Microbiology Reviewer

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Microbiology Laboratory 7

MacConkey Agar

PURPOSE: MacConkey agar selects for gram negative bacteria and
also differentiates lactose fermenters (pink-red) from non-lactose

PRINCIPLE: Bile salts inhibit gram positive basteria, which allows for
the isolation of gram negative bacteria. Neutral red and crystal violet
further inhibit the gram positive bacteria. Lactose is the only
carbohydrate source. Neutral red indicator is brown in pH 6.8 to 8.0
and pink-red at pH less than 6.8

1. Streak agar for isolation
2. Incubate at 35-37 C for 18-24 hours and observe for
growth and color.
INTERPRETATION: If lactose is fermented, the medium is acidified,
and bile salts are precipitated. The precipitated dye is absorbed,
resulting in a pink-to-red complex.

MacConkey Agar pink colonies
(Enterobacter cloacae rapid lactose

MacConkey agar pink colonies
(Escherichia coli rapid lactose

MacConkey agar colorless colonies
(Salmonella typhimurium nonlactose

MacConkey Agar Classification according to use: Differential
medium for gram negative bacilli

INDICATOR: Neutral red

A. MAC showing LFO with pink or colored
Organism used : E. coli

B. MAC showing LFO with mucoid colines
Organism used : Klebsiella

C. MAC showing NLFO with colorless transluscent
Organism used: Proteus vulgaris

Organism used: Enterobacter

Salmonella-Shigella Agar

Salmonella-Shigella medium provides for inhibition of normal flora
coliforms and differentiation of stool pathogens

Bile salts inhibit gram positive bacteria, and brilliant green agar and
bile salts inhibit the gram negative coliforms. Lacotse is the sole
carbohydrate source. Neutral red indicator is red in acidic conditions.
Lactose fermenters appear pink-red, whereas non-lactose
fermenters appear clear. To detect H2s production, sodium
thiosulfate serves as sulfur source. When H2S is formed, it combines
with ferric ammonium citrate to form ferric sulfide (FeS), which is
represented by black centered colonies.

1. Streak agar for isolation.
2. Incubate at 35-37 C for 18-24 hours and observe for
growth and color.

Normal flora coliforms = pink to red colonies.
Shigella = colorless colonies without balck centers.
Salmonella = colorless colonies with black centers

A. Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SSA)
B. SSA Salmonella typhii
C. SSA E. coli

Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) Agar

The XLD is used for the isolation and differentiation of stool
pathogens and inhibition of normal flora coliforms.

Sodium deoxycholate inhibits gram positive bacteria, partially inhibits
the growth of E. coli, and inhibits the swarming of Proteus. Phenol
red indicator becomes yellow in acidic environments. Fermentation
of xylose results in yellow colonies. Most members of
Enterobacteriacae are xylose positive, except Shigella. Most strains
of Shigella cannot ferment lactose and thus produce red colonies.
Lysine positive bacteria first produce yellow coloniesas xylose is
fermented, followed by red colonies, indicating lysine
decarboxylation. H2S positive colonis have black centers due to
reaction of H2S with ferric ammonium citrate.

1. Streak agar for isolation.
2. Incubate at 35-37 C for 18-24 hours and observe for
growth and color.

Salmonella = red colonies with black centers
Citrobacter and Proteus = yellow colonies with black centers

Differential capabilities
of XLD agar for lactose-
fermenting, gram
negative bacilli (e.g E.
coli, arrow A), nonlactose
fermenters (e.g Shigella
spp., arrow B) and H2S
producers (e.g Salmonella
spp., arrow C)

Hektoen Enteric Agar

PURPOSE: Hektoen enteric medium selects for stool pathogens by
inhibiting the normal flora of the lower GI tract.

A high concentration of bile salts inhibits gram positive bacteria and
gram negative coliforms. Lactose, sucrose, and salicin are
carbohydrate sources. Bromthymol blue indicator has the following
pH ranges:
> 7.6 blue
6.0-7.6 green
< 6.0 yellow
Sodium thiosulfate is the sulfur source of H2S detection. H2S
combines with ferric ammonium citrate to form ferric sulfide (FeS),
which is represented by black-centered colonies. If one, two, or three
of the carbohydrates are fermented, the colonies are orange in color.
Nonfermenters produce green colonies.

1. Streak agar for isolation.
2. Incubate at 35-37 C for 18-24 hours and observe for
growth and color.

Pathogens = green colonies or green colonies with black centers
Normal flora (except Yersinia enterocolitica, which produce yellow
colonies due to its fermentation of sucrose) = yellow colonies

Differential capabilities of
HE agar for lactose-
fermenting, gram negative
bacilli (e.g E. coli, arrow A),
nonlactose fermenters (e.g
Shigella spp., arrow B) and
H2S producers (e.g
Salmonella spp., arrow C)

Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar

The EMB medium selects for gram negative bacteria and also
differentiates lactose fermenters (purple color to green metallic
sheen) from non-lactose fermenters (colorless)

Eosin and methylene blue are dyes that inhibit the gram positive
bacteria. Lacotse is the only carbohydrate source in most

Streak agar for isolation.
1. Incubate at 35-37 C for 18-24 hours and observe for
growth and color.

INTERPRETATION: If lactose is fermented, precipitated eosin and
methylene are absorbed resulting in a purple color medium. A
classical green metallic sheen is produced by E. coli, which is a
rapid lactose fermenter. Non-lactose fermenters produce colorless
colonies on EMB.

Eosin methylene blue agar
greenish metallic sheen (E. coli
rapid lactose fermenter)

Eosin Methylene Blue Agar Classification according to use:
Differential medium for gram negative bacilli

INDICATOR: Eosin and methylene blue

A. A. EMB showing LFO with greenish
metallic sheen
B. Organism used : Escherichia coli

B. EMB showing LFO with mucoid colines
Organism used : Klebsiella pneumoniae

C. EMB showing NLFO with colorless
transluscent colonies
Organism used: Proteus vulgaris


INDICATOR: Phenol red

MEDIUM: Urea broth

PRINCIPLE: Microorganism that posses the enzyme, urease,
hydrolyze urea to ammonia and CO2. Phenol red turns fuschia in the
presence of alkaline end products.

A. Uninoculated : Salmon pink

B. Positive result: Fuschia pink

C. Negative result: Salmon pink

Urease Reaction

PURPOSE: Urease is an enzyme that splits urea into alkaline end
products. The reaction is useful in the identification of rapid urease
producers, such as Proteus and Morganella, as well as weak urease
producers, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae and some species of

PRINCIPLE: Urease splits the urea molecule into ammonia (NH3),
carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O). Ammonia reacts in solution
to form an alkaline compound, ammonium carbonate, which results
in an increased pH of the medium and a color change in the indicator
to pink-red.

Urea + 2H2O Urease CO2 +H2O + 2 NH3

Ammonium carbonate

Media and Reagents: Christensens (urea) agar tubes or Stuart
urea broth

1. Using Stuart broth, dissolve one urea disk in 1 ml sterile,
distilled water.
2. Using single, isolated, 18-24 hour colony and streak slant of
agar tube or inoculate broth.
3. Replace cap loosely or parafilm broth.
Incubate at 35C for 18-24 hours.

Urease Test (Christensens Agar)

A. Positive rapid urease activity: red
throughout meadium
B. Positive slow urease activity: red in
C. Negative no urease activity: remains


Urease Test (Stuart Urea Broth)

1. Uninoculated control
2. Positive red color in medium
3. Negative no color change (buff to pale


Stuart Broth
Positive: red color in medium
Negative: no color change (buff to pale yellow)
Strong positive reactions are seen only with Proteus spp.
(Proteus and Morganella) and may be interpreted as
early as after 4 hours of incubation.
Weakly positive reactions (pink to orange) may be seen
with K. pneumoniae and other slow urease

Christensens agar
Positive: (rapid urease activity) red throughout medium
(seen only with Proteus and Morganella)
Positve: (slow urease activity) red in slant (K.
Negative: (no urease activity) medium remains yellow

Proteus vulgaris positive: rapid urease producer
K. pnemoniae positive: slow urease producer
E. coli negative: no urease production

Urease (+) Slow

SIM Medium (Sulfur Reduction, Indole Production, Motility)


PURPOSE: This test is used to identify those bacteria capable of
reducing sulfur. This is particularly important in differentiating certain
general enteric orhanisms.

PRINCIPLE: Hydrogen sulfide, H2S, can be formed by putrefaction
or anaerobic respiration. The medium contains cysteine, an amino
acid containing sulfur, and sodium thiosulfate plus peptonized iron or
ferrous sulfate. H2S will react with the iron or ferrous sulfate, forming
a black precipitate. If the black precipitate is present, the test is
positive for H2S production. No precipitate is a negative test.


PURPOSE: The indole test is used to identify bacteria capable of
producing indole using the enzyme tryptophanase. It is one
component of the IMVIC tests for differentiating Enterobacteriaciae.

PRINCIPLE: The enzyme tryptophanase can convert the amino acid,
tryptophan, to indole, ammonia and pyruvic acid. The by-product,
idole, is the metabolite identified by this test. When Kovacs reagent,
which contains hydrochloric acid and dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
and amyl alcohol, a red layer will form when indole is present. No
color in this layer is a negative result.

Indole production. A. Postive red ring
at the interface of the reagent and broth;
B. Negative no color development


Indole broth is used for distinguishing Enterobacteriaceae based on
the ability to produce indole from tryptophan. The test is particularly
useful for the identification of lactose-fermenting member of
Enterobacteriaceae. Escherichia coli is indole positive, whereas
Enterobacter and Klebsiella are indole negative. Indole is also useful
in the inspection of Proteus. P. mirabilis is indole negative, P.
vulgaris is positive.

Tryptophan present in peptone is oxidized by sertain bacteria to
indole, skatole, and indole-acetic acid. The intracellular enzymes that
metabolize tryptophan are known as tryptophanse. Indole is detected
in broth cultures of bacteria with an alcoholic p-
dimethlyaminobenzaldehyde reagent. Indole reacts with the
acetaldehyde to form a red product. Two reagents may be used to
detect indole, Kovacs and Ehrlichs. Ehrlichs reagent is believed to
be more sensitive than Kovacs reagent and is recommended for
indole detection in anaerobes and nonfermentative bacteria. Kovacs
reagent was initially used to classify members of the
Enterobacteriaceae and should be used with these organisms.

Tryptophan Tryptophanase indole +
Pyruvic acid +
Indole +
p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde Red

Tryptophan (1%) broth
Kovacs reagent or Ehrlichs reagent
Xylene or chloroform for extraction if using Ehrlichs reagent

1. Inoculate indole broth
2. Replace cap loosely and incubate at 35C for 18-24 hours.
3. Add 5 drops of Kovacs reagent directly to the broth culture.
Observe for red color in the upper alcohol layer.
4. If using Erlichs reagent, first add 1 ml xylene or chloroform to
the broth culture. Shake gently and then add 5 drops of the

Negative reaction: no color development
Positive reaction: red ring at the interface of the reagent and broth
(or reagent and xylene or chloroform)
Variable reaction: orange color, indicates production of skatole, a
methylated intermediate that may be a precursor to indole

E. coli positive control (red ring)
Enterobacter cloacae negative control (no color development)

3. MOTILITY (Test)

This procedure determines the motility of the bacteria through
semisolid media. Shigella and Klebsiella are the only nonmotile
Enterobacteriaceae. Yersinia enterocolitica is nonmotile at 37C but
is motile at 22C.

The medium contains a small amount of agar, which allows motile
bacteria to move out from the line of inoculation. Nonmotile
organisms grow only along the line of inoculation; 1%
triphenytetrazolium chloride may be added to medium to aid
visualization of the reaction. Bacteria incorporate this colorless dye
and reduce it to a red pigment. Thus reddening of the medium can
be used as an indication for the extent of bacterial growth.

1. With a sterile inoculating needle, select one colony and stab
the needle to the bottom area of the agar.
2. incubate at 35C for 18-24 hours, and examine for growth
around the line of inoculation.

Motile diffuse growth extending laterally from line of inoculation
Nonmotile growth only along line of inoculation

Proteus mirabilis motile
Klebsiella pneumoniae nonmotile

Motility test. 1 and 3 Motile diffuse growth
extending laterally from line of inoculation indicated
by turbidity of the medium
2 nonmotile growth only along the line of


PURPOSE: This medium can be stab-inoculated with an inoculating
needle to indicate motility.

PRINCIPLE: The lower agar concentration in the medium allows
limited movement of motile bacteria from the area of stab. Motility
will be detectable as diffuse growth radiating from the stab line.

SIM medium control

Nonmotile with no H2S

Motile with H2S production

A positive indol red ring at the interface
B negative indol; no color development


Indicator: Bromcresol purple

Classification according to consitency: semisolid

Results to be observed:
1. motility
2. indole production
3. ornithine decarboxylation

A. Uninoculated: Cadaverine color

B. Motility Test: Motile showing a diffused
growth or haziness in the medium

C. Motility test: Nonmotile showing growth along
the stabbing line

D. Ornithine decarboxylation test: positive

E. Ornithine decarboxylation test: negative

F. Indole production test:
positive red ring

G. Indole production test: negative absence of
red rng

1. Do not shake because the medium is semisolid.
2. Kovacs reagent for indole test should be added after reading the
motility and ornithine decarboxylation reaction.

Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)

LIA can be used to determine the ability of the organism to
deaminate lysine, decarboxylate lysine and produce H2S gas. It is
useful in the identification of Salmonella, Proteus, Providencia, and
Morganella. Members of the Proteus group (Proteus, Providencia
and Morganella) are the only members of the Enterobacteriaceae
that are deaminase positive.

LIA contains a small amount of protein, glucose, lysine, sulfur, H2S
indicator, agar, and the pH indicator bromcresol purple. As glucose
fermentation occurs, the deep of the tube turns yellow. Lysine
decarboxylation produces alkaline cadaverine and leads to
reversion of the deep from yellow to purple.

Lysine deamination occurs in the presence of oxygen (on the slant)
and results in production of a red color. H2S production is noted by
a black precipitate in the deep as H2S gas reacts with ferric
ammonium citrate.

LIA slants

1. inoculate LIA by using straight wire to stab the dep (?)
and to streak the slant.
2. incubate at 35C for 18 to 24 hours, if necessary, incubate
for 48 hours.

Lysine decarboxylase positive: purple/purple
Lysine decarboxylase negative: purple/yellow
Deaminase positive: red/yellow
H2S positive: blackening

Indicator: Bromcresol purple
Acid: Yellow
Alkaline state: Purple

Results to be observed:
1. deamination on the slant portion only:
positive: red slant
negative: purple slant
2. Lysine decarboxylation on the butt portion only:
positive: purple butt
negative: yellow slant
A. Uninoculated: Cadaverine color

B. K/K
alkaline slant (purple): negative deamination
alkaline butt (purple): positive lysine decarboxylation

C. K/A
alkaline slant (purple): negative deamination
acid butt (yellow): negative lysine decarboxylation

D. R/Y or R/A
red slant: positive deamination
acid butt (yellow): negative lysine decarboxylation

Lysine iron agar.
A. Alkaline slant/alkaline
butt (K/K).
B. Alkaline slant/alkaline
butt, H2S positive (K/K H2S
C. Alkaline slant/acid butt
D. Red slant/acid butt
E. Uninoculated tube
Decarboxylase Reactions

Moeller decarboxylase medium is used for determining the
production of decarboxylase by bacteria.

The decarboxylases are enzymes that attack the carboxyl group of
specific amino acids, forming amines and carbon dioxide. The
amines formed are alkaline, and they alter the color of the pH
The amino acid to be tested is added to the Moeller base medium
in a 1% concentration. Each decarboxylase reactions is specific for
a particular amino acid. Tests for lysine decarboxylase, ornithine
decarboxylase, and arginine dihydrolase are generally performed
on the enteric bacteria. Lysine is carboxylated to cadaverine;
ornithine is decarboxylated to putrescine, and arginine undergoes a
dihydrolase reactions to form citrulline, which is then converted to
ornithine in a decarboxylation.

Media and Reagents
Moeller decarboxylase broths containing
1% lysine
1% ornithine
1% arginine
Sterile mineral oil

1. inoculate test cultures into the tubes of decarboxylase
media for each amino acid to be tested. Include a control
tube for each organism
2. Overlay all tubes with 5-10 mm of sterile mineral oil
Replace cap.
3. Incubate at 35
C for 24 hours.

Glucose fermentation indicates the organism is viable and the
medium turns yellow.
Decarboxylation is indicated by a blue-purple color in the medium
Incubate all tubes negative for decarboxylation for another 24
hours and read again.

Quality control
All should be read at 24 hours.
enterobacter cloacae: positive (purple); alkaline
Klebsiella pneumoniae: negative (yellow), acidic

Klebsiella pneumoniae: positive (purple), alkaline
Enterobacter cloacae: negative (yellow), acidic

Enterobacter cloacae: positive (purple), alkaline
Klebsiella pneumoniae: negative (yellow), acidic

Control: inoculate the control with the same organisms that are
tested in the amino aicd tubes. All reactions for the control should
be negative (yellow), acidic.


Positive purple
Negative yellow

ONPG Reaction

The ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside) reaction
determines the presence of late or slow fermenting strains. The
test is useful in detecting late lactose fermenting strains of
Escherichia coli and distinguishing some Citrobacter species and
arizonae subspecies, which are ONPG positive, from similar
Salmonella subspecies, which are ONPG negative. It is also useful in
speciation of Shigella, since S. sonei is the only ONPG-positive
SHigella species.

Lactose fermentation requires two enzymes: lactose permease,
which actively transfers lactose into the bacterial cell, and beta-
galactosidase, which degrades lactose into glucose and galactose.
Non-lactose fermenters lack both enzymes, and those known as
slow or late lactose fermenters possess the beta-galactosidase but
lack the permease. Lactose fermenters possess the beta-
galactosidase but lack the permease. Lactose fermenters possess
both enzymes.

ONPG is useful in detecting late lactose fermenters because the
ONPG molecule is structurally similar to lactose. ONPG can enter
the bacterial cell without a permease. In the presence of beta-
galactosidase, ONPG (colorless) is converted into galactose and O-
nitrophenyl, which is yellow chromogen and the alkaline end

Media and Reagents
ONPG tablets or disks
Sterile distilled water
Sterile 1.0 mL pipettes

1. if using ONPG tablets, dissolve one tablet in 1.0 ml of
sterile distilled water, ONPG disks are dissolved in 0.5 ml
sterile distilled water.
2. mix and allow tablet to dissolve (5 to 10 minutes)
3. inoculate with four or five colonies of an 18 to 24 hour
culture. Use sterile needle to select colonies and mix
4. parafilm all tubes and incubate at 35
C for 4 to 6 hours.

Positive reaction: yellow color within 20 minutes to 24 hours
Negative reaction: colorless after 24 hours

Quality control
E.coli: positive-yellow
Salmonella typhimurium: negative no color change

ONPG (O-nitrophenyl-beta-
Dgalactopyranoside) test

A- negative no color change or colorless
after 24 hours
B- positive yellow color w/in 20 min to 24

Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer (MR-VP) Tests

MR-VP broth is a dextrose broth medium buffered with peptone.
Glucose is fermented to pyruvic acid by one of two pathways,
which results in either a positive MR or a positive VP test. The tests
are particularly useful for the lactose-fermenting
Enterobacteriaceae. Escherichia coli is MR positive and VP
negative, whereas most members of the Klebsiella-Enterobacter-
Serratia-Hafnia group are VP positive.

In the first pathway, mixed acid products (lactic, acetic, formic
and succinic) result, leading to a decrease in the pH of the medium
and a positive MR test. The pH must drop to 4.4 or less for the MR
indicator to take on its acidic red color.

In the second pathway, acetylmethyl carbinol (acetoin) is an
intermediate product to butylenes glycol. Acetoin is the neutral
product detected in the VP reaction. The broth should be heavily
inoculated, with a small volume of broth used for the VP test to
obtain favorable results at 24 to 48 hours of incubation.

In the presence of oxygen and 40% potassium hydroxide (KOH),
acetoin is converted to diacetyl form, which results in a red color
in the presence of alpha-napthol.

Metabolism of glucose using MR and VP pathways

Pyruvic acid Mixed acid
pH < 4.4 (red)
+ methyl red
KOH + air
Napthol + creatine
Pink-red complex

Media and Reagents
MR-VP broth; glucose base
MR pH indicator
5% alpha-napthol in absolute methyl alcohol
40% KOH containing 0.3% creatine

1. inoculate medium with a heavy suspension of an 18 to 24
hour culture.
2. Incubate for 48 hours or until sufficient growth occurs in
3. After 48 hours, split broth by pipetting half into a clean
test tube.
4. Perform the MR test on one tube:
a. Add five drops of MR indicator to the aliquot
with a Pasteur pipettle
b. Interpret the color result immediately
5. Perform the VP test on the second aliquot
a. Add 0.6 ml (6 drops) of alpha-napthol reagent
to VP aliquot and shake well
b. Add 0.2 ml (2 drops) of 40% KOH reagent to
c. Gently shake tubes for 30 seconds to 1 minute
to expose reaction to atmospheric oxygen. This
oxidizes acetoin to obtain a color reaction.
d. Allow tubes to staind at least 10 to 15 minutes
before attempting to interpret color results,
although the reaction is often immediate.

The order of adding reagents is very important. A reversal of the
order may lead to false-negative results

positive MR test: distinct red color at surface of the
Negative MR test: yellow color at surface of the
Delayed reaction: orange color. Continue incubation
and repeat test in 4 days. No attempt should be
made to interpret an MR test before 48 hours
incubation, since false-positive results may occur
Positive VP test: pink-red color at surface of the
Negative VP test: yellow color at the surface of the
A copper-like color is interpreted as negative, since
this is caused by the action of the reagents when

Quality Control
E. coli: MR positive- red, VP negative no pink-red
Enterobacter cloacae: MR negative- no color, VP
positive pink-red color

Methyl red test.

A positive distinct red color at
surface of the medium

B negative yellow color at
surface of the medium

Voges Proskauer test

A Positive pink red color at
surface of the medium

B Negative yellow color at
surface of the medium

Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA)

TSI agar can be considered an initial step in the identification of
the Enterobacteriaceae.

The medium contains protein sources (beef extract, peptone, yeast
extract, proteose peptone) that permits the growth of most
bacterial strains. Lactose, sucrose, and glucose are present as well
as phenol red indicator. Glucose is in a concentration one-tenth
that of the other carbohydrates. Ferrous sulfate is present as an
indicator of hydrogen sulfide production.

The TSI is a two reaction chamber with an aerobic slant portion and
an anaerobic deep portion. The slant of the tube is exposed to
atmospheric oxygen and will become alkaline due to oxidative
decarboxylation of peptides and amino acids. The slant tends to
become and remain alkaline (red). Amino acid degradation is
minimal in the deep (anaerobic) portion, and thus a small quantity
of acid produced can be detected because few amines are being
formed from amino acids.

Bacteria that ferment glucose, but not lactose or sucrose, only
produce small quantities of acid and cannot counteract the
degradation of amino acids at the slant, which results in an alkaline
pH due to oxidative decarboxylation. Such organisms
characteristically produce an alkaline slant over an acid deep (K/A)

Organisms that ferment both glucose and lactose and/or sucrose
produce large quantities of acid, which overcome the alkaline
reaction of the slant, yielding an acid slant over an acid deep

An organism incapable of fermenting glucose produces no change in
the indicator and is characterized by an alkaline slant over an
alkaline deep (K/K).

A sulfur source, sodium thiosulfate, provides sulfur atoms to detect
the production of H2S, H2S reacts with iron salts (ferrous sulfate or
ferric ammonium citrate) to produce the black precipitate of
ferrous sulfide.

The production of gas during fermentation is indicated by the
presence of cracks in the medium or the pulling away of the
medium from the walls of the test tube.

Selected members of Enterobacteriaceae
Nonfermentative gram-negative bacilli
TSI slants

1. use single, isolated 18 to 24 hour colony
2. select colony with sterile needle and stab within inch
of the bottom of the agar
3. streak colony up slant
4. leave cap on loosely and incubate at 35 to 37
C for 18 to
24 hours.
5. Read and interpret results

Quality Control
Salmonella typhimurium: alkaline/alkaline
(purple/purple) H2S positive
Shigella flexneri: alkalin/acidic (purple/yellow)
H2S negative
Proteus vulgaris: red/yellow

1. H2S producing strains of Proteus may not blacken this
2. Morganella morganii does not consistently produce a red
color after 24 hours incubation

Indicators: Phenol red

H2S indicators:
ammonium iron citrate, sodium thiosulfate
acid state yellow
alkaline state red

Sugars present: glucose or dextrose, lactose and sucrose

Results to be observed
1. fermentation of sugar
2. production of gas
3. production of hydrogen sulfide

A. Uninoculated: Orange butt & slant

B. A/A G
acid slant: yellow
acid butt: yellow
gas production: positive
o bubbles or displacement of the
hydrogen sulfide production: negative
o no blackening of the butt
sugars fermented: glucose/dextrose, lactose and
sucrose (LFO)

C. K/A G w/ H2S
Alkaline slant: red
Acid butt: yellow
Gas production: positive
o bubbles or displacement of the
Hydrogen sulfide production:
o no blackening of the butt
Sugar/s fermented: glucose/dextrose
only (NLFO)

D. K/K or K/N
alkaline slant: red
alkaline or neutral butt: red or orange
gas production : negative
o no bubbles & no displacement of
hydrogen sulfide production: negative
o no blackening of the butt
sugars fermented: none (NLFO)

E. K/A G+
alkaline slant: red
acid butt: yellow
gas production: positive
o bubbles or displacement of
hydrogen sulfide production:
o blackening of the butt
sugars fermented: glucose/dextrose only

F. A/A G+
acid slant: yellow
acid butt: yellow
gas production: positive
o bubbles or displacement of
the medium
hydrogen sulfide production:
o blackening of the butt
sugar/s fermented:
glucose/dextrose, lactose and
sucrose (LFO)

G. K/A
alkaline slant: red
acid butt: yellow
gas production: negative
o no bubbles/no displacement of
the medium
hydrogen sulfide production: negative
o no blackening of the butt
sugar/s fermented: glucose only (NLFO)

Quality Control
Proteus mirabilis: motile growth extending
laterally from line of inoculation
Klebsiella pneumoniae: non-motile growth only
along line of inoculation

Summary of TSI Reactions
Reactions Carbohydrate Fermented Typical Organisms
A/@ H2S Glucose with acid and gas

Lactose and/or sucrose with
acid and gas

K/@ H2S Glucose with acid and gas

Lactose or sucrose not
Salmonella, Proteus

K/A H2S - Glucose with acid; no gas

Lactose or sucrose not
Shigella, Providencia

Serratia, Anaerogenic
Escherichia coli
K/K H2S - Glucose not fermented

Lactose or sucrose not

A/@H2S + Glucose fermented with gas;
lactose or sucrose fermented
Citrobacter freundii

Note: those species of Proteus that ferment sucrose may produce
an acidic slant.
*A-acid; @- acid and gas; K-alkaline (no change)

Triple sugar iron agar.

A acid slant/acid butt with gas no
H2S (A/@)
B alkaline slant/acid butt, no gas,
H2S positive (K/A H2S +)
C Alkaline slant/no change butt, no
gas, no H2S (K/NC)
D Uninoculated tube

Simmons Citrate Reaction

The citrate reaction is used to determine if a member of the
enterobacteriaceae is capable of utilizing citrate as the sole source
of carbon. No other protein or carbohydrate that might provide
another carbon source must be present in the medium. The
reaction is useful in identification of the lactose fermenting
Enterobacteriaceae. Escherichia coli is a citrate negative, whereas
Enterobacter and Klebsiella are positive.

Simmons citrate agar contains sodium citrate, which serves as the
only carbon source. If the organism can utilize citrate, the sodium
citrate is converted to ammonia, which is then converted to
ammonium hydroxide. The alkalinity of indicator takes on its
alkaline color, which is blue

Simmons citrate agar

1. Use single, well-isolated 18 to 24 hour colony
2. select colony with sterile needle and streak citrate slant
3. leave cap on loosely and incubate at 35
C for 18 to 24

A positive test is indicated by growth with an intense blue color on
the slant or solely the presence of growth. Compare to a an
uninoculated tube for correct interpretation. A negative test is
indicated by the absence of growth and no color change in the
medium (remains green). False positive results may occur with an
inoculum that is too heavy.

Quality Control
Klebsiella pneumoniae: blue with growth positive
E. coli: no growth without color change

Bromthymol Blue

Test to be observed:
Citrate utilization test

Utilization of citrate as the sole source of carbon

A. Uninoculated: green

B. Positive Reaction: Prussian blue
(left tube)

C. Negative Reaction: Green

Deaminase Reactions

Deaminase activity can be determined using the amino acids
phenylalanine or tryptophan. Only Proteus, Providencia and
Morganella species possess the deaminase enzyme.

Deamination of the amino acid results in a colored compound with
the addition of 10% ferric chloride (FeCl3):

Phenylalanine Phenylpyruvic acid + 10% FeCl3 (green)

Tryptophan Indole-pyruvic acid + 10% FeCl3 (brown)

Media and Reagents
Phenylalanine or tryptophan agar or tablets
10% FeCl3
1. inoculate the agar slant (or tablet dissolved into 1 ml
sterile distilled water) with a few pure colonies of the
test organism. Replace cap
2. Incubate 24 hours at 35
3. Add four to five drops of 10% FeCl3 to the agar surface or
tube. Rotate the tube and mix gently to provide contact
for reagent and media

appearance of an intense green color indicates a
positive deamination for Phenylalanine
Appearance of a brown color indicates a positive
deamination for tryptophan.

Quality Control
Proteus vulgaris: positive (green or brown color with
Escherichia coli: negative (no color development
with FeCl3)

Phenylalanine deamination

A negative slant remains colorless

B positive appearance of an intense
green color

- fin -


thanks, leigh, for getting half of the work done!

Hi to 2
yr vbelles, roch, aina and andree!


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