March 18 2009
March 18 2009
March 18 2009
Figure 3
4. (a) A R.C. framed building is 45 m × 15 m in plan and 50 m in height consisting
of stories 4 m in height. It is braced in the longitudinal direction by rigid
frame action and by a R.C. infill wall in the transverse direction. Determine
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Code No: R05410105 Set No. 1
the design wind force on the framed building. Assume that the building is
situated in terrain category 3 with basic wind speed of 50 m/sec in a fully
developed velocity profile.
(b) What are the factors that affect the response of the structure during an earth-
quake? [8+8]
6. A 4 storeyed (G+3) R.C. office building built in medium soil has a ground plan of
20m × 15m. The imposed load on the roof is 1.5 kN/m2 and that on the floors is
3 kN/m2 . Determine the seismic load on the frame by I.S.1893 code. Assume that
there is a shear wall in the Y-direction. The roof and floor slabs are 150 mm thick.
The size of the beam is 250mm × 400 mm. The size of the column is 400mm ×
500mm. The total height of the building is 12 m and each floor is 3m. There is a
12cm thick brick wall around each floor of the building. The location is in Zone-III.
Assume, SMRF construction is used. AS shown in figure 6. [16]
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Code No: R05410105 Set No. 1
Figure 6
7. (a) What are the measures, one can take for improving the ductility of a reinforced
concrete structure?
(b) What are the design requirements of beam-column joints in earthquake resis-
tant design? [8+8]
8. A bar bell type shear wall with central part 3600 mm x 150 mm and two 400 mm
x 400 mm strong bands at each end is supported on a footing 8 m x 4 m, which
rests on soil whose modulus is 30,000 kN/m3 . Determine the lateral stiffness of the
3 of 4
Code No: R05410105 Set No. 1
wall. Use M 20 grade concrete. The height of the wall is 13 m. Also calculate the
lateral stiffness of the wall for a point load at the top, assuming that the wall is
rigidly held at its base. Shown in figure 8. [16]
Figure 8
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Code No: R05410105 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
Figure 3
4. (a) Explain, how the Architectural features affect buildings during earthquakes?
(b) Write short notes on the following:
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Code No: R05410105 Set No. 2
i. Design basis earthquake (DBE)
ii. Maximum considered earthquake (MCE). [8+8]
7. (a) What are the limits placed on tensile reinforcement ratios in beams in earth-
quake resistant design? why are such limits enforced?
(b) What are the salient features of the specifications of I.S. 13920 for the design
and detailing of beams in earthquake resistant design? [8+8]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410105 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) List the various methods of evaluating the damping in SDOF systems. Explain
any one method in detail.
(b) What is Duhamel integral? Explain, how you evaluate the Duhamel integral,
numerically, for an undamped system. [8+8]
3. (a) What are the lumped mass and consistent mass matrices?
(b) Formulate the Stiffness matrix for the frame shown in the figure 3. [6+10]
Figure 3
4. (a) A R.C. framed building is 45 m × 15 m in plan and 40 m in height consisting
of stories 4 m in height. It is braced in the longitudinal direction by rigid
frame action and by a R.C. infill wall in the transverse direction. Determine
the design wind force on the framed building. Assume that the building is
situated in terrain category 3 with basic wind speed of 50 m/sec in a fully
developed velocity profile.
(b) Explain the Static and Dynamic effects of wind on various types of structures.
5. (a) What are the precautions to be taken at the design stage for ensuring a high
quality structure?
(b) Why are open ground storey buildings vulnerable to earthquakes? [8+8]
1 of 2
Code No: R05410105 Set No. 3
6. (a) Draw the schematic c/s through a traditional stone masonry building. What
are the various ways in which these buildings may suffer damage due to earth-
(b) A tall building is to be erected at the outskirts of Hyderabad. The terrain
belongs to category 1 and the building is a class B structure. Determine the
maximum lateral pressure (considering windward & leeward faces ) at a height
of 40 m if the building has medium permeability. The height to width ratio
of the building is 6.5 and the length to width ratio is 1.5. [8+8]
7. In a multi storey RCC frame building, a typical floor beam with 140 mm thick
slab carries service negative bending moment and shear force of 500 kN.m and 360
kN respectively at the face of beam-column joint due to gravity and seismic loads.
The size of the beam web has been fixed at 345 mm × 500 mm from architectural
considerations. The effective cover to tension steel is 55mm. Design the beam
section for adequate ductility. The materials used are M 20 concrete and Fe 415
steel. [16]
8. Design a shear wall of length 4.16 m and thickness 250 mm subjected to the fol-
lowing forces. Use M 25 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. The wall is a high
wall with the following loadings. Shown in figure 8.
Figure 8
S.No. Loading Axial force (kN ) Moment (kN. m) Shear (kN)
1. DL + LL 1900 600 20 [16]
2. Seismic load 250 4700 700
2 of 2
Code No: R05410105 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What are the characteristics of P-Waves & S-Waves? Sketch these waves.
(b) Explain the “Elastic rebound theory” of earthquake generation. [8+8]
Figure 2
Determine the following:
3. (a) Prove that the mode shapes are orthogonal with respect to mass matrix.
(b) Determine the natural frequencies of vibration and corresponding Mode shapes
for the 2-storied building frame shown in the figure 3. [4+12]
1 of 2
Code No: R05410105 Set No. 4
Figure 3
4. (a) An industrial building of 15 m height is being built at Hyderabad, near a
hillock. The height of the hill is 160 m and the slope is 1 in 4. The building is
proposed on the slope at a horizontal distance of 100 m from the base of the
hill. Find the design wind pressure.
(b) Explain the Static and Dynamic effects of wind on various types of structures.
6. (a) Draw the schematic c/s through a traditional stone masonry building. What
are the various ways in which these buildings may suffer damage due to earth-
(b) A tall building is to be erected at the outskirts of Hyderabad. The terrain
belongs to category 1 and the building is a class B structure. Determine the
maximum lateral pressure (considering windward & leeward faces ) at a height
of 40 m if the building has medium permeability. The height to width ratio
of the building is 6.5 and the length to width ratio is 1.5. [8+8]
7. (a) What is meant by ductility? Give a qualitative description and also describe
briefly quantitative measures of ductility in reinforced concrete.
(b) What are the salient features of the specifications of I.S. 13920 for the design
and detailing of beams in earthquake resistant design? [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the differences between an ordinary wall and a shear wall in a rein-
forced concrete tall building, with regard to function, loading and design.
(b) Explain the principle of shear wall analysis. How do you compute the stiffness
of the wall? [8+8]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410106 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Draw the flow chart of treating waste water of a typical Food processing industry.
2. What are the main differences between volume reduction and strength reduction?
3. Draw a sketch and explain the process of disposal of waste water into an Ocean.
4. What are the most common industrial waste water reuse applications? What are
the most important issues to be addressed? [16]
5. (a) Explain the processing of raw cotton to finished cloth with the help of a flow
(b) Describe the treatment of Viscose - Rayon waste. ][8+8]
6. Explain the effects of the following industrial effluent on aquatic environment when
discharged without treatment
7. Explain the Complete treatment of sugar mill waste with the help of a flow diagram.
1 of 1
Code No: R05410106 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the treatment of waste water from Brewery industrial waste. [16]
3. Explain the Oxygen sag curve in streams when industrial waste water is disposed
into streams. [16]
4. Explain the various types of advanced treatments required for recirculation of In-
dustrial waste water. [16]
5. (a) Describe the different stages involved in the tanning process with the help of
a flow. diagram.
(b) Explain the average compositions of Spent liquor and Combined wastes of a
typical Indian Tannery. [8+8]
6. Explain the effects of the following industrial effluent on aquatic environment when
discharged without treatment
7. (a) Explain Rolling mills and their wastes in the manufacture of steel. Also explain
the characteristics of wastes.
(b) Discuss the characteristics of a typical power plant waste. Also discuss the
effects of steel plants waste on receiving water. [8+8]
8. Explain how do you plan and data required for design of the common effluent
treatment plant for the following industries:
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Code No: R05410106 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Draw the flow chart of treating waste water of a typical Food processing industry.
3. Explain the suitability of discharge of industrial waste into natural streams. [16]
4. What are the factors to be considered for the use of treated municipal waste water
in industries? [16]
6. Explain the treatment of Fertilizer waste water in detail with the help of a flow
diagram. [16]
7. (a) What is coke Oven plant in the manufacture of Steel. Also Discuss the source
and types of waste water from coke Oven Plant.
(b) Describe the treatment of coal washery waste by coagulation. [8+8]
8. Explain how do you plan and data required for design of the common effluent
treatment plant for the following industries:
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Code No: R05410106 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Boilers and cooling water? [16]
2. What are the main differences between volume reduction and strength reduction?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of disposal of industrial waste into
streams? [16]
5. (a) Discuss in detail, composition of wastes from cotton Textile, Woolen Textile
and Viscose Rayon Plants.
(b) Explain the manufacturing of Synthetic fabrics. [8+8]
6. (a) What are the various sources of waste water from a molasses based disillary.
Mention the typical characteristics waste water from each source.
(b) Explain the various treatment process schemes of distillary effluent by means
of neat process flow diagrams. [8+8]
7. (a) Write a detailed note on Blast Furnace waste water and its characteristics.
(b) What are the effects of Steel Plants waste on receiving water. Also discuss
disposal of waste pickle Liquor. [8+8]
8. What are the different media’s available for ultimate disposal of industrial waste
waters ? Mention the typical tolerable limits of various physical and chemical
parameters of effluent to be discharged in these media’s. [16]
1 of 1
Set No.1
Code No: R05 410107
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Advanced Foundation Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 A square footing of 2.5 x 2.5 m in dimension resting on sand at 1.25 m depth. The
horizontal force is 0.15 times to the vertical force. Ground slope is 100 and base tilt is
100. Unit weight of the sand 16.5 kN/m3, c = 0 and φ = 300. The water table at great
depth. Using Hansen theory, Compute the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the footing.
For φ = 300 Nc = 30.13, Nq = 18.4 and Nγ = 15.1
Shape factors Sc = 1 + q S q = 1 + tan φ and S r = 1 − 0.4
Nc L L L
Depth factors dc = 1.0 + 0.4 k, dq = 1 + 2 tanφ(1-sinφ)k and dγ = 1.0; where
k = D/B for D/B ≤ 1 and k = tan-1(D/B) for D/B > 1 (rad)
1 − iq 0 .5 H
Inclination factors ic = iq − , iq = 1 −
Nq − 1 V + A c cot φ
f a
0 .7 H
iγ = 1 − forη = 0 and
V + A c cot φ
f a
(0.7 − η / 450 )H
iγ = 1 − forη 0 where the η is the ground slope.
V + A c cot φ
f a
Base factors: bc = 1-η/147, bq = exp(-2ηtanφ) and bγ = exp(-2.7ηtanφ)
Ground factors: gc = 1-β/147 and gq =gγ = (1-tanβ)5.
2. a What are the different types of settlements occurred in soil with the foundation loads?
and which settlements are predominant in what type of soils ?
b How do you estimate the settlement of a footing on sand using the results of a plate
load test? How is the depth correction is applied?
3. (a) Explain the basic difference in the bearing capacity computation of shallow and deep
foundation. How is skin friction and point resistance of a pile computed?
γt = 16 kN/m2 3m
γt = 19 kN/m2
12 m
13 m
γsat = 21
φ = 300
e0 = 0.75
2.5 m
10 m γsat = 20 kN/m2
cc = 0.20 e0 = 0.65
Fig. 1
5. (a) Explain the difference between the active, at-rest and passive earth conditions
(b) What are the assumptions made in Coulomb earth pressure theory?
(c) Which of the three earth pressure conditions should be used to design a rigid basement
6. A Cylindrical Well has an external diameter of 8 m and is sunk into sand to a depth of
21 m below the scour level. The well is acted upon by a moment of 40 MN-m about the
scour level due to a horizontal force of 20 MN. Check whether the safe assuming (a) it
rotates about a point above the base, and (b) it rotates about the base. γsat = 19.8 kN/m3,
φ = 300. Use Terzaghi’s Approach, with a factor of safety of 2 against passive
7. (a) Describe the equivalent beam method beam method for the analysis of an anchored
sheet pile.
(b) Classify sheet piles according to their material. Discuss their relative advantages and
8. (a) Indicate and describe the any two methods of finding the swell pressure in expansive
Define terms, ‘free swell’, differential swell, swelling pressure, field moisture content
(b) and equilibrium moisture content
Set No.2
Code No: R05 410107
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Advanced Foundation Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 A footing of B = 3 X L = 6 m is to be placed on a two layered clay deposit as
shown in Fig. 1 Estimate the ultimate bearing capacity.
Su = 77 kPa
γ = 17.26 kN/m3
1.83 m
1.22 m
Fig. 1 Su = 115kPa
2 A square foundation of 2.5 m resting on a sand deposit at 2.0 m depth. The total
pressure at the foundation level is 200 kN/m2. the variation of cone penetration
resistance with depth is simplified as shown in Fig. 2. Determine the settlement
of the foundation 6 years after the construction. Use Schemrtmann approach.
The ground water table is at great depth. Unit weight of the soil 17 kN/m2.
qc kN/m3 X 103 Foundation
3 Level
8m 2
Fig. 2
4. (a) Discuss the method of Reese and Metlock for the determination of the deflection
of a laterally loaded pile.
(b) Load versus Lateral displacement data is given in the following table.
Using the P-Y Curve, compute the lateral capacity of a pile of diameter 30 mm
and installed in deep clay.
(b) What are the different modes of failure of the retaining walls? Explain with neat
6 (a) What are the requirements for the horizontal cross section of the well
foundation? Sketch some of the commonly used shapes.
What is Pneumatic caisson? Sketch a Pneumatic caisson and briefly outline how
it is constructed.
7 (a) Sketch a typical section of a braced cut and show the various components
(b) A cut 4.5 m wide, 9.0m deep is proposed in a cohesive deposit (γc = 18 kN/m3,
Cu = 50 kN/m3 ). The first row and lost row of strut are to be located at the below
ground surface and 1.5 m above the bottom of the cut respectively. If the spacing
between the strut is 2 m. Determine the loads on the struts. Assume the center to
center spacing of the strut along the length of the cut is 2.0 m
8 Describe briefly any Three of the following
1 A square footing of 1.5 x 1.5 m in dimension resting on sand at 1.5 m depth. The
horizontal force is 0.1 times to the vertical force. Ground slope is 100 and base tilt is 100.
Unit weight of the sand 17.4 kN/m3, c = 0 and φ = 300. The water table at great depth.
Using Vesic, Compute the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the footing.
For φ = 300 Nc = 30.13, Nq = 18.4 and Nγ = 22.4
Shape factors Sc = 1 + q S q = 1 + tan φ and S r = 1 − 0.4
Nc L L L
Depth factors dc = 1.0 + 0.4 k, dq = 1 + 2 tanφ(1-sinφ)k and dγ = 1.0; where
k = D/B for D/B ≤ 1 and k = tan-1(D/B) for D/B > 1 (rad)
H 2+ B/L
Inclination factors, iq = 1 − where m =
H is parallel to B
V + A f ca cot φ 1+ B / L
m +1
iγ = 1 −
V + A f ca cot φ
Base factors: bc = 1-η/147, bq = bγ = (1-ηtanφ)2
Ground factors: gc = 1-β/147 and gq =gγ = (1-tanβ)2.
2. (a) A foundation 6 m X 3 m, carrying a uniform pressure of 200 kN/m2, is located at a depth
of 1.5 m in a layer of clay 4 m thick for which the value of Eu is 35 MN/m2. The layer is
underlain by a second clay layer 12 m thick for which the value of Eu is 80 MN/m2. A
hard stratum lies below the second layer. Determine the average immediate settlement
under the foundation
For H/B = 2 and L/B µ1 = 0.60
H/B = 6 and L/B µ2 = 0.85
For D/B = 0.5 and L/B = 2 µ0 = 0.94.
(b) Differentiate between total settlement and differential settlement. What are the harmful
effects of differential settlements on structures? What are the possible remedial
3 (a) 3. (a) Differentiate critically in principles in deriving the Engineering News formula and
Hiley’s formula for Pile load capacity.
(b) What are the basis on which the dynamic pile formulae are derived?.
γt = 15 kN/m2 3m
γt = 16.5 kN/m2
15 m
16 m
Fresh fill
γsat = 21 kN/m2
φ = 300
e0 = 0.75
2.5 m
10 m
Fig. 1
5 A gravity retaining wall is 4.5 m high and it carries a level back fill with a uniform
surcharge of 125 kN/m2. The water table is 1.5 m below the top of the fill and the
moisture content of the fill above the water table is 15%. Back fill properties: Dry
density – 18.0 kN/m3. Angle of internal friction = 300. Specific gravity of solids = 2.60.
porosity of the backfill – 40%. Calculate the earth pressure on the well neglecting wall
friction. The surface of the wall by neglecting wall friction. The surface of the wall in
contact with the fill is vertical. Compute the stability of the retaining wall.
6 (a) Sketch a completed well foundation for a Bridge pier. Indicate the various components
and their functions.
(b) How do you analyze the well for its lateral stability?
7 What is the design pressure diagram for a braced cut due to earth pressure diagram for a
braced cut due to earth pressure when the soil is (i) dense sand, (ii) loose sand and clay ?
Find the thrust loads for the case shown in Fig. 2. The horizontal spacing of struts is 5 m.
If the sheeting are driven below the bottom of the cut how will that affect the stability of
the cut?
2.0 m
2.0 m γ = 18 kN/m3
C = 1.5 T/m2
2.0 m
2.0 m
Fig. 2
8 (a) How the sand Cushion is effective in arresting of heave. Explain in detail. Is it effective
for many years ? If Yes Explain in detail.
(b) What is the mechanism of granular pile anchor, while arresting heave ? Explain with
sketches in detail
Set No.4
Code No: R05 410107
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Advanced Foundation Engineering
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 1. A square footing of 1.5 x 1.5 m in dimension resting on sand at 1.5 m
depth. The horizontal force is 0.1 times to the vertical force. Ground
slope is 100 and base tilt is 100. Unit weight of the sand 17.4 kN/m3, c = 0
and φ = 300. The water table at great depth. Using Hansen theory,
Compute the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the footing.
For φ = 300 Nc = 30.13, Nq = 18.4 and Nγ = 15.1
Shape factors Sc = 1 + q S q = 1 + tan φ and S r = 1 − 0.4
Nc L L L
Depth factors dc = 1.0 + 0.4 k, dq = 1 + 2 tanφ(1-sinφ)k and dγ = 1.0;
k = D/B for D/B ≤ 1 and k = tan-1(D/B) for D/B > 1 (rad)
1 − iq 0 .5 H
Inclination factors ic = iq − , iq = 1 −
Nq − 1 V + A c cot φ
f a
0 .7 H
iγ = 1 − forη = 0 and
V + A c cot φ
f a
(0.7 − η / 450 )H
iγ = 1 − forη 0 where the η is the ground slope.
V + A c cot φ
f a
Base factors: bc = 1-η/147, bq = exp(-2ηtanφ) and bγ = exp(-2.7ηtanφ)
Ground factors: gc = 1-β/147 and gq =gγ = (1-tanβ)5.
2. a A foundation 4 m X 2 m, carrying a uniform pressure of 150 kN/m2, is
located at a depth of 1 m in a layer of clay 5 m thick for which the value of
Eu is 40 MN/m2. The layer is underlain by a second clay layer 8 m thick for
which the value of Eu is 75 MN/m2. A hard stratum lies below the second
layer. Determine the average immediate settlement under the foundation
For H/B = 2 and L/B µ1 = 0.60
H/B = 6 and L/B µ2 = 0.85
For D/B = 0.5 and L/B = 2 µ0 = 0.94.
b Differentiate between total settlement and differential settlement. What are the
harmful effects of differential settlements on structures? What are the possible
remedial measures?
3. (a) What is negative skin friction? How is it computed for a group of piles in clay?
(b) From the cyclic pile load test the following data is obtained.
Load in Elastic
(T) Settlement
0 0
1 16.96667
3 22.32857
5 24.22727
7 25.43333
8 25.92941
10 26.80952
15 28.69355
25 32.0098
35 35.14789
50 39.75248
Compute Skin frictional resistance and Base resistance
4. (a) Discuss the method of Reese and Metlock for the determination of the deflection
of a laterally loaded pile.
(b) A 20 m long RCC Pile is installed in a deposit of uniform sand. The pile head is
subjected to a horizontal force of 30 kN. Assuming the coefficient of subgrade
modulus of 12.6 X 106 N/m3. Calculate the deflection of pile head. What will be
the change in deflection, if the pile head is fixed? Assume EI of pile as 4.2 X 107
Nm2. At the top of the pile the Reese and Metlock coefficients for deflection are
Ay = 2.435 and By = 1.023.
5 (a) . Find the location and magnitude of the thrust on the wall for the Fig. 1 shown
4.0 T
2.0 m 3.0 m
5.0 m 200
Fig. 1
6 (a) Under what circumstances is a pneumatic caisson preferred? What are the safety
precautions to be fallowed in working with a pneumatic caisson?.
(b) What is grip length of well? What are the considerations in determination of grip
What are ‘Tilts and Shifts’? What are the remedial measures to control these?
(b) Compute the embedment length D of the sheet pile wall shown in Fig. 2
3m γ = 18 kN/m3 φ = 300
6m GWT
γsat = 20 kN/m3 φ = 300
Fig. 2
8 Describe briefly any Three of the following
Determine the stability of the origin of the system .
6. a) Explain the effect of feedback on controllability and observability.
b) Design a full order state observes for the given state model.
Given A= , C=
7. Illustrate with an example the problem with terminal time t1 free and x (t1) fixed.
8. Write short notes on the following for optimal control .
a) Minimum energy problem.
b) Minimum fuel problem.
c) Tracking problem.
Set No.2
Code No: R05 410205
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Advanced Control Systems
(Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
T(s) =
-6 -11 -6 x3 1 x3
1 = - x1
2 = x1 - x 2 - x2 3
Obtain the state observer gain matrix using all these methods. The desired given values for
the observer matrix are µ 1 = - 5, µ 2 = - 5
7. a) Briefly discuss the minimization of functional.
b) Given = - x + 4 , x(0) = x0 , x(2) = x1 find u* that minimizes J =
2. write the state equations for the system shown in figure in which x1, x2, x3 constitute the state
vector. Determine whether the system is completely controllable and observable
u(s) X2(s) X1(3)
Construct three different state models for this system and give block diagram representation for
each state model.
= x + u , y= x
closed loop poles at -2 ±j2 and -10. Determine the necessary state feedback gain matrix.
7 Illustrate with an example the problem with terminal time t1 and x(t1) free
8 a) What are the steps required for the solution of an optimal control problem
b) Explain the state regulator problem in optimal control theory.
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. In an aeroplane a simple air refrigeration is used. The main compressor delivers the
air at 5 bar and 2000 C. The bled air taken from compressor is passed through a heat
exchanger, cooled with the help of ram air so that the temperature of air leaving
the heat exchanger is 450 C and the pressure is 4.5 bar. The cooling turbine drives
the exhaust fan which is used to force the ram air through the heat exchanger. The
air leaving the heat exchanger passes through the cooling turbine and then supplied
to cabin at 1 bar. The pressure loss between the cooling turbine and cabin is 0.2
bar. If the rate of flow of air through the cooling turbine is 20kg/min, determine
the following:
Assume that the isentropic efficiency of the cooling turbine is 75% and no loss of
heat from air between the cooling turbine and cabin. Take γ = 1.4 and cp =1kJ/kg.K.
3. (a) Describe the effect of section temperature on the refrigerating capacity and
brake power of a reciprocating commpressor.
(b) What problems does lubricating oil cause in the evaporator? [8+8]
4. (a) Make a comparative list between a vapour - absorption system and a com-
pression system.
(b) Explain the Electro-lux refrigeration system with a neat sketch. What is the
purpose of hydrogen in it? [16]
1 of 2
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 1
5. A steam ejector water vapour refrigeration system is supplied with motive steam
at 9 bar and 97% dry. Flash chamber water temperature is 60 C. Make-up water is
supplied at 23 0 C and condenser pressure is 55 mm of Hg absolute.
Take Nozzle efficiency = 92%, Entrainment efficiency = 73%, Thermo-compressor
efficiency = 80%. The quality of the mixture of motive steam and flashed vapour at
the beginning of compression is 91% dry and saturated. Determine the following:
7. (a) Explain the difference between comfort air-conditioning and industrial air-
(b) Define the term “Effective Temperature” and explain its importance in air-
conditioning system. Describe the factors which affect effective temperature.
8. (a) What are the purposes of automatic controls in an air conditioning system?
(b) Explain the function of basic components of automatic control circuit of an
air conditioning system. [6+10]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) Explain the construction of T-S and P- h diagrams and state why P- h diagram
is more suitable for calculations over T-S diagram.
(b) A refrigerating machine using NH3 operates between the temperature limits
of -150 C and 300 C. Find the C O P of the system. Also find the corresponding
value for a reversed carnot cycle operating between the same temperatures.
The properties of NH3 are given below:
Pressure(bar) Temperature0 C Liquid Vapour
hf(Kj /Kg) Sf(Kj /Kg-K) hg(Kj /Kg) Sg(Kj /Kg-K)
2.41 -5 351 3.95 1667.5 9.05
11.895 30 562 4.69 1711 8.48
4. (a) Make a comparative list between a vapour - absorption system and a com-
pression system.
(b) Explain the Electro-lux refrigeration system with a neat sketch. What is the
purpose of hydrogen in it? [16]
5. A steam jet refrigeration unit is supplied with steam at 8 bar dry and saturated and
it maintains the flash chamber water at 50 C, when the makeup water is available at
220 C, and the condenser is at 4.5 cm of Hg absolute. The quality of flashed vapour
and steam after mixing is 0.9. Assuming nozzle efficiency 90%, the entrainment
efficiency 63% and the diffuser efficiency 79%. Determine:
1 of 2
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 2
(e) volume of vapour flashed per ton of cooling. [16]
6. The following two indoor conditions give the same comfort when the out-door
conditions are 380 C and 62% R H.
The required conditions are achieved first by cooling and dehumidifying and then
by heating. The dew-point temperature of the cooling coil is 80 C. If the supply
of free air to the air-conditioning system is 450 m3 /min., then find the cost of
the plant for 24-hours working for both comfort conditions. Also find the by-pass
factors of the cooling coils in both cases if the Cost of cooling = 50 Paise per ton
of refrigeration and the Cost of heating = 15 Paise per kWh. [16]
(a) Capacity of the cooling coil in tons of refrigeration and its bypass factor
(b) Capacity of the blower in m3/min. Assume DPT of the coil 60 C. [16]
8. (a) Which type of air cleaner would be selected for removing very small dirt par-
ticles and smoke from the air? Explain its working principle.
(b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of viscous filters over dry filters.
2 of 2
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. In an aeroplane a simple air refrigeration is used. The main compressor delivers the
air at 5 bar and 2000 C. The bled air taken from compressor is passed through a heat
exchanger, cooled with the help of ram air so that the temperature of air leaving
the heat exchanger is 450 C and the pressure is 4.5 bar. The cooling turbine drives
the exhaust fan which is used to force the ram air through the heat exchanger. The
air leaving the heat exchanger passes through the cooling turbine and then supplied
to cabin at 1 bar. The pressure loss between the cooling turbine and cabin is 0.2
bar. If the rate of flow of air through the cooling turbine is 20kg/min, determine
the following:
(a) The temperature of the air leaving the expander,
(b) the power delivered to the ram air which is passed through the heat exchanger
(c) the refrigeration load in tones when the temperature of the air leaving the
cabin is limited to 250 C.
Assume that the isentropic efficiency of the cooling turbine is 75% and no loss of
heat from air between the cooling turbine and cabin. Take γ = 1.4 and cp =1kJ/kg.K.
2. (a) Explain the importance of super heating vapours before suction to compressor,
How does it affect C.O.P. of the system.
(b) A refrigerator machine uses R-12 as the working fluid. The temperature of
R-12 in the evaporator coil is -50 C, and the gas leaves the compressor as dry
saturated at a temperature of 400 C. The mean specific heat of liquid R-12
between the above temperatures is 0.963 kj/kg0 k. Enthalpy of evaporation at
400 C is 203.2 kj/kg. Neglecting losses, find the C.O.P. [8+8]
3. (a) With the help of neat sketch explain the working of a double tube condenser.
Discuss its limitations.
(b) Explain evaporative condenser and discuss its applications. [6+10]
4. (a) Make a comparative list between a vapour - absorption system and a com-
pression system.
(b) Explain the Electro-lux refrigeration system with a neat sketch. What is the
purpose of hydrogen in it? [16]
5. (a) List out the merits and demerits of thermo-electric refrigeration system over
other refrigeration systems.
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Code No: R05410305 Set No. 3
(b) What are the various applications of thermo-electric refrigerator. [8+8]
(a) condition of air after the cooling coil before mixing with recirculated air
(b) condition of air entering the restaurant
(c) mass of fresh air entering the cooling coil
(d) by-pass factor of the cooling coil
(e) total refrigeration load of the cooling coil. [16]
8. (a) What are the purposes of automatic controls in an air conditioning system?
(b) Explain the function of basic components of automatic control circuit of an
air conditioning system. [6+10]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410305 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A Carnot refrigerator operates between the temperatures of -500 C and 500 C.
Determine the C.O.P. of the refrigerator. If the C.O.P. is to be made 4 by
changing the temperatures such that increase (or) decrease in upper temper-
ature is equal to decrease (or) increase in lower temperature, determine the
new temperatures.
(b) Compare the various air cooling systems used for air crafts. [16]
2. A food storage locker requires requires a refrigeration capacity of 12TR and works
between the evaporating temperature of -80 C and condensing temperature of 300 C.
The refrigerant R-12 is sub cooled by 50 C before entry to expansion valve and the
vapour is superheated to -20 C before leaving the evaporator coils. Assuming a two
cylinder, single acting compressor operating at 1000 rpm with stroke equal to 1.5
times the bore, determine:
(a) C O P
(b) Theoretical power per tonne of refrigeration and
(c) bore and stroke of compressor when:
i. there is no clearance and
ii. there is a clearance of 2%.
3. (a) With the help of neat sketch explain the working of a double tube condenser.
Discuss its limitations.
(b) Explain evaporative condenser and discuss its applications. [6+10]
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Code No: R05410305 Set No. 4
(b) Draw a neat diagram of lithiemm bromide water absorption system and ex-
plain its working. List the major field of applications of this systems. [8+8]
5. In a steam jet refrigeration installation, the steam is available at 5.5 bar dry and
saturated and chilled water flash chamber is kept at 6 cm of Hg. The mixture of
steam and flashed vapour at entry to the diffuser has a quality of 0.89. Assuming
nozzle efficiency 91%, mixing efficiency 66% and Diffuser efficiency 76% and make
up water at 270 C, Determine:
7. (a) Explain how does the body attempt to compensate for a warm environment
approaching body temperature?
(b) Draw and explain the comfort chart and zone of comfort for year-round air-
conditioning. [6+10]
8. Explain the working of heat pump with neat diagram when used for
2 of 2
Set No.1
Code No: R05 410306
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Computational Fluid Dynamics
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the direct method for matrix inverse? Briefly explain partial pivoting and LU
decomposition used in direct method.
3. Explain the term consistency in numerical schemes and in detail explain the
behavior of errors and analyze them,
5. Using Von Neumann Stability Analysis, obtain the criterion for stability of Explicit
scheme for discretization of 1D parabolic equation.
6. Derive the 2-D momentum equation to obtain the dimensionless form of it.
7. Define Vorticity? How the pressure gradient term is eliminated from the momentum
equations using Vorticity – Stream Function method? What are the disadvantages
of this method in determination flow field.
1. Give the classification of linear PDEs. What are the different discretization schemes
that are used to solve Parabolic equations. Compare them.
3. Consider a square slab of side, L. The right, left and bottom surfaces of the slab are
kept at 1000C, while the top surface is kept at 5000C. The thermal conductivity of the
slab is 2 W/mK. Taking the mesh size as L/3, obtain the finite difference temperature
distribution of slab.
4. What are different types of errors that occur during the discretization of PDEs?
Using the Von Neumann Stability analysis, obtain the stability criterion for the
explicit formulation of Parabolic equations.
5. Define Vorticity? How the pressure gradient term is eliminated from the momentum
equations using Vorticity – Stream Function method? What are the disadvantages
of this method in determination flow field.
6. What are the basic parameters used to assess interpolation schemes in finite
volume formulation of Convection – Diffusion problems?
1. Obtain the finite difference formulation for 2-D steady state heat conduction of solid
cylinder in r-θ plane subjected to a temperature of TS at its outer surface. Discuss
the peculiarities in the discretization of curvilinear grid compared to the Cartesian
grid and how the singularities are handled in the present case.
2. A square slab of side, L is subjected to 500C on its right side, 00C on its top side,
1500C on its left side and 2500C on its bottom. Considering the mesh size in x and y
directions as L/3, obtain the steady state temperature distribution for the square slab
using Guass Seidel Method. What is the temperature distribution at the end of 5
4. Using the Von Neumann Stability analysis, obtain the stability criterion for the
explicit formulation of Parabolic equations.
5. Define Vorticity? How the pressure gradient term is eliminated from the momentum
equations using Vorticity – Stream Function method? What are the disadvantages
of this method in determination flow field?
6. Explain how pressure and velocity are linked using SIMPLE algorithm for 2D
momentum equations?
2. Two ends of a fin of cross sectional area 2 cm2, perimeter 2 cm, 100 cm long are
maintained at 1270C and 2270C respectively. It losses heat from the surface due to
natural convection to the surroundings at 270C with the heat transfer coefficient of
5W/m2K. The thermal conductivity of fin material is 45 W/m K. Find the temperature
distribution in the fin taking the mesh size as 20 cm. Compare the finite difference
solution with analytical solution and tabulate both the values.
3. a. What are the different types of Numerical grids? Illustrate them by figures.
b. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of Explicit and Implicit methods
applied to linear parabolic equations?
4. a. What are the sources of error in the numerical solution of given partial difference
b. Derive the expression for the stability criterion for the finite difference solution of the
ID unsteady heat conduction using Von Neumann Analysis.
5. A stainless steel rod of 20mm diameter is carrying an electric current of 1000A. The
thermal and electrical conductivities are 20 W/mK and 1.25 X 104 (Ω cm)-1. What is the
temperature distribution from centre to surface if the outer surface is kept at 4000C
taking the mesh size as 2mm.
7. Define Vorticity? Using Vorticity / Stream function method, derive the expression for
momentum equation without pressure term? What are its advantages and
disadvantages compared with other methods?
1. Give Comparative Study between LEO, MEO, GEO and HEO types of Satellites.
3. Explain how altitude and orbit control is achieved from an earth station. [16]
4. (a) Why uplink frequency is different from down link frequency in a satellite com-
munication system? Discuss.
(b) Derive the general link design equation. Find out the expression for (C/N) and
(G/T) ratios. Explain the importance of these ratios in satellite link design.
5. A BPSK TDMA system is to transmit 1000 digital voice channels, each with 4 bits
per sample at a 64kbps rate. The system must accommodate 1000 data bits/slot
at a frame efficiency of 90%.
7. In NGSO, give some example of systems explain about each one. [16]
1 of 1
Code No: R05410409 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) What are the various orbits in which a satellite can exist? Discuss.
(b) Explain how the solar eclipse affect the working of a Communication Satellite.
3. (a) List the various satellite subsystems and state their purpose and principal
parameter that characterize them quantatively.
(b) Explain the following:
i. Telemetry
ii. Tracking and Command. [8+4+4]
4. Design a transmitting earth station to provide a clear air C/N of 30dB in a Ku band
transponder at a frequency of 14.15GHz. Use a uplink antenna with a diameter
of 5 m and an aperture efficiency of 68% and find the uplink transmitter power
required to achieve the required C/N. The uplink station is located on the 2 dB
contour of the satellite foot print. Allow 1.0dB on the uplink for miscellaneous and
clear air losses. [16]
6. What is meant by Tracking and Pointing? Explain its significance and the tech-
niques as to how these are achieved? [16]
1 of 2
Code No: R05410409 Set No. 2
iii. GDOP.
(b) Explain how the accuracy in GPS measurement is increased? [8+8]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410409 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
3. (a) Explain about 6/4 GHz Communication Subsystem in detail with neat schemat-
(b) The earth subtends an angle of 170 when viewed from geostationary orbit.
What are the dimensions and gain of horn antenna that will provide global
coverage at 4 GHz. [8+8]
4. (a) Explain down link design objectives of a satellite communication system and
hence give the down link design of Intel Sat IV-A Satellite.
(b) A Satellite carrying an 11.7 GHz signal transmitter is located at 40,000Km
from an earth station. The transmitting antenna with gain 17dB radiates a
power of 200mW towards earth station. The diameter of the receiving antenna
is 10 meters and the aperture efficiency is 50 percent:
i. Calculate the receiving antenna gain.
ii. The earth station G/T
iii. The C/N in a 100 Hz noise bandwidth. If the overall system noise tem-
perature is 12500 K. [8+8]
6. (a) What are the functions of Earth station Tracking system to be performed?
(b) Explain the functional elements of a satellite tracking system? [6+10]
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Code No: R05410409 Set No. 3
8. Explain the principle of operation of GPS in details. [16]
2 of 2
Code No: R05410409 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 of 1
Set No.1
Code No: R05 410503
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Data Ware Housing & Data Mining
(Computer Science Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
4. What are the quantitative association rules? What is ARCS and discuss the
involved steps.
7. What is text mining? Describe about basic measures for text retrieval.
8. What are the quantitative association rules? What is ARCS, discuss the
involved steps in ARCS.
Set No.3
Code No: R05 410503
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Data Ware Housing & Data Mining
(Computer Science Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. a) What is noisy data? Explain the binning methods for data smoothening.
b) What is data reduction? Discuss about dimensionality reduction.
8. What is spatial data mining? What is spatial data cube, and what are the
three dimensions in a spatial data cube?
Set No.4
Code No: R05 410503
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
Data Ware Housing & Data Mining
(Computer Science Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the convergence procedure to find the bubble point temperature of a binary
vapour-liquid mixture. [16]
3. Write the model equations involved in a Batch reactor when it is in the heating
phase. [16]
7. Derive the mass balance equations for interacting and non-interacting tanks and
also write the computer program for simulation. [16]
1 of 1
Code No: R05410805 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. Consider a two perfectly mixed tanks in series, the flow rate of oil passing through
the tanks is F, density ρ heat capacity Cp . The volume of 1st tank is V1 and 2nd
tank is V2 , which are constant. The temperature of oil entering 1st tank is To . The
temperatures in the two tanks are T1 & T2 . A heating coil in the 1st tank uses
steam to heat the oil. Write the energy balances for both the tanks. [16]
5. A continuous flow distillation column is fed with a binary mixture of A and B. The
relative volatility (α) of mixture is constant. Consider the plates above the feed
plate. Derive the difference equations which relates the liquid composition to the
plate number n, if the overall plate efficiency is 100% and explain the method of
solving it. [16]
7. Write down a computer simulation program to carry out dew point calculations.
1 of 1
Code No: R05410805 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. An ice cube is dropped into a hot, perfectly mixed, insulated cup of coffee. List all
assumption and define all terms. Develop the equations describing the dynamics
of the system. [16]
3. Explain the Mass Transfer Phenomena in a Reactor with a case study. [16]
4. Solve yx+1 − 3yx+1 yx + 2y 2x = 0 [16]
5. Calculate the number of plates required to absorb 99 % mole ketene from 135
kgmoles/h of gas containing 4.36% ketene by volume using 138 kgmoles/h of glacial
acetic acid. The plate efficiency, of a 3.5 m diameter tower containing 0.7D weirs
and therefore a plate hold-up of 2.09 kgmoles liquid is 40%. The pseudo first order
reaction rate constant for the chemical absorption process may be taken to be 0.75
sec−1 and the equilibrium relationship Y* = 2 X Where Y* is the kgmoles ketene
kg mole of carrier gas in equilibrium with X kg moles ketene / kg of acetic acid in
the liquid. [16]
7. Write down the mass balance equation for interacting system and simulate it using
R-k fourth order method. [16]
8. What is Precedence ordering of equation sets and explain how it is done through
an example. [16]
1 of 1
Code No: R05410805 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. The liquid phase hydrolysis reaction of acetic anhydride to form acetic acid is carried
out in a constant volume adiabatic batch reactor. The reaction is exothermic with
the following stoichiometry. (CH3 C)2 O+H2 O → 2CH3 COOH+Heat. Derive mass
and energy balances for the system assuming the reaction as first order. [16]
3. (a) Describe the ideal binary distillation column with a neat sketch.
(b) Write the Model equations for “Condenser and Reflux drum” in ideal binary
distillation column. [8+8]
1 of 2
Code No: R05410805 Set No. 4
stirrer, develop an expression giving the concentration of A in the effluent as a
function of time. [16]
8. Explain about Simultaneous modular approach with a neat flow chart in process
plant simulation. [16]
2 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) For given EMP and DEPT relations, assuming the necessary attributes a query
to give the names of employees who work in a department whose manager has
number 373 but who do not earn more than Rs.100000/- is as given below.
Simplify the query explaining the steps involved.
(b) Discuss query processing in detail with an example. [8+8]
(a) Post-optimization
(b) Transmission requirements
(c) AHY approach for semi-Joins. [5+5+6]
1 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 1
(a) Client buffer management
(b) Server buffer management
(c) Characteristics of object models. [6+4+6]
2 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 of 1
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) Draw an operator tree and show the simplification for the following query. For
given EMP and DEPT relations, assuming the necessary attributes, a query
to give the names of employees who work in a department whose manager has
number 373 but who do not earn more than Rs.100000/- is as given below.
(b) Explain parametric queries in detail. [8+8]
4. (a) Write about the atomicity of transactions in distributed databases with em-
phasis on failures and logs and recovery methods.
(b) Explain the 2-phase commitment protocol. [8+8]
6. Explain the various problems which arise when trying to design a reliable distrib-
uted database system? [16]
1 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 3
(b) OLAP Datamodel
(c) OLAP Servers. [4+6+6]
2 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. (a) Prove that the following two queries have the same semantics
(b) Draw an operator tree for the following query
3. (a) Explain the use of semi-Join for Join quarics with example.
(b) Discuss how query optimization is useful in distributed databases. [8+8]
1 of 2
Code No: R05411204 Set No. 4
6. Write a short note on the following:
2 of 2
Code No: R05411205 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Describe the basic concepts and technical components of Grid Computing? [16]
3. What is meant by system tuning? What factors are focused in tuning a system?
8. Draw the copying circuit. Why is it impossible to copy an unknown state? Explain.
1 of 1
Code No: R05411205 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Describe the basic concepts and technical components of Grid Computing? [16]
6. (a) How does pervasive computing has become a new dimension of personal com-
puting. Explain?
(b) Explain any one pervasive computing scenario. [8+8]
7. (a) What are the steps involved in a typical WAP email session?
(b) Show how an OSGi gateway is integrated into a car information system.[8+8]
1 of 1
Code No: R05411205 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. From where does autonomic computing is derived? How does autonomic computing
meet the challenges of IT? [16]
8. How is bounded error, quantum polynomial time related other complexity classes.
Give examples of algorithm that run in BQP time. [16]
1 of 1
Code No: R05411205 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
4. What is the goal of dynamic load balancing? Mention the load balancing strategies.
Compare them. [16]
5. (a) what is meant by reliable object Invocation ? for what purposes it is used?
(b) Write about HIDRA concurrency control. [8+8]
6. (a) How does pervasive computing has become a new dimension of personal com-
puting. Explain?
(b) Explain any one pervasive computing scenario. [8+8]
1 of 1
Set No.1
Code No: R05 411206
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Define an image. What are the fundamental steps in digital image processing? Explain each of
them in detail
2. Consider the two image subsets, s1 and s2, shown in the following figure. For V={1}, determine
whether these two subsets are (i) 4-adjacent (ii) 8-adjacent or (iii) m-adjacent.
S1 0 0 1 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 00
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 11
0 0 1 1 1
b) Write a technique for updating the median as the centre of the neighborhood is moved from
pixel to pixel
4. a) Explain the minimum mean square error filtering with suitable example.
5. What are the color models in color image processing? Explain each of them in detail.
6. What are the image compression models? Explain each of them with suitable example.
7. Distinguish between spatial domain techniques and frequency domain techniques of image
Where r2 = x2 + y2. Show that the degradation in the frequency domain is given by the expression
H(µ 1 v ) =
6. (a)Draw the relevant diagram for source encoder and source decoder.
7. (a) What is the limiting effect of repeatedly dilating an image ? Assume that a trivial
structuring element is not used.
(b).Write any four applications of gray – scale morphology.
3. Suppose that a digital image is subjected to histogram equalization. Show that a second pass of
histogram equalization will produce exactly the same result as the first pass.
4. A certain x-ray imaging geometry produces a blurring degradation that can be model as
the convolution of the sensed image with the spatial, circularly symmetric function.
Where r2 = x2 + y2. Show that the degradation in the frequency domain is given by the expression
H(µ 1 v ) =
5. What are the color models in color image processing? Explain each of them in detail.
6. What are the image compression models? Explain each of them with suitable example.
7. a) What is the limiting effect of repeatedly dilating an image? Assume that a trivial structuring
element is not used.
b) Write any four applications of gray-scale morphology.
8. Write short notes on the following
(i) Image sampling and Quantization
(ii) Gray-Level transformation.
Set No.4
Code No: R05 411206
IV B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Define an image. What are the fundamental steps in digital image processing? Explain each of
them in detail.
2. Explain the simple image formation model and discuss about relationships between pixels.
3. Suppose that a digital image is subjected to histogram equalization. Show that a second pass of
histogram equalization will produce exactly, the same result as the first pass.
4. a) Explain the minimum mean square error filtering with suitable example.
b) Explain in detail about the inverse filtering.
7. Distinguish between spatial domain techniques and frequency domain techniques of image
8. Write short notes on the following
i) Image segmentation ii) histogram processing
Code No: R05412305 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Differentiate between:-
2. Discuss various pathways of haploid production emphasizing its merits and demer-
its. [16]
4. Describe about the strategies employed for genetically engineered plants for herbi-
cide resistance in crop plants. [16]
7. How can one increase the frequency with which transposons insert with in the gene
of interest?. [16]
8. Describe how pyramiding of major genes can be accomplished using MAS for
durable resistance. [16]
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Code No: R05412305 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
2. What are cybrids. How cybrids can be developed by protoplast fusion and how
they are different from somatic hybrids. [16]
3. What is oxidative stress. Discuss its adverse effect on plant. Write how the protec-
tion of plants can be accomplished by transgenic approach. [16]
4. Discuss the strategy for production of herbicide resistant plants with relevant ex-
amples. [16]
5. What is golden rice? How it is developed by transgenic approach and explain its
benefits? [16]
8. Discuss the essential requirements for marker assisted selection in plant breeding.
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Code No: R05412305 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
3. What are LEA proteins? Explain how LEA proteins can be used for conferring
resistance to salt stressed water deficit. [16]
4. Write about the production of bromoxynil and sulphonyl urea resistant transgenic
plants. [16]
6. Give a detail account of cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) and its
applications. [16]
8. Explain the nearly isogenic line (NIL) strategy for determining amplified loci of
targeted gene. [16]
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Code No: R05412305 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
4. What is interference RNA, how it is used for production of virus resistant plants.
5. What are poly fructans? How fructans quality can be improved in plants using
bacterial Sac B gene. [16]
6. Write in detail about random amplified hybridization micro satellite and its uses
in general . [16]
8. What are morphological markers? How they produce from the mutagenesis. [16]
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Code No: R05412306 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain:
(a) EGF
(b) TGFα
(c) TNF
(d) HGF. [16]
2. Give a detailed account of structure of p53 gene and mutation in human tumours?
4. What are oncogenes? Explain any two oncogenes in radiation carcinogenesis and
their action? [16]
(a) Angiogenesis.
(b) Tumor viruses and cancer. [8+8]
6. Explain:
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Code No: R05412306 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are the different diagnostic aspects of identifying tumors? Explain them?
2. Explain tumours of :
4. What is signal transduction? Explain the effects on cell-cell signaling during the
radiation carcinogenesis? [16]
5. What are the four broad groups of genes that are target to genetic damage? What
is the function of these groups and how does genetic damage alter their function?
6. Describe the process how metastasis arises from the primary tumor. [16]
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Code No: R05412306 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is cell cycle and explain the process involved in the regulation of cell cycle?
2. Discuss:
3. Explain:
4. Discuss the radiation dose and radiation risk ivolved in human cancers. [16]
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Code No: R05412306 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are different signal transduction proteins and explain their prognostic impor-
tance in cancer? [16]
2. How tumour cells can be formed? Explain the dissemination tumour cells by dif-
ferent routes? [16]
4. What is signal transduction? Explain the effects on cell-cell signaling during the
radiation carcinogenesis? [16]
5. Explain :
6. Explain:
8. What are the new approaches to radiation therapy in relation to cancer? [16]
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Code No: R05412307 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
5. (a) “Covalent and Non covalent bonds are important for the structure and stability
of biological molecules” Explain.
(b) Explain the zwitter ionic structure of an amino acid. [8+8]
8. (a) How will you determine the crystalline dimension by broadening of diffraction.
(b) Compare and contrast the information obtained from NMR and X Ray Crys-
tallographic Approaches to investigate macromolecular structure. [8+8]
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Code No: R05412307 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) What are poly saccharides. Explain how poly saccharide structure depends
on various kinds of glucosidic bonds involved.
(b) What are glucosidic bonds explain them with suitable examples. [10+6]
2. (a) What are peptide bonds? How they are formed. Illustrate.
(b) Explain how peptide bonds are kinetically quiet stable. [4+12]
4. (a) Illustrate the gel mobility shift technique to quantify the nucleic acid-protein
(b) Explain how important are protein-protein interactions in eukaryotic tran-
scription? [8+8]
5. Discuss the salient features of Ramachandran plot in terms of the main chain torsion
angles of a dipeptide unit. Comment on the utility of this plot. [16]
6. Derive equation that describes the mechanism of enzyme action used as a model
by Michelis & Menten. List the important assumptions used by Michelis & Menten
to describe a rate equation for this reaction. [16]
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Code No: R05412307 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
6. (a) Distinguish between steady- state approximation and a steady state condition.
(b) How would you establish the formal kinetic mechanism of a two substrate
enzyme? [8+8]
7. (a) What are some of the factors that can lead to deviations in Beer’s Law and
explain why?
(b) How can non absorbing analytes be determined photometrically and what are
some of the requirements for successful application? [8+8]
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Code No: R05412307 Set No. 3
(b) Protein structure determination by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
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Code No: R05412307 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, March 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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