Design of "Radiation Alert" Mobile PH
Design of "Radiation Alert" Mobile PH
Design of "Radiation Alert" Mobile PH
Third generation users enjoys its latest developments like high data transfer, video telephony
etc. For this upgraded features we can’t expect the same old conventional antennas would
fulfil the thirst. The ready remedy for this is Adaptive antennas. This paper presents the
distinguished features of adaptive antennas. Starting with the drawbacks of the conventional
antennas and problems faced in satisfying the 3g users, we move to the Technical analysis of
the “smart antenna” which is a practical model of the adaptive antenna. Brief design
procedure, radiation patterns, beam forming techniques, radio interface design, benefits and
the challenges of the adaptive antennas are been presented. A practical design of the
Quadrifilar helix antenna is presented. Two models “Signal tracking” and “Radiation alert”
has been proposed to eliminate the health hazards due to adaptive beam.
1. Introduction
“Adaptive” is a term derived from the adaptive signal processing. Adaptive antennas are
one of the distinguished applications of the adaptive signal processing. Adaptive antennas
have only been thought of and seen in wireless communications for the basestations, not on
the handsets. With operators and manufacturers preparing and deploying Third Generation
systems the increasing growth of mobile phone users has created a need for higher capacity
in the cellular network.
One way of overcoming the capacity problem is by using multiple adaptive antennas on
the handset. In addition to the higher capacity benefit, it may offer improved efficiency in the
following areas,
Reduction of multi- path fading;
• Suppression of interference signals;
• Improvements of call reliability;
• Lowering the specific absorption rate (SAR);
• Mitigation against dead zones;
• Increased data rates;
• Spectral efficiency.
Conventional cellular antennas transmit energy over the entire cell, whereas adaptive
antennas combine the transmitting energy to a narrow beam. The conventional antennas
cause coupling of the hand and the head but there is no coupling of the hand and the head
with adaptive antennas. To an operator, this would mean reduction in infrastructure cost as
the number of base stations would be reduced, increase in the number of users and increase
in the data rates per square kilometre.
Adaptive Antennas, what are they?
Adaptive Antennas may be defined as “an array of antennas which is able to change its
antenna pattern dynamically to adjust to noise, interference and multipart”. Adaptive
Antennas are used to enhance received signals and may also be used to form beams for
transmission. Unlike conventional cellular antennas, which broadcast energy over the entire
cell, adaptive antennas are antenna arrays that confine the broadcast energy to a narrow
The advantages of directing the broadcast energy into a narrow beam are increased
signal gain, greater range of the signal path, reduced multipath reflection, improved spectral
efficiency, and increased network capacity.
Adaptive antenna technology uses multiple antennas, digital processing techniques and
complex algorithms to modify the transmit and receive signals at the base station and at the
user terminal. All of the existing IMT-2000 radio interfaces might obtain significant
performance improvements from the application of Adaptive Antenna systems.
Adaptive Antenna technology consists of the use of multiple antennas, digital signal
processing techniques and complex algorithms that modify the transmit and receive signals at
a base station and user terminal. The Adaptive Antenna system optimizes the way signals are
distributed through space on a real time basis by focusing the signal to the desired user and
“steering” it away from other users occupying the same cell and adjacent and distant cells if
the adaptive antennas are on the base station or if the adaptive antennas are on the handsets,
the signal would be steered from the handset onto the desired base stations.
overall wireless communication link quality. SDMA ranges from switched-beam techniques
to adaptive antennas.
SDMA and intelligent antennas are the way to increase capacity and quality of service
(higher transmission data rate and lower system delay) in wireless communications.
3.2 Diversity.
There are three types of diversity:
a) Spatial
b) Polarisation
c) Angle (pattern)
3.2.1 Spatial
Spatial diversity is with spatial separation of the antennas, it is difficult on a small handset.
Only a quarter wavelength separation is required for low correlation of the multipath fading
between antennas on the handset.
3.2.2 Polarisation
It is where both vertical and horizontal polarisation are used to obtain dual diversity
without spatial separation. Polarisation diversity provides only dual diversity, though
polarisation diversity can be used in combination with other forms of diversity.
3.2.3 Angle
It is the signal from two or more beams (generally the beams from the highest signal
powers) are used to obtain diversity, but performance depends on the angular spread.
If the angular spread is small, then the receiving signal is mainly arriving on one
beam and angle diversity will not provide a significant gain.
It is a combining technique that combines the signals from multiple antennas in a way that
mitigates multipath fading.
The Quadrifilar helix antenna
2. Difficult to evaluate capacity in a limited field test.
3. Aesthetics- Arrays are not often considered pleasing to the eye.
4. Lacking of complete elimination of health hazards.
The dead zone area is selected in the direction of users head, thus eliminating the
penetration of radiation into human brain
9. Conclusion.
It has been seen that there are many benefits in using an adaptive antenna especially on the
handset like increased coverage, data rates, reduced interference, and increase in spectrum
efficiency, which all are beneficial to the Radio communications Agency (RA), in terms of
conserving the limited radio spectrum. The general public would benefit as well to this
reduction in base stations as there is already an immense fear among the public about the
environmental effects caused by the base stations and the heath issues concerning them.
There’s no doubt that adaptive antennas in mobile handsets strike the commercial market in
no time and enable the 3g users to enjoy the top class quality of mobile communications in
the coming days.
And at the end, the remedy proposed i.e. “Radiation Alert” makes the user aware of the
radiation penetrating into their head. This helps in eliminating over 80% of the radiation
entering into the brain, hence the safer execution of the mobile phones.
11. References