Manual de Taller Carburador NIKKI Chevrolet PDF
Manual de Taller Carburador NIKKI Chevrolet PDF
Manual de Taller Carburador NIKKI Chevrolet PDF
Dec 13, 06
Holley 5200 Pae c!a"e# to
"e$ layout%
&E' (i))i *ar+ Re,air
Be-ore ma)i" a"y assum,tio"s or c!ec)s a rece"t tu"e.u, i"clu#i" air -ilter, ,c/ /al/e, ,c/ -ilter, -uel -ilter,
s,ar) ,lus a"# $ires, #istri+utor ca,, etc00 s!oul# +e ma#e0 *!ec) to ma)e sure your +ase i"itio" timi" is 6
#e 12. 1 #e0 3!ere are ma"y /acuum o,erate# systems a"# o-te" /acuum li"es are !ar# a"# +rittle, c!ec)
/acuum routi" usi" t!ese /acuum #iarams a"# re,lace a"y li"es t!at loo) sus,icious0
Assem+ly Diaram
10 Accelerator ,um, le/er
20 *o""ect 4,ri"
30 Air /e"t sole"oi# /al/e
40 *!o)e Ro#
50 Air Hor"
60 Electric *!o)e
50 Float
80 Fuel 6"let (ee#le 7al/e
80 Accelerator ,um, ,lu"er
100 4i!t 9lass
110 6#le 4$itc!
120 4lo$ -uel cut sole"oi#
160 Accel ,um, i"let c!ec) +all
150 Primary slo$ <et
180 4eco"#ary slo$ <et
180 Primary mai" <et
200 4eco"#ary mai" <et
210 Plu
220 Primary +ooster
230 4eco"#ary +ooster
240 Primary mai" air +lee#
250 4eco"#ary mai" air +lee#
260 'ai" car+ +o#y
130 *oasti" ric!er sole"oi#
140 Das!,ot
150 Accel ,um, outlet c!ec) +all = s,ri"
250 7acuum #ia,!ram
280 3!rottle li")
280 3!rottle Bo#y
300 'i>ture A#<ust 4cre$
3am,er Pi"
3!e 'a?#a car+uretors are usually -itte# $it! a 3am,er resista"t ,i" to ,re/e"t ,eo,le -rom c!a"i" i#le mi>ture
setti"s0 3o remo/e it you "ee# to )"oc) it out $it! a ,u"c! li)e s!o$" +elo$0
*!o)e &,eratio"
3!e c!o)e is electrically o,erate# +y reulate# /oltae at t!e +ac) o- t!e alter"ator0 @!e" col# t!e i"ter"al s,ri"
is also col# $!ic! ,us!es t!e c!o)e close#, i" or#er to #o t!is t!ou! t!ere is a loc) o" t!e li")ae $!ic! ,re/e"ts
it -rom #oi" so0 3o e"aue t!e c!o)e o" startu, you must ,um, t!e as atleast o"ce $!ic! $ill close t!e c!o)e0
&"ce t!e e"i"e is starte# /oltae out,ut -rom t!e alter"ator starts oi" to t!e c!o)e $!ic! causes t!e s,ri"
i"si#e to !eat u,, as it !eats t!e c!o)e $ill start to +ac) o-- u"til o,e" t!rottle $!ile #ri/i" or $!e" t!e as is
oose# $ill )ic) it o,e" a"# i#le "ormal0
Dia"osi"A 3a)e t!e li# o-- t!e air +reat!er $it! t!e e"i"e o-- a"# col#0 Pum, t!e as o"ce a"# ma)e sure t!e
c!o)e closes0 6- t!e c!o)e #oes "ot close it is eit!er stuc) or t!e mec!a"isms are #amae#0 6- t!is is t!e case t!e
truc) may "ot $a"t to start u"less you ,um, t!e as se/eral times +e-ore a"# a-ter starti" or it may "ot $a"t to
i#le at all0 6- t!e c!o)e is stuc) you sim,ly "ee# to clea" all t!e li")aes, ma)e sure t!e c!o)e ,lates o,e" a"#
close easily t!e" s,ray some silico" lu+e o" t!ere0 Hea/ier lu+rica"ts may attract #irt a"# ma)e t!e li")aes stic)
3o c!ec) i- t!e c!o)e is o,e"i" $arm u, t!e truc)0 &"ce t!e truc) is -ully $arme# u, t!e i#le s!oul# eit!er #ro,
o" itBs o$" or )ic) #o$" a-ter you ,um, t!e as o"ce0 6- t!e i#le #ro,s #o$" li)e it s!oul# t!e c!o)e is li)ely "ot
your ,ro+lem0 6- t!e i#le stays !i! t!e truc) eit!er is"Bt -ully $arme# u, or it is stayi" close#, remo/e t!e air
+reat!er li# aai" a"# loo) at t!e c!o)e, i- "ot o,e"i" it $ill still +e close# a"# you $ill "ot +e a+le to see #o$"
t!e +arrel0 3!e c!o)e may +e stuc), $or" out, or "ot etti" curre"t -rom t!e alter"ator0 Ci)e a+o/e ma)e sure all
t!e li")aes a"# ,lates ca" -reely mo/e0 3!ere is a" electrical co""ectio" stic)i" out t!e si#e, clea" t!e
co""ectio" a"# ma)e sure it is "ot loose, trace t!is $ire to t!e "e>t electrical co""ectio" a"# clea" it, t!e" o to
t!e +ac) o- t!e alter"ator a"# remo/e t!at ,lu a"# clea" it0 3o c!ec) t!e electrical co""ectio" $it! a multimeter
set it to rea# o!ms, ,lace o"e ,ro+e i" t!e ,lu t!at oes i"to t!e alter"ator a"# t!e ot!er o" t!e co""ector t!at
oes to t!e c!o)e0 6- t!e resista"ce measure# is less t!a" 05 o!ms you s!oul# +e o)0 Do "ot mi> t!is u, $it! 05
Do!ms as t!is is actually 500 o!ms a"# "ot 05 i- you et a !i! resista"ce c!ec) all o- your electrical co""ectio"s
aai" a"# clea" i- "eccessary0
Accelerator Pum,
Pur,oseA3o ,ro/i#e -uel $!e" ,um,i" t!e as o" startu, a"# to sEuirt as i"to t!e car+uretor #uri"
4ym,tomsAHar# start, !esitatio", slo$ acceleratio", or stalli" $!e" accelerati"0
Accelerator ,um, is #amae# or ,assae$ays i" t!e car+ are ,lue# a"# "ee# clea"i"0
Air2Fuel 4ole"oi#
Purpose: Cocate# i" t!e car+uretor, co"trols air2-uel mi>ture +ase# o" E*U co"trol out,ut0
3o test a"# #ia"ose t!e Air2Fuel 4ole"oi# you $ill "ee# a #$ell meter a"# a #iital multimeter, all tests $ill +e
,er-orme# $it! t!e e"i"e $arme# u, a"# at i#le0
Testing: 3o c!ec) t!e sole"oi# itsel- $arm u, t!e e"i"e a"# let it ru" at i#le, locate t!e $!ite test co""ector
"ear t!e -ire$all o" t!e ,asse"er si#e o- t!e e"i"e com,artme"t0 Ru" a <um,er $ire -rom it to rou"# a"#
liste" -or t!e i#le to #ro,0 6- t!e i#le #oes "ot #ro, remo/e t!e air2-uel sole"oi# a"# clea" it $it! car+ clea"er or
re,lace it0 Do "ot su+mere t!e sole"oi# $!e" clea"i"0
3o #ia"ose t!e systems $!ic! co"trol t!e A2F 4ole"oi# $arm u, t!e e"i"e a"# let it ru" at i#le0 Cocate t!e
$!ite test co""ector me"tio"e# a+o/e0 3!is is $!ere you $ill co""ect t!e F1G lea# o- youBre #$ell meter, ru" t!e
F.G lea# to rou"#0 3!e meter s!oul# "o$ +e s$i"i" some$!ere +et$ee" 20 #e a"# 50 #e i- it is "ot
s$i"i", or is s$i"i" ,ast t!is ra"e use t!e c!ec)list +elo$ to #ia"ose t!e system0
0 Derees D$ellA
Ignition Signal
Vacuum Sensor
or Water Thermosensor
25 Derees D$ellA
Air Thermosensor
Vacuum Lines
Oxygen Sensor
32 Derees D$ellA
Water Thermosensor
'ore t!a" a 20.50 #eree s$i"A
Vaccum Lines
Oxygen Sensor
Air Fuel Solenoid and ires
!logged car"uretor #ets and "leeds$
To chec% the solenoid itsel& arm up the engine and let it run at idle' locate the hite test connector
listed a"o(e$ )un a #umper ire &rom it to ground and listen &or the idle to drop$ I& the idle does not
drop remo(e the air*&uel solenoid and clean it ith car" cleaner or replace it$ +o not su"merge the
solenoid hen cleaning$
4lo$ Fuel *ut 4ole"oi#
Purpose: As the name says it cuts &uel during deceleration or hen the
ignition is turned o&&$ This helps &uel economy' reduces chances o&
poping noises &rom exhaust' and pre(ents dieseling hen the %ey
is turned o&& and the engine is hot$ I& this solenoid is stuc% or not
getting proper electrical connection the engine might not start
unless the gas is pumped se(eral times or it may not start at all'
once started it may only run &or a &e seconds$ It is located
"eteen Accelerator pump le(er and cho%e$ I& stuc% open the
truc% may smell rich hen letting o&& the gas' ma%e poping &rom
the exhaust' or start getting clogged cats$ When the computer
goes into limp mode this solenoid is turned o&& and de&aults to
To test:
,$ This solenoid should "e heard or &elt clic%ing hen the ignition is turned o&& then "ac% on$
-$ .ou can disconnect the solenoid and connect it to ,-( and ma%e sure the plunger acti(ates or the
solenoid clic%s$
/$ +isconnect the 0eutral Sa&ty sitch on the transmission 1under the truc%2 hile using a
scredri(er to your ear on the solenoid ma%e sure you can hear it clic% hen decelerating the engine
&rom /'333 rpm$ !lean contacts and plunger i& dirty or corroded$
4$ With the engine running at idle it should stall hen you disconnect the 56pin car"uretor connector$
1Shon 7elo2
Ser(o +iaphragm 1 A*! or A*T only 2
Purpose: Uses (acuum &rom idle up solenoid to open throttle (al(e &or increased load at idle$ 8ight
also "e e9uipped on (ehicles ith poer steering$ 8al&unction may lead to stalling or rough idle hen
transmission is in gear' A*! is on' or ma%ing sharp turns during city dri(ing$ The truc% may also need
more throttle then normal to pre(ent stalling hen accelerating &rom a stop$
*oasti" Ric!er 4ole"oi#
+escription: Solenoid on side o& car" &acing the (al(e co(er' held in ith three scres' and is
controlled "y the computer using - ires$ The purpose o& this solenoid is to open the car"uretor:s
secondary stage &uel circuit during deceleration$ There are no (acuum ports in or out o& this de(ice'
hoe(er there is a (acuum port located directly a"o(e it in the car"uretor "ody$
Fuel Pressure
Fuel Pressure on car"ureted 8a;da 5<6=/ 7--33s and 7-333s should "e
"eteen /$>64$> psi 1-<6/- %Pa2$ I& &uel pressure is high the &loat
le(el in the car" ill also rise causing a rich condition$ The
opposite goes &or lo &uel pressure$ I& &uel pressure is ithin spec
&uel le(el is high or lo then the &loat le(el needs to "e ad#usted$
Fuel le(el in the car" can "e seen in the sight glass &acing the
&ront o& the truc% near the "ottom o& the car"uretor$ It is also
common &or an internal diaphram in the &uel pump to go "ad
lea%ing &uel into the cran%case' this may cause the truc% to idle or
run rough' "ecause o& this you should monitor you:re oil more
&re9uently i& you siddenly de(elop a dri(a"ility pro"lem$
Ric! *o"#itio"
A rich condition can "ecaused "y many things "elie(e it or not a clogged
air &ilter ill cause a rich &uel mixture "ecause it increases
(acuum inside the car"uretor$ A "ad or orn out O- sensor is (ery
common considering the age o& the truc%$ I& the ?!U does not see
the readings it li%es it goes into limp mode and ill not go into
closed loop operation' simply put it shuts o&& all the systems
hich control &uel mixture and de&aults to rich conditions to
pre(ent engine damage$
Cast U,#ate# 4212208