Manual Axon Test - Manual At-001.r1.1 - v1 - en

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Axon Test V1.0.B 2

2012 Axon Group Ltda., manual
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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GUI - Version 1.0.0

Axon Test V1.0.B 3


Listado de figuras .......................................................................................................... 4
Control de cambios ........................................................................................................ 5
1 Introduccin ............................................................................................................ 6
2 Instalacin .............................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Requisitos para la instalacin del software .................................................................. 7
2.2 Instalacin de Microsoft .NET Framework 4 ................................................................. 7
2.3 Instalacin de Axon Test .............................................................................................. 9
3 Configuracin AXON TEST ...................................................................................... 12
3.1 Configuration. ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Data Object. .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Data Object Configuration. ........................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Trace. ............................................................................................................................................ 16
3.5 Command. .................................................................................................................................... 17

Axon Test V1.0.B 4

List of Figures

Figura 1 Proceso de instalacin de Microsoft .Net Framework 4. .............................................. 8
Figura 2. Inicio de instalacin de Axon Test. ........................................................................... 9
Figura 3. Contrato de licencia del Software. ............................................................................ 10
Figura 4 Carpeta donde quedar instalado el software. ............................................................ 10
Figura 5 Confirmacin de que la instalacin de Axon Test ha sido exitosa. ........................... 11
Figura 6 Acceso a una nueva conexin DNP3. ........................................................................ 12
Figura 7 Acceso a una nueva conexin DNP3. ........................................................................ 13
Figura 8 Configuracin de la conexin Serial con el equipo remoto. ....................................... 14
Figura 9 Configuracin de Address, Scan y Unsolicted. .......................................................... 14
Figura 10 Data Object. .............................................................................................................. 15
Figura 11 Data Object Configurator. ........................................................................................ 16
Figura 12 Acceso a una nueva conexin DNP3. ...................................................................... 17
Figura 13 Envi comandos. ..................................................................................................... 18

Axon Test V1.0.B 5

Control of Changes

Date Description Version to
17/01/12 Initial Version AT-M001 V1.0B

Axon Test V1.0.B 6

1 Introduction

Axon Test is a free software simulation andprotocol analalizer , DNP3 p, Serial
and LAN /WAN Client has different tools: frame analysis, mapping of
signals, commands and filters to see signs of interest. Axon Test is designed
to be operated on Microsoft Operating Systems (32 or 64 bits), such as
Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7.

In this manual you will find a way to get the most out of Axon Test
and thus to make the test of the most appropriate form.

At the end of this manual it is expected that you have known all about
the software (tools and modules); and besides, you will be in capacity to
develop their projects successfully.
Welcome to Axon Test.!

Axon Test V1.0.B 7

2 Installation

This chapter shows the process to install Axon Test software. The installation is
simple and requires few software and hardware resources. This chapter
describes also how to install Microsoft. NET Framework.

2.1 Requirements

For installation of Axon Test software on the computer, it must meet the
following minimum requirements:
- Operating system: Windows XP(SP3) or Windows 7.
- Hard Drive: 200MB free
- Processor: 1.5GHz
- RAM: 1 GB
- Framework 4.0
Note: The hardware for the implementation of the application will depend
on the demand for it into the system, for a highly demanding application you
will need a high-performance hardware.

2.2 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Installation

.NET platform from Microsoft is a software component that can be added to
the Windows operating system. Provides an extensive set of predefined
solutions for general needs of the application program, and manages the
execution of programs written specifically for the platform. . NET Framework
is included in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Similarly, the current version of that component can be installed on Windows
XP and family of operating systems Windows Server 2003. It provides

Axon Test V1.0.B 8

support for AxonTest application than can be implemented on any
computer regardless of hardware platforms.

To install the Framework 4, first download it from the website

Figure 1 Installation process to Microsoft .Net Framework 4.

When clicking on the downloaded file immediately starts the installation

To continue with the installation you must accept the License Terms then click
on "I accept the license terms" and press the button Install. Immediately it will
display a window with the progress of the installation of the platform. Once the
installation process displays a window with the message "Installation is
complete", it ends the process by clicking the Finish button. The previous
process can be visualized in Figure 1.

Axon Test V1.0.B 9


2.3 Axon Test Installation

Figure 2. The begin of Axon Test installation..

Once you start the Axon Test installation program (as shown in Figure 2)
Clicking on the button Next. Another screen with the License Terms is shown
in the Figure 3. Once read the License Terms you must to do click on the button

Axon Test V1.0.B 10

Figure 2. Contract of Software Licence.

Then it displayed a window showing the folder where the software will be
installed. However, this can be changed if you click on the button Browse.
Then you must to do click on the button Install as seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Folder where the software will be installed.

Axon Test V1.0.B 11

Afterward the setup program starts. Once installation is complete a window is
displayed (see Figure 5) indicating that the installation was successful, click the
button Finish to complete the installation process of Axon Test.

Figure 5. Confirmation that Axon Test software was successfully installed.

Axon Test V1.0.B 12

3 AXON TEST Configuration
After installing Axon Test software , we start application from icon created on
desktop or from the path Start All Programs Axon Group.

We began by creating a new project configuration, for this, we do click on the
file menu New Project, as shown in Figure 6, you must to put one name that
identifies the project and click on the button Save.

Figure 6. DNP3 new project.

3.1 Configuration.

With this tool configuration, see Figure 7, you
configure the parameters of the device
connection, either serial kind or LAN / WAN
kind. In this window you must configure the
following fields:

Axon Test V1.0.B 13

ConfigDNP3M: Is the name that you want to give to remote device to monitor.

Figure 3. DNP3 new connection.

Connection type:
- Ethernet. Specifies that the communication that exists with the remote
computer is through the Ethernet protocol (DNP3 LAN / WAN). If it is the
case you must specify the parameters of the Ethernet connection: IP (the
IP address of the remote computer), the Time Out (maximum waiting time
for a response from the field) and the Port (Port through which is going to
establish communication) as seen in Figure 7.
- Serial. Specifies that the communication that exists with the remote
computer is through the serial protocol. If it is the case you must specify
the Serial parameters connection: Serial Port (serial port assigned to the
connection), the speed (you can select 38400, 19200, 9600 (the default),
4800 or 2400), Parity (None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space) stop bits (None,
One, Two, Mark, Space), the data length (7 or 8 bits). RTS is marked
whether to enable the write control network 485, see Figure 8.

Axon Test V1.0.B 14

Figure 8. Configuration of the serial connection to the remote device.

In the box Address the DNP3 parameters are set. Link Address is the DNP3
master address (Axon Test) and Slave Link Address is the address of the
DNP3 remote device. In the box Scan you set of general interrogation periods
(Class0123) and events (Class123). In the box Unsolicited can be enabled
event classes of the remote device can send unsolicited information. In the Box
Time Syncronization device is synchronized with Greenwich Mean Time. See
Figure 9.

Figure 4. Address, Scan and Unsolicited setup.
3.2 Data Object.

If you do click on Data Object, we can see all variables
received from the remote slave device, here are tools to
view filter variables by type or range of addresses, a
button START/STOP to stop or start the reception of new
variables, a button Delete to delete the data that is

Axon Test V1.0.B 15

displayed, a button disable flow to overlay the data flow of each variable or to
add each variable at the end of the data, a button active paint background to
color the background of the status column of the variables marked with color
red and green (true or false), and finally you have a button view to see only the
variables that were placed in the mapping, only the spontaneous variables or all
variables received from the slave, see figure 10.

Figure 5. Data Object.

3.3 Data Object Configuration.

With this tool you can make a mapping of the variables
that are interesting to the test, this in order to see Object
Data only variables that are in the mapping and the
respective name or description of each variable, these data
you can copy and paste from Excel, see Figure 11.

Axon Test V1.0.B 16

Figure 6 Data Object Configurator.

3.4 Trace.

The Trace tool, is being improved, will be available soon with a new
version, the Trace helps us to see and analyze the frames that are
exchanged between the two devices, see Figure 12.

Updates can be downloaded from our website:

Axon Test V1.0.B 17

Figure 7. Trace Tool.

3.5 Command.

With this tool we can simulate the sending commands to remote
slave device. Among these commands are: Data acquisition by
polling, General Interrogation, Clock Synchronization and Binary
Command transmission, see figure 13.

Axon Test V1.0.B 18

Figure 8 Sending Commands.

2012 Axon Group Ltda.

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