L13 Three Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter
L13 Three Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter
L13 Three Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter
AC to DC Converters
Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 1
Operation and Analysis of
the Three Phase Fully
Controlled Bridge
Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 2
Instructional Objectives
On completion the student will be able to
• Draw the circuit diagram and waveforms associated with a three phase fully controlled
bridge converter.
• Find out the average, RMS valves and the harmonic spectrum of the output voltage /
current waveforms of the converter.
• Find out the closed form expression of the output current and hence the condition for
continuous conduction.
• Find out the displacement factor, distortion factor and the power factor of the input
current as well as its harmonic spectrum.
• Analyze the operation of higher pulse number converters and dual converter.
• Design the triggering circuit of the three phase fully controlled bridge converter.
i) The three phase fully controlled bridge converter is obtained by replacing six
_________ of an uncontrolled converter by six __________.
iii) In a three phase fully controlled converter each device conducts for an interval of
__________ degrees.
iv) In a three phase fully controlled converter operating in continuous conduction there
are ________ different conduction modes.
v) The output voltage of a three phase fully controlled converter operating in the
continuous conduction mode consists of segments of the input ac ________ voltage.
vi) The peak voltage appearing across any device of a three phase fully controlled
converter is equal to the ________ input ac ________ voltage.
vii) The input ac current of a three phase fully controlled converter has a ________ step
viii) The input ac current of a three phase fully controlled converter contains only
_________ harmonics but no _________ harmonic.
ix) A three phase fully controlled converter can also operate in the _________ mode.
Answers: (i) diodes, thyristors; (ii) six; (iii) 120; (iv) six; (v) line; (vi) peak, line; (vii) six; (viii)
odd, tripler; (ix) inverting; (x) rare.
α α
v0 = V0 + ∑V
AK cos 6 Kωt + ∑V
BK sin 6 Kωt (13.1)
3 α+ π3 3 2 α+
⎛ π⎞
V0 = ∫
π α
v 0 dωt =
VL ∫α
sin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ dωt
⎝ 3⎠
3 2
= VL cosα (13.2)
6 α+ π3
VAK = ∫ v0 cos6 Kωt dωt
π α
6 α+ π ⎛ π⎞
= ∫ 3 2 VLsin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ cos6 ωt dωt
π α ⎝ 3⎠
3 2 ⎡ cos(6K +1)α cos(6K -1)α ⎤
= VL ⎢ - (13.3)
π ⎣ 6K +1 6K -1 ⎥⎦
6 α+ π3 ⎛ π⎞
= ∫ 2 VLsin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ sin6 ωt dωt
π α
⎝ 3⎠
3 2 ⎡ sin(6K +1)α sin(6K -1)α ⎤
= VL ⎢ - (13.4)
π ⎣ 6K +1 6K -1 ⎥⎦
3 α+
⎡ 3 3 ⎤2
π ∫α
V0RMS = 3
v02 dωt = VL ⎢1+ cos2α ⎥
⎣ 4π ⎦
ia = i0 α ≤ ωt ≤ α +
2π 4π
ia = - i0 α+ ≤ ωt ≤ α +
3 3
ia = i0 α+ ≤ ωt ≤ α + 2π
ia = 0 otherwise
From Fig. 13.2 it can be observed that i0 itself has a ripple at a frequency six times the input
frequency. The closed from expression of i0, as will be seen later is some what complicated.
However, considerable simplification in the expression of ia can be obtained if i0 is replaced by
its average value I0. This approximation will be valid provided the ripple on i0 is small, i.e, the
load is highly inductive. The modified input current waveform will then be ia which can be
expressed in terms of a fourier series as
I A0 α α
i a ≈ ia = + ∑ I An cos nωt + ∑ I Bn sin nωt (13.5)
2 n=1 n=1
1 α+2π
2π ∫α
I A0 = i a dωt = 0 (13.6)
1 α+2π
I An = ∫ i a cos nωt n≠0
π α
4I nπ nπ
= 0 cos sin cos nα (13.7)
nπ 6 2
2 3I 0 ⎛ π⎞
I An = ( -1) sin ⎜ Kπ ± ⎟ cos ( 6K ±1) α
( 6K ±1) π ⎝ 2⎠ (13.8)
for n = 6K ±1, K = 0, 1, 2, 3 ....
IAn = 0 otherwise.
2 3I 0 ⎛ π⎞
I Bn = ( -1) sin ⎜ Kπ ± ⎟ sin ( 6K ±1) α
( 6K ±1) π ⎝ 2⎠ (13.10)
for n = 6K ±1, K = 0, 1, 2, ....
IBn = 0 otherwise.
2 3
= I0 cos ( ωt - α ) (13.12)
From Fig. 13.2 v an = cos ωt (13.13)
I ⎛ 6⎞ 2 3
distortion factor = a1 = ⎜ ⎟ I0 = (13.15)
Ia ⎝ π ⎠ 3 π
∴ Power factor = Displacement factor × Distortion factor = cosα (13.16)
The closed form expression for i0 in the interval α ≤ ωt ≤ α + can be found as follows
in this interval
di ⎛ π⎞
Ri 0 + L 0 + E = v0 = 2VLsin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ (13.17)
dt ⎝ 3⎠
( ωt - α )
- 2VLtanφ ⎛ π ⎞ E
i 0 = I1e +
sin ⎜ ωt + - φ ⎟ - (13.18)
Z ⎝ 3 ⎠ R
Where Z = R 2 + ω2 L2 , tanφ =
∴ R = Zcosφ, E = 2VLsinθ (from Fig. 13.2) (13.19)
2VL ⎡ ⎛ π ⎞ sinθ ⎤
∴ I1 + ⎢sin ⎜ α + 3 - φ ⎟ - cosφ ⎥
Z ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
3tanφ 2VL ⎡ ⎛ 2π ⎞ sinθ ⎤
= I1e + ⎢sin ⎜ α + 3 - φ ⎟ - cosφ ⎥
Z ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
2VL sin ( φ - α )
OR I1 = π
Z -
1- e 3tanφ
⎡ (ω t - α ) ⎤
2VL ⎢ sin ( φ - α ) - tanφ ⎛ π ⎞ sinθ ⎥
∴ i0 = e + sin ⎜ ω t + - φ ⎟ - (13.23)
Z ⎢ -
⎝ 3 ⎠ cosφ ⎥
⎣ 1- e 3tanφ
To find out the condition for continuous conduction it is noted that in the limiting case of
continuous conduction.
i 0 min=0 , Now if θ ≤ α + then i0 is minimum at ωt = α. ∴ Condition
for continuous conduction is i0 ωt=α ≥ 0 . However discontinuous conduction is rare in these
conversions and will not be discussed any further.
3 2
V0 = VL cosα (13.24)
2 3
i a1 = I0 cos(ωt - α) (13.25)
Which imposes an upper limit on the value of α. In practice this upper value of α is further
reduced due to commutation overlap.
Exercise 13.2
1. A three phase fully controlled bridge converter operating from a 3 phase 220 V, 50 Hz
supply is used to charge a battery bank with nominal voltage of 240 V. The battery bank
has an internal resistance of 0.01 Ω and the battery bank voltage varies by ± 10% around
its nominal value between fully charged and uncharged condition. Assuming continuous
conduction find out.
When the battery bank is charged with a constant average charging current of 100 Amps through
a 250 mH lossless inductor.
Answer: The maximum and minimum battery voltages are, VB Min = 0.9 × VB Nom = 216 volts
and VB Max = 1.1 × VB Nom = 264 volts respectively.
(iii) Power loss during charging = I0RMs RB
2 2
But I 2
0RMs = I + I + I + ........ and I K ≈
2 =
6KωL 6 2KωL
For α = α Min
∴ 2
J 0RMs ≈ 1002 + (0.073) 2 + (0.017) 2 = 10000.00562
∴ Ploss = 100 watts.
2. A three phase fully controlled converter operates from a 3 phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply
through a Y/Δ transformer to supply a 220 V, 600 rpm, 500 A separately excited dc
motor. The motor has an armature resistance of 0.02 Ω. What should be the transformer
turns ratio such that the converter produces rated motor terminal voltage at 0º firing
angle. Assume continuous conduction. The same converter is now used to brake the
motor regeneratively in the reverse direction. If the thyristors are to be provided with a
minimum turn off time of 100 μs, what is the maximum reverse speed at which rated
braking torque can be produced.
∴ Eb = Va – Iara = - 229.89 V.
6 2
v 0 = v01 + v02 = VL cosα +
2∑ cos3Kφ ⎡⎣ VAK cos3K ( 2ωt - φ ) + VBK sin3K ( 2ωt - φ ) ⎤⎦
Now if cos 3Kφ = 0 for some K then the corresponding harmonic disappear from the fourier
series expression of v0.
6 2
v0 = VL cosα + 2∑ [ VAm cos 12mωt + VBm sin 12mωt ] (13.29)
π m=1
It can be seen that the frequency of the harmonics present in the output voltage has the form
12ω, 24ω, 36ω ………..
Similarly it can be shown that the input side line current iABC have harmonic frequency of the
11ω, 13ω, 23ω, 25ω, 35ω, 37ω, ………….
In a similar manner more number of 3 phase 6 pulse converters can be connected in series /
parallel and the φ angle can be adjusted to obtain 18 and 24 pulse converters.
One of the shortcomings of a three phase fully controlled converter is that although it can
produce both positive and negative voltage it can not supply current in both directions.
However, some applications such as a four quadrant dc motor drive require this capability from
the dc source. This problem is easily mitigated by connecting another three phase fully
controlled converter in anti parallel as shown in Fig. 13.5 (a). In this figure converter-I supplies
positive load current while converter-II supplies negative load current. In other words converter-
I operates in the first and fourth quadrant of the output v – i plane whereas converter-II operates
in the third and fourth quadrant. Thus the two converters taken together can operate in all four
quadrants and is capable of supplying a four quadrant dc motor drive. The combined converter is
called the Dual converter.
α2 = π – α 1 (13.30)
13.4 Gate Drive circuit for three phase fully controlled converter
Several schemes exist to generate gate drive pulses for single phase or three phase converters. In
many application it is required that the output of the converter be proportional to a control
voltage. This can be achieved as follows.
The following circuit can be used to generate “α” according to equation 13.32.
Therefore this method of generation of converter firing pulses is called “inverse cosine” control.
The output of the phase shift network is called carrier waveform.
Similar technique can be used for three phase converters. However the phase shift network here
consists of a three phase signal transformer with special connections as shown in Fig. 13.7.
ii) Constituent six pulse converters of a 12 pulse converter have _________ firing
iii) The input supply voltages to the converters of a 12 pulse converter have ________
magnitudes and are phase shifted from one another by _________ degrees.
iv) The input supply to a 12 pulse converter can be obtained through a _________
connected transformer.
v) Dual converters are used for supplying ________ quadrant dc motor drives.
vi) In a dual converter if one converter is fired at an angle ‘α’ the other has to be fired
at _________.
vii) In ___________ current dual converter only one converter conducts at any time.
viii) In a circulating current type dual converter an __________ is used between the
converters to limit the circulating current.
ix) To obtain a linear control relation between the control voltage and the output dc
voltage of a converter ___________ control logic is used.
x) In a three phase fully controlled converter the carrier waves for firing pulse
generation are obtained using three ___________ connected single phase
Answers: (i) Series, parallel; (ii) same, (iii) equal, 30, (iv) star – star – delta; (v) four; (vi) π - α,
(vii) non-circulating ; (viii) inductor, (ix) inverse-cosine; (x) delta-zigzag.
2. A 220V, 750 RPM, 200A separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 0.05
Ω. The armature is fed from a three phase non circulating current dual converter. If the
forward converter operates at a firing angle of 70º
i) The output voltage = 3 2 × 400 cos 70o = 184.7 V
3. What will happen if the signal transformers generating the carrier wave have delta –
double star connection instead of delta-zigzag connection.
Answer: With delta-double star connection of the signal transformers the carrier wave forms
will be in phase with the line voltage waveforms. Therefore, without a phase shift
network it will not be possible to generate carrier waveforms which are in quadrature
with the line voltages. Hence inverse casine control law cannot be implemented.
1. “Power Electronics”; P.C. Sen; Tata-McGrawhill publishing company limited; 1995.
2. “Power Electronics, Converters, Applications and Design”, Mohan, Undeland, Robbins;
John Willey and Sons Inc; Third Edition, 2003.
The figure above shows the output voltage with α = 90º and a resistive load. Since the load is
resistive the load current becomes zero when the voltage becomes zero. Both the voltage and
amount remains zero thereafter till the next thyristor is fired.
Therefore for 5π ≤ ωt ≤ π
Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 27
v0 = Vbc = 2VL sinωt
π ≤ ωt ≤ 7π
v0 = 0
∴ V0 RMS = 3 ∫5π 2VL2 sin 2 ωt dωt
π 6
π 6
= VL 1 − 3 ∫5π cos2ωt dωt
∴ P0 =
R 2 π 6
= 183 Watts
= VL 1 − 3 3
2 4π
= 67.65 V
2. To hold the overhauling load the motor must operate in the regenerative braking mode.
At 1000 RPM Eb = 220 - 50× 0.2 ×1000 = 140 volts
3. With reference to the conduction diagram of problem – 1 it can be seen that the load
current becomes zero 30º after a new thyristor is fired (for example, T2). Therefore, both
the conducting thyristor (T1 and T2 in this case) turns off. However, when T3 is fired the
converter will be unable to resume operation from T2T3 mode unless T2 is fired
simultaneously. Similar explanation holds for all other thyristor firing. Therefore, to
ensure that the converter operates properly even under discontinuous load current
condition the final gate pulse for a particular thyristors must be generated by logically
“ANDing” the outputs of its own firing circuit with the output of the firing circuit of the
thyristor in the commutation sequence as shown in the table next below
To generate the
gate pulse of : T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6