SD User Exits
SD User Exits
SD User Exits
System modifications for sales document processing affect different areas. Depending on the modification, you make
the changes in the program components provided:
For entering metadata for sales document processing. User-specific metadata must start with "ZZ".
For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing which are called up by
the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior to output of the screen. The modules must
start with "ZZ".
For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing. These are called up by
the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data input (for example, data validation). The
modules must start with "ZZ".
For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may be required and can be
used if necessary. These program components are called up by the modules in MV45AOZZ or MV45AIZZ.
User exits in the screens
Additional header data is on screen SAPMV45A 0309, additional item data on screen
SAPMV45A 0459. These screens contain the Include screens SAPMV45A 8309 or SAPMV45A
8459 as user exits.
Fields which are also to be included in the sales document for a specific installation should be
included on the Include screens for maintaining. If an application-specific check module is
needed for the fields, this can be included in the Include MV45AIZZ. The module is called up in
the processing logic of the Include screens.
For field transports, you do not have to make changes or adjustments.
Billing User exit : RV60AFZZ
Debug CIF Queues
In order to debug CIF related user exits or other CIF queues, set the R/3 RFC user (e.g. STGUSER) to
Dialog user and then set queues to Debugging On/Record T/QRFCs in the transaction CFC2 in R/3. This is
for queues coming inbound to APO. For queues coming inbound to R/3 set the APO RFC user id (e.g.
The table BDCPV is to store Change Pointers in both APO and R/3
Activate CIF debugging for all outbound queues in APO.
Go to transaction /SAPAPO/C4 and make an entry for your user. Make sure your logon carries all
relevant authorizations. This ensures that every queue object created gets blocked in the outbound port.
Go to APO queue manager (/SAPAPO/CQ) and notice that an outbound queue is waiting to be
Click on the SMQ1/SMQ2 button and it takes you to R/3 SOS (RD7) inbound queue