PROJET DE COMIT POUR VOTE (CDV) Project number IEC 61850-9-1 Ed. 1.0 Numro de projet IEC/TC or SC: TC 57 CEI/CE ou SC: Date of circulation Date de diffusion 2001-06-29 Closing date for voting (Voting mandatory for P-members) Date de clture du vote (Vote obligatoire pour les membres (P)) 2001-11-30 Titre du CE/SC: TC/SC Title: Power system control and associated communications Secretary: Mr. A. Huber (Germany) Secrtaire: Also of interest to the following committees Intresse galement les comits suivants TC 14, TC 17, TC 38, TC 65, TC 95 Supersedes document Remplace le document 57/495/CD 57/532/CC Horizontal functions concerned Fonctions horizontales concernes Safety Scurit EMC CEM Environment Environnement Quality assurance Assurance qualit CE DOCUMENT EST TOUJOURS A L'ETUDE ET SUSCEPTIBLE DE MODIFICATION. IL NE PEUT SERVIR DE REFERENCE. LES RECIPIENDAIRES DU PRESENT DOCUMENT SONT INVITES A PRESENTER, AVEC LEURS OBSERVATIONS, LA NOTIFICATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIETE DONT ILS AURAIENT EVENTUELLEMENT CONNAISSANCE ET A FOURNIR UNE DOCUMENTATION EXPLICATIVE. THIS DOCUMENT IS STILL UNDER STUDY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES. RECIPIENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT, WITH THEIR COMMENTS, NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT RIGHTS OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. Titre : Title : Communication networks and systems in substations Part 9-1: Specific communication system mapping (SDCM) Serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link Note d'introduction Introductory note The French NC indicated that it would not provide a French version of this project. The CDV is therefore circulated in English only. ATTENTION CDV soumis en parallle au vote (CEI) et lenqute (CENELEC) ATTENTION Parallel IEC CDV/CENELEC Enquiry FORM 7B (IEC) 1999-10-01 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 2 CDV IEC 61850-9-1 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations Part 9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) Serial Unidirectional Multidrop Point to Point Link Revision 3.3: May 2001 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 3 List of Contents FOREWORD 6 INTRODUCTION 8 1 Scope 11 2 Normative References 12 3 Definitions 13 4 Abbreviations 13 5 Principal of Mapping to serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link 14 5.1 Communication Stack 14 5.1.1 Physical Layer 14 5.1.2 Link Layer 15 5.1.3 Network Layer 16 5.1.4 Transport Layer 16 5.1.5 Session Layer 16 5.1.6 Presentation Layer 16 5.2 Restrictions 16 6 Mapping of common types 17 6.1 Object name 17 6.2 Object reference 17 7 Mapping of the model for transmission of sampled measured values 18 7.1 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances 19 7.2 Mapping of the sampled measured values services 19 7.3 Mapping of the update of the sampled measured value buffer 20 7.4 Additional definitions for the transmission of sampled measured values 21 8 Mapping of the common data classes 23 8.1 Overview 23 8.2 Additional definitions for the mapping of the common data classes 23 Annex A (normative) 25 Definition of data sets 25 Data set for universal use 25 Data set for Status Indications 25 ANNEX B (informative) 26 Overview of Ethernet Frame Structure 28 ANNEX C (informative) 29 Mapping of the data set object names 29 ANNEX D (informative) 34 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 4 List of Figures Figure 1 Example for general block diagram of an single-phase electronic transducer 9 Figure 2 - Example for electronic transducer configuration 10 Figure 3 - Example for the use of the serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link 11 Figure 4 - Communication Stack 14 Figure 5 Concatenation of several ASDU's into one frame 21 Figure A. 1 Data set for Status Indications 25 Figure B. 1 - Ethernet Frame Format 28 Figure C. 1 IEC 60044-8 Contents of the frame 33 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 5 List of Tables Table 1 Mapping of the object reference 17 Table 2 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances regarding to the transmission of the Universal Data Set according to IEC 60044-8 19 Table 3 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances regarding to the transmission of Status Indications 19 Table 4 Mapping of the sampled measured value services 19 Table 5 Encoding for the transmission of sampled measured value buffer. 22 Table 6 Encoding for the universal data set status attributes. 23 Table 7 Encoding for the universal data set sampled measured value. 23 Table 8 Encoding for status indications. 24 Table B. 1 Selection guide for Ethernet physical layer (receiving node) 26 Table B. 2 Selection guide for Ethernet physical layer (sending node) 26 Table C. 1 Mapping of the universal data set object names 29 Table C. 2 Mapping of the status indication data set object names 31 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 6 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ____________ COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS IN SUBSTATIONS Part 9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) Serial Unidirectional Multidrop Point to Point Link FOREWORD 1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a world-wide organisation for standardisation comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardisation in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organisations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organisations. 2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested National Committees. 3) The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the form of standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. 4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any equipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards. 6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. This CDV of the International Standard IEC 61850-9-1 has been prepared by the working groups 10, 11, and 12 of IEC technical committee 57. This document is part of the standard series IEC 61850, a set of specifications for communication networks and systems in substations. At time of publication of this part, the following parts where intended to be part of IEC 61850: IEC 61850-1: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 1: Introduction and overview IEC 61850-2: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 2: Glossary IEC 61850-3: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 3: General requirements IEC 61850-4: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 4: System and project management IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 7 IEC 61850-5: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 5: Communication requirements for functions and device models IEC 61850-6: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 6: Substation automation system configuration language IEC 61850-7-1: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-1: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment Principles and models IEC 61850-7-2: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-2: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment Abstract communication service interface (ACSI) IEC 61850-7-3: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-3: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment Common data classes IEC 61850-7-4: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-4: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment Compatible logical node classes and data classes IEC 61850-8-1: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) Mapping to MMS(ISO/IEC 9506 Part 1 and Part 2) IEC 61850-9-1: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 9-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) Serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link IEC 61850-9-2: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) For process bus IEC 61850-10: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 10: Conformance testing This forward gives also an overview of the relation to the IEC 60044-8 standard. IEC 60044-8 defines a merging unit as interface to electrical current and voltage transducers. Data objects provided by that merging unit are specified in IEC 60044-8. This standard specifies a serial communication interface between the merging unit and equipment using the digital output of the merging unit like protection or metering equipment. For the specification of that serial interface, a part of the abstract communication services defined in IEC 61850-7-2 are mapped on an ISO/IEC 8802-2 / 8802-3 based communication link. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 8 INTRODUCTION This part of IEC 61850 applies to electrical current and voltage transducers (ECT and EVT) having a digital output, for use with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective devices. The transducer technology can be based on optical arrangements equipped with electronic components, on air core coils (with or without a built-in integrator) or, on iron core coils with integrated burden and used as a current to voltage converter, alone or equipped with electronic components. For digital output, this standard takes into account a point to point connection from the electronic transducer to electrical measuring instruments and electrical devices. This mapping allows interoperability between devices from different manufacturers. This standard does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementation of entities and interfaces within a computer system. This standard specifies the externally visible functionality of implementations. Reading Guide The Point to Point transducer interface as defined here is based on the concepts described in IEC 60044-8. This standard extends this concept and proposes an alternative link layer. For the definition and measurement of the transducer accuracy, synchronisation methods, data rates etc. refer to IEC 60044-8. This document can best be understood if the reader is thoroughly familiar with Parts 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4 of this Standard. The outline of this part follows the structure of the appropriate part 7-x documents. No explanations to the ACSI services are given in this part of the standard. For detailed information about the use of the ACSI services refer to part 7-2. Behind every ACSI Service the appropriate Ethernet Service is defined. If a service is not supported, this is also indicated. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 9 General block diagram of electronic transducers Figure 1 is a general block diagram of an electronic transducer. Depending on the application, not all of the illustrated blocks must be included in the transducer (see IEC 60044-8). Primary current sensor Secondary power supply Primary converter Transmitting system Primary power supply Secondary converter for use with a merging unit Secondary converter with an analogue voltage output P1 P2 S1 S2 MR MR IV IV IV: output invalid MR: Maintenance request Figure 1 Example for general block diagram of an single-phase electronic transducer IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 10 General block diagram of electronic transducers with a digital output and the merging unit Up to seven current transducers and up to five voltage transducers are grouped together using a merging unit (MU). This merging unit supplies the secondary equipment with a time coherent set of current and voltage data. Figure 2 gives the maximum configuration. SC of ECTa (meas.) Merging unit SC of ECTb (meas.) SC of ECTc (meas.) SC of EVTa SC of EVTb SC of EVTc Digital output I f
r e q u i r e d C l o c k
i n p u t P o w e r s u p p l y SC of EVT neutral SC of EVT busbar SC of ECTa (prot.) SC of ECTb (prot.) SC of ECTc (prot.) SC of ECT neutral Figure 2 - Example for electronic transducer configuration Note : SC of EVTa is the secondary converter of the electrical voltage transducer of phase a (see IEC60044-7). SC of ECTa is the secondary converter of the electrical current transducer of phase a (see IEC60044-8). The implementation of the merging unit as a standalone device is not a mandatory requirement and it may be part of the ECT or EVT electronics. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 11 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS IN SUBSTATIONS Part 9-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) Serial Unidirectional Multidrop Point to Point Link 1 Scope This part of IEC 61850 specifies the specific communication service mappings for the communication between bay and process level and specially it specifies a mapping on a serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link in accordance with IEC 60044-8. The scope of this part is for the use in substations as a link between electrical current- (ECT) or voltage-transducers (EVT) and bay devices such as protection. If higher requirements on sampling rate, inter-bay communication and synchronisation apply these will be covered by the process bus SCSM IEC 61850-9-2. Figure 3 shows the schematics of this interface. Merging Unit Line Protection Bay Controller Ethernet Controller Multiple Ports Ethernet Controller Ethernet Controller Proprietary Link Proprietary Link Serial unidirectional Multidrop point to point link Synchronisation, monitoring, test and configuration interfaces Binary Inputs Figure 3 - Example for the use of the serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 12 2 Normative References The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IEC 61850-7-1: Basic communication structure for substations and feeder equipment Part 7-1: Principles and models IEC 61850-7-2: Communication networks and systems in substations Part 7-2: Basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment Abstract communication service interface (ACSI) IEC 61850-7-3: Basic communication structure for substations and feeder equipment Part 7-3: Common data classes IEC 61850-7-4: Basic communication structure for substations and feeder equipment Part 7-4: Compatible logical node classes and data classes IEC 60044-7: Instrument Transformers Part 7: Electronic voltage transducers IEC 60044-8: Instrument Transformers Part 8: Electronic current transducers IEC 60870-5-103:Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 103: Companion standard for the informative interface of protection equipment IEEE 802.3: Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications Note: This edition includes all contents of the 8802-3:1996 Edition, plus IEEE Std 802.3aa- 1998, IEEE Std 802.3r-1996, IEEE Std 802.3u-1995, IEEE Std 802.3x&y-1997, and IEEE802.3z-1998. ISO/IEC 8802-2: Information technology-- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements--Part 2: Logical link control ISO/IEC8825-1: Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distingished Encoding Rules (DER) IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 13 3 Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the definitions of IEC 61850-2, IEC 60044-7 and IEC 60044-8 apply. 4 Abbreviations ACSI Abstract Communication Service Interface ASDU Application Service Data Unit APCI Application Protocol Control Information APDU Application Protocol Data Unit AUI Attachment Unit Interface BER ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules CSMA / CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection DF Data Frame DO Data Object DSG Data Set Group ECT Electrical Current Transducer EVT Electrical Voltage Transducer LLC Logical Link Control LSAP Link Service Access Point LSDU Link Layer Service Data Unit MAC Media Access Control MU Merging Unit PDU Protocol Data Unit SBO Select Before Operate SC Secondary Converter SCSM Specific Communication Services Mapping SIG Status Indication Group SMV Sampled Measured Value SMVC Sampled Measured Value Control IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 14 5 Principal of Mapping to serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link This chapter gives an overview of the mapping to serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link. It defines the communication stack and data unit structures for the application layer. Restrictions to the application that are a consequence of this mapping are defined as well. 5.1 Communication Stack Figure 4 gives an overview of the communication stack. The link layer is conforming to ISO/IEC 8802-2 standard. This standard is usually referred to as Ethernet. In the following the term Ethernet will be used instead of IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD. Empty LLC - Sublayer ISO/IEC 8802-2 MAC - Sublayer IEEE 802.3 Link Layer Physical Layer Empty Empty Empty SCSM for ISO/IEC 8802-2: Definition of ASDU's Network Layer Transport Layer Session Layer Presentation Layer Application Layer 100Base-FX IEEE 802.3 10Base-T IEEE 802.3 10Base-FL IEEE 802.3 AUI-Interface IEEE 802.3 LSAP Figure 4 - Communication Stack Whether 100Base-FX, 10Base-FL or 10Base-T shall be used will be specified by the relevant device standards, depending on the application. 5.1.1 Physical Layer Specifications for the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) The connection of the merging unit to the secondary equipment can be an optical fiber transmission system. In consideration of requirements to the electromagnetic environment a copper based transmission system is an option. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 15 Fiber optic transmission system The preferred version of the fiber optic transmission system is IEEE 802.3 10Base-FL. The 100Base-FX system has to be used for sampling rates above 48 x f r (a selection guide is given in ANNEX B). This interface shall be used for applications where this media interface is already used for other communication links. As far as possible, the same connectors as in IEC 60870-5-103 will be supported. Always two fibers are necessary for the optical fiber transmission system. Twisted-pair transmission system The twisted-pair medium according to IEEE 802.3 10Base-T could be used as an option, if appropriate electromagnetic shield measures are considered. 5.1.2 Link Layer MAC - Sublayer As destination address the Ethernet broadcast address shall to be used as a default value, which is all ones in the destination address field. For this reason no address configuration is necessary on publisher side. However the destination address could be configurable as an optional feature e.g. adjust a multicast address to connect a merging unit via switch to a process bus segment. As source address a unique Ethernet address shall be used. If the length of the data link protocol data unit is less then 64 bytes, pad bytes must be added to guarantee the minimum frame length. LLC - Sublayer ISO/IEC 8802-2 is used as link layer for the serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link. The LLC-Conformance Class 1 is used for the Link Layer. The LLC PDU contains the DSAP, SSAP and Control octet. The DSAP and the SSAP will be set to zero (will be changed after LSAP registration; see Note), in that way the LLC is associated with the underlying MAC service access point address. Depending on the LLC-Conformance Class 1 the unnumbered U-format PDUs must be selected via the control field. The two least significant bit have to be set to 1 all other must be set to 0. Definition of the LLC PDU see ISO/IEC 8802-2. Note: As agreed at the WG12-meeting in Arnhem for the sampled measured value transmission an unique LLC- LSAP number shall be used. This LSAP number has to be registered by the IEEE Authority Registration. The authority registration office needs the CDV document to start the registration process. The transmission of the sampled measured value buffer shall be done by the LLC unacknowledged connectionless-mode service DL-UNITDATA.request. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 16 5.1.3 Network Layer This layer is intentionally left empty. 5.1.4 Transport Layer This layer is intentionally left empty. 5.1.5 Session Layer This layer is intentionally left empty. 5.1.6 Presentation Layer Encoding rules are specified in clause 7. 5.2 Restrictions This specification is restricted to define the communication between the ECT/EVT related merging unit and devices on bay level which need raw data of ECT and/or EVT for their algorithms. Referring to the ACSI model only the mapping of the model for sampled measured value transfer using broadcast/multicast is supported. The sampled measured value control class is implicit. The transmission of current and voltage from the merging unit to bay level device is unidirectional and done in a broadcast/multicast mode. The devices supporting this transmission will use fully Ethernet compatible interface that includes all the facilities for easy plug in. This may imply that bi-directional exchanges exist to establish and maintain good quality transmission. These exchanges will occur between network management entities, so-called agent, which are not specified in this specification. Then devices will be capable of either: Be connected to a single equipment in a point to point way Be connected to a switch/hub managing a process bus as specified in 9-2. The different connection possibilities shall not affect the transmission of universal data set mechanisms. The use of the Ethernet link in a bi-directional way to support other exchanges should be possible according to device capability, but it should not impact transmission of universal data set. Typical case may be synchronization of local clocks, configuration loading, mode switching These features are outside the scope of this specification. Using the mapping to the serial unidirectional multidrop point to point link implies some restrictions to the application: In a collision domain the use of a switch is mandatory, because the field device will not handle retransmission in case of collision. The model for time synchronisation according to IEC 61850-7-2 is not supported in this specification. The mapping will be described in part 9-2. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 17 6 Mapping of common types 6.1 Object name For the transmission of the sampled measured value buffer the object reference are encoded as integer values. The incidence between the integer values of the data set identification and the object name shall be ensured by the engineering tool or by agreement between the vendors of the client and server. 6.2 Object reference As defined in IEC 61850-7-2 the name structure for the whole path to an instance is as follows: <LD name> / <LN name>.<Data name>[.<Data name>]. <Data attribute name> The object reference in this SCSM concludes the whole path of the class and instance reference. Other hierarchy levels are not separately accessible. In detail the SCSM Data Sets are mapped to the object reference as follows: Table 1 Mapping of the object reference ACSI Object name SCSM value <LD name> INTEGER UI16 <LN name> <LN class name> INTEGER UI8 LLN0 Logical node zero <Data name> INTEGER UI8 <Data attribute name> not visible NOTE It is assumed, that the data sets used for the transmission of sampled measured values include in many cases data objects from more than one logical node and are therefore allocated in LLN0. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 18 7 Mapping of the model for transmission of sampled measured values There are two data sets specified in this document. The universal data set according to IEC 60044-8 and the status indications specified in Annex A. Each data set is mapped to one sampled measured value control class and to one sampled measured value buffer. The transmission buffer refresh rate and the communication update rate are always equal and not independent from each other. The consequences on publisher level are: After the sampling procedure is finished the data set will be stored into the transmission buffer (refresh rate = sampled rate), or more than one data set could be stored into one APDU frame before the transmission buffer will be refreshed (refresh rate = sampled rate / n). Description of blocking mechanism see clause 7.4. Only one data set or APDU can be stored into the transmission buffer, previous entries will be overwritten. To avoid data overwriting, the data transmission must be initiated from the communication system immediately after the buffer update process is finished. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 19 7.1 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances Table 2 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances regarding to the transmission of the Universal Data Set according to IEC 60044-8 SMVC attribute Value SmvcNam Implicit (60044-8 ) SmvID Broadcast MAC address (optional Multicast if configurable) <LD instance name> = UI16 = <FFFF H> or configurable DatSetRef <LN instance name>.<Data object instance name> = <UI8>.<UI8> = <2>.< 1> SmpRate fixed Table 3 Mapping of predefined sampled measured value control class instances regarding to the transmission of Status Indications SMVC attribute Value SmvcNam Implicit (Status Indications) SmvID Broadcast MAC address (optional Multicast if configurable) <LD instance name> = UI16 = <FFFF H> or configurable DatSetRef <LN instance name>.<Data object instance name> = <UI8>.<UI8> = <2>.< 2> SmpRate fixed. The same value is used as specified above for the universal data set. 7.2 Mapping of the sampled measured values services Table 4 Mapping of the sampled measured value services ACSI services Ethernet services GetMSMVCValue not supported SetMSMVCValue not supported IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 20 7.3 Mapping of the update of the sampled measured value buffer According to the specification of IEC 61850-7-2, the communication system is responsible to update the buffer of the subscriber. The update is directly mapped on the ISO/IEC 8802-2 LLC sublayer with the following specialisations: Service: DL-UNITDATA LSAP: [tbd] However, the communication stack used does not provide the following functionality: Initiating the update of the sampled measured value buffer over the communication link. This is application layer functionality. Encode the abstract data types. This is presentation layer functionality. Concatenate the update of more than one transmission buffer into the same link layer frame as a transport layer functionality is not supported. The opposite, to segment the update of one buffer to several link layer frames is not considered, since the maximum frame length of the link layer protocols is sufficient. Therefore, the additional definitions of clause 7.4 apply. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 21 7.4 Additional definitions for the transmission of sampled measured values Application layer functionality The SCSM software of the publisher has to send the sampled measured value buffer over the communication link. The mapping provides the capability, to concatenate more than one block into one APDU before the APDU will be posted into the transmission buffer. The number of blocks which will be concatenated into one APDU are configurable and related to the sample rate. The concatenation of blocks is not dynamic changeable to reduce the implementation complexity for simpler devices. Details are shown in Figure 5. No. of Blocks (UI16) APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) ASDU's (Application Service Data Unit) Block 1 APCI (Application Protocol Control Information) Block 2 Block n Block 1 Block 2 Block n Length Tag Figure 5 Concatenation of several ASDU's into one frame To be compatible to further ASN.1 (BER) encoded sampled measured value data sets related to the definition in IEC 61850-9-2 an ASN.1 tag and length is added up front as an part of the APCI. This tag specifies an octet string and is defined as context-specific and primitive (0x80) according to the ASN.1 basic encoding rules (BER). The ASN.1 grammar for the sampled measured value messages are defined as follows to ensure data consistency in combination with further sampled measured value messages as described in part 9-2 of this standard: IEC61850 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IecSmvPdu ::= CHOICE { 9-1-Pdu [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, smvPdu [1] IMPLICIT SmvPdu, -- others TBD } IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 22 Presentation layer functionality For the transmission, the sampled measured value buffer is encoded as specified in the following table: Table 5 Encoding for the transmission of sampled measured value buffer. Abstract Buffer Format according to IEC 61850-7-2 Coding in IEC 61850-9-1 Comment Attribute Name Attribute Type SMVId VisibleString Broadcast MAC address is part of the Ethernet header. UI16: Length Length of the frame added as header. (UI = Unsigned Integer) OptFlds BIT STRING Not mapped datSetRef ObjectReference LNInstanceName DataSetInstanceName LDInstanceName UI8: UI8: UI16: Data Group, DataSetIdentifier, Source Identifier, (naming according to universal data set) ListOfSmp SEQUENCE OF Data AttributeType Encoding of common data classes See NOTE SmpCnt INTEGER UI16 Counter specification see IEC 60044-8 refrTim TimeStamp Not mapped smpRate BIT STRING BS8 [1-8] = Sampling rate Sampling rates shall be coded by configuration. confRev INTEGER UI8 Configuration revision number will be incremented each time that the configuration of the logical device changes. Default value is NULL. NOTE for the encoding of the listOfDataObjectValues, the rules for the encoding of the common data classes apply for the SIG. The mapping of the sampled values and status attributes in the universal data set is optimised according to the specifications in IEC 60044-8. It is not necessary that all possible transducers are connected to the merging unit. In this case in the universal data set for the current resp. voltage values not used zeros are transmitted and the relevant data invalid bits are set. Transport layer functionality The communication system of the publisher has to send the sampled measured value buffer over the communication link after every buffer refresh. The buffer refresh rate depends on the sampling rate and the number of concatenated APDU blocks (see clause 7.4 also). IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 23 8 Mapping of the common data classes 8.1 Overview For the use of the common data classes defined in IEC 61850-7-3 with the model for the transmission of sampled measured values, the definitions of clause 8.2 apply. 8.2 Additional definitions for the mapping of the common data classes The common data classes of IEC 61850-7-3 used in the context of the transmission of sampled measured values are encoded as specified in the following tables (only operational attributes are shown): Table 6 Encoding for the universal data set status attributes. Common Data Class SPS (IEC 61850-7-3) Coding in IEC 61850-9-1 Comment Attribute Name Attribute Type stVal BOOLEAN BOOLEAN <0> = FALSE, OFF <1> = TRUE, ON Status attribute of the universal data set according to IEC 60044-8. q Quality - Not mapped t TimeStamp - Not mapped NOTE The transmission of information with the common data class SPS is only supported in the context of the universal dataset that is defined in IEC 60044-8. Table 7 Encoding for the universal data set sampled measured value. Common Data Class MV (IEC 61850-7-3) Coding in IEC 61850-9-1 Comment Attribute Name Attribute Type mVal AnalogValue adVal i f INTEGER INTEGER REAL - UI16 - Sampled measured values of the universal data set according to IEC 60044-8. range BIT STRING - Not mapped, see NOTE 1 q Quality validity ENUMERATION BOOLEAN <0> = valid <1> = questionable, invalid detail-qual source test operatorBlocked BIT STRING ENUMERATION BOOLEAN BOOLEAN - - - - Not mapped Not mapped Not mapped Not mapped t TimeStamp - Not mapped, see NOTE 2 NOTE 1 according to IEC 61850-7-3, range is an optional attribute and is not required in the sampled measured value buffer format defined in IEC 61850-7-2. NOTE 2 according to IEC 61850-7-3, t is a mandatory attribute. However, in the specification of the sampled measured value buffer format as defined in IEC 61850-7-2, t is not included with the data object values; there is only one sample counter attached that indicates the refresh of the universal data set sampled values as specified in IEC 60044-8. However, for the universal data set, the encoding of the list of data object values does not follow some general rules but is instead optimised. The encoding of the list of data object values is defined in IEC 60044-8. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 24 Table 8 Encoding for status indications. Common Data Class SIG (IEC 61850-7-3) Coding in IEC 61850-9-1 Comment Attribute Name Attribute Type grpVal BIT STRING BS16 <0> = FALSE, OFF <1> = TRUE, ON 16 individual values supported BS16 <0> = INVALID <1> = VALID 16 Individual quality indications defined q Quality validity ENUMERATION BS1 <0> = valid <1> = invalid, detail-qual BIT STRING BS7 [1] = oscillatory [2] = failure, external error [3] = oldData [4] = inconsistent [5..7] = reserved Further elements of detail- qual not mapped source test operatorBlocked ENUMERATION BOOLEAN BOOLEAN - - - Not mapped Not mapped Not mapped t TimeStamp SecondsSinceReference INTEGER UI32 FractionOfSecond INTEGER UI21 Reserved BIT STRING BS3 TimeQuality TimeQuality FaultClockFailure BOOLEAN BS1 <0> = FALSE, <1> = TRUE, Time function is unreliable ClockNotSynchronized BOOLEAN BS1 <0> = FALSE, <1> = TRUE, Clock is not synchronised to reference source. TimeAccuracy ENUMERATED UI3 Reserved LeapSecondNegative BIT STRING BS1 <0> = FALSE, <1> = TRUE, FALSE = Leap second was added, TRUE = Leap second was deleted. LeapSecondOccured BIT STRING BS1 <0> = FALSE, <1> = TRUE, TRUE = Leap second insertion or removal occured. Reserved BIT STRING BS1 IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 25 Annex A (normative) Definition of data sets Data Group = 2 (Data Set Group) Data set for universal use (This data set is defined in IEC 60044-8, an overview is shown in ANNEX C) Data set for Status Indications Octets 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 msb 2 Length Length = 15 lsb 3 msb LNInstanceName = 2 lsb 4 msb DataSetInstanceName = 2 lsb 5 msb 6 Data set name LDInstanceName lsb 7 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 8 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 9 Q16 Q15 Q14 Q13 Q12 Q11 Q10 Q9 10 Q8 Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 11 Re Re Re IC OD EE OS IV 12 2 31 2 24 13 2 23 2 16 14 2 15 2 8 15 2 7 SecondsSinceReference 2 0 16 RE LO LN Reserved NS CF 17 RE 2 16 18 2 15 2 8 19 SIG 2 7 FractionOfSecond 2 0 20 msb 21 SC Sample Counter lsb 22 SR msb Sample Rate lsb 23 CR msb Configuration Revision lsb Figure A. 1 Data set for Status Indications IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 26 ANNEX B (informative) The following tables can be used as a guideline for the selection of the appropriate physical layer related to the transmission of sampled measured values. The shaded text indicates the rated values according to IEC 60044-8. Table B. 1 Selection guide for Ethernet physical layer (receiving node) Number of connected MUs Sampling Rate 1 2 3 4 5 10 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 12 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 16 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 20 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 40 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 48 x fr 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 80 x fr 10 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 200 x fr 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 400 x fr 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps n/a Note for 400xfr : The available bandwidth of 100 Mbps Ethernet is not sufficient to allow three or more MUs transmit their samples to one receiving device. Table B. 2 Selection guide for Ethernet physical layer (sending node) Sampling Rate 1 10 x fr 10 Mbps 12 x fr 10 Mbps 16 x fr 10 Mbps 20 x fr 10 Mbps 40 x fr 10 Mbps 48 x fr 10 Mbps 80 x fr 10 Mbps 200 x fr 100 Mbps 400 x fr 100 Mbps fr: Rated frequency (Hz). Available Data rate: S R x T L x n MU <= D R D R : Data rate (10Mbps or 100Mbps). S R : Sampling rate (Hz). T L : Max. telegram length; (27Byte Ethernet frame + 3 Byte LLC-Header + 2 Byte ASN.1 tag/length + 2 Byte No. of blocks + 46 Byte universal data set + 23 Byte status indications = 103Byte x 8Bit = 824Bit + 96Bit interFrameGap = 920Bit) n MU : Number of connected MUs IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 27 Example: (400 x 60Hz) x 920Bit x 1 = 22,080 Mbps <= 100 Mbps Note: The above equation to determine the available data rate is theoretically only. Practically it should calculated with a reserve of approximately 10 %. In real applications the available data rate depends normally on the CPU-power within the sender or receiver. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 28 Overview of Ethernet Frame Structure The Ethernet frame format is shown in Table B. 1 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 7 Octets Preamble 1 Octet Start of frame Destination address Source address Header 14 Octets Length of data DSAP SSAP Header LLC Control Tag ASN.1 (BER) Length No. of Blocks Data (Pad bytes if necessary) Footer 4 Octets Frame check sequence 1 Octet End of frame Figure B. 1 - Ethernet Frame Format IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 29 ANNEX C (informative) Mapping of the data set object names The following tables shows the relationship between the universal data set and status indications data set object names on the on hand and the compatible logical node classes and data classes defined in part 7-4 of this standard on the other hand. Table C. 1 Mapping of the universal data set object names Attribute Type Definition DataSetInstanceName INTEGER For the universal data set according to IEC 60044-8 the integer value is set to 1 Data-Reference See next table Logical node instance name Data name Common data class Definition PhsATCTR AmpsR MV Rated phase current: Defines the rated current in Ampere r.m.s. NeutTCTR AmpsR MV Rated neutral current Defines the rated neutral current in Ampere r.m.s. PhsATVTR VoltsR MV Rated phase voltage Defines the rated voltage in 1/10 kV r.m.s. TCTR TVTR Tdr MV Rated delay time Defines the rated delay time in s. The rated delay time indicates the time between the instant a certain current/voltage is present at the primary terminals and the instant the transmission of the belonging digital data set starts. According to this standard synchronisation pulses are used to synchronise several merging units. Therefore the rated delay time is not relevant for the ECT/EVT accuracy. The rated delay time value shall be high enough to allow reasonable antialiasing filters in the merging unit, but it shall not be so high that it significantly affects protection device performance. Therefore the rated delay time for this standard should be 3000 s (tolerance band 100% to +10%) for all sampled rates. Tdr is not defined in part 7-4. PhsATCTR Amps MV Current phase A, used for protection PhsBTCTR Amps MV Current phase B, used for protection PhsCTCTR Amps MV Current phase C, used for protection NeutTCTR Amps MV Current neutral PhsATCTR Amps2 MV Current phase A; different scaling; used for measurement. PhsBTCTR Amps2 MV Current phase B; different scaling; used for measurement. PhsCTCTR Amps2 MV Current phase C; different scaling; used for measurement. PhsATVTR Volts MV Voltage phase A PhsBTVTR Volts MV Voltage phase B PhsCTVTR Volts MV Voltage phase C IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 30 Logical node instance name Data name Common data class Definition NeutTVTR Volts MV Voltage neutral BBTVTR Volts MV Busbar Voltage LPHD PHHealth ISI Merging unit maintenance required: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. If the merging unit has failed the maintenance required status shall be set. <0> = Maintenance not required <1> = Maintenance required The stVal attribute will be mapped to BIT STRING LLN0 Mode ISC Merging unit test status: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. This status shall be set if the merging unit operates in test mode and calculates sampled values internally. <0> = Normal operation <1> = Test mode activated The stVal attribute will be mapped to BIT STRING LPHD WkUpTim SPS Wake up time indication: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. Wake up time indication shall be set during a wake up time period respectively start up time period corresponding with the sampled value invalid indication. <0> = Normal operation <1> = Data not valid WkUpTim is not defined in part 7-4. LPHD SynchMeth SPS Synchronisation method: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. The synchronisation method indicates whether the sampled values of the data set are suitable for interpolation or the data set values cannot be used with interpolation schemes. <0> = Data set values not to be used with interpolation schemes <1> = Data set values are suitable for interpolation; Not recommended for 9-1 applications. SynchMeth is not defined in part 7-4. LPHD NotSynch SPS Merging Unit not synchronised: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. If interpolation schemes is defined via the synchronisation method the not synchronised bit must be set. <0> = Time synchronization activated and ready. <1> = Time synchronization missing or invalid. NotSynch is not defined in part 7-4. LPHD CTType SPS Type of CT output: This attribute is part of the first status word defined in IEC 60044- 8. Type of CT output shall be set to indicate the use of air core coils. <0> = i(t) <1> = d(i(t))/dt; air core coils. CTType is not defined in part 7-4. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 31 Table C. 2 Mapping of the status indication data set object names Attribute Type Definition DataSetInstanceName INTEGER For the status indication data set the integer value is set to 2 Data-Reference See next table Logical node name Data name Common data class Definition GGIO BinIn SPS Binary Status Indication: Individual binary status inputs and related quality status indications. Quality bit for each status point gives the sending unit merging unit - the ability to tag the specific bits as invalid to indicate unused or disabled status points to the receiving IED. Binary status input: <0> FALSE, OFF <1> TRUE, ON Quality Indication: <0> INVALID <1> VALID IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 32 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 Byte 1 Header msb Length of block ( = 43) Byte 2 lsb Byte 3 msb Data group ( =02) lsb Byte 4 General data msb DataSetIdentifier (=01) lsb Byte 5 msb Source Byte 6 Identifier lsb Byte 7 msb Rated Phase Current Byte 8 (I r ) lsb Byte 9 msb Rated Neutral Current Byte 10 (In r ) lsb Byte 11 msb Rated Phase Voltage Byte 12 (U r ) lsb Byte 13 msb Rated Delay Time Byte 14 (t dr ) lsb Byte 15 Dataset msb Current Phase A, prot. Byte 16 (A.PhsA) lsb Byte 17 msb Current Phase B, prot. Byte 18 (A.PhsB) lsb Byte 19 msb Current Phase C, prot. Byte 20 (A.PhsC) lsb Byte 21 msb Current Neutral Byte 22 (A.Neut) lsb Byte 23 msb Current Phase A, mes. Byte 24 (A.PhsA) lsb Byte 25 msb Current Phase B, mes. Byte 26 (A.PhsB) lsb Byte 27 msb Current Phase C, mes. Byte 28 (A.PhsC) lsb Byte 29 msb Voltage Phase A Byte 30 (V.PhsA) lsb Byte 31 msb Voltage Phase B Byte 32 (V.PhsB) lsb IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 33 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 Byte 33 msb Voltage Phase C Byte 34 (V.PhsC) lsb Byte 35 msb Voltage Neutral Byte 36 (V.Neut) lsb Byte 37 msb Busbar Voltage Byte 38 (V.BB) lsb Byte 39 msb Status Byte 40 lsb Byte 41 msb Status Byte 42 lsb Byte 43 msb Counter Byte 44 lsb Byte 45 msb Sampling rate lsb Byte 46 msb Configuration revision no. lsb Figure C. 1 IEC 60044-8 Contents of the frame IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 34 ANNEX D (informative) Application Service Data Unit (ASDU) The ACSI describes abstract services. They create objects with different attributes which shall be transported via the link described in this mapping. The objects applicable for this mapping are the buffer with the sampled measured values and the status indications. The ACSI data objects and Common Data Classes are mapped to an application service data unit inside the point to point link. The structure of the application service data unit (ASDU) is given in Figure D. 1: Octets 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 msb 2 Length lsb 3 Header msb Data Group lsb Data Figure D. 1 ASDU Application Service Data Unit ASDU ::= SEQUENCE { Length INTEGER, DataGroup ENUMERATED, Data OCTET STRING } The length field contains the length of the ASDU. The length is given in octets and is calculated as the length of one ASDU without the Header (Length and Data Group). The length 0 is reserved. The data group value specifies the type of data. The value 2 is defined for the universal data set and the status indications. IEC 61850-9-1 IEC:2001 57/533/CDV 35 Description of the Data Set Group The structure of the data group for data sets is shown in Figure D. 2. Octets 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 msb DataSetIdentifier lsb 2 msb 3 SourceIdentifier lsb DataObjects Figure D. 2 Data Set Group DSG := SEQUENCE { DataSetIdentifier INTEGER, SourceIdentifier INTEGER, DataObjects OCTET STRING } The DataSetIdentifier is a unique number for the structure of the dataset. For the purpose of this standard the data sets are predefined. The enumeration of the indexes is given in Annex A. This data set group contains the universal data set defined by IEC 60044-8 and the Status Indication Group as specified in Annex A. The SourceIdentifier specifies the Logical Devices by a unique number within the communication system. The following values are defined for the SourceIdentifier: Value 0000 H is reserved as a default value for configurable merging units. Value FFFF H is used for merging units that are not configurable. These merging unit will use the broadcast MAC address. All DataObjects of a data set shall be sampled at the same time.