Image To Come: Zimmer Nexgen Mis Tibial Component
Image To Come: Zimmer Nexgen Mis Tibial Component
Image To Come: Zimmer Nexgen Mis Tibial Component
Tibial Component
Surgical Technique
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Table of Contents
Finish the Tibia 2
Position Based on Anatomic Landmarks 2
Lateral Posterior Hook 2
Medial Posterior Hook 2
No Posterior Hooks 2
Position Based on Trial Range of Motion 4
MIS Tibial Component Preparation without Stem Extension 4
MIS Tibial Component Preparation with Drop Down Stem Extension 6
Implant Components 8
Technique for MIS Flex Articular Surface Locking Screw 9
Tibial Component
Cemented Surgical
Developed in conjunction with
Thomas M. Coon, MD
Orthopedic Surgical Institute
Red Bluff, California
E. Marlowe Goble, MD
Adjunct Clinical Professor
of Orthopaedics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Alfred J. Tria, MD
Clinical Professor of
Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Medicine
and Dentistry - New Jersey
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Jean-Nol Argenson, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Aix-Marseille University
Sainte Marguerite Hospital
Marseille, France
Francesco Benazzo, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Pavia
Pavia, Italy
Richard Berger, MD
Associate Professor of
Orthopaedic Surgery
Rush University Medical College
Chicago, Illinois
Kim Bertin, MD
Utah Hip and Knee Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
Robert Booth, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anthony DiGioia III, MD
Director, Center for Medical Robotics
and Computer Assisted Surgery
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mark Hartzband, MD
Director, Total Joint Replacement Service
Department of Orthopedics
Hackensack University Medical Center
Hackensack, New Jersey
Ngai Nung Lo, MD
Senior Consultant Orthopaedic
Surgeon and Deputy Head
Director of Adult Reconstruction Service
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Singapore General Hospital
Mark Pagnano, MD
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Wayne Paprosky, MD
Associate Professor of
Orthopaedic Surgery
Rush University Medical College
Chicago, Illinois
Aaron Rosenberg, MD
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Rush University Medical College
Chicago, Illinois
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Finish the Tibia
The tibia can be finished prior to trial
reduction if the implant position will be
chosen based on anatomic landmarks
(Fig. 1). Alternatively, the femoral
and articular surface provisionals,
in combination with the sizing plate,
can be used to perform a trial range of
motion to aid in tibial location.
Position Based on Anatomic
Posterior hooks on the lateral and medial
side of the sizing plate can be deployed
to aid in size selection and positioning
of the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate.
There are several options available
for use of the posterior hooks during
sizing plate selection and positioning.
The surgeon can decide which option
is appropriate depending on patient
anatomy or incision size, as well as
whether a medial or lateral incision
is used. Make sure that the posterior
edge of the tibia is free of osteophytes
and soft tissues which could interfere
with the proper positioning of the
posterior hooks.
Lateral Posterior Hook
Deploy the posterior hook that
corresponds to the lateral side of
the tibia using the Small Hexhead
Screwdriver (Fig. 2).
Purpose - Placing the posterior hook
behind the lateral side of the tibia
provides an anchor on anatomy
that is not easily visualized with a
small incision on the medial side.
The sizing plate can then be rotated
on the medial side until proper
rotational alignment is achieved
(Fig. 3).
Consideration - The A/P dimension
of the proximal tibia is generally
larger on the medial side compared
to the lateral side. When the sizing
plate is positioned correctly in
rotation, there could be a tendency
to slightly underhang the tibia on
the posteromedial edge.
Medial Posterior Hook
Deploy the posterior hook that
corresponds to the medial side of
the tibia using the Small Hexhead
Purpose - Placing the posterior hook
behind the medial side of the tibia
provides an anchor on anatomy that
is not easily visualized with a small
incision on the lateral side.
Consideration - The A/P dimension
of the proximal tibia is generally
larger on the medial side compared
to the lateral side. When the sizing
plate is positioned correctly in
rotation, there could be a tendency
to slightly overhang the tibia on the
posterolateral edge.
No Posterior Hooks
When neither posterior hook is
deployed, traditional tibial anatomic
landmarks may be used.
Purpose - With a mini or open
procedure the tibial surface can be
subluxed forward and visualized. In
this circumstance, tibial coverage
can be better visualized and the
posterior hooks may not need to be
Consideration - pay special
attention to the posterior bumps
on the sizing plate to ensure they do
not come into contact with the distal
femur, which could push the sizing
plate anterior.
Fig. 1 MIS Tibial Sizing Plate on Prepared
Tibial Surface.
Fig. 3 Placing the posterior hook behind the
lateral side of the tibia.
Fig. 2 Deploying the Posterior Hook.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Locate the edge of the posterior tibial
cortex with the hook and rotate the MIS
Sizing Plate into position (Fig. 6). Check
that the sizing plate is not overlapping
the posterior edges of the bone and
that soft tissues have been cleared.
Insert a pin or MIS Screw into the
anterior hole on the sizing plate (Fig. 7).
A second pin or MIS Screw is inserted
into the hole on the sizing plate. It is
recommended to use one anterior pin
hole and one hole on the opposite side
of the sizing plate on the plate face to
assure plate stability.
Caution: do not impact or lever
the MIS Sizing Plate Handle;
this instrument is designed for
alignment purposes only.
Technique Tip - when using the
anterior pin holes, pay special
attention to the posterior aspect
of the sizing plate to ensure lift-off
does not occur from over tightening/
In extension, place the knee in valgus
to view or palpate the lateral side of the
tibia to check sizing plate fit laterally.
Be sure that the component is properly
positioned rotationally. Tibial plate
rotation and varus/valgus alignment
can be checked by inserting the
Alignment Rod through the hole or slot
in the handle of the MIS Sizing Plate
Handle (Fig. 8). There are two options
available for use of the alignment rod
(Fig. 9):
Slot - check varus/valgus and
rotational alignment
Round hole - check slope of tibial
cut (distal end of rod should point
to second metatarsal)
Fig. 8 Check alignment by inserting the
Alignment Rod through the hole or slot in
the handle of the MIS Sizing Plate Handle.
Fig. 4 Verify proper tibial plate varus/
valgus and rotational alignment using the
alignment rod.
Fig. 5 Secure the MIS Sizing Plate Handle to
the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate.
Fig. 6 Locate the edge of the posterior cortex
with the hook and rotate the MIS Sizing
Plate into position.
Fig. 7 Insert a pin or MIS Screw into the
anterior hole on the sizing plate.
Fig. 9 Close-up of MIS Sizing Plate Handle
showing hole and slot.
Technique Tip - use the alignment
rod in the hole or slot in the MIS
Sizing Plate Handle to verify proper
tibial plate varus/valgus and
rotational alignment (Fig. 4).
Posterior Tab Deployed
Check that the chosen posterior hook(s)
is completely deployed. Attach the MIS
Sizing Plate Handle to the selected MIS
Tibial Sizing Plate (Fig. 5). The handle
should be inserted on the medial side
of the sizing plate to provide clearance
for the patella. Note: If lateral incision,
then attach to lateral side of sizing
plate. Extend the lever on the
handle and engage the tabs on the
handle with the grooves on the sizing
plate by positioning the lever lateral to the
dovetail, and clamp the lever to secure.
Note: This instrument contains several
moving parts. If trigger becomes
hard to engage, apply instrument
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
MIS Tibial Component
Preparation without Stem
Place the knee in appropriate flexion
angle for broaching.
Assemble the proper size MIS
Cemented Broach to the MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor as shown (Fig. 12).
Seat the MIS Tibial Broach Impactor
assembly on the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate
in the detents (Fig. 13).
Position Based on Trial Range of
Prepare the patella. Then select the
proper size MIS Tibial Sizing Plate. Do
not deploy either the posteromedial
or posterolateral hooks on the sizing
plate. Ensure that the plate chosen
provides the desired tibial coverage.
Insert the proper Femoral Provisional,
Patellar Provisional, MIS Tibial
Sizing Plate, and Articular Surface
Provisional. Select the color and/or
alphanumeric designation of Articular
Surface Provisional that is the same
as the match chosen for the Femoral
Provisional and MIS Tibial Sizing
Plate. Ensure soft tissue balance is
appropriate. Flex and extend the knee
with the provisionals in place. With
proper soft tissue balancing complete,
the tibial component tends to seat
itself in the position where it best
articulates with the femur.
After this process has occurred, mark
the position of the component with
methylene blue, electrocautery, or by
placing a pin or MIS Screw in the sizing
plate anteriorly (Fig. 10).
Remove the Articular Surface Provisional
and pin the sizing plate in place with a
MIS Screw or Shorthead Holding Pins
(Fig. 11). It is recommended to use one
anterior pin hole and one hole on the
opposite side of the sizing plate on the
plate face to assure plate stability. Ensure
that the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate remains
in the proper position when pinning.
Remove the MIS Sizing Plate Handle
from the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate.
Technique Tip - when pinning the
MIS Sizing Plate to the bone
through the anterior angled pin
holes, verify the posterior edge of
the MIS Sizing Plate does not lift-off
from the bone from over tightening/
If the Articular Surface Provisional
Component has both the femoral sizes
(alpha) and tibial sizes (numeric),
then use these alphanumeric codes
to match the 3 components. If the
alphabetic and numeric sizes are not
on the Articular Surface Provisional
Component, then use the color code
to match the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate. If
there is no match between the Femoral
Provisional and MIS Tibial Sizing Plate,
adjust the size of the MIS Tibial Sizing
Plate to obtain a match.
Fig. 10 Insert a pin or MIS Screw into the
anterior hole on the sizing plate.
Fig. 13 Mating Features of the MIS Sizing
Plate and MIS Tibial Broach Impactor.
Fig. 12 Assemble MIS Broach to MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor.
Fig. 11 Pin the sizing plate in place with a
MIS Screw or Shorthead Holding Pins.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
During broaching, make sure that the
broach handle remains flush against
the sizing plate and in full contact
with the sizing plate and that the
broach handle does not toggle during
impaction. Impact the MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor assembly with care to
prevent fracture of the tibia (Fig. 14).
Impact until the instrument bottoms
out on the handle stop (Fig. 14, inset).
Technique Tip - Keep the MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor as close to vertical
as possible to facilitate proper
broach position. The orientation
of the broach handle is important
to ensure proper and complete
broaching resulting in full seating of
the tibial implant on the bone.
Technique Tip - in order to facilitate
positioning of the MIS Cemented
Broach into the MIS Sizing Plate,
the tibial medullary canal can be
pre-drilled using the technique
described in the MIS Tibial
Component Preparation with
Drop Down Stem Extension. The
technique, however, should be
modified to bore/drill only half the
distance to the engraved line on
the Cemented Drill. This depth will
prepare for the length of the keel
but will not prepare for the length of
a Drop Down Stem Extension.
Remove the Tibial Broach Impactor
assembly and bone plug (Fig. 15).
Gently tapping the undersurface of the
impaction head can facilitate removal.
The tibial bone plug may not be fully
removed by the hollow broach. Use a
koker or small rongeur to fully remove
remaining bone (Fig. 16).
Place the knee in an appropriate
flexion angle to insert the tibial plate
provisional. Use the correct size
MIS Tibial Component Provisional to
ensure proper fit before implanting
the final components. Insert the MIS
Tibial Component Provisional into the
broached tibia by hand (Fig. 17). Place
the Plate Impactor onto the provisional
and impact until completely seated.
Technique Tip - Lower flexion
angles, including full extension, may
facilitate tibial plate insertion.
Fig. 15 Bone Plug in MIS Broach.
Fig. 16 Broached Tibia.
Fig. 14 Impact the MIS Tibial Broach
Impactor assembly.
Fig. 17 Insert the MIS Tibial Component
Provisional into the broached tibia by hand.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Check to see that the trial prosthesis
fits the cut surfaces with appropriate
apposition to bone and appropriate
cortical bone coverage. If any undesired
gaps are present, remove the trial
component and adjust the bone cuts
until a good intimate fit is obtained.
The MIS Tibial Provisional Extractor
can be used to facilitate provisional
Use the correct size MIS Tibial
Component Provisional to ensure
proper fit before implanting the final
components (Fig. 24). Place the
impactor onto the provisional and
impact until completely seated.
MIS Tibial Component
Preparation with Drop Down
Stem Extension
To prepare the bone for a MIS Drop
Down Stem Extension, place the MIS
Drill Bushing in the detents of the MIS
Sizing Plate.
The MIS Threaded Handle can be
used to hold the MIS Drill Bushing in
place (Fig. 18). Make sure detents are
engaged and bushing remains in full
contact with the sizing plate during
Using the Cemented Drill, bore until
the appropriate engraved line on the
Cemented Drill is in line with the top
of the MIS Drill Bushing (Fig. 19). The
engraved line on the Cemented Drill
prepares the tibia for the 45mm Drop
Down Stem Extension. In order to
prepare for the 75mm Drop Down Stem
Extension, continue drilling beyond the
engraved line until the collar of the drill
reamer comes into contact with the MIS
Drill Bushing.
Remove the Cemented Drill and MIS
Drill Bushing. Assemble the proper size
MIS Cemented Broach to the MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor as shown (Fig. 20).
Seat the MIS Tibial Broach Impactor
assembly on the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate
in the detents (Fig. 21).
Fig. 20 Assemble MIS Broach to MIS Tibial
Broach Impactor.
Fig. 21 Mating Features of the MIS Sizing
Plate and MIS Tibial Broach Impactor.
Fig. 19 Depth of Cemented Drill for 45mm
MIS Drop Down Stem Extension.
Fig. 18 MIS Drill Bushing, held by MIS
Threaded Handle, positioned on MIS Sizing
Fig. 24 Ensure proper fit before implanting
the final components.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
During broaching, make sure that the
broach handle remains flush against
the sizing plate and in full contact
with the sizing plate and that the
broach handle does not toggle during
broaching. Impact the MIS Tibial Broach
Impactor assembly with care to prevent
fracture of the tibia (Fig. 22). Impact
until the instrument bottoms out on the
handle stop (Fig. 22, inset).
Remove the Tibial Broach Impactor
assembly and MIS Tibial Sizing
Plate (Fig. 23). Gently tapping the
undersurface of the impaction head
can facilitate removal.
Use the correct size MIS Tibial
Component Provisional to ensure
proper fit before implanting the final
components (Fig. 24). Place the
impactor onto the provisional and
impact until completely seated.
Use the correct size MIS Drop-Down
Extension Provisional to ensure
proper fit before implanting the final
components (Fig. 25). Use the MIS
6mm Hex Screwdriver to attach the MIS
Extension Provisional (blue) to the MIS
Tibial Component Provisional.
Check to see that the trial prosthesis
fits the cut surfaces with appropriate
apposition to bone and appropriate
cortical bone coverage. If any
undesired gaps are present, remove
the trial component and adjust the
bone cuts until a good intimate fit is
obtained. The MIS Tibial Provisional
Extractor can be used to facilitate
provisional removal (Fig. 26). The MIS
Extension Provisional (blue) must
first be removed from the MIS Tibial
Component Provisional in order for the
MIS Tibial Provisional Extractor to be
used. Removal of the MIS Extension
Provisional separate from the MIS Tibial
Component Provisional also facilitates
ease of removal in Zimmer
MIS Quad-
Trial Reduction - see appropriate
step in full MIS surgical technique.
Fig. 23 Leave the MIS Tibial Sizing Plate
pinned in place.
Fig. 25 Use the correct size MIS Drop-Down
Extension Provisional.
Fig. 26 Remove with MIS Tibial Provisional
Fig. 24 Ensure proper fit before implanting
the final components.
Fig. 22 Impact the MIS Tibial Broach
Impactor assembly.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Implant Components
After the implants have been chosen,
make a final check to ensure that the
size chosen for the Femoral, MIS Tibial
Component, and Tibial Articular Surface
Components are compatible sizes. Mix
the cement. The cement should have
a doughy consistency when ready for
Attach the Locking Plate Inserter to the
appropriate size MIS Tibial Component
(Fig. 27).
Release the screw lock
Place the dovetail connection of
the Locking Plate Inserter around
the tibial plate dovetail. The handle
should be positioned away from
the patella. For small sizes, you
will need to angle the Locking Plate
Inserter into place. Make sure that
the bottom face of the instrument
is against the top face of the tibial
Squeeze the handles together to lock
the instrument onto the tibial plate
Tighten the screw lock
Place a layer of cement on the
underside of the MIS Tibial Component,
on the tibial cut surface, and in the
tibial IM canal. Position the MIS Tibial
Component onto the tibia (Fig. 28).
If a stem extension will NOT be used,
impact until fully seated.
Remove any excess cement in the usual
MIS Tibial Component with MIS Drop
Down Extension
After inserting the MIS Tibial
Component into the medullary canal
with the poly plug in place, do NOT
impact the component to fully seat onto
the cut proximal surface of the bone.
Final impaction should take place
after the MIS Drop Down Extension is
inserted and fully tightened.
Use the MIS 6mm Hex Screwdriver to
remove the Poly Plug from the keel of
the implant (Fig. 29).
Place the MIS Drop Down Stem Extension
into the pre-drilled hole through the
Locking Plate Inserter (Fig. 30). Use the
MIS 6mm Hex Screwdriver to completely
hand tighten the threaded MIS Drop
Down Stem Extension into the MIS Tibial
Component (until head is below plate
Use the Torque Wrench with MIS 6mm
Hex Driver to tighten the extension
in place. Resist the torque with the
Locking Plate Inserter (Fig. 31). The
MIS Drop Down Stem Extension is fully
tightened when the Torque Wrench
needle reaches 95 in-lbs of force
(Fig. 32).
Fig. 30 Place the MIS Drop Down Stem
Extension into the pre-drilled hole through
the Locking Plate Inserter.
Fig. 31 Tighten the extension in place using
the 95 in-lb Torque Wrench with MIS 6mm
Hex Driver.
Fig. 32 Torque to 95 in-lb and stop.
Fig. 28 Position the MIS Tibial Component
onto the tibia.
Fig. 29 Use the MIS 6mm Hex Screwdriver to
remove the Poly Plug.
Fig. 27 Locking Plate Inserter Ready for Use.
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
With the Prolong
Highly Crosslinked
Polyethylene Articular Surface
components, the metal locking insert
must be assembled prior to proceeding.
Attach the Flex Countertorque
instrument to the tab in the anterior
of the MIS Tibial Component. (This
is the same tab that the articular
surface inserter tool attaches to.)
Tighten the threaded screw on the
Flex Countertorque instrument. Use
the Torque Wrench and 4.5mm Hex
Driver Bit from the Articular Surface
Provisional case to tighten the MIS
Flex Articular Surface Locking Screw. A
torque of 95 in-lbs must be applied to
the MIS Flex Articular Surface Locking
Technique for MIS Flex Articular
Surface Locking Screw
A secondary locking screw is required
for the 17mm and thicker Tibial
Articular Surface components if using
a Flex Femoral Component.
If a 17mm or thicker Flex Articular
Surface is used, either the 45mm or
75mm MIS Drop Down Stem Extensions
or Drop Down Stem Plug must be used.
If using the Drop Down Stem Plug, the
components may be assembled on the
back table or in the patient.
If back table assembled, remove the
Poly Plug from the keel of the MIS
Tibial Component using the MIS 6mm
Hex Screwdriver. Insert the Drop Down
Stem Plug into the keel of the MIS Tibial
Component and use the 6.5mm Hex
Screwdriver to tighten the Drop Down
Stem Plug. Use the Torque Wrench with
MIS 6mm Hex Driver to tighten the
Drop Down Stem Plug to 95 in-lbs. The
Locking Plate Inserter should be used
to resist torque.
Assemble the Articular Surface
Component to the MIS Tibial
Important: Discard the screw included
with the Tibial Articular Surface
Component. Open an MIS Flex Articular
Surface Locking Screw as this screw
must be used with the MIS Tibial
Component (Fig. 34).
Remove the Locking Plate Inserter
and Torque Wrench. Impact until fully
Remove any excess cement in the usual
Once you have implanted the
appropriately-sized femoral and
patellar components (Fig. 33) and
allowed the bone cement to set,
perform a trial reduction to identify the
desired articular surface thickness to
best balance the soft tissues.
If Flex implants are being used and the
articular surface thickness is 17mm
or thicker, the following technique
describes use of the MIS Flex Articular
Surface Locking Screw.
Fig. 33 Implant components and lock into
Fig. 34 MIS Flex Articular Surface Locking
Screw (smaller).
Zimmer NexGen MIS Tibial Component Cemented Surgical Technique
Use the 95 in-lb Torque Wrench
attached to the 4.5mm Hex Driver
to torque the screw to 95 in-lb
(Fig. 37). Use the Flex Countertorque
to counter-act the torque. Do not
over-torque or under-torque.
Recheck the ROM and stability of
the knee.
For in patient assembly
Wait for the cement to completely
cure before attaching the Tibial
Articular Surface Component.
Important: Discard the screw
included with the Tibial Articular
Surface. Open an MIS Flex Articular
Surface Locking Screw as this screw
will be used with the MIS Tibial
Use the Flex Countertorque
instrument to secure the MIS Tibial
Component to resist torque (Fig. 35).
Place the MIS Flex Articular Surface
Locking Screw through the hole
in the Tibial Articular Surface
Component (Fig. 36). Manually
thread in until fully seated with
knurled 4.5mm Hex Driver Bit.
Fig. 37 Use the 95 in-lb Torque Wrench
attached to the 4.5mm Hex Driver to torque
the screw.
Fig. 36 MIS Flex Locking Screw
Fig. 35 Attach flex countertorque to anterior
central tab of the tibial plate securing it in
place by spinning the knurled knob.
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