Buck-Boost Design Kelompok IV

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Design of dielectric and

magnetic device
Ir. Zaenal Efendi, MT
Project Work
Design of BuckBoost
Team 5 (method 2)
'. D()I BUDI S(*IA+A)
$. A.US S(*IA+A)
-. M. )ASI0 FA)A)I
Project Work : Buck-Boost Converter Design
I. Project Purpose
1. Give an understanding to student about the principal of buck boost converter
2. Student can design and make a buck-boost converter design
II. Design uck-oost !onverter
"he uck-boost !onverter has follo#ing parameter $

%ilai &' $
(ere)s the design $
*. uck-boost !onverter Design
1. Inductor Design
"his project use the second method of inductor design+ that based on inductor
minimal , value.
"he first parameter that #e have to kno# is dut- c-cle+ and dut- c-cle can be
calculated from $

Input voltage ,.in/ that used in calculation above is .in-min+ because it)s a buck-
boost+ to step up the voltage is more difficult than step do#n the voltage.
0rom the value of & 1 2+3 ohm+ D 1 4+256 + and f 1 72 k(8+ so the inductor
minimal is $
0rom 'min value+ #e get the ,real/ inductor value like in the calculation belo#

2. 9inding number of Inductor Design

"he e:uation above is used to decisive ho# man- #inding number of inductor.
is densit- of magnetic field+ #e have to set the value is less than
+ in this project 1 4+22 "esla from .
"his project use ferrit core P; 6262 #ith !ross sectional *rea , .
*nd value can be calculated from this e:uation belo#

"hen calculate the #inding number of inductor
"he #inding number of inductor that used in this project is
6. 9ire si8e of inductor design
9ire si8e calculation is based on &<S current of inductor.
"his current is going to be splitted on 3+ and current becomes 1+4 *.
"he #ire si8e ,according to the *9G table/ is 4+2= mm .
*nd in this project #e use 4+22 mm.
#. 'ength of 9ire Design
"he first step is calculate the circle circuit of ferrit core.
0rom the measurement #e can get the length of diameter ,d/ is 1 1.2 cm+ so the
length of spoke ,r/ is 4.=2 ,because
"he last step is calculate the length of #ire use calculation belo#

2. !apacitor Design
!apasitor that used in this project is 2244 u0
. Snubber !omponent Design
*nal-sis #hen s#itch ?% ,closed/
s,s#itch/ close+ so
*nal-sis #hen s#itch ?00 ,opened/
s,s#itch/ open+ so $
Snubber !omponent

that used in this project is 1 1444 ohm.

ecause of high s#itching fre:uenc-+ in this project use @ltrafast
&ecover- Diode t-pe @02745
III. Data !alculation &esult
!omponent .alue
<osfet I&0P734 -
!apacitor 2244u0
Inductor 4.145 m(
&esistor 2.3 ohm
Dut- !-cle 4.256
9inding number of Inductor 12
9ire si8e of inductor 4.22 mm
'ength of 9ire 3 m
Snubber !apacitor 2 n0
Snubber &esistor 1444 ohm
Snubber Diode &ecover- Diode @02745
I.. Devices are needed for test
1. uck-oost !onverter <odule
2. ?silloscope
6. D! po#er suppl-
7. 'oad ,'amp/
2. *.? meter
.. Procedure of "est
1. Prepare all devices are needed
2. !onnect buck-boost module to D! po#er suppl- ,source side/ and lamp ,load
6. 0or the reabilit- test+ give the high current value ,2*/.
7. Give 14 .dc as a suppl-
2. Do step number 6 and 7 three times to get more data
3. !alculate the efficienc-
.I. Data "est &esult
12 2.D2 16.D4 1.22 34.64 C
11 1.53 16.42 1.42 32.43 C
14 4.21 =.24 4.24 =4.44 C

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