Project Plan

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Project Plan

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Project Sponsor
Project Review Group
Project Manager
ualit! Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
Procurement Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
"ommunications Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
Project O##ice Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

Table of Contents
TEMPLATE GUIDE....................................................................................1
1 PLAIG !A"I"..............................................................................#
1.1 SCOPE.................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 MILESTONES.......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 PHASES................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 ACTIVITIES............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 TASKS.................................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 EFFORT................................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 RESOURCES........................................................................................................................... 4
# P$%&ECT PLA.................................................................................'
2.1 SCHEDULE............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 DEPENDENCIES....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 ASSUMPTIONS........................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 CONSTRAINTS........................................................................................................................ 5
( APPEDI).......................................................................................*
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

Template Gui+e
What is a Project Plan?
(e Pro)ect P&an is t(e centra& document 'y w(ic( t(e %ro)ect is $orma&&y managed. * Pro)ect
P&an is a document w(ic( &ists t(e acti#ities, tas+s and resources re,uired to com%&ete t(e
%ro)ect and rea&i-e t(e 'usiness 'ene$its out&ined in t(e Pro)ect .usiness /ase. * ty%ica&
Pro)ect P&an inc&udes0
* descri%tion o$ t(e ma)or %(ases underta+en to com%&ete t(e %ro)ect
* sc(edu&e o$ t(e acti#ities, tas+s, durations, de%endencies, resources and time$rames
* &isting o$ t(e assum%tions and constraints identi$ied during t(e %&anning %rocess.
o create a Pro)ect P&an, t(e $o&&owing ste%s are underta+en0
"eiterate t(e %ro)ect sco%e
1denti$y t(e %ro)ect mi&estones, %(ases, acti#ities and tas+s
2uanti$y t(e e$$ort re,uired $or eac( tas+
*&&ocate %ro)ect resource
/onstruct a %ro)ect sc(edu&e
3ist any %&anning de%endencies, assum%tions, constraints
Document t(e $orma& Pro)ect P&an $or a%%ro#a&.
When to use a Project Plan
*&t(oug( a summari-ed Pro)ect P&an is identi$ied ear&y in t(e Pro)ect Start4u% P(ase (wit(in
t(e .usiness /ase), a detai&ed Pro)ect P&an is not usua&&y created unti& t(e %ro)ect sco%e (as
'een $orma&&y de$ined (wit(in a erms o$ re$erence) and t(e %ro)ect team a%%ointed. (e
Pro)ect P&an is com%&eted ear&y in t(e Pro)ect P&anning P(ase and is, ty%ica&&y, %rior to a
2ua&ity P&an and t(e $orma&i-ation o$ a Su%%&ier5s contract. 6n&i+e ot(er documents in t(e
Pro)ect 3i$ecyc&e, t(e Pro)ect P&an is re$erenced constant&y t(roug(out t(e %ro)ect. *s t(e
%ro)ect is underta+en, t(e Pro)ect Manager trac+s t(e %ercentage o$ tas+ com%&etion and t(e
tas+ com%&etion date (actua& #s %&anned) to assess o#era&& %ro)ect %er$ormance. (ese
statistics are communicated to t(e Pro)ect S%onsor7.oard wit(in a regu&ar Pro)ect Status

How to use this template
(is document %ro#ides a guide on t(e to%ics usua&&y inc&uded in a Pro)ect P&an. Sections
may 'e added, remo#ed or rede$ined at your &eisure to meet your %articu&ar 'usiness
circumstance. 8!am%&e ta'&es, diagrams and c(arts (a#e 'een added (w(ere suita'&e) to
%ro#ide $urt(er guidance on (ow to com%&ete eac( re&e#ant section.
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

1 Plannin, !asis
1.1 "cope
+'e activities and tas,s de#ined in t'e project plan must -e underta,en wit'in t'e scope o#
t'e project) For t'is reason. reiterate t'e scope o# t'e project 'ere as de#ined in t'e Project
erms o$ "e$erence)
1.# Milestones
* mi&estone is /a major event in t'e project0 and represents t'e completion o# a set o#
activities) 12amples o# milestones include3
4usiness "ase approved
Feasi-ilit! Stud! approved
+erms o# Re#erence approved
Project +eam appointed
Project O##ice esta-lis'ed)
List and descri-e t'e ,e! project milestones wit'in t'e #ollowing ta-le3
ilestone Descri!tion Deli"er# Date
4usiness "ase
+'e 4usiness "ase 'as -een documented
and was approved -! t'e Project Sponsor)
1.( P-ases
* %(ase is /a set o# activities w'ic' will -e underta,en to deliver a su-stantial portion o# t'e
overall project0) 12amples include3
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project 12ecution
Project "losure)
List and descri-e t'e major project p'ases wit'in t'e #ollowing ta-le)
Phase Descri!tion Se$uence
Project Initiation De#ining t'e project -! developing a -usiness
case. #easi-ilit! stud! and terms o# re#erence
as well as recruiting t'e project team and
esta-lis'ing t'e project o##ice)
P'ase 7 (
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

1.' Activities
*n acti#ity is /a set o# tas,s w'ic' are re8uired to -e underta,en to complete t'e project)9
12amples include3
Develop ualit! Plan
Formulate Supplier "ontracts
Per#orm Project "losure)
List and descri-e t'e major project activities wit'in t'e #ollowing ta-le)
Phase %cti"it# Descri!tion Se$uence
Produce a document descri-ing ualit!
*ssurance and ualit! "ontrol and process
review activities to -e underta,en)
*#ter t'e Project Plan -ut
-e#ore t'e #ormulation o#
supplier contracts
1.* Tas.s
* :tas+; is simpl! an item o# wor, to -e completed wit'in t'e project) List all tas,s re8uired to
underta,e eac' activit!. wit'in t'e #ollowing ta-le3
Phase %cti"it# Tas& Se$uence
Identi#! ualit! +argets
Identi#! ualit! *ssurance +ec'ni8ues
Identi#! ualit! "ontrol +ec'ni8ues
Document ualit! Plan
1./ E0ort
For eac' tas, listed a-ove. 8uanti#! t'e li,el! :e##ort; re8uired to complete t'e tas,)
Tas& 'ffort
Identi#! ualit! +argets
Identi#! ualit! *ssurance +ec'ni8ues
Identi#! ualit! "ontrol +ec'ni8ues
Document ualit! Plan
no. days
no. days
no. days
no. days
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

1.1 $esources
For eac' tas, identi#ied. list t'e resources allocated to complete t'e tas,)
Tas& Resource
Identi#! ualit! +argets
Identi#! ualit! *ssurance +ec'ni8ues
Identi#! ualit! "ontrol +ec'ni8ues
Document ualit! Plan
# Pro2ect Plan
#.1 "c-e+ule
Provide a summari6ed sc'edule #or eac' o# t'e p'ases and activities wit'in t'e project)
Note3 Re#er to t'e *ppendi2 #or a detailed project sc'edule)
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

#.# Depen+encies
:Dependencies; are logical relations'ips -etween p'ases. activities or tas,s w'ic' in#luence
t'e wa! t'at t'e project must -e underta,en) Dependencies ma! -e eit'er internal to t'e
project =e)g) -etween project activities> or e2ternal to t'e project =e)g) a dependenc! -etween
a project activit! and a -usiness activit!>) +'ere are #our t!pes o# dependencies3
() Finis'?to?start (t(e item t(is acti#ity de%ends on must $inis( 'e$ore t(is acti#ity can start)
$) Finis'?to?#inis' (t(e item t(is acti#ity de%ends on must $inis( 'e$ore t(is acti#ity can
&) Start?to?start (t(e item t(is acti#ity de%ends on must start 'e$ore t(is acti#ity can start)
<) Start?to?#inis' (t(e item t(is acti#ity de%ends on must start 'e$ore t(is acti#ity can $inis().
List an! ,e! project dependencies identi#ied -! completing t'e #ollowing ta-le3
%cti"it# De!en(s on De!en(enc# T#!e
Set?up Project O##ice *ppoint Project +eam Finis'?to?start
In t'e e2ample given a-ove. t'e activit! 0*ppoint Project +eam0 must #inis' -e#ore activit!
/Set?up Project O##ice0 can start)
#.( Assumptions
List an! planning assumptions made) For e2ample3
It is assumed t'at3
+'e project will not c'ange in scope
+'e resources identi#ied will -e availa-le upon re8uest
*pproved #unding will -e availa-le upon re8uest)
#.' Constraints
List an! planning constraints identi#ied) For e2ample3
+'e project must operate wit'in t'e #unding and resource allocations approved
+'e project team must deliver t'e so#tware wit' no re8uirement #or additional 'ardware
Sta## must complete t'e project wit'in normal wor,ing 'ours)
( Appen+i3
*ttac' an! documentation !ou -elieve is relevant to t'e Project Plan) For e2ample3
Detailed Project Sc'edule =listing all project p'ases. activities and tas,s>
Ot'er documentation =4usiness "ase. Feasi-ilit! Stud!. +erms o# Re#erence>
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)

Ot'er relevant in#ormation or correspondence)
$%%& Met'od($& Ltd) *ll rig'ts reserved)


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