This document discusses and compares GSM and CDMA mobile network technologies. It explains that GSM and CDMA are the two main network standards used by cellular carriers. It outlines some key differences between the two technologies, such as data transfer speeds (with CDMA traditionally being faster), use of SIM cards (used in GSM networks but not CDMA networks in the US), and international roaming capabilities (easier on GSM networks). The document provides an overview of the standards to help consumers choose a carrier based on their network technology preferences and needs.
This document discusses and compares GSM and CDMA mobile network technologies. It explains that GSM and CDMA are the two main network standards used by cellular carriers. It outlines some key differences between the two technologies, such as data transfer speeds (with CDMA traditionally being faster), use of SIM cards (used in GSM networks but not CDMA networks in the US), and international roaming capabilities (easier on GSM networks). The document provides an overview of the standards to help consumers choose a carrier based on their network technology preferences and needs.
This document discusses and compares GSM and CDMA mobile network technologies. It explains that GSM and CDMA are the two main network standards used by cellular carriers. It outlines some key differences between the two technologies, such as data transfer speeds (with CDMA traditionally being faster), use of SIM cards (used in GSM networks but not CDMA networks in the US), and international roaming capabilities (easier on GSM networks). The document provides an overview of the standards to help consumers choose a carrier based on their network technology preferences and needs.
This document discusses and compares GSM and CDMA mobile network technologies. It explains that GSM and CDMA are the two main network standards used by cellular carriers. It outlines some key differences between the two technologies, such as data transfer speeds (with CDMA traditionally being faster), use of SIM cards (used in GSM networks but not CDMA networks in the US), and international roaming capabilities (easier on GSM networks). The document provides an overview of the standards to help consumers choose a carrier based on their network technology preferences and needs.
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Mobile phone work
GSM vs. CDMA Impact of Mobile phone Contribution to the socio-economic development 1 Introduction Mobile phone work Cellular vs. PCS: Personal Cellular communication service (PCS) is a wireless phone service very Similar to cellular phone service, but with an emphasis on personal service and Extended mobility. The term PCS! is o"ten used in place o" di#ital cellular! but true PCS means that other service li$e pa#in# caller %& and e' main are bundled into the Service. (hile cellular was ori#inally created "or use in cars, PCS was desi#ned "rom The #round up "or #reater user mobility. PCS has smaller cells and there"ore re)uires a *ar#er number o" antennas to cover a #eo#raphic area PCS phones use "re)uencies +etween 1.,- and 1... /01 21,-3 401 to 1..3 4015.
Dream phone? %" you could desi#n your own cell'phone, what would it do6 2%T they already ma$e it, 7ou can mention that too) 3G technologies: 8# technolo#ies is the latest in mobile Communications. 8# stand "or third #eneration!. This ma$es analo# cellular technolo#y #eneration one and di#ital9PCS #eneration two. 8/ are intended "or the true multimedia cell phone. Typically call smart phone. it supports web based application. 8/ comprise several cellular access technolo#ies. The three is most common one as o" :33-. CDMA 2000 based ; based on 2G codes multiple access WCDMA (UMTS) wideband code division multiple access. TDSCDMA' Time division synchronous code division multiple access 8/ networ$ have potential trans"er speed o" up to 8 4bps.(about 1- seconds to download a 8 min. 4P8 son#.) "or comparison, the "astest. :/ phones can achieve up to 1<<'=bps (about , minutes to download a 8' minute son#). 8/>s hi#h data rates are ideal "or downloadin# in"ormation "rom the %nternet and sendin# and receivin# lar#e, multimedia "iles. 8/ phones are : li$e mini'laptops and can accommodate broadband applications li$e video con"erencin#, receivin# streamin# video "rom the (eb, sendin# and receivin# "axes and instantly downloadin# e'mail messa#es with attachments. Dual Band vs. Dual Mode: %" you travel a lot, you will probably want to loo$ "or phones that o""er multiple bands, multiple modes or both. *et>s ta$e a loo$ at each o" these options? 4ultiple bands ' @ phone that has multiple'band capability can switch "re)uencies. Aor example, a dual'band T&4@ phone could use T&4@ services in either an ,33'40B or a 1.33'40B system. @ )uad'band /S4 phone could use /S4 service in the ,-3'40B, .33'40B, 1,33'40B or 1.33'40B band. 4ultiple modes ' %n cell phones, CmodeC re"ers to the type o" transmission technolo#y used. So, a phone that supported @4PS and T&4@ could switch bac$ and "orth as needed. %t>s important that one o" the modes is @4PS D this #ives you analo# service i" you are in an area that doesn>t have di#ital support. 4ultiple band94ultiple modes ' The best o" both worlds allows you to switch between "re)uency bands and transmission modes as needed. Phones that support these options do chan#in# bands or modes automatically. Esually the phone will have a de"ault option set, such as 1.33'40B T&4@, and will try to connect at that "re)uency with that technolo#y "irst. %" it supports dual bands, it will switch to ,33 40B i" it cannot connect at 1.33 40B. @nd i" the phone supports more than one mode, it will try the di#ital mode(s) "irst, then switch to analo#. 7ou can "ind both dual'mode and tri'mode phones. The term Ctri'modeC can be deceptive. %t may mean that the phone supports two di#ital technolo#ies, such as C&4@ and T&4@, as well as analo#. %n that case, it is a true tri'mode phone. +ut it can also mean that it supports one di#ital technolo#y in two bands and also o""ers analo# support. @ popular version o" the tri'mode type o" phone "or people who do a lot o" international travelin# has /S4 service in the .33'40B band "or Europe and @sia and the 1.33'40B band "or the Enited States, in addition to the analo# service. Technically, this is a dual'mode phone, and one o" those modes (/S4) supports two bands. 8 Problems with Cell Phones: @ cell phone, li$e any other consumer electronic device, has its problems? /enerally, non'repairable internal corrosion o" parts results i" you #et the phone wet or uses wet hands to push the buttons. Consider a protective case. %" the phone does #et wet, be sure it is totally dry be"ore you switch it on so you can try to avoid dama#in# internal parts. Extreme heat in a car can dama#e the battery or the cell'phone electronics. Extreme cold may cause a momentary loss o" the screen display. @nalo# cell phones su""er "rom a problem $nown as Cclonin#.C @ phone is CclonedC when someone steals its %& numbers and is able to ma$e "raudulent calls on the owner>s account. 0ere is how clonin# occurs? (hen your phone ma$es a call, it transmits the ESF and 4%F to the networ$ at the be#innin# o" the call. The 4%F9ESF pair is a uni)ue ta# "or your phone D this is how the phone company $nows who to bill "or the call. (hen your phone transmits its 4%F9ESF pair, it is possible "or ne"arious sorts to listen (with a scanner) and capture the pair. (ith the ri#ht e)uipment, it is "airly easy to modi"y another phone so that it contains your 4%F9ESF pair, which allows the ne"arious individual to ma$e calls on your account. < GSM Vs CDMA %n cellular service there are two main competin# networ$ technolo#ies? /lobal System "or 4obile Communications (/S4) and Code &ivision.. 4ultiple @ccess (C&4@). Cellular carriers includin# Sprint PCS, Cin#ular (ireless, GeriBon and T'4obile use one or the other. Enderstandin# the di""erence between /S4 and C&4@ will allow you to choose a carrier that uses the pre"erable networ$ technolo#y "or your needs. The /S4 @ssociation is an international or#aniBation "ounded in 1.,H, dedicated to providin#, developin#, and overseein# the worldwide wireless standard o" /S4. C&4@, a proprietary standard desi#ned by Iualcomm in the Enited States, has been the dominant networ$ standard "or Forth @merica and parts o" @sia. 0owever, /S4 networ$s continue to ma$e inroads in the Enited States, as C&4@ networ$s ma$e pro#ress in other parts o" the world. There are camps on both sides that "irmly believe either /S4 or C&4@ architecture is superior to the other. That said, to the non' invested consumer who simply wants bottom line in"ormation to ma$e a choice, the "ollowin# considerations may be help"ul. Covera#e? The most important "actor is #ettin# service in the areas you will be usin# your phone. Epon viewin# competitors> covera#e maps you may discover that only /S4 or C&4@ carriers o""er cellular service in your area. %" so, there is o decision to be made, but most people will "ind that they do have a choice. &ata Trans"er Speed? (ith the advent o" cellular phones doin# double and triple duty as streamin# video devices, podcast receivers and email devices, speed is important to those who use the phone "or more than ma$in# calls. C&4@ has been traditionally "aster than /S4, thou#h both technolo#ies continue to rapidly leap"ro# alon# this path. +oth boast C8/C standards, or 8r #eneration technolo#ies. EG&J, also $nown as C&4@:333, is C&4@>s answer to the need "or speed with a downstream rate o" about : me#abits per second, thou#h some reports su##est real world speeds are closer to 833'H33 $ilobits per second ($bps). This is comparable to basic &S*. @s o" "all :33-, EG&J is in the process o" bein# deployed. %t is not available everywhere and re)uires a phone that is C&4@:333 ready.. /S4>s answer is E&/E (Enhanced &ata Kates "or /S4 Evolution), which boasts data rates o" up to 8,< $bps with real world speeds reported closer to H3'1<3 $bps. (ith added technolo#ies still in the wor$s that include E4TS (Eniversal 4obile Telephone Standard) and 0S&P@ (0i#h Speed &ownlin$ Pac$et @ccess), speeds reportedly increase to about :H-D8,3 $bps. This technolo#y is also $nown as ('C&4@, but is incompatible with C&4@ networ$s. @n E&/E' ready phone is re)uired. - %n the case o" EG&J, theoretical hi#h tra""ic can de#rade speed and per"ormance, while the E&/E networ$ is more susceptible to inter"erence. +oth re)uire bein# within close ran#e o" a cell to #et the best speeds, while per"ormance decreases with distance. Subscriber %dentity 4odule (S%4) cards? %n the Enited States only /S4 phones use S%4 cards. The removable S%4 card allows phones to be instantly activated, interchan#ed, swapped out and up#raded, all without carrier intervention. The S%4 itsel" is tied to the networ$, rather than the actual phone. Phones that are card'enabled can be used with any /S4 carrier. The C&4@ e)uivalent, a K'E%4 card, is only available in parts o" @sia but remains on the horiBon "or the E.S. mar$et. C&4@ carriers in the E.S. re)uire proprietary handsets that are lin$ed to one carrier only and are not card'enabled. To up#rade a C&4@ phone, the carrier must deactivate the old phone then activate the new one. The old phone becomes useless. Koamin#? Aor the most part, both networ$s have "airly concentrated covera#e in maLor cities and alon# maLor hi#hways. /S4 carriers, however, have roamin# contracts with other /S4 carriers, allowin# wider covera#e o" more rural areas, #enerally spea$in#, o"ten without roamin# char#es to the customer. C&4@ networ$s may not cover rural areas as well as /S4 carriers, and thou#h they may contract with /S4 cells "or roamin# in more rural areas, the char#e to the customer will #enerally be si#ni"icantly hi#her %nternational Koamin#? %" you need to ma$e calls to other countries, a /S4 carrier can o""er international roamin#, as /S4 networ$s dominate the world mar$et. %" you travel to other countries you can even use your /S4 cell phone abroad, providin# it is a )uad'band phone (,-39.3391,3391.33 40B). +y purchasin# a S%4 card with minutes and a local number in the country you are visitin#, you can ma$e calls a#ainst the card to save yoursel" international roamin# char#es "rom your carrier bac$ home. C&4@ phones that are not card'enabled do not have this capability. @ccordin# C&/.or#, C&4@ networ$s support over :H3 million subscribers worldwide, while /S4.or# tallies up their score at over 1 billion. @s C&4@ phones become K'E%4 enabled and roamin# contracts between networ$s improve, inte#ration o" the standards mi#ht eventually ma$e di""erences all but transparent to the consumer. The chie" /S4 carriers in the Enited States are Cin#ular (ireless, recently mer#ed with @TMT (ireless, and T'4obile ES@. 4aLor C&4@ carriers are Sprint PCS, GeriBon and Gir#in 4obile. There are also several smaller cellular companies on both networ$s. N Impact of mobile phone: The impact o" mobile phone dramatic in terms o" development o" the telecommunication sector. the leledensity in the country, which was less than one percent in 1..H and one o" the lowest in the world. *ess than nine years it has Lumped to more than six percent. The mobile phone mar$et since then has expended "aster than in any other country in the re#ion, virtually a )uiet (mobile phone) revolution has ta$en place, thousands o" remote villa#es, includin# the coastal o""'shore islands li$e +hola, 0atiya and swandwip. %n these places people had never ever seen a telephone set. They are now usin# mobile phones and tal$in# not only to their relatives and "riends but also doin# their business more pro"itable than ever be"ore. +y bein# able to connect to urban areas or ever to "orei#n countries, a whole new world o" opportunity is openin# up "or the villa#ers in +an#ladesh. Contribution to the Socio-economic Development: The activities o" mobile phone contribute to the socio'economic development o" +an#ladesh in many di""erent ways. %n addition to employin# nearly :333 people, more than 1,33,333 people are directly dependent on mobile phone "or their livelihood, includin# the people wor$in# "or the dealers, a#ents, contractors, suppliers and a maLor portion o" that "i#ure includes the villa#e phone operatorOs. @ccordin# to the %nternational telecommunication Enion, the /eneva'based EF body, the addition o" each new telephone in a developin# country li$e +an#ladesh, adds ESS :-33 to the countryOs /&P.
There are many villa#e phone operators by ownin# a mobile phone they have dramatically increased not only their "amily income, but also their social status. The /overnment o" +an#ladesh has also bene"ited directly "rom the mobile phone without investment. The #overnment is earnin# vary lar#e revenues "rom taxesP duties and various other "ee received "rom the mobile phone operators. %n "act, /ramen phone H would be currently the lar#est taxpayer in the country. %ts contributions to the Fational Exche)uer have #one up "rom T$. -:1 million in 1..H, to more than T$. 11.-billion in :33<. /rameenphone also actively participates in promotin# di""erent socio'cultural activities and sports events in the country. %ts sponsored many activities over the years includin# the 1ainul'Iuamrul %nternational ChildrenOs @rt Competition, Paintin# Exhibitin# and many other activities. %t has also sponsored a scholarship "und "or the poor and meritorious students o" the Ainance and +an$in# &epartment o" &ha$a Eniversity. /rameenphone donated to computers to two schools "or underprivile#ed children. 4obile phone playin# a vital role "or socio'economic development o" +an#ladesh. 4obile phone is also a weapon a#ainst poverty. , CHAPTER 02 About the Company wnership Structure Senior Management !eam Chronolog" o# Cit"Cell$s %chievements Cit"Cell Changing &ives 'nitiative . About Cit!ce"" %bout the Compan" CityCell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) is Bangladeshs pioneering mobile communications company and the only CDMA netor! operator in the country" CityCell is a customer#dri$en organi%ation hose mission is to deli$er the latest in ad$anced telecommunication ser$ices to Bangladesh" The company offers a full array of fi&ed and mobile ser$ices for consumers and businesses that are focused on the uni'ue needs of the Bangladeshi community" CityCells groth strategy is to integrate superior customer ser$ice( highest standard technology and choice of pac!ages at affordable rates" The company operates a )*#hour call centre ith ell trained operators to respond to customer 'ueries" CityCells customer ser$ice are open + days a ee! to ensure customers can access CityCell at any con$enient time" CityCell is focused on inno$ation and creating ne ays for customers to stay in touch and to do business" CityCell is offering a ide range of competiti$e prepaid and postpaid mobile pac!ages as ell as ,alue Added -er$ices such as -M- and information based ser$ices" CityCell is loo!ing forard in introducing CDMA .& technology in )//* to pro$ide inno$ati$e multimedia features( including MultiMedia Messaging -er$ice(MM-) and many more data based mobile features currently not a$ailable in Bangladesh" 13 wnership Structure CityCell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) is a pri$ately oned company ith ma0ority foreign onership e'uity" 1olloing lists the current oners of CityCell (PBTL)2 -ingTel Asia Pacific 3n$estments Pte Ltd # *45 Pacific Motors Limited # 6."*65 1ar 7ast Telecom Limited # )6"4+5
Senior Management !eam 1. Chye Hoon Pin # Chief 7&ecuti$e 8fficer :. Intekhab Mahmud # Chief Commercial 8fficer 8. Mahfuzur Rahman # Deputy Chief Technology <. Choo Pui Hong # Chief Technology 8fficer -. Michael Seymour # Chief 1inancial 8fficer N. Tipu Sultan # Director( 1inancial Control 9 Company -ecretary H. Faisal Hyder # Director( 1inance 9 Treasury ,. Tariul Hasan # Chief( Customer Care .. !ulfiur Hussain # :uman ;esources Director 11 Chronolog" o# Cit"Cell$s %chievements "ate #$ent .<=< Bangladesh Telecom Limited (BTL) as aarded a license to operate cellular( paging( and other ireless communication netor!s" Apr#</ :utchison Bangladesh Telecom Limited (:BTL) as incorporated in Bangladesh as a 0oint $enture beteen BTL and :utchison Telecommunications (Bangladesh) Limited" Apr#<6 Agreement ith BTTB regarding P-T> lin!s" Aug#<6 .st cellular operation in the -outh Asian sub#continent Aug#<6 :BTL began commercial operation in Dha!a using the AMP- mobile technology" Dec#<6 Pacific Motors Limited ac'uired the entire 4/5 share holding of :BTL" 1eb#<? :BTL as renamed as Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (PBTL) and launched the brand name @CityCell DigitalA to mar!et its cellular products" Mar#<+ .st to e&tend co$erage to Chittagong Apr#<+ CityCell began commercial operation in Chittagong" Mar#<< .st to adopt CDMA technology Apr#<< CDMA technology as first introduced by CityCell" -ep#// Asian 3nfrastructure De$elopment Company (A3D7C) and 1u0itsu Limited (1L) became shareholders in CityCell" Ban#/. .st to set#up a communications bac!bone to Chittagong Apr#/. Dha!a#Chittagong microa$e is launched" >o$#/. CityCell introduced the .4#second pulse rate in the cellular industry of Bangladesh" Ban#/) CityCell commences operations in the -ylhet %one" Ban#/) ,alue Added -er$ices (,A-)( such as )* hour billing information( nes( ser$ices( sports( etc"( are introduced" Mar#/) 1irst operator in Bangladesh to offer off#pea! rates" Buly#/) 1irst operator in Bangladesh to offer prepaid ser$ices ith to#ay P-T> connecti$ity" 1: -ep#/) CityCell e&tends co$erage to ;angpur( Dina0pur( and -yedpur( the northern districts of Bangladesh" 8ct#/) -hort Message -er$ice (-M-) is introduced" Ban#/6 CityCell launched its ser$ices in the ma0or northern business city of Bogra" 1eb#/6 1irst operator in Bangladesh to introduce the 8ne)8ne post#paid pac!age" Bun#/6 CityCell reaches a co$erage le$el of */ districts out of a total of ?* (?. districts eligible)" Bun#/6 >etor! capacity is increased to )*/(///" Aug#/6 CityCell introduces @Amar PhoneA( a postpaid mobile#to#mobile pac!age offering the loest outgoing rate per minute in Bangladesh" -ep#/6 1irst operator in Bangladesh to introduce 3DD and >CD for prepaid subscribers" 8ct#/6 CityCell reaches a co$erage le$el of 4. districts out of a total of ?* (?. districts eligible)" >o$#/6 CityCells )*#hour customer call center opens" >etor! capacity is increased to )=/(///" Dec#/6 Dear#end acti$e mobile subscriber base reaches .+<(/4= ith co$erage in 4. districts" Mar#/* CityCell opens its customer ser$ice centres + days a ee! countryide" Bune#/* CityCell launches ;3M based handsets" 18 Cit"Cell Changing &ives 'nitiative CityCell community acti$ities %in &''() CityCell ties up *ith +angladesh Red Crescent Society CityCell( the pioneer telecom operator of Bangladesh( signed up an agreement ith Bangladesh ;ed Crescent -ociety (BD;C-) to carry out fund raising programs for human elfare through -M-" The fund collected through -M- as donated to BD;C- for the betterment of the society" Chris Maloy( pre$ious C78( CityCell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd") and 8baidur ;ahman( -ecretary Eeneral 9 C78( Bangladesh ;ed Crescent -ocietyF signed the agreement on behalf of their respecti$e organi%ations" Chile 3nte!hab Mahmud( Chief Commercial 8fficerF Ahmed Arman -iddi'ui( Manager( ,alue Added -er$ices( Taslim Ahmed( Manager( Mar!eting CommunicationsF CityCell and Guamrul Ahsan( DirectorF 7unus Ali Mia( Deputy Director( 1und ;aising DepartmentF ;i%ia Hobed( Deputy Director( 3nformation 9 P;F Mahmuda Chodhury( Consultant( 1ind ;aising DepartmentF Mi!ael -andgren( 8D Delegate( 31;C( Dha!a ere also present on the occasion organi%ed at the Pacific Center (Dha!a" CityCell community acti$ities %in &'',) CityCell-s C#. distributes relief among fire $ictims 8n *th March the fire burnt about )/// huts#+ babies ere burnt to death in the fire and many more ere hurt in Bau Ba%ar area of Iarail -lum( Eulshan" 8n .*th March Chris Maloy( pre$ious Chief 7&ecuti$e 8fficer of CityCell( distributed relief materials among )4// families ho lost all their possessions due to a de$astating fire" Chen Chris appeared among the helpless people( they recei$ed him ith emotional note" Chris told them( @ Because e care( thats hy Citycell is here"A :e distributed floor mats( mos'uito nets( coo!ing post( rice( dal( and pulse among fire $ictims" 1< CityCell and M+/ Club stage concert to raise money to ease flood hardship CityCell( through its community aid program Changing Li$es( helped easing the hardship of those affected by organi%ing a concert in association ith the MBA Club on the ?th of August" The concert( hich as staged at the >ational Museum Auditorium in Dha!a( as organi%ed ith the specific ob0ecti$e to raise funds for the flood#affected people of the country" Performing at the concert ere renoned Bangladesh artists Boogey 9 1riends( 1eedbac!( Miles( L;B( :assan( Pentagon( Mehreen( Iani% -uborna( Carfa%e( Partho( -tarling( -hahed( Iumar Bisha0it( 1erdous Cahid and :abib" The concert as a great success( attracting a crod of more than +// people for the flood relief cause" CityCell donates money for the flood affected Chris Maloy( pre$ious Chief 7&ecuti$e 8fficer( CityCell handed o$er a che'ue of T!" )4 la!h to Prime Minister Begum Ihaleda Hia for the flood#affected people of the country" Prime Minister Begum Ihaleda Hia appreciated CityCells initiati$e to help the people of the society" Also present at this occasion as 1aisal Morshed Ihan( ,ice ChairmanF Tipu -ultan Mohammad( Director( 1inancial Control 9 Company -ecretaryF and 3nte!hab Mahmud( Chief Commercial 8fficer from CityCell" CityCell hands o$er relief to Rotary for the flood $ictims CityCell handed o$er relief for the flood affected to ;otary District Eo$ernor 8ffice on Buly )//*" At the gathering( 4(/// pac!ets ere gi$en to ;otary District 6)=/ Eo$ernor 8ffice that contained Chira( Eur( -aline( Candles and Matches" Distribution of these pac!ets to the relief areas started on .st August )//*" The areas that ere co$ered for relief distribution ere -herpur( Brahmanbaria( >arshingdi( Bhairab( Mani!gon0( and Munshigan0" Mr" 3nte!hab Mahmud( Chie" Commercial J""icer( CityCell and ;otarian Ia%i >a%mul :a'ue#treasurer of ;otary Club Dha!a Jrbana( ;otarian -yed A%i%ul :a'ue( President of ;otary Club Dha!a Jrbana P:1( ;otarian Prof" Mi%anur ;ahman -helly#-ecretary of ;otary Club Dha!a Jrbana( ;otarian A"I"M" -hamsuddin( District 6)=/ Eo$ernor( ;otarian Dr" -hamimu%%aman Bosu Mia # 3PP( P:1 ere present at the gathering on behalf of their respecti$e organi%ations" 1- CityCell sponsors Saline0pro1ect CityCell sponsored the -aline#Pro0ect for helping the flood#affected people of the country" Jnder this pro0ect( the ob0ecti$e of CityCell as to produce .(//(/// salines" 6/ persons or!ed to produce =/// saline e$eryday at the MBA Club premise" These salines ere being pro$ided to all interested organi%ations and indi$iduals" CityCell helps intellectually disabled children of S2I" CityCell( Bangladeshs leading mobile communications pro$ider( launched its community program KCityCell Changing Li$es ith a donation to the -ociety for the Celfare of the 3ntellectually Disabled (-C3D)" The -ocial Celfare 8rgani%ation of 3ntellectually Disabled( as established in .<++ and operates 6/ schools for the intellectually disabled throughout the country" LCityCell Changing Li$esL community program initiati$e ill initially support ? schools in Dha!a( -ylhet and Chittagong" CityCelLs pre$ious C78 Chris Maloy handed o$er the donated goods to the -ocietys President Mr" M"A" Baten" Donated goods include toys such as lego sets( bells and dolls( as ell as teaching materials such as pencils( paper and boo!s" The goods ill be distributed throughout the si& schools in Dha!a( -ylhet and Chittagong" This initiati$e as set up to consolidate the mobile operators $arious community initiati$es" The initiati$es core ob0ecti$e is to help impro$e the 'uality of life of and open up ne opportunities for disad$antaged people in Bangladesh" 1N CityCell donates Physiotherapy #uipment to underpri$ileged intellectually disabled children 8n December 4( )//*( CityCell donated physiotherapy e'uipment to -73D Trust (-pecial 7ducation for 3ntellectually Disabled Children) for the underpri$ileged and intellectually disabled children under CityCells community program KCityCell Changing Li$es" -73D Trust runs a school and a Community Based ;ehabilitation (CB;) Program for the intellectually disabled" Currently the school pro$ides therapy( food and con$eyance to *) children ith $arious disabilities" CityCell pre$ious C78 Chris Maloy handed o$er the donated goods to the organi%ations Director( Dilara -attar at a ceremony held at CityCell office at Moha!hali" A number of the children ho attend the school ere also present at the ceremony" @As a large pri$ate organi%ation( e feel e ha$e an obligation to be engaged in corporate community acti$ities(A said Chris Maloy( pre$ious C78 of CityCell at the donation ceremony" @The -ociety deser$es e$ery support possible and e are proud to be able to contribute to the impro$ement of the li$es of these students"A 1H CHAPTER 0# Contact 'n#ormation Customer Care Bill Pa"ment (andsets ) Pac*ages (andset Service centre Prepaid Pac*ages +etwor* Coverage Map +etwor* Coverage District ,ise 1, $enera" Ser%ice Contact Information :ead 8ffice Pacific +angladesh Telecom 3td4 Pacific Centre .*( Moha!hali CMA( Dha!a#.).)" Phone2 ==)).=?#+( ==)4)=.( ==)4)=6 1a&2 ==)64+4 Customer Contact2 N.).( /..#<<.)..). 7#mail2 customerser$iceOcitycell"com
1. Sylhet .ffice Pacific +angladesh Telecom 3td4 Earden Toer (Eround 1loor) -hah0alal Bridge Lin! ;oad Jposhohor Point -ylhet Phone2 /..#<<?./444( /..#<<?./???( /..#<<?./... (-ales) 1a&2 /=).#=.)+4* 7mail2 customerser$iceOcitycell"com Pacific +angladesh Telecom 3td4 Tayamun Center (.st 1loor) .=.( Ihan A" -abur ;oad Ihulna# <.// Phone2 (/*.)# =.6)<+#<= 1a&2 =.6)<? Mobile2 /..#<<=/)<6+ Ra1shahi .ffice Pacific +angladesh Telecom 3td4 :ouseP )?6( -ectorP /) ;as0shahi Jposhahor Phone2 (/+).)#=?..*.( =?..*) 1a&2 /+).#=?..*6 Mobile2 /..<<?//4<=( /..<<?//4<< 5hulna .ffice :3 Customer Care At CityCell e are committed to gi$ing our customers the best ser$ice e$ery time( all the time" As the industry leader in customer ser$ice e&cellence( CityCell is continuously or!ing toards gi$ing customers the best possible ser$ice e&perience" This is manifested in CityCells tagline2 LBecause e careL and in the ser$ice inno$ations CityCell has introduced to ma!e life easier for our customers" &,0Hour Call Centre %call 67&7 from your CityCell mobile or '770887&77&7 from any other phone) The Call Centre enables customers to be in touch ith CityCell round the cloc! to ma!e en'uiries and ha$e their problems sol$ed instantly" CityCells Call Centre is fitted ith state#of#the#art e'uipment from leading global hardare pro$ider >ortel hich ensures smooth and uninterrupted operations at full capacity" By dialing N.). from your CityCell mobile phone( you get instantly connected to one of CityCells e&pert Customer -er$ice 7&ecuti$es ho are ell trained to anser 'ueries and pro$ide information and solutions" .pen for +usiness 9 "ays a 2eek ;ecently CityCell as again at the forefront of inno$ation by being the first operator to open its front des! operations 6?4 days a year at all of its Customer -er$ice Centres in Dha!a( Chittagong( -ylhet( Ihulna and ;a0shahi" CityCell customers can no pay their bills and purchase ser$ices at any day of the ee! that is most con$enient for them" "ays :ormal 7$ery day <2//am # 426/pm :1 +ill Payment /nytime; from /ny*here *ith Cash Card CityCell postpaid customers can en0oy the con$enience of paying their bills anytime from anyhere o$er their mobile phones ith Cash Card" 8ur Cash Card is a no$el and inno$ati$e ay for postpaid customers to pay bills o$er the phone" All you need is a CityCell Cash Card and your CityCell phone and you can pay your phone bill from anyhere( anytime" >o more standing in the 'ueue or trying to beat the opening hours of ban!s or ser$ice centres Q you can use the Cash Card )* hours a day" .nline +ill Management *ith .nline Self Care 8nline -elf Care enables postpaid customers to manage a number of ser$ices online( such as $ieing bill status( billing history( payment details and lodging ser$ice 'ueries and complaints" CityCell is proud to be the leader in Customer -er$ice in Bangladesh and ill continue to or! toards a fully satisfying ser$ice e&perience for its customers" 3ts because e care" :: Bill Pa"ment 9 #asy 2ays to Pay your +ill *ith CityCell At CityCell( e understand ho important it is to offer con$enient and hassle#free ays to pay your monthly bill" There are currently ? con$enient ays for you to pay your bills2 ." Cash Card2 a$ailable at all authori%ed dealers or retail outlets countryide" Cash Card can be used anytime and from anyhere to pay your bills using your CityCell phone" )" Ad$ance Payment -lip2 a$ailable at all Ban!s here CityCell bills are collected" 6" :-BC 7asy Pay machines2 a$ailable at four con$enient locations in Dha!a (Banani( Jttara( Eulshan and Dhanmondi)" *" -tandard Chartered ATM machines2 3f you are customer of -tandard Chartered Ban!( you can settle your bill through their ATM machines ith your ATM card" 4" 7astern Ban! Limited 3nternet Ban!ing2 if you are an 7BL customer( simply log on to "ebl"com"bd to settle your CityCell bills online" ?" 7asy settlement of bills at the Cash Counters at CityCell Customer -er$ice Centres in Dha!a (Moha!hali)( -ylhet and Chittagong +" At ban!s2 bills can be paid at all ban!s mentioned on the bac! of our bill statement" 1or more information regarding these payment options( please call our )*#hour Call Center (N.). from your CityCell mobile 9 /..#<<.)..). form any other phone)"
N 3ncredibly light 9 small N .) poly ringtone N .)= & ?* pi&el LCD display (BMC) N Memory (6)MB 1lash ( =MB -;AM MCP) N -upport ;#J3M N ."6A BMC LCD display (<?&?* pi&els) N CDMA .R( =// M:% N .) polyphonic MD3 ringtone ,ibrate mode N Preloaded game M ringtone :okia &77& Hisense C9<9
N -mall and lighteight N ;eliability( easy# to#use( compact N Appeal for first time buyers N Lighteight (=6g)( N attracti$e design N Picture 1rame
Hisense C?88 Hisense C?<8
N Eames N -topatch N Main LCD )4? Color N Alarm cloc! N ,olume = le$els N ;ecent Calls Memory N -ecurity
N Eames N -topatch N Main LCD )4? Color N Alarm cloc! N ,olume = le$els N ;ecent Calls Memory N -ecurity :okia &&<' Hisense C?>88 :<
NA range of e&citing Rpress#8n TM color co$ers N 7nhanced eb# brosing ith Mobile 3nternet N CDMA)/// .R technology N ;inging tone composer for uni'ue tones
Motorola C7?7 !T# C7??
"e@ian C?'< "e@ian C>'<
"e@ian C>7< "e@ian C>7<
:- (andset Service centre Nokia Care: Models: Nokia 2280, 2112, 3155,6235, 2255, 8280, 3585. Address: 1. Nokia Care Centre, Celullar Moile !te. "td., 12#$, C%andras%ila &u'astu (o)er, 6*#1, !ant%a+at%, ,reen road, -%aka.1205, !%one: *6/3501. 2. 2.Nokia Care Centre Ceiullar Moile !te. "td., 68#1, ,uls%an A'enue, ,uls%an. 1, -%aka.1212, !%one: 8815251. 3. Nokia Care Centre, Celullar Moile !te. "td., 226,&0. Mo1i 2oad3lst 4loor5, A6raad, C%itta6on6. !%one : 811861. 7. Nokia Care Centre, Celullar Moile !te. "td., 8ales)aritala, 0aliarimore, $o6ra . 5800. 5. Nokia Care Centre, Celullar Moile !fe. "td., (a9anum Centre, 181, 0%an .:.&aur 2oad, 0%ulna . *100. Cell $an6la: Models: ;ua)ei.C218,C506, Address: 1. Cell $an6la "td. ;ua)ei.C218,C506, Aedin (o)er 3*t% 4loor5, 35 0emal Ataturk A'enue, $anani, -%aka.1213. Moile: 01 1**81/758. 2. Cell $an6la "td., "okman (o)er 35t% <oor5, 1676 &0. Mu1i 2oad, C%itta6on6. Moile: 01 1**/01221, 3. Cell $an6la "td., N2 (o)er 33rd 4loor5, :ast -ar6a% ,ate, Air+ort 2oad, &9l%et. Moile: 01 1**601001 7. Cell $an6la "td., &%il+a $ank $%aan 35t% <oor5, 25#26 0-A C#A, 0%ulna. *000. Moile: 01 1**660068, 5. Cell $an6la "td., 715 &%a+nakun1o 3,round 4loor5, -arik%arona, =+as%a%ar Mor, 2a1s%a%i. Moile: 01 1**65006/, 6. Cell $an6la "td., Cit9 !la>a 31st 4loor5, ,ir>a Mo%olla, $aris%al, Moile: 01 1**6600/2. :N &er'ice ?ne # Moile Care: Models: Motorola .@150,C.131, A101, B680, B/30, =tstarcom . 1 160, 11601, 1 161, Address: 1. -%aka &er'ice Centre, 5t% 4loor, !rince !la>a, 7#2 &o%ana6, Mir+ur 2oad, -%anmondi, -%aka.120/, (el: *170668, 81205*1, 011**0171 11, 4aC: *1 18*6/, 2. C%itta6on6 &er'ice !oint.317, &k. Mu1i 2oad, &uDa !la>a, 1st 4loor 3?++osite to 4ire &tation5, A6raad C#A, C%itta6on6.7100, (el: /21/27. 3. 0%ulna &er'ice !oint.171, &ir IEal 2oad, 2nd 4loor, Afta Center, 0%ulna. *000, (el: 813676. 7. 2a1s%a%i &er'ice !oint.272#A, 0adir6on1 31st 4loor5, ,reater 2oad, 2a1s%a%i. 6000, (el: 81 1251 5. &9l%et &er'ice !oint, 2nd 4loor, 0arimulla% Market, $%andar $a>ar, &9l%et. 3100, (el: 812*3*. 6. $arisal &er'ice !oint.70, &adar 2oad 32d 4loor5, $arisal. /. $o6ra &er'ice !oint, ;oldin6 No. 21*/#1*5, Court ;ouse 2oad, 8ales)aritala, $o6ra. 8. Camilla Collection !oint, &%o+ No. 6 F /, INo. Ali Mansion, 1st 4loor, 0andir+ar, Comilla.3500, *. 8essore Collection !oint, 2o)nok C%amer 31st 4loor5, !lot No. 351 F 352, ;oldin6 No. 1, ;atk%ula 2oad, ;otel Mid (o)n 8essore. 10. 0us%tia Collection !oint "o'el9 (o)er 38t% 4loor5, ;oldin6 No. 55#1, &ira1uddo)la 2oad, 0us%tia. 11. 2an6+ur Collection !oint, N.I (o)er 32nd 4loor5, !a9ra C%ottor, 2an6+ur. 12. M9mensin6 Collection !oint, Cit9 Center 3,round 4loor5, 1 1, 2amau 2oad, 3?++osite of Aioka ;all5, M9mensin6%. :H !aciDc $an6lades% (elecom "imited: Models: &amsun6 &C; &.10*, &C;.71 1, &C;.210, &C;.N1*1,&C;.N213,&C-.**0, &C;.61 1,:2IC&&?N.1228, A=-I?B?A.135, M?(?2?"A. 182C,C.210,B.60, ;G=N-AI.;,C1 10, ;,C120, ;,C.600e, CG$:2$:"".100,-:AIAN.308 F All t9+es of 4@(s. Address: 1. !aciDc Center 3,round 4loor5.H 7, Mo%ak%ali, -%aka . 1212, Contact No. I 121, 01 1**121 121. 2. !aciDc Center 3,round 4loor5.81, 0akrail, -%aka.1000, Contact No. I121, : 01 1**121 121, 3. 26, A6raad C#A, C%itta6on6 Contact No. I 121, 01 1**121 121. <. ,arden (o)er, &%a%1alal $rid6e "ink 2oad, =+os%o%or !oint, &9l%et.3100, Contact No. I 121, 01 1**121 121, -. (a9moom Center 31st 4loor5.H 81, 0%an. :.&aur 2oad, 0%ulna.*100, Contact No. I 121, 01 1**121 121. 6. ;ouseI 263 3,round 4loor5 &ector.02, 2a1s%a%i =+os%o%or, 2a1s%a%i.6202, Contact No. I121, 011**121121. :, !re+aid !acka6es Is Prepaid right for youA Li!e many others if you are ondering hether prepaid is best for you( here are a fe tips on hat you can e&pect out of it2 In Prepaid B # Dou donLt ha$e to pay monthly line rent # DonLt need to deposit money for any special ser$ice (e"g" >CDM3-D) # DonLt ha$e to ait in long 'ueue to pay mobile bill Ho*e$erB4 # Dou ha$e to recharge your account before you can use it # ;echarge period e&pires after a set time -o( if your e&pected mobile usage and e&penses are lo (generally less than T!" .(///) and you ant to control of mobile e&penses( then prepaid pac!age is right for you" Many of our customers also associate prepaid ith simplicity( transparency and predictability" 2hat are the packages a$ailable in PrepaidA Ce ha$e the folloing prepaid pac!ages for you2 Hello '7&? Mega Phone /alap Super Plus /alap Classic /alap Super /alap + /alap Call Me %*ith call&cash feature) Prepaid PC. Hello '7&? Any one preferred CityCell number O T!" / for the first 6 minutes( after that O T!" /"+4Mmin 8ther to preferred CityCell numbers O T!" .Mmin Any other CityCell number O T!" )Mmin Any other operators mobile number O T!" 6Mmin :. Mega Phone 6Tk 7('' free talktime is a$ailable at first time acti$ationC T! *4/ for callMsms to any mobile T! ./4/ for callMsms to any CityCell number 1ree tal!#timeMsms offer ill be $alid for 6/ days starting from day of acti$ation This is a mobile#to#mobile Prepaid pac!age To acti$ate your connection( please dial N=.. . year handset arranty /alap Classic 6/ second pulse from the first minute )* hours BTTB incoming#outgoing 9 3-D facility )* hours BTTB incoming free 7conomy 3-D call rates facility for calls to )4 countries /alap Super Call to preferred three CityCell numbers (8ne)8ne) at half rate of normal on#net tariff Call to any CityCell number O T!" /")4 at -uper off Pea! hour" Aalap B Aalap B is only mobile#to#mobile pac!age" This plan gi$es you Access to any mobile in Bangladesh )/ second pulse after first minute 1reedom to choose . CityCell number and ma!e calls at 4/5 of normal on#net tariff under 8ne)8ne scheme 83 /alap Call Me Aalap Call Me is a full BTTB connecti$ity pac!age ith the uni'ue and inno$ati$e call)cash feature" This plan gi$es you Access to any mobile in Bangladesh )* hour BTTB localM>CDM3-D connecti$ity Jnder the call)cash feature Aalap Call Me customers ill get T!" /")4 added to their account e$ery minute hen they recei$e calls from other CityCell phones 1reedom to choose up to 6 CityCell number and ma!e calls at 4/5 reduced tariff under 8ne)8ne scheme CityCell to CityCell -M- at a reduced rate of T!" ."4/ 81 Postpaid Pac*ages Postpaid offerA Dou "ecideE 3t should be your choice hen and for ho long you use your mobile" LetLs e&plore ho the CityCell postpaid pac!ages facilitate you to manage your mobile usage" In postpaid B # Dou donLt ha$e to orry about your prepaid tal!#time running out # Dou can use the CityCell cash cards to pay your bills at your con$enience # Dou donLt need to go hunting for prepaid card shops hen your credit runs out Ho*e$er B # Dou need to pay a minimum monthly line rent 3f you are loo!ing for a mobile ser$ice that doesnLt put any bar on bill amount or connecti$ity( then CityCellLs postpaid pac!ages are for youS Chat our e&isting postpaid customers appreciate most is our current loest tariff structure for mobile#to#mobile and complete BTTB localM>CDM3DD facility" 2hich postpaid package is right for youA Dou can choose from the three current postpaid offers2 Qono Phone Shabar Phone @amar Phone Citycell Premium -preme CityCell Premium This is the pioneer postpaid pac!age in Bangladesh to introduce the .#second pulse" 3t has )* hour mobile#to#mobile as ell as BTTB connecti$ity" Jnder this plan you get2 )* hour BTTB localM>CDM3-D incoming and outgoing facility Loer tariff for CityCell#CityCell calls ;educed call rates during off#pea! (=PM#..PM) and super off#pea! (..PM#=AM) hours 4/5 discounted tariff for calls to up to 4 CityCell numbers under the 8ne)8ne feature . second outgoing pulse from the $ery first second" 8: . second incoming pulse after the first free minute" The loest monthly line rent" Shabar Phone -habar Phone is the con$enient postpaid pac!age ith limited BTTB connecti$ity" Cith -habar Phone you ha$e2 A minimal monthly line rent >o hidden charges for roaming BTTB localM>CDM3DD outgoing facility during off#pea! and super off#pea! hours 4/5 discounted tariff for calls to up to 6 CityCell numbers under the 8ne)8ne plan .4 second outgoing pulse after first minute More benefits for you2 -M- and other $alue added ser$ice facilities Cash cards to lessen the hassle of bill payment /amar Phone Aamar Phone is the con$enient postpaid mobile#to#mobile ser$ice" Cith Aamar Phone subscription you ill recei$e2 A lo( lo monthly line rent ;educed call rates during off#pea! hours Discount on monthly bill based on usage 4/5 discounted tariff for calls to upto 6 CityCell numbers under the 8ne)8ne plan .4 second outgoing pulse after the first minute More benefits for you2 -M- and other $alue added ser$ice facilities Cash cards to lessen the hassle of bill payment 88 -i.ed Phone Pac*age Fi@ed Phone Package2 T9T 3ncoming and 8utgoing ith Mobile to Mobile H=/2#I #TS 7&'' 1i&ed Cireless Terminal (CDMA)/// .R) Accessories2 3nternal Antenna( ;echargeable Battery (>3#M:)( Poer cord( Tel#line cord( Manual Price in Taka Set price *ith 3ocal Connection .*(<<<"// Additional deposit (;efundable)2 1or >CD T!")(4//"// and for >CD 9 3DD T!"4(///"//" :ardare Price (3nter#change)2 T!" .)(<<<"// Monthly Subscription Tk4 &('4'' Call Type Peak %<am0 <pm) .ff Peak %<pm077pm) Super .ff Peak %77pm0 <am) .utgoingTo CityCell Mobile T! ."// T! ."// T! /"4/ To 8ther 8perator T! )"// T! )"// T!" ."// To T9T Local( >CD 9 3DD T!")"// T BTTB charge T!")"// T BTTB charge T!"."// T BTTB charge Incoming3ncoming from any Mobile 1ree 3ncoming from T9T Local( >CD( 3DD T!" ."4/ T!" ."4/ T!" ."4/
1. .45 ,AT is applicable on the total bill" :. T!" ."+/ per local call to T9T and >CDM3DD at actual T9T charges payable" 8. 8utgoing )/ sec Pulse from .st Minute for Pea! 9 8ff#Pea! hour and ?/ sec pulse for super off#pea! hour" *" 3ncoming ?/ sec pulse is applicable for Pea!( 8ff#pea! 9 -uper off#pea! hour" Payment should be made in ad$ance before deli$ery the set(s) in the form of Pay 8rderMCashMcredit Card in fa$or of @Pacific Bangladesh Telecom LtdA" 8< Terms .f Payment .f Monthly +ill C CDMA monthly Billing period is )+th to )?th of the folloing month" 1ull payment of monthly bill should be made by due date specified on the in$oice" 1ailure to ma!e payment by due date ill result in disconnection of your line ithout any further intimation" >o reconnection fee ill be charged if payment is made ithin 6 or!ing days of disconnection" A reconnection fee of T!" 4// ill be charged thereafter if payment is made ithin the last or!ing Day of the month" Bill payments made the folloing month(s) ill re'uire a reconnection fee of T!" .///" 8ut standings after three months ill result in the forfeiture of Airtime Deposit" Credit 3imitC 1or 3ocal 0Tk4&; (''( 3ocal F :2"F I"" 0 Tk49; ('' 3f set is lost or stolen( reporting the incident to PBTL customer ser$ice ill deacti$ate the set (rendering the set useless)" NCarranty for :ardare ? months( Battery 6 months" R#G=IR#M#:TS F.R :#2 S=+SCRIPTI.:C ." To attested photograph 9 )" Mailing address $erification documents (any one)2 Photocopy of Passport( Ban! statements( Dri$ing license( ChairmanMCard commissioner certificate( TelephoneM EasM 7lectric bill( $oter 3D card etc" 8- +etwor* Coverage Map "istrict 2ise :et*ork Co$erage =pcoming :et*ork Co$erage :et*ork Co$erage Map +enefit of C"M/ CityCell has an e&tensi$e netor! co$erage throughout the country" Ce are continuously e&panding and upgrading our already comprehensi$e netor! and to meet consumer demand and maintain a high 'uality netor!" The program is designed to upgrade netor! technology and add netor! capacity to support the companys consistently increasing customer base" 8N +etwor* Coverage District ,ise "istrict 2ise :et*ork Co$erage =pcoming :et*ork Co$erage :et*ork Co$erage Map +enefit of C"M/ "istrict 2ise :et*ork Co$erage /rea "IHISI.: "ISTRICT 2IS# /R#/ "H/5/ "haka Mohakhali Rampura Agargaon Gulshan-2 Mirpur Khilkhet Mazar road Uttra-1 Gulshan-1 Khchukhet Banani Nakhalpara N.Gan-1 Mog!azar "egun!aghicha-1 #armgate $ld %it& Motiheel-2 N.Gan-2 Ada!or 'alla!i Mathartek (lephant Road 'agla!azar Baridhara Uda&an )*!al Road ('+ ,almatia Ka-ran Bazar Gulshan-. Mirpur-2 /opkhana Kamlapur Madhu!ag 'uranapalt on 0azare !ag Ka1rul ,al!ag Monipuripara Matual 2inira "a&ada!ad Narinda Mali!ag Razar!ag Raz!azar +ramonbaria B.Baria Akhura Chandpur %handpur Matlo! #aridgan 8H kazipara "a3ar-1 /angail-1 "a3ar-2 /angail-2 Kathal!ag an 'aikpara Rupnagar Mohakali 4ohs /ekpara %handhous ing Ra&er Bazar +ene3a %amp Ne- Market 4hanmondi-. Kerangan 4ohar Faridpur #aridpur Iazipur Gazipur Mauna Gazipur "adar Kapasia /ongi )/U 5Board Bazar6 Raendarpur 5isorgan1 Kisorgan Madaripur Madaripur Manikgang 4aulatpur Manikgan 4hamrai Mansigan Mymenshing M&menshing :arashingdi Narashingdi :orshindi Mado!di Bhairo! 'olash :o*abgan1 No-a!gan Sariatpur "ariatpur Sira1gan1 "iragan Tangail Mirzapur Kaliakor CHITT/I.:I Chittagong Agra!ad Kalurghat Nandankanan Bandartila )#%$ Kumira +orargan 'ahartali Begamgan #ouzdarhat 0alishore Feni 3a@mipur 8, ,a7mipur 'atenga Khulshi ,alkhan riazuddin Bakulia )slampur "itakundu 0athaaree Ra-zan Ano-ara 'atia Baizid 'athantola %ha-k!aza r Kamal!aza r 5Mohara6 "altgola Alkoron 5"adarghat 6 Boalkhali %ho-dhur& hat #eni #eni-2 "onagazi Ramgan :oakhali "onaimuri %hagolna&a Maizdi
8. R/JSH/HI Ra1shahi Rashahi-1 Rashahi-2 Rashahi-; %hapai NG +ogra Bogra-1 Bogra-2 "ina1pur 4inapur Is*ardi )s-ardi Joypur hat 2o&pur 3almoirhat ,almoirhat :ator Nator :ougaon Nougaon Pabna 'a!na Rangpur Rangpur-1 Rangpur-2 Syedpur "&edpur <3 Galue @dded Service (G@S) /.panding +etwor* (%ana -istrict (%ana -istrict Jion Na6or C%uadan6a $irol -ina1+ur -amur%uda C%uadan6a ;akim+ur -ina1+ur 0asian9 ,o+al6an1 0%ans%ama -ina1+ur (erok%ada 0%ulna No)a6on1 -ina1+ur 0%an1a%an AN 0%ulna $ir6on1 -ina1+ur C%ou6ac%a 8essore &aid+ur Ks LHMl+%amari 0%oksa 0us%tia 2anina6ar Nao6aon 0alia Narail -urEa+ur 2a1s%a%i Mo%es+ur 8%enaida% Adamdi6%i $o6ura 0aliEani 8%enaida% 0a%aloo $o6ura 0otc%and+ur 8%enaida% &%i6an1 $o6ura Mo%ammad+ur Ma6ura $era !ana C%itolmari $a6er%at "almo%on $%ola Molla%at $a6er%at -o)lotk%an $%ola &o rail $ra%manaria Nolcit9 8%alokat%i ,o+al+ur (anEail $anari+ara $arisal Na6ar+ur (anEail =>ir+ur $arisal -oulat+ur Manik6an1 !irEan1 (%akur6aon &ulla &unam6an1 2anisankail (%aku(6aon $iram+ur -ina1+ur . . <1 CHAPTER 0& Call 0elated Services Service -eatures Bangla SMS Ban*ing ) others /mergenc" Services -inancial Services -1+ Group SMS (ello !une 'nternational SMS Ringtone list2 dost: SMS Chat Sports !rump Card 2oice Based 'n#ormation Services 2oice Mail Services <: 'a"ue Added Ser%ice ('AS) Call 0elated Services Call For*ardingK "i$ert Call 1orarding lets you forard your number to any mobile or T9T phone number to recei$e your calls through that number" 7$en if you are tra$eling abroad( you can forard your calls to a designated number outside the country to alays stay in touch" How to do it #Dial N9&' folloed by the designated number to acti$ate Call 1orarding" (e"g" N9&'&&&&&&&&U) #Dial N9&'U to deacti$ate the Call 1orarding option in your mobile phone"
Three Party Conference %TPC) Cith our Three Party Conference -er$ice you can ha$e a three#ay con$ersation ith to other people simultaneously o$er the phone" Dou can include both mobile and T9T phones in your TPC con$ersation for real fle&ibility" How to do it # Dial your desired number (/..&&&&&U)" # After the call is ansered( as! your con$ersation partner to hold the line" # Dial the number of your second con$ersation partner" # After the second call is pic!ed up( press -7>D (U)" # >o all three parties can ha$e a con$ersation simultaneously o$er a one#line connection"
SMS %Short Message Ser$ice) -tay in touch ith your friends and family through -M-" -M- is automatically a$ailable for all CityCell customers and does not ha$e to be specifically acti$ated" All you ha$e to do is choose the message option on your phone( rite your message in the message field and send it to the desired number" This ser$ice is a$ailable for messages sent to other CityCell customers and to Erameen Phone customers" Dour -M- is ready ithout set up procedures # try it out and send your message noS
<8 .ne&.ne Cith CityCell 8ne)8ne you can register up to threeN other CityCell numbers and pay only 4/5 of your normal tariff hene$er you call these numbers" And no you can e$en manage your 8ne)8ne numbers con$eniently $ia -M-" -imply follo the steps belo to add( re$ie and ma!e changes to your 8ne)8ne calling list2 #To submit or add a 8ne)8ne number( send your number to V....V from your -M- message screen in the folloing format2 @-JBM3TWspaceX/..&&&&&&A# for submitting one number" @-JBM3TWspaceX/..&&&&&&WspaceX/..&&&&&&A# for submitting to numbers" @-JBM3TWspaceX/..&&&&&&WspaceX/..&&&&&& WspaceX/..&&&&&&A# for submitting three numbers" #To $ie your Current 8ne)8ne numbers( send the !eyord @,37CA $ia -M- to V....V" #To change a 8ne)8ne numbers on your current list( send the number you ant to change to V....V in the folloing format2 @C:A>E7WspaceX/..&&&&&&WspaceX/..&&&&&&V 8ld >e number number Please note that you can only change one number at a time" Dour 8ne)8ne calling list ill be updated ithin *= hours of the re'uest being sent" Due to system restrictions only one re'uest per day can be processed" NAmount of 8ne)8ne numbers alloed depends on customer pac!age" 1or en'uiries call N.)." #0mail o$er SMS All CityCell Prepaid 9 Postpaid customers ha$e indi$idual email account2 3f your mobile number is /..<<.)..).( your email address ill be2/..<<.)..).Osms"citycell"com Dou can send to and recei$e emails from any email address anyhere in the orld"
Sending e0mail from #0mail o$er SMS to /ny #mail /ddress << 3n the @Crite >e -M-A or @Create -M-A option of your mobile( type the e#mail address folloed by the email message (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen the address and the main message) 9 -end it to ****" 1or e&le # if you ant to send an email to friendOyahoo"com ith the Message V:o are youUA Type a message li!e how are you? and -end it to **** Sending e0mails to CityCell Mobile Chen someone ants to send e#mail to a CityCell user( heMshe ill need to send the email to the address /..&&&&&&Osms"citycell"com (:ere( &&&&&& represent the last si& digits of the destination mobile number) Please note that ? The email should be ithout any ATTAC:M7>T( if you enclose an attachment your e#mail ill not be deli$ered" Do not use ccMbcc option hen sending mail to 7#mail o$er -M- numbers" #0mail /rri$al :otification Chene$er an email is sent to your mobile e#mail account( you ill be notified through an -M-" 1or e&le if you recei$e an email from friendOyahoo"com( the notification -M- ill be2 7ou have #ot an email "rom " KE@& 1 to <<<< to read the mail 3f you recei$e a second e#mail from relati$eOyahoo"com you ill recei$e another notification -M- saying2 7ou have #ot an email "rom KE@& : to <<<< to read the mail <- Service -eatures Reading Mail To read the first e#mail( you ill 0ust QType read 1 (here . refers to the 13;-T email in 3nbo&) 9 -end it to **** 3f the first email is recei$ed from friendOyahoo"com ith the sub0ect V:iV and the message2 @:ello 3 got your mailA you ill recei$e an -M- li!e2 7>82 . 1r2 friendOyahoo"com" -ub2 :i" Msg2 :ello 3 got your mail To read the second e#mail( you ill 0ust Q Type read ) (here ) refers to the -7C8>D email in 3nbo&) -end it to ****" -imilarly( you ha$e to send read 6 or read * to ****( if you ant to read the T:3;D or 18J;T: message in the 3nbo& and so on" Reply Mail 3f you ant to directly reply to the 13;-T mail that you ha$e recei$ed( ith the reply message2 @Than!s for your mailA you 0ust need to Type reC7 Than!s for your mailF (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen re2. and the message) 9 -end the -M- to ****" -imilarly( if you type reC& folloed by a message # 3t ill go as a reply to the -7C8>D e#mail that you had recei$ed" For*ard Mail 3f you ant to 1orard the 13;-T e#mail to any address( you 0ust need to Q Type f2. folloed by the destination e#mail addressF (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen f2. and the address) 9 -end it to **** 1or e&le( if you ant to forard the 13;-T e#mail you had recei$ed to meOmail"com you 0ust need to type f2. meOmail"com # the 13;-T e#mail in your inbo& ill be forarded to meOmail"com" -imilarly you need to type f2) or f26 before the destination address if you ant to forard the -7C8>D or T:3;D e#mail of your mailbo& and so on" "elete Mail <N To delete the 13;-T e#mail in your mailbo& you need to Q Type "elete7 -end it to **** This ill delete the 13;-T e#mail in your mailbo&" Dou can delete the -7C8>D or T:3;D e#mail in the mailbo& in a similar ay by typing "elete& or "elete? and sending the -M- to ****" To delete all e#mails in your inbo& you need to Q Type "elete all 9 -end it to ****" This ill delete all the mails in your mailbo& " Iet Inbo@ Information To chec! ho many unread mails are there in your mailbo&( you need to # Type inbo& 9 -end it to **** Dou ill recei$e an -M- containing Q The number of mails in mailbo&" The number of mails in mailbo& that are still unread" The mail numbers those are unread" 1or e&le( suppose there are fi$e e#mails in your mailbo& here 13;-T( T:3;D( and 18J;T: email ha$e been read and the -7C8>D and the 131T: e#mail is still unread" 3f you type inbo& and send it to **** you ill recei$e a reply -M- shoing2 Total 7#mail2 4" Jnread2 )" >umbers2 )( +lock un*anted Mail 3f you do not ant to recei$e any e#mail from a particular e#mail address you 0ust need to2 Type bloc! then that particular e#mail addressF (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen bloc! and the address ) -end to **** 1or e&le( if you do not ant to recei$e any mail from friendOyahoo"com 0ust type # bloc! friendOyahoo"com"Any e#mail from friendOyahoo"com ill be bloc!ed from then onards"
<H =nblock Pre$iously +locked /ddress To unbloc! any bloc!ed address you need to# Type unbloc! then the bloc!ed e#mail addressF (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen unbloc! and the address ) -end to **** 1or e&le( if you ant to unbloc! the pre$iously bloc!ed address friendOyahoo"com 0ust type Q unbloc! friendOyahoo"com and you ill again be able to recei$e mails from this address" Checking /ddress Status 3f you ant to chec! hether an address is bloc!ed or not you 0ust need to# Type chec! folloed by the desired e#mail addressF (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen chec! and the address) -end it to **** Dou ill recei$e a reply -M- shoing the status of the address( hether it is bloc!ed or not" 1or e&le( if you ant to chec! hether friendOyahoo"com is bloc!ed or not( 0ust type2 chec! <, Bangla SMS Procedure 7 C Subscriber to Subsc SMSC :ere the Customer ill send -M- directly to hisMher peer" The 1ormat is as follos2 FormatC ToWspaceXDestination >umberW-paceXTe&t" 7&le2 To /..=//44/ !i !habarU The message ill be sent to 7,7& 4 The Peer ill recei$e the Message in Bangla @ A Point to :oteC The Message can be sent from any :andset Model" The ;ecipients :andsets model must be a CityCell >o!ia 7&cept >o!ia 4.=4 9 >o!ia ?.=4" The Message ill be ritten in 7nglish in Bangla Terms The ;ecipient ill recei$e the Message in Bangla" The +angla SMS must not contain more than &> Characters4 Procedure &C Pull L Send SMSC :ere the customer ill Pull out the Bangla Message and ill be able to send it to hisMher Peer group" FormatC The customer ill rite the te&t in 7nglish ith Bangla format and send it to .*.)" 3n the return Message( the customer ill recei$e the Message in Bangla" #@ampleC -M- @!i !habarUA to 7,7& " 3n the ;eturn Message( The Peer ill recei$e the Message in Bangla @ A" The customer can forard it to hisMher peer group" <. Points to :oteC Both the sender and recei$er should ha$e a CityCell >o!ia Phone 7&cept >o!ia 4.=4 9 >o!ia ?.=4" The customer can $ie the message before sending to hisMher Peer" The format of riting the message ill be a$ailable in the Communication and our Cebsite" The +angla SMS must not contain more than &> Characters4 -3 Ban*ing ) others SMS +/:5I:I 2ITH +/:5 /SI/ Any Account holder of Ban! Asia can !no his balance through this ser$ice" This message contents2 Acc P3>C8D7 egF ACC )6*4" (The pin Code ill be pro$ided by Ban! Asia)" -end the message to )<)< The return message ill contain the Balance info" To get this ser$ices the client should contact ith Ban! Asia" Chittagong -toc! 7&change -er$ice To !no about share information the test content should be as PRIC# SCRIPC."# or PRIC# SCRIPI" e"g" P;3C7 BRP: (to get the Price of Be&imco) SCRIPI" 9 SCRIP.C# are a$ailable to the C-7 ebsite2 http2MMcsebd"com The Message should be sent to &&&& The return message ill contain that -toc! -tatus -M- Ban!ing ith -tandard Chartered Ban! To types of information are a$ailable here2 1. Account Information and 2. Card information 1or Account 3nformation( Type the message as2 /CC PI:C."# 1or Card 3nformation( Type the Message as2 C/R" PI:C."# The destination number for this ser$ice is )+)+" The subscriber has to contact ith the Ban! to a$ail this ser$ice( -1 /mergenc" Services Hospital0info To !no the regional hospitals( the -M- 1ormat to be gi$en is2 hospWdotXdi$isionWcategory Di$ision2 dh!( ctg( !hl( syl( 0es( ra0( brs Category as2 burn( cancer( child( dental( diabetes( ent( eye( gyne( heart( !idney( mental( orthopedic( s!in 7&le2 hosp"dh!"!idney 1or help2 -end -M- as help"hosp and send it to )4)4 +lood0+ank To !no the information about Blood Ban!( type the message as2 bban! 1or help2 -end -M- as help"bban!Mbloodban! and send it to )4)4 #mergency 1or the regional 7mergency numbers of the Police -tation( 1ire ser$ice and Ambulance -M- 1ormat2 7mrgWdotXWdi$isionXWtypeX Wdi$isionX as2 dh!( ctg( !hl( syl( 0es( ra0( brs WtypeX as2 pol( amb( fir 7&le2 emrg"dh!"pol 1or help2 -end -M- as help"emrg and send it to )4)4 Ta@i0Cab . st ay2 To get the numbers of Ta&i Cab Type -M-2 cabWdotXdi$isionWdotXtype WTypeX as2 blac!( yello Wdi$isionX as2 dh!( ctg( !hl( syl( 0es( ra0( brs 7&le2 cab"ctg"yello -: ) nd ay2 Eet it company ise" The -M- 1ormat2 cabWdotXdi$isionWdotXcab company Wcab companyX as2 Anudip( Dha!a( >a$ana( 8rion( -alida( Capital( Comfort( Cosmo( 7&press( Batri( Metro( :gn" 1or help2 -end -M- as help"cab and send it to )4)4 #ye0+ank To get the information on the 7ye Ban!( -imply type2 eban! -8 -inancial Services Currency #@change Rate Ino the foreign currency con$ersion rate @0ust li!e thatA" Dou can a$ail to a$ail to ser$ices hased on the e&change rate" ." Exchange to BDT 2 Crite your te&t as2 cchart 1or help2 -end -M- as help"cchart and send it to)4)4" )" Both way Exchange rate 2 :ere you ill get the con$ersed calculated rate that is a real hassle free e&change rate ser$ices" The folloing is the list of Te&t message format for different currencies2 J-D2 J-A D8LLA; 7J;2 7J;8 AJD2 AJ-T;AL3A> D8LLA; EBP2 JI P8J>D BDT2 BA>ELAD7-:3 TAIA CAD2 CA>AD3A> D8LLA; :ID2 :8>I8>E D8LLA; -A;2 -AJD3 A;AB3A> ;3DAL 3>;2 3>D3A> ;JP77 MD;2 MALADA-3A> D8LLA; BPD2 BAPA> D7> PI;2 PAI3-TA>3 ;JP3 -ED2 -3>EAP8;7 D8LLA; -< SMS Format for the ser$ice isC Ccon$ertWdotXWamountXWdotXWcurX 7&le2 ccon$ert".4///"bdt"usd (ill return .4/// bdtY )4/ usd) 1or help2 -end -M- as help"ccon$ert and send it to )4)4 -1+ CityCell introduces $alue /dded Ser$ices at your Finger Tips Tist your fingers to a$ail the folloing ser$ices through riting some !ey ords as your test and send it to )4)4" 3n the return mail you ill get your desired ser$ice"
Horoscope Ieep yourself ell run ith your :oroscope" Dou can dig up your :oroscope in to ays2 ." By Birth: Crite your te&t as2 horWdotXWddmmmX 7&le2 hor".)feb )" By Sign: Crite your test as2 horWdotXWsignX 7&le2 hor".)feb WsignX as2 ari( leo( sag( tau( $ir( cap( gem( lib( a'u( can( sco( pis" 3n the return Messge you ill find your sign ith the :oroscope" 7&le2 hor"pis 1or help2 -end -M- as help"horMhoroscope and send it to )4)4" Joke 7nergi%e yourself ith Top 4 :ilarious Bo!es of the day ith the folloing format2 Crite your te&t as2 0o!eWdotX. Bo!eWdotX) Bo!eWdotX6 Bo!eWdotX* Bo!eWdotX4 7&le2 0o!e". 1or help2 -end -M- as help"0o!e and send it )4)4
-- Guote -end stri!ing 'uotations on lo$e( fun( Birthday( 1riendship( isdom and seasonal to your dear ones2 Crite your te&t as2 'otWdotXWtypeX WtypeX as2 lo$e( fun( birth( friend( isdom( seas($alentine( neyear(eid( Christmas( independent( father( mother)" 7&le2 'ot"fun 1or help2 send -M- as help"'otM'uote and send it to )4)4 -N General 'n#ormation #0mail o$er SMS All CityCell Prepaid 9 Postpaid customers ha$e indi$idual email account2 3f your mobile number is /..<<.)..).( your email address ill be2/..<<.)..).Osms"citycell"com Dou can send to and recei$e emails from any email address anyhere in the orld"
Sending e0mail from #0mail o$er SMS to /ny #mail /ddress 3n the @Crite >e -M-A or @Create -M-A option of your mobile( type the e#mail address folloed by the email message (lea$e a -PAC7 beteen the address and the main message) 9 -end it to ****" 1or e&le # if you ant to send an email to friendOyahoo"com ith the Message V:o are youUA Type a message li!e how are you? and -end it to **** Sending e0mails to CityCell Mobile Chen someone ants to send e#mail to a CityCell user( heMshe ill need to send the email to the address /..&&&&&&Osms"citycell"com (:ere( &&&&&& represent the last si& digits of the destination mobile number) Please note that ? The email should be ithout any ATTAC:M7>T( if you enclose an attachment your e#mail ill not be deli$ered" Do not use ccMbcc option hen sending mail to 7#mail o$er -M- numbers" #0mail /rri$al :otification Chene$er an email is sent to your mobile e#mail account( you ill be notified through an -M-" 1or e&le if you recei$e an email from friendOyahoo"com( the notification -M- ill be2 7ou have #ot an email "rom " KE@& 1 to <<<< to read the mail 3f you recei$e a second e#mail from relati$eOyahoo"com you ill recei$e another notification -M- saying2 -H 7ou have #ot an email "rom KE@& : to <<<< to read the mail -, Group SMS Dour Eroup Z"" 8nly yoursS Build your on -M- Eroup and stay in touch ith dear ones" Ma!e a group of ma&imum + members and you can -M- them at a special rate all once" To form your group 0ust type reg.011XXXXX011XXXXX!. and send to *4?+" Dou ill recei$e confirmation $ia return -M-" Thats itS Dou are no ready to go" Type your message and send it to *4?+ and the message ill be deli$ered to your group all at once" To change any number of your group 0ust type change"oldnumber"nenumber and send it to *4?+" -. The return SMS *ill confirm the change4 [ Dou can create a group of minimum * members( ma&imum is + [ 8ffer is appli=cabel for CityCell pre#paid customers [ Eroup can be formed ith CityCell subscribers only [ Dou can change your group member hene$er you ant [ 8ne subscriber can ma!e . group only [ Tariff# T!" ."4/ for registration [ -M- charges per Eroup Member is T!" ."4/" N3
(ello !une CityCell :ello Tunes is hereS Choe$er calls you no ill get to hear your choice of song( poem or a funny tune" Dou can also record you on $oice and set it as your :ello Tune" Eone are the days for boring beep beep" CityCell is no ready ith a collection of thousands and thousands of tunes"
N1 ?/= Bangla( 4=/ 7nglish 9 4)4 :indi songs T )?. Different Tunes (,oice( Poems( 1unny Tunes 9 Dialogues) Eo ahead" Tune your Phone"" AKEE Subscription Till 81 Quly :33N :ello Tunes ;egistration Process and -ome Tunes To Ino more about registration and selection $isit N//+ or "citycell"com N: 'nternational SMS Ho* do I use International SMSC Jsing CityCell -M- application is $ery simple" -end and recei$e -M- to *.4 operators across .?) countries" A$ailable to all post#paid and pre#paid users" To send an 3nternational -M-( you ha$e to rite the destination number in international format2 N8 1or e&le if you ant to send an -M- to the JI type @//**\mobile number]A :oteC Do not use plus (T) sign instead of //( for e&le if you send a -M- to JI ith the folloing format T**\mobile number] than your message ill not reach to destination number" N< Ho* to send an international SMSC ." 8pen ne message )" Crite the message 6" Type the number2 //\country code]\mobile number]( 1or e&le if you ant to send an -M- to the JI type @//**\mobile number]A *" -end your -M- #@ampleC "estination CountryC JI type (Country Code2 //** ) "estination Mobile numberC /.)6*4?+=< Send the SMS toC //**.)6*4?+=< Country and operators to hich -M- can be sent" Please chec! that the mobile number you are sending the -M- to is under the co$erage pro$ided by CityCell in the list2 :oteC Menu structure $aries from handset to handset" Please chec! your handset manual for precise Menu options Charges -ending an 3nternational -M- costs you only T() 2)00 *er SMS + 'AT ;ecei$ing 3nternational -M- is absolutely 1;77" >o acti$ation fee is re'uired for a$ailing 3nternational -M-" >o need to ha$e 3-D connection to a$ail this ser$ice" -M- ser$ice must be acti$e to use this ser$ice" N- 0ingtone list? Compatible HandsetsC >o!ia 64=4( =)=/( ===+( and ))=/" Cost of "o*nloadingC Donload charge for each ;ingtone is T!" ./"// (plus ,AT) . standard -M- ill be charged for sending the re'uest -M-" Charges are same for both Pre#paid and Post#paid subscribers" Ho* to "o*nload RingtoneC Please go the Message option of your >o!ia Mobile phone by pressing @MenuA and follo the belo steps2 #-elect @MessagesA and then select @"e#t $e%%age%A #-elect @Create $e%%ageA( #-elect @Add &um'erA and then Type the number >9>9 andpress @8IA" #-elect @()tion%A then select @7dit MessageA and then rite your preferred ;ingtone Code" 1or e&le( to Donload the CityCell theme( rite :.5R'''7 (;ingtone list)( then press @8ptionsA( and then select @-endA" Dour message ill be sent instantly and you ill get the @$e%%age SentA confirmation" 3n reply( you ill recei$e the ;ingtone ithin a fe seconds" Dou ill NN see the message @*inging tone recei+edA on your mobile screen( no press @()tionA( select @,-ay'ac.A to listen to the ;ingtone" Press @/uitA to go bac! to the pre$ious menu to sa$e the ;ingtone in your phone" -elect @Sa+eA( and the ;ingtone ill be sa$ed on your phone" 3f you do not ant to sa$e the ;ingtone after listening( 0ust select @0i%cardA" The phone ill as! you for your confirmation to discard the ;ingtone( 0ust select @(1A to delete the ;ingtone" Setting the do*nloaded Ringtone as ringerC Press the @$enuA button( then scroll don to select @,rofi-e%A( then select your current or preferred profile( select @,er%ona-i2eA( then scroll don and select @*inging toneA( then find out your preferred ;ingtone and select it" The phone ill sho you a confirmation message" Press the @Bac!A button simultaneously to get bac! to the main screen" >o you ill listen your preferred ;ingtone hen a call comes" To "o*nload Multiple RingtonesC Dou can donload as many ringtones as you ant" Bust follo the procedure stated in the @:o to Donload ;ingtoneA and other sections" 3f you find your phones memory full after ten (./) donloads( you can alays replace the pre$iously donloaded ringtones" /ssigning "ifferent Ringtones to "ifferent ContactsC Dou can assign different ringtones to different contacts sa$ed in your >o!ia phone" Bust select any contact (or name)( press @0etai-%A( then press @()tion%A( scroll don to select @A%%ign toneA( then select any ;ingtone" Dou ill see a confirmation on your mobile screen" Press the @Bac.A button simultaneously to get bac! to the main screen of your mobile" -tarting from that time( hene$er that contacts calls your( your phone ill play the selected ;ingtone that you assigned for that contact" To select another ;ingtone for another contact( 0ust follo the same procedure" 1or e&le( you ant to assign different tones for your different friends" Then you ill be able to identify hich friend is calling 0ust by hearing the phone ringing" Dou can also different tones to your parents or family members so that you can easily understand by listening to the ;ingtone that someone from your home is calling" NH Dost: SMS Chat :i thereS CityCell brings you dost Q the friendly -M- chat ser$ice" >o( chat ithout spea!ing at all" 1ind a hole ne gang of interesting people aiting to be your dost" Connect( and then let your fingers do the tal!ing" Destination >umber2 3456 TariffC Tk4 7KMsg F H/T To register and chat; follo* the follo*ing instructionsC Customers ill be registered through the -M-" ProcedureC Customer ill type te&t as2 reg"nic! 7&le2 reg" Anami!a And send it to 6?+=" 3n return Message( heMshe ill recei$e the folloing Message2 @Dou are registered to the dost"A 3n order to register the information against the >ic!( please -M- as2 reg4 a s l p i aYage( sYse&( lYlocation( pYprofession( and iYinterest 7&le2 reg4 &( Male "haka student Music Age should consist of to#digit number Location ill only the di$isions i"eF Dha!a( Chittagong( ;a0shahi( Ihulna( -ylhet( Barishal Profession ill be considered as2 -tudent( -er$ice( Business( 7ntrepreneur( teacher( engineer( doctor( 3T( -cientist( Chemist( >one N, 3nterest ill be considered as2 Music( Mo$ies( :angout( -tamp( Coins( Anti'ues( reading( cric!et( sports( football The nic! and the information ill be sa$ed against the customers number" Special :oteC if the nic! you sent is already registered( you ill recei$e the folloing message2 @The nic! has already been used( please register ith a ne nic!"A 3ncase of in$alid information( in reply message heMshe ill recei$e2 @3n$alid information( please follo the specific format or -M- help to 6?+="A Campaign Description2 Search for friendsC VAfter registration( you can search for dosts"V Procedure M '7C To search for a nic! to chat( -M- as2 sh4a6 (to get the nic! starts ith the alphabet a)" Dou ill recei$e random >ic!s ith a( for e&le ( KAnami!a (Arman etc The nic!s ill be separated by coma (()" 7ach time you send the search mode ith a( heMshe ill recei$e random nic!names a$ailable ith a" Procedure M '&C To search for the nely registered >ic!s( -M- as2 sh4ne* 3n reply message( you ill recei$e the latest ./#.4 >ic! registered to dost" Procedure M '?C Dou can search for nic!s based on the age information" 1or e&le( to search for friends ith age of )4 years( -M- as2 sh4age4&(6 Dou ill recei$e random >ic!s ith the age of )4( for e&le ( KAnami!a (Arman etc N. Procedure M ',C Dou can search for nic!s based on the -e& information" 1or e&le( to search for a male friend( -M- as2 sh4se@4M6 The customer ill recei$e random male >ic!s( for e&le( KAdnan( Arman etc Procedure M '(C Dou can search for nic!s based on the Location" 1or e&le( to search for nic!s of Barishal( -M- as2 sh4loc4+arishal6 Dou ill recei$e random >ic!s from Barishal( for e&le( KAnami!a( Arman etc Procedure M '>C Dou can search for nic!s based on the Profession" To search for teachers( -M- as2 sh4prof4teacher6 Dou ill recei$e random >ic!s ith teaching profession( for e&le ( KAnami!a (Arman etc Procedure M '9C Dou can search for nic!s based on the 3nterest" To search for nic!s ith interest in music( -M- as2 sh4in4music6 Dou ill recei$e random >ic!s ith interest in music( for e&le ( KAnami!a (Arman etc 5no* about the :ickC After the random search( you can !no about the indi$idual >ic!" Bust -M- the nic! as2 nic!" 1or e&le2 Anami!a 3n reply Message( Dou ill recei$e2 N:ickC /namika; /geC &(; Se@C male; 3ocationC "haka4O Chatting *ith :ickC To chat ith the >ic!( simply send the -M- as2 >ic!"message 7&le2 /namika4Hi ho* r uA The >ic! Anami!a ill recei$e the folloing message2 H3 N/rmaan4Hi Ho* r uAO 3f Ananmi!a bloc!s Armaan( he ill recei$e the folloing message2 NSorry; you are blocked by the recei$er; Message canPt be sentO +locking ProcessC To bloc! a particular >ic!( the Message format ill be2 bl!"nic!" 7&le2 blk4/rmaan =nblocking ProcessC To unbloc! the >ic!( the message format ill be unbl!"nic! 7&le2 unblk4/rmaan Changing :ick ProcessC To Change >ic!( the you ill send the -M- as2 ch">e >ic! 7&le2 ch4.porichita4 Dou ill recei$e the folloing message2 NDou ne* nick has been updated in the dost4O Canceling the registration of the :ickC To cancel the registration of the nic!( the customer ill send the -M- as2 unreg">ic! 7&le2 unreg4.porichita HelpC The hole procedure of registration and searching option ill be mentioned" Sports Cricket 7$ery information on the cric!eting action around the orld is a$ailable thu this ser$ice" H1 Type your message as2 C;3C -end it to2 )4)4 3n return Message( you ill get the largest information on Cric!et match" .ther Ser$ice 8ne)8ne To fi& friends and family number( citycell subscribers can ma!e it through this ser$ice" To ma!e 1riends and 1amily number one should send as -JBM3T /.. &&&&&& /.. yyyyy" To -ee current 1riends and 1amily >umbers one should send as ,37C Destination >umber for this ser$ice is ...." H: !rump Card Trump Card is the CityCells loyalty obsession brought in for the post#paid loyal and pri$ileged customers of CityCell" This card brings the tic!et to be pri$ileged ith full of uni'ue offers including e&clusi$e discounts and ser$ices handpic!ed to compliment its members lifestyle needs" A Trump Card member is entitled to en0oy a ma&imum of 445 discount facility in more than 6)) outlets in Dha!a( Chittagong( ;a0shahi( Ihulna( -ylhet( Iua!ata( and Co&s Ba%ar" Besides( a Trump Card member ill reser$e the right to ha$e the most e&emption at our premises upon shoing off this card" -o( Trump 9 be the inner all the ay" Customer ho use more than t! 4/// in a year 9 customer ho use more than t!"./( /// he ill get Platinum Card 9 Eold Card"
Eold Card area ise Merchants List Dha!a ^ Chittagong ^ -ylhet ^ Ihulna ^ ;a0shahi ^ Co&Ls Ba%ar ^ Iua!ata
Platinum Card area ise Merchants List Dha!a ^ Chittagong ^ -ylhet ^ Ihulna ^ ;a0shahi ^ Co&Ls Ba%ar ^ Iua!ata
H8 2irtual Card ,irtual DiscountS Actual EainS ,#Card (,irtual Discount Card) is here to offer you a orld of attracti$e discounts" 7n0oy this benefit on $ariety of products and ser$ices only through CityCell -M- Q ithout any card at allS -end -M- the folloing ay and en0oy the facilitites shoing the return -M- to the respecti$e outlet counters" :o to a$ail the facility2 -imply -M- @c$cWspaceX!eyordA to )4)4" 3n return( get an -M- ith the discount and complementary details a$ailable on that outlet" 1or 7&le( to recei$e discount from -eagull :otel( Co&s Ba%ar( 0ust type @c$c seagullA and send it to )4)4" Dou ill recei$e the folloing message $ia return -M-2 @J r entitled to rc$ 445 discount on 8ff#Pea!(April#-ept) 6/5 discount on Pea!(8ct#Mar) on ;oom rent and ser$ices O -eagull(this coupon is $alid till 6M.)M)//4A 7n0oy the discount shoing the -M- to the outlet counter ithin the $alid date mentioned in the -M-" >otes2 # -M- charge applicable # Please see the merchant list and !eyords for details # 3n case of special discount campaign running in a specific outlet( the ,#card ill not be bundled ith that offer" H< 2oice Based 'n#ormation Services /ll of your Hoice +ased Information Ser$ices at a Ilance 1ood1one (location based) N./. 1ire1one (location based) N<.. PolicePhone (location based) N<<< MediPhone (location based) N4/4 Automobile or!shop (location based) N??? 1loer shop (location based) N*/* >T, >esPhone N+++ Channel 3 >esPhone N*** AT> Bangla >esPhone N666 CeatherPhone N.)) 7$entsPhone N.)6 AirPhone N.)* ;ailPhone N.)4 7&change ;atePhone N.)? :oroscopePhone N.)+ PrayerPhone N+=? H- 2oice Mail Services >e$er miss any important calls and messages ith CityCell ,M-" Chene$er you cannot anser a call or need to temporarily sitch off your phone( people can still lea$e a message for you in your $oice mailbo&" Dou can listen to your messages hene$er it is con$enient for you and get bac! to the caller later" :o to do itU Dial N+...) to acti$ate ,M-" Dial N+./ to deacti$ate ,M- Dou can e$en record your on greeting" 3ts 0ust li!e ha$ing an ansering machine on your mobile phoneS -etting up your configuration Dial ..)" Dou ill hear an automated message as!ing you to enter your passord" Press <<<<P" This is the default passord" 3f you ha$e changed it then press your on passord folloed by the pound (P) !ey" At this point( you ill be gi$en ith three options2 To -end Messages( press @/A To Change Configuration( press @6A To Listen to the Bulletin 3nformation( press @<A To -end Message(by pressing / in the main menu)2 Dou ill be re'uested to record your message after a short tone" Please record your message and hen you finish( please press the Pound (P) !ey" The 3,; ill as! you to press . if you are satisfied ith your recording" 7lse you ill be re'uested to do the folloings2 To Listen to the recorded message( press @)A To ;e#record( press @6A To Cancel the recording( press @NA Pressing the @NA !ey ill ta!e you bac! to the menu" 3f you are satisfied ith your recording by pressing @.A( then you ill be as!ed to enter the destination number folloed by the Pound (P) !ey" Afterards( the 3,; ill inform you about the deli$ery status of the $oice message" Dou ill also be gi$en option to send the HN same message to multiple persons" A point to remember that( you do not need to insert %ero (/) before the number" (e&le2 enter ...)..).( not /...)..).") To Change Configuration (by pressing 6 in the main menu)2 To change Passord( press @.A 3f you select to change passord( the 3,; ill re'uest you to enter your ne passord folloed by the pound (P) !ey" Dou ill be again re'uested to enter your ne passord for confirmation" Please remember that( the passord must be a * digit one" To select Language( press @)A 3f you select it( the 3,; ill re'uest you to press @.A for Bangla( and @)A for 7nglish" To record your Ereetings( press @6A 3f you select it( the 3,; ill re'uest you to record your greeting after a short tone" Chen you finish recording( please press the pound (P) !ey" The 3,; ill ta!e you through a reconfirmation process by replaying your message" To 7nable your ser$ice( press @*A To Disable your ser$ice( press @4A To ;eturn to the main menu( press @NA Press the star (N) !ey to return to the main menu" Listen and sa$e messages Press ) to listen to sa$ed messages" Press . to listen to ne messages2 3f you ha$e more than one message( you ha$e to either delete or sa$e the pre$ious message to listen to the ne&t message" A message bo& can store up to .= messages" 8nce the message bo& is full( you need to delete some messages in order to accept ne messages" Press ? to forard a message2 -tep .# Press destination number folloed by the pound (P) !ey" Please( do not enter (/) before the number" Press + to delete the message" Press = to reply to the message" Press < to sa$e the message" Press 4 to listen to en$elope information2 7n$elope information gi$es you the phone number( date( and time of the message recei$ed HH +ew Content Services (')R,,M) Cit9Cell, Im+ress (ele4ilm "td 3C%annel.i5, and &9stem &olutions F -e'elo+ment (ec%nolo6ies "td 3&&- (ec%5 %a'e recentl9 si6ned an A6reement to +ro'ide 'ideo contents t%rou6% 2.0M3 Cit9CellNs one. utton @A! !ortal &er'ice. (%rou6% 2.0M3 onl9 Cit9Cell customers )ill 6et one.utton access to t%e colorful )orld of 'ideo cli+s, )all+a+ers, animation, +ol9+%onic rin6tones, true tones, do)nloadale 6ames, and 'arious t9+es of information. =nder t%e a6reement, C%annel.i )ill +ro'ide cli+s of Ne)s, ;eadline Ne)s, $reakin6 Ne)s, &ide Ne)s, O?nnorokom 0%oorO, e'ent.ased cli+s like "uC . C%annel i &u+erstar +artici+antsN cli+s, and ot%er infotainment cli+s as t%e 'ideo content for 2.0M. &&- (ec% )ill +ro'ide all tec%nical su++ort. Mr. C%9e ;oon !in, C:?, Cit9Cell, Mr. 4aridur 2e>a &%a6or Mana6in6 -irector, Im+ress (ele4ilm "imited 3C%annel.i5, and Mr. Ma%uul Matin, C:?, &&- (ec%, si6ned t%e A6reement on e%alf of t%eir res+ecti'e or6ani>ations. ?t%er senior oPcials of all t%e or6ani>ations )ere also +resent at t%e occasion. H, CHAPTER 0- Cit!ce"" .i%in. sort o/ ne0 o//er ta(in. ne0 bene/its) T1ese o//er 1e"* to attract *otentia" custo2er 3 retain t1e e4istin. custo2ers) T1e o//ers are 5 H. S*ecia" ,//er6 7e0 Pac(a.e 7e0 ,//er6 Pac(a.e 2- *aisa) T1e a"a* su*er subscriber en8o!in. t1e o//er /ro2 11*2 to 9a2 at t1e an! cit!ce"" nu2ber) T1e %a"idit! o/ t1is o//er ti"" #1 october) ,t1er *re*aid subscriber suc1 as 5 a"a* su*er *"us ' He""o 012# ' A"a* c"assic ' Pro/essiona" *ac(a.e ' Cit!ce"" *re2iu2 ' Su*re2e ' A2ar *1one En8o!in. t1e o//er /ro2 12a2 to :a2 at t1e an! cit!ce"" nu2ber) T1e %a"idit! o/ t1is o//er ti"" #1 october) ,3 A"a* C"assic (a"a* A; A"a* 2& no0 auto2atica""! 1as con%erted in to a"a*C"assic) subscribers en8o!in. TnT inco2in. tota""! /ree) ' En8o! econo2! rate to ca"" at 2- countries) ' <ro2 an! *ac(a.e one can trans/er in to t1is *ac(a.e (condition a**"!) A2ar *1one 3 8ono *1one Subscriber en8o!in. TnT inco2in. /irst #2in) /ree) <ro2 t1e & t1 2in t1e c1ar.e 0i"" be t() 2)#0 (no *"use); /ro2 t1e - t1 2in) c1ar.e t() 2)#0 (1- sec) *"use) ,1 ;ello 0123 Any one preferred CityCell number O T!" /N 8ther to preferred CityCell numbers O T!" .Mmin Any other CityCell number O T!" )Mmin Any other mobile number O T!" 6Mmin Connection + Handset + T() 100 Ta"( Ti2e
Hua*ei C &7<& Tk4 7;?88 Hua*ei C &&'7 Tk4 7;(88 Motorola 27('i Tk4 7;888
Samsung SCH S7'8 Tk4 &;<88 Hua*ei C ('> Tk4 ?;'88 =TStarcom C 77>7 Tk4 ?;'88
,: ,8 To acti$ate preferred numbers2 -M-# -1>1WspaceX/..RRRRRRRR (. CityCell number) to .... to a$ail ( -M-# 1>1WspaceX/..RRRRRRRRWspaceX/..RRRRRRRR () CityCell numbers) to .... to a$ail " Acti$ation time ma&imum *= hours" /.)6 tariff ill be $alid till March 6.( )//+" 1rom . April )//+( en0oy the Aalap -uper tariff and charges" 6/ seconds pulse from the first minute" To migrate from any pre#paid pac!age type V:7LL8V and send to ...."(conditions apply) Type V:7LL8V and send to .... for migration" This is a pre#paid mobile to mobile pac!age" 8ne year handset arranty"
6 1irst 6 minutes (thereafter +4 paisaMminute) ,AT applicable ,< Supreme A post#paid connection that offers e&actly hat you need" Alays more" >e$er less" And( itLs 0ust the beginning More Incoming All incoming FR##( including BTTB Incoming facility for ? months e$en after credit limit is e@hausted More .utgoing :o 3ine Rent 3o*est FnF call rates # T! /"+4Mmin to to CityCell numbers and T! ."4/Mmin to any one other operator number #conomy IS" call rates to )4 countries Flat call rate on 1ridays to any mobile number /nd #$en More 8ne button ser$ice2 1ree CAP content donload till December L/? (>o!ia 6.44 9 >o!ia ?)64) T! .4// bonus refund after one year A"0a!s 2ore) 7e%er "ess Minimum Tal!time2 T! )//MmonthN Call ;ate T!MMinute Ca"" T!*e Pea( (9 AM 9 PM) ,// Pea( (9 PM 9 AM)
.utgoing (83 Sec pulse) BTTB (Local)T>CDT3-D 8.33 S +TT+ Char#es :.33 S +TT+ Char#es CityCell Mobile :.33 1.33 8ther Mobile 8.33 :.33 ) CityCell 1n1 numbers T$. 3.H- . 8ther 8perator 1n1 number T$. 1.-3 8n 1ridays (to any operator) T$. 1.N3 Incoming BTTB 1ree Mobile 1ree ,AT applicable Nfor first si& months onlyF T! )//Mmonth line rent( thereafter ,- 8ne#button CAP content donload ser$ice2 ,ideo clips( allpapers( animation( polyphonic ringtones( true tones( games( nes and entertainment clips from leading natioanal T, channels #conomy IS" call ratesC Jpto +/5 sa$ings hen calling to )4 countries (dial L/.)L instead of L//L) Security "epositC T! ./// re'uired for 3-D facility Credit 3imiteC T!" .)// T -ecurity deposit amount (if any) Migration L-habar PhoneL customers ill be migrated automatically" To migrate from LCityCell PremiumL( type LsupremeL and send to .... (no migration charge) Registration of FnF numbersC 1or ) CityCell 1n1 numbers2 Type # 1>1 WspaceX /..RRRRRRRR WspaceX /..RRRRRRRR and send sms to .... 1or . other operator 1n1 number2 Type # 81>1 WspaceX /..RRRRRRRRR and send sms to .... Conditions apply
Package Price %Connection F Handset)
Hua*ei C ('> Tk4 ?;,88
Sumsung SCH 0 S7'8 Tk4 ?;,88
:okia &&(( Tk4 >;,88
,H Pre'paid PCJ
,, C0@PTEK 3N C@KK%EK !2?,2AM Tracking No. Welcome to the CityCell Online Job Application System. /his $nline Application "&stem allo-s &ou to appl& online 1or an& 3acant position at %it&%ell. /o appl&< please complete the Application Form and su!mit it online. Be1ore &ou appl&< &ou are re*uested to read and ackno-ledge %it&%ell=s Recruitment Proceure. Also< i1 &ou are appl&ing 1or an& particular position< please read the 2o! 4etails o1 that particular o!. 'lease note that i1 &ou ha3e applied 1or a position at %it&%ell !e1ore through the $nline Application "&stem< &ou do not ha3e to complete the Application #orm 1or a second time. /o appl& again or to update>edit &our resume< enter &our Application /racking num!er and &our pass-ord.
,. PR!F!R!NC! ..FOR ..AN" ..PART#C$%AR.. WOR& ..AR!A .AT .C#T"C!%% 5?ou can select multiple options6 Customer Care 'illing (arketing)Sales !ngineering *uman Resources #T Finance Other
Please select +rom the +ollo,ing Application options be+ore Applying Online Applying +or Any Particular Position Any Suitable Position Part time)Contract -ob Follo,ing Jobs are Currently O++ere at CityCell . . . APPLD 8>L3>7 @ #orgot /racking Num!erA
5'lease select the o!s &ou -ant to appl& 1or !e1ore appl&ing online6 Please NoteB ?ou cannot Appl& 1or more than 2 2o!s .3