This document discusses different types of starters used in fluorescent lighting. Thermal-switch starters have contacts that normally close to allow preheating of lamp cathodes. Once heated, the contacts open to start the lamp. Glow switch starters produce a glow discharge to heat a bimetallic strip and close contacts for preheating, then open the contacts to start the lamp. Both starter types provide adequate preheating and a high starting voltage to ensure reliable starting of fluorescent lamps.
This document discusses different types of starters used in fluorescent lighting. Thermal-switch starters have contacts that normally close to allow preheating of lamp cathodes. Once heated, the contacts open to start the lamp. Glow switch starters produce a glow discharge to heat a bimetallic strip and close contacts for preheating, then open the contacts to start the lamp. Both starter types provide adequate preheating and a high starting voltage to ensure reliable starting of fluorescent lamps.
This document discusses different types of starters used in fluorescent lighting. Thermal-switch starters have contacts that normally close to allow preheating of lamp cathodes. Once heated, the contacts open to start the lamp. Glow switch starters produce a glow discharge to heat a bimetallic strip and close contacts for preheating, then open the contacts to start the lamp. Both starter types provide adequate preheating and a high starting voltage to ensure reliable starting of fluorescent lamps.
This document discusses different types of starters used in fluorescent lighting. Thermal-switch starters have contacts that normally close to allow preheating of lamp cathodes. Once heated, the contacts open to start the lamp. Glow switch starters produce a glow discharge to heat a bimetallic strip and close contacts for preheating, then open the contacts to start the lamp. Both starter types provide adequate preheating and a high starting voltage to ensure reliable starting of fluorescent lamps.
For example, if a condenser capacity of 16 microfarads is required at 110
volts to correct the power factor to a desired value, the capacity can be reduced to 1 microfarad if 440 volts are applied to the condenser ter- minals. In new installations high-power-factor transformers should be used. This type is shown in circuit 3 of Fig. 6-40,6. The primary wind- ing is extended to a value three to six times the input voltage in order to reduce the condenser capacity. Preheat starting switches. In a preheat circuit a switch completes a series circuit so a preheat cur- rent can flow through the filament cathodes and heat them, and then breaks this circuit so that the resulting transient voltage from the ballast will start the lamp. The ballast permits a limited current to flow through the cathode filaments, which heats the filaments slowly (usually this takes about a second, as compared with 0.0001 second for heating an incandes- cent lamp filament). Several seconds ma}^ elapse before the entire start- ing operation is complete. A small (0.006 microfarad) condenser across the switch contacts aids in starting but is primarily useful in shunting out line-lead harmonics which may cause radio interference. The simplest concept of a starter switch is a push button which may be held down for a second or two and released. This type is used for desk-type fluorescent luminaires and also with the two-14-watt lamp circuit. The starters described below represent several designs for accomplishing the operation automatically. Thermal-switch starter. On starting, the ballast, starter heating ele- ment, and lamp cathodes are in series across the line. The contacts of thermal-switch starters normally are closed, as shown in Fig. 6-41a. The cathode preheating current also heats the bimetallic strip in the starter, causing the contacts to open. The induced voltage then starts the lamp, the normal operating current holding the thermal switch open thereafter. Thermal-switch starters consume some power (| to 1^ watts) during lamp operation, but their design ensures more positive starting by pro- viding: (1) an adequate preheating period, (2) a higher induced starting voltage, and (3) characteristics inherently less susceptible to line-voltage variations. For these reasons they give best all-around performance of 40-watt lamps, being especially useful under adverse conditions such as direct-current operation, low ambient temperature, and varying voltage. Glow switch starter. The glass bulb shown in Fig. 6-416 is filled with neon, helium, or argon, depending on the lamp size. On starting, when there is practically no voltage drop at the ballast, the voltage at the starter is sufficient to produce a glow discharge between the U-shaped bimetallic strip and the fixed contact or center electrode. The heat from the glow activates the bimetallic strip, the contacts close, and cathode preheating begins. This short-circuits the glow discharge, so the bimetal cools and in a very short time the contacts open. The transient voltage thus induced is sufficient to start the lamp. During normal operation, there is not enough voltage across the lamp to produce further starter glow so the contacts remain open and the starter consumes no power.