Importan Committees in News

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Important Commit tees in News

1. Panel set up to study divi sion of assets between Tel angana, AP:
hi gh-level committee headed by former CRPF Chief, K Vijay Kumar
2. Vijay Kel kar Committee was appointed by the Petrol eum and
Natural Gas Mi nistry to prepare a road map to make India self-
suffici ent in oil and natural gas by 2030.
3. Vishnu Sahay committee: look probe i nto the Muzaffarnagar
communal viol ence.
4. Urjit Patel Committee - to examine the current monetary poli cy
5. Mukul Mudgal member panel to probe IPL spot-fixing
6. Nachiket Mor - committee on comprehensive financial services for
small businesses and l ow-income househol ds.
7. Justice A.P. Shah committee : to head panel on road safety
8. Anil Kaushal commi ttee: to examine the recommendati ons made
by the TRAI on pricing of Spectrum.
9. Bimal Jalan panel : to scrutinize applications for new bank
10. Parthasarathi Shome. for Tax Administration Reform Commission
(TARC), Suggest a system to enforce better tax compli ance
11. Kirit Pari kh panel : on fuel pri cing has suggested that the diesel
prices shoul d be increased by Rs 1-1.50 a litre every month as
agai nst the 45-50 paise monthl y hike followed currentl y.
12. K U.B. Rao : the idea of setting up Bull ion Bank or Bullion
Corporation of India
13. C Rangarajan Panel - recommended the prici ng of natural gas by a
compl ex methodology of arriving at an average of International gas
hub prices
14. Arvind Mayaram Panel: report on the alleged irregulari ti es at the
National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL)
15. Arvind Mayaram Committee for gi ving clear definitions to Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Insti tuti onal Investment (FII)
16. Suma Verma Committee - to update, and revise the Banking
Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
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17. Damodran Committee: on improvement of customer servi ces i n
18. Shri M. Narasimham Committee: on Banking Sector Reforms
19. Shri Raghuram Rajan Committee: on Fi nancial Sector Reforms,
20. Shri B. Mahapatra Committee: to review the exi sti ng prudential
guidelines on restructuring of advances by banks/ financi al
insti tuti ons
21. Shri Aditya Puri Committee: Dissemination of Credit Information
22. Shri K.U.B. Rao Commi ttee: recommended aligning gold import
regulati ons
23. K M Chandrasekhar committee : for rational ization of forei gn
investment norms
24. Shri Pulak Kumar Sinha Committee: to study the feasibili ty of
Aadhaar as an addi ti onal factor for authenticati on of card present
25. Mukul Mudgal Committee: looking into US gi ant Walmart's
lobbying activi ti es to enter Indi a
26. MBN Rao Committee: to prepare the blueprint of Indias first
womens bank
27. Committee On Uttarakhand Floods: The committee headed by AK
Ganju (Chai rman, Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna)
28. JS Mathur committee : to revi se Newspaper Adverti sement Rates.
29. K. Ratna Prabha : Committee on indecent depiction of women in
30. Mukul Mudgal Committee: looking into US gi ant Walmart's
lobbying activi ti es to enter Indi a
31. Mukul Mudgal Committee: to look at process of film clearance
32. MBN Rao Committee: to prepare the blueprint of Indias first
womens bank
33. SK Srivastava Commi ttee: to formul ate a poli cy on public-pri vate
partnershi p model to rai se coal output
34. K M Chandrasekhar Commi ttee for rati onali zation of foreign
investment norms
35. Janakiraman Committee - To investigate the security transactions
of the bank
36. MS Ahluwalia committee - to evaluate aspects related to set up of
Nalanda Universi ty
37. Sitakant Mahapatra committee - for inclusion of Bhojpuri language
in eighth schedul e of constitution
38. N R Narayana Murthy committee - for evaluati on of corporate
sector partici pati on i n Higher Education.
39. C Rangarajan committee - for poverty scale esti mates in the
3. Regulatory Bodies
Important Committees in News
40. MB Shah committee - for i nspecti on of il legal mi ning activities
41. N Rangachary committee - to examine taxation poli cies for I.T.
42. Parthasarathi Shome commi ttee - impl ementation of GAAR
(General Anti Avoidance Rule)
43. Deepak Parekh commi ttee for Financing Infrastructure sector
44. Naresh Chandra committee - 14 member task force on security
45. Bhandari Committee - Reconstruction of RRBs
46. RS Gujral Committee - suggest measures to boost MSME exports.
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