ASCP Training Manual v1.2

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ASCP Training Manual

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Table of Contents
Document Control...........................................................................................
ntended audience.......................................................................................................!
List of attendees.........................................................................................................!
Related training materials...........................................................................................!
Log onto "racle Applications....................................................................................!
"#er#ie$ of "racle Ad#anced Planning.........................................................
APS data flo$............................................................................................................%
Planning c&cle............................................................................................................'
Source Data Setups.........................................................................................
Setup in#entor& item attri(utes..................................................................................'
MPS)MRP planning attri(utes..................................................................................**
Lead times attri(utes................................................................................................*'
Shipping+ Recei#ing+ Carrier+ and Supplier Capacit& Calendars.............................*,
-or.da& Calendar..................................................................................................../0
Setup resource and department................................................................................/0
Setup routing............................................................................................................/0
Setup suppl& chain.................................................................................................../0
"rder management.................................................................................................../,
Data Collection..............................................................................................
Scope of data collection.........................................................................................../,
Data collection methods.........................................................................................../1
Run data collection...................................................................................................20
Define an ASCP plan.....................................................................................
ASCP plan classes....................................................................................................22
ASCP plan t&pes.......................................................................................................23
Define a plan name...................................................................................................2!
Set plan options........................................................................................................2!
Launch a plan...........................................................................................................3'
Cop& a plan..............................................................................................................3'
Planner -or.(ench.......................................................................................
Plan 4a#igator..........................................................................................................31
Suppl& chain structure..............................................................................................!0
Suppl& chain plan result anal&sis.............................................................................!%
Suppl& chain plan e5ecutions...................................................................................%!
Personal and pu(lic 6ueries......................................................................................%'
Simulation net change re7plan.......................................................................
Simulate changes......................................................................................................%,
Simulation modes.....................................................................................................'*
Page 3
Running net change replan simulations...................................................'*
Plan comparison report............................................................................................'%
Plan detail report......................................................................................................'%
Audit information reports.........................................................................................'%
Practicing la(s...............................................................................................
*. -hat calendar 6uarterl& t&pe does ASCP support:..............................................''
/. ;o$ are planning (uc.ets and hori<on calculated:.............................................''
2. ;o$ do .no$ $hich da&s are $or.da&s+ $hich da& is $ee. start date and
$hich is period start date:........................................................................................',
3. -hat lead7times can &ou define in "racle Applications:....................................'1
!. -hat lead times ma& (e used (& ASCP:.............................................................,*
%. ;o$ are lead times used (& ASCP in planned order date calculation:................,*
'. ;o$ does ASCP calculate suppl& dates:.............................................................,2
,. ;o$ can release sales order from ASCP $or.(ench:.......................................,3
1. -h& do the Suppl& $indo$ and Resource Re6uirements $indo$ sho$ different
start and end date)time of a planned order:..............................................................,3
Appendi5 Constraint (ased planning............................................................
Constraint t&pes........................................................................................................,%
Set constraints for different plan t&pes.....................................................................,'
Rules used in constrained plans...............................................................................,'
Page 4
Intended audience
This document is prepared as an introductor& training material for the end users of
"racle APPS **i. t co#ers the (asic s.ills needed for using "racle Ad#anced Suppl&
Chain Planning. t is customi<ed for the manufacturing en#ironment.
Users $hose role in#ol#es an& of the follo$ing should attend this training.
Material planning
Capacit& planning
Suppl& chain planning
Manufacturing e5ecution
"racle Applications support
List of attendees
Name Org Role Date Trained Date Certified
Related training materials
n#entor& management and material transaction in discrete manufacturing is
discussed in n#entor& Training Manual
Product manufacturing process is co#ered in Routing Training Manual
Product structure is co#ered in ="M Training Manual
8or discrete >o(s+ please refer to -P Training Manual
8or sourcing and supplier constraint setups+ please refer to Purchasing Training
Log onto Oracle Applications
*. ?nter URL of "racle Applications home page to &our (ro$ser: http:))
/. ?nter in &our user D and pass$ord
Page 5
2. Choose Ad#anced Suppl& Chain Planner responsi(ilit& @&ou ma& ha#e a
customi<ed responsi(ilit& $ith a different name assigned to &ou. Chec. $ith
&our instructor a(out $hich responsi(ilit& &ou should useA
Overview of Oracle Advanced lanning
A! data flow
The diagram below illustrates major information fows between the components of
the Oracle d!anced Planning and the rest of Oracle pplications"
Page #
lanning c"cle
The general process that occurs during a planning c&cle is sho$n in the figure (elo$.
The flo$ demonstrates the .e& features of "racle ASCP that a t&pical planner $ould
use in the course of her)his $or..
!ource Data !etups
!etup inventor" item attributes
There are se#eral item attri(utes especiall& important to planning. Set them up
properl& to ensure desired planning results.
8or item setup in general+ please refer to n#entor& Training Manual.
4a#igation path: n#entor&BtemsBMaster temsBCeneral Planning @TA
Page $
n#entor&BtemsB"rgani<ation temsBCeneral Planning @TA
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of each attri(ute.
Attribute #alid
urpose Comment !etup
Ma.e or =u& Ma.e+
$hether the
item is
internall& or
Dou cannot change this #alue if open
orders e5ist for the item.
Planner Planner d Assign
planner to
plan this item
f an item is #endor managed+ &ou must
enter a planner for the item.
method to the
Min-Max: define a minimum 6uantit& on
hand. Reorder $hen this 6uantit& is
reached. Also define a ma5imum onEhand
6uantit& that &ou do not $ant to e5ceed.
Reorder point: reorder point is calculated
(ased on the planning information &ou
define for this item.
?nter the
minimum for
f an item is minEma5 planned+ the MinE
Ma5 Planning Report suggests a ne$
order $hen 6uantit& drops to the minE
ma5 minimum.
?nter the
ma5imum for
f an item is minEma5 planned+ the MinE
Ma5 Planning Report suggests an order
that (rings onEhand up to the minEma5
Page %
Attribute #alid
urpose Comment !etup
?nter the
order 6uantit&
or repetiti#e
rate. Use this
to define an
order 6uantit&
(elo$ $hich
it is
to (uild or
purchase the
Planning uses this to modif& planned
order 6uantities or repetiti#e dail& rates.
8or discrete items+ $hen net re6uirements
fall short of the minimum order 6uantit&+
planning suggests the minimum order
?nter the
order 6uantit&
or repetiti#e
rate of the
Planning uses this to modif& the si<e of
planned order 6uantities or repetiti#e
dail& rates. 8or discrete items+ $hen net
re6uirements e5ceed the ma5imum order
6uantit&+ planning suggests the ma5imum
order 6uantit&.
Cost "rder ?nter the
fi5ed cost
$ith placing
an order of
an& 6uantit&.
Carr&ing F
?nter the
used to
calculate the
carr&ing cost.
This is the percentage of the unit cost that
represents internal cost to stoc. one unit
for one &ear.
Source T&pe n#entor&+
source t&pe
Inventory: 8ill re6uests (& creating
internal re6uisitions that (ecome internal
sales orders+ pulling stoc. from e5isting
Supplier: 8ill re6uests (& creating
purchase re6uisitions that (ecome
purchase orders+ procuring the item from
a supplier.
Subinventory: 8ill re6uests (& creating
mo#e order re6uisitions that (ecome
mo#e orders+ pulling stoc. from an
e5isting su( in#entor&.
f &ou are using Supplier Scheduling+ it is
generall& recommended that this field (e
left (lan.. "ther$ise+ it could o#erride
&our sourcing rules.
enter the
from $hich
an internal
dra$s the
This applies onl& $hen Inventory is the
replenishment source t&pe.
Page &
Attribute #alid
urpose Comment !etup
?nter the su(
$ithin the
from $hich
an internal
dra$s the
This applies onl& $hen Inventory or
Subinventory is the replenishment source+
and onl& $hen &ou specif& a source
Safet& Stoc.
Select an
option to plan
use of fi5ed
safet& stoc.
Used to direct safet& stoc. calculation
method $hen "racle n#entor&
"ptimi<ation is 4"T acti#ated.
8or MRP)MPS planned items+ &ou must
set the n#entor& Planning Method
attri(ute to Not planned+ then choose the
MRP planned percent option here.
Safet& Stoc. Da&s
?nter the
num(er of
da&s to
safet& stoc.
The planning process multiplies the
Safety Stock Percent (&
the a#erage gross re6uirements and
di#ides (& the num(er of da&s &ou enter
Used (& planning modules onl&.
Safet& Stoc.
?nter the
percent to
safet& stoc.
6uantities for
the item.
The planning multiplies this percent (&
the a#erage gross re6uirements and
di#ides (& the Safety Stock Bucket Days.
The planning process uses this attri(ute
$hen &ou set Safet& Stoc. to MRP
planned percent.
Used (& planning modules onl&.
8i5ed "rder
?nter the
6uantit& used
to modif& the
si<e of
planned order
6uantities or
dail& rates.
-hen net re6uirements fall short of the
fi5ed order 6uantit&+ the planning suggests
the fi5ed order 6uantit&. -hen net
re6uirements e5ceed the fi5ed order
6uantit&+ the planning suggests multiple
orders $ith the fi5ed order 6uantit&. 8or
discrete items+ use this attri(ute to define
a fi5ed production or purchasing 6uantit&.
Used (& planning modules onl&.
8i5ed Da&s
?nter the
num(er of
da&s used to
modif& the
si<e and
timing of
planned order
The planning suggests planned order
6uantities that co#er net re6uirements for
the period defined (& this #alue. The
planning suggests one planned order for
each period.
Used (& planning modules onl&.
8i5ed Lot
?nter the
fi5ed lot
6uantit& or
repetiti#e rate
@units per
Planning uses this to modif& the si<e of
planned order 6uantities or repetiti#e
dail& rates. -hen net re6uirements fall
short of the fi5ed lot si<e multiplier
6uantit&+ planning suggests a single order
for the fi5ed lot si<e multiplier 6uantit&.
-hen net re6uirements e5ceed the fi5ed
lot si<e multiplier 6uantit&+ planning
suggests a single order that is a multiple
of the fi5ed lot si<e multiplier.
Page 1'
$!%$R planning attributes
4a#igation path: n#entor&BtemsBMaster temsBCeneral Planning @TA
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of each attri(ute.
Attribute #alid values urpose Comment !etup
Select the option
that Planning
uses to decide
$hen to plan the
Not Planned: The item does not
re6uire longEterm planning of
material re6uirements. Choose this
option for high #olume and)or lo$
cost items that do not $arrant the
administrati#e o#erhead of
planningG t&picall& dependent
demand items. Dou cannot use this
option unless the Pic. Components
attri(ute is chec.ed.
MRP planning: Choose this option
for nonEcritical items that do not
re6uire manual planning control+
t&picall& dependent demand items.
MPS planning: Dou master
schedule the item and re6uire
manual planning control. Choose
this option for items $ith
independent demand+ items that are
critical to &our (usiness+ or items
that control critical resources.
MRPDRP Planned: Choose this
option $hen &ou $ant (oth MRP
and DRP planning for the item.
MPSDRP Planned: Choose this
option $hen &ou $ant (oth MRP
and DRP planning for the item.
DRP Planned: Choose this option
$hen &ou ha#e multiple
organi<ations for $hich &ou do
Distri(ution Re6uirements
Planning for the item.
Page 11
Attribute #alid values urpose Comment !etup
and deri#e+
Select an option
to determine the
t&pes of demand
&ou place for the
item. This guides
the .e& processes
of t$oEle#el
production relief+
and shipment
This is appropriate onl& for items
that are models+ option classes+
options+ or mandator& components
of models and option classes.
!onsu"e: forecast demand
directl&+ rather than (& e5ploding
forecast demand.
!onsu"e and derive: forecast
demand directl&+ e5plode forecast
demand+ or use a com(ination of
(oth methods.
None: place sales order demand
(ut do not forecast demand.
?5ception Set ?nter the name
of the planning
e5ception set that
groups together
the sensiti#it&
controls and
e5ception time
periods for itemE
le#el planning
e5ceptions for
the item.
The itemEle#el planning
e5ceptions include:
o#ercommitted+ shortage+ e5cess+
and repetiti#e #ariance. The
planning process uses this attri(ute
to decide $hen to raise planning
e5ceptions for the item.
(ndicates if
suppl) can be
suggested for
this item"
(f selected*
fags the item
as a critical
for +P, and
-RP planning"
This allows )ou to plan
master scheduled items
with respect to onl) critical
component and their
material resource
Page 12
Attribute #alid values urpose Comment !etup
Pegging Soft
?nter the pegging
Soft Pegging: allocates suppl& to
demand (ased on the Reser#ation
Le#el option set in the Plan
#nd $sse"bly Pegging: traces the
end assem(l& the item is pegged to
at the top of the (ill of material.
?#en if &ou do not select end
assem(l& pegging+ &ou can still
calculate and #ie$ end assem(lies
#nd $sse"bly Soft Pegging:
Choose this option for (oth soft
pegging and end assem(l&
%ard Pegging: allocates suppl& to
demand (ased on the Reser#ation
Le#el option set in the Plan
options. This pegs suppl& to
demand and demand to suppl& (&
pro>ect at all le#els of a (ill of
material. This allo$s &ou to preE
allocate suppl& to demand and
generate planned orders (ased on
the plan le#el options.
#nd $sse"bly %ard Pegging:
Choose this option for (oth hard
pegging and end assem(l&
None: disa(les pro>ect material
allocation+ end assem(l& pegging+
and full pegging.
ndicates if the
item is an
n#entor& Point
This means that material can (e
stored at the item le#el $ithout
losing materials or 6ualit&
characteristics. n#entor& Points
generall& point to ma>or
phases in the manufacturing c&cle.
?nter a factor
that represents
the a#erage
amount of
material e5pected
to lose during
manufacturing or
in storage.
The planning process inflates
demand to compensate for this
e5pected loss.
Round "rder
ndicate $hether
the planning
process uses
decimal or $hole
num(er #alues
$hen calculating
planned order
6uantities or
repetiti#e rates.
-hen this option is chec.ed+
decimal #alues round up @ne#er
do$nA to the ne5t $hole num(er.
The planning process carries an&
e5cess 6uantities and rates for$ard
into su(se6uent periods as
additional suppl&.
Page 13
Attribute #alid values urpose Comment !etup
?arl& Da&s
?nter the num(er
of da&s (efore
$hich the
planning process
$ill not
The planning process onl&
suggests rescheduling out if the
ne$ calculated order date is later
than the original order due date
plus the accepta(le earl& da&sG the
ne$ calculated order does not
#iolate the order of current
scheduled receipts.
This applies to discrete items onl&.
ndicate $hether
to calculate and
print a#aila(le to
promise @ATPA
on the Planning
Detail Report.
"n the Planning Detail Report+
ATP is calculated as
ATP H Planned production E
committed demand
Reduce MPS
4one+ Past
Time 8ence+
time 8ence
Decide $hen to
reduce master
schedule @MPSA
6uantities to
None: Do not reduce order
6uantities on the MPS.
Past Due: Reduce order 6uantities
on MPS entries to <ero $hen the
entr& is past due.
De"and &i"e 'ence: Reduce order
6uantities on MPS entries to <ero
$hen the due date mo#es inside the
demand time fence.
Planning ti"e 'ence: Reduce order
6uantities on MPS entries to <ero
$hen the due date mo#es inside the
planning time fence.
Time 8ence
mfg. lead
total lead
time+ Total
lead time+
Determine a
point in time
inside $hich
restrictions on
Planning calculates the planning
time fence as the plan date @or the
ne5t $or.da& if the plan is
generated on a non $or.da&A plus
the #alue entered here.
!u"ulative "fg( lead ti"e: The
cumulati#e manufacturing lead
time for the item.
!u"ulative total lead ti"e: The
total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
&otal lead ti"e: The total lead time
for the item.
)ser*defined: The #alue &ou enter
for Planning &i"e 'ence
Page 14
Attribute #alid values urpose Comment !etup
Time 8ence
mfg. lead
total lead
time+ Total
lead time+
Determine a
point in time
inside $hich the
planning process
ignores forecast
demand and
considers onl&
sales order
demand $hen
calculating gross
Used to reduce the ris. of carr&ing
e5cess in#entor&.
Planning also uses the demand
time fence $hen loading master
schedules. The demand time fence
is calculated as the start date of the
master schedule load plus the #alue
Calculate the demand time fence as
the plan date @or the ne5t $or.da&
if the plan is generated on a non
$or.da&A plus:
!u"ulative "fg( lead ti"e: The
cumulati#e manufacturing lead
time for the item.
!u"ulative total lead ti"e: The
total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
&otal lead ti"e: The total lead time
for the item.
)ser*defined: The #alue &ou enter
for Planning &i"e 'ence
Release Time
8ence Da&s
mfg. lead
total lead
time+ Total
lead time+
defined+ Do
not autoE
release+ Do
not release
Determine a
point in time
inside $hich
planned orders
for discretel&
planned items are
released as -P
>o(s or purchase
4o material a#aila(ilit& chec. is
performed (efore -P >o(s are
Calculate the release time fence as
the plan date @or the ne5t $or.da&
if the plan is generated on a non
$or.da&A plus the #alue entered
!u"ulative "fg( lead ti"e: The
cumulati#e manufacturing lead
time for the item.
!u"ulative total lead ti"e: The
total manufacturing lead time for
the item.
&otal lead ti"e: The total lead time
for the item.
)ser*defined: The #alue &ou enter
for Planning &i"e 'ence
Do not auto*release: The item
cannot (e autoEreleased.
Do not release +,anban-: 8or
Ian(an items pre#ent release of
planned orders manuall& or
e mfg. lead
e total lead
Total lead
until what
time a
can be
for an item"
Cumulative mfg. lead time:
The cumulati!e manufacturing
lead time for the item"
Cumulative total lead time:
The total manufacturing lead
time for the item"
Total lead time: The total lead
time for the item"
User-defned: The !alue )ou
Page 15
*. n ASCP+ this flag is not onl& used to round planned order 6uantit&+ (ut also used to
schedule resource utili<ation for assem(l&. 8or assem(l&+ $hen Round "rder 9uantit&
is chec.ed+ it means one resource unit can onl& $or. on one unit of the assem(l&
item. 8or instance+
-or. order 6uantit&: ,
Assigned resource units: 2
Resource usage: * hour)unit item
Jo( duration: 2 hours @Round "rder 9uantit& chec.edA
/ and /)2 hours @Round "rder 9uantit&
/. Set this attri(ute to reduce plan ner#ousness and eliminate minor reschedule
recommendations+ especiall& $hen it is cheaper to (uild and carr& e5cess in#entor&
for a short time than it is to reschedule an order.
2. ATP calculated (& the planning process is not related to ATP information calculated
and maintained (& "racle n#entor&. As such+ planning ATP does not consider ATP
rules from the A#aila(le to Promise Rule $indo$+ and is not related to the ATP
information displa&ed in the Vie$ tem A#aila(le to Promise nformation $indo$ in
"racle n#entor& module.
3. f "racle -or. in Process and "racle Purchasing are installed+ &ou get automatic
production relief $hen &ou create a discrete >o(+ purchase re6uisition+ or purchase
order. n this case+ &ou $ould t&picall& set this attri(ute to None. f &ou do not ha#e
automatic production relief+ &ou ma& select one of the options to reduce MPS
6uantities and a#oid o#erstating &our suppl&.
!. This feature reduces short7term fluctuations in the plan output. The planning time
fence @PT8A helps "racle ASCP generate a sta(le suppl& chain plan for manufacturing
shops and helps companies to honor contractual commitments $ith e5ternal suppliers.
PT8 is a time parameter associated $ith an organi<ation7item. ASCP functionalit&
associated $ith PT8 can (e summari<ed as follo$s:
"racle ASCP does not create an& ne$ planned orders $ith start dates $ithin
"racle ASCP does not Reschedule n an& orders into the PT8.
"rders $ithin PT8 are Rescheduled "ut (ased on a profile option setting.
"racle ASCP does not suggest an& changes for firm orders and orders pegged
to firm orders.
?5cess and Shortage e5ceptions are generated $ithin the time fence.
f &ou select the ?nforce Demand Due Dates option+ "racle ASCP ma& #iolate the
%. The planned orders must meet the follo$ing autoErelease criteria:
The ne$ due date lies $ithin the autoErelease time fence
The lead time is not compressed
The orders are for standard items @$ill not release models+ option classes+ and
planning itemsA
The orders are not for Ian(an items
The orders are for DRP planned items in a DRP plan+ MPS planned items in an
MPS plan+ or MRP planned items in an MRP plan
The release time fence option is defined as an&thing other than Do not auto*
release+ Do not release +,anban-+ or null
DRP+ MPS+ and MRP plans must (e run $ith the Memor&E(ased Planning
Page 1#
Lead times attributes
4a#igation path: n#entor&BtemsBMaster temsBCeneral Planning @TA
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of each attri(ute.
Attribute urpose Comment !etup
Preprocessing ?nter the da&s &ou must add to
purchasing or manufacturing lead
time to place an order.
Processing ?nter the da&s re6uired to procure
or manufacture an item.
8or manufactured assem(lies+
processing da&s e6uals
manufacturing lead time.
Postprocessing ?nter the da&s re6uired to recei#e
a purchased item into in#entor&
from the initial supplier receipt.
Cannot enter a #alue if the Ma.e
or =u& attri(ute is set to Make.
8i5ed ?nter the da&s re6uired to ma.e an
assem(l& independent of order
6uantit&+ such as setup or
teardo$n time.
Varia(le ?nter the time to produce one
additional unit of an assem(l&.
Total lead time is #aria(le lead
time multiplied (& order
6uantit&+ plus fi5ed lead time.
?nter the manufacturing lead time
of an assem(l& @in da&sA plus the
largest ad>usted cumulati#e
manufacturing lead time of its
Purchased items ha#e no
cumulati#e manufacturing lead
This attri(ute can (e calculated
and updated (& rolling up
cumulati#e lead times $ith
"racle =ills of Material.
?nter the total lead time of the
assem(l& plus the largest ad>usted
cumulati#e total lead time of its
This attri(ute can (e calculated
and updated (& rolling up
cumulati#e lead times $ith
"racle =ills of Material.
Lead Time Lot
?nter the 6uantit& used to compute
processing lead time @as $ell as
fi5ed and #aria(le lead timesA.
The default #alue is the itemKs
standard lot si<e or+ if a standard
lot si<e is not defined+ the default
is *.
Page 1$
!hipping& Receiving& Carrier& and !upplier Capacit" Calendars
"racle ASCP plans suppl& chain acti#ities according to #arious calendars.
Manufacturing+ supplier+ and customer facilities ma& (e a(le to ma.e+ ship or recei#e
goods onl& on specific da&s. "racle ASCP plans each t&pe of suppl& or demand
considering the $ and non $ da&s in the appropriate set of calendars.
t considers the follo$ing calendars $hile planning and scheduling:
"rgani<ation7Supplier shipping calendar
"rgani<ation7Customer recei#ing calendar
Carrier calendar
Supplier capacit& calendar
Manufacturing Calendar
!hipping Calendar
The shipping calendar indicates the #alid $ da&s for shipment acti#ities
originating from suppliers and organi<ations. The planning engine does not
recommend a shipment out from those facilities if the date is a non7$ da&. The
planning engine ad>usts the shipment date if the current shipment date is a non7
$ da&. The planning engine considers the $ da&s and times $hen
generating recommended transfers as part of the planning process.
The planning engine uses processing lead time to calculate the doc. date during the
planning and scheduling process. Then it uses shipping calendars to calculate #alid
ship date @doc. date 7 intransit lead timeA after the planning and scheduling process
Receiving Calendar
The recei#ing calendar go#erns the recei#ing acti#ities at the organi<ations or
customer sites that recei#e goods. The planning engine allo$s organi<ations to recei#e
shipments onl& on a $ da&. f the current shipment arri#al date is a non7
$ da& according to the recei#ing calendar+ the planning engine defers the
receipt of the shipment until the ne5t @or pre#iousA $ da&.
-hen generating planned transfers (et$een these t$o facilities+ the planning engine
assigns doc. dates on these planned transfers (ased on the recei#ing calendar of the
Recei#ing calendars can also #ar& (& com(ination of carrier and ser#ice le#el. Dou
need to specif& #alid recei#ing calendars for organi<ations and customers at the
carrier and ser#ice le#els.
Carrier Calendar
The carrier calendar indicates the $ and non7$ da&s and times for
material that is intransit using different means of transport. 8or e5ample+ certain
methods of shipment such as parcel carriers ma& not $or. on $ee.ends. This ma&
cause the transit time to (e stretched o#er the $ee.ends. The planning engine needs to
consider these non7$ times of #arious transportation modes that are modeled in
the suppl& chain.
Page 1%
The carrier calendar indicates the operating calendar of the carrier or the ser#ice. t
does not indicate the pic.up or deli#er& dates of the carrier.
!upplier Capacit" Calendar
The supplier capacit& calendar go#erns ho$ supplier capacit& is accumulated o#er a
period of time. Supplier capacit& is onl& accumulated on the $ da&s according
to the supplier capacit& calendar. The supplier capacit& calendar also go#erns ho$ the
supplier processing lead time is calculated.
'or(da" Calendar
Please refer to Routing Training Manual for $or.da& calendar setups.
!etup resource and department
Please refer to Routing Training Manual for resource and department setups.
!etup routing
Please refer to Routing Training Manual for routing setups.
!etup suppl" chain
8or more information on supplier (ase setups+ please refer to the Purchasing Training
Approved !upplier List
Appro#ed supplier list is a controlled repositor& of information that lin.s items and
commodities to suppliers and supplier sites that pro#ide them to a specific ship7to
organi<ation or to the entire enterprise.
4a#igation path: PurchasingBSuppl& =aseBAppro#ed Supplier List
Page 1&
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of attri(utes rele#ant to planning.
Attribute #alid
Comment !etup
Status Appro#ed+
ASCP onl& consider Appro#ed and not
Disa(led suppliers
Clo(al: Des+ 4o ASCP onl& plans P" for suppliers $ith
Clo(al H Des
!upplier planning constraints
?nhance sourcing pro#ides the a(ilit& to model fle5i(le supplier capacit&.
4a#igation path: PurchasingBSuppl& =aseBAppro#ed Supplier ListBAttri(utes @=AB
Planning Constraints @TA
Page 2'
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of attri(utes rele#ant to planning.
Attribute Comment !etup
Lead Time
This supplier7item attri(ute o#errides the organi<ation item
attri(ute for processing lead time
Planning ad>usts planned order release date so that
deli#eries occur on the #alid deli#er& date that coincides
$ith the due date or the closest #alid deli#er& date that
occurs prior to the due date. This calendar is independent
of &our $or.da& calendar.
These supplier7item attri(utes o#erride the organi<ation
item attri(utes for order modifiers.
Capacit& This supplier7item attri(ute represents supplier item dail&
capacit& in the purchasing U"M.
Use the ToleranceF and Da&s Ad#ance 4otice attri(utes
together to state (& $hat percentage a supplier can change
capacit& if gi#en a num(er of da&s ad#ance notice.
*. f no calendar is defined and assigned to the supplier7item+ planning $ill assume
all da&s are accepta(le for recei#ing.
/. Dou can ma.e multiple entries to represent the percentage change in capacit&
allo$ed $ith different da&s of ad#ance notices.
Deliver" calendar
Set up deli#er& calendar the same $a& as setting up $or.da& calendar.
Refer to Routing Training Manual on ho$ to setup calendars.
The deli#er& calendar is used to esta(lish #alid deli#er& da&s (& supplier+ item+ and
organi<ation. ASCP $ill offset planned purchase order release dates (& the num(er of
da&s in Processing Lead Time plus the num(er of da&s necessar& to cause the deli#er&
to &our doc. to occur on a #alid deli#er& da&.
f no deli#er& calendar is defined and assigned to the supplier7item+ planning $ill
assume all da&s are accepta(le for recei#ing.
!hipping methods
4a#igation path: n#entor&BSetupB"rgani<ationBShipping Methods
This form is used to set up a #alid list of #alues for shipping method field.
Page 21
Inter)organi*ations shipping networ(s
Shipping net$or.s define transportation lin.s form on organi<ation to other
organi<ations. f traffic flo$s in (oth directions+ from organi<ation A to organi<ation
=+ and from organi<ation = to organi<ation A+ &ou need to define one entr& for each
direction. ASCP uses transportation capacit& entered on the Shipping 4et$or.s form
for each inter7organi<ation lin. as transportation constraint.
4a#igation path: n#entor&BSetupB"rgani<ationBShipping 4et$or.s
Assign shipping methods to shipping networ(:
4a#igation path: n#entor&BSetupB"rgani<ationBShipping 4et$or.sBTools @MA
BShipping Methods
Use this $indo$ to enter transportation capacit&+ too.
Page 22
Inter)location shipping networ(s
Use the nter7Location Transit Times form to model shipping net$or.s and capacities
(et$een supplier locations and in#entor& organi<ations+ and (et$een in#entor&
organi<ations and customer locations. Dou can also designate a particular shipping
method as default method in a shipping net$or..
4a#igation path: n#entor&BSetupB"rgani<ationBnter7Location Transit Times
4ote: this form is used to model transportation time and capacities (et$een e5ternal
sites and in#entor& organi<ations. f &ou use the nter7Location Transit Times form to
enter transit times and transportation capacities (et$een in#entor& organi<ations in
&our enterprise+ ASCP $ill ignore that information.
!ourcing rules
Suppl& chain comple5it& is modeled (& sourcing rules+ (ills of distri(ution+ and
assignment sets. Ta.en together+ these forms specif& ho$ material is supplied+
manufactured+ and transferred across the suppl& chain. =ut the& $ill not model $here
the materials $ill (e sent. n this sense+ (ill of distri(ution is a misnomer.
-hen the sourcing rules and (ills of distri(ution are created+ items are not specified
an&$here on the definition forms. These are onl& descriptions of the means ;"-
items are replenished. The defined sourcing rules and (ills of distri(ution can later (e
Page 23
assigned to an& items or group of items. Assignment sets are used to associate items
$ith sourcing rules and (ills of distri(ution.
4ote: Sourcing rules and ="Ds can (e defined at the source instances or at the APS
instance+ or at (oth places. The Assignment Set of a specific plan $ill go#ern $hich
rules are used (& that plan. ;o$e#er+ sourcing rules and (ills of distri(ution that cross
instances must (e set up on the APS instance.
4a#igation path: Suppl& Chain PlannerBSourcingBSourcing Rules
Refer to the ta(le (elo$ for the setup of attri(utes rele#ant to planning.
Attribute #alid
Comment !etup
T&pe Transfer
Ma.e At+
=u& 8rom
&ransfer 'ro": Transfer (et$een internal organi<ations+
enter source organi<ation in the "rg column. -hen it is
selected+ Supplier and Supplier Site are disa(led.
Make $t: Ma.e at an internal organi<ation+ enter
manufacturing organi<ation in the "rg column. -hen it
is selected+ Supplier and Supplier Site are disa(led.
Buy 'ro": Purchase from an e5ternal enterprise+ enter
Supplier and Supplier Site. -hen it is selected+ the "rg
column is disa(led.
The total allocation percentage for all sources $ithin a
ran. must add up to e5actl& *00. Planned order is split
among the sources according to their allocation
The sources $ith the highest ran. @lo$est num(erA ha#e
the highest priorit& in allocations. -hen sources of the
highest ran. ha#e no more capacit&+ allocation goes to
sources in the ne5t highest ran.+ and so on.
Dou cannot appl& sourcing rules and (ills of distri(ution
@ma.e them Planning Acti#eA until the sum of the
allocation percentages e6uals *00.
All "rgs Chec.ed+
Chec.ed: This sourcing rule can appl& to all
"rg Chec.ed+
Chec.ed: This sourcing rule can appl& to one
Page 24
Note: * in constraint (ased planningG sources $ith the highest ran. ha#e the highest
priorit&. n optimi<ed planning+ sources $ith the lo$est penalt& ad>usted cost ha#e the
highest priorit& in allocation. TimeEphasing in a sourcing rule determines $hen each
group of shipping method E ship org com(inations is in effect.
Assignment sets
"nce &ou ha#e defined &our sourcing rules+ &ou must assign them to particular items
and)or organi<ations to ma.e them functional. These assignments are grouped
together in assignment sets. This is $here #arious sourcing strategies define a
particular suppl& chain net$or.. ?ach assignment set represents a selection of
organi<ations and)or items &ou $ant planned. To influence the planning process+ &ou
must include an assignment set in &our plan options.
n an assignment set+ &ou can assign &our sourcing rules at different le#els+ as follo$s:
These le#els allo$ &ou to assign a replenishment rule to as man& or as fe$ items as
possi(le. 8or e5ample+ a categor& of items could (e defined as pac.aging material+
and a sourcing rule that identifies the suppliers could (e assigned to this categor&.
The planning uses a sourcing assignment hierarch& to determine the actual source of a
specific item. n the preceding list of assignment le#els+ the le#els are listed from
specific to general. Specific sourcing assignment o#errides general assignment+ i.e.+
ro$s a(o#e o#erride ro$s (elo$. 8or instance+ tem7"rgani<ation o#errides tem.
4a#igation path: Suppl& Chain PlannerBSourcingBAssign Sourcing Rule)="D
*. ?nter an assignment set name and description.
Page 25
/. Select an Assigned To t&pe See: Assignment ;ierarch&
2. ?nter an organi<ation name+ if the Assigned To t&pe re6uires one.
3. ?nter the name of the customer to $hich &ou $ant to assign a sourcing rule or
(ill of distri(ution.
!. ?nter the specific site to $hich &ou $ant to assign a sourcing rule or (ill of
%. ?nter an tem)Categor& if &ou selected tem or tem7"rg as the Assign To t&pe.
'. ?nter the sourcing rule or (ill of distri(ution as the T&pe.
,. ?nter the name of the sourcing rule or (ill of distri(ution
Note: * not e#er& item in a (ill of material needs to (e listed in an assignment set.
tems that are made and consumed at same organi<ation need not to (e assigned to an
assignment set.
Assignment +ierarch"
The assignment hierarch& of sourcing rules and (ills distri(ution is listed in the
follo$ing ta(le+ ro$s (elo$ o#erride ro$s a(o#e them. Columns on the right o#erride
columns on the left.
Note: A glo(al sourcing rule has an unspecified recei#ing organi<ation. =ills
of distri(ution are glo(al.
Since not all assignment t&pes are #alid for (oth sourcing rules and (ills of
distri(ution+ the effect of the Sourcing Rules #s. =ill of Distri(ution
Assignments ta(le is illustrated in a linear hierarch& in the follo$ing ta(le.
The ro$s (elo$ o#erride ro$s a(o#e them.
Page 2#
Note: use assignment set hierarch& to simplif& the modeling and maintaining sourcing
relationships. 8or e5ample+ $hen a plant (u&s all items (elonging to a categor& such
as fasteners from Supplier A+ create a sourcing rule and assign it to this item categor&.
At a later da&+ &ou decide to source one of the fasteners from Supplier =. Dou then
create another rule to source from Supplier = and assign this rule to that specific
fastener. The detail7to7general hierarch& directs the specific fastener to (e sourced
from Supplier =+ $hile all other fasteners still from Supplier A.
Create the minimum num(er of sourcing rules and .eep the assignment sets as simple
as possi(le. Rather than create and assign a rule to each item+ &ou can assign a default
rule to an organi<ation+ another default rule to a categor&. Assign a rule to an
indi#idual item)organi<ation onl& to deal $ith e5ceptions.
Order management
Most modules in "racle Manufacturing do not interact directl& $ith "racle "rder
Management. These modules use sales order information through the suppl&)demand
portion of "racle n#entor&. n "racle Applications **i+ sales orders are #isi(le to the
suppl&)demand portion of "racle n#entor& onl& after the& are scheduled. Use the
Schedule "rder process to create sales order information in n#entor&. The scheduled
sales orders $ill (ecome demand in suppl& chain planning.
Data Collection
!cope of data collection
Page 2$
"racle ASCP uses data maintained in the source @transactionalA ?RP modules. Data
collection programs capture a snapshot of the source data+ and cop& that snapshot to
the planning instance. The planning engine then performs multi7organi<ation planning
and scheduling calculations. The results of the planning process+ such as planned
orders+ are pu(lished (ac. to the transaction ?RP modules for e5ecution. The ta(le
(elo$ summari<es the data collected into planning instance from the source instances.
!ource $odule Data to be Collected
"rder Management Sales order demands+ Customers+ Price lists
Purchasing Appro#ed supplier list+ Supplier capacit&+ Scheduled P" receipts
n#entor& "perating units+ Su( in#entories+ "rgani<ations+ Planners+ =u&ers+ Product
families+ tems+ "n hand 6uantities
=ills of material =ills of material+ Resources+ Routings+ "perations+ -or.da& calendars
-or. in Process Scheduled $or. orders+ Material transactions+ Resource transactions
Cost Standard costs
MRP)Suppl& Chain
8orecasts+ Master demand schedules+ Sourcing rules)=ills if distri(utions+
Assignment sets+ Deli#er& schedules
Note: f "racle Demand Planning is installed and integrated $ith ASCP+ its output is
directl& #isi(le to ASCP as planning inputs.
Data collection methods
Collecting data can ta.e a significant amount of time compared to the time for the
o#erall planning c&cle. Choose the collection method (est suit for &ou needs. There
are three collection methods:
The Complete Refresh method clears all transaction data for all (usiness
entities from the planning ser#er @for the source instance (eing collectedA+
and then copies o#er information a(out the user7selected entities. This
method can (e time consuming.
The 4et Change Refresh method copies onl& incremental changes to
(usiness entities to the planning ser#er @and is thus fasterA+ (ut is supported
mainl& for demand and suppl& (usiness entities.
The Targeted Refresh method clears transaction data for onl& the user7
selected (usiness entities from the planning ser#er+ and then copies the
entit& information o#er from the transaction instance. nformation a(out
non7selected entities remains intact on the planning ser#er. All planning
(usiness entities are supported (& Targeted Refresh collections.
Continuous collections process: The continuous collections process is an
automated process of data collection that efficientl& s&nchroni<es the data
on the planning ser#er (& up the sources. f &ou opt for continuous
collections+ the s&stem automaticall& determines the t&pe of collection that
needs to (e run on entities selected (& &ou. The continuous collections
process collects data from the sources $ith the least user inter#ention. The
Continuous Collections concurrent program performs continuous
collections. Continuous collections is not co#ered in this training.
Page 2%
Use Complete Refresh the first time &ou perform collections from a source instance to
the planning ser#er. Dou ma& also $ish to use complete refresh collections after a
significant proportion of the setup data in &our transaction s&stem has (een altered+
and &ou $ould li.e to ma.e a fresh cop& of all source instance (usiness entities
@items+ (ills of material+ sourcing rules+ resources+ and so onA on the planning ser#er.
Dou t&picall& collect all (usiness entities in a Complete Refresh Collection. Use
Complete Refresh onl& $hen it is necessar&.
Use 4et Change Refresh if &ou $ould li.e to update the suppl& and demand picture
on the planning ser#er as 6uic.l& as possi(le+ and the incremental changes to suppl&
and demand in the source instance since the last collection ha#e not (een e5tensi#e
relati#e to the e5isting @alread& collectedA (od& of suppl& and demand information. n
this case+ 4et Change Refresh is the fastest $a& to achie#e the desired update of the
planning ser#er operational data store+ (ecause it copies o#er from the source instance
onl& the incremental changes in suppl& and demand since the last collection.
Use Targeted Refresh if &ou $ould li.e to update the planning ser#er information for
some @(ut not allA (usiness entities+ and some of these entities fall outside the categor&
of suppl& and demand entities supported (& 4et Change Refresh. 8or e5ample+ to
update the planning ser#er $ith a ne$l& re(uilt manufacturing calendar+ &ou $ould
run Targeted Refresh collections for >ust the calendar (usiness entit&. Data on the
planning ser#er a(out all other (usiness entities $ould remain unaffected (& this
collection. Also use Targeted Refresh @in lieu of 4et Change RefreshA to (ring o#er
the latest picture of suppl& and demand to the planning ser#er in cases $hen the
incremental changes to suppl& and demand on the source instance since the last
collection are #er& e5tensi#e. n this case+ the update mechanism emplo&ed (&
Targeted Refresh collections @$holesale deletion follo$ed (& re(uilding of data on the
planning ser#erA is faster than the mechanism emplo&ed (& 4et Change Refresh
collections @incremental insertions into e5isting data on the planning ser#erA.
Run data collection
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBCollectionsB"racle S&stemsB
Standard Collection
Page 2&
*. Ta( to the Parameters field+ Planning Data Pull Parameters form appears
/. Select indi#idual parameter as e5plained in the ta(le (elo$+ then clic. on "I
arameter #alues
nstance Source instance code from list of #alues.
Collection Croup Dou can decide to collect data from All ena(led organi<ations or onl&
form the current organi<ation
4um(er of -or.ers
"ne or greater. ncrease this num(er to increase the num(er of
computational resources de#oted to the Planning Data Pull process.
This allo$s &ou to specif& the num(er of $or.ers for the Data Pull+
$hich can no$ (e different from the num(er of $or.ers specified for
the "DS load process.
Timeout @MinutesA
The ma5imum amount of time &ou $ould li.e to allocate to the
Planning Data Pull process. f the Planning Data Pull process has not
completed $ithin this amount of time+ it $ill (e terminated $ith an
Purge Pre#iousl& Collected
Des @defaultA or 4o. Setting this to Des $ipes out all data in the APS
planning ser#er operational data store associated $ith the selected
source instance as the first step in the collections process. f &ou set
this to Des+ the onl& allo$a(le collection method is Complete Refresh.
f &ou set this to 4o+ the allo$a(le collection methods are Targeted
Refresh and 4et Change.
Page 3'
arameter #alues
Collection Method
Complete Refresh)Targeted Refresh)4et Change
Refresh. See the e5planation in the Data collection methods section of
this manual
Anal&<e Staging Ta(les Des or 4o @defaultA. Set this to Des periodicall& to re7compute data(ase
access statistics on the APS staging ta(les. This speeds up the
su(se6uent Planning "DS Load process.
=usiness o(>ects The remaining parameters in the Planning Data Pull Parameters are a
list of (usiness o(>ects. Selecting Des for an entit& means collecting the
information for that entit& o#er from the source instance. Selecting 4o
for an entit& means collecting no information for that entit& o#er from
the source instance. This is useful $hen &ou .no$ there are onl&
changes on limited o(>ects.
*. Consult $ith &our s&stem administrator and D=A on the #alues of these
parameters+ for the& affect the performance of the data collection process.
/. Collecting information for Resource A#aila(ilit& and Sourcing ;istor& a significant amount of time. Collect this information onl& $hen
reall& necessar&.
2. "pen the Parameters form for Planning "DS Load
3. Select indi#idual parameter as e5plained in the ta(le (elo$+ then clic. on "I
arameter #alues
nstance Source instance code from list of #alues.
Timeout @MinutesA
The ma5imum amount of time &ou $ould li.e to allocate to the
Planning Data Pull process. f the Planning Data Pull process has not
completed $ithin this amount of time+ it $ill (e terminated $ith an
4um(er of -or.ers
"ne or greater. ncrease this num(er to increase the num(er of
computational resources de#oted to the Planning Data Pull process.
This allo$s &ou to specif& the num(er of $or.ers for the Data Pull+
$hich can no$ (e different from the num(er of $or.ers specified for
the "DS load process.
Recalculate Resource
This defaults to the #alue @Des or 4oA that &ou set for the Resources
A#aila(ilit& (usiness entit& in the Planning Data Pull Parameters
$indo$. The #alue that &ou set here is the one that actuall& determines
$hether resources a#aila(ilit& is collected or not.
Page 31
arameter #alues
Recalculate Sourcing ;istor& This defaults to the #alue @Des or 4oA that &ou set for the Sourcing
;istor& (usiness entit& in the Planning Data Pull Parameters $indo$.
The #alue that &ou set here is the one that actuall& determines $hether
sourcing histor& is collected or not. f &ou select Des+ then ASCP $ill
collect all ne$ sourcing histor& not alread& on the planning ser#er in
the time range L@toda& 7 5 monthsA through @toda&AM from the source
transaction s&stem. The num(er 5 is gi#en (& the #alue that &ou set for
the profile option MSC: Sourcing ;istor& Start Date "ffset @in
monthsA. During planning+ ASCP $ill use the total cumulati#e
sourcing histor& on the planning ser#er in addition to the planned
sourcing in the plan to determine $hether sourcing percentages in
sourcing rules are (eing respected or not.
Purge Sourcing ;istor& Valid #alues are Des and 4o @defaultA. f &ou select Des+ then all
sourcing histor& present on the planning ser#er $ill (e deleted (efore
the collection process commences.
4ote: *. Consult $ith &our s&stem administrator and D=A on the #alues of
these parameters+ for the& affect the performance of the data collection
!. Su(mit the data collection re6uest set
Define an A!C plan
A!C plan classes
"racle ASCP offers the follo$ing plan classes.
Resource Constrained
Material Constrained
Material and Resource Constrained
These classes are discusses in the ta(le (elo$.
lan Class lanning
,oals !cenario
Unconstrained Long Term
;o$ much resource capacit&
and material a#aila(ilit& do
need to arrange in order to
satisf& all anticipated demand in
a timel& manner:
Decisions can (e made on
Resource ac6uisition)disposition
and supplier sourcing to address
the e5ceptions.
Long Term
;o$ much material a#aila(ilit&
do need to arrange in order to
satisf& all anticipated demand in
a timel& manner:
Difficult to change resource
capacit&+ (ut increased outsourcing
is an option. Decisions can (e
made on supplier sourcing to
address the e5ceptions.
Long Term
;o$ much resource capacit& do
need to arrange in order to
satisf& all anticipated demand in
a timel& manner:
Difficult to change material
a#aila(ilit& (ut internal resource
ac6uisition)disposition is an
option. Decisions can (e made on
Resource ac6uisition)disposition to
address the e5ceptions.
Page 32
lan Class lanning
,oals !cenario
Material and
4ear Term
Cenerate a feasi(le plan that
respects material+ resource+
distri(ution+ and transportation
mpossi(le to o#ercome material
and resource constraints and
therefore must respect them in
order to generate a feasi(le suppl&
chain plan.
"ptimi<ed 4ear Term
Cenerate an optimi<ed and
e5ecuta(le plan (ased on plan
o(>ecti#es and material+
resource+ and transportation
mpossi(le to o#ercome material
and resource constraints and
therefore must respect them in
order to generate a feasi(le suppl&
chain plan.
"racle ASCP lets &ou prioriti<e ho$ &ou enforce Capacit& Constraints or Demand
Due Dates. -hiche#er constraint precedence o#er the other is the hard
constraintG and the other is the soft constraint. Dou must choose one and onl& one t&pe
of constraint.
f &ou choose to enforce Demand Due Dates @setting Demand Due Dates as a hard
constraintA+ then primar& resources are used and loaded to capacit& to satisf& demand
due dates. The s&stem also e#aluates alternate resources if additional capacit& is
re6uired. f there is insufficient capacit& to meet demand due dates+ the primar&
resource is o#erloaded. The choice of $hether to use an alternate resource or o#erload
capacit& depends on cost considerations if optimi<ation is selected. "racle ASCP
returns e5ception messages if capacit& is o#erloaded.
f &ou choose to enforce Capacit& Constraints @setting Capacit& Constraints as a hard
constraintA+ then resources are loaded to their limit to satisf& demand @if re6uiredA.
Unsatisfied demand is pushed into the future. n this case+ "racle ASCP returns late
replenishment e5ception messages.
A!C plan t"pes
There three t&pes of ASCP plans.
Production Plan+ e6ui#alent to traditional MPS
Manufacturing Plan+ e6ui#alent to traditional MRP
Master Plan
?ach creates time7phased planned orders that satisf& independent and dependent
demand $hile to respect material and resource constraints. These three t&pes
of plans need to (e used in con>unction $ith the MPS)MRP Planning T&pe item
attri(ute that is set for each item. Possi(le #alues for this attri(ute are:
MRP Planning
MPS Planning
MRP)MPP Planned
MPS)MPP Planned
MPP Planned
?ach ASCP plan t&pe $ill include a su(set of items in its planning process. The items
included depend upon the plan t&pe and the itemKs the MRP Planning T&pe attri(ute.
Page 33
Define a plan name
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBSuppl& Chain PlanB4ames
1" ?nter a uni6ue plan name.
2" ?nter Description for the plan.
3" Chec. ATP if this plan is used for glo(al order promising.
4" Chec. Production if it is a production plan. n a production plan+ planned
orders can (e automaticall& released $ithin their release time fence.
5" Chec. 4otifications. f this is chec.ed+ e5ception message notifications
$or.flo$ for the plan is ena(led.
#" Select a Plan T&pe. Valid #alues are Manufacturing Plan+ Production Plan+ and
Master Plan. This setting interacts $ith the MPS)MRP Planning method item
attri(ute to determine $hich su(set of the items that pass the condition
imposed (& the Planned tems parameter are planned.
$" f &ou $ant to ma.e this plan not #isi(le as input into other plans+ or $ant to
purge the plan enter an nacti#e Date.
!et plan options
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBSuppl& Chain PlanB4ames BPlan
"ptions @=A
Page 34
$ain tab
Use the information in the follo$ing ta(le to specif& parameters on the Main ta(.
arameter Description Comment !etup
The assignment set that holds the sourcing
rules and (ills of distri(ution that define the
rules for material flo$ $ithin &our suppl&
Priorit& Rule
-hen ASCP does detailed scheduling+ it
schedules demands one (& one. The rule
specified here dictates the order in $hich
demands $ill (e considered during detailed
scheduling+ and thus $hich demands $ill
get the first opportunities to ta.e up
a#aila(le materials and resource capacities.
"#er$rite planned orders.
Appends ne$ planned orders to current
This parameter and the ne5t one+ Planning
Method+ control the items that are planned
in the suppl& chain plan. An item must
satisf& conditions imposed (& (oth
parameters (efore (eing included in the
suppl& chain plan.
Choose from "peration Start Date or "rder
Start Date scheduling methods. f &ou
choose "peration Start Date+ material is
scheduled to arri#e at the start of the
operation for $hich it is re6uired. f &ou
choose "rder Start Date+ material is
scheduled to arri#e at the start of the order
for $hich it is re6uired.
"rder State Date is
usuall& an earlier date
than the "peration
Start Date and
therefore this
selection represents
the more conser#ati#e
planning logic of the
t$o options.
Page 35
arameter Description Comment !etup
?nd tem
f Decision Rules ta((ed region B Use ?nd
tem Su(stitutions selected+ select a
su(stitution set. These are defined in the
Planning Details 7 Su(stitute $indo$
discussed. Dou can use a set of su(stitution
relationships to (e effecti#e for a gi#en plan
(& selecting the su(stitution set as an option
for the plan. This allo$s &ou to run
simulations of possi(le su(stitutions and
e#aluate performance indicators gi#en
possi(le future su(stitutions.
Schedule =& Set this option to instruct the planning
engine to:
Plan supplies (ased on sales order line
re6uest+ promise+ or schedule dates for
either ship or arri#al
Consume forecasts (ased on sales order line
re6uest+ promise+ or schedule dates. Dou
must pro#ide forecast dates that match &our
choice of this plan optionG for e5ample+ if
&ou select Promise Ship date for this plan
option+ ma.e sure &our forecast dates are in
terms of promise ship dates.
f &ou do not specif& plan option Demand
Priorit& Rule and ha#e not specified a
default demand priorit& rule @in the Define
Priorit& Ruled formA+ the planning engine
uses the #alue of this plan option as the
demand priorit& rule.
Select one of the
follo$ing sales order
line dates:
Schedule Ship Date
Schedule Arri#al Date
Re6uest Ship Date
Re6uest Arri#al Date
Promise Ship Date
Promise Arri#al Date
The default is
Schedule Ship Date.
f &ou $ant to limit a production plan to a
demand class+ enter it.
This field is acti#e
onl& for a Production
Plan)MPS schedule.
Mo#e Jo(s to
Chec. this option if &ou $ant to generate
planned order suppl& e#en in the a(sence of
demand in order to ensure that in#entor& is
held on the manufacturing floor onl& for
items designated as Planned n#entor&
Displa& Ie&
Chec. this option to calculate .e&
performance indicators for the plan.
Time 8ence
Chec. this option to enforce demand time
fence control.
Demand time fence is
an item attri(ute
Time 8ence
Chec. this option to enforce planning time
fence control.
Planning time fence is
an item attri(ute
Lot for Lot Chec. this option to force the creation of a
separate suppl& for each demand. This
pre#ents the creation of aggregate supplies
that satisf& multiple demands.
"rder 6uantit&
modifiers such as
Minimum Lot Si<e
and 8i5ed Lot
Multiple o#erride this
Select this plan option to instruct the
planning engine to plan considering critical
components. Depending on the plan t&pe
and the planning item t&pes+ the planning
engine ma& plan critical components and
not plan other components or components
of those components.
To mar. an item as a
critical component+
select its item
attri(ute Critical
Page 3#
arameter Description Comment !etup
Do 4ot
The planning engine should use forecast
entries as the& e5ist for planning.
The planning engine should spread
aggregate forecast demand e#enl& across
the dail& (uc.ets from the $or.da&
Select a forecast distri(ution assignment set
for the glo(al forecasting process. The
forecast distri(ution assignment set contains
glo(al sourcing rules used to distri(ute
glo(al forecasts o#er multiple in#entor&
The rules to distri(ute
sales orders are in
plan option
Assignment Set.
Consume (&
The forecast consumption process does not
search outside of the consumption (
for forecasts and sales orders e5cept in dail&
Select this plan option to instruct the
planning engine to e5plode forecasts as
follo$s during the consumption process:
7 Product famil& forecasts to product famil&
mem(er item forecasts
7 Model forecasts to other model+ option
class+ and item forecasts.
This option applies to forecasts $ith
forecast control Consume and deri#e.
Clear this plan option
if &ou ha#e arranged
for this e5plosion to
occur in the source
instance or in "racle
Demand Planning
(efore the planning
f &ou are (ringing in unconsumed forecast
scenarios from "racle Demand Planning as
demand schedules into "racle ASCP and
$ould li.e to do forecast consumption
inside ASCP @as opposed to (ringing in pre7
consumed forecasts contained in master
demand schedules as demand schedules into
"racle ASCPA+ then set the forecasts
consumption (ac.$ard da&s parameter
here. This parameter allo$s a sales order
demand to consume forecast demand e#en
if the forecast demand is up to the specified
num(er of da&s earlier than the sales order
demand. This parameter applies onl& to
"racle Demand Planning scenarios that are
used as demand schedules in "racle ASCP
This parameter allo$s a sales order demand
to consume forecast demand e#en if the
forecast demand is up to the specified
num(er of da&s later than the sales order
Chec. this option to calculate pegging
information. "racle ASCP traces suppl&
information for an item to its corresponding
end demand details+ $hich &ou can then
#ie$ in a graphical displa&.
Peg Supplies
(& Demand
Chec. this option to calculate pegging so
that on7hand and firm supplies are pegged
to demands in demand priorit& order @as
defined (& &ou in a priorit& ruleA $ithin the
time period set (& the profile option MS":
8irm Suppl& Allocation -indo$ @da&sA.
Do not chec. it.
nstead+ set profile
option MSC: Use
88" Pegging to Des.
Page 3$
arameter Description Comment !etup
Pegging E
Choose a reser#ation le#el: Planning Croup+
Pro>ect+ Pro>ect7Tas.+ or 4one.
Do not use
Pegging E
;ard Pegging
Choose a hard pegging le#el: Pro>ect+
Pro>ect7Tas.+ or 4one.
Do not use
f &ou are (ringing in unconsumed forecast
scenarios from "racle Demand Planning as
demand schedules into "racle ASCP and
$ould li.e to do forecast consumption
inside ASCP @as opposed to (ringing in pre7
consumed forecasts contained in master
demand schedules as demand schedules into
"racle ASCPA+ then set the forecasts
consumption (ac.$ard da&s parameter
here. This parameter allo$s a sales order
demand to consume forecast demand e#en
if the forecast demand is up to the specified
num(er of da&s earlier than the sales order
demand. This parameter applies onl& to
"racle Demand Planning scenarios that are
used as demand schedules in "racle ASCP
This parameter allo$s a sales order demand
to consume forecast demand e#en if the
forecast demand is up to the specified
num(er of da&s later than the sales order
Do not use
Note: *. "#er$rite and Append Planned "rders $or. together to limit ho$ the
planning process reacts to firm planned orders and to sta(ili<e the short7term material
plan. -hen &ou launch the planning process+ &ou generate ne$ planned orders to
meet &our net re6uirements. Since &ou can firm DRP+ MPS+ or MRP planned orders+
&ou ma& not $ant the planning process to o#er$rite an& firm planned orders. See the
ta(le (elo$ for more information.
Overwrite Append
lanned Orders
All The planning process o#er$rites all entries+ planned and firm
planned+ from the current material plan.
4one The planning process does not o#er$rite an& firm planned
orders. t does+ ho$e#er+ o#er$rite an& suggested planned
orders that are not firm.
planning time
The planning process o#er$rites all entries from the current
plan+ planned and firm planned+ outside the planning time
fence+ and o#er$rites onl& planned orders inside the planning
time fence. t does not o#er$rite an& firm planned orders $ithin
the planning time fence. The planning time fence can (e
different for each item+ so the planning process loo.s at the
planning time fence for each item $hen choosing $hat to
delete. Planning time fence is an item attri(ute defined in
Unchec.ed The planning process does not append an& planned orders to the
current plan. Additional demand does not cause planned order
recommendations. nstead+ the pro>ected 6uantit& on hand ma&
go negati#e in response to demand that $as not met (& a
suggested planned order.
Page 3%
Overwrite Append
lanned Orders
Chec.ed The planning process appends additional planned orders after
the last entr& on the current material plan to meet an& additional
demand. The "#er$rite and Append Planned "rders options
$or. in com(inations+ as descri(ed (elo$.
All Chec.ed Select this option to create a ne$ material re6uirements plan for
the plan name &ou specif&+ deleting all pre#ious planned and
firm planned orders $hile regenerating ne$ planned orders.
Dou can use this com(ination the first time &ou run &our plan or
if &ou $ant &our plan to reflect all sources of ne$ demand.
planning time
Chec.ed This option allo$s &ou to create an e5tension to the current
material re6uirements plan+ delete planned and firm planned
orders outside the planning time fence and delete all planned
entries inside the planning time fence for each item. The
planning process creates @appendsA ne$ planned orders after the
planning time fence date. n this case+ since &ou are o#er$riting
after the planning time fence+ &ou are also appending ne$
planned orders after that date. Use this com(ination to sta(ili<e
the shortEterm plan and allo$ the longEterm plan to react to
ne$ sources of demand. f an item has no time fence specified
and this option is chosen+ all planned and firm planned orders
are o#er$ritten. The effect is the same as "#er$rite All and
Append Planned "rders chec.ed.
4one Chec.ed -hen &ou choose not to o#er$rite an e5isting plan+ the
planning process does not o#er$rite e5isting firm planned
orders+ (ut deletes an& suggested planned orders. The planning
process then creates @appendsA ne$ planned orders after the
planning time fence date. Use this to firm shortEterm sections of
&our material re6uirements plan. Dou can e5tend the plan
hori<on $ithout altering e5isting firm planned orders.
4one Unchec.ed The planning process does not o#er$rite e5isting firm planned
entries+ (ut deletes an& suggested planned orders. n addition+ it
does not append additional demand to the end of the plan.
nstead+ it reports the instances $here the material re6uirements
plan is out of (alance $ith the master demand schedule+ and
allo$s &ou to sol#e these pro(lems (& manipulating the plan
manuall&. n this case+ the pro>ected 6uantit& on hand $ould go
negati#e since no planned orders $ere suggested to meet the
additional demand. The material planner can use onEline
in6uiries and reports $ith e5ception messages to identif&
material shortages. This gi#es ma5imum control to the material
Note: /. Planned tems+ Planning Method and temKs attri(ute MRP)MPS Planning
method $or. together to select items in the plan. The follo$ing ta(le lists the three
controls that together determine $hich items are planned in a suppl& chain plan+ and
the possi(le #alues for each control.
lanned Items
lan t"pe lanned Items in the plan
All planned items Master Plan All items in the planned organi<ations ha#ing MRP)MPS
Planning Method attri(ute #alue of
MPP planning
MRP and MPP planning
MPS and MPP planning
MRP planned and MPS planned items that are in (et$een
the a(o#e items in the (ills of material.
All items in the input schedules.
Page 3&
lanned Items
lan t"pe lanned Items in the plan
All planned items Production Plan All items in the planned organi<ations ha#ing MRP)MPS
Planning Method attri(ute #alue of
MPS planning
MPS and MPP planning
MRP planned and MRP)MPP planned items that are in
(et$een the a(o#e items in the (ills of material.
All items in the input schedules.
All planned items Manufacturing Plan All items in the planned organi<ations e5cept those ha#ing
MRP)MPS Planning Method of 4ot Planned
Demand schedule
items onl&
Master Plan All items in the input demand schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MPP planning
MRP and MPP planning
MPS and MPP planning
MPS and MRP planned items that are in (et$een the a(o#e
items in the (ills of material
Demand schedule
items onl&
Production Plan All items in the input demand schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MPS planning
MPS and MPP planning
Demand schedule
items onl&
Manufacturing Plan All items in the input demand schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MRP planning
MRP and MPP planning
Suppl& schedule
items onl&
Master Plan All items in the input suppl& schedules+ and all components
of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning Method
attri(ute code of:
MPP planning
MRP and MPP planning
MPS and MPP planning
MPS and MRP planned items that are in (et$een the a(o#e
items in the (ills of material
Suppl& schedule
items onl&
Production Plan All items in the input suppl& schedules+ and all components
of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning Method
attri(ute code of:
MRP planning
MRP and MPP planning
Suppl& schedule
items onl&
Manufacturing Plan All items in the input suppl& schedules+ and all components
of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning Method
attri(ute code of:
MPS planning
MPS and MPP planning
Demand and
Suppl& schedule
Master Plan All items in the input demand and suppl& schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MPP planning
MRP and MPP planning
MPS and MPP planning
MPS and MRP planned items that are in (et$een the a(o#e
items in the (ills of material
Page 4'
lanned Items
lan t"pe lanned Items in the plan
Demand and
Suppl& schedule
Production Plan All items in the input demand and suppl& schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MPS planning
MPS and MPP planning
MPS and MRP planned items that are in (et$een the a(o#e
items in the (ills of material
Demand and
Suppl& schedule
Manufacturing Plan All items in the input demand and suppl& schedules+ and all
components of these items that ha#e MRP)MPS Planning
Method attri(ute code of:
MRP planning
MRP and MPP planning
Aggregation tab
Use the information in the follo$ing ta(le to specif& parameters on the Aggregation
arameter Description !etup
Start Date This is a #ie$7onl& field+ $hose #alue e6uals the start date of the
plan if the plan has alread& (een run. "ther$ise+ it defaults to the
s&stem date.
?nd Date Sho$s the calculated end date for &our plan. This is a #ie$7onl&
field+ calculated (ased on the ( si<es &ou specif& Si<e Specif& ( si<e in da&s+ $ee.s+ and periods.
tems Choose aggregation at item le#el or product famil& le#el.
Resources Choose resource aggregation at indi#idual le#el or aggregate le#el.
Routings Choose aggregation le#el at indi#idual routing or (ill of resources
Si<e Specif& the ( si<e in minutes for the Da&s planning
;ours Si<e
Specif& the ( si<e in hours for the Da&s planning period.
Specif& the ( si<e in da&s for the Da&s planning period.
Page 41
Organi*ation tab
Use the information in the follo$ing ta(le to set parameters on the "rgani<ations ta(.
arameter Description Note !etup
Select the names of "racle Demand
Planning scenarios that dri#e this
plan. Dou can select demand7
planning scenarios that do not
reference an organi<ation
@organi<ation dimension set to All
Ship To
Select a forecast consumption le#el
for the "racle Demand Planning
scenario. The glo(al forecasting
process consumes forecast entries
that ha#e Ship To #alue the same as
this plan option.
Dou can select:
7 Customer
7 Customer Site
7 None
7 Customer None
7 Demand Class
7 tem
The choices in the list of
#alues changes depending
on the pu(lished le#el of the
"rg The planKs organi<ation.
Description Description of the o$ning
4et -P Select to consider discrete >o(s and
other production orders as suppl& in
the planning demand)suppl& netting
f chec.ed+ ASCP generates pegging
of on7hand suppl& to sales orders
that matches the reser#ations
recorded in the source transaction
Page 42
arameter Description Note !etup
4et Purchasing Select to consider purchase orders+
purchase re6uisitions+ in7transit
shipments and other non7production
order scheduled receipts as suppl& in
the planning demand)suppl& netting
process. This option co#ers all
scheduled receipts not co#ered (&
the 4et -P option.
Plan Safet&
Select to consider plan safet& stoc.
demand and suppl& in the planning
demand)suppl& netting process.
nclude Sales
Select to in#o.e forecast
consumption $ithin ASCP for the
selected organi<ation. Chec. this if
the demand schedules for the
organi<ation are unconsumed
forecasts. Unchec. this if the
demand schedules for the
organi<ation are consumed forecasts
plus sales orders in the form of
master demand schedules
=ill of
Select =ill of Resources from the list
of #alues if one of the Routings is
set to ="R on Aggregation ta(.
Simulation Set Select a Simulation Set from the list
of #alues. A simulation set is a set of
ad>ustments to the (ase a#aila(ilit&
calendar of a resource+ and is
defined #ia the "racle =ills of
Materials Department Resources
form. Dou can define different
simulation sets to model different
a#aila(ilit& scenarios @for e5ample+
the (ase a#aila(ilit& calendar could
reflect !7da& operationsG simulation
set * could reflect $ %
da&s)$ee. for a certain periodG
simulation set / could reflect
$ ' da&s)$ee. for a certain
periodA. The simulation set that &ou
select is applied to all resources
$ithin the organi<ation.
Select the name of &our demand
Ship To
See a(o#e See a(o#e
nterplant f selected+ the planning engine uses
onl& interorgani<ation orders and
demands from interorgani<ation
planned orders. f cleared+ the
planning engine uses demands from
all planned orders.
Select the name of &our suppl&
schedule for each organi<ation.
"pens the Su(in#entor& 4etting
Page 43
Note: *. Users can collect forecasts into the APS planning ser#er. "ptionall&+ the& can
choose to consume forecasts (& sales orders $hen the& run ASCP plans. 8orecasts are
consumed if the nclude Sales "rder chec. (o5 in the "rgani<ations ta( of the Plan
"ptions $indo$ is chec.ed. 8or multile#el AT" items+ forecasts are consumed at all
le#els if the forecast e5plosion has occurred in the source instance prior to the
collection. f &ou are not using forecast+ unchec. this chec. (o5.
/. The plan for one organi<ation can (e used as a demand @or demand scheduleA
for the plan of another organi<ation.
Constraint tab
Use the information in the follo$ing ta(le to specif& parameters on the Constraints
arameter Description !etup
f selected+ ?nforce Demand Due Dates is selected+ all fields in
the ta((ed region are updatea(le $ith all constraints defaulted to
Des. The default is cleared. Dou cannot set all Resource
Constraints and Material Constraints to 4o. f &ou set an&
Resource Constraints to Des+ &ou cannot clear Calculate
Resource Re6uirements.
Demand Due
Chec. this option if &ou $ant demand due dates to (e &our hard
constraint @that is+ respected in lieu of material and resource
capacit& constraints+ if there is conflictA.
Chec. this option if &ou $ant material and resource capacit&
constraints to (e respected in lieu of demand due date
Start Date Displa&s the start date for each ( t&pe.
=uc.ets Displa&s the num(er of (uc.ets of this ( t&pe.
Select Des to consider resource constraints for the (
Select Des to consider supplier capacit& constraints.
Page 44
arameter Description !etup
Select this plan option to instruct the planning engine to
constrain the plan (& purchased item lead times @item attri(utes
or appro#ed supplier listA.
Clear it to instruct the planning engine ne#er to miss a demand
due date (ecause of a purchased item lead time.
Scheduling Specif& $hether to ena(le detailed scheduling.
Minutes Si<e
Si<e Specif& the ( si<e in minutes for the Da&s planning
Si<e @in
Specif& the ( si<e in hours for the Da&s planning period.
Si<e @in
Specif& the ( si<e in da&s for the Da&s planning period.
f selected+ the program $ill calculate resource capacit&
Select All Resources or =ottlenec. Resources. f &ou ha#e
defined (ottlenec. resource groups in "racle =ills of Material
and &ou $ant to detail schedule onl& the (ottlenec. resources+
=ottlenec. Resources and enter a =ottlenec. Resource Croup.
f &ou ha#e defined (ottlenec. resource groups in "racle =ills of
Material and &ou $ant to detail schedule onl& the (ottlenec.
resources+ select its name.
Decision Rules tab
Use the information in the follo$ing ta(le to specif& parameters on the Decision
Rules ta(.
arameter Description !etup
Use ?nd tem
f selected+ use end item su(stitute prior to creating ne$ planned
orders. f cleared+ use onl& the demanded item. ?nter the ?nd tem
Su(stitution Set in the Main ta((ed region.
Use Alternate
f selected+ use primar& resource and use alternate resource onl& if
necessar&. f cleared+ use onl& primar& resources.
f selected+ use primar& components and use su(stitute
components onl& if necessar&. f cleared+ use onl& primar&
components onl&.
Page 45
arameter Description !etup
Use Alternate
f selected+ use primar& routings and use alternates onl& if
necessar&. f cleared+ use onl& primar& (ills of material and
Use Alternate
f selected+ use primar& sources and use alternate sources onl& if
necessar&. f cleared+ use primar& sources onl&. The planning
engine does not use alternate sources @ran. / or higherA as a
sources of suppl&.
Launch a plan
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBSuppl& Chain PlanB4amesB
Launch Plan @=A
8or an ASCP plan+ accept the defaults on the re6uest parameters form and clic. on
"I then su(mit the re6uest.
Cop" a plan
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBSuppl& Chain PlanB4amesBCop&
Plan @=A
Page 4#
1" ?nter a 4ame for the ne$ plan
2" ?nter Description+ optionall&
3" Select or clear ATP+ Production+ and 4otification as &ou $ould if &ou are
creating a ne$ plan on the Plan 4ames form.
4" f &ou $ant to cop& onl& the plan options from one plan to another of a
different plan t&pe+ select Cop& Plan "ptions "nl&
5" Plan T&pe defaults to the plan t&pe of the source plan and &ou cannot change it
if &ou $ant to cop& all plan information.
#" Clic. on "I
lanner 'or(bench
The Planner -or.(ench is the primar& O$or. areaP for anal&sis of the plan and
actions ta.en (ased on plan recommendations
Multi7$indo$ format
A(ilit& to ha#e se#eral screen open at the same time
Strong na#igational interactions (et$een different $or.(ench $indo$s
Conte5t passed (et$een $indo$s using right clic.s or (uttons
A(ilit& to see data at detailed and summar& le#els and drill do$n)up from one
to the other
4a#igation path: Ad#anced Suppl& Chain PlannerBSuppl& Chain PlanB-or.(ench
Page 4$
Plans ta( displa&s the entities associated $ith the plan in a hierarchical fashion @user
can select the drill do$n hierarch&A
9ueries ta( displa&s onl& those entities $ithin the plan that the user $ants to focus on
@as pre7defined (& the userA
lan Navigator
Displa&s list of plans defined under the organi<ation @4ote: The plan although
defined in one organi<ation could still (e a multi7org planA
Vie$ Plans (&
o Actions
o "rgani<ations
o tem
o Resources
o Pro>ects
o Suppliers
Variet& of ORight7Clic.P na#igations possi(le from each node @or use of
Shortcut (uttons at the (ottom of the na#igatorA
List of tem Categories displa&ed is (ased on Tools Q Preferences Q "ther Q
Categor& Set
Page 4%
!uppl" chain structure
!uppl" Chain !tructure . Items and Item Details
Right Clic. on tem @in 4a#igatorA B tems
Ie& data displa&ed include Lead Times and "rder 9uantities
Variet& of other planning related item attri(utes a#aila(le for displa& through
8older functionalit&
tems $indo$ is a launching pad to more detailed structural information on
the item
Suppl& Chain =ill
o Displa&s Sourcing and ="M structure for the item
o Can also sho$ the ORe#erse ="MP .e. the end items $here a
component is used
o Displa&s Sourcing @other orgs or SuppliersA from $hich the tem is
sourced from
o Sho$s relati#e allocation percentages or ran.s
o Supplier nformation: Lead Times+ Costs+ time #ar&ing capacities and
fle5 fences
o Displa&s Destinations @other orgsA to $hich this item is shipped to
Page 4&
-here Used: The items in the ne5t le#el up in the (ill of material that use this
item as a component
Components: The components defined in this itemKs (ill of material @primar&
and alternatesA
Co7Products: f the process that produces this item also produces other
products+ those are displa&ed here
Routing "perations: The operations $ithin the routings @primar& and
alternateA that are used to produce this item
Safet& Stoc.: Prescri(ed safet& stoc. targets for this item. This screen onl&
sho$s safet& stoc. defined in the Source ?RP as 6uantit& @t does not sho$
safet& stoc. input from " or the target d&namicall& calculated (& the plan
(ased on safet& stoc. da&s of suppl&A
Su(stitutes: f this item is sold as an end item+ the #alid su(stitutes that can (e
offered to a customer re6uesting this item
n#entor& Le#els: 4ot used (& ASCP
-here Used:
Page 5'
Routing "perations and Resources:
Page 51
Suppl& Chain:
!uppl" Chain !tructure . Resources
Right Clic. on Resource @in 4a#igatorA B Resources
Displa&s information a(out the resource E Department+ T&pe+ Cost etc.
tems E Sho$s the items made on this resource A#aila(ilit&
o Summar&: Displa&s summar& of resource a#aila(ilit& at the planning
time ( le#el
o Detail: Sho$s the shift le#el capacit& for the selected da&. Also allo$s
for update of resource a#aila(ilit&
Page 52
Cantt Chart E Sho$s graphical #ie$ of acti#ities planned on the resource
Re6uirements E Sho$s 8orms (ased #ie$ of acti#ities planned on the resource
Cantt Chart:
Page 53
A#aila(ilit& B Details:
Page 54
!uppl" chain plan result anal"sis
"pen Planner $or.(ench
Re#ie$ IPs
Re#ie$ ?5ceptions
8rom the conte5t of an e5ception anal&<e planning results
Ma.e changes to the plan
Re7run the plan $ith the user changes
Re#ie$ results
Select orders for release to e5ecution s&stem
Release orders
Create simulation plans to simulate $hat7if scenarios
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . -/ceptions !ummar"
Right Clic. ?5ceptions B Summar& @sensiti#e to the le#el in the tree at $hich
right clic. is performedA
Displa&s ?5ceptions as #arious t&pes classified into groups
Sho$s the count of e5ceptions (& group+ t&pe
Can Sa#e a #ersion of the ?5ception messages prior to running a simulation
Can ha#e all e5ception groups pre7e5panded @Tools B Preferences B "therA
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . -/ceptions Details
Dou(le Clic. on an& e5ception t&pe to open up ?5ception Details
Sho$ details of the planning e5ception
Page 55
?5ample: Late Replenishment for 8orecast. Ie& information
o tem
o "rg
o "rder 4um(er
o Customer
o Demand Due Date
o Da&s Late
8older)8ind and Sort capa(ilit&
4a#igation to related entities: tems and Suppl&)Demand
4a#igation to cause anal&sis
o Related ?5ceptions
o Cantt Chart
Action Ta.en: Mar. the e5ception once action is ta.en
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . Related -/ceptions
Right Clic. 8rom ?5ception Details B Related ?5ceptions
Certain Classes of Planning ?5ceptions ha#e ORelated ?5ceptionsP @$hen the
Related ?5ceptions pop up menu ena(ledA
o Late Replenishment for Sales "rders)8orecasts
o Sales "rder ) 8orecast at Ris.
o Sales "rder ) 8orecast at Ris. due to Resource)Material Shortage
Related e5ceptions point to root causes
Sho$ the cause E effect across multiple le#els in the suppl& chain structure
Root causes could (e
o Resource capacit& shortages
o Material capacit& shortages
o Lead Times
Page 5#
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . +ori*ontal lan
There are 3 t&pes of ;ori<ontal Plans
*. Material Plan: Classical Planner spreadsheet sho$ing supplies and demands
and pro>ected a#aila(le (alances at the planning ( le#el
/. Resource Capacit&: Vie$ of Resource hours a#aila(le #ersus used along $ith
capacit& utili<ation F information
2. Supplier Capacit&: Sho$s Supplier capacit& @a#aila(le #ersus usedA (&
planning time ( and trac.s the cumulati#e a#aila(le at an& point in time
3. Transportation Capacit&: Sho$s the capacit& a#aila(le #ersus used for
transportation resources
4a#igation to the hori<ontal plan is possi(le either from the na#igator tree or from
other $indo$s $here the rele#ant conte5t is a#aila(le such as tem+ Resource or
Users can control #ia preference sets
o The ro$s that are displa&ed ) not displa&ed
o The default #ie$ of the time (uc.ets @da&s+ $ee.s+ periodsA
o Displa& factor and Decimal places
o Displa& of graph
-hen the hori<ontal plan user can choose the preference set that $ill
control the displa& @e.g. default+ summar&+ detailedA
Right Clic. on Sa#e Settings $ill control Column and ro$ $idths
Time scale displa&
o Can e5pand from Periods ) -ee.s ) Da&s
o Can onl& e5pand up to the planning ( granularit&
?5port Capa(ilit& Select and cop& the contents of the hori<ontal plan into an
?5cel sheet
Page 5$
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . +ori*ontal lan 0$aterial1
Sho$s time phased #ie$ of suppl&+ demand and in#entor& for an item)org
@multi7select also possi(leA
Drill do$ns from demand and suppl& ro$s to Suppl&)Demand -indo$
@discussed laterA
Can optionall& displa& a graph
o Craph up to ma5imum of 2 ro$s at a time
o Select num(er of (uc.ets ) chart t&pe
Right Clic. on ?nterprise Plan+ Sho$s the supplies and demands summari<ed
across time
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . +ori*ontal lan 0Resource1
Sho$s time phased #ie$ of Re6uired hours+ a#aila(le hours and capacit&
utili<ation F for selected resource@sA
Drill do$ns to Resource Re6uirement details from a gi#en planning time
( @discussed laterA
o Can optionall& displa& a graph
o Craph up to ma5imum of 2 ro$s at a time
o Select num(er of (uc.ets ) chart t&pe
Page 5%
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . +ori*ontal lan 0!upplier Capacit"1
Sho$s time phased #ie$ of A#aila(le Capacit&+ Re6uired capacit&+ net
a#aila(le @in that (uc.etA and cumulati#e a#aila(le @running total across
(uc.etsA for Supplier)Supplier Site)tem com(ination
Unli.e Resource capacit&+ supplier capacit& accumulates o#er time
Drill do$ns to Suppl&)Demand $indo$ for the purchased item
Can optionall& displa& a graph
o Craph up to ma5imum of 2 ro$s at a time
o Select num(er of (uc.ets ) chart t&pe
Page 5&
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . #ertical lan
Sho$s #ertical listing of Supplies and Demands for an tem)"rg
4ot often used. Most people use ;ori<ontal Plan or Suppl&)Demand -indo$
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . !uppl"%Demand 'indow
Displa&s Supplies and Demands generated (& the plan
Can (e in the conte5t of an entire plan+ an org+ an item across orgs or for an
item org
Ie& information
o Planned Dates
o Sources @organi<ations and suppliersA
o 9uantities
o Customer information
o ="M)Routing information
o Ship Methods used
o "rder T&pe and 4um(er
o Action status: ndicates $hat the planner should do $ith this order
o ;undreds of other pieces of information that planners can use for
anal&sis of plan results
8older ) 8ind capa(ilities for storing fa#orites
Page #'
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . !uppl"%Demand 'indow ) Calendar
Right clic. on an& Suppl& or Demand B Calendar
Su( menu lists out the #arious calendars that ha#e influenced the timing of this
The gra&ed out options are not applica(le to this order t&pe
The Calendar $indo$ sho$ the $ non $ da&s as $ell as shift
timings if applica(le for that calendar
t also sho$s the inheritance le#el for the calendar
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . !uppl"%Demand 'indow ) egging
Pegging esta(lishes relationships (et$een supplies and demands across
multiple le#els in the suppl& chain
Pegging can (e from a Suppl& or a Demand and could (e up or do$n the
suppl& chain
Page #1
Used e5tensi#el& (& ASCP customers to e#aluate impacts of suppl& shortages
at lo$er le#els in the suppl& chain (ill on end customer demand
o 4a#igate (ac.$ards and for$ards
o Refresh the suppl&)demand $indo$ $hen par.ed on a specific node in
the pegging tree
o Peg up or do$n
o ;ide Dependent demands
o ;ide "perations and Resources
Right Clic. on Properties pro#ides information additional to $hat is sho$n in
the pegging tree
!uppl" Chain lanning Results . ,antt Chart
4a#igate from an& suppl&+ demand+ resource+ and resource re6uirement
"nl& acti#e in constrained plans
Craphical #ie$s of
o Supplies+ operations and resource re6uirements sho$n in the conte5t of
a pegging tree @"rders Vie$A
o Late demands and the reasons $h& the& are late @Late Demand Vie$A+
onl& a#aila(le for late demands.
o Resources and acti#ities planned on them @Resource Vie$A
Late Demand Vie$
o "ne late demand at a time
o Anal&<e critical path
o Anal&<e .e& (ottlenec.
o Anal&<e minimum lead times and earliest)latest dates
4a#igate to "rders #ie$ or Resource #ie$ to ma.e changes and firm orders
Late Demand Vie$:
Page #2
"rder Vie$:
Resource Vie$:
Page #3
!uppl" chain plan e/ecutions
!uppl" Chain lanning Actions . 2irming Orders in !uppl"%Demand 'indow
Cantt Chart allo$s firming of specific resource acti#ities
?ntire orders @suppliesA can (e firmed using the Suppl&)Demand $indo$
Select O8irmP chec.(o5
o 4e$ Date
o 4e$ 9uantit&
"ptionall& enter
o 4e$ sourcing information
o 4e$ ="M)Routing information
-hen ASCP runs again @O"#er$riteP option should (e set appropriatel&A it
$ill retain this planned order @all non firm planned orders are $iped out and
Can also enter ne$ supplies and demands in the Suppl&)demand -indo$
Page #4
!uppl" Chain lanning Actions . Rerunning the lan
-hen users ma.e manual changes to the plan the& $ould $ant to rerun the
plan so that the rest of the plan that the& ha#e not distur(ed aligns $ith their
There are se#eral options to rerun the plan
o Launch 4e$ Plan: This $ill generate the plan from scratch. 8irm
supplies $ill (e retained (ased on the o#er$rite option (ut Cantt chart
(ased firming is ignored
o =atch Re7plan: ASCP $ill figure out $hat the user has changed and
mar. a set of items that need to (e re7planned. "nl& those items are re7
planned @effects of common components+ resources are ta.en into
o "nline Replan: Similar to =atch replan (ut used for the mode $here
the user $ants to ma.e se#eral changes one after the other and rerun
the plan after each change. Also allo$s for OUndoP capa(ilit& on the
changes @(ut not on the plan. The plan has to (e rerun after undoing the
user changeA
Refer to Simulation and net change re7plan of this te5t.
User changes are sho$n in pin. color
Supplies that are changed after (atch)online replan are sho$n in (lue color
!uppl" Chain lanning Actions . Releasing Orders
Releasing orders means ha#ing planned orders in ASCP get con#erted into
-or. "rders+ Purchase "rders+ nternal Re6uisitions etc. in the ?RP s&stem
Page #5
Suppl&)Demand $indo$ is used for releasing orders
T&pical use case
o Use 8ind $indo$ to specif& criteria for releasing orders
o "nce results are sho$n in the $indo$ do Plan @Top MenuA B Select All
for Release
o Do Plan B Release
Selecti#e release
o Select a specific order for release using the OReleaseP chec.(o5
o Select the ORelease PropertiesP ta(
o 8ill in details for the Omplement As RP columns as appropriate @there
are se#eral mplement columns that are hiddenA
o ;it the Sa#e (utton @or Ctrl S SA
o Right clic. OReleaseP or Plan B Release
A summar& $indo$ $ill pro#ide information on $hich orders $ere released
successfull& and $hich orders $ere not
ersonal and public 3ueries
Pro#ides a $indo$ to the plan that does not in#ol#e drill do$n through the
plan name
Accessed using the 9ueries ta( on the planner $or.(ench
9uer& is a stored set of (usiness criteria that are used to generate results that
ser#e as starting point for plan anal&sis
9ueries can (e Pu(lic @a#aila(le to all usersA or Pri#ate @onl& a#aila(le to the
user $ho has defined the 6uer&A
9ueries are a#aila(le for
o tems
o Resources
o Suppliers
o ?5ceptions
Page ##
Define 9uer& 4ame B Specif& Criteria B ?5ecute 9uer& B Vie$ Results B
4a#igate to the Planner $or.(ench for more anal&sis
Clic. Sa#e to sa#e the 6uer&
Clic. Sa#e As to sa#e it under another name
Clic. Delete to delete it
Clic. ?5ecute to run the 6uer&
!imulation net change re)plan
4et change re7plan simulation is ASCPKs -hat7f anal&sis feature that lets &ou update
a plan (& planning onl& the items &ou ha#e changed in the Planner -or.(ench. Re7
planning is (ased on the snapshot data gathered during the original planning run and
the changes &ou ha#e made through the Planner -or.(ench.
!imulate changes
'hat changes can "ou simulate4
Supplier capacity: To simulate item suppl& changes+ &ou can add ne$ supplier
capacit& and ad>ust a supplierKs capacit& o#er a specified time frame.
Resource availability: Dou can add ne$ resource a#aila(ilit& and modif& ho$
man& resources are a#aila(le o#er user defined time frame. Resource
constraints include a#aila(le machine hours+ a#aila(le $ hours+ and
adding or remo#ing shifts.
Supplies: Add ne$ planned orders. 8irm planned orders+ discrete >o(s+ and
purchase orders. Modif& 6uantities+ dates+ sources+ and alternates
Demands: Alter demand priorit& of an& demand. Modif& 6uantities and due
dates for independent demand @MDS entriesA. Add ne$ Manual MDS.
Change supplier capacit"
*. 9uer& the item for $hich &ou $ant to change supplier capacit&
/. Clic. on the Sources (utton
Page #$
2. Clic. on Supplier Capacit& (utton
Change resource availabilit"
*. 8ind the resource
/. Clic. on A#aila(ilit& (utton
2. Clic. on Details (utton
3. Under update resource+ ma.e capacit& changes
!. Clic. Appl&
Change suppl"
*. "pen the Suppl&)Demand $indo$
/. Clic. on the 4e$ (utton on the tool(ar
2. ?nter "rg code
3. ?nter tem code
!. Select Planned "rder as "rder T&pe
%. ?nter 4e$ Date as the suppl& due date
'. ?nter 4e$ 9t& as the suppl& 6uantit&
,. "ptionall&+ enter sourcing information under the Sourcing ta( E Source "rg+
Source Supplier+ Source Supplier Site
Page #%
1. Sa#e
Note: $hen &ou manuall& create suppl&+ the order t&pe is Planned "rder and the order
is 8irm.
Change demand
*. "pen the Suppl&)Demand $indo$
/. Clic. on the 4e$ (utton on the tool(ar
2. ?nter "rg code
3. ?nter tem code
!. Select Manual MDS as "rder T&pe
%. ?nter 4e$ Date as the suppl& due date
'. ?nter 4e$ 9t& as the suppl& 6uantit&
,. ?nter "rder Priorit&
Page #&
Note: $hen &ou manuall& create demand+ the order t&pe is Manual MDS and the
order is 8irm (& default.
!imulation modes
5atch $ode lanner: Replan at the (ac. end+ return the front end to user
immediatel&+ and gi#e other users access to the plan $hen &ou are performing
Online lanner: t is more interacti#eG &ou can ma.e changes and replan as man&
times as necessar& (efore release. t generates the full set of e5ception messages
follo$ing a replan. Dou are allo$ed to enter changes (efore and after+ (ut not during
"nline Replan session. The changes &ou made during an online session can (e
undone. Dou are not allo$ed to start another "nline Planner session nor are &ou
allo$ed to ma.e changes to the plan $hen "nline Replan is progressing.
Running net change replan simulations
*. =efore running net change replan simulation+ sa#e and ma.e a cop& of &our
(aseline plan (efore running replan and ma.e modifications onl& to the cop&
/. Clic. Plan on the Menu+ select Sa#e Actions. This $ill sa#e a ne$ #ersion of the
Page $'
Dou ma& sa#e as man& #ersions as &ou need.
2. Co to the left pane of the -or.(ench+ change to Vie$ =& Actions and highlight the
OCurrentP #ersion.
3A. Run =atch Replan
Ma.e desired changes to the plan
Sa#e changes
Su(mit (atch replan concurrent program+ choose Plan B =atch Replan
Verif& the concurrent program completes successfull&
Re76uer& the plan to re#ie$ the changes
Page $1
f the results are not satisfactor&+ repeat the a(o#e steps
3=. Running "nline Replan
Start "nline Planner
Ma.e the desired changes to &our plan $hen the status $indo$ informs &ou
that the session is read& for planning
Choose Plan B "nline Replan
-hen the replanning completes+ re#ie$ the plan results
Repeat these steps as needed
Page $2
Stop online planner session+ Choose Plan B Stop "nline Planner. Clic. "I to
confirm &our choice.
Note: t is recommended that the online planner (e stopped as soon as a series of
simulations is complete. An acti#e online planner could consume a lot of s&stem
resource @CPU)memor&A.
#iewing 6ndo !ummar"
The Undo Summar& $indo$ lists the users and timestamps for e#er& action)change
made to the plan. t includes online planning changes+ sorted (& user.
Select Plan B Undo Summar&
The Undo Summar& $indo$ appears
Page $3
Create 6ndo 5oo(mar(
Dou can create sa#e points @Undo =oo.mar.A for undoing online planner actions.
Su(se6uentl&+ &ou can undo onl& those online planner actions made after the
Select Plan B Add Undo =oo.mar.
"r clic. Add =oo.mar. on the Undo Summar& $indo$.
"n the Add =oo.mar. $indo$+ enter a =oo.mar. 4ame+ then clic. "I.
6ndo action
"n the Undo Summar& $indo$+ select a change &ou initiated in the online planner.
Clic. Undo.
Page $4
Dou cannot undo other usersK changes.
lan comparison report
The Plan Comparison Report compares t$o plans. To compare t$o plans:
Specif& criteria for comparison attri(utes @preference setsA and the comparison
displa& @filtering criteriaA
Select the plans to compare and #ie$ the comparison: Dou can drill do$n from
e5ception group comparison to e5ception t&pe comparison to e5ception details
lan detail report
The Planning Detail Report pro#ides a simple and consolidated report that sho$s the
output of the ad#anced suppl& chain planning process. The report gi#es detailed
information to help &ou understand and anal&<e the suppl& chain planning results (&
presenting the data selecti#el& and coherentl&. 8or a gi#en Suppl& Chain Plan+ the
report includes the rele#ant details a(out items+ resources+ gross re6uirements+
scheduled receipts+ planned orders+ plan constraints+ and e5ceptions in separate
Dou can in#o.e the report from a menu and print the $or.sheets selecti#el&. 4o
additional change or set up in the application is re6uired in order to generate the
report. Dou can select the plan+ organi<ations+ items+ resources+ pro>ects+ and man&
other parameters to filter the information to displa& in the report and &ou can change
these parameters at an& time.
To run the Plan Detail Report+ it must set up and configured in "racle Disco#erer.
Audit information reports
Page $5
The planning process in#ol#es collecting and using source data to dri#e planning.
Data from source instances need to (e accurate and need to (e set up properl& in order
for relia(le planning output. Data from the source can (e corrupt due to man& reasons+
including: (ad transactions+ missing transactions+ human error+ improper formats+
conflicting and)or missing setups and profile options.
The Audit Statements Reports are self7e5planator& reports that e#aluate data setups. t
suggests remedies for the pro(lems that are found.
Audit Collections !etup report
Used for auditing collected data integrit&
Audit lanning Data report
Used for auditing the planning engine
Audit 6I Data report
Used for auditing the user interfaceG for e5ample+ to chec. the #alidit& of materiali<ed
#ie$s and profile options that control the displa& of plan data
racticing labs
To (e added
89 'hat calendar 3uarterl" t"pe does A!C support4
Up to **i.*0+ "racle ASCP onl& supports 3)3)! $ee. pattern 6uarterl& t&pe
calendars. Calendars using other t&pe of 6uarterl& pattern ma& cause
une5pected planning and scheduling results. Chec. &our $or.da& calendars to
see if the& are setup $ith the correct 6uarterl& pattern. 4ote also+ $or.da&
calendars setup for manufacturing and planning is independent of financial
:9 +ow are planning buc(ets and hori*on calculated4
Dou can assign 5 da&s S & $ee.s S < periods planning (uc.ets. The planning
hori<on is appro5imatel& the total da&s co#ered (& these (uc.ets. ;o$e#er+
the $ee.l& (uc.ets must start on a $ee. start date+ and the same is true that
the period (uc.ets must start on a period start date. Conse6uentl&+ the planning
hori<on ma& usuall& longer than that calculated from 5 da&s S & $ee.s S <
periods. See the illustration (elo$:
Page $#
The /! da&s dail& ( ends on *27APR7/00%+ (ut the ne5t $ee. starts on
*'7APR7/00% (ecause $ee.l& (uc.ets can onl& start on a $ee. (eginning da&
from the manufacturing calendar. f the dail& hori<on does not end on the da&
(efore a $ee. (eginning da&+ the planning engine e5tends it to the ne5t da&
(efore a $ee. (eginning da&. t plans the e5tended da&s in dail& (uc.etsT
ne#er minute or hourl& (uc.etsTregardless of an& other settings. The *2
$ee.s $ee.l& ( ends on *%7JUL7/00%. =ut the period ( can onl&
start on a period (eginning date. The nearest period (eginning date after *%7
JUL7/00% is 2*7JUL7/00%. 8rom 2*7JUL7/00% on+ the ,th periods ends on 0*7
APR7/00'. The plan hori<on is therefore (et$een /07MAR7/00% and 0*7
4ote: the da&s counted for the dail& ( include non7$or.da&s.
;9 +ow do I (now which da"s are wor(da"s& which da" is wee( start
date and which is period start date4
8rom the Tools menu+ choose -or. DatesU Dou can chec. $or.da&s+ $ee.
start date+ or period start date.
Page $$
-ee. start dates. 4ote
that the $ee. of Ma& *
starts on Ma& 3. -h&:
are dimmed
<9 'hat lead)times can "ou define in Oracle Applications4
The follo$ing lead times are organi<ation7item attri(utes:
Preprocessing: The time re6uired to place a purchase order or create a
discrete >o( or schedule. This is usuall& the paper$or. or planning
time &ou spend on processing an order.
Fixed: The time re6uired to complete the tas.s to ma.e an assem(l&
that are independent of order 6uantit&+ for e5ample+ setup+ fi5ed run
Page $%
Period start date. 4ote
June /00% is a fi#e7
$ee. period.
time+ staging+ or teardo$n times. "racle =ills of Material concurrent
processes calculate fi5ed lead time (ased on scheduled lot7(ased
resource usages.
Variable: The time re6uired to complete the tas.s to ma.e an assem(l&
that is proportional to the order 6uantit&+ for e5ample+ operation time.
"racle =ills of Material concurrent processes calculate this #aria(le
lead time (ased on scheduled item7(ased resource usages.
Processing: The time re6uired for a supplier or &our transfer from
facilit& to deli#er an item to &our recei#ing doc. or for &ou to
manufacture an item. 8or ma.e items+ this is also .no$n as
manufacturing lead7time. 8or (u& and transfer items+ it includes in7
transit time to &our facilit&.
Postprocessing: The time re6uired to recei#e a (u& or transfer item
from the recei#ing doc. to in#entor&.
Cumulative Manufacturing: 8or ma.e items+ the time re6uired to
ma.e the item if &ou ha#e all of the (u& items in stoc. and ha#e to
ma.e all su(assem(lies if an& and the item itself.
Cumulative Total: 8or ma.e items+ the time re6uired to ma.e the item
if &ou ha#e to purchase all of the (u& items+ ma.e all su(assem(lies+
and ma.e the item itself.
ead Time ot Si!e: The t&pical 6uantit& of order si<e of the item that
&ou (u&+ ma.e or transfer. The default #alue is item attri(ute Standard
Lot Si<e @set (& "racle Cost ManagementA. "racle =ills of Material
concurrent process Calculate Manufacturing Lead Time uses this #alue
to compute #aria(le lead time.
The lead times (elo$ can (e defined on su(in#entor&7item le#el. Their
meanings are the same as those defined on organi<ation le#el.
Dou can define item7supplier7supplier site specific processing lead time+ too.
Since preprocessing and postprocessing are controlled (& &our organi<ation
and it does not ma.e sense to set them at supplier7supplier site le#el.
-hen &ou define Ian(an pull se6uence+ &ou can gi#e a lead time as transfer
time (et$een t$o pulling points.
-hen defining shipping net$or.+ &ou can specif& ntransit lead times (et$een
t$o organi<ations for different shipping methods.
-hen defining inter7location transit time+ &ou can specif& in(ound ntransit
lead times (et$een supplier and &our organi<ation for different shipping
methods+ and out(ound ntransit lead times (et$een &our organi<ation and
customer site for different shipping methods.
"n a transfer from or (u& from sourcing rule+ &ou ma& designate shipping
methods and intransit lead times @the shipping methods and intransit lead
Page $&
times must alread& (e defined in shipping net$or. for transfer from and in
inter7location transit time for (u& fromA.
=9 'hat lead times ma" be used b" A!C4
See the ta(le (elo$ for the lead times used (& ASCP:
T"pe of lead time 6sed4 Comment
"rg7item lead times Des ASCP uses preprocessing+ processing+
post processing lead time for (u& items.
t uses #aria(le and fi5ed lead times for
ma.e item planning.
Su(in#entor&7item lead
4o ASCP plans at organi<ation le#el. Thus+
su(in#entor&7item attri(utes are ignored.
Ian(an pull se6uence
lead time
4o ASCP does not plan Ian(an. Thus+
Ian(an attri(utes are ignored.
site lead time
Des ASCP uses it to calculate supplier
specific lead time for (u& items
nter7location transit
Depends ASCP uses transit time (et$een &our
organi<ation and customer site to
calculate out(ound shipping @sales
orderA scheduled ship date and scheduled
arri#al date. t does not use transit time
(et$een &our organi<ation and supplier
site to calculate in(ound shipping
@purchase orderA scheduled ship date+ for
the supplier shipping date is not under
&our control unless &ou are using "racle
Supplier Scheduling. n "racle Supplier
Scheduling+ transit time is used to
calculate the scheduled ship date.
Shipping net$or.
intransit time
Des ASCP uses it for transfer orders (et$een
&our organi<ations.
Note: currentl&+ Region le#el sourcing rules and transit lead times are
respected (& Clo(al "rder Promising @CATPA onl& for sale order scheduling+
(ut not (& Ad#anced Suppl& Chain Planning and n#entor&.
>9 +ow are lead times used b" A!C in planned order date
For purc"ased supply:
The starting point is need (& date.
4eed (& Date: Date that the material is re6uired to satisf& demand.
Page %'
Suggested Due Date:
Unconstrained plans: 4eed (& Date
Constrained plans: The a#aila(le date of the suppl& (& for$ard
Suggested Doc. Date:
Unconstrained plans: Due Date 7 Postprocessing
Constrained plans: The latest deli#er& da& for $hich the capacit& is
a#aila(le and the material is needed
f the purchased suppl& item has an Appro#ed Supplier List deli#er&
calendar: The planning engine #erifies that the Suggested Doc. Date is
a $or. da& on the deli#er& calendar. f it is not+ the planning engine
changes Suggested Due Date to the ne5t earliest $ da& of the
deli#er& calendar.
Suggested Ship Date: Doc. Date 7 Production duration
Production Duration:
f the purchased suppl& item has an Appro#ed Supplier List Supplier
Processing lead7time: Appro#ed Supplier List Supplier Processing
f the purchased suppl& item does not ha#e an Appro#ed Supplier List
Supplier Processing lead7time: tem attri(ute Processing lead time
Suggested Start Date: Ship Date
Suggested "rder Date: Start Date 7 Preprocessing.
Note: the transit time defined at inter7location transit time is not used (& ASCP
for purchased item.
For transferred supply:
4eed =& Date @recei#ing organi<ation calendarA: Date material is re6uired to
satisf& demand.
Demand Due Date @recei#ing organi<ation calendarA:
Unconstrained plans: 4eed =& Date
Constrained plans: 8or$ard scheduling from the constraint.
Suggested Doc. Date @recei#ing organi<ation calendarA: Due Date 7
Suggested Ship Date @shipping organi<ation calendarA:
Unconstrained plans: Doc. Date 7 ntransit Time
Page %1
Constrained plans: Doc. Date 7 ntransit Time+ considering constrained
transportation duration. The planning engine considers transportation
constraint ma5imum transfer 6uantit& per da&. ntransit Time is
calendar da&s.
Suggested Start Date @shipping organi<ation calendarA:
Unconstrained plans: Ship Date 7 Processing
Constrained plans: Ship Date. The planning engine does not consider a
(uild time (ecause the suppl& ma& (e on7hand.
Suggested "rder Date @recei#ing organi<ation calendarA:
Unconstrained plans: Planned order Start Date 7 Preprocessing
Constrained plans: Ship date in the recei#ing organi<ation+ if the
shipping organi<ation is a planned organi<ation. The constrained plan
uses material and resource constraints in the shipping organi<ation.
The diagram sho$s calculated dates for transfer supplies in an unconstrained
4ote: the intransit lead time defined on shipping net$or. is used (& ASCP.
For Manufactured Supplies
ASCP uses $or. da&s from the manufacturing calendar to calculate dates for
manufactured supplies.
4eed =& Date: The date that the material should ship or (e in in#entor& for a
ne5t7higher le#el assem(l&. This is the earliest demand due date that the
suppl& is pegged to.
Suggested Due Date:
n an Unconstrained or Constrained 7 ?nforce demand due dates plan
this is the same as 4eed =& Date.
n a Constrained 7 ?nforce capacit& constraints plan this is the
scheduled a#aila(ilit& date of the suppl&. f the suppl& is constrained+
the planning engine for$ard schedules from the constraint.
Suggested Doc. Date: Demand Due Date. Doc. Date is the da& (& $hich all
shop floor operations are complete.
Manufactured supplies do not ha#e a Postprocessing lead7time.
Suggested Ship Date: =lan.
Suggested Start Date: Suggested Due Date 7 Production duration. This is the
da& that &ou should (egin shop floor operations.
Production Duration:
Unconstrained plans: 8i5ed S @Varia(le R "rder 6uantit&A
Constrained plans: Calculated resource and material duration. f the
item does not ha#e a routing+ the planning engine uses the
unconstrained calculation.
Suggested "rder Date: Planned order Start Date 7 Preprocessing. t is the date
on $hich &ou should place the order.
Page %2
?9 +ow does A!C calculate suppl" dates4
ASCP schedules planned orders and scheduled receipts (ased on Demand Due
Date of the demand that the suppl& is pegged to. f a suppl& is pegged to
multiple demands+ it uses the earliest Demand Due Date. t calculates the
other dates as follo$s:
4eed =& Date: t is the earliest demand due date of all demands pegged to a
Suggested Due Date: The date (& $hich the suppl& is a#aila(le for use (& its
n an Unconstrained or Constrained 7 ?nforce demand due dates plan
this is the same as 4eed =& Date.
n a Constrained 7 ?nforce capacit& constraints plan this is the
scheduled a#aila(ilit& date of the suppl&.
Suggested Doc. Date: 8or (u& or transfer orders+ it is the date $hen the order
is e5pected to arri#e on &our recei#ing doc..
Suggested Ship Date: 8or transfer orders+ the date of departure from the source
organi<ation of the last transport used for the transfer.
Suggested Start Date: The date that &ou+ &our supplier+ or &our transfer from
organi<ation should (egin $or. on the order.
Suggested "rder Date: The date on $hich &ou need to place the order. 8or a
scheduled receipt+ this field displa&s the date the date that the order $as
"ld Due Date+ "ld Doc. Date+ and "riginal 4eed =& Date are the original
dates from the source s&stem for scheduled receipts.
@9 +ow can I release sales order from A!C wor(bench4
n a constrained plan+ ASCP ma& suggest rescheduling sale order. t ma& select
a different sources (ased on glo(al suppl& a#aila(ilit& and constraints that &ou
ma& ha#e in the suppl& chain. These changes can (e pu(lished to "M.
4a#igate to Suppl& Chain Plan B -or.(ench B Tools B Preferences B
"ther ta(.
Select the nclude Sales "rders chec. (o5.
Select the Release chec. (o5 for each sales order or the Select all for
release menu option to release the recommendations to update the sales
Dou can manuall& change the mplement Date in the Release
Properties $indo$ to o#erride the plan recommendations. -hen the
sales order is released+ the mplement Date is populated to the
Schedule Ship Date on the sales order line in "racle "rder
A9 'h" do the !uppl" window and Resource Re3uirements window
show different start and end date%time of a planned order4
"n e5ample sho$n (elo$ &ou can see the planned order start date is /17D?C7
/00' /2:!1:00 and it due date is /%7JA47/00' /2:!1:00 from the Suppl&
Page %3
$indo$. =ut the resource re6uirements of the same order indicate the order
starts at 207D?C7/00' *2:2,:00 and ends at 037JA47/00' *2:!1:00. -h&:
The dates on the resource re6uirements are deri#ed from the process of
(ac.$ard or for$ard scheduling @using lead time offsetA of the order
considering constraints as set (& plan options. "nce these dates are o(tained+ if
the order is in a $ee.l& or period ( ASCP right7>ustif& all the dates to
the last minute of the last $or.da& of the ( in $hich the dates fall in.
The period calendar is sho$n (elo$.
The last $or. da& of period D?C7/00% is /17D?C7/00%. The last $or. da& of
period JA47/00' is /%7JA47/00'.
Note: $hen the planned order as the one aforementioned is released from
planner $or.(ench to -P+ -P $ill use the Suggest Due Date as the
Completion Date and schedule the >o( accordingl& if -P is setup to use
unconstrained scheduling. The resource re6uirements scheduling from ASCP
is ignored.
Appendi/ Constraint based planning
Constraint7(ased planning and scheduling into account constraints at the
enterprise and plant le#els. Material and capacit& constraints are considered
Page %4
simultaneousl&. Capacit& constraints include factor&+ distri(ution+ and transportation
resources and their respecti#e a#aila(ilities. Dou can specif& different constraints and
different le#els of granularit& in the different periods of the planning hori<on.
Constraint t"pes
Dou can generate plans using the follo$ing scenarios for each planning ( t&pe
@da&s+ $ee.s+ and periodsA:
Material constraints onl&
Resource constraints onl&
Material and resource constraints
"racle ASCP lets &ou prioriti<e ho$ &ou enforce Capacit& Constraints or Demand
Due Dates. -hiche#er constraint precedence o#er the other is the hard
constraintG the other is the soft constraint. Dou must choose one and onl& one t&pe of
?nforce Demand Due Dates @on the "ptions ta(A is chec.ed+ Plan Capacit&
@on the Aggregation ta(A is unchec.ed. This is an unconstrained plan. This
t&pe of plan is the traditional MRP plan $ith multiple organi<ation
planning functionalit&.
?nforce Demand Due Dates @on the "ptions ta(A is chec.edG Plan Capacit&
@on the Aggregation ta(A is chec.ed. Due dates are hard constraints and
capacit& is soft constraint. Primar& resources are used and loaded to
capacit& to satisf& demand due dates. The s&stem also e#aluates alternate
resources if additional capacit& is re6uired. f there is insufficient capacit&
to meet demand due dates+ the primar& resource is o#erloaded. The choice
of $hether to use an alternate resource or o#erload capacit& depends on
cost considerations if optimi<ation is selected. "racle ASCP returns
e5ception messages if capacit& is o#erloaded.
?nforce Capacit& Constraints @on the "ptions ta(A is chec.ed. n this t&pe
of plans+ capacit& is hard constraint and due dates (ecome soft constraints.
Resources are loaded to their limit to satisf& demand @if re6uiredA.
Unsatisfied demand is pushed into the future. n this case+ "racle ASCP
returns late replenishment e5ception messages.
The information needed to run a constraint7(ased plan is listed (elo$:
tems: ="M effecti#ities @process effecti#it&A+ ?C"s+ (&7products+ safet&
stoc.s+ order modifiers+ supplier7specific order modifiers+ supplier7specific
lead times+ pegging restrictions
Manufacturing Resources: routing effecti#ities+ alternate resources+
resource capacities+ line rates+ $or.da& calendar
Transportation Resources: carrier capacities+ shipment and deli#er&
Sourcing Constraints: sourcing effecti#ities+ sourcing ran.s+ allocation
percentages+ supplier capacit&
Page %5
Suppliers: supplier capacit&+ supplier ran.+ supplier calendar+ fle5 fences+
supplier order modifier
Demands: sales orders)forecasts+ demand priorit&+ demand priorit& rules
These data should ha#e (een set up correctl& in the transaction instances.
!et constraints for different plan t"pes
The follo$ing ta(le descri(es ho$ to set constraints for #arious plan t&pes:
lan T"pe Options tab setting Aggregation tab setting
Unconstrained Chec. ?nforce Demand
Due Dates
Unchec. Plan Capacit&.
=ut calculate resource
Chec. ?nforce Demand
Due Dates
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
All Resource Constraints fields are set to
All Material Constraints fields are set to
;ard constraint: Demand Due
Soft constraint: Capacit& E
Material Constrained
Chec. ?nforce Demand
Due Dates
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
All Resource Constraints fields are set to
At least one Material Constraints field is
set to Des.
;ard constraint: Demand Due
Soft constraint: Capacit& E
Resource Constrained
Chec. ?nforce Demand
Due Dates
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
All Material Constraints fields are set to
At least one Resource Constraints field is
set to Des.
;ard constraint: Demand Due
Soft constraint: Capacit& E
Resource and Material
Chec. ?nforce Demand
Due Dates
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
At least one Resource Constraints field is
set to Des.
At least one Material Constraints field is
set to Des.
;ard constraint: Capacit& E
Material Constrained.
Soft constraint: Demand Due
Chec. ?nforce
Capacit& Constraints
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
All Resource Constraints fields are set to
At least one Material Constraints field is
set to Des.
;ard constraint: Capacit& E
Resource Constrained.
Soft constraint: Demand Due
Chec. ?nforce
Capacit& Constraints
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
At least one Resource Constraints field is
set to Des.
All Material Constraints fields are set to
;ard constraint: Capacit& E
Material and Resource
Soft constraint: Demand Due
Chec. ?nforce
Capacit& Constraints
Chec. Plan Capacit&.
At least one Resource Constraints field is
set to Des.
At least one Material Constraints field is
set to Des.
Rules used in constrained plans
-hen running a constrained (ut not optimi<ed plan+ the follo$ing rules are used:
Demand Priorities are respected
Alternate (ills of material $ill not (e considered
Page %#
Alternate routings $ill not (e considered
Su(stitute items $ill not (e considered
Alternate resources in the primar& routings $ill (e
Note: -hen Demand Priorities are not specified+ the default priorities of the #arious
demand t&pes are @in orderA: sales order+ forecast+ and safet& stoc..
Page %$

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