The document discusses controls and menus in Visual Basic. It provides instructions on how to create an image browser program using file system controls like DriveListBox, DirectoryListBox and FileListBox. It also demonstrates how to create an alarm clock program using a Timer control. The document explains how to add menus to an application using the Menu Editor and how to create menu items and submenus.
The document discusses controls and menus in Visual Basic. It provides instructions on how to create an image browser program using file system controls like DriveListBox, DirectoryListBox and FileListBox. It also demonstrates how to create an alarm clock program using a Timer control. The document explains how to add menus to an application using the Menu Editor and how to create menu items and submenus.
The document discusses controls and menus in Visual Basic. It provides instructions on how to create an image browser program using file system controls like DriveListBox, DirectoryListBox and FileListBox. It also demonstrates how to create an alarm clock program using a Timer control. The document explains how to add menus to an application using the Menu Editor and how to create menu items and submenus.
The document discusses controls and menus in Visual Basic. It provides instructions on how to create an image browser program using file system controls like DriveListBox, DirectoryListBox and FileListBox. It also demonstrates how to create an alarm clock program using a Timer control. The document explains how to add menus to an application using the Menu Editor and how to create menu items and submenus.
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Final Quarter Lessons in ICT 10
I. Data Input Controls:
1. OptionButton Control it allows the user to select one category from a list of several Option Buttons created; its most important property is the Value property which by default it is set to false; however during run time, as you select an option button its value automatically changed to True.
2. CheckBox Control it operates like an option button except that it enables you to select multiple items or none at all from the list; if its Style property is set to 1-Graphical, the CheckBox Control will look like a CommandButton control where you can add pictures to indicate checked and unchecked.
3. ListBox Control it displays a list of fixed choices from which a user can select one or more items; Vertical scroll bar is automatically displayed whenever the choices exceed the boundaries of a ListBox control.
4. ComboBox Control is almost similar to a ListBox control except that a ComboBox allows only a single response from the user; it takes up less space on a form because it shows only a single line of information; its kinds are found in the Style property: 1-DropdownCombo, 2-SimpleCombo, and 3- DropdownList.
PROJECTS/PROGRAMS: Food Menu/Menu Selector and Food Chain/Fast Food
II. File System Controls
1. DriveListBox Control it lets you select the valid drives in your system at run time; it displays a drop-down list of the current drive with its corresponding volume label; its properties are almost identical to the ComboBox control except for some items/properties; its most significant property is its Drive property that contains the name of the drive as well as the volume label of the drive; when a drive is selected, the control will only display it and will not attempt to access it.
2. DirectoryListBox Control it displays an ordered, hierarchical list of the directories and subdirectories of the current drive; its directory structure is displayed in a scrollable list box; it is used to explore the directories of the current drive for saving and searching documents; its properties are almost the same as the ListBox Control 2
3. File List Box Control it is used to locate the list of files in the current directory; the current path directory is specified by its Path property; its currently selected file is contained in its File Name property at run time its most commonly fired event is the Click event. It will then contain codes as to what action will be performed as a specific file is clicked
PROJECT/PROGRAM: Image Browser and Text File Viewer/Document Viewer Steps: 1. Start MS Visual Basic and create a new project. 2. Place a DriveListBox Control (drvImageBrowswer), a DirectoryListBox Control (dirImageBrowser), a FileListBox Control (filImageBrowser), a TextBox Control (txtImageBrowser) and an Image Control (imgImageBrowser) in the standard form. Change the name of the objects using the Name Property accordingly. 3. Resize and place the objects appropriately on the form. 4. Set the Image controls stretch property to True so the image displayed will adjust to fit the control. 5. To limit the files to be displayed in the FileList Box to graphics files, change the value of its Pattern property by typing in .bmp; .ico; .wmf; gif; .jpg. NOTE: each file extension is separated by a semicolon. 6. Double click an object in your form to display the Code Window and type the following statements: Private Sub dirImageBrowser_Change() filImageBrowser.Path = dirImageBrowser.Path End Sub
Private Sub drvImageBrowser_Change() dirImageBrowser.Path = drvImageBrowser.Drive End Sub
Private Sub filImageBrowser_Click() FileSelected = filImageBrowser.Path & "\" & filImageBrowser.FileName imgImageBrowser.Picture = LoadPicture(FileSelected) txtImageBrowser.Text = FileSelected End Sub
7. Finally, run the program and you will notice that only graphics files are being displayed in the FileList Box.
NOTE: 1. The first two groups of codes update the current path of the directory and the file names as you change the drive and the directory respectively.
2. The filImage Browser procedure contains the codes to display the image and the current path of the selected file contained in the variable named FileSelected. The image is displayed as the LoadPicture() function is called.
III. Special Type of Control
1. Timer Control it executes at a regular interval and does not have a user interface that can be seen during run time; it only has one event, Timer, which reacts to the passage of time between certain intervals; the execution of the Timer event can be controlled using Enable property; If Enable is set to True, then the Timer event will be triggered; otherwise if set to False, the execution of Timer event will be suspended. The Timers Interval property is the Time (in milliseconds) in between call of Timer Event.
PROJECT/PROGRAM: Alarm Clock Steps: 1. Start MS Visual Basic and create a new project. 2. Draw a ListBox control and name it as lstAlarms. This List Box lists the time when an alarm is activated. 3. Then draw another ListBox control named lstData. This List Box will contain the message to be posted when the alarm is activated. 4. Add two commandbutton controls and name them as cmdAdd and cmdDelete. cmdAdd handles adding new alarms while cmdDelete deletes the selected alarm from the list. 5. Add a Label control and name this lblTime. This will display the computer current time. 6. Draw a Timer control named tmrAlarm, set Enable property yo Trueand Interval property to 1000 since we only need to update the label every 1 second or equivalent to 1000 milliseconds. 7. Label each item in the form accordingly. 8. Double click an object in your form to display the Code Window and type the following statements:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() Dim strAlarm As String Dim strTime As String strAlarm = InputBox("Set new alarm " & vbCrL & "Enter Message to be displayed", "Alarm Clock", "Message") strTime = InputBox("What time should I post the important message?", "Alarm Clock", "00:00 AM") Do While IsDate(strTime) = False strTime = InputBox("Please enter a valid time!", "Alarm Clock", "00:00 AM") Loop lstAlarms.AddItem (strTime) lstAlarms.ItemData(lstAlarms.NewIndex) = 0 lstData.AddItem strAlarm, lstAlarms.NewIndex End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() lstData.RemoveItem lstAlarms.ListIndex lstAlarms.RemoveItem lstAlarms.ListIndex End Sub
Private Sub lstAlarms_Click() lstData.ListIndex = lstAlarms.ListIndex MsgBox lstAlarms.ListIndex & lstAlarms.ListCount End Sub
Private Sub tmrAlarm_Timer() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To (lstAlarms.ListCount - 1) If CDate(lstAlarms.List(i)) <= Time And lstAlarms.ItemData(i) = 0 Then Beep MsgBox lstData.List(i) lstAlarms.ItemData(i) = 1 End If Next lblTime.Caption = Time
End Sub
9. Finally, run the program.
IV. Menus and Dialog Boxes Aside from the controls provided by the Toolbox, Visual Basic also has another way of accessing and displaying information in an application. As you have noticed, most Windows programs including Visual Basic itself contain menus that add flexibility in displaying related commands in an organized manner. Most applications come with a dialog box that indicates the status of your program as you select a certain command.
1. Menu Editor lets you add a menu bar containing various types of menus in your application; it can be opened by choosing Tools Menu then Menu Editor or ; by pressing CTRL + E or by clicking the Menu Editor button in the toolbar; using the editor lets you set the properties of each menu item that will appear in your application.
2. Creating a Menu Each item in the menu is a Menu control that can be created using the Menu Editor. The Menu control list box lists all the menu controls for the selected form. It also indicates the relationship between menus. o If the menu is not indented, it means that it is the menu title. Menu titles are the menus that appear in the menu bar. o If the item is indented once, then it is a submenu. You cannot open the Menu Editor if you are in the Code Window. You can create submenus up to five level deep.
PROJECTS/PROGRAMS: Menu Editor/Dialog Boxes/Formatting Menu Steps: 1. Start MS Visual Basic and create a new project. 2. Select Form 1 then open the Menu Editor. 3. To create the File Menu, type &File on the caption text box. Just like in creating command button, an ampersand is placed before the accessed key. 4. Type the desired name for this menu. For our example, type mnuFile. Please note that Name and Caption properties are required. 5. Then to create the submenu under File menu, first click Next. 6. On the Caption text box, type &New and have mnuNew as its Name. 7. Click the right arrow button to indent the menu control indicating it is a submenu of the File menu we earlier created. 8. Then click Next or press the Enter key. You will notice that the new menu control to be created is already indented. This means that when you create the next menu control, it will be automatically be a submenu of the File menu. 9. Create the submenus below by following steps 6 and 8.
10. As you noticed, mnuEdit becomes a submenu of the mnuFile. To make mnuedit a top level menu, first click the .&Edit entry in the menu control list box. This will select mnuEdit. Click arrow left. 11. To close the Menu Editor, click OK. 12. Test the menu by selecting a menu during run time.