Letter of Return Redact
Letter of Return Redact
Letter of Return Redact
Bro. V. Taylor El
Cynthia Smith
c/o 8701 S. Normandie Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90044
Address Redacted for Posting to Scribd.com
Priority Mail Tracking 9405903699300234596543
Re: Document Received August 7, 2014
I am returning to you your document received August 7, 2014.
I am not sure what this is supposed to be: the caption says Verified Notice to Prove Claim, goes on to say its an
order then its signed as an affidavit? If you are going to plug and play with other peoples documents, you may
want to give it a once over (proof read) before you hit print.
This is also not a valid order ---again, I can only presume thats what this is as its entitled as one document and
signed as another.
1). You have no recognized authority to act as a magistrate over this Moor. I left your Temple May 8, 2014 due to a
lack of confidence in leadership. My affiliation officially and completely ended one month later on June 8. On or
about July 5, 2014 Smith acknowledge my leaving, followed by your confirmation the following day (July 6, 2014),
so your inference to me as a subject under your authority is a joke. If you are invoking a fabricated authority, what
is to prevent me from doing likewise via the documents I was never compensated for producing? You two and
your co-conspirator Cynthia Smith are behaving like inquisitionists.
2). You cannot serve as judge or magistrate in a complaint/ case in which you are a plaintiff or defendant. This is
pursuant to the 5
Amendment of the Highest Law of this Land; the Constitution for the United States. Even heads
of states and judges must recuse themselves in their own case. You not above the law and cant twist it to fit your
agendanot with me.
3). You cannot share your truth with another, therefore a single affidavit cannot serve as truth for more than one
party unless drafted to specifically indicate which portion is yours and which portion is theirs. What you sent me
would be inadmissible as evidence and unenforceable in any competent jurisdiction. Hence why you were sent
two separate copies of my unrebutted demand to prove your claim.
4) You have presented no proof whatever of your claims of theft, ie times, places, names of witnesses, items taken.
In summary: you lack of personal and subject matter jurisdiction, have a severe conflict of interest, are attempting
to deny my due process, engaging tortuous interference, fraud, and conspiracyand that just to begin. I cannot
blame you for the attempt: If my argument were as flimsy as yours, I too would try to avoid a real tribunal and due
I cant help but be reminded of the Jennell El incident when you, Taylor El, and Smith tried to steal Sis. Jennell E.
Els corporation last year (2013). Argue if you like, but this is on record with the California Secretary of State and
speaks volumes to your willingness to engage in hostile takeovers of that which youve had no hand in forming.
You and you conspirators (Lyndia Wilson signed this fraudulent acquisition papers as well) failed at that attempt
due to a lack of a valid claim. And as in this case, it went on longer than it should have because Smith is out of
control and you are obviously incapable of reining her in.
As to your disrespectful remarks about my children: It reminds me of the conversations where she talked about
your daughter like a dog, so its no too much of a stretch to thing Smith had a hand in this as well. To attack that
which cannot be changed, very tacky. Very low brow. Very fitting of her, and by affixing your signature to this
drivel, fitting of you as well. Amalgamation in the past is not looking like such a bad thing in comparison to the
freak show you two have currently going on by choice. I could bring up how your children are in foster care and
she produces homosexuals, but what would that accomplish? Learn to love instead of hate.
I am done dealing with you and your cabal you all have demonstrated your willingness to lie on an
improperly executed notice/order/tandem affidavit, so whats the point? You, Smith, and one of the signatories
on the returned document (Wilson) tried to steal Jennell Els corporation, too. You are liars, you dont know what
youre doing, she doesnt know when to stop and you are ill equipped to do it for her, so why waste my time? You
wouldnt dare submit this kind of trash to another nationality for any reason. Your document argues numerous
times I claimed to be a thief, yet appointed me to not one, but two offices. Your document states you were listed on
a book against your wishes but gave a public presentation on said book six months ago, while holding said book,
but you didnt mention this until now. And best of all, you didnt accuse me of stealing until 2 months after I
stopped coming to the temple and a month after I resigned. You sound stupid. Or maybe sound doesnt go far
enough in this case
If you are able, prove me wrong; if you set up and ran a publishing company once, as your document claims, it
should be a small feat to do it again. Everything ever given to me by you was converted to digital format and
returned to you. Any hard copies you refused to take back were destroyed. Once again, you have all the digital
files. I saved them too many times to too many places, including your jump drive, Jedi Root, so I am comfortable
in absolving myself of any concerns over whether you can now find them or not. Thank you for admitting the
restorations were not copyrightedthe first line on Califa Medias property list sent to you states we retain right to
usenot copyright. Lastly whatever online accounts your secretary doesnt have access to is her fault and your
problem. I sent all that information to her multiple times in 2013.
I dont like loose ends so lets wrap this up:
1) We have no written agreement anywhere. A verbal agreement claim goes right out the window as soon as ONE
of the parties contests the terms. This is why I asked for so much in writing. However, when deliberating on such
a case, the argument supported by the greater preponderance of evidence prevails.
2). You have already demonstrated what will happen if you acquire Califa Media. See the website built for
Moorish Science Grand Temple. Your order claims your Temple has a new tech person, yet this site hasnt been
updated since being turned over to Smith on April 30, 2014.
3). I left a cute little trap door in the admissions sent to you. They were called instructions. You did not follow
them as given and the standard 30 days since your August 9, 2014 receipt have passed, so all facts therein are
hereby deemed admitted. See enclosed Notice of Failure to Rebut, Waiver of Opportunity to Cure, and
Abandonment of Claim. Whether you keep it or send it back, it and this document have been posted online for
public inspection and the fact remains: you failed to properly rebut my Demand to Validate your claim.
Once again, the document Im returning is void ab initio as you have no authority to act as magistrate over me
or Califa Media. I will respectfully presume this was an orderits poorly drafted so it is not clear.
Your Verified Notice etc. signed July 29, 2014 is being returned to you within 3 days receipt and serves as a
formal rejection of your and your co-conspirators offer to extort me.
You two can continue this campaign if you like, but at the end of the day, we all know the truth: of the three of us,
Im the only one whos ever operated Califa Media. Taylor El contributed a pile of paper. Smith contributed
nothing. On the face of the issue, just like with Jennell El, you thought you could wait till the work was done then
slide in and take the product. You two failed at that. You have failed at this. So as to maintain balance, you have
received out of Califa Media what you put into it. Further, so as not to compromise you, Taylor El, insofar as my
allegedly imposing authorship on you, upon receipt of confirmation of delivery of this letter, I will remove any and
all references to any contributions by you to any Califa Media product or service.
Allah willing, both of you will receive your just due for what you have contributed to Califa Media, in which
case, we are done. May Allah also reward you for bearing false witness against me with full knowledge and
foresight. I will run Califa Media. This should cause neither of you any inconvenience as it is a continuation of
your inactivity and non-involvement. Any further correspondence on this matter from you Taylor El, or Cynthia
Smith, or from a third party on your behalf will be deemed harassment and handled accordingly.
_/s/Sis. Tauheedah S. Najee-Ullah El
Sister Tauheedah S. Najee-Ullah El
Managing Editor & C.E.O./C.O.O.
Califa Media
Reserving All Rights, Remedies, and Liberties