D Jou *ea to say that you retured bac2 to the scee of the icidet that ti*eR
3 %t was already ight ti*e ad it was oly <agawad "odolfo %gacio, *y co*#aio, who
wet to the #lace of the icidet,
D Jou *ea to say you were +erbally istructed by the accusedR
3 Jes, sir,
D % what #articular #lace did you reco+er those thigsR
3 %side the roo* where he ra#ed the child,
D Whose house is thatR
3 The house of %*elda 3licado,
D The wife of "o*eo 3licadoR
3 Jes, sir,
D % what #articular #lace is that situatedR
3 %side the roo* where the accused was slee#ig at "i6al?Pala#ala,
Pros, Fa*a:
D Jou *ea to say iside that roo* the +icti* was ra#ed by the accusedR
3 Jes, sir,
D Ca you #oit that #illow which you said you reco+ered iside the roo* of %*elda
3 Jes, sir,
D 3d the *atR
3 4Witess ta2ig out fro* the fish basi the *at ad #illow,5
D Did you fid so*ethig o the #illowR
3 The #illow ha+e bloodstai i the *iddle,
, , This was already *ar2ed as -/hibit 8.8, Jour Foor ad the *at as -/hibit 8%8,
D 3side fro* this what did you reco+er fro* the #lace of icidetR
3 ( .ue 1!, 199!, at about 10:00 oPcloc2 i the *orig the accused 3rel 3licado
further ifor*ed *e that he 2e#t the gold earrig of the +icti* ad her clothes iside the
roo* of the house of %*elda 3licado,
D WhereR
3 % saw the clothes of <ha6ie $ae Peecilla iside the roo* where the ra#e too2 #lace
haged o the clothes lie, 3d % foud the #air of earrig at the ba*boo #ost of the fece,
D Where is that ba*boo #ost of the fece situatedR
3 3roud the fece of %*elda 3licado situated at the fro* gate o the right side,
Pros, Fa*a:
D Jou *ea to say you retured bac2 o .ue 1!, you reco+ered the ite*s acco*#aied by
the accusedR
3 )o *ore, % oly followed his directio,
D Fe *ade +erbal directio to youR
3 Jes, sir,
D Ca you #lease show us the whi#e #shir#R
3 4Witess ta2ig out a white t?shirt fro* the fish basi,5
D Please e/a*ie that white t?shirtR
3 The t?shirt ha+e a bloodstai,
We ha+e ot oly costitutioali6ed the Miranda warnin4s i our 0urisdictio, We ha+e also ado#ted the libertaria
e/clusioary rule 2ow as the Sfrui# of #he poisonous #ree,S a #hrase *ited by $r, .ustice Feli/ Fra2furter i the
celebrated case of Nardone v, Cni#ed )#a#es,
3ccordig to this rule, oce the #ri*ary source 4the 8tree85 is show to
ha+e bee ulawfully obtaied, ay secondar3 or deriva#ive evidence 4the 8 fruit 8 5 deri+ed fro* it is also
&tated otherwise, illegally sei6ed e+idece is obtaied as a direct result of the illegal act, whereas the Sfrui# of
#he poisonous #reeS is the indirec# resul# of the sa*e illegal act, The Sfrui# of #he poisonous #reeS is at least oce re*o+ed fro*
the illegally sei6ed e+idece, but it is e1ually iad*issible, The rule is based o the #rici#le that e+idece illegally obtaied
by the &tate should ot be used to gai other e+idece because the origially illegally obtaied e+idece taits all e+idece
subse1uetly obtaied,
We a##lied this e/clusioary rule i the recet case of (eople vs, )alan4a, e# al,,
a ponencia of
$r, .ustice "egalado, &alaga was the a##ellat i the ra#e ad 2illig of a 1H?year old barrio lass, Fe was, howe+er, illegally
arrested, &oldiers too2 hi* ito custody, They ga+e hi* a body search which yielded a ladyPs uderwear, The uderwear was
later idetified as that of the +icti*, We ac1uitted &alaga, 3*og other reasos , we ruled that 8the uderwear allegedly
ta2e fro* the a##ellat is iad*issible i e+idece, beig a so?called Sfrui# of #he poisonous #ree,8
>ut e+e assumin4 ar4uendo that the #illow ad the t?shirt were ad*issible e+idece, still, the trial court erred i holdig that they
8s#ron4l3 corro;ora#ed #he #es#imon3 of -uisa ,e;ada #ha# #he vic#im was raped,8 For oe, there was o basis for the trial court to
coclude that the stais o the #illow ad t?shirt were hu*a bloodstais, The #illow ad the t?shirt were ot e/a*ied by ay
e/#ert, To hold that they were hu*a bloodstais is guesswor2, For aother, there was o testi*oy that the stais were caused
by either the blood of the a##ellat or the +icti*, % additio, there was o testi*oy that the t?shirt was the oe wor by the
a##ellat whe he allegedly co**itted the cri*e, %t *ust also be oted that it is ot uatural for a##ellat to ha+e bloodstais
o his shirt, Fe is a butcher by occu#atio, "o*eo Peecilla hi*self, the father of the +icti*, testified he 2ows the a##ellat
8becausehe used #o accompan3 me durin4 ;u#cherin4 of animals,8
The ;urden to #ro+e that a accused wai+ed his right to re*ai silet ad the right to cousel before *a2ig a cofessio uder
custodial iterrogatio res#s wi#h #he prosecu#ion, %t is also the burde of the #rosecutio to show that the e+idece deri+ed fro*
cofessio is ot taited as Sfrui# of #he poisonous #ree,S *he ;urden has #o ;e dischar4ed ;3 clear and convincin4 evidence,
%deed, #ar, 1 of &ectio 12 of 3rticle %%% of the Costitutio #ro+ides oly oe *ode of wai+er S the wai+er *ust be i writig ad
i the #resece of cousel, % the case at bar, the records show that the #rosecutio utterly failed to discharge this burde, %t
*atters ot that i the course of the hearig, the a##ellat failed to *a2e a ti*ely ob0ectio to the itroductio of these
costitutioally #roscribed e+idece, The lac2 of ob0ectio did ot satisfy the hea+y burde of #roof that rested o the
There is o ad there ought ot to be ay disagree*et o basic #rici#les, The Court should be cocered with the
heiousess of the cri*e at bar ad its des#icable #er#etratio agaist a !?year old girl, a i*#ersoatio of iocece itself,
The Court should also be cocered with the *ulti#licatio of *ale+olece i our *idst for there is o right to be e+il, ad there
are o ifs ad buts about the i*#ositio of the death #ealty as log as it re*ais uchalleged as #art of the laws of our lad,
These cocers are #er*aet, or*s hew i stoe, ad they trasced the trasitoriess of ti*e,
>e that as it *ay, our co**it*et to the cri*ial 0ustice syste* is ot oly to co+ict ad #uish +iolators of our laws, We are
e1ually co**itted to the ideal that the #rocess of detectio, a##rehesio, co+ictio ad icarceratio of cri*ials should be
acco*#lished with fairess, ad without i*#igig o the digity of the idi+idual, % a death #ealty case, the Court caot rush
to 0udg*et e+e whe a lowlife is i+ol+ed for a erroeous co+ictio will lea+e a lastig stai i our escutcheo of 0ustice,
% su*, the Court caot sed the a##ellat to die i the electric chair o the basis of the #rocedural irregularities co**itted by,
ad the iad*issible e+idece cosidered by the trial court, % Bina;a3 vs, (eople, e# al,,
ponencia of $r, Chief .ustice ",
Coce#cio, this Court held that no valid jud4men# can ;e rendered upon an invalid arrai4nmen#, &ice i the case at bar, the arraig*et of
the a##ellat is +oid, his 0udg*et of co+ictio is also +oid, % fairess to the a##ellat, ad i 0ustice to the +icti*, the case has to be
re*aded to the trial court, for further #roceedigs, There is o #hiloso#hy of #uish*et that allows the &tate to 2ill without ay se*blace of
fairess ad 0ustice,
%) '%-W WF-"-(F, the Decisio i Cri*ial Case )o, !B@@B, co+ictig accused 3rel 3licado of the cri*e of "a#e with
Fo*icide ad setecig hi* to suffer the #ealty of death is aulled ad set aside ad the case is re*aded to the trial court
for further #roceedigs, )o costs,
&( ("D-"-D,
Narvasa, '&%&, Feliciano, ,e4alado, 6avide, %r&, ,omero, Melo, =i#u4, Francisco and (an4ani;an, %%&, concur&
S)0ara,) O0-(-o(+
AAPUNAN, J., dissetig:
The ci+ili6ed *id or*ally recoils at the idea of ta2ig a *aPs life by way of retributio for the co**issio of a cri*e, Fowe+er,
e+ery so ofte, a cri*e so dastardly ad re#ulsi+e co*es alog that e+e a idi+idual usually #redis#osed towards rehabilitatig
the hard?core cri*ial would o loger wish to suffer i silet rage at societyPs 2id?glo+e treat*et of such offeder, but would
readily o#t to e/act a co**esurate re1uital i the for* of ca#ital #uish*et where circu*staces so de*ad,
&ociological theory at least sice -*ile Dur2hei* 41IHI?191A5 has #osited the idea that settig absolute outer li*its o de+iace
is a ecessary co*#oet of grou# idetificatio ad sur+i+al, .ustice (li+er Wedell Fol*es *ay ha+e sesed this truth whe
he wrote, i *he 'ommon -aw 41II15, 8The first re1uire*et of a soud body of law is that it should corres#od with the actual
feeligs ad de*ads of the co**uity, whether right or wrog 419BI ed:, #, !15,8
Thus, i*#elled by the alar*ig u#surge of cri*e resultig i the loss of hu*a li+es ad wato destructio of #ro#erty affectig
the atioPs efforts towards sustaiable de+elo#*et ad #ros#erity while at the sa*e ti*e uder*iig the #eo#lePs faith i the
;o+er*et, Cogress eacted "e#ublic 3ct A@H9,
i*#osig ca#ital #uish*et o certai heious cri*es,
The early &#artas had word for such cri*es: haineus, hateful, abo*iable, fro* the ;ree2 #refi/ ha#on, deotig acts so
hatefully or shoc2igly e+il, The acts charged i the case at bech belog to this gere,
3 totally iocet child was fore+er deied the o##ortuity to e0oy life beyod the age of four by the grueso*e ad hideous acts
allegedly co**itted by the a##ellat who, accordig to the #rosecutio, was ot cotet *erely with satisfyig his beastly desires
o her, but also stragled her to death, Whether or ot the circu*staces of the #reset case re1uire the i*#ositio of the death
#ealty is the ulti*ate issue before us, 3fter a thorough re+iew of the facts ad the e+idece, % a* afraid, % ha+e to disset fro*
the *a0ority, The le4al evidence a+ailable to us o+erwhel*igly su##orts the lower courtPs coclusios, We should ot shir2 fro*
our legal duty to i*#ose the death #ealty,
% the afteroo of .ue 12, 199!, "o*eo Peecilla, father of four?year?old <ha6i $ae, was ha+ig a dri2ig s#ree with "a*il
"odrigue6, "e*us ;oddi ad the a##ellat at his 4"o*eoPs5 house at >aragay "i6al, Loe 1, Pulo >ala, %loilo, 3t about !:B0
#,*,, e+erybody left, e/ce#t for the a##ellat, 3##ellat was residig at his uclePs house about fi+e 4H5 ar*Ps legth away fro*
the PeecillaPs house,
Whe "o*eo Peecilla arri+ed ho*e at I:00 that e+eig, he could ot fid <ha6i $ae, Fe ad his wife loo2ed for her util 1:00
i the *orig to o a+ail,
The e/t *orig, Leo#oldo &atiago, a eighbor, got the shoc2 of his life whe, aswerig the call of ature outside his house,
he chaced the dead body of <ha6i $ae, %**ediately, the girlPs #arets were ifor*ed, The s*all, lifeless body was brought to
their house,
The *atter was re#orted to the #olice at oce, 3t this #oit, Luisa "ebada, who li+ed about 1?1N2 ar*Ps legth away fro* the
house of a##ellat related to the girlPs distraught #arets what she 2ew,
"ebada recouted that at about H:B0 of the afteroo before, she saw <ha6i $ae at the widow of a##ellatPs house, &he called
out to her ad offered to buy 8ye*as,8 for her, 3##ellat suddely closed the widow, Later o, Luisa heard <ha6i $ae cry ad
the s1ueal, Fer curiosity aroused, she cre#t two ste#s u# the a##ellatPs house, #ee#ed through a o#eig betwee the floor
ad the door, ad saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of <ha6i $ae, his right had cho2ig the girlPs ec2, "ebada beca*e frighteed
ad wet bac2 to her house to gather her childre, &he told her co*#adre, "icardo Lagraai who was i her house at that ti*e,
of what she saw, The latter got er+ous ad left, That e+eig whe she heard that <ha6i $aePs #arets were loo2ig for the little
child, she called out fro* her widow ad as2ed a##ellat what ti*e <ha6i $ae left his house, 3##ellat re#lied that he did ot
2ow sice he was dru2,
With Luisa "ebadaPs re+elatio, a##ellat was arrested,
Durig the i+estigatio coducted by P(B Dailo Ta, a##ellat readily ad*itted ra#ig ad 2illig <ha6i $ae,
The #olice were
able to reco+er fro* a##ellatPs house <ha6i $aePs gree sli##ers, a #air of gold earrigs #laced o to# of a ba*boo #ost, a bloodied buri
*at, a #illow with a blood stai i the *iddle, ad a staied T?shirt owed by a##ellat,
3 auto#sy coducted ad Dr, Tito Doro*al, the *edico?legal officer, re+ealed the followig fidigs:
BE86 7 NE'JN*!5,8'58B65MIN8- ,E"I5N):
15 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, 11 / 11,B c*,, i dia,, fro* left ad right aterior ec2, dow to
the *edial #ortio of the left ad right ifra?cla+icular area,
25 Cotusio, bluish #ur#le, H,H / @,B c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral left chest wall,
B5 Cotusio, bluish i color, B i os,, 1, 0,H W 1,1 c*,, i dia,, right atero?iferior chest
!5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, ! / B,2 c*,, i dia,, left sub?costal arch,
H5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, !,H / H c*,, i dia,, su#ero?lateral, left iliac crest,
5N 5(ENIN" *!E )JC-- 7 *!5,8'58B65MIN8- '8=I*IE):
a5 Fractured, 2d cer+ical +ertebra,
b5 Fractured, crecoid cartilage,
c5 >oth lugs, e/#aded with *ulti#le #etechial he*orrhages,
d5 (ther iteral orgas, cogested,
15 Cofluet abrasio, B / 2,@ c*,, i dia,, #osterior as#ect, lower Brd, left forear*,
25 (ld woud, 2 / 1,H c*,, i dia,, #osterior *iddle Brd, left forear*,
B5 (ld woud, 1,H / 1 c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral as#ect, *iddle Brd, right forear*,
=8"IN8- FIN6IN")N8N8- FIN6IN"):
a5 Lacerated woud, fro* the fourchette u# to the do*e of the rectu*,
b5 Fe*ato*a, fro* the fourchette u# to the rectu*,
c5 Lacerated woud, lateral wall of the +agia u# to the le+el of the #ro*otory of the
sacru* with a legth of I ceti*eters,
d5 3 cylider with a dia*eter of 2 c*s,, easily #asses the +agial ad aal o#eigs,
'8C)E 5F 6E8*!:
35 3&PFJQ%3 >J &T"3);=L3T%()
>5 F"3CT="-D, 2d C-"'%C3L '-"T->"3,
C5 F-$(""F3;-, 2d D-;"-- T( L3C-"3T-D '3;%)3L W "-CT3L (P-)%);&,
Cose1uetly, a ifor*atio was filed with the "egioal Trial Court of %loilo City, >rach BI, doc2eted as Cri*ial Case )o,
!B@@B, chargig 3rel 3licado with the cri*e of ra#e with ho*icide, co**itted as follows:
That o or about the 12th day of .ue, 199! i the City of %loilo, Phili##ies ad withi the 0urisdictio of this
Court, said accused, did the ad there willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously ad by *eas of force, +iolece
ad iti*idatio to wit: by the ad there #iig dow oe <F3L%- $3- P-)-C%LL3, a *ior, four years
of age, cho2ig her with his right had, succeeded i ha+ig caral 2owledge with her ad as a result
thereof she suffered as#hy/ia by stragulatio, fractured cer+ical +ertebra ad laceratios of the +agial
ad rectal o#eigs causig #rofuse he*orrhages ad other i0uries which are ecessarily fatal ad which
were the direct cause of her death thereafter,
C()T"3"J T( L3W,
( .ue 2I, 199!, a##ellat, assisted by 3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera of the Public 3ttoreyPs (ffice 4P3(5, #leaded guilty to the cri*e
The trial court ordered the #rosecutio to #reset e+idece to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his
cul#ability, %t li2ewise set the case for rece#tio of e+idece for the accused, if he wished to,
% the course of the trial, the #rosecutio #reseted 415 Luisa "ebadaG 425 Dr, Tito Doro*al, the *edico?legal officerG 4B5 &P(1
$auel 3rtu6, the e/hibit custodia of %loilo City Police &tatioG 4!5 P(B Dailo TaG 4H5 &P(B "ollie Lu6, #olice i+estigatorsG ad
4@5 "o*eo Peecilla, the +icti*Ps father,
The defese, for its #art, *erely #reseted the auto#sy re#ort of Dr, Tito Doro*al to show that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was
as#hy/ia by stragulatio,
( .uly 20, 199!, the trial 0udge redered a decisio i*#osig the death #ealty o 3rel 3licado,
The case is ow before us o auto*atic re+iew, Disagreeig with the trial courtPs co+ictio of the accused for the cri*e of "a#e
with Fo*icide ad the said courtPs i*#ositio of the death #ealty the CourtPs *a0ority has decided to o+ertur the co+ictio ad
re*ad the case to the trial court o the basis of the followig alleged #rocedural irregularities:
Firs#, that the arrai4nmen# of the a##ellat is ull, ad +oidG
)econd, that the #lea of guilt *ade by the a##ellat is li2ewise ull ad +oidG
*hird, some prosecu#ion evidence, offered ide#edetly of the #lea of guilt of the a##ellat, were iad*issible, yet were
cosidered by the trial court i co+ictig the a##ellat,
% strogly disagree,
*!E,E >8) )CB)*8N*I8-, IF N5* FC-- '5M(-I8N'E >I*! EQI)*IN" ,C-E) 5N 8,,8I"NMEN* 8N6
3 thorough re+iew of the record re+eals that there was full co*#liace with e/istig rules o arraig*et ad #lea,
%t is #laily ob+ious fro* a e/a*iatio of the a##ro#riate rules ad the record of the case that: 15 there is absolutely no#hin4 o
the record which would warrat a fidig the ifor*atio was ot read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the a##ellatG 25 the
rule o arraig*et ad #lea does ot absolutely re1uire that the sa*e be idicated i the record of e+ery cri*ial caseG B5 "ule
11@ &ectio 1 cotais othig re1uirig trial courts to idicate i the record the fact that the ifor*atio was read i the laguage
or dialect 2ow to the defedat, e+e if the sa*e was i fact actually co*#lied with by the lower court,
The rule o arraig*et, "ule 11@ #ro+ides the followig:
&ec, 1: 3rraig*et ad #leaG how *ade, S 4a5 The accused *ust be arraiged before the court where the
co*#lait or ifor*atio has bee filed or assiged for trial, The arraig*et *ust be *ade i o#e court
by the 0udge or cler2 by furishig the accused a co#y of the co*#lait or ifor*atio with the list of
witesses, readig the sa*e i the laguage or dialect 2ow to hi* ad as2ig hi* whether he #leads
guilty or ot guilty, The #rosecutio *ay, howe+er, call at the trial witesses other tha those a*ed i the
co*#lait or ifor*atio,
4b5 The accused *ust be #reset at the arraig*et ad *ust #ersoally eter his #lea, >oth arraig*et
ad #lea shall be *ade of record, but a failure to eter of record shall ot affect the +alidity of the
4c5 %f the accused refuses to #lead, or *a2es a coditioal #lea of guilty, a #lea of ot guilty shall be
etered for hi*,
/// /// ///
&ec, B: (lea of 4uil#3 #o capi#al offenseG recep#ion of evidence, Whe the accused #leads guilty to a ca#ital
offese, the court shall coduct a searchig i1uiry ito the +olutariess ad full co*#rehesio of the
cose1ueces of his #lea ad re1uire the #rosecutio to #ro+e his guilt ad the #recise degree of
cul#ability, the accused *ay also #reset e+idece i his behalf,
Whe a accused is arraiged i coectio with a cri*ial charge, it is the duty of the court to ifor* hi* of its ature ad cause
so that he *ay be able to co*#rehed the charges agaist hi* as well as the circu*staces attedat thereto, Whe the charge
is of a serious ature, it beco*es the i*#erati+e duty of the lawyer #reset ot oly to assist the accused durig the readig of
the ifor*atio but also to e/#lai to hi* the gra+ity ad cose1uece of his #lea,
Trial 0udges are e0oied to refrai fro* acce#tig with alacrity the accusedPs #lea of guilty, While 0ustice de*ads s#eedy
ad*iistratio, 0udges are duty boud to be e/tra solicitous i seeig to it that whe a accused #leads guilty, he fully
uderstads the *eaig of his #lea ad the i*#ort of a ie+itable co+ictio,
Cose1uetly, three thigs eed to be acco*#lished after the accused i a cri*ial case eters a #lea of guilty to a ca#ital
415 the court should coduct a searchig i1uiry ito the +olutariess ad full co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of the
accusedPs #leaG
425 the lower court should re1uire the #rosecutio to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his cul#abilityG ad
4B5 the court should i1uire whether or ot the accused wishes to #reset e+idece o his behalf ad should allow hi* to do so if
he so desires, 3 0udge who fails to obser+e this re1uire*et co**its a gra+e abuse of discretio,
These re1uire*ets ha+e bee co*#lied with i this case, which the followig #ertiet #ortios of the a##ellatPs arraig*et,
1uoted fro* the record su##ort:
Prosecutor -dwi Fa*a S
3##earig as #ublic #rosecutor,
3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera S
For the accused, Jour Foor, "eady for arraig*et,
4"eadig the ifor*atio to the accused for arraig*et ad #re?trial,5
43fter readig the ifor*atio to the accused, accused #leads guilty,5
Duestio of the court to the accused,
D Cosiderig that this is a cri*e ad uder the a*eded law is a heious cri*e, because
of your #lea of guilty without the coset or e+e agaist the discretio of the court, the
court will gi+e you a *adatory death #ealty because of the cri*e charged, do you
uderstad thatR
Jes, Jour Foor,
D Did you eter a #lea of guilty o your ow +olutary will or without ay force or
iti*idatio fro* ay oe or whate+er,
)oe, Jour Foor,
D 3re you sureR
Jes, Jour Foor,
D (r *aybe because you the were *ahadled or *altreated by ayoe ad that will 0ust
be cosideratio for you to #lead guiltyR
)o, Jour Foor,
Were you ot *ahadled, #lease let us see your bodyR
43ccused raised his #riso uifor* or shirt ad showed to the court his body fro* waist u#5,
)o, Jour Foor,
Jou were ot *altreated i the 0ailR
)o, Jour Foor,
Please let us see whether you ha+e bruises so that you will be e/a*ied by a #hysicia to
the order of the courtR
)o, Jour Foor,
%f you #lead guilty to the cri*e charged there will be so*e effects o your ci+il rights but ot
util the decisio will be affir*ed by the &u#re*e Court,
Jes, Jour Foor,
3gai, before the #rosecutio #reseted its e+idece o .uly 11, 199!, the trial 0udge oce *ore as2ed a##ellat if he was sure of his #lea,
Fiscal Fa*a:
3##earig as the #ublic #rosecutor, ready, Jour Foor,
(ur first witess is Dr, Tito Doro*al, Jour Foor,
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
For the accused, Jour Foor,
>efore the court will #roceed with the rece#tio of e+idece by the #rosecutio, 3rel
3licado, #lease co*e here, 43t this 0ucture, 3rel 3licado, co*e ear to the court5
The court is warig you agai that this is rece#tio of e+idece by the #rosecutio after you
#lead guilty to the cri*e charged at, do you uderstadR
3 Jes,
D Do you still affir* ad cofir* to your #lea of guilty of your ra#e with ho*icideR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Do you still isist that your #lead of guilty is +olutary without force, iti*idatio or
3 Jes,
D The court is warig you that after rece#tio of e+idece, the i*#osable #ealty is
*adatory deathR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Des#ite of that, you still isist of your #lea of guiltyR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
(2ey, #roceed,
%t is crystal clear, fro* the abo+e?1uoted #ortios of the trascri#t of the a##ellatPs arraig*et that the trial 0udge *ade e+ery
effort to ascertai the +olutariess of the #lea, ad that he re#eatedly wared the defedat of the cose1ueces of his #lea, %
other words S
35 *he a;ovequo#ed proceedin4s sa#isf3 #he requiremen# of a searchin4 inquir3,
There is o hard ad fast rule re1uirig 0udges to coduct their searchig i1uiry i the detailed *aer suggested by the *a0ority
o#iio, although 0udges should ideally stri+e to coduct as detailed a i1uiry as would be reasoable uder the circu*staces,
% (eople v, 6a3o#
we held that:
3 searchig i1uiry , , , co*#els the 0udge to cotet hi*self reasoably that the accused has ot bee
coerced or #laced uder a state
of duress S ad that his guilty #lea has ot therefore bee gi+e i*#ro+idetly S other by actual threats of
#hysical har* fro* *ale+olet 1uarters or si*#ly because of his, the 0udgePs, iti*idatig robes,
/// /// ///
While there ca be o hard ad fast rule as to how a 0udge *ay coduct searchig i1uiry, as to the
u*ber ad character of 1uestios he *ay #ut to the accused, or as to the earestess with which he *ay
coduct it, sice each case *ust be *easured accordig to its idi+idual *erit, ta2ig ito cosideratio
the age, educatioal attai*et, ad social status of the accused cofessig guilt, a*og other thigs, the
sigular baro*eter is that the 0udge *ust i all cases, fully co+ice hi*self that: ?1@ #he accused, in
pleadin4 4uil#3, is doin4 so volun#aril3, and ?9@ he, in so doin4, is #rul3 4uil#3, and #ha# #here eBis#s a ra#ional
;asis for a findin4 of 4uil#, ;ased on his #es#imon3, This Court lea+es to 0udges, cosiderig their traiig,
a*#le discretio, but e/#ects the* at the sa*e ti*e, that they will be true to their callig ad be worthy
*iisters of the law,
The #ur#ose of a searchig i1uiry is to satisfy the 0udge that the defedatPs #lea was etered ito +olutarily ad that the
defedat uderstood the cose1ueces of his #lea, There is o hard ad fast rule, as the 6a3o#case states, as to the u*ber
ad character of the 1uestios #ro#ouded, .udges are ot re1uired to go ito obsessi+e detail about the #sychological,
educatioal ad sociological bac2groud of the accused if fro* a reasoable i1uiry coducted through a reasoable u*ber of
1uestios he is fully co+iced a searchig i1uiry has bee *et, There is a world of differece betwee a fastidious attetio to
detail which furthers the ed of 0ustice ad a attetio to detail ad *iutae borderig o obsessi+eess which ulti*ately
obstructs 0ustice ad defeats the #ur#ose of the law, 8propos to this there is S
>5 No evidence #ha# #he informa#ion was no# read in a lan4ua4e or dialec# +nown #o #he appellan#,
The records i a o+erwhel*ig u*ber of cri*ial cases brought before us cotai ifor*atios writte i the -glish laguage
without ay idicatio, whatsoe+er, that the sa*e was traslated fro* a laguage or dialect 2ow to the defedat, 3d yet,
e+e i $etro $aila aloe, oe obser+es that the bul2 of #roceedigs i our trial courts, icludig the #rocess of arraig*et, is
coducted i the +eracular, ( the record of these cases or*ally #rited i -glish, courts hardly bother to #oit out those
sectios of the trial coducted i the +eracular ad traslated ito -glish, >ecause of this wides#read #ractice, which the
sectio o arraig*et i the "ules of Court does ot #roscribe S the #resu*#tio of regularity ought to a##ly, (therwise, we
should co*#el oursel+es to re+iew the cri*ial cases decided by this Court sice the i*#ositio of the 19IH "e+ised "ules o
Cri*ial Procedure ad see whether there was ay idicatio that the arraig*et of these cri*ial cases were, #he records
#herein #hen ou4h# #o show, coducted i a laguage 2ow to the defedats, The absurdity of this argu*et by the defese
the beco*es a##aret, because it would be fairly ob+ious to all of us that *ost of these #roceedigs were actually coducted i
the +eracular, but the fact was e+er #ut o record, % fact, &ectio 1 4b5 of "ule 11@ e+e states that while the arraig*et ad
#lea be *ade of record failure to eter 4the sa*e5 of record shall ot affect the +alidity of the #roceedigs, -+e the rule o
#lacig the arraig*et ad #lea o record is ot absolute, ad % caot see how we ca be too strict about idicatig o record
whether #roceedigs were *ade i the +eracular i cases where i fact the #roceedigs were so coducted, The argu*et that
the ifor*atio was ot read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to a##ellat *erely gras#s o straws ad ought to be dis*issed for
beig so icose1uetial as to be bereft of *erit,
$oreo+er, it is a *atter of co**o #ractice that i e+ery court, es#ecially i the #ro+ices, a iter#reter is always at had to
traslate to the #arties all 1uestios #ro#ouded to the* i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the*, %t is also co**o #ractice that
the trascri#t of steogra#hic otes sub*itted to the court oly reflect the court #roceedigs coducted i the -glish laguage,
While agai, the records do ot categorically idicate that the ifor*atio was read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the
defedat or that the 1uestios as2ed were *adated i the +eracular or dialect uderstood by hi* it is #resu*ed, as we ha+e
actually doe i *ay cases before this, that such duty was regularly #erfor*ed i the absece of ay e+idece to the
% the face of this co**o #ractice, the burde ow lies o the defese to #ro+e the cotrary, =der the #rici#le of e1ual
a##licatio of laws, we caot ha+e +aryig degrees of fastidiousess i the eforce*et of #rocedural rules based o the gra+ity of the
*!E (-E8 5F "CI-*Y IN *!E '8)E 8* BEN'! >8) '-E8,-Y N5* IM(,5=I6EN*
% the case before us, whe the a##ellat #leaded guilty i o#e court o .ue 2I, 199!, a##ellat was clearly assisted by
cousel, The court too2 #ais to repea#edl3 re*id hi* of the gra+e cose1ueces of a #lea of guilty, which a##ellat said he
uderstood, (e +ery such occasio, he had e+ery o##ortuity, through his cousel, to as2 the court for clarificatio,
The trial court, o its ow, i fact wet out of its way to re#eatedly ifor* the defedat of the ature of his #lea ad the
i*#licatios of the #lea he was *a2ig, ( .uly 11, 199!, before the #resetatio of e+idece for the #rosecutio, he was oce
agai as2ed by the court if he was sure of his #lea, 3t this ti*e, a##ellat had *ore tha sufficiet ti*e or about thirtee days to
reflect o all the #ossible cose1ueces of his #lea, %f ideed it was ot +olutarily *ade durig his arraig*et, he had eough
ti*e ad o##ortuity with the assistace of his lawyer to recat or at least e/#ress reser+atios about the sa*e, Fowe+er, i
s#ite of se+eral warigs gi+e by the trial court o differet occasios, a##ellat stood #at with his 0udicial ad*issio,
&igificatly, the records fail to idicate that a##ellat 1uestioed his #lea of guilty at ay stage of the trial, Fe had the o##ortuity
to cross?e/a*ie the witesses for the #rosecutio, Fe did ot #ut u# ay defese or deied the icul#atory testi*oies,
docu*ets ad real e+idece #reseted agaist hi* 4i fact, it was a##ellat hi*self who directed the #olice i+estigators to the
locatio of the +arious #hysical e+idece, e,4, gree sli##ers, earrigs
3##ellatPs silece as to the accusatios *ade agaist hi* i o#e court fro* the ti*e of his arraig*et ad durig his etire
trial therefore assu*es a great deal of sigificace i the cote/t of the *a0orityPs isistece that herei a##ellatPs #lea of guilty
was i*#ro+idet ad therefore +oid, % the face of the seriousess of the accusatios agaist hi*, his reticece was elo1uet, 3s
the Court held i (eople vs, (illones:
&ilece is asset as well as coset, ad *ay, where a direct ad s#ecific accusatio of cri*e is *ade, be
regarded uder so*e circu*staces as a 1uasi? cofessio, 3 iocet #erso will at oce aturally ad
e*#hatically re#el a accusatio of cri*e, as a *atter of self?#reser+atio ad self?defese, ad as a
#recautio agaist #re0udicig hi*self, 3 #ersoPs silece, therefore, #articularly whe it is #ersistet, will
0ustify a iferece that he is ot iocet, 4=derhillPs Cri*ial -+idece, !th -d,, #, !01,5
The absece of a e/tra0udicial cofessio does ot detract fro* the efficacy or +alidity of a##ellatPs #lea of guilty, it does ot
affect the re1uire*et co*#ellig the #rosecutio to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his cul#ability, )o
where i the rules does it state that a e/tra0udicial cofessio is a #rere1uisite for a co+ictio based o a #lea of guilty, While
the costitutioal ifir*ities that atteded the custodial i+estigatio of the a##ellat were serious ad should ot be glossed
o+er, his co+ictio was based *aily o his #lea of guilt *ade i o#e court ad ot o the e/tra0udicial cofessio, which
for*ed but a s*all as#ect of the #rosecutioPs case, 3 e/tra0udicial cofessio oly ser+es to cofir* or substatiate a #lea of
guilty etered i o#e court, 3s betwee a e/tra0udicial cofessio ad a 0udicial ad*issio, the latter sigificatly is gi+e
e+idetiary weight, -+e assu*ig the e/tra0udicial cofessio i this case could ot be gi+e e+idetiary weight because of
*ista2es co**itted by authorities i coductig their custodial i+estigatio ad i their gatherig e+idece, his #lea of guilty o
arraig*et, his re#eated ad*issios to the sa*e i s#ite of re#eated warigs of the trial 0udge of the cose1ueces of his #lea
ad the #resece of a*#le corroboratig testi*oy fro* a credible eyewitess to the cri*e establish a##ellatPs guilt beyod
reasoable doubt,
The essece of the #lea of guilty i a trial is that the accused ad*its his guilt freely, +olutarily ad with full 2owledge of the
cose1ueces ad *eaig of his act, ad with a clear uderstadig of the #recise ature of the cri*e charged i the co*#lait
or ifor*atio,
3 #lea of guilty, whe for*ally etered o arraig*et is sufficiet to sustai a co+ictio charged i the ifor*atio without
eed of further #roof,
This, otwithstadig, 4i lie with the #roouce*et of the Court i se+eral cases
5 the trial court recei+ed e+idece
to deter*ie if the a##ellat erred i ad*ittig his guilt, %de#edet of such #lea, there was *ore tha sufficiet e+idece adduced to #ro+e
that a##ellat ideed co**itted the acts charged,
*!E (!Y)I'8- E=I6EN'E 5B%E'*E6 *5 F8--) CN6E, 5NE 5F *!E EQ'E(*I5N) *5 *!E
EQ'-C)I5N8,Y ,C-E
(b0ectios were +igorously raised by the defese regardig certai #ieces of e+idece obtaied by law eforce*et authorities
followig the ucouseled custodial i+estigatio of the accused i the case at bech, These ob0ectios ha+e bee thoroughly
threshed out ad weighed agaist the other factual *aterial obtaied at trial i order to deter*ie whether or ot, o the balace,
the accusedPs co+ictio ought to be sustaied, *odified i fa+or of a lesser #ealty, or altogether throw out, % shall discuss the*
i the iterest of thoroughess,
Cetral to these ob0ectios were the #ieces of #hysical e+idece allegedly obtaied by law eforce*et officers as a result of
ifor*atio +oluteered by the accused durig his ucouseled custodial i+estigatio, &ice the ifor*atio obtaied, it has
bee #oited out, was ta2e su##osedly i +iolatio of the Costitutio, the #ieces of e+idece deri+ati+ely gathered should ha+e
bee e/cluded by the court below, followig the fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie,
The 19IA CostitutioPs e/clusioary rules absolutely forbid e+idece obtaied fro* illegal searches ad sei6ures or e+idece
resultig fro* ucouseled custodial i+estigatios of accused idi+iduals, The fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie e/teds these
#rohibitios to #ieces of e+idece deri+ati+ely flowig fro* illegal searches ad sei6ures or fro* ad*issios *ade by accused
idi+iduals uder coditios #roscribed by the Costitutio, Fowe+er, the doctrie is ot without its e/ce#tios, ad the e+idece
i dis#ute i the istat case falls withi those e/ce#tios,
The disco+ery of the +icti*Ps body ear the house of the accused would ha+e aturally led law eforce*et authorities to
uderta2e a *ore thorough i+estigatio of the site, #articularly i those areas where the +icti* was last see, 3ssu*ig local
#olice had eough logistical ca#abilities to for* two tea*s to uderta2e two se#arate searches, oe for #hysical e+idece ad
other clues ad oe for the #ossible sus#ects, the e+idece ob0ected to would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered with a thorough
search of the site, =der the circu*staces of this case where oly oe search was iitially coducted 4ob+iously because of
logistical reasos5, #ri*arily for a sus#ect, it would ha+e logically followed had a sus#ect ot bee foud at the ti*e, or, had the
accused ot *ade his +olutary, though ucouselled cofessio, that a search for e+idece would ha+e bee uderta2e, uder
coditios which would ha+e +alidated a warratless search, where the sa*e #hysical e+idece would ha+e bee ie+itably
disco+ered, % other words, with or without a##ellatPs +oluteered ifor*atio, the #ieces of e+idece ob0ected to S the blood?
staied #illow, the T?shirt ad the +icti*Ps earrig S would ha+e falle ito #olice hads by legal *eas which would ha+e
or*ally bee uderta2e by the authorities i ay case,
Courts ha+e geerally a##ro+ed the +iew that it is ot ecessary to hold that all e+idece is fruit of the #oisoous tree, =der oe
of the recogi6ed e/ce#tios, the *ore a##ro#riate 1uestio i such cases is whether the e+idece to which the ob0ectio is
*ade would ot ha+e bee disco+ered at all but for the illegality or would ha+e bee disco+ered ayway by sources or
#rocedures ide#edet of the illegality, 3other e/ce#tio refuses to treat the doctrie as absolutely sacred if the e+idece i
1uestio would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered uder or*al coditios,
% sub*it, that uder the #eculiar circu*staces of this case, the e+idece ob0ected to would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered
ayway, % a log lie of cases, courts ha+e recogi6ed that e+idece deri+ed fro* informa#ion o;#ained ille4all3 is no# a;solu#el3
inadmissi;le under #he frui# of #he poisonous #ree doc#rine where i# is shown #ha# such evidence would have ;een inevi#a;l3
4ained even wi#hou# #he unlawful ac#,
The case of C,), vs, )eohnlein, for istace, held the +iew that a cofessio by the accused i a
ba2 robbery case was ot fruit of the #oisoous tree for the reaso that the ifor*atio which led to his cofessio, though the #roduct of a
illegal search would ha+e bee disco+ered i the absece of such illegality,
The Court i -oc+rid4e vs, )uperior 'our# was of the o#iio that
where a witess is disco+ered as a result of illegal #olice coduct, his testi*oy is ad*issible is he would ha+e bee disco+ered i the or*al
course of a or*ally coducted i+estigatio,
These ad other recogi6ed li*itatios to the fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie do ot ha+e
the effect of dilutig the effect of our e/clusioary rules, "ather, they ser+e the #ur#ose of the rule well by *aitaiig a reasoable balace
betwee the eed to dey e+idece co*e by through the e/#loitatio of a illegality o oe had ad the eed to *ii*i6e o##ortuity for the
defedat i a cri*ial case to rea# a udeser+ed ad socially udesirable boa6a,
Certaily it could ot be argued that with othig i
their hads, the #olice would ot ha+e goe bac2 to the site for a better is#ectio,
*!E,E I) EN5C"! -E"8- E=I6EN'E *5 )C)*8IN *!E *,I8- '5C,*<) '5N=I'*I5N 5F *!E 8''C)E6
>I*! M5,8- 'E,*8IN*Y
3ssu*ig ar4uendo the +alidity of the defesePs argu*ets o+er the #ieces of e+idece reco+ered by the #olice i the case at
bech abo+e?*etioed, a thorough re+iew of the e+idece utili6ed by the trial court leads us to the coclusio that
the defendan#<s convic#ion would have ;een sus#ained, in an3 case, wi#hou# #he pieces of evidence o;jec#ed #o,
Lest we *ista2e
the trees for the forest, a shiftig of the #ieces of e+idece, ad a se#aratio therefro* of the #hysical e+idece ob0ected to would
e+ertheless still lea+e the #rosecutio with eough le4al evidence to co+ict the accused with *oral certaity, These iclude:
1, The defedatPs own re#eated ad*issios, i the #resece of cousel ad i o#e court that he co**itted the acts chargedG
2, The essetially ucotradicted testi*oy of the #rosecutioPs eyewitess, Luisa "ebada,
Fa+ig discussed the first #oit, % shall go directly to "ebadaPs testi*oy, which the *a0ority o#iio let #ass without co**et,
For a better #ers#ecti+e of "ebadaPs testi*oy, allow *e oce agai to 1uote fro* the trascri#t:
D Ca you recall where were you o .ue 12, 199!, at aroud H:B0 P,$,R
3 Jes, &ir,
D Where were youR
3 % was at ho*e,
D Where is your house situatedR
3 >rgy, "i6al, Pala?#ala, Loe %, %loilo City,
D Do you ha+e ay eighbor i that residece of yours at "i6al Pala?#alaR
3 Jes, &ir, 3rel 3licado,
D Fow far is the house of 3rel 3licado fro* your houseR
3 (e ad a half 41 1N25 ar*Ps legth,
D ( that ti*e at H:B0 P,$, ha+e you see 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, &ir,
D Where was 3rel 3licado at that ti*eR
3 Fe was u#stairs, iside the house of "o*eo 3licado,
D What is the relatio of "o*eo 3licado to 3rel 3licado if you 2owR
3 "o*eo is the ucle of 3rel,
D Did 3rel 3licado ha+e ay co*#aio while he was i the house of his ucle, "o*eo
3 <ha6ie $ae was his co*#aio,
D Jou are referrig to <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, the +icti* i this caseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3side fro* the*, the two of the*, 3rel 3licado ad <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, are there ay
#erso iside the house of "o*eo 3licado at that ti*eR
3 )o *ore, oly the two of the*,
D )ow, at that #recise ti*e at H:B0 of .ue 12, 199!, what ha+e you obser+ed if you
obser+ed ay i the house of "o*eo 3licado wherei 3rel 3licado ad <ha6ie $ae
Peecilla was at that ti*eR
3 % saw the child loo2ig out i the widow ad % i+ited her for a ye*as cady, ad 3rel
3licado suddely closed the widow,
D Whe 3rel 3licado you said closed the widow, what did you obser+e after that if there
is ayR
3 The child cried,
D Jou are referrig to the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla whe you said the child was cryigR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3d after that, after the child was cryig, what ha+e you obser+ed at that ti*eR
3 3d the she s1uealed,
D 3fter that, what did you do after hearig that ad she, the child s1uealed, what did you do
if there was ayR
3 &o, % wet dow fro* the house to the house of "o*eo 3licado, where % saw betwee a
o#eig betwee the two slots, % wet u# two ste#s,
D 3d the what did you doR
3 3d so, % #ee#ed betwee the floor ad the door because there was a o#eig,
D Fa+e you see aythig iside that houseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What ha+e you see if there is ayR
3 % saw 3rel 3licado who was a2edNude at that ti*e lyig o to# of the child wherei his
left had was holdig the ec2 of the child,
D Whe you said child, you are referrig to the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae PeecillaR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What did you do after seeig thatR
3 >ecause % was afraid at that ti*e ad % got er+ous, so % wet dow fro* that house ad
wet to *y ow house ad gathered *y , , , , , , ,
D Whe you wet to your house, was there ay #erso iside your houseR
3 $y fried,
D Who is the a*e of your friedR
3 "icardo Lagraa 4Co*#are5,
D Fa+e you tal2ed to our co*#are, "icardo Lagraa who was i your houseR Fa+e you told
about the icidet that you ha+e see i the house of "o*eo 3licado wherei 3rel
3licado was at the to# of the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, without clothes at allR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What actio did your co*#are do if there was ayR
3 Whe % told the icidet to *y co*#are he also felt er+ous ad he wet ho*e,
D Fow about o the sa*e day of .ue 12, 199!, at aroud @:00 P,$,, where were youR
3 % was iside the house,
D 3d you ha+e obser+ed what is ha##eig i your baragay at that ti*eR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What ha+e you obser+edR
3 The #arets of <ha6ie $ae Peecilla were loo2ig for her,
D Whe you ha+e obser+ed, ha+e you 2ow that the #arets of <ha6ie $ae Peecilla were
loo2ig for her, it did ot occur to your *id to re#ort the icidet to the #arets of <ha6ie
$ae Peecilla o what you ha+e see at that ti*eR
3 % did ot go out of the house because % was afraid of 3rel 3licado,
D Fa+e you see o the sa*e day after that icidet of H:B0 i the e+eig, ha+e you see
agai 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, &ir,
D WhereR
3 % saw 3rel 3licado iside the house goig aroud,
D Did you tal2 to hi*R
3 (e .ue 12, 199!, at 10:!H i the e+eig, % told 3rel 3licado ad as2ed hi*, what
ti*e did the child go dow fro* the house,
D Where were you at that ti*e whe you as2ed 3rel 3licadoR
3 % was iside *y house,
D >ecause you are +ery ear eighbor to each otherR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3d it is oe ad a half 41 1N25 ar*Ps legth your house fro* 3rel 3licadoPs houseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D Did 3rel 3licado aswer youR
3 Fe aswered, % do ot 2ow because % was dra2 at that ti*e,
D Fow about oe .ue 1B, 199! i the *orig at aroud I:00 oPcloc2, what did you
obser+e i your baragayR
3 )oe,
D Jou ha+e ot obser+ed aythigR
3 )oe,
D Do you 2ow whe the #arets of the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla foud their daughterR
3 <ha6ie $ae Peecilla was foud at aroud I:00 3,$,
D (f what dayR
3 .ue 1B, 199!,
D Why do you 2ow that this <ha6ie $ae Peecilla was oly foud by their #aretsR
3 >ecause Leo#oldo 4Torog5 &atiago, whe he wet dow fro* their house ad aswered
the call of ature, he foud the child uder their house,
%t is well?settled i this 0urisdictio that the testi*oy of a loe witess, free fro* sigs of i*#ro#riety or falsehood, is sufficiet to
co+ict a accused e+e if ucorroborated, % this case, "ebadaPs testi*oy was #ositi+e ad straightforward, % see o reaso
why the sa*e should ot be gi+e the credece ad the weight that it deser+es, without our igorig established #rici#les i the
law o e+idece, &uch factual fidigs of the trial court o the issue of credibility of a witess are accorded great weight ad
res#ect o a##eal, as it should ha+e bee i the istat case, because the trial court had the e+ery a+ailable o##ortuity to
obser+e the de*eaor of the loe witess durig the trial, Fer belated re#ortig of the icidet the e/t *orig, to which the
defese urged the lower court to accord great weight, is hardly out of the ordiary,
%di+idual reactios are *oti+ated by +aried ad +aryig e+iro*etal factors, There is o stadard or* of hu*a beha+ioral
res#ose whe oe is cofroted with a strage, startlig or frightful e/#eriece,
Fear ad self #reser+atio are strog *oti+atig
factors, %t is co**o for #eo#le to choose ot to get i+ol+ed whe a cri*e is co**itted, otherwise there should oly be a few usol+ed
"ebada, i this case, was ob+iously terrified with what she saw, &elf?#reser+atio ad fear of #ossible re#risals fro* the a##ellat
would ha+e iitially o+erwhel*ed ay desire o her #art to re+eal what she had see durig the icidet, &he tried her best to re*ai as cal*
ad casual as #ossible, ad #reted that she did ot see aythig the istat she saw 3licado, whe she as2ed a##ellat what ti*e <ha6i
$ae got dow fro* his house followig the icidet,
;i+e these factors, it would ha+e bee too *uch to e/#ect "ebada i her *i/ed state
of dread, fear, re+ulsio ad isticti+e self?#reser+atio to haress su#erhu*a reser+es of courage to sto# a##ellat whe she saw hi*
i that co*#ro*isig #ositio, $aPs actios ad reactios caot be stereoty#ed,
&o*e idi+iduals flee fro* a ad+erse sti*ulus, others
cofrot it, =#o seeig the dead girlPs distraught #arets, ad o+erco*ig her fear with so*e #roddig fro* her husbad, Luisa "ebada was
fially dri+e by cosciece to re+eal what she 2ew the followig *orig,
The *ior icosistecies i "ebadaPs testi*oy are uderstadable uder these circu*staces, Fowe+er, it should be stressed
here that the trial courtPs coclusios were fouded #rici#ally o the direct, #ositi+e ad categorical assertios *ade by "ebada
as regards ma#erial e+ets i the cri*e, %t is worthy to stress, *oreo+er, that "ebada e+er wa+ered i her oral testi*oy e+e
o itese cross?e/a*iatio fro* the defese, % her affida+it, she declared that she saw <ha6i $ae at a##ellatPs houseG that
a##ellat closed the widowG ad after hearig the childPs cry ad s1ueal, #ee#ed ito the o#eig ad saw a##ellat o to# of
the +icti*, These were the +ery sa*e declaratios she *ade whe she too2 the witess stad, While she *ay ha+e wa+ered o
a *ior detail 4as to whether it was the right or the left had of the a##ellat which was used i cho2ig the +icti*5 these should
ot be sufficiet to debu2 her credibility,
&he had o reaso to falsely testify agaist the a##ellat ad there were o #ossible *oti+es
alleged for her to do so, &he is ot i ay way related to the Peecillas, ad there was o e+idece adduced to show that she harbored ay ill?
feeligs towards the a##ellat, % a sese, her credibility is e+e ehaced by the absece ay i*#ro#er *oti+e,
Together with the direct testi*oy of the eyewitess, "ebada, there is, % re#eat, sufficiet e+idece corroboratig ad
u*ista2ably #oitig to the a##ellat as the author of the cri*e, <ha6i $ae was last see i the co*#ay of the a##ellat,
"ebada testified that she saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of <ha6i $ae, "eco+ered fro* the latterPs house were <ha6i $aePs gree
sli##ers, #air of gold earrigs, her dress, bloodied buri *at ad #illow, The fact of shoddy #olice wor2 i the reco+ery of these
#ieces of e+idece does ot esca#e us, >ut whether o ot these #ieces should ha+e bee ad*issible is o hidsight hardly
rele+at i the face of a*#le legally ad*issible e+idece 0ustifyig the trial courtPs guilty +erdict,
3s a last resort, a##ellat would wat to dri+e ho*e the #oit that ra#e was ot co**itted, Fe argues that 15 while "ebada saw
hi* o to# of <ha6i $ae, she did ot see hi* i a #ush ad #ull *o+e*et 25 the re1uested )>% re#ort o the e/a*iatio of
<ha6i $aePs uderwear to show the #resece or absece of the *ale se*e was ot #resetedG ad B5 the auto#sy re#ort
re+ealed that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was as#hy/iatio by stragulatio,
% the first #lace, witess P(B Dailo Ta testified that whe he arri+ed at the PecillaPs house to ta2e a loo2 at the dead body, he
loo2ed at <ha6i $aePs uderwear ad saw that it was bloodied, The uderwear was set to the )>% Laboratory for e/a*iatio,
Cosiderig, howe+er, the iade1uate facilities of the )>% Laboratory at %loilo, the uderwear was referred to $aila for
e/a*iatio, &ice it will ta2e ti*e for the court to wait for the results fro* $aila, the trial court dis#esed with it as this would
oly ser+e as corroboratig e+idece to the fact of ra#e,
$oreo+er, ra#e is co**itted whee+er there is #eetratio, o *atter how slight ito the geital orga of the +icti*,
The +agial
ad aal fidigs of Dr, Tito Doro*al re+ealed that the lacerated woud fro* the fourchette u# to the do*e of the rectu* was caused by a
forcible etry of a ob0ect, % +iew of settled 0uris#rudece to the effect that ra#e is co**itted by the *ere touchig of the *ale geital orga
o the +agia, it hardly is rele+at whether or ot se*e or s#er* are #reset or abset, 3bsece of e*issio does ot egate ra#e,
"ebadaPs testi*oy that she saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of the +icti* whe she #ee#ed through a o#eig betwee the floor ad the door of
a##ellatPs house ad the auto#sy re#ort re+ealig the laceratio of the +agia elo1uetly testify to the cri*e co**itted ad its authorshi# i
the case at bech, 3s correctly obser+ed by the &olicitor ;eeral, the corpus delic#i was there for all to see, The trial court, therefore, did ot
err i dis#esig with the results of the )>% laboratory e/a*iatio of <ha6i $aePs uderwear to deter*ie the #resece of *ale se*e, a fact
of little rele+ace after the ra#e was established by defiiti+e legal e+idece,
Fially, otwithstadig the fact that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was as#hy/iatio by stragulatio, it caot be deied that
<ha6i $ae was ra#ed ad 2illed o the sa*e occasio, 3s we obser+ed i (eople v, Yu,
uity of thought ad actio i the cri*ial
#ur#ose of the accused caot be altered by the circu*staces that both the cri*e of ra#e ad the cri*e of *urder resulted, The accused had
to cho2e ad stragle the girl at the sa*e ti*e that he was satisfyig his lust o her,
>ased o all of the foregoig, it is clear ad iesca#able that a##ellat co**itted the heious cri*e or "a#e with Fo*icide
uder &ec, 11 of ",3, A@H9 which #ro+ides:
3rt, BBH of the sa*e Code is hereby a*eded to read as follows:
3rt, BBH, Whe ad how ra#e is co**itted, S "a#e is co**itted by ha+ig caral 2owledge of a wo*a
uder ay of the followig circu*staces:
/// /// ///
Whe by reaso or on #he occasion of #he rape, a homicide is commi##ed, the #ealty shall be death,
The death #ealty shall also be i*#osed if the cri*e of ra#e is co**itted with ay of the followig
/// /// ///
4!5 >hen #he vic#im is a religious or a child ;elow seven ?2@ 3ears old,
/// /// ///
Fa+ig thoroughly e+aluated the e+idece utili6ed by the trial court i co+ictig the accused with the cri*e of sub0ect to our
auto*atic re+iew, it is #aifully clear S e+e to those who ha+e reser+atios about i*#osig the death #ealty a*og us S that
we ha+e reached the #oit of *oral certaity ecessary to the i*#ositio of the su#re*e #uish*et of death i this case,
Co+ictios for the cri*e of ra#e ha+e bee sustaied by this Court i a o+erwhel*ig u*ber of cases o ucorroborated
e+idece gi+e al*ost e/clusi+ely by the co*#laiat aloe, 3gaist this bac2dro# 4of *ost cases of ra#e where reliace is
#laced solely o the +icti*s allegatios5 the trial Court i the case at bech, arri+ed at its coclusios #rici#ally o the basis of
two 2ey #ieces of testi*oial e+idece: 15 the accusedPs ad*issio of guilt i ot oe but two occasios i o#e court 4i the
#resece of his lawyer5 e+e after beig wared o both occasios by the 0udge of all the #ossible cose1ueces of his
ad*issio the accusedPs ad*issio of guiltG and 25 the essetially ucotradicted testi*oy of a eyewitess to the cri*e itself,
-+e with the relati+ely *ior icosistecies of the latterPs testi*oy S which the defese s#iritedly tried to *agify S the et
effect of the sa*e was to ehace, ot di*iish, the testi*oy of the loe eyewitess because *ior icogruecies are o the
whole idicati+e of hoest ad urehearsed declaratios ad ofte a*#lify the credibility of such declaratios,
(rdiarily, as stated
earlier, co+ictios for ra#e ha+e bee obtaied o the basis far less e+idece, Parethetically, either oe of these testi*oies, stadig
aloe, would ha+e bee ade1uate to obtai the accusedPs co+ictio,
% fie, let *e reiterate *y #ositio i (eople vs, =eneracion, that the rei*#ositio of the death #ealty for s#ecific offeses uder
"e#ublic 3ct A@H9 has left our courts with o choice but to i*#ose the #ealty for cri*es clearly eu*erated i the said law, %f a
court, after lea+ig o stoe utured, fids it ecessary to i*#ose the #ealty, % belie+e that it does ot do so as a ifallible ;od
e/ercisig a di+ie right to gi+e or ta2e away hu*a life, but as a fallible hu*a istitutio recogi6ig the i*#ortace of
accordig *a0esty to laws so idis#esable to *aitaiig social order, % the istat case, after a thorough ad searchig re+iew
of the e+idece ad a e+aluatio of the #rocedural ad costitutioal ob0ectios adduced either i su##ort of a ac1uittal or of
i*#osig a less se+ere #ealty it should be fairly ob+ious to us that the trial court co**itted o error i fidig the accused guilty
as charged, "ecogi6ig our fallible ature, the 1uatu* of e+idece ecessary to co+ict has e+er bee absolute #roof beyod
ay doubt but *erely #roof beyod reasoable doubt, The death #ealty i the istat case was clearly i*#osed i cofor*ity
with the *adate of law ad the Costitutio,
(adilla, Bellosillo, Mendo$a and !ermosisima, %r&, %%&, concur&
S)0ara,) O0-(-o(+
AAPUNAN, J., dissetig:
The ci+ili6ed *id or*ally recoils at the idea of ta2ig a *aPs life by way of retributio for the co**issio of a cri*e, Fowe+er,
e+ery so ofte, a cri*e so dastardly ad re#ulsi+e co*es alog that e+e a idi+idual usually #redis#osed towards rehabilitatig
the hard?core cri*ial would o loger wish to suffer i silet rage at societyPs 2id?glo+e treat*et of such offeder, but would
readily o#t to e/act a co**esurate re1uital i the for* of ca#ital #uish*et where circu*staces so de*ad,
&ociological theory at least sice -*ile Dur2hei* 41IHI?191A5 has #osited the idea that settig absolute outer li*its o de+iace
is a ecessary co*#oet of grou# idetificatio ad sur+i+al, .ustice (li+er Wedell Fol*es *ay ha+e sesed this truth whe
he wrote, i *he 'ommon -aw 41II15, 8The first re1uire*et of a soud body of law is that it should corres#od with the actual
feeligs ad de*ads of the co**uity, whether right or wrog 419BI ed:, #, !15,8
Thus, i*#elled by the alar*ig u#surge of cri*e resultig i the loss of hu*a li+es ad wato destructio of #ro#erty affectig
the atioPs efforts towards sustaiable de+elo#*et ad #ros#erity while at the sa*e ti*e uder*iig the #eo#lePs faith i the
;o+er*et, Cogress eacted "e#ublic 3ct A@H9,
i*#osig ca#ital #uish*et o certai heious cri*es,
The early &#artas had word for such cri*es: haineus, hateful, abo*iable, fro* the ;ree2 #refi/ ha#on, deotig acts so
hatefully or shoc2igly e+il, The acts charged i the case at bech belog to this gere,
3 totally iocet child was fore+er deied the o##ortuity to e0oy life beyod the age of four by the grueso*e ad hideous acts
allegedly co**itted by the a##ellat who, accordig to the #rosecutio, was ot cotet *erely with satisfyig his beastly desires
o her, but also stragled her to death, Whether or ot the circu*staces of the #reset case re1uire the i*#ositio of the death
#ealty is the ulti*ate issue before us, 3fter a thorough re+iew of the facts ad the e+idece, % a* afraid, % ha+e to disset fro*
the *a0ority, The le4al evidence a+ailable to us o+erwhel*igly su##orts the lower courtPs coclusios, We should ot shir2 fro*
our legal duty to i*#ose the death #ealty,
% the afteroo of .ue 12, 199!, "o*eo Peecilla, father of four?year?old <ha6i $ae, was ha+ig a dri2ig s#ree with "a*il
"odrigue6, "e*us ;oddi ad the a##ellat at his 4"o*eoPs5 house at >aragay "i6al, Loe 1, Pulo >ala, %loilo, 3t about !:B0
#,*,, e+erybody left, e/ce#t for the a##ellat, 3##ellat was residig at his uclePs house about fi+e 4H5 ar*Ps legth away fro*
the PeecillaPs house,
Whe "o*eo Peecilla arri+ed ho*e at I:00 that e+eig, he could ot fid <ha6i $ae, Fe ad his wife loo2ed for her util 1:00
i the *orig to o a+ail,
The e/t *orig, Leo#oldo &atiago, a eighbor, got the shoc2 of his life whe, aswerig the call of ature outside his house,
he chaced the dead body of <ha6i $ae, %**ediately, the girlPs #arets were ifor*ed, The s*all, lifeless body was brought to
their house,
The *atter was re#orted to the #olice at oce, 3t this #oit, Luisa "ebada, who li+ed about 1?1N2 ar*Ps legth away fro* the
house of a##ellat related to the girlPs distraught #arets what she 2ew,
"ebada recouted that at about H:B0 of the afteroo before, she saw <ha6i $ae at the widow of a##ellatPs house, &he called
out to her ad offered to buy 8ye*as,8 for her, 3##ellat suddely closed the widow, Later o, Luisa heard <ha6i $ae cry ad
the s1ueal, Fer curiosity aroused, she cre#t two ste#s u# the a##ellatPs house, #ee#ed through a o#eig betwee the floor
ad the door, ad saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of <ha6i $ae, his right had cho2ig the girlPs ec2, "ebada beca*e frighteed
ad wet bac2 to her house to gather her childre, &he told her co*#adre, "icardo Lagraai who was i her house at that ti*e,
of what she saw, The latter got er+ous ad left, That e+eig whe she heard that <ha6i $aePs #arets were loo2ig for the little
child, she called out fro* her widow ad as2ed a##ellat what ti*e <ha6i $ae left his house, 3##ellat re#lied that he did ot
2ow sice he was dru2,
With Luisa "ebadaPs re+elatio, a##ellat was arrested,
Durig the i+estigatio coducted by P(B Dailo Ta, a##ellat readily ad*itted ra#ig ad 2illig <ha6i $ae,
The #olice were
able to reco+er fro* a##ellatPs house <ha6i $aePs gree sli##ers, a #air of gold earrigs #laced o to# of a ba*boo #ost, a bloodied buri
*at, a #illow with a blood stai i the *iddle, ad a staied T?shirt owed by a##ellat,
3 auto#sy coducted ad Dr, Tito Doro*al, the *edico?legal officer, re+ealed the followig fidigs:
BE86 7 NE'JN*!5,8'58B65MIN8- ,E"I5N):
15 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, 11 / 11,B c*,, i dia,, fro* left ad right aterior ec2, dow to
the *edial #ortio of the left ad right ifra?cla+icular area,
25 Cotusio, bluish #ur#le, H,H / @,B c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral left chest wall,
B5 Cotusio, bluish i color, B i os,, 1, 0,H W 1,1 c*,, i dia,, right atero?iferior chest
!5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, ! / B,2 c*,, i dia,, left sub?costal arch,
H5 Cotusio, #ur#le i color, !,H / H c*,, i dia,, su#ero?lateral, left iliac crest,
5N 5(ENIN" *!E )JC-- 7 *!5,8'58B65MIN8- '8=I*IE):
a5 Fractured, 2d cer+ical +ertebra,
b5 Fractured, crecoid cartilage,
c5 >oth lugs, e/#aded with *ulti#le #etechial he*orrhages,
d5 (ther iteral orgas, cogested,
15 Cofluet abrasio, B / 2,@ c*,, i dia,, #osterior as#ect, lower Brd, left forear*,
25 (ld woud, 2 / 1,H c*,, i dia,, #osterior *iddle Brd, left forear*,
B5 (ld woud, 1,H / 1 c*,, i dia,, atero?lateral as#ect, *iddle Brd, right forear*,
=8"IN8- FIN6IN")N8N8- FIN6IN"):
a5 Lacerated woud, fro* the fourchette u# to the do*e of the rectu*,
b5 Fe*ato*a, fro* the fourchette u# to the rectu*,
c5 Lacerated woud, lateral wall of the +agia u# to the le+el of the #ro*otory of the
sacru* with a legth of I ceti*eters,
d5 3 cylider with a dia*eter of 2 c*s,, easily #asses the +agial ad aal o#eigs,
'8C)E 5F 6E8*!:
35 3&PFJQ%3 >J &T"3);=L3T%()
>5 F"3CT="-D, 2d C-"'%C3L '-"T->"3,
C5 F-$(""F3;-, 2d D-;"-- T( L3C-"3T-D '3;%)3L W "-CT3L (P-)%);&,
Cose1uetly, a ifor*atio was filed with the "egioal Trial Court of %loilo City, >rach BI, doc2eted as Cri*ial Case )o,
!B@@B, chargig 3rel 3licado with the cri*e of ra#e with ho*icide, co**itted as follows:
That o or about the 12th day of .ue, 199! i the City of %loilo, Phili##ies ad withi the 0urisdictio of this
Court, said accused, did the ad there willfully, ulawfully ad feloiously ad by *eas of force, +iolece
ad iti*idatio to wit: by the ad there #iig dow oe <F3L%- $3- P-)-C%LL3, a *ior, four years
of age, cho2ig her with his right had, succeeded i ha+ig caral 2owledge with her ad as a result
thereof she suffered as#hy/ia by stragulatio, fractured cer+ical +ertebra ad laceratios of the +agial
ad rectal o#eigs causig #rofuse he*orrhages ad other i0uries which are ecessarily fatal ad which
were the direct cause of her death thereafter,
C()T"3"J T( L3W,
( .ue 2I, 199!, a##ellat, assisted by 3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera of the Public 3ttoreyPs (ffice 4P3(5, #leaded guilty to the cri*e
The trial court ordered the #rosecutio to #reset e+idece to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his
cul#ability, %t li2ewise set the case for rece#tio of e+idece for the accused, if he wished to,
% the course of the trial, the #rosecutio #reseted 415 Luisa "ebadaG 425 Dr, Tito Doro*al, the *edico?legal officerG 4B5 &P(1
$auel 3rtu6, the e/hibit custodia of %loilo City Police &tatioG 4!5 P(B Dailo TaG 4H5 &P(B "ollie Lu6, #olice i+estigatorsG ad
4@5 "o*eo Peecilla, the +icti*Ps father,
The defese, for its #art, *erely #reseted the auto#sy re#ort of Dr, Tito Doro*al to show that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was
as#hy/ia by stragulatio,
( .uly 20, 199!, the trial 0udge redered a decisio i*#osig the death #ealty o 3rel 3licado,
The case is ow before us o auto*atic re+iew, Disagreeig with the trial courtPs co+ictio of the accused for the cri*e of "a#e
with Fo*icide ad the said courtPs i*#ositio of the death #ealty the CourtPs *a0ority has decided to o+ertur the co+ictio ad
re*ad the case to the trial court o the basis of the followig alleged #rocedural irregularities:
Firs#, that the arrai4nmen# of the a##ellat is ull, ad +oidG
)econd, that the #lea of guilt *ade by the a##ellat is li2ewise ull ad +oidG
*hird, some prosecu#ion evidence, offered ide#edetly of the #lea of guilt of the a##ellat, were iad*issible, yet were
cosidered by the trial court i co+ictig the a##ellat,
% strogly disagree,
*!E,E >8) )CB)*8N*I8-, IF N5* FC-- '5M(-I8N'E >I*! EQI)*IN" ,C-E) 5N 8,,8I"NMEN* 8N6
3 thorough re+iew of the record re+eals that there was full co*#liace with e/istig rules o arraig*et ad #lea,
%t is #laily ob+ious fro* a e/a*iatio of the a##ro#riate rules ad the record of the case that: 15 there is absolutely no#hin4 o
the record which would warrat a fidig the ifor*atio was ot read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the a##ellatG 25 the
rule o arraig*et ad #lea does ot absolutely re1uire that the sa*e be idicated i the record of e+ery cri*ial caseG B5 "ule
11@ &ectio 1 cotais othig re1uirig trial courts to idicate i the record the fact that the ifor*atio was read i the laguage
or dialect 2ow to the defedat, e+e if the sa*e was i fact actually co*#lied with by the lower court,
The rule o arraig*et, "ule 11@ #ro+ides the followig:
&ec, 1: 3rraig*et ad #leaG how *ade, S 4a5 The accused *ust be arraiged before the court where the
co*#lait or ifor*atio has bee filed or assiged for trial, The arraig*et *ust be *ade i o#e court
by the 0udge or cler2 by furishig the accused a co#y of the co*#lait or ifor*atio with the list of
witesses, readig the sa*e i the laguage or dialect 2ow to hi* ad as2ig hi* whether he #leads
guilty or ot guilty, The #rosecutio *ay, howe+er, call at the trial witesses other tha those a*ed i the
co*#lait or ifor*atio,
4b5 The accused *ust be #reset at the arraig*et ad *ust #ersoally eter his #lea, >oth arraig*et
ad #lea shall be *ade of record, but a failure to eter of record shall ot affect the +alidity of the
4c5 %f the accused refuses to #lead, or *a2es a coditioal #lea of guilty, a #lea of ot guilty shall be
etered for hi*,
/// /// ///
&ec, B: (lea of 4uil#3 #o capi#al offenseG recep#ion of evidence, Whe the accused #leads guilty to a ca#ital
offese, the court shall coduct a searchig i1uiry ito the +olutariess ad full co*#rehesio of the
cose1ueces of his #lea ad re1uire the #rosecutio to #ro+e his guilt ad the #recise degree of
cul#ability, the accused *ay also #reset e+idece i his behalf,
Whe a accused is arraiged i coectio with a cri*ial charge, it is the duty of the court to ifor* hi* of its ature ad cause
so that he *ay be able to co*#rehed the charges agaist hi* as well as the circu*staces attedat thereto, Whe the charge
is of a serious ature, it beco*es the i*#erati+e duty of the lawyer #reset ot oly to assist the accused durig the readig of
the ifor*atio but also to e/#lai to hi* the gra+ity ad cose1uece of his #lea,
Trial 0udges are e0oied to refrai fro* acce#tig with alacrity the accusedPs #lea of guilty, While 0ustice de*ads s#eedy
ad*iistratio, 0udges are duty boud to be e/tra solicitous i seeig to it that whe a accused #leads guilty, he fully
uderstads the *eaig of his #lea ad the i*#ort of a ie+itable co+ictio,
Cose1uetly, three thigs eed to be acco*#lished after the accused i a cri*ial case eters a #lea of guilty to a ca#ital
415 the court should coduct a searchig i1uiry ito the +olutariess ad full co*#rehesio of the cose1ueces of the
accusedPs #leaG
425 the lower court should re1uire the #rosecutio to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his cul#abilityG ad
4B5 the court should i1uire whether or ot the accused wishes to #reset e+idece o his behalf ad should allow hi* to do so if
he so desires, 3 0udge who fails to obser+e this re1uire*et co**its a gra+e abuse of discretio,
These re1uire*ets ha+e bee co*#lied with i this case, which the followig #ertiet #ortios of the a##ellatPs arraig*et,
1uoted fro* the record su##ort:
Prosecutor -dwi Fa*a S
3##earig as #ublic #rosecutor,
3tty, "ogelio 3ti1uiera S
For the accused, Jour Foor, "eady for arraig*et,
4"eadig the ifor*atio to the accused for arraig*et ad #re?trial,5
43fter readig the ifor*atio to the accused, accused #leads guilty,5
Duestio of the court to the accused,
D Cosiderig that this is a cri*e ad uder the a*eded law is a heious cri*e, because
of your #lea of guilty without the coset or e+e agaist the discretio of the court, the
court will gi+e you a *adatory death #ealty because of the cri*e charged, do you
uderstad thatR
Jes, Jour Foor,
D Did you eter a #lea of guilty o your ow +olutary will or without ay force or
iti*idatio fro* ay oe or whate+er,
)oe, Jour Foor,
D 3re you sureR
Jes, Jour Foor,
D (r *aybe because you the were *ahadled or *altreated by ayoe ad that will 0ust
be cosideratio for you to #lead guiltyR
)o, Jour Foor,
Were you ot *ahadled, #lease let us see your bodyR
43ccused raised his #riso uifor* or shirt ad showed to the court his body fro* waist u#5,
)o, Jour Foor,
Jou were ot *altreated i the 0ailR
)o, Jour Foor,
Please let us see whether you ha+e bruises so that you will be e/a*ied by a #hysicia to
the order of the courtR
)o, Jour Foor,
%f you #lead guilty to the cri*e charged there will be so*e effects o your ci+il rights but ot
util the decisio will be affir*ed by the &u#re*e Court,
Jes, Jour Foor,
3gai, before the #rosecutio #reseted its e+idece o .uly 11, 199!, the trial 0udge oce *ore as2ed a##ellat if he was sure of his #lea,
Fiscal Fa*a:
3##earig as the #ublic #rosecutor, ready, Jour Foor,
(ur first witess is Dr, Tito Doro*al, Jour Foor,
3tty, 3ti1uiera:
For the accused, Jour Foor,
>efore the court will #roceed with the rece#tio of e+idece by the #rosecutio, 3rel
3licado, #lease co*e here, 43t this 0ucture, 3rel 3licado, co*e ear to the court5
The court is warig you agai that this is rece#tio of e+idece by the #rosecutio after you
#lead guilty to the cri*e charged at, do you uderstadR
3 Jes,
D Do you still affir* ad cofir* to your #lea of guilty of your ra#e with ho*icideR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Do you still isist that your #lead of guilty is +olutary without force, iti*idatio or
3 Jes,
D The court is warig you that after rece#tio of e+idece, the i*#osable #ealty is
*adatory deathR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
D Des#ite of that, you still isist of your #lea of guiltyR
3 Jes, Jour Foor,
(2ey, #roceed,
%t is crystal clear, fro* the abo+e?1uoted #ortios of the trascri#t of the a##ellatPs arraig*et that the trial 0udge *ade e+ery
effort to ascertai the +olutariess of the #lea, ad that he re#eatedly wared the defedat of the cose1ueces of his #lea, %
other words S
35 *he a;ovequo#ed proceedin4s sa#isf3 #he requiremen# of a searchin4 inquir3,
There is o hard ad fast rule re1uirig 0udges to coduct their searchig i1uiry i the detailed *aer suggested by the *a0ority
o#iio, although 0udges should ideally stri+e to coduct as detailed a i1uiry as would be reasoable uder the circu*staces,
% (eople v, 6a3o#
we held that:
3 searchig i1uiry , , , co*#els the 0udge to cotet hi*self reasoably that the accused has ot bee
coerced or #laced uder a state
of duress S ad that his guilty #lea has ot therefore bee gi+e i*#ro+idetly S other by actual threats of
#hysical har* fro* *ale+olet 1uarters or si*#ly because of his, the 0udgePs, iti*idatig robes,
/// /// ///
While there ca be o hard ad fast rule as to how a 0udge *ay coduct searchig i1uiry, as to the
u*ber ad character of 1uestios he *ay #ut to the accused, or as to the earestess with which he *ay
coduct it, sice each case *ust be *easured accordig to its idi+idual *erit, ta2ig ito cosideratio
the age, educatioal attai*et, ad social status of the accused cofessig guilt, a*og other thigs, the
sigular baro*eter is that the 0udge *ust i all cases, fully co+ice hi*self that: ?1@ #he accused, in
pleadin4 4uil#3, is doin4 so volun#aril3, and ?9@ he, in so doin4, is #rul3 4uil#3, and #ha# #here eBis#s a ra#ional
;asis for a findin4 of 4uil#, ;ased on his #es#imon3, This Court lea+es to 0udges, cosiderig their traiig,
a*#le discretio, but e/#ects the* at the sa*e ti*e, that they will be true to their callig ad be worthy
*iisters of the law,
The #ur#ose of a searchig i1uiry is to satisfy the 0udge that the defedatPs #lea was etered ito +olutarily ad that the
defedat uderstood the cose1ueces of his #lea, There is o hard ad fast rule, as the 6a3o#case states, as to the u*ber
ad character of the 1uestios #ro#ouded, .udges are ot re1uired to go ito obsessi+e detail about the #sychological,
educatioal ad sociological bac2groud of the accused if fro* a reasoable i1uiry coducted through a reasoable u*ber of
1uestios he is fully co+iced a searchig i1uiry has bee *et, There is a world of differece betwee a fastidious attetio to
detail which furthers the ed of 0ustice ad a attetio to detail ad *iutae borderig o obsessi+eess which ulti*ately
obstructs 0ustice ad defeats the #ur#ose of the law, 8propos to this there is S
>5 No evidence #ha# #he informa#ion was no# read in a lan4ua4e or dialec# +nown #o #he appellan#,
The records i a o+erwhel*ig u*ber of cri*ial cases brought before us cotai ifor*atios writte i the -glish laguage
without ay idicatio, whatsoe+er, that the sa*e was traslated fro* a laguage or dialect 2ow to the defedat, 3d yet,
e+e i $etro $aila aloe, oe obser+es that the bul2 of #roceedigs i our trial courts, icludig the #rocess of arraig*et, is
coducted i the +eracular, ( the record of these cases or*ally #rited i -glish, courts hardly bother to #oit out those
sectios of the trial coducted i the +eracular ad traslated ito -glish, >ecause of this wides#read #ractice, which the
sectio o arraig*et i the "ules of Court does ot #roscribe S the #resu*#tio of regularity ought to a##ly, (therwise, we
should co*#el oursel+es to re+iew the cri*ial cases decided by this Court sice the i*#ositio of the 19IH "e+ised "ules o
Cri*ial Procedure ad see whether there was ay idicatio that the arraig*et of these cri*ial cases were, #he records
#herein #hen ou4h# #o show, coducted i a laguage 2ow to the defedats, The absurdity of this argu*et by the defese
the beco*es a##aret, because it would be fairly ob+ious to all of us that *ost of these #roceedigs were actually coducted i
the +eracular, but the fact was e+er #ut o record, % fact, &ectio 1 4b5 of "ule 11@ e+e states that while the arraig*et ad
#lea be *ade of record failure to eter 4the sa*e5 of record shall ot affect the +alidity of the #roceedigs, -+e the rule o
#lacig the arraig*et ad #lea o record is ot absolute, ad % caot see how we ca be too strict about idicatig o record
whether #roceedigs were *ade i the +eracular i cases where i fact the #roceedigs were so coducted, The argu*et that
the ifor*atio was ot read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to a##ellat *erely gras#s o straws ad ought to be dis*issed for
beig so icose1uetial as to be bereft of *erit,
$oreo+er, it is a *atter of co**o #ractice that i e+ery court, es#ecially i the #ro+ices, a iter#reter is always at had to
traslate to the #arties all 1uestios #ro#ouded to the* i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the*, %t is also co**o #ractice that
the trascri#t of steogra#hic otes sub*itted to the court oly reflect the court #roceedigs coducted i the -glish laguage,
While agai, the records do ot categorically idicate that the ifor*atio was read i the laguage or dialect 2ow to the
defedat or that the 1uestios as2ed were *adated i the +eracular or dialect uderstood by hi* it is #resu*ed, as we ha+e
actually doe i *ay cases before this, that such duty was regularly #erfor*ed i the absece of ay e+idece to the
% the face of this co**o #ractice, the burde ow lies o the defese to #ro+e the cotrary, =der the #rici#le of e1ual
a##licatio of laws, we caot ha+e +aryig degrees of fastidiousess i the eforce*et of #rocedural rules based o the gra+ity of the
*!E (-E8 5F "CI-*Y IN *!E '8)E 8* BEN'! >8) '-E8,-Y N5* IM(,5=I6EN*
% the case before us, whe the a##ellat #leaded guilty i o#e court o .ue 2I, 199!, a##ellat was clearly assisted by
cousel, The court too2 #ais to repea#edl3 re*id hi* of the gra+e cose1ueces of a #lea of guilty, which a##ellat said he
uderstood, (e +ery such occasio, he had e+ery o##ortuity, through his cousel, to as2 the court for clarificatio,
The trial court, o its ow, i fact wet out of its way to re#eatedly ifor* the defedat of the ature of his #lea ad the
i*#licatios of the #lea he was *a2ig, ( .uly 11, 199!, before the #resetatio of e+idece for the #rosecutio, he was oce
agai as2ed by the court if he was sure of his #lea, 3t this ti*e, a##ellat had *ore tha sufficiet ti*e or about thirtee days to
reflect o all the #ossible cose1ueces of his #lea, %f ideed it was ot +olutarily *ade durig his arraig*et, he had eough
ti*e ad o##ortuity with the assistace of his lawyer to recat or at least e/#ress reser+atios about the sa*e, Fowe+er, i
s#ite of se+eral warigs gi+e by the trial court o differet occasios, a##ellat stood #at with his 0udicial ad*issio,
&igificatly, the records fail to idicate that a##ellat 1uestioed his #lea of guilty at ay stage of the trial, Fe had the o##ortuity
to cross?e/a*ie the witesses for the #rosecutio, Fe did ot #ut u# ay defese or deied the icul#atory testi*oies,
docu*ets ad real e+idece #reseted agaist hi* 4i fact, it was a##ellat hi*self who directed the #olice i+estigators to the
locatio of the +arious #hysical e+idece, e,4, gree sli##ers, earrigs
3##ellatPs silece as to the accusatios *ade agaist hi* i o#e court fro* the ti*e of his arraig*et ad durig his etire
trial therefore assu*es a great deal of sigificace i the cote/t of the *a0orityPs isistece that herei a##ellatPs #lea of guilty
was i*#ro+idet ad therefore +oid, % the face of the seriousess of the accusatios agaist hi*, his reticece was elo1uet, 3s
the Court held i (eople vs, (illones:
&ilece is asset as well as coset, ad *ay, where a direct ad s#ecific accusatio of cri*e is *ade, be
regarded uder so*e circu*staces as a 1uasi? cofessio, 3 iocet #erso will at oce aturally ad
e*#hatically re#el a accusatio of cri*e, as a *atter of self?#reser+atio ad self?defese, ad as a
#recautio agaist #re0udicig hi*self, 3 #ersoPs silece, therefore, #articularly whe it is #ersistet, will
0ustify a iferece that he is ot iocet, 4=derhillPs Cri*ial -+idece, !th -d,, #, !01,5
The absece of a e/tra0udicial cofessio does ot detract fro* the efficacy or +alidity of a##ellatPs #lea of guilty, it does ot
affect the re1uire*et co*#ellig the #rosecutio to #ro+e the guilt of the accused ad the #recise degree of his cul#ability, )o
where i the rules does it state that a e/tra0udicial cofessio is a #rere1uisite for a co+ictio based o a #lea of guilty, While
the costitutioal ifir*ities that atteded the custodial i+estigatio of the a##ellat were serious ad should ot be glossed
o+er, his co+ictio was based *aily o his #lea of guilt *ade i o#e court ad ot o the e/tra0udicial cofessio, which
for*ed but a s*all as#ect of the #rosecutioPs case, 3 e/tra0udicial cofessio oly ser+es to cofir* or substatiate a #lea of
guilty etered i o#e court, 3s betwee a e/tra0udicial cofessio ad a 0udicial ad*issio, the latter sigificatly is gi+e
e+idetiary weight, -+e assu*ig the e/tra0udicial cofessio i this case could ot be gi+e e+idetiary weight because of
*ista2es co**itted by authorities i coductig their custodial i+estigatio ad i their gatherig e+idece, his #lea of guilty o
arraig*et, his re#eated ad*issios to the sa*e i s#ite of re#eated warigs of the trial 0udge of the cose1ueces of his #lea
ad the #resece of a*#le corroboratig testi*oy fro* a credible eyewitess to the cri*e establish a##ellatPs guilt beyod
reasoable doubt,
The essece of the #lea of guilty i a trial is that the accused ad*its his guilt freely, +olutarily ad with full 2owledge of the
cose1ueces ad *eaig of his act, ad with a clear uderstadig of the #recise ature of the cri*e charged i the co*#lait
or ifor*atio,
3 #lea of guilty, whe for*ally etered o arraig*et is sufficiet to sustai a co+ictio charged i the ifor*atio without
eed of further #roof,
This, otwithstadig, 4i lie with the #roouce*et of the Court i se+eral cases
5 the trial court recei+ed e+idece
to deter*ie if the a##ellat erred i ad*ittig his guilt, %de#edet of such #lea, there was *ore tha sufficiet e+idece adduced to #ro+e
that a##ellat ideed co**itted the acts charged,
*!E (!Y)I'8- E=I6EN'E 5B%E'*E6 *5 F8--) CN6E, 5NE 5F *!E EQ'E(*I5N) *5 *!E
EQ'-C)I5N8,Y ,C-E
(b0ectios were +igorously raised by the defese regardig certai #ieces of e+idece obtaied by law eforce*et authorities
followig the ucouseled custodial i+estigatio of the accused i the case at bech, These ob0ectios ha+e bee thoroughly
threshed out ad weighed agaist the other factual *aterial obtaied at trial i order to deter*ie whether or ot, o the balace,
the accusedPs co+ictio ought to be sustaied, *odified i fa+or of a lesser #ealty, or altogether throw out, % shall discuss the*
i the iterest of thoroughess,
Cetral to these ob0ectios were the #ieces of #hysical e+idece allegedly obtaied by law eforce*et officers as a result of
ifor*atio +oluteered by the accused durig his ucouseled custodial i+estigatio, &ice the ifor*atio obtaied, it has
bee #oited out, was ta2e su##osedly i +iolatio of the Costitutio, the #ieces of e+idece deri+ati+ely gathered should ha+e
bee e/cluded by the court below, followig the fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie,
The 19IA CostitutioPs e/clusioary rules absolutely forbid e+idece obtaied fro* illegal searches ad sei6ures or e+idece
resultig fro* ucouseled custodial i+estigatios of accused idi+iduals, The fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie e/teds these
#rohibitios to #ieces of e+idece deri+ati+ely flowig fro* illegal searches ad sei6ures or fro* ad*issios *ade by accused
idi+iduals uder coditios #roscribed by the Costitutio, Fowe+er, the doctrie is ot without its e/ce#tios, ad the e+idece
i dis#ute i the istat case falls withi those e/ce#tios,
The disco+ery of the +icti*Ps body ear the house of the accused would ha+e aturally led law eforce*et authorities to
uderta2e a *ore thorough i+estigatio of the site, #articularly i those areas where the +icti* was last see, 3ssu*ig local
#olice had eough logistical ca#abilities to for* two tea*s to uderta2e two se#arate searches, oe for #hysical e+idece ad
other clues ad oe for the #ossible sus#ects, the e+idece ob0ected to would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered with a thorough
search of the site, =der the circu*staces of this case where oly oe search was iitially coducted 4ob+iously because of
logistical reasos5, #ri*arily for a sus#ect, it would ha+e logically followed had a sus#ect ot bee foud at the ti*e, or, had the
accused ot *ade his +olutary, though ucouselled cofessio, that a search for e+idece would ha+e bee uderta2e, uder
coditios which would ha+e +alidated a warratless search, where the sa*e #hysical e+idece would ha+e bee ie+itably
disco+ered, % other words, with or without a##ellatPs +oluteered ifor*atio, the #ieces of e+idece ob0ected to S the blood?
staied #illow, the T?shirt ad the +icti*Ps earrig S would ha+e falle ito #olice hads by legal *eas which would ha+e
or*ally bee uderta2e by the authorities i ay case,
Courts ha+e geerally a##ro+ed the +iew that it is ot ecessary to hold that all e+idece is fruit of the #oisoous tree, =der oe
of the recogi6ed e/ce#tios, the *ore a##ro#riate 1uestio i such cases is whether the e+idece to which the ob0ectio is
*ade would ot ha+e bee disco+ered at all but for the illegality or would ha+e bee disco+ered ayway by sources or
#rocedures ide#edet of the illegality, 3other e/ce#tio refuses to treat the doctrie as absolutely sacred if the e+idece i
1uestio would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered uder or*al coditios,
% sub*it, that uder the #eculiar circu*staces of this case, the e+idece ob0ected to would ha+e bee ie+itably disco+ered
ayway, % a log lie of cases, courts ha+e recogi6ed that e+idece deri+ed fro* informa#ion o;#ained ille4all3 is no# a;solu#el3
inadmissi;le under #he frui# of #he poisonous #ree doc#rine where i# is shown #ha# such evidence would have ;een inevi#a;l3
4ained even wi#hou# #he unlawful ac#,
The case of C,), vs, )eohnlein, for istace, held the +iew that a cofessio by the accused i a
ba2 robbery case was ot fruit of the #oisoous tree for the reaso that the ifor*atio which led to his cofessio, though the #roduct of a
illegal search would ha+e bee disco+ered i the absece of such illegality,
The Court i -oc+rid4e vs, )uperior 'our# was of the o#iio that
where a witess is disco+ered as a result of illegal #olice coduct, his testi*oy is ad*issible is he would ha+e bee disco+ered i the or*al
course of a or*ally coducted i+estigatio,
These ad other recogi6ed li*itatios to the fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie do ot ha+e
the effect of dilutig the effect of our e/clusioary rules, "ather, they ser+e the #ur#ose of the rule well by *aitaiig a reasoable balace
betwee the eed to dey e+idece co*e by through the e/#loitatio of a illegality o oe had ad the eed to *ii*i6e o##ortuity for the
defedat i a cri*ial case to rea# a udeser+ed ad socially udesirable boa6a,
Certaily it could ot be argued that with othig i
their hads, the #olice would ot ha+e goe bac2 to the site for a better is#ectio,
*!E,E I) EN5C"! -E"8- E=I6EN'E *5 )C)*8IN *!E *,I8- '5C,*<) '5N=I'*I5N 5F *!E 8''C)E6
>I*! M5,8- 'E,*8IN*Y
3ssu*ig ar4uendo the +alidity of the defesePs argu*ets o+er the #ieces of e+idece reco+ered by the #olice i the case at
bech abo+e?*etioed, a thorough re+iew of the e+idece utili6ed by the trial court leads us to the coclusio that
the defendan#<s convic#ion would have ;een sus#ained, in an3 case, wi#hou# #he pieces of evidence o;jec#ed #o,
Lest we *ista2e
the trees for the forest, a shiftig of the #ieces of e+idece, ad a se#aratio therefro* of the #hysical e+idece ob0ected to would
e+ertheless still lea+e the #rosecutio with eough le4al evidence to co+ict the accused with *oral certaity, These iclude:
1, The defedatPs own re#eated ad*issios, i the #resece of cousel ad i o#e court that he co**itted the acts chargedG
2, The essetially ucotradicted testi*oy of the #rosecutioPs eyewitess, Luisa "ebada,
Fa+ig discussed the first #oit, % shall go directly to "ebadaPs testi*oy, which the *a0ority o#iio let #ass without co**et,
For a better #ers#ecti+e of "ebadaPs testi*oy, allow *e oce agai to 1uote fro* the trascri#t:
D Ca you recall where were you o .ue 12, 199!, at aroud H:B0 P,$,R
3 Jes, &ir,
D Where were youR
3 % was at ho*e,
D Where is your house situatedR
3 >rgy, "i6al, Pala?#ala, Loe %, %loilo City,
D Do you ha+e ay eighbor i that residece of yours at "i6al Pala?#alaR
3 Jes, &ir, 3rel 3licado,
D Fow far is the house of 3rel 3licado fro* your houseR
3 (e ad a half 41 1N25 ar*Ps legth,
D ( that ti*e at H:B0 P,$, ha+e you see 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, &ir,
D Where was 3rel 3licado at that ti*eR
3 Fe was u#stairs, iside the house of "o*eo 3licado,
D What is the relatio of "o*eo 3licado to 3rel 3licado if you 2owR
3 "o*eo is the ucle of 3rel,
D Did 3rel 3licado ha+e ay co*#aio while he was i the house of his ucle, "o*eo
3 <ha6ie $ae was his co*#aio,
D Jou are referrig to <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, the +icti* i this caseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3side fro* the*, the two of the*, 3rel 3licado ad <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, are there ay
#erso iside the house of "o*eo 3licado at that ti*eR
3 )o *ore, oly the two of the*,
D )ow, at that #recise ti*e at H:B0 of .ue 12, 199!, what ha+e you obser+ed if you
obser+ed ay i the house of "o*eo 3licado wherei 3rel 3licado ad <ha6ie $ae
Peecilla was at that ti*eR
3 % saw the child loo2ig out i the widow ad % i+ited her for a ye*as cady, ad 3rel
3licado suddely closed the widow,
D Whe 3rel 3licado you said closed the widow, what did you obser+e after that if there
is ayR
3 The child cried,
D Jou are referrig to the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla whe you said the child was cryigR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3d after that, after the child was cryig, what ha+e you obser+ed at that ti*eR
3 3d the she s1uealed,
D 3fter that, what did you do after hearig that ad she, the child s1uealed, what did you do
if there was ayR
3 &o, % wet dow fro* the house to the house of "o*eo 3licado, where % saw betwee a
o#eig betwee the two slots, % wet u# two ste#s,
D 3d the what did you doR
3 3d so, % #ee#ed betwee the floor ad the door because there was a o#eig,
D Fa+e you see aythig iside that houseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What ha+e you see if there is ayR
3 % saw 3rel 3licado who was a2edNude at that ti*e lyig o to# of the child wherei his
left had was holdig the ec2 of the child,
D Whe you said child, you are referrig to the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae PeecillaR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What did you do after seeig thatR
3 >ecause % was afraid at that ti*e ad % got er+ous, so % wet dow fro* that house ad
wet to *y ow house ad gathered *y , , , , , , ,
D Whe you wet to your house, was there ay #erso iside your houseR
3 $y fried,
D Who is the a*e of your friedR
3 "icardo Lagraa 4Co*#are5,
D Fa+e you tal2ed to our co*#are, "icardo Lagraa who was i your houseR Fa+e you told
about the icidet that you ha+e see i the house of "o*eo 3licado wherei 3rel
3licado was at the to# of the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla, without clothes at allR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What actio did your co*#are do if there was ayR
3 Whe % told the icidet to *y co*#are he also felt er+ous ad he wet ho*e,
D Fow about o the sa*e day of .ue 12, 199!, at aroud @:00 P,$,, where were youR
3 % was iside the house,
D 3d you ha+e obser+ed what is ha##eig i your baragay at that ti*eR
3 Jes, &ir,
D What ha+e you obser+edR
3 The #arets of <ha6ie $ae Peecilla were loo2ig for her,
D Whe you ha+e obser+ed, ha+e you 2ow that the #arets of <ha6ie $ae Peecilla were
loo2ig for her, it did ot occur to your *id to re#ort the icidet to the #arets of <ha6ie
$ae Peecilla o what you ha+e see at that ti*eR
3 % did ot go out of the house because % was afraid of 3rel 3licado,
D Fa+e you see o the sa*e day after that icidet of H:B0 i the e+eig, ha+e you see
agai 3rel 3licadoR
3 Jes, &ir,
D WhereR
3 % saw 3rel 3licado iside the house goig aroud,
D Did you tal2 to hi*R
3 (e .ue 12, 199!, at 10:!H i the e+eig, % told 3rel 3licado ad as2ed hi*, what
ti*e did the child go dow fro* the house,
D Where were you at that ti*e whe you as2ed 3rel 3licadoR
3 % was iside *y house,
D >ecause you are +ery ear eighbor to each otherR
3 Jes, &ir,
D 3d it is oe ad a half 41 1N25 ar*Ps legth your house fro* 3rel 3licadoPs houseR
3 Jes, &ir,
D Did 3rel 3licado aswer youR
3 Fe aswered, % do ot 2ow because % was dra2 at that ti*e,
D Fow about oe .ue 1B, 199! i the *orig at aroud I:00 oPcloc2, what did you
obser+e i your baragayR
3 )oe,
D Jou ha+e ot obser+ed aythigR
3 )oe,
D Do you 2ow whe the #arets of the +icti*, <ha6ie $ae Peecilla foud their daughterR
3 <ha6ie $ae Peecilla was foud at aroud I:00 3,$,
D (f what dayR
3 .ue 1B, 199!,
D Why do you 2ow that this <ha6ie $ae Peecilla was oly foud by their #aretsR
3 >ecause Leo#oldo 4Torog5 &atiago, whe he wet dow fro* their house ad aswered
the call of ature, he foud the child uder their house,
%t is well?settled i this 0urisdictio that the testi*oy of a loe witess, free fro* sigs of i*#ro#riety or falsehood, is sufficiet to
co+ict a accused e+e if ucorroborated, % this case, "ebadaPs testi*oy was #ositi+e ad straightforward, % see o reaso
why the sa*e should ot be gi+e the credece ad the weight that it deser+es, without our igorig established #rici#les i the
law o e+idece, &uch factual fidigs of the trial court o the issue of credibility of a witess are accorded great weight ad
res#ect o a##eal, as it should ha+e bee i the istat case, because the trial court had the e+ery a+ailable o##ortuity to
obser+e the de*eaor of the loe witess durig the trial, Fer belated re#ortig of the icidet the e/t *orig, to which the
defese urged the lower court to accord great weight, is hardly out of the ordiary,
%di+idual reactios are *oti+ated by +aried ad +aryig e+iro*etal factors, There is o stadard or* of hu*a beha+ioral
res#ose whe oe is cofroted with a strage, startlig or frightful e/#eriece,
Fear ad self #reser+atio are strog *oti+atig
factors, %t is co**o for #eo#le to choose ot to get i+ol+ed whe a cri*e is co**itted, otherwise there should oly be a few usol+ed
"ebada, i this case, was ob+iously terrified with what she saw, &elf?#reser+atio ad fear of #ossible re#risals fro* the a##ellat
would ha+e iitially o+erwhel*ed ay desire o her #art to re+eal what she had see durig the icidet, &he tried her best to re*ai as cal*
ad casual as #ossible, ad #reted that she did ot see aythig the istat she saw 3licado, whe she as2ed a##ellat what ti*e <ha6i
$ae got dow fro* his house followig the icidet,
;i+e these factors, it would ha+e bee too *uch to e/#ect "ebada i her *i/ed state
of dread, fear, re+ulsio ad isticti+e self?#reser+atio to haress su#erhu*a reser+es of courage to sto# a##ellat whe she saw hi*
i that co*#ro*isig #ositio, $aPs actios ad reactios caot be stereoty#ed,
&o*e idi+iduals flee fro* a ad+erse sti*ulus, others
cofrot it, =#o seeig the dead girlPs distraught #arets, ad o+erco*ig her fear with so*e #roddig fro* her husbad, Luisa "ebada was
fially dri+e by cosciece to re+eal what she 2ew the followig *orig,
The *ior icosistecies i "ebadaPs testi*oy are uderstadable uder these circu*staces, Fowe+er, it should be stressed
here that the trial courtPs coclusios were fouded #rici#ally o the direct, #ositi+e ad categorical assertios *ade by "ebada
as regards ma#erial e+ets i the cri*e, %t is worthy to stress, *oreo+er, that "ebada e+er wa+ered i her oral testi*oy e+e
o itese cross?e/a*iatio fro* the defese, % her affida+it, she declared that she saw <ha6i $ae at a##ellatPs houseG that
a##ellat closed the widowG ad after hearig the childPs cry ad s1ueal, #ee#ed ito the o#eig ad saw a##ellat o to# of
the +icti*, These were the +ery sa*e declaratios she *ade whe she too2 the witess stad, While she *ay ha+e wa+ered o
a *ior detail 4as to whether it was the right or the left had of the a##ellat which was used i cho2ig the +icti*5 these should
ot be sufficiet to debu2 her credibility,
&he had o reaso to falsely testify agaist the a##ellat ad there were o #ossible *oti+es
alleged for her to do so, &he is ot i ay way related to the Peecillas, ad there was o e+idece adduced to show that she harbored ay ill?
feeligs towards the a##ellat, % a sese, her credibility is e+e ehaced by the absece ay i*#ro#er *oti+e,
Together with the direct testi*oy of the eyewitess, "ebada, there is, % re#eat, sufficiet e+idece corroboratig ad
u*ista2ably #oitig to the a##ellat as the author of the cri*e, <ha6i $ae was last see i the co*#ay of the a##ellat,
"ebada testified that she saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of <ha6i $ae, "eco+ered fro* the latterPs house were <ha6i $aePs gree
sli##ers, #air of gold earrigs, her dress, bloodied buri *at ad #illow, The fact of shoddy #olice wor2 i the reco+ery of these
#ieces of e+idece does ot esca#e us, >ut whether o ot these #ieces should ha+e bee ad*issible is o hidsight hardly
rele+at i the face of a*#le legally ad*issible e+idece 0ustifyig the trial courtPs guilty +erdict,
3s a last resort, a##ellat would wat to dri+e ho*e the #oit that ra#e was ot co**itted, Fe argues that 15 while "ebada saw
hi* o to# of <ha6i $ae, she did ot see hi* i a #ush ad #ull *o+e*et 25 the re1uested )>% re#ort o the e/a*iatio of
<ha6i $aePs uderwear to show the #resece or absece of the *ale se*e was ot #resetedG ad B5 the auto#sy re#ort
re+ealed that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was as#hy/iatio by stragulatio,
% the first #lace, witess P(B Dailo Ta testified that whe he arri+ed at the PecillaPs house to ta2e a loo2 at the dead body, he
loo2ed at <ha6i $aePs uderwear ad saw that it was bloodied, The uderwear was set to the )>% Laboratory for e/a*iatio,
Cosiderig, howe+er, the iade1uate facilities of the )>% Laboratory at %loilo, the uderwear was referred to $aila for
e/a*iatio, &ice it will ta2e ti*e for the court to wait for the results fro* $aila, the trial court dis#esed with it as this would
oly ser+e as corroboratig e+idece to the fact of ra#e,
$oreo+er, ra#e is co**itted whee+er there is #eetratio, o *atter how slight ito the geital orga of the +icti*,
The +agial
ad aal fidigs of Dr, Tito Doro*al re+ealed that the lacerated woud fro* the fourchette u# to the do*e of the rectu* was caused by a
forcible etry of a ob0ect, % +iew of settled 0uris#rudece to the effect that ra#e is co**itted by the *ere touchig of the *ale geital orga
o the +agia, it hardly is rele+at whether or ot se*e or s#er* are #reset or abset, 3bsece of e*issio does ot egate ra#e,
"ebadaPs testi*oy that she saw a##ellat a2ed o to# of the +icti* whe she #ee#ed through a o#eig betwee the floor ad the door of
a##ellatPs house ad the auto#sy re#ort re+ealig the laceratio of the +agia elo1uetly testify to the cri*e co**itted ad its authorshi# i
the case at bech, 3s correctly obser+ed by the &olicitor ;eeral, the corpus delic#i was there for all to see, The trial court, therefore, did ot
err i dis#esig with the results of the )>% laboratory e/a*iatio of <ha6i $aePs uderwear to deter*ie the #resece of *ale se*e, a fact
of little rele+ace after the ra#e was established by defiiti+e legal e+idece,
Fially, otwithstadig the fact that the #ro/i*ate cause of death was as#hy/iatio by stragulatio, it caot be deied that
<ha6i $ae was ra#ed ad 2illed o the sa*e occasio, 3s we obser+ed i (eople v, Yu,
uity of thought ad actio i the cri*ial
#ur#ose of the accused caot be altered by the circu*staces that both the cri*e of ra#e ad the cri*e of *urder resulted, The accused had
to cho2e ad stragle the girl at the sa*e ti*e that he was satisfyig his lust o her,
>ased o all of the foregoig, it is clear ad iesca#able that a##ellat co**itted the heious cri*e or "a#e with Fo*icide
uder &ec, 11 of ",3, A@H9 which #ro+ides:
3rt, BBH of the sa*e Code is hereby a*eded to read as follows:
3rt, BBH, Whe ad how ra#e is co**itted, S "a#e is co**itted by ha+ig caral 2owledge of a wo*a
uder ay of the followig circu*staces:
/// /// ///
Whe by reaso or on #he occasion of #he rape, a homicide is commi##ed, the #ealty shall be death,
The death #ealty shall also be i*#osed if the cri*e of ra#e is co**itted with ay of the followig
/// /// ///
4!5 >hen #he vic#im is a religious or a child ;elow seven ?2@ 3ears old,
/// /// ///
Fa+ig thoroughly e+aluated the e+idece utili6ed by the trial court i co+ictig the accused with the cri*e of sub0ect to our
auto*atic re+iew, it is #aifully clear S e+e to those who ha+e reser+atios about i*#osig the death #ealty a*og us S that
we ha+e reached the #oit of *oral certaity ecessary to the i*#ositio of the su#re*e #uish*et of death i this case,
Co+ictios for the cri*e of ra#e ha+e bee sustaied by this Court i a o+erwhel*ig u*ber of cases o ucorroborated
e+idece gi+e al*ost e/clusi+ely by the co*#laiat aloe, 3gaist this bac2dro# 4of *ost cases of ra#e where reliace is
#laced solely o the +icti*s allegatios5 the trial Court i the case at bech, arri+ed at its coclusios #rici#ally o the basis of
two 2ey #ieces of testi*oial e+idece: 15 the accusedPs ad*issio of guilt i ot oe but two occasios i o#e court 4i the
#resece of his lawyer5 e+e after beig wared o both occasios by the 0udge of all the #ossible cose1ueces of his
ad*issio the accusedPs ad*issio of guiltG and 25 the essetially ucotradicted testi*oy of a eyewitess to the cri*e itself,
-+e with the relati+ely *ior icosistecies of the latterPs testi*oy S which the defese s#iritedly tried to *agify S the et
effect of the sa*e was to ehace, ot di*iish, the testi*oy of the loe eyewitess because *ior icogruecies are o the
whole idicati+e of hoest ad urehearsed declaratios ad ofte a*#lify the credibility of such declaratios,
(rdiarily, as stated
earlier, co+ictios for ra#e ha+e bee obtaied o the basis far less e+idece, Parethetically, either oe of these testi*oies, stadig
aloe, would ha+e bee ade1uate to obtai the accusedPs co+ictio,
% fie, let *e reiterate *y #ositio i (eople vs, =eneracion, that the rei*#ositio of the death #ealty for s#ecific offeses uder
"e#ublic 3ct A@H9 has left our courts with o choice but to i*#ose the #ealty for cri*es clearly eu*erated i the said law, %f a
court, after lea+ig o stoe utured, fids it ecessary to i*#ose the #ealty, % belie+e that it does ot do so as a ifallible ;od
e/ercisig a di+ie right to gi+e or ta2e away hu*a life, but as a fallible hu*a istitutio recogi6ig the i*#ortace of
accordig *a0esty to laws so idis#esable to *aitaiig social order, % the istat case, after a thorough ad searchig re+iew
of the e+idece ad a e+aluatio of the #rocedural ad costitutioal ob0ectios adduced either i su##ort of a ac1uittal or of
i*#osig a less se+ere #ealty it should be fairly ob+ious to us that the trial court co**itted o error i fidig the accused guilty
as charged, "ecogi6ig our fallible ature, the 1uatu* of e+idece ecessary to co+ict has e+er bee absolute #roof beyod
ay doubt but *erely #roof beyod reasoable doubt, The death #ealty i the istat case was clearly i*#osed i cofor*ity
with the *adate of law ad the Costitutio,
(adilla, Bellosillo, Mendo$a and !ermosisima, %r&, %%&, concur&
1 Cri*ial Case )o, !B@@B, "TC of %loilo City, >r, BI,
2 (rder of .ue 2I, 199!,
B &ectio 1! 425 of 3rticle %%% of the Costitutio,
! )ee sectio @, 3rticle Q%' of the Costitutio,
H )ee sectio A, 3rticle Q%' of the Costitutio,
@ T&), .ue 2I, 199!, #, 2,
A &ectio 1, 3rticle %%% of the Costitutio #ro+ides: 8)o #erso shall be de#ri+ed of life, liberty, or #ro#erty
without due #rocess of law , , , 8
I T&), .ue 2I, 199!, ##, 2?B,
9 T&), .uly 11, 199!, #, 2,
10 2! &C"3 A9I, 919@I:,
11 E,4,, Peo#le +s, 3brea, 112 &C"3 IB 919I2:G Peo#le +s, 3libasa, 11I &C"3 1IB 919I2:G Peo#le +s,
Fa+aa, 1199 &C"3 I0HG Peo#le +s, Petalcori, et al,, 1I0,
12 % re: Wishi#, B9A, =&BHI, 90 &,ct,, 10@I, 2H L, -d, 2d B@I 919A0:,
1B Decisio, #age AG "ecords, #, 9@,
1! -/h, 8.8,
1H -/h, 8F8,
1@ T&), .uly 12, 199!, ##, 1I?21,
1A T&), .uly 12, 199!, ##, 1!?1A,
1I B0I =& BII, @0 &,Ct, 2@@, I! L ed, B0A 919B9:,
19 The geesis of the doctrie was laid dow i &il+erthore Lu*ber Co, +, =&, 2H1 =& BIH, !0 &,Ct, 1I2,
@! L, -d, B19 91920:,
20 Del Car*e, Cri*ial Procedure, Law ad Practice, Brd -d,, ##, @!?@H,
21 ;,", )o, 100910, .uly 2H, 199!, 2B! &C"3 !0A,
22 I;id, #, !1@,
2B T&), .uly 12, 199!, #, 2I,
2! )o, L?B100I, .auary 10, 19A1, BA &C"3 !!H,
<3P=)3), .,, dissetig o#iio:
1 The (/ford Co*#aio to the &u#re*e Court of the =ited &tates, ##, 12H?12@, 1992 ed,
2 "3 A@H9 -acted o Dece*ber 1B, 199!,
3 3ct to %*#ose the Death Pealty o Certai Feious Cri*es, a*edig for that #ur#ose the "e+ised
Peal Code, as a*eded, other s#ecial #eal laws, ad for other #ur#oses,
WF-"-3&, the Costitutio, s#ecifically 3rticle %%%, &ectio 19 #aragra#h 415 thereof, states 8-/cessi+e
fies shall ot be i*#osed or cruel, degradig or ihu*a #uish*et iflicted, )either shall death
#ealty i*#osed, uless, for co*#ellig reasos i+ol+ig heious cri*es, the Cogress hereafter #ro+ides
for it, , , ,8G
WF-"-3&, the cri*es #uishable by death uder this 3ct are heious for beig grie+ous, odious ad
hateful offeses ad which, by reaso of their iheret or *aifest wic2dess, +iciousess, atrocity ad
#er+ersity are re#ugat ad outrageous to the co**o stadards ad or*s of dececy ad *orality i a
0ust, ci+ili6ed ad ordered societyG
WF-"-3&, due to the alar*ig u#surge of such cri*es which has resulted ot oly i the loss of hu*a
li+es ad wato destructio of #ro#erty but has also affected the atioPs efforts towards sustaiable
ecoo*ic de+elo#*et ad #ros#erity while at the sa*e ti*e has uder*ied the #eo#lePs faith i the
;o+er*et ad the latterPs ability to *aitai #eace ad order i the coutry,
WF-"-3&, the Cogress, i the iterest of 0ustice, #ublic order ad the rule of law, ad the eed to
ratioali6e ad har*oi6e the #eal sactios for heious cri*es, fids co*#ellig reasos to i*#ose the
death #ealty for said cri*es,
B T&), .uly 12, 199!, ##, 2I?B2,
! T&), .uly 11, 199!, ##, 1!?19,
D: 3fter you recei+ed that ifor*atio, what did you doR
3: We i+ited 3rel 3licado to the head1uarters,
/// /// ///
D: Whe you i+ited hi* to go with you to the Police &tatio ad whe you
arri+ed there,what did you doR
3: % let the witess idetify the sus#ect ad the witess #oited to hi*,
Pros, Fa*a:
D: Do you 2ow who is that witessR
3: Jes, sir,
D: Who is that witessR
3: Luisa "ebada,
/// /// ///
D: 3fter the witess #ositi+ely idetified the sus#ect what actio did you doR
3: % i**ediately arrested hi* ad the #laced hi* o the #olice blotter,
D: Jou *ea you arrested hi* at the &u#er $ar2et at the *eat sectioR
3: Jes, sir, at "i6al?Pala#ala,
D: Whe you arrested hi* where did you brig hi*R
3: % brought hi* to the %loilo City Pro#er Police &tatio,
D: What did you do thereR
3: % etered the *atter at the #olice blotter ad % as2ed hi* further, % as2ed
hi* who ra#ed the child,
D: Did the sus#ect aswerR
3: Jes, sir,
D: What did he aswerR
3: Fe aswered that he was the oe,
D: Did you as2 hi* what he did with the +icti* after ra#igR
3: % further as2ed hi* why the child died ad he aswered that, 2illed her,
4T&), .uly 12, 199!, ##, 11?1B,5
@ "ecords, #, A9,
A ,ollo, #, H,
I (rder dated .ue 2I, 199!G "ecords, #, 12,
9 Peo#le +, Perete, 1 &C"3 1290G Peo#le +, Ca*ay, 1H2 &C"3 !01 419IA5,
10 Peo#le +, &aliga, H! &C"3 190 419AB5G Peo#le +, 3guilar, BA &C"3 11H 419A15G Peo#le +, &i*eo, !A
&C"3 129 419A25,
11 T&), ##, 2?B, .ue 2I, 199!,
12 T&), #, 2, .uly 11, 199!,
1B 1IA &C"3 @BA 419905,
1! Peo#le +, -+agelista, 2BH &C"3 2!A 4199!5G Peo#le +, 'i+ar, 2BH &C"3 2HA 4199!5G Peo#le +, de
;u6*a, 229 &C"3 A9H 4199!5,
1A Peo#le +, 3riola, 100 &C"3 H2B 419I05G Peo#le +, ;abierre6, .r,, 11B &C"3 1HH 419I25,
1I Peo#le +, Las#ardas, 9B &C"3 @BI 419A95G Peo#le +, For*etera, 1B0 &C"3 11!G Peo#le +, ;o6aga,
12A &C"3 1HI 419I!5,
19 Peo#le +, Dayot, 1IA &C"3 @BA 41I905, Peo#le +, Ca*ay, 1H2 &C"3 !01 419IA5G Peo#le +, Do*igo,
@I &C"3 H0 419AH5G Peo#le +, &era, 1B0 &C"3 HH0 419I!5,
20 &o*er +s, =,&, 1BI F2d A90 419!B5G Waye +s, =,&, B1I F2d 20H 419@B5G Loc2ridge +s, &u#erior Court,
!02 =,&, 910 419A05,
21 =,&, +s, &eohlei, B99 =,&, 91B 419A05,
22 )ee, Loc2ridge, supra, ote 19,
2B $aguire, !ow #o Cnpoison #he Frui# S #he Four#h 8mendmen# and #he EBclusionar3 ,ule, HH . Cri*
Law, Cri* ad Pol &ci B0A 419@!5 ci#ed in &#i+ey, 8Frui# of #he (oisonous *ree8
6oc#rine EBcludin4 Evidence 6erived from Informa#ion "ained in Ille4al )earch, !B 3L" B@, BIH,
2! $oreo+er, it would ha+e bee ie+itable for #olice authorities to go bac2 to the scee of the cri*e ad
ulti*ately disco+er the e+idece, e+e without the accusedPs +oluteered ifor*atio, This 8ie+itable
disco+ery8 is oe of the recogi6ed li*itatios to the 8fruit of the #oisoous tree doctrie,8)ee Cris#i )i/ +,
"obert 3thoy Willia*s, !@A =,&, !B1,
2H T&), .uly 11, 199!, ##, 1!?1I,
2@ Peo#le +, 3r*a, 22! &C"3 BA 4199B5G Peo#le +, Daico, 20I &C"3 !A2 419925,
2A Peo#le +, Lase, 219 &C"3 HI! 4199B5,
2I T&), .uly 11, 199!, #, 1A,
29 Peo#le +, &ala6ar, 221 &C"3 1A0 4199!5,
B0 Peo#le +, >autista, 1!A &C"3 H00 419IA5G Peo#le +, 3cheta, 1!I &C"3 1AI 419IA5,
B1 Peo#le +, Castor, 21@ &C"3 !10 419925G Peo#le +, Ladrera, 1H0 &C"3 11B 419IA5,
B2 T&), .uly 1H, 199!, #, 2,
BB Peo#le +, Palicte, 229 &C"3 H!B 4199!5,
B! 1 &C"3 199 419@15,
BH Id,
B@ Peo#le +s, "eyes, ;,", )o, A9I9@, .auary 12, 199H,
The Law#hil Pro0ect ? 3rellao Law Foudatio