Boteva Tylis

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The Ancient Historians on the Celtic

Kingdom in South-Eastern Thrace

Dilyana Boteva
When trying to reconstruct the events connected with the Celtic Kingdom in South-Eastern Trace
the main focus falls, of course, on the testimonies of the ancient historians Polybius, Titus Livius
and Pompeius Trogus/Justinus, which unfortunately are very scanty. Quite surprisingly more his-
tory is to be found in the reports of someone who has been traditionally regarded as a Periegetes
(Calame 1990; Pritchett 1998), a traveler and geographer ( 1988, 130) or more generally
as a travel writer (Grant 1980, 314) and even just as a traveler (Potter 2008, XXV). One can
easily recognize Pausanias in this description: he has only recently been approached as a historian
(Bingen 1996)1.
Nowadays it is mainly Pausanias text which supplies us with chronological data concerning
Celtic invasion in the Balkan area. When reporting the Celtic attack on Delphi, he speaks about a
severe frost and snow with it (X.23.4), as well as about Celts who perished in the wintry storm
(X.23.10). We owe to Pausanias the information that the expedition of the Celts against Greece,
and their destruction, took place when Anaxicrates was archon at Athens, in the second year of the
hundred and twenty-ffh Olympiad [i.e. 279/278 BC] (X.23.14). Tus his description fts the
timeframe between the last three months of 279 and the initial four to, at the most, fve months of
Te loose dating of 279/278 BC for the attack on Delphi is accepted by some modern his-
torians (Eilers 2001, 285; Grainger 1995, 316; Lewis 1980, 258; Nachtergael 1977, 172-73)2 but
many prefer to date it defnitely to 279 BC (Heinen 2006, 423; ael Kos 2005, 189-96;
1997, 237; Champion 1996; Champion 1995, 213-14; Elwyn 1990, 178; Boardman et al. 1986,
845; 1984, 77)3.
An important piece of epigraphic evidence supplies further information about the defeat of
the Gallic chiefain Brennus forces before the sanctuary of Delphi. Tis is a decree from Cos (Syll.

398.1-4) dated to between March and July 278 (Champion 1995, 215 with footnote 11), which so
far is the earliest testimony of the Gallic attack against Delphi (Champion 1996, 317)4 obviously
issued very soon afer the attack5. Tus the Coan decree supports the dating of the Gallic defeat
to between the last three months of 279 and the initial four to, at most, fve months of 278 un-
fortunately it does not help in giving a more precise chronology. Still it gives some chronological
1 On Pausanias linear sequence of the wars of the Phocians starting with the Trojan War and ending with the de-
fence of Greece against the Gauls opposed to his heroic/post-heroic division of the past see Sidebottom 2002, 495.
2 See however Walbank et al. (2006, 499): 280/79 the Aetolians and other Greeks repel the Gauls from central
3 Petzl (1984, 141-42) dates in der Zeit um 280 v. Chr. the start of the Galatian invasion of Illyria, Macedonia and
Trace, and the attack on Delphi to the summer of 278 BC. Fontenrose (1981, 344 and 410) also dates the Gallic attack
on Delphi to 278 BC.
4 Champion (1996, 317 and footnote 8) refers to the Coan decree in question as Syll.
378 (sic).
5 According to Petzl (1984, 142, n. 7) the decree was issued immediately afer the attack: die unmittelbar nach
dem Galaterueberfall (Sommer 278) abgefasste Inschrif von Kos (Syll.
, 398).
34 dilyana boteva
terminus for the start of the great Celtic invasion of Macedonia, Trace and Greece. It is variously
dated to 280 BC (Walbank et al. 2006, 498; ael Kos 2005, 162; Teodossiev 2000, 81;
1997, 31 and 237; Grainger 1996, 334; Petzl 1984, 141)6 and 279 BC (Boardman et al. 1986, 845;
Delev 2003, 108).
Although the testimonies of the ancient authors have ofen been discussed with regard to
the Celtic raids in Trace (Teodossiev 2005 with lit.; 2004, 281-86 with lit.; Delev 2003,
107-116 with lit.; Teodossiev 2000, 80-82 with lit.; 1997, 30-50 with lit.; Tacheva 1991;
1984, 73-91; Danov 1979, 47-60 with lit.; Mihailov 1961 with lit.), each re-reading
is worthwhile when trying to create a correct historical picture of the Celtic presence at the ba-
sileion7 of Tylis. Some modern historians try to connect with the history of Tylis not only Polybius
report the only narrative8 which explicitly refers to this Celtic basileion but the information
about the Celtic raids in Trace of the other ancient authors as well. Because of this the testimonies
about all Celtic incursions in Trace will be analyzed and re-evaluated here. Te aim of the study is
to make a clear distinction between the data handed down to us from the ancient writers and the
conclusions one might draw on this basis, thus showing some further possibilities for understand-
ing the evidence and reconstructing the historical events.
Presented in the chronological order of the ancient historians, the relevant testimonies are as
1. Polybius9 IV.45.9 46.4
Year: ?
Starting point: Afer escaping from the disaster at Delphi
Destination: Reached the Hellespont, where instead of crossing to Asia, they remained
on the spot, as they took a fancy to the country near Byzantium
Number: ?
Achievements/fate: Conquered the Tracians and established their capital at
Tylis placing the Byzantines in extreme danger
Number lef: ?
Further direction: During the inroads made under COMONTORIUS, the Byzantines con-
tinued to pay on each occasion three thousand, fve thousand, and sometimes
even ten thousand gold pieces to save their territory from being laid waste
Number: ?
Achievements: Finally the Byzantines were paying an annual tribute of
eighty talents down to the reign of CAVARUS
Fate: During CAVARUS reign the kingdom came to an end and the whole
tribe were conquered by the Tracians and annihilated
6 Grainger (1995, 317, n. 17) even specifes that Macedon was invaded in force in the frst half of 280.
7 Te most authoritative Greek-English dictionary ofers three diferent meanings of the word basileion; under
the frst the following translations are ofered: a kingly dwelling, palace; but more common in pl. the seat of the em-
pire, a capital, royal city (Liddell / Scott 1897, 277).
8 Te information in Ethnika (Steph. Byz. 640.20) is not considered here due to its ambiguity as well as the lack of
a narrative explicitly connecting the respective polis with the Celtic presence in Trace.
9 English translation by W.R. Paton.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 35
1. Polyb. IV.45.9 46.4: Information & Problems
1.1. Comontorius reaches the Hellespont afer escaping from the disaster at Delphi, i.e.
his expedition should be dated to 278 BC10. It is not clear, however, to which of the three groups
formed by Brennus his Celts belonged those who attacked Aetolia, those who were lef at the
Termopylae, or these who reached Delphi. Te third option seems to me the least likely11, due to
the statements of other ancient authors that of so great an army with which Brennus attacked
Delphi not a man was lef12.
1.2. Noteworthy is the explicit explanation that instead of crossing to Asia Comontorius
remained in the region of the Hellespont and of Byzantium. I am inclined to think that this state-
ment was provoked by the precedent of (one or even two) Celtic crossing(s) to Asia most probably
over the Straits (the Hellespont and/or the Tracian Bosporus)13.
1.3. Comontorius reached the Hellespont and remained on the spot, taking a fancy to the
country near Byzantium. He conquered the Tracians and established his capital at Tylis placing
the Byzantines in extreme danger.
1.4. Tis initial conquest was followed by a series of successful inroads upon Byzantium, which
were possible because Comontorius remained on the spot, i.e. in the region of the Hellespont.
Te obvious conclusion is that Comontorius capital Tylis should be sought in the region of the
Hellespont and the country near Byzantium14.
1.5. According to Teodossiev (2005, 86) the Celtic forces () led by Comontorius es-
tablished a tribal state in Trace with its capital called Tylis, presumably located in the region of
Byzantium, where another group of Gauls under the leadership of Leonorius and Loutorius had
already settled. However Livys report about these two Celtic chiefains does not support such a
1.6. Te kingdom came to an end during Cavarus reign, when the whole tribe of the Celts
was conquered by the Tracians and annihilated.
2. Polybius IV.52.1-2
Year: 220 BC
Starting point: Tylis ?
Commander: CAVARUS
Destination: Byzantium
Number: ?
Achievements/fate: When CAVARUS came to Byzantium, he did his best to put an end to
the war [between Byzantium and the Bithynian king Prusias, D.B.]; trea-
10 Teodossiev (2005, 86) dates Comontorius expedition to 279 BC.
11 See Delev 2003, 108: Polybius says his [Comontorius, D.B.] army had broken from the hordes of Brennus
either before or afer his failed attack on Delphi. According to Walbank (1957, 499) Comontorius men had never for
the most part been members of Brennus force.
12 See testimony #4 here below.
13 See testimony #3 here below.
14 Mihailov 1961, 40; 1984, 81; 1997, 33 and 45. For location of Tylis to the north, close to
the Haemus Range, with the older literature see Oberhummer (1948), Detschew (1976, 528) and Danov (1979, 48).
Surprisingly Smith (1857, 1246) places Tyle on the coast of the Euxine. Tis much debated issue is presented by
Delev 2003, 108-09 with lit. See also Grainger (1996, 330).
15 See testimony #3 here below.
36 dilyana boteva
ties were made in the year of Cothon, son of Calligeiton, hieromne-
mon in Byzantium, with the Rhodians and with Prusias [220 BC]
Number lef: ?
Fate: During CAVARUS reign the kingdom came to an end and the
whole tribe was conquered by the Tracians and annihilated
2. Polyb. IV.52.1-2: Information & Problems
2.1. In 220 BC Cavarus came to Byzantium engaging himself in peace negotiations between
Byzantium and Prusias (king of Bithynia) who were waging a war for the control of the trafc
through the Tracian Bosporus.
2.2. Such an engagement speaks in favour of Cavarus immediate interests in the region of
Straits. He was able to fulfll his mission doubtless because he was well enough known by and had
infuence over the two negotiating sides. Both of them were geographically connected with the
Tracian Bosporus.
2.3. It is clear that in 220 BC Cavarus was still powerful and infuential. It is however unclear
when exactly did his kingdom come to end, the whole tribe was conquered by the Tracians and
2.4. Despite the explicit statement of Polybius, J. Grainger (1996, 334-36) inclines to regard it
as an exaggeration speculating that certainly there remained Celts in the Balkan area even afer
Tylis destruction. He points to these Celts as the prime candidates to be the ally of Antiochus
III in his Tracian campaigns. Because of Appians report (Syr. 6) of Antiochus III alliance with
the Galatians, which he acquired by gifs and fear, and from whom he also recruited soldiers, J.
Grainger (1996, 335) insists that Appian is referring to Tracian Galatians, not to the more famil-
iar Galatians of Asia Minor. According to him these can only be either the survivors of the de-
funct Tylis, or the predecessors of the Scordisci in the central Balkans. In this case, however, both
possibilities ofered by Grainger seem less convincing. In my opinion the prime candidates to be
Antiochus ally in his Tracian campaigns are the Galatians of Asia Minor.
3. Titus Livius17 XXXVIII,16
Year: ?
Starting point: Te Gauls under the leadership of Brennus came into the country of the Dardanians.
In DARDANIA strife broke out among them; about 20 000 people (sic), with Lonorius
and Lutarius as their chiefs, seceded from Brennus and turned aside into THRACE.
Commander: Lonorius18 and Lutarius
16 Broadly speaking there are two dates for the collapse of Tylis earlier and later. For the earlier dating see John
Grainger (1996, 330-334), who dates it about twenty years before Antiochus III invasion in Trace, i.e. ca. 217/216,
and Peter Delev (2003, 116): during the initial years of the reign of Ptolemy IV (221-204 BC) the Celtic kingdom in
Trace came to an end in circumstances that we are ignorant of . For the later dating see Nikola Teodossiev (2000, 81),
who connects the destruction of Cavarus kingdom with the year 213BC, and Heinz Heinen (2006, 423) with his the
kingdom of Tylis was to last until c. 212. Te dating c. 212 appears also in Walbank 1957, 500. Bringing together
the two chronologies, Margarita Tacheva places this destruction sometime between 218 and 212 BC ( 1997,
35 and 244).
17 English translation by E.T. Sage.
18 Te name of this Gaulish chiefain appears more ofen in the modern literature as Leonorius. Here I follow the
form which one fnds in Livys text as published in the Loeb Classical Library.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 37
Destination: THRACE
Number of the army: about 20 000 people19; three tribes (Trocmi, Tolostobogii20, Tectosages21) are mentioned
Achievements/fate: Penetrated as far as BYZANTIUM, contending against those who resisted and
imposing tribute upon those who sought peace, they occupied for some (sic)
time22 THE COAST OF THE PROPONTIS, holding as tributaries the cit-
ies of the district. Having taken LYSIMACHIA and occupied THE WHOLE
CHERSONESUS they came down to the HELLESPONT. When the ne-
gotiation with Antipater, the prefect of this coast, dragged out longer than
they had expected, another new revolt broke out between the chiefs.
Number lef: ?
Further direction: 1) Lonorius with the larger part of the men went back
to BYZANTIUM whence he had come;
2) Lutarius took from the Macedonians of Antipater two decked ships
and three cruisers. Using these as ferry-boats day afer day and night af-
ter night, within a few days he transported his entire force to ASIA.
Only a little later Lonorius, with the aid of Nicomedes, king of Bithynia,
crossed from BYZANTIUM. Ten the Gauls were once more united and aided
Nicomedes in the war he was waging against Ziboetas, who held the greater part
of Bithynia. And, principally as a result of their assistance, Ziboetas was con-
quered and all Bithynia acknowledged the sovereignty of Nicomedes.
Setting out from Bithynia they made their way into ASIA.
Number: Of their 20 000 people [sic], not more than 10 000 were armed
Achievements: Tey inspired a terror in all the peoples dwelling on this side of the Taurus
Fate: Since there were three tribes, the Tolostobogii, the Trocmi, and the Tectosages,
they split up into three divisions, according to the states of Asia which each
held as tributaries. To the Trocmi the coast of the Hellespont was assigned; the
Tolostobogii received by the lot Aeolis and Ionia, the Tectosages23 the interior
parts of Asia. Tey () established their own dwellings along the river Halys.
3. Liv. XXXVIII.16: Information & Problems
3.1. Te starting point of the Gauls who invaded Trace according to Livy was DARDANIA.
Tey lef their country under the leadership of Brennus and separated from him only in Dardania
afer the strife which broke out among them; about 20 000 people (most probably from three dif-
ferent tribes - the Tolostobogii, the Trocmi, and the Tectosages), with Lonorius and Lutarius
as their chiefs, seceded from Brennus and TURNED ASIDE INTO THRACE.
19 E.T. Sage translates here about twenty thousand men. Accordingly P. Delev (2003, 108) describes this Gallic
force as the 20-thousand strong army of Leonorius and Lutarius. However, as Livy speaks about homines, not viri,
I would prefer here the translation people, which accords better with Livys report further in his text that of these
twenty thousand people, not more than ten thousand were armed (Livy 38.16.9). I thank my colleague D. Mitov for
discussing this issue with me.
20 Heinen (2006, 423) and Parke (1982, 442) read Tolistoagii. See however Cokun 2008, 135: Tolistobogier.
21 For more information about the Tectosages with literature on the respective discussion see ael Kos 2005, 214-
22 E.T. Sage translates they occupied for a considerable time the coast of the Propontis. However I prefer to trans-
late Livys aliquamdiu as for some time (see Oxford Latin Dictionary 1968, 98) in order to keep a more neutral
meaning, because we are not really aware of what Livy actually implied. I thank my colleague D. Mitov for discussing
this issue with me.
23 On the territories of these three Galatian tribes in the 1st century BC see Cokun 2008, 134-35.
38 dilyana boteva
3.2. Tey penetrated as far as Byzantium24, occupied for some time the coast of the Propontis,
holding as tributaries the cities of the district; having taken Lysimachia and occupied the whole
Chersonesus they came down to the Hellespont.
3.3. Noteworthy is the report that these Gauls occupied for some time the coast of the
Propontis. It remains unclear what is meant by for some time but it seems to be no longer than a
3.4. Negotiations with a certain Antipater took place; their dragging out caused a new re-
volt between the Celtic chiefs. A question of primary importance arises: who was this Antipater?26
According to Livy he was the prefect of the coast, obviously the coast of the Hellespont. Tis
however is not enough when trying to place this Antipater in the history of the Aegean world be-
cause we do not know whose prefect he was, i.e. who was the king, who had appointed Antipater as
a prefect of the coast? We can be pretty sure that this was a king of Macedonia due to Livys infor-
mation that Lutarius took from the Macedonians of Antipater two decked ships and three cruis-
ers. If this is so, then the event doubtless predates the reconciliation between Antigonus Gonatas
and Antiochus I, which is supposed to have taken place either in 278 or in 277 BC27. According to
this agreement Antiochus I received the territories to the east of the Nestos river (Veligianni 1983,
112). Most probably the crossing of Lutarius army over Hellespont into Asia postdated Seleucus
assassination28 by Ptolemy Ceraunus, dated to either September 281 (Walbank et al. 2006, 498)
or the spring of 280 BC ( 2004, 263). I would even dare to propose that Lutarius crossing
should be dated within the short reign of Ptolemy Ceraunus, because afer his death Macedonia
practically lost control over the Hellespont.
3.5. As a result of the revolt Lonorius with the larger part of the men lef the Hellespont
and went back to Byzantium whence he had come. Once again Livy states that the Celts who
came to Trace with Lonorius and Lutarius were connected with the region of Byzantium. Special
attention should be paid to the report that Lonorius went back to Byzantium with the larger part
of the men.
3.6. Tis problem could be connected with a further one why does Livy speak of three tribes
and only of two commanders? A possible solution would be that two of the tribes had a common
chief. Tis could have been Lonorius, who was followed by the larger part of the men. Here one
further step seems possible due to some details in Livys account about the Asian territories held as
tributaries by the Celts. Te Trocmi come frst with the coast of the Hellespont assigned to them.
Tis corresponds to the fact that the frst Celtic wave to cross into Asia was led by Lutarius29, who
24 Teir itinerary through Trace as far as Byzantium is unknown. According to M. Tacheva ( 1997, 33 and
244) they passed the lands of the Serdi and afer that of the Triballi continuing eastwards through the territory be-
tween the Danube river and the Haemus Range. P. Delev (2003, 108) describes them crossing through Aegean Trace.
Neither of these two routes could be so far considered as convincing.
25 According to Delev (2003, 108) these Celts pillaged for a whole year the region of the Propontis. My impression
from Livys report is that this period could have been even shorter.
26 Polyaenus (IV.6.17) mentions a certain Antipater, against whom the Gauls were engaged [as mercenaries under
the command of Ciderius, D.B.] by Antigonus.
27 Te chronology is unfortunately obscure. For 278 BC as the year of the reconciliation between Antigonus
Gonatas and Antiochus I see E. Will (2006, 116), F.W. Walbank (2006, 499), (2004, 277, #3). Veligianni (1983,
112 with lit.) accepts 277 BC with a question mark.
28 Seleucus army consisted mainly of Greeks and Asians (Paus. I.16.2).
29 Parke (1982, 442) defnes Lutarius of the Trocmi. It is Lutarius who is recognized in the wolf of crooked claws
and terrible, which appears in the oracle reported by Zosimus (II.37). Because of this H. W. Parke (1982, 442) wonders
if it is possible that before the historians settled on this form of his name in Greek the popular version was Lykorios?
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 39
crossed to Asia over the Hellespont. Only afer that does Livy mention a lot and an impression is
lef that this lot afected only two of the tribes (the Tolostobogii who received Aeolis and Ionia,
the Tectosages - the interior parts of Asia). Most probably these two tribes were under the com-
mand of Lonorius30 and crossed to Asia only a little later via Byzantium.
3.7. Tere is no secure dating for the events connected with the Celtic forces led by Lonorius
and Lutarius. Teir arrival in the region of Propontis is dated to 279 BC31, while their crossing
into Asia Minor is placed in 278 BC32, or 278/733. In any case, one could insist that their arrival
in Southeastern Trace predates the Celtic defeat in Delphi, as well as that their crossing to Asia
Minor predates the arrival of Comontorius army in the country near Byzantium34.
4. Justinus (Pompeius Trogus)35 XXIV.4.5-6, 6.1-5 and 8.9-16
Year: ?
Starting point: PANNONIA
Commander: Brennus
Destination: In the meantime Brennus, under whose command a part of the Gauls had made an
irruption into GREECE, having heard of the success of their countrymen, who, under
the leadership of Belgius, had defeated the Macedonians, and being indignant that so
rich a booty had been so lightly abandoned, assembled an army of a hundred and ffy
thousand foot and ffeen thousand horse, and suddenly invaded MACEDONIA.
Number of the army: 150 000 foot & 15 000 horse
Achievements/fate: Brennus ravaged the lands throughout the whole of Macedonia.
Number lef: ?
Further direction: DELPHI
Number of the army: XXIV.7.9: [at Delphi] Brennus had 65 000 infantry, selected from his whole army.
Fate: XXIV.8. a part of the mountain, broken of by an earthquake, overwhelmed
a host of the Gauls, and some of the densest bodies of the enemy were scattered
abroad, not without wounds, and fell to the earth. A tempest then followed,
which destroyed those that were sufering from bodily injuries. Te general
Brennus himself, unable to endure the pain of his wounds, ended his life
Neither was fortune more favourable to those [10 000 wounded] men,
who fed [from Delphi] Of so great an army not a man was lef.
30 See however Parke (1982, 442) who speaks of Leonnorius (sic), the leader of the Tolistoagii (sic). Whatever
it should be, one is lef to wonder who the leader of the third tribe mentioned by Livy the Tectosages was. Parke
(1982, 442) further asserts that in the oracle reported by Zosimus (2.37) the mighty lion with crooked claws and
terrible, who will disturb the treasures () and will seize territory without toil is Leonnorius. Te allegory was partly
suggested by his name.
31 Delev 2003, 108. Obviously N. Teodossiev (2000, 81) advocates an earlier date since according to him in 279
BC... Komontorios established a tribal state... in the region of Byzantion, where part of Leonorios and Loutarios Celts
had already settled.
32 Delev 2003, 108: presumably; Parke 1982, 442.
33 Heinen 2006, 423; Walbank et al. 2006, 499: 278/7 Gaulish invasion of Asia Minor under Lutarius and
34 For another opinion see comment 1.5 here above.
35 English translation by Rev. J.S. Watson.
40 dilyana boteva
4. Justin. XXIV.4.5-6; 6.1-5; 8.9-16: Information & Problems
4.1. Te impression from this report is that Brennus had made an irruption into Greece and
only afer that he heard of the success of their countrymen under the leadership of Belgius36. Ten
he suddenly invaded Macedonia and ravaged the whole country, which obviously happened only
afer Brennus initial irruption into Greece.
4.2. Brennus fought against the Delphians with 65 000 infantry, selected from his whole army.
Tis most probably implies the number of the Celts who afer Termopylae continued against
Delphi37. However the number given here contradicts Pausanias information about a detachment
of 40 000 with which Brennus marched against Delphi.
4.3. Te statement that not a man was lef of the Brennus great army contradicts at frst
glance both Justin XXXII.3 (about the origin of the Scordisci) and Polybius IV.45.9 (about
Comontorius and his escaping from the disaster at Delphi). A possible solution would be to
search for Comontorius either among the Celts who invaded Aetolia under the command of
Orestorius and Combutis, or among the main army lef at the Termopylae with Acichorius in
5. Justinus (Pompeius Trogus) XXV.1-3
Year: AFTER peace was made between the two kings, Antigonus and Antiochus38, a new
enemy suddenly started up against Antigonus as he was returning to Macedonia.
Commander: ?: Gauls, who had been lef behind by their general Brennus, when he
marched into Greece, to defend the borders of their country
Destination: Having routed the forces of the Getae and Triballi (sic) and preparing to in-
vade Macedonia, they sent ambassadors to Antigonus to ofer him peace in his
camp. Antigonus had also ordered his ships laden with stores to be displayed.
Number of the army: 15 000 foot and 3 000 horse
Achievements/fate: Te Gauls took possession of THE KINGS camp; they reached the coast; they
were cut down by the sailors; slaughter among the Gauls; peace with Antigonus.
Number lef: ?
Further direction: Te Gauls flled all ASIA as with one swarm
Number of the army: ?
Fate: Being called by the king of Bithynia to his aid, and having gained him the victory over
his enemies, they shared his kingdom with him, and called their part of it Gallograecia.
During these transactions in Asia, Pyrrhus, having been defeated by
the Carthaginians in a sea-fght on the coast of Sicily39, sent ambassa-
dors to Antigonus king of Macedonia, to ask for a supply of troops.
36 Belgius victory over Ptolemy Ceraunus and the latters death are dated either to February 279 B.C. (Heinen
1972, 94) or between January 25th and February 24th 279 (Nachtergael 1977, 174). Delev (2004, 273) disagrees with
such an early dating. According to him the great Celtic invasion started only in the spring or in the summer of the same
279 BC, thus connecting Ceraunus death either with the spring or with the summer 279 BC but certainly not with the
winter in early 279 BC.
37 See testimony #7 (2) here below.
38 In 278 or 277 BC (on the chronology see footnote 27 above).
39 According to P.R. Franke (Franke 2006, 481) as Pyrrhus sailed northwards along the Sicilian coast in the late
summer of 276, he was surprised by a Punic feet not far from Rhegium and sufered heavy losses.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 41
5. Justin. XXV.1-3: Information & Problems
5.1. Tis evidence gives relative dating to some of the events, connected with the Celtic inva-
sion in Trace. Te start is synchronized with the time immediately following the reconciliation
between Antigonus Gonatas and Antiochus in 278 or 277 BC40. Te crossing of the Celts into Asia
and their transactions in Asia are synchronized with the Carthaginians victory over Pyrrhus in a
sea-fght on the coast of Sicily which is dated to the late summer of 276 BC.
5.2. It is not exactly clear what is meant by the borders of their (i.e. the Gauls) country.
Most probably it refers to Pannonia if we take into consideration the report in Justin. XXIV.4 that
the Gauls fxed their abode in Pannonia

5.3. Te most problematic part of this evidence is the sequence in which the itinerary of the
Gauls is given they had routed the forces of the Getae and Triballi (sic) and were preparing to
invade Macedonia. Without even discussing the case, very ofen modern scholarship changes the
places of the two Tracian ethnonyms, speaking about Gauls defeating the Triballi and the Getae42
thus following a route from west to east. However, the internal logic of this evidence would be cor-
rect if the sequence given by Pompeius Trogus follows a north south direction. It is well known
that according to Arrian, who used Alexanders ephemerides, afer meeting the Triballi in 335 BC
Alexander the Great crossed the Danube proceeding northwards and defeated the Getae. If we
transfer this information to the evidence under discussion here it could be possible to think that
it refers to the route taken by the Gauls starting from Pannonia, then defeating the Getae north of
the Danube River, then the Triballi living to the south of the Danube43. If this reading is correct,
it would mean that the Gauls were somewhere in the region of Western Trace when preparing to
invade Macedonia. Bearing in mind the territorial agreement between Antiochus I and Antigonus
Gonatas44, I incline to connect this report with the territory to the west of the Nestos River.
5.4. Unfortunately we are informed neither by Pompeius Trogus, nor by Justinus, where
Antigonus camp was situated and respectively where Antigonus victory and the slaughter
among the Gauls took place. Obviously however, it was close to a coast with a harbour where
ships laden with stores could be displayed. Traditionally it is accepted that it happened near
Lysimachia45 because of Diogenes Laertius (2.141), who refers to a victory by Antigonus over cer-
40 Teodossiev (2005, 86) dates this Celtic invasion to 279 BC, while Delev (2003, 108) dates the campaign to 278
or 277 BC.
41 Despite Callimachus fr. 379 reporting that Brennus invaded Greece from the West Sea (Petzl 1984, 144). For
more details on Pannonia in connection with this issue see ael Kos (2005, 136-37) and (1984, 74).
42 Teodossiev 2005, 86: those Gauls defeated the Triballi and the Getae (see also Teodossiev 2000, 81); Delev
2003, 108: a new large Celtic army set out on a major predatory campaign through the lands of the Triballi and Getae
(see also 2004, 275). Tacheva ( 1997, 33) also follows the Gaulish victories against the Triballi and afer
that against the Getae. So far she is alone in her idea that the information provided by Titus Livius and Pompeius
Trogus on the Celts battles with Antiochus I and Antigonus Gonatas complement each other and that there is no rea-
son to claim that there had been two Celtic campaigns against Lysimachia and Asia Minor ( 1997, 31-33 and
244; for a criticism of this idea see Delev 2003, 107, n. 2). Danov 1979, 48 also inserts that eine andere Keltenschar
scheint gegen die Triballer und die Geten eine Zeitlang Kmpfen gefhrt zu haben
43 Tis is supported by Appian (Illyr. 3) who claimed that the Scordisci and Triballi destroyed each other in mutual
wars to such an extent that those of the Triballi who survived, fed across the Ister [i.e. the Danube, D.B.] to the Getae
(ael Kos 2005, 162-63; Teodossiev 2005, 87).
44 See comment 3.4 here above with literature and footnote 27.
45 So far this reconstruction has been uniformly accepted and no one has ever questioned the place of Antigonus
victory over the Gauls, reported by Justinus in XXV.1-3.
42 dilyana boteva
tain barbarians near Lysimachia46. In my opinion such a connection between these two testimo-
nies is far from evident and I would prefer not to take it for granted. One should not forget that
Lysimachia was ofen also attacked by the neighbouring Tracians47 who are labeled as barbarians
in some of the Hellenistic and Roman writings.
5.5. Despite the obvious lack of needed testimonies, in my opinion there are some details that
could direct the search for a diferent area to locate the Antigonus victory over the Gauls as re-
ported by Justinus. Very indicative here is what has come down to us from Trogus history even
if only fragmentarily (Trog. prol. 25): His now missing report on how Antigonus destroyed the
Gauls48 is followed by the missing description of the war which he [Antigonus, D.B.] fought with
Apollodorus, the tyrant of CASSANDREA, and how the Gauls entered Asia and waged war with
King Antiochus and Bithynia: where they occupied regions of Tylenus49. It could hardly be pure
chance that according to Pompeius Trogus, Antigonus Gonatas was in the region of Cassandrea,
i.e. in the West, afer he had destroyed the Galatians, who had routed the forces of the Getae and
Triballi and were preparing to invade Macedonia obviously from somewhere in western Trace.
5.6. Tus, in my opinion, Trogus evidence not only supports my conjecture that these
Galatians must have reached Macedonia from western Trace but even helps to defne the territory
where the kings camp with the nearby harbour, i.e. the location of the clash, should be sought.
Tis region is limited by Nestos to the east and by Axios to the west. Te region in question pro-
vides an epigraphic document a decree from Gazoros (in the Lower Strymon valley), which tes-
tifes to a military threat and need for grain in two successive years 278/7 and 277/6 (Veligianni
1983, 111-112). I am very much inclined to connect the situation presented in the decree from
Gazoros with the route of the Gauls before their clash with Antigonus Gonatas. Te question is if
the two successive years of military threat and need for grain were caused by just one Celtic wave
in the region or by two separate waves50.
5.7. Te further direction and the fate of this Celtic force afer the defeat inficted by
Antigonus remains ambiguous because of the way Justinus introduces his report on Gauls in Asia
(XXV.2). It starts more like general information than like a logical continuation of the clash be-
tween Antigonus Gonatas and the Celts. Hence it is possible to accept that these Gauls, like those
under the leadership of Lutarius and Lonorius51, went to Asia Minor. But obviously the rest of the
report in the respective chapter refers to the Gauls in general, including those of the two chiefs just
mentioned, who aided the Bithynian king Nicomedes in the war against Ziboetas.
46 Diog. Laert. II.141-142: Antigonus too was much attached to him [to Menedemus, D.B.] and used to proclaim
himself his pupil. And when he vanquished the barbarians near the town of Lysimachia, Menedemus moved a decree in
his honour in simple terms and free from fattery, beginning thus: On the motion of the generals and the councilors - -
Whereas King Antigonus is returning to his own country afer vanquishing the barbarians in battle, and whereas in all
his undertakings he prospers according to his will, the senate and the people have decreed (English translation by R.
D. Hicks).
47 For an example see Livy XXXIII.38.10-12 and the analysis of Grainger (1996, 331).
48 English translation of Trogus Prologi by Roger Pearse.
49 In my opinion the text here is obscure and one cannot be sure that regions of Tylenus were originally connected
by Trogus with Bithynia. However going into further speculations with regard to this issue is certainly not advisable due
to lack of information. Te name of Tylenus is not discussed by Smith (1857, 1246), neither do we fnd it separately in
the RE. Oberhummer (1948) makes a reference to it (without any comment) in his article on Tyle oder Tylis.
50 According to (1984, 80-81) the armies both of Lonorius and Lutarius and of Comontorius reached
Byzantium following the route of the future via Egnatia.
51 See testimony #3 here above.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 43
6. Pausanias52 X.19.5-6
Year: ?
Commander: Te Celts conducted their frst expedition under the leadership of Cambaules
Number of the army: Tey realized that they were too few in number to be match for the Greeks
Destination: Advanced as far as THRACE
Achievements: Tey lost heart and broke of their march
Number of the army: When they decided to invade foreign territory for a second time, un-
der the infuence of Cambaules veterans a large force of infan-
try and no small number of mounted men attended the muster
6. Paus. X.19.5-6: Information & Problems
6.1. Te frst Celtic expedition was led by Cambaules and it advanced as far as Trace.
Tis important information is given by Pausanias with neither chronological nor territorial speci-
fcation. Tus we are lef to wonder when exactly did it happen and how far did this expedition
come. Diferent possibilities have been argued to date: Cambaules expedition could be connected
with the reported victory of Cassander over the Galatae in Haemus (Seneca nat. quaest. III.11.3,
who quotes Teophrastus; Plin. n. h. XXXI.53) with a disputed dating of ca. 310 or ca. 298 BC
(Teodossiev 2005, 85-86 with lit.). Another opinion connects this expedition with the rapidly
developing situation afer the death of Lysimachus as a frst stage of the great Celtic invasion, pre-
ceding more or less immediately the triple incursion into Trace, Paeonia and Macedonia in 279
BC (Delev 2003, 107-08)53.
6.2. Probably helpful in searching for a correct interpretation is Pausanias report of the great
infuence of those who participated in Cambaules march54 for the undertaking and organization
of the second Galatian expedition. Tere are at least two possible ways of interpreting this informa-
tion. It could refer on the one hand to those who had served under Cambaules and were still active
while the second expedition was in preparation. If this were the case, then Cambaules expedition
could have predated the second one by not more than ten to ffeen years but the length of time
between the two of them could have been just a year or two. On the other hand, if those who
participated in Cambaules march were not militarily active at the time of the second expedition,
then Cambaules undertaking must have predated the second one by about twenty years. Te ques-
tion here is whether Pausanias phrasing could indicate such nuances of meaning.
7. Pausanias X.19.6-7
Year: When they decided to invade foreign territory a second time
Commander: Te army was split up into three divisions by the chiefains, to
each of whom was assigned a separate land to invade
Number of the army: Under the infuence of Cambaules veterans a large force of infan-
try and no small number of mounted men attended the muster
Destination: 1) Cerethrius was to be leader against the THRACIANS
and the nation of the TRIBALLI.
2) Brennus and Acichorius had command over the invaders of PAEONIA (sic).
52 English translation by W.H.S. Jones.
53 (1984, 74) dates Cambaules march frmly to 281 BC.
54 W.H.S. Jones translates the Greek word ekstratesantes used by Pausanias here as veterans; thus his transla-
tion reads the infuence of Cambaules veterans, which actually predetermines the interpretation.
44 dilyana boteva
3) Bolgius attacked the MACEDONIANS and ILLYRIANS.
7. Paus. X.19.6-7: Information & Problems
7.1. Modern scholarship, referring to Pausanias, uniformly insists on a Celtic expedition in
Trace led by Cerethrius55. However, it seems highly signifcant that Pausanias goes into detail
about the expeditions of both Bolgius and Brennus, while he never mentions any further word
about Cerethrius. Tis leaves the impression, that for some reason it was not Cerethrius who led
the expedition against Trace, or that he led an expedition in another direction56. Such an impres-
sion fnds support in the grammar of Pausanias text57: when speaking about Cerethrius the ancient
author implies intention, while when speaking about Bolgius he uses the aorist. Also very indicative
is the text about Brennus and Acichorius, who according to Pausanias were supposed to command
the expedition against Paeonia here Pausanias uses the imperfect obviously because Brennus
and Acichorius started their march towards Paeonia, but they actually attacked Macedonia and
afer that Greece.
7.2. According to the initial assignment, Brennus was supposed to invade Paeonia. When it
came out that the victorious Bolgius army lacked courage to advance against Greece, Brennus
strongly urged a campaign against Greece. It seems quite acceptable that at this point we could
enrich Pausanias report with the information given by Livy that on his way southwards Brennus
came down to Dardania, where a strife broke out among the Celts and about 20 000 men, with
Lonorius and Lutarius as their chiefs, seceded from Brennus and turned aside into Thrace58. It
seems very likely that the strife which fared up in Dardania was caused by the diferent views on
further Celtic military activity at a moment when Brennus was urging a campaign against Greece
despite the initial direction towards Paeonia.
7 (1). Pausanias X.19. 7
Commander: Bolgius
Number of the army ?
Destination: MACEDONIA and ILLYRIA
Achievements: Bolgius attacked the Macedonians and Illyrians, and engaged in a struggle with Ptolemy
the Tunderbolt, king of the Macedonians at that time; Macedonian losses were heavy
Number lef:
Further direction: Te second expedition returned home
Achievements: Lacked courage to advance against Greece
55 ael Kos 2005, 162: [In ca. 280 BC] the Celts divided their army into three sections, of which one was led by
Cerethrius against the Tracians and the nation of the Triballi, one by Brennus and Acichorius against Paeonia, and
the third by Bolgius against the Macedonians and Illyrians. Delev 2003, 108: the army of Ceretrius invaded Trace
through the lands of the Triballi and ravaged the country. Danov 1979, 48: Eine andere Keltenschar die sich unter
der Fhrung des Kerethrius befand, scheint sogar bereits i. J. 280 v. Chr. nach Trakien vorgedrungen zu sein. See also
Walbank 1957, 498.
56 See M. Tachevas explicit comment that Pausanias is reporting about Cerethrius plan to march towards Trace
but not about the fulfllment of this plan ( 1997, 33). Although not discussing the issue, N. Teodossiev (2000,
81) also correctly refers to this aspect of the report: the Gauls led by Cerethrius prepared themselves to fght against
the Triballoi and the remaining Tracians
57 I am much obliged to my colleague D. Mitov for discussing with me the grammatical aspect of this issue.
58 See testimony #3 here above.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 45
Fate: Returned home
7 (1). Paus. X.19.7: Information & Problems
7 (1).1. Very indicative is the information that Bolgius attacked Macedonia and Illyria. It
could be connected with the fact that precisely at this time king Pyrrhus of Epirus engaged himself
in Italy and appointed Ptolemy the Tunderbolt guardian of his kingdom in his absence (Justin.
17.2.15; 24.1.8)59. Tis would explain why we fnd Ptolemy engaged in the region, neighbouring
Illyria, not Trace60. In my opinion this is an important detail which has been underestimated in
the modern literature. Despite the lack of further information we can locate the battle in which
Ptolemy Ceraunus was defeated by Bolgius in the western parts of Macedonia.
7 (1).2. It is also noteworthy that according to Pausanias the second Celtic expedition in for-
eign territories ended when Bolgius returned home.
7 (2). Pausanias61 X.19-23
Year: X.23.14: Te expedition of the Celts against Greece, and their destruc-
tion, took place when Anaxicrates was archon at Athens, in the second year
of the hundred and twenty-ffh Olympiad [279/278 BC], when Ladas of
Aegium was victor in the footrace. In the following year, when Democles
was archon at Athens, the Celts crossed again to Asia [278/277 BC].
Commander: Brennus and Acichorius
Number of the army: Foot 152 000 and horse 20 400 (number of horsemen in action at any
one time, but the real number was 61 200, for to each horseman were at-
tached two servants, who were skilled riders and had a horse)
Destination: Greece / Termopylae
Achievements: Te spirit of the Greeks was utterly broken. Tey still remembered the fate of
MACEDONIA, THRACE and PAEONIA during the former incursion of the Gauls
Number lef: X.21.4-7: In the battle at the THERMOPYLAE their loss in the re-
treat was no less than the loss that occurred while the battle raged; Te
losses of the barbarians it was impossible to discover exactly. For the
number of them that disappeared beneath the mud was great
Further direction: 1) Greece / Aetolia
2) Greece / Delphi
Achievements: 1) X.22.2-3: Brennus detached from his army 40 000 foot and about 800 horse.
Over these he set in command Orestorius and Combutis to invade AETOLIA.
2) X.22.10-12: Leaving Acichorius behind in charge of the main army, with in-
structions that it was to attack only when the enveloping movement was complete,
Brennus himself, with a detachment of 40 000, began his march along the pass.
Brennus, without delaying any longer, began his march against Delphi
without waiting for the army under Acichorius to catch up.
Fate: 1) X.22.13: Te fower of the Aetolians turned against the army of Acichorius,
and without ofering battle attacked continuously the rear of their line of march,
plundering the baggage and putting the carriers to the sword. It was chiefy for
59 See however Justin. 18.1.3 with the report that Pyrrhus appointed as guardian of Epirus his eldest son Ptolemy.
60 For a diferent opinion see Danov (1979, 47): Gegen die in Trakien eingefallen Kelten kmpfend fand
Ptolemaios Keraunos seinem Tod (279 v. Chr.).
61 Concerning the source of Pausanias account of the Gallic attack against the sanctuary of Delphi two possibilities
have been argued Hieronymus of Cardia and Timaeus of Tauromenium (Nachtergael 1977, 27-49; Champion 1995,
215, #10; ael Kos 2005, 138).
46 dilyana boteva
this reason that their march proved slow. Futhermore, at Heracleia Acichorius
had lef a part of his army, who were to guard the baggage of the camp.
2) X.23.6-8: when Brennus himself was wounded, he was carried faint-
ing from the battle, and the Gauls, harassed by the Greeks, fell back reluctantly,
putting to the sword those who, due to wounds or sickness, could not go with
them. A great mutual slaughter was caused by the madness sent by the god.
X.23.10: in Phocis they lost close on 6 000 (killed in the bat-
tles); over 10 000 (perished in the wintry storm at night and afer-
wards in the panic and terror), the same amount starved to death.
X.23.12: Tose who fed with Brennus had been joined by the army under Acichorius
only on the previous night. For the Aetolians had delayed their march. Tere was still a
hope of saving the life of Brennus, nonetheless he took his own life by drinking neat wine.
X.23.13: During Gauls retreat the Tessalians and Malians kept lying in wait for
them, and so took their fll of slaughter so that not a Gaul returned home in safety.
7 (2). Paus. X.19-23: Information & Problems
7 (2).1. Very indicative is the report, that during Brennus attack on Termopylae the Greeks
still remembered the fate of Macedonia, Trace and Paeonia during the former incursion of the
Gauls. It states explicitly that we have to date one of the Celtic attacks against Trace prior to the
one against Greece. Te question is whether the territories are given here in chronological order of
their devastation, or not. I incline to see them chronologically enumerated, since they are doubt-
lessly not arranged in a geographical order. Of course, we also have to consider the possibility that
they are listed without any internal logic.
7 (2).2. Also noteworthy is the detail, that when speaking about Celts crossing to Asia in
278/277 BC, Pausanias refers to it as crossing again to Asia. So far it is impossible to explain
what he meant but we have to be aware of this fact. Together with Polybius hint concerning
Comontorius and his Celts that instead of crossing to Asia they remained on the spot, as they
took fancy to the country near Byzantium62, this information from Pausanias seems to imply that
there were at least two Celtic crossings into Asia.
7 (2).3. In Greece Brennus divided his army into three detachments: 1) he detached from his
army 40 000 foot and about 800 horse to invade AETOLIA under the command of Orestorius
and Combutis; 2) he lef Acichorius at THERMOPYLAE in charge of the main army; 3)
Brennus himself, with a detachment of 40 000, began his march along the pass towards DELPHI.
It remains unclear if the statement that not a Gaul returned home in safety refers only to the
third detachment or to the second as well.
* * *
To summarize:
Te ancient sources give information about four diferent waves of Celtic activity in Trace
at the end of the 4th and during the frst quarter of the 3rd century BC63.
Te frst one is reported by Pausanias according to whom the Celts conducted their frst
foreign expedition under the leadership of Cambaules, whose army advanced as far as Trace.
62 See testimony #1 here above.
63 See Grainger (1996, 334) about the Celtic groups who were still on the move for decades in the Tracian area.
Te Aegosages crossed the Hellespont in the 220s, to take service with Attalus II and he settled them in the Troad in
218. Tey were destroyed by Prusias of Bithynia.
the ancient historians on the celtic kingdom in south-eastern thrace 47
Tere the Gauls broke of their march, realizing that they were too few in number to be a match
for the Greeks. Its dating remains so far uncertain.
Te second wave was part of the Celtic activity which started in either 280 or 279 BC.
Despite some modern hesitations Cerethrius did not have the chance to lead Celtic forces against
Trace. At the beginning of this second campaign he was chosen to be leader against the Tracians
and the nation of the Triballi but for some reason it did not happen and Pausanias leaves us igno-
rant about his fate. It is also pretty certain that the Celtic army led by Bolgius/Belgius did not enter
Tracian lands because it attacked the Macedonians and Illyrians, i.e. the invaded regions were in
western Macedonia neighbouring Illyria. According to Pausanias the muster which began the sec-
ond Celtic campaign, expected Brennus and Acichorius to have the command over the invad-
ers of Paeonia. Obviously this itinerary brought them to Dardania, where strife broke out resulting
in the secession of about 20 000 people of three tribes (Trocmi, Tolostobogii and Tectosages) with
Lonorius and Lutarius as their chiefs, who turned aside into Trace. Tey were the frst Celtic
wave to penetrate deep into the Tracian lands, arriving in their south-eastern region.
In either 280 or 279 BC under the leadership of Lonorius and Lutarius these 20 000 Celts
reached Byzantium, contending against those who resisted and imposing tribute upon those who
sought peace. Teir itinerary towards Byzantium remains totally obscure. Tey occupied for some
time (several months but hardly longer than a year) the coast of the Propontis, holding as tributar-
ies the cities of the district. Ten the desire to cross into Asia seized them, as they heard from their
neighbours how rich this land was. Having taken Lysimachia and occupied the whole Chersonesus
they came down to the Hellespont. Tere, seeing Asia separated from them by a narrow strait,
they sent messengers to Antipater, the prefect of the coast (so far the Macedonian king who had
appointed him prefect remains unknown), regarding the crossing. During the negotiations a
new revolt broke out between the chiefs. Lonorius with the larger part of the men went back to
Byzantium whence he had come. Lutarius, using two decked ships and three cruisers (which he
had taken from Antipaters Macedonians) day and night, transported his entire force across the
Hellespont into Asia within a few days. Only a little later Lonorius, with the aid of Nicomedes,
king of Bithynia, crossed from Byzantium. Ten the Gauls of Lonorius and Lutarius were again
united and aided Nicomedes in the war he was waging against Ziboetas. Lutarius crossing into
Asia over the Hellespont is datable within the short reign of Ptolemy Ceraunus.
Not long afer the crossing of Lutarius and Lonorius into Asia, the Hellespont was reached
by the Celts of Comontorius, who escaped from the disaster at Delphi. In 278 BC, instead of
crossing into Asia, they remained on the spot, as they took a fancy to the country near Byzantium.
Here they conquered the Tracians, established their basileion at Tylis and placed the Byzantines
in extreme danger. Tis was how the third wave of Celtic activity in Trace started and it was the
only one to be connected explicitly with the history of Tylis by the ancient testimonies. Te Celtic
itinerary from Delphi towards the Hellespont remains totally obscure, but a route along the Aegean
coast seems quite plausible. During the initial inroads of Comontorius the Byzantines continued to
pay on each occasion three thousand, fve thousand, and sometimes even ten thousand gold pieces
to save their territory from being laid waste. Tis report by Polybius suggests that Comontorius
was active in the very close vicinity of Byzantium, i.e. in the country near Byzantium as said by
the ancient historian himself, which could be possible only if his basileion Tylis was also located
Te fourth wave closely postdates the reconciliation between Antigonus Gonatas and
Antiochus I in 278 or 277 BC. Te Gauls, who had been lef behind by their general Brennus to
48 dilyana boteva
defend the borders of their country, armed ffeen thousand foot and three thousand horse (that
they alone might not seem idle). Having routed the forces of the Getae (obviously to the north of
the Danube) and Triballi (to the south of the river), and preparing to invade Macedonia (obviously
from somewhere in Western Trace), they sent ambassadors to Antigonus to ofer him peace if he
would pay for it. Being tempted by the richness demonstrated by the Macedonian king, the Gauls
attacked Antigonus camp by night. Tey took possession of the camp and, carrying of what they
found, directed their course towards the coast where they were cut down by the sailors. Te Gauls
were defeated and the report of this victory procured peace for Antigonus both from the Gauls
and from his other barbarous neighbours. Tese Celts went to Asia following an itinerary which
remains so far unclear.
Despite the common opinion that the battle between the Gauls and Antigonus Gonatas took
place near Lysimachia, there are serious grounds in my opinion to assert that it happened in the
coastal region between Lower Nestos and Lower Axios. If my conjecture is correct, it would mean
that this section of the Aegean coast was invaded twice by Celtic forces frst, in 278/7 BC, by
the Celts of Comontorius on their way from Delphi towards the Hellespont and a year later by the
Celts who routed the forces of the Getae and Triballi but were defeated by Antigonus Gonatas.
Tis would explain the two successive years (278/7 and 277/6) of military threat and need for
grain attested by the decree of Gazoros for the Lower Strymon valley.
It is unquestionable that there could have been other events, connected with the Celtic activ-
ity in Trace, which remained unreported in the ancient literary tradition. At this point it is ar-
chaeology that could help us create a more detailed picture of this eventful 3rd century BC. Much
anticipated are the archaeological studies in the region between Byzantium and Hellespont where
Polybius locates the basileion of Tylis. Its history is connected explicitly in ancient literary tradi-
tion solely with the Celtic forces led by Comontorius.
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