Brokeback Mountain (Short Story)
Brokeback Mountain (Short Story)
Brokeback Mountain (Short Story)
ingin around thealuminumdoor andwindowframes. The shirts hanging ona
nail shudder slightly in the draft. Hegets up, scratching the grey wedge ofbelly and
pubic hair, shuffies tothe gas burner, pours liftover coffee in a chipped enamel pan;
theflameswathes it in blue. He turns onthetap andurinates in the sink, pulls on
hisshirt andjeans, hisworn boots, stamping theheels against thefloor togetthem
full on. The wind booms down the curved length ofthe trailer andunder itsroar-
ingpassage hecan hear thescratching of.finegravel andsand. It could be bad onthe
highway with thehorse trailer. He hastobepacked andawayfromtheplace that
morning. Againtheranch isonthemarket andthey've shipped out thelast ofthe
horses, paideverybody '?if the daybefore, theowner saying, "Give emtothereal
estate shark, I'm outa here," dropping thekeys in Ennis's hand. He might have
to staywith his married daughter until hepicks up anotherjob, yetheissuffused
with a sense ofpleasure becauseJack Twist wasin hisdream.
The stale ccdfee isboiling up but hecatches it bifore itgoes over theside, pours
it into astained cup andblows ontheblack liquid, lets apanel of thedream slide
forward. Ifhe does notforce hisattention onit, it might stoke the day, rewarm that
old, cold timeon the mountain whentheyowned theworld and nothing seemed
wrong. The wind strikes thetrailer likea load ofdirt coming '?if a dump truck,
eases, dies, leaves a temporary silence.
They were raised on small, poor ranches in opposite comers of the state,
Jack Twist in Lightning Flat up on the Montana border, Ennis del Mar
from around Sage, near the Utah line, both high school dropout country
Annie Proulx
boys with no tohardworkajjd privation-both
inured to the stoiclife. Ennis, reared by
his sisterafter their parents drove off the only curve on
Dead Horse Road leaving them twenty-four dollars in cash and a two-
mortgage ranch, applied at age fourteen for a hardship license that let him
make the hour-long trip from the ranch to the high school. The pickup
was old, no heater, one windshield wiper and bad tires; when the trans-
mission went there was no money to fix it. He had wanted to be a soph-
omore, felt the word carried a kind of distinction, but the truck broke
down short ofit, pitching him directly into ranch work.
In 1963 when he met Jack Twist, Ennis was engaged to Alma Beers.
Both Tack and in
Ennis's case that meant a tobacco can with two five-dollar bills inside. That
spring, hungry for any job, each had signed up with Farm and Ranch
Employment-they came together on paper as herder and camp tender for
the same sheep operation north ofSignal. The summer range layabove the
tree line on Forest Service land on Brokeback Mountain. It would beJack
Twist's second summer on the mountain, Ennis's first.
was twenty.
They shook hands in the choky little trailer office in front of a table
littered with scribbled papers, a Bakelite ashtray brimming with stubs.
The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle ofwhite light,
the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it. Joe Aguirre, wavy
hair the color of cigarette ash and parted down the middle, gave them
his point ofview.
"Forest Service got designated campsites on the allotments. Them
camps can be a couple a miles from where we pasture the sheep. Bad pred-
ator loss, nobody near lookin after em at night. What I want, camp tender
in the main camp where the Forest Service says, but the HERDER"-
pointing arjack with a chop ofhis hand-"piteh a pup tent on the q.t, with
the sheep, out a sight, and he's goin a SLEEPthere. Eat supper, breakfast in
camp, but SLEEPWITH THE SHEEP, hunderd percent, NO FIRE, don't leave
NO SIGN. Roll up that tent every mornin case Forest Service snoops
Brokeback Mountain
around. Got the dogs, your .30-30, sleep there. Last summer had goddamn
near twenty-five percent loss. I don't want that again. YOU," he said to
Ennis, taking in the ragged hair, the big nicked hands, the jeans torn, but-
ton-gaping shirt, "Fridays twelve noon be down at the bridge with your
next week list and mules. Somebody with supplies'll be there in a pickup."
He didn't ask if Ennis had a watch but took a cheap round ticker on a
braided cord from a box on a high shelf; wound and set it, tossed it to him
as ifhe weren't worth the reach. "TOMORROWMORNIN we'll truckyou up
the jump-off" Pair of deuces going nowhere.
They found a bar and drank beer through the afternoon, Jack telling
Ennis about a lightning storm on the mountain the year before that
killed forty-two sheep, the peculiar stink of them and the way they
bloated, the need for plenty ofwhiskey up there. He had shot an eagle, he
said, turned his head to show the tail feather in his hatband. At first
glanceJack seemed fair enough with his curly hair and quick laugh, but for
a small man he carried some weight in the haunch and his smile disclosed
buckteeth, not pronounced enough to let him eat popcorn out ofthe neck
. ofajug, but noticeable. He was infatuated with the rodeo life and fastened
his belt with a minor bull-riding buckle, but his boots were worn to the
quick, holed beyond repair and he was crazy to be somewhere, any-
where else than Lightning Flat.
Ennis, high-arched nose and narrow face, was scruffy and a little cave-
chested, balanced a small torso on long, caliper legs, possessed a muscu-
lar and supple body made for the horse and for fighting, His reflexeswere
uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading any-
thing except Hamley's saddle catalog.
The sheep trucks and horse trailers unloaded at the trailhead and a
bandy-legged Basque showed Ennis how to pack the mules, two packs
and a riding load on each animal ring-lashed with double diamonds and
secured with half hitches, telling him, "Don't never order soup. Them
boxesasoup are real bad to pack." Three puppies belonging to one ofthe
blue-heelers went in a pack basket, the runt inside Jack's coat, for he
loved a little dog. Ennis picked out a big chestnut called Cigar Butt to
Annie Proulx
ride, Jack a bay mare who turned out to have a low The
string of spare horses included a mouse-colored grullo whose looks
Ennis liked. Ennis and Jack, the dogs, horses and mules, a thousand ewes
and their lambs flowed up the trail like dirty water through the timber
and out above the tree line into the great flowery meadows and the
coursing, endless wind.
They got the big tent up on the Forest Service's platform, the kitchen
and grub boxes secured. Both slept in camp that first night,
though he saddled the bay mare in the dark morning without saying
much. Dawn came g@isy orange, stained from below by a gelatinous band
of The sooty bulk of the mountain paled slowly until it was
the same color as the smoke from Ennis's breakfast fire. The cold air
sweetened, banded pebbles and crumbs of soil cast sudden pencil-long
shadows and the rearing lodgepole pines below them massed in of
somber 11lil1ilfhite.
During the day Ennis looked across a great gulf and sometimes saw
Jack, a small dot moving across a high meadow as an insect moves across
a tableclcth.jack, in his dark camp, saw Ennis as night fire, aredspark on
tile huge black mass of mountain.
Jack came lagging in late one afternoon, drank his two bottles of beer
cooled in a wet sack on the shady side of the tent, ate two bowls of stew,
four ofEnnis's stone biscuits, a can ofpeaches, rolled a smoke, watched
the sun drop.
"I'm commutin four hours a day," he said morosely. "Come in for
breakfast, go back to the sheep, evenin get em bedded down, come in for
supper, go back to the sheep, spend half the night jumpin up and checkin
for coyotes. By rights 1should be spendin the night here. Aguirre got no
right a make me do this."
"Youwant a switch?" said Ennis. "I wouldn't mind herdin. 1wouldn't
mind sleepin out there."
Brokeback Mountain
"That ain't the point. Point is, we both should be in this camp. And that
goddamn pup tent smells like cat piss or worse."
'Wouldn't mind bein out there."
"Tell you what, you got a get up a dozen times in the night out there
over them coyotes. Happy to switch but give you warnin 1 can't cook
worth a shit. Pretty good with a can opener."
"Can't be no worse than me, then. Sure, 1wouldn't mind a do it."
They fended off the night for an hour with the yellow kerosene lamp
and around ten Ennis rode Cigar Butt, a good night horse, through the
glimmering frost back to the sheep, carrying leftover biscuits, ajar ofjam
and ajar of coffee with him for the next day saying he'd save a trip, stay
out until supper.
"Shot a coyote just first light," he told Jack the next evening, sloshing
his face with hot water, lathering up soap and hoping his razor had some
cut left in it, while Jack peeled potatoes. "Big son ofa bitch. Balls on him
size a apples. 1 bet he'd took a few lambs. Looked like he could a eat a
camel. You want some a this hot water? There's plenty."
"It's all yours."
'Well, I'm goin a warsh everthing1can reach," he said, his
boots and slopping the green
washcloth around until the fire spat.
They had a high-time supper by the fire, a can of beans each, fried
potatoes and a quart ofwhiskey on shares, sat with their backs against a
log, boot soles and copper jeans rivets hot, swapping the bottle while the
lavender sky emptied of color and the chill air drained down, drinking,
smoking cigarettes, getting up everynow and then to piss, firelight throw-
ing a sparkle in the arched stream, tossing-sticks 01] the fire to
going, talking.horsesgndrodeo,__t:.Q.Yghstock events, wrecks and injuries
sU"stajIl.e4, the subrnarineThreshe-r-lost two months earlier with all hands
and how it must have been in the last doomed minutes, dogs each had
owned and known, the draft, Jack's home ranch where his father and
mother held on, Ennis's family placefolded years ago after his folks died,
the older brother in Signal and a married sister in Casper. Jack said his
Annie Proulx
father had been aprettywell known bullrideryears back butkept his
secrets to himself, never gaveJack a wordof advice, never came once to
seeJackride,thoughhe hadputhimonthewoolies whenhewas alittle
kid.Ennis saidthe kind ofridingthatinterestedhimlasted longer than
eight seconds andhad somepointtoit.Money'sagoodpoint, saidJack,
and Ennishad to agree. ofeach
ingagainstthewindbackto illthe
" thoughthe'dneverhadsuchagoodtime,feltheCQuld,paw-wwmteout
ofthe moon.
Thesummerwenton andtheymovedtheherdtonewpasture,shifted
thecamp; the distancebetweenthe sheep andthe newcampwasgreater
andthenight ridelonger.Ennisrodeeasy,sleepingwithhiseyesopen,but
the hourshewasawayfromthe sheepstretchedoutandout.Jackpulled
a squallingburr out ofthe harmonica, flattened a little from a falloffthe
skittishbay mare, and Ennis had agood raspyvoice; afew nights they
mangledtheirway throughsome songs. Ennis knew the saltywordsto
"StrawberryRoan."JacktriedaCarl Perkinssong,bawling"whatIsay-ay-
ay," buthefavored asadhymn,"Water-WalkingJesus," fromhis
motherwhobelievedinthePentecost, thathesangatcfuge);lowness,set-
tingoff distantcoyoteyips.
"Toolatetogooutto themdamnsheep,"saidEnnis,dizzydrunkonall
fours onecoldhourwhenthe moonhadnotchedpasttwo.Themeadow
stones glowed white-greenand aflintywindworkedover the meadow; +.,
scraped the fire low,thenruffled it into yellow silksashes. "Gotyou a
extra blanketI'll roll up outhereand grabforty winks, ride outatfirst
"Freeze your assoffwhen that fire dies down. Betteroffsleepin in the
"DoubtI'll feel nothin." Buthe staggered under canvas, pulled his
bootsoff, snored onthe groundclothfor awhile, wokeJack withthe
Brokeback Mountain
saidJackin an irritable sleep-clogged voice. It was big enough, warm
enough,and inalittlewhilethey deepenedtheirintimacyconsiderably.
Ennis ran full-throttle on all roads whether fence mendingor money
spending,and hewantednoneofitwhenJack seized his left handand
broughtitto hiserectcock.Ennisjerkedhishandawayasthoughhe'd
touchedfire,gotto hisknees,unbuckledhisbelt,shovedhispantsdown,
hauled Jackonto all fours and, with the help ofthe clear slick and a little
spit,enteredhim, nothinghe'ddonebeforebutno instructionmanual
needed. They went at it in silence except for a few sharpintakesofbreath
andJack's choked"gun'sgoinoJf," thenout, down,and asleep.
Ennis woke inred dawn withhispants aroundhisknees, atop-grade
headache, andJackbuttedagainsthim; withoutsayinganythingaboutit
both knew how it would go for therestofthe summer, sheep be damned.
As it didgo. Theynever h.appm, at first only
in the tentatnight, then in the full daylight withthe hot sunstriking
down, and ateveninginthe fireglow, quick, rough, laughingandsnort-
ing, no lackofnoises, but saying not agoddamn.word except once Ennis
said,"I'm notnoqueer," in one-shot
thing. Nobody's Therewereonlythetwoofthemon
the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air, lookingdown.. on the
hawk's backand the crawlinglighrsofvehicles..ontbept<l,inbelow.sus-
inthe dark hours. Theybelieved themselvesinvisible, not knowingJoe
Aguirrehadwatchedthemthroughhis lOx42binocularsfortenminutes
oneday,waitinguntil they'dbuttoneduptheirjeans,waitinguntil Ennis
rodebacktothesheep,beforebringingupthemessagethatJack's people
hadsentwordthat hisuncle Haroldwasinthehospitalwithpneumonia
andexpected not tomake it.Thoughhedid,andAguirre came upagain
to sayso, fixingJack with his bold stare, not bothering to dismount.
InAugustEnnisspentthewhole nightwithJackinthemain campand
in ablowy hailstorm the sheep tookoffwest and got amongaherdin
anotherallotment.Therewasadamnmiserabletime forfivedays,Ennis
and aChileanherderwithno English trying to sort themout,the task
Annie Proulx
almost impossible asthe paintbrandswerewornandfaintatthislatesea-
son. Even when the numbers were right Ennis knew the sheep were
mixed. Inadisquietingwayeverythingseemedmixed.
Thefirst snowcame early,onAugustthirteenth,pilingup afoot, but
was followed by aquickmelt. Thenext weekJoe Aguirresent wordto
bringthem down-another, bigger stormwas moving in from the
Pacific-andtheypacked inthe game and movedoff the mountainwith
the sheep,stones rollingattheirheels,purple cloud crowdinginfrom the
westandthe metal smell ofcomingsnowpressingthemon. Themoun-
tain boiledwith.demonic energy, glazed with flickering
light,thewindcombedthegrassanddrewfrom the krummholz
Joe Aguirrepaid them,saidlittle. Hehad lookedatthe millingsheep
with a sourexpression, said, "Some athese never went up therewith
you."Thecountwas notwhathe'dhopedforeither. Ranchstiffsnever
did muchofajob.
''You goin a do this next summer?" saidJack to Ennis in thestreet, one leg
alreadyup inhisgreenpickup. Thewindwasgustinghard and cold.
"Maybe not."Adustplumeroseand hazedthe airwithfinegritandhe
squintedagainstit."LikeIsaid,Almaandme'sgettin marriedinDecem-
ber. Tryto getsomethinon aranch.You?"He looked awayfromJack's
jaw,bruisedblue fromthe hard punchEnnishadthrownhimonthe last
"Ifnothinbettercomes along. Thoughtsome aboutgoing backup to
mydaddy'splace,givehimahandover thewinter,thenmaybe headout
for Texas inthe spring. Ifthe draft don'tgetme."
''Well,seeyou around,Iguess."Thewindtumbledanemptyfeedbag
downthe streetuntilitfetched up underhistruck.
"Right,"saidJack, and they shookhands, hit eachotheronthe shoul-
der,thentherewasfortyfeetofdistance betweenthemandnothingtodo
Brokeback Mountain
butdriveawayinoppositedirections. WithinamileEnnisfeltlikesome-
onewas-p-ullinghisgiltso1.1Lhand overhand ayard. atatime. He stopped
atthe side ofthe road and, in the whirlingnewsnow, triedto puke but
nothingcame up. Hefeltaboutasbadashe ever had and ittookalong
timeforthe feelingtowearoff .
In DecemberEnnismarriedAlma Beers and had herpregnantbymid-
January. Hepicked up afew short-lived ranch jobs,thensettledin asa
wrangler on the old Elwood Hi-Top place northofLost Cabin in Washakie
County. Hewas stillworkingtherein SeptemberwhenAlmaJr., ashe
calledhisdaughter,wasbornand theirbedroomwas fullofthe smellof
old blood and milkand babyshit, and the soundswereofsquallingand
sucking and Alma's sleepy groans, all reassuringoffecundityandlife'scon-
tinuancetoone whoworkedwithlivestock.
Whenthe Hi-Top {9ldedtheymovedtoasmallapartmentinRiverton
upoveralaundry.Ennis gotonthe highwaycrewtoleratingitbutwork-
ing weekends at the Rafter B in exchange for keeping his horses out
there.Thesecondgirlwasborn andAlmawantedtostayintown nearthe
clinicbecause the child hadanasthmaticwheeze.
"Ennis, please, no more damn lonesome ranches for us," she said,
sittingon hislap,wrappingherthin, freckledarms aroundhim. "Let'sget
aplacehere intown?"
"Iguess,"saidEnnis, slippinghishand upher blousesleeveandstirring
thesilkyarmpithair,theneasingherdown,fingersmovingup herribsto
thejellybreast,overthe roundbellyandknee and upinto thewet gapall
the way to the north pole or the equator dependingwhichway you
thoughtyou weresailing,workingatituntil she shudderedand bucked
againsthishandand herolled herover,didquicklywhatshehated.They
stayedinthe littleapartmentwhichhefavoredbecause itcouldbeleftat
* * *
Annie Proulx
The fourth summer since Brokeback Mountain came on and in June
Ennis had a general delivery letter fromJack Twist, the first sign of life in
all that time.
Friend this letter is a long time over due. Hope you get it. Heard you was in
Riverton. 1mcoming thru onthe24th, thought Idstop andbuyyou a beer. Drop me
a lineifyoucan, sayifyour there.
The return address was Childress, Texas. Ennis wrote back, you bet,
gave the Riverton address.
The day was hot and clear in the morning, but by noon the clouds had
pushed up out of the west rolling a little sultry air before them. Ennis,
wearing his best shirt, white with wide black stripes, didn't know what
time Jack would get there and so had taken the day off, paced back and
forth, looking down into a street pale with dust. Alma was saying some-
thing about taking his friend to the Knife & Fork for supper instead of
cooking it was so hot, if they could get a baby-sitter, but Ennis said more
likely he'd just go out with Jack and get drunk. Jack was not a restaurant
type, he said, thinking ofthe dirty spoons sticking out ofthe cans ofcold
beans balanced on the log.
Late in the afternoon, thunder growling, that same old green pickup
rolled in and he sawJack get out ofthe truck, beat-up Resistol tilted back.
A hot jolt scalded Ennis and he was out on the landing pulling the door
closed behind him. Jack took the stairs two and two. They seized each
other by the shoulders, hugged mightily, squeezing the breath out ofeach
other. saying, son ofa bitch, son ofa bitch, then, and easilyas the right key
turns the lock tumblers, their mouths came together, and hard, Jack's big
teeth bringing blood, his hat falling to the floor, stubble rasping, wet saliva
welling, and the door opening and Alma looking out for a few seconds at
Ennis's straining shoulders and shutting the door again and still they
clinched, pressing chest and groin and thigh and leg together, treading on
each other's toes until they pulled apart to breathe and Ennis, not big on
endearments, said what he said to his horses and daughters, little darlin.
The door opened again a few inches and Alma stood in the narrow
Brokeback Mountain
What could he say?"Alma, this isJack Twist, Jack, my wife Alma." His
chest was heaving. He could smellJack-the intensely familiar odor ofcig-
, m, , .. ... __
arettes, musky and a faint sweetness the
rushingcold o.fJh
Il!.2'!E-.tain. "Alma," he said, ''Jack and me ain't seeneach
other in four years." Asifit were a reason. He was glad the light was dim
on the landing but did not turn away from her.
"Sure enough," said Alma in a low voice. She had seen what she had
seen. Behind her in the room lightning lit the window like a white sheet
waving and the baby cried.
"You got a kid?" said Jack. His shaking hand grazed Ennis's hand,
electrical current snapped between them.
"Two little girls," Ennis said. Jr. and Francine. Love them to
pieces." Alma's mouth twitched.
"I got a boy," saidJack. "Eight months old. Tell you what, 1 married a
cute little old Texasgirl down in Childress-Lureen." From the vibration
of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard
Jack was shaking.
'Nma," he said. "Jackand me is goin out and get a drink. Might not get
back tonight, we get drinkin and talkin."
"Sure enough," Alma said, taking a dollar bill from her pocket. Ennis
guessed she was going to ask him to get her a pack ofcigarettes, bring him
back sooner.
"Please to meet you," saidJack, trembling like a run-out horse.
"Ennis-" said Alma in her misery voice, but that didn't slow him
down on the stairs and he called back, you want smokes there's
some in the pocket a my blue shirt in the bedroom."
They went off in Jack's truck, bought a bottle of whiskey and within
twenty minutes were in the Motel Siestajouncing a bed. A few handfuls
of hail rattled against the window followed by rain and slippery wind
banging the unsecured door of the next room then and through the
* * *
Annie Proulx
The room stank of semen and smoke and sweat and whiskey, ofold car-
pet and sour hay, saddle leather, shit and cheap soap. Ennis lay spread-
eagled, spent and wet, breathing deep, still half tumescent, Jack blowing
forceful cigarette clouds like whale spouts, and Jack said, "Christ, it got a
be all that time a yours ahorseback makes it so goddamn good. We got to
talk about this. Swear to god I didn't know we was goin a get into this
again-yeah, I did. Why I'm here. I fuckin knew it. Redlined all the way,
couldn't get here fast enough."
"I didn't know where in the hell you was," said Ennis. "Four years. I
about give up on you. I figured you was sore about that punch."
"Friend," saidJack, "I was in Texas rodeoin. How I met Lureen. Look
over on that chair."
On the back of the soiled orange chair he saw the shine of a buckle.
"Yeah. I made three fuckin thousand dollars that year. Fuckin starved.
Had to borrow everthing but a toothbrush from other guys. Drove
grooves across Texas. Half the time under that cunt truck fixin it. Anyway,
I didn't never think about losin. Lureen? There's some serious money
there. Her old man's got it. Got this farm machinery business. Course he
don't let her have none a the money, and he hates my fuckin guts, so it's
a hard go now but one a these days-"
''Well, you're goin a go where you look Army didn't get you?" The
thunder sounded far to the east, moving from them in its red wreaths of
"They can't get no use out a me. Got some crushed vertebrates. And a
stress fracture, the arm bone here, you know how bullridin you're always
leverin it offyour thigh?-she gives a little ever time you do it. Even if you
tape it good you break it a little goddarnn bit at a time. Tellyou what, hurts
like a bitch afterwards. Had a busted leg. Busted in three places. Come off
the bull and it was a big bull with a lot a drop, he got rid a me in about
three flat and he come after me and he was sure faster. Lucky enough.
Friend a mine got his oil checked with a horn dipstick and that was all she
wrote. Bunch a other things, fuckin busted ribs, sprains and pains, torn lig-
Brokeback Mountain
aments. See, it ain't like it was in my daddy's time. It's guys with money
go to college, trained athaletes. You got a have some money to rodeo now
Lureen's old man wouldn't give me a dime if! dropped it, except one way.
And I know enough about the game now so I see that I ain't never goin a
be on the bubble. Other reasons. I'm gettin out while I still can walk"
Ennis pulled Jack's hand to his mouth, took a hit from the cigarette,
exhaled. "Sure as hell seem in one piece to me. You know, I was sittin up
here all that time tryin to figure out if! was-? I know I ain't. I mean here
we both got wives and kids, right? I like doin it with women, yeah, but
Jesus H., ain't nothin like this. I never had no thoughts a doin it with
another guy except I sure wrang it out a hunderd times thinkin about you.
Youdo it with other guys?Jack?"
"Shit no," saidJack, who had been riding more than bulls, not rolling
his own. ''You know that. Old Brokeback got us good and it sure ain't
over. We got a work out what the fuck we're goin a do now,"
"That summer," said Ennis. ''When we split up after we got paid out I
had gut cramps so bad I pulled over and tried to puke, thought I ate some-
thin bad at that place in Dubois. Took me about a year a figure out it was
that I shouldn't a let you out a my sights. Too late then by a long, long
"Friend," saidJack ''We got us a fuckin situation here. Got a figure out
what to do."
"I doubt there's nothin now we can do," said Ennis. ''What I'm sayin,
Jack, I built a life up in them years. Love my little girls. Alma? It ain't her
fault. You got your baby and wife, that place in Texas. You and me can't
hardly be decent together if what happened back there"-he jerked his
head in the direction ofthe apartment-"grabs on us like that. We do that
in the wrong place we'll be dead. There's no reins on this one. It scares
the piss out a me."
"Got to tell you, friend, maybe somebody seen us that summer. I was
back there the next June, thinkin about goin back-I didn't, lit out for
Texas instead-andJoe Aguirre's in the office and he says to me, he says,
'You boys found a way to make the time pass up there, didn't you,' and I
Annie Proulx
give him a look but when I went out I seen he had a big-ass pair a binoc-
ulars hangin offhis rearview." He neglected to add that the foreman had
leaned back in his squeaky wooden tilt chair, said, Twist, you guys wasn't
gettin paid to leave the dogs baby-sit the sheep while you stemmed the
rose, and declined to rehire him. He went on, "Yeah, that little punch a
yours surprised me. I never figured you to throw a dirty punch."
"I come up under my brother KE., three years older'n me, slugged me
sillyever day. Dad got tired a me come bawlin in the house and when I was
about six he set me down and says, Ennis, you got a problem and you gat
a fix it or it's gonna be with you until you're ninety and KE.'s ninety-three.
Well, I says, he's bigger'n me. Dad says,you got a take him unawares, don't
say nothin to him, make him feel some pain, get out fast and keep doin it
until he takes the message. Nothin like hurtin somebody to make him
hear good. So I did. I got him in the outhouse, jumped him on the stairs,
come over to his pillow in the night while he was sleepin and pasted him
damn good. Took about two days. Never had trouble with KE. since. The
lesson was, don't say nothin and get it over with quick." A telephone rang
in the next room, rang on and on, stopped abruptly in mid-peal.
"You won't catch me again," said Jack. "Listen. I'm thinkin, tell you
what, ifyou and me had a little ranch together, little cow and calfopera-
tion, your horses, it'd be some sweet life. Like I said, I'm gettin out a rodeo.
I ain't no broke-dick rider but I don't gat the bucks a ride out this slump
I'm in and I don't got the bones a keep gettin wrecked. I got it figured, got
this plan, Ennis, how we can do it, you and me. Lureen's old man, you bet
he'd give me a bunch ifI'd get lost. Already more or less said it-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It ain't gain a be that way.We can't. I'm stuck with
what I got, caught in my own loop. Can't get out ofit. Jack, I don't want
a be like them guys you see around sometimes. And I don't want a be
dead. There was these two old guys ranched together down home, Earl
and Rich-Dad would pass a remark when he seen them. They was ajoke
even though they was pretty tough old birds. I was what, nine years old
and they found Earl dead in a irrigation ditch. They'd took a tire iron to
him, spurred him up, drug him around by his dick until it pulled off, just
Brokeback Mountain
bloody pulp. What the tire iron done looked like pieces a burned tomatoes
all over him, nose tore down from skiddin on gravel."
"Youseen that?"
"Dad made sure I seen it. Took me to see it. Me and KE. Dad laughed
about it. Hell, for all I know he done the job. If he was alive and was to
put his head in that door right now you bet he'd go get his tire iron. Two
guys livin together? No. All I can see is we get together once in a while
way the hell out in the back a nowhere-"
"Howmuch is once in a while?" saidJack. "Once in a while ever four
fuckin years?"
"No," said Ennis, forbearing to ask whose fault that was. "I goddamn
hate it that you're goin a drive away in the mornin and I'm goin back to
work. But if you can't fix it you got a stand it," he said. "Shit. I been
lookin at people on the street. This happen a other people? What the hell
do they do?"
"It don't happen in Wyomin and if it does I don't know what they do,
maybe go to Denver," saidJack, sitting up, turning away from him, "and
I don't give a flyin fuck. Son ofa bitch, Ennis, take a couple days off. Right
now. Get us out a here. Throwyour stuff in the back a my truck and let's
get up in the mountains. Couple a days. Call Alma up and tell her you're
gain. Come on, Ennis, you just shot my airplane out a the sky--give me
somethin a go on. This ain't no little thing that's happenin here."
The hollow ringing began again in the next room, and as if he were
answering it, Ennis picked up the phone on the bedside table, dialed his
own number.
A slow corrosion worked between Ennis and Alma, no real trouble, just
widening water. She was working at a grocery store clerk job, saw she'd
always have to work to keep ahead of the bills on what Ennis made.
Alma asked Ennis to use rubbers because she dreaded another preg-
nancy. He said no to that, said he would be happy to leave her alone if she
didn't want any more of his kids. Under her breath she said, "I'd have em
Annie Proulx
ifyou'd support em." And under that, thought, anyway, what you like to
do don't make too many babies.
Her resentment opened out a little every year: the embrace she had
glimpsed, Ennis's fishing trips once or twice a yearwithJack Twist and never
avacation with her and the girls, his disinclination to step out and have any
fun, his yearning for low-paid, long-houred ranch work, his propensity to
roll to the wall and sleep as soon as he hit the bed, his failure to look for a
decent permanent job with the county or the power company, put her in a
long, slow dive and when Alma Jr. was nine and Francine seven she said,
what am 1doin hangin around with him, divorced Ennis and married the
Riverton grocer.
Ennis went back to ranch work, hired on here and there, not getting
much ahead but glad enough to be around stock again, free to drop
things, quit ifhe had to, and go into the mountains at short notice. He had
no serious hard feelings, just a vague sense of getting shortchanged, and
showed it was all right by taking Thanksgiving dinner with Alma and her
grocer and the kids, sitting between his girls and talking horses to them,
tellingjokes, trying not to be a sad daddy. Mter the pie Alma got him off
in the kitchen, scraped the plates and said she worried about him and he
ought to get married again. He saw she was pregnant, about four, five
months, he guessed.
"Once burned," he said, leaning against the counter, feeling too big for
the room.
''You still go fishin with that Jack Twist?"
"Some." He thought she'd take the pattern off the plate with the scrap-
''You know," she said, and from her tone he knew something was
coming, "I used to wonder how come you never brought any trouts
home. Always said you caught plenty. So one time 1 got your creel case
open the night before you went on one a your little trips-price tag still
on it after five years-and 1tied a note on the end ofthe line. It said, hello
Ennis, bring some fish home, love, Alma. And then you come back and
said you'd caught a bunch a browns and ate them up. Remember? 1
Brokeback Mountain
looked in the case when 1 got a chance and there was my note still tied
there and that line hadn't touched water in its life." As though the word
"water" had called out its domestic cousin she twisted the faucet, sluiced
the plates.
"That don't mean nothin."
"Don't lie, don't try to fool me, Ennis. 1 know what it means. Jack
Twist?Jack Nasty. You and him-"
She'd overstepped his line. He seized her wrist; tears sprang and rolled,
a dish clattered.
"Shut up," he said. "Mind your own business. You don't know nothin
about it."
"I'm goin a yell for Bill."
"Youfuckin go right ahead. Go on and fuckin yell. I'll make him eat the
fuckin floor and you too." He gave another wrench that left her with a
burning bracelet, shoved his hat on backwards and slammed out. He went
to the Blackand Blue Eaglebar that night, got drunk, had a short dirty fight
and left. He didn't try to see his girls for a long time, figuring they would
look him up when they got the sense and years to move out from Alma.
They were no longer young men with all of it before them. Jack had filled
out through the shoulders and hams, Ennis stayed as lean as a clothes-
pole, stepped around in worn boots, jeans and shirts summer and winter,
added a canvas coat in cold weather. A benign growth appeared on his
eyelid and gave it a drooping appearance, a broken nose healed crooked.
Yearson years they worked their way through the high meadows and
mountain drainages, horse-packing into the Big Horns, Medicine Bows,
south end ofthe Gallatins, Absarokas, Granites, Owl Creeks, the Bridger-
Teton Range, the Freezeouts and the Shirleys, Ferrises and the Rat-
tlesnakes,Salt River Range, into the Wind Rivers over and again, the Sierra
Madres, Gros Ventres, the Washakies, Laramies, but never returning to
Down in Texas Jack's father-in-law died and Lureen, who inherited the
Annie Proulx
farm equipment business, showed a skill for management and hard deals.
Jack found himself with a vague managerial title, traveling to stock and
agricultural machinery shows. He had some money now and found ways
to spend it on his buying trips. A little Texasaccent flavored his sentences,
"cow" twisted into "kyow" and "wife" coming out as "waf." He'd had his
front teeth filed down and capped, said he'd felt no pain, and to finish the
job grew a heavy mustache.
In May of 1983 they spent a few cold days at a series oflittle icebound, no-
name high lakes, then worked across into the Hail Strew River drainage.
Going up, the day was fine but the trail deep-drifted and slopping wet
at the margins. They left it to wind through a slashy cut, leading the horses
through brittle branchwood, Jack, the same eagle feather in his old hat, lift-
ing his head in the heated noon to take the air scented with resinous lodge-
pole, the dry needle duff and hot rock, bitter juniper crushed beneath the
horses' hooves. Ennis, weather-eyed, looked west for the heated cumulus
that might come up on such a day but the boneless blue was so deep, said
Jack, that he might drown looking up.
Around three they swung through a narrow pass to a southeast slope
where the strong spring sun had had a chance to work, dropped down to
the trail again which lay snowless below them. They could hear the river
muttering and making a distant train sound a long way off. Twenty min-
utes on they surprised a black bear on the bank above them rolling a log
over for grubs and Jack's horse shied and reared, Jack saying "Wo! Wo!"
and Ennis's bay dancing and snorting but holding. Jack reached for the
.30-06 but there was no need; the startled bear galloped into the trees with
the lumpish gait that made it seem it was falling apart.
The tea-colored river ran fast with snowmelt, a scarf of bubbles at
every high rock, pools and setbacks streaming. The ochre-branched wil-
lows swayed stiffiy,pollened catkins like yellow thumbprints. The horses
drank and Jack dismounted, scooped icy water up in his hand, crystalline
drops falling from his fingers, his mouth and chin glistening with wet.
Brokeback Mountain
"Get beaver fever doin that," said Ennis, then, "Good enough place,"
looking at the level bench above the river, two or three fire-rings from old
hunting camps. A sloping meadow rose behind the bench, protected by a
stand oflodgepole. There was plenty ofdry wood. They set up camp with-
out saying much, picketed the horses in the meadow:Jack broke the seal on
a bottle ofwhiskey, took a long, hot swallovv, exhaled forcefully, said, "That's
one a the two things I need right novv," capped and tossed it to Ennis.
On the third morning there were the clouds Ennis had expected, a grey
racer out of the west, a bar of darkness driving wind before it and small
flakes. It faded after an hour into tender spring snow that heaped wet and
heavy. By nightfall it turned colder. Jack and Ennis passed ajoint back and
forth, the fire burning late, Jack restless and bitching about the cold,
poking the flames with a stick, twisting the dial ofthe transistor radio until
the batteries died.
Ennis said he'd been putting the blocks to a woman who worked part-
time at the Wolf Ears bar in Signal where he was working now for
Stoutarnire's cow and calf outfit, but it wasn't going anywhere and she had
some problems he didn't want. Jack said he'd had a thing going with the
wife ofa rancher down the road in Childress and for the last few months
he'd slank around expecting to get shot by Lureen or the husband, one.
Ennis laughed a little and said he probably deserved it. Jack said he was
doing all right but he missed Ennis bad enough sometimes to make him
whip babies.
The horses nickered in the darkness beyond the fire's circle oflight.
Ennis put his arm around Jack, pulled him close, said he saw his girls about
once a month, Alma Jr. a shy seventeen-year-old with his beanpole length,
Francine a little live wire. Jack slid his cold hand between Ennis's legs, said
he was worried about his boy who was, no doubt about it, dyslexic or
something, couldn't get anything right, fifteen years old and couldn't
hardly read, hecould see it though goddamn Lureen wouldn't admit to it
and pretended the kid was o.k., refused to get any bitehin kind a help about
it. He didn't know what the fuck the answer was. Lureen had the money
and called the shots.
Annie Proulx
"1 used a want a boy for a kid," said Ennis, undoing buttons, "but just
got little girls."
"1didn't want none a either kind," said Jack. "But fuck-all has worked
the way 1wanted. Nothin never come to my hand the right way."Without
getting up he threw deadwood on the fire, the sparks flying up with their
truths and lies, a few hot points offire landing on their hands and faces, not
for the first time, and they rolled down into the dirt. One thing never
changed: the brilliant charge oftheir infrequent couplings was darkened
by the sense of time flying, never enough time, never enough.
A day or two later in the trailhead parking lot, horses loaded into the
trailer, Ennis was ready to head back to Signal, Jack up to Lightning Flat
to see the old man. Ennis leaned into Jack's window, said what he'd
been putting off the whole week, that likely he couldn't get away again
until November after they'd shipped stock and before winter feeding
"November. What in hell happened a August? Tell you what, we said
August, nine, ten days. Christ, Ennis! Whyn't you tell me this before? You
had a fuckin week to say some little word about it. And why's it we're
always in the friggin cold weather? We ought a do somethin. We ought a
go south. We ought a go to Mexico one day."
"Mexico? Jack, you know me. All the travelin 1 ever done is goin
around the coffeepot lookin for the handle. And I'll be runnin the baler all
August, that's what's the matter with August. Lighten up, Jack. We can
hunt in November, kill a nice elk. Try if! can get Don Wroe's cabin g i n ~
We had a good time that year."
"You know, friend, this is a goddamn bitch ofa unsatisfactory situation.
You used a come away easy. It's like seein the pope now."
"Jack, 1 got a work. Them earlier days 1 used a quit the jobs. You got a
wife with money, a good job. You forget how it is bein broke all the time.
You ever hear a child support? 1been payin out for years and got more to
go. Let me tell you, 1can't quit this one. And 1can't get the time off. It was
tough gettin this time-some a them late heifers is still calvin. You don't
leave then. You don't. Stoutamire is a hell-raiser and he raised hell about
Brokeback Mountain
me takin the week. 1don't blame him. He probly ain't got a night's sleep
since 1left. The trade-offwas August. You got a better idea?"
"1 did once." The tone was bitter and accusatory.
Ennis said nothing, straightened up slowly, rubbed at his forehead; a
horse stamped inside the trailer. He walked to his truck, put his hand on
the trailer, said something that only the horses could hear, turned and
walked back at a deliberate pace.
''You been a Mexico,Jack?" Mexico was the place. He'd heard. He was
cutting fence now, trespassing in the shoot-em zone.
"Hell yes, 1 been. Where's the fuckin problem?" Braced for it all these
years and here it came, late and unexpected.
"1 got a say this to you one time, Jack, and 1 ain't foolin. What 1don't
know," said Ennis, "all them things 1don't know could get you killed if!
should come to know them."
"Try this one," saidJack, "and I'll say it just one time. Tell you what, we
could a had a good life together, a fuckin real good life. You wouldn't do it,
Ennis, so what we got now is Brokeback Mountain. Everthing built on that.
It's all we got, boy, fuckin all, so 1 hope you know that if you don't never
know the rest. Count the damn few times we been together in twenty years.
Measure the fuckin short leash you keep me on, then ask me about Mex-
ico and then tell me you'll kill me for needin it and not hardly never gettin
it. You got no fuckin idea how bad it gets. I'm not you. 1can't make it on a
couple a high-altitude fucks once or twice a year. You're too much for me,
Ennis, you son ofa whoreson bitch. 1wish 1 knew howto quit you."
Like vast clouds of steam from thermal springs in winter the years of
things unsaid and now unsayable-admissions, declarations, shames,
guilts, fears-rose around them. Ennis stood as ifheart-shot, face grey and
deep-lined, grimacing, eyes screwed shut, fists clenched, legs caving, hit
the ground on his knees.
"Jesus," said Jack. "Ennis?" But before he was out of the truck, trying
to guess ifit was heart attack or the overflow ofan incendiary rage, Ennis
was back on his feet and somehow, as a coat hanger is straightened to open
a locked car and then bent again to its original shape, they torqued things
Annie Proulx
WhatJack remembered and craved in awayhe couldneitherhelp nor
understandwasthe timethatdistantsummeronBrokebackwhenEnnis
hadcome upbehindhimandpulledhimclose,the silentembracesatis-
fyingsomeshared and sexlesshunger.
They had stood that way for a long time in frontofthe fire, its burning
tossingruddy chunksof light,theshadowoftheirbodiesa single column
againstthe rock.Theminutestickedbyfrom theroundwatch inEnnis's
pocket,from thesticksinthefiresettlingintocoals.Starsbitthroughthe
wavyheat layersabovethe fire.Ennis'sbreathcame slowand quiet, he
heartbeat,thevibrationsof thehumminglikefaintelectricityand,stand-
ing,he fellinto sleepthatwas notsleepbutsomethingelsedrowsy and
tranceduntilEnnis,dredginguparustybutstilluseablephrase from the
I got a go. Come on, you're sleepin on your feet like ahorse," and gaveJack
ingsnort,grind ofhoof on stone.
Later, thatdozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single
momentofartless, charmed happiness in their separate and difficult
lives.Nothingmarredit,eventhe knowledgethatEnniswouldnotthen
embracehimfaceto facebecause he did notwantto seenorfeelthat it
wasJackheheld.And maybe,hethought,they'dnevergotmuchfarther
thanthat. Letbe,letbe.
DECEASED. He calledJack's number in Childress, something hehad done
Brokeback Mountain
onlyonce beforewhenAlmadivorced himandJack hadmisunderstood
the reason forthe call,haddriventwelvehundredmiles northfornoth-
not. It wasLureenand shesaidwho? whoisthis?andwhenhetoldher
againshesaidinalevelvoiceyes,Jackwaspumpingupaflaton thetruck
outon abackroadwhenthe tireblewup.Thebeadwasdamagedsome-
howand the forceofthe explosion slammed the riminto his face, broke
hisnoseandjawandknockedhim unconsciousonhisback.Bythe time
No,he thought,theygothimwiththe tire iron.
"Jackusedtomentionyou," shesaid."You'rethe fishingbuddyorthe
huntingbuddy,Iknowthat.Would haveletyou know,"shesaid,"butI
wasn'tsure aboutyourname and address.Jack kept mostahis friends'
The huge sadness ofthe northern plains rolled down on him. He
didn't knowwhich way it was, the tire iron or a real accident, blood
choking downJack's throat and nobody to turn himover. Underthe
wind drone he heard steel slammingoffbone,the hollowchatterofa set-
"He burieddownthere?" He wantedto curse her forlettingJack die
The little Texasvoice came slip-sliding down the wire. 'Weputa
stone up. He use to sayhe wanted to be cremated, ashes scattered on
Brokeback Mountain. I didn't knowwhere thatwas. So he was cre-
mated,likehewanted, andlikeIsay, halfhisasheswasinterredhere,and
where he grew up. ButknowingJack, it mightbe some pretendplace
wherethebluebirdssingand there'sawhiskeyspring."
''Weherdedsheep on Brokebackone summer,"saidEnnis. Hecould
whiskeyup there. Hedrankalot."
Brokeback Mountain
Annie Proulx
"Hisfolks still upin LightninFlat?"
"Oh yeah.They'llbethereuntiltheydie.1nevermetthem.Theydid-
n'tcomedownfor the funeral.You get in touchwiththem. 1suppose
they'dappreciateitif his wisheswas carriedout."
Nodoubtaboutit,she was politebutthe littlevoice wascoldassnow.
Theroadto LightningFlatwentthroughdesolatecountrypastadozen
abandoned ranches distributed over the plain at eight- and ten-mile
intervals,housessittingblank-eyedinthe weeds,corralfences down.The
mailboxread JohnC. Twist. The ranchwas a meagre little place, leafy
spurgetakingover.Thestockwas roofardistantfor himto seetheircon-
dition,onlythat theywereblackbaldies.Aporchstretchedacrossthe front
ofthetinybrownstuccohouse,fourrooms,two down,twoup.
Ennissatatthe kitchentablewithJack'sfather.Jack'smother,stoutand
carefulin hermovementsasthoughrecoveringfromanoperation,said,
"Thankyou,ma'am,I'll take acup acoffeebut1can'teatnocakejust
now. "
Theold mansatsilent,his handsfoldedonthe plastic tablecloth,star-
ing at Ennis with an angry, knowing expression. Ennis recognized in
himanotuncommontype withthehardneedtobethestudduckin the
pond.Hecouldn'tseemuchofJ ackin eitheroneof them,tookabreath.
"I feel awfulbad about Jack. Can'tbeginto sayhowbad 1feel.1knew
hima long time. 1come byto tell you that ifyou want me to take his ashes
up thereonBrokebacklike his wifesayshe wantedI'dbe proudto."
Therewas asilence.Ennisclearedhis throatbutsaid nothingmore.
Theold mansaid,"TellyOUwhat,1knowwhereBrokebackMountain
is. He thoughthe was too goddamnspecial to be buried in the family
Jack's motherignoredthis, said, "Heused acome homeeveryyear,
evenafter he was marriedand downinTexas,and helphis daddyonthe
ranchfor aweek.,fixthe gatesand mowand all.1kept his roomlikeitwas
when he was aboy and 1think he appreciated that. You are welcome to go
up in his roomifyouwant."
Theold manspokeangrily."Ican'tgetno help outhere.Jackused asay,
'Ennisdel Mar,'he usedasay,'I'mgoinabringhimup hereoneathese
daysandwe'lllick this damnranchintoshape.'Hehad somehalf-baked
ideathe twoayouwasgoin amoveup here, buildalogcabin and help me
runthis ranchandbringit up. Then,thisspringhe'sgotanotherone's
goinacomeup herewithhimand buildaplace andhelpruntheranch,
someranchneighborahis fromdowninTexas.He'sgoinasplitupwith
his wife and comebackhere. So he says. Butlike mostaJack's ideas it
nevercometo pass."
Sonowhe knewithad been the tireiron. Hestood up,said,youbethe'd
like to seeJack's room, recalled one ofJack's stories about this old man. Jack
wasdick-clippedandthe oldmanwasnot;itbotheredthe sonwhohaddis-
covered the anatomicaldisconformityduringahardscene. Hehad been
aboutthreeorfour, hesaid,alwayslategettingtothe toilet, strugglingwith
buttons, the seat, the height ofthe thing and often as not left the sur-
roundingssprinkleddown.Theoldmanblewup aboutitand thisone time
workedintoacrazy rage. "Christ,helicked thestuffinoutame, knocked
medownonthe bathroomfloor,whippedmewithhis belt. 1thoughthe
waskillin me. Thenhe says,'Youwantaknowwhatit's likewithpiss all
over the place? I'll learn you,' and he pulls it outand lets go alloverme,
soakedme, thenhe throwsatowelatmeand makes me mopup thefloor,
take myclothesoffandwarshtheminthebathtub,warshoutthetowel,I'm
bawlinand blubberin. But while he was hosin me down 1seen he had some
extramaterial that1was missin.1seenthey'dcutmedifferentlikeyou'd
cropaearor scorchabrand.Nowayto getitrightwithhimafterthat."
Thebedroom, at the top ofa steep stair thathad its own climbing
rhythm, was tiny and hot, afternoon sun poundingthrough the west
indowhittingthe narrowboy'sbed against the wall,anink-staineddesk
dwoodenchair, ab.b. gunin ahand-whittledrackover thebed. The
. dowlookeddownonthegravelroadstretchingsouthand itoccurred
him thatforhisgrowing-upyearsthatwastheonlyroadJackknew.An
Brokeback Mountain
Annie Proulx
Bumpingdownthe washboardroadEnnispassedthe countryceme-
ancientmagazine photographofsome dark-hairedmovie starwastaped
teryfencedwithsaggingsheepwire, atinyfencedsquare on thewelling
to the wall beside the bed, the skin tonegone magenta. Hecouldhear
prairie,afewgravesbrightwithplasticflowers, anddidn'twanttoknow
Jack'smotherdownstairs runningwater, fillingthe kettle and settingit
Jackwasgoinginthere,tobeburiedon the grievingplain.
backonthe stove, askingthe oldman amuffledquestion.
Thecloset was a shallowcavitywith awooden rod braced across, a
faded cretonne curtain on a stringclosing it offfrom the rest ofthe
Afewweeks lateronthe SaturdayhethrewallStoutamire'sdirty horse
blankets intothe back ofhis pickup and tookthemdownto the Quik
overwirehangers,onthe floorapairofwornpackerbootshethoughthe
StopCarWashto turnthe high-pressuresprayon them.Whenthe wet
remembered.Atthe northendoftheclosetatinyjogin thewallmadea
cleanblanketswerestowedinthetruckbedhestepped intoHiggins's gift
shopandbusiedhimselfwiththe postcardrack.
a shirt.He lifted itoff the nail. Jack's old shirt from Brokebackdays.The
"Ennis,whatareyou lookinfor rootinthroughthempostcards?" said
driedbloodonthe sleevewashisownblood, agushingnosebleedon the
LindaHiggins,throwing a sopping brown coffeefilter intothegarbagecan.
lastafternoonon the mountainwhenJack,intheircontortionisticgrap-
plingandwrestling,hadslammedEnnis'snosehardwithhisknee.He had
staunchedthe bloodwhichwaseverywhere,alloverbothofthem,with
"Ididn'tordernoneathem. Letmegettheorderlist.TheygotitIcan
swung from the deckand laid the ministeringangel out in the wild
getyouahunderd.Igotaordersome morecardsanyway."
columbine,wings folded. "One'senough,"saidEnnis.
When it came-thirtycents-hepinned it up in his trailer, brass-
the sleevescarefullyworkeddowninsideJack's sleeves.It washis own
headedtack ineach comer.Below ithe drove anailandon the nail he
plaidshirt,lost, he'dthought,longagoinsome damnlaundry,hisdirty
hungthewire hanger and the two old shirts suspended from it. He
shirt, the pocketripped,buttonsmissing,stolenbyJackand hiddenhere
steppedbackand looked atthe ensemblethroughafewstingingtears.
insideJack'sownshirt, the pairliketwo skins,one inside the other,two
"Jack,Iswear-"he said,thoughJack had neverasked himto swear
anythingandwashimselfnotthe swearingkind.
his mouthandnose,hoping forthefaintest smokeandmountain sageand
saltysweet stinkofJackbuttherewasno realscent,only the memoryof
it, the imagined powerofBrokeback Mountainofwhich nothing was left
Around that time]ackbegantoappearinhisdreams,Jackashehadfirst
butwhatheheld in hishands. seenhim, curly-headedandsmilingandbucktoothed,talkingaboutget-
tingup off his pocketsandinto thecontrolzone, butthe can of beans
withthe spoonhandlejuttingoutandbalancedon the logwasthereas
In the end the stud duck refused to let Jack's ashes go. "Tell you what, we
well,inacartoonshapeand luridcolors thatgavethe dreamsaflavorof
got a familyoplot andhe's goinin it." jack's mother stood at the table cor-
comicobscenity.Thespoonhandlewasthe kind thatcouldbeused asa
ing apples with a sharp, serrated instrument. "Youcomeagain," she said.
Annie Proulx
tireiron.And hewouldwakesometimesingrief,sometimeswiththe old
senseofjoyand release;thepillowsometimeswet,sometimesthe sheets.
Therewassome openspacebetweenwhatheknewandwhathetried
to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and ifyou can'tfixit
you'vegotto standit.
A Screenplay
Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana
Based on a Short Story
Annie Proulx
For Publication
October 2005