This document is an application for Valencia College's B.S. in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences program or an Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI. It collects information such as contact details, education history, professional certifications, and a declaration agreeing to background checks and clinical participation requirements. Applicants must submit proof of relevant work experience within the past 12 months if their degree was earned more than 12 months ago. The non-refundable $15 application fee must be paid to the Business Office when submitting the application.
This document is an application for Valencia College's B.S. in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences program or an Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI. It collects information such as contact details, education history, professional certifications, and a declaration agreeing to background checks and clinical participation requirements. Applicants must submit proof of relevant work experience within the past 12 months if their degree was earned more than 12 months ago. The non-refundable $15 application fee must be paid to the Business Office when submitting the application.
This document is an application for Valencia College's B.S. in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences program or an Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI. It collects information such as contact details, education history, professional certifications, and a declaration agreeing to background checks and clinical participation requirements. Applicants must submit proof of relevant work experience within the past 12 months if their degree was earned more than 12 months ago. The non-refundable $15 application fee must be paid to the Business Office when submitting the application.
This document is an application for Valencia College's B.S. in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences program or an Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI. It collects information such as contact details, education history, professional certifications, and a declaration agreeing to background checks and clinical participation requirements. Applicants must submit proof of relevant work experience within the past 12 months if their degree was earned more than 12 months ago. The non-refundable $15 application fee must be paid to the Business Office when submitting the application.
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Valencia College
Health Sciences Program Application
for the B.S. in Radiologic and Imaging Sciences (BSRAD) or an Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI
This application is to be submitted once you have received notification of admission to Valencia as a candidate for the BSRAD Degree or the Advanced Technical Certificate in CT or MRI.
The program you are seeking (select ONE): _____BSRAD Degree _____CT Certificate _____MRI Certificate Date of Application: __________________________ Valencia ID (Required) ___________________________ Name (Last) (First) ______________________ (Middle)______________ Home Address City, State, Zip ___ Phone Number(s) with Area Code ____________________________ _____________________________ Atlas E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Birth Date __________________ Male ____ Female ____ Race (Optional) _______________________
Have you reviewed the current Program Guide for the program you are seeking to see that you meet the admission requirements? _____Yes _____No
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? ____Yes ____No If you have applied to, or been enrolled in, another limited access Health Sciences program at Valencia in the past 12 months, indicate which one(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________
Indicate the current professional certification(s) you hold and attach a copy of your certification to this application: ____Radiography (ARRT) ____Radiation Therapy (ARRT) ____Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARRT or ARDMS) ____Nuclear Medicine Technology (ARRT or NMTCB)
Indicate degree field of study and level of degree earned: Radiography ____Associate or ____Bachelors Radiation Therapy ____Associate or ____Bachelors Diagnostic Medical Sonography ____Associate or ____Bachelors Nuclear Medicine Technology ____Associate or ____Bachelors
Institution where degree was earned: ____________________________________________________________
Month/year of graduation with this degree: ______________________/__________
Do you hold an Associate in Arts (AA) Degree? ____Yes ____No
If yes, name of institution where AA Degree was earned:___________________________________________
If you do not hold a Bachelors Degree in Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Sonography or Nuclear Medicine Technology, do you hold a Bachelors Degree? ____Yes ____No
If yes, name of institution where Bachelors Degree was earned:______________________________________
FOR APPLICATION TO AN ADVANCED TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE IN EITHER CT OR MRI: If your Associate or Bachelors Degree graduation in the field was not in the twelve months prior to submission of this application, you must Attach documentation of employment in the area of professional certification within the twelve months prior to program application OR Complete RTE 3116 Advanced Patient Care prior to taking RTE 4941L Practicum. (Offered only in Summer Term)
I am submitting this application for an ATC and I _____have been employed in the field within the past 12 months and am submitting documentation with this application of the specific work and dates of employment on official letterhead OR _____earned my degree in the field more than 12 months ago and have not been employed in the field within the past 12 months and know that I must successfully complete RTE 3116 Advanced Patient Care prior to enrolling in the Practicum.
DECLARATION I understand that all courses are offered online with the exception of the Practicum course. I understand that it is fraudulent to misrepresent any information on this application and I affirm that all information on this application is true. I understand that, if admitted to this program, I must submit to a criminal background check and drug testing, document immunizations and other requirements for clinical participation, and be free of offenses that would disqualify me from the program. I have read and understand the necessary performance standards.
______________________________________________ ___________________ Signature Date
A non-refundable Health Sciences Program Application fee of $15. must be submitted to the Business Office with each application. In person, you may pay by credit card, debit card, cash, check or money order; a check or money order must be payable to Valencia College.
By mail: Please mail the application together with a check or money order payable to Valencia College to the address listed below. Do not send separately. Valencia College, Business Office, PO Box 4913, Orlando, FL 32802
In person: Please make payment to the West Campus Business Office in the Student Services Building (SSB), Room 101 before turning in your application to the Health Sciences Advising Office on the West Campus in Building 1, Room 130. OR
Please make payment to the Business Office on any Valencia campus and request that the Business Office staff forward your Health Sciences Program Application and application fee receipt to the Health Sciences Advising Office on West Campus.