Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs
Venus in Furs
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Translated from the German
Paris, for he was always strongly Francophile. His last years he spent
he married Aurora von Rumelin, who wrote a number of novels under the
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There is, however, a residue among his works which has a distinct
with the general titles _Love, Property, Money, The State, War,_ and
and to present his solution for the problems set in the others.
This extensive plan remained unachieved, and only the first two parts,
fragments remain. The present novel, _Venus in Furs_, forms the fifth
rich humor. The latter has made many of his shorter stories dealing
There is, however, another element in his work which has caused his
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psychological value, though it cannot be denied also a morbid tinge
nature is neither good nor bad, neither altruistic nor egoistic, and
the will of a person of the opposite sex, and being treated by this
quest for the absolute, and sometimes, when impulses in the human
If any defense were needed for the publication of work like Sacher-
human soul and one might recall the wise and tolerant Montaigne's
essay _On the Duty of Historians_ where he says, "One may cover over
secret actions, but to be silent on what all the world knows, and
things which have had effects which are public and of so much
And the curious interrelation between cruelty and sex, again and
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again, creeps into literature. Sacher-Masoch has not created anything
say on the subject. To the violent attacks which his books met he
of the present day, though in most cases the authors as well as the
In all these strange and troubled waters of the human spirit one might
wish for something of the serene and simple attitude of the ancient
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monde en esclavage."
any idea of titillating morbid fancies. One feels that in the hero
the other hand raise the book beyond the sphere of art, pure and
of a deeply unhappy man who could not master his personal tragedy of
things he felt and experienced. The reader who will approach the book
from this angle and who will honestly put aside moral prejudices and
prepossessions will come away from the perusal of this book with a
will be cast into dark places that lie latent in all of us.
letters for something like half a century, and the author himself was
1883, on the occasion of his literary jubilee. When several years ago
cheap reprints were brought out on the Continent and attempts were
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children that they must be protected from books which any European
the case, and this translation, which has long been in preparation,
fill the world with fools." They have a very pointed application in
F. S.
Atlantic City
April, 1921
a woman."_
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Opposite me by the massive Renaissance fireplace sat Venus; she was
not a casual woman of the half-world, who under this pseudonym wages
war against the enemy sex, like Mademoiselle Cleopatra, but the real,
reflection ran in red flames over her pale face with its white eyes,
and from time to time over her feet when she sought to warm them.
Her head was wonderful in spite of the dead stony eyes; it was all
I could see of her. She had wrapped her marble-like body in a huge
"I don't understand it," I exclaimed, "It isn't really cold any
longer. For two weeks past we have had perfect spring weather. You
must be nervous."
"Much obliged for your spring," she replied with a low stony voice,
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understandable. All of a sudden I understand the Germanic virtue of
of the North do not know how to love, haven't even an idea of what
love is."
"But, madame," I replied flaring up, "I surely haven't given you any
"Oh, you--" The divinity sneezed for the third time, and shrugged
her shoulders with inimitable grace. "That's why I have always been
nice to you, and even come to see you now and then, although I catch
a cold every time, in spite of all my furs. Do you remember the first
time we met?"
"How could I forget it," I said. "You wore your abundant hair in
brown curls, and you had brown eyes and a red mouth, but I recognized
"You were really in love with the costume, and awfully docile."
"You have taught me what love is. Your serene form of worship let me
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"And my faithfulness to you was without equal!"
"I will not reproach you with anything. You are a divine woman, but
"What you call cruel," the goddess of love replied eagerly, "is
nature and makes her give herself where she loves, and makes her love
"Indeed!" she replied. "We are faithful as long as we love, but you
the North in general take love too soberly and seriously. You talk
"That is why our emotions are honorable and virtuous, and our
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relations permanent."
paganism," she interrupted, "but that love, which is the highest joy,
hostile; you have made devils out of the smiling gods of Greece, and
out of me a demon. You can only exorcise and curse me, or slay
you has had the courage to kiss my red mouth, he makes a barefoot
from his withered staff, while under my feet roses, violets, and
myrtles spring up every hour, but their fragrance does not agree with
you. Stay among your northern fogs and Christian incense; let us
pagans remain under the debris, beneath the lava; do not disinter us.
Pompeii was not built for you, nor our villas, our baths, our temples.
The beautiful marble woman coughed, and drew the dark sables still
"Much obliged for the classical lesson," I replied, "but you cannot
deny, that man and woman are mortal enemies, in your serene sunlit
single being for a short time only, capable of only one thought, one
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sensation, one will, in order to be then further disunited. And you
know this better than I; whichever of the two fails to subjugate will
"And as a rule the man that of the woman," cried Madame Venus with
"You mean you are now my slave without illusions, and for that
who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman's entire but
decisive advantage. Through his passion nature has given man into
woman's hands, and the woman who does not know how to make him her
subject, her slave, her toy, and how to betray him with a smile in the
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"They are based on the experience of thousands of years," she
replied ironically, while her white fingers played over the dark fur.
"The more devoted a woman shows herself, the sooner the man sobers
down and becomes domineering. The more cruelly she treats him and the
more faithless she is, the worse she uses him, the more wantonly she
plays with him, the less pity she shows him, by so much the more will
always been, since the time of Helen and Delilah, down to Catherine
"I cannot deny," I said, "that nothing will attract a man more than
"Do you know," I interrupted, "that, since we last saw each other,
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"In that there is no way of accentuating your white body to greater
"You are dreaming," she cried, "wake up!" and she clasped my arm
with her marble-white hand. "Do wake up," she repeated raucously with
I saw the hand which shook me, and suddenly it was brown as bronze;
the voice was the thick alcoholic voice of my cossack servant who
"Do get up," continued the good fellow, "it is really disgraceful."
"What is disgraceful?"
"To fall asleep in your clothes and with a book besides." He snuffed
the candles which had burned down, and picked up the volume which had
fallen from my hand, "with a book by"--he looked at the title page--
"by Hegel. Besides it is high time you were starting for Mr.
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"A curious dream," said Severin when I had finished. He supported
his arms on his knees, resting his face in his delicate, finely
I knew that he wouldn't move for a long time, hardly even breathe.
way remarkable. I had been on terms of close friendship with him for
practical system, like clock-work; not this alone, but also by the
about to run with his head right through a wall. At such times every
While he remained silent, the fire sang in the chimney and the large
venerable samovar sang; and the ancient chair in which I sat rocking
to and fro smoking my cigar, and the cricket in the old walls sang
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too. I let my eyes glide over the curious apparatus, skeletons of
picture which I had seen often enough before. But to-day, under the
on me.
A beautiful woman with a radiant smile upon her face, with abundant
hair tied into a classical knot, on which white powder lay like a
She was nude in her dark furs. Her right hand played with a lash,
while her bare foot rested carelessly on a man, lying before her like
martyr. This man, the footstool for her feet, was Severin, but
"I, too," said Severin, "only I dreamed my dream with open eyes."
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life, and perhaps a very decisive one. But the details I can only get
from you."
heeding my question.
Severin rose and pointed with his finger at the fur with which
don't believe that the old Venetian had any secondary intention. He
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tactful enough to let Cupid hold the mirror in which she tests her
Later an 'expert' in the Rococo period baptized the lady with the
name of Venus. The furs of the despot in which Titian's fair model
Christian world, has to creep into huge black furs so as not to catch
Just then the door opened and an attractive, stoutish, blonde girl
entered. She had wise, kindly eyes, was dressed in black silk, and
brought us cold meat and eggs with our tea. Severin took one of the
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"Sevtchu, nothing," he yelled, "you are to obey, obey, do you
short handle.] which was hanging beside the weapons from its hook.
The woman fled from the chamber quickly and timidly like a doe.
"But Severin," I said placing my hand on his arm, "how can you treat
"Had I flattered her, she would have cast the noose around my neck,
but now, when I bring her up with the _kantchuk_, she adores me."
"Well, if you like it, live like a pasha in your harem, but don't
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"Why not," he said animatedly. "Goethe's 'you must be hammer or anvil'
Didn't Lady Venus in your dream prove that to you? Woman's power lies
in man's passion, and she knows how to use it, if man doesn't
the _slave_ of woman. As soon as he gives in, his neck is under the
"Strange maxims!"
"Not maxims, but experiences," he replied, nodding his head, "_I have
He rose, and got a small manuscript from his massive desk, and put
it in front of me.
"You have already asked about the picture. I have long owed you an
explanation. Here--read!"
Severin sat down by the chimney with his back toward me, and seemed
to dream with open eyes. Silence had fallen again, and again the fire
sang in the chimney, and the samovar and the cricket in the old
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The margin of the manuscript bore as motto a variation of the well-
I turned the title-page and read: "What follows has been compiled
to write of one's past, but in this way everything retains its fresh
comic muse is the one under whose laughing mask tears roll down."
A wonderful saying.
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Yet I am not writing with ordinary ink, but with red blood that drips
from my heart. All its wounds long scarred over have opened and it
throbs and hurts, and now and then a tear falls on the paper.
resort. You see no one, and no one sees you. It is boring enough to
stretch the canvas, smooth the bow, line the scores. For I am--no
false modesty, Friend Severin; you can lie to others, but you don't
in life.
I never got far beyond the preparation, the plan, the first act, the
first stanza. There are people like that who begin everything, and
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To the business in hand.
wonderful the outlook upon the blue wall of high mountains interwoven
ribbons of silver! How clear and blue the heavens into which
snowcapped crags project; how green and fresh the forested slopes;
the meadows on which small herds graze, down to the yellow billows
of grain where reapers stand and bend over and rise up again.
Its sole inhabitants are myself, a widow from Lemberg, and Madame
Tartakovska, who runs the house, a little old woman, who grows older
and smaller each day. There are also an old dog that limps on one
leg, and a young cat that continually plays with a ball of yarn. This
twenty-four at the most, and very rich. She dwells in the first
story, and I on the ground floor. She always keeps the green blinds
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of honeysuckle, in which I read and write and paint and sing like a
actually do so, and then from time to time a white gown gleams
for I am in love with someone else, and terribly unhappy at that; far
Florence. This Venus is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in
all my life.
That, however, does not signify much, for I have seen few beautiful
could be surpassed?
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woman who never responds to our love with anything but an eternally
I often lie reading under the leafy covering of a young birch when
the sun broods over the forest. Often I visit that cold, cruel
mistress of mine by night and lie on my knees before her, with the
face pressed against the cold pedestal on which her feet rest, and
my prayers go up to her.
effect. It seems to hover among the trees and submerges the meadow
marble had taken pity on me, become alive, and followed me. I was
stanza; rather, on the contrary, I did not break down, but ran away
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with the Mirror." What a woman! I want to write a poem, but instead,
You are cold, while you yourself fan flames. By all means wrap
yourself in your despotic furs, there is no one to whom they are more
to _Faust_.
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I was enraptured and at the same time filled with a strange fear by
the cold coquetry with which this magnificent woman draped her charms
in her furs of dark sable; by the severity and hardness which lay in
this cold marble-like face. Again I took my pen in hand, and wrote
"To love, to be loved, what happiness! And yet how the glamour of
hero, the giant, again put himself into the hands of Delilah, even
after she had betrayed him, and again she betrayed him, and the
Philistines bound him and put out his eyes which until the very end
he kept fixed, drunken with rage and love, upon the beautiful
who cut off his head with a sword, and because of his beautiful
sanguinary end.
"The almighty Lord hath struck him, and hath delivered him into the
hands of a woman."
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How ungallant these Jews are, I thought. And their God might choose
"The almighty Lord hath struck him, and hath delivered him into the
Heaven preserve us! Here comes the housekeeper, who has again
or the widow?
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It is full moon. It is already peering over the tops of the low
terrace, the groups of trees, all the landscape, as far as the eye
I cannot resist. I feel a strange urge and call within me. I put on
stars quiver very faintly in the pale-blue glamour. The meadow seems
large dark fur flows down to her heels. I stand dumbfounded and stare
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at her in amazement; again an indescribable fear seizes hold of me
I hasten my steps, and notice that I have missed the main path. As
I am about to turn aside into one of the green walks I see Venus
marble, but the goddess of love herself with warm blood and throbbing
pulses. She has actually come to life for me, like the statue that
began to breathe for her creator. Indeed, the miracle is only half
completed. Her white hair seems still to be of stone, and her white
dark fur flows. But her lips are already reddening and her cheeks
begin to take color. Two diabolical green rays out of her eyes fall
pursues me through the dark leafy paths, across light open spaces,
through the thicket where only single moonbeams can pierce. I can no
longer find my way, I wander about utterly confused, with cold drops
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I say to myself:
There is the fountain, there the alley of box-wood, there the house
silver, I again see the white figure, the woman of stone whom I
With a couple of leaps I am within the house and catch my breath and
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What am I really, a little dilettante or a great big donkey?
in the Odyssey about the beautiful witch who transformed her admirers
There is a soft rustling in the twigs and blades and the pages of my
A woman's dress--
As she stands there in her light white morning gown, looking at me,
her slight figure seems full of poetry and grace. She is neither
large, nor small; her head is alluring, piquant--in the sense of the
enchantment and softness, what roguish charm play about her none too
small mouth! Her skin is so infinitely delicate, that the blue veins
show through everywhere; even through the muslin covering her arms
and bosom. How abundant her red hair-it is red, not blonde or golden-
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Now her eyes meet mine like green lightnings--they are green, these
Finally I rise and bow to her. She comes closer, and bursts out into
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"The little picture in one of your books--"
"Why curious?"
"I have always wanted to know a real dreamer some time--for the sake
appropriate for a youngster of sixteen, but not for me, who was
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more afraid of her now in the full light of day. A delightful
"You look at love, and especially woman," she began, "as something
unsuccessfully. You feel that their power over you gives you a
"I do not share it," she said quickly and decisively, shaking her
When in Ida's grove she was pleased with the hero Achilles?'
"These lines from Goethe's _Roman Elegy_ have always delighted me.
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"In nature there is only the love of the heroic age, 'when gods and
cruel emblem, the cross, has always had for me an element of the
monstrous, brought something alien and hostile into nature and its
innocent instincts.
"The battle of the spirit with the senses is the gospel of modern
"Yes, Mount Olympus would be the place for you, madame," I replied,
with another revolts us. We are jealous as is our God. For example,
we have made a term abuse out of the name of the glorious Phryne.
but who loves Anchises to-day, Paris to-morrow, Adonis the day after.
"So you too are one of those who rave about modern women, those
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miserable hysterical feminine creatures who don't appreciate a real
ideal. Amid tears and convulsions they daily outrage their Christian
duties; they cheat and are cheated; they always seek again and choose
and reject; they are never happy, and never give happiness. They
accuse fate instead of calmly confessing that they want to love and
legalities. Can you deny that our Christian world has given itself
over to corruption?"
"But you are about to say, the individual who rebels against the
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immortality. I, however, have no wish to live eternally. When with
spirit joins the choirs of angels, or whether my dust goes into the
formation of new beings? Shall I belong to one man whom I don't love,
merely because I have once loved him? No, I do not renounce; I love
everyone who pleases me, and give happiness to everyone who loves me.
the poor fellow who is pining away for me. I am young, rich, and
While she was speaking her eyes sparkled roguishly, and I had taken
hold of her hands without exactly knowing what to do with them, but
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"How, so?"
"If I may ask," I finally began, "how did you arrive at these--these
was filled with serenity and sunlight. Not even the incurable illness
which fell upon him soon after our marriage could long cloud his brow.
On the very night of his death he took me in his arms, and during the
many months when he lay dying in his wheel chair, he often said
jokingly to me: 'Well, have you already picked out a lover?' I blushed
with shame. 'Don't deceive me,' he added on one occasion, 'that would
several. You are a splendid woman, but still half a child, and you
need toys.'
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"I suppose, I hardly need tell you that during his life time I had
no lover; but it was through him that I have become what I am, a
woman of Greece."
She threatened me with her finger and knitted her brows. "Perhaps,
even a 'Venus in Furs.' Watch out, I have a large, very large fur,
with which I could cover you up entirely, and I have a mind to catch
you in it as in a net."
"Do you believe," I said quickly, for an idea which seemed good, in
you believe that your theories could be carried into execution at the
among our railroads and telegraphs in all her undraped beauty and
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"And then--"
"What then?"
"Beautiful, free, serene, and happy human beings, such as the Greeks
were, are only possible when it is permitted to have _slaves_ who will
perform the prosaic tasks of every day for them and above all else
She drew back her lips a little so that her small white teeth became
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more satisfactory to me to be the slave of a beautiful woman. But
where shall I find the woman who knows how to rule, calmly, full of
"You think--"
"I--for instance--" she laughed and leaned far back--"I have a real
talent for despotism--I also have the necessary furs--but last night
"Quite seriously."
"And now?"
very small talents. Of what use would have been my study of all the
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case of a pretty, little woman--
head like hers. The configuration of her face has little of the
How could I have any doubts? If not for her, for whom would princely
furs be suitable?
I was with her yesterday evening, reading the _Roman Elegies_ to her.
Then I laid the book aside, and improvised something for her. She
seemed pleased; rather more than that, she actually hung upon my
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Or was I mistaken?
with her, and for a moment lost all my fear of this beautiful woman;
Then I sat down at her feet and read a short poem I had written for
And--so on. This time I really got beyond the first stanza. At her
request I gave her the poem in the evening, keeping no copy. And now
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nothing of the lightning-like flashes of passion. But I feel how her
I suffer under it more and more each day, and she--she merely smiles.
interest me. Most men are very commonplace, without verve or poetry.
After a short but severe shower we went out together to the meadow
and the statue of Venus. All about us the earth steamed; mists rose
hovered in the air. The trees were still shedding drops, but sparrows
and finches were already hopping from twig to twig. They are
is still wet. In the sunlight it looks like a small pool, and the
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Wanda is enjoying the lovely scene. As all the benches along the
walk are still wet, she supports herself on my arm to rest a while.
A soft weariness permeates her whole being, her eyes are half closed;
"Why not," she replied, letting her calm, clear look rest upon me,
But I take hold of her little foot, and press my lips upon it.
"You are getting worse and worse!" she cried. She tore herself free,
and fled rapidly toward the house, the while her adorable slipper
remained in my hand.
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Is it an omen?
All day long I didn't dare to go near her. Toward evening as I was
sitting in my arbor her gay red head peered suddenly through the
greenery of her balcony. "Why don't you come up?" he called down
I ran upstairs, and at the top lost courage again. I knocked very
lightly. She didn't say come-in, but opened the door herself, and
"Where is my slipper?"
"Get it, and then we will have tea together, and chat."
placed the slipper on the table, and stood in the corner like a child
awaiting punishment.
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I noticed that her brows were slightly contracted, and there was an
Wanda looked at me--how did she look at me? I think first of all
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with surprise, and then with a tinge of irony.
and I care for you too, and what is more important each of us finds
bored, but, you know, I am a fickle person, and just for that reason
"Well then honestly, I don't believe I could love a man longer than--
" She inclined her head gracefully to one side and mused.
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"A year."
Wanda walked across the room and leaned back against the fireplace,
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you pleasure."
"How illogical!" she cried, "first you want to make me your wife,
"Now we are back to the place where we started. You love me, and
want to make me your wife, but I don't want to enter into a new
she said quietly. "I can easily imagine belonging to one man for my
entire life, but he would have to be a whole man, a man who would
understand? And every man--I know this very well--as soon as he falls
woman's hands, kneels down before her. The only man whom I could love
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"For heaven's sake, here you are kneeling already," she said
mockingly. "You are making a good beginning." When I had risen again
she continued, "I will give you a year's time to win me, to convince
you succeed, I will become your wife, and a wife, Severin, who will
conscientiously and strictly perform all her duties. During this year
"We will live together," she continued, "share our daily life, so that
we may find out whether we are really fitted for each other. _I grant
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"Splendid. That is how a man speaks. Here is my hand."
For ten days I have been with her every hour, except at night. All
the time I was allowed to look into her eyes, hold her hands, listen
subside deeper and deeper. There is nothing now which could save me
from it.
Venus-statue. I plucked flowers and tossed them into her lap; she
command over myself, I threw my arms about her and clung to her lips,
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_I_ am afraid you suffer."
madness. The thought that I might lose you, perhaps actually lose
"But you don't yet possess me," said Wanda, and again she looked at
before carried me away. Then she rose, and with her small transparent
hands placed a wreath of blue anemones upon the ringletted white head
"Believe me, believe only this once, that this time it is not a
that my life belongs inseparably with yours. If you leave me, I shall
perish, go to pieces."
"That will hardly be necessary, for I love you," she took hold of my
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"But you will be mine only under conditions, while I belong to you
"That isn't wise, Severin," she replied almost with a start. "Don't
you know me yet, do you absolutely refuse to know me? I am good when
"Things will end badly, my friend," she said soberly, without moving.
"It shall never end," I cried excitedly, almost violently. "Only death
shall part us. If you cannot be mine, all mine and for always, then _I
want to be your slave_, serve you, suffer everything from you, if only
"Calm yourself," she said, bending down and kissing my forehead, "I
am really very fond of you, but your way is not the way to win and
hold me."
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"I want to do everything, absolutely everything, that you want, only
not to lose you," I cried, "only not that, I cannot bear the thought."
I obeyed.
at any price?"
A shudder ran through me. I looked at her She stood firmly and
"I feel a perfect horror, when I imagine, that the woman I love and
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of me. But have I still a choice? If I love such a woman, even unto
madness, shall I turn my back to her and lose everything for the sake
brains? I have two ideals of woman. If I cannot obtain the one that
is noble and simple, the woman who will faithfully and truly share
I want to taste its pains and torments to the very dregs; I want to
be maltreated and betrayed by the woman I love, and the more cruelly
"I love you with all my soul," I continued, "with all my senses, and
"Very well," said Wanda, contracting her small but strongly arched
shall not lack pastime. You were imprudent enough to leave the choice
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"Oh, please do," I cried half-shuddering, half-enraptured. "If the
are such opposites, almost enemies. That is why my love is part hate,
part fear. In such a relation only one can be hammer and the other
upon the woman I love. I want to adore a woman, and this I can only
capable of maltreating a man who loves me as you do, and whom I love?"
"Why not, if I adore you the more on this account? _It is possible to
love really only that which stands above us,_ a woman, who through her
in all your passions, for who doesn't love beautiful furs? And
everyone knows and feels how closely sexual love and cruelty are
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degree," I replied.
"In other words, reason has little power over you, and you are by
"The martyrs?"
"On the contrary, they were _supersensual men,_ who found enjoyment in
suffering. They sought out the most frightful tortures, even death
"Have a care that in being such, you do not become a martyr to love,
summer night. A twofold roof is above us, first the green ceiling of
stars. The low wailing love-call of a cat rises from the park. I am
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of my childhood.
"And even then all these strange tendencies were distinctly marked
"Of course, I can't remember a time when I didn't have them. Even in
As a little boy I was mysteriously shy before women, which really was
said the prayers I had been taught--the Paternoster, the Ave Maria,
"Once at night I left my bed to visit her. The sickle of the moon
prostrated myself before her and kissed her cold feet, as I had seen
our peasants do when they kissed the feet of the dead Savior.
"I got up and embraced the beautiful cold body and kissed the cold
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lips. A deep shudder fell upon me and I fled, and later in a dream,
"I was sent to school early and soon reached the gymnasium. I
of antiquity accessible to me. Soon I was more familiar with the gods
of Greece than with the religion of Jesus. I was with Paris when he
gave the fateful apple to Venus, I saw Troy burn, and followed
sank deep into my soul, and consequently at the time when other boys
"To me, the maturing youth, love for women seemed something
all its commonness. I avoided all contact with the fair sex; in
sitting one day studying my Tacitus and growing enthusiastic over the
Suddenly she stopped, bent down over me, in the meantime holding fast
to the broom, and a pair of fresh, full, adorable lips touched mine.
The kiss of the enamoured little cat ran through me like a shudder,
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but I raised up my _Germania_, like a shield against the temptress,
Wanda broke out in loud laughter. "It would, indeed, be hard to find
attractive smile. I, however, hated her, for she was regarded by the
Without asking any questions, they seized me and bound me hand and
smile, rolled up her sleeve and began to whip me with a stout switch.
She whipped so hard that the blood flowed, and that, at last,
mercy. She then had me untied, but I had to get down on my knees and
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"Now you understand the supersensual fool! Under the lash of a
sort of cult. I took an oath to myself that I would not squander its
holy wealth upon any ordinary person, but I would reserve it for an
"I went to the university at a very early age. It was in the capital
though Mephistopheles might have stepped out from behind the huge
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more supersensual. All the time a beautiful ideal woman hovered in my
Olympians with the stern white face of the plaster Venus; sometimes in
"One morning when she had again risen out of the golden mist of my
probably about forty years old, but like most well-preserved women
of the world, still very attractive. She wore as always her fur-edged
jacket. This time it was one of green velvet with brown marten. But
nothing of the sternness which had so delighted me the other time was
now discernable.
"On the contrary, there was so little of cruelty in her that without
"Only too soon did she discover my supersensual folly and innocence,
on my knees, and to kiss her hands, those with which she had scourged
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rounded, and white, with adorable dimples! I really was in love with
her hands only. I played with them, let them submerge and emerge in
the dark fur, held them against the light, and was unable to satiate
days you can see that I was in love only with the cruel lashes I
received from my aunt; and about two years later when I paid court
to a young actress only in the roles she played. Still later I became
the strictest principles and the highest ideals, that I hate that
all one's nerves, and making one's pulses beat faster. You put an
daring courtesan of genius. Oh, you are the kind of man who will
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corrupt a woman to her very last fiber."
In the middle of the night there was a knock at my window; I got up,
opened it, and was startled. Without stood "Venus in Furs," just as
"You have disturbed me with your stories; I have been tossing about
in bed, and can't go to sleep," she said. "Now come and stay with me."
"In a moment."
"Autumn is coming," she began, "the nights are really quite cold
already. I am afraid you may not like it, but I can't put off my furs
"Not like it--you are joking--you know--" I threw my arm around her,
"Of course, I know, but why this great fondness for furs?"
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"I was born with it," I replied. "I already had it as a child.
physical stimulus which sets you tingling, and no one can wholly
electricity and warmth; at any rate, their effects upon the human
"A woman wearing furs, then," cried Wanda, "is nothing else than a
meaning which fur has acquired as the attribute of power and beauty.
only for queenly beauty. The most beautiful frame, which Raphael
could find for the divine forms of Fornarina and Titian for the
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"Thanks for the learned discourse on love," said Wanda, "but you
"Certainly," I cried. "I have repeatedly told you that suffering has
beautiful woman. And I cannot imagine this woman, this strange ideal
quality to a woman."
sensitive, when at about the age of ten the legends of the martyrs
really was rapture, of how they pined in prisons, were laid on the
animals, nailed to the cross, and suffered the most horrible torment
with a kind of joy. To suffer and endure cruel torture from then on
beautiful woman, for ever since I can remember all poetry and
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everything demonic was for me concentrated in woman. I literally
"I felt there was something sacred in sex; in fact, it was the only
sacred thing. In woman and her beauty I saw something divine, because
nature, _Isis_, and man was her priest, her slave. In contrast to him
she was cruel like nature herself who tosses aside whatever has served
her purposes as soon as she no longer has need for it. To him her
"I envied King Gunther whom the mighty Brunhilde fettered on the
bridal night, and the poor troubadour whom his capricious mistress
had sewed in the skins of wolves to have him hunted like game. I
envied the Knight Ctirad whom the daring Amazon Scharka craftily
where, after having amused herself a while with him, she had him
"Disgusting," cried Wanda. "I almost wish you might fall into the
hands of a woman of their savage race. In the wolf's skin, under the
teeth of the dogs, or upon the wheel, you would lose the taste for
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"Have you actually lost your senses."
them. All the sanguinary tyrants that ever occupied a throne; the
all the woman whom the pages of history have recorded as lustful,
"And so furs now rouse strange imaginings in you," said Wanda, and
beautifully around her bust and arms. "Well, how do you feel now,
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long enough."
warm little hand and of her regard, which, tenderly searching, fell
I worship."_
"Yes, who fetters me and whips me, treads me underfoot, the while
you to your successful rival when driven insane by jealousy you must
meet him face to face, who will turn you over to his absolute mercy.
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"Yes, we women are inventive," she said, "take heed, when you find
your ideal, it might easily happen, that she will treat you more
"Not I?" exclaimed Wanda, throwing off her furs and moving about the
room laughing. She was still laughing as I went downstairs, and when
I stood musing in the yard, I still heard her peals of laughter above.
"Do you really then expect me to embody your ideal?" Wanda asked
battling within me. In the meantime she sat down on one of the stone-
"Well--am I?"
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"Once more I beg you to become my wife, my true and loyal wife; if
your personality."
"I don't understand myself any longer," she continued, "but I have
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Second, and all the other selfish, frivolous, cruel women, carries
their lifetime and still exert a miraculous power from their graves.
give way to this trend of your nature. Nothing half-way. If you can't
I was nervous from loss of sleep, and the proximity of the beautiful
I remember that I kissed her feet, and finally raised her foot and
put my neck under it. She withdrew it quickly, and rose almost angrily.
"If you love me, Severin," she said quickly, and her voice sounded
down again.
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"Severin, once more I warn you."
Wanda threw her arms around my neck, looked into my eyes, and shook
her head.
"I am afraid I can't, but I will try, for your sake, for I love you
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To-day she suddenly took her hat and shawl, and I had to go shopping
with her. She looked at whips, long whips with a short handle, the
"No, they are much too small," replied Wanda, with a side-glance at
"Yes," she exclaimed, "of the kind that are used in Russia for
intractable slaves."
"Now good-by, Severin," she said. "I have some other purchases to
I left her and took a walk. On the way back I saw Wanda coming out
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"Consider it well," she began in good spirits, "I have never made a
me. The idea of seeing this serious man wholly in my power, actually
attraction last? Woman loves a man; she maltreats a slave, and ends
"Very well then, kick me aside," I replied, "when you are tired of
"Dangerous forces lie within me," said Wanda, after we had gone a
few steps further. "You awaken them, and not to your advantage. You
What would you say should I try my hand at them, and make you the
for good or evil, choose. The destiny that lies concealed within my
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"My Beloved,
I do not care to see you to-day or to-morrow, and not until evening
Your mistress
"As my slave" was underlined. I read the note which I received early
her door.
"Come in!"
of white satin which floods down her body like light. Over it she
her arms folded across her breast, and with her brows contracted.
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"Wanda!" I run toward her, and am about to throw my arm about her to
"Do I please you?" She stepped before the mirror, and looked at
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"No," she exclaimed, "stay as you are, kneeling." She went over to
the fire-place, took the whip from the mantle-piece, and, watching
me with a smile, let it hiss through the air; then she slowly rolled
with the whip. A moment later she threw her arm tenderly about me,
and pityingly bent down to me. "Did I hurt you?" she asked, half-
shyly, half-timidly.
"No," I replied, "and even if you had, pains that come through you
Wanda swung the whip, and hit me twice. "Are you satisfied now?"
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"Seriously, no?"
"Yes, because you know very well that it isn't serious," she
replied, "because I haven't the heart to hurt you. This brutal game
goes against my grain. Were I really the woman who beats her slaves
"No, Wanda," I replied, "I love you more than myself; I am devoted
to you for death and life. In all seriousness, you can do with me
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An uncanny pause.
"If you love me, be cruel towards me," I pleaded with upraised eyes.
"If I love you," repeated Wanda. "Very well!" She stepped back and
looked at me with a sombre smile. _"Be then my slave, and know what
"Get up!"
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The blows fell rapidly and powerfully on my back and arms. Each one
cut into my flesh and burned there, but the pains enraptured me. They
came from her whom I adored, and for whom I was ready at any hour to
She stopped. "I am beginning to enjoy it," she said, "but enough for
your strength goes. I take a cruel joy in seeing you tremble and
writhe beneath my whip, and in hearing your groans and wails; I want
to go on whipping without pity until you beg for mercy, until you
"What impudence."
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After having spent a feverish night filled with confused dreams, I
How much of what was hovering in my memory was true; what had I
actually experienced and what had I dreamed? That I had been whipped
was certain. I can still feel each blow, and count the burning red
No, I am merely somewhat tired, but her cruelty has enraptured me.
Oh, how I love her, adore her! All this cannot express in the
ashamed of myself," she says, while I embrace her, and she hides her
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"Please try to forget the ugly scene of yesterday," she said with
quivering voice, "I have fulfilled your mad wish, now let us be
reasonable and happy and love each other, and in a year I will be
your wife."
Wanda. "I shall not grant you any of those favors, none except
The little bronze clock on which stood a cupid who had just shot his
Wanda said nothing, but embraced me and drew me back on the ottoman.
comprehensible, so convincing--
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A languid abandonment pervaded Wanda's entire being. What a
eyes, in the red flood of her hair which shimmered faintly under the
white powder, in the red and white satin which crackled about her
of life must generate such illnesses._ Were you less virtuous, you
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"Well then, make me sane," I murmured. My hands were running through
her hair and playing tremblingly with the gleaming fur, which rose
and fell like a moonlit wave upon her heaving bosom, and drove all
long since lost my reason, but now I, too, was breathless. I sought
to free myself.
"You are suffering--" she broke out into a loud amused laughter.
She was serious all of a sudden. She raised my head in her hands,
"Wanda," I stammered.
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"Of course, you enjoy suffering," she said, and laughed again, "but
to drain my happiness to the full. You are mine now, and I would
"Now you are sensible," she said. She kissed me again with her
murderous lips. I tore the ermine apart and the covering of lace and
The first thing I remember is the moment when I saw blood dripping
from my hand, and she asked apathetically: "Did you scratch me?"
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We spent marvellous days together; we visited the mountains and
Wanda wrinkles her brows, and displays a certain impatience with me.
For almost a fortnight this unbearable restraint has lain upon us.
Her friend lives with her, and we are never alone. A circle of men
To-day, while out walking, she staid behind with me. I saw that this
was done intentionally, and I rejoiced. But what did she tell me?
"My friend doesn't understand how I can love you. She doesn't think
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you either handsome or particularly attractive otherwise. She is
telling me from morning till night about the glamour of the frivolous
claim, the large parties which I would find there, and the
For a moment I lost my breath, then I said: "I have no wish to stand
raised my hat, and let her go ahead. She looked at me surprised, but
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"But why do you despise her, you foolish young man?" exclaimed
"Like me, for instance," replied Wanda jestingly, "but you see,
child, a woman can only do that in the rarest cases. She can neither
desire for change. The result is a conflict, and thus usually against
her wishes lies and deception enter into her actions and personality
this woman. She has a husband and a lover in Lemberg and has found
a new admirer here. She deceives all three and yet is honored by all
"I don't care," I exclaimed, "but she is to leave you alone; she
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treats you like an article of commerce."
and much is to be said for giving one's self without love or pleasure
"Why not?" she said, "and take note of what I am about to say to you.
_Never feel secure with the woman you love,_ for there are more
The best woman will momentarily go down into the mire, and the worst
shame those that despise her. No woman is so good or so bad, but that
woman has remained as she came out of the hand of nature. She has the
Throughout history it has always been a serious deep culture which has
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follows _principles,_ woman never follows anything but _impulses._
Don't ever forget that, and never feel secure with the woman you
Her friend has left. At last an evening alone with her again. It
seems as if Wanda had saved up all the love, which had been kept from
her, for this superlative evening; never had she been so kind, so
What happiness to cling to her lips, and to die away in her arms! In
breast, and with drunken rapture our eyes seek each other.
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"Your friend?"
She nodded. "Yes, she is right, you are not a man, you are a
I was frightened.
"I tremble at the thought of how easily I might lose you," I replied.
"Are you made less happy now, because of this?" she replied. "Does
before I did to you, that others after you will possess me, and would
you enjoy less if another were made happy simultaneously with you?"
"You see," she continued, "that would be a way out. You won't ever
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"What an idea," I cried. "You fill me with a sort of horror."
Wanda had raised herself on her left arm. "I believe," she said,
faithful to him. What honest woman has ever been as devotedly loved
as a hetaira?"
"I shall suffer terrible agonies, but I shall adore you the more,"
I replied. "But you would never deceive me, you would have the daemonic
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greatness of saying to me: I shall love no one but you, but I shall
Wanda shook her head. "I don't like deception, I am honest, but what
man exists who can support the burden of truth. Were I say to you:
"But Severin--"
and which would therefore never be a burden to you. While you drink
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"You really aren't so far from wrong," replied Wanda, "for only as
must give one a feeling of like unto a god to see a man kneel before
"Then listen to me," said Wanda excitedly, seizing my hand. "I want
"A month?"
"And then?"
"And you?"
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"But what does all this mean," said Wanda, resting her head in both
hands with her gaze lost in the distance, "a golden fancy which never
can become true." An uncanny brooding melancholy seemed shed over her
you. Oh, what a voluptuous joy when once I feel myself entirely dependent
upon your absolute will, your whim, at your beck and call. And then
what happiness, when at some time you deign to be gracious, and the
slave may kiss the lips which mean life and death to him." I knelt
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"You are talking as in a fever," said Wanda agitatedly, "and you
me with kisses.
"I swear to you now by God and my honor, that I shall be your slave,
"Please do!"
"All this appeals to me," she said then. "It is different from
anything else--to know that a man who worships me, and whom I love
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you have sworn."
"I shall see to that," she replied. "I am beginning to enjoy it,
and, heaven help me, we won't stick to fancies now. You shall become
I thought that at last I knew this woman, understood her, and now I
see I have to begin at the very beginning again. Only a little while
ago her reaction to my dreams was violently hostile, and now she
honor and agree under oath to be her slave, as long as she wishes.
with a kiss.
teasing her.
benevolence. You no longer have any rights, and no longer can lay
that you won't be much better than a dog, or some inanimate object.
understand?" She laughed and kissed me again, and yet a sort of cold
already, or perhaps you regret, but it is too late now. You have
that you will never completely leave me, and then that you will never
"But Severin," exclaimed Wanda with her voice full of emotion and
with tears in her eyes, "how can you imagine that I--and you, a man
"No, no!" I said, covering her hands with kisses. "I don't fear
anything from you that might dishonor me. Forgive me the ugly
Wanda smiled happily, leaned her cheek against mine, and seemed to
"A condition?"
"Not yet," said Wanda. "I shall first add your conditions, and the
actual signing won't occur until the proper time and place."
"In Constantinople?"
to a country where we are not known and where you can appear before
Rome or Naples."
We were sitting on Wanda's ottoman. She wore her ermine jacket, her
hair was loose and fell like a lion's mane down her back. She clung
mercy for good or evil without any condition, without any limit to
your power."
While saying this I had slipped from the ottoman, and lay at her
"How beautiful you now are," she exclaimed, "your eyes half-broken
in ecstacy fill me with joy, carry me away. How wonderful your look
would be if you were being beaten to death, in the extreme agony. You
with me, nothing more. She loves me, and she is good, a noble
--_if she wants to she can._ What a temptation in this doubt, this
Now I understand Manon l'Escault and the poor chevalier, who, even
in the pillory, while she was another man's mistress, still adored
at him as though he were a wild animal, but he went his way gloomily
servants, one a negro, completely dressed in red satin, and the other
fixed his cold piercing look upon her; he even turned his head after
her, and when she had passed, he stood still and followed her with
his eyes.
And she--she veritably devoured him with her radiant green eyes--and
him, almost stifled me. On the way home I remarked about it. She knit
her brows.
"What do you want," she said, "the prince is a man whom I might
like, who even dazzles me, and I am free. I can do what I please--"
"I love only you," she replied, "but I shall have the prince pay
court to me."
"Aren't you my slave?" she said calmly. "Am I not Venus, the cruel
I was silent. I felt literally crushed by her words; her cold look
"You will find out immediately the prince's name, residence, and
"No argument, obey!" exclaimed Wanda, more sternly than I would have
thought possible for her, "and don't dare to enter my sight until you
information for Wanda. She let me stand before her like a servant,
while she leaned back in her arm-chair and listened to me, smiling.
I obeyed, and after having put it before her and having put her feet
She broke into playful laughter. "Why things haven't even begun yet."
"Severin," Wanda began earnestly. "I haven't done anything yet, not
the slightest thing, and you are already calling me heartless. What
when I shall lead a gay, free life and have a circle of admirers
about me, when I shall actually fulfil your ideal, tread you
she replied. "You know I hate all play-acting and comedy. You have
wished it. Was it my idea or yours? Did I persuade you or did you
other infinitely, we are very happy, will you sacrifice our entire
future to a whim?"
"Something that was probably latent in me," she said quietly and
not called it to life, and made it grow. Now that it has become a
powerful impulse, fills my whole being, now that I enjoy it, now that
I cannot and do not want to do otherwise, now you want to back out--
"Now you know what I am," she continued. "Once more I warn you. You
"You are mistaken, you make yourself out worse than you are; you are
before me now, the arms folded across her breast, with an evil smile
about her lips, she was in fact the despotic woman of my dreams. Her
expression seemed hard, and nothing lay in her eyes that promised
kindness or mercy.
"Oh no!" she replied, "I shall let you go. You are free. I am not
holding you."
"Yes, you, my dear sir, you who adore me," she exclaimed
"Wanda I--"
My blood rose in my heart. I threw myself down at her feet and began
to cry.
"Tears, too!" She began to laugh. Oh, this laughter was frightful.
command, be your slave, a mere object with which you can do what you
you." I embraced her knees, and covered her hand with kisses.
"Yes, you must be a slave, and feel the lash, for you are not a
man," she said calmly. She said this to me with perfect composure,
not angrily, not even excitedly, and it was what hurt most. "Now I
know you, your dog-like nature, that adores where it is kicked, and
the more, the more it is maltreated. Now I know you, and now you
She walked up and down with long strides, while I remained crushed
I obeyed her command, and sat down beside her. She looked at me
of her eye. Smiling, she drew me toward her breast, and began to kiss
park. I can escape and don't want to; I am ready to endure everything
If only she would use the whip again. There is something uncanny in
the kindness with which she treats me. I seem like a little captive
mouse with which a beautiful cat prettily plays. She is ready at any
What are her intentions? What does she purpose to do with me?
was it actually only stubbornness? And she gave up her whole plan as
How kind she is to me, how tender, how loving! We are spending
To-day she had me read to her the scene between Faust and
"I don't understand," she said when I had finished, "how a man who
She gently stroked my brow. "I love you, Severin," she whispered. "I
don't believe I could ever love any one more than you. Let us be
electric gray eyes. She, however, did not seem to notice him. I felt
at that moment like kneeling down before her and kissing her feet.
She let her glance glide over him indifferently as though he were an
"I am sorry you are going," she said when I was already standing on
the threshold.
"Do you imagine that this compulsion isn't a torment for me, too,"
Wanda interjected.
I looked at her, and slowly withdrew my arm which was still about
her waist; then I left the room, and she--she did not call me back.
give way.
The door opened, and Wanda thrust forth her head full of curling-
"I haven't had my hair dressed yet," she said, smiling. "What have
you there?"
"A letter--"
I nodded.
"Didn't you tell me yesterday that I wasn't the man for you?"
"Very well, then." My whole body was trembling, my voice failed me,
your affairs in order within the next twenty-four hours. The day
after to-morrow I shall start for Italy, and you will accompany me
"I forbid any sort of familiarity," she said, cutting my words short,
"likewise you are not to come in unless I call or ring for you, and
you are not to speak to me until you are spoken to. From now on your
"That means you have no money, Gregor," said Wanda, delightedly, "so
much the better, you are then entirely dependent on me, and in fact
my slave."
"I have indeed considered it," she replied almost with a tone of
"Not yet--you may first kiss my hand." She held it out to me with a
Though it was late in the evening my light was still lit, and a fire
was burning in the large green stove. There were still many things
usually the case with us, had fallen with all its power.
in a high round Cossack cap of ermine of the kind which the great
Catherine favored.
"I like that word," she said then, "you are always to call me
friend, but from the moment that we enter the railway-coach you are
my slave, my servant. Now close the window, and open the door."
After I had done as she had demanded, and after she had entered, she
asked, contracting her brows ironically, "well, how do you like me."
"Wanda, you--"
"Who gave you permission?" She gave me a blow with the whip.
my chair."
I obeyed.
"Kiss my hand."
woman, and covered her face, arms, and breast with glowing kisses.
concerning Italy, Pisemski's new novel, and Wagner's music. She wore
jacket of the same material, set with dark fur. It fitted closely and
showed her figure to best advantage. Over it she wore dark furs. Her
hair wound into an antique knot, lay beneath a small dark fur-hat
from which a black veil hung. Wanda was in very good humor; she fed
pretty cockade of it; she covered my knees with her furs and
her cold lips had the fresh frosty fragrance of a young autumnal
rose, which blossoms alone amid bare stalks and yellow leaves and
upon whose calyx the first frost has hung tiny diamonds of ice.
Wanda throws off her furs and places them over my arm, and goes
"Of course," she continues, "but now be careful. You won't get on
At each station you will hurry to my car and ask for my orders. Don't
After I had helped her into them, humbly like a slave, she went to
my shoulder, she got on and I wrapped her feet in bear-skins and placed
Then she nodded to me, and dismissed me. I slowly ascended a third-
seemed like the fogs of Acheron at the entrance to Hades. I now had
the leisure to muse about the riddle of human existence, and about
Whenever the train stops, I jump off, run to her carriage, and with
drawn cap await her orders. She wants coffee and then a glass of
water, at another time a bowl of warm water to wash her hands, and
In this way the night passes. I haven't had time to eat a mouthful
and I can't sleep, I have to breathe the same oniony air with Polish
When I mount the steps of her coupe, she is lying stretched out
animals. She is like an oriental despot, and the men sit like Indian
Before leaving she takes all my clothes and gives them to the hotel
The silver buttons bear her coat of arms. I have the feeling of
in the affair. The stars sparkle round about, the Italian sergeant
has a face like Apollo Belvedere, and the German painter sings a
She wraps herself in her furs and sits quietly in the carriage while I
drag the heavy trunks hither, one after another. I break down for a
brow. She gives the name of the hotel, and the driver urges on his
"Yes, madame."
"Two first-class rooms for you, madame, both with stoves," replied
the waiter who had hastily come up, "and one without heat for your
She looked at them, and then abruptly said: "they are satisfactory,
have fires built at once; my servant can sleep in the unheated room."
my looks. "In the meantime I'll be dressing, and then will go down
As she goes into the adjoining room, I drag the trunks upstairs and
blazing fire, the fragrant white poster-bed, and the rugs which cover
shows me the dining-room and waits on me. I have just had the first
fresh drink in thirty-six hours and the first bite of warm food on
I rise.
servant is eating," she snaps at the waiter, flaring with anger. She
my own laughter.
Suddenly the door is pulled open and the waiter with a theatrical
pick up my cap, stumble down the first few steps, but finally arrive
"Come in!"
white muslin and laces on a small red divan with her feet on a
footstool that matches. She has thrown her fur-cloak about her. It
is the identical cloak in which she appeared to me for the first time,
as goddess of love.
their reflections in the large mirrors, and the red flames from the
sable of the cloak, the smooth white skin, and the red, flaming hair
of the beautiful woman. Her clear, but cold face is turned toward me,
I bowed.
"Come closer."
"Still closer," she looked down, and stroked the sable with her
hand. "Venus in Furs receives her slave. I can see that you are more
dreams; you are the sort of man who is ready to carry his dreams into
emperors you would have been a martyr, at the time of the Reformation
She suddenly leaped up; the furs slipped down, and she threw her
"My beloved slave, Severin, oh, how I love you, how I adore you, how
handsome you are in your Cracovian costume! You will be cold to-night
"How wonderfully becoming furs are to your face, they bring out your
noble lines. As soon as you cease being my slave, you must wear a
And again she began to caress me and kiss me; finally she drew me
I placed the furs about her, and Wanda slipped her right arm into
the sleeve.
world is concerned you are still merely my servant; you are not yet
my slave, for you have not yet signed the contract. You are still
free, and can leave me any moment. You have played your part
command it."
"Even it you take advantage of it," I continued, "I shall love you
the more deeply, adore you the more fanatically, the worse you treat
me. What you have just done inflames my blood and intoxicates all my
senses." I held her close to me and clung for several moments to her
moist lips.
enthusiasm I tore the sable from her shoulders and pressed my mouth
"You love me even when I am cruel," said Wanda, "now go!--you bore
She boxed my ears so that I saw stars and bells rang in my ears.
"Did I hurt you?" she asked, softly touching me with her hand.
"At any rate you have no reason to complain, you want it thus; now
kiss me again."
I threw my arms about her, and her lips clung closely to mine. As
she lay against my breast in her large heavy furs, I had a curiously
"Life is really amazingly droll," I thought. "A short time ago the
most beautiful woman, Venus herself, rested against your breast, and
now you have an opportunity for studying the Chinese hell. Unlike us,
they don't hurl the damned into flames, but they have devils chasing
sleigh harnessed with reindeer; he had the face of the waiter who had
"What are you looking for here, my dear sir?" he exclaimed. "This is
A moment later he had disappeared, and Wanda flew over the smooth
ice on tiny skates. Her white satin skirt fluttered and crackled; the
ermine of her jacket and cap, but especially her face, gleamed whiter
than the snow. She shot toward me, inclosed me in her arms, and began
She laughed, and as I looked at her now, it was no longer Wanda, but
I cried out in despair, and still heard her diabolical laughter when
Early in the morning I stood at Wanda's door, and the waiter brought
mistress. She had already dressed, and looked magnificent, all fresh
"Come, Gregor, have your breakfast quickly too," she said, "then we
than I have to. It is very embarassing here. If I chat with you for
more than a minute, people will immediately say: 'The fair Russian
is having an affair with her servant, you see, the race of Catherines
Half an hour later we went out; Wanda was in her cloth-gown with the
walked about ten paces behind, looking very solemn, but expected
did not bear the sign _camere ammobiliate_. Wanda always sent me
Suddenly she said to me: "Severin, the seriousness with which you
placed upon each other are really annoying me. I can't stand it any
longer, I do love you, I must kiss you. Let's go into one of the
"Gregor?" She entered the next open corridor and ascended a few
steps of the dark stair-way; then she threw her arms about me with
"Oh, Severin, you were very wise. You are much more dangerous as
slave than I would have imagined; you are positively irrestible, and
She solemnly shook her head, but kissed me again with her swelling,
adorable lips.
the waiter entered and called out with his theatrical gesture:
I took a rapid and painful leave of my food, and, tired and hungry,
reproachfully. "With all these, fatiguing duties you don't even leave
Wanda laughed gaily. "I thought you had finished," she said, "but
never mind. Man was born to suffer, and you in particular. The
"I have given up the idea of finding a place in the city," Wanda
home till evening. If I need you then, I will have you called."
I looked at the Duomo, the Palazzo Vecchio, the Logia di Lanzi, and
then I stood for a long time on the banks of the Arno. Again and
round cupolas and towers were drawn in soft lines against the blue,
arches the lively waves of the beautiful, yellow river ran, and the
green hills which surrounded the city, bearing slender cypresses and
smiling world. The landscape too has nothing of the seriousness and
scattered among the pale green of the mountains, and yet there isn't
a spot that isn't bright with sunlight. The people are less serious
than we; perhaps, they think less, but they all look as though they
were happy.
I have a vague feeling now that such a thing as beauty without thorn
Wanda has discovered a delightful little villa and rented it for the
open gallery runs along one side, a sort of loggia with plaster-casts
of antique statues; stone steps lead from it down into the garden.
From the gallery you enter a bath with a magnificent marble basin,
little temple, but I found its door locked. However, there is a chink
in the door and when I glue my eye to it, I see the goddess of love
on a white pedestal.
knock at the door of the bedroom. I knock very softly for the luxury
and I stand for some time in front of the door. I have a feeling as
it seems as if at any moment she might come out in her green sleeping
furs, with the red ribbon and decoration on her bare breast, and with
"I was standing in front of the door, but you didn't hear me knock,"
I reply timidly. She closes the door, and clinging to me, she leads
me to the red damask ottoman on which she had been resting. The
leaving her arms and breast bare, and carelessly they nestle amid the
dark hair of the great fur of sable, lined with green velvet. Her red
hair falls down her back as far as the hips, only half held by
unimagined bliss.
"Do you still love me?" she asks, her eye softening in passionate
ask you once more, is it still your serious wish to become my slave?"
"Oh, I see, you want to give it up," she said, "well then, we will
let it go."
everything for the sake of feeling myself wholly in your power, even
unto death--"
have drafted a second agreement in which you declare that you have
and ink. She then sat down beside me with her arm about my neck, and
"Severin von Kusiemski ceases with the present day being the affianced
of Mme. Wanda von Dunajew, and renounces all the rights appertaining
man and nobleman, that hereafter he will be her _slave_ until such
"As the slave of Mme. von Dunajew he is to bear the name Gregor, and
extraordinary mercy.
"Mme. von Dunajew is entitled not only to punish her slave as she
deems best, even for the slightest inadvertence or fault, but also
is herewith given the right to torture him as the mood may seize her
or merely for the sake of whiling away the time. Should she so desire,
"Should Mme. von Dunajew ever set her slave at liberty, Severin von
suffered as her slave, and promises _never under any circumstances and
Appended at the bottom of the agreement was the date of the present
I was seized with a deep horror when I had finished. There was still
time, I could still withdraw, but the madness of passion and the
sight of the beautiful woman that lay all relaxed against my shoulder
carried me away.
suicide, and handed them to Wanda. She read them, and put them on the
"Now have you the courage to sign it?" she asked with a crafty
"Let me sign first," said Wanda, "your hand is trembling, are you
painting on the ceiling, like many of those of the Italian and Dutch
a dark fur-cloak, upon a red ottoman, and bent smiling over Samson
who had been overthrown and bound by the Philistines. Her smile in
closed, met Samson's, and his with a last look of insane passion
"Now--" said Wanda. "Why you are all lost in thought. What is the
matter with you, everything will remain just as it was, even after
letters. I peered once more into her eyes with their potent magic,
She gently took hold of my hand, and my name appeared at the bottom
of the second paper. Wanda looked once more at the two documents, and
then locked them in the desk which stood at the head of the ottoman.
I took out my wallet and handed it to her. She inspected it, nodded,
enter; they are as if carved of ebony, and are dressed from head to
proudly erect, her cold beautiful face with its sombre brows and
mistress, commanding, gives a sign with her hand, and before I really
ground, and have tied me hand and foot. As in the case of one about
scarcely move.
"And now take off my heavy furs," she continues, "they impede me."
on the bed, and Wanda slipped into it with two inimitably graceful
Wanda swiftly approached me. Her white satin dress flowed behind her
in a long train, like silver, like moonlight; her hair flared like
flames against the white fur of her jacket. Now she stood in front
of me with her left hand firmly planted on her hips, in her right hand
"Now play has come to an end between us," she said with heartless
coldness. "Now we will begin in dead earnest. You fool, I laugh at you
and despise you; you who in your insane infatuation have given
You are no longer the man I love, but _my slave_, at my mercy even
"First of all you shall have a taste of the whip in all seriousness,
With a wild grace she rolled back her fur-lined sleeve, and struck
I was silent.
"Just wait, you will yet whine like a dog beneath my whip," she
upon my back, arms, and neck; I had to grit my teeth not to scream
aloud. Now she struck me in the face, warm blood ran down, but she
joy to have some one so completely in one's power, and a man at that,
who loves you--you do love me?--No--Oh! I'll tear you to shreds yet,
and with each blow my pleasure will grow. Now, twist like a worm,
She tossed the whip aside, stretched out on the ottoman, and rang.
"Untie him!"
As they loosened the rope, I fell to the floor like a lump of wood.
"One step further," Wanda commanded. "Now kneel down, and kiss my
She extended her foot beyond the hem of white satin, and I, the
"Now, you won't lay eyes on me for an entire month, Gregor," she
said seriously. "I want to become a stranger to you, so you will more
will work in the garden, and await my orders. Now, off with you,
torments on me.
I am under the gardener's orders; I help him lop the trees and prune
the hedges, transplant flowers, turn over the flower beds, sweep the
go to bed with the chickens. Now and then I hear that our mistress
after to-morrow. What will she do with me now, or has she forgotten
me, and left me to trim hedges and bind bouquets till my dying day?
A written order.
Wanda Dunajew."
"Is it you, Gregor?" she asks, while I kneel before the fire-place,
cannot see her herself; she is invisible behind the curtains of the
four-poster bed.
I hasten to get it, and then kneel down with the tray beside her bed.
Wanda draws back the curtains, and curiously enough at the first
glance when I see her among the pillows with loosened flowing hair,
soft lines are gone. This face is hard and has an expression of
She fixes her green eyes upon me, more with curiosity than with
menace, perhaps even somewhat pityingly, and lazily pulls the dark
sway. She notices it and reached out for the whip which is lying on
the toilet-table.
possible. She eats her breakfast, yawns, and stretches her opulent
I hurry into the city, and hand the letter to the Prince. He is a
handsome young man with glowing black eyes. Consumed with jealousy,
"What is the matter with you?" she asks with lurking spitefulness.
both her and him. They joke, and I am, as if non-existent, for both.
For a brief moment I see black; I was just pouring some Bordeaux into
his glass, and spilled it over the table-cloth and her gown.
laughed, and she also, but I felt the blood rising to my face.
After luncheon she drove in the Cascine. She has a little carriage
with a handsome, brown English horse, and holds the reins herself.
I sit behind and notice how coquettishly she acts, and nods with a
As I help her out of the carriage, she leans lightly on my arm; the
For dinner at six she has invited a small group of men and women. I
serve, but this time I do not spill any wine over the table-cloth.
A slap in the face is more effective than ten lectures. It makes you
After dinner she drives to the Pergola Theater. As she descends the
stairs in her black velvet dress with its large collar of ermine and
I open the carriage-door, and help her in. In front of the theater
I leap from the driver's seat, and in alighting she leaned on my arm,
which trembled under the sweet burden. I open the door of her box,
and then wait in the vestibule. The performance lasts four hours; she
receives visits from her cavaliers, the while I grit my teeth with
last time.
"Fire!" she orders abruptly, and when the fire-place crackles, "Tea!"
When I return with the samovar, she has already undressed, and with
lovely limbs. I take them from the arm-chair, and hold them while she
slowly and lazily slides into the sleeves. She then throws herself
I kneel down and tug at the little shoe which resists my efforts.
"Hurry, hurry!" Wanda exclaims, "you are hurting me! just you wait--I
will teach you." She strikes me with the whip, but now the shoe is
ordered me to help her out of her furs; then with a proud smile,
I again waited with gloomy and monotonous thoughts, watching hour after
hour run by. From time to time the sounds of music reached me, when
the door remained open for a moment. Several servants tried to start
a conversation with me, but soon desisted, since I knew only a few
words of Italian.
There is a deep joy in wrapping a beautiful woman into her furs, and
in seeing and feeling how her neck and magnificent limbs nestle in
the precious soft furs, and to lift the flowing hair over the collar.
When she throws it off a soft warmth and a faint fragrance of her
Finally a day came when there were neither guests, nor theater, nor
reading, and apparently had no orders for me. At dusk when the
silvery evening mists fell she withdrew. I served her at dinner, she
I actually desire a slap from her hand. Tears fill my eyes, and I
feel that she has humiliated me so deeply, that she doesn't even find
"You will sleep here to-night, I had horrible dreams last night, and
am afraid of being alone. Take one of the cushions from the ottoman,
Then Wanda put out the lights. The only illumination in the room was
from a small lamp suspended from the ceiling. She herself got into
I did as she had commanded, but could not fall asleep for a long
back on the dark sleeping-furs; her arms beneath her neck, with a
flood of red hair over them. I heard her magnificent breast rise in
human beings, who have thoughts and feelings and a will like theirs?
When I knelt with the coffee-tray beside her bed, Wanda suddenly
placed her hand on my shoulder and her eyes plunged deep into mine.
"What beautiful eyes you have," she said softly, "and especially now
the can and cups fell to the floor, and the coffee ran over the
"Wanda--my Wanda," I cried out and held her passionately against me;
"It is my unhappiness that I love you more and more madly the worse
you treat me, the more frequently you betray me. Oh, I shall die of
"I have been absolutely faithful to you" replied Wanda, "I swear it
by all that is holy to me. All that I have done was merely to fulfill
accomplished, and in the end you will yet reproach me with not having
treated you cruelly enough, my dear beautiful slave! But to-day you
shall be Severin again, the only one I love. I haven't given away
your clothes. They are here in the chest. Go and dress as you used
Forget everything that has happened since; oh, you will forget it
me. Finally she said with a gracious smile, "Go now and dress, I too
When I returned she was standing in the center of the room in her
white satin dress, and the red _kazabaika_ edged with ermine; her hair
was white with powder and over her forehead she wore a small diamond
the Second, but she did not give me much time for reminiscences. She
drew me down on the ottoman beside her and we enjoyed two blissful
hours. She was no longer the stern capricious mistress, she was
and books which had just appeared, and talked about them with so much
intelligence, clarity, and good taste, that I more than once carried
placed her small hand gently on mine. Her expression was soft, and her
"Not yet."
She then leaned back on the cushions, and slowly opened her
But I quickly covered the half-bared breast again with the ermine.
I was already lying in her arms, and like a serpent she was kissing
me with her tongue, when again she whispered, "Are you happy?"
"Infinitely!" I exclaimed.
She laughed aloud. It was an evil, shrill laugh which made cold
lover-you fool! A sign from me, and you are a slave again. Down on
your knees!"
I sank down from the ottoman to her feet, but my eye still clung
doubtingly on hers.
"You can't believe it," she said, looking at me with her arms folded
across her breast. "I am bored, and you will just do to while away
into the garden, down to the little vineyard, which forms the
southern boundary. Corn had been planted between the espaliers, and
here and there a few dead stalks still stood. To one side was a
with their golden hair-needles. But this did not last long, before
Wanda appeared with her ermine cap on her head, and with her hands
in the pockets of her jacket. She had me untied, and then my hands
were fastened together on my back. She finally had a yoke put around
Then her black demons drove me out into the field. One of them held
the plough, the other one led me by a line, the third applied the
whip, and Venus in Furs stood to one side and looked on.
When I was serving dinner on the following day Wanda said: "Bring
another cover, I want you to dine with me to-day," and when I was
about to sit down opposite her, she added, "No, over here, close by
my side."
She is in the best of humors, gives me soup with her spoon, feeds me
with her fork, and places her head on the table like a playful kitten
and flirts with me. I have the misfortune of looking at Haydee, who
and, grinning, shows her teeth. She has hardly left the room, before
"What, you dare to look at another woman besides me! Perhaps you
like her even better than you do me, she is even more demonic!"
suddenly pale even to the lips and her whole body trembles. Venus in
Furs is jealous of her slave. She snatches the whip from its hook and
strikes me in the face; then she calls her black servants, who bind
me, and carry me down into the cellar, where they throw me into a
Then the lock of the door clicks, the bolts are drawn, a key sings
I have been lying here for I don't know how long, bound like a calf
lighted torch.
"Are you coming to kill me?" I reply with a low, hoarse voice.
With two rapid strides Wanda reaches my side, she kneels down beside
me, and places my head in her lap. "Are you ill? Your eyes glow so,
She draws forth a short dagger. I start with fright when its blade
kill me. She laughs, and cuts the ropes that bind me.
Every evening after dinner she now has me called. I have to read to
her, and she discusses with me all sorts of interesting problems and
entire being, and when at the good-night she gives me her hand, a
superhuman power of goodness and love lies in her eyes, of the kind
doesn't say a word, but she smiles from time to time, and finally she
"I do not command it, I beg it of you," she says with irresistible
charm. She then rises, puts her hands on my shoulders, and looks at
"I do this only to allure you the more," she replied vivaciously. "I
must have admirers, so as not to lose you. I don't ever want to lose
you, never, do you hear, for I love only you, you alone."
She slipped into a simple black velvet coat, and put a dark _bashlyk_
[Footnote: A kind of Russian cap.] on her head. Then she rapidly went
"Gregor will drive," she called out to the coachman who withdrew in
got out. It was night, only occasional stars shone through the gray
clouds that fled across the sky. By the bank of the Arno stood a man
waves. Wanda rapidly walked through the shrubbery, and tapped him on
the shoulder. I saw him turn and seize her hand, and then they
The man accompanied her to the carriage. The light of the lamp fell
full and glaringly upon an infinitely young, soft and dreamy face
which I had never before seen, and played in his long, blond curls.
She held out her hand which he kissed with deep respect, then she
signaled to me, and immediately the carriage flew along the leafy
mistress the German painter from the Cascine is here and would like--
Wanda had stepped out on the balcony, and nodded toward the stranger.
"Thanks, I'll find her now, thanks, thanks very much." He ran up the
steps. I remained standing below, and looked with deep pity on the
poor German.
Venus in Furs has caught his soul in the red snares of hair. He will
on the leaves of the clusters of trees down below in the green level
of the meadow. The camelias at the foot of the gallery are glorious
drawing. The German painter stands opposite her with his hands folded
But she does not see him, neither does she see me, who with the
see her and feel her nearness, which produces an effect on me like
The painter has gone. It is a hazardous thing to do, but I risk it.
I go up to the gallery, quite close, and ask Wanda "Do you love the
painter, mistress?"
She looks at me without getting angry, shakes her head, and finally
even smiles.
it was possible for me to love,_ but now I don't love even you any
"Soon, you too will no longer love me," she continued, "tell me when
you have reached that point, and I will give back to you your
"Then I shall remain your slave, all my life long, for I adore you
do," she said. "I have loved you infinitely and have been despotic
breast. When that too has gone who knows whether then I shall give
you your liberty; whether I shall not then become really cruel,
pleasure in tormenting and putting on the rack the man who worships
perhaps, I shall enjoy seeing him die of his love for me. Consider
fever. "I cannot exist, cannot live without you; I shall die if you
set me at liberty; let me remain your slave, kill me, but do not
drive me away."
"Very well then, be my slave," she replied, "but don't forget that
I no longer love you, and your love doesn't mean any more to me than
It was still early, and the little octagonal room in the Tribuna was
Not a human soul was in the gallery, not even an Englishman, and I
budding breasts, the virginal and yet voluptuous face, the fragrant
My mistress's bell.
"I want to bathe," she says, "and you will attend me. Lock the door!"
I obey.
"Now go downstairs and make sure the door below is also locked."
I descended the winding stairs that lead from her bedroom to the
bath; my feet gave way beneath me, and I had to support myself
against the iron banister. After having ascertained that the door
leading to the Loggia and the garden was locked, I returned. Wanda
was now sitting on the bed with loosened hair, wrapped in her green
velvet furs. When she made a rapid movement, I noticed that the furs
were her only covering. It made me start terribly, I don't know why?
I was like one condemned to death, who knows he is on the way to the
I lifted her up, so that she rested in my arms, while she twined
hers around my neck. Slowly, step by step, I went down the stairs
with her and her hair beat from time to time against my cheek and her
quiet light from a red glass cupola above. Two palms extended their
broad leaves like a roof over a couch of velvet cushions. From here
steps covered with Turkish rugs led to the white marble basin which
as I let her down on the couch, "go get it, and also bring the whip."
a large knot which I fastened with the green ribbon. Then I prepared
the bath. I did this very awkwardly because my hands and feet refused
to obey me. Again and again I had to look at the beautiful woman
lying on the red velvet cushions, and from time to time her wonderful
body gleamed here and there beneath the furs. Some magnetic power
acutely, when the basin at last was full, and Wanda threw off the fur-
cloak with a single gesture, and stood before me like the goddess in
the Tribuna.
She slowly descended the stairs, and I could watch her with a
intermingled. I could see her plunge into and rise out of the
crystalline water, and the wavelets which she herself raised played
And when she left the bath, and the silvery drops and the roseate
light rippled down her body, I was seized with silent rapture. I
wrapped the linen sheets about her, drying her glorious body. The
calm bliss remained with me, even now when one foot upon me as upon
The lithe sables nestled desirously against her cold marble-like body.
Her left arm on which she supported herself lay like a sleeping swan
in the dark fur of the sleeve, while her left hand played carelessly
and I cried out, for I saw the two of us in its golden frame as in
imaginative, that I was filled with deep sorrow at the thought that
"And why not?" I asked. "Would not any artist, even the most famous,
be proud if you gave him leave to paint you and make you immortal by
with its green fires, this demonic hair, this magnificence of body.
hand of an artist shall snatch you from this. You shall not like the
of your having been. Your picture must live, even when you yourself
have long fallen to dust; your beauty must triumph beyond death!"
Wanda smiled.
said, "but, perhaps, love will make amends for genius, who knows; our
"Yes, he shall paint you, and I will see to it that the god of love
red hair and green eyes! Only the idealism of a German would attempt
am. Our misfortune is that our Titania has discovered our ass's ears
too soon.
Now she laughs derisively at us, and how she laughs! I hear her
she exclaimed and laughed again. "Wait a moment, I will show you
another picture of myself, one that I myself have painted, and you
"Lead him to the bath," Wanda commanded, while she herself hurried
A few moments passed and Wanda arrived; dressed in nothing but the
sable fur, with the whip in her hand; she descended the stairs and
at her feet and she placed one of her feet upon me; her right hand
played with the whip. "Look at me," she said, "with your deep,
The painter had turned terribly pale. He devoured the scene with his
beautiful dreamy blue eyes; his lips opened, but he remained dumb.
"Yes, that is how I want to paint you," said the German, but it was
The charcoal outline of the painting is done; the heads and flesh
parts are painted in. Her diabolical face is already becoming visible
Wanda stands in front of the canvas with her arms crossed over her
"And what will you call it?" she asked, "but what is the matter with
"I imagine the goddess of love as having descended from Mount Olympus
of ours, she seeks to keep her sublime body warm in a large heavy fur
and her feet in the lap of her lover. I imagine the favorite of a
beautiful despot, who whips her slave, when she is tired of kissing
him, and the more she treads him underfoot, the more insanely he loves
The painter paints slowly, but his passion grows more and more
with him and propounds riddles to him which he cannot solve, and he
During the sitting she nibbles at candies, and rolls the paper-
"I am glad you are in such good humor," said the painter, "but your
"The expression which you need for your picture," she replied,
She rose, and dealt me a blow with the whip. The painter looked at
While whipping me, Wanda's face acquired more and more of the cruel,
"Is this the expression you need for your picture?" she exclaimed.
The painter lowered his look in confusion before the cold ray of her
"Yes--" he moaned--
"Well--are you still brave enough to put yourself into the power of
Venus in Furs, the beautiful despot, for better or worse?" she began
"Yes, tie me," the painter replied dully. Wanda tied his hands on
his back and drew a rope through his arms and a second one around his
body, and fettered him to the cross-bars of the window. Then she
rolled back the fur, seized the whip, and stepped in front of him.
The scene had a grim attraction for me, which I cannot describe. I
felt my heart beat, when, with a smile, she drew back her arm for the
first blow, and the whip hissed through the air. He winced slightly
under the blow. Then she let blow after blow rain upon him, with her
mouth half-opened and her teeth flashing between her red lips, until
he finally seemed to ask for mercy with his piteous, blue eyes. It
was indescribable.
Is she afraid of him? She has driven him insane enough to be sure,
understand a word, and she replies in the same way. What is the
He kneels down before her, embraces her, and presses his head
consumed with desire and passion, can't you even imagine what I
She drew it quickly from the pocket of her fur-coat, and struck him
in the face with the handle. He rose, and drew back a couple of paces.
"Now, are you ready to paint again?" she asked indifferently. He did
not reply, but again went to the easel and took up his brush and
far as the likeness goes couldn't be better, and at the same time it
The painter has put all his sufferings, his adoration, and all his
Now he is painting me; we are alone together for several hours every
day. To-day he suddenly turned to me with his vibrant voice and said:
"I also love her." His eyes were bathed in tears. He remained silent
"Oh, you have already paid me," he said, with a tormented smile,
"I shall take it along," he said, "it is mine; she can't take it
"I am really rather sorry for the poor painter," she said to me to-
"Oh, I forgot that I am talking with a slave; I need some fresh air,
diamond-agraffe; her red hair falls loose down her back. She ascends
on the driver's seat, and holds the reins herself; I take my seat
behind. How she lashes on the horses! The carriage flies along like
As soon as he sees Wanda, he stops his horse and makes it walk. When
he is quite close, he stops entirely and lets her pass. And she too
sees him--the lioness, the lion. Their eyes meet. She madly drives
past him, but she cannot tear herself free from the magic power of
a man whose like I have never yet seen among the living. He is in the
musculature, with the same face and the same waving curls. What makes
less narrow, one might take him for a woman in disguise. The curious
expression about the mouth, the lion's lip which slightly discloses
leather, short fur coat of black cloth, of the kind worn by Italian
cavalry officers, trimmed with astrakhan and many rich loops; on his
I have never seen my lioness so excited. Her cheeks flamed when she
left from the carriage at her villa. She hurried upstairs, and with
Walking up and down her room with long strides, she began to talk so
"You are to find out who the man in the Cascine was, immediately--
"Oh, what a man! Did you see him? What do you think of him? Tell me."
"You may imagine," she laughed aloud, "that this man is my lover,
and that he will apply the lash to you, and that you will enjoy being
punished by him.
Wanda was still fully dressed when I returned. She reclined on the
ottoman, her face buried in her hands, her hair in a wild tangle,
I nodded.
"Scarcely older than you. They say he was educated in Paris, and
be tremendously rich--"
"I didn't ask you about that," she interrupted quickly and sharply.
Has he a wife?"
"A mistress?"
and Salvini are acting; they are the greatest living artists in
"See that you get a box--and be quick about it!" she commanded.
"But, mistress--"
"You can wait down in the lobby," she said when I had placed the
opera-glasses and the programme on the edge of her box and adjusted
the footstool.
as not to fall down with envy and rage--no, rage isn't the right
I saw her in her box dressed in blue moire, with a huge ermine cloak
about her bare shoulders; he sat opposite. I saw them devour each
other with their eyes. For both of them the stage, Goldoni's _Pamela,_
Salvini, Marini, the public, even the entire world, were non-existant
To-day she is attending the ball at the Greek ambassador's. Does she
At any rate she dressed, as if she did. A heavy sea-green silk dress
plastically encloses her divine form, leaving the bust and arms bare.
In her hair, which is done into a single flaming knot, a white water-
loose strands fall down toward her neck. There no longer is any trace
calm, that I feel my blood congealing and my heart growing cold under
her glance. Slowly, with a weary, indolent majesty, she ascends the
marble staircase, lets her precious wrap slide off, and listlessly
silvery mist.
For a few moments my eyes follow her in a daze, then I pick up her
furs, which without my being aware, had slipped from my hands. They
He has arrived.
beautiful, haughty despot who plays with the lives and souls of men.
He stands in the ante-room, looking around proudly, and his eyes rest
presentiment that this man can enchain her, captivate her, subjugate
a slave.
long exchange of looks. I saw her float through the hall in his arms,
drunken, lying with half-closed lids against his breast. I saw him
but as master, and she at his feet. On my knees I served them, the
tea-tray faltering in my hands, and I saw him reach for the whip.
him with love-letters. An Italian singer, famous equally for his art
and his passionate intensity, even invaded his home, and lying on his
favor, but you will have to carry out your threat, for I am a man."
The drawing-room has already thinned out to a marked degree, but she
At last I hear the rustling of her heavy gown which flows along
behind her like green waves. She advances step by step, engaged in
I hardly exist for her any longer; she doesn't even trouble to give
me an order.
While I put her furs about her, he stands to one side with his arms
lightly supports herself with her hand on his shoulder. She asks:
"When the lion whom she has chosen and with whom she lives is
lioness quietly lies down and watches the battle. Even if her mate
he bleeds to death under his opponent's claws, and follows the victor,
She did not go to bed, but merely threw off her ball-dress and undid
her hair; then she ordered me to build a fire, and she sat by the
I left the room, passed through the gallery, and sat down on one of
the steps, leading from there down into the garden. A gentle north
wind brought a fresh, damp coolness from the Arno, the green hills
extended into the distance in a rosy mist, a golden haze hovered over
with my hands, but I lacked the courage to meet it. My strength was
During the day she remained locked in her room, and had the negress
attend her. When the evening star rose glowing in the blue sky, I saw
She stood before the divine image of the goddess, her hands folded
as in prayer, and the sacred light of the star of love casts its blue
On my couch at night the fear of losing her and despair took such
lighted the little red oil-lamp which hung in the corridor beneath
a saint's image, and entered her bedroom, covering the light with one
had fallen asleep among her pillows, lying on her back, her hands
withdrew my hand, and let the red light fall full on her wonderful
I gently set the lamp on the floor, sank down beside Wanda's bed,
She moved slightly, but even now did not awaken. I do not know how
long I lay thus in the middle of the night, turned as into a stone
by horrible torments.
tears flowed over her arm. She quivered several times and finally sat
up; she brushed her hand across her eyes, and looked at me.
"Severin," she began anew. "My poor unhappy friend." Her hand gently
stroked my hair. "I am sorry, very sorry for you; but I can't help
you; with the best intention in the world I know of nothing that
little bit of pity for me? Has the beautiful stranger taken complete
possession of you?"
"I cannot lie," she replied softly after a short pause. "He has made
sort I have met with in the works of poets or on the stage, but I
like a lion, strong and beautiful and yet gentle, not brutal like the
men of our northern world. I am sorry for you, Severin, I am; but I
to be his wife, belong to him for always. Oh! Do not drive me away!
"He does not love you," I went on passionately, "but I love you, I
She looked at me again, and her face had her cold heartless
"You say he doesn't love me," she said, scornfully. "Very well then,
With this she turned over on the other side, and contemptuously
"Good God, are you a woman without flesh or blood, haven't you a
"You know what I am," she replied, coldly. "I am a woman of stone,
For a long time silence reigned, then Wanda slowly raised herself.
I leaped up, and snatched the poinard, which hung beside her bed,
"I shall kill myself here before your eyes," I murmured dully.
"Do what you please," Wanda replied with complete indifference. "But
at the same time. Finally I placed the poinard in my belt, and again
"I want to go to sleep! Don't you hear!" she cried, leaping angrily
out of bed and pushing me away with her foot. "You forget that I am
your mistress?" When I didn't budge, she seized the whip and struck
"Wretch, slave!"
With clenched fist held heavenward, I left her bedroom with a sudden
resolve. She tossed the whip aside, and broke out into clear
very droll.
I have determined to set myself free from this heartless woman, who
has treated me so cruelly, and is now about to break faith and betray
suffered from her. I packed my few belongings into a bundle, and then
"Dear Madam,--
ever has given himself to a woman. You have abused my most sacred
long as you were merely cruel and merciless, it was still possible for
the slave whom you can kick about and whip. You yourself have set me
Severin Kusiemski."
whither?--to her, whom I abhor, and yet, at the same time, adore.
She has my word of honor and my bond, that I shall remain her slave
I go through the Cascine down to the Arno, where its yellow waters
without even having put his lips to the cup of life. I thought of my
dead nurse, my childhood playmates, the friends that had striven and
studied with me; of all those, covered by the cold, dead, indifferent
I laughed aloud, and slid down into the water, but at the same
yellow waves. As in a vision, I see the woman who has caused all my
misery. She hovers above the level of the water, luminous in the
sunlight as though she were transparent, with red flames about her
head and neck. She turns her face toward me and smiles.
Well, let her kill me. I am unable to do it myself, and yet I have
no wish to go on living.
over the railing. Her face is full in the light of the sun, and her
"Still alive?" she asked, without moving. I stood silent, with bowed
"I suppose you lost it in the Arno?" She shrugged her shoulders. "No
"I can't."
Wanda drives in the Cascine without me, and goes to the theater
without me; she receives company, and the negress serves her. No one
asks after me. I stray about the garden, irresolutely, like an animal
a seed.
neck; the Greek is with her. They are in an eager discussion, but I
his foot so that the gravel scatters about in all directions, and he
He has left her, she calls him; he does not hear her, does not want
Wanda sadly lowers her head, and then sits down on the nearest stone-
bench. She sits for a long time, lost in thought. I watch her with
force of will, and ironically step before her. She startles, and
"I come to wish you happiness," I said, bowing, "I see, my dear
"Yes, thank God!" she exclaimed, "not a new slave, I have had enough
well, take him as your husband, let him be your master, but I want
"You want to remain my slave, even then?" she said, "that would be
demanded that I dismiss you immediately, and when I told him who you
"I told him everything," she replied, "our whole story, all your
embraced her knees. "I don't want anything of you, except to be your
"You are now no longer cruel, but cheap," I said, clearly and
"You have already written that in your letter," Wanda replied, with
a proud shrug of the shoulders. "A man of brains should never repeat
"The way you are treating me," I broke out, "what would you call it?"
"I might punish you," she replied ironically, "but I prefer this
accuse me. Haven't I always been honest with you? Haven't I warned
you more than once? Didn't I love you with all my heart, even
passionately, and did I conceal the fact from you, that it was
foot, the whip of an arrogant, cruel woman. What do you want now?
abusing you, it is your fault; you have made of me what I now am, and
"A fire of straw," she replied, "which makes a lot of stir for a
moment, and goes out as quickly as it flared up. You imagine you can
intimidate me, and you only make yourself ridiculous. Had you been
the man I first thought you were, serious, reserved, stern, I would
have loved you faithfully, and become your wife. Woman demands that
she can look up to a man, but one like you who voluntarily places his
neck under her foot, she uses as a welcome plaything, only to toss
"Don't challenge me," exclaimed Wanda. Her eyes began to flash, and
"What play is this from?" she mocked, seizing me by the breast. She
was pale with anger at this moment. "Don't challenge me," she
continued, "I am not cruel, but I don't know whether I may not become
"What worse can you do, than to make your lover, your husband?" I
"I might make you _his_ slave," she replied quickly, "are you not in
"I am entirely rational," she said, calmly. "I warn you for the last
time. Don't offer any resistance, one who has gone as far as I have
gone might easily go still further. I feel a sort of hatred for you,
and would find a real joy in seeing him beat you to death; I am still
forced her to the ground, so that she lay on her knees before me.
"Severin!" she cried. Rage and terror were painted on her face.
"I shall kill you if you marry him," I threatened; the words came
hoarsely and dully from my breast. "You are mine, I won't let you go,
I love you too much." Then I clutched her and pressed her close to
me; my right hand involuntarily seized the dagger which I still had
in my belt.
"I like you that way," she said, carelessly. "Now you are a man, and
"Wanda," I wept with rapture, and bent down over her, covering her
dear face with kisses, and she, suddenly breaking into a loud gay
laugh, said, "Have you finished with your ideal now, are you
you--you foolish, little man, didn't know that everything was only
you with the whip, when I would have rather taken your head and
covered it with kisses. But now we are through with that, aren't we?
I have played my cruel role better than you expected, and now you
"Now, you are no longer Gregor, my slave," said she, "but Severin,
"How could you imagine my loving a man of his brutal type? You were
"Really?" she cried, "ah, I still tremble at the thought, that you
"But you saved me," I replied, tenderly. "You hovered over the
I have a curious feeling when I now hold her in my arms and she lies
silently against my breast and lets me kiss her and smiles. I feel
like a shipwrecked man who has for many days battled with waves that
"I hate this Florence, where you have been so unhappy," she
letters for me, and, while you are doing that, I will drive to the
Early in the morning she knocked at my door to ask how I had slept.
She has now been gone for over four hours. I have long since
finished the letters, and am now sitting in the gallery, looking down
probably the sufferings of the past days, which still cast their
her hand.
"Yes, dear heart," she replied, "and we shall leave to-night. Help
me pack my trunks."
letters myself. I took her carriage, and was back within an hour.
"Mistress has asked for you," said the negress, with a grin, as I
"No one," she replied, crouching down on the steps like a black cat.
I slowly passed through the drawing-room, and then stood before her
bedroom door.
the ottoman, and does not seem to notice me. How beautiful she looks,
"Oh Severin," she cried out joyously. "I have been impatiently
waiting for you." She leaped up, and folded me in her arms. She sat
down again on the rich cushions and tried to draw me down to her
side, but I softly slid down to her feet and placed my head in her
"Do you know I am very much in love with you to-day?" she whispered,
"How beautiful your eyes are, I have always loved them as the best
stir you with the fire of love," she said, and again clung fawningly
again, evidently I have been too kind to you to-day. Do you know, you
little fool, what I shall do, I shall whip you for a while--"
"But child--"
"Come, let me bind you," she continued, and ran gaily through the
room. "I want to see you very much in love, do you understand? Here
She began with fettering my feet and then she tied my hands behind
"So," she said, with gay eagerness. "Can you still move?"
She then tied a noose in a stout rope, threw it over my head, and
let it slip down as far as the hips. She drew it tight, and bound me
to a pillar.
low voice.
"I shall gladly give you that pleasure," she replied. She got her
her arms folded across her chest, and looked at me out of half-closed
"As soon as the iron ox began to get hot, and the condemned person
began to cry out in his torment, his wails sounded like the bellowing
of an ox.
"It was you who innoculated me with selfishness, pride, and cruelty,
and _you shall be their first victim._ I now literally enjoy having a
human being that thinks and feels and desires like myself in my power;
"So much the better," she replied, "and so much the more will you
"What is the matter with you?" I asked. "I don't understand you,
there is a gleam of real cruelty in your eyes to-day, and you are
Without replying Wanda placed her arms around my neck and kissed me.
At the same instant the beautiful Greek stuck his head of black
back, when my rival stepped from the bed in his riding boots, his
tight-fitting white breeches, and his short velvet jacket, and I saw
does not easily part from life, whoever suffers or is needy meets
"But whoever wants to enjoy must take life gaily in the sense of the
and use them for his service and pleasure without remorse. It is not
his affair whether they like it, or whether they go to rack and ruin.
He must always remember this, that if they had him in their power,
as he has them they would act in exactly the same way, and he would
have to pay for their pleasure with his sweat and blood and soul. That
was the world of the ancients: pleasure and cruelty, liberty and slavery
went hand in hand. People who want to live like the gods of Olympus
must of necessity have slaves whom they can toss into their fish-
ponds, and gladiators who will do battle, the while they banquet, and
"Can he tear himself free?" she asked. "He has threatened to kill me."
"No one will hear you," replied Wanda, "and no one will hinder me
with you." she continued, repeating with satanic mockery phrases from
my letter to her.
I also about to become cheap? What? Do you still love me, or do you
already hate and despise me? Here is the whip--" She handed it to the
permit it--"
"Oh, because I don't wear furs," the Greek replied with an ironical
"You are adorable," exclaimed Wanda, kissing him, and helping him
The Greek fixed his cold tigerish look upon me and tried out the
whip. His muscles swelled when he drew back his arms, and made the
whip hiss through the air. I was bound like Marsyas while Apollo was
My look wandered about the room and remained fixed on the ceiling,
where Samson, lying at Delilah's feet, was about to have his eyes put
"Now watch me break him in," said the Greek. He showed his teeth,
force that I quivered under each blow, and began to tremble all over
with pain. Tears rolled down over my cheeks. In the meantime Wanda
and despair.
What was most humiliating was that at first I felt a certain wild,
whipped on and on, blow after blow, until I forgot all about poetry,
and lust have led man, ever since Holofernes and Agamemnon--into a
blind alley, into the net of woman's treachery, into misery, slavery,
and death.
Blood was already flowing under the whip. I wound like a worm that
laugh without mercy. In the meantime she locked her packed trunk and
slipped into her travelling furs, and was still laughing, when she
I listened breathlessly.
become a soldier and go to Asia or Algiers, but my father was old and
So I quietly returned home and for two years helped him bear his
burdens, and learned how to look after the estate which I had never
rationally as if the old man were standing behind me, looking over
Now that over three years have passed since that night in Florence,
your insane passion. From the moment that you became my slave, I knew
I found the strong man for whom I felt a need, and I was as happy
About a year ago he fell in a duel, and since then I have been living
And you?--Your life surely is not without its sunshine, if you have
I hope you have been cured under my whip; the cure was cruel, but
_Venus in Furs_."
stood before me in her velvet jacket trimmed with ermine, with the
whip in her hand. And I continued to smile at the woman I had once
at the whip, and ended by smiling at myself and saying: The cure was
cruel, but radical; but the main point is, I have been cured.
"Oh, they are used to it," he replied eagerly, "but imagine the
educating her, is his enemy. She can only be his slave or his despot,
but _never his companion._ This she can become only when she has
the same rights as he, and is his equal in education and work.
"At present we have only the choice of being hammer or anvil, and I
was the kind of donkey who let a woman make a slave of him, do you
"The blows, as you see, have agreed with me; the roseate supersensual
mist has dissolved, and no one can ever make me believe again that