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The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing is an accredited certification

body offering personnel and quality management systems assessment and

certification against criteria set out in international and European standards
through the PCN Certification Scheme.

Certification Services Division
1 Spencer Parade, Northampton
NN1 5AA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 1604-259-056.
Fax: +44(0) 1604-231-489.
E-mail: pcn@bindt.org

March 2006

Annex A Application for approval as a BINDT Authorised Qualifying Body
Annex B Specifications for PCN examination specimens
Annex C Minimum equipment holdings for BINDT Authorised Qualifying Bodies

This document, which is implemented with effect from 1 February 2001, proscribes the requirements
which aspirant and existing BINDT Authorised Qualifying Bodies are to satisfy in order to gain and
maintain authorisation to conduct qualification examinations leading to the award by BINDT of PCN
Requirements are detailed in respect of facilities, resources, quality systems, staff and records.
Prospective AQBs are encouraged to seek advice through the BINDT Certification Services Division at
1, Spencer Parade, Northampton, NN1 5AA. Telephone: 01604 259056, Fax: 01604 231489 or e-
mail: pcn@bindt.org
Information contained in other PCN documents is not necessarily repeated herein.

CP10 Procedure for the conduct of BINDT assessments
CP19 Informal access by third parties
CP22 Grading PCN Practical Examinations
PSL/8A List of published PCN documents
PSL/9 Numbering of PCN certificates (restricted to BINDT and AQB staff)
PSL/26 Certification categories
PSL/30 Log or pre-certification experience
PSL/31 Use of the accreditation mark, the PCN logo, and reference to PCN
PSL/33 PCN wallet cards - verification of photographic likeness
PSL/35 Charges for certification services
PSL/42 Log for recording pre-certification on-the-job training
PSL/44 Vision requirements (for candidates and certificate holders)
PSL/50 Policy (restricted to BINDT and AQB staff)
PSL/51 Acceptable qualification and certification for supervision of candidates
PSL/55 Extension of latest retest date
PSL/57 Standard application form

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March 2006
2.1. Staff 3
2.2. Premises 5
2.3. Examination questions 5
2.4. Examination Specimens 5
2.5. Test equipment 6
2.6. Consumables 6
2.7. Security 6
3.1. General 7
3.2. Management review 7
3.3. Quality system 7
3.4. Document and data control 8
3.5. Candidate eligibility and identification 8
3.6. Conduct of PCN examinations 9
3.7. Consistency of PCN examinations 10
3.8. Grading of PCN examinations 10
3.9. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment 11
3.10. Non conformity 11
3.11. Preventive action 11
3.12. Control of quality records 11
3.13. Internal quality audits 11
1.1. The British Institute of NDT (BINDT) is an Accredited Certification Body operating the PCN
Scheme in accordance with the provisions of a range of international and European standards.
1.2. Certification policy is overseen by an Advisory Board, widely representative of industry, and the
PCN Scheme is administered by a Management Committee in accordance with the policy
agreed by the Advisory Board.
1.3. The Management Committee is responsible for setting, maintaining and reviewing competency
standards at applicant and approved Authorised Qualifying Bodies (AQB) and will report to the
Advisory Board on the justification for allowing any particular AQB to conduct PCN qualification
1.4. BINDT requires assurance at all times that AQBs are conducting examinations correctly and
consistently, and this document sets out the conditions of initial and continued approval of
organisations conducting examinations within the PCN Scheme.
1.5. The following terms and definitions will be used in this document.
1.5.1. BINDT: Any reference to BINDT, in the context of this document, means the Certification
Services Division of the British Institute of NDT.
1.5.2. Authorised Qualifying Body (AQB): An organisation approved by BINDT following a
successful formal audit to conduct and administer PCN examinations strictly in accordance
with published requirements.
Note: Prior to the issue of this document, an AQB was referred to as a Test Centre.
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1.5.3. Examination Centre: A location where PCN examinations will be carried out strictly in
accordance with published requirements under the supervision of an authorised examiner.
An examination centre may be situated at an NDT personnel employer's facility or an AQB.
1.5.4. Supplier: The organisation approved by BINDT to provide authorised PCN examinations or
BINDT accredited training to qualify PCN candidates.
1.5.5. Co-ordinator: A person appointed by an approved AQB and authorised by BINDT to control
and administer PCN examination(s) conducted under the auspices of the AQB. A Co-
ordinator need not possess current valid certification, but should have a level of knowledge
or experience in non-destructive testing which is acceptable to BINDT.
1.5.6. Examiner: An individual certificated to level 3 in the method and sector for which he or she
is to conduct, supervise and grade PCN examinations and who is authorised so to do by
BINDT on the basis of an acceptable curriculum vitae after having received appropriate
training by the AQB. All level 3 certificated and BINDT authorised examiners are permitted to
mark and grade any PCN level 3 Basic Examination, irrespective of whether they hold the
certification for the sector/method concerned, since the content of the Basic Examination is
common, regardless of the scope of the intended Main Method examination.
1.5.7. Invigilator: An individual trained by the AQB in the process of examination invigilation to
BINDT requirements, particularly with respect to the points to be observed during a practical
examination. Invigilators, who will be named as such within the AQB quality documentation
and on the AQB approval certificate, are authorised by the AQB Co-ordinator and supervised
by an examiner. The term supervised, in this context, means that invigilation is effectively
controlled by an authorised examiner who is available and contactable by the appointed
invigilator at all times when PCN examinations are being conducted.
1.5.8. BINDT Accredited Training Organisation (ATO): An organisation assessed and approved
to provide specified BINDT validated training courses for personnel intending to attempt a
PCN or other specified examination.
1.5.9. Trainer: An individual trained and authorised by an ATO to lecture in a BINDT validated
training course. Such individuals will hold relevant certification at the same or higher level to
the training which they are authorised to provide.
1.5.10. Product: Interpreted to mean examination material (practical specimens and questions),
equipment and consumables for use in PCN examinations.
1.5.11. Examination: The evaluation, by written and/or practical tests, of the competence of an
individual to apply a defined non-destructive testing process.
1.5.12. Customer or client: The individual or organisation paying examination fees.
1.5.13. Appropriately qualified person: An individual carrying out supervision of candidates for
certification holding EN473 or ISO9712 compliant certification issued by a BINDT recognised
certification body meeting the requirements of EN 45013. The certification concerned must
cover the same NDT method and industry sector as that certification which is the subject of
Where there are insufficient appropriately qualified persons in a country outside of the
United Kingdom to satisfy the requirement, supervision of PCN candidates may be carried
out by persons holding relevant qualification and/or certification issued by an agency
independent of the employer of the supervised candidate. BINDT AQBs should obtain the
prior approval of BINDT before accepting qualification or certification awarded by an
1.5.14 PCN logo: That mark shown at figure 1A or that mark shown at figure 1B in PSL/31
1.5.15 Certification Body Accreditation Mark: The mark, shown in figure 2 and figure 3 in PSL/31
2.1 Staff
2.1.1 General All AQB staff involved in any aspect of the administration or conduct of PCN examinations
shall be appropriately trained and qualified for their functions within the organisation.
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Records of training and qualifications shall be made available to BINDT appointed assessors
at initial and surveillance audits.
2.1.2 Management The AQB shall nominate for PCN approval an employee of the AQB who shall be known as
the PCN Co-ordinator and who shall be responsible for the control and administration of the
quality system and be the primary contact between the AQB and PCN. Being the PCN Co-
ordinator need not preclude the individual from holding another appointment within the
organisation. The primary function of the PCN Co-ordinator is to ensure that the AQB at all times complies
with the requirements of BINDT and that the AQB evolves and implements appropriate
systems and procedures so as to ensure the consistency of PCN examination standards. It is required of the PCN Co-ordinator that he inform BINDT of any abuse of the PCN
Scheme of which he may become aware, as well as AQB non-compliance and corrective
action. All instances of non-compliance with requirements shall be recorded.
2.1.3. Examination Personnel PCN examinations shall be conducted only by those personnel named in the AQB quality
system and on the AQB authorisation as examiners. Existing PCN examiners are required to
maintain their curriculum vitae, and to provide BINDT with an up to date copy upon request. AQBs will not directly involve in PCN examinations sub-contract examiners or invigilators, or
any other sub-contract personnel, where such personnel have access to examination
material, if their other employment is such as to threaten the impartiality of the examination
process or to significantly threaten the security of PCN Scheme examination material. AQBs may not conduct examinations for candidates employed by the same organisation that
owns the AQB, or who are employed by an organisation having a commercial interest in the
AQB. The AQB shall appoint a PCN level 3 certificated individual who shall be responsible for the
provision of all facilities for examination, and for the preparation, conduct and standards of
examination and who shall be designated Chief Examiner on the AQB's certificate of
authorisation. The AQB shall permit only those personnel named in the BINDT approved quality
management system and on the AQB authorisation as examiners or invigilators to supervise
the conduct of PCN examinations. Invigilators of practical examinations shall hold relevant
PCN certification (or certification recognised by BINDT), otherwise, the AQB shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of BINDT that the invigilator has received appropriate training
in the points to be observed and recorded during practical examinations. Examination staff are required to declare any interest in any candidate in whose examination
they are involved in any capacity. An examiner or invigilator is prohibited from direct
involvement in any examination of a candidate in whom they may have an interest by virtue
of: having a common employer - now or within the preceding two years; having provided training within the preceding two years except, in the case only of an
invigilator, with specific written dispensation from the Scheme Manager or deputy; being employed by an organisation which has an interest in the outcome of examinations; any other circumstance which may potentially threaten impartiality. Administrative and examination staff shall be designated as such in the quality management
system, and shall be provided with terms of reference and/or a job description. They shall be
able to demonstrate familiarity with all requirements, rules and regulations relevant to their
tasks, and the AQB quality management system shall define how they are trained in those
tasks and the system for recording such training. The AQB quality management system shall detail the measures, such as delegation of
responsibilities for management and administration, to be taken in the absence of key staff.
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2.2 Premises
2.2.1. The AQB must provide quiet examination rooms supplied with all necessary services (heat,
power, lighting, etc.), and all facilities provided shall comply with all relevant statutory health
and safety legislation requirements.
2.2.2. Examination invigilators must ascertain that the examination conditions are to the
satisfaction of all candidates prior to the commencement of PCN examinations. This includes
provisions for acceptable levels of comfort (lighting, temperature etc). This may be achieved verbally or by the prominent positioning of a notice in the examination
room which states that it is the candidate's responsibility to inform the examination invigilator
if they feel that the prevailing conditions are such that they may adversely affect the
examination result. In the event that, after an examination has started, examination conditions deteriorate to a
level below that required by BINDT, the examination must be terminated or suspended and
not restarted until such time as the conditions are restored to a standard conducive to
maintaining the candidate's concentration and to the conduct of PCN examinations.
2.2.3. Where premises are shared between training and examination, there shall be no joint usage
of the facilities, i.e. examinations shall not take place whilst the facilities are being used for
training or vice versa.
2.2.4. Where the AQB offers PCN examinations at one or more remote examination centres on a
permanent or frequent basis, there shall be a documented procedure covering the conduct
of examinations at each examination centre. This procedure will address all of the
requirements contained within this document and will be subject to audit on site at the
discretion of BINDT.
2.3. Examination questions
2.3.1. BINDT provides a central bank of validated multi-choice examination questions from which
centrally issued examination papers are constructed. All AQBs are required to contribute
questions, which shall subsequently be validated and added to the central question bank.
2.3.2. Where the central question bank does not provide validated questions of sufficient quantity
or quality, the AQB is required to hold a minimum of twice the number of examination
questions specified for any examination it is authorised to conduct.
2.3.3. An AQB shall detail the means of procurement, production and maintenance of up to date
examination questions for approval by BINDT, including marking schemes for questions and
instructions, where the central provision does not presently cover a PCN examination for
which the AQB seeks or holds authorisation. Where examination papers are constructed by
the AQB, there shall be a documented procedure for ensuring that such examination papers
adequately reflect the PCN published examination syllabus.
2.3.4. Once approved for PCN examinations, examination material shall be used for no purpose
other than PCN examinations. No questions which have been used for training purposes
during the preceding twelve months shall be utilised within PCN examinations.
2.3.5. There shall be a documented AQB procedure for a system by which candidate's replies to
examination questions are periodically reviewed in order to detect those questions which
consistently elicit incorrect answers from candidates. This procedure will require BINDT to
be notified of any such examination questions.
2.4. Examination Specimens
2.4.1. The minimum number of practical specimens to be available for each permanently
established examination centre operated by an AQB that will enable the conduct of
examinations for a stated maximum number of candidates at any examination sitting is
specified in Annex B to this document. Examination specimens shall meet the relevant
specification (where one exists) before use in PCN examinations.
2.4.2. Where an appendix does not yet exist for a particular category of examination specimens,
the AQB shall provide for BINDT approval a list of specimens proposed for use, including a
description of each, and shall not conduct examinations in the category concerned until
authorisation has been issued.
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2.4.3. Once approved for PCN examinations, examination specimens shall be used for no purpose
other than PCN examinations. No specimens which have been used for training purposes
during the preceding twelve months shall be utilised within PCN examinations.
2.4.4. A list of PCN examination specimens and their disposition shall be submitted to BINDT
during initial authorisation and, subsequently, upon request. All reductions and any
significant increase in examination specimen holdings must be reported to BINDT in writing.
During assessment and surveillance visits, BINDT assessors will select specimens at
random and audit for compliance with requirements.
2.4.5. Each practical specimen shall be uniquely identified by an appropriate permanent marking to
ensure that it is completely traceable. Such marking shall not interfere with the practical NDT
of the specimen and shall, wherever practicable, be concealed from the candidate whilst the
specimen is being used for examination.
2.4.6. The AQB quality management system shall document procedures for the procurement,
production, maintenance, rotation, disposal and introduction of new examination specimens.
BINDT may at any time require AQBs to remove from service a particular test specimen, or
to obtain or procure and introduce specimens with specific natural or artificial flaws.
2.4.7. There shall be a documented procedure for the production of master reports of flaws in each
specimen. The master report shall be based only on the method and the particular technique
to be applied to the specimen by examination candidates.
2.4.8. All examination specimens, in order to gain BINDT approval, must be evaluated
independently by two personnel holding relevant valid level 2 certification. Where there is
significant disagreement between the two evaluations concerning defect content, location
and/or characterisation, the exercise shall be repeated until there is agreement in the result.
From these separate evaluations, a master report will be generated and this will be signed
by the AQB Chief Examiner initially and at each review. Records of such evaluations will be
maintained for a minimum of ten years beyond the date when the specimen ceases to be
used for PCN examinations.
2.4.9. The AQB shall have in place a procedure whereby examination specimen master reports are
periodically reviewed against actual reports produced by examination candidates. If a
significant number of candidates fail to correctly report any defects in the specimen, it is to
be re-evaluated for suitability as a PCN examination specimen.
2.5. Test equipment
2.5.1. The AQB shall hold sufficient relevant test equipment, probes, reference blocks, calibration
blocks, etc., to enable the conduct of PCN examinations for a stated number of candidates
at any one practical examination sitting. Minimum equipment holdings for AQBs are detailed
at Annex C. Details of designated examination equipment must be submitted to BINDT upon
2.5.2. The AQB shall, as far as practicable, maintain all such equipment in a serviceable condition
and provide for its maintenance and overhaul as necessary.
2.5.3. Existing AQBs are to record any changes in equipment holdings. If a significant reduction in
equipment holdings is planned, this may result in a change in the scope of AQB
authorisation and must be notified to BINDT beforehand.
2.6. Consumables
2.6.1. The test centre shall ensure an adequate supply of all consumable materials necessary for
PCN examination requirements. A documented procedure is required to ensure that
consumables are properly disposed of strictly in accordance with any appropriate COSHH
2.6.2. Maintenance of process capability for processes involving consumable materials (e.g. liquid
penetrants, magnetic inks, radiographic processing chemicals) is to be covered by a process
control procedure.
2.7. Security
2.7.1. Examination materials, including questions and practical specimens, and information on
candidates, require handling with a high degree of security, confidentiality, integrity and
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impartiality. If data at AQBs are computerised, a documented procedure shall cover, as a
minimum, general security, authorisation for access, and measures to prevent loss of hard
copy and/or computerised data.
2.7.2. Only authorised personnel from the AQB and BINDT representatives authorised in writing by
BINDT shall have access to examination material and records.
2.7.3. Secure lockable storage facilities shall be provided for all examination material including
questions, answers, specimens and techniques. These must be located in an area to which
candidates do not have unsupervised access. A secure facility for the retention of
candidates' records and results shall also be provided.
2.7.4. Where examination material is stored at a location not under the constant supervision of
AQB staff, e.g., at a site remote from any permanently established and staffed examination
centre, the AQB shall notify BINDT Certification Services Division management of the
location and measures in place to safeguard the security and confidentiality of examination
material. BINDT reserves the right to audit such storage facilities and to direct that specific
measures be in place to safeguard security and confidentiality.
3.1. General
3.1.1. The AQB shall provide BINDT with formal quality management system documentation (and
maintain this documentation up-to-date) detailing the scope of examinations, and applicable
management and staff structures, together with documentation detailing its facilities,
equipment, specimens, control arrangements and procedures, which shall be shown to
comply fully with these requirements and be adequate to maintain a consistent standard of
PCN examination. The documented quality system shall include a statement of the AQB's
safety policy and shall also include terms of reference for staff.
3.1.2. The quality management systems requirements are those of the current edition of the
international standard (ISO 9001 : 2000 requirements will be mandatory by December
2003). Appropriate interpretations of the requirements of the international standard, where
needed, are provided in the following text.
3.2. Management review
3.2.1. The AQB is required to document and implement a procedure for a management review,
conducted at least annually, covering all aspects of its quality system to ensure continuing
compliance with these requirements. The agenda for the management review meeting
(which shall be recorded in minutes - with actions allocated where appropriate) shall include
but not be limited to the following: Overall quality performance Results of external audit Results of internal audit Effectiveness of corrective and preventive action Complaints
3.2.2. Records of internal audit and management review shall be retained for not less than seven
3.3. Quality system
3.3.1. The AQB shall devise and maintain a fully documented quality system, including operating
procedures, covering all aspects of the organisation and control of PCN examinations. The
intent of the quality system shall be to ensure the effective control of, and consistency within,
the examinations conducted on behalf of BINDT. The quality system shall cover each of the
elements of the international standard as well as specific requirements for the BINDT
authorisation of AQBs. The latter will cover, as a minimum, the following: AQB organisation: Co-ordinators duties and responsibilities;
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March 2006 Chief examiner's duties and responsibilities; Examiner's duties and responsibilities; Invigilator's duties and responsibilities; Staff training and qualifications; Examination facilities, including premises, specimens and equipment; Examination procedural data: conduct of examinations grading of examinations examination records; consistency of examination standard; Security (of specimens, records and information); Facilities for visiting representatives of BINDT.
3.4. Document and data control
3.4.1. The AQB shall establish and maintain a procedure to control all documents essential to the
provision of an AQB service, e.g., PCN documents, quality system, standards and
3.4.2. A procedure will ensure that staff can readily ascertain from a master list the current status
of any document in use. Superseded or withdrawn documents shall be destroyed or, if
retained for historical reasons, shall be clearly stamped "SUPERSEDED or
3.4.3. Responsibility for embodiment of changes to documentation shall be allocated within the
quality management system, and a documented procedure must ensure that relevant
personnel are aware when change has occurred.
3.4.4. The AQB Co-ordinator shall ensure that all necessary technical and procedural data is
available to enable staff to comply with requirements.
3.4.5. The AQB shall devise all necessary procedures for the adequate control of PCN
examinations for which it is authorised, and shall ensure that such procedures are
implemented by all appropriate staff.
3.4.6. The AQB Co-ordinator is required to advise BINDT of any apparent error or discrepancy in
PCN documentation.
3.4.7. The AQB Co-ordinator will ensure the correct use of the PCN logo and the certification body
accreditation mark, as detailed in PCN document PSL/31, on any internal documents or
other devices originated within the organisation.
3.5. Candidate eligibility and identification
3.5.1. The AQB will have a documented procedure for ensuring that candidates satisfy all
requirements, particularly in terms of examination eligibility and identification, which includes
a minimum of 5% verification of experience and supervision information provided by the
candidate. The procedure will detail, but not be limited to, the following points: Registration. Candidates will complete and submit prior to examination a correctly completed
standard application form (PSL/57). Pre-certification training (see PSL/42). For level 1 and level 2 candidates, AQBs should
require evidence of satisfactory completion of a course of training conducted by an ATO to
the relevant PCN syllabus. Where additional on-the-job training supplements the approved
training, AQBs may accept a signed declaration from the applicant, endorsed by his
employer, that this has been carried out, but should implement a system of random checks
to verify such statements. Pre-certification experience (form PSL/30 may be used for recording experience), including
supervision by an appropriately qualified person (form PSL/51 provides guidance on
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acceptable qualification and certification of persons providing supervision of PCN
candidates). Annual vision test (see form PSL/44) Identification of candidate: For those candidates already in possession of a centrally issued
PCN wallet card, AQBs must request sight of this to confirm the candidate's bona fides. If a
candidate cannot produce a wallet card or photographs, then the AQB must either be in a
position to offer a passport photograph service, or refuse examination until such
photographs are supplied and can be attached to a new wallet card, signed by the
candidate, for transmission to PCN with the result notice. In the latter case, the AQB must be
in a position to witness that the supplied photographs are of the individual attending for
examination, and must witness the individual signing the reverse of the photographs or must
ascertain (using of PCN form PSL/33) that the signature on the reverse of the photographs is
the same individual attending for examination.
3.6. Conduct of PCN examinations
3.6.1. The AQB shall have in place an operating procedure which ensures that candidates are, at
all times during examination, closely supervised by a suitably qualified and authorised
examiner or invigilator who will ensure that no candidate is permitted an unfair advantage or
to collude with other candidates.
3.6.2. A procedure for invigilation is to be covered in the AQB quality system, and is to define
appropriate training in invigilation techniques including, where necessary, specific points to
be noted during practical examinations. An invigilator need not be an examiner, but must: be appropriately qualified if invigilating practical examinations; required to ensure that secure examination conditions are maintained at all times; ensure that any infringement of examination conditions by any candidate is recorded, and
reported without delay to the Chief Examiner or PCN Co-ordinator; declare an interest in any candidate.
3.6.3. A PCN examination may be interrupted or curtailed provided, in the opinion of the
responsible Examiner or Invigilator, a valid reason exists. In the event of an interrupted or
curtailed PCN examination the AQB Co-ordinator shall advise BINDT of the interruption or
curtailment. In the event that a PCN examination is suspended or interrupted by the AQB before
completion, the candidate may return to complete the examination without further charge at
the same AQB within thirty days of the commencement of the original examination. Any completed examination parts may be held over pending re-commencement, but shall
not be marked (and the candidate shall not be given any indication of the result) until such
time as all examination parts are completed. Any part completed examination papers shall be retained with the candidates file as an
examination record, but shall not be considered as a part of the completed examination. In
respect of any part not completed, the candidate shall be given an entirely different paper
upon re-commencement. In the event of a subsequent re-examination, the earliest date allowable for the re-
examination shall be calculated from the date of examination re-commencement.
3.6.4. All staff involved with examinations shall ensure that no examination material is removed by
any candidate. This includes any rough notes, sketches etc. that the candidate may have
made during the examination.
3.6.5. The use of programmable calculators is prohibited in PCN examinations, as is the use of
digital NDT equipment with storage facilities - unless the equipment concerned is of a type
authorised by BINDT and which is inspected by AQB staff before and after use in an
3.6.6. There shall be a documented procedure which ensures that all candidates are adequately
prepared on the day of the examination. This will cover, as a minimum, provision of correct
examination papers, codes and standards, examination equipment and materials,
information on breaks during examination and the consequences of cheating.
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3.6.7. An extension of up to 25% is authorised in the time allowed in PCN written examinations for
candidates suffering from conditions such as dyslexia who are likely to experience difficulty
in completing examinations in the published time allowed. AQBs may allow this additional
time at their discretion provided traceable documentary evidence of the condition is retained
with the examination records. Arrangements should also be made for an examiner to be
present in order to supplement the written examination with oral questions if necessary to
establish that the candidate has a firm grasp of the topic being examined.
3.6.8. Candidates shall be prohibited from using red ink or correction fluid when completing PCN
examination papers. Candidates will be required to initial beside any corrections they may
make on examination papers. In the event that a candidate does use red ink, AQBs should
take effective steps to ensure that the responsible examiners remarks and annotations are
made in a manner that will not result in confusion in the event that a PCN moderator or
assessor should audit the examination in question.
3.6.9. Mobile phones and other electronic communications devices are a potential source of
cheating and may disturb other candidates if they should be activated during examinations.
Consequently mobile phones and any other electronic communications devices shall be
barred from written and practical examination facilities when PCN examinations are being
3.7. Consistency of PCN examinations
3.7.1. The AQB is to make every effort to ensure that its standard of PCN examination(s) is
consistent and at all times complies with requirements.
3.7.2. The examination system is to be defined by written procedures which shall include a
documented system for the periodic double scrutiny or moderation of random samples of
candidates' examination papers. The procedure for double scrutiny should be such that the
first examiner is unable to forecast when double scrutiny will occur.
3.7.3 Any significant difference between the initial marks awarded and those awarded by the
second examiner or moderator shall be investigated and appropriate action taken within the
AQB system to restore consistency.
3.7.4 When double scrutiny or moderation takes place, it is to be recorded on the candidate's AQB
records and on the examination result notice.
3.7.5 The double scrutiny or moderation must take place before the candidate is informed of
examination results. Any discrepancy discovered after the results have been sent out shall
not be cause to change the "published" result, unless a particular examination result has
been investigated in the course of a formal BINDT appeals procedure.
3.7.6 The AQB is to ensure that a candidate is not given the same examination paper in any
subsequent examination he may take. This will include re-examination and recertification
3.8. Grading of PCN examinations
3.8.1. Marking schedules for all possible solutions are to be produced for all narrative answer
questions and are to include key points and marks for answers. These shall be prepared by
an authorised Examiner with appropriate certification, and shall be approved and signed by
the Chief Examiner.
3.8.2. The conduct of practical examinations is to be defined by written procedures which shall
include assessment and marking schedules for all possible solutions, observation of the
candidate for compliance with safety notes and notices, and selection and correct usage of
test equipment. Practical examination marking schedules shall be prepared by an authorised
Examiner with appropriate certification, and signed by the Chief Examiner.
3.8.3. AQBs will grade PCN practical examinations according to the provisions of CP22.
3.8.4. All PCN level 3 examinations are to be independently marked by two Examiners.
3.8.5. All examination marking is to carried out using red ink.
3.8.6. Examination results notices shall be posted to the BINDT Certification Records Office, the
candidate and the individual paying the examination fee not later than 21 days (though it is
desirable that this period shall be less than 7 days) from the date of the examination and, in
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March 2006
the case of failure in the examination, should include an explanation of the reason for failure
which is useful to the candidate in preparing for re-examination. The results notice will serve
as a recommendation to BINDT to certify competence.
3.8.7. BINDT reserves the right to require further evidence of competence before issuing a PCN
3.9. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
The AQB shall establish and maintain a documented calibration procedure for all inspection,
test and measuring equipment, traceable to national standards where these exist. Such
procedures shall include details of equipment type, identification, location, frequency of checks,
method of check, allocation of responsibility and actions to be taken when results are
3.10. Non conformity
All instances of non-conformity with BINDT or PCN requirements are to be reported by the AQB
to BINDT, together with intended corrective actions.
3.11. Preventive action
In the event that the AQB discovers the potential for non-conformity, the Co-ordinator is to
advise BINDT and propose appropriate preventive action.
3.12. Control of quality records
3.12.1. The AQB is required to maintain for at least seven years comprehensive records as
evidence of compliance with these requirements. Such records shall include, but not be
limited to, results of: continuous monitoring and internal audit; staff re-appraisal; equipment maintenance reviews and recalibration; periodic reviews of marking schemes, procedures and documentation.
3.12.2. The AQB is also required to maintain comprehensive examination records (including precise
details of which questions each candidate was set for each initial examination and re-
examination) in secure lockable storage. Except for radiographs produced by candidates in
radiography examinations, which must be retained for at least one year, examination records
shall normally be retained for a period of 11 years but, in any case, shall not be disposed of
without prior consultation with BINDT.
3.12.3. All records shall be available for scrutiny by authorised BINDT representatives.
3.12.4. In the event that an AQB ceases trading, or where authority to conduct PCN examinations is
relinquished or withdrawn, all PCN examination records will become the property of BINDT.
3.12.5. Records may be in the form of any type of media, such as hard copy or electronic media.
3.13. Internal quality audits
3.13.1. The AQB is required to devise and implement a system of continuous monitoring and
periodic internal audits of all aspects of PCN examination procedures.
3.13.2. The AQB quality management system will include a documented schedule for internal audit
which will cover the whole of the quality system at least once in each calendar year.

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