Access 06 Final

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Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers

Connecting Residential and Commercial Land Uses

Roanoke Valley Area MPO

July 2006
This report was prepared by the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning
Organization (RVAMPO) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transpor-
tation (USDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Virginia
Department of Transportation (VDOT). The contents of this report reflect the
views of the staff of the Roanoke Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO). The MPO staff is responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data pre-
sented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or poli-
cies of the FHWA, VDOT, or RVARC. This report does not constitute a stan-
dard, specification, or regulation. FHWA or VDOT acceptance of this report as
evidence of fulfillment of the objectives of this planning study does not consti-
tute endorsement/approval of the need for any recommended improvements
nor does it constitute approval of their location and design or a commitment to
fund any such improvements. Additional project level environmental impact as-
sessments and/or studies of alternatives may be necessary.
Inquiries should be submitted to:

Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
P.O. Box 2569
Roanoke, Virginia
Phone: (540) 343-4417
Fax: (540) 343-4416
Web site:
Table of Contents

Purpose of the Study ......................................................................................................... 1

Walking as a Mode of Travel ............................................................................................. 1

Influence of Land Use ........................................................................................................ 2

Key Elements of the Pedestrian Network ........................................................................... 3

Selection of Study Areas ................................................................................................... 4

Study Areas ....................................................................................................................... 4

Crossroads Mall Rutgers Avenue and Hershberger Road Intersection ........................... 6
Crossroads Mall Rutgers Avenue to Towne Square Boulevard ....................................... 7
Town Square Shopping Center Towne Square Boulevard and Airport Road .................. 8
Hershberger Road Corridor Rutgers Avenue to Ferncliff Avenue .................................... 9
Huff Lane Durham Street to Broad Street .......................................................................11
Huff Lane Connection to Valley View Boulevard .............................................................12
Valley View Boulevard Valley View Boulevard to the Ring Road ....................................13
Valley View Valley View Boulevard to Oakland Avenue ..................................................14
Valley View Mall Internal Improvements, Bust Stop, Valley View North ..........................15
Virginia Avenue Vinyard Road Intersection .....................................................................16
Virginia Avenue Intersections of Niagara Road, Bedford Road, Lake Drive Plaza ..........17
Virginia Avenue Clearview Drive Intersection, Route 24 Bypass Intersection .................18
King Street Glade Creek Boulevard to Route 460 ...........................................................19
Creekside Shopping Center Peters Creek Road / Shenandoah Ave. Intersection ..........20
Bennington Place Shopping Center ...................................................................................21
Franklin Road Beechwood Drive to Route 220 ...............................................................22
Electric Road Route 220 to Ogden Road ........................................................................23
Ogden Road Electric Road to Colonial Avenue ..............................................................24
Oak Grove Plaza and Southwest Plaza .............................................................................25
Ridgewood Farms Shopping Center ..................................................................................26

Implementation ..................................................................................................................27

Appendix A - Shared Use Paths ........................................................................................29

Appendix B - Interchanges ................................................................................................31

Appendix C - Walkway Signage .........................................................................................33

Appendix DEnvironmental Justice ..................................................................................34

References ........................................................................................................................37
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 1
Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to make recommendations for improving the pedestrian con-
nections between residential and commercial land uses. The study focuses on the evalua-
tion of existing connections and proposed improvements that would enhance the safety and
efficiency of the pedestrian network with the goal of creating a network of safe and conven-
ient routes for use in traveling to and from work, accessing transit stops, and traveling to
other popular destinations.

Walking as a Mode of Travel

The goal of a transportation system is to provide safe and efficient mobility and access to
different modes of travel to a wide variety of travelers with diverse needs. Walking is the
most basic form of transportation, and it is important to provide facilities that enhance safe
movement for pedestrians along roads and streets. An individuals transportation needs
vary not only according to the physical environment, but also according to their socioeco-
nomic situations and the proximity of destinations. Neighborhoods have their own specific
patterns of transportation and travelers within those neighborhoods may be subject to differ-
ent risks than encountered in other areas.

Streets designed to facilitate high-speed trips by car can be obstacles to pedestrians. How-
ever, people are comfortable walking along a roadway if well-designed pedestrian facilities
are provided. Walking or bicycling is the only transportation choice for people who do not
have access to an automobile. These users will walk on busy urban thoroughfares with no
sidewalks or crosswalks when necessary, sometimes creating their own paths across prop-
erties and busy streets. Transit users are another user group that require safe connections
to walk to and from their transit stops.

Everyone is a pedestrian, including persons using wheelchairs and other forms of mobility
assistance. People who walk or ride bicycles are the most vulnerable road users, being less
protected from the weather and more likely to be injured in a collision with a motor vehicle;
they must often use facilities that were designed primarily for automobiles.

Walking is a fundamental travel mode and an integral component of an efficient transporta-
tion network. Appropriate pedestrian accommodations provide the public, including the dis-
abled community, with access to the transportation network; connectivity with other modes
of transportation; and independent mobility regardless of age, physical constraints, or in-
come. Effective pedestrian accommodations enhance the quality of life and health,
strengthen communities, increase safety for all highway users, reduce congestion, and can
benefit the environment. Walking is successfully accommodated when travel by these
modes is efficient, safe, and comfortable for the public.

Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 2
The Influence of Land Use

The pedestrian network is often determined by land use patterns. Placement of commercial
facilities is guided by existing land use. For example, grocery stores will locate where there
is residential development, gas stations along busy highways, and shopping centers in
densely developed areas. Much recently built development has created a situation where
an automobile is required for most trips:

Segregated land use increases the distance between origin and destination points;
Businesses are designed to be readily accessible by automobile: buildings are set back
and separated from the roadway with parking; and
The transportation system discourages bicycling and walking, due to high traffic vol-
umes and speeds.

Integrating land-use and transportation planning allows new developments to implement
these strategies from the onset. Communities that are planned to support a balanced trans-
portation network make walking, bicycling and public transit attractive options. In estab-
lished communities, many of these goals can be met with "in-fill development" to increase
density, changes in zoning laws to allow mixed-use development, and building bicycle and
pedestrian connections.

Land use patterns conducive to bicycling and walking include:

Greater housing densities allow more residents to live closer to neighborhood destina-
tions such as stores and schools;
Mixed-use zoning allows services such as stores and professional buildings to be closer
to residential areas, making it easier to access these facilities on foot or by bicycle;
Multiple-use zoning allows residences and businesses to share the same structure, re-
ducing travel demands;
Locating buildings close to the street allows easy access by pedestrians;
The preservation of open spaces between communities creates a greenbelt, a natural
buffer that helps prevent urban sprawl; and
Resolving conflicts with neighborhood traffic management (traffic calming) makes
streets more inviting to walkers and cyclists.

Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 3
Key Elements of the Pedestrian Network


Sidewalks provide the actual space that pedestrians use to move form one location to an-
other. Sidewalks should be constructed using standard width found in AASHTO or local
guidelines. ADA guidelines should be followed when constructing curb ramps and street

Pedestrian Crossings

As the number and density of pedestrian-accessible origin and destination points increase,
so does the demand for pedestrian crossings. On corridors with scattered development and
residences, it is difficult to predict where crossings may occur. On corridors with concen-
trated nodes of activity, special crossing treatments are easier to justify at locations where
crossings will likely occur (apartment complexes, senior citizen centers, schools, parks,
shopping areas, libraries, hospitals and other public or institutional uses).

Transit Stops

Most transit users will have to cross the road to access a transit stop on one leg of their trip.
Cooperation between public transit agencies and transportation designers is essential to en-
sure safe pedestrian crossings. By coordinating land use, roadway design and transit stops,
passengers will be more secure when boarding or leaving a bus, and walking to or from
their destination at either end of the transit trip.

Pedestrian Signals

A pedestrian activated signal may be warranted where the expected number of people
needing to cross a roadway at a particular location is significant. Anticipated use must be
high enough for motorists to get used to stopping frequently for a red light (a light that is
rarely activated may be ignored when in use). Sight-distance must be adequate to ensure
that motorists will see the light in time to stop. Warning signs should be installed on the ap-
proaching roadway. Pedestrian signals may be combined with curb extensions, raised me-
dians and refuges.


Signs recommended as part of the pedestrian network include both advance warning signs
and pedestrian crossing signs at the crossing itself, and regulatory signs at intersections to
reinforce the message that motorists must yield to pedestrians. These signs should only be
placed at warranted locations, because excessive signage leads to signs being missed or

Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 4
Selection of Study Areas

Study areas were limited to locations within the Roanoke Valley MPO boundary. Areas se-
lected for study are major shopping destinations, both local and regional, adjacent to resi-
dential areas. The study areas were selected were based on:

Likelihood of pedestrian use is high commercial center adjacent to residential area,
within a short walking distance (1/4 mile), the commercial center can provide for basic
needs such as grocery, pharmacy or eating establishment.
Evidence of pedestrian use currently exist actual field checked evidence of pedestri-
ans creating an informal connection between a residential and commercial area, such
as paths worn in vegetation along the shoulder of a street.
Location close proximity of a commercial center to high-density residential area or
neighborhood, apartment complexes, neighborhood adjacent to a shopping center.
Area lacking adequate pedestrian facilities many areas have partially addressed pe-
destrian needs but have not provided complete facilities, crosswalks without a sidewalk,
incomplete sidewalk connections, or confusing pedestrian network.

The list of study areas is not exhaustive. There could be additional areas not identified in
this study that should be reviewed. Study area locations are shown on the map on the fol-
lowing page.

Study Areas

1. Crossroads Mall - Rutgers Avenue and Hershberger Road Intersection
2. Crossroads Mall - Rutgers Avenue to Towne Square Boulevard
3. Town Square Shopping Center - Towne Square Boulevard and Airport Road
4. Hershberger Road Corridor - Rutgers Avenue to Ferncliff Avenue
5. Huff Lane - Durham Street to Broad Street
6. Huff Lane - Connection to Valley View Boulevard
7. Valley View Boulevard - Valley View Boulevard to the Ring Road
8. Valley View - Valley View Boulevard to Oakland Avenue
9. Valley View Mall - Internal Improvements, Bust Stop, Valley View North
10. Virginia Avenue - Vinyard Road Intersection
11. Virginia Avenue - Intersections of Niagara Road, Bedford Road, Lake Drive Plaza
12. Virginia Avenue - Clearview Drive Intersection, Route 24 Bypass Intersection
13. King Street - Glade Creek Boulevard to Route 460
14. Creekside Shopping Center - Peters Creek Road and Shenandoah Avenue Intersection
15. Bennington Place Shopping Center
16. Franklin Road - Beechwood Drive to Route 220
17. Electric Road - Route 220 to Ogden Road
18. Ogden Road - Electric Road to Colonial Avenue
19. Oak Grove Plaza and Southwest Plaza - Grandin Road / Electric Road
20. Ridgewood Farms Shopping Center - Keagy road / Braeburn Drive/ Electric Road

Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 5
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 6
Crossroads Mall

Rutgers Avenue and Hershberger Road Intersec-

The intersection at Hershberger Road at Rutgers
Avenue has existing crosswalks that are in poor
condition. The intersection does not have com-
plete a sidewalk system for pedestrians along Rut-
gers Avenue (access to Appalachian Power Com-
pany, Wendys and Dorchester Court residential
area) south of Hershberger. The sidewalk re-
sumes at Marr Street NW one block from the inter-
section. Bean Street (Taco Bell, Wachovia Bank
and Roanoke Self Storage) has a traffic signal and
crosswalks in place. Pedestrians have to cross
seven lanes of traffic at each of these intersec-

It is recommended that existing crosswalks be re-
painted at each of the intersections. Installation of
sidewalks and crosswalks from Hershberger to the
end of the existing sidewalks on Rutgers Avenue
would create a complete the pedestrian network
to the residential area and into Crossroads Mall
and Towne Square Shopping Center complex.

Installation of sidewalks along Rutgers Avenue to
Marrs Street would complete the pedestrian con-
nection from the residential neighborhood to the
commercial area.
Crosswalk at the intersection of Rutgers Street
and Hershberger Road, lacking sidewalk.
Path at the intersection of east side of Rutgers
Street and Hershberger Road, lacking sidewalk.
Sidewalk along Hershberger Road near Rutgers
Residential area on Rutgers Street, south of Her-
shberger Road, lacking sidewalk.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 7
Crossroads Mall

Delray Street and Eden Drive Intersections

Delray Street (Airlee Court Baptist Church, and
residential area) does not have a crosswalk either
parallel or crossing Hershberger. Eden Drive
(Valley Bank, Southwestern Telco Federal Credit
Union and residential area) does not have a
crosswalk either parallel or crossing Hershberger.
Crossing Hershberger Road at these two sites
would require crossing a concrete median. Nei-
ther intersection has a traffic signal. It is recom-
mended that crosswalks paralleling Hershberger
be installed, but no crossing of Hershberger due
to lack of a traffic signal and the existing concrete

Rutgers Avenue leading into Towne Square

It is also recommended that improvements be
made to the bus stop on Rutgers Avenue near
Lowes and Kroger. The existing facility consist of
a sign and a worn spot in the grass. The bus stop
should be concrete pad at a minimum. It would be
preferable to have a full fledged bus stop - pad,
bench, shelter, and map board - at the site. The
bus shelter at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital
on Bellview Avenue, is an example of an appropri-
ate bus shelter.

Sidewalk on opposite of street from the bus
Bus stop on Rutgers Street.
Path from Hershberger Road along east side of
Rutgers Street.
Existing sidewalk at Marrs Street and Rutgers
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 8
Intersection of Airport Road and Towne
Square Boulevard.

Towne Square Shopping Center

Intersection of Airport Road, Town Square Boule-
vard, and Nelms Avenue.

The intersection was recently redesigned and re-
constructed to provide safer entrance onto Airport
Road. The intersection is signalized. Airport Road
is 3 lanes wide at this point to allow for 2 travel
lanes and a left turn lane.

The intersection has a right turn lane on Towne
Square Boulevard separated by a triangular con-
crete median. The intersection does not have
crosswalks. This prevents residents that live on
the east side of Airport Road (Nelms Avenue)
from safely crossing into the Towne Square area.

It is recommended that crosswalks be constructed
across Airport Road, Town Square Boulevard and
Nelms Avenue. A section of sidewalk from the in-
tersection to the existing sidewalk along Towne
Square Boulevard should be installed to complete
the pedestrian connection.
Intersection of Airport Road, Nelms Lane and
Towne Square Boulevard.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 9
Hershberger from Rutgers Avenue to
Ferncliff Avenue

This section of Hershberger Road serves as a
travelway for pedestrians accessing the Cross-
roads Mall and Valley View areas from the west
side of Interstate 581.

Sidewalks are in place from Williamson Road to
Grandview Avenue on the south side of Hershber-
ger Road and extend to the west property line of
the Appliance Outlet store, west of the Rutgers
Avenue intersection on the north side. From this
point, pedestrians follow a path worn into the
grass shoulder along the north side of Hershber-
ger Road. A parallel path exists along the south
side of Hershberger Road. The paths make sev-
eral dangerous traffic crossings including the exit
and entrance roads connecting Hershberger to
Aviation Road, Valley View North, the Thirlane
Road intersection, entrance and exit ramps to In-
terstate 581 and the intersection at Ordway Drive.

Two options should be explored in more detail to
facilitate pedestrian traffic along the Hershberger
Road corridor: sidewalks and a shared use path.
Conventional sidewalks could be constructed from
Rutgers Avenue to Ordway Drive. A shared use
path (see Appendix A) along the south side of
Hershberger Road that could be used by pedestri-
ans and bicyclists could also provide safe access
along the corridor.

Sidewalk along north side of Hershberger Road
near Rutgers Street.
Path along north side of Hershberger Road near
Rutgers Street.
Path along south side of Hershberger Road
near Interstate 581 ramp.
Path along north side of Hershberger Road
passing under Aviation Road access ramp.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 10
Hershberger from Rutgers Avenue to
Ferncliff Avenue - Exit Ramps

Exit ramps present difficulties for bicyclists and
pedestrians because:
1. Motor vehicles exit at fairly high speeds;
2. The acute angle creates visibility problems;
3. Exiting drivers often do not use their right turn
signal, confusing pedestrians and bicyclists seek-
ing a gap in traffic.

The design illustrated here guides cyclists and pe-
destrians in a manner that provides:
1. A short distance across the ramp, at close to a
right angle;
2. Improved sight distance in an area where traf-
fic speeds are slower than further upstream; and
3. A crossing in an area where the drivers atten-
tion is not distracted by other motor vehicles.

The design shown to the right and below is taken
from the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The
design provides for pedestrian and bicycle cross-
ings at an urban on/off ramp location and is not
recommended for use on limited access freeways.
Modified versions of this design could be used at
the Hershberger Road interchanges at Interstate
581 and Aviation Drive and Valley View North.
Limiting factors for this design would be sight dis-
tance from the ramps, right of way availability, and
cut/fill necessary to construct the facility.

Through the use of a bike path, sidewalk,
crosswalk, landscaping and appropriate sign-
age, pedestrian and bicycle crossings can be
accommodated at on/off ramp locations.
Source: Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan,
Oregon Department of Transportation 1995.
Exit ramp configuration for bike lanes and sidewalks (Urban design, not for use on limited
access freeways). See Appendix B for more information about interchanges. Source: Oregon
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation 1995.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 11
Huff Lane from Durham Street to
Broad Street

The section of Huff Lane in front of Huff Lane
School was originally identified in this study as an
area that was in need of minor improvements to
accommodate pedestrians.

Huff Lane was recently improved by the City of
Roanoke by constructing landscaped medians
and parking adjacent to Huff Lane School and
Huff Lane Park.

The improvements serve as a good example of
what can be done to improve the pedestrian envi-
ronment by changing the streetscape. The
changes serve to slow automotive traffic and clar-
ify where pedestrians should cross the street.

The only improvement recommended at this site is
installation of directional signage at the point
where the sidewalk enters the park area. During
field work for the study, it was noted that while a
pedestrian connection exists between the residen-
tial and commercial areas, it is not always clear
where the connections lead. Many pedestrians
seem to follow what they believe to be the short-
est path instead of utilizing the existing facilities. A
sign indicating To Valley View Mall or To Valley
View Boulevard would help to create a safer pe-
destrian network at this location.
Former sidewalk at Huff Lane School.
New design with landscaped median for traffic
New design with angled parking and landscap-
Former design of sidewalk entrance to Huff
Lane Park.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 12
Huff Lane Connection to Valley View

Huff Lane is currently connected to Valley View
Boulevard by a sidewalk cutting through a small
berm at the intersection of Valley View Boulevard
and Valley View West. While the berm serves to
protect the neighboring residential area from light
pollution, it also limits the ability of pedestrians
and motorists to see one another approaching the
intersection. It is recommended that the berm be
modified on the Valley View side to allow for better
sight distance along Valley View Boulevard.

Sidewalks exists on both sides of Valley View
West, however there is not a crosswalk connect-
ing the two at the intersection. A crosswalk should
be installed.

It is recommended that directional signage be in-
stalled at the point where the sidewalk crosses
from Huff Lane to Valley View Boulevard. A sign
on the southwest side of the intersection indicating
where the sidewalk leads would also be helpful in
encouraging pedestrians to use the existing side-
walks instead of trying to walk along Valley View
Boulevard where there are no sidewalks.

Sidewalk from Huff Lane to Valley View
Boulevard NW.
Crosswalk leading across Valley View to Huff
Lack of crosswalk at Valley View Boulevard. Sidewalk terminus on Valley View.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 13
Valley View Boulevard to the Ring

There is an existing crosswalk at Valley View
Boulevard and Ring road connector. The cross-
walk leads to the Huff Lane Park. The intersection
is signalized and has a crosswalk and pedestrian
crossing signal control button. Pedestrians are
crossing seven lanes of traffic at the intersection.
Based on field work, the signal time is short and
makes crossing difficult in a single cycle. Another
problem noted was that drivers making a right turn
from the Ring Road do not always yield for pedes-

Consideration should be given to either increasing
the stop time for the signal or providing a pedes-
trian island in the median. The island would pro-
vide pedestrians a safe place to wait between sig-
nal cycles. Additional signage reminding drivers to
yield for pedestrians when making turns would
also make the intersection safer.

A crosswalk should be installed on the south side
of the intersection to create a connection from
Chic-fil-a to the sidewalk adjacent to Smokey
Bones restaurant.

A path along the north side of Valley View Boule-
vard from intersection of Ring Road to IHOP has
been worn into the grass by pedestrians. People
wanting to access the shops on the north side of
Valley View Boulevard are utilizing the grassy strip
as a travel way instead of using the existing side-
walk on the south side of the street. Pedestrians
also cross at the intersection, follow the path to
IHOP and then use a path alongside the park to
access Huff Lane at Avalon Avenue. Directional
signage indicating the appropriate direction for pe-
destrians to follow should be installed. The signs
could state To Valley View Mall, To Huff Lane,
or To Lick Run Greenway.

Two options for dealing with the path are to con-
struct a sidewalk and make it safe and more user
friendly or utilize landscaping to make it inaccessi-
ble to pedestrians.
Path along the north side of Valley View
Crosswalk at Valley View Boulevard and Huff
Lane Park entrance. Pedestrian signal button
and crosswalk in place.
Lack of crosswalk at intersection of the Ring
Road and Valley View Boulevard.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 14
Valley View to Oakland Avenue

A pathway leading from the Valley View Grand
Theater parking lot to Oakland Avenue has been
created by pedestrians. The path cuts through ex-
isting landscaping, goes past a stormwater reten-
tion facility, and crosses a fence to connect with
Oakland Avenue near Round Hill School. The
path indicates a demand for such a connection
between the commercial and residential areas. As
it exists, the path is not safe, is on private property
and is not maintained. Two options for considera-
tion are closing the path, using a fence, which still
would not necessarily prevent its use, or con-
structing an official pedestrian trail along the cur-
rent route. Construction of the trail would require
an easement.

Potential for another pedestrian trail exists along a
parcel behind Valley View Grand Theater and the
adjacent shops. This corridor would connect the
Round Hill School property to the Valley View
area. The corridor terminates at Avalon Avenue,
next to IHOP. This could then be tied to the pe-
destrian path along the north side of Valley View
Boulevard described on the previous page. This
would connect Huff Lane Park to Oakland Ave-
nue. The path could also connect to the Lick Run
Greenway and Round Hill School.
Pathway worn into the grass leading from Val-
ley View Grand parking lot to Oakland Ave-
Path from Oakland Avenue leading to Valley
View Grand theater.
Proposed path
Round Hill
School to Huff
Lane Park and
Valley View
Mall area.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 15
Valley View Mall Internal

Bus Stop on the Ring Road

The existing bus stop on the Ring Road consist of
2 benches, a bus stop sign, and a gravel and dirt
pad. A manhole cover and a drain that carries
stormwater from the Ring Road is located on the
pad site. The bus stop should be concrete pad at
a minimum. It would be preferable to have a full
fledged bus stop - pad, bench, shelter, and map
board - at the site. In addition, following construc-
tion of the new phase of Valley View Mall, a cross-
walk should be installed to provide bus patrons
safe access to the main mall complex.

Valley View North Sidewalk Improvements

The City of Roanoke completed construction of a
sidewalk along the east side of Valley View Road
NW in 2005, creating a pedestrian link from the
hotels to the mall area. It is recommended that a
crosswalk be installed at the north end of this
sidewalk to improve safety of pedestrians crossing
to the hotels on the west side of the street.

The north end of the sidewalk facility could be
connected to the recommended pedestrian path
along the south side of Hershberger Road pro-
posed on page 8 via an easement across a hotel
Bus stop at Valley View with stormwater
Recent construction of sidewalk along the east
side of Valley View Road NW by the City of
Possible connection
from Hershberger
Road to the side-
walk along Valley
View Road NW.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 16
Virginia Avenue and Vinyard Road

Vinyard Road connects the Lancerlot Sport Com-
plex and Colonial Downs Off Track Betting to Vir-
ginia Avenue (Route 24) in the Town of Vinton.

This section of Vinyard Road does not have side-
walks. It is recommended that sidewalks be in-
stalled along this section of Vinyard Road.

The intersection of Vinyard Road and Virginia
Avenue does not have crosswalks. The intersec-
tion is signalized. Due to the commercial nature of
the intersection - McDonalds and Bojangles res-
taurants - and the apartments on the northwest
corner of the intersection, it is recommended that
crosswalks be installed.

Vinyard Road leading to Lancerlot and Colo-
nial Downs.
End of sidewalk on Vinyard Road.
Vinyard Road from Lancerlot to Virginia Ave-
Lack of crosswalks at intersection of Vinyard
Road and Virginia Avenue.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 17
Virginia Avenue

Virginia Avenue and Niagara Road Intersection

The intersection of Virginia Avenue and Niagara
Road does not have crosswalks. The intersection
is signalized. Due to the commercial nature of the
intersection, coupled with the traffic volume on Vir-
ginia Avenue, it is recommended that crosswalks
be installed.

Lake Drive Plaza

There is a sidewalk located along the south side
of Virginia Avenue in front of Lake Drive Plaza,
however, there are no crosswalks to provide a
continuous connection along the highway. It is
recommended that crosswalks be installed parallel
to this section of Virginia Avenue.

Virginia Avenue and Bedford Road

There is a sidewalk located along the north side of
Virginia Avenue at the intersection of Bedford
Road, however, there are no crosswalks to pro-
vide a continuous connection along the highway. It
is recommended that crosswalks be installed
along this section of Virginia Avenue. This inter-
section is not signalized and therefore it is recom-
mended that crosswalks should not be con-
structed across Virginia Avenue at this point.
Intersection of Virginia Avenue and Bedford
Sidewalks in front of Lake Drive Plaza.
Lake Drive Plaza access points do not have
Virginia Avenue and Niagara Road intersec-
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 18
Virginia Avenue

Virginia Avenue and Clearview Drive Intersection

There is a sidewalk located along both sides of
Virginia Avenue at the intersection of Clearview
Drive, however, there are no crosswalks to pro-
vide a continuous connection along the highway. It
is recommended that crosswalks be installed
along this section of Virginia Avenue. This inter-
section is signalized and it is recommended that
crosswalks should be constructed across Virginia
Avenue at this point.

Virginia Avenue and Route 24 Bypass Intersection

There are no sidewalks or crosswalks located at
this intersection. This intersection is signalized.

It is recommended that sidewalks and crosswalks
be installed at the intersection along with pedes-
trian crossing signage and a pedestrian crossing
control button.
Intersection of Clearview Drive and Virginia
Entrance to Clearview Manor.
Sidewalk along Virginia Avenue east of Lake
Drive Plaza.
Route 24 Bypass and Hardy Road. Signalized,
sidewalks without crosswalks.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 19
King Street

King Street, Springtree Drive and Route 460

King Street provides a highway connection for
residents along Springtree Drive and Glade Creek
apartments (248 units) to the shopping center at
the intersection of King Street and Route 460. The
shopping center can be seen from the entrance to
Glade Creek, however residents have to drive to
the site since there are no sidewalks. The same
situation exists for residents along Springtree

It is recommended that sidewalks, along with ap-
propriate crosswalks at Springtree Street and the
entrance to Glade Creek be installed along King
Street from Glade Creek Boulevard to Route 460.

Route 460 and King Street intersection.
View from the entrance to Glade Creek Apart-
View of King Street and Route 460 intersec-
Entrance to Glade Creek from King Street.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 20
Creekside Shopping Center

Creekside Shopping Center is located at the inter-
section of Peters Creek Road and Shenandoah
Avenue. Residents of Laurel Ridge Apartments
(198 units) and other nearby neighborhoods use
the shopping center.

Pedestrians are not using the existing sidewalks
and crosswalks at the intersection of Peters Creek
and Shenandoah Avenue. Instead, they are taking
the direct route from the apartment complex, down
the hill and crossing 4 lanes of Peters Creek Road
to access the shopping center. A similar situation
exists with pedestrians walking up the hill behind
the out parcel stores and walking down the bank
on the south side of Food Lion to access Shenan-
doah Avenue. Signage directing pedestrians to
the crosswalks should be installed to improve
safety at this location. Additional signs warning
motorists of pedestrians crossing should also be

It is recommended that the crosswalks at the inter-
section of Shenandoah Avenue and Peters Creek
be repainted.

An existing sidewalk access to the parking lot from
Shenandoah Avenue allows patrons to avoid the
steep slopes that hinder access at other points on
the property. The existing sidewalk along the north
side of Shenandoah Avenue is lacking a cross-
walk and traffic control. It is recommended that a
crosswalk parallel to Shenandoah Avenue be in-
stalled at this location along with a stop sign and
stop bar.

The south side of Shenandoah Avenue intersec-
tion crosses five lanes of traffic leading to the
Cherry Hill Road neighborhood. Cherry Hill Road
does not have sidewalks. There could be an issue
with sight distance for traffic traveling east on
Shenandoah Avenue due to the downhill slope.
Since this intersection is not signalized, a cross-
walk on Shenandoah at this location is not recom-
Existing crosswalks at Peters Creek Road and
Shenandoah Avenue.
Path leading from parking lot to Peters Creek
Road mid-block crossing.
Existing sidewalk along Shenandoah Avenue
lacking crosswalks.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 21
Bennington Place Shopping Center

Existing pedestrian access from Jamestown Place
Apartment complex (150 units) to Bennington
Place shopping center is via two dirt paths located
at either end of the shopping center.

Residents access the southeast side of the shop-
ping center through what appears to be a pur-
posely constructed gate on the property bound-
ary located at the back of the Food Lion.

Pedestrian access to the shopping center from the
north end goes around an existing fence that runs
along the property line of Jamestown Place. The
dirt path parallels the property line and crosses
the creek to access Indian Village near the play-
ground and maintenance office.

Formal access points from the apartment complex
to the shopping center would be safer and more
attractive. The existing paths, shown below, ap-
pear to be in adequate locations. Formalizing
these paths through establishment of easements,
surfacing the paths, and appropriate ADA facilities
is recommended.
Pedestrian access through existing gate on
the southeast side of the shopping center.
Pedestrian access on the north side of the shop-
ping center.
Proposed pedestrian facilities on
location of existing paths.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 22
Franklin Road, Beechwood to Duke
of Gloucester Street

The section of Franklin Road west of Beechwood
Drive SW is used by pedestrians to access the
commercial area along the corridor, including
Franklin Square Shopping Center, Townside Fes-
tival Shopping Center and Tanglewood Mall.

The sidewalk from Franklin Square Shopping
Center on Franklin Road ends at Transmissions
America. From there, pedestrian traffic typically
follows a path along the north side of Franklin
Road, past Avenham Avenue and Duke of
Gloucester Street, then west to the commercial

It is recommended that sidewalks or a shared use
path be constructed along this section of roadway.
Crosswalks and appropriate pedestrian crossing
signage should be installed at the following loca-
tions: Avenham Avenue, Duke of Gloucester
Street, Townside Road, and the entrances to
Franklin Square Shopping Center and Townside
Festival Shopping Center.

Sidewalk terminates at Transmissions America.
Existing shoulder along Franklin Road.
Proposed pedestrian
facilities along
Franklin Road creat-
ing a connection
from Duke of
Gloucester Street,
Avenham Avenue
and Beechwood
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 23
Electric Road, Route 220 to Ogden

The section of Franklin Road, beginning on the
east side of Route 220, to Ogden Road is utilized
by pedestrians to access residential and commer-
cial centers. Residential areas adjacent to this
section of Electric Road include Edgehill Estate
(100 units) and Copper Croft (120 units).

Pedestrians follow a well worn path along the
north side of the road, under the Route 220
bridge, west to Tanglewood Road. The inter-
change of U.S. Route 220 and Route 419 creates
a situation in which pedestrians must cross
entrance/exit ramps. While Route 419 is
signalized at this point, crosswalks and signage
are needed at the ends of the ramps in order to
create a safer pedestrian environment.

A path along the north side of Route 419 is often
used to connect the area east of Route 220 to the
commercial properties near Ogden Road and
Starkey Road. At this point pedestrians are walk-
ing through some of the busiest intersections in
the region. Installation of sidewalks, signage and
crosswalks in this commercial corridor would en-
hance pedestrian safety and access.

Within this section of Rt. 419, the intersection of
Route 419 and Elm View Road SW connects Tan-
glewood Mall to the residential areas of Copper
Croft and Edge Hill Estate. Pedestrian traffic at
this point is crossing Route 419 instead of parallel-
ing it. While some pedestrians utilize the existing
traffic signal locations to cross Route 419, many
do not. Signage indicating where pedestrians
should cross are needed.

It is recommended that sidewalks or a shared use
path be constructed along this section of roadway.
Crosswalks and appropriate pedestrian crossing
signage should be installed at the following loca-
tions: Elm View Road, Ogden Road, and the en-
trances to Tanglewood Mall.
U.S. Route 220 bridge over of Electric Road is
a travelway for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Elm View Road SW connects Tanglewood
Mall to the residential areas.
Interchange of U.S. Route 220 and Electric
Road adjacent to Tanglewood Mall. Path along
north side of Route 419 without crosswalks.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 24
Ogden Road

Ogden Road connects Electric Road to Colonial
Avenue in southwest Roanoke County. The
Ogden Road corridor is populated by several resi-
dential complexes: Sunscape (264 units), Stone-
brook (168 units), Pebble Creek (468 units),
Honey Wood (300 units) and the Westwind com-
munity. Major commercial sites include Old Coun-
try Plaza, Holiday Inn and Tanglewood Mall.

Ogden Road does not have any pedestrian facili-
ties other than the sidewalks on the bridge that
crosses the Norfolk Southern railroad. There are
three bus stops along Ogden Road that consist of
a sign and no other amenities. Pedestrian traffic
along Ogden Road follows a path on the west side
of the road leading from the Countryside Plaza /
Tanglewood area to the residential areas. The
lack of sidewalks and minimal shoulder create a
dangerous situation for pedestrians.

It is recommended that two options be considered
for Ogden Road. The first is construction of side-
walks along the west side the road. This would
place the sidewalk adjacent to the majority of resi-
dential development. The second option would be
to purchase and easement on the west side of the
road and create an off road shared use path.
Existing path along Ogden Road.
Ogden Road does not have any pedestrian fa-
Major residential and commercial sites along Ogden Road.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 25
Oak Grove Plaza / Southwest Plaza

The intersection of Route 419, Grandin Road and
Carriage Lane is located in southwest Roanoke
County. This is the location of Southwest Plaza
and Oak Grove Plaza. Residential complexes in-
clude the Pines (216 units), Windsor Place,
Heather Park, Glen Ivy, and Farrington Apart-
ments (100 units).

The intersection is signalized but does not have
any other pedestrian facilities. It is recommended
that sidewalks and crosswalks be installed at the
intersection along with pedestrian crossing sign-
age and a pedestrian crossing control button.
Sidewalks should extend the length of the com-
mercial area from Heather Drive to Woodmar

The intersection of Grandin Road with the en-
trance to Farrington Apartments does have a pe-
destrian crossing sign, stop bars and a crosswalk.
This is a good example of what can be done to ac-
commodate pedestrians on a side street that is
not signalized.

The lack of sidewalks along Grandin Road from
Route 419 to Ashley Lane should be addressed.
Installation of sidewalks would further enhance
pedestrian safety and access to the commercial

Intersection of Route 419 and Grandin Road.
Existing pedestrian facilities along Grandin
Grandin Road does not have sidewalks.
Intersection of Carriage Lane, Grandin Road
and Route 419.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 26
Ridgewood Farms Shopping Center

The intersection of Route 419 and Braeburn Drive
is adjacent to Lewis-Gale Hospital and Ridgewood
Farms Shopping Center. Residential communities
in the area include Ridgewood Farms, Chateau
Riviera (242 units) and Willow River Apartments
(300 units). The intersection of Keagy Road and
Route 419, just east of Braeburn intersection, con-
nects the hospital to an office complex, Comfort
Suites, and indirectly to the shopping center.

Pedestrians utilize the intersections to access the
shopping center, restaurants, Lewis-Gale Hospi-
tal, Hampton Inn, Comfort Suites and other com-
mercial sites. Many of the properties, particularly
the hospital and hotels, have patrons that that util-
ize the shopping center on foot, thus creating a
demand for improved pedestrian facilities at this

The intersections at Keagy Road and Braeburn
Drive are signalized and have a pedestrian cross-
ing control buttons. However, there are no side-
walks or crosswalks at the intersections. It is rec-
ommended that sidewalks and crosswalks be in-
stalled at the intersections along with pedestrian
crossing signage. Consideration should be given
to constructing sidewalks along this section of
Route 419 from Keagy Road west across the
bridge over the Roanoke River to Willow River
Intersection of Braeburn Drive and Route 419.
Keagy Road leading to Route 419 and Lewis-
Gale Hospital.
Braeburn Avenue leading to Route 419 inter-
Braeburn Avenue and Route 419 intersection.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 27
Implementation of Recommendations

This study has made general recommendations for improvements to the pedestrian network
related to improving connections between residential area and major commercial centers.
Some of the recommendations, such as repainting crosswalks, can be done within the regu-
lar maintenance schedule and budget by local governments. Many of the recommendations
will be minor construction projects requiring right of way purchase, preliminary engineering
and design and adequate local government funds in order to be completed. Some will be
major construction projects requiring a great deal of preliminary engineering and design
work and a large amount of federal, state or local funding. The recommendations for off
road pedestrian paths - Hershberger road from Rutgers Avenue to Ferncliff Avenue, Valley
View to Oakland Avenue, and Ogden Road - should be studied in more detail to determine
if the projects are feasible.

General Pedestrian Improvement Strategies

1. As part of road construction projects: incorporation of needed pedestrian facilities on
construction, reconstruction and relocation projects.
2. As part of preservation projects: These projects will be evaluated for their potential for
pedestrian and bicycle improvements. These include bringing sidewalks up to ADA stan-
dards, constructing missing segments of sidewalks or widening pavement to provide
bike lanes. Costs may be shared with local jurisdictions on a mutually agreed upon ratio.
3. By developers as part of the permit conditions: local governments should encourage de-
velopers to provide needed pedestrian facilities when modifications are made to the
4. As part of major utility projects: projects such as utility work will also be viewed as op-
portunities to make improvements. Utility rights of way provide corridors that could be
used for pedestrian facilities. Localities and utility companies should also consider the
construction of pedestrian facilities as an opportunity to install conduit, fiber optic lines
and other types of underground hardware during the construction process.
5. With minor highway improvement projects: improvements such as widening shoulders
prior to overlays, constructing short sections of sidewalk and constructing curb cuts and
6. By restriping roads with bike lanes: VDOT should coordinate with local jurisdictions to
restripe urban highways with bike lanes after overlay projects, where feasible, or retrofit
bike lanes through stripe removal and repainting. Localities within the Roanoke Valley
have annual paving and restriping schedules that should be used to identify appropriate
project areas.
7. As stand-alone bikeway and/or walkway projects (within right-of-way): VDOT, in coop-
eration with local jurisdictions, should develop projects to construct bikeways and walk-
ways where critical sections are missing. Localities should utilize the existing Roanoke
Valley Bikeway Plan and the Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan for design standards and
priorities. The primary purpose is to provide bicycle and pedestrian facilities. These pro-
jects are not generally associated with other highway improvements.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 28
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 29
Appendix A
Shared Use Paths

Source: Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1998


Though originally conceived to provide a facility for bicyclists separated from motor-vehicle
traffic, paths often see greater use by pedestrians, joggers and skaters, sometimes even
equestrians. The planning and design of multi-use paths must therefore take into account
the various skills, experience and characteristics of these different users.

Where Paths Are Appropriate

Well-planned and designed multi-use paths can provide good pedestrian and bicycle mobil-
ity. They can have their own alignment along streams and greenways, or may be compo-
nents of a community trail system. Paths can serve both commuter and recreational cy-
clists. Many inexperienced cyclists fear motor vehicle traffic and will not ride on streets until
they gain experience and confidence. A separated path provides a learning ground for po-
tential bicycle commuters and can attract experienced cyclists who prefer an aesthetic ride.

The key components to successful paths include:
Continuous separation from traffic, by locating paths along a river or a greenbelt such as
a rail-to-trail conversion, with few street or driveway crossings (paths directly adjacent to
roadways are not recommended, as they tend to have many conflict points);
Scenic qualities, offering an aesthetic experience that attracts cyclists and pedestrians;
Connection to land-uses, such as shopping malls, downtown, schools and other com-
munity destinations;
Well-designed street crossings, with measures such as bike and pedestrian activated
signals, median refuges and warning signs for both motor vehicles and path users;
Shorter trip lengths than the road network, with connections between dead-end streets
or cul-de-sacs, or as short-cuts through open spaces;
Visibility: proximity to housing and businesses increases safety. Despite fears of some
property owners, paths have not attracted crime into adjacent neighborhoods;
Good design, by providing adequate width and sight distance, and avoiding problems
such as poor drainage, blind corners and steep slopes; and
Proper maintenance, with regular sweeping and repairs. The separation from motor ve-
hicle traffic can reduce some maintenance requirements, such as sweeping the debris
that accumulates on roads.

Paths Next to Roadways


Multi-use paths should not be placed next to roadways; half of the bicycle traffic will ride
against the normal flow of motor vehicle traffic, which is contrary to the rules of the road,
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 30
with the following consequences for bicyclists:

When the path ends, bicyclists riding against traffic tend to continue to travel on the wrong
side of the street, as do bicyclists getting to a path. Wrong-way travel by bicyclists is a ma-
jor cause of bicycle/automobile crashes and should be discouraged.
At intersections, motorists crossing the path often do not notice bicyclists coming from cer-
tain directions, especially where sight distances are poor.
Bicyclists on the path are required to stop or yield at cross-streets and driveways.
Stopped motor vehicle traffic on a cross-street or driveway may block the path.
Because of the closeness of motor vehicle traffic to opposing bicycle traffic, barriers are of-
ten necessary to separate motor vehicles and bicyclists. These barriers are obstructions,
complicate maintenance of the facility and waste available right-of-way.


Separated paths along roadways should be evaluated using the following guidelines:

Bicycle and pedestrian use is anticipated to be high;
The adjacent roadway is a heavily-traveled, high-speed thoroughfare where on-road bike-
ways and sidewalks may be unsafe;
The path will generally be separated from motor vehicle traffic, with few roadway or drive-
way crossings:
There are no reasonable alternatives for bikeways and sidewalks on nearby parallel
There is a commitment to provide path continuity throughout the corridor;
The path can be terminated at each end onto streets with good bicycle and pedestrian fa-
cilities, or onto another safe, well-designed path;
There is adequate access to local cross-streets and other facilities along the route.
Any needed grade-separation structures do not add substantial out-of-direction travel; and
The total cost of providing the proposed path is proportionate to the need.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 31
Appendix B

Source: Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1998.


Freeways in urban areas often present barriers to pedestrian and bicycle circulation.
Though interchanges function as freeway crossings, they can be obstacles to walking and
bicycling if they are poorly designed. Pedestrians and bicyclists should be accommodated
on the intersecting and parallel local roads and streets in urban areas. In rural areas, traffic
volumes are usually lower, little pedestrian use is expected, and recreational and touring bi-
cyclists are usually experienced enough to make their way through an interchange. Shoul-
der widths through interchanges should be wide enough for bicycle use.

However, in urban and suburban areas, pedestrians and bicyclists of all skill levels travel on
the intersecting cross-streets. Well-designed interchanges provide safe and convenient pas-
sage for non-motorized traffic. To alleviate conflicts, more non-interchange crossings of
freeways should be provided, with these advantages for bicyclists and pedestrians:

Bicyclists and pedestrians can cross the freeway at locations with fewer conflicts with
vehicles entering and exiting freeway ramps; and
The additional crossings will relieve some cross traffic from the interchanges, making it
easier for bicyclists and pedestrians who must cross at these locations.

Basic Principles

Designs that encourage free-flowing motor vehicle traffic movements are the most difficult
for pedestrians and bicyclists to negotiate safely and comfortably. Conversely, designs that
provide safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle passage may require some slowing or
stopping of motor vehicle traffic.

It is important to consider both convenience and safety when providing for pedestrian and
bicycle travel near interchanges. If facilities are not used because of perceived inconven-
ience, the issue of safety becomes moot. The expected path of pedestrians and bicyclists
must be obvious and logical, with minimal out-of-direction travel and grade changes. In
most urban and suburban settings, the appropriate pedestrian facilities are sidewalks and
the appropriate bicycle facilities are bike lanes. Sidewalks should be wide enough to facili-
tate two-way pedestrian travel; bike lanes must be placed on both sides of the roadway to
allow bicyclists to ride with traffic.

Merging and Exit Lanes

While bike lanes and sidewalks are not appropriate on limited access freeways, they are
common on urban parkways. These parkways often have freeway-style designs such as
merging lanes and exit ramps rather than simple intersections. Traffic entering or exiting a
roadway at high speeds creates difficulties for slower-moving bicyclists and pedestrians.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 32

The following designs help alleviate these difficulties:

Right-Lane Merge
It is difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to traverse the undefined area created by right-lane
merge movements, because:
The acute angle of approach creates visibility problems;
Motor vehicles are often accelerating to merge into traffic; and
The speed differential between cyclists and motorists is high.

Exit ramps present difficulties for bicyclists and pedestrians because:
Motor vehicles exit at fairly high speeds;
The acute angle creates visibility problems; and
Exiting drivers often do not use their right-turn signal, confusing pedestrians and bicy-
clists seeking a gap in traffic.

Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 33
Appendix C
Walkway Signage

Source: Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1998.

Walkways generally require little signing. Most regulatory and warning signs are directed at
motor vehicle traffic when they approach a crossing. Very little has been done for directional
signs for pedestrians.

Regulatory Signs

The most important signs to increase pedestrians' safety in crosswalks at controlled inter-
sections are STOP and YIELD signs. At signalized intersections with right-turn or left-turn
lanes, Yield to Pedestrian signs may be installed where conflicts with crossing pedestrians
could occur: R10-2a is used to direct pedestrian traffic at intersections where it would be un-
safe for pedestrians to cross at a location other than a marked crosswalk. R9-2a and R9-3
direct pedestrians to cross on green only or to use a push-button.

Warning Signs

Pedestrian Crossing signs should be used at locations where a crossing is not normally en-
countered. This is usually at mid-block locations, where the adjacent land use is likely to
generate a fairly high number of crossings.

Directional Signs

Most directional signs are installed for the benefit of motorists. They are large, mounted
fairly high, indicating destinations relatively far away, and may not adequately serve pedes-
trians. Most walking trips are short, and the pedestrian's line of sight is fairly low. No stan-
dards have been developed yet for pedestrian directional signs. Signs should be developed
for urban areas to assist pedestrians new to the area, or for residents who may not realize
that the best route on foot is shorter than what they are used to driving.

Sign Placement

Signs should be unobtrusive, easy to read and aesthetic. To avoid adding clutter to the ex-
isting street signs, it may be preferable to cluster signs together on one post, placed in stra-
tegic locations. Distances should be given in blocks, average walking time, or other meas-
urements meaningful to pedestrians. Examples of key destinations to include are: libraries,
schools, museums, entertainment centers, shopping districts, etc.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 34
Appendix D
Environmental Justice

The RVMPO Demographic Profile was developed in 2005 to fulfill an important federal requirement
and will satisfy Goal 2 of the official Public Involvement Policy. This profile seeks to identify con-
centrations or otherwise describe certain special populations within the RVAMPO study area. These
special populations are identified in and protected by various provisions of federal law from either
intentional or unintentional discrimination in any program that receives federal funds. Furthermore,
the RVAMPO demographic profile has the additional purposes of informing planning staff, citizen
advisory groups, and policymakers about the demographic makeup of their neighborhoods and com-
munities. This information is to be consulted and considered throughout the planning process.

Executive Order 12898, issued by President Clinton in 1994, requires that federal agencies and other
entities making use of federal funding avoid disproportionately high and adverse effects on minor-
ity and low-income populations and to seek involvement of the public toward the ends of ensuring
environmental justice in governmental operations. The profile is divided into 6 sections; each section
addresses one of the special federal nondiscrimination protections: age and gender, race, limited Eng-
lish proficiency (national origin), Hispanics (national origin), poverty, and disability. The subjects of

Discrimination on the basis of race in federally assisted programs has been prohibited since the pas-
sage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI of this act prohibited discrimination on the basis of
race, color, or national origin in any federally funded program. Data concerning each racial minority
has been collected from the 2000 Census and mapped out at the block group level (Maps 1 through 6
in the Demographic Profile). Geographic concentrations of racial minorities can be identified using
these maps.

The largest racial minority group within the RVAMPO service area is the Black or African Ameri-
can Alone group at 13.25% of the total RVAMPO population. Map 1 from the Demographic Profile
illustrates the location of Black or African American Alone group in the Roanoke Valley MPO area.

Potential effects upon low-income areas must also be considered throughout the planning process.
Map 11, from the Demographic Profile, shows geographic concentrations of individuals who are be-
low the federal poverty level, according to the US Census Bureau.

The 20 areas addressed in the Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers document are shown on the
maps from the Demographic Profile on the following pages. One (1) of the areas addressed in the
study is located in areas that are more than 40 percent Black or African American Alone. None of the
areas addressed in the study are located in areas where more than 30 percent of the residents are be-
low poverty level. Three (3) of the sites are located in areas where between 16 to 30 percent of the
residents are below poverty level. These locations are typical of regional commercial centers that
typically are developed in high income areas.
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 35
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 36
Pedestrian Access to Commercial Centers 37

1. An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Walking Along Roadway Crashes: Research
Study and Guidelines for Sidewalks and Walkways, FHWA, 2002

2. Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations, Virginia Department of
Transportation, 2004

3. Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan,
planproc.shtml, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1998.

4. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),, Federal
Highway Administration, 2003.

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