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Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets

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Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Martin J. Silverthorne
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets
COPYRIGHT 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved
above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
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copyright owner and the publisher of this book, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a
Address all inquiries to the publisher:
Silverthorne Publications, Inc.
848 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 601
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107
Created in the United States of America
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cheat Your Way to a Fortune 4
Using This Book 6
Review of the Basic Betting Method 8
Using a "Backup Betting Series" to Limit Losses 14
Summary of the Automatic Craps Strategy 17
Tracking Your Bets Using Casino Chips 18
Summary of Base Bets, Betting Series and Bankroll Requirements 25
Using Your Cheat Sheets 28
The Cheat Sheets 31
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cheat Your Way to a Fortune!
Are you ready to cheat your way to making gobs and gobs of money at craps?
I am talking about making some really big money. And, you will do it consistently,
safely and with absolute certainty.
In fact, you can easily make anywhere from $294 to over $2,000 an hour using this
totally perfected method.
And, here's the best part -
You won't have to really cheat to do this. I am not going to show you anything illegal,
underhanded or even unethical.
You won't be barred from playing craps when you use this method.
However, when you use the special "cheat sheets" in this book, you'll have a complete
step-by-step system on a wallet-sized piece of paper.
And, I am not talking about something you've seen before like some simple betting
I am talking about a 100% proven dynamic system that is so powerful it automatically
adapts to any craps table.
The result is a money-making formula that works in every craps situation. It has nothing
to do with finding a "hot" or "cold" table. Once you use these special "cheat sheets, you
will consistently win anywhere from $294 to over $2,000 a hour. How much you win an
hour is strictly up to you.
Heres how it works -
If you bet higher amounts, you will win more.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you play at a fast table (like an online craps game) you will win more per hour
because you will get more bets down.
That's all there is to it. Just follow the critical rules on the "cheat sheets," make the
wagers shown on each sheet for that level of betting and start winning.
If you want a highly effective way to make extraordinary amounts of money just by
following a set of steps as easy as 1, 2 and 3, then this is the strategy for you.
This system was created to work in online casinos as well as land-based ones. In fact
several of my associates believe that it is the easiest way ever created to make a lot of
money online.
However you decide to use it, I know you will love using these special Cheat Sheets.
And, I totally guarantee your complete satisfaction.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Using this Book
The information in this book was developed to help you get started quickly and easily
using the Automatic Craps Strategy.
This strategy is fully described in the book - Automatic Craps. You should have a copy
of this book by now as this publication - Diane's Craps Cheat Sheets, is distributed as
part of the complete toolkit including the Automatic Craps Strategy.
If you haven't yet done so, you should read the Automatic Craps Strategy. This book
builds on the information presented in this manual and you may have trouble using the
"cheat sheets" contained in this publication if you don't have a firm grasp of the
Automatic Craps Strategy.
This book is presented in several parts. First the Basic Betting Method (as described in
the Automatic Craps manual) is summarized. The premise behind using the cheat sheets
is that you only use the Basic Betting Method as your playing strategy.
The Basic Betting Method is only one part of the complete Automatic Craps Strategy. If
you want to use the complete strategy you will find it in the Automatic Craps manual.
However, you can develop substantial winnings using just the Basic Betting Method.
After summarizing this playing strategy we present the "cheat sheets" set up for each
level of play.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The premise behind the cheat sheets is simple -
A complete system is presented on each sheet, including a wallet-sized playing card.
Whenever you want to play, you can just print as many copies of the cheat sheet for your
level of play as you need. You will want to keep one cheat sheet intact for your
reference. You can cut the Playing Cards from the extra copies of the cheat sheets and
stick as many Playing Cards as you need in your pocket. You should have one Playing
Card for each game you plan to play.
As you play you can refer to the Playing Card as often as you like. If has all of the
information you need to keep track of your betting level and determine exactly where to
place your bet. If you are like me, you can put a small check mark next to each level of
bets completed.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Review of the Basic Betting Method
One of the soundest ways to play craps is only make one bet at a time. Two of the best
bets to make at craps are the pass line and don't pass bets, the so-called line bets.
Most players will make at least one
line bet - usually on the pass line. Then
they will make all kinds of crazy crapper
bets - Come bets with outrageous amounts
of odds, Prop bets, Hardways and then the
even hedge these bets with Any Craps
wagers and sometimes even throw a nickel
on Big Red, the one-roll bet that wins if a 7
The Automatic Craps Basic Betting Method gives you a powerful way to select
your wager with a proven strategy for deciding how much to wager.
I have discovered a method of selecting line bets that is very effective. I call this
method of bet selection randomizing bets. It consists of using a series of ten
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
predetermined betting patterns used to select every line bet you make at craps. These
bets are shown in Table 1 following.
Table 1
Line Betting Patterns
Betting Series Number Line Betting Pattern
1 P P d P d
2 d d P d P
3 d d d P P
4 P P P d d
5 P d P P d
6 d P d d P
7 P P d P d
8 d d P P d
9 P P d d d
10 d d P d d
P = Pass Line, d = Don't Pass
Using this method of selecting your bet is easy. When you start a game, you will
begin betting using the series 1 betting pattern. You will stay in this series until you win a
In series 1, you will first bet P. If you wager wins, you will move to series 2 next
and wager the first bet in this series on the next come-out roll.
If the first bet in series 1 loses, you will continue to follow the betting pattern in
the first series until you have a win. With any win, you move to the next series and start
with the first bet in the series.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If these procedures are not clear to you, I suggest that you review the more
detailed play-by-play examples in the Automatic Craps manual.
To summarize this rule, continue betting within the same pattern of bets until you
win a bet. As soon as a bet is won, you will move to the next pattern and start betting in
that series moving from left to right.
A betting progression is used with the randomized patterns. Betting progressions
are predetermined betting strategies that entail either raising the size of a wager after a
losing wager, or increasing the wager after a win.
Winning one bet in each series of patterns completes a game. The amount of
winnings for a game is easy to determine. One game always consists of completing ten
line-betting patterns with one win in each pattern. The amount won for a series of ten
bets will always equal the minimum bet you make times ten.
If you use the betting progression 10 20 40 80 160, then winning ten of the
patterns will give you a win of $100 (10 wins x $10 per win). If you use the progression
20 40 80 160 320, then a game win is worth $200 (10 wins x $20 per win).
If you lose all five bets in a betting series, then the game is terminated. So, your
rules for any game are:
1. You will complete ten winning betting patterns for a game, or
2. You lose five bets and in a row and quit.
You will always use the betting progression combined with a specific pattern of
bets for the Automatic Craps Basic Betting Method. It is simple and, very powerful.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A five level Martingale series, coupled with using the Line Betting Patterns
shown in the previous table, produces extraordinary results.
Table 2 shows the betting series and Game Bankroll needed for each level of play.
In this table wagers ranging from ten cents to $125.00 minimums are covered.
Along with each Base Bet, the appropriate Betting Series is shown, as well as the
amount of bankroll needed to play a game at that level.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Table 2
Different Buy-in Amounts and
The Betting Progressions Used
Betting Series Game Bankroll
$0.10 .10 .20 . 40 .80 1.60 $3.10
0.25 .25 .50 1 2 4 7.75
1.00 1 2 4 8 16 31
2.00 2 4 8 16 32 62
3.00 3 6 12 24 48 93
5.00 5 10 20 40 80 155
7.00 7 14 28 56 112 217
10.00 10 20 40 80 160 310
12.00 12 24 48 96 192 376
15.00 15 30 60 120 240 465
20.00 20 40 80 160 320 620
25.00 25 50 100 200 400 775
30.00 30 60 120 240 480 930
50.00 50 100 200 400 800 1550
75.00 75 150 300 600 1200 2325
100.00 100 200 400 800 1600 3100
125.00 125 250 500 1000 2000 3875
The range of betting series presented is from a $0.10 minimum bet table,
requiring a $3.10 suggested buy-in, all the way up to a progression using $125 as its base
bet, which has a $6,000 suggested buy-in.
While you will not normally find craps games with ten and twenty-five cent
minimum bets in "brick and mortar" casinos, you will find a number of online casino
offering these options.
The beauty of this strategy is that you can start out small and move up to higher
levels using your winnings to finance the moves up.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you want to occasionally play craps with a very low risk of ever losing your
bankroll, then the Basic Betting Method will work well for you. The only negative to this
betting strategy is that at times it can become a little boring, especially if the shooter starts
hitting box numbers and you have to sit on the sideline watching the players making come
and place bets clean up.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Using a "Backup Betting Series" to Limit Losses
A winning game is completed when one bet is one at each of the ten different
levels of play.
A losing game occurs whenever all of the bets in the betting progression are lost.
If you are a $5 Base Bettor, you will be using the following betting series -
5 10 20 40 80, for a total of $155 wagered.
If you lose all five of these wagers, you will lose that game.
Whenever you lose a game you will take a break before resuming play. The best
way to play is to use a "Backup Betting Series" with each original series.
A Backup Betting Series consists of a series of wagers that are exactly double the
bets in the original betting series.
If you are a $5 Base Bettor you will use the betting series - 5 10 20 40 80. The
Backup Betting Series for this level of betting uses a $10 Base Bet and consists of the
following wagers - 10 20 40 80 160.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
For convenience, we will consider the original lower level betting series to be
"Series A," and the second or higher betting series to be our "Series B."
For each level of bets we can select a pair of betting series to use as our Series A
and B.
For a $5 bettor, his A and B Betting Series would consist of the following betting
Series Base Bets Betting Series Game Bankroll
A $5 5 10 20 40 80 $155
B $10 10 20 40 80 160 $310
To use Series A and B requires a Total Bankroll equal to five times the Game
Bankroll requirement for each level of Base Bet.
Since $5 Base Bets require a Game Bankroll of $155, the total Bankroll needed to
use the Series A and B Betting Series at this level is 5 x 155 = $775.
The reason you will need a Total Bankroll five times the size of your Series A
Game Bankroll is to cover the possibility of losing one game at the "A" Series level and
two consecutive games at the "B" Series level.
Let's compute this bankroll requirement for a $5 bettor:
Game Bankroll for Series A $155
Game Bankroll for Series B 310
Game Bankroll for 2
Series B Game 310
Total Bankroll Needed $775
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
You will notice that this is the same as the amount we compute when we multiple
the Series A Game Bankroll by a factor of 5.
Series B is used with Series A as a "Backup Betting Series. Any time that you
lose a game played at the Series A Level, you will play the next game at Series B level.
Should you lose the second game, played at the Series B level, you should play
one more game at this same level and then, win or lose, revert back to playing at the
Series A level.
You will find that using this concept of following up and Series A loss with a
game played at the Series B level will greatly smooth out your winning.
This concept has been tested for thousands of games and it produces consistent
profits, even in the rare instance when you lose three consecutive games.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Summary of the Automatic Craps Strategy
A winning game happens whenever you win one wager in each of the ten levels
comprising a game.
A losing game occurs whenever you lose all five of the bets in the betting series.
Here's the preferred way of using this strategy:
1. Always complete ten betting levels per game, unless the loss of a 5-unit
betting progression occurs.
2. Play 10 games per session.
3. Play three sessions to complete a Game Series
4. Start each series of games with one game played at Series B level.
5. Follow any loss with a game played at Series B level.
6. Limit losses to a maximum of two consecutive Series B games.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Tracking Your Bets Using Casino Chips
If you don't like referring to the playing card before you make each wager, here's what
you do.
You can use casino chips to track the wager you will make. Here's how I do it.
Let's suppose that you are just starting a game. You review the playing card and see the
first two levels of wagers are as follows:
Level 1 Wagers P P d P d
Level 2 Wagers d d P d P
As you know, you will start making wagers at each level and move from left to right
(normal reading order) in making your wagers. If you lose a bet you will continue to
wager at the same level until you have a winning wager. After winning any bet at Level
1 your next wager will be at Level 2.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Let's assume that you make three losing wagers at Level 1 before winning a bet and
starting wagering at Level 2.
You could just refer to your Playing Card before making each wager as it will show you
where to bet. If you are playing online this is exactly the procedure you will follow.
However, you may find that it is awkward to have to refer to your Playing Card after each
bet is decided. I have never found any craps table that will object to just playing your
card in the rail and consulting it as needed.
If you refer to your card frequently you may get comments from other players or even the
dealer, box man or floorman. If you have a thick skin then just ignore the comments or
give some stock answer to questions about the card as "My brother-in-law wanted me to
try out his system," and shrug your shoulders.
If you would like a way to be able to make your wagers without referring to the card,,
here's how you do it.
Before you make your first wager, you can lay out casino chips in the rails in front of you
to represent the wagers you will make at each level.
You can use the far rail for wagers in the level you are currently wagering in and the
close rail for the wagers you will make in the next level.
Once you set your tracking chips up all you have to do is glance at the chips to know
exactly where to play your next wager.
In addition to using chips to represent where you will place your bets, you can also set
down the next wager you will need to make if you lose your current wager.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
By using this procedure you can quickly wager the correct amount in the right spot
without hesitation and without having to refer to your card.
Here's how you do it.
To track where you will place your wagers, just assign a meaning to two of the levels of
chips you have.
As a $5 bettor, you might have $1 and $5 chips and you could assign values as follows:
$1 chip = Pass Line Wager
$5 chip = Don't Pass Wager
Assuming you are just beginning a game, your wagers for Levels 1 and 2 are as follows:
Level 1 Wagers P P d P d
Level 2 Wagers d d P d P
If you have $1 chips representing Pass Line wagers and $5 chips Don't Pass wagers, you
can lay out chips in the two rails representing these levels of wagers as follows:
Far Rail (Level 1) $1C $1C $5C $1C $5C
Near Rail (Level 2) $5C $5C $1C $5C $1C
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Using this system your first wager will be on the Pass Line as shown by the first $1C in
the Far Rail. After you have placed your wager on the Pass Line you can remove the
tracking chip used to represent you first wager from the tracking area and return it to your
stack of betting chips.
Thus, after making the first Pass Line Bet, your tracking chips will look like this -
Far Rail (Level 1) $1C $5C $1C $5C
Near Rail (Level 2) $5C $5C $1C $5C $1C
You can tell at a glance that your next wager will either be on Pass Line (Level 1 -$1C),
if you lose this wager, or on Don't Pass (Level 2 - $5C) if you win the wager and move
down to the next betting level.
Let's assume that you win this first wager and your next bet is in Level 2. Since you are
now in Level 2, you can return all of the tracking chips in the far rail, representing Level
1 bets to your stack of betting chips.
You will move the Level 2 chips to the far rail since this is now the level you are
wagering in. You can glance at your Playing Card and see the wagers needing for Level
3 bets and set up the chips representing these wager in the near rail.
If you follow this procedure, you will need to refer to your playing card briefly only after
a winning wager and only after you have made the next bet.
Using this procedure will let you play smoothly and without hesitation and without
having to refer to your card very often.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In addition to using chips to track where your will place your bets as we have just
illustrated, you can also use chips to track the size of your next wager.
Let's assume that you are using the following betting progression in your play -
10 20 40 80 160.
With this progression, your first wager at any level is always $10 and you will move to
the next bet only following a loss.
Here's an easy way to track the size of your next wager.
After you make the first $10 wager at any betting level, first remove the tracking chip
representing where that wager was placed. Following our earlier example, after making
your first wager and removing the tracking chips, the tracking chips for your wagers will
look like this -
Far Rail (Level 1) $1C $5C $1C $5C
Near Rail (Level 2) $5C $5C $1C $5C $1C
If you want to track the next wager as well, just place chips equal to the required amount
of you next wager to the left of each of the above tracking series.
If you lose the current wager, you will be required to wager $20 on the next Level 2
wager. Place the $20 required for this bet to the left of the Level 1 wagers in the Far Rail.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you win the current bet, your next wager will be for $10 in Level 2. Place the $10
required for this bet to the left of the Level 2 wagers in the near rail.
Here's how all of your tracking chips will look after you make the first bet and set up
your chips for both of the possible second bets -
Far Rail (Level 1) $20 $1C $5C $1C $5C
Near Rail (Level 2) $10 $5C $5C $1C $5C $1C
Once you have set your chips up you can quickly make the next wager.
If you lose your current bet, just wager $20 on Pass Line ($1C). After making this wager,
you will remove the next wager tracking chip and set up the next bet required if you lose
again. Your tracking chips will look like this -
Far Rail (Level 1) $40 $5C $1C $5C
Near Rail (Level 2) $10 $5C $5C $1C $5C $1C
Now you can see at a glance exactly where you stand. If you bet loses again, you will bet
$40 on Don't Pass ($5C).
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If your wager wins, you will move to Level 2 and bet $10 on Dont Pass ($5C).
This procedure is really easy to use once you get the hang of it and will allow you to
relax much more when you play as you will not have to worry about constantly referring
to you Playing Card to determine the size and placement of your next bet.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Summary of Base Bets, Betting Series and Bankroll
The best way to use the Automatic Craps Strategy is to match your level of play to your
available bankroll.
Table 3 shows the Basic Bets, Betting Series, Game Bankroll, Total Bankrolls and Win
Rates per 100 Decisions for various levels of play.
We have covered the concepts of Base Bets, Betting Series and Game Bankrolls. The Total
Bankroll is the amount you will need to have available to use a Backup Betting Series in the
form discussed, where a loss of Series A bets is followed up with a game played at the
Series B level.
The Win Rates per 100 Decisions are based on thousands of game played using $5 Base Bet
Series A games and $10 Base Bet Series B games.
The win rates for different levels of play were extrapolated as win and loss rates are always
proportionate to the betting levels.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The rate of 100 decisions per hour is fast for a land-based casino, but may be too slow for a
online craps game.
I used the 100 decision per hour rate because it is easy to convert this rate to either faster or
slower win rates for purposes of estimating your hourly winnings.
If you play exclusively in land-based casinos, you may want to cut these rates in half or by
even two-thirds for slow games.
If you play online more, your win rate may be as high as double the amount shown in Table
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Table 3. Summary of Base Bets, Betting Series, Game Bankrolls, Total
Bankrolls and Win Rates at 100 Decisions per Hour
Bet Betting Series
Win Rate
(100 per Hour)
$0.10 .10 .20 . 40 .80 1.60 $ 3.10 $ 15.50 $ 1.94
0.25 .25 .50 1 2 4 7.75 38.75 4.85
1.00 1 2 4 8 16 31 $ 155 19.40
2.00 2 4 8 16 32 62 310 38.80
3.00 3 6 12 24 48 93 465 58.20
5.00 5 10 20 40 80 155 775 97.00
7.00 7 14 28 56 112 217 1085 135.80
10.00 10 20 40 80 160 310 1550 194.00
12.00 12 24 48 96 192 376 1860 232.80
15.00 15 30 60 120 240 465 2325 291.00
20.00 20 40 80 160 320 620 3100 388.00
25.00 25 50 100 200 400 775 3875 485.00
30.00 30 60 120 240 480 930 4650 582.00
50.00 50 100 200 400 800 1550 7750 970.00
75.00 75 150 300 600 1200 2325 11625 1455.00
100.00 100 200 400 800 1600 3100 15500 1940.00
125.00 125 250 500 1000 2000 3875 19375 2425.00
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Using Your Cheat Sheets
Whether you decide to use casino chips to track your bets or just resort to writing
down each bet, you will need to use Tracking Forms for each level of bets.
On the following pages are "Cheat Sheets" for each level of betting. Each of these
sheets shows you the Base Bets, Betting Series and Bankroll Requirements for each level of
In addition, you will find a tracking form that you can carry with you and use to
track each decision in every game.
Below is a sample "Cheat Sheet" filled in for a player using $5 base bets.
The first two rows recap the two betting progressions the player will use.
The third row is filled in by the player showing the betting level used for that game.
The first column shows the betting pattern for each level of betting.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hash marks are used to record each bet.
Let's follow the bets in the first game in this series of five games.
The first column showed our player played using Betting Series B. I usually start off
using the higher level betting series after I have accumulated winnings from previous games
played. If this is my first game in this casino session I will usually start at the more
conservative "A" Series until I build up some winnings.
The results of each bet are recorded by making hash marks (show as "/").
Reading down the column for the first "B" level game, we see,
It took two bets to win a wager at the first betting level.
The second betting level required only one bet.
The third level took four wagers
The fourth level took two bets
And so on until we record all of the bets in a game using hash marks.
In addition to tracking each bet using a mark, we write down the results of each
For the first Series B level game, we won ten wagers and made $100.
After winning this game, we played the next game at the Series A level and lost -110
after losing our betting series.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
We used Series B bets following the loss and won $100. This was followed by two
consecutive winning games using Series A wagers, winning $50 each game.
We won a total of $190 for this group of game.
In addition to using the tracking form for each game, you should also keep a record
of all of your wins and losses. A form is provided for you in the Automatic Craps manual.
Sample Playing Card Filled In
Series A 5 10 20 40 80 / 155
Series B 10 20 40 80 160 / 310
Played B A B A A
P P d P d // / // /// //
d d P d P / /// /// // ///
d d d P P //// // // / //
P P P d d // /// //// /// /
P d P P d / // / // ////
d P d d P // / // //// //
P P d P d /// //// /// // ///
d d P P d / /// /// / //
P P d d d /// ///// // /// //
d d P d d //// --- //// // ////
Total +100 -110 +100 +50 +50
You will find summarizes along with "Cheat Sheets" you can print for every level of
betting covered earlier in Table 3. You can easily cut out the tracking forms, stick them in
your pocket and refer to them when you play.
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Cheat Sheets
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ten Cent Wagers
Base Bet = $0.10
Game Bankroll = $3.10
Total Bankroll = $1.94
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A .10 .20 .40 .80 1.60 3.10
Series B .20 .40 .80 1.60 3.20 6.20
Tracking Cards
Series A .10 .20 .40 .80 1.60 / 3.10
Series B .20 .40 .80 1.60 3.20 / 6.20
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A .10 .20 .40 .80 1.60 / 3.10
Series B .20 .40 .80 1.60 3.20 / 6.20
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Twenty Five Cent Wagers
Base Bet = $0.25
Game Bankroll = $7.75
Total Bankroll = $ 38.75
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A .25 .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 $7.75
Series B .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 15.50
Tracking Cards
Series A .25 .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 / 7.75
Series B .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 / 15.50
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A .25 .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 / 7.75
Series B .50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 / 15.50
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$1 Wagers
Base Bet = $1
Game Bankroll = $31
Total Bankroll = $ 155
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 1 2 4 8 16 $31
Series B 2 4 8 16 32 62
Tracking Cards
Series A 1 2 4 8 16 / 31
Series B 2 4 8 16 32 / 62
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 1 2 4 8 16 / 31
Series B 2 4 8 16 32 / 62
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$2 Wagers
Base Bet = $2
Game Bankroll = $62
Total Bankroll = $ 310
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 2 4 8 16 32 62
Series B 4 8 16 32 64 124
Tracking Cards
Series A 2 4 8 16 32 / 62
Series B 4 8 16 32 64 / 124
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 2 4 8 16 32 / 62
Series B 4 8 16 32 64 / 124
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$3 Wagers
Base Bet = $3
Game Bankroll = $93
Total Bankroll = $ 465
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 3 6 12 24 48 $ 93
Series B 6 12 24 48 96 $186
Tracking Cards
Series A 3 6 12 24 48 / 93
Series B 6 12 24 48 96 / 186
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 3 6 12 24 48 / 93
Series B 6 12 24 48 96 / 186
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$5 Wagers
Base Bet = $5
Game Bankroll = $155
Total Bankroll = $ 775
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 5 10 20 40 80 155
Series B 10 20 40 80 160 310
Tracking Cards
Series A 5 10 20 40 80 / 155
Series B 10 20 40 80 160 / 310
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 5 10 20 40 80 / 155
Series B 10 20 40 80 160 / 310
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$7 Wagers
Base Bet = $7
Game Bankroll = $217
Total Bankroll = $ 1085
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 7 14 28 56 112 $217
Series B 14 28 56 112 224 $434
Tracking Cards
Series A 7 14 28 56 112 / 217
Series B 14 28 56 112 224 / 434
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 7 14 28 56 112 / 217
Series B 14 28 56 112 224 / 434
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$10 Wagers
Base Bet = $10
Game Bankroll = $ 310
Total Bankroll = $ 1550
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 10 20 40 80 160 310
Series B 20 40 80 160 320 620
Tracking Cards
Series A 10 20 40 80 160 / 310
Series B 20 40 80 160 320 / 620
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 10 20 40 80 160 / 310
Series B 20 40 80 160 320 / 620
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$12 Wagers
Base Bet = $12
Game Bankroll = $ 376
Total Bankroll = $ 1860
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 12 24 48 96 192 $376
Series B 24 48 96 192 384 $752
Tracking Cards
Series A 12 24 48 96 192 / 376
Series B 24 48 96 192 384 / 752
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 12 24 48 96 192 / 376
Series B 24 48 96 192 384 / 752
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$15 Wagers
Base Bet = $15
Game Bankroll = $ 465
Total Bankroll = $ 2325
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 15 30 60 120 240 $465
Series B 30 60 120 240 480 $930
Tracking Cards
Series A 15 30 60 120 240 / 465
Series B 30 60 120 240 480 / 930
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 12 24 48 96 192 / 376
Series B 24 48 96 192 384 / 752
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$20 Wagers
Base Bet = $20
Game Bankroll = $ 620
Total Bankroll = $ 3100
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 20 40 80 160 320 $ 620
Series B 40 80 160 320 640 $1240
Tracking Cards
Series A 20 40 80 160 320 / 620
Series B 40 80 160 320 640 / 1240
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 20 40 80 160 320 / 620
Series B 40 80 160 320 640 / 1240
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$25 Wagers
Base Bet = $25
Game Bankroll = $ 775
Total Bankroll = $ 3875
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 25 50 100 200 400 $ 775
Series B 50 100 200 400 800 $1,550
Tracking Cards
Series A 25 50 100 200 400 / 775
Series B 50 100 200 300 800 / 1,550
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 25 50 100 200 400 / 775
Series B 50 100 200 300 800 / 1,550
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$30 Wagers
Base Bet = $30
Game Bankroll = $ 930
Total Bankroll = $ 4650
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 30 60 120 240 480 $930
Series B 60 120 240 480 960 $1860
Tracking Cards
Series A 30 60 120 240 480 / 930
Series B 60 120 240 480 960 / 1860
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 30 60 120 240 480 / 930
Series B 60 120 240 480 960 / 1860
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$50 Wagers
Base Bet = $50
Game Bankroll = $ 1550
Total Bankroll = $ 7750
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 50 100 200 400 800 $1550
Series B 100 200 400 800 1600 $3100
Tracking Cards
Series A 50 100 200 400 800 / 1550
Series B 100 200 400 800 1600 / 3100
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 50 100 200 400 800 / 1550
Series B 100 200 400 800 1600 / 3100
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$75 Wagers
Base Bet = $75
Game Bankroll = $ 2325
Total Bankroll = $ 11625
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 75 150 300 600 1200 $ 2325
Series B 150 300 600 1200 2400 $11625
Tracking Cards
Series A 75 150 300 600 1200 / 2325
Series B 150 300 600 1200 2400 / 4659
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 75 150 300 600 1200 / 2325
Series B 150 300 600 1200 2400 / 4659
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$100 Wagers
Base Bet = $100
Game Bankroll = $ 3100
Total Bankroll = $ 15500
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 100 200 400 800 1600 $3100
Series B 200 400 800 1600 3200 $6200
Tracking Cards
Series A 100 200 400 800 1600 / 3100
Series B 200 400 800 1600 3200 / 6200
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 100 200 400 800 1600 / 3100
Series B 200 400 800 1600 3200 / 6200
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Automatic Craps Cheat Sheets 2005 Silverthorne Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
$125 Wagers
Base Bet = $125
Game Bankroll = $ 3875
Total Bankroll = $ 19375
Betting Series
Series Betting Progression Game Bankroll
Series A 125 250 500 1000 2000 3875
Series B 250 500 1000 2000 4000 7750
Tracking Cards
Series A 125 250 500 1000 2000 / 3875
Series B 250 500 1000 2000 4000 / 7750
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d
Series A 125 250 500 1000 2000 / 3875
Series B 250 500 1000 2000 4000 / 7750
P P d P d
d d P d P
d d d P P
P P P d d
P d P P d
d P d d P
P P d P d
d d P P d
P P d d d
d d P d d

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