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ECONOMICS Curriculum Framework
Scarcity and Economic Reasoning
Students will understand that productive resources are limited; therefore, people cannot have all the goods and services they want. As a result, they must choose some things and give up others.
Standard Essential Content Resources E.1 Define each of the productive resources (natural, human, capital) and explain why they are necessary for the production of goods and services. (E)
Natural Resources: anything found in nature; need raw materials in the production process for creating new tools and mfg. new products. Human Resources: labor that is utilized in implementing the production process Capital: tools that are necessary for the creating new goods and services. Differences: m/differences-capital- resource-human-resource- natural-resource-60792.html Glencoe pg. 8
E.2 Explain how consumers and producers confront the condition of scarcity, by making choices that involve opportunity costs and tradeoffs. (E)
Scarcity is the basic problem in Economics in that consumers evaluate decisions based on wants/needs, and the availability of resources. Each economic decision is accompanied by a trade- off or choice that is given up for the alternative. For instance a producer that grows wheat and corn must evaluate the opportunity cost or value of the choice that is given up in place of something else, i.e.: how much or how little acreage to use growing wheat vs. corn? Defined mics/revision-notes/as- markets-scarcity-and- choice.html Glencoe pg. 7, 15,16
E.3 Identify and explain the broad goals of economic policy such as freedom, efficiency, equity, security, growth, price stability, and full employment. (C, E)
Freedom: having the ability to buy or sell any goods and services Efficiency: wise use of available resources so as to obtain the greatest benefits possible Equity: the attempt to balance an economic policy so that everyone benefits fairly Security: protection offered through government social programs against risks beyond our control- accidents on the job, natural disasters, poverty, etc. Growth: expansion of the economy to produce more goods, jobs, and wealth Price Stability: value of currency and prices within the market stay relatively stable with only small adjustments for inflation Full Employment: condition when the unemployment rate is lower than a certain percentage established by economists studies Goals Flash Cards economics-unit-1- fundamentals-flash-cards/
E.4 Describe how people respond predictably to positive and negative incentives. (C, E)
Profit is a positive incentive lending to motivation for more production of goods and services Negative incentives result from a diminution in personal choices, government handouts, etc. Basics of incentives intro: ssons/index.php?lid=379&typ e=student More advanced breakdown of financial incentives: ssons/index.php?lid=390&typ e=student
E.5 Explain that voluntary exchange occurs when all participating parties expect to gain. (E)
Voluntary Exchange takes place when a buyer and seller come to a mutually beneficial agreement of exchanging goods and services. Stossel clip on voluntary exchange: http://www.criticalcommons.o rg/Members/fsustavros/clips/s tossel-2011-economics-of- voluntary-exchange/view Voluntary Exchange in the classroom: ch?v=gWaJCI9hqfo
E.6 Compare and contrast how the various economic systems (traditional, market, command, mixed) try to answer the questions: What to produce? How to produce it? For whom to produce? (E)
Implement the 3 basic question in Economics, What to produce?/ How to produce it?/ For whom to produce? into discussion of the 4 basic Economic Systems: Traditional: decisions based on customs and beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation Command: government controls the factors of production and makes all decisions about their use Market: individuals own the factors of production and make economic decisions through free interaction while looking out for their own and their families best interests. Mixed: combine characteristics of more than one type of economy Economic Systems: nomic-systems/types.html
Glencoe pg. 36
Other examples of economic systems: 2/three%20economic%20syst ems.htm
E.7 Describe how clearly defined and enforced property rights are essential to a market economy. (E)
Private Property rights are essential in a free market economy in that the founding fathers recognized that such rights were the invisible engine for creating wealth and prosperity. Glencoe pg. 46 Article on Economics of Property Rights: arch/reports/2010/08/the- economic-principles-of- america-s-founders-property- rights-free-markets-and- sound-money Article #2 http://www.quebecoislibre.or g/younkins5.html
E.8 Use a production possibilities curve to explain the concepts of choice, scarcity, opportunity cost, tradeoffs, Show a production possibilities curve on a graph and describe the concepts through the utilization of a PPC. Show a Guns-n-Butter graph and the trade-offs Guns and Butter Graph /terms/g/gunsandbutter.asp
unemployment, productivity, and growth. (E)
required in determining what/how much to produce with the limited resources available.
E.9 Compare and contrast the theoretical principles of the economic systems of capitalism, socialism, and communism, and use historical examples to provide evidence of their effectiveness. (E, H)
Capitalism: encompasses ideas of a market economy by placing an emphasis on personal freedom, individual initiative, and individuality. Socialism: Differences between democratic and authoritarian socialism. Also discuss little private property ownership, benefits to society as a whole, less individuality, and loss of individual incentive. Communism: discuss Marxs original ideas for Communism; discuss where Communism is in the world today and what actually happened in the evolution of the system of government. Show historical examples of each system: Capitalism: Reagans U.S., Germany Socialism: FDRs U.S., Denmark, Sweden, Communism: China, Cuba, North Korea Glencoe pg. 51
Commanding Heights Interactive Map
E.10 Examine informational text and primary sources to analyze the major ideas of the following economists:
Adam Smith Thomas Malthus Karl Marx John Maynard Keynes Friedrich Hayek Milton Friedman Ben Bernanke
Smith: Economy works best with minimal government interference; if individuals are left to follow their own self-interest, the economy moves forward as if guided by an invisible hand; wrote The Wealth of Nations Malthus: Believed that population growth and economic growth was limited by the earths ability to sustain that growth; a dismal scientist; wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population Marx: Believed that capitalism would fail and communism would emerge in its place; wrote The Communist Manifesto Keynes: Believed govt should increase govt spending when necessary to avoid/end recessions; wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Hayek: Disagreed with Keynes; was against central planning and believed that the market would self- correct; wrote The Road to Serfdom Friedman: Also disagreed with Keynes; monetarist Bernanke: Current Fed Chairman; learned from mistakes of the Great Depression and cut interest rates to stimulate spending to end 2008-09 recession Smith: Glencoe pg. 11, 43
Keynes: Glencoe pg. 424, 448 Video: Keynes vs. Hayek Round 2 Video: Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Anthem (YouTube) Friedman: Glencoe pg. 453, 458 Video: Friedman on the Phil Donahue show Bernanke: Glencoe pg. 397, 398, 455
Supply and Demand Students will understand the role that supply and demand, prices, and profits play in determining production and distribution in a market economy.
E.11 Define supply and demand and provide relevant examples. (E) Demand: Law of Demand, Demand Schedule, and Demand curve Supply: Law of Supply, Supply Schedule, and Glencoe pg. 172 - 179, Video: Economic Lowdown- Demand Supply Curve Glencoe pg. 187 - 189 Video: Economic Lowdown- Supply
E.12 Describe the role of buyers and sellers in determining the equilibrium price. (E) Equilibrium price: What price consumers are willing to pay in conjunction with what price producers are willing to offer their products for sale. The interaction between these two determinants helps to set price equilibrium. Shortage: define, graph, describe responses of buyers and sellers Surplus: define, graph, describe responses of buyers and sellers Glencoe pg. 195-197
Graphs and examples unne/200ch3_3.html
E.13 Describe how prices of products as well as interest rates and wage rates send signals to buyers and sellers of products, loanable funds, and labor. (E) A shortage is a signal that price is too low A surplus is a signal that price is too high
Interest rates are the price of money Wage rates are the price of labor
Glencoe pg. 197
Glencoe pg. 399
E.14 Explain that consumers ultimately determine what is produced in a market economy (consumer sovereignty). (C, E) Freedom of Choice (one of the characteristics of a Pure Market economy) If consumers dont want (demand) a product, producers wont make it Schools dont print homecoming shirts in spring because students dont want them
Glencoe pg. 44
E.15 Explain the function of profit in a market economy as an incentive for entrepreneurs to accept the risks of business failure. (C, E) Profit incentive (one characteristic of pure market economy) Famous entrepreneurs with failures Glencoe pg.45
Article: 10 Entrepreneur Risks Worth Taking in Every Startup Entrepreneur ch?v=zLYECIjmnQs
E.16 Demonstrate how supply and demand determine equilibrium price and quantity in the product, resource, and financial markets, including drawing and reading supply and demand curves. (E) Creating Demand and Supply Curves
Locating Equilibrium Price
Interpreting graphs of Changes in quantity demanded and supplied
Interpreting graphs on Change in demand and supply Glencoe pg. 178-179, pg. 188-189 Glencoe pg. 195-196 graph Coursesen/mic/fram1.html
Graph paper elTemplates/graph-paper.html
E.17 Identify factors that cause changes in market supply and demand. (E) Determinants of demand - changes in population, fads, and income, substitutes, and complementary products (Change in Demand) Determinants of supply - Taxes, Technology, cost of inputs, and # of firms in industry (Change in supply) Price as a signal (Change in quantity demanded and change in quantity supplied) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Law of Diminishing Returns Glencoe pg. 180 - 181
Glencoe pg. 190 - 192
Glencoe pg. 182, 192
Glencoe pg. 174 Glencoe pg. 192
Show segment of Cool Hand Luke (Egg Eating Contest) (Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility)
E.18 Demonstrate how changes in supply and demand influence equilibrium price and quantity in the product, resource, and financial markets. (E) Increase in demand increases equilibrium price; curve shifts right Decrease in demand decrease equilibrium price; curve shifts left
Increase in supply decreases equilibrium price; curve shifts right Decrease in supply increases equilibrium price; curve shifts left Glencoe pg. 180-181
E.19 Demonstrate how government wage and price controls, such as rent controls and minimum wage laws, create shortages and surpluses. (E) Price Floor - Government-established minimum price that can be charged for goods and services Example-minimum wage
Price Ceiling - Government-established maximum price that can be charged for goods and services Example-Rent controlled apartments
Stossel on Rent control ch?v=R0h8kfA4i_A
Video: Economics of Seinfeld- Price Ceiling
E. 20 Cite evidence from appropriate informational texts to argue in an opinion piece for or against the minimum wage. (E) Unintentional consequences of minimum wage Article against minimum wage 13/mar/10/opinion/la-oe- hassett-the-case-against-the- minimum-wage-20130310
Article on teens and minimum wage SB1000142405297020344010 4574402820278669840.html
Article showing both sides /articles/07/minimum_wage.a sp
E.21 Use concepts of price elasticity of demand and supply to explain and predict changes in quantity as prices fluctuate. (E) Price as a signal to buyers and sellers Elastic - define and graph Inelastic - define and graph Examples of elastic products and characteristics (lots of substitutes, luxury goods, and large % of income) Examples of inelastic products and characteristics (few substitutes, necessities, and small % of income)
Glencoe pg. 184 - 185 Video: Real World Economics - Elasticity of Demand
E.22 Explain how financial markets, such as the stock market, channel funds from savers to investors. (E) Businesses issue stock to raise funds for expansion; investors purchase stock from businesses to share in businesses expected profits Businesses issue bonds to raise funds for expansion; investors purchase bonds from businesses to earn interest paid by businesses Businesses borrow money from banks for expansion; savers put money in banks to earn interest paid by banks Glencoe pg. 147
Stock Market Rap
Stocks Made Easy
Market Structures Students will understand the organization and role of business firms and analyze the various types of market structures in the United States economy.
E.23 Compare and contrast the following forms of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. (E) Basics of entrepreneurship; famous entrepreneurs Decisions on business structure cost/benefit analysis Taxes, Risk/Return, Profits, Dividends, Overhead Sole Proprietorship: 1 person/ unlimited personal liability/ set own schedule/ sole keeper of profits Partnership: Joint Venture/ LLPs/ differences between general partnership and LLP/ shared profits and risk/ personalities of partners, shared responsibility Corporation: no personal liability/ dividends/ double taxation/ difficult to start-up Entrepreneurs d/5519861/ns/business- small_business/t/historys- greatest- entrepreneurs/#.UH96pRjajv Interactive learning for business organizations: http://www.wisc- t.aspx?ID=HRM102 Pros and Cons of Business Organizations: nance/introduction-to-the- field-and-goals-of-financial- management/business- organization-types/sole- proprietorship-pros-and-cons/
E.24 Analyze the various ways and reasons that firms grow either through reinvestment of financial capital obtained through retained earnings, stock issues Discuss methods of growth: Reinvestment of profits into the company OR stock market investments Business loans/Expansion efforts Rockefeller/Carnegie differences in horizontal and vertical merger. How to grow a business: http://www.bankofscotlandbu guidance/business-growth/ Men Who Built America and borrowing, or through horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers. (E) Venture Capitalist firms JP Morgan
History Channel series: See Venture Capitalist video ch?v=y-e-jluN114 Potential Investors: See Shark Tank episodes on
E.25 Analyze key details and central ideas from diverse forms of informational text to summarize the role and historical impact of economic institutions, such as labor unions, multinationals, and nonprofit organizations, in market economies. (E) Development and Decline of labor unions in the U.S. (reasoning) Cause and Effect of multi-national outsourcing Business make-up of non-profit organizations. Discuss what nonprofits do with revenue. Benefits to Society
E.36 Describe the characteristics of natural monopolies and the purposes of government regulation of these monopolies, such as utilities. (E, P) Types of monopolies: Government - created by govt; owned by govt. Natural - created by govt; run by an outside firm Geographic - due to lack of demand in a geographic area technological - created by patents and copyrights Purpose of natural monopoly: Govt believes one firm can provide good/service more efficiently than many. Examples of natural monopoly: Utilities
E.26 Identify the basic characteristics of monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and pure competition. (H, E) Monopoly: one producers in a particular industry Oligopoly: very few producers in an industry Mon. Comp.: several producers in an industry Pure Competition: many producers in an industry. Characteristics s/characteristics-of- monopoly.html
Video: Market Structures
E.27 Explain how competition among many sellers lowers costs and prices and encourages producers to produce more. (E) The more firms in an industry the greater the competition, resulting in a reduction in prices in order to further competition and increase production. Explanations: http://www.consumerpsychol osts.html
E.28 Demonstrate how firms with market power can Firms will continue to produce goods as long as their profit and revenue continue to exceed costs of marketing/pricing/inputs-to- determine price and output through marginal analysis. (E) production.
pricing-decisions/marginal- analysis/
Marginal Analysis Explanation
E.29 Explain ways that firms engage in price and non-price competition. (E) Discuss brand loyalty/product differentiation/Advertising/Target audiences PowerPoint with examples of both: a=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&sourc e=web&cd=5&ved=0CFkQFjA E&url=http%3A%2F%2Fghec le%2Fview%2FPrice%2Band %2BNon- price%2BCompetition.ppt&ei =hCfLUamkHYmQ9QSn74CgB g&usg=AFQjCNEbtYOQK5OPd MDKf- wNX7AbOoNexg&sig2=KsmZ OC5ZEY2uqYlz6idXKw&bvm= bv.48340889,d.eWU
E.30 Examine informational text in diverse formats and media to analyze how investment in research and development, equipment and technology, and training of workers increases productivity. (E) Productivity is a measure of how much work gets done. Advances in any avenue that lends to an increase in productivity as well as new training techniques that do the same.
Glencoe pg. 9
Article: Obamas Obsession puts students at risk - Loosely fits standard - discusses how we are pushing kids to college when some would be better off training for a career
E.31 Describe how the earnings of workers are determined by the market value of the product produced or service provided, workers productivity, incentives, collective bargaining, and discrimination. (E) Factors for determining income (education, experience, blue-collar/white-collar/service industry) Factors contributing to increases in workers productivity, i.e.: machines, skills, etc. Elements of incentive based contracts (pay scales) Collective Bargaining and negotiations from mediation to arbitration with examples such as union efforts in specific trade organizations. Department of Labor Agreements on File: /compliance/cba/ How are Wages Determined: research/commentary/1990/0 215.pdf NFL lockout and Collective Bargaining: m/gabriel-a-feldman/the- legal-issues-behind- t_b_820579.html
E.32 Analyze the role and Reintroduce entrepreneurs Job creation clip productivity of entrepreneurs in a free-enterprise system and how entrepreneurial decisions are influenced by tax, regulatory, education, and research support policies. (E, C) In a free enterprise system taxation is influenced by what type of business structure the entrepreneur chooses. Government regulation assists in efforts of research and development by supporting patents and offering copyrights of original work. http://stosselintheclassroom.o rg/videos/job_creation_gone_ wrong/
The Role of Government The student will understand the roles of government in a market economy are the provision of public goods and services, redistribution of income, protection of property rights, and resolution of market failures.
E.33 Explain how government responds to perceived social needs by providing public goods and services. (E, P) Examples of how government responds to social needs: Welfare, food stamps, public housing, Affordable Care Act Roads, national defense These programs are paid for with tax revenues. Political parties disagree about how much assistance government should provide.
Glencoe pg. 419
E.34 Describe major revenue and expenditure categories and their respective proportions of local, state, and federal budgets. (E, P) Revenue Categories: Income Taxes, SS Taxes, Excise Taxes Expenditure Categories: SS, Medicare, Defense See Fig. 16.3, pg 426 for pie chart of category proportions
Glencoe pg. 426-429; Budget Hero Game - students attempt to balance the Federal Budget
E.35 Identify laws and regulations adopted in the United States to promote competition among firms. (E, H, P) Explain how consumers benefit when firms must compete. Regulations: Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Federal Trade Commission, other agencies on page 248 Glencoe pg. 248 FTC - You are Here - Go to the Food Court - learn how the FTC regulates monopolies and oversees mergers
E.37 Define progressive, proportional, and regressive taxation. (E, H, P) Progressive - Tax take takes a larger percentage of higher incomes; example - federal income tax Proportional - Tax takes the same percentage of all incomes; example - flat tax Regressive - Tax that takes a larger percentage of lower incomes; example - sales tax on food Glencoe pg. 433 Lesson Plan
E.38 Use appropriate informational text to analyze costs and benefits of government policies (Social Security, Medicare, Earned Income credits) and cite Social Security - federal program that provides monthly payments to people that are retired or unable to work Medicare - Govt provided health insurance for elderly Earned Income Credits - Provides incentive for poor - Privatize Social Security? - Is Affordable Care Act Good for America? evidence from multiple sources to argue for or against one example of such a government policy or program. (E, H, P) people to go to work by giving them a tax credit for income tax owed, up to a limit
E.39 Research textual evidence in diverse formats to write a problem-solution piece recommending a course of action in regard to the national debt. (E, P) Deficits occur when govt spends more than they take in Deficits are funded by govt borrowing (bonds) National Debt - The sum of our nations deficits Currently $16.7 trillion (June 2013) Glencoe pg. 429 US National Debt Clock
E.40 Define and explain fiscal and monetary policy and the various schools of thought including Keynesian, Supply- siders, and Monetarists on how, when and if these policies should be used to stabilize the economy. (E, P) Fiscal Policy - Govt use of taxes and expenditures to affect the economy Monetary Policy - Fed adjusting the money supply to affect the economy Keynes - Believed that govt should increase spending to end recessions Supply-siders - Believe that tax cuts would increase consumer spending and end recessions Monetarists - Fed adjusts money supply to end recessions Glencoe pg. 447-451
Glencoe pg. 399, 402-405
Glencoe pg. 424 (Keynes)
Glencoe pg. 450-451
Glencoe pg. 453-457
E.41 Analyze how the government uses taxing and spending decisions (fiscal policy) to promote price stability, full employment, and economic growth. (E, P) Fiscal Policy must be approved by Congress Examples of fiscal policy Government spends money to build a new interstate Government lowers taxes 2009 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Govt spent $831 billion to get US Economy out of recession
Glencoe pg. 447-451
Khan Academy Video: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Pres. Obamas Speech in Jan 2009 about ARRA {primary source}
E.53 Describe the organization and functions of the Federal Reserve System and identify the current Federal Reserve chairperson. (E) Current Fed Chairman - Ben Bernanke Twelve Fed districts Clarksville is in District 6 Federal Open Market Committee Function of Fed: Execute Monetary Policy (see E.42) Glencoe pg. 392-396 Fed Today Video
The Fed in Plain English Video
E.42 Analyze how the Federal Reserve uses monetary tools to promote price stability, full employment, and economic growth. (E, P) Monetary Policy Tools: Open Market Operations Adjust Reserve Requirements Change Discount Rate
Tight Policy - Goal: Slow down spending; avoid/end high inflation Sell Bonds, Raise Reserve Requirement, Raise Discount Rate The Fed in Plain English Video
Fed Chairman Game
National Economic Performance Students will understand the means by which economic performance is measured.
E.43 Define aggregate supply and demand, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, unemployment, and inflation. (E) Aggregate supply -is the total supply of all goods and services being produced in an economy. Aggregate demand- is the total demand for all goods and services in an economy. GDP- is the total value of all final goods and services produced in a country within a given period of time, usually a year. Economic growth- is the expansion of an economy to produce more goods, jobs, and wealth. Unemployment- is the measure of a countrys civilian labor force that in not working but is actively looking for work. Inflation- is the continued rise in the general price level of final goods and services. Glencoe pg. 348 in the textbook.
The following link provides lessons, powerpoints and video clips over GDP, unemployment, and inflation. The Classroom Economist
E.44 Explain how Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, unemployment, and inflation are calculated. (E) A countrys gross domestic product is calculated by using the formula (GDP=C+I+G+NX) where C= consumer spending, I= the investment of businesses in resources that will improve production, G= government spending on goods and services, and NX= the value of a countrys exports minus the value of its imports.
Unemployment is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed people in a country by the countrys labor force. An unemployed person is defined as a person who has not worked in the past week and has actively sought employment within the last four weeks. A countrys labor force is the total number of people who are employed plus those who are unemployed.
Types of Unemployment: Cyclical - Unemployment due to changes in business cycle Timmy loses his job during a recession, gets it back during a recovery
Structural - Unemployment caused by changes in the economy Resources for GDP, CPI, and unemployment are available in the Building Blocks of Economics folder found on the sharing server, as well as at the website found above.
Unemployment video
Glencoe pg. 443 Timmy loses his job at a car wash because he is replaced by an automated car wash Seasonal - Unemployment caused by changes in seasons or weather Timmy doesnt work at his construction job in the winter because the weather is too cold
Frictional - Temporary unemployment between jobs because of firings, layoffs, job searches Timmy is unemployed from the time he got fired at Burger King to the time he got hired at Wendys
Inflation is measured using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is calculated by the government purchasing a market basket of goods and services consisting of around 80,000 items from 8 major groups such as food, housing, apparel, etc. the total value of these items are then compared against the value of the same items in previous years.
E.45 Analyze the impact of events in United States history, such as wars and technological developments, on business cycles. (E, H) The development of the American System of production during the 19th century helped the U.S. industrialize and gain footing in world markets. During times of war increased manufacturing of military goods often boosts the U.S. economy. Economic booms in post World War I and World War II eras. U.S. business activity chart on pg. 353.
E.46 Identify the different causes of inflation, and explain who gains and loses because of inflation. (E) Inflation is caused by having a money supply that is increasing relative to the amount of goods and services that it can be used to purchase. In an inflated economy lenders lose because the money they are paid back is worth less than the money they lent out, and borrowers gain because the money they pay back to lenders is worth less than the money they originally borrowed. People living inside an inflated economy lose purchasing power as the value of their currency decreases; however, other countries trading with an inflated economy are able to import goods and services cheaper than they would normally be able.
Video: Why not print more money?
E.47 Explain that a countrys overall level of income, employment, and prices are determined by the individual spending and production decisions of households, firms, and the government. (C, E, H, P) Reductions or increases in spending or production cause a domino effect throughout an economy. (Example) as prices rise due to inflation people spend less in discretionary expenditures, when people buy less firms start to produce less goods and services, as firms produce less goods and services they may reduce the number of people they employ, this in turn reduces the amount of revenue available Glencoe pg. 448 - Circular flow of income and output chart
to the government through taxation.
E.48 Illustrate and explain how the relationship between aggregate supply and aggregate demand is an important determinant of the levels of unemployment and inflation in an economy. (E) Use aggregate supply and demand curves to illustrate the effects of shifts in supply and demand on production levels, and connect production changes to unemployment changes. A Phillips Curve can be used to illustrate the relationship between unemployment and inflation. Video: Phillips Curve
Money and the Role of Financial Institutions Students will understand the role of money and financial institutions in a market economy.
E.49 Explain the basic functions of money including its role as a medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account. (E)
Types of Money commodity representative fiat Functions of money medium of exchange store of value unit of account Characteristics of money Accepted portable divisible scarce stable in value durable Glencoe pg. 370
Glencoe pg. 368-9
Glencoe pg. 370
Video: Americas Money Vault
E.50 Describe the growth of income inequality in the United States and worldwide using the Lorenz curve and analyze the reasons for this increasing disparity of income. (E) The Lorenz Curve is a tool for looking at income inequality within an economy, used in conjunction with the Gini Coefficient it is possible to create a numerical measure of an economys level of income inequality and compare it to others. This video is a great resource for teachers to better understand the Lorenz Curve. Video: Lorenz Curves and the Gini Coefficient
E.51 Identify the composition of the money supply of the United States. (E) The U.S. uses to basic measures of the money supply designated as M1 and M2. M1 is a narrow definition of the money supply and consist of currency, checkable deposits, and travelers checks. M1 is basically any form of money most people would accept as payment for goods and services. M2 is a broader definition of the money supply and includes all monies found under M1 plus savings deposits, small-denomination time deposits, and some money market type accounts. M2 consists of Glencoe pg. 378-383 Article: Federal Reserve defines M1 and M2
Video: Money Supply M0, M1, and M2
the liquid monies found in M1 plus monetary assets that can be made liquid relatively easily.
E.52 Explain the role of banks and other financial institutions in the economy of the United States. (E) Banks and other financial institutions help put financial resources to their best use by connecting people that do not have an immediate use for their money with people who do. Financial Institutions Central Bank commercial banks credit unions investment banks Financial Services savings checking loans investments Pg. 142-153
Trade Students will understand why individuals, businesses, and governments trade goods and services and how trade affects the economies of the world.
E.54 Examine evidence in informational texts to explain the benefits of trade among individuals, regions, and countries. (E, G) Specialization - A nation should produce and export what they are best suited to produce, based on their factors of production Saudi Arabia should export oil Trade should be based on specialization; companies should trade for the things they cannot easily specialize in. Gains from Trade Activity (I play this game with my students, but I made my own certificates. I will share them with anyone that wants them. - Skau) Video: Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off
E.55 Define and distinguish between absolute and comparative advantage and explain how most trade occurs because of a comparative advantage in the production of a particular good or service. (E, G) Absolute Advantage - Ability of one country to produce more output per unit of input than can another country Comparative Advantage - Ability of one country to produce a product at a lower opportunity cost than another country Example explaining the difference of AA and CA: LeBron James can cut his lawn in 2 hours. I can cut it in 3 hours. LeBron has an absolute advantage in lawn mowing. However, he can make $100,000 making a commercial with those 2 hours. I can only make $200 teaching economics with my 3 hours. I have a comparative advantage in lawn mowing because LeBrons opportunity cost ($100,000) is greater than mine ($200). Conclusion: LeBron should pay me to mow his lawn and use his time to make a commercial. James trades money to me to mow his lawn to free up his time so he can Glencoe pg. 467 Video: Khan Academy on Absolute Advantage (watch second)
Glencoe pg. 469 Video: Khan Academy on Comparative Advantage (watch first)
earn $100,000.
E.56 Define trade barriers, such as quotas and tariffs. (E, G) Quota - Restriction on the amount of a good that can be imported Tariff - A tax on an imported goods Revenue tariff - Used to create revenue; not a significant source of revenue today Protective tariff - Used to make imported goods more expensive, and domestic goods more competitive in the market. Embargo - Complete restriction on trade with another country US has a trade embargo with Cuba Glencoe pg. 477-479
Article: Cuba Embargo; Jay-Z and Beyonce
E.57 Explain why countries sometimes erect barriers to trade such as quotas and tariffs, or through subsidies to domestic producers and the consequences of those trade barriers and subsidies on consumers and producers. (E, G, H) Example: US currently has a tariff on orange juice imported from Brazil. Consequently, Tropicana will purchase OJ from a producer in Florida because its OJ is cheaper. Another consequence is that orange juice consumers pay more for OJ. Glencoe pg. 477-479 Article: OJ Switcheroo?
E.58 Explain the difference between balance of trade and balance of payments. (E, G) Balance of Trade - Difference in the value of a nations exports and its imports Balance of Payments - Includes BOT and financial exports and imports Glencoe pg. 475-476
E.59 Compare and contrast labor productivity trends in the United States and other developed countries. (E, G) Developed countries outsource unskilled factory jobs (i.e. textiles) to countries with cheaper labor. Labor Unions in developed nations oppose the outsourcing of jobs Video: Apples Sweatshop Problem Article: Is Outsourcing Good for the Economy?
E.60 Explain how changes in exchange rates impact the purchasing power of people in the United States and other countries. (E, G) Exchange Rate - the price of one nations currency in terms of another nations currency $1 US = 0.77 Euro (June 2013) Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) - The idea that a good in one country should cost the same as in another country after currency is exchanged. For example, if a pair of shoes costs $100 in the US, it should cost $77 in Europe (June 2013). If the USD loses value against the Euro, it costs more USD to purchase the same amount of Euros. p. 472-474 Online currency converter
Beginners Guide to PPP
Americans lose purchasing power in Europe.
E.61 Cite evidence from appropriate informational text to evaluate the arguments for and against free trade. (E, H, G) Review Gains from Trade Protectionism - protecting domestic jobs by importing more costly through quotas and tariffs NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement (1993) - agreement designed to eliminate tariffs between US, Canada, Mexico Protectionists opposed NAFTA because they feared jobs would be lost Glencoe pg. 468, 478-9