This document provides a comprehensive list of references for mathematical tools and classical models of general equilibrium theory. It covers topics such as linear algebra, matrix theory, linear programming, topology, fixed point theory, calculus, analysis, optimization theory, nonlinear programming, duality theory, optimal control theory, dynamic programming, and classical models developed by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others. The references include textbooks, papers, and other resources on each of these mathematical and economic concepts.
This document provides a comprehensive list of references for mathematical tools and classical models of general equilibrium theory. It covers topics such as linear algebra, matrix theory, linear programming, topology, fixed point theory, calculus, analysis, optimization theory, nonlinear programming, duality theory, optimal control theory, dynamic programming, and classical models developed by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others. The references include textbooks, papers, and other resources on each of these mathematical and economic concepts.
This document provides a comprehensive list of references for mathematical tools and classical models of general equilibrium theory. It covers topics such as linear algebra, matrix theory, linear programming, topology, fixed point theory, calculus, analysis, optimization theory, nonlinear programming, duality theory, optimal control theory, dynamic programming, and classical models developed by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others. The references include textbooks, papers, and other resources on each of these mathematical and economic concepts.
This document provides a comprehensive list of references for mathematical tools and classical models of general equilibrium theory. It covers topics such as linear algebra, matrix theory, linear programming, topology, fixed point theory, calculus, analysis, optimization theory, nonlinear programming, duality theory, optimal control theory, dynamic programming, and classical models developed by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and others. The references include textbooks, papers, and other resources on each of these mathematical and economic concepts.
A. A Few Useful General References 1. Microeconomics Background -E. Silberberg (1990). The Structure of Economics. New York: McGraw Hill. -H. Varian (1992). Microeconomic Analysis. New York: Norton. -A. Mas-Colell, M. Whinston, and J. Green (1995). Microeconomic Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. 2. General Overviews of Mathematics for Economists -E.R. Weintraub (1982). Mathematics for Economists. Cambridge: CUP. -A.C. Chiang (1984). Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics. New York: McGraw Hill. -K. Lancaster (1968). Mathematical Economics. New York: Dover. -W. Novshek (1993). Mathematics for Economists. San Diego: Academic Press. -C. Simon and L. Blume (1994). Mathematics for Economists. New York: Norton. -A. Takayama (1985). Mathematical Economics. Cambridge: CUP. -J. Moore (1999). Mathematical Methods for Economic Theory. (2 Vols.). Berlin: Springer. -P. Berck and K. Sydster (1991). Economists' Mathematical Manual. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. B. Matrices, Linear Algebra and Linear Programming 1. Linear Algebra -T. Banchoff and J. Wermer (1983). Linear Algebra through Geometry. Heidelberg: Springer- Verlag. -A. Ostraszewski (1990). "Linear Algebra". Part I of Advanced Mathematical Methods. Cambridge: CUP. -I.M. Gelfand (1961). Lectures on Linear Algebra. New York: Interscience Publishers. -J.T. Scheick (1997). Linear Algebra with Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. -P. Halmos (1987). Finite-Dimensional Vector-Spaces. New York: Springer-Verlag. -E. Klein (1973). "Vector Spaces and Vector-Space Homomorphisms". of Part II of Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Economics. New York: Academic Press. -M. Kemp and Y. Kimura (1978). Introduction to Mathematical Economics. Berlin: Springer- Verlag. 2. Matrix Theory -F. Gantmacher (1959). Matrix Theory. (2 vols.) New York: Chelsea Publishing Co. -R. Bellman (1970). Introduction to Matrix Analysis. (2 nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. -A. Berman and R. Plemmons (1979). Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences. San Diego: Academic Press. -R. Bapat and T. Raghavan (1997). Nonnegative Matrices and Applications. Cambridge: CUP. 3. Linear Programming -R. Dorfman, P. Samuelson and R. Solow (1958). Linear Programming and Economic Analysis. New York: McGraw Hill. -S. Karlin (1959). Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming, and Economics. Reading: Addison-Wesley. -D. Gale (1960). The Theory of Linear Economic Models. New York: McGraw Hill. C. Basic Topology and Fixed Point Theory -H. Nikaido (1970). Introduction to Sets and Mappings in Modern Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. -E. Klein (1973). "Point Set Topology". Part I of Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Economics. New York: Academic Press. -J. Munkres (1975). Topology: A First Course. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. -J. Dugundji (1966). Topology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. -K. Binmore (1981). Topological Ideas. [Book 2 of Foundations of Analysis: A Straightforward Introduction]. Cambridge: CUP. -Y. Shashkin (1991). Fixed Points. Washington, DC: American Mathematical Society. -D.R. Smart (1974). Fixed Point Theorems. Cambridge: CUP. -K. Border (1985). Fixed Point Theorems with Applications to Economics and Game Theory. Cambridge: CUP. -J. Dugundji and A. Granas (1982). Fixed Point Theory. Warszawa : PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers. D. Calculus/Analysis 1. Calculus -R.G.D. Allen (1938). Mathematical Analysis for Economists. New York: St. Martins. -K. Binmore (1983). Calculus. Cambridge: CUP. -A. Ostrazewski (1990). "Advanced Calculus". Part II of Advanced Mathematical Methods. Cambridge: CUP. -T. Apostol (1967/9). Calculus. 2 nd Ed. V.I (1967), V.II. (1969). New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Real Analysis -K. Binmore (1980). Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach. Cambridge: CUP. -W. Rudin (1953/76). Principles of Economic Analysis. (3 rd Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. -T. Apostol (1974). Mathematical Analysis. (2 nd Ed.). Menlo Park: Addison Wesley. -H. Royden (1988). Real Analysis. (3 rd Ed.). New York: Macmillan. -C. Aliprantis and K. Border (1994). Infinite Dimensional Analysis. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 3. Convex Analysis -C. Berge (1963). Topological Spaces. Mineola: Dover. -R.T. Rockafellar (1970). Convex Analysis. Princeton: PUP. -H. Nikaido (1968). Convex Structures and Economic Theory. New York: Academic Press. E. Optimization Theory and Nonlinear Programming -A. Dixit (1991). Optimization in Economic Theory. Oxford: OUP. -R. Sundaram (1996). A First Course in Optimization Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. -H. Kuhn and A. Tucker (1951). "Nonlinear Programming". in J. Neyman ed. Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 481-492. -H. Uzawa (1958). "The Kuhn-Tucker Theorem in Concave Programming". in K. Arrow, et al., eds. Studies in Linear and Non-Linear Programming. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 32-37. -O.L. Mangasarian (1969). Nonlinear Programming. New York: McGraw Hill. -D. Luenberger (1969). Optimization by Vector Space Methods. New York: Wiley. F. Duality Theory -M.N. Darough and C. Southey (1977). "Duality in Consumer Theory Made Simple: The Revealing of Roy's Identity". CJE; V.10-#2, pp. 307-317. -J. Weymark (1980). "Duality Results in Demand Theory". EER; V.14-#?, pp. 377-395. -E. Greenberg and A. Denzau (1988). "Profit and Expenditure Functions in Public Finance: An Expository Note". EcInq; V.26-#1, pp. 145-158. -H. Uzawa (1964). "Duality Principles in the Theory of Cost and Production". IER; V.5-#?, pp. 216-220. -A.D. Woodland (1982). "Producer and Consumer Theory: A Duality Approach". Chapter 2 of International Trade and Resource Allocation. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 15-38. -P. Samuelson (1983). "Duality and Dynamic Programming". Appendix C-3 in Foundations of Economic Analysis [enlarged edition]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 453-495. -W. Diewert (1982). "Duality Approaches to Microeconomic Theory". in K. Arrow and M. Intriligator, eds. Handbook of Mathematical Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, V.2, pp. 535-599. -R. Cornes (1992). Duality and Modern Economics. Cambridge: CUP. -C. Blackorby, D. Primont and R. Russell (1978). Duality, Separability and Functional Structure: Theory and Economic Applications. Amsterdam: North-Holland. G. Optimal Control Theory and Dynamic Programming -D. Lonard (1992). Optimal Control Theory and Static Optimization in Economics. Cambridge: CUP. -M. Kamien and N. Schwartz (1981). Dynamic Optimization: The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management. Amsterdam: North-Holland. -A. Seierstad and K. Sydster (1987). Optimal Control Theory with Economic Applications. Amsterdam: North-Holland. -M. Harris (1987). Dynamic Economic Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press. -P. Whittle (1982). Optimization over Time: Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. -N. Stokey and R. Lucas, with E. Prescott (1989). Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. II. CLASSICAL MODELS OF GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM AND TRADE A. Structure of Classical Models 1. Surveys/Overviews -V. Walsh and H. Gram (1980). Classical and Neoclassical Theories of General Equilibrium: Historical Origins and Mathematical Structure. Oxford: OUP. -L. Pasinetti (1977). Lectures on the Theory of Production. New York: Columbia University Press. 2. Adam Smith and the Canonical Classical Model -A. Smith (1776). An Inquiry into the Nautre and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. New York: Modern Library. -S. Hollander (1973). The Economics of Adam Smith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. -P. Samuelson (1977). "A Modern Theorist's Vindication of Adam Smith". AER; V.67-#1, pp. 42-49. -P. Samuelson (1978). "The Canonical Classical Model of Political Economy". JEL; 16-#4, pp. 1415-1434. -E. Sieper (1983). "Smith, Ricardo and the Bounty on Corn". ms.: Australian National University. 3. Ricardian Models a. Ricardian Models of General Equilibrium -D. Ricardo (1821). The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Cambridge: CUP. -F. Knight (1935). "The Ricardian Theory of Production and Distribution". CJEPS; V.1-#?, pp. 3-25 and 171-196. -G. Stigler (1952). "The Ricardian Theory of Value and Distribution". JPE; V.60-#?, pp. 187- 207. -P. Samuelson (1959). "A Modern Treatment of the Ricardian Economy: I. The Pricing of Goods and of Labor and Land Services". QJE; V.73-#1, pp. 1-35. -P. Samuelson (1959). "A Modern Treatment of the Ricardian Economy: II. Capital and Interest Aspects of the Pricing Process". QJE; V.73-#?, pp. 217-231. -L. Pasinetti (1960). "A Mathematical Formulation of the Ricardian System". REStud; V.27-#?, pp. 78-98. -R. Findlay (1974). "Relative Prices, Growth and Trade in a Simple Ricardian System". Eca; V.41-#?, pp. 1-13. -A. Burgstaller (1986). Unifying Ricardos Theories of Growth and Compaative Advantage. Eca; V.53-#4, pp. 467-481. -A. Burgstaller (1989). A Classical Model of Growth, Expectations and General Equilibrium. Eca; V.56-#?, pp. 373-393. -J. Hicks and S. Hollander (1977). "Mr. Ricardo and the Moderns". QJE; V.?-#?, pp. 351-369. -S. Hollander (1979). The Economics of David Ricardo. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. -C. Casarosa (1978). "A New Formulation of the Ricardian System". OEP; V.?-#?, pp. 38-63. (Comment by Hicks (1979) pp. 133-134) -G. Caravale and D. Tosato (1980). Ricardo and The Theory of Value, Distribution and Growth. London: RKP. -G. Caravale, ed. (1985). The Legacy of Ricardo. Oxford: Blackwell. -M. Morishima (1989). Ricardo's Economics: A General Equilibrium Theory of Distribution and Growth. Cambridge: CUP. b. Activity Analysis and the Ricardo-Leontief-Samuelson Model -T. Koopmans (1951). "Analysis of Production as an Efficient Combination of Activities". in T. Koopmans, ed. Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York: Wiley, pp. 33-97. -N. Georgescu-Roegen (1951). "Some Properties of a Generalized Leontief Model". in T. Koopmans, ed. Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York: Wiley, pp. 165-173. -N. Georgescu-Roegen (1950). "Leontief's System in the Light of Recent Results". REStat; V.32- #?, pp. 214-222. -L. Metzler (1951). "Taxes and Subsidies in Leontief's Input-Output Model". QJE; V.65-#?, pp. 433-438. -R. Dorfman, P. Samuelson and R. Solow (1958). "The Statical Leontief System". Chapters 9 and 10 in Linear Programming and Economic Analysis. New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 204-264. -J. Melvin (1970). "The Production Set When Labor is Indispensable". IER; V.11-#2, pp. 305- 314. (Comment by Georgescu-Roegen follows, pp. 315-317. -K. Suzumura (1973). "Boundedness of the Closed Economy with Samuelson-Leontief Technology". Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics; V.13-#2, pp. 43-46. -K. Arrow and D. Starrett (1973). "Cost-theoretical and Demand-theoretical Approaches to the Theory of Price Determination". in J. Hicks and W. Weber, eds. Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 129-148. c. Nonsubstitution Theorems -P. Samuelson (1951). "Abstract of a Theorem Concerning Substitutability in Open Leontief Models". in T. Koopmans, ed. Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York: Wiley, pp. 142-146. -T. Koopmans (1951). "Alternative Proof of the Substitution Theorem for Leontief Models in the the Case of Three Industries". in T. Koopmans, ed. Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York: Wiley, pp. 147-154. -K. Arrow (1951). "Alternative Proof of the Substitution Theorem for Leontief Models in the General Case". in T. Koopmans, ed. Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation. New York: Wiley, pp. 155-164. -P. Samuelson (1961). "A New Theorem on Nonsubstitution". in H. Hegeland, ed. Money, Growth and Methodology. Lind: C.W.K. Gleerup, pp. 407-453. -E. Burmeister and E. Sheshinski (1969). "A Nonsubstitution Theorem in a Model with Fixed Capital". SEJ; -J. Mirlees (1969). "The Dynamic Nonsubstitution Theorem". REStud; V.36-#1, pp. 67-76. -J. Stiglitz (1970). "Non-substitution Theorems with Durable Capital Goods". REStud; V.27-#?, pp. 543-553. -L. Johansen (1972). "Simple and General Nonsubstitution Theorems for Input-Output Models". JET; V.5-#?, pp. 383-394. -P. Chander (1974). "A Simple Proof of the Nonsubstitution Theorem". QJE; V.88-#?, pp. 698- 701. -J. Melvin (1969). "Intermediate Goods in Production Theory: The Differentiable Case". REStud; V.36-#1, pp. 124-131. -J. Melvin (1974). "Samuelson's Substitution Theorem with Cobb-Douglas Production Functions". Australian Economic Papers; V.13-#?, pp. 43-51. -Y. Otani (1973). "Neo-Classical Technology Sets and Properties of Production Possibility Sets". Etrica; V.41-#4, pp. 667-682. -R. Manning (1981). "A Nonsubstitution Theorem with Many Primary Factors". JET; V.25-#?, pp. 442-449. -R. Manning (1982). "Nonsubstitution Over the Production-Possibility Frontier". in M. Kemp, ed. Production Sets. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 51-67. -R. Manning, J. Markusen and J. Melvin (1993). "Dynamic Nonsubstitution and Long-run Production Possibilities". in H. Herberg and N.V. Long, eds., Trade, Welfare and Economic Policies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 51-66. 4. Marxian Models a. The Structure of Marxian Economic Models -D. Foley (1986). Understanding Capital: Marx's Economic Theory. Cambridge: CUP. -P. Samuelson (1957). "Wages and Interest: A Modern Dissection of Marxian Economic Models". AER; V.47-#5, pp. 884-912. -M. Morishima (1973). Marx's Economics: A Dual Theory of Value and Growth. Cambridge: CUP. -M. Morishima (1974). "Marx in the Light of Modern Economic Theory". Etrica; V.42-#?, pp. 611-632. -P. Samuelson (1974). "Marx as Mathematical Economist: Steady-State and Exponential Growth Equilibrium". in G. Horwich and P. Samuelson, eds. Trade, Stability and Macroeconomics. New York: Academic Press, pp. 269-307. -I. Steedman (1977). Marx after Sraffa. London: New Left Books. -P. Samuelson (1983). "Leontief-Sraffa-Marx Input-Output Systems". Appendix C-9 in Foundations of Economic Analysis (enlarged edition). Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 561-584. -J. Roemer (1981). Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory. Cambridge: CUP. b. The Transformation Problem and Exploitation -P. Samuelson (1971). "Understanding the Marxian Notion of Exploitation: A Summary of the So-Called Transformation Problem between Marxian Prices and Competitive Prices". JEL; V.9- #2, pp. 399-431. -M. Morishima and G. Catephores (1978). Value, Exploitation and Growth. New York: McGraw Hill. -A. Lipietz (1982). "The `So-Called Transformation Problem` Revisited". JET; V.26-#?, pp. 59- 88. -D. Foley (1982). "The Value of Money, The Value of Labor Power, and the Marxian Transformation Problem". Review of Radical Political Economy; V.14-#2, pp. 37-47. -J. Roemer (1982). A General Theory of Exploitation and Class. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. c. Falling Rate of Profit and Economic Crisis -N. Okishio (1961). "Technical Changes and the Rate of Profit". Kobe University Economic Review; V.7-#?, pp. 85-99. -N. Okishio (1963). "A Mathematical Note on Marxian Theorems". WA; V.91-#2, pp. 287-299. -N. Okishio (1977). "Notes on Technical Progress and Capitalist Society". Cambridge Journal of Economics; V.?-#?, pp. 93-100. -J. Roemer (1977). "Technical Change and the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall". JET; V.16-#2, pp. 403-424. -J. Roemer (1978). "The Effect of Technological Change on the Real Wage and Marx's Falling Rate of Profit". Australian Economic Papers; V.?-#?, pp. 152-166. -J. Roemer (1979). "Continuing Controversey on the Falling Rate of Profit: Fixed Capital and Other Issues". Cambridge Journal of Economics; V.3-#?, pp. 379-398. -S. Bowles (1981). "Technical Change and the Profit Rate: A Simple Proof of the Okishio Theorem". Cambridge Journal of Economics; V.5-#1, pp. 183-186. -W. Nordhaus (1974). "The Falling Share of Profits". BPEA; #1, pp. 169-208. -M. Feldstein and L. Summers (1977). "Is the Rate of Profit Falling?". BPEA; #1, pp. 211-227. -T. Weisskopf (1979). "Marxian Crisis Theory and the Rate of Profit in the Postwar US Economy". Cambridge Journal of Economics; V.3-#4, pp. 341-378. (Comment by F. Munley (1981), V.5-#2, pp. 159-173 and Response, pp. 175-182). -E. Wolff (1979). "The Rate of Surplus Value, the Organic Composition, and the General Rate of Profit in the US Economy, 1947-1967". AER; V.69-#3, pp. 329-341. 5. Neo-Ricardian Models a. Neo-Ricardian General Equilibrium -L. Mainwaring (1984). Value and Distribution in Capitalist Economies: An Introduction to Sraffian Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -P. Sraffa (1960). Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -G. Harcourt (1972). "Mr. Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities". Appendix to Chapter 4 in Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 177-204. -P. Garegnani (1970). "Heterogeneous Capital, The Production Function and the Theory of Distribution". REStud; V.37-#3, pp. 407-436. -L. Pasinetti (1974). Growth and Income Distribution. Cambridge: Cambrige University Press. -L. Pasinetti (1981). Structural Change and Economic Growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -W. Darity (1981). "The Simple Analytics of Neo-Ricardian Growth and Distribution". AER; V.71-#5, pp. 978-993. -J. Blatt (1984). Dynamic Economic Systems: A Post-Keynesian Approach. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe. -M. Blaug (1975). The Cambridge Revolution: Success or Failure? London: Institute of Economic Affairs. -A. Dixit (1977). "The Accumulation of Capital Theory". OEP; V.29-#1, pp. 1-29. b. Reswitching -D. Levhari (1965). "A Nonsubstitution Theorem and Switching of Techniques". QJE; V.79-#?, pp. 98-105. -L. Pasinetti (1966). "Changes in the Rate of Profit and Switches of Technique". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 503-517. -D. Levhari and P. Samuelson (1966). "The Nonswitching Theorem is False". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 518-519. -M. Morishima (1966). "Refutation of the Nonswitching Theorem". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 520-525. -M. Bruno, E. Burmeister and E. Sheshinski (1966). "The Nature and Implications of the Reswitching of Techniques". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 526-553. -P. Garegnani (1966). "Switching of Techniques". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 555-567. -P. Samuelson (1966). "A Summing Up". QJE; V.80-#?, pp. 568-583. -K. Bharadwaj (1970). "On the Maximum Number of Switches between Two Production Systems". Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Volkswirtschaft und Statistik; V.?-#?, pp. 409-429. -G. Harcourt (1972). "A Child's Guide to the Double-Switching Debate". Chapter 4 of Some Cambridge Controversies in the Theory of Capital. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 118-176. -J. Metcalfe and I. Steedman (1972). "Reswitching and Primary Input Use". EJ; V.82-#?, pp. 140-157. B. Classical Models of International Trade 1. Overviews -J. Chipman (1965). "A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 1, The Classical Theory".Etrica; V.33-#3, pp. 477-519. -M. Chacholiades (1973). "The Classical Theory". Part II of The Pure Theory of International Trade. Chicago: Aldine. -G. Gandolfo (1987). "The Classical (Ricardo-Torrens) Theory of Comparative Costs". Chapter 2 of International Economics, I: The Pure Theory of International Trade. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 7-32. -A. Takayama (1971). "The Classical Theory of Comparative Advantage and Its Modern Developments". Part II of International Trade: An Approach to the Theory. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 2. The Basic Ricardian Analysis of International Trade -D. Ricardo (1821). "On Foreign Trade". Chapter 7 of The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Cambridge: CUP. -J.S. Mill (1917). "International Values". Book III, Chapter xviii, Principles of Political Economy. London: Longmans. -E.S. Mason (1926). "The Doctrine of Comparative Costs". QJE; V.41-#?, pp. 63-93. -J. Bhagwati (1967). "The Proofs of the Theorems on Comparative Advantage". EJ; V.77-#?, pp. 75-83. -J. Melvin (1969). "Mill's Law of International Value". SEJ; V.36-#?, pp. -M. Harwitz (1972). "A Note on Professor Chipman's Version of Mill's Law of International Value". JIE; V.2-#?, pp. 181-188. -A. Ray (1977). "Gains from Trade and the Size of a Country". JIE; V.7-#?, pp. 67-71. -W. Ethier and A. Ray (1979). "Gains from Trade and the Size of a Country, II". JIE; V.9-#?, pp. 127-129. -J.M. Hartwick (1979). "Distribution of World Income in the Ricardo-Mill Model of International Trade". JIE; V.9-#?, pp. 117-126. -R. Jones (1979). "Technical Progress and Real Incomes in a Ricardian Trade Model". Chapter 17 of International Trade: Essays in Theory. Amsterdam: North-Holland. -R. Jones (1980). "Demand Behavior and the Theory of International Trade". in J. Chipman and C. Kindleberger, eds. Flexible Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payments. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 321-340. -H. Myint (1977). Adam Smiths Theory of International Trade in the Perspective of Economic Development. Eca; V.44-#?, pp. 231-248. -T. Negishi (1982). "The Labor Theory Value in the Ricardian Theory of International Trade". History of Political Economy; V.14-#?, pp. 199-10. -A. Maneschi (1983). Dynamic Aspects of Ricardos International Trade Theory. OEP; V.35- #?, pp. 67-80. -A. Deardorff (1980). "The General Validity of the Law of Comparative Advantage". JPE; V.88- #?, pp. 941-957. -R. Jones (1980). "Comparative and Absolute Advantage". Schweiz. Zeitschrift fr Volkswirtschaft und Statistik; V.116-#3, pp. 235-259. -S. Rosen (1978). "Substitution and the Division of Labor". Eca; V.45-#?, pp. 389-402. -G. MacDonald and J. Markusen (1985). "A Rehabilitation of Absolute Advantage". JPE; V.93- #2, pp. 277-297. -R. Ruffin (1988). "The Missing Link: The Ricardian Approach to the Factor Endowments Theory of Trade". AER; V.78-#4, pp. 759-772. -R. Ruffin (1990). "The Ricardian Factor Endowment Theory of Trade". IEJ; -R. Ruffin (1992). "First- and Second-Best Factor Comparative Advantages and International Trade". Eca; V.59-#4, pp. 453-563. -R. Ruffin (1993). "Job Market Preferences and International Trade". in W. Ethier, E. Helpman and J.P. Neary, eds. Theory, Policy and Dynamics in International Trade. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 75-90. 3. Frank Graham's Theory of International Values -F. Graham (1923). "The Theory of International Values Reexamined". QJE; V.38-#1, pp. 54-86. -F. Graham (1932). "The Theory of International Values". QJE; V.46-#4, pp. 581-616. -F. Graham (1948). The Theory of International Values. Princeton: PUP. -L. Metzler (1950). "Graham's Theory of International Values". AER; V.40-#3, pp. 301-322. -G. Elliott (1950). "The Theory of International Values". JPE; V.58-#1, pp. 16-30. -G. Becker (1952). "A Note on Multi-Country Trade". AER; V.42-#4, pp. 558-568. -T. Whitin (1953). "Classical Theory, Graham's Theory and Linear Programming in International Trade". QJE; V.67-#?, pp. 520-544. -L. McKenzie (1954). "On Equilibrium in Graham's Model of World Trade and Other Competitive Systems". Etrica; V.22-#2, pp. 147-161. 4. Activity Analysis and the Ricardo-Graham Model of International Trade -W. Leontief (1946). "Exports, Imports, Domestic Output and Employment". QJE; V.60-#?, pp. 171-193. -S. Reiter (1953). "Trade Barriers in Activity Analysis". REStud; V.20-#3, pp. 174-180. -L. McKenzie (1954). "Specialization and Efficiency in World Production". REStud; V.21-#3, pp. 165-180. -L. McKenzie (1955). "Specialization in Production and the Production Possibility Locus". REStud; V.23-#1, pp. 56-64. -R. Jones (1961). 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