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Qqad 2007

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Question: 1

The equation |x-1| - |x-2| + |x-4| = m has exactly n real solutions for some real m.
Then which among the following relations etween m an! n can not e true"
#a$ m%n = &%' #$ m = n #c$ m%n = &%2 #!$ m%n = '%& #e$ m = n-1
Since 1, 2, 4 are the critical point, we divide the domain into 4 regions;
1) when x > 4 |x-1| - |x-2| |x-4| ! "x-1)-"x-2)"x-4) ! m !> x-# ! m !> m>1
2) when 2 $ x $!4 |x-1|-|x-2||x-4| ! "x-1)-"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> %-x ! m !> 1 $! m $ #
#) when 1 $ x $!2 |x-1|-|x-2||x-4| ! "x-1)"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> x1 ! m !> 1 $ m $! #
4) when -&n'init( $ x $!1 |x-1|-|x-2||x-4| ! -"x-1)"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> #-x ! m !> 2 $!
m $! &n'init(
)learl( 'or n!4 we have 2 $ m $ #; 'or n!# we have m ! 2,#; 'or n!2 we have 1 $ m $ 2;
'or n!1 we have m!1; 'or n!* we have 1 > m+
,oo-ing at the choices "a) m ! 2+4 and n ! 4 satis'( ".) m ! n ! # sati'( "d) m ! 1*/# and
n ! 2 satis( "e) m ! -1 and n ! * satis(
0ence, choice "c) is the right answer+
Question ( 2
)hen *atrina get+s ,wiss chocolcates- she swings in !elight- equal to her total
chocolates at that time. .or instance- if *atrina gets & chocolates- then / chocolates
an! then & chocolates again- she at first ma0es & swings- then she ma0es &+/ = 11
swings an! then she ma0es &+/+& = 1& swings- ma0ing a total of &+11+1& = 22
swings. 3f all of *atrina+s ,wiss chocolates are in a grou4 of either & or / an!
*atrina ma0es 55 swings !uring the 4rocess- in how many !ifferent ways can she
get the chocolates in that 4rocess "
#a$ & #$ 2 #c$ ' #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
&' a1, a2, a#, +++ are the num.ers in which 1atrina gets chocolates in order then 1atrina2s
total swings will .e n3a1 "n-1)3a2 ++++ an where a1, a2 etc+ ta-e the values # or 4+
5iven the 'act n3a1 "n-1)3a2 ++++ an ! 66; i' all a1, a2 etc are # then #n"n1)/2 ! 66
!> n"n1) ! 77, so we -now n can atmost .e 4+ 8a-ing a1, a2 as 4 we can see that n is
greater than 4+ 91, i' it2s 4a1 7a2 +++ a4 ! 66 then .ecause # and 4 are each o' the
'orm 4--1 we see 4a1 7a2 +++ a4 ! 66 reduces to 43"4-1 7-2 +++ -4) ! 66 "1
2 +++ 4) ! 66 2:, which is not possi.le+ Similarl( it2s not 'or n!%+ ;or 7 it2s possi.le as
66 "1 2 +++ 7) ! 12* is div .( 4+ <ow (ou are le't with 7-1 %-2 +++ -7 ! #*
where -1,-2 +++ ta-es either 1 or 2
"-1, -2, -#, -4, -%, -7) ! "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2), "2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2), "1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1), "1, 2, 2, 1, 1,
1), "2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
0ence, choice "c) is the right answer+
Question ( &
6et f#x -y$ e a function satisfying f#x -y$=f#2x + 2y- 2y -2x$ for all x - y. 7efine
g#x$=f#28x - 1$. )hat is the minimum 4ositi9e integer 4 if g#x+4$=g#x$ for all x"
#a$ 4 #$ 2 #c$ : #!$ 12 #e$ none of the foregoing
'"x ,()!'"2x2(,2(-2) ! '":( ,-:x )
'":(,-:x) ! ' ":"-:x), -:":()) ! '"-74x , -74() ! '"-74"-74x),-74"-74()) ! '"2=12 x ,2=12 ()
! '"x,()
!> '"x,*)!'"2=12 x,*) so , '"2=x,*) ! '"2="x12) ,*) ! > g"x) ! g"x12)
0ence, choice "d) is the right answer+
Question ( 4
;onsi!er a triangle <Q= so that <Q=4- <==' an! Q==2. ,imilarly- we ha9e a 4oint
, so that Q,='- =,=4- an! <Q,= is a 4aralleogram #not an isosceles tra4e>ium$. )e
!raw the angle isector of ? <- which hits Q, at T- an! the angle isector of ?<QT-
which intersects <T at @. Then the length of T@ is #9x !enotes square root of x$ #a$ &
#$ 492% & #c$ 29& #!$ 5%2 #e$ none of the foregoing
,etting $>?@ ! x , we have $8>@!$8>? !x
,et A .e the intersection o' >8 and @?+ $>A@ !$A>? $>?A !2x
So, triangle >@? B triangle A@>, which gives, >A !43 %/7 !1*/# <ow, since >?||@S, we
have >A /A8 !>? /@8 !> >A />8 ! >? / >? @8
$>8@ ! $?>8!$@>8, so triangle >@8 is isosceles where >@!@8!4
0ence , >8 ! C">? @8) />?D 3 >A ! 6/% 3 1*/# !7
Since the angle .isector o' the vertex angle o' an isosceles triangle .isects its .ase,
8E !1/2 37 !#
0ence, choice "a) is the right answer+
Question ( '
Three 4ositi9e integers a- - an! c are consecuti9e terms in an arithmetic
4rogression. Ai9en that n is also a 4ositi9e integer- for how many 9alues of n elow
1111 !oes the equation a82 - 82 - c82 = n ha9e no solutions"
#a$ 4': #$ 45& #c$ '24 #!$ ''5 #e$ '52
,et a ! .d, and c ! .-d !> n ! ."4d - .) put . ! 4d - 1, it gives n ! "4d - 1)31 ! 4d - 1 !
#,4,11,+++,666 'or d ! 1,2,+++,2%* put . ! 4d - 2 it gives n ! :d - 4 ! 4,12,+++,667 'or d !
1,2,+++,12% put . ! 4d -#, n ! 12d - 6 which is o' the 'orm 4- - 1 and alread( counted put .
! 4d - 4 it gives n ! 17d - 17 ! 17,#2,+++,662 'or d ! 2,#,+++,7# it can .e seen that . ! 4d -
#, 4d - %,+++ etc+ give these alread( counted values o' n+ !> total n are 666 - 2%* - 12% - 72
! %72+ 8he answer is not in the choicesF
;or more rigorous mathematical proo' please re'er innocentG12#2s post H 214 in the
discussion thread+
Question ( 2
21 teams of fi9e archers each com4ete in an archery com4etetion. Bn archer
finishing in 0th 4lacecontriutes 0 4oints to his team- an! there are no ties. The
team that wins will e the one that has the least score . Ai9en that- the 1st 4osition
teamCs score is not the same as any other team-the numer of winning scores that
are 4ossile is "
#a$ 2&2 #$ 2&/ #c$ 2&: #!$ 2&5 #e$ none of the foregoing
8he teamsI scores must sum to 1 2 + + + ++661** !%*%*+ 8he winning score must
.e no larger than 1/2* 3%*%* ! 2%2+% and is at least 1 2 # 4 % ! 1%+ 0owever, not
all scores .etween 1% and 2%2 inclusivel( are possi.le .ecause all teams must have
integer scores and no team can tie the winning team+ &' the winning score is s, the sum o'
all teamsI scores is at least s 16"s 1) ! 2*s 16, so solving gives s $! 2%1+ 0ence, 2%1
J 1% 1 ! 2#4 winning scores are possi.le+
0ence, choice ".) is the right answer
Question ( /
<#x$ is a thir! !egree 4olynomial an! the coefficients of <#x$ are rational. 3f the
gra4h of <#x$ touches the x-axis- then how many rational roots !oes <#x$ = 1 ha9e"
#a$ 1 #$ 1 #c$ 2 #!$ & #e$ none of the foregoing
Since >"x) touches x-axis !> >"x)!* has a repeata.le root and is real+ &' the repeata.le
root is irrational and is av. then the non-repeata.le root is --2v. where - is a rational
num.er+ K0LM
!> >"x) ! p3"x-a-v.)=23"x--2v.) which means the constant term o' >"x) is irrational, a
contradiction+ 8hus, the repeata.le root is rational+ And so is non-repeata.le+
Blternate Detho!:
,et >"x) .e x=# J ax=2 .x J c+ ,et m .e a root o' >"x) ! * and >N"x) ! *
m=# J am=2 .m J c ! * O "1) and #m=2 J 2am . ! * O "2) !> am=2 J 2.m #c !
* O "#)
!> m ! "a. P ac)/2"a=2 P #.) is rational; also 2m n ! a "rational) !> n is also rational
!> all the three roots o' >"x) ! * are rational+
0ence, choice "d) is the right answer
Question ( :
QQB7 team !eci!es to go on 9acation for : !ays trusting their E6 software system.
The 4rolems are fe! into the system an! !ate timer set in a!9ance for each : !ays
for the questions to e !eli9ere! to the suscriers !aily. Fowe9er- the software
follows a weir! rule. 3t !oesn+t always !eli9er the E6 !aily in those : !ays- ut ne9er
misses & consecuti9e !eli9eries. Fow many 4ossile ways are there for the E6s
!eli9ery in those : !ays"
#a$ 122 #$ 1&: #c$ 11/ #!$ 1/2 #e$ 145
: <,s can .e delivered in :): ! 1 wa(; 4 <,s can .e delivered in :)4 ! : wa(s; 7 <,s
can .e delivered in :)7 ! 2: wa(s+ % <,s can .e delivered in :)% - ":-#1) ! %* wa(s "7
is su.tracted as
it2s no+ o' wa(s o' # consecutive misses)+ 4 <,s can .e delivered in :)4 - 2* "with #
consecutive misses) - % "with 4 consecutive misses) ! 4% wa(s+ # <,s can .e delivered in
17 wa(s+ K0LM 2 <,s can .e delivered in 1 wa( - on #rd and 7th da(+ 8hus ma-ing a
total o' 146 wa(s o' deliver( in those : da(s+
Blternate Detho!:
9n each da( <, can ta-e 2 states - it either delivers or it doesn2t+ ,et '"n) .e the possi.le
wa(s 'or n da(s with given conditions+ !> '"1) ! 2, '"2) ! 2=2, '"#) ! 2=#-1 "1 su.tracted
as we can2t have # misses)+ ,et n > #+ 8hen, <, either delivers on da( 1 or it doesn2t+
Khen it does it can have '"n-1) wa(s 'rom there; on da( 2 also it either delivers or it
doesn2t, when it does it can have '"n-2) wa(s 'rom there+ <ow on da( #, it has to deliver
as we have missed 'irst 2 da(s, thus a'ter delivering on da( # it can have '"n-#) wa(s !>
'"n) ! '"n-1)'"n-2)'"n-#) !> '"4) ! 1#, '"%) ! 24, '"7) ! 44, '"4) ! :1 and '": ) ! 146
0ence, choice "e) is the right answer
Question ( 5
Doi> has a machine into which he can 4ut any numer of one ru4ee coins. 3f he
inserts n ru4ees- the machine returns 2n ru4ees. Gach time he uses the machine-
howe9er- he must insert more money than he !i! on the 4re9ious use. 3f he starts
with exactly =s 1 an! use the machine once- he will ha9e =s 2. Hn his next use of the
machine- he is force! to insert =s 2 yiel!ing =s 4- an! on his thir! use of the
machine- he can insert either =s & or =s 4 yiel!ing a total of =s / or =s :. The
largest 2 !igit integer I such that it is im4ossile to otain exactly I ru4ees with the
machine- starting with =s 1 is
#a$ 11 #$ 2' #c$ 52 #!$ 5/ #e$ none of the foregoing
<ote that ?s1* is an impossi.le amount .ecause a'ter 'our uses o' the machine QoiR
must have at least ?s 11+ <ow it is eas( to chec- that all amounts 'rom 11 to 2* rupees
can .e o.tained+ Suppose, .( wa( o' contradiction, that some value larger than ?s 1* is
impossi.le and let m .e the smallest num.er exceeding 1* such that m rupees cannot .e
o.tained+ 8hen m > 2*+ &' m is even, write m ! 2- and note that - > 1*+ 8hus - rupees are
possi.le and he never inserted as much as - rupees to get it+ 0e can thus insert all -
rupees to get 2- ! m rupees+ &' m is odd, write m ! 2- 1 with - S 1*+ 8hen - 1 rupees
is possi.le and he never inserted as much as - rupees to get it+ 0e can thus insert - rupees
(ielding a total o' 2- 1 ! m rupees+ 8his shows that m rupees is possi.le, contradicting
the choice o' m+ 8hus no value larger than ?s 1* is impossi.le to o.tain+
0ence, choice "a) is the right answer
Question ( 11
=ani !raws a square BJ;7 of si!e 1 unit. ,he then !raws 11 straight lines
connecting B to each of 11 equally s4ace! 4oints lying internally on ;7 #inclu!ing ;
an! 7$. )hat is the total area #in unit square$ of all the 4ossile triangles that can
e forme!"
#a$ ' #$ 11%2 #c$ 11 #!$ 2&%2 #e$ none of the foregoing
)learl( area o' each o' the smallest triangles is 1/2*+ ,et the 6 internal points .e Q, <,
9 ++++ Kith AT as one side, the area o' all triangles ! 1/2* U12++1*V ! %%/2* Kith AQ as
one side, the area o' all triangles ! 1/2*U12++6V ! 4%/2* Similarl( 'or others+++
S9 total area o' all such triangles including triangle AW) is
1/4*U13223#++631*1*311V 1/2 !111/2 ! 2#/2 sXuare units+
0ence, choice "d) is the right answer
Question ( 11
<Q= is an acute angle! triangle with 4erimeter 21 cm. , is a 4oint on Q=. The
circumcircles of triangles <Q, an! <,= intersect <= an! <Q at T an! @
res4ecti9ely such that ,T = : cm an! ,@ = / cm. 3f ?TQ= = ?Q=@- then which of
the following re4resents the 9alue of <T%<@"
#a$ 12%15 #$ &%4 #c$ 14%1/ #!$ '%2 #e$ none of the foregoing
5iven that $8@? ! $E?@ ! A "suppose) $8@? ! $8@S ! $8>S "angles made .( same
arc o' circle) ! A, $8>S ! $?>S ! $?ES "angles made .( same arc o' circle) ! A+
Similarl( $E?@ ! $E?S ! $E>S "angles made .( same arc o' circle) ! A, $E>S !
$@>S ! $@8S "angles made .( same arc o' circle) ! A
8here'ore we get >S is the angle .isector o' @>? and 8riangle ES? and 8riangle 8S@
are isosceles+ So, S? ! SE ! 4 and S@ ! S8 ! :+ 8here'ore @? ! 4 : ! 1%+ <ow using
>@ >? ! 7* - @? ! 4% and >@/>? ! :/4 "angle .isector theorem) we get >? ! 21 and
>@ ! 24
Ese @E+@> ! @S+@? !> @E Y 24 ! : Y 1% !> @E ! % So, E> ! 16, similarl( 8? Y 21
! 4 Y 1% !> 8? ! %+ So, 8> ! 17
8here'ore >8/>E ! 17/16
0ence, choice "a) is the right answer
Question ( 12
Fow many two !igit or three !igit 4ositi9e integers in ase 2 are there such that if 1
in inserte! etween the units an! the tens !igit- the multi4le of the original numer
is otaine!" ,olution:
#a$ 12 #$ 1' #c$ 12 #!$ 1: #e$ none of the foregoing
,et AW .e the 2 digit num.er !> in .ase 7 it2s 7AW !> #7AW is divisi.le .( 7AW; 'or
W!*, A can ta-e % values 'rom 1 to %+ 14 and 2# satis'( the given propert( "chec-
(oursel'F) !> 4 two digit num.ers are possi.le+
,et AW) .e the three digit num.er then 217A#7W) is divisi.le .( #7A7W); 'or
)!* we have %37 ! #* possi.ilities+ 8hus, in all #4 such two or three digit num.ers are
0ence, choice "e) is the right answer
Question ( 1&
B44le ha! to stu!y Dathematics from his teacher Hrange. Bs usual- B44le was
slee4ing in the class. 3mme!iately he hear! a thun!ering 9oice. KBll roots of this
equation are real as well as 4ositi9e in natureK. B44le wo0e u4 from !ee4 slumer.
Fe hurrie! to co4y the 11 !egree equation written on the oar! ut coul! co4y only
the first two terms written on the lac0oar! efore Hrange sir wi4e! it all. B44le
howe9er rememere! that the constant term was 2. Fe note! !own the equation as
2x811 - 21x85LLL. + 2 = 1. B44le was 9ery sure that if someone woul! tell him
the sum of all the coefficients of all the 4owers of x in the equation- he woul! sol9e it
anyhow. Fe as0e! Dango aout the same. The answer which Dango correctly ga9e
#a$ -1124 #$ 1 #c$ 1124 #!$ Dango himself was confuse! #e$ none of the foregoing
,et the roots .e a1, a2,O++, a1* then a1 a2 O+ a1* ! 1* , and "a1+a2O+a1*)!1 <ow
since all the roots are real and positive in nature Ke can sa( that "a1a2O+
a1*)/1*>!"a1+a2O+a1*)=1/1* ;or real num.ers, AQ >! 5Q .ut here we 'ind that AQ
! 5Q hence a1 ! a2 ! O ! a1* ! 1 So our eXuation actuall( is 2"x-1)=1*!* and then the
sum o' all the coe''icients o' all the powers o' x in the eXuation is *+
0ence, choice ".) is the right answer
Question ( 14
The sum of all the 4ossile 9alues of integral n such that #n82-2n$ 8 #n82+4/$ =
#n82-2n$ 8 #12n-12$ is
#a$ 12 #$ 1/ #c$ 1: #!$ 15 #e$ none of the foregoing
ZXuate the .ases to * and 1 and -1, we get n ! *, 1, 2 ++ out o' which * is re[ected ZXuate
the powers to get n!4,6 8hus, we have 1246!16 as the answer
0ence, choice "d) is the right answer
Question ( 1'
The total numer of / !igit 4ositi9e integers whose !igits are in increasing or!er
#not necessarily strictly$ is
#a$ 1';/ #$ 2M + /.4M #c$ 14;2 #!$ /M - 4.2M #e$ none of the foregoing
)onsider arranging 4 Y and : L in a row+ Ke can do this in 1%F/":F34F) wa(s+ ?eplace
each Y with "1the num.er o' Ls prior to it), and now remove all Ls+ Ke will have the
desired num.ersF
0ence, choice "a) is the right answer
Question ( 12
The 1'1 contestants of Diss 3n!ia 2111 are gi9en in!i9i!ual numers from 1 to 1'1.
,e9eral roun!s ha44en efore the final winner is selecte!. The elimination in each
roun! follows an interesting 4attern. 3n the 1st roun! starting from first contestant-
e9ery &r! contestant is eliminate! i.e. 1st- 4th- /th- .... This re4eats again from the
first numere! #among the remaining$ contestant in the next roun! #lea9ing &- '- :-
5- ...$. This 4rocess is carrie! out re4eate!ly until there is only the winner left. )hat
is the numer of Diss 3n!ia 2111"
#a$ 5& #$ 4: #c$ 115 #!$ &: #e$ 141
Suppose a num.er is at nth position+ ;irst time n/#, Un/#V 1, Un/#V 1 integers less than
n are eliminated 'or n ! #-, #-1, #-2+ So, nth num.er2s new position will .e 2n/#,
eliminated, U2n/#V 'or n ! #-, #-1, #-2+
Kor-ing this .ac-wards it2s li-e i' a num.er is at nth position now, earlier it must have
.een at #n/2 or U#n/2V 1+ So, what is at 1st position now "winner) was earlier at position
U#/2V 1 ! 2+
Qoving .ac- one more step what was at position 2, even earlier was at position #32/2 !
#+ 5oing on li-e this the onl( positions that can end up at 'irst position are 1, 2, #, %, :,
12, 1:, 24, 41, 72, 6#, 14*, 21*, #1%+++"8hese are positions, not actual values) And when &
have moved .ac- enough steps to get .ac- the original series "1,2,#,4,%,+++), positions
.ecome eXual to actual values cause in the actual series nth num.er is at nth position+ So
these are the actual winning contestant num.ers 1, 2, #, %, :, 12, 1:, 24, 41, 72, 6#, 14*,
21*, #1%+++ su.[ect to how man( total contestants are there+
0ence, choice "e) is the right answer
Question ( 1/
6et & statements e ma!e #<$ 11824 - 1184 + 1 is !i9isile y 1& for the largest
integer 4 ? 11 #Q$ The remain!er on !i9i!ing 12M + :5 y &2& is q #=$ 42;2& lea9es
remain!er r on !i9ision y 2&
Then 4+q+r equals
#a$ 12 #$ 15 #c$ 22 #!$ && #e$ none of the foregoing
8he notation a \ . ! c means that when a is divided .( ., c is the remainder that is
">) )hec- 'or p ! 6; 1*=12 \ 1# ! 1 .( ;ermat2s theorem !> 1*=1: \ 1# ! 1*=7, since
1*=# \ 1# ! -1 1# !> 1*=1: \ 1# ! 1 !> 1*=1: - 1*=6 1 leaves remainder "1-"-
1)1!#) .( p ! 6; )hec- (oursel' the remainder when p ! :+ Khen p ! 4, as 1*=12 \ 1#
! 1 !> 1*=14 \ 1# ! 6; also 1*=7 \ 1# ! 1 !> 1*=4 \ 1# ! 1*+ 8hus p ! 4 satis'ies our
"@) #2# ! 14316+ "p-1)F 1 is divisi.le .( p when p is prime !> 17F \ 14 ! -1 14+ Also
1:F \ 16 ! -1 16 &' 17F \ 16 ! x !> 1:F \ 16 ! 1431:x !> #*7x \ 16 ! 1: !> 2x \
16 ! 1:+
8hus, 17F leaves the remainder 17 .( 14 and 6 .( 16 !> &t leaves 2#4 .( #2# !> X ! #
"?) 2n)n ! "n)*)=2 "n)1)=2 +++ "n)n)=2; when n is prime, each o' the term in ?0S
except 1st and last is divisi.le .( n !> r ! 2
0ence, choice "a) is the right answer
Question ( 1: .rom a cylin!er of height & cm an! ra!ius 2 cm - two i!entical cones
each of height 2 cm are to e cut such that they ha9e the maximum 9olume. The
9olume of a cone will e #in cuic cm$ #a$ #2%&$N4i #$ #'.12%&$N4i #c$ #2.12%&$N4i #!$
#/%&$N4i #e$ none of the foregoing
8he two cones must .e s(mmetricall( selected with their .ases on opposite .ases o' the
c(linder respectivel( and also the two cones must touch each other+ ,et the radius o' .ase
o' each cone .e x and let ( .e the perpendicular distance o' the point o' tangenc( o' the
two cones 'rom the altitude o' either cones+ 8hen, 2x 2( ! 232!4 &' the height o'
c(linder is h, then we have "2h/# -h/2)/( ! "2h/#)/x !>(/x !1/4 0ence, xx/4 !2 !> x !
:/%+ So volume o' the cone ! pi/# ":/%)=2 3"2/#)3h ! "%+12/#) 3pi cu.ic cm+ 0ence,
choice ".) is the right answer
The question that was 15th 6ast Oear
Two 0in!s of Po!0a are mixe! in the ratio 1:2 an! 2:1 an! they are sol! fetching the
4rofit 11Q an! 21Q res4ecti9ely. 3f the 9o!0as are mixe! in equal ratio an! the
in!i9i!ual 4rofit 4ercent on them are increase! y 4%& an! '%& times res4ecti9ely-
then the mixture will fetch the 4rofit of
#a$ 1:Q #$ 21Q #c$ 21 Q #!$ 2&Q #e$ ;annot e !etermine!
,et the )> o' two vod-as .e ?s 1** and ?s 1**x and individual pro'it in ?s on them
.eing A and W+
!> "A2W)/# ! 1*/1**3"1**2**x)/# and "2AW)/# ! 2*/1**3"2** 1**x)/#+ solving
we get A ! "4*2*x)/# and W ! "2*x-2*)/#
!> pro'it percentages on each is "4*2*x)/# and "2*x-2*)/#x+ Khen the( are increased to
4/# and %/# times respectivel( and mixed in the ratio 1:1 we get total pro'it \ as
"4/#31**3"4*2*x)/# %/#31**x3"2*x-2*)/#x)/"1**1**x) ! 1**3"2*x2*)/"1**1**x)
! 2*
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was 21th 6ast Oear
E girls an! 2E oys 4laye! a chess tournament. G9ery 4layer 4laye! e9ery other
4layer exactly once. The oys won /%' times as many matches as the girls #an! there
were no !raws$. Then which among the following is !efinitely false" #Bssume 1 4oint
for a win an! 1 for a loss$
#a$ Joys 4oc0ete! 4rime numer of 4oints against girls
#$ Airls always won twice or more matches than oys won against them
#c$ The sum of the scores of to4 & in!i9i!ual 4layers was not etween 2' an! &&
#!$ The sum of the scores of to4 & in!i9i!ual 4layers was 25
#e$ none of the foregoing
8otal num.er o' matches among .o(s were 2n)2, among girls were n)2 and .etween
.o(s and girls were n32n+ >lease note that 2n)2 n)2 2n=2 ! #n)2+ Assume 1 point
'or a win and * 'or a loss !> 5irls poc-eted n)2 points amongst themselves and .o(s
poc-eted 2n)2 points among themselves+ ,et .o(s ta-e - points 'rom their matches
against girls !> girls ta-e 2n=2 - - 'rom
their matches gainst .o(s+ !> 2n)2 - ! 4/%3"n)2 2n=2 - -), solving we get :- !
n"%n1)+ 'or n ! #, - ! 7+ ;or n ! :, - ! 41, ;or n ! 11, - ! 44+
"a) can .e true as 'or n ! :, - ! 41+ ".) can .e true as can .e seen 'or 'or n ! #, :, 11, +++
"c) is true as 'or n ! #, top # can score :47 ! 21 points and 'or n ! 11, when ##
matches are pla(ed top # will alwa(s score more than 171%14 ! 4%+ "d) is true, ;or n !
11, we can have the top # score as 2#2#2# ! 76 =R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was 21st 6ast Oear
Bmrutesh is stan!ing on 9ertex B of triangle BJ;- with BJ = &- J; = '- an! ;B = 4.
Bmrutesh wal0s accor!ing to the following 4lan: Fe mo9es along the altitu!e-to-
the-hy4otenuse until he reaches the hy4otenuse. Fe has now cut the original triangle
into two trianglesS he now wal0s along the altitu!e to the hy4otenuse of the larger
one. Fe re4eats this 4rocess fore9er. )hat is the total !istance that Bmrutesh wal0s"
#a$ 4:%2' #$ 12%' #c$ 12 #!$ 1' #e$ none of the foregoing
,et Q .e the endpoint o' the altitude on the h(potenuse+ Since we are dealing with right
triangle QA) B triangle AW), so AQ ! 12/%+ ,et < .e the endpoint he reaches on side
8riangle QA) B trangle <AQ,So , Q</AQ !4/% + 8his means that each altitude that he
wal-s gets shorter .( a 'actor o' 4/% + 8he total distance is thus "12/%) /"1- 4/%) !12
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was 22n! 6ast Oear
The minimum 4ossile 9alue of the largest of a- 1-a-+a- an! a+-2a if 1 ?= a ?=
?=1 is
#a$ 4%5 #$1%5 #c$'%5 #!$1%& #e$ none of the foregoing
,et s ! a ., p ! a., so a and . are "s/- root"s=2-4p))/2 + Since a and . are real , s=2 -
4p>!* + &' one o' the three Xuantities is less than or eXual to 1/6, then at least one o' the
others is at least 4/6 .( the pigeonhole principle since the( add up to 1+ Assume that s-2p
$ 4!6, then s=2 - 4p $ "4/6 2p)=2 - 4p , and since the le't side is non-negative we get
*$! p=2 -"%/6) p 4/:1 !"p-1/6)"p-4/6)+
8his implies that either p$!1/6 or p>!4/6 , and either wa( we2re done+ 8his minimum is
achieved i' a and . are .oth 1/#, so the answer is 4/6
=R choice #$ is the right answer
The question that was 2&r! 6ast Oear
6et f e a factor of 121- then the numer of 4ositi9e integral solutions of xy> = f is
#a$ 121 #$ 241 #c$ &21 #!$ 4:1 #e$ none of the foregoing
,et - .e such that - ! 12*/'+ 8hen, the num.er o' positive integral solutions o' x(R ! ' is
same as that o' num.er o' positive integral solutions o' x(R-!12*!2=#+#+%
Ke can assign # and % to un-nown Xuantities in 434 wa(s+ Ke can assign all 2 to one
un-nown in 4)1 wa(s, to two un-nowns in "4)2)"2) and to three un-nown in 4)# wa(s+
0ence, the num.er o' reXuired solutions
!4343U4)1 "4)2)"2) 4)#V !43432* !#2*
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was 24th 6ast Oear
B44le- Jomar!ier- ;hat.sun an! 7oomsayer are to com4ile this year+s Quant
Question B 7ay. They can finish this wor0 together in a certain numer of integer
!ays. Fowe9er- they wor0 two in a !ay an! it is foun! that the com4ilation is
com4lete! when #B44le- Jomar!ier$- #Jomar!ier- ;hat.sun$ an! #;hat.sun-
7oomsayer$ wor0e! for res4ecti9ely '- 5 an! 4 !ays or /- 2 an! ' !ays. They coul!
not ha9e all together !one the wor0 in
#a$ : !ays #$ 5 !ays #c$ 11 !ays #!$ 11 !ays #e$ none of these
,et Apple, Wom.ardier, )hat+sun and Toomsa(er do 1/a ,1/.,1/c and 1/d parts o' wor-
per da( respectivel( + 8hen , %"1/a 1/.) 6"1/c 1/.) 4"1/c 1/d) !1 ; 4"1/a 1/.)
7"1/c 1/.) %"1/c 1/d) !1
and 1/a 1/. 1/c 1/d ! 1/n "sa()
!>12" 1/c 1/.) ! 1-#/n which implies n># and 4" 1/a 1/.) ! 1- 4/n which implies n>4 +
)onseXuentl(, 1/c 1/d ! 1/n - " 1/a 1/.) ! 1/n -1/4"1-4/n) !"11-n)/4n
which implies n$11; So, 'rom the given options n!11 is not possi.le
=R choice #!$ is the right answer.
The question that was 2'th 6ast Oear
Through T- the mi!-4oint of the si!e Q= of a triangle <Q=- a straight line is to meet
<Q 4ro!uce! to , an! <= at @- so that <@ = <,. 3f the length of @= = 2 cm- then the
length of Q, is
#a$ &%2 cm # $ 2 cm #c$ '%2 cm #!$ & cm #e$ none of the foregoing
&' $>SE ! $>ES !@ , in triangle E8? the sine o' $ opposite to E? and 8? is the same as
Sine o' $ opposite to @S and @8 in triangle @S8 correspondingl(+Since, 8?!@8
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was 22th 6ast Oear
B new 7ucati is !esigne! for the 3n!ian mar0et such that its mileage at a 4articular
s4ee! follows a certain relationshi4 with that s4ee!. Blso - the s4ee! !ecreases
linearly with the mass of the ri!er while the 4etrol consum4tion 4er 0m increases
linearly with the mass of ri!er .3!eally - when the mass of the ri!er is negligile- the
s4ee! is 1110m%hr an! mileage is 1110m%l .)hen the s4ee! of the 7ucati is '1 0m%hr
- the mileage is '1 0m%l.)hen the s4ee! of the 7ucati is /' 0m%hr - the mileage will
#a$ 21 0m%l #$ 2/ 0m%l #c$ /2 0m%l #!$ /' 0m%l #e$ ;annot e !etermine!
Speed ! 1**--13mass
>etrol )onsumption per 1Q ! c2-23mass
or Qileage ! 1**/"1-23mass)
Khen speed ! %*1Q>0, 113mass ! %*
when mileage ! %*1Q>,, -23mass ! 1
-1 ! %*3-2
Khen speed ! 4%-mph, -13mass ! 2% !> -23mass ! *+%
mileage ! 1**/1+% ! 74-m/l
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was 2/th 6ast Oear
B function P#a- $ is !efine! for 4ositi9e integers a- an! satisfies P#a- a$ = a- P#a-
$ = P#- a$- P#a- a+$ = #1 + a%$ P#a- $. The 9alue re4resente! y P#22- 14$ is "
#a$ &24 #$ 2&1 #c$ 4'' #!$ 4/2 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
]"77,14 ) ! ]"14,77 )!"##/27)3 ]"14,%2) !"##/27) 3 "27/16)3 ]"14, #:)
! "##/16) 3"16/12)3 ]"14, 24) ! "##/12) 3"12/%)3 ]"14,1*) ! "##/%)3 "4/2)3]"1*, 4)
! "2#1/1*)3 "%/#) 3]"4, 7) ! "44/2)3 # 3]"4, 2) ! "2#1/2)323 ]"2, 2) ! 2#132 ! 472
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was 2:th 6ast Oear
B cargo shi4 circles a lighthouse at a !istance 21 0m with s4ee! 1'11 0m%h. B
tor4e!o launcher fires a missile towar!s the shi4 from the lighthouse at the same
s4ee! an! which mo9es so that it is always on the line etween the lighthouse an!
the shi4. Fow long !oes it ta0e to hit"
#a$ &/./ secs #$ '2.'/ secs #c$ /'.4& secs #!$ 54.25 secs #e$ 11&.14 secs
,et Q .e the position o' the ship at the moment the missile is 'ired+ ,et ] .e the point a
Xuarter o' the wa( around the circle 'rom Q "in the direction the ship is moving)+8a-e the
point at which ,ighthouse is situated to .e E+ 8hen the missile moves along the semi-
circle on diameter E] and hits the ship at ]+
8o see this ta-e a point 8 on the Xuarter circle and let the line E8 meet the semi-circle at
?+ ,et ^ .e the center o' the semicircle+ 8he angle ]^? is twice the angle ]E?, so the
arc ]8 is the same length as the arc ]?+ 0ence also the arc E? is the same length as the
arc Q8+
so time needed! 1* 3pi3#7** /1%** !4%+4#
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was 25th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a regular 4olygon of 4 si!es .The numer of 9alues of 4 for which the
4olygon will ha9e angles whose 9alues in !egrees can e ex4resse! in integers"
#a$ 24 #$ 2& #c $ 22 #!$ 21 #e$21
Zach angle in degrees is 1:*"p-2)/p+
1:*-C#7*D/CpD!-, so #7*/p has to .e an integer+
;actors o' #7* ! 2=#+#=2+%=1
So there are 4+#+2 solutions, .ut we exclude 1 and 2, .ecause p>! #
So, 24 -2 !22
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was &1th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a 4air #x-y$ of natural numers satisfying x + y82 + g8& = xyg- where g is
the greatest common !i9isor of x an! y .Then - how many such 4airs are 4ossile"
#a$ 2 #$ & #c$ 4 #!$ ' #e$ 2
>ut x ! Qg, ( ! <g, so that Q and < are coprime+ 8hen: Q <=2g g=2 ! Q<g=2+ So g
must divide Q+ >ut Q ! Q2g, then Q2 <=2 g ! Q2<g=2+
So Q2 ! "<=2 g)/"<g=2 - 1)+ 0ence Q2g=2 ! < "<g=#)/"<g=2 - 1)+ So "< g=#)/
"<g=2 - 1) is an integer+ &' g ! 1, "<1)/"<-1) can onl( .e an integer 'or < ! 2 or #+ 8hat
gives the solutions "x, () ! "%, 2) and "%, #)+ So assume g > 1+ Since "< g=#)/"<g=2 - 1)
is an integer and positive, we must have < g=# >! <g=2 - 1, so < $! "g=# 1)/"g=2 -
1)+ &' g ! 2, then < $! #+ 8hen < ! 1 gives the solution "x, () ! "4, 2), < ! 2 gives "<
g=#)/"<g=2 - 1) non-integral and hence no solution, < ! # gives the solution "x, () ! "4,
So assume g > 2+ 8hen "g=# 1)/"g=2 - 1) $ g 1+ 0ence < _ g+ 0ence Q2 ! "<=2 g)/
"<g=2 - 1) $! "g=2 g)/"<g=2 - 1) $! "g=2 g)/"g=2 - 1), since < ` 1 and hence Q2 $ 2
"since g > 2)+ So Q2 ! 1+ So < is a root o' the Xuadratic <=2 - g=2< g1 ! *+ Wut g=4 -
4"g1) > g=4 - 4g=2 1 ! "g=2 - 1)=2 and $ g=4, so g=4 - 4"g1) cannot .e a sXuare and
hence < cannot .e integral+ So there are no solutions with g > 2
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was &1th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a 4air #x-y$ of natural numers satisfying x + y82 + g8& = xyg- where g is
the greatest common !i9isor of x an! y .Then - how many such 4airs are 4ossile"
#a$ 2 #$ & #c$ 4 #!$ ' #e$ 2
>ut x ! Qg, ( ! <g, so that Q and < are coprime+ 8hen: Q <=2g g=2 ! Q<g=2+ So g
must divide Q+ >ut Q ! Q2g, then Q2 <=2 g ! Q2<g=2+
So Q2 ! "<=2 g)/"<g=2 - 1)+ 0ence Q2g=2 ! < "<g=#)/"<g=2 - 1)+ So "< g=#)/
"<g=2 - 1) is an integer+ &' g ! 1, "<1)/"<-1) can onl( .e an integer 'or < ! 2 or #+ 8hat
gives the solutions "x, () ! "%, 2) and "%, #)+ So assume g > 1+ Since "< g=#)/"<g=2 - 1)
is an integer and positive, we must have < g=# >! <g=2 - 1, so < $! "g=# 1)/"g=2 -
1)+ &' g ! 2, then < $! #+ 8hen < ! 1 gives the solution "x, () ! "4, 2), < ! 2 gives "<
g=#)/"<g=2 - 1) non-integral and hence no solution, < ! # gives the solution "x, () ! "4,
So assume g > 2+ 8hen "g=# 1)/"g=2 - 1) $ g 1+ 0ence < _ g+ 0ence Q2 ! "<=2 g)/
"<g=2 - 1) $! "g=2 g)/"<g=2 - 1) $! "g=2 g)/"g=2 - 1), since < ` 1 and hence Q2 $ 2
"since g > 2)+ So Q2 ! 1+ So < is a root o' the Xuadratic <=2 - g=2< g1 ! *+ Wut g=4 -
4"g1) > g=4 - 4g=2 1 ! "g=2 - 1)=2 and $ g=4, so g=4 - 4"g1) cannot .e a sXuare and
hence < cannot .e integral+ So there are no solutions with g > 2 !> choice #c$ is the right
The question that was &1st 6ast Oear
6DE is a triangle. DH is the angle isector. The 4oint < on 6D is such that ?6E< =
#2%'$ ? 6ED. DH an! E< meet at I . <H = HE = EI. .in! angle 6<H.
a$ 21 #$ '1 #c$ 4' #!$ 51 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
,et2s 'rst draw the triangle and assuming $,<Q!x , ;ind out other angles as the
conditions given in Xuestion are enu' to 'ind out all the angles 'ormed in the 8riangle+
$,<>!"2/%)x ; $><Q!"#/%)x ; $<^9!$<9^!C6*-"1/%)xD +++++++ as 9<!<^
$<^9!$>^<!C6*-"1/%)xD ++++++ vertical opposite angles
$9><!$9<>!"2/%)x +++++ as >9!9<, $<^9$9^>!1:* !!>> $9^>!C6*"1/%)xD
$9^>!$Q^<!C6*"1/%)xD ++++ vertical opposite angles , $>9^!C6*-"#/%)xD ++++ Sum o'
angles in a triangle!1:*
$,9>!"4/%)x +++++ Sum o' angles in straight line!1:*
$9Q<!C6*-"4/%)xD +++++ Sum o' angles in a 8riangle!1:*
?9Q<!$,Q9!C6*-"4/%)xD +++++ As Q9 is the angle .isector+
$Q><!x ++++ Sum o' angles in a triangle ! 1:*
$,>9!C1:*-"4/%)xD +++++ Sum o' angles in straight line!1:*
$Q,<!"#/%)x ++++ Sum o' angles in 8riangle!1:*
<ow ta-e triangles ,Q< and ,>9
",Q / Q< ) ! " ,9 / 9< ) +++++ angle .isector theorem
Wut 9<!9> +++ 5iven
!!>> " ,Q / Q< ) ! " ,9 / 9> )
And , $, is common
!!>> Woth 8riangles are similar+
!!>> $,<Q!$,>9 !!>> x!1:* - "4/%)x
!!>> x!$,<Q!4% ++++ "1)
Khile reXuired angle ! $,>9 ! 1:*-"4/%)x ! 1:*-"4/%)34%
!!>> $,>9 ! 1:* - " 431% )
$,>9 ! 1:* - 1*% ! 4%
!!>> $,>9 ! 4% deg
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was &2n! 6ast Oear
EM is !efine! for non negati9e integers as EM=EN#E-1$N#E-2$N ...&N2N1 . The numer
of 4ositi9e integers which !i9i!e #28' $M are
#a$ 281&.&8&.'82 #$ 28:.&82.'82 #c$ 2811.&82.' #!$ 28:.&8&.'8& #e$ Eone of the
#2F is divisi.le .( U#2/2V U#2/4V U#2/:V U#2/17V U#2/#2V ! #1 powers o' 2, and
U#2/#V U#2/6V U#2/24V ! 14 powers o' #+ &t is divisi.le .( %=4, 4=4, 11=2, 1#=2, 14 ,
16, 2#, 26, #1+
&n other words, #2F ! 2=#1 +#=14 + %=4 +4=4 +11=2 a1# =2 a14a16+2# +26+#1
So it has "#11) "141)"41)"41)"21)"21)"11)"11)"11)"11)"11) ! 2=1# + #=# +
=R choice #a$ is the right answer.
The question that was &&r! 6ast Oear
The sum of the infinite series 1%& + 2%21 + &%51 + 4%2/& + ... is gi9en y which of the
#a$ 1%4 #$ 1%2 #c$ &%4 #!$ 1 #e$ &%2
5eneral term 8"n) ! n/"n=2-n1)"n=2n1) ! 1/2 3 "1/"n=2 - n 1) - 1/"n=2 n 1))
0ence sum ! 1/2 3"1 - 1/# 1/# - 1/4 1/4 - ++++++++) ! 1/2 3"1) ! 1/2
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was &4th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a 4ositi9e integer I which when re4resente! in !ecimal ase-!oes not en!
in >ero. I an! the numer otaine! y re9ersing the !igits of I are oth multi4les of
se9en. 6et the numer of such Is in the set T11- 11- 12... 55:- 555- an! 1111U e *.
Then 0 is gi9en y which of the following"
#a$ 1& #$ 14 #c$ 1' #!$ 12 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
8here is onl( one 2-digit num.er, namel( 44+ &ndeed, i' 1*a . is
"where a, . are integers 1P6), then 4 divides 1*a . and 4 divides 1*. a+ 8hus,
4 dividesC #"1*a .) J "1*. a)D ! 26a J 4. ! a 4"4a J .),
so that 4 divides a, and similarl( 4 divides ., so weId .etter have a ! . ! 4+
8here are 17 #-digit num.ers+ ;irst consider the 12 palindromic ones "ones
where the hundreds and units digits are the same): 171, 2%2, #4#, 4#4, %2%, %6%, 717,
7:7, 4*4, 444, :7:, and 6%6+ <ow consider the general case: suppose 1**a 1*. c is,
where a, ., c are integers 1P6+ 8hen 4 divides 1**a 1*. c and 4 divides 1**c 1*.
so 4 divides "1**a1*.c)J"1**c1*.a) ! 66"aJc), and so 4 divides aJc+ &n order 'or
not to result in a palindromic integer, we must have a J c ! /- 4 and, moreover, .oth
1**a 1*. a and 1**c 1*. c must .e palindromic integers+ )onsulting
our list a.ove, we 'ind 4 more integers: 17:, 2%6, :71, and 6%2+
So 1! 117 ! 14
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was &'th 6ast Oear
,hra9ya in9ests some amount of money in a firm D .This amount grows u4to '111
in 2 years an! u4to ''11 in & years on =Q com4oun! inetrest . Then she goes to
another firm E an! orrows =s /111 at a com4oun! interest of =Q. Bt the en! of
each year she 4ays ac0 =s &111 to firm E. Then- the amount she shoul! 4ay to firm
E at the en! of & years to clear all the !ues is"
#a$ 2&:/ #$ 2''1 #c$ 222/ #!$ 24// #e$ Eone of the foregoing
)& o' #rd (ear !%%**-%*** !%**
?ate, ? ! %**31**/%*** !1*\
At the end o' # (ears she pa(s ! 4***U111/1**V=# - #***U"11*/1**)=2 "11*/1**)V !
=R choice #a$ is the right answer.
The question that was &2th 6ast Oear
3f |#a V + c$# V c + a$#c V a + $| = 1' -where |x| has its usual meaning - then the
4ossile numer of or!ere! integral tri4lets #a--c$ are
#a$&2 # $&& #c$22 #!$21 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
8a-e .!a- "where - is an( integer)
Ke .oil down to |"c=2--=2)3"2a--c)|!1%
)ases can onl( .e out o' the 'ollowing : "/-1,/-1%) ,"/-1%,/-1) , "/-#,/-%) , "/-%,/-
"c,-) can .e - > "/-1,*) ,"*,/-1),"/-4,/-1),"/-1,/-4),"/-:/-4),"/-4,/-: ),"/-2,/-1),
"/-1,/-2) ,"/-#,/-2),"/-2,/-#)
And each case 'or "c,-) will (ield 2 values o' a and 'or a given a and c , . is uniXuel(
determined .( -
8otal c,- 'rom a.ove is "22) "44)"44)"44) "44) !#7
Since 'or each "c,-) we get two values o' a +
0ence total "a,.,c) !23#7 !42
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was &/th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a scalene triangle <Q=.<oints ,- T an! @ are selecte! on si!es Q=- <=-
an! <Q res4ecti9ely. The lines <,- QT- an! =@ meet at 4oint I. 3f area#<@I$ = 122-
area#@QI$ = 2&- an! area#=TI$ = 24- the area of triangle <Q= is "
#a$ &24 #$ &'1 #c$ &21 #!$ &24 #e$ &/:
)onsider triangle >@8 and >@^ and >^8
8he area o' >@^ ! 1/2 @^ 3h ! 1:6
the area o' >^8! 1/2 ^8 3h !x
so area o' >^@ /area o' >^8 ! 1:6/x ! @^/^8 ----------"1)
8hen ta-e triangle @8?,
similarl( area o' @^? / area o' ?8^ ! ( /24 ! @^/@8 ------"2)
'rom 1 and 2---- 1:6/x ! @^/^8 ! ( /24
8hen ta-e triangle >E? and E?@ and appl( the same procedure
so we get the rel 24 x /127 ! ( /7#
Solve and get the value o' x and (++
So get total as #%1
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was &:th 6ast Oear
There are three runners 9i>- Eishant - 7ee4a0 an! Dohit who Wog on the same 4ath.
Eishant goes Wogging e9ery two !ays. 7ee4a0 goes Wogging e9ery four !ays. Dohit
goes Wogging e9ery se9en !ays. 3f itCs the first !ay that they starte! this routine- what
is the total numer of !ays that each 4erson will Wog y himself in the next se9en
#a$ 12 #$ 1& #c$ 14 #!$ 1' #e$12
<ishant [o.s a total o' 2% da(s, Teepa- a total o' 1# da(s, and Qohit a total o' 4 da(s+ Ke
-now that <ishant [ogs on da(s 1,#,%,4,+++++46, and Teepa- [o.s on da(s 1,%,6,+++++46, and
Qohit [ogs on da(s 1, :, 1%, 22,+++4#+ 9.viousl( when Teepa- [ogs, <ishant will alwa(s
.e [ogging also, so Teepa- [ogs * da(s alone+ <ishant [ogs 2%-1#!12 da(s without
Teepa- also [ogging, .ut Qohit [ogs on 4
odd num.ered da(s, 2 o' which Teepa- also [ogs, giving us 12-42!1* da(s that <ishant
[ogs alone+ <ishant [ogs on ever( odd num.ered da(, so Qohit [ogs alone onl( on even
num.ered da(s+ Wecause there are 4 odd num.ered da(s, as stated a.ove, there are # even
num.ered da(s, so Qohit [ogs alone on # da(s+
<ishant: 1*
Teepa-: *
Qohit: #
=R choice #$ is the right answer.
The question that was &5th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er a 4olynomial function <#y$ =y8&+2y82+' an! one another 4olynomial
function- Q#y$=y84 -&y82+2y+1. 6et there e two more functions ,#y$ an! T#y$- that
satisfy gc!#<#y$- Q#y$ $ =,#y$N<#y$ + T#y$NQ#y$. Eow consi!er a function D#y$ = T#y$
- ,#y$. Then- the 4ro!uct of all the roots of D#y$ is gi9en y
#a$ 42 #$ 4: #c$ '4 #!$ '2 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
;irst stage division gives +++
@"() ! >"()"(-2) (=2 -#( 11
(=2 -#( 11 ! @"() - "(-2)>"()
And then 'rom the second stage,
>"() ! "(=2-#(11)"(%) 4(-%*
! C@"() - "(-2)>"()D"(%) 4(-%*
;rom the third stage o' division,
4"(=2 -#( 11)! "4(-%*)"(16/2) %16
!>%16 ! 4U@"() - "(-2)>"() V - U"(=2#(-6)V>"() - "(%) @"()V U(16/2V
!>%16 ! 4 @"() - "4(-: )>"() - "(=2#(-6)U(16/2V >"() "(%) @"() U(16/2V
!-U4(-:(=#16(=2/2 #(=2 %4/2( -6(-141/2V>"() U(=216/2( %(6%/2 4V@"()
!->"()/2 U2(=# 2%(=2 44( -1:4V @"()/2U 2(=226(1*#V
!>%16 ! U-"2(=# 2%(=2 44( -1:4)/2V>"() U"2(=226(1*#)/2V@"()
So, 8"() - S"()! "2(=# 24(=2 47( -:4)/2 ! (=# 24/2(=2 #:( -42
So, product o' roots !42
=R choice #a$ is the right answer.
The question that was 41th 6ast Oear
B circle 4asses through the 9ertex ; of rectangle BJ;7 an! touches its si!es BJ an!
B7 at < an! Q res4ecti9ely. 3f the !istance from ; to the line segment <Q is equal to
4 units- then the area of the rectangle BJ;7 in sq. units #is$
#a$ 21 #$ can not e !etermine! #c$ 12 #!$ greater than 21 #e$ none of the foregoing
,et Q .e the 'eet o' perpendicular 'rom ) to >@+ <ow, .( alternate segment theorem we
!> $ )@Q ! $ )>W and $ )>Q ! $ )@T+ 8hus, right triangles )@Q and )>W are
similar and also )>Q and )@T+ 8hus, )@/)> ! )Q/)W and )>/)@ ! )Q/)T+ 8hus,
)W+)T ! )Q=2 ! 17+
=R choice #c$ is the right answer.
The question that was 41st 6ast Oear
Daximums nee!e! to calculate the 9olume of a rectangular room. Fe multi4lie! the
length an! the rea!th correctly ut the rea!th ha! een incorrectly Wotte! !own-
it was one-thir! larger than what it shoul! ha9e een. To com4ensate for this- he
re!uce! the height y one-thir!- then multi4lie! it on. Fe figure! this was o0ay
since the rea!th was equal to the height. Fe then foun! his 9olume was off y 21
m8&. )hat was the actual 9olume"
#a$ 121 #$ 121 #c$ 211 #!$ 1'5 #e$ Eone of the forgoing
Actual ]olume ! ,3W30+ 5iven, ,3W30 - ,34/#W32/#0 ! 2* !> 1/63,W0 ! 2*+
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was 42n! 6ast Oear
)hich among the following ha9e the same gra4h"
3$ y = x-2 33$ y = #x82-4$%#x+2$ 333$ y#x+2$ = x82-4 3P$ y = #Xx-X2$N#Xx+X2$
#a$ 3 an! 333 only #$ 33 an! 3P only #c$ 3- 333- 3P #!$ 33 an! 333 only #e$ none of the
( ! x-2, will .e a straight-line with slope 4% deg and ma-ing intercept o' 2 and -2 on Y
and L axis respectivel(+ &&) Same as & except 'or a .rea-point at x ! -2+ &&&) at x ! -2, we
will also have a line parallel to the L axis+ &]) 5raph is restricted to 'irst and 'ourth
Xuadrants onl(+
=R choice #e$ is the right answer.
The question that was 4&r! 6ast Oear
Bll the !igits of a '1 !igit 4ositi9e numer are 4 exce4t for the nth !igit. 3f the
numer is !i9isile y 1& for some choice of that nth !igit- then how many 4ossile
9alues can n ha9e"
#a$ 1/ #$ 21 #c$ 2' #!$ && #e$ none of them
8he seed o' 1# is 4 which means to chec- the divisi.ilit( .( 1# o' a n digit num.er,
multipl( the last digit .( 4 and add the result to the initial "n-1) digits and see i' it is div
.( 1# e+g+ 1:2 -> 1:234 ! 27+ 8hus, 1:2 is div .( 1#+ 1**1 -> 1** 134 ! 1*4 -> 1*
434 ! 27, hence 1**1 is div v( 1#+ &t2s also the same thing 'or 1:2 as sa(ing that 23"4=2)
:34 1 is div .( 1# or 'or 1**1 13"4=#) 1 is div .( 1# - this comes 'rom recurrence+
<ote that we can 'ind the seed o' ever( prime num.er+ 8he seed o' 4 is %, the seed o' 14
is 12, the seed o' 16 is 2+
&' 444+++x+++444 is div .( 1# !> 43"4=46 4=4: +++ 1) "x-4)34="n-1) is div .( 1#,
where nth digit is x and not 4+
43"4=46 4=4: +++ 1) ! 4/#3"4=%*-1)+
W( ;ermat2s theorem 4=12 ! 1 mod "1#) !> 4=%* ! # mod "1#)+ 8hus, 43"4=%* - 1) leaves
remainder o' : when div .( 1#+ &' 4/#3"4=%*-1) leaves x .( 1# !> #x\1# ! : !> x ! 4+
8hus 4/#3"4=%*-1) leaves remainder 4 when div .( 1#+
<ow, 4 "x-4)34="n-1) is div .( 1#+
when n ! 1, 4"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, we have no such x
when n ! 2, 443"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, we have no such x
when n ! #, 4#3"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, we have x ! 7
when n ! 4, 4123"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, we have no such x
when n ! %, 463"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, x ! 6
when n ! 7, 41*3"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, x ! 2
when n ! 4, 4"x-4) has to .e div .( 1#, we have no such x and the whole c(cle o' 7
repeats 'rom here+ &n each c(cle o' 7 we have # desired n+
8ill n ! %* we have 4:3#/7 * ! 24 such num.ers.
=R #e$ is the right answer.
Quantitati9e Question ( 14& ------------------------------------------------------
;onsi!er two cones of heights 1 an! : units ha9ing the same ase ra!ii. 3t is foun!
that their height is increase! y x 0ee4ing their 9ertex angle unchange!- their
9olume ecomes equal. Then x equals
#1$ 2%& #2$ 4%& #&$ :%& #4$ 12%& #'$ none of these
Suppose the radii o' two cones to .e r initiall( and r1 and r2 a'ter increasing height .( x
since the vertex angle are unchanged r/1 ! r1/"1x) !> r1 ! r"1x) r/: ! r2/":x) !> r2 !
r":x)/: now the volumes are eXual !> 1/#3pi3r13r13h1 ! 1/#3pi3r23r23h2 !>
Ur"1x)V=2 3 "1x) ! Ur":x)/:V=23":x) !> x ! 4/#
!> ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
44. 6et a- - c e 4ositi9e reals. #3$ an! #33$ are in!e4en!ent statements. #3$ Dinimum
9alue of a8&%4 + %:c82 + #1+c$%2a is 4 #33$ a + + 2c = : an! a82 + 82 + 2c82 =
2'. Daximum 4ossile 9alue of c is q. Then which among the following is |4-q|" #a$
'%2 #$ 5%4 #c$ 1%2 #!$ &%: #e$ none of the foregoing
"&) a=#/4. ./:c=2 "1c)/2a ! a=#/4. ./:c=2 1/4a 1/4a c/2a+ ;or positive reals
AQ >! 5Q and the eXualit( occurs when all the num.ers are eXual+ 8hus, a=#/4.
./:c=2 1/4a 1/4a c/2a >! %"a=#/4.3./:c=231/4a31/4a3c/2a)=1/% ! %/4+ 8hus, p !
%/4 when a=#/4. ! ./:c=2 ! 1/4a ! c/2a+ "&&) a.!:-2c; a=2.=2 >! 1/23"a.)=2 ! 1/2":-
2c)=2 !> 2%-2c=2 ! 1/2":-2c)=2 !> 1/2 $! c $! 4/2+ 8hus, X is 4/2 when a!.+ !> ".) is
the right answer+
4'. 6et . e e mini 4Y4 chessoar! =R it has 12 fiel!s in all. 3n how many ways is it
4ossile to select two fiel!s of . such that the mi!4oint of the segment Woining the
centres of the two fiel!s shoul! also e the centre of a fiel!"
#1$ 1' #2$ 1: #&$ 24 #4$ &2 #'$ none of these
8he 'ields o' the centre o' the 'ields o' the chess.oard can .e assigned coordinates+ ,et
the centre o' the 1st 'ield in the le't most .ottom corner .e "*, *) !> the centres o' the
'ields are o' the 'orm "x, () where * $! x, ( $! #+ 8he coordinate o' the midpoint o' the
segment connecting the points "a,.) and "c,d) are "ac)/2 and ".d)/2, and these coincide
with the coordinates o' the centre o' a 'ield i' and onl( i' ac and .d are .oth even+ 8he
point "a,.) ma( .e the centre o' an( 'ield out o' the 17 'ields o' the mini chess.oard+ "a,.)
having .een selected, the num.er c can .e an( o' the 2 num.ers that have the same parit(
as a, and independentl( o' that, d can also have 2 di''erent values+ &n order to ma-e the
chosen points di''erent, the num.er o' the possi.le pairs "c,d) is 1 less than 2+2!4+ Wuthe
order o' the two selected points does not matter !> the num.er o' the appropriate num.er
pairs is 1/23"434)3# ! 24+ &' our Xuestion was on <Y< sXuare, then it could have .een
solved in a [i''( with the a.ove logic+ .or 2Y2 the answer is 144. .or :Y:- the answer
is 4:1.
!> ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
42. Bll 3n!ia <agalguy Deet of year 211:+ is in Zune #which has &1 !ays$- ut Bllwin
forgot which !ay- so he as0e! aroun!. =ohit sai! that the !ate was an o!! numerS
B4ur9 claime! it was greater than 1&. 7i9ya !eclare! it was not a 4erfect square-
while ,onam swore it was a 4erfect cue. .inally- Aran!-ma tells Bllwin the !ate
was less than one-fourth her #Aran!-ma+s$age- which Bllwin 0new to e 2:.
Oester!ay Bllwin learne! that only one of them ha! tol! the truthM 3f the !ate of the
Bll 3n!ia <A Deet is 7 #numerical 9alue$- then #a$ 7 is uniquely !eterminale #$ 7
can ha9e exactly 2 9alues #c$ 7 !oesn+t exist #!$ 7 has atleast 4 9alues #e$ none of the
8he Xuestion sa(s that onl( one o' them spo-e the truthF ,et2s see i' ?ohit spo-e the truth
or not+ &' he has then the date T is an odd num.er $! 1# "since Apurv must have lied),
and T > 14 "5randma must have lied too in this case)+ )ontradiction, and hence we have
no such value o' T+ &' Apurv spo-e the truth, then T > 1# and T >! 14 "5randma must
have lied)+ Since, ?ohit and Tiv(a also lie !> T is a even per'ect sXuare+ <ot possi.le as
T $! #*+ >lease chec- (oursel' that i' Tiv(a or Sonam spea- truth then no value o' T
exists+ ,et2s chec- i' 5randma has spo-en the truth or not+ &' she has then T $ 14+ ?ohit
lies !> T is even, Tiv(a lies !> T is a per'ect sXuare, Sonam lies !> T is not a per'ect
cu.e !> T can .e 4 or 17 .ut as Apurv also lies !> T ! 4 is the onl( possi.ilit( !> choice
"a) is the right answer
4/. 6et m e the largest 4ositi9e term of an harmonic 4rogression whose first two
terms are 2%' an! 4%5. B real numer r satisfying m%2-1%n ? r ?= m+1%n- for e9ery
4ositi9e integer n- is est !escrie! y:
#a$ 1 ? r ? ' #$ 2 ? r ?= 4 #c$ 1 ? r ?= ' #!$ 2 ?= r ?= 4 #e$ none of the foregoing
&' 2/% and 4/6 are the 'irst two terms o' the harmonic progression then %/2 and 6/4 are the
terms o' the corresponding A> !> common di''erence o' the A> is -1/4 !> we want %/2
"n-1)3"-1/4) as positive as well as minimum+ 8hus, n ! 1* and the A> term is 1/4+ m ! 4+
>lease note that our 0> consists o' 1* terms onl(+ <ow, 2-1/n $ r $! 41/n 'or all positive
intger n+ >utting n ! 1 we get 1 $ r $! %+ >utting n ! 2 we get #/2 $ r $ 6/2 etc+ &' r is
more than 4 then r $! 4 1/n 'ails 'or some n "e+g+ i' r ! 4+*1 then n ! 1*1)+ &' r is less
than 2 then 2-1/n $ r 'ails 'or some n "e+g+ i' r ! 1+66 then n ! 1**) <ote that 1/n > *
alwa(s 'or an( choice o' positive integer n+ 8hus, 2-1/n $ 2, and 4 $! 41/n is true 'or all
postive integers n+ !> the .est description o' r contains 2 and 4 as well .esides the range
"2, 4)+ !> choice "d) is the right answer+
The numer of real roots of the equation |1 - |x|| - #1.11$8#1.11x$ = 1 is%are #a$ 1 #$ 2
#c$ & #!$ 1 #e$ none of these
At x ! * we have a solution+ ,et '"x) ! |1 - |x|| - "1+*1)="1+*1x) '"1) $ *, '"#) > * !> we
have odd num.er o' solutions .etween "1, #) .ut '"x) is increasing in "1, #) !> we have
[ust 1 solution in "1, #) '"-1) $ * and '"-2) > * and '"x) is decreasing in "-2, -1) !> 1
solution in this interval also+ Also, draw the graphs o' ( ! |1 - |x|| and ( ! "1+*1)="1+*1x)
and see the( intersects at # points+
!> ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
4:. The set , has ' elements. 3n how many ways can one select two #4ossily
i!entical$ susets of , whose union is ," #a$ &2 #$ 2& #c$ 24 #!$ 5& #e$ 122
,et the su.sets o' S .e A and W+ ;or each element in S we have three choices "it can
.elong to either o' A, W or .oth)+ 8hat gives each pair o' su.sets twice except 'or the case
A ! W ! S+ 0ence, we can select 2 su.sets in "#=% 1)/2 wa(s+ !> choice "e) is the right
4:. The numer of real solutions to |1 - |x|| - #1.11$8#1.11x$ = 1 is #a$ 1 #$ 2 #c$ & #!$ 1
#e$ none of these
At x ! * we have a solution+ ,et '"x) ! |1 - |x|| - "1+*1)="1+*1x) '"1) $ *, '"#) > * !> we
have odd num.er o' solutions .etween "1, #) .ut '"x) is increasing in "1, #) !> we have
[ust 1 solution in "1, #) '"-1) $ * and '"-2) > * and '"x) is decreasing in "-2, -1) !> 1
solution in this interval also+
Also, '"1***) $ * and '"#) > * and '"x) in "#, 1***) is x - 1 - "1+*1)="1+*1x) which is a
decreasing 'unction in this interval !> we have one more root in "#, 1***) !> 4 roots in
b choice "e) is the right answer+
4:. Twin0le tells =a9eena that she has got & 0i!s an! 2 of these 0i!s are twins- an!
also that their ages are all integers. ,he tells =a9eena the sum of the ages of her 0i!s
an! also the 4ro!uct of their ages. =a9eena says that she has insuficient information
to !etermine the ages- ut one 4ossiility is that the twins are a 4rime numer of
years ol!. 3f Twin0leCs twins are teenagers an! their age is not 4rime- then the sum
of the ages of her 0i!s is #a$ a 4rime numer #$ is greater than 4& #c$ a com4osite
numer #!$ exactly 2 of the foregoing #e$ still un!eterminale
,et x,and ( .e the ages o' 8win-leIs children+ Since the twins are teenagers, x is an
integer with 1# $!x $!16+ ;urthermore, ,et p, p and X .e the solution that ?aveena
discovered with the twins having prime age p+ Since ?aveena -nows the sum o' the ages,
we must have 2x ( ! 2p X+ Similarl(, she is given the product o' the ages, so x=2( !
p=2X+ Qultipl( the 'irst eXuation .( p=2 and replace p=2X .( x=2( to o.tain p=2"2x ()
! p=2"2p X) ! 2p=# p=2X ! 2p=# x=2(, and thus ("xJp)"xp) ! ("x=2Jp=2) !
2p=2"xJp)+ Since x is di''erent 'rom p, we can divide .( xJp and get ("x p) ! 2p=2+ &n
particular, the integer x p divides 2p=2+ Since p is a prime, the positive divisors o' 2p=2
are 1, p, p=2, 2, 2p and 2p=2+ ;urthermore, x p > 1, 2, p and x p not eXual to 2p since
x not eXual to p+ 8his leaves x p ! p=2 or x p ! 2p=2 and hence x ! p=2 J p or x !
2p=2 J p+ Since p is a prime and 1# $!x $! 16, the onl( possi.ilit( here is p ! # and x !
2p=2 J p ! 1%+ Esing "x p)( ! 2p=2, it then 'ollows that ( ! 1+ 8hus 8win-leIs children
have ages 1%, 1% and 1+ <ote that 2x ( ! #1, so 2p X ! #1 and X ! 2%+ As a chec-, we
o.serve that "1%)=2a1 ! #=2 3 2%+
b choice "a) is the right answer+
45. The equation |x-1| - |x-2| + |x-4| = m has exactly n real solutions for some real m.
Then which among the following relations etween m an! n can not e true" #a$ m%n
= &%' #$ m = n #c$ m%n = &%2 #!$ m%n = '%& #e$ m = n-1
Since 1, 2, 4 are the critical point, we divide the domain into 4 regions; 1) when x > 4 |x-
1| - |x-2| |x-4| ! "x-1)-"x-2)"x-4) ! m !> x-# ! m !> m>1 2) when 2 $ x $!4 |x-1|-|x-2|
|x-4| ! "x-1)-"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> %-x ! m !> 1 $! m $ # #) when 1 $ x $!2 |x-1|-|x-2||
x-4| ! "x-1)"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> x1 ! m !> 1 $ m $! # 4) when -&n'init( $ x $!1 |x-1|-|
x-2||x-4| ! -"x-1)"x-2)-"x-4) ! m !> #-x ! m !> 2 $! m $! &n'init( )learl( 'or n!4 we
have 2 $ m $ #; 'or n!# we have m ! 2,#; 'or n!2 we have 1 $ m $ 2; 'or n!1 we have
m!1; 'or n!* we have 1 > m+ ,oo-ing at the choices "a) m ! 2+4 and n ! 4 satis'( ".) m !
n ! # sati'( "d) m ! 1*/# and n ! 2 satis'( "e) m ! -1 and n ! * satis'(
b choice "c) is the right answer+
'1. Gach question is followe! y two statements Y an! O. Bnswer each question
using the following instructions:
;hoose 1 if the question can e answere! y Y only ;hoose 2 if the question can e
answere! y O only ;hoose & if the question can e answere! y either Y or O
;hoose 4 if the question can e answere! y oth Y an! O ;hoose ' if the question
can not e answere! y comining Y an! O also
3f 1 ? a ? 2 an! 0 is an integer- then what is [a0%#2 - a$\- where [x\ !enotes the
greatest integer not larger than x. #Y$ [a[0%#2 - a$\ + a%2\ = 4 #O$ [a[0%#2 - a$\ +
#a+1$%2\ = q an! 0 is e9en
>ut 2-a ! m !> * $ m $ 1, we will show that U"2-m)-/mV ! U"2-m)U-/mV "2-m)/2V U"2-
m)-/mV ! U2-/mV - -, since - is an integer+ ,et us ta-e this case .( case+ )ase 1: when -/m
is an integer ! i U"2-m)-/mV ! 2i - -, and U"2-m)U-/mV "2-m)/2V ! U2i -mi 1-m/2V ! U2i
-- 1-m/2V ! 2i - -+ )ase 2: when i-1/2 $ -/m $ i, where i is an integer U"2-m)-/mV ! 2i -
1 - -, U"2-m)U-/mV "2-m)/2V ! U2i - m/2 - -V ! 2i - 1 - - )ase #: when i $ -/m $ i 1/2,
where i is an integer >rove (oursel' here that U"2-m)-/mV ! U"2-m)U-/mV "2-m)/2V !> Y
is su''icient 'or all - <ow L adds 1/2 in Y and depending on the value o' aU-/"2-a)V, we
can have multiple "two) possi.le value o' Ua-/"2 - a)V 'or X+
!> ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
'1. )hen *atrina get+s ,wiss chocolcates- she swings in !elight- equal to her total
chocolates at that time. .or instance- if *atrina gets & chocolates- then / chocolates
an! then & chocolates again- she at first ma0es & swings- then she ma0es &+/ = 11
swings an! then she ma0es &+/+& = 1& swings- ma0ing a total of &+11+1& = 22
swings. 3f all of *atrina+s ,wiss chocolates are in a grou4 of either & or / an!
*atrina ma0es 55 swings !uring the 4rocess- in how many !ifferent ways can she
get the chocolates in that 4rocess " #a$ & #$ 2 #c$ ' #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
&' a1, a2, a#, +++ are the num.ers in which 1atrina gets chocolates in order then 1atrina2s
total swings will .e n3a1 "n-1)3a2 ++++ an where a1, a2 etc+ ta-e the values # or 4+
5iven the 'act n3a1 "n-1)3a2 ++++ an ! 66; i' all a1, a2 etc are # then #n"n1)/2 ! 66
!> n"n1) ! 77, so we -now n can atmost .e 4+ 8a-ing a1, a2 as 4 we can see that n is
greater than 4+ 91, i' it2s 4a1 7a2 +++ a4 ! 66 then .ecause # and 4 are each o' the
'orm 4--1 we see 4a1 7a2 +++ a4 ! 66 reduces to 43"4-1 7-2 +++ -4) ! 66 "1
2 +++ 4) ! 66 2:, which is not possi.le+ Similarl( it2s not 'or n!%+ ;or 7 it2s possi.le as
66 "1 2 +++ 7) ! 12* is div .( 4+
<ow (ou are le't with 7-1 %-2 +++ -7 ! #* where -1,-2 +++ ta-es either 1 or 2 "-1, -2,
-#, -4, -%, -7) ! "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2), "2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2), "1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1), "1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), "2, 1,
1, 2, 1, 1
b choice "c) is the right answer+
'2. 6et the equation :8#x%#x+2$$ = 2%&8x has n roots m#1$- m#2$- ...- m#n$ such that
m#1$ R= m#2$ R= ... R= m#n$. Then the numerical 9alue of m#1$ - m#2$ - ... - m#n$ is
#a$ 2+&log2%log& #$ 2-&log2%log& #c$ &+2log2%log& #!$ &-2log2%log& #e$ none of the
8he eXn .ecomes 2="#x/"x2)) + #=x ! 23# !7, or, 2="#x/"x2) - 1) + #="x-1) ! 1+ So, "2x
- 2)/"x2)+ log2 "x-1)+log# ! * !> either x-1 ! o !> x ! 1 or,x2 ! -2log2/log#, so, x !
-2 -2log2/log# So, m1 - m2 ! 1-"-2 - 2log2/log#) ! #2log2/log#
b choice "c) is the right answer+
'&. ;oncentric circles ra!ii 1- 2- &- ... - 111 are !rawn. The interior of the smallest
circle is colore! re! an! the annular regions are colore! alternately green an! re!-
so that no two a!Wacent regions are the same color. The total area of the green
regions !i9i!e! y the area of the largest circle is #a$ 1%2 #$ '1%111 #c$ 111%211 #!$
'1%111 #e$ none of the foregoing
8otal Area o' 5reen ?egions ! pi3"1**=2-66=26:=2-64=2++++2=2-1=2) Area o' the
largest circle ! pi31**=2 !>?eXuired ratio ! "1**=2-66=26:=2-64=2++++2=2-
1=2)/1**=2 ! C"1**66)"1**-66)"6:64)"6:-64)+++++"21)"2-1)D/1**=2 !
"16616%161+++4#)/1**=2 ! %*%*/1**=2 ! 1*1/2*
b choice "c) is the right answer
'4. B iologist catches a ran!om sam4le of 21 fish from a la0e- tags them an!
releases them. ,ix months later she catches a ran!om sam4le of /1 fish an! fin!s &
are tagge!. ,he assumes 2'Q of the fish in the la0e on the earlier !ate ha9e !ie! or
mo9e! away an! that 41Q of the fish on the later !ate ha9e arri9e! #or een orn$
since. )hat !oes she estimate as the numer of fish in the la0e on the earlier !ate"
#a$ 421 #$ '21 #c$ 2&1 #!$ /21 #e$ :41
,et no+ o' ;ishes on earlier da( ! x 7* 'ishes are tagged, out o' which 2%\ have
died/moved remaining 'ishes that are tagged ! 4%
<o+ o' 'ishes on da( o' second o.servation ! %/4x <o+ o' 'ishes caught ! 4* <o+ o' ;ishes
tagged ! # ! 4+2:%4\ "#/4*) 8otal <o+ 'ishes on Second da( o' 9.servation !
4%/+*42:%4 "4%34*/#) ! 1*%* <o o' ;ishes on earlier da( ! x ! 4/%31*%* ! :4*
b choice "e) is the right answer+
''. The cost of 21 oranges an! 1 0g of a44le is =s 21 while their selling 4rice is =s
/2. The cost of 11 a44les an! 1 0g of orange is =s '1 while their selling 4rice is =s
21. Ai9en that the 4rofit 4ercent on the sale of two fruits are !ifferent- then the sum
of the selling 4rice of ' oranges an! & a44les an! the cost 4rice of 2 0g oranges an! '
0g a44les #is$ #a$ can not e !etermine! #$ =s &1: #c$ =s &/' #!$ =s &:4 #e$ none of
the foregoing
2* 9ranges and 115 o' apple ! 12 Apples and 1+2 15 o' 9ranges "%*31+2) &' the pro'it
\ages are di''erent, then it must .e clear that the ratio o' apples : 9ranges in the 7*?s+
sale and the 42?s+ sale must .e the same+ 0ence, we can sa'el( sa( that 1+2 15 o'
oranges ! 2* 9ranges and 115 o' apples ! 12 apples+ S> o' 2* 9ranges and 12 Apples !
42 !> S> o' % 9ranges and # apples ! 1: )> o' 1+215 o' 9ranges and 115 o' Apples !
7* !> )> o' 715 9ranges and 715 apples ! #**
!> choice ".) is the right answer+
'2. B wor! is a comination of : letters- each either B or J. 6et x an! y e 2 wor!s
!iffering in exactly & 4laces. Fow many wor!s !iffer from each of x an! y in at least
' 4laces" #a$ &: #$ 4: #c$ ': #!$ 2: #e$ /:
Zxp-- Y--G G G 3 3 3 3 3 L--G G G 3 3 3 3 3
)ase 1+ ,ets assume that Y and L are same in the 3 positions+ So our num.er now can
have an(thing in G positions i' we assign a di''erent alpha.ets in 3+ S*, 23232 !: )ase 2:
,etIs sa( onl( 4 positions are satis'ied+ &n that case 1 will have to come 'rom the 'irst #
8here are 7 wa(s to do that and since there are % positions where we can change the
alpha.et we get %37!#* So total sum!#:
b choice "a) is the right answer+
'/. ,quares )YOI- Y<Q=- <)DE are !rawn externally on the si!es of a triangle
)Y<. The line segments OI- Q=- DE- when exten!e!- form a triangle )+Y+<+. .in!
the area of )+Y+<+ if )Y< is an equilateral triangle of si!e length 2. #a$ 2 +5#&$81%2
#$12 + 1&#&$81%2 #c$ 5 + 1&#&$81%2 #!$ R 12 + 5#&$81%2 #e$Eone of the foregoing
Area o' triangle K2Y2>2 is area o' three sXuares area o' eXui triangle area o' #
@uads++calc area o' sXuares and triangle KY> is no pro.++++area o' Xuad is area o' the two
triangles 'ormed in that Xuad+++we get area o' one such triangle as 2"#)=1/2++"using
trigonometr(+++)there are six such triangles "contained in the three Xuads) and hence the
total area is Area o' three sXuares ! 12 "43#) area o' eXuilateral triangle KY> ! #=1/2
Area o' all six triangles is 12"#)=1/2 !> total area is 121#"#)=1/2
b choice ".) is the right answer+
':. The following sequence 1- 2- 4- '- /- 5- 11- 12- 14- 12- 1/ ... has one o!! numer
followe! y two e9ens- then three o!!s- four e9ens- an! so on. )hat numer is the
211&r! term" #a$ &542 #$ &54& #c$ &544 #!$&54' #e$ Eone of the foregoing
1,--2,4,--%, 4, 6,-- 1*, 12, 14, 17,-- 14,16,21,2#,2% +++ 1+ n"n1)/2 7#"74)/2 ! 2*17+ i+e
'rom 1st to 7#rd set there will .e in total 2*17 terms+ 2+ Zach set will cover "2n-1)
consecutive integers+ 8here'ore 7# set will cover 12% consecutive num.ers, 72nd set will
cover 12# num.ers++ so on+ there'ore 1#%++++12% ! 7#37# ! #676 consecutive
integers are covered .( the end o' 7#rd set+ #+ 7#rd set will contain 7# odd num.ers, #676
as the 2*17th term+ #676, #674, #67%, #67#, #671, #6%6, #6%4, #6%%, #6%#, #6%1, #646,
#644, #64%,
!> choice ".) is the right answer+
'5. Gach !ay- ;hetna is either ha44y or sa!. 3f she is ha44y one !ay- then four times
out of fi9e she is ha44y the next !ay. 3f she is sa! one !ay- then she is sa! the next
!ay one time out of three. 3n the long run- what are the chances that ;hetna is
ha44y on any gi9en !ay" #a$ :%1' #$ 1'%1& #c$ 11%1& #!$ 4%1' #e$ Eone of the
Ese Wa(es 8heorem+ &t states that >"A/W) ! U>"W/A) 3 >"A)V / >"W) where : > "W/A) :
>ro.a.ilit( o' W " sad ) given A"happ() ! 2/# " Since she is sad 1 times out o' # i' she is
sad one da( - implies she is happ( 2 times out o' #) > "A) ! >ro.a.ilit( o' .eing happ(
>"W) ! >ro.a.ilit( o' .eing sad >"A/W) : >ro.a.ilit( o' A "happ() given W ! 1/% " similar
logic as a.ove ) this gives 2/# ! "1/%3>"A)) / >"W) or, >"A) / >"W) ! 1*/# <ow, Ke have
the ratio o' >"A) and >"W) as 1*:# So, >"A) ! 1*x and >"W) ! #x 0ere, >"A) >"W) ! 1
"Since )hetna is either happ( or sad ever( da() So,1*x#x !1 or 1#x ! 1 &mplies that,
>"A) ! 1*x/1#x ! 1*/1# and >"W) ! #x/1#x ! #/1# or,>"0app() ! > "A) ! 1*/1#
b choice "c) is the right answer+
21. 6et the net 4rofit when 4encil- 4en an! eraser are sol! res4ecti9ely at 21Q-&1Q
an! 41Q 4rofits e 11Q more than that when they are sol! res4ecti9ely at
41Q-21Q an! &1Q 4rofits. 6et * e the net 4rofit when they are sol! res4ecti9ely
at &1Q- 41Q an! 21Q 4rofits. Then the least 9alue of * will e" #a$ 11Q #$ 1'Q
#c$ 21Q #!$ 2'Q #e$ Eone of the foregoing
,et x, (, R .e the prices o' pencil, pen and eraser +2x+#(+4R ! 1+1"+4x+2(+#R) 4R :(
! 24x !> R( ! #x R/: +++"1) 1 ! "*+#x*+4(*+2R)/"x(R) ! *+2 "*+1x*+2()/"x(R)
! *+2 "*+4x - 1+4R/: )/"4xR/: ) eXuating *+4x to 1+4R/:, we get R ! 4x .ut 'rom eXuation
"1), 24x > 4R and also, a'ter simpli'(ing the a.ove 'raction, since the <r+ o' the 'raction is
less than the Tr+, the value o' the 'raction increases with x+ ,east 1 ! *+2 "4+6^/24 -
1+4R/: )/"4R/7R/: ) ! *+2 *+4/#1 B 22+27\
b choice "e) is the right answer+
21. 3f in the ex4ansion of #1+x$8a #1]x$8- the coefficient of x an! x82 are & an! ]2
res4ecti9ely- then +a+ is #a$ 2 #$ 5 #c$ 12 #!$ 24 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
"1 x)=a"1 - x)=. ! "1 a)1+x a)2+x=2 ++)"1 - .)1+x .)2+x=2 - ++) )o-e''n o' x: "a-
.) ! #+++"1), )o-e''n o' x=2: ".".-1)/2 a"a-1)/2 -a.) ! -7+++"2) !>"a-.)=2 - "a.) ! -12
"a.) ! 21, 0ence a ! 12
!> choice "d) is the right answer+
22. Hn a regular ;hess Joar!- the numers of rectangles such that in each one of
them the numer of Jlac0 Fouses is equal to the numer of )hite Fouses are #a$
:52 #$ 11&2 #c$ 11'2 #!$ /52 #e$ :'2
9nl( those rectangles with even num.er o' houses satis'( this condition+ 8otal wa(s in
which length ! 1 can .e selected ->: 8otal wa(s in which length ! 2 can .e selected
->4 +++ +++ 8otal wa(s in which length ! : can .e selected ->1 So, 8otal wa(s in which all
di''erent length can .e selected ! :47%4#21 same holds 'or Wreadth+ So, 8otal
no+ o' rectangles ".( Qultiplication 8heorem) !
":47%4#21)3":47%4#21) ! #7=2!1267 8otal no+ o' rectangles with
odd num.er o' houses ! ":742)3":742) !4** !> the no+ o' rectangles satis'(ing
the a.ove condition is 1267-4** !:67
b choice "a) is the right answer+
2&. 6et P#t$ =P#1-t$+P##1-t82$81.'$- for all 1?t?1.Then P#1 - ##&$81.'$%2$ is equal to
#a$ P##1 - ##&$81.'$%2$81.'$ #$ P##1 - ##&$81.'$%4$81.'$ #c$ P###&$81.' - #&%2$$81.'$ #!$
P###&$81.' - #&%4$$81.'$ #e$ Eone of the foregoing
>utting t!1/2 we have: ]"1/2) ! ]"1/2) ]""#)=*+%/2) canceling ]"1/2) 'rom .oth sides,
]""#)=*+%/2) ! * +++++++++++++++++++++ eXuation "1) <ow, ]"1- "#)=*+%/2) ! ]""#)=*+%/2)
]"""#)=*+% - #/4)=*+%) ! * ]"""#)=*+% - #/4)=*+%) U using eXuation "1) V ! ]"""#)=*+% -
b choice "d) is the right answer+
24. 6et <Q=, e a con9ex qua!rilateral with <Q=Q===, with <= not equal to Q,
an! T e the intersection 4oint of its !iagonals. 3f <T=,T then sum of the angles
Q<= an! Q,= in !egrees" #a$ &1 #$ 21 #c$ 51 #!$ 121 #e$ can not e !etermine!
,et E .e the re'lection o' ? through >S+ 8hus, $"E>S) ! $"8>S) ! $"8S>) !> >E || S@+
!> >@SE is an isosceles trapeRium+ So $ >@S$ >?S!$ >@S$ >ES!1:* $ 8>S$
8S>!$ @8>!$ S@?$ >?@ so $ @>? $ ?S>!23"$ S@?$ >?@) ++++++ "1) $ @>S$
?S>!#7*-$ >@?-$ @?S!1:*-$ S@?-$ >?@ +++++++ "2) 'rom "1) and "2) $ S@? $
b choice ".) is the right answer+
2'. 3n a class there are 111 stu!ents. B !i9ision of the stu!ents in n sections is goo!
if: 1$ the sections ha9e !ifferent numers of stu!ents 2$ for any 4artition of one of
the sections in 2 smaller sections- among the #n+1$ sections you get 2 with the same
numer of stu!ents #any section has at least 1 stu!ent$. The 4ositi9e !ifference
etween the maximal an! minimal 4ossile 9alue of n such that the !i9ision is goo!
is #a$ 2 #$ & #c$ / #!$ : #e$ none of the foregoing
Kell, the language o' the Xuestion wasn2t per'ect and people interpreted this Xuestion in
di''erent manners+ Some assumed cone o' the sectionsc as - some one, while others
assumed it as each one+ 8hen, c(ou get 2 with the same num.erc, some assumed at least
2, while some assumed exactl( 2+ Ke give the answer o' all possi.le 4 cases+ )ase 1:
when the Xuestion meant each one at least 2 Qax ! U1, 2, #, +++, 12, 22V+ Qin ! U1, #,
%, +++, 16V+ 8hus, answer is 1#-1* ! option "a)+ )ase 2: when the Xuestion meant each one
exactl( 2 Qax ! U1, #, %, +++, 16V+ Qin ! U1, #, %, +++, 16V+ 8hus, answer is 1*-1* ! option
"e)+ )ase #: when the Xuestion meant some one exactl( 2 Qax ! U1, #, 4, +++, 12, 24V+
Qin ! U1, #, 67V+ 8hus, answer is 12-# ! option "e)+ )ase 4: when the Xuestion meant
some one at least 2 Qax ! U1, 2, #, 4, +++, 12, 22V+ Qin ! U1, #, 67V+ 8hus, answer is 1#-#
! option "e)+
22. 6et a- - c e !istinct non->ero integers such that -' ?= a- - c ?= '. Fow many
solutions #a- - c$ !oes the equation 1%a + 1% + 1%c = 1%#a++c$ ha9e" #a$ /2 #$ 121
#c$ 152 #!$ 241 #e$ none of the foregoing
1/a 1/. 1/c ! 1/"a.c) reduces to "a.)".c)"ca) ! *; i' a. ! * then we can chose
. in 1* wa(s "integers 'rom -% to % excluding *) and c in 1*-2 ! : wa(s "since a, . and c
are di''erent)+ Also, .c ! *, and ca ! * gives 2 more :* each such solutions !> option
2/. Hne !ay Pi0ram was out icycling. Bfter entering a one-way tunnel an! after
ha9ing ri!!en one-fourth of the !istance through it- he loo0e! ac0 o9er his
shoul!er an! saw a us a44roaching the tunnel entrance at a s4ee! of :1 miles%hr.
7oing a quic0 mental exercise- Pi0ram reali>e! that if he accelerate! imme!iately to
his to4 s4ee!- he coul! Wust esca4e with his life- whiche9er !irection he ro!e. )hat is
Pi0ram+s to4 i0ing s4ee! in miles%hr" #a$ &2 #$ &2 #c$ 41 #!$ 4: #e$ none of the
,et d!distance truc- is in 'ront o' tunnel entrance, ,!length o' tunnel, x!]i-ram2s speed+
)ase 1: ]i-ram turns around and heads 'or entrance, a distance o' ,/4+ ]i-ram and truc-
get to entrance at same time 81!d/:*!",/4)/x+ )ase 2: ]i-ram strea-s 'or exit, a distance
o' #,/4+ ]i-ram and truc- get to exit at same time 82!",d)/:*!"#,/4)/x+ Solving .oth
eXuations 'or x and setting them eXual, x!",/4)3:*/d!"#,/4)3:*/",d) A'ter simpli'(ing,
d!,/2, hence x!4*+ !> option "c)+
2:. B square sheet of 4a4er BJ;7 is so fol!e! that J falls on the mi! 4oint of D of
;7. The crease will !i9i!e J; in the ratio #a$ & : 2 #$ ' : & #c$ 2 : 1 #!$ 5 : 4 #e$ none
of the foregoing
>oint W is coincided with the midpoint o' )T"i+e+, Q)+ ,et the crease cut the side W) at
<+ Assuming the length o' the sides as 2a, )Q!QT!a+ ,et <)!x, ma-ing W<!2a-x+
<ow when W is coincident with Q, a rt triangle is 'ormed: triangle W<)"or Q<), as W
now lies on Q) Appl(ing >(thagoras2 theorem, "2a-x)=2! x=2a=2 solving 'or x we get:
x!#a/4 there'ore 2a-x!%a/4 W<:<)!%a/4:#a/4 or %:#+ !> option ".)+
25. .i9e containers each ha9e one litre of 11Q- 21Q- &1Q- 41Q- '1Q mil0 in them.
Jy mixing the contents of Wust two of the containers- one litres each of wQ- xQ- yQ-
>Q an! 42Q #22 ? w ?= x ?= y ?= > ? 42$ mil0 is 4re4are!- contents of no two
containers are mixe! twice in !ifferent 4ro4ortions to get !ifferent concentrations.
Blso each original container is use! exactly twice in ma0ing new mixtures. 3f the
containers are mixe! only in the multi4les of 111 ml then >+y-x-w #is$ #a$ can not e
!etermine! #$ 4 #c$ 12 #!$ 21 #e$ none of the foregoing
,etIs start with 42\ mil- preparation+ 1*\ mil- can .e mixed with %*\ mil- to produce
42\ mil- .ut on doing so we are le't with :** ml o' 1*\ mil- which canIt give an(
possi.le com.ination with others to produce mil- more than 22\ mil-+ 9nl( #*\ mil- in
Xuantit( 4** ml with %*\ mil- in 7** ml gives us a 42\
com.ination+ <ow we are le't with 7** ml o' #*\ and 4**ml o' %*\+<ow since we are
com.ining 7** and 4** ml o' 2 hence all the solution have to .e .ro-en in two parts each
o' 4** ml and 7** ml+ >roceeding 'urther 'rom here, we 'ind onl( 1 valid com.ination so
that all the values are satis'ied in the given range+ 4**ml o' ) 7** ml o' Z ---> U12*
#**V ---> 42* out o' 1*** ---> 42\ 4**ml o' Z 7** ml o' A ---> U2** 7* V ---> 27*
out o' 1*** ---> 27\ 4**ml o' A 7** ml o' T ---> U4* 24*V ---> 2:* out o' 1*** --->
2:\ 7**ml o' W 4** ml o' T ---> U12* 17*V ---> 2:* out o' 1*** ---> 2:\ 4**ml o'
W 7** ml o' ) ---> U:* 1:*V ---> 27* out o' 1*** ---> 27\ 0ence, R(-x-w ! 2:2:-
27-27 ! 4
!> option ".)+
/1. B0shay an! Zohn starte! to !ig a canal 11 0m long. 3t is calculate! that if
B0shay ta0es off for & !ays- then Zohn has to !ig 1 0m more an! if Zohn ta0es off
for 4 !ays- B0shay has to !ig n 0m more. )hich among the following is true" #a$ 3f
B0shay an! Zohn !o the wor0 without asence an! B0shay !igs 2 0m- then the
wor0 gets com4lete! in a little o9er / !ays #$ n = 4%& #c$ 3f the wor0 gets com4lete!
in /.' !ays- when B0shay an! Zohn !ug without any asence- then B0shay !ug ' 0m
#!$ all of the foregoing #e$ none of the foregoing
,et K .e the amount o' wor- done in digging+ ,et A-sha(, dohn do K/a and K/. parts o'
wor- per da( respectivel(+ ,et <, p, X .e the num.er o' da(s in which the wor- can .e
done i' A-sha(, dohn do the wor- together without a.sence, with A-sha( a.sent 'or #
da(s, with dohn a.sent 'or 4 da(s respectivel(+ !> <K/a <K/. ! K, "p-#)K/a pK/.
! K and XK/a "X-4)K/. ! K+ Also, pK/. - <K/. ! K/1* and XK/a - <K/a ! nK/1*+
!> p ! ./1* <, X ! an/1* < !> "./1* <-#)/a "./1* <)/. ! 1; "na/1* <)/a
"na/1* <-4)/. ! 1 !> "./1* - #)/a 1/1* <"1/a 1/.) ! 1 and n/1* "na/1* - 4)/.
<"1/a1/.) ! 1, .ut <"1/a 1/.) ! 1 !> ./1* - # a/1* ! *; and n/1*"1/a 1/.) ! 4 !> n
! 4/# and a. ! #* 8his answer is part ".) >art "a) &' A-sha( digs 7 -m then dohn digs 4
-m !> Amount o' wor- done .( them is in the ratio #:2 !> .:a ! 2:# .ut a. ! #* !> a !
12, .! 1: !> wor- is completed in 1/"1/12 1/: ) ! 4+2 da(s >art "c) 1/a 1/. ! 2/1% and
a. ! #* !> a ! . ! 1% !> A-sha( dug % -m+ 0ence, choice "d) is the right answer
/1. ;onsi!er a set <= T1-2-&...-11-12U of natural numers. )e !efine another set Q
such that it contains no more than one out of any three consecuti9e natural
numers. Fow many susets Q of < inclu!ing the em4ty set are 4ossile" #a$ 114 #$
11/ #c$ 125 #!$ 1&2 #e$ 1&1
,et '"n) .e num.er o' su.sets o' C1,2, +++++nD which contain no more than one out o' an(
three consecutive natural num.ers+ then '"n) ! '"n-1) '"n-#) ,ogic is to include '"n-1)
su.sets and add n to all the su.sets 'or '"n-#) to get all possi.le su.sets 'or n with '"1) !2,
'"2) ! # , '"#) !4+ Solving we get '"12)!126+ !> option "c)+
/2. <Q=,T is a cyclic 4entagon with Q= = =, = ,T.The !iagonals <= an! QT
intersect at Y.O is the foot of the altitu!e from Y to <Q. )e ha9e Y< = 2'-Y, = 11&-
an! YO = 1'. The area of triangle <QT is a44roximately #a$1'44 #$1211 #c$ 124:
#!$1'21 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
>(thagoras gives >L ! 2*+ Ke draw @S and >S, and construct the altitude Y^ to >S, with
^ on >S, and altitude YY2 to >8, with Y2 on >8+ Wecause @? ! ?S ! S8, angles @>?,
?>S, and S>8 are congruent+ Wecause ^ is on >S, triangles YL> and Y^> are congruent
.( AAS, so Y^ ! 1% and ^> ! 2*, 'rom which >(thagoras gives ^S ! 112, impl(ing >S !
1#2+ ,et - ! $@>?, so $Y>8 ! 2-, and $L>8 ! #-+ Wecause we have sin- ! #/% and
cos-!4/%, so sin2-!24/2% and sin#- ! 114/12% we 'ind that YY2 ! 24 using sin2-!24/2%+
W( sine law S8 : 8@ : @S ! 2% : #6 : 4*+ <ow, area o' >@8! "1%3>@243>8)/2 <ow .(
>tolem(Is theorem on Xuadrilateral >@S8: >@3S8>83S@!>S3@8 or,
"2%x)3>@"4*x)3>8!1#23"#6x) %>@:>8!"1#23#6)/% hence area
!1%44+4!1%44"approx+) !> option "a)+
/&. Daalchan! ha! 111 4ieces each of articles B an! J. B was chea4er in 4rice than
J. .earing 4olice rai!- Daalchan! !eci!es to sell all the 4ieces in two !ays. Hn the
first !ay- he sol! B an! J at 11Q an! &1Q 4rofit res4ecti9ely. Blthough- he ma!e a
net 4rofit of 2'Q- the articles !i! not sell much an! was not more than 2' 4ieces of
each ty4e. Hn secon! !ay- B an! J were sol! at &1Q an! 11Q 4rofit res4ecti9ely. 3n
the 4rocess- all the articles of Daalchan! were sol!- ut his net 4rofit for the secon!
!ay was re!uce! to 21Q. )hich among the following is not true" #a$ the cost 4rice
of each 4iece of article B was less than 1:Q chea4er than each 4iece of article J
#$ the total sale on the first !ay was 15.'Q of the total sale #c$ the net 4rofit on the
total sale was 21.5Q #!$ all of the foregoing #e$ none of the foregoing
,et 2a2 .e the price per item and 2x2 .e the no: o' article sold o' article A on the 'irst da(+
Similarl( let 2.2 .e the price per item and 2(2 .e the no: o' article sold o' article W on the
'irst da(+ so, 1+1ax1+#.(!1+2%"ax.() !> #ax ! .(------------------"1) also 'or the second
da(, "1**-x)31+#a"1**-()31+1.!1+2U"1**-x)a"1**-().V !>U"1**-x)a ! "1**-
().--------------------"2) 'rom "1) and "2) ( ! #**x/"2x1**) since x,($!2%; onl( one
integer value satis'ies this i+e+ x!1* and (!2%, 'rom "1) we get, #*a ! 2%. a ! +
:##.--------------------------"#) so, "".-a)/.)31** ! 17+4\ so option "a) is true+ 8otal sale
on the 'irst da( ! 11a#2+%. ! %*a 8otal sale on the second da( ! 114a:2+%. !
114a66a ! 217a ratio o' sale on 'irst da( to second da( ! %*/2%7 ! 16+%\ 0ence ".) is
also true+ Also total sale ! "217a%*a) ! 277a, total cost ! 1**a12*a ! 22*a, hence net
pro'it percent ! "47/22*)31** ! 2*+6\ hence "c) is also true+ !> option "e) is the correct
/4. )hat is the smallest 4ositi9e integer 0 for which there are at least 11 e9en an! 11
o!! 4ositi9e integers m so that #m8& +0$%#m+2$ is an integer" #a$ 22: #$ 44: #c$ 2&:
#!$ :': #e$ none of the foregoing
<otice that m=# : is divisi.le .( m2+ 8here'ore, -J: must .e divisi.le .( m2 'or the
expression to .e an integer+ &' ' is a 'actor o' - J :, m ! ' J 2 is a corresponding suita.le
m; we then need ' >!# to ma-e m > *+ 8hus - J : must have twelve each odd and even
'actors including 1 and 2+ 8o ma-e the num.er o' odd and even 'actors eXual in order to
minimiRe -, the power o' 2 in the prime 'actoriRation o' -J : must .e 1+ Suppose the
prime 'actoriRation o' -J : is then 2=1a#=a a%=. a4=c a11=d "larger prime 'actors will
clearl( not minimiRe -+ 8hen "p1)"X1)"r1)"s1)>! 12+ 8o minimiRe -, p >!X>! r>! s+
Ke then examine values o' "--:)/2 to determine the .est "p, X, r, s)+ # a % a 4 a 11 ! 11%%,
#=2 a % a 4 ! #1%+ Qoving an( more 'actors into smaller primes involves multipl(ing .(
#=2/4 or #=2/% "or su.seXuent larger powers o' #), which increases the value+ 8here'ore
-J : ! 2 a#=2 a % a 4, so -! 7#:+
!> option "c) is the correct answer+
/'. G9ery wee0 the <agalguy.com maga>ine 4ulishes a list of the To4 21
contriutors on <agalguy.com. 3f the or!er is ne9er the same in any two consecuti9e
wee0s- an! no contriuting memer e9er regains any lost 4o4ularity #i.e. no
contriutor rises in ran0ing once he%she starts to !ro4 in ran0ing$ how many
consecuti9e wee0s coul! the same twenty contriutors remain on the To4 21 list" #a$
155 #$ 151 #c$ 151 #!$ 1/1 #e$ none of the foregoing
&' (ou loo- at the initial and the 'inal wee-s o' the ran-ings, during this time, the
contri.utor initiall( in the top position can drop at most 16 spots to position 2*; the
second ran-ed contri.utor can drop at most 1: spots to position 16, and so on+ 8his can
ta-e at most 16 1: +++ 2 1 ! 16* wee-s+ 8here'ore there are at most 161 wee-s in
which the same contri.utors can appear on the charts+ Lou can achieve this maximum, .(
switching onl( two contri.utors each wee-+
!> option ".) is the correct answer+
/2. .our 4ersons go to a irth!ay 4arty. They lea9e their to4-coats an! hats in the
lounge an! 4ic0 them while returning ac0. The numer of ways in which none of
them 4ic0s u4 his own to4-coat as well as his own hat is 4. The numer of ways in
which exactly one of them 4ic0s u4 his own to4-coat as well as his own hat is q. The
numer of ways in which a 4erson 4ic0s u4 someone elseCs to4-coat an! yet someone
elseCs hat is r. Then 4+q+r is #a$ 11/ #$ 114 #c$ 11& #!$ 11: #e$ none of the foregoing
8he no+ o' wa(s in which the 1st person doesn2t pic- up his own top-coat is #+ 8he 2nd
person "whose top-coat the 1st one pic-ed) can pic- someone else2s top-coat in # more
wa(s+ ;or the #rd and 4rth person we have [ust 1 choice+ 8hus, in all when none among
the 4 pic- his/her own top-coat is 6+ 8hus p ! 636 ! :1+ A person among the 4 who pic-s
his own top-coat as well as hat can .e selected in 4 wa(s+ 8he other # 'alls in the categor(
Unot own top-coat or not own hatV ! not own top-coat not-own hat - "not won top-coat
and not own hat) ! 237 237 - 232 ! 2*+ 8hus, X ! :*+ As explained in the 1st case, each
person can pic- someone else2s top-coat in 6 wa(s+ 8o each o' these 6 wa(s we have 2
wa(s where he pic-s (et someone else2s hat+ 8hus, r ! 632 ! 1:
!> option "e) is the correct answer+
//. #i$ The sum of real numers x an! y is 1. The maximum 9alue of xy#x8& + y8&$ is
4. #ii$ 6et the equation [n%2\ + [n%4\ = n has q 4ossile solutions- where [n\ !enotes
the greatest integer less than or equal to n e.g. [&.21\ = &. )hat is the 9alue of 4Nq"
#a$ 1%4 #$ &%12 #c$ 1%& #!$ 1%2 #e$ none of the foregoing
"i) &' n is positive then Un/2V Un/4V can at the max .e #n/4+ 8hus, no solutions 'or
positive n+ ;or non-negative n, n ! * is a trivial solution+ ;or n $ -% ,0S > ?0S+ ;or -%
$! n $ *, we have # solutions, n ! -2, -#, -%+ 8hus p ! 4+ "ii) x("x=# (=#) ! x("1-#x() !
1/#3"#x(3"1-#x())+ 8hus, #x( "1-#x() is constant !> max o' #x(3"1-#x() occurs when
#x( ! 1-#x( !> x( ! 1/7 !> X ! 1/12
!> option "c) is the correct answer+
/:. B car gi9es the mileage of 210m%6- '10m%6 an! 410m%6 when !ri9en at the
s4ee!s of 410m%hr- '10m%hr an! 210m%hr res4ecti9ely. Bssume that each car is
!ri9en only at the three s4ee!s mentione! ao9e. The car is !ri9en for & hours using
2 6itres of 4etrol. The !istance co9ere! y the car #a$ R 121 0m #$ ? 121 0m #c$ =
121 0m #!$ can not e !etermine! #e$ none of the foregoing
,et the distance traveled with 4*-m/hr, %*-m/hr, 7*-m/hr is A, W and ) respectivel(+ !>
A/4* W/%* )/7* ! # and A/7* W/%* )/4* ! 2+ Zliminating A, we get 2W/% %)/7
! * !> W!)!* !> A ! 12* -m
!> option "c) is the correct answer+
/5. 6et f#x$ e an algeric ex4ression of o!! !egree #R 1$. 3f the !egree of f#x$ + f#1-
x$ is at least two less than the !egree of f#x$ an! the coefficients of x an! x82 are
equal in magnitu!e ut o44osite in sign in the gi9en ex4ression- then the highest
4ossile !egree of f#x$ is #a$ 5 #$ 1& #c$ ' #!$ / #e$ none of the foregoing
8a-ing '"x) ! ax=n .x=n-1 cx=n-2 ++++ , where the third last coe''icient and the
second last coe''icient are eXual in magnitude .ut opposite in sign and n is odd+ '"x)
'"1-x) has at least 'irst 2 terms as * !> 2. na ! *+ 8hus, we can have such '"x) 'or an( n,
thus n-> &n'init(+
!> option "e) is the correct answer+
:1. 111 ex-stu!ents of the same atch meet for alumni meet in the cam4us of a J-
school. The enches of .r <rahu Fall in the J-school are arrange! in a rectangle of
11 rows of 11 seats each. Bll the 111 ha9e !ifferent salaries. Gach of them as0s all his
neighours #sitting next to- in front of- or ehin! him- i.e. 4 memers at most$ how
much they earn. They feel a lot of en9y towar!s each other: a 4erson is content with
his salary only if he has at most one neighour who earns more than himself. )hat
is the maximum 4ossile numer of ex-stu!ents who are satisfie! with their
salaries" #a$ /2 #$ &2 #c$ 4: #!$ 24 #e$ none of the foregoing
,et us represent the ex-students with a sXuare grid o' 1*x1* points, and la.el each point
with the salar( o' the ex-student+ 0ave a loo- at the 'igure in the document .( 'ollowing
the undermentioned lin-+ ,et us draw arrows .etween neigh.ouring points such that the
arrow is directed 'rom the smaller to the larger num.er:
www+pagalgu(+com/'orum/:142%6-post1*#*+html "Satis'ied alumni are mar-ed in green,
and dissatis'ied ones in red+) ,et a .e the num.er o' satis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<82s sitting in
the corners, . the num.er o' those sitting at the sides o' the sXuare, and c the num.er o'
those sitting inside+ 8he num.er o' arrows is 1:*+ 8here is at most one arrow originating
at an( satis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<8, and there will .e at least one point where no arrow
originates, the ZY-S8ETZ<8 with the largest salar( "o.viousl( satis'ied)+ 0ence the
num.er o' arrows originating at satis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<82s is at most a.c-1+ 8here are
at most "4-a)+2 arrows 'rom the 4-a dissatis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<82s in the corners, at most
"#2-.)+# 'rom the #2-. dissatis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<82s along the sides, and at most "#2-.)+#
'rom those "74-c)+4 sitting inside+ 8he total num.er o' arrows is thus 1:* $!"a.c-
1)"4-a)+2"#2-.)+#"74-c)+4, that is, a2.#c $!146+ 8he one with the lowest salar( out
o' the #7 ZY-S8ETZ<82s around the circum'erence is necessaril( dissatis'ied, thus
a.$!#%+ &t is also o.vious that a $!4+ W( adding the ineXualities, we have
#"a.c)!"a2.#c)"a.)a $!146#%4!21:, that is, a.c $!42+ 0ence, the
num.er o' satis'ied ZY-S8ETZ<82s cannot .e greater than 42+ 8he diagram shows the
case when there are exactl( 42 ZY-S8ETZ<82s who are content with their salaries+
!> option "a) is the correct answer+
:1. ;onsi!er two triangles <=, an! <Q,.6et two circles circumscrie these two
triangles an! their ra!ii e 2' an! 2'%2.Blso-<Q=, is a rhomus whose area is equal
to B. Then the 9alue of B is #a$ 211 #$ 12' #c$ &/' #!$ 411 #e$ &2'
,et 9 .e the point o' intersection o' diagonals >? and @S,and 8 .e the point o'
intersection o' >? and the circumcircle o' triangle >@S+Zxtend S@ to meet the
circumcircle o' triangle >?S at E+ >9+98!@9+9S and S9+9E!>9+9? ,et >?!2a and
@S!2.+Wecause >8 is a diameter o' the circumcircle o' triangle >@S, and SE is a
diameter o' the circumcircle o' triangle >?S, the a.ove eXualities can .e rewritten as
a"2%-a)!.=2 and ."%*-.)!a=2 0ence, a!2.+&t 'ollows that %*.!%.=2!>.!1*,a!2*+8hus
area o' >@?S!1/2 +>?+@S!2a.!4**
!> option "d) is the correct answer+
:2. The 9alue of 1%#1+182+184$+ 2%#2+282+284$ + &%#&+&82+&84$ + ...u4 to infinity is
#a$ 1%2 #$ 2%& #c$ 1 #!$ &%2 #e$ Eone of these
Zach term in the summation is n/"n=4 n=2 n)+ 0ad each term .e n/"n=4 n=2 1),
then the summation would .ecome 1/2"1 - 1/# 1/# - 1/4 ++++ up to in'init() ! 1/2+ <ote
that n=4 n=2 1 can .e 'actored as "n=21)=2 - n=2 ! "n=2n1)3"n=2-n1)+ n/"n=4
n=2 n) $ n/"n=4 n=2 1) 'or all n > 1+ 8hus, our answer is $ 1/2+ All options among
the 'irst 4 are >!1/2+
!> option "e) is the correct answer+
:&. The 9alue of 1%#1+182+184$+ 2%#2+282+284$ + &%#&+&82+&84$ + ...u4 to infinity is
#a$ 1%2 #$ 2%& #c$ 1 #!$ &%2 #e$ Eone of these
Zach term in the summation is n/"n=4 n=2 n)+ 0ad each term .e n/"n=4 n=2 1),
then the summation would .ecome 1/2"1 - 1/# 1/# - 1/4 ++++ up to in'init() ! 1/2+ <ote
that n=4 n=2 1 can .e 'actored as "n=21)=2 - n=2 ! "n=2n1)3"n=2-n1)+ n/"n=4
n=2 n) $ n/"n=4 n=2 1) 'or all n > 1+ 8hus, our answer is $ 1/2+ All options among
the 'irst 4 are >!1/2+
!> option "e) is the correct answer+
:4. The numer of 4ermutations of the set T1- 2- &- 4U in which no two a!Wacent
4ositions are fille! y consecuti9e integers #increasing or!er$ #a$ is a 4rime #$ is a
com4osite numer !i9isile y & #c$ !oes not excee! 1/ #!$ is at most 15 #e$ Eone of
the foregoing
8he permutations where there are consecutive num.ers are 12#4, 124#, 1#42, 142#,
21#4, 2#41, 2#14, #124, #412, #421, 412#, 4#12, 42#1
!> option "a) is the correct answer+
:'. )hen 7i9ya is one year younger than Twin0le will e when 7i9ya is half as ol!
as Twin0le will e when 7i9ya is twice as ol! as Twin0le is now- Twin0le will e
three times as ol! as 7i9ya was when Twin0le was as ol! as 7i9ya is now. Hne of
them is in her teens an! the ages are natural numers. )hat is the sum of the ages"
#a$ 42 #$ 44 #c$ 4: #!$ '2 #e$ '4
T&]LA 8K&<1,Z w-1 #R v w 2( 2v Y"present ages) L "present ages) ^ "some time in
past) x "some time in past) 0ere 2(-x ! 2v-(, v ! "#(-x)/2 Similarl(, w ! "%(-#x)/2 ; R !
2x-( or #R ! 7x-#( and w-1 ! "%(-#x-2)/2 <ow,C"%(-#x-2)/2D P x ! "7x-#() P ( !>1#( !
14x2 0ere onl( at x ! 16 and ( !2% satis'ies 'or one is a teenager+
!> option ".) is the correct answer+
:2. 6et there e I numer of rational tri4lets #g- h- i$ for which g- h- i are the roots
of x8& + gx82 + hx + i = 1. Then which of the following is the 9alue of I " #a$1 #$1
#c$2 #!$& #e$ ;annot e !etermine!
Ke reXuire "1) g h i ! -g, "2) gh hi ig ! h, and "#) ghi ! -i+ ;rom "#), either & ! *,
or gh ! -1+ &' i ! *, then "1) .ecomes h ! -2g, and "2) .ecomes h"g - 1) ! *+ 0ence either
g ! h ! *, or g ! 1, h ! -2+ So assume i e *, and gh ! -1+ "1) .ecomes i ! - h P 2g+
Su.stituting in "2), we get: -1 - "2g h)"g h) ! h, so -g=2 P2g=4 #g=2 - 1 ! -g, or 2g=4
P 2g=2 - g 1 ! *+ So g! 1, or 2g=# 2g=2 - 1 ! * O+ 8he 'irst possi.ilit( gives g ! 1, h
! -1, i ! -1+ Suppose g ! m/n is a root o' 2g=# 2g=2 - 1 ! * with m, n relativel( prime
integers+ 8hen 2m=# 2m=2n - n=# ! *+ So an( prime 'actor o' n must divide 2 and an(
prime 'actor o' m must divide 1+ 0ence the onl( possi.ilities are g ! 1, -1, 1/2, -1/2, and
we easil( chec- that these are not solutions+ So 2g=# 2g=2 - 1 ! * has no rational roots+
!> option "c) is the correct answer+
:/. 6et x- y- > e 4rime numers in the arithmetic 4rogression such that x R y R >.
)hich among the following is always true" #a$ x ] > is !i9isile y 12 #$ x + y is
!i9isile y : #c$ x> - 1 is !i9isile y / #!$ atleast two of the foregoing #e$ none of the
8a-e x ! 4, ( ! % and R ! # rules out 'irst 4 options+ 0owever, i' R were > # then x - R is
alwa(s divisi.le .( 12+ )hec- (oursel' 'or that+
!> option "e) is the correct answer+
::. )hat is the minimum 9alue of the ex4ression 2x82+&y82-4xy-:x+2y+2" #a$ -1&%/
#$ -2 #c$ -:%' #!$ -/%& #e$ none of the foregoing
8he expression 7x=2#(=2-4x(-:x7(2 can .e written as "14x=2 -12x - #)/# #"( -
"4x-7)/7)=2 8o minimiRe "( - "4x-7)/7) ! * and 14x=2 -12x - # should .e minimum+
14x=2 -12x - # is minimum 'or x ! #/4 !> ( ! -%/4+
Alternativel(: Ti''erentiate ;"x, () ! 7x=2#(=2-4x(-:x7(2 ! * w+r+t to x 1st and then
(+ Solve the 2 eXuations (ou get and the values o' x and ( give (ou the answer+
!> option "a) is the correct answer+
:5. Bllwin li0es to tal0 only in integer numers. ,o much that he roun!s off
e9erything inclu!ing his course a9erage 4oints to the nearest integer. .or exam4le-
:5.&4 is :5 an! 55.'4 is 111- an! 11'.' is 112. Bllwin always calculates the a9erage
#real$ on the cumulati9e 4oints so far. Bfter his /' 4oints in .inance- his roun!e!
a9erage !ro4s y 1 4oint. Eext- after :& 4oints in strategy 4a4er- his roun!e!
a9erage further 4lummets !own y 2 4oints. )hich among the following is not true"
#a$ The minimum 4ossile numer of courses is less than 1' #$ The maximum
4ossile numer of courses is not more than '1 #c$ The minimum 4ossile current
roun!e! a9erage is 5' #!$ Gither of 122 or 12/ can e the current roun!e! a9erage
#e$ none of the foregoing
An 4% ! "A - d1)3"n1); An 4% :# ! "A - d1 - d2)3"n2) -> A is the current average+
,et2s simpli'( the expression a.ove: 4% d1 ! A - nd1 and 46 "d1 d2) ! A - n/2"d1
d2) !> n3"d1 - d2) ! : 2d2 !> "n3d1 P :)/3"n2) ! d2 8he 'act to .e noted here is d1 >
d2 as adding 4% will .ring down the average more than adding :#+ ,et2s loo- at the range
o' .oth d1 and d2 now+ d2 will lie in U1x, #-(V where .oth x and ( -> * !> x ( > 2 !>
d1 will lie in U1a, 2-.V where .oth a and . -> * !> a $ x, 1 > ( - ., a. > ;or n ! 1*, we
have "%d1 - 4)/7 ! d2, 'or extreme values o' d1 $ 2 we have d2 $ 1 !> n > 1*+ ;or n ! 11,
we have "11d1 - :)/1# ! d2; .ut d2 > 1 !> d1 > 21/11+ A'ter this we reXuire to do some
Xuic- calculations+ See (oursel' that An ! 1*:# satis'ies our conditions where d1 is
approx+ 1+6% 0ence, choice "a) as well as choice "c) is correct+ 8he expression in pin-
tells us we can have n > %* and d1 > d2+ 0ence, choice ".) is 'alse+ <o need to chec-
'urther 'or choice "d) as we have our answer alread(+ ;or completion sa-e we can veri'(
that current round average 124 is o.tained when to start with there are #7%# points 'rom
2: course current round average 127 is o.tained when to start with there are 4%21 points
'rom #% courses
0ence, option ".) is the right answer
6 51. 6et <#x$ = nx + a where n an! a are integers with n R 1. 3f the solution to 28
<#x$ = ' is x = log11%log:- then 4n-&a is #a$ 11 #$ 12 #c$ 1& #!$ 14 #e$ none of the
8a-ing log on .oth the sides o' 2=>"x) ! % we get >"x) ! log%/log2+ x ! log1*/log: !
1/#"1 log%/log2) !> n ! -# and a ! 1+
0ence, option "e) is the right answer
651. .or each 4ositi9e integer 4- let ,#4$ !enotes the sum of the !igits of 4. .or how
many 9alues of 4 is 4+ ,#4$ + ,#,#4$$ = 211/" #a$ 1 #$ 2 #c$ & #!$ 4 #e$ none of the
;our num.ers satis'( the given condition: 1644, 16:*, 16:#, 2**1+ num.ers must .e o'
the 'orm o' 16a. or 2**1 "o.vious) case 1: a.$1*
a.ove eXuation is 16**1*a."1*a.)"a.1)!2**4 12a#.!67 solution is a!:;.!*
16:* case 2: a.>1* eXuation is 16**1*a."1*a.)"a.2-1*)!2**4 that is
12a#.!1*% solutions are a!:;.!# 16:# a!4;.!4+ 1644
0ence, option "d) is the right answer
652. .or each 4ositi9e integer 4- let ,#4$ !enotes the sum of the !igits of 4. .or how
many 9alues of 4 is 4+ ,#4$ + ,#,#4$$ = 211/" #a$ 1 #$ 2 #c$ & #!$ 4 #e$ none of the
;our num.ers satis'( the given condition: 1644, 16:*, 16:#, 2**1+ num.ers must .e o'
the 'orm o' 16a. or 2**1 "o.vious) case 1: a.$1* a.ove eXuation is
16**1*a."1*a.)"a.1)!2**4 12a#.!67 solution is a!:;.!* 16:* case 2:
a.>1* eXuation is 16**1*a."1*a.)"a.2-1*)!2**4 that is 12a#.!1*%
solutions are a!:;.!# 16:# a!4;.!4+ 1644
0ence, option "d) is the right answer
65&. 6et & statements e ma!e #<$ 11824 - 1184 + 1 is !i9isile y 1& for the largest
integer 4 ? 11 #Q$ The remain!er on !i9i!ing 12M + :5 y &2& is q #=$ 42;2& lea9es
remain!er r on !i9ision y 2& Then 4+q+r equals #a$ 12 #$ 15 #c$ 22 #!$ && #e$ none
of the foregoing
8he notation a \ . ! c means that when a is divided .( ., c is the remainder that is
">) )hec- 'or p ! 6; 1*=12 \ 1# ! 1 .( ;ermat2s theorem !> 1*=1: \ 1# ! 1*=7, since
1*=# \ 1# ! -1 1# !> 1*=1: \ 1# ! 1 !> 1*=1: - 1*=6 1 leaves remainder "1-"-
1)1!#) .( p ! 6; )hec- (oursel' the remainder when p ! :+ Khen p ! 4, as 1*=12 \ 1#
! 1 !> 1*=14 \ 1# ! 6; also 1*=7 \ 1# ! 1 !> 1*=4 \ 1# ! 1*+ 8hus p ! 4 satis'ies our
"@) #2# ! 14316+ "p-1)F 1 is divisi.le .( p when p is prime !> 17F \ 14 ! -1 14+ Also
1:F \ 16 ! -1 16 &' 17F \ 16 ! x !> 1:F \ 16 ! 1431:x !> #*7x \ 16 ! 1: !> 2x \
16 ! 1:+ 8hus, 17F leaves the remainder 17 .( 14 and 6 .( 16 !> &t leaves 2#4 .( #2# !>
X ! #
"?) 2n)n ! "n)*)=2 "n)1)=2 +++ "n)n)=2; when n is prime, each o' the term in ?0S
except 1st and last is divisi.le .( n !> r ! 2
0ence, option "a) is the right answer
654. 3n a s4orts tournament- the numer of Guro4ean teams is 5 more than the
numer of Bsian teams. Gach team 4lays the other exactly once- the winner gets 1
4oint an! the loser gets nothing. There were no !raws !uring the tournament. 3f the
total 4oints earne! y Guro4ean teams in 5 times the total 4oints earne! y the
Bsian teams. )hat is the maximum 4ossile score of the est Bsian team" #a$ 5 #$
11 #c$ 21 #!$ not e uniquely !etermine! #e$ none of the foregoing ,et the no+ o' Asian
teams .e x+ 8here'ore no+ o' Zuropean teams will .e x6+ Qatches can .e divided into
three groups: 1) 8hose pla(ed ./w two Asians 2) 8hose pla(ed ./w two Zuropeans #)
8hose pla(ed ./w an Asian and a Zuropean &n the 1st group no+ o' points won ".( Asians)
! x"x-1)/2 &n the 2nd group no+ o' points won ".( Zuropeans) ! "x6)" x: )/2 ,et - .e
the points Asians gain in the #rd group+ 8here'ore those won .( Zuropeans ! x"x6) - -
Esing the given conditions we have 63Ux"x-1)/2 -V ! "x6)" x: )/2 x"x6) - - 8his
gives #x=2 - 22x 1*- - #7 ! * !> ;actoriRe it to get the 'ollowing: "#x%)"x-6) ! -1*- -
6 Since ?0S is negative, ,0S too should .e negative+ 0ence, x lies .etween * and 6+ 9n
chec-ing, we 'ind that the onl( integer solutions o' the a.ove eXuation occur when either
x!: and -!2 or when x!7 and -!7+ 8he maximum no+ o' matches an Asian team can win
i' x ! 7 and - ! 7 is % "won 'rom other % Asian teams in 1st 5roup) 7 "&' the same Asian
team is the one which wins all the Asian-Zuropean matches in #rd 5roup) ! 11 and i' x !
: and - ! 2 it is 4 2 ! 6 So the maximum no+ o' points an Asian team can have is 11+
0ence, option ".) is the right answer
65'. Ai9en 4 ?= 4 is a 4ositi9e real . 6et B e the area of the oun!e! region
enclose! y the cur9es y = 1 - |1-x| an! y = |2x-4|. Then which among the following
est !escries B"
#a$ 1 ? B ?= 1%2 #$ 1%2 ?= B ?= 1%4 #c$ 1 ? B ?= 1%& #!$ 1 ? B ? 2%& #e$ 1%2 ?= B ?= 1%&
)ase 1: * $ p $! 1 8he area 'ormed is o' a triangle with vertices "p/#, p/#), "p/2, *) and
"p, p)+ 8hus, the area is p=2/7 sX+ units+ )ase 2: 1 $! p $! # 8he 'igures 'ormed is a
Xuadrilateral "p/# ,p/#),"p/2,*), ""p2)/# , "4-p)/#) and "1,1)+ 8hus, the area 'ormed is 1/# -
1/73"p-2)=2 )ase #: # $! p $! 4
8he area 'ormed is the image o' case 1+ Area ! "4-p)=2/7 8hus, min"A) ! * at p ! 4 and
max"A) ! 1/# at p ! 2
0ence, option "c) is the right answer
652.3f x- y- > are natural numers such that y ^ 1 an! #x-yX&$%#y->X&$ is a rational
numer. Then which among the following is always true"
#a$ x82 + 4>82 is com4osite #$ x82 + y82 + >82 is non-4rime #c$ x82 + 4>82 is 4rime
#!$ oth #a$ an! #$ #e$ none of the foregoing "x-(f#)/"(-Rf#) ! "x-(f#)3"(Rf#)/"(=2 -
#R=2) ! "x( f#"xR - (=2) -#(R)/"(=2 - #R=2) is rational !> (=2 ! xR+ ,et ( ! xr, R ! xr=2
!> x=2 4R=2 ! x=23"14r=4) ! x=23"2r=2 2r1)"2r=2-2r1)+ &' x ! 1 then r e 1; 8hus,
x=2 4R=2 can .e written as product o' 2 natural num.ers > 1 which are x"2r=2 2r1)
and x"2r=2 - 2r 1)+ Similarl(, x=2 (=2 R=2 ! x"r=2 r 1)3x"r=2 - r 1) and can .e
written as product o' 2 natural num.ers > 1+
0ence, option "d) is the right answer
65/. 6et three &-!igit integers ac- ca- ca when !i9i!e! res4ecti9ely y 11- : an! &
lea9e the same remain!er 1. 3f 2 ? ? :- then a = #<art J$ B four !igit numer is
forme! y using '- 2- : an! 5 #each numer eing use! once$. Fow many of them
will e !i9isile y /"
#a$ & #$ 4 #c$ ' #!$ can not e !etermine! #e$ none of the foregoing ">art A) a.c leaves
remainder o' 1 when divided .( 1* !> c ! 1+ .ca leaves remainder o' 1 on dividing .( :
!> 4.2ca ! :m1 and similarl( a.c ! #n1+ 9n solving we get #. ! :m -1 - #n !>
m ! 2, %+ Also 4.a ! #6 means . > 4 !> m ! % re[ected !> . ! %-n !> a. ! #n !> a !
4n-# .ut . > 2 !> n $ #+ Wut * $ a $ 1* !> n ! 2 and hence a ! #+ 0ence, choice "a) is the
right option ">art W) 8he concept o' seeds can again .e applied to this pro.lem+ 8he seed
o' 4 is % !> i' a.cd is div .( 4 then a%.2%c12%d is div .( 4 !> "a-d) 2"2c-.) is div
.( 4+ "a-d) 2"2c-.) can ta-e *, 4, 14, 21+ &' "a-d) 2"2c-.) were 21, we have [ust 1
solution i+e+ c ! 6, . ! :, a ! 7, d ! %+ &' "a-d) 2"2c-.) were *, we have [ust 1 solution
i+e+ c ! %, . ! 6, a ! 7, d ! :+ i' "a-d) 2"2c-.) were 4 !> 2c-.!# gg a-d ! 1 9? 2c-.!2
gg a-d!#+ &t is eas( to see one solution in each case+ Similarl(, we will have 2 solutions
when "a-d) 2"2c-.) ! 14+ )hec- (oursel'F 8hus, in all 7 possi.le such num.ers+ 0ence,
choice "e) is the right option
65:. #<art B$ Three articles are sol! at the 4rofit of 21Q- 2'Q an! 41Q an! the net
4rofit comes out to e &1Q. Fa! the article sol! at 2'Q een sol! at 1'Q 4rofit an!
the article sol! at 41Q een sol! at its cost 4rice then the 4rofit on the sale of three
articles woul! ha9e een
#<art J$ 6et the cost 4rice of an article B is as much more than another article J as
much that of J is more than that of another article ; whose cost 4rice is more than
that of fourth article 7 y the same amount. 3f B- J- ;- 7 are sol! at 11Q- 1'Q-
&1Q an! 'Q 4rofit res4ecti9ely- then the net 4rofit 4ercent on the sale of four
articles together is
#a$ 'Q #$ 11Q #c$ 1'Q #!$ can not e !etermine! #e$ none of the foregoing ">art A)
;rom 1st condition, )# ! )1 *+%)2 !> new pro'it ! "*+2)1*+1%)2)31**/"2)11+%)2)
! 1*\ 0ence, choice ".) is the right option ">art W) &' )d is the )p o' T and x .e the
common di''erence in )>s, then net pro'it ! "7*)d6*x)/"4)d7x) ! 1%\ 0ence, choice
"c) is the right option
655. #<art B$ Two triangles of si!es #2-2-a$ an! #&-&-$ are inscrie! in a circle. 3f
a84+&282 = 84 +12a82- then what is the ratio of a%"
#<art J$ =,T is a triangle an! @- P- ) are the feet of 4er4en!iculars !ro44e! from
=- ,- T on si!es ,T- T= an! =, res4ecti9ely. 3f ,@=2- ,)=& an! TP=4- then @P is
#a$ 5%4 #$ /%& #c$ /%2 #!$ &%2 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
">art A solution ) a=4#7.=2 ! .=4 17a=2 !> a=23"a=2-17) ! .=23".=2-#7) !> a=2/.=2
! "#7-.=2)/"17-a=2)!>a/. ! root""#7-.=2)/"17-a=2))-------------------"A) Also , area o' the
triangle with side "2,2,a) ! "a3232)/"43?) ! "a/4) 3 root"432=2 - a=2) CKhere ? is the
circumradiusD !> ? ! 4/root"17 - a=2)------------"1) Also 'rom the second triangle with
sides"#,#,.) we get ? ! 6/root"#7-.=2)------------------"2) ZXuating "1) and "2) we get,"#7-
.=2)/"17-a=2)! :1/17 Esing "A) we have a/. !6/4 0ence, choice "a) is the right option
">art W) 8riangles 8]E g 8S? are similar, 4/"8E2)!E]/"#?K) 8riangles SEK g
S?8 are similar, 2/"#?K) ! #/"28E)
0ence E]!:/# 0ence, choice "e) is the right option
6111. #<art B$ ;onsi!er the series ,=1+ 1%282 + 1%&82 + 1%482 +... +1%n82.The 9alue
of , for any n is less than which of the following" #<art J$
3f x-y-> are 4ositi9e real numers re4resenting the si!es of a triangle-then
#x82+y82+>82$%#xy+y>+x>$ is necessarily less than which of the following"
#a$ 1.:1 #$ 2.1 #c$ 1.:' #!$ 1.5' #e$ Eone of the foregoing
">art A) 8he roots o' sinx/x are n3pi,viR /- pi+/-2pi and so on+ 0ence, sinx/x ! "1-x/pi)
"1x/pi) "1-x/2pi) "1x/2pi) "1-x/#pi) "1x/#pi)+++ )oe'' o' x=2 here! -"1/pi=2 1/4pi=2
1/6pi=2 +++) Wut we also -now that, sinx ! x-x=#/#F +++ 0ere coe'' o' x=# is -1/7 0ence,
-"1/pi=2 1/4pi=2 1/6pi=2 +++) !-1/7 !>11/41/6+++ ! "pi=2)/7 0ence, all the
choices 'rom choice "a) to choice "d) are the right option ">art W) As x,( and R are sides
o' the triangle hence, x-( $ R ----------------"1) R-x $ ( ----------------"2) (-R $ x
----------------"#) sXuaring and adding all this three eXuation we get: "x-()=2 "R-x)=2
"(-R)=2 $ x=2 (=2 R=2 !> 23"x=2 (=2 R=2) - 23"x( (R Rx) $ x=2 (=2 R=2
!> x=2 (=2 R=2 $ 23"x( (R Rx) !>"x=2(=2R=2)/"x((RxR) $ 2 0ence, choice
".) is the right option
6111. #<art B$ Bn insect starts at 9ertex B of a certain cue an! is trying to reach at
9ertex J- which is o44osite B- in ' or fewer ste4s where a ste4 consists tra9elling
along an e!ge from one 9ertex to another. The insect will sto4 as soon as it reaches
J. The numer of ways in which the insect can achie9e its oWecti9e is
#<art J$ B committee of ' is to e chosen from a grou4 of 5 4eo4le. Fow many ways
it can e !one if Pi0ram an! 0ai>en must ser9e together or none at all- an! ,unit
an! <ratyush refuse to ser9e with each other"
#a$ 41 #$ &2 #c$ 41 #!$ &1 #e$ 4:
6112. #<art B$ 6et f#x+1- y+1$ = f#x- y$ for all integers x an! y. 3f f#x- 1$ = x then f#1-
4$ is #<art J$
6et f#x+1- y$ = 1 + f#y- x$ for all real x an! y. Then- f#x+2- y+2$ - f#x- y$ =
#a$ -4 #$ 1 #c$ 4 #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
">art A) '"*, 4) ! '"-1, #) ! '"-2, 2) ! '"-#, 1) ! '"-4, *) ! -4
0ence, choice "a) is the right option
">art W) '"x2,(2) - '"x,() ! 1'"(2,x1) - '"x,() ! 2'"x1,(1) - '"x,() ! #'"(1,x)
- '"x,() ! 4'"x,() - '"x,() ! 4
0ence, choice "c) is the right option
611&. #<art B$ The 4ainting of a hotel can e !one y 11 4ainters in ' !ays. Jut- in
reality there were few !alers in the grou4 of 11 4ainters an! therefore the wor0
too0 a little o9er 2 !ays for com4letion. B 4ainter wor0e! twice as fast as the
!aler an! use! 2'Q less 4aint than a !aler use!. 3f ' litres extra 4aint was use!
than ex4ecte!- then the total 4aint use! in 4ainting the hotel was #in litres$ #<art J$
B- J an! ; can !o a wor0 together in a certain numer of !ays. 3f B lea9es after half
the wor0 is !one- then the wor0 ta0es 4 more !ays for com4letion- ut if J lea9es
after half the wor0 is !one- the wor0 ta0es ' more !ays for com4letion. 3f B ta0es 11
more !ays than J to !o the wor0 alone- then in how many !ays can ; alone !o the
wor0" #a$ 4' #$ '2.' #c$ 21 #!$ 2' #e$ none of the foregoing
">art A) ,et the num.er o' painters .e x, then da..lers is 1*-x <ow x/%* "1*-x)/ 1** !
slightl( less than 1/7 + "2x1*-x)/1** ! slightl( less than 1/7 x1* ! slightl( less than
1**/7 x! slightl( less than 7+74 Since x has to .e integer nearest integer is 7+ 8hat means
the num.er o' da..lers ! 4+ ,et p .e the amount o' paint used .( each da..ler, so .( each
painter ! +4%p Zxtra paint used ! +2%p 3 4 ! % litres So p ! % litres+
Ta..lers will .e using %34 ! 2* litres o' paint+ <ow as the painters are wor-ing at twice
the e''icienc( so the( will use twice the amount o' 4%\ o' paint used .( da..ler in the
same time+ i+e+ paint used .( each painter ! 23"+4%)3% ! 4+% litres+ 0ence paint used .( 7
painters ! 4+%37 ! 4% litres So total paints used ! 4% 2* ! 7%litres 0ence, choice "d) is
the right option
">art W) ,et A alone can do the wor- in a da(s, W alone in . da(s and ) alone in c da(s+
,et A, W and ) together complete the wor- in x da(s+ So, 1/a1/.1/c ! 1/x -----------"1)
8hen hal' o' the wor- the( will complete together in x/2 da(s+ Khen A leaves, ?est hal'
o' the wor- is done .( W and ) together, "2/.2/c) ! 1/C"x/2)4D Esing "1) , 23"1/x-1/a)
! 1/C"x/2)4D Solving we get, a ! Ux3C"x/2)4DV/4----------------"2) 9n similar lines . !
Ux3C"x/2)%DV/% ------------------"#) 5iven that a ! .1*+ Ux3C"x/2)4DV/4 !
Ux3C"x/2)%DV/% 1* Solving we get x ! 2*+ ;rom "2) and "#) we get a ! 4* and . ! 7*
>ut these values in "1) we get c ! %2+% da(s+ 0ence, choice ".) is the right option
6114. #<art B$ B regular hexagon BJ;7G. is inscrie! in a circle with ra!ius r.
Bnother regular hexagon is forme! #lying fully insi!e the circle with ra!ius r$ with 2
of its 9ertices internally on BJ an! another 2 on the circle. )hat is the ratio of the
si!es of the smaller hexagon to the larger hexagon" #<art J$ 3n circle H- chor!s BJ
an! B; are !rawn so that BJ = B;. ;hor! <Q is !rawn intersecting BJ an! B; at
4oints 7 an! G res4ecti9ely. 7 lies internally etween G an! <. Ai9en B7 = G; = 1%&
an! 7J = BG = 1%4- what is the maximum 9alue of |<7 - QG|"
#a$ 1%1: #$ 1%12 #c$ 1%1& #!$ 1%12 #e$ none of the foregoing
">art A) >lease re'er sunit2s post H122 here http://www+pagalgu(+com/'orum/Xuantitative-
0ence, choice "c) is the right option
">art W) W( chord theorem; >T3@T ! AT 3 WT ! "1/#)3"1/4) ! 1/12 ----------------"1)
@Z3>Z ! AZ 3 Z) ! "1/4)3"1/#) ! 1/12 ----------------"2) 'rom "1) and "2) we get, >T3@T
! @Z3>Z !> >T3"@ZZT) ! @Z3">TZT) !> >T3@Z >T3ZT ! @Z3>T @Z3ZT
!> ">T - @Z) 3 ZT ! * when ZT not eXual to Rero |>T - @Z| ! * when ZT ! * ; |>T -
@Z| will ta-e its maximum value+ &' ZT ! * then T and Z coincide which is not possi.le
as it is given that AT ! 1/# and AZ ! 1/4 so T and Z cannot coincide+ so ZT cannot .e
eXual to Rero hence onl( possi.le value o' |>T-@Z| is * + hence maxm+ value o' |>T-@Z|
! *+ 0ence, choice "d) is the right option
611'. #<art B$ Fow many integral 9alues of 4 are there for which the inequality & - |
x-4| R x82 is satisfie! y at least one negati9e x" #<art J$ Fow many integral 9alues
of 4 are there for which the inequality x82 + 4x + 482 + 24 ? 1 is satisfie! for all x in
#1- 2$" #a$ & #$ 4 #c$ ' #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
">art A) &' x > p then #-xp > x=2 !> p > -1#/4+ &' x $ p then #-px > x=2 !> p $ #+ 8hus,
p lies in "-1#/4, #)
0ence, choice "d) is the right option
">art W) &' '"x) ! x=2 px p=2 7p then '"1) $ * gg '"2) $ * !> p lies in ""-4-f4%)/2,
-42f#)) 0ence, choice "d) is the right option
6112. #<art B$ B tower stan!s on a hori>ontal 4lane. .rom a moun! 14 m ao9e the
4lane an! at a hori>ontal !istance of 4: m from the tower- an oser9er notices a
loo4hole an! fin!s that the 4ortions of the tower ao9e an! elow the loo4hole
suten! equal angles. 3f the height of the loo4hole is &1 m- then the height of the
tower is #<art J$ Two straight roa!s HB an! HJ intersect at H. B tower is situate!
within the angle forme! y them an! suten!s angles of 4'_ an! &1_ at the 4oints B
an! J where the roa!s are nearest to it. 3f HB = :1 m an! HJ = 1/ m- then what is
the height of the tower" #a$ '2 #$ 24 #c$ /: #!$ 52 #e$ !ata insufficient
">art A) >lease re'er post H14: here http://www+pagalgu(+com/'orum/Xuantitative-
Xuestions-and-answers/2#461-cat-2**4-Xuantitative-Xuestions-da(+html 0ence, choice "c)
is the right option
">art W) >lease re'er post H14% here http://www+pagalgu(+com/'orum/Xuantitative-
Xuestions-and-answers/2#461-cat-2**4-Xuantitative-Xuestions-da(+html 0ence, choice "a)
is the right option
611/. #<art B$ 7i9ya wor0s for Aoogle that claims only 4 wor0ing !ays. 3n the 1st
wee0 of Woining- she went for mo9ies after 4 wor0ing !ays. Hn .ri!ay- she notice!
that the fraction 4 of the line is in front of her- while 1%q of the line was ehin! her.
Hn ,atur!ay- the same fraction 4 of the line was in front of her- while 1%#q+1$ of the
line was ehin! her. Hn ,un!ay- the same fraction 4 of the line was in front of her-
while 1%#q+2$ of the line was ehin! her. .or how many 9alues of 4 is this 4ossile"
#a$ & #$ 1 #c$ 2 #!$ no such 9alue #e$ infinitely many #<art J$ )hat is the sum of the
reci4rocals of all the numers in the form #28a$N#&8$- where a an! are non-
negati9e integers" #a$ & #$ &.' #c$ 2`ab& #!$ `ab& + 1 #e$ none of the foregoing
">art A) ,et p ! "x-1)/x 'or some natural num.er x+ ,et X ! 1/"x(), Tiv(a hersel'
represents the line !> 1 - ""x-1)/x 1/"x()) ! (/x"xp) !> x"xp)/( is the length o' the
line+ 8o ma-e it an integer we can ma-e x to .e a multiple o' 7+ ;or X ! x1, we want to
get an integer 'or (!1, 2, #+ Qore generall(, 'or x"x1), x"x2)/2, and x"x#)/# to .e
integers we reXuire x to .e a multiple o' 7+ 9n ;rida(, there are #7-=27- people in the
Xueue, on saturda( 1:-=27- and on Sunda( 12-=27-+ 0ence, choice "e) is the right
">art W) ,et the as-ed sum .e x !> 1"1/21/41/:+++)"1/#1/61/24+++)1/7"x) ! x
!> 111/21/7"x) ! x !> x ! # 0ence, choice "a) is the right option
The question was that was 115TF 6ast Oear
)hat is the greatest integer n for which there exists a simultaneous solution x to the
inequalities 0 ? x80 ? 0+1- 0 = 1- 2- &- ...- n"
#a$ 2 #$ & #c$ 4 #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
1 $ x $ 2, 2 $ x=2 $ # is satis'ied .( all x in "hij2, hij#), i' we have one more ineXualit(
with the 'ormer two i+e+ # $ x=# $ 4 is satis'ied .( all x in "#=1/#, 4=1/#)+ &' we also have
4 $ x=4 $ %; then 4 simultaneous are satis'ied 'or x in "#=1/#, hijhij%)+ &' we also have %
$ x=% $ 7, there will .e no x satis'(ing % eXuations as #=1/# > 7=1/% "24# > 217)+
Fence- choice #c$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 111TF 6ast Oear
3f three unequal 4ositi9e real numers 4- q- r are in A< an! q-r- r-4- 4-q are in F<-
then the 9alue of 4+q+r is in!e4en!ent of
#a$ 4 #$ q #c$ r #!$ all of the foregoing #e$ none of the foregoing
since 4-q-r are in A< =R q82 = 4Nr
also since q-r-r-4 an! 4-q are in F<
,o 1%q-r-1%r-4 an! 1%4-q are in B<
=R 2#q-r$#4-q$ = - #r-4$82
=R 482 + r82 - 2q82 +2 4q +2qr-44r=1
=R 4+q+r = -&q =R !ata is inconsistent with the gi9en information
Fence- choice #e$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 111TF 6ast Oear
#<art B$
B can!y com4any ma0es ' colours of Welly-eans which comes in equal 4ro4ortions.
3f 7i9ya gras a ran!om sam4le of ' Wellyeans- what is the 4roaility that she gets
exactly 2 !istinct colours"
#<art J$
B ag contains ' Welly-eans an! it is not 0nown how many of them are lue in
colour. 3f 2 Welly-eans are !rawn an! foun! to e lue- then the 4roaility that all
the Welly-eans in the ag are lue is
#a$ 2%' #$ 21%2& #c$ :%22' #!$ 1%2 #e$ 2%21
#<art B$
6et there e B-J-;-7-G numer of can!ies with fi9e colours
,o total ways is numer of solutions of the equation
B+J+;+7+G = '
which is 5;4 = 122
when the can!ies are of exactly two !ifferent colors than
Total numer of ways = Eumer of ways of selecting two colors out of fi9e x
# nunmer of solutions of equation Y+O = ' - where Y- O are natural numers $
= ';2 x 4;1
= 41
Fence <roaility = 41%122= 21%2&
Fence- choice #$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
This is a case of con!itional 4roaility:
=equire! 4roaility = #4roaility that 2 Welly eans !rawn eing lue when all are
lue$%##4roaility that 2 Welly eans !rawn eing lue when all are lue$ +
#4roaility that 2 Welly eans !rawn eing lue when 4 are lue$ + #4roaility that
2 Welly eans !rawn eing lue when & are lue$ + #4roaility that 2 Welly eans
!rawn eing lue when 2 are lue$$
= 1%#1+ 4%'.&%4 + &%'.2%4 + 2%'.1%4$
= 1%2
Fence- choice #!$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 112TF 6ast Oear
#<art B$
YOI is a triangle with ?Y = 21 an! incenter *. G lies on OI with & OG = OI. The
4oint Z lies on YO an! *Z is 4arallel to YI. Then the ratio of ?OZG an! ?ZO* is
#<art J$
T an! J are 4oints on the si!es 6D an! AD res4ecti9ely of triangle 6DA such that
6T = 0-
TD = 2- DJ = 21- JA = 0- A6 = 2'. 3f triangle TDJ an! qua!rilateral 6TJA ha9e
equal areas- what is 0"
#a$ 1 #$ 2 #c$ & #!$ 4 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
#<art B$
;onsi!er YOI to e an equilateral triangle.
4ro!uce Z* to meet OI at 6#say$.
then OG=G6=6I
now ang.OZ6=ang.OYI=21 !eg.
so triangle ZO6 is equilateral an! ZG is me!ian. so ang.OZG=1%2ang.OZ6=&1 !eg.
also T* eing angle isector of ang.YOI-ang.ZO*=&1 !eg.
so req! ratio is 1.
Fence- choice #a$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
6et ?TDJ = Y
Brea of Triangle TDJ = 1%2 N 21 N 2 N sinY
Brea of Triangle 6DA = 1%2 N #21+0$N #2+0$ N sinY
=atio of areas = 1%2 #gi9en$
=R 121%##21+0$#2+0$$ = 1%2
b #0+&1$#0-4$ = 1
=R 0 = 4
Fence- choice #!$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 11&TF 6ast Oear
6et+s consi!er all irre!ucile fractions elow 1- of ty4e 4%q where q =&11/ an! 4%q is
4ositi9e .3f , !enotes the sum of all such fractions !enote! y 4%q -the the 9alue of ,
is est re4resente! y
#a$ 1111 #$ 2112 #c$ 12&4 #!$ 141' #e$ Eone of the foregoing
B fraction a% is calle! irre!ucile iff a an! are co4rime--A;7#a-$=1
&11/ has 4rime factors &1 an! 5/
so in series sum where we otains multi4le of &1 an! 5/--that nos we shoul! not ta0e
sum of all nos #1+2+&+...+&112$%&11/=1'1&
sum of multi4les of &1---R#&1+22+...+25/2$%&11/=4:
sum of multi4les of 5/----R#5/+154+...+2511$%&11/=1'
ans. is==1'1&-#4:+1'$=1'1&-2&=1441
Fence- choice #e$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 114TF 6ast Oear
3f we choose 4 4eo4le ran!omly-fin! the 4roaility #in Q$ that none of their
irth!ays fall on the same !ay of the wee0
#a$ 2& #$ &' #c$ &: #!$ 2/ #e$ Eone of the foregoing
)e can choose 4 !ifferent !ays out of / !ays in /;4 ways. Eow these 4 !ays can e
gi9en to 4 4eo4le in 4M ways.
,o 4ossile ways are = 4M N /;4
Total no of ways is /N/N/N/#all 4 can ha9e any !ay as J+!ay$ = /84
<roaility <ercentage is [#4M N /;4$%/84\N111 = &'
Fence- choice #$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 11'TF 6ast Oear
<ratyush sol! few articles each for the same amount either ma0ing 11Q 4rofit or
11Q loss on them.
#<B=T B$
3f he rea0s e9en on the total sale-then the least numer of articles sol! y <ratyush
i s
#a$ 1: #$ 15 #c$21 #!$ 21 #e$ Eone of the foregoing
#<art J$
3f he ma0es 'Q 4rofit on the total sale-then the least numer of articles sol! y
<ratyush is
#a$ 14 #$ 1' #c$ 12 #!$ 1/ #e$ Eone of the foregoing
#<art B$
6et ;< of the first ty4e of article e ;1 an! that of the other ty4e e ;2. ,< is same
for oth that is ,. let total numer of articles e n of which x is of ty4e ;1 an! #n-x$
of ty4e ;2.
;1 = #11%5$N, an! ;2 = #11%11$N,
Then accor!ing to question: xN;1 + #n-x$N;2 = nN,
xN#11%5$N, + #n-x$N#11%11$N, = nN,=R #n%x$ = #21%5$
,o-the minimum 4ossile integer 9alue of n is 21.
Fence- choice #c$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
#21%21$N[xN;1 + #n-x$N;2 \ = nN,
#n%x$ = 14%&
,o- the minimum 4ossile integer 9alue of n is 14.
Fence- choice #a$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 112TF 6ast Oear
Br9in! an! ,warnali are team mates an! they can !o a 4roWect in certain numer of
!ays.3f Br9in! is on holi!ay for x !ays-then they ta0e y more !ays to com4lete the
wor0 while if ,warnali is on holi!ay for x !ays-then they ta0e > more !ays to
com4lete the same 4roWect.Then
#a$y- x%2-> are in B< #$ y- x%2-> are in A< #c$1%x=1%y+1%> #!$ ;annot e !etermine!
#e$ Eone of the foregoing
6et Bra9in! com4lete 1%a 4ortion of the wor0 in a !ay
an! ,warnali 1% 4ortion of the wor0 in a !ay
Bra9in! on holi!ay for x !ays im4lies loss of #1%a$Nx fraction of the wor0 This loss is
com4ensate! y ar9in! an! swarnali in the coming extra y !ays
so ##1%a$+#1%$$Ny =#1%a$Nx
,imilarly- for ,warnali+s holi!ay of x !ays
##1%a$+#1%$$N>= #1%$Nx
B!!ing the two equations
##1%a$+#1%$$N#y+>$=xN##1%a$+#1%$$ im4lying y+>=x
Fence y-x%2-> are in B<
Fence- choice #a$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 11/TF 6ast Oear
AH3 !irecti9e 4ro4ose! formation of more new 33Ds. .earing lac0 of goo! faculty
an! geogra4hical !istances as !isa!9antageous- 33Ds !eci!e to ha9e one for all
cam4us. The ,chool of <lanning an! Brchitecture 4ro4ose! 2 new 4roWects for the
new Fousing cam4us. 3n each 4roWect- the cam4us is !esigne! to ha9e se9eral
i!entical !orimiatory uil!ings- with the same numer of 1 e!room a4artment in
each uil!ing. 3n the first 4roWect there are 12152 a4artments in total. There are :
more uil!ings in the secon! 4roWect than the the first an! each uil!ing has more
a4artments which raises the total of a4artments in the 4roWect to 2&22'. 6et E e the
numer of uil!ings the secon! 4roWect require. Then E is !i9isile y
#a$ ' #$ / #c$5 #!$ at least two of the foregoing #e$ none of the foregoing
12152 = #282$N#&8&$N/ an! 2&22' = #'8&$N#&8&$N/S well you !on+t ha9e to e a
genius to oser9e thisS how numers mo9e in tan!em is est !emonstrate! y this
exam4le. .or 12152- the last & !igits tell us it+s !i9 y :- thus 12152%: = 1'12- again
'12 is !i9 y :S for 2&22' the last & !igits tell it+s !i9 y 12'. ,o !i9i!eM
12152%n ? 2&22'%#n+:$. Eow- comes a it of !ata mani4ulation.
n must !i9i!e 12152 an! n+: shoul! !i9i!e 2&22'. Bn! n has to e o!! =R n = &8&
an! ( of uil!ings 2n! 4roWect requires is 'N/ =&8& + : = &'
Fence- choice #!$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 11:TF 6ast Oear
#<art B$
B rectangle of the greatest area is inscrie! in a tra4e>ium BJ;7- one of whose non-
4arallel si!es BJ #: cm long$ is 4er4en!icular to the ase- so that one of the
rectangle+s si!es lies on the larger ase of the tra4e>ium. The ase of the tra4e>ium
are 2 an! 11 cm long- res4ecti9ely. )hat is the area of the rectangle in sq. cm"
#<art J$
B rectangle BJ;7 is inscrie! in a circle with a !iameter lying along the line &y = x
+ 11. 3f B an! J are the 4oints #-2- /$ an! #4- /$ res4ecti9ely- then the area of the
rectangle is
#a$ 41 #$ 4: #c$21 #!$ :1 #e$ none of the foregoing
#<art B$
6et one of the si!es of the rectangle e on BJ an! e of length x then other si!e
which is on J; will e #11 - x%2$.
Brea = xN#11 - x%2$
This is maximum when x = 11 Jut x cannot e 11 as the si!e BJ is of length : cm so
maximum area is :N2 = 4: cm82.
Fence- choice #$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
The centre H is equi!istant from B an! J. Thus if H = #a- #a+11$%&$ then #a+2$82 =
#a-4$82 =R a = -1 an! H = #-1- &$. .rom BJ i.e y = / its !istance is 4 units =R J; = :
units an! area = :1 sq. units.
Fence- choice #!$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 115TF 6ast Oear
#<B=T B$
The numer of 9alues of > for which the equation >x82 + #>-/%2$ x + 1%#12>$=1 has a
unique solution is
#<B=T J$
Fow many !istinct 4ositi9e integral solutions of the equation a++c+a+c+ac =:5
are 4ossile"
#a$ 2 #$& #c$' #!$ 2 #e$ none of the foregoing
#<art B$
.or the solution to e unique 7 = 1 =R #>-/%2$82 = 1%4 =R > = &- 4.
Fence- choice #a$ is the right o4tion
<art J$
a++c+a+c+ca = :5 =R #51-a$%#a++1$ = c+1 =R 51-a must !i9i!e a++1 =R
51+a+a82 must !i9i!e #a++1$.
6et+s enumerate a it now.
.or a = 1- we must ha9e 52 !i9 y +2 =R = 2.
.or a = 2- we must ha9e 52 !i9 y +&- ut 52 = #28'$N& =R = &- '- 5- 1&- 21
.or a = & we must ha9e 112 = 2.&.1/ !i9 y #4+$- thus no new solution
.or a = 4 we must ah9e 111 = 2.'.11 !i9 y #'+$ =R = '- 2
.or a = ' we must ha9e 121 !i9 y #+2$ =R = 2- 5
.or a = 2 we must ha9e 1&2 = 282.&.11 !i9 y #/+$- thus no new solution
Bn! we sto4 here. )FO"
Thus- in all 11 unor!ere! solutions.
Fence- choice #e$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 121TF 6ast Oear
Gach question is followe! y two statements B an! J. Bnswer each question using
the following instructions
;hoose 1 if the question can e answere! y B alone
;hoose 2 if the question can e answere! y J alone
;hoose & if the question can e answere! y B an! J comine!
;hoose 4 if the question can e answere! y either B or J
;hoose ' if the question can e answere! y neither B an! J
#<B=T 3$
B E-si!e! regular 4olygon was inscrie! in a circle. The consecuti9e 9ertices of the
4olygon were numere! from 1 to E. 3f 9ertex numer n lies on one en! of the
circleCs !iameter- then the other en! of the !iameter lies on 9ertex numer &n+1.
)hat is the 9alue of E"
B$ 2E -4 = n2
J$ 14 ? E ? 22
#<B=T 33$
B set , = Ta- - c- !U consists of 4rime numers etween 21 an! 111- such that no two
elements of , ha9e any !igit in common. )hat is the 9alue of a++c+!"
B$ The !ifference of some 4airs of elements in , is 4rime
J$ 3f a R R c R !- then the numer of !istinct ways in which the elements of , can
e chosen is 14
#<art 3$
Bccor!ing to question Bs 9ertex numer n an! &n +1 are o44osite en!s of the
!iameter hence- numer of si!es of the 4olygon is 2n+2n+2 = 4n + 2 = E
or- E-2 = 4n
=R2E-4 = :n---------------#1$
B$ says that 2E-4 = n82---------------#2$ from #1$ an! #2$ we ha9e E=&4
,o question can e answere! y B$
14 ? E ? 22
)e ha9e E = 4n+2-
=R E = 1: is the only 4ossiility
Fence- choice #4$ is the right o4tion
#<art 33$
B$ gi9es 2 set #2&- 4/- '5- 21$ an! #4/- '5- 21- :&$
J$ is re!un!ant
Fence- choice #'$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 121st 6ast Oear
<art #B$
6et Y e the set of non-negati9e integers. 6et functions f: Y -R Y such that x f#y$ + y
f#x$ = #x + y$ f#x82 + y82$ for all x- y. Then which among the following is always
#1$ f#x$ R= 1 #2$ f#x$ = f#1$ #&$ f#1$ = 1 #4$ Btleast 2 of the foregoing #'$ none of these
<B=T #J$
.or all 4ositi9e integers n- let nf#n+1$ = n82 + f#n$. 3f f#1$ is a 4ositi9e integer an!
f#n$ is an integer only for 1 ?= n ?= 2- then the minimum 9alue of f#1$ is
#1$ 2' #2$ 45 #&$ :1 #4$ 121 #'$ none of these
#<art B$
<utting x = 1 we get y f#1$ = y f#y82$- so f#y82$ = f#1$ for all y. That strongly suggests
f is constant
H9iously any constant function satisfies the con!ition.
,u44ose f#x$ ? f#y$ an! neither x nor y is >ero- then #x + y$ f#x$ ? x f#y$ + y f#x$ ? #x +
y$ f#y$. Fence- f#x$ ? f#x82 + y82$ ? f#y$. Jut that is im4ossile- ecause we coul!
re4eat the argument to get an infinite numer of !istinct 9alues etween f#x$ an!
f#y$. Jut we 0now that f#1$ = f#1$. Fence f#x$ = f#1$ for all x R 1. Thus- f is constant.
Blso since- Y is non-negati9e an! f: Y-RY- f#x$ R= 1
Fence- o4tion #1$ an! o4tion #2$ are always true.
Fence- choice #4$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
nf#n+1$ = n82 + f#n$.
4ut n = 1 we get- f#2$ = 1 + f#1$.
4ut n =2 we get- f#&$ = 2 + f#2$%2 = T' + f#1$U%2
4ut n = & we get- f#4$ = & + f#&$ %& = T 2& + f#1$ U % 2
4ut n = 4 we get- f#'$ = 4 + f#4$ %4 = T 115 + f#1$ U %24
4ut n = ' we get - f#2$ = ' + f#'$ % ' = T /15 + f#1$U% 121
4ut n = 2 we get - f#/$ = 2 +f#2$%2 = T '1&5 + f#1$U%/21
f#n$ is an integer only for 1 ?= n ?= 2 so f#/$ nee! not e an integer so minimum
such 9alue can e 121. ecause for 1 e9ery numer will e an integer.
Fence- choice #4$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 122n! 6ast Oear
<art #B$
,alman !oes 4ushu4s in sets each consisting either of 2- 5- or 21 4ushu4s. Jy !oing 2
sets of 2 4ushu4s- he can !o 12 4ushu4s. Jut he cannot !o 1& 4ushu4s- as one cannot
get 1& y using 21-2 or 5. )hat is the maximum numer of 4ushu4s that ,alman
cannot !o"
<B=T #J$
B gar!ener was gi9en a =s. 111 note y his lan!lor! an! as0e! him to uy exactly
111 flowers from the nursery y s4en!ing all the money. B 4iece of 7affo!il costs
=s1'. ;anterury Jells cost =e 1- an! Darigol! are 2' 4aise each.
Fe was as0e! to uy at least one flower of each of the three 9arieties. Fow many
;anterury Jells !i! the gar!ener uy from the nursery"
#1$ &5 #2$ 4& #&$ 4' #4$ '/ #'$ Eone of the foregoing
#<art B$
5mo!2=& . Fence all multi4les of & greater than 2 can e arri9e! at
21mo!2=2. Fence all numers R2' which lea9e remain!er of 2 when !i9i!e! y &
can e arri9e! at
41mo!2=1. Fence all numers R4& which lea9e remain!er of 1 when !i9i!e! y &
can e arri9e! at
Fence- choice #&$ is the right o4tion
#<art J$
6et the numer of 7affo!ils e +!+ ;anterury e +c+ an! marigol! e +m+
Then accor!ing to question
1'! + c + #.2'$m = 111
or- 21! + 4c + m = 411 --------------- #1$
also- !+c+m = 111 -------------------#2$
sutracting #2$ from #1$ we get-
'5! + &c = &11
or- c = 111 - #'5! % &$
Bs c can only e an integer an! ! has to e atleast 1
only ! =& satisfies.
so c = 41 an! m = '2.
so answer is 41
Fence- choice #'$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 12&TF 6ast Oear
BJ; is a triangle with BJ = 14- J; = 11 an! ;B = 2. 7 an! G are 4oints on J; an!
;B res4ecti9ely such that ;7 = & an! ;G = 2.'. B line 4assing through ; an! the
4oint of intersection of B7 an! JG cut the si!e BJ at .. Then B. =
#a$ ' #$ '.2' #c$ 2 #!$ 2.2' #e$ /.'
;7 = &- 7J = /- B; = 2 an! BJ = 14.
=R ;7%7J = B;%BJ =R B7 is the angle isector of angle B.
,imilarly: ;G%GB = J;%BJ =R JG is the angle isector of angle J.
,o ;. is the angle isector of angle ;
B.%.J = 2%11 anf BJ = 14. =R B. = '.2'.
Fence- choice #$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 122TF 6ast Oear
<art #B$
B s4here is wra44e! com4letely y the minimum amount of single 4iece of 4a4er.
)hat 4ercent of the 4a4er will go waste!"
<B=T #J$
B hemis4here is wra44e! com4letely y the minimum amount of single 4iece of
4a4er. )hat 4ercent of the 4a4er will go waste!"
#1$ 41 #2$ 4/ #&$ '' #4$ 21 #'$ 2/
#<art B$
.or wra44ing the s4here- the 4a4er shoul! e a circle of !iameter 2rN4i =R area of
the 4a4er will e 4iN#4iNr$82 = 11r82N4i as 4i82 =c 11. The surface area of the
s4here is 4r82N4i =R wastage is 21Q
=R ;hoice #4$ is the right answer
#<art J$
The 4a4er will e a circle of !iameter 4iNr + r. The surface area of hemis4here is
&r82N4i =R wastage is ''Q
b choice #&$ is the right answer.
The question was that was 12/TF 6ast Oear
The numer of integral x ? 4 such that 28|x+2| - |28#x+1$ - 1| = 28#x+1$ + 1 are
#1$ 2 #2$ & #&$ 4 #4$ 2 #'$ none of these
The equation is not satisfie! for x = -2 ut satisfie! for x = -1.
.or integral x R -1 i.e. x R= 1 .
28#x+2$ - 28#x+1$ + 1 = 28#x+1$ + 1..
=R 28#x+2$ - 2N28#x+1$ = 1.
=R 28#x+2$ - 28#x+2$ = 1. which is always true.
.or integral x ? -2. i.e x ?= -&.
28#-#x+2$$ - 1 + 28#x+1$ = 28#x+1$ + 1.
=R 28#-#x+2$$ = 2.
This is true only for x = -&.
Therefore all 9alues x?4 = -&--1-1-1-2-&.
=R;hoice #4$ is the right answer
The question was that was 12:TF 6ast Oear
6et a#n$ = #n+5$M%#n-1$M for each 4ositi9e integer n. 3f 0 is the smallest integer with
the rightmost non>ero integer a#0$ is o!!. The right most non>ero !igit of a#0$ is
#1$ 1 #2$ & #&$ ' #4$ / #'$ 5
a#0$ = 0N#0+1$N#0+2$N....N#0+5$
The gi9en con!ition woul! occur when the 4owers of 2 an! ' are the same in a#0$ or
the 4ower of ' is greater than the 4ower of 2. Ta0e any 11 consecuti9e 4ositi9e
integers. ' of them will e e9en. Bn! exactly 2 of them will e !i9 y '. The smallest
highest 4ower of 2 that will e !i9 y the 4ro!uct of these 11 consecuti9e numers is
1+2+1+&+1 #three of them will e !i9 y 2- one y 4 an! one y :$ =R we can ha9e 0
near '8/ as another factor of ' will occur with a numer en!ing with >ero. Jut '8/
= /:12'. ;hec0ing that no consecuti9e numer !i9 y 12 comes anywhere an! Wust 2
are !i9 y 4- we get 0 = /:11/ an! hence the last non->ero gigit of a#/:11/$ is
#1N&N/N5$ =R 5
Fence- choice #'$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 125TF 6ast Oear
7i9ya an! =a9eena can !o a wor0 alone exactly in 21 an! 2' !ays res4ecti9ely.
Fowe9er- when they wor0 together- they !o 2'Q more wor0 than is ex4ecte!. 3f they
wor0 for a few !ays alone an! for few !ays together #oth eing integers only$- then
the wor0 coul! not ha9e een com4lete! in exactly
#1$ 11 !ays #2$ 14 !ays #&$ 12 !ays #4$ 1/ !ays #'$ either none or atleast 2 of these
6et !i9ya wor0 alone for a !ays =a9eena wor0 alone for !ays an! they wor0
together for c !ays then a%21 + %2' + 5c%:1 = 1
=R 21 a + 12 + 4' c = 411
=R here when c=4 S a= / an! = ' it satisfies the ao9e equation . '+4+/ = 12 is
4ossile .
when c=4 S a= & an! = 11 it satisfies the ao9e equation . &+4+11 = 1/ is 4ossile
a++c = 11 or 14 is not 4ossile.
Fence- choice #'$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&1TF 6ast Oear
B gra4h has 4 4oints. The !egree of a 4oint in the gra4h is the numer of other
4oints it is connecte! to y e!ges. Gach 4oint has !egree atmost &. 3f there is no e!ge
etween two 4oints then there is a thir! 4oint Woine! to them oth. )hat is the
maximum 4ossile 9alue of 4"
#1$ 12 #2$ / #&$ 11 #4$ 5 #'$ :
Ta0e any 4oint B. B is Woine! to at most three 4oints- call them J- ;- 7. Bny other
4oint < must e Woine! to one of J- ;- 7. Gach of J- ;- 7 is Woine! to at most two
other 4oints. ,o there are at most 1 + & + &de2 = 11 4oints in all. Jut is 11 4ossile"
Ta0e 4oints B- J- ;- 7- G- .- A- F- 3- Z an! e!ges BJ- B;- B7- JG- J.- ;A- ;F- 73-
7Z- GF- GZ- .A- .3- AZ- F3. 3t is easy to chec0 that e9ery 4oint has !egree &. Eow
ta0e any two 4oints not Woine! y an e!ge. .or B-G or B-. oth are Woine! to J.
,imilarly- oth B-A an! B-F are Woine! to ;- an! oth B-3 an! B-Z are Woine! to 7.
Joth J-; an! J-7 are Woine! to B. J-A an! J-3 are Woine! to .. J-F an! J-Z are
Woine! to G. ,imilarly- ;-7 are Woine! to B. ;-G an! ;-3 are Woine! to F. ;-. an! ;-Z
are Woine! to A. ,imilarly- 7-. an! 7-F are Woine! to 3. 7-G an! 7-A are Woine! to Z.
G-. are Woine! to J. G-A are Woine! to Z. G-3 are Woine! to F. .-F are Woine! to 3. .-Z
are Woine! to A. A- 3 are Woine! to .. F- Z are Woine! to G.
Fence- choice #4$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&1st 6ast Oear
)hich one of the following is the remain!er when x + x8/ + x812 + x8&/ is !i9i!e!
y x84 - x"
#1$ 4x #2$ 2x#x-1$ #&$ x82 + 2x #4$ x#x-1$ #'$ none of these
x + x8/ + x812 + x8&/ is !i9i!e! y x84 - x =R xNT1 + x82+ x81' + x8&2 is !i9i!e!
y x8& - 1U=4x #using factor theorem$
3f the question ha! mentione! that x is an integer then remain!er is 4x for x R 1. .or
x = -1 remain!er is 1 an! for x ? -1 remain!er is x84 + &x.
3n 4olynomial !i9ision where nothing aout x is mentione!- !on+t 4ut integer 9alues
to !eri9e the answer.
Fence- choice #1$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&2n! 6ast Oear
Three squares each of area 12 sq.units ha9e their one !iagonal along a common line.
6et the area common to first an! secon! square e 5 sq. units while that common to
secon! an! thir! e 4 sq. units.The area #in sq. units$ common to first an! thir!
squares will e
#1$ 1 #2$ 1 #&$ 2 #4$ & #'$ none of these
Bs the area common etween 3st an! 33n! square is 5 an! the !iagonal lie on the
same line so the the length of line common to the !iagonal of oth the square will e
#&NP2$ as the common area is also a square only with si!e &.Blso as the area
common etween 33n! an! 333r! square is 4 an! the !iagonal lies on the same line so
the the length of line common to the !iagonal of oth the square will e #2NP2$ .
Eow if we ta0e square 3 - 33 an! 333 in the or!er from left to right- then length of line
common to the !iagonal of 3st an! 333r! square will e #P2$ an! so the common area
is 1.
=R;hoice #2$ is the right answer
The question was that was 1&&r! 6ast Oear
Three 9essels B- J an! ; ha9e !ifferent concentrations of alcohol. 3f the contents of
4airs of 9essels #B- J$- #J- ;$ an! #;- B$ are mixe!- then the concentrations of
alcohol ecome &1Q- 41Q an! '1Q res4ecti9ely. 3f the concentration of alcohol in
9essel B in Q is &1 less than twice the concentration in Q in 9essel J- then the
concentration of 9essel ; is
#1$ 42Q #2$ 4'Q #&$ 4:Q #4$ can not e !etermine! #'$ none of these
6et 61- 62- 6& e the amount of alcohol in 9essels B- J an! ; while n1Q- n2Q-
n&Qe their res4ecti9e concentration. Ai9en that n1 = 2n2 - &1. Blso- #n162+n261$%
#61+62$ = &1 =R 61%62 = #&1-n2$%#n1-&1$.
,imilarly- 62%6& = #41-n&$%#n2-41$ an! 6&%61 = #'1-n1$%#n&-'1$.
sol9ing we get n& = 4'Q ut that gi9es n1 R '1 an! n2 R 41 which is inconsistent
with the gi9en !ata.
Fence- choice #4$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&4th 6ast Oear
6et #11+x$%#111+x$ = #21+y$%#121+y$ = #&1+>$%#1&1+>$ = 1%n- where x- y- > an! n are
4ositi9e integers. The numer of !istinct 4ossile 9alue of n is
#1$ 2 #2$ 4 #&$ & #4$ 1 #'$ none of these
B fractiox = 11#11-n$%#n-1$S y = 11#12-2n$%#n-1$ S > = 11#1&-&n$%#n-1$
Fence n = 2 an! n = & satisfy. Fence 2 !istinct solutions.
Fence- choice #1$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&'th 6ast Oear
6et Y = T1- 2- &- 4U. Fow many functions f: Y-RY are there satisfying #f.f$#x$ = x for
all x in Y"
#1$ 1& #2$ 1' #&$ 14 #4$ 12 #'$ none of these
3f f:Y -R Y where Y = T1-2-&-4U such that f.f #x$ = x- then f is a iWection. There are 24
iWections from Y to Y. Hf these only 11 are such that f.f #x$ = x for all x in Y.
3n gi9ing these ma4s ex4licitly we will use a cyclic notation for con9enience- e.g. #1 2$
stan!s for the ma4 1 -R 2- 2 -R 1- & -R &- 4 -R 4
Eote that in this cyclic notation & an! 4 are not mentione! which means that they
are ma44e! to themsel9es i.e. they are fixe!.
The ma4s are : #1 2$- #1 &$- #1 4$- #2 &$- #2 4$- #& 4$
an! also
#1 2$ #& 4$
#1 &$ #2 4$
#1 4$ #2 &$
Eote that #1 2$ #& 4$ means 1 -R 2- 2 -R 1- & -R 4- 4 -R &
Bn! lastly the i!entity ma4 which gi9es us a total of 11 ma4s satisfying the gi9en
Fence- choice #'$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was :th 6ast Oear
QQB7 team !eci!es to go on 9acation for : !ays trusting their E6 software system.
The 4rolems are fe! into the system an! !ate timer set in a!9ance for each : !ays
for the questions to e !eli9ere! to the suscriers !aily. Fowe9er- the software
follows a weir! rule. 3t !oesn+t always !eli9er the E6 !aily in those : !ays- ut ne9er
misses & consecuti9e !eli9eries. Fow many 4ossile ways are there for the E6s
!eli9ery in those : !ays"
#a$ 122 #$ 1&: #c$ 11/ #!$ 1/2 #e$ 145
Hn each !ay E6 can ta0e 2 states - it either !eli9ers or it !oesn+t. 6et f#n$ e the
4ossile ways for n !ays with gi9en con!itions.
=R f#1$ = 2- f#2$ = 282- f#&$ = 28&-1 #1 sutracte! as we can+t ha9e & misses$. 6et n R
&. Then- E6 either !eli9ers on !ay 1 or it !oesn+t. )hen it !oes it can ha9e f#n-1$
ways from thereS on !ay 2 also it either !eli9ers or it !oesn+t- when it !oes it can
ha9e f#n-2$ ways from there. Eow on !ay &- it has to !eli9er as we ha9e misse! first 2
!ays- thus after !eli9ering on !ay & it can ha9e f#n-&$ ways =R f#n$ = f#n-1$+f#n-
2$+f#n-&$ =R f#4$ = 1&- f#'$ = 24- f#2$ = 44- f#/$ = :1 an! f#: $ = 145
Fence- choice #e$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 1&/th 6ast Oear
& Fon!a ;i9ics- 4 <aWeros- an! ' JD)s are to e 4ar0e! in front of a !u!e+s house
for whom girl+s family is coming to see him. 3n how many ways the cars e 4ar0e!
such that no 2 Fon!a ;i9ics are next to each other- no <aWero is a!Wacent to a JD)-
an! all the cars are eing 4ar0e!"
#1$ 125 #2$ 1&' #&$ 1'2 #4$ 1'& #'$ 12'
1 F 2 F & F 4
;onsi!er that the Fon!as occu4y the 4ositions mar0e! as F.
Eow the rest can e fille! in certain ways
.irst consi!er only slots 1-2-& to e fille!
)e get #&+4$N&c2 4ossile ways = 21 ways
.or 2-&-4 itCs the same
Fence here also- no. of ways = 21
3f only 2 an! & are occu4ie! y the cars
)e ha9e 2 ways
Eow consi!er all 4 slots to e fille!
Eo. of ways = no. of ways in which 4 occu4ies #1 slot + 2s lots + & slots$
= #&+&$N4c1 + #&N4N4c2$ + &N 4c&
= 24+ /2+12
= 11: ways
total = 11:+21+21+2 = 1'2 ways
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
The question was that was 1&:th 6ast Oear
)ithin a 'Y' tale- a ox is mar0e! at the intersection of secon! row an! thir!
column. Fow many rectangles forme! y the oxes of the tale !o not contain the
mar0e! ox"
#1$ 125 #2$ 1&' #&$ 1'2 #4$ 1'& #'$ 12'
The rectangle can e !efine! without amiguity y its u44er left an! lower right
9ertices. To contain the mar0e! ox- the u44er left 9ertex must e in a row with a
numer less than or equal to 2 an! in a column with numer less than or equal to &.
The lower right 9ertex must e in a row with a numer greater than or equal to 2
an! in a column with a numer greater than or equal to &. Thus- there are 2.& = 2
!ifferent 4ositions for the u44er left 9ertex an! there are 4.& = 12 !ifferent 4ositions
for the lower right 9ertex. Therefore- there are 2.&.4.& = /2 rectangles containing the
mar0e! ox.
b choice #4$ is the right answer
The question was that was 1&5th 6ast Oear
The angular !e9iation of a tower ;7 at a 4lace B !ue south of it is 21_- an! at a
4lace !ue west of B- the ele9ation is &1_. 3f BJ = & 0m- then the height of the tower is
#1$ &X&%2X2 #2$ &X2%4 #&$ 2X& #4$ 2X2 #'$ none of these
3f the height of the tower is h- then
tan 21 = ;7%B;= h%B;
tan &1 = ;7%J; =h%J;
Blso triangle BJ; is a right angle! one -
hence - &82+B;82 = J;82
or- 582 +h82%& = &h82..
or- h=&9&%292
b ;hoice #1$ an! #2$ are the right answer
The question was that was 141th 6ast Oear
, is a region oun!e! y '|y|=2#x-2$ an! x=/.There is an infinite 4lane mirror of
negligile wi!th at x=-& 4er4en!icular to the x-axis.;onsi!er a region T oun!e! y
x#x+2$=12-y82 for x?=-& an! the mirror..in! the area of the region containe! within
y=+%-2 an! x=+%-14 which !oes not inclu!e ,-T or their images as forme! y the
#a$1&.42 #$1'./' #c$'2./& #!$'&.:/' #e$Eone of the foregoing
B fractiox = 11#11-n$%#n-1$S y = 11#12-2n$%#n-1$ S > = 11#1&-&n$%#n-1$
Fence n = 2 an! n = & satisfy. Fence 2 !istinct solutions.
Fence- choice #1$ is the right o4tion
The question was that was 141st 6ast Oear
3f the remain!er when 2:18'1: is !i9i!e! y 1'& is <- an! 48#42<$ when !i9i!e! y
:& gi9es remain!er Q.Then sum of the !igits of Q is
#a$1 #$& #c$/ #!$11 #e$Eone of the foregoing
2:18'1: y 5 gi9es remain!er 12 an! y 1/ 12 =R 2:18'1: y 1'& gi9es remain!er
128:2 when !i9i!e! y :& gi9es remain!er as 1 =R 128#42N12$ mo! :& == 128:1
mo! :&.
3f 128:1 = x mo! #:&$ =R 2'2x y :& gi9es 1 =R #245+/$x y :& gi9es 1 =R /x y :&
gi9es 1 =R x = 12
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
The question was that was 142n! 6ast Oear
To offset the increase in 4rice of sugar an! rice- either ,argam has to re!uce the
consum4tion of sugar y 21Q or rice y 2'Q. Fow much 4ercent consum4tion of
sugar ,argam must re!uce if she re!uce! the consum4tion of rice y 11Q"
#1$ 12Q #2$ 12.'Q #&$ 1'Q #4$ 12Q #'$ can not e !etermine!
6et the initial 4rices of sugar an! rice e x an! y 4er 0g an! their consum4tion e a
an! 4er 0g res4ecti9ely. Blso- let there een an increase of 11141Q an! 11142Q in
their 4rices res4ecti9ely. Then- ax+y = 1.:#1+41$ax + #1+42$y an! ax+y =
#1+41$ax + 1./'#1+42$y.
6et ax+y = #1-0$#1+41$ax + 1.5#1+42$y where 1110Q is re!uction in consum4tion
of sugar when consum4tion of rice is re!uce! y 11Q. ,ol9ing we get 0 = 1.12
b ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
The question was that was 144th 6ast Oear
;onsi!er the following system of equations:
r + x = l S l + 4 = n S n + r = 0 S r = : S x + 4 + 0 = &1
The 9alue 0 is
#1$ 1/ #2$ 22 #&$ 2& #4$ 1' #'$ 11=R
B!! the gi9en 4 equations to get
2#x+4$+2r = &1
r= : #gi9en$
hence- x+4 =/
=R 0 = 2&
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
The question was that was 14&r! 6ast Oear
6et the cost of & a44les an! 4 oranges e =s 21. 3f BnWli can uy at most 4 a44les an!
& oranges in =s 21- then the maximum amount that coul! e left with BnWli will e
#1$ =s 1 #2$ =s 1.'1 #&$ =s 2 #4$ =s 2.'1 #'$ none of these
&x+4y = 21 an! let r e the resi!ual left after 4 oranges an! & a44les =R r = 21 -
#4x+&y$. Blso r ? x an! r ? y.
,ol9ing we get 1/%11 ? x. Ta0e x = 1.'' =R y = 4.1:/'. r comes out to e little o9er =s
1.'1 ut less than =s 1.'' which is the cost of an a44le.
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
The question was that was 14'th 6ast Oear
*ai>en an! )arrior are 1 0m a4art when they !eci!e on 4hone to meet after some
time. )arrior starts mo9ing at 21 !egrees to the line Woining them initially an! at the
same time *ai>en starts mo9ing at an angle of 4' !egrees to the line Woining them
initially. 3t is 0nown that )arrior an! *ai>en mo9e at a constant 9elocity which is
11m%s in case of )arrior. Joth of them reach the meeting 4oint at the same
time.Bfter the meeting they retrace the 4ath that they too0 to reach the 4oint in
or!er to go ac0 from where they came. Bssuming that they retrace as soon as they
meet each other- what is the time ta0en#in mins$ y )arrior to co9er the whole
#1$ 2.44 #2$ 2.:2 #&$5.11/ #4$ 11.2/4 #'$Eone of the foregoing
H4tion #1$ incase oth start mo9ing towar!s each other =R angles of the triangle in
!egrees are 4'- 21 an! /'. H4tion #&$ incase warrior mo9es away from 0ai>en an!
0ai>en mo9es towar!s warrior =R angles of the triangle in !egrees are 4'- 121 an!
@se sine rule of the triangle to fin! the length tra9alle! y )arrior.
3n another case when 0ai>en mo9es away from warrior an! warrior mo9es towar!s
0ai>en- it is not 4ossile for them to meet.
=R ;hoice #1$ an! #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 142 #,ol9e! y 9ineet9iWay-0on!a4alli-clou!sonfire-9-factor$
6et f#a+x$ - f#a-x$ = 4f#2a$ + qf#2x$ for all real x an! non->ero f#2a$. )hich of the
following is always true"
#1$ 4+q = 1 #2$ q = 1 #&$ oth #1$ an! #2$ #4$ either #1$ or #2$ #'$none of these
Ai9en f#a+x$ - f#a-x$ = 4f#2a$ + qf#2x$. <utting x = 1 we get- 4f#2a$ + qf#1$ = 1.
<utting x=a in the original equation we get f#2a$ - f#1$ = 4f#2a$ + qf#2a$ =R f#1$ = #1-
4-q$f#2a$ =R #4+q$#1-q$ = 1 =R either 4+q = 1 or q = 1.
b ;hoice #4$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 14/ #,ol9e! y ,u4erstar- Darshall- warrior$
Twenty metres of wire is a9ailale to fence off a flower e! in the form of a circular
sector. )hat must the ra!ius of the circle in meters e- if we wish to ha9e a flower
e! with the greatest 4ossile surface area"
#1$ 2X2 #2$ 2X' #&$ ' #4$ 4X2 #'$ none of these
6et the sector e of angle x
Brea of ,ector- B = x%&21N4iNr82
;ircumference of the sector = 21
=R x%&21N2N4iNr +2r= 21
=R 2B%r+2r=21
=R B= r#11-r$
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 14: #,ol9e! y 0e0amus-sanyo-an!yf:4$
B car tra9els !ownhill at /2 0m4h #0ilometers 4er hour$- on the le9el at 2& 0m4h-
an! u4hill at only '2 0m4h The car ta0es 4 hours to tra9el from town B to town J.
The return tri4 ta0es 41 minutes more. )hat is the !istance etween the two towns
in 0ilometers"
#1$ can not e !etermine! #2$ 151 #&$ 2'' #4$ 2/& #'$ none of these
6et the total !istance tra9elle! !ownhill- on the le9el- an! u4hill- on the outoun!
Wourney- e x- y- an! >- res4ecti9ely. The time ta0en to tra9el a !istance s at s4ee! 9
is s%9.
Fence- for the outoun! Wourney x%/2 + y%2& + >%'2 = 4
)hile for the return Wourney- which we assume to e along the same roa!s x%'2 +
y%2& + >%/2 = 14%&
Dulti4lying oth equations y the least common multi4le of !enominators '2- 2&-
an! /2- we otain
/x + :y + 5> = 4 g / g : g 5
5x + :y + /> = #14%&$ g / g : g 5
Eow it is clear that we shoul! a!! the equations- yiel!ing
12#x + y + >$ = #22%&$ g / g : g 5
Therefore x + y + > = 2/&S the !istance etween the two towns is 2/& 0ms.
b ;hoice #4$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 145 #,ol9e! y =ohit.sinha- 4alla9garg211&$
Triangle BJ; is right-angle! at B. 7 is a 4oint on BJ such that ;7 = 1. BG is the
altitu!e from B to J;. 3f J7 = JG = 1- what is the length of B7"
#1$ 281%& - 1 #2$ #'81%2 - 1$%2 #&$ #'81%2 + 1$%4 #4$ 281%2 - 1 #'$ none of these
6et B7 = x- ;G = y- an! ? BJ; = t. 6et BG an! ;7 meet at ..
,ince J;7 is isosceles- ? J;7 = t.
Fence ? ;.G = 51_ V t- an! so ? 7.B= 51_ V t.
,ince also ? .B7 = ? GBJ = 51_ V t- 7.B is isosceles- an! so 7. = B7 = x.
Fence ;. = 1 V x.
Triangles BJG an! ;.G are similar- as each contains a right angle- an! ? BJ; = ?
Fence y%#1 V x$ = 1%#1 + x$- an! so
y = #1 V x$%#1 + x$#1$
Triangles BJ; an! BJG are similar- as each contains a right angle- an! ? BJ; = ?
Fence #1 + x$%#1 + y$ = 1%#1 + x$- an! so #1 + x$82 = 1 + y.
,ustituting for y from #1$- we otain #1 + x$82 = 1 + #1 V x$%#1 + x$ = 2%#1 + x$.
Fence #1 + x$8& = 2.
b ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'1 #,ol9e! y *oush$
6et three 4ositi9e integers 4- 482 + 2- 48& + 2 e gi9en. )hich among the following
is always true"
#1$ Bll the three numers are 4rime for atleast 2 9alues of 4
#2$ Gxactly 2 of these numers are 4erfect squares for some 4
#&$ The 4ro!uct of 2 of these numers can e ex4resse! as a 2 !igit numer in the
ase of the thir! numer
#4$ atleast 2 of the foregoing
#'$ none of these
3f 4 is 4rime R & then it is always of the form 20+%-1 =R 482 + 2 is always !i9 y & =R
for 4 = & only all the & numers are 4rime =R #1$ is false
482 ? 482 + 2 ? #4+1$82 =R only 4ossiility is that 4 an! 48& + 2 can e oth 4erfect
squares. 3f 4 is a 4erfect square then it is of the form 40 or 40+1 =R 48& + 2 is of the
form 40+2 or 40+& =R #2$ is false
The 4ro!uct #482 + 2$.#48& + 2$ has highest 4ower as ' an! hence in ase 4 can e
written as a 2 !igit numer =R #&$ is true
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'1 #,ol9e! y *e0amus- Darshall$
Gach of the 11 !igits from 1 to 5 are use! exactly once altogether to form & 4ositi9e
integers. Hne of these numers is the sum of the other two. )hat is the !ifference
etween the largest 4ossile an! the smallest 4ossile of the largest of these &
#1$ 455' #2$ '//' #&$ 2:': #4$ /2&2 #'$ none of these
,ince the sum has at least as many !igits as either of the summan!s- the sum must
ha9e at exactly 4 !igits.
B 4-!igit sum can arise either as the sum of two three-!igit numers or as the sum of
a 4-!igit an! a 2-!igit numer. 3n the former case- the sum must excee! 1111 an! e
less than 2111 an!- in the latter case- it must e at least 2111.
Thus- the smallest 4ossile sum must e otaine! y a!!ing two three-!igit
numers to get a 4-!igit sum. ,ince- the !igits of the sum are all !istinct- the smallest
sum is atleast 112&. ,ince- ':5+4&/ = 1122- the smallest sum is atmost 1122. )e may
assume that each !igit in the first summan! excee!s the corres4on!ing !igit in the
secon! summan!. The only 4ossiilities for a lower sum are '4q + 4rs = 112&- 24q +
&rs = 1124- 24q + &rs = 112'. Eone of these wor0.
.or the largest sum- let the first summan! ha9e 4-!igits an! the secon! two. The
hun!ere!s !igit of the first summan! is 5 an! the thousan!s !igit of the sum excee!s
the thousan! !igit of the first summan! y 1. ,ince '5:/ + &4 = 2121- the largest
sum is atleast 2121. The only 4ossiility to consi!er for a larger sum are /5a + c! =
:1ef- 25a + c! = /1ef- '5a + c! = 21ef. Eone of these wor0.
Thus- max is 2121 an! the min is 1122.
b ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'2 #sol9e! y amitfa!oe- an!yf:4$
3n the qua!rilateral BJ;7- B7 = 7; = ;J- an! ? B7; = 111_- ? BJ; = 1&1_. Then
the measure of ? B;J #is$
#1$ 21_ #2$ &1_ #&$ '1_ #4$ can not e !etermine! #'$ none of these
B- J- ; will lie on a circle with centre at 7 #as the angle suten!e! y the arc at the
centre i.e. 221_ is twice suten!e! at the circle i.e. 1&1_ $ =R in triangle 7B;- ? 7B;
= ? 7;B = 41_.
6et ? B7J = 2x =R ? B;J = x- an! let ? J7; = ? ;7J = y =R 2x+y = 111_- an!
2y+x = 141_.
=R ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'4 #sol9e! y ... $
The remain!er when 111N#55811$ is !i9i!e! y 111N55 + 1 is
#1$ 1 #2$ 1 #&$ 111 #4$ 5511 #'$ none of these
6et n = 55 =R 111N55 + 1 = n82 + n+1. Blso the !i9i!en! is n811 + n811.
Eote that n82 + n + 1 = 1 gi9es roots #w- w82$ of unity. Bn! w82 + w + 1 = 1- w8& =
Blso w811 + w811 = -1 an! w822 + w821 = -1 =R n811 + n811 + 1 is !i9isile y n82
+ n + 1.
=R ;hoice #4$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'4 #sol9e! y 0rsh.9i0$
Two 0in!s of rice are mixe! in the ratio 1:2 an! 2:1 an! then they are sol! fetching
the 4rofit of 11Q an! 21Q res4ecti9ely. 3f they are mixe! in equal ratio an! the
in!i9i!ual 4rofit 4ercents on them are increase! 4%& an! '%& time res4ecti9ely- then
the 4rofit Q woul! e
#1$ 1: #2$ 21 #&$ 21 #4$ 2' #'$ none of these
6et the 4rofit e 11141Q an! 11142Q. Ai9en #41c1 + 242c2$%#c1 + 2c2$ = 1.1 an!
#241c1 + 42c2$%#2c1 + c2$ = 1.2 =R c1#41-1.&$ = 42c2 hh &#41c1+42c2$ = 1.'c1 +
=R #4%&41c1 + '%&42c2$%#c1+c2$ = 1%'
=R ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1''
.or how many intergral 0 !oes the inequality log2 + log #2x82 + 2x + /%2$ R=
log#0x82 + 0$ 4ossesses at least one solution"
#1$ 2 #2$ : #&$ 11 #4$ ' #'$ 11
log #4x82 + 4x + /$ R= log#0x82 + 0$
=R for 4x82 + 4x + / R= 0x82 + 0- we must ha9e atleast one real solution for 0 R 1.
=R #0-4$x82 -4x + #0-/$ ?= 1
Dulti4ly oth the si!es y #0-4$.
=R 6F, of the inequality ecomes ##0-4$x - 2$82 + #0-: $#0-&$.
.or 0 R=4 we ha9e ##0-4$x - 2$82 + #0-: $#0-&$ ?= 1 ... we ha9e 0 = 4- '- 2- /- :
.or 0 ? 4 we ha9e ##0-4$x - 2$82 + #0-: $#0-&$ R= 1 ... we ha9e 0 = 1- 2- &
=R ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'2 #sol9e! y sanyo- 9-factor- 0rishfmec- !ef4rofun!is$
.i9e former eauty contest winners ,ushmita- Bishwarya- 7iana- 6ara- <riyan0a
were 4lace! 1 to ' in a contest with no ties. Hne 4re!iction was that the result woul!
e the or!er ,ushmita- Bishwarya- 7iana- 6ara- <riyan0a. Jut no contestant
finishe! in the 4osition 4re!icte! an! no two contestants 4re!icte! to finish
consecuti9ely !i! so. .or exam4le- the outcome for 7iana an! 6ara was not 1- 2
#res4ecti9ely$- or 2- &- or &- 4 or 4- '. Bnother 4re!iction was the or!er 6ara-
,ushmita- <riyan0a- 7iana- Bishwarya. Gxactly two contestants finishe! in the
4laces 4re!icte! an! two !isWoint 4airs 4re!icte! to finish consecuti9ely !i! so. )ho
finishe! imme!iately next after <riyan0a"
#1$ ,ushmita #2$ Bishwarya #&$ 7iana #4$ 6ara #'$ 3m4ossile to !etermine
6ets ignore the first set of con!itions an! examine the secon! set.
,ince two !isWoint sets are 9ali! - that means that the following are 9ali! consecuti9e
6, #12$ an! <7 #&4$
6, #12$ an! 7B #4'$
,< #2&$ an! 7B #4'$
Fowe9er- since exactly two of them are in the right 4osition- it logically means that
exactly one 4air of one of the three 4airs ao9e is in the correct or!er an! 4ositon
while the other is in the correct or!er ut wrong 4osition. This means that the
correct or!er an! 4osition can only e in 4osition 12 or 4' #2& an! &4 is not 9ali!
ecause then the other 9ali! 4air cannot e shifte! to another 9ali! 4osition$. 3 0now
this reasoning can e confusing ut rea! it a cou4le of times an! it will ma0e sense.
That means - either:
1$ 6, #12$ is correct an! <7 #&4$ is re4ositione! to <7 #4'$.
This way we get 6,B<7 - ,B is consecuti9e which in9ali!ates con!ition #1$ hence
2$ 6, #12$ is correct an! 7B #4'$ is re4ositione! to 7B #&4$.
This way we get 6,7B< - 7 has the same 4osition as con!ition #1$ hence false.
&$ 7B #4'$ is correct an! ,<#2&$ is re4ositione! to ,< #12$.
This way we get ,<67B - , has the same 4osition as con!ition #1$ hence false.
4$ 7B #4'$ is correct an! 6,#12$ is re4ositione! to 6, #2&$.
This way we get <6,7B - This is 9ali!.
=R ;hoice #4$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'/ #sol9e! y sharang- 9arunfna0ra- 0e0amus$
6et BJ; e a triangle an! 7 e the mi!4oint of B;. <oint G lies internally on J7
such that JG = 2. Blso- BJ = &- J; = 4 an! ? BG; = 51_. Then B; =
#1$ X21 - 1 #2$ X21 - 1 #&$ X1: - 1 #4$ X24 - 1 #'$ none of these
6et B7 = x = ;7 =R G7 = x
=R J7 = x+2 using B44ollonius theorem
&82 + 482 = 2T#2+x$82 + x82U
=R x = X21 - 2
=R ;hoice #'$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1': #sol9e! y frigi! sa44hire- 0ai>enf211/- san!ee4 Wha-
sanyo- Wa!ri- meWogi- DeiJi>- DitsiJits$
6et the 4ro!uct of four consecuti9e integers e a fi9e-!igit integer 4q14q- where 4
an! q are single !igit 4ositi9e integers. Then 4+q is
#1$ 4 #2$ 2 #&$ : #4$ 5 #'$ none of these
The fi9e !igit numer is 4qN1111 = 4qN/N11N1& =R 4q = 24 as the 4ro!uct is
11N12N1&N14 =R 4+q = 2
=R ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1'5 #sol9e! y 9arun na0ra$
B 4erson is sai! to e n years ol!- where n is a non-negati9e integer- if the 4erson has
li9e! at least n years an! has not li9e! n+1 years. Bt some 4oint in time- Bnu4am is
4 years ol! an! Eilesh is three times as ol! as ,hri0ant. Bt some other time-
,hri0ant is twice as ol! Bnu4am- an! Eilesh is ' times as ol! as Bnu4am. Bt yet
another time- Eilesh is twice as ol! as ,hri0ant an! Bnu4am is O years ol!. There
are !ifferent 4ossiilities of what O can e. The largest 4ossile O is in the range
#1$ [1'- 1:\ #2$ [21- 2'\ #&$ [2/- &2\ #4$ [&'- &5\ #'$ none of these
6et each f1 lies in [1- 1$ an! each y1 lies in #1- 1$
Bt some 4oint- Bnu4am has li9e! 4 + f1 years- Eilesh has li9e! n + f2 years an!
,hri0ant has li9e! s + f& years where n an! s are integers satisying n = &s.
Bt another time- say a + f4 years later where a is an integer- ,hri0ant is twice as ol!
as Bnua4m .... =R Bnu4am woul! ha9e li9e! 4 + a + f1 + f4 years- he will e 4 + a +
y1 years ol!. ,imilarly- Eilesh woul! e n + a + y2 years ol! an! ,hri0ant woul! e s
+ a + y& years ol!.
=R s + a + y& = 2#4 + a + y1$ an! n + a + y2 = '#4 + a + y1$
Bt yet another time- say + f' years later after Bnu4am li9e! 4 + f1 years- Bnu4am
is 4 + + y4 years ol! an! n + + y' = 2#s + + y2$. This equation an! n = &s im4ly
= n - 2s + y' - 2y2 = s + y' - 2y2.
=R s = a + : + 2y1 - y& an! &s = 4a + 21 + 'y1 - y2.
=R m = 4m - &m = 12 + &y1 - 4y& + y2
;omining the ao9e we get O = 12 + &y1 - 4y& + y2 + y' - 2y2 + y4- since each y#i$
lies etween 1 to 1 =R T ?= 12 + & + 1 + 1 + 1 = 22.
Thus- Bnu4am+s age is 4.2- ,hri0anth+s is 12 an! Eilesh+s is 4:.2
Eext: Bnu4am+s age is 12- ,hri0ant+s is 22.4 an! Eilesh+s is ''
Eext: Bnu4ams age is 22.1- ,hri0ant+s is &&.' an! Eilesh+s is 22.1
Blternate solution from Parun
6et the ages e of E -, an! B in this or!er
&[x\ + f2 S [x\ + f4 S 4 + f2
'[y\ + f1 S 2[y\ + f& S [y\ + f'
2[>\ + f/ S [>\ + f: S [O\ + f5
Eow we can equate the !ifferences
)e ha9e [y\ = #&f& + f2 + 2f2$ - #f1 + &f4 +2f'$ + :
[x\ = # 4f& + f2 + &f2$ - #&f' + 4f4 + f1$ + 12
[O\ = 2[y\ + #2f: + f1 + f'$ - #2f& + f/ + f5$
[>\ = &[y\ + #f: + f1$ - #f& + f/$
[x\ - [y\ = f& + f2 - f' - f4 + 4 which shu! e an integer.,o in or!er to maximise [O\
n! hence maximise [y\. one can see that f4 n! f' are to e sutracte!#in the 9alue of
[y\ n! [x\ oth$ so we shall ma0e it minimum which is y 4utting each of them to e
,o f4 = f' = 1
n! f& + f2 shu! e an integer..Bgain for max[O\ we shall ma0e it 1 n! not 1
hence f& + f2 = 1
[y\ = #&f& + f2 + 2f2$ - #f1$ + :
[x\ = # 4f& + f2 + &f2$ ] #f1$ + 12
again we can <ut f1=1
[y\ = #&f& + f2 + 2f2$ + :
[x\ = # 4f& + f2 + &f2$ + 12
now <ut f2 = 1-f&
[y\ = #f& + f2 $ + 11
[x\ = # f& + f2 $ + 1'
Eow f&+f2 has to e an integer which shu! e 1 only for the max 9alue of [y\..so [y\
max ecomes 11
E! [O\ = 2[y\ + #2f: $ - #2f& + f/ + f5$
[>\ = &[y\ + #f - #f& + f/$
Eow 4ut f/=f5=1
[O\ = 2[y\ + #2f: $ - #2f&$
[>\ = &[y\ + #f - #f&$
Thus [O\ = 22 + #2f: $ - #2f&$
Eow f:-f& shu! e an integer which coul! only e 1 n! nothing else co> if it is 1.in
that case f:=1+f& which is Eot 4ossile-so f:=f&
hence forth we ha9e the constants as f1=f4=f'=f/=f5=1 S f&+f2=1 Sf2+f&=1
an! f:=f&
Fence [O\max ecomes 22.
=R ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 121 #sol9e! y 9arun na0ra$
There are / la0es in 6a0elan!. They are connecte! y 11 canals so that one can
swim through the canals from any la0e to any other. Fow many islan!s are there in
#1$ : #2$ 2 #&$ ' #4$ / #'$ 4
;onsi!er the 4lanar gra4h whose 9ertices are la0es- whose e!ges are the canals- an!
whose faces are the islan!s. ,ince P-G+. = 2- P=/ an! G = 11 =R . = '. Jut one of
the faces is an outer face an! not an islan!.
b ;hoice #'$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 121 #sol9e! y 0e0amus- 9arun na0ra- meWogi- sanyo-
0rishfmec $
The four numers a ? ? c ? ! can e 4aire! in exactly 2 !ifferent ways. 3f each
4air has a !ifferent sum an! if the four smallest sums are 1- 2- &- 4 then what is the
sum of all the 4ossile 9alues of !"
#1$ 4 #2$ &'%2 #&$ 1'%2 #4$ / #'$ 11
;ase1: a+ ? a+c ? +c ? a+! = 1 ? 2 ? & ? 4 =R ! = 4
;ase2: a+ ? a+c ? a+! ? +c = 1 ? 2 ? & ? 4 =R ! = &+1%2
=R ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 122 #sol9e! y samsing- 9arun na0ra$
B test has exactly 11 questions an! is either answere! in True or .alse. 3f 7ee4i0a
answers ' questions KtrueK an! fi9e KfalseK- her score is guarantee! to e at least 4.
Fow many answer 0eys are there for which this is true"
#1$ 12 #2$ 1& #&$ 12 #4$ 15 #'$ 22
,u44ose that either 5 or 11 of the questions ha9e the same answer. Then no matter
which ' questions 7ee4i0a 4ic0s to ha9e this answer- she will e right at least 4
times. ;on9ersely- su44ose that there are at least two questions with each answerS
we will show that she can get a score less than 4. Jy symmetry- assume there are at
least fi9e questions who answer is true. Then if we lael fi9e of these false- not only
will 7ee4i0a get these ' wrong- ut she will also ha9e answere! all the false
questions with true- for a total of at least / incorrect. There are 2 ways for all the
questions to ha9e the same answer an! 21 ways for one question to ha9e a !ifferent
answer from the others- for a total of 22 ways.
=R ;hoice #'$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 12& #sol9e! y 0e0amus- sanyo- swarnali- 9i9e0r$
3f 4- q- n are 4ositi9e reals such that & = n82#x82%y82 + y82%x82$ + n#x%y + y%x$.
)hat is the maximum 9alue of n"
#1$ 2 #2$ #1 + X'$%2 #&$ #-1 + X/$%2 #4$ '%2 #'$ #-1 + X'$%2
To maximi>e n we must minimi>e #x%y + y%x$ =R x%y + y%x = 2 when x = y =R & = 2n82
+ 2n.
=R ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 124 #sol9e! y an!yf:4- anu4su$
The numerical 9alue of infinite series 1%#&82 + 1$ + 1%#482 + 2$ + 1%#'82 + &$ + ... is
#1$ 1&%&2 #2$ '%12 #&$ /%24 #4$ 1%& #'$ none of these
The series re!uces to 1%&##1%2-1%'$ + #1%&-1%2$ + #1%4-1%/$ + #1%'-1%:$ + ...$ = 1%&#1%2 +
1%& + 1%4$
=R ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 12' #sol9e! y Darshall- !oomsayer- 9-factor- 0e0amus$
There are six stic0s with lengths 2- 4- 4- 11- 22- &/. Fow many isosceles tra4e>iums
can e constructe!- each time using all six stic0s"
#1$ 2 #2$ & #&$ 4 #4$ ' #'$ none of these
;ominations 1. #4-4-#22+11+2$-&/$ =R #4-4-&4-&/$
2. #4-4-#22+11$-#&/+2$$ =R #4-4-&2-&5$
&. #11-#2+4+4$-22-&/$ =R #11-11-22-&/$
=R ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 12' #sol9e! y DeiJi>- Wunoonma$
Jy gi9ing one ruer free with 4 4encils- it means that a !iscount of 11Q is gi9en on
the sale of 4encils. Then y gi9ing 1 4encil free with 2 ruers- it means that a
!iscount of xQ is gi9en on the sale of ruers. Then x #a44roximately$ equals
#1$ '/Q #2$ 21Q #&$ 24Q #4$ /&Q #'$ none of these
6et < an! = e the selling 4rice of a 4encil an! a ruer =R .5#4<+=$ = 4< =R 5= =
,imilarly- x%111#2=+<$ = 2= =R x = :%11N111 =c /&Q =R !iscount gi9en is &%11N111
=c 2/Q
=R ;hoice #'$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 12/ #sol9e! y getneonow- 0rsh.9i0$
The ase 2 re4resentation of 1.&&&&&..... is
#1$ &%' #2$ 2%& #&$ 1%& #4$ &%4 #'$ none of these
<lease refer the !iscussions threa! for the answer.
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 12: #sol9e! y neucha!ne>>ar- sri9atsa- ar9in!9a$
6et in a triangle BJ;- B7- JG an! ;. e the altitu!es intersecting at F. 3f BF = &-
B7 = 4- JF = 2 then JG =
#1$ & #2$ &.' #&$ 4 #4$ 4.' #'$ none of these
<lease refer the !iscussions threa! for the answer.
=R ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 125 #sol9e! y 0e0amus- itsf9aiha9- !oomsayer-
7i9ya an! =a9eena !eci!e to 4lay the following game. They egin with , = 1. They
ta0e turns 4ic0ing u4 the numer from the set T1- 2- &- 4- '- 2U. Hn each turn any of
the 2 numers can e chosen. The numer is a!!e! to , an! , is then re4lace! y
the sum. The 1st 4erson who choses a numer which when a!!e! to , gi9es 41 is the
winner. 7i9ya egins y 4ic0ing 2. 6et 4 e the numer which is now the est choice
for =a9eena
6et a an! e integer solution to 1/a + 2 = 1&. 6et q e the smallest 4ossile
4osti9e 9alue of a-
The numerical 9alue of 4q is
#1$ 1& #2$ &2 #&$ &5 #4$ /: #'$ 112
6et 2 e the choice for =a9eena. Eow 2: is left out of 41 - for any no. from 1 to 2 that
7i9ya 4ic0s =a9eena can 4ic0 a numer to ma0e it a / in two turns. Bn! since
2:=/N4 she woul! ensure that she wins no matter what 7i9ya 4ic0s.Fence 4 = 2
Blso q= minimum 4ositi9e 9alue of a- = 1/ for a = ' an! = -12
,o- 4Nq=112
b ;hoice #'$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/1 #sol9e! y 9i9e0r- 0rishfmec- =ohit.,inha$
There are > !igits in the !ecimal ex4ression of the natural numer E-while there are
y !igits in the !ecimal ex4ression of E8&. Then which of the following cannot e
equal to y+>"
#a$ 21 #$ 22 #c$ &' #!$ 4' #e$ none of these
Bs 4er the question-
118#>V1$ ?= E ? 118> =R118#&>V&$?= E8& ? 118&>.
,o- y can e T&> V 2- &> V 1- &>U an! y+> can e T4>-2 -4>-1-4>$
;learly all the natural numers exce4t those of ty4e 40+1 satisfy the 9alue for y+>.
,o- &' cannot e the 9alue.
b ;hoice #!$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/1 #sol9e! y ni4unfWain$
3 was at a restaurant for lunch the other !ay with some QQB!ites. The ill came
an! 3 wante! to gi9e the eautiful waiteress a multi4le of 111 numer of ru4ees-
with the !ifference etween what 3 gi9e her an! the ill eing the ti4. 3 always li0e to
ti4 etween 11 an! 1' 4ercent of the ill #ofcourse to a goo! loo0ing !amsel only$.
Jut if 3 gi9e her a certain numer of ru4ees #muti4le of 111$- the ti4 woul! ha9e
een less than 11Q of the ill- an! if instea! 3 gi9e her 111 ru4ee more- the ti4
woul! ha9e een more than 1'Q of the ill. The exact ill was a whole numer. 6et
=s <Q=, e the largest 4ossile amount of the ill where <- Q- = an! , are each
single !igit numers. Then <+Q+=+, is
#1$ 14 #2$ 1' #&$ 1/ #4$ 22 #'$ none of these
<lease refer the !iscussions threa!.
b ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/2 #sol9e! y ar9in!9a- sanyo- !oomsayer- 0e0amus$
Two cars B an! J starte! from < an! Q res4ecti9ely towar!s each other at the same
time. ;ar B was tra9elling at a s4ee! of '40m%h ut !ue to some 4rolem re!uce! its
s4ee! y 1%&r! after tra9elling for 21 minutes. ;ar J was tra9elling at a s4ee! of
&20m%h. Fa! the technical 4rolem in car B ha! arisen &1 minutes later- they woul!
ha9e met at a !istance which is #1%&1N<Q$ more than towar!s Q than where they
met earlier#<Q R 1210m$. Bnothet car ; starts from <- 51 minutes after car J
starte! at Q- an! car ; tra9els towar!s Q with a s4ee! of &20m%h- at what !istance
from < will cars J an! ; meet"
#1$ 2& 0m #2$ '4 0m #&$ 41.' 0m #4$ &2 0m #'$ none of these
Two cars meet at mi!-4oint of <Q if they were at same s4ee!. 3f the starting 4oint of
B shifts y l1 towar!s Q an! that of J y l2 towar!s Q- where l2 ? l1$- the meeting
4oint shifts y #l1 - l2$%2 towar!s Q.
=R meeting 4oint shifts y #2/-1:$%2 0m towar!s Q =R <Q = &1N#4.'$ 0m = 1&' 0m
J co9ers &%2N&2 = '4 0m from Q when ; starts.
;ars J an! ; are #1&' - '4$0m a4art when ; starts =R <= = :10m. 3f ; an! J meet
=R they meet in the mi!-way as they ha9e same s4ee!.
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/& #sol9e! y 9i0as$
BJ;7 is a tra4e>ium with BJ 4arallel to ;7. D is the mi!4oint of B7- ?D;J =
1'1_- J; = 4 an! D; = 12. The area of BJ;7 #is$
#1$ 12 #2$ 24 #&$ 12X& #4$ can not e !etermine! #'$ none of these
Gxten! ;D to meet JB at =. Triangles D=B an! D;7 are congruent =R =; = 24.
Brea of triangle ;=J = area of tra4e>ium BJ;7 = 1%2N24N4Nsin1'1 = 24
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/& #sol9e! y warrior- 0e0amus$
14 stu!ents are seate! on chairs in a &Y' array such that the mi!!le seat is
unoccu4ie!. B teacher wishes to reassign the seats so that each stu!ent mo9es
exactly one 4lace #either to his%her left- right- straight ac0- or straight forwar!$ . 3n
how many ways is the reassignment 4ossile"
#1$ 1& #2$ 25 #&$ 1 #4$ 1 #'$ 2/
;olour each seat alternately with green an! lac0 starting with green =R : green
seats are occu4ie! an! 2 lac0s are occu4ie!. )e wish to ma0e : lac0s occu4ie! in
the reassignment- ut only / are a9ailale.
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/' #sol9e! y 0ai>enf211/- 0e0amus- san!ee4 Wha$
B 4oint on a circle inscrie! in a square is 1 an! 2 units from the two closest si!e of
the square. )hat is the area of the square"
#1$ &2 #2$ :1 #&$ 111 #4$ can not e !etermine! #'$ none of these
<lease refer the !iscussions threa!.
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/2 #sol9e! y !oomsayer- Brlen$
Bmirchan! is selling some articles. Bmirchan! is offering a !iscount of &&.&&Q if
one 4ays y cre!it car!. Bmirchan! has mar0e! on the article in such a way that
after gi9ing a !iscount- he still manages to get a 4rofit of 2'Q. Aarichan! uses
false weighing alance an! !ecie9es Bmirchan! y 21Q an! he also 4ays the
amount y cre!it car!. 3f Aarichan! gi9es the same article to another customer at
41Q !iscount on mar0e! 4rice of Bmirchan! an! Aarichan! has a 4rofit of =s 21-
then what is the cost 4rice of the article in ru4ees"
#1$ 121 #2$ 211 #&$ 241 #4$ &11 #'$ none of these
;<a = x =R D<a = 1'x%:.
@sing false weighings the D<g = 1'x%: ut actual D<a = 1'x%:N2%' = 5x%4.
;re!it car! 4ayment means Aarichan! shells out 'x%4 from his 4oc0et for what he
actual shoul! ha9e &x%2.
Fere- he is alrea!y in 4rofit y =s x%4.
41Q !iscount on 1'x%: = 5x%: is ,<g.
=R 4rofit = 5x%: - 'x%4 = -x%:
Aarichan! ma!e a 4rofit of =s 21 = -x%: + &x%2 = 11x%: =R x = =s 121%11.
Blternate inter4retation
The 9alues of D<: ,<: ;<: Bctual D<: D< after !ecei9ing: ,< 4ai! y Aarichan!
= 1': 11: :: 1': 12: :
3f Aarichan! sells the article at 41Q !iscount on D<- he is selling at 5 4arts on the
ratio scale.
Hn the same ratio scale the !ifference etween ,< an! ;< is =s 1 an! actual is =s
b ;hoice #1$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/: #sol9e! y 0e0emaus- warrior- =ohit.sinha-
mehtamanas- getneonow- Brun <aliwal- 4alla9garg211&$
The area oun!e! y the region |x| + |y| + |x+y| ?= 2 is
#1$ 2 #2$ & #&$ 2X& #4$ 4 #'$ none of these
The figure forme! will e a hexagon. <lease refer the !iscussions threa! for the
The a44roach is to form cases an! then 4lot the gra4h qua!rant-wise.
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/: #sol9e! y 9i9e0r- san!ee4 Wha- Brun <aliwal$
B set of & !istinct elements which are in arithmetic 4rogression is calle! a fun!oo-
trio. )hat is the largest numer of fun!oo-trios that can e susets of a set of 1'
!istinct real numers"
#1$ 42 #2$ 4' #&$ 45 #4$ /' #'$ none of these
6et Y e one of the elements. )hat is the largest numer of trios that can ha9e Y as
mi!!le element" H9iously- at most max#-a$- where is the numer of elements
smaller than Y an! a is the numer larger. 3f n = 1'- then the no. is at most 1 + 1 + 2
+ ... + 2 + / + 2 + ... + 1 + 1 = 45.
b ;hoice #&$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1/5 #sol9e! y !eoarshi$
Fow many real numers r exist such that the roots of the equation x82 + rx + 2r = 1
are oth integers"
#1$ 2 #2$ 11 #&$ 4 #4$ : #'$ none of these
r#r-24$ is a 4erfect square =R #r-12$82 = 482 + 144- a 4erfect square. 3f r R 1- 4ut r-
12 as 0 =R #0-4$N#0+4$ = 144 = /2N2 = &2N4 = 24N2 = 1:N: = 12N12
=R 0 = &/- 21- 1'- 1&- 12 =R r=45- &2- 2/- 2'- 24.
)hen r is non-4ositi9e- 6et -r = t =R t#t+24$ is a 4erfect square. )e re4eat the same
4rocess #t+12$82 is a 4erfect square- 4ut t+12 as 0 =R t = 2'- :- &- 1- 1 =R r = -2'- -:-
-&- -1- 1. Fence- 11 solutions in all.
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:1
Gach of the following & statements #,$ is followe! y an inference #3$. Bnswer which
4air of statement an! inference is not true.
#B$ ,: 0e0amus foun! & !ifferent solutions to the equation f#x - 2%x$ = 1 =R 3: Fe
coul! ha9e !efinitely foun! 1 more !ifferent solution.
#J$ ,: 7oomsayer !eci!e! to sol9e a 4rolem where a- - c are non->ero real
numers such that a82 + 82 + c82 = 1 an! a#1% + 1%c$ + #1%c + 1%a$ + c#1%a + 1%$
= -& =R 3: Gxactly & !istinct 9alues of a++c exist.
#;$ ,: Br9in! an! Pi9e0 start running simultaneosly from the !iametrically
o44osite en!s of a circular trac0 towar!s each other at 1'0m%h an! 2'0m%h
res4ecti9ely. Bfter e9ery 11 minutes their s4ee! re!uce to half of their current
s4ee!s =R 3: 3f the length of the circular trac0 is 1'11m- Br9in! an! Pi9e0 meet on
the trac0 more than 5 times.
#1$ only B #2$ only ; #&$ J an! B #4$ ; an! J #'$ none of these
#B$ 3f x - 2%x = a =R x82 - ax - 2 = 1 =R 7 = a82 + : =R the equation has unequal
roots for the same 9alue of a =R the numer of roots of f#x - 2%x$ if finite are always
#J$ 3f a++c is x an! a+ac+c = y then x82 = 1 + 2y an! xy = 1
=R x = 1- 1- -1
#;$ Total !istance ,hri0ant can co9er = 11%21N#1' + 1'%2 + 1'%4 + ...$ = ' 0m
Total !istance ,achin can co9er = 11%21N#2' + 2'%2 + 2'%4 + ...$ = 2'%& 0m
.irst time they co9er /'1 m an! susequently they co9er a !istance of 1'11 m to
The total !istance they co9er together is 41%& 0m.
Eumer of meetings 4ossile is 1 + #41111%& - /'1$%1'11 = 5.4
=R They can meet only 5 times an! not more.
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:1
Gach of the following & statements #,$ is followe! y an inference #3$. Bnswer which
4air of statement an! inference is not true.
#B$ ,: 0e0amus foun! & !ifferent solutions to the equation f#x - 2%x$ = 1 =R 3: Fe
coul! ha9e !efinitely foun! 1 more !ifferent solution.
#J$ ,: 7oomsayer !eci!e! to sol9e a 4rolem where a- - c are non->ero real
numers such that a82 + 82 + c82 = 1 an! a#1% + 1%c$ + #1%c + 1%a$ + c#1%a + 1%$
= -& =R 3: Gxactly & !istinct 9alues of a++c exist.
#;$ ,: Br9in! an! Pi9e0 start running simultaneosly from the !iametrically
o44osite en!s of a circular trac0 towar!s each other at 1'0m%h an! 2'0m%h
res4ecti9ely. Bfter e9ery 11 minutes their s4ee! re!uce to half of their current
s4ee!s =R 3: 3f the
length of the circular trac0 is 1'11m- Br9in! an! Pi9e0 meet on the trac0 more than
5 times.
#1$ only B #2$ only ; #&$ J an! B #4$ ; an! J #'$ none of these
#B$ 3f x - 2%x = a =R x82 - ax - 2 = 1 =R 7 = a82 + : =R the equation has unequal
roots for the same 9alue of a =R the numer of roots of f#x - 2%x$ if finite are always
#J$ 3f a++c is x an! a+ac+c = y then x82 = 1 + 2y an! xy = 1
=R x = 1- 1- -1
#;$ Total !istance ,hri0ant can co9er = 11%21N#1' + 1'%2 + 1'%4 + ...$ = ' 0m
Total !istance ,achin can co9er = 11%21N#2' + 2'%2 + 2'%4 + ...$ = 2'%& 0m
.irst time they co9er /'1 m an! susequently they co9er a !istance of 1'11 m to
The total !istance they co9er together is 41%& 0m.
Eumer of meetings 4ossile is 1 + #41111%& - /'1$%1'11 = 5.4
=R They can meet only 5 times an! not more.
b ;hoice #2$ is the right answer
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:2 #9ineet9iWay- !oomsayer$
Bt <i>>a-Fut 4i>>as are ma!e only on an automatic 4i>>a-ma0ing machine. The
machine continually ma0es !ifferent sorts of 4i>>as y a!!ing !ifferent sorts of
to44ings on a common ase. The machine ma0es the 4i>>as at the rate of 1 4i>>a 4er
minute. The 9arious to44ings are a!!e! to the 4i>>a in the following manner.
,tarting from e9ery 4i>>a- e9ery fifth 4i>>a is to44e! with 4e44eroni- e9ery se9enth
with oli9e an! ay corn- e9ery eigth with mushroom- an! the rest with chesse an!
tomatoes. The machine wor0s for 1& hours 4er !ay without any rea0s in etween.
Fow many 4i>>as 4er !ay are ma!e with cheese an! tomatoes as to44ing"
#1$ 41: #2$ 4&: #&$ 4': #4$ 4/: #'$ 45:
3n 1& hours exactly /:1 4i>>as are ma!e out of which we nee! all those numers
which are neither multi4les of ' nor / nor :.
B @ J @ ; = B + J + ; - B%J - B%; - J%; + B%J%;
Dulti4les of ' are /:1%' = 1'2
Dulti4les of / are [/:1%/\ = 111
Dulti4les of : are [/:1%'\ = 5/
Dulti4les of ' an! / are [/:1%&'\ = 22
Dulti4les of ' an! : are [/:1%41\ = 15
Dulti4les of / an! : are [/:1%'2\ = 1&
Dulti4les of '- / an! : are [/:1%2/1\ = 2
,ince- numers are counte! from 1st 4i>>a
=R B @ J @ ; = 1'2 + 112 + 5: - 2& - 21 - 14 + & = &12
=R answer is 42: an! not among the choices.
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:& #0rish4$
6et BJ;7G e a regular 4entagon an! D e a 4oint insi!e the 4entagon such that
?#DJB$ = ?#DGB$ = 42_. Then ?#;D7$ equals
#1$ 4:_ #2$ 21_ #&$ 25_ #4$ /:_ #'$ 111_
)e will 4ro9e that the triangle D;7 is equilateral. 6et D+ e a 4oint
insi!e BJ;7G such that D+;7 is equilateral. Then triangles ;D+J an!
7D+G are oth isoscles ha9ing 2 si!es equal.
?#D+;J$ = ?#7;J$ - ?#7;D+$ = 4: !egrees- an! y symmetry ?D+7G = 4:
!egrees =R ?#D+J;$ = ?#D+GB$ = 22 !egrees.
3t follows ?#D+JB$ = ?#D+GB$ = 42 !egrees =R D an! D+ coinci!e.
Fence o4tion #2$ is the right choice.
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:4 #answere! y ara9in!9a-san!ee4 Wha-0ai>enf211/$
6et a82 + /82 + a = 112 an! a82 - 282 + a = &1. .in! the 9alue of |2a+|.
#1$ 1& #2$ 14 #&$ 1' #4$ 12 #'$ Eone of the foregoing
a82 + /82 + a + &N# a82 - 282 + a $= 112+&N&1=152
Fence o4tion #2$ is the right choice.
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:' #answere! y none$
B right circular cone has ase ra!ius 1. The 9ertex is P. ; is a 4oint on the
circumference of the ase. The !istance P; is &. B 4article tra9els from ; aroun!
the cone an! ac0 y the shortest route. 3ts minimum !istance from P is
#1$ '%4 #2$ 2 #&$ '%& #4$ &%2 #'$ Eone of the foregoing
The 0ey is to cut the cone along P; an! unroll it to gi9e the sector of a circle. 3f the
sector is oun!e! y P; an! P;+ an! the arc ;;+- then e9i!ently the 4article
tra9els along the straight line ;;+. 3t is closest to P when it is at the mi!4oint D..
The arc ;;+ has length 2j- so the ?;P;+ is 2j%&. Fence ?P;;+ = j%2- so P; = &%2
Fence o4tion #4$ is the right choice.
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:2 #answere! first y 9i9e0r$
B man can uy three of the articles B-J or ;.)ith all the money he has- he can uy
as many articles of B as one of its article cost. Fe coul! as well uy as many articles
of J as one of its article cost with =s. '/ eing leftS as many articles of ; as one of its
article cost with =s 11x eing left where x is a single !igit integer..in! the 9alue of x.
#1$ & #2$ 4 #&$ / #4$ 5 #'$ 1
<lease refer the !iscussions threa! for the solution
Fence- o4tion #4$ is the right choice.
Quantitati9e Question ( 1:/
Fow many or!ere! tri4lets #x- y- >$ of 4ositi9e integers less than 11 is the 4ro!uct
xy> !i9isile y 21"
#1$ /2 #2$ 121 #&$ 51 #4$ 112 #'$ none of these

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